David B Marshall #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #quack #wingnut christthetao.blogspot.com

[From “Racism or the Tao?”]

"Do not be a racist" might be classified as one precept within the "Law of General Beneficence."  Lewis argued (quoting Confucius!) that a single law cannot stand alone, but derives validity from the whole.  

The fact that you obsess on one narrow statute, and forget the Tao from which it gains validity, reflects both moral progress and regress.  

Your concern about racism reflects progress, because the ancient Romans seldom recognized a duty to the poor and marginalized.  In his magisterial work Dominion, historian Tom Holland argues that our care for those on the margins of society comes from the Judeo-Christian tradition, in particular the teachings and life of Jesus.  I think one can find buds promising a similar blossoming on the stems of early Buddhism (the Dhammapada), the writings of Mozi, and to lesser degrees Confucius and Lao Zi, along with Greek and Roman Stoics.  (And the ethical nursery where Jesus no doubt picked up his own shoots before nurturing them to verdant blooms, the Hebrew prophets.)

But what all these pre-scientific thinkers held in common were well-stocked tool belts, not one sad hammer with which to pound like Bam Bam Rubble.      

The Tao encourages no narrow obsession.  Whether in Stoic, Buddhist, Confucian, or Christian forms, it provides a vastly richer and more positive worldview than either "Black Lives Matter" or even the New Ten Commandments hanging from my neighborhood church. 

The Tao allowed for progress, Lewis insisted.  Where feet were bound or widows burnt, followers of Jesus brought it.  The Tao may be as universal as the sky, but like the universe itself, it creates space for seekers of truth to expand into.  

IncelFromFinland #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

From an evolutionary standpoint, getting raped is nowhere near as bad as being an incel

Human behaviour has evolved through billions of years to maximise the survival of their genes. That is why they are so protective of their offspring and why they love their relatives.

So let's look at rape vs being an incel. If a woman gets raped, he risks having his kids carry genes from a genetically perhaps not as fit male. He also will not get the father to offer resources for them.

Compare this to life-long inceldom, which kills your entire descent. It's not even remotely close. Being an incel is something far worse than getting raped and therefore being an incel also means much greater psychological stress and pain.

Is this news to you?


Judy Byington/Romana Didulo/The Storm Rider #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack dinarchronicles.com

Romana Didulo, Sovereign Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Sovereign Republic of Canada: “I can officially confirm that the special forces of US, Canada, Britain, Russia, Australia, Japan, Philippines, South Korea are presently in China liberating the Chinese people from the China Communist Party #CCP’s oppression and tyranny. Meanwhile, the Military operation of US and Allied Forces inside the Republic of Canada also continues!! Hold the line and the wine/beer. Shut off your TV. Go outside without Mask in groups, if possible. Live your lives. There was/is zero Coronavirus pandemic in the Republic of Canada. DO NOT get vaccinated. Talk with your children and grandchildren about the dangers and lifelong irreversible damage from experimental vaccines including the possibility of dying from it. Parents stand up and protect your children from the experimental vaccines.
(Q)The Storm Rider: EVERY NATION will be exposed after the Greatest Events thus far in the 21st century takes place. Always remember Q U S MIL. is a worldwide Sting Operation. 22 NATIONS To take down the CABAL. NEXT steps of the PLAN will be the HARDEST moments that ANONS & Patriots will go through. This is where all HOPE Lost. This EVENT was planned. It had to be this way. It’s all connected. [DS] getting ready to Trigger WORLD mass riots Against Police in major Nations & create the largest race WARS to take place among society _Near DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENTS gets closer.

James Rink #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

In my bed in the physical while I am sleeping a mantis ET comes. He disappears and he is now a hologram and I can now talk to him. He takes me back in time to when I was a child into a new state of mind. I can also get information to transform it in the now moment. I follow my energy of other lifetimes to four domes on the dark on the side of the moon. In side one of the domes is an elevator in the middle. The elevator goes down an energy vortex with glass all around it in a cylindrical structure which goes to other levels.

I am here, it’s me but it’s not me. A clone of me is there. The energy is all different. My mind is controlling it. It’s a copy of me but remote controlled by my consciousness.
When you travel down the elevator eventually you reach the gate room. The name of the gate I travel through is called Pantheon 13 (P13). I now travel to a base on Mars run by the Flying Cobra Division. They also have a sister facility at Area 51. I don’t know the name of the Mars base as of yet. Umbrella Corporation is here. The Flying cobras refer to the white albino Draco race who are Draco hybrids mixed with the white cobra race. These Draco’s consider themselves a royal race and they want to get the best souls and keep them in their programs.

This facility was built in 1943 on Mars. The name of this facility is in German. They speak German here, if someone speaks German to me, I would hear it as English in my head due to an implant. This is a Nazi facility; connected to some labs. The children do not see the scientist in white lab coats. The main idea is to monitor their vital signs and monitor what abilities they can open up and their endurance and physiologically influenced breaking point.

Leda Fisher #moonbat #racist #sexist thedickinsonian.com

Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?

When you ask a question at a lecture, is it secretly just your opinion ending with the phrase “do you agree?” If so, your name is something like Jake, or Chad, or Alex, and you were taught that your voice is the most important in every room.

American society tells men, especially white men, that their opinions have merit and that their voice is valuable, but after four years of listening to white boys in college, I am not so convinced. The list of what white boys think they are qualified to talk about is endless. Most often their opinions aren’t even original. White boys spout the narrative of dominant ideologies and pretend they’re hot takes instead of the same misleading garbage shoved down our throats by American institutions from birth.

I am so g****mned tired of listening to white boys. White men debate the pain of other people for fun and then take away their rights. You do not speak alone, you speak with the weight of every other white man who has spoken over a woman, erased the contributions of queer people from history, or denigrated “broken English” as unintelligent. You speak with the weight of policies and laws meant to forever define intelligence by how it measures up to the bros of America.

So, should white boys still be allowed to share their “opinions”? In honor of Black History Month, I’m gonna go with a hell no. Go find someone whose perspective has been buried or ignored and listen to them, raise up their voice. To all the Chrises, Ryans, Olivers, and Seans out there, I encourage you to critically examine where your viewpoints come from, read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it, and maybe try listening from now on.

Nigel Farage #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

This has been a constant attempt for the left to tarnish us with this racism word and it just doesn't work anymore. The real racists are actually those behind Black Lives Matter, I really mean that. What's happening through BLM and elsewhere is, we are dividing people up into different groups dividing them up on the grounds of race ethnicity gender whatever else it may be, and that is disastrous, that is destructive, that is the real racism, and I loathe it, and i want to live in a country where everybody is treated exactly the same.

