Donald J. Trump #wingnut

(submitters note: Memo by Donald Trump towards The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol)

Dear Chairman Thompson,


The same group of Radical Left Democrats who utilized their Majority position in Congress to create the fiction of Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the $48 Million Mueller Report (which ended in No Collusion!), Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, the atrocious and illegal Spying on my Campaign, and so much more, are the people who created this Committee of highly partisan political Hacks and Thugs whose sole function is to destroy the lives of many hard-working American Patriots, whose records in life have been unblemished until this point of attempted ruination. The double standard of the Unselects between what has taken place on the “RIGHT,” and what has taken place with Radical Left, lawless groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and others, is startling and will never be acceptable, even to those who will be writing the history of what you have done to America.

This memo is being written to express our anger, disappointment, and complaint that with all of the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on what many consider to be a Charade and Witch Hunt, and despite strong and powerful requests, you have not spent even a short moment on examining the massive Election Fraud that took place during the 2020 Presidential Election, and have targeted only those who were, as concerned American Citizens, protesting the Fraud itself. Those who committed the Fraud, thereby having created the Crime of the Century, go unblemished and untouched, but those who fought the Crime have suffered a fate that was unthinkable just a short time ago. We have a two-tier system of Justice in the United States that cannot be allowed to continue. A Majority of people in our Country say that the Presidential Election of 2020 was determinatively dishonest, including the fact that many Legislatures were overridden by local and State politicians and judges on vital regulations and requirements, which is totally illegal and UNCONSTITUTIONAL. In February 2021, Time Magazine broke the story of the shadow campaign that was launched to rig the 2020 Presidential Election.
The authors write:

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia

I exalt my God and Savior Jesus Christ ☦️ and stand against demonic #lgbtqpedo attacks on 4 year old children🕊️ #disney owned media admitted publicly that brainwashing children in the name of education is the gay agenda 🕯️

2020: the Russian constitution specifies that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, effectively banning gay marriage 👏 ☦️🕊️ Lord Jesus Christ thank you for those willing to stand for righteousness against demonic alliances 🛐 unite Us in heart mind soul and body with your love and holy will 🔥 Deliver us from the evil one ☦️ pray other nations join this holy call to restore marriage and to fight against this assault by #lgbtqpedo forces 🤝
#holiness #marriage

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The FBI is totally corrupt. They blatantly used their power to get a cognitively impaired Democrat elected President - In TWO Elections. THEY SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN and now, BROKE INTO MY HOME, using a Radical Left Trump Hating Magistrate to grant approval, and indiscriminately STOLE everything within reach, including my Passports. They even “riffled” through the First Lady’s closets, dresses and drawers. They are an out of control group of highly partisan “mobsters,” a real threat to democracy!

@realdonaldtrump Hmm, maybe you should have done something about the FBI during your four years as president, rather than just focusing all your efforts towards giving free shit to niggers and Israel.



@realdonaldtrump The FBI is a national police force. The U.S. Constitution does not empower the Federal Government to establish a national police force. The FBI is an unconstitutional body that must be abolished!

@DanHunt @realdonaldtrump they are the new NKVD


@realdonaldtrump Abolish the FBI and ALL the alphabet agencies!


@AudioArcher @realdonaldtrump we are neither. We are the corporation doing business as the United States of America and have been since 1871. But they'll Pat you on the head until you're a good boy girl whatever for believing that this is still a constitutional republic. It is not. It is a corporation with shareholders and you are not one of the shareholders.

@realdonaldtrump The FBI, CDC, NIH and IRS should be defunded.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
States have a right to repel the invasion at our southern border. We don't need to be driving illegals further into the country on busses, we need to build the wall, deport them all, and protect our borders.

@DrPaulGosar This will be remembered as one of the greatest documentaries of all time. Europa the last battle, was intragle in my awakening and countless others.
Everything is about to change! #welcometothegreatWhiteawakening

@DrPaulGosar why can’t Abbott drive them south instead of north? Serious question.

@Emmee83 @DrPaulGosar Some of the border patrol agents are working against the National Guards. NG locked the gate & BP unlocked it for the illegals. The cartel has infiltrated the Border Patrol, some of these border state Governors are making money off this invasion. Abbott is traitor & has tied to China.

@Emmee83 @DrPaulGosar All the commies live in the North and since they are responsible for supporting the dismantling of the border then they should foot the bill for the illegals foisted on the South. IF you don't like living in the North then MOVE. I moved from the North to the South a few years ago and my only regret is not moving sooner.

@Emmee83 @DrPaulGosar Bacause Abbott is a phony arse RINO.

@Emmee83 @DrPaulGosar - Because Abbott has been in on the scam to destroy our Republic all along. He could have stopped this when it started.


Will there be an Operation Wetback 2.0 to remove the 4.9m (so far) illegal immigrants that have crossed?

Any liberals who defend them should have a special tax added to their pay roll. Make them pay for what they believe. It is the only way!

@DrPaulGosar Article IV section 4 of the Constitution covers a treasonous fed that does not secure the border and the States and people taking over that duty. And does say to hang the traitors in the fed.

Yes, white erasure must be rejected in totality.

@DrPaulGosar Indeed, but that doesn’t happen unless we start naming the primary driving force behind this invasion: Jews.

Herschel Walker #sexist #wingnut

Herschel Walker: anti-abortion Senate nominee denies media report he paid for abortion in 2009

A Republican nominee for the US Senate, who strongly opposes abortion rights, has denied a Daily Beast report that he paid for an abortion for a former girlfriend in 2009. Herschel Walker, a former American football player who is running for the US Senate in Georgia, called the accusation a “flat-out lie” and says he will sue the news outlet for defamation.

The Daily Beast published claims from a woman who says Walker paid for her abortion when they were dating. The woman, who was not named, claimed the allegation was supported by a receipt showing a $575 payment for the procedure, along with a get-well card, purportedly from Walker.

According to The Daily Beast, her bank deposit records show the image of a $700 personal check, purportedly from Walker, dated five days after the abortion receipt.

