Eric Rudolph #crackpot #fundie #wingnut

[From “Eric Rudolph's manifesto”]

Abortion is murder. And when the regime in Washington legalized, sanctioned and legitimized this practice, they forfeited their legitimacy and moral authority to govern. ... in January of 1973 the government in Washington decided to descend into barbarism by sanctioning the ancient practice of infanticide by that act consigned 50 million unborn children to their graves. There is no more legitimate reason to my knowledge, for renouncing allegiance to and if necessary using force to drag this monstrosity of a government down to the dust where it belongs.

I am not an anarchist. I have nothing against government or law enforcement in general. It is solely for the reason that this govt (sic) has legalized the murder of children that I have no allegiance to nor do I recognize the legitimacy of this particular government in Washington.

Because I believe that abortion is murder, I also believe that force is justified and in an attempt to stop it. Because this government is committed to the policy of maintaining the policy of abortion and protecting it, the agents of this government are the agents of mass murder, whether knowingly or unknowingly. And whether these agents of the government are armed or otherwise they are legitimate targets in the war to end this holocaust, especially those agents who carry arms in defense of this regime and the enforcement of its laws. This is the reason and the only reason for the targeting of so-called law enforcement personnel.

Eric Rudolph #crackpot #fundie #wingnut

[From “Eric Rudolph's manifesto”]

Understandably the majority of Americans who have dehumanized these millions of children with the label of fetus are able to kill in good conscience and to recognize and support the government which sanctions this. Those who call themselves Pro-Life and who claim that abortion is murder and those who use force to prevent it are just as morally reprehensible as the abortionists. For these I have nothing to say other than that you are liars, hypocrites and cowards. There is no more fundamental duty for a moral citizen than to protect the innocent from assault. This in inherent in the values of all higher civilizations. You have the right, the responsibility and the duty to come to the defense of the innocent when the innocent are under assault. Would you protect your own children from the clutches of a murderer? Would you protect your neighbors' children when they were under assault? If you answered yes to both of these, then you must support the use of force as justified in attempting to prevent the murder that is from assault and also recognize that abortion is murder but do not recognize the right to use force to prevent this murder, then the only logical conclusion is that you do not consider that the unborn have a legitimate claim to life. However, if you do recognize abortion is murder and that unborn children should be protected and you still insist that force is unjustified to stop abortion, then you can be none other than cowards standing idly by in the face of the worst massacre in human history.

Vijay Prozak #racist #homophobia #wingnut

[From “Surviving Multiculturalism”]

Diversity means having different groups coexisting; however, in order for them to remain different groups, they can't merge (our media and institutes of higher learning seem to have forgotten this part). As I once put it to a homosexual gentleman, diversity means that I don't think much about what you do in your bedroom, but it also means that you don't begrudge me the right to make gay jokes and be repelled by sodomy, because to a heterosexual, such behavior would be a disastrous submission and loss of masculinity. I respect his "difference," but he has to respect mine. The same applies to different ethnic groups. To acknowledge their difference is to recognize that participation in that group is limited to members of that group, and now matter how "authentic African art" we buy at Wal-Mart, we're still members of our own.

Mark--Wilder #homophobia

"I do think people who are pedophilic should get help of some form, but I don't think they should get SAFE SPACES, or be accepted in any way or form. Or especially be exposed to children, even during or after therapy. It's not safe for a minor to be exposed to a 'MAP'"

That is literally the exact kind of language that was - and still is - used to stigmatize LGBT persons, word for word: replace "MAP" with "Trans" or "Gay" and you can see the similarity. That's because there's really no difference in the long run: all of these things argue the same idea, that sexual dimorphism in humans isn't important and that people can screw whatever they want because "it's just love".

Newsflash: It's not love. It's sex. Go ahead and ask any divorced couple if sex is love.

When will humanity realize that sometimes the slippery slope isn't a fallacy? Evil always creates more and worse evil if you let it stay, just like a tiny crack in a dam eventually breaks the whole dam and makes a flood. By accepting LGBT lifestyles in the first place we've effectively accepted pedophilia in the future.

Vita #sexist #transphobia

Trans Movement is about enabling men to be Cowards

When perverts flash, grope, and harass women in public, it's upsetting to the women, but it's troubling to men too. Because men might have to step up and do something, say something to those perverts.

Now, all the harassment is done out of sight of the "good guys." The pervs can go into the shelters and restrooms without fear of getting punched by a woman's husband/brother/father/friend.

You know how men turn a blind eye to sex crimes that happen in the family home? This is like the public version of that.

All men are cowards.

Too afraid to fight for weaker people (women will defend other women & children though, at risk to themselves!)

Too cowardly to be fashion-forward (women wore pants and new fashions in public, even if they got ridiculed!)

Too cowardly to face the consequences of their actions (trying to get out of men's prisons.)

Too afraid to face their own vices and weaknesses (AGP can only be treated if they admit they have it!)

My granny has more guts than most men I've met.

When you go through life on easy mode there's no need to become strong or brave.

Various TERFs #quack #transphobia

RE: TIM regrets transition.

(GynyHappyPeople )
He expected to pass and for the medication to alleviate his dyphoria. He doesn’t pass and it didn’t help, and now his mental illness is visible and obvious.

He feels he’s been encouraged into a neurosis that’s just made his underlying mental condition worse.

Improving mental health care is a much saner approach than trying to convince the masses to accept that a person can change sex.


Yeah. Taking cross sex hormones and getting plastic surgery to look somewhat like the opposite sex is a bit like getting a forehead tattoo that says "I AM MENTALLY UNSTABLE".

Transition honestly feels like a cruel lie being sold to gender dysphoric people. They will NEVER be the opposite sex. They will never 100% pass; most don't even pass most of the time! What's the point in encouraging Gamestop ma'am to go on HRT or use female pronouns? It's just allowing people to make a laughing stock of themselves...

I don't get guys like him. He seems like he's close to realizing that sex changes are not possible and that the trans cult grooms people into believing the lie that sex changes are possible and will make your life like heaven on earth.

But he can't take one further step into accepting he will always be a man.