Whether it was my UKIP supporters, my Brexit party supporters, Trump supporters at the rallies, these are very, very good, decent people and the more mainstream media, you know, or Hillary Clinton point fingers at them, and call them deplorable, or ignorant, or stupid, the greater their resolve to fight back.

Within 24 hours of the death of george floyd there were riots in the streets of London, so don't tell me this was a spontaneous outpouring, this was all planned, they've been waiting for the opportunity and I was disgusted.

One of the things that has changed politics in the UK has been postal voting. We've seen it abused again and again, there is no country in which this is safe, and i was trying to warn america this time last year, that if you went down this route, you know the left will always win at this, because you see, if you think you're morally superior cheating is quite an easy thing to do.

i once saw a vote box in Oldham. Unbelievably, of the thousands of ballots that were in that box, the percentage that were voting for labour was 100. That is literally impossible so, you know, that is what is keeping Sadiq Khan holding on in London is the power of that postal vote.

Iceage #psycho #racist stormfront.org

RE: Mass shooting leaves 8 dead at Valley Transportation Authority rail yard in San Jose

Looks like he shot some Mexicans judging from the photos of the workers there, all Mexican, not a white person or groid in sight. Joe won't get his wish that some groids were shot by a white man.

Was this white guy the "diversity" hire in the all Mexican VTA, or was the VTA previously white and the whites wrongly treated, quit, and replaced with Mexicans?

This one may fall under Affirmative Action for past injustices.

This crime was committed with a handgun, but like clockwork the Democrats are calling for a ban on AR-15's - as if even confiscating every single AR-15 in the country would have had any effect whatsoever on this crime.

Is there a requirement in the Democrat party that you have to have an IQ of under 100 in order to join?

Joe better get on the VTA, no groid employees, some job openings for some negroes now, all those "disenfranchised and workplace discriminated folk, Joe better get on VTA and get some negroes in there, they"ll straighten out the Mexicans, ADL, NAACP, negroes will steamroll over the Mexicans, Joe needs to get on it.

Dems squawk gun control to cover for their negroes. City negroes are completely out of control. Negroes don't want Western Civilization, they need to be "Re-tribalized" and sent to Somalia, which is the culture they desire, and is the only way to solve it, send them to where they desire, is the humanitarian thing to do, is wrong to keep them in the States, they desire their tribal ways; therefore, sending them to Somalia is correct.

Every weekend in Chicago is Mogadishu, no further proof needed, re-tribalize them to Somalia.

Brett Stevens #wingnut amerika.org

[From “My Lai II”]

America recoiled in shock at the My Lai massacre. In a war where the enemy routinely tortured, mutilated and killed villagers in order to maintain control, and where American troops greeted smiling villagers to hand out food, medicine and agricultural help only to see those same smiling faces shooting back at them at night, My Lai was not an aberration.

It was an inevitability.

One side got all the advantages, protected by the useful idiot public image war fought on American televisions. American soldiers must have felt like they were on another planet when they read and saw news reports, none of which mentioned the tendency of eight-year-old girls to smile and laugh and then throw grenades concealed in their dolls. Nor did the media mention the routine atrocities that the Communists used to keep power.


America has been preparing a My Lai with its treatment of police.


We need police more than usual because we have no social order and no culture in common. Without standards, people do whatever they want, and the cops rein them in when they get too dangerous.

“Police brutality” means cops deliberately using excessive force. The term has been extended to apply to any police violence that the crowd does not like, which means they ignore any of it that does not fit the narrative and categorize many justifiable incidents as police brutality.

This puts the police in a paranoid position where they nonetheless must go out there and deal with the residual effects of our society’s poor choices. Frustration and anger inevitably build.

We’re setting up another My Lai, and no one will talk about it.

Jake Sargeras #ableist youtube.com

(responding to an autistic person saying he hates anti-vaxxers saying autism is worse then plagues)
You really are self-centered. Just because you've managed to function in society at least ostensibly you know midgets aren't a blight on society either, but if you ask a lot of midgets if they could have the choice of being regular sized would they take it I think most of them would say yes. As someone who has a son who is autistic I can tell you right now I'm terrified for his future. He doesn't have any relatives so when me and my wife die he'll be alone in this world he'll probably be at the mercy of some sort of government facility or state-run Care Facility, he's not capable of living on his own, so who knows what'll happen to him. But yeah it's a real affront to your sensibility because I wish that scary future wasn't awaiting him possibly.

Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D. #fundie #quack wayoflife.org

Pokémon has supernatural powers. ... And what is the source of this power? It is the pantheistic power of the occult, not the supernatural power of God. I have found two cards that make this very clear (there are likely more). They are Abra and Kadabra. Yes, these are their actual names. "Abrakadabra" (or abracadabra) has been a word long associated with occult magic. ... It is no accident that the two Pokémon called Abra and Kadabra are psychic cards with magical powers.
On the Abra card we read "Using its ability to read minds, it will identify impending danger and teleport to safety." Then there are the occult symbols on Kadabra. He has a pentagram on his forehead, SSS on his chest and he is giving the Satanic salute with his left hand. All of the above have strong occult significance. It is clear from the Bible (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) that we are neither to participate in nor associate with activities related to the occult.
... To be sure it is a game, but a game that does not glorify God! When God says something is wrong, it is wrong regardless of what form it is in. Not only that, but many of the kids who play this game are seduced into believing the principles that the game subtly teaches. ...
Listen, kids are carrying around their Pokémon like a magic talisman. Author and researcher Berit Kjos tells of a mom who overheard two boys discussing their little pocket monsters. As the conversation developed one boy said, "I'll just use my psychic powers." It was clear that the so called fantasy world of Pokmon had already conditioned this boys thinking to be receptive to a key occult doctrine - psychic powers!
Pokémon promotes occult values, not biblical values and therefore should be rejected!

Socrates & various commentators #racist #crackpot #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

White people invent & forget.
Yellow people copy & remember.
Black people do neither.

Even worse: Black people DESTROY.

Go look at the wonderful condition of that basketball hoop
Whitey gave the nigger for his playground in the ghetto.

[Tim McGreen]
White people invent & forget.
Yellow people copy & remember.
Black people do neither.
Jewish people make all the money yet they still whine.

[Franklin Ryckaert]
Right,but why do you call them Jewish PEOPLE?