The woman claimed in The Daily Beast report that Walker encouraged her to end the pregnancy, saying that the time wasn’t right for a baby.

In a statement, Walker said he would file a lawsuit against the news outlet.

“This is a flat-out lie and I deny this in the strongest terms possible,” he wrote.

Matt Fuller, the politics editor for The Daily Beast, tweeted in response: “I can tell you we stand behind every word and feel very solid about the story.”

The allegation against Walker is the latest in a series of stories about the former football star’s past that have rocked the first-time candidate’s campaign in one of the most competitive Senate races in the country. Earlier this year, Walker acknowledged reports that he had three children that he had not previously talked about publicly.

As a Senate hopeful, Walker has supported a national ban on abortions with no exceptions for cases involving rape, incest or a woman’s health being at risk.

“I’m for life,” Walker has said repeatedly as he campaigns. When asked about whether he’d allow for any exceptions, he has said there are “no excuses” for the procedure.

Maxim Mankevich #magick #god-complex #mammon

Soul Master: How you unleash your soul powers and make the Universe your ally

Imagine that you could not fail and that the Universe gives you 100% support in your mission. You live in harmony with your creative soul and out of a sudden, all cosmic forces go into resonance with you. How does that feel?

Maxim Mankevich, Speaker and expert for Success-Knowledge, already has inspired thousands of people and accompanied them on their path to personal excellency. He knows the laws of the Universe and makes them useable for everyone in Soul Master. His thesis: The Universe supports us without reservation once we bring ourselves in harmony with our soul task. We discover our radiant core and awaken our inner genius step by step.

This audiobook is a treasure chest full of practical tools for different areas of life: [psyche/soul], relationship, calling, money, [happiness/luck]. environs, spirituality, consciousness and creation. Included online course and numerous tests, checklists and meditations.

Original GermanSoul Master: Wie du deine Seelenkräfte entfesselst und das Universum auf deine Seite bringst

Stell dir vor, du kannst nicht scheitern und das Universum unterstützt dich zu 100 Prozent bei deiner Mission. Du lebst im Einklang mit deiner schöpferischen Seele und auf einmal gehen alle kosmischen Kräfte mit dir in Resonanz. Wie fühlt sich das an?

Maxim Mankevich, Speaker und Experte für Erfolgswissen, hat bereits Tausende von Menschen inspiriert und auf dem Weg zu ihrer persönlichen Exzellenz begleitet. Er kennt die Gesetze des Universums und macht sie in Soul Master für jeden Menschen nutzbar. Seine These: Das Universum stellt sich uneingeschränkt hinter uns, sobald wir uns in Einklang mit unserer Seelenaufgabe bringen. Wir entdecken unseren leuchtenden Kern und erwecken Schritt für Schritt unser inneres Genie.

Dieses Hörbuch ist eine Schatzkiste voller Praxis-Tools zu verschiedenen Lebensbereichen: Seele, Beziehung, Berufung, Geld, Glück, Umfeld, Spiritualität, Bewusstsein und Kreation. Inklusive Online-Kurs und zahlreichen Tests, Checklisten & Meditationen.

Dr. Leon James #fundie #magick Trigrammatic Gene Structures

Trigrammatic gene structures were discussed in Section Consider the following chart. [...]


Love Wisdom Use
Celestial Spiritual Natural
Third heaven Second heaven First heaven
Doctrinal things Knowledges Memory-knowledges
Will Understanding Sensory (action)
Source Cause Effect
Inmost Intermediate Outermost
Divine Essence Divine Existere Divine Proceeding
Creation Redemption Salvation
Abraham Isaac Jacob
Jerusalem Assyria Egypt
Charity Faith Good works
Father Son Holy Spirit
Divine Love Divine Truth Divine Proceeding
Spiritual heat Spiritual Light Spiritual influx
Affective Cognitive Scientific (sensorimotor)
Celestial-rational Spiritual-rational Interior-natural
Lamb Mules Horses
Mountains Rivers Springs
Ideas Knowledge Faith

Those who are familiar with the Writings of Swedenborg will recognize the above trigrammatic units as appearing everywhere and entering into numerous rational presentations and explanations. Each trigrammatic unit encapsulates a rational theme that needs to be reconstructed in the mind in order to make sense of it.

Now inspect each column separately by looking up and down. Do each column in turn. What do you notice about the overall syntactic theme of each? The syntactic theme is not related to the content of the words in any obvious manner. So if you're looking for a relationship based on the literal meaning, you will have a hard time finding the difference.

Dr. Vernon Coleman #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #racist

I genuinely believe that rabid enemies such as Soros, Blair, HRH Charles (the HRH stands for His Royal Hypocrite), the Rothschilds, Schwab, Gates, Musk, Biden, the Bilderbergers et al are the most evil conspirators to have ever walked this earth.

The Evil Hornswogglers should be hung, drawn and quartered. When, in the name of God, justice, humanity, wisdom and hope are the moronic mask wearers, the lockdown-lovers and the witless, covid jabbed collaborators going to wake up to reality?

I believe that through the auspices of the World Economic Forum and Common Purpose, they have recruited an army of rancid servants to protect them and to take control of every aspect of the world we used to know. This is a deliberate, global coup. The same things are happening everywhere. Nothing is happening by accident. What we dismiss as woke triviality is, in truth, part of the takeover. Universities, trade unions, large organisations from the National Trust to the MCC, have all been hi-jacked.

And through fear, brain washing and psy-op trickery they have conned a huge army of panty-waisted, lily-livered, craven, cryptorchid myrmidons to support their corruption and their trickery.

I loathe the conspirators and their handmaidens but I loathe the myrmidons, the collaborators, just as much. Right from the start I warned that the collaborators would do the most harm. Without their complicity the conspirators would have got nowhere.
The witless, innumerate, illiterate fools who sorted their recycling, obeyed the lockdown rules, meekly wore their pathetic, flowery masks, accepted their deadly jabs and believed in the cult of global warming and the fake pandemic have opened the door to the Great Reset, the new normal and a lethal, toxic brew of communism and fascism that will assuredly destroy us all. (The circle of political ideology puts fascism and communism at the same point on the circle. The two are, for practical purposes, indistinguishable.)