It feels a bit like he's trying to get people to tell him he's too ugly or mannish to "successfully transition". He keeps mentioning "if he passed"... I mean do they seriously not realize that the supermajority of TIMs will never pass? He has to have actually seen some TIMs, like does he think Bruce Jenner passes? Even, say, Blaire White with the small statute and innumerable surgeries basically reads as an effeminate gay men to most.

Jillian Becker #wingnut

[From “Islam rules Britain, okay?”]

London, capital of England and Great Britain, and for centuries the hub of the greatest empire in all history, has elected a Muslim named Sadiq Khan to be its mayor.

He advocates tolerance of terrorism. That is to say, Islamic terrorism.

And he will not tolerate criticism of Islam. So he has formed a special police force, under his personal command, to sniff out “Islamophobes”. He calls it his “Hate Crime and Hate Speech” unit. We call it the Islamic Stasi. It does not confine its operations to London, but goes stalking far afield. …

[Quoted excerpt]

So though the battle is lost and the capital of the country has fallen, some fight on.

The struggle is heroic, but is there any chance it can succeed?

Jillian Becker #sexist #wingnut

[From “Women crave a life of submission”]

Reality to Feminists: Give up, go home, stay close to the marital bed and the kitchen.

According to this report, tens of thousands of Western women are converting to Islam because they long to submit themselves – to a husband and to Allah. It comes from Radical Islam, by Abigail R. Esman …

Thomas Munos #fundie

“How do creationists explain why whales still have leftovers of their hind limbs? It serves no function.”

Creationists believe we are seeing evidence of ID in the left over hind limbs of whales, which shows robust design. Rather than evolution, we see many designs packaged into the genome to enable different designs to manifest as the environmental conditions changed. These changes aren’t mutations and natural selection, for this is way too inefficient, but it is programmed to switch based on environmental factors.

According to Creationists, the oceans were very shallow before the flood so the hind legs served a purpose of helping whales become dislodged should they find themselves in very shallow waters. Also, some scientists say it helped with mating so that too may be an additional function that it performed.

God in designing life, has intelligently designed life with a multitude of designs in the genome which can be switched on or off by environmental factors. After the flood, the need for the hind legs became unnecessary because of the deep oceans so the hind legs shrunk away allowing the flow of resources to flow to other critical organs. Rather than evidence for evolution, this is evidence of ID. A prediction of ID is that over time we will see that mutations are not the cause of this change but biological triggers are switched on or off by environmental factors enabling different designs to manifest themselves for different environments. Just like some creatures loose their sight when they start living in dark caves, so the whale lost it’s hind legs when they were no longer needed. Again, this is evidence for design and not evolution.

Vox Day #fundie #dunning-kruger

[From “Revisiting the case against science”]

According to Sam Harris and other atheists, humanity is at dire risk of extinction. The causes of those risks, be they anthropogenic global warming or nuclear weapons, can be directly traced to science. It is obviously not religion that poses these deadly dangers; eliminating all religion from the planet would only reduce the total risk of war by approximately 7 percent, and would not reduce the risk of global warming at all. Therefore, if these dangers are to be taken seriously, then it is clear that it is the very concepts of science as body of knowledge and science as method which must be reconsidered and potentially rejected as a lethal threat to humanity, not religion.

Solar Rishi Salad Award

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger

The Solar Rishi and Solar Dragon Kings are braiding themselves throughout the crystalline grids which hold the holographic celestial map of many Sun-Stars and constellations that are transmitting organic liquid plasma consciousness technology that catalyzes Solar Synthesis. This is a solar symbiosis process which blends physical matter with solar fire plasma codes throughout the Planetary Grid Network, which further energizes the Sophianic plasma shields and Solar Rainbow Dragon elemental shields which are animating crystal vapors into the fluids and waters in creation. These liquid plasma shields are designed to further re-encrypt elementals and purify the corrupted astral waters, fluids and vapors that are within the planetary crystalline matrix and the human body’s water management system. This is re-organizing the fascia crystalline matrix whereby solar codes are igniting plasma crystals in the extensive webbing of our neurological matrix, upgrading the cellular matrix in our bone, blood, skin and tissues to receive liquid plasma codes.

The increased solarization of the planetary grid network is occurring rapidly in the stellar grid areas where the Sun-Stars are being reconnected into multiple layers of crystalline grids and diamond diagonal grid networks that power up the master controller grids in the Albion. The magnetic field is shifting to the extent that the gravitational pull is lessening which causes the collapse of alien frequency fences and assorted controller machinery, which begins the transfiguration of the raw substances in physical matter and mental body matrices.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and his fellow Satanists staged a human sacrifice on the temple mount in a desperate bid to retain power and avoid war crimes tribunals, according to Mossad sources.

MI6 sources say there was “some kind of massacre at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. We have a suggestion this is all purely Khazarian Mafia with some CIA thrown in.”

We have previously reported the original Netanyahu is long gone and so, according to Mossad, the figure now presiding over the massacre of Palestinians is “Bibi the clone.”

MI6 adds the “Jala Tower in Gaza was attacked to destroy servers with incriminating evidence relating to the mass murder of Palestinians.”
Personally, as a genetic Jew, I find it deeply shameful to watch religious Jews who have been ritually castrated (circumcised) worshipping at the wall of a Roman fort in a mistaken tribute to their enslavers. If it is to be built, the third temple needs to be built elsewhere.

In any case, P3 Freemasons and others say their patience has run out and action will be taken against Israel. Pentagon sources say the nuclear devices used by Israel to blackmail the rest of the world with their “Sampson option,” have now been neutralized. That means the people of Israel will be forced to choose between the destruction of Jerusalem or the removal from power of the Satanists who use Netanyahu as their avatar.

There is another reason for the desperate massacres going on in Israel and that is developments in Switzerland involving the Priory of Sion, the Knights of Malta, the Dragon family, and many other powerful groups. These groups are on the verge of reaching an agreement that will change human history

Steven Fishman #conspiracy #wingnut #quack


Respiratory Problems and Acute Respiratory Distress; Chronic Fatigue and Flu-like Symptoms; Chronic Headaches and Allergies; Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain; Mental and Emotional Problems; Immune System Depletion; Mysterious, Debilitating and Uncurable Health Problems.

It is known that more and more people are developing strange chronic type conditions which are generally unresponsive to standard medical care, as well as to herbal treatment, due to internal toxic changes in the body. Chemtrails are also affecting the life or bio-energy, resulting in severe fatigue and weakening.