Another old saying:
A White man finds a spring of water in a desert and builds an oasis; the Yellow man finds an oasis and carefully maintains it; the Black man finds an oasis and turns it back into a desert.

The jew cannot destroy by himself, he needs willing White traitors and Black/Brown foot soldiers.

Here’s a good one!

Give a White a hammer he will build a house and invent some new techniques.

Give a yellow a hammer and he will make millions of them and go on making them until a White tells him to make something else.

Give a brown a hammer and he will use it to beat his wife.

Give a black a hammer and he will use it to kill a White.

Give a jew a hammer and he will give it to a black.

Or… Give a white a hammer and hell hire a brown to use it.

Give a yellow a hammer and hell hire a brown to use it.

Give a brown a hammer and Hell use it to break into your car.

Give a black a hammer and hell try to rape it!

Give a jew a hammer and hell turn it into a multi million dollar scheme…

‘oy vey,dis vas da hammer dat vas used by the evil (insert current made up nazi here) who single handedly killed 666,666 jews with it. Oh g-d de atrocity,de humanity!!!

[Paul Kersey]
Black people??? Those two words are contradictory.

MadMonarchist #wingnut #fundie madmonarchist.blogspot.com

[From “A Monarchist Hero for Today”]

Joan of Arc had her priorities in order; to restore the king, expel the foreigners, unite the country and obey God. If you believe (and I do) that she was on a divine mission from God, this means that these were also the priorities of the Almighty, which is something anyone claiming to be any sort of Christian should take very seriously. She did not hate the English, she pleaded with them to leave peacefully, even to join with her in fighting heretics and unbelievers, but she was adamant that France belonged to the French and not to the English. The wellbeing of her people was more important to her than the wellbeing of foreigners. She fought for her king, even if he was not the ideal monarch. I am sure it would have been easier to fight for someone like King Louis IX but a St Louis is rare, Charles VII was the man God had placed in her life. She fought for him anyway and if he or the Church did not do what they were supposed to, that was up to God to deal with. All she could do is show them the way and that is exactly what she did. This is important for monarchists today to learn from. If you are not happy with modern monarchs currently reigning or in exile, I sympathize but a King Edward III, Louis IX or Otto the Great are rare and if you are waiting for the ideal king to come along and save civilization for you, I am afraid you will be waiting for a very long time.

Joan of Arc did not wait. She took action. But, you may be saying, she was a saint and had God on her side. True, but who is to say God is not on your side too? God spoke to Joan of Arc, God may be speaking to you too but you just are not LISTENING!

MadMonarchist #wingnut madmonarchist.blogspot.com

[From “Rebutting Republican Myths”]

Time and time again history has shown that the end of monarchy makes things worse for a country, not better. In France it resulted in the “Reign of Terror” that saw tens of thousands of people get their heads chopped off. In Russia, the loss of the monarchy allowed the Bolsheviks to take power who then created the Soviet Union which spread oppression around the world and murdered millions of people. In China the result was a chaotic period of warlord rule followed by the bloodiest civil war in human history and then a communist dictatorship that took the lives of 60 million people. The end of monarchy in Germany and Austria resulted in divided republics that allowed Adolf Hitler to come to power, devastate the continent and butcher 9 million people. The fall of the Shah of Iran allowed a radical theocracy to take power that has spread terrorism around the world and brutally oppressed its own people. These are only a few of the examples that could be cited and the facts are inarguable.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Peaking is so good for mental health!

Literally, I feel so much better. I’ve lost a bunch of weight, it just melted off. It’s easier to move, my laughter comes easily, my smiles are genuine, I feel really really great. Maybe leaving radical left politics in general was also a factor. Those places can be toxic - “no discussion, no debate” etc. Now I can grow. I’m not stunting myself.

It's been hard at times but I've experienced this too. Certain gender critical ideas helped me understand myself and name my experiences within the first, like, three months more than gender ideology or Tumblr brainrot did in five years. The extremely woke left reminds me of the exact inverse of evangelical Christians: the same lane of collective insanity but exact opposite beliefs.

Yes, 100%! Hitting peak trans and becoming GC woke me up to the nature of my sex-based oppression and gave me the framework to assess my own experiences and the language to name female oppression.

I finally see the rampant misogyny of men on the left and of liberal feminism, of not just the bullshit about transwomen being women on the basis of sexist stereotyping and belief in gendered brains, but also the rhetoric that prostitution is work and porn is empowerment and BDSM is hot and WAP is a feminist master-piece. It's all so gross to call all that feminism but lefties are taught to parrot woman-hating nonsense.

I absolutely think "woke think" has completely rotted the left's ability to think critically, and like you said, it's like a fundamentalist religion where they must adhere to dogma or be pilloried as a heretic.

Greg Reese #crackpot #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist forbiddenknowledgetv.net

In 1978, one year after the CIA’s MKULTRA was exposed to the public, nearly 1,000 people died in Jonestown. The Chief Medical Examiner reported that nearly 90% were homicides and yet, the American media called it a “mass suicide”. Jonestown became known as the place where people “Drank the Kool-Aid.”

Jonestown seems to be a CIA beta test for the COVID vaccine agenda being rolled out today. Jim Jones applied many known mind control techniques: separating people from their families, creating a lingo to distort the truth, demonized the questioning of authority.
The main ideology of Jonestown was that America is a racist nation and capitalism is evil and they sought to create a utopia of equality and fairness. We know all about this ideology in 2021.

The slow destruction of the family unit can be traced back a century, to Planned Parenthood, to the 1964 War on Poverty, to gay marriage, all the way to our current trend of transsexual child abuse. This has created generations of lost souls, ripe to be exploited by the charlatans and sociopaths who wield the power of pop culture and Mainstream Media.

The cult is given their own lingo to distort the truth. They are “woke”. And to be woke requires absolute conformity. If you question the authority, you are silenced. You are labeled a “racist” without any evidence. Or a “science denier” without any scientific explanation, whatsoever. And above all, you are taught that human civilization is killing the planet. You are taught tat the only way to save the Earth is to de-populate. You are taught that humanity is a virus.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

I have been a musician since the age of 9 years old, a songwriter and performing artist for many years in addition to working as an actor in Hollywood before getting saved in 1991. You would think that someone with my background in the performing arts would be a natural fit in the Contemporary Christian Music scene, but you would be wrong. From the moment I got saved, the songs that resonated with my born again spirit were the old hymns like ‘Blessed Assurance’, ‘Saved By The Blood’, and countless others that sing of Jesus Christ. Contemporary Christian Music sings not of Jesus Christ, but the ‘universal christ’ of the New Age.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16 (KJB)

In 2021, as the spirit of Antichrist continues to rise over a lost and fallen world, the pretend christians of CCM are revealing their true colors. DC Talk is a band I never liked from the moment I saw the Eye of Horus on their album cover for ‘Jesus Freak’. No Jesus there, just freaks. Now DC Talk band member Kevin Max has come out as an ‘exvangelical’, and wants the world to meet the Universal Christ of the New Age. You might know this ‘universal christ’ by another name, Satan.