Redemption News #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

Finally – Q-Phone Will Be Distributed – NEW! (8G Tech) – The Future Is Here !!!

October 12, 2022

Six billion Q-Phone smartphones have already been manufactured and packaged.

Developed and manufactured in Germany and England and distributed free of charge to all mankind.

It is ready for delivery any time to people all over the world.

However, Deep State employees will not be distributed [receive one?].

Steve Jobs is truly alive and leading the development of the Q-Phone as one of [an] Army [of] Angels.

[It] corresponds [with] the QFS. (Quantum Financial System)

It works on 8G network.

The recent shortage of semiconductors was caused by making Q-Phones for all mankind.

The final announcement from GESARA awaits Q-phone.

We believe that once Q-phones can be distributed to people all over the world…it will start with [trigger?] the RV Tier Humanitarian Fund deposit.

Once worldwide (debt forgiveness) is confirmed, GESARA will begin.

Doctor Charlie Ward and Mr. Simon Parks signed the NDA and received the Q-phone.

There are several types of Q-phones and they can be sent at any time.

The Q-Phone is being developed by Elon Musk and the Alliance.

BLOGMAN - BLACKSMITH OF TRUTH #crackpot #conspiracy #magick

The word “alcohol” is said to come from the arabic term “Al-khul” which means “BODY-EATING SPIRIT” (also, is the origin of the term” ghoul”).

In alchemy, alcohol is used to extract the soul essence of an entity. Hence its’ use in extracting essences for essential oils, and the sterilization of medical instruments. By consuming alcohol into the body, it in effect extracts the very essence of the soul, allowing the body to be more susceptible to neighboring entities most of which are of low frequencies. (why do you think we call certain alcoholic beverages “SPIRITS”). That is why people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol often black out, not remembering what happened. This happens when the good soul (we were sent here with) leaves because the living conditions are too polluted and too traumatic to tolerate. The good soul jettisons the body, staying connected on a tether, and a dark entity takes the body for a joy ride around the block, often in a hedonistic and self serving illogical rampage. Our bodies are cars for spirits. If one leaves, another can take the car for a ride.
The solutions to our crumbling society are only to be found within our non polluted collective humanity, not within modern science and the death cult it represents, Our dark and immoral human farmers masquerade as altruistic governments, who then serve us up to dark spiritual entities that feed off our energies when we consume alcohol and a host of other toxic substances they rain down from the top of the ruling pyramid. We’re slaves living on an elaborate control grid…..based on indoctrination, propaganda, chemical sedation, toxic medication and we’re even used as food energy for dark spirits who live outside the frequency of visible sight. I haven’t drank alcohol in almost 5 years. Now, the dark spirits are in fear of me and that’s the way it was always meant to be. Join the moral rebirth of humanity, unslave, reject the poison and lets get to work doing what we know has to be done.

Climate Change Agenda #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

This website is intended to bring public awareness to the ongoing and decades in development global climate engineering operations which have long since rendered natural weather a thing of the distant past. Every day around the world there are dozens of companies conducting hundreds of weather modification programs and altering global weather patterns, yet the vast majority of the general public have no idea such Godlike capabilities even exist.

Chemtrailing, scientifically known as ‘Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering’ (SAG) is what governments around the world are now proposing as a supposed solution to combat global warming. This is the process of using commercial airliners to inject millions of tons of substances into the atmosphere in an attempt to reflect incoming sunlight back out to space and hence cool the planet. Harvard University refers to this proposed artificial cloud layer as a ‘Solar Shield’. Although Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering is officially denied by the establishment, thousands of people every day around the world are documenting commercial airliners obliterating the atmosphere with long persisting jet trails that turn beautiful blue sky days into chemical/EMF white outs, which is exactly what governments ‘propose’ doing.
This has been a long planned out agenda of global domination by the controlling elites and they have only gotten to this point because their entire deception relies on public ignorance to operate. But we are now living in the age of information and we can turn that ignorance into knowledge and understanding of the deception. Once that happens en masse the house of cards will begin to fall. In short climate engineering operations are causing global climate chaos which governments are now using, along with COVID-19, as the pretext to enslave the human race in a green communism/medical tyranny straight jacket. George Orwell’s 1984 is here.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Expansion on the Queen Elizabeth Piece: The World Has Been Conditioned To Accept That Their Visible Leaders Have No Actual Authority (cough, Biden, cough)"]

All of us today have been conditioned to not only accept but casually and easily take it for granted that the people we see presented as heads of state have no real power or authority[…]
Presidents had real power, and ran the Executive Branch. Queen Victoria[…]wielded massive power and caused a real constitutional crisis when she refused to have new ladies-in-waiting[…]
High-ranking public officials, heads of state, monarchs and THE POPE (and I’m talking about actual Popes, not Antipope Bergoglio) used to wield genuine authority. Pope Benedict’s catastrophic failure was a lack of faith in the authority that he possesses[…]
Pope Benedict himself, a product of the 20th century German/Nouvelle Theologie school, fell for this Modernist lie that the Pope has no REAL authority, because monarchy is a supposedly “expired” paradigm in the “modern, democratized world”[…]
Pope Benedict to this day has universal jurisdiction over the entire world, even the entire physical universe, literally. Pope Benedict is the Pope on the moon, and in the Andromeda Galaxy, and on every point of light the the James Webb telescope is showing us[…]
It seems “natural” for Trad Inc partisans, not to mention Novus Ordo Catholics, to justify their totally irrational and self-contradictory insistence that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope and that Pope Benedict validly resigned (which he CLEARLY, OBVIOUSLY did not) by citing, even if just internally, the fact that leaders in the post-Christian west are understood and assumed to be figurehead puppets[…]
The Pope has REAL AUTHORITY, because it was given to him by Jesus Christ Himself in the Gospels[…]Look at every Protestant and Schismatic church on earth – the one word that sums it all up is CHAOS

Euterpe #transphobia

Mother Rowling's Radfem Rhymes #19?