But the worst part of this is that Chemtrails may contain Messenger RNA Bombs that spread massive cytokine storms of spike proteins on our crops, onto farm animals which we eat, into our water supply, and in our lungs, as part of the Global Genocide Depopulation Event. The idea behind this is to prevent the UNVACCINATED from avoiding the lethal effects of the Experimental Eugenics Bioweapon

FEMA Camps all over the United States are empty but are being prepared to house the UNVACCINATED as "COVID TERRORISTS." Don't think for a moment that FEMA Camps are five-star hotels. These are not summer camps where you can go fishing or kayaking. They are concentration camps that any Depopulation Dictator would be proud of. You will listen to re-education propaganda 24/7 at full decibel deafening volume while you are starved to death on Chemtrail Soup.

The Society for the New Message/Marshall Vian Summers #crackpot #ufo #fundie #conspiracy

At this point it is important to address the reality of love and fear. The Greater Darkness upon the world can incite tremendous fear, particularly as you learn what it really is and how it is functioning in the world with very little human awareness or resistance. Some people will think that they cannot accept the New Message because it seems fearful, because they think that it does not come from a place of love. But it absolutely comes from a place of love, for God loves humanity and does not want to see you lose your freedom and become enslaved by other forces in the Greater Community.

Here you must remember that the physical universe in which you live is not your Ancient Home. It is a relative reality because it is a reality that is changing constantly. God watches over the physical universe, but God rarely intervenes directly except to deliver essential Messages such as the one that is being presented here.
The spiritual reality lives within you, in your Knowledge. This is the reality that the Creator has given you. You have it already. This is the source of real love, compassion and contribution. Knowledge within you does not seek escape. It does not try to deceive itself into thinking that everything is wonderful. It does not claim that God is taking care of everything for you, as if you were a helpless child. Knowledge within you is here on a mission.

In the Greater Community into which you are emerging, technologically advanced races are rarely spiritually advanced. Those who seek to explore and to exploit other nations are not the spiritually advanced. It is no different in the Greater Community than it is here in your world. The question is whether you can accept it.

Andrew Anglin #fundie #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia

[From "My Nation Blessed Israel and All I Got Was a Mulatto Tranny Grandchild"]

When I was a child in the 1990s, evangelical preachers and televangelists were claiming that God would “bless” a nation that “blesses” the genocidal Jew state of Israel

Yet, here were are, 30 years later, and America has consistently “blessed” Israel. We have given them hundreds of billions of dollars over the last decades, and we have spent trillions fighting wars for them
Once a religion that condemned the Jews as the murderers and rejecters of Christ, American Christianity has continued a process of being restructured to set Israel and the Jews at the center of it[…]American Christians accepted the reclassification of Christianity as “Judeo-Christianity”
The deal was sealed in 1992 when Pat Buchanan lost the Republican primary to George H.W. Bush
At the same time that we blessed Israel, we also endorsed homosexualism, feminism/abortion, mass immigration and race-mixing, and someone could argue that this is why we are doomed. What I think evangelicals would claim now is that the blessing from blessing Israel couldn’t overpower the curses of endorsing every form of immorality. However, it was the Jews behind all of these corrosive agendas
The Moslems tended to get along much better with the Jews
According to the bizarre evangelical doctrine, during the entire Middle Ages, God was on the side of the Moslems against Christians
The evangelicals mocked the concept of a blessing from God by associating it with blood-drinking Jewish murderers and sex perverts

icanteven #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist

White parents, why are you producing so many young white male terrorists? What is going on in your households? How involved are you with your sons? Are you missing signs their racism is filtering out of commonplace household racism into "I want to murder strangers" racism?

Mom of two white boys here. Getting them to see on a daily basis how entitled they are -- all the breaks they get, that other kids don't, because of how they look or where they are from -- is a struggle. I honestly feel some days like it's a genetic defect.

They aren't angry, thank god. But they do sometimes come home and have the audacity to start out with 'Its not fair...X, Y, Z.' it makes my blood boil. They seem predisposed to believing it's some grand conspiracy to keep them down when in reality, the opposite is true.

My college roommate when on to get her PhD and did her dissertation on how the fragile white male ego is responsible for all the world's ills, and with each passing day I think she's more and more a genius

None #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut

Black people when they are annoyed, riot.

White people, when we are annoyed form sniper kill squads and make it clear no such thing as a "police officer" is allowed to exist and if they show up, they get pfft, pffft, and no one saw nothing.

If we are REALLY annoyed, trucks full of chemicals start blowing up.

Notice Antifa. No one of any merit in Antifa is other than White. These are the people locking police in their headquarters and then setting fire to it. They haven't quite perfected what they are doing, but I'd like to point out that this was not happening until White people got involved.

Biden better rethink what he is doing or he is likely to just take his medication and discover his White doctor is a patriot.

Notice how frantic they were to try and reframe some hijinks by a few pissed off Trump supporters as high treason and how this did not in any way work.

They were terrified. As well they should be.

White cannot be replaced by anyone, especially blacks. What happens when this reaches a critical threshold is collapse.

After it happens, all things will revert to local politics ONLY. No one will be allowed to move. Blacks will be shot on sight while anyone with high IQ or skills might be welcomed.

A post collapse America, is our near future, not a "democracy" run by non-whites to their benefit only.

Most cities are going to burn and be barricaded to prevent refugees. If you want to live there, like all opportunities, whites excel. Be a warlord. Show the local blacks you can lead them to slaughter and cannibalize their neighbors and you will be king of the trasheap. Understand, once upon a time, white people did do this occassionally....especially once non-whites got a taste for drugs.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut

Interesting Observation

No one calls out black ballerinas for appropriating European/white culture. Ballet is a huge part of Russian culture with performances like swan lake. That’s the cream of Russian culture, up there with Yevgeniy Onengin and Dostoevsky’s crime and punishment. r/BALLET’s top of all time is filled with black dancers, BLM, and soyboy Reddit users sucking their dicks. When will THEY be held accountable for stealing and appropriating MY culture?

I don't think garbage rap music with stereotypical bling bling, cars, hoes and weed counts for much.

Black culture is to African culture as Chicano culture is to Hispanic culture.