If you are hooked up with with the Contemporary Christian Music scene, attend a Laodicean megachurch, or listen to anyone who sings about a ‘universal christ’, you need to run from that junk and repent of it immediately. If not, you just may wind up as an ‘exvangelical’ who is ‘deconstructing’ your faith Jesus Christ.

Vox Day #racist #psycho voxday.blogspot.com

[From "The decline and fall of Minneapolis"]

The epicenter of the George Floyd riots were a little less than one mile down Lake Street from my high school. Now Somalis are shooting it out two blocks away from where I first met Spacebunny:
Minnesota liberals are just about the most literally suicidal people on the planet. And having grown up among them, they deserve exactly what they are getting.

I don't understand the Scandinavian societal death wish, but for all of their once-formidable legacy, they appear to have somehow been transformed into the dodo birds of humanity. Perhaps it is because historically, they were always the invaders and never the invaded.

Saint Breivik, pray for us.

Michele Bachmann #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

Jan. 6, we’re all told that that’s the worst day that ever happened, these were the worst riots in America. It absolutely wasn’t. It is my opinion that this was a theatrical event that the progressive left put on. The individuals who were the instigators, who brought this about, these were agitators brought in to create this problem. I believe it was specifically done to rebrand Donald Trump as being an insurrectionist and a leader of a terrorist movement. I also believe that this was done to rebrand the Make America Great agenda—because remember, that was considered extremely popular by about 80 million Americans—so they wanted to rebrand Make America Great as an evil thing and those of us who supported Donald Trump and that agenda as evil and terrorists.

That’s all a lie. In the last five months, you wouldn’t even know that Donald J. Trump was ever the president. You wouldn’t even know that those four years of his presidency existed. George Orwell wrote a book, ‘1984.’ He talked about a concept called the memory hole; if the government in charge didn’t want you to remember someone, they put them in the memory hole. Donald J. Trump has been put in a memory hole, Make America Great Again has been put in a memory hole.

Tobey Wheelock/Ra #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger lawofone.info

The creation has seven levels, or densities; the eighth density forming the first density of the next octave of experience, just as the eighth note of a musical scale begins a new octave. Between seventh and eighth densities the creation re-merges in a period of timeless, formless unity with the Creator. It is Ra’s understanding that “the ways of the octave are without time; that is, there are seven densities in each creation infinitely.”
Third density is the density of self-awareness and the first density of consciousness of the spirit. It is the “axis upon which the creation turns”

Fourth density is the density of love or understanding. Those who have successfully chosen a path come together with others of like mind in what Ra calls a “social memory complex”

Fifth density is the density of light or wisdom. Lessons are often learned individually rather than as a social memory complex. Fifth-density entities are beautiful, by our standards, because they can consciously shape their physical forms.

Sixth density is the density of unity, in which love and wisdom are blended together. The two paths reunite as those on the service-to-self path, realizing that they cannot successfully master the lessons of unity without opening their hearts to others, switch their polarity to positive. Ra is sixth-density;

Seventh density is the gateway density, in which we once again become one with all.

Eighth density is also the beginning of the first density of the next Creation. It is “both omega and alpha, the spiritual mass of the infinite universes becoming one central sun or Creator once again."

Joshua from Vega via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings friends, fellow starseeds. I am Joshua from Vega. This one has not telepathically connected with me before although I am not new to Team Ascension Gaia (he is laughing). I am ancient as you can see with my silver hair. We have been involved with Gaia since her inception. I say ‘we’ for I am surrounded by my own family of light from Vega who wish to say ‘hello’ and ‘greetings’ to our friends embodied. You are not alone. Although I am one voice I represent my family of light standing with me. You too have a massive family of light waiting in the wings and all surrounding you, for we are all one.
We are a voice from Vega, home world originally to many of you and so perhaps my words will resonate like the OM tuning fork for you. This one is enjoying her Solfeggio tuning forks that she has purchased and we recommend such vibrational alignment healing aids for the masses, for Gaia. We like this analogy for we see you, lightworkers, as these vibrational alignment devices for Gaia. You are the higher light tuning forks to bring her fields back into balance.
I am Joshua from Vega. I serve on many high councils that are a part of managing, directing, promoting light to Gaia. We have been managing the various intricacies of multidimensional mathematics and formulas, but ultimately we are leading with light, with our hearts, for we are in full service and vibrational alignment to Mother-Father and only weigh to serve humanity with the best of our abilities. We see that once the light continues to take hold as this one was shown, everything will be changed.

Marshall Vian Summers #crackpot #god-complex #ufo #fundie newmessage.org

Marshall Vian Summers is the Messenger for the New Message from God. For over three decades he has been the recipient of a vast New Revelation, given to prepare humanity for the great economic, social and environmental change that is coming to the world and for humanity’s emergence into a universe of intelligent life.

In the fall of 1981, at the age of 32, Marshall Vian Summers had a direct encounter with the Angelic Assembly that watches over the world. This encounter forever altered the course of his life and initiated him into a deeper relationship with the Assembly, requiring that he surrender his life to God.
Over the decades since, a vast Revelation for humanity has unfolded, at times slowly and at times in great torrents. During many of these long years, he has had to proceed with the support of only a few individuals, not knowing what this growing Revelation would mean and where it would ultimately lead.

For much of the year, Marshall resides in the Rocky Mountains of the United States where he lives in relative seclusion assisted by his family and members of The Society for the New Message. It is there that he carries on his mission of receiving, preparing and presenting the New Message from God to the world.
The Messenger has walked a long and difficult road to receive and present the largest Revelation ever given to the human family. Still today the Voice of Revelation continues to flow through him as he faces the great challenge of bringing God’s New Revelation to a troubled and divided world.

Mischiefclarity #elitist #god-complex #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia stormfront.org

Behavior guidelines for the modern White Woman

1. Be White before all else.
Remember that despite having our own wants and needs as women, we also have a duty to the white race first and foremost.