Verse 1:

If your son is in your wardrobe, get him out!¹ (x2)

Teach a lesson while you can, before he grows into a man, so²

If your son is in your wardrobe, get him out!

Verse 2:

If your daughter's into girls, then it's okay! (x2)

Oh, the world would be much better if we dropped the final letters!

If your daughter's into girls, then it's okay!

Verse 3:

If their schools are teaching bullshit, pull them out!³ (x2)

Things can quickly turn out sour when the men have all the power,⁴

If their schools are teaching bullshit, pull them out!

Verse 4:

If they still say they're dysphoric, take 'em outside!⁵ (x2)

Nature's such a good solution to the whole gender confusion,⁶

If they still say they're dysphoric, take 'em outside!

Verse 5:

If they're always on the web, then shut it down!⁷ (x2)

They could put themselves in danger if they're having chats with strangers,

If they're always on the web, then shut it down!

Verse 6:

If your husband drinks the Kool-Aid, turn away!⁸ (x2)

Try to emphasize prevention, for he jerks off to attention,

If your husband drinks the Kool-Aid, turn away!


¹ - This might entail physically locking your wardrobe, or even adapting a more "boring" wardrobe, if the situation necessitates such.

² - I am decidedly not one of those terven who believe in "normalizing men in dresses/skirts" or "clothes should be clothes". Feel free to disagree in the comments if you'd like, but from firsthand experience as a mother of two boys I am assured that Little Timmy stealing your attire is almost always predictive of a dangerous fetish (AGP), and if you're a mother in a similar situation you should make it clear that boys and men do not dress like that, rather than reinforcing his passions.

³ - I recommend Catholic schools, even if your household isn't Catholic. They're surprisingly liberal for what you might think.

⁴ - Just as they have been for almost all of history.

⁵ - This is surprisingly effective for trans-identified youth of both semesters. I cannot recommend it more highly.

⁶ - Here's a question to muse upon. If a man transitioned to a woman in the middle of the forest, is he still trans?

⁷ - This is unfortunately getting harder and harder to do in today's era, I'm afraid. But still, make every effort to try!

Congresswoman Yvette Herrell & Varous commenters #wingnut

(Congresswoman Yvette Herrell)
The possible leak of a Supreme Court decision is an unprecedented attack on the independence of the court. But if SCOTUS indeed leans toward protecting Life, I hope you will join me in praying that they decide wisely.

(Official Tea Party USA)
"The familiar game plan of identity politics is to reduce individuals to a group, and then to define that group in such a way that it appears perpetually vulnerable. “Birthing people”, like inventing the notion that every black person is just a police encounter away from sudden racist death, is the Marxist reductionism of everything that makes us human to power relationships."

"Having erased women, the Left tells “birthing people” to take pride in dead children. "


Why would you doubt that rescinding a decision by SCOTUS that wasn’t based on constitutional foundation to be unwise? Why would you doubt that the saving of innocent defenseless unborn be unwise? If you have those doubts, then we should pray for you not with you.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Our country is being looted blind by war mongers and illegal aliens.

The American People are sick of it.

We need an Immigration Moratorium and we need a Foreign Aid Moratorium.

@DrPaulGosar Don't forget mass deportation.

@NDMilford @DrPaulGosar Get them early and often.

@NDMilford @DrPaulGosar's where it's the usual rope a dope the commies(uniparty controllers) will use for the uniparty, here's what their shtick will be, they'll "compromise" and tell you because of broad support for immigrants already here, dems will give them amnesty and you'll get your "moratoriums"...not really, because they will allow it to continue under the guise of funding because you know, Israel needs more money to make their border wall better or some other equally insulting lie...but hey, nothing wrong with dreaming a little bit, because that shit will never happen....NEVER!

Antiwhites are trying to white erase us out of our own country.

@DrPaulGosar AND, at the same time, we need to start deporting the 40+ million illegals already here.

@DrPaulGosar We need to hang every member of Congress for the treason of allowing the Federal Reserve to exist. Every bribed, lying cocksucker in Congress is lying about this by keeping their slimy mouths shut.

@DrPaulGosar we just need to get rid of all the Jews… when you realize the germans were the good guys all the jew bullshit makes sense

@DrPaulGosar name the jew, faggot

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Joe Biden, you said, "there is no place for political violence in America, period.. we the people must say, ‘this is not who we are.’”

The left is the party of violence.

Your party owes a debt to society for many killed & over $2 billion in destruction of American communities.

@repmtg EXPELL THE JEWS!!!

@repmtg hey Joe how about this for political VIOLENCE !!

The left are antiwhites, and the democrat party is the party of antiwhitism and destruction of both America and western civilization.


@repmtg If you haven't done it recently watch the 2020 DNC convention. The whole theme is to 'fan the flames' of civil unrest. They use the mantra of diversity,inclusion and equality but they just want all moderate or conservatives to shut up or die. Joe just said it louder last night.

@OregonianUSA @repmtg they’re the ones that wouldn’t even allow the name of God to be mentioned at one of their DNC conventions until the public cried out so loud that they backpedpedled on it.…and that’s because they worship Satan not God…. They are the children of the father of lies.

So did he call out the blm/antifa niggers?

That rhetoric is only okay when democrats use it against republicans tho! Democrats are commies and need to be treated as such!

Anonymous #fundie

If we needed to know more about the demons, the Bible would have told us. Complicated mythologies about spirit beings and their hierarchy are, in the end, nothing more than products of the human imagination, possibly influenced by demons

MelianMarionette #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut

I honestly think that most of the disagreement isn't homophobia though. Homophobia, in my mind, requires an active hate of transgender people. [correction - transphobia is hatred of trans, homophobia is hatred of gay/lesbians, my bad, but same argument] It's a necessary ingrediant. Disagreeing on Leftist LGBTQ doctrine and dogma is not the same as hate. Much of it is a system of belief that a person either accepts, or they don't. You cannot prove conclusively for me that gender exists on some kind of continuum. I can just say that what we are observing is variations of personality traits within one of only two existing genders (effeminate men and masculine women). Psychology is a soft science. A lot of it comes down to what semantics you prefer to use. You cannot force everyone, everwhere, to believe what you believe. Gender ideology doctrine has become a pseudo-religion or pseudo-science IMO. Much of the "arguments" for it are emotional appeals, shaming, and then accusations, name calling and threats. I refuse to join because an angry mob wants to police my thoughts.