Russian Ballet is the original one and only one. It is the only remnant of the old french one

We DOMINATE. It is our culture and no one else’s. Especially those who do not respect us or our ancestry.

It's the good ol' double standard. But can you blame them? Most things were made by white folk so if we were being just like them they would be approving white culture by wearing a t-shirt

All drug addicts, prostitutes, single mothers, and criminals are appropriating black culture

Why are you even trying to argue with these people? They even attacked Samoans for playing a Croatian song. Only black Americans and muslims are protected class. They happily harass Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and even Africans.

Eastern Europeans and Slavs are an easy target, because we are "white". They think all Europeans benefited from colonization. That's why they think it's okay to take things from European cultures.

That being said, I don't care if a black person decides to dress in Sorbian clothing or sing Sorbian songs.

Kenan #fundie

If you are wearing a mask you are not a Christian
By wearing a mask you declare your faith in the Cult of Scientism
By wearing a mask you are hiding your face from both God and Man
By wearing a mask you are telling everyone you side with evil
By wearing a mask you are believing that your idols will save you
By wearing a mask you are declaring your allegiance with your face
If this triggers you, it's because deep down inside you know it's true and the shame is too great for you to bear #REPENT
Deuteronomy 31:18

David #fundie #pratt

Science says man evolved from apes…..they are wrong because the only source of “new” natural genetic information is DNA mutation and 99% of them are “lethal” and therefore can not be passed on for Natural Selection to act on the traits they might exhibit. (of the 1% positive ones, less than 1% occur in germ cells…….the only ones passed on to offspring) Based on this, there simply was not enough time from the appearance of apes and the Creation of Homo sapiens. (Science does some fancy “spin” on this) Religion says that man was Created by God in His Image by Intelligent Design.. Ironically…they are correct but their “Intelligent Design requires a “supernatural mechanism.” (what ever that is!) Sadly…it Science didn’t reject the Bible and they understand the REAL God revealed in it..they would realize who the “ELOHIM” were and KNOW that man was Created by “ELOHIM” via RECOMBINANT DNA.

BTW..another problem with evolution is Natural Selection between Phylum and Class. DNA is “packaged” into chromosomes for proper distribution in cell division (mitosis, and sex cell formation in meiosis)The actual number of them has nothing to do with how complex the organism is. There is no “mechanism” known that reveals chromosome number adjustment from Phylum to Class because chromosome number mismatch is 99% lethal. The ONLY other possible explanation is Intelligent Design by rDNA. (Book of Genesis supports this where is says “each creature produces it;s own kind.”)

Vijay Prozak #racist #wingnut

… while I agree with White Nationalists that the Indo-European race is under assault and will soon be bred out of existence by hordes of invading immigrants, I see this problem as a symptom of general degeneracy in modern society. We've come to trust our technology and believe that newer is better, and to follow centralized commands instead of our internal voices, and we're products of bureaucratic, cosmopolitan living who are steadily lapsing in the ability to have independent thought. On this front, Malcolm X and Adolf Hitler, Rabbi Meir Kahane and Cesar Chavez, Moses and Chuck D are all in agreement.

So if you're looking for a witch hunt, which is what the crusade against "racism" is, take your little hateful plans and bail out. I recognize you for the broken, low-self-esteem cowards that you are, and I don't see you as any "better" than the neo-Nazis you despise. If you've ever joined an Antifa group, you did it because you want to consider yourself better than other people because you believe in something that raises your self-esteem by making you feel like you're gifting the world with tolerance. Forget it. You're crazy and I'd have you shot.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #wingnut

Clearly I'm a fascist. I've spent enough time on this world to realize that most people will, without meaning ill, do what is selfish unless coerced otherwise. Whether by money, or the barrel of a gun, their will shall be denied in certain areas; and what of it? The reality is that life isn't found in having the ability to live anywhere you want, or in having the biggest pickup truck on the block, or in being able to watch gay porn and smoke crack cocaine all night. It's in finding your own character and developing it to the fullest, so that you are a hero in your own life, no matter what that may be.

Vijay Prozak #racist #wingnut

I don't like democracy. I don't believe everyone has equal aptitude for the kind of decisions required to run a nation or even a town, and thus I believe most voices should be silenced on those issues. Every person has some area where their judgment alone is supreme, and only reality judges whether they succeed or fail (for some, such as bomb defusers, the judgment is swift and absolute). I don't believe all "whites" should somhow be lauded just for having a certain amount of heritage; that's democracy. If we breed the best of each white tribe and throw out the rest, we increase the aptitude of those who remain.

People act like politics is rocket science, and that it's a raison d'etre for their individual lives as "activists" or "compassionate, forward-thinking people," but really that's a hoax. Politics has never changed. The crowd always wants power, and with that power, they'll destroy any who rise above the lowest common denominator. Each people (nation) needs its own place, because without it, their unique culture and contribution to learning is lost. I would grant each its own space, and send the mixed race people to the Middle East, as traditionally has occurred. There, they will produce their own society, one that will undoubtedly resemble Judaism, itself a product of cultural and racial and caste-mixing.

Vijay Prozak #racist

[From “Why I am not a White Nationalist or neo-Nazi”]

Sounding a bit like a cheesy liberal here, I like diversity. I like that you can go to another country and have it be completely friggin' different in every way possible, even down to genetics. Go to Bosnia and there's a certain look, behavior and feel to the people; go to Nigeria, and it's another. That's true diversity. No culture survives interbreeding, because the genetic histories of the newcomers and the natives are merged, resulting in a chaos which settles on the lowest common denominator. This is why mixed societies inevitably turn into trading centers and mercantile republics.

It's worth adding here that I'm proud to have friends with other races and, while I will never breed with them or assimilate or be assimilated by their culture, I don't "hate" them or their races. The mixing of races I might "hate," were I prone to emotional outbursts, but I don't hate them. That they are here, and that our society is collapsing, are symptoms of the same cause: modernity, and its bureaucratic attitudes. They have as much to lose as we do. Thus I refuse to indulge in mindless bigotry against them when I care about them, and view them as allies for the eventual quest of Nationalism to overtake the world.

rope2cope #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut

Incel Meetup in North Korea 2021/2022

Why North Korea?