2. Be a mother and a teacher.
The number one thing we can do as women is to produce offsprimg for the next generation of white people to fight against the armies of jews and colored attackers. We need to teach white kids in schools to be proud of their heritage OVER those of the lesser children and make sure the other spawn KNOW where their place in thebworld is and more importantly, ISN'T.

3. Let men lead the way.
I know this may trigger the "feminists" in the group, but know that being a wife and mother and not crowding male spaces doesn't devalue us as humans. Our men don't try to get pregnant and carry babies they can't deliever, that is what the tranny freaks do. Just the same, we need to do our best in support roles and stay out of things like politics and management whenever possible.

4. Be appealing
We represent the most beautiful creatures on the planet. The white woman is the prettiest sex of the prettiest race, of the most dominant species. We are chosen by GOD to be the ideal object of our husband's desires. If he wants to enhance you with surgery, are you REALLY going to turn down the chance to look your hottest for a man willing to pay?

5. Be a "Karen!"
If there are a bunch of thugs moving into your neighborhood, you are well within your rights to inform the police and demand action be taken, yell at those bratty kids down the street, call the cops on the black guy hanging on the corner watching you like a horny dog, and absolutely demand to see the damn manager when some lazy liberal arts brat ****s up your order!

LegendaryEmu1 #conspiracy #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Why do feminist pretend they care about men too?

Its a tactic to deflect criticism. And continue to produce male feminists, who generally turn out to be shitty, shitty people, almost always toward women, which helps keep their cycle and narrative going.

Feminism has been running an impressive propaganda war for quite some time. The idea that it helps men is mostly a way to make it seem better than it is. You see similar things the nazis did, communists, especially the chinese during mao's shtick, oddly enough Canada today and the woke, for about five or so years.

Extremism needs to be cloaked in something more palatable for people, otherwise it will face overwhelming rejection, rather than just widespread rejection. It relies on frankly, ignorant people to form their mob, while the zealots form the core.

dosor1871 & westscottstots #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Reddit


I frankly dont give a shit that someone makes fun of me or my country, because I'm not black or jewish

I'm yet to see a Jewish person to be offended by someone making fun of them

criticize israel = jews flip out

Yeah, Israeli Jews tend to be quite easy to offend, but most others will make jokes about the Holocaust themselves

In eastern europe for sure. Ever been around western european or american jews? Especially academic ones. Fragile as shit

The west tends to do that to you it seems


Whenever I meet a foreigner in Serbia they are surprised by how hospotable we are. Apparently we are unironically painted as genocidal maniacs in their media. I literally can't think of a safer country

Eastern Europe is literally the last place on any w*sterners list of places to visit until they end up there and act all high and mighty for finding a “hidden gem”

C .T. #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Derbyshire’s blindness"]

‘For the future of our civilisation’, John Derbyshire wrote in an article published yesterday, ‘I would like to see a task force—a Manhattan Project—of historians, psychiatrists, neurologists, behavioural geneticists, quantitative psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists get to work explaining this strange, weird, suicidal phenomenon’ (white ethnosuicide).

Derbyshire is blind of course, inasmuch as he doesn’t want to see the elephant in the room. See what Robert Morgan answered him today: Christian ethics alone is the culprit. You don’t need a Manhattan Project of so-called ‘specialists’ to see the obvious!

worshipmoment #homophobia worshipmoment.tumblr.com

There is no such thing as an LGBT Christian. There is either Christian or non-Christian. The phrase “LGBT Christian” refers to a person who actively, perpetually, and unrepentantly lives a homosexual lifestyle and that kind of person is not a Christian plain in simple. There is no such thing as an actively gay Christian. Keep in mind though if a Christian struggles against homosexual desires and temptations and is trying to do the will of God then it is possible for them to be a Christian. So let me say this again because I have answered this kind of question before and I have got a lot of hate for it. There is NO such thing as an LGBT Christian plain and simple. I don’t care if that person spends 24 hours a day reading the Bible and praying. An active homosexual person will not inherit the kingdom of God unless they repent and turn to Jesus… The best part is that if that person repents and turns to Jesus, Jesus will forgive them!

Bradford C. Walker #sexist #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Learning how to sift the real from the ephemeral, the rational from the emotional, is part-and-parcel of maturity for boys into men and this is best done by experience and example- something RPGs are very good at doing when played properly.

This should not be a substitute for doing real things, but rather a place to train in a safe environment; let them crash and burn here, where they can learn without injury, rather than out there where the consequences are real and permanent.

And this, I put to you, is why the Death Cult so badly wants to converge RPGs into SJW trash. It not just "a male space", it's one of the few remaining that have real impact when employed properly; fathers, I implore you, use this to aid in guiding your sons to manhood. You will be astounded at how well it works to begin teaching your boys how to be men when you can point to their own virtual experiences to bring the point home.

Wulf Ingessunu #conspiracy #crackpot #magick inglinga.blogspot.com

One of the strange things in regard to the Covid-Vaccines is that there has been little opposition from Animal Rights Groups, especially since these vaccines have been tested on animals, and such tests on vaccines have been done for a very long time.


Where the problem lies is in Judaeo-Christianity and the other Abrahamic Religions which see mankind as the centre and dominant species of the Earth - to them the world is 'Man-Centred'. To Folkish Wodenists this is the polar-opposite to what we believe, since we see God-in-Nature - God-in-the-Blood which makes all life sacred and there is no difference between man, animals and plants except the degree of consciousness that each different species has in its essence and form. Seeing the world as 'man-centred' and that 'God' is separate and 'above' (in 'heaven') has caused so much misery and death upon the Earth, and has completely cut off the majority of human-kind from Nature and the Natural Order.

Finally, rather than follow the path of some who are continually giving out false propaganda about Covid-19, which only serves to help those pushing this agenda by making them look stupid, there is a clear case for a backlash against the Covid-19 Vaccines on the basis of their being used in animal testing.

Socrates #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Worthless Brown Potatoes, Shut Up

Seen on the web:

“It’s quite interesting to witness the development of a new right that only applies to non-whites and that is the right to not be offended. Basically, it’s alright to offend white people with bigoted terms like “white privilege” and “racist” but it’s a crime against humanity for white people to use the n word or to criticize people because they happen to be non-white.”

Whites invented the world, so if non-Whites don’t like Whites, they can go pound sand. We’ll take the world back, and then where will the worthless, non-productive Brown potatoes be? No electricity, no A/C, no cars, no clocks, no airplanes, no computers, no TV, no radio, etc. The worthless Brown potatoes would be back in the dark ages without Whites. The Brown potatoes better shut up and show some respect. We made the world. We gave you Brown potatoes democracy and what did you do with it? You can’t even run a country. Mexico?? A turd in a punch bowl. Central America? Ditto. Africa?? An entire continent run by hopeless retards. And you call Whites “trouble”?? You’re all a shit smear on the underwear of humanity.