[SUBMITTER’S NOTE: MelianMarionette is a fake identity made up by a predatory pedophile to cozy up to young girls on Deviantart. Gives you some idea of what kind of company Clairy likes, doesn’t it?]

Spacergirl003 #transphobia #wingnut

I may not be agreeable with the whole LGBWTF- (I'd rather not say the last three, because we all know what that means and the actual term itself is super long anyway and the '-' means no respect toward anyone's opinion of them), and it's tough to be acceptable toward anyone from that community without sacrificing your own spiritual integrity, but even I would do simply this: respect the person for any identity under the sun and see each other as humans with skills, thoughts and hearts even. I've known one at my work who used to work with us there and I go to a community college where inclusivity and diversity is a thing (just not as invasive or disrespectful as Twit Show Schitter site).

The problem with the LGBWTF- (if not most) and other SCB (Social Cry Babies) twats is that they don't even know what respect, consideration or even tolerance means anymore or if ever. All they ever know is their skin, sexual organs, pronouns, and the whole 'stunning and brave' crap. Do I need to say more about woke culture and Hollywood? Heck no! It's far too draining and I would rather focus more on my class projects and writing [irrelevant overly long description of Frozen fanfic].

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon

Quantum Jumping Service:

Only Tim Rifat is the world expert in psychic applications of Quantum Jumping; the world’s leading scientific expert who came up with Hyperinfinity collapse of Quantum Wave Functions – the so called Quantum Jumping. Tim Rifat is the only entrepreneur scientist that holds Trademarks in Mind Over Matter®, Supernatural Spirit®, Psychotronic Generators®, Bone Generators® (the mechanism for Quantum Jumping via Hyperinfinity), Sublime Good®, Psychotronic Crystals®, Psychotronic Crystalware® in Psychic Consultancy; which via Hyperinfinity, fully defines and encapsulates Quantum Jumping.
A) The Talking Bone Generator® to control the Hyperinfinity given off by the talking animals to be used by the Psi-Master. For use in your left hand (receive) right hand (to give) Bone Generators®. As 7 billion human animals talk incessantly to collapse Quantum Jumping to form the Matrix, the energy and Hyperinfinity to be used are vast. Cost $600
Now why is talking so important to Quantum Jumping? The 7 billion talking animals to not act as Copenhagen Interpretation Observers to collapse the Quantum Wave Functions. No. They talk about the things told to turn them by the Insectile in their energy body, called the Human Mind.
To manually control Quantum Jumping you can download the negative Psychokinesis, housed in the death spot on your left shoulder blade, into any target to boost your Quantum Jumping capabilities. To do this hold your Quantum Jumping Psychotronic Generator®, Psychotronic Crystal® to the left hand should blade using your left hand. Then touch the right hand to the target and tap it 169x to download negative Hyperinfinity and Psychokinesis into the target. This can be done again and again… To boost your Quantum Jumping. This done by visualising what you want and what you don’t want as you download your death spot into 7 billion wageslaves, Archons, Rothschilds, banks, countries, governments, Memes and Demonic Gods… Supernatural Spirits®.

Hal Turner/Captain Kyle #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #crackpot

Hal Turner news. Two Russian doomsday nuclear weapons loaded airplanes are airborne from the nuclear arsenal. Posters all over Russia say, “Alaska is Ours.” So Alaska might be the target but it could be Scotland since King Charles III declared war on Russia the alternative news media reported a couple of weeks ago. Or NATO headquarters. Unknown what the targets are. Just hunches. The Russian govt is telling the people there that the West is going to nuke Russia. Looks like Russia might start the exchange with the nuke bombers airborne. Pray for peace in Jerusalem so there will be peace in the world.

Captain Kyle on Telegram:

- Med beds are made in several countries: they have been manufactured 24/7/365 since 2020 producing 5000 per day
- Walmarts have been militarized and their computer systems interface with military operations.
Fed Ex and Amazon have been nationalized , taken over by the White Hats and will operate when the military takes over publicly.
- Medbeds can be used for Mental disorders and return normal function to the brain. PTSD can also be healed.
- Those who have lost limbs can have them regenerated but will have to go through a process of therapy to use them as they did before they were lost.
- Free Electricity will be available fairly early in the process as the grid is already built out for it, the electrical source will be Tesla electric as opposed to electric fired by Fossil fuels.
- Trump’s Border Wall is also designed to produce electric power and is set to release an energetic frequency at 432 megahertz which is healing frequency for human beings.
- Ascending to a higher level of frequency allows your brain to operate, learn, and understand more information, emotions and the spiritual aspect of our lives.
- Biden will be removed in the midst of the chaos and immediately removed using the 25th amendment.
- NESARA will be released early in the process so people don’t panic and feel that they are financially in trouble.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist

[From "@BeverlyBain13 - I can't wait to read about how the vestiges of a great civilization collapse when an inferior people try operating them"]


So proud of myself have not turned on the TV or radio once since “that”event. Busy writing about anti- colonial uprising in the Caribbean. It feels like a more appropriate option in this moment. @refusalofempire
6:41PM·Sep 9, 2022

"The event" which Miss Bain (let's all admit right now she hasn't found a nice man and settled down under the bonds of holy matrimony) refers to was the tragic death last month of our beloved Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II

Instead she's writing about the continued movement, based of course on retarded idiocy (as so many things her kind promotes are, of course), to leave the sensible Constitutional Monarchy which the British Empire in its infinite wisdom blessed so many of its realms with and replace them with republics, which with a tiny number of exceptions have all become completely botched and undesirable shitholes within a generation or two

Barbados fell into darkness earlier this year, and nigger activists in other countries are working hard to replicate that process (especially before another example goes tits-up and even the dumbest nigger in Jamaica starts wondering if any of this is worth it)

You just know that as Bain writes about these "uprisings" she won't dare mention what happened when Her Royal Highness had to endure a variety of similar uprisings by niggers this time still back in niggerland. Let's go through a quick summary:
[Lists of Black-majority countries along with dreadful facts]
The common theme I want you to observe here is that one certainly can't lay the blame of these countries' misfortunes on "colonialism". Even if colonialism were a bad thing (and it ain't), it was clearly a superior system to the Afro-Marxism nightmare that came next

Medusa91 , hypatia & OneryBox #transphobia

White TIM on Twitter is told where to go when he defends BW being called "birthing people"

( Medusa91 )
I’m so convinced that there is a heavy, heavy incel and neonazi cross over that become TIMs, like yeah a lot got groomed by porn or people “cracking eggs” but there’s so many white TIMs who use their status of “oppressed trans woman” to shout down and cancel black women and women of colour who speak out (they’ve got their fair share of white handmaidens too).