It's a comfy isolated country where we will be treated like kings by our qt North Korean milf tour guides... think about it... chilling in a North Korean bar drinking NK beers on a nice evening with our QT tour guides just chilling, nobody to judge us since there's nobody around and we can't be infiltrated by normies since the effort to come to NK will be too much... plus it'll be pretty funny.

B-but rope2cope how much will it cost?

Well, I was thinking we could book this one... it's a Bicycle tour around Nork's capital and will cost:

Price : €495 / €595

3 or 4 nights.

I'm thinking the 500 euro for 3 nights of Brocel bonding on bikes and getting a guided around by a qt Nork is lifefuel and will be fun.

This could be us chilling while Nork bar singers dance their little Nork asses away to impress us. Con 2021 in North Korea will happen, even if I make the trip solo... I guess an Incel convention with just 1 attendee will be somewhat poetic if you think about it.

Think about it brocels, live a little.

Please post interest here.

Also maybe we can cozy up to the NK government and be allowed to NEETmaxx there, non-autisticcels could get a job teaching Engrish to Nork universities and schools and we can live in the Supreme Leaders Paradise unmolested and get state sanctioned gf.

Living for Christ #fundie

Near death experiences prove Christianity! We find testimonies of former atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. claiming they died, went to the afterlife but were saved and brought back by Jesus Christ. There are countless testimonies just on YouTube alone and the people that ventured into the afterlife describe the Christian concept of life after death (heaven & hell). If NDE’s were open to interpretation, we would find testimonies of people saying that when they died, they met Allah or Muhammad or Buddha. But since we only find testimonies of people saying they were saved by Jesus, we have additional evidence that Christianity is the truth. When Muslims die, they don’t hallucinate about Allah and when Hindus die, they don’t hallucinate about reincarnation. What we see is the truth of Christianity being preached by those that died and came back. Here are some testimonies:

Living for Christ #fundie

(Here are some prophecies that the Bible said would come to pass before the End Times): (1) People will deny that GOD created the universe and that He judged them through Noah’s flood. (2 Peter 3:3, 5, 6) Atheists are now claiming that the universe created itself out of nothing. (2) The message of the Gospel will reach all the nations. (Matthew 24:14) Remember that Christianity started out with only a few dozen followers. Jesus prophesying that His message will reach the world is proof of its divine inspiration. (3) Jews will return to Israel, their homeland. (Ezekiel 34:13) (4) Israel will be a nation for the 3rd time. (Amos 9:14-15). (5) There will be money hungry preachers that deceive Christians and lead them away from the truth. (2 Peter 2:1-3) (6) Scoffers will mock the Second Coming by claiming these signs have always been around. (2 Peter 3:3, 4)
◘ [ Speaking of end times, God gave me visions about the rapture, the antichrist, and tribulations. Obama is the future antichrist. He will be revealed after the rapture of the bride of Christ. And the rapture will be covered up by some sort of an alien abduction theory. If the rapture happens and you get left behind, remember, aliens didn’t abduct those people, God raptured those Christians to heaven. ]◘

South Carolina State Senator Josh Kimbrell #homophobia #transphobia #fundie

Members of the Columbia's City Council are working to ban conversion therapy for people under the age of 18. In Spartanburg, SC, Senator Josh Kimbrell has requested the state's attorney general to block this ban if it is approved.


Senator Kimbrell said he does not want people to be hurt, he just wants this ordinance to be invalidated.

"There are people of faith and there are people who have traditional views of the notion there's two genders — which I happen to hold to — and have traditional views even of human sexuality," Senator Kimbrell said. "They should not be forced to choose between their principles and running a medical practice. I think it's a massive overreach on the part of the City of Columbia. I think it's unconstitutional on its face, and I think it's the job of state government, whether that's folks like me and the Senate or the Attorney General to uphold the Constitution of the nation and the state, and prevent this kind of overreach by municipal government."

Prussian Society of America #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger

[From "Only 2% of Americans have value, and about 8-15% of Europeans have value, Depending on the Country"]

As I’ve stated repeatedly, after true assessments of these Western Nations, the United States has some of the most worthless people in the world, and that Europe does not fare a whole lot better

These numbers are based on critical analysis of the population based on all kinds of factors and what is known about the quality of such populations including their DNA and genetic quality, assuming they are still of good racial stock

These factors do not account for anything to do with personal net worth or basing quality on the basis of poverty

In Germany, it’s roughly 11%
Before WW1, Germany had well over 50% value in the population, and while I cannot assess this information accurately, about 80-90% of the German population may have had value and viability

This should show you just how rapidly the West has decayed from the onset of the last century, between the arrival of Bolshevism and Two World Wars, and all kinds of technological advances
In America, there still exists well over 60 Million White Inhabitants who never have been born, due to Abortions

Unlike European countries, however, America has never had a majority of valuable population even from the earliest Colonial Days

As time presses on and the West deteriorates further, I believe that more and more people will take this message seriously and come to recognize just how real and wide the implications and reality of it are

The easiest way to detect if someone is worthless without even knowing them, is they constantly lick their lips for no reason as a nervous tic

Jessica Arael Marrocco #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

<bio of the Advanced/Alien Contact Intelligence Organization website founder>
Jessica Arael Marrocco is a psychic/intuitive, medium, past-life regressionist, Akashic record reader, radio host, podcaster, and owner of the radio station called AndronETalksRadio. com.

Jessica was introduced to the ACIO and Intergalactic Council since the age of 5. She met Peter the Insider in 2015, when she began to identify her involvement with being a part the Numbers Group, as number 12. At this time, Peter the Insider informed her that the records showed she was also involved as a psychic in all of these military contractors/corporations, with the SSP (Secret Space Program), MCC (Mars Colony Corporation), Kruger, Labyrinth Group and a galactic Liaison. She communicates with the Council of 5 and reveals disclosure on her show with Peter the Insider and the 12th Division ACIO.

Through further research, she also discovered that she was connected to the 6th Division, Cicada 3301. she assisted the MURG Group when they were recovering from the problems of Monarch and Umbrella Corporations mistreatments and was formerly used as a mother for the Monarch Milabs Refugees, where they recognized her.

Some of the unfortunate connections related to her being pulled into the Murkoff Milab, as the most important core part of Walrider hive mind, at the approximate age of 6.