Bill Vallicella #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #quack #wingnut maverickphilosopher.typepad.com

Recycle or Dump in the Trash?

My wife recycles religiously. I have long been agnostic about its value and efficacy. Here is an article by Ross Pomeroy that supports my skepticism.

Just as I suspected, a lot of what people dutifully recycle, after wasting water washing the containers, gets thrown into landfills anyway. My wife's a good Catholic girl. She doesn't worship the Green Goddess, but some of my neighbors do. Across the street there lives a pussy-hatted liberal lady, single and reclusive, who actually trekked to Trump's inaugural there to protest the Orange Racist in her pussyhat. Said neighbor pays for a special recyclables pickup. She allows us to use her barrel gratis. Now we already have two scheduled trash pickups per week. The recyclables one makes for a third. This causes further environmental damage. The heavy truck stresses our street, burns fossil fuels, and makes a godawful, cat-scaring racket worse than the "infernal cracking of whips" about which Schopenhauer so eloquently complained in his classic On Noise.

When wifey is not looking, I just throw the trash in the normal receptacle and cover it up with used cat litter and the output of the shredder, all the while thinking mean thoughts about Miss Occasional Cortex.

As I always say: No day without political incorrectness!

Mirabile dictu, you may be saving the oceans by not recycling! Read the article for the reasoning behind this startling claim.

As for Bergoglio the Benighted, he too should read the article, stop worrying about straws in the ocean, and start teaching the Four Last Things. Assuming he hasn't forgotten what they are.

Bill Vallicella #dunning-kruger #fundie #crackpot #wingnut maverickphilosopher.typepad.com

The Way Forward

It seems we are condemned helplessly to watch our country be destroyed. The drift of events is ever downward. To turn things around would require something most of don't want to talk about -- and for good reason. Angelo Codevilla ends his analysis with talk of "rebuilding the Republic" but he offers no concrete proposals. What he and almost everyone else on our side offers is just more talk, more analysis. Our enemies are impervious to reason and appeals to reason. There can be no reasoned discourse with people who maintain absurdities -- e.g., that mathematics is racist -- and subvert language with their Orwellian innovations. To attempt to engage with them on the plane of reason in search of the truth is to fail to understand that it is power, not truth that they seek.

So what do you do? You secure your own little space and live the best life you can within it. That's the main thing. Retreat within your physical citadel, but even more importantly, retreat within your inner citadel to cultivate the soil therein. Properly cultivated, it should bring you to the insight that this world is a passing scene, a vanishing quantity, and nothing worthy of the full measure of your love and attention. But we ought not give up on it entirely. We watch and we wait. If there is an opportunity to make a difference, we do so. We may have only one night to spend in this bad inn, but it is a long night, and it is better to be warm than to shiver.

Literal Grammar Nazi Award

Bill Vallicella #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #quack #racist #wingnut maverickphilosopher.typepad.com

Is Grammar Racist?

It has to be. Whatever blacks and other 'people of color' are not good at is racist; blacks and other 'people of color' are not good at grammar; ergo, etc. This also explains why logic, mathematics, natural science, chess, self-control, self-reliance, deferral of gratification, pulling up your pants, etc. are all racist.

It is also clear that in this Age of Pan-Racism, when everything is racist, grammar, etc. is racist. Racism is itself racist!

Seriously, the Rutgers English Department is in dire need of 'cancellation' or at least fumigation. Here:

In short, the Rutgers English Department wants to make sure that students who come to Rutgers with a poor grasp of standard written English not only remain in that state, but come to believe that learning standard English is a concession to racism. I remember when keeping "people of color" ignorant was considered part of white supremacy.

Bill Vallicella #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist maverickphilosopher.typepad.com

[From “'Systemic Racism' is a Vicious, Hate-America, Leftist Myth”]

The Democrat Party is a party of race-hustlers. Clear proof of this is their endlessly repeated lie about 'systemic' or 'structural' or 'institutional' racism. David Horowitz, Big Agenda (Humanix, 2017), p. 51:

While institutional or systemic racism has been illegal in America for 50 years, the 2016 Democratic Party platform promises that "Democrats will fight to end institutional and systemic racism in our society." There is no evidence that such racism actually exists. It is asserted in a sleight of hand that attributes every statistical disparity affecting allegedly "oppressed" groups to prejudice against them because of their identity. This "prejudice," however, is a progressive myth. This is not to say that there aren't individuals who are prejudiced. But there is no systemic racism in America's institutions, and if there is, it is already illegal and easily remedied.

The Dem's race-obsession is an amazing thing to behold. With every passing day it becomes more insane. An Asian man becomes the focus of a controversy because his surname 'Lee,' which is a mere sound-preserving transliteration of some Asian characters, reminds some idiots of Robert E. Lee. Soon thereafter, a banana peel ignites a controversy at Ole Miss. One can only hope that the Dems keep it up and destroy themselves. They have found that playing the race card has gotten them what they want in many cases. But they need to think twice about transforming every card in the deck into a race card. For while the leaders of the party are extremists, many of the rank and file retain a modicum of common sense.

Connie Waterman #wingnut #sexist google.com

Threat to military readiness
I do not claim that there is no sexual misconduct in the U.S. military. However, I believe Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) and other Democrats are encouraging any misconduct claim from women in order to destroy the military accomplishments of men ("For U.S. military, an enemy within," June 13). Since the 1960s, liberals have loathed the military. Liberals destroyed the institution of marriage, Judeo-Christian values, the family unit, work ethics, personal responsibility, and respect for life in the womb. The military is next.