I’m white and honestly pretty ignorant all things considered but I see it so often that it’s really peaked my interest.

They’re the first to be like:

Support black owned buisness 🥰

Friendly reminder to center black voices 🤗

ACAB/ BLM ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿

But then the moment they don’t agree with something that a (particularly) black woman has said they shout her down, cancel her, drag her buisness and professional life etc.

Diverting slightly but they love to speak over WOC too, I was on diet paradas Instagram page the other day and they were talking about some shitty woman who sold a fake vintage bag in her vintage boutique, there was video footage of the black woman who had purchased the bag trying to return it to the store and explain to the owner why she was annoyed, it was filmed by her husband and uploaded to the internet. But diet Prada, who’s one of the biggest fashion Instagram pages, ended the videos with a white effeminate man (idk if he was gay or a gender special or what) talking about his OUTRAGE at how this could happen to this poor black woman. Like…? She’s not a child why didn’t you contact her or her husband for a statement? Who’s this nobody speaking for her? She’s a grown woman she can speak for herself? Anyone who watched the videos she and her husband uploaded understood the situation but we’ve gotta make sure to have the white man with his sassy attitude and highlighter hair colour remind us why this is bad.

It was… it really rubbed me the wrong way.

( hypatia )
The neonazi to transcel pipeline is definitely real, enough so that it's a stereotype

( OneryBox )
I completely agree with the incel/neonazi crossover. There are way too many similarities between them and TiMs. And the minute you give white men "ultimate victim status" they're going to talk over and degrade POC and women.

Jasuuvius #homophobia #sexist

Any other stories on the ENTIRETY of the goddamn internet with a like minded plot and theme? Everything else is written by weebs and soyboys and simps. There are no other stories like this. No stories about a badass overpowered MALE dragonborn that isn't fucking pathetic. I'm tired of searching for what should be a quick Google search. Everything else is drenched in anime and faggotry

various commenters #sexist

Why are men happy to die in war, while women flee and fuck other men?
Something I don't quite understand. Ukraine is like a hotspot of feminism. You've got femen there, this ultra feminist group that uses their tits to promote feminism. And they always talk about equality, quality, equality, and how the ukraine war is a war for freedom and equality. Yet now in the ukraine war, the men there fight and die, and their women flee the country and fuck other men in other countries. Why are men ok with that?
And why are men in the west constantly talking about equality when they are the only ones who will have to fight and die in wars?

Women are not born with moral compass and natural hypocrite.

Feminist will keep screaming about feminism until it's inconvenient for them (i.e. going to war), now suddenly women are the lesser being to men so they don't have to go to war.

IMO feminism is is merely manifestation of women's nature. They'll shed no remorse their men die in war, demand equality when it's convenient, they'll fuck whoever wins the war.

Why give Ukraine as the sole example of this? Russian women are notorious whores even among whores which are all women. The odds of deployed Russian servicemen getting cucked are very high.

And they are being cucked by choice. Ukrainian men can't even legally flee their country. They are fucked.

feminist are more than happy to use men as meat shields, and will rationalize it as men are the causers of wars, in their insane little minds if their boyfriend died protecting them from a robber, both the actions of the robber and the boyfriend are canceled by each other, because they are both male, feminism is a subprotect of marxism, which divide society in a bunch of classes instead of individuals, such as "women, poor, rich, men, black, white, jew, etc" and then these groups have historical debts based on perceived oppression. in their insane logic a black women who is a billionaire lacks the privileged of a white homeless guy.

and the same apply to feminism, somehow they think the soldier being blown up to pieces defending his country is equivalent to the one invading the same country, and in the end both this soldiers are only following orders by Mega Wealth and Politicians, because they are too scared of getting killed for desertion.

@deleterium #wingnut

#abortion #abortionlaw #Progressives #prochoice
We charge a murderer who kills a pregnant woman with two counts of murder; if Abortion is not murder, and a fetus is not considered a human life, then why double charge a murderer? Either killing a child in a mother's womb is murder or it's not murder, which is it?

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
I’ve introduced legislation directing Merrick Garland to provide a copy of the unredacted affidavit related to the raid on President Trump.


spoilerdemonrats and other swamp creatures
(including RINOs) are fighting for a
democracy (mob rule) which leads to
socialism. The United States is not and
has never been a democracy.
Conservatives are fighting for the Republic
(protecting the rights of the minority) and
the Constitution.
Big difference between the two. The
deceivers are brainwashing the
uneducated and the idiots into supporting
something we have never been and no
freedom loving American wants.
Those who promote "democracy" are anti-
American socialists even if they
masquerade as conservatives. Do not be
fooled - fight for the Republic, not mob
rule anti-constitution democracy.

@DrPaulGosar How far do you think it will go and do you really think he'll obey it even if passed? You forgot that only the right plays by the rules. The left plays by the Rules For Radicals.

@EDeplorabusUnum @DrPaulGosar these are the same people who still point out "election fraud" and call marxist "Nazis." You are correct, there will be no results

@DrPaulGosar its a nice thought but we know nothing will come of it dem dictatorship is fully entrenched

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Biden has likened every MAGA Republican and Trump supporter to a domestic terrorist.

Republicans must be proactive.