Her abilities are described as a multi-dimensional seer and remote viewer. Jessica has compiled over 400 shows and many discussions regarding, the paranormal, non-ordinary space, current events, disclosure, meditations and more.

Alexandra Bruce #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #ufo #crackpot

During many recent episodes of Making Sense of the Madness, my reports have been very dark and despairing about the Globalist pharmaceutical Coup d’État but as of this past week, I finally feel like there’s been a “disturbance in the Matrix” and it looks like things are finally turning up for those of us who care about freedom and human rights.

The main focus of my report was on Patrick Byrne’s amazing appearance on the ToreSays podcast Thursday to discuss the state of affairs in the US and the election audits.
He also says said Arizona is the first bubble percolating up and that there’s no way the fraudsters can win the information war. He says, “We’ll be at Arizona X 5 in a couple of months.”

There are several more audits in the pipeline, where he believes states will move to pull their Electoral Votes. As to whether this can be done retroactively will be up to the Supreme Court.
For her part, Tore says the Globalists have totally lost, they just need to get real about it. The only thing that they have is the Mainstream Media and their fake stories and that they’re literally incapable of talking about anything that’s real.

She reiterates that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming and she asks, “Why are they delaying the inevitable? What hallelujah moment can they have? What can happen that can work in their favor, that makes them think they can get away with this? How can CNN ever come back? Nobody’s listening to them anymore. I’ve never seen a government so adamant to vaccinate people! They all know they can’t cancel truth!”

My answer to her is that the UFO disclosure coming this June might be “it”. This government-managed UFO disclosure has always been a Democrat project.

Pastor Andrew Wommack #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

Homosexuals have like three times as much suicide as heterosexuals, and then you go into transgenders, and it just continues to go up. It’s a very destructive lifestyle. They have 20 years less that the homosexual lives than a heterosexual. And, you know, cigarettes take an average of seven years off of a person’s life, so homosexuality is three times worse than smoking. We ought to put a label across their forehead: “This can be hazardous to your health”.

None #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut

You should wake up about some facts about the birds and the beads. First of all, all women prefer a relationship where they are kept on a leash like a pet.

All women are batshit insane, which is one of the reasons why they prefer to be kept as pets rather than try to do things like men and just fail.

Most women are miserable because they are NOT being kept on leashes.

A few deluded men with power have passed laws that make it dangerous to play out this dynamic, hence it has largely vanished. Thanks men. You will hang for in a few months as the nation collapses.

90% of the world has no such laws and women and men freely interact this way. If we stabilize enough that post Covid travel is possible, go practice. After a dozen or more hot women for less than $100, you will get this. Men always pay. But we set the price and its always low. The going rate in the world btw is $20 on average but if you are going to partake, go premium. You are White after all.

Post collapse America, women will be only too happy to be your pet to the extent you can take care of them.

Or they will die.

We are on the road to fascism. The only question is whether it will be a Latino dictatorship, like Venezuela, or an African one, like Zimbabwe.

Don't be absurd. Spanish speaking people slaughter black people wherever we go.

Soon, you will be told what to do. Which is nothing more than you should have done 200 years ago.

The problem here is you White people want Communism. You might want to examine how Spanish speaking countries that are not Venezuela deal with that.

The part that should really frighten you is our blue eyes and blond hair. You left something behind and now you need it back.

None #crackpot #psycho #racist

The Asians will take over, use Hispanics as labor and they will be not nice to blacks nor do they care about American Indian Tribes.

There is no such thing as an "asian". You probably mean Chinese. Yeah there is no such thing as a "Chinese".

You see you think China is like the US where you go anywhere and people are largely the same. In China, a person from one part does not even speak the same language and is hardly discriminated against by other parts. At best they get to be used as slave labor. But most are just taking up space and starving. China was literally starving until Nixon decided to make them our pets.

Which is happening again. Without international trade, they are doomed.

This is something Whites do not get. No matter how bad things are here, they are severely mitigated by White superiority. Everywhere else, they are starving to death.

So called hispanics btw, should frighten you. You have been lead into a delusion where you thing Spanish speaking means those scum who cross the border to pick apples. Spanish speaking countries have Whites, Blacks and Indians and none of them get along. The White people are the same in all ways to your average white person except for one thing.

We are ultranationalists. If we were in charge, we would kill every black person in the US within weeks. And here is something to keep you up late at night. You can't tell who we are. Many of the current generation do not even speak Spanish.

In my opinion, we've been holding your backbones for you for the day you want them back.

touchdeprivedandfine & sp4cel0ver #psycho #sexist

I mentally dehumanize beautiful women

I don't take them as seriously. I cultivate a vendetta against them. I am not the tiktok e-stacy bluepilled dyed hair goth becky who is ferociously bisexual and likes sanrio. I'm bitter and if women are beautiful I usually instantly don't like them.

Yeah i can see where youre coming from. Im also bitter and jealous of beautiful women. But i try to remind myself the one truly responsible for all our suffering - beautiful or ugly. Our common enemy: men. If youre beautiful well you will have simps (often low value or even no value men so not even worthy), but there will also be as many men who think they have the right to touch ur body and openly disrespect u. Misogyny hits us all collectively ugly or not. And if youre ugly, well we’re already well acquainted with what this existence is like. We should really be hating on men. Its like the “dont hate the player hate the system”

Brent Bozell #fundie

What Bouchard did was wrong. But what Bouchard and the baby’s mother did in choosing not to abort, especially given the circumstances, will earn them both a special smile from the Almighty. He’s the kind of man I want to see in Congress.

Crazy_canuck #psycho

I voted none of the above. No matter what my loved ones do, I’m not calling the cops.

On the other hand, if I knew for sure that one of my loved ones was raping and/or killing children, an accident would happen. I would give them a quick, clean death at least.

Various Anti Vaxxers #conspiracy #crackpot #quack

A conspiracy ripping through the anti-vax world may finally drive some anti-maskers to do the unthinkable: wear a mask and keep their distance.

The conspiracy—which comes in several shapes and sizes—more or less says the vaccinated will “shed” certain proteins onto the unvaccinated who will then suffer adverse effects. The main worry is the “shedding” will cause irregular menstruation, infertility, and miscarriages. The entirely baseless idea is a key cog in a larger conspiracy that COVID-19 was a ploy to depopulate the world, and the vaccine is what will cull the masses.