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The New Prussia must become Intolerant and view the Outside World as “Alien” and “Barbarian” In contrast to Prussia – Germany"]

Prussia, having basically been the inheritor and rival of the former Greco-Roman World, has formerly risen to its place of being the Primary Defender and Spirit of Europe
While the Greeks and Romans have previously established the designations of Non-Greeks and Non-Romans respectively as “Barbarian Peoples / Nations”, the German Nation has not as rapidly adopted this designation
Some of this, is likely in part to our former pride of “Tolerance”
While all other Nations may be considered “Barbarian” in our worldview, it does not necessarily mean that we specifically treat them across the board as “Barbarian”

But, a Barbarian Nation is legally defined and also a spiritual platform of which we identify ourselves over Nations we consider, at least inferior in some respect or another
The Modern World no longer accepts the usage of these terms, such as “Barbarian”[…]Modern Europe might be too Modern for its own good to be adaptive as much as we like to our Old Ways
With the return of Prussia, means the great legacy of the world we once had will come back, including all the great forms of ways we used to speak which have been long lost after the 1800’s had passed
A Barbarian Nation must know and respect its place in the World Pecking Order. And the Barbarian Nation must recognize that a Happy Germany is also the means for a Happiness of their Nation

The French know this, the English know this, even the Polish know it
Modern Germans who refuse to accept these measures[…]need to get out of our way at once

Only_Women_Are_Women #moonbat #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Totally not a social contagion. 10% of all kids in the school district are trans/nb.

I presumed it to be upper middle class white kids. Well, these figures alarm me:

The prevalence was over 14% among Hispanic teens, and 10% among Black students, ompared with 7% of their white peers.

Why is this spreading among Hispanics? They are the most conservative of all. 10% of Black students? And here I thought Black women were not having this insanity.

It makes sense that an ideology with deep roots in traditional gender roles would get popular among youth raised in a culture that already reinforces traditional gender roles. For gay kids in those communities, they might be coping with homophobia by trying to change sex.

All the more important to have solid LGB resources and outreach. LGB. Not T.

Latching their T onto LGB has been nothing but harmful.

At my previous site, I didn't see the black girls or asian girls or the white girls doing anything quite like this. I asked my colleagues about it - pre-TRA craziness - and there was some speculation about a response to sexual abuse.

Wow, that was shocking and sad. I've often heard there is a lot of violence and sexual violence in many Hispanic homes. There is everywhere, not just Hispanic homes, but if the area is majority Hispanic, then the victims will also be majority Hispanic.

A huge investigation needs to be launched into this. Is a rise in sexual abuse behind the TIF craze? It has to be. Of course, this abuse has always gone on, but clearly the Gender Lobby is preying on the victims now.

Ho City Police #homophobia #psycho #wingnut theguardian.com

Outcry after 21 people arrested in Ghana for ‘advocating LGBTQ activities’

Rights groups have condemned the arrest of 21 people by Ghanaian police for “unlawful assembly” and promoting an LGBTQ+ agenda, in the latest move against sexual minorities in the country.

Police have held 21 people since Friday for “advocating LGBTQ activities” at an event the previous day in Ho city, in the eastern Volta region.

Several rights groups called the arrests illegal, saying those detained did not have access to legal representation before they were remanded to court on Friday, and that some suffered medical illnesses and needed treatment for trauma.

The arrests came after a group of journalists reportedly descended on an event by Rightify Ghana, which was held to provide training for activists and paralegals when supporting LGBTQ+ people.

“The press teamed up with the police to storm the meeting location, started taking images, took their belongings and arrested them,” Rightify Ghana said.

The targeting and abuse of LGBTQ+ people in Ghana has sharply risen this year, said Alex Kofi Donkor, the founder and director of LGBT+ Rights Ghana, an advocacy and aid organisation based in Accra.

Same-sex relationships are illegal in Ghana, yet while prosecutions are rare, rights groups say it has led to widespread targeting and extortion of vulnerable people and anyone suspected to be gay or queer.

A statement by the police on Friday calling members of the public to come forward with information about LGBTQ+ activities amounted to “a witch-hunt”, Donkor said.

“It is very, very disturbing – also for the fact that the police are now inciting the public against Ghanaians. It’s already a vulnerable situation for LGBTQ+ people in Ghana,” he said.

88 forever & Anonymous Posters #racist #sexist #wingnut 88infinity.bdsmlr.com

Kissed my student, no regrets~

The following day after my first ask this week, i joked about inviting him to my house and joked about how I could trust him to visit more than his darker classmates, it took him a minute, but I'm sure he realised what I was saying ♥️♥️

Then I did the same thing - break. I asked him to stay behind. Praised him a little with some idle chatter to loosen him up, and then stole his lips before sending him out~

he'll be on vacation for summer break soon. I want him to be able to say he had his teacher as a booty call before that.

just a kiss? i'm a bit let down... still a good first step!

any chance you could DM me, anonymous slutty teacher?

My liberal, teenage half Asian daughter was complaining last week about white boys at her school and white supremacy in general. I'm her Asian mom, 40's, and her dad is white. She and I have both been liberals our whole lives, but I took the opportunity to educate her in the common sense of sex. I told her that I was only attracted to white men and deep down I know she was too; and that it was natural for the best of men to believe in their superiority. We both blushed and I told her I'd rather her date a right wing, racist white boy who calls us slurs than a pathetic Asian boy; and she gigglingly agreed. Then we hugged and I went back to my bedroom to rub my clit to your blog.

adorable. asian women and girls love white supremacy. anon, you're a good mom 😉👌

Gregcyber #crackpot #racist stormfront.org

Asians peoples are mostly under 5 feet tall.

I saw a document that claimed the Asians were slaves and any Asian Slave that was taller then the marked height was killed. Makes them people mostly physically harmless, like little kids, but good in home slaves to cook and clean.

Also seems the South American population that was breed with African 4000 BC, was subject to the same height restrictions.

Egyptians have a rich history of breeding animals, like cats and dogs, I be sure it expanded to human traits also.

Like in the bible, they talk about giants, A king thought the bigger the human the better a warrior.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Black and Hispanic Americans See Their Origins as Central to Who They Are

(jim mack)
This is the coming perfect storm of Whites being too comfortable, soft and squishy
Along with 'minorities' constantly pushing the envelope in their ever-expanding scam
While our liberal whites have indoctrinated our children for decades

It should be interesting but ruinous

Actually being black is not central to black people's identity as you kind of alluded to. It's scamming people and keeping everyone else on their heels, so as not to question their behavior, and penchant for crime. Who donates their money to those hellholes of Africa? Mostly whites. Blacks could care less about anything African - most want to live in white neighborhoods, go to mostly whites schools, and complain about it at the same time.

The Great Replacement has many veiled attacks, this being one of them.

Third world people who have accomplished nothing think more of their races than the whites that built civilization think of theirs. Decades of self hating brainwashing through Hollywood, the media and academia did its job.


What else are blacks and Hispanics going to talk about?

Their inventions, wonderful neighborhoods, idyllic families, ad nauseam?

Notices they left Asians out of this. While Asians are aware of their background, they don't dwell on it and are usually too busy accomplishing things to bother with it.