We must dismantle the corrupt FBI and fire the deep state.

@DrPaulGosar Biden is antiwhite, the FBI are antiwhites, the deep state are antiwhites.

@DrPaulGosar But the republicans have a history of being afraid to stand up. Only Donald Trump had the balls to stand up.

@DrPaulGosar Goodluck with that
This speech was written and approved by Israel which 99.99% of the GOP worships also.
So nothing will happen

@DrPaulGosar Fire the deep state? Who is that exactly? Who will you fire? Name them. Will this include all of the degenerate, depraved and immoral pukes in congress? Tell us how you are going to accomplish this now that the communists are in power. Be specific because you Republicans are notoriously vague and almost never follow through.

@DrPaulGosar Dictator JOE Biden and his DEMONRATS' gang are an evil-doer, a warmonger,a cheater,a liar and an arrogant tyrant.

@DrPaulGosar Weird how the 'domestic terrorists' tend to attack citizens where they are most vulnerable but the government where they are most fortified. 🤔

Burlyman #fundie #homophobia #transphobia

I can show you a YouTube video if you want regarding LGBT "love" :)

A preacher who just says the fundamental doctrine of Jesus Christ and gets LGBT people (not all of them) mad and cursing him for having his own opinion (the truth). 9_9

Oh, I forgot, there's another video of a "transgender" (a man) who gets so mad at a GameStop employee for using his correct pronoun but not the one he wanted. He starts kicking things over in the store.

Whiplash347 #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

<Links removed>

US Embassy & Consulates across China just issued emergency warning on 10/12 via email:

You can also Gregorian to Julian this to SOLAR ECLIPSE.
[11.3] (S) King Charles
[11.4] (♥️) [~] Overnight Cyber
[11.5] V Oct 15 >Oct 28 [10:10] Q1 5 yr Delta, Ultimatum. h
[11.6] [11_6] mirror 911.
When Prince Andrew Goes, Trump Presidency Made Public
William dissolves the UK Royals
CASTLE ROCK. Free XLM fees on Lobstr til here.

The FLOOD will come from beneath.
Remember DC
When River beds recede‼️

<Separate Post>


Dan Scavino Times Square NYC
V gonna appear in Times Square?
No Stock Without Source

Who ordered the illegal spying?
I mean who really did?
Think 5eyes/Fvey
Is King Charles gonna take it for his Mom?
She owned 5eyes
It's to get him now. The King 11.3
Think Diana
Daniel 2.21

When you no longer control the levers of POWER, do FVEY ('Allies') buckle & cooperate in order to preserve and maintain their future?
Danchenko Trial. [D5]

Re_ read drops re: Five Eyes / FVEY.
Will be extremely important going forward.

Australia is part of FIVE EYES!
Five Eyes is VERY important.
It won’t be around much longer.
Think CROWN being dissolved.
Royals No More‼️
Rule 5.4

Explosions on top of the FBI building at 2:30AM yesterday?
Sum Of All Fears Q
WhiteHouse Down
Rods of God incoming Satanic Landmarks. Q500 #34
Wildlife/Birdlife Sanctuary
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filed May 2020, Actioned January 2021.
You are watching many Movies
The Flood will come from below.

Andy Jardine #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot

If you’ve ever spotted the flaws in the story of Adam and Eve, or been unconvinced by the concept of The Big Bang or Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Annunaki Genesis is the perfect book for you. Taking a no holds barred approach to many taboo subjects which have been instilled into us since time began, the author sheds a fascinating light on evidence that has long been hidden in a veil of secrecy.In this authentic, credible and intelligent book, the author proves that the Great Pyramids were not, in fact, built by the Egyptians; their antiquity is far older than we have been led to believe.He also proves that our true ancestors are the Annunaki (as depicted by the ancient Sumerians) and explains the scientific data which corroborates this theory. And he also explores the ‘true’ Apollo programme – which, he claims, is ‘the greatest story never told’. Join him on this incredible and ancient journey where he shows that we are the new kids on the block in a universe teeming with intelligent life. Delve into his lesser-known stories about Einstein, Wallace, Darwin, Hitler, Rutledge and Aldrin. Listen to his notion that the moon landing images were fake (and NASA’s attempts to hide the truth).But most of all, get ready to open your mind and question everything you thought you knew.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

“I saw it on TV!” says the American boob.

“So it must be true!” the boob concludes.

But the boob can’t seem to digest that his TV lies all the time.

What makes the American boob so stupid?

Just go to the airport for a quick read.

Slow bellies, eating fries and donuts, branded with tattoos, miscegenation, everyone looking like they just rolled out of bed.

It’s a microcosm of America.

Surveillance, White-suicide, Big Brother Jew, fast food, goyisha untidiness while the kike connives the Amercan boob.

How did it come to this desecration of the American boob?

Start with public schools.

Diversity-busing—pushed by the Jew—levels education to the lowest IQ.

Then academia—dominated by Jewish donors and well-placed leftist faculty—punctures the goyisha brain with indoctrination leveraged to forge non-thinking slaves.
Believe me, for I grew up as a Jew, every single Yid has “grandparents murdered” at Auschwitz.

Next time, ask the Jew for proof.

He’ll fling every ”f word’ he can muster up at you.

Truth is, Jews only died from starvation and typhus from the Allied bombings of civilian areas at war’s end.

Not a single original ‘gas chamber’ has ever been put forth, just some showers for de-lousing.

America has been hijacked.

It reached its apogee in 1913 when the German Jewish Warburgs took over America’s monetary independence with the so-called “Federal Reserve.”

It is NOT “federal.”

It’s totally Jew-owned orbiting around the Rothschild Dynasty.

And its monetary usurpation is “reserved” to put an inflationary noose around the American boob, and allow easy instant money printing (mostly in secret) to clandestinely fund the CIA and Mossad to do the Jew’s bidding around the world.

America is doomed.

Jews control the media, Capitol Hill, military, academia, and finance.

Yet the American boob will go on eating fries, imbibe porn, watch football, and cook his barbeques.

While the Jew enjoys his gated communities and gefilte fish.

Secession is our only way out of this mess.