Anti-vax influencers are instructing their fellow anti-vaxxers as well as anti-maskers (at this point the two communities overlap to a huge degree) that one of the best ways to defend themselves from this blight is to co-opt…social distancing, the very strategy they have long decried.

Sherri Tenpenny, an anti-vaxxer who was found to be key in spreading COVID-19 conspiracy theories, suggested on a recent anti-vax livestream that you may have to “stay away from somebody who's had these shots…forever.”

Another prominent anti-vaxxer suggested quarantining people who have been vaccinated. “There is something being passed from people who are shot up with this poison to others who have not gotten the shot,” said Larry Palevsky, a New York pediatrician and anti-vaxxer, on a separate livestream.

It’s not just social distancing that anti-maskers/anti-vaxxers are begrudgingly accepting. Some conspiracy theorists are wondering if perhaps their longtime bane, the mask, could become their salvation. One perplexed poster on the fringe site 4chan asked their fellow anons if they should “wear a mask around the vaccinated, because they shed the mRNA stuff?” “I am going to be watching these vaccine shedding stories like a hawk,” wrote another man on Twitter. “Is my family going to need to wear masks to protect ourselves from the vaccinated?”

Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho

[From "Thot Patroller Arrested for MURDER After Dirty Slut Dies Resisting Patrolling"]

Was she in fact resisting patrol by an officer of the Thot Patrol?

The follow-up question is clear: how did Aiden Fucci do anything wrong?

Police have provided zero evidence that Bailey was not resisting patrol

First Coast ABC

Aiden Fucci, the 14-year-old behind bars charged with the murder of a beloved cheerleader, appeared before a judge Tuesday morning

Fucci is charged with second-degree murder related to the death of 13-year-old cheerleader Tristyn Bailey

Sure, maybe there was an act of delinquency. I mean, if he skipped school to give this bitch what she had coming, then I think it is fair that he could have several weeks of detention

Have a look at Aiden, a wholesome boy who was just following standard operating procedure for the Thot Patrol

Compare him to the Thot, a multiple-time slut known for resisting getting patrolled
Maybe instead of blaming the victims, we should support our brave Thot Patrollers, who serve and protect the community from fat skanks?

The Daily Stormer cannot do GoFundMes because of Jewish censorship. I will assume actually that no one would be allowed to do a GoFundMe for Aiden, due to the power of the Thot Lobby in Washington

Osipovark #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut

can't be a black man without them making chim noise

You are delusional. We may be racist (meaning not that we are bloodthirsty barbarians who want to genocide/enslave africans, but we just don't want to have a lot of them here and do not want them to assimilate in our society) but we are not that dumb. I live in Moscow and when i go out i sometimes see 1-3 black people a day (sometimes even 5 a day). No one just randomly makes chimp noises at them.

Im not against blacks learning here and then returning home to improve things there. Although there must be boundaries, like dating local girls must be the taboo.

Why tho?

A lot of reasons:

Why would we let foreign races dilute our gene pool? Makes no sense.

Mixed children have some serious identity issues. Just imagine that you are living in society where no one looks like you.

Much higher risk father will fuck off back to homeland as soon as a child is born. May be earlier.

Most people of color will kill you for being gay in countries I don’t want to mention, because of one specific religion.

What happened in western society is that some people are okay with your error. They say to you that you can become one with same gender physically, emotionally and socially. They say that gender is irrelevant. You can have stolen valor and pretend that you are another gender.

Why the fuck do you even want to prove it to him that we are actually ok with gays and transgenders? It's not a bad thing we hav few of them and they don't feel confident enough to spread their ideology.

Desh282 & Osipovark #racist #wingnut


I think it's because of Colonialism that made Africans think that way and be more Homophobic. Because look at Afro Countries that were controlled by the French and they don't kill you for being gay.

Some people of color need to love their own people more.

You guys sold and captured your people for guns, gold and alcohol.

Slavs conquered all the people who kept taking them into slavery. (Besides turkey, great powers intervened on their behalf)

Inner cities in america have people of color kill each other at record numbers. When was the last time you heard Slavs in america shoot and kill at least 4 people.

The word n**** is prevalently used by people of color. You guys can’t stop calling each other derogatory word. Imagine if Slavs called each other’s derogatory term in every sentence they say?


That's due to socio economic circumstances. I really don't know how to explain it.

There are some piss-poor eastern european countries with levels of violence much lower than US. Blacks may be poor in US, but eastern europeans are often even worse off, lol.

Nigerian immigrants are top performing in United States. There could be a whole argument about nature versus nurture but Nigerian immigrants prove that America is not racist.


But the Jim Crow Laws man. Redlining. Housing Segregation, Drug Laws

Why do "POC" believe that access to european communities is something they are entitled to? The reason huge suburbs even exist is desegregation of cities that soon caused white flight. White people just don't want to live with black people, even liberals.

Edward in PA #racist #wingnut

RE: Tensions Among Democrats Grow Over Israel as the Left Defends Palestinians

"If you support Black Lives Matter, it was not a difficult leap to saying Palestinian lives matter, too."

This could be all the impetus needed for Jewish voters to kiss the Democratic party goodbye.

I doubt it. The Jewish left is too powerful (and generally atheistic) and the majority Reform element tends to be lib wishy washy.

Most Jews see the writing on the wall. The Democratic Party has been infested to the point of plague with legions of radical leftist/anarchists who hate America, hate Israel, hates Jews, hate the idea of a traditional White, European country in the Western Tradition. And the non-White, White hating component of the "woke" wing is growing all the time.

More and more Jewish people have been giving serious consideration to and appreciation of the right side of the political spectrum -- where they belong. They realize that all their boo-hooing over the plight of Blacks and others has resulted in nothing but contempt and treachery. And that for all the effort expended, the Black man is still firmly entrenched at the bottom of the pile.

We don't have to love our enemies.

My whole life I've never viewed myself as any thing other than a White man. When, later in life, I heard Jew haters with their cockamamie histories and paranoia and their bizarre racial fantasies and concoctions classify us as some lower form of life, I was somewhat taken aback.

I'm half jewish. Blacks and other non-whites always bullied me for being "whites", never the jewish part.