(Lawrence Drake)
Attacks on whites will increase white racial consciousness along with the indefensible double standard that in-group preferences must be encouraged for non-whites but suppressed for whites. The truth about race differences is a way of defending the white race against blood libel.

Wasp #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

This is 100% true and I wish we did the same, but in fact we do not. Actually, it is those of us who are of "Anglo" heritage who are the least likely to be into these issues, unfortunately. Italians are strongly also identified with their origin, as are Greeks. We do not. Interesting thing about hispanics: Spaniards themselves are very UNLIKELY to feel proud of their heritage too. In places like Argentina, there are areas known as the "Italian" neighborhood or zone, but you never hear of a "Spaniard" neighborhood in Latin America. Here in the US, you get places like Little Italy, or Little Greece and you never really get "Little Spain" and that may be due to the fact that many Spaniards identify more with their region than with their "state". So in that sense they are similar to the British.

Speaking personally, I am a rarity because to me racial origins are also CENTRAL to who I am and how I perceive myself. I strongly believe in rationalism and a strong dose of racial determinism. No, I do not believe race determines your morals or how you act in every single situation, but to deny the reality of genetics is absolutely insulting. A horse is a horse, whether it is born in China or the Patagonia. Our "tics", habits, and instincts when it comes to certain cultural aspects are handed down by family, which is the result of genes. No man is an island. We are born into a family, we have genes and, we have a race. The lucky among us can identify with ONE race or origin, we are not "all mixed" as some clowns today say. And we are not "All immigrants" as so many stupid and ignorant people claim.

Eric Rudolph #crackpot #fundie #wingnut archive.decaturdaily.com

[From “Eric Rudolph's manifesto”]

Abortion is murder. And when the regime in Washington legalized, sanctioned and legitimized this practice, they forfeited their legitimacy and moral authority to govern. ... in January of 1973 the government in Washington decided to descend into barbarism by sanctioning the ancient practice of infanticide by that act consigned 50 million unborn children to their graves. There is no more legitimate reason to my knowledge, for renouncing allegiance to and if necessary using force to drag this monstrosity of a government down to the dust where it belongs.

I am not an anarchist. I have nothing against government or law enforcement in general. It is solely for the reason that this govt (sic) has legalized the murder of children that I have no allegiance to nor do I recognize the legitimacy of this particular government in Washington.

Because I believe that abortion is murder, I also believe that force is justified and in an attempt to stop it. Because this government is committed to the policy of maintaining the policy of abortion and protecting it, the agents of this government are the agents of mass murder, whether knowingly or unknowingly. And whether these agents of the government are armed or otherwise they are legitimate targets in the war to end this holocaust, especially those agents who carry arms in defense of this regime and the enforcement of its laws. This is the reason and the only reason for the targeting of so-called law enforcement personnel.

Dale Ahlquist #crackpot #fundie chesterton.org

[From “Common Sense Apostle & Cigar Smoking Mystic: CHESTERTON'S DEFENSE OF THE FAITH AND THE FAMILY”]

When Chesterton said, “There is only one subject,” he was of course referring to that subject that today’s wordsmiths go out of their way to avoid: God. Avoiding God as a subject leaves one with very little else to talk about. In fact, with nothing else to talk about. Which is why it all seems so insipid. Because it is.

But pursuing God rather than avoiding God opens up the whole creation and sheds light on every other subject, every other care, every other concern under the sun.

However, the danger of pursuing God is where it leads. To God—and nothing else. All those other concerns which seemed so important, so momentous, simply drop out of sight.

Thus, the avoidance of God leaves us with nothing else to talk about. The pursuit of God leaves us…with nothing else to talk about.
But the former is vanity; the latter is mysticism.

Chesterton says that the mystic “passes through the moment when…there is nothing but God.” That is not a conclusion that one can reach merely by reading books, even books about the saints. Chesterton was able to write with authority about profound ideas, to write with an insider’s understanding of mysticism because he clearly passed through that moment when there was nothing but God.

Dale Ahlquist #crackpot #fundie chesterton.org

[From “Common Sense Apostle & Cigar Smoking Mystic: CHESTERTON'S DEFENSE OF THE FAITH AND THE FAMILY”]

The world, you would think, should be full of subjects, but today’s journalists seem to be groping in the dust and in the dark. There is a reason, however, why they aim so low and still miss. They are avoiding something. Chesterton, who wrote about everything, said “There is only one subject.” But most columnists and criers haven’t figured out what that subject is. Consider the subjects to which we are subjected, the yawning range of yawns: Public Access. Recovering Prairies. Playing Survival. Surviving Playtime. Inclusive Language. Intrusive Non-Language. Deconstructed Dialects. Designer Dogs. De-neutered Dolls. Deadbeat Dads. Deadend Kids. Drug-dealing Doctors. Disgruntled Doctors. Disgruntled Drug-dealers. Even though they don’t promise much, they still promise more than they deliver.

The points they make are so small and so insignificant that it hardly matters that they are wrong—which they usually are—and trying to take them on in meaningful debate would seem to be a waste of time and effort. But avoiding the debate is to play into their hands, because avoiding the argument is a way of avoiding the truth. Their arguments as they stand are a conscious and studied avoidance of the truth, words calculated not to deceive so much as to distract.

They avoid the truth because they avoid God.

Brett Stevens #homophobia #wingnut amerika.org

[From “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”]

This strikes me as the fairest statement to homosexuals: you are a minority whose sexual practices are abhorrent to the majority, so the best deal we can work out is that you do not tell us what you are doing sexually, and we do not discuss it, but you are left alone as a consequence.

Clinton called this “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and it has been the traditional WASP policy for homosexuals. We prevent people from beating them up in the streets, let them have oyster bars and districts, but basically never talk about it. It seems like stuck-up WASP stuffiness, but really it is a practical compromise that allows us to coexist with them.

After all, coexistence is a two-way street. We tolerate their behavior so long as it stays in the bedroom (or oyster bar) and they recognize our need to keep society oriented toward chaste heterosexual family unions. Both parties win this way.

Our other option is the see-saw. One group gains power, smashes down the other, then guilt arrives, so the process repeats in reverse. This means that homosexuals get Pride parades for a little while, then they all get burned in barns, and then we go back to the Pride parades until everyone is exhausted of the process.

Like someone who grows weed in his backyard and smokes it in his basement, homosexuals do not harm society so long as they keep their activities (relatively) out of sight. This means no Pride parades, but it also means no gay-bashing. Everyone wins this way.

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