Take heart. In my experience, Blacks are the most hate filled, racist people I've ever met. Their anti-White race hatred is endemic.

CatherineOfSienna #moonbat #sexist

RE: Are We Seeing An Uprise Of The Female Incel? | Evie Magazine

I thought you all might be interested in this hot take about femcels in something called Evie Magazine.

"Female incels, or "femcels," as they are more widely known, couldn’t possibly hold more abhorrence towards the male gender, especially their incel subgroups. Instead of looking, or even considering positive alterations to themselves, a femcel will blame men for their lack of relationships and success in finding love; much like the incel, they hold little consciousness of their own motivations or shortfalls and could never even fathom a man they could love that wasn’t absolutely flawless – to the point of appearing alien."

The whole article is linked in the title

Tell us more about it, Stacy. All of their covers and articles have pictures of gorgeous women on display, they clearly know how much good looks matter so what is their contention exactly? They want to lecture us as if we didn't have an entire subreddit dedicated to looksmaxxing. Oh and guess what, femcels who have no interest in undergoing surgery and investing their money in bettering their appearance are just as valid. No one deserves to go through what we went and go through simply for not being eye candy, reducing it to dating problems misses the broader picture. Do the ladies at Evie think all we need to do is lose weight and wear makeup to look average? If that was the case, our forums wouldn't exist. Pick me garbage.

While we're at it, their magazine is just bland boring crap, they brand themselves as a female centric publication that's supposed to work for our benefit when in reality their whole shtick is 'retvrn' to tradition propaganda. The writing sucks too.

Various Femcels #moonbat #sexist

Anyone Else Still Scared of Pretty Teenage Girls?

Any other adult women scared of teenage girls?

I'm in my late twenties but I recently went to a supermarket and had to shop in a section where there were high school girls loitering. They all seemed like Stacylites.

Shopping nearby them put me on edge and I couldn't shake the feeling they were watching me. They started laughing as I left the aisle, which doesn't necessarily mean they were laughing at me but it also doesn't rule it out either. ☠

Thank GOD for masks so they didn't see my goddamn face.

Teenage girls are major suifuel because they actually have time in their lives to make fun of you. They all also have phones so they can take creeper photos of you.

Adult normie women at least are busy so they ignore me for the most part.

Wouldn't say scared but seeing 14-16 year old girls who look more attractive and mature than me can be major suicidal fuel ngl. I'm 19 and can barely wear makeup meanwhile some middle schoolers can do a full face with no problems.

oh god absolutely yes. they seem to be wearing less and less, tighter and tighter which makes me sad as I used to be a mentor to them (mainly tWeens) in my past. and we all know who they do it for which breaks my heart because they will be continuously disapponted. anyways, i've had a girl call me a "bobblehead" right to my face and other things a bit more evil... it's crazy to be ushered into this place i wasn't prepared for. this place where i'm old, out of touch, single loser walking around my lonesome. they will be there in no time at all though.

Vox Day #fundie #crackpot #wingnut

[From “Home of the Atheidiot”, written in 2007]

This atheidiot clearly doesn't know that "atheist" Sweden had a state Lutheran church until 2000. Even today, only 23 percent of Swedes believe that there is not "any sort of spirit, god, or life force". That's why Sweden is only dying out instead of actively killing itself.

Chris Saccoccia and Kelly Anne Wolfe #quack #psycho

[Context: Chris Saccoccia is a leading Canadian anti-masker who was arrested for threaten to shoot several people including fellow anti masker Rob Carbone and trying to run a cop over with his car.]

In a video posted to Instagram Thursday afternoon, Kelly Anne Wolfe, another Canadian anti-mask leader, said that despite his Thursday bail hearing, Saccoccia is still behind bars and lamented the position he is currently in. “Chris is in jail…” she said in her video. “Yes, it is getting serious, it's getting very serious.” Wolfe, who has considerable sway in the anti-mask community, turned her attention to Carbone halfway through the video and told him repeatedly he was “done.” She called him said an “embarrassment to society” and described him as a “little kitten.” She ended her video with an ominous statement.
“Wait till you see what I do with this piece of shit. So you better run, but you'll never be able to hide because we're going to put you in jail where you fucking belong, you fucking pussy.”

Varg Vikernes #elitist #wingnut

And that is where we find the answer to my original question; Norwegians are so ruined by this Socialist ideology and by the fact that they go through life holding hands with the Soviet state that they feel they are not allowed to protect themselves or even others! Not when Norwegian women are being raped by immigrants in the streets, not when Norwegian men are assaulted by immigrants in the streets, and not on Utøya when a single man attacks 800 of them. They are expected to wait until the Soviet state (in form of the Norwegian police) arrives and protects them. The teenagers on Utøya probably even feared punishment from the state if they had tried to protect themselves!

Varg Vikernes #elitist #wingnut

What happens then, to all Norwegians who work, is that the state takes most of the money they earn, in form of extremely high taxes (my father payed more than 60% taxes at one point in his career!). In return the state provides them with everything they need; roads, police, a fire department, hospitals and so forth. The welfare system takes care of everyone. You are poor? No problem, the state will help you! You are sick? No problem, the state will help you! You cannot read or write properly? No problem, the state will take care of you! You are depressed? No problem, the state will help (medicate) you! (You want to die? No! You are not allowed to; you belong to the state!) Your car has been stolen? No problem, the state will help you! The car was completely smashed by the car thief? No problem, the state will help you! You have children? No problem, the state will raise them for you! Your children are not Marxists? No problem, the state will indoctrinate them for you! And so forth. The state needs all those tax money because the state takes care of everything! And don't you dare do anything yourself!

If you indeed try to do anything by yourself in Norway you are severely punished for it. Private business? Hell no! Tax them to death! You want to build your own house? Hell no! That is illegal in Norway unless you first attend a state controlled "house building course", lead of course by one of those losers who otherwise would have been unemployed. (This is by the way a good example of an "articifial job".) You want to protect yourself from physical assault, by beating up the assailant? Hell no! Go to prison you damn violent brute! You want to protect that woman being raped in the street over there? Hell no! We have a police for a reason! You beat up a rapists in action? That is assault; go to prison! You win a fist fight (even if you were attacked)? Go to prison! You lose a fist fight (even if you are the aggressor)? Poor, you; we will hold your hand...

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