OLRODA #wingnut #pratt #transphobia #homophobia

[Context: they are talking about the KiwiFarms affair and lamenting that the site was shut down.]


As with all these things, the boo-hooing about harassment is just a convenient excuse for the powers that be to censor dissenting voices. The supposed leader of the movement is just an insane freak without any redeeming qualities (as can be seen if one looks "it" up). The real force behind the push to shut the site down are those who seek to change laws etc. to smother anything that isn't in line with the current global propaganda monopoly. They always use the "hey these people are mean so it's all right for us to do whatever to them" angle since it's efficient. A stupid site where people laugh at dumb fucks is brought down today so that all of us can be slaves without rights tomorrow.

That tomorrow is nigh, by the way, and not some far off fantasy.

dn #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #pratt

There is probably more to the whole cloudflare dropping the farms that just another troon discord gayop: turns out Janke's father knows the fucking owner of the company.

Actual IRL glowies, man. Really makes you think. Regardless, I think whole situation really marks the end of the internet 2.0, we're now in an era where free speech is done: corporate & government interests can and will shit all over net neutrality and the retards on twitter are clapping like seals to the sounds of their own destruction.

tl;dr: I am now forced into using the fucking darknet to call people faggots on the internet. What a fucking time to be alive.

Lila Rose #wingnut

Biden admin targets concentration camp survivor: Last week, @TheJusticeDepartment targeted 11 pro-life acvtivists for peaceful protest at an abortion clinic. One of these brave sidewalk counselors was 87-year-old concentration camp survivor Eva Edl. 1/3

Selwyn Duke #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "As Nuclear War Looms, Does Russia Have a Right to Its Own Monroe Doctrine?"]

With news that Israeli intelligence has detected an “irregular presence” of nuclear-capable Russian bombers near Finland and retired general David Petraeus casually saying NATO would likely sink Vladimir Putin’s Black Sea fleet if Russia used a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine, it’s perhaps time for a few questions:

First, can we discuss a situation that could very well result in thermonuclear war — and the end of life as we know it — intelligently and rationally? Or must all questions about our Dr. Strangelove policy be met with childish name-calling (e.g., “stooge of Putin!”) designed to silence debate?

Second, is it a good idea to essentially tell a man who controls 6,200 nuclear weapons, and who our pseudo-elites may label “crazy,” you want to kill him? This is what Joe Biden’s and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s call for Russian “regime change” really amounts to, mind you[…]
One element of what’s known as Just War Doctrine is that for a proposed military action to be moral, it must do more good than harm. Is this the case with our playing chicken with Putin? The best-case scenario is that we help an internationalist pseudo-elite, Zelenskyy, retain power and preserve the borders of what even the left-wing Guardian called in 2015 “the most corrupt nation in Europe”

The worst-case scenario is global thermonuclear war[…]
Some may now wonder, “Why do we have to back down?” The answer is simple: Russia’s “Monroe Doctrine.”

Consider: President John F. Kennedy took a firm stand during the Cuban Missile Crisis, establishing a naval blockade of Cuba after the USSR deployed missile bases on the island. JFK took this hard line because it was our backyard[…]
And so it is with Russia, with Ukraine being its Cuba[…]
There could be a reason to risk atomic annihilation—that Red Dawn scenario comes to mind

Ray Comfort #fundie #pratt

Perhaps the “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life” message applies only to the United States. Well that may have been the case up until the shooting death of Cassie Bernall on April 20th, 1999. She was shot in the head in Littleton, Colorado, when she responded “Yes” to the question, “Do you believe in God?”

Why Would Anyone Become a Christian?

If this is the truth about the Christian life, who in his right mind would choose to become a Christian? What would bring anyone to the Savior if it’s not the promise of a wonderful new life in Christ? Well, here is the answer in a nutshell. I couldn’t put it any more plainly than this—Hell is a good reason. That’s why sinners should come to Christ, because God’s wrath abides on them. Without the righteousness of Christ, they’ll perish on the Day of wrath. They need to repent or they will perish.

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #kinkshaming

An analogy is instructive here. If we glue one object to another, it will adhere. If we remove it, it will leave behind a small amount of residue; the longer it remains, the more residue is left. If we take that glued object and stick it to several places repeatedly, it will leave residue everywhere we stick it, and it will eventually lose its ability to adhere to anything. This is much like what happens to us when we engage in “casual” sex.

IckabogLady & OneOddBird #transphobia

(IckabogLady )
If Roe had ended in the mid-2000s, I would've 100% become a TIF and that's terrifying
Puberty is a difficult time for young girls. When I was a preteen it was so difficult and the gender discourse wouldn't be a thing for another 10 years. I had constant comments about how big my breasts were for someone my age and received a lot of stares from older men...even from family members. It was traumatizing. When I got my period I didn't even tell my mother for a whole year because I was so embarrassed.

If transgenderism had been popular back then, I would've considered it (or at least I would've delved into the non-binary they/them/she/theirs shit). But if abortion had been outlawed, I could've seen myself going full TIF. Being a woman in a world that hates women would've been too much to handle at 11 years old. Knowing that I could get raped and my state would allow the rapist to sue me for having an abortion, that a rape sentence would be less than a 'murder' sentence for abortion, and that I could get the death penalty for abortion would've just made me completely check out of womanhood.

It's no wonder that young girls in the 2020s would rather chop their hair off, bind their breasts, and change the pronouns than be female in a world that wants to take away their bodily autonomy. Pregnancy can change your whole skeletal structure. It can make you depressed. And it's fucking life threatening, especially for black women in America. It can derail your career. It can tie you to an abusive boyfriend for the rest of your life. It can get you murdered if the man doesn't want to be a father.

I always felt sorry for TIFs, but now that this Roe discussion has begun I feel sadder for them than I ever have before. Maybe if America treated girls better they'd be happier being who they are.

( OneOddBird )
This is tragic and 100% agree. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that the TIF tumblr phenomena took root in 2014, a year when the first prominent incel femicide happened in Isla Vista and states were still going back and forth on the abortion debate. The female body has been under siege for a long while and as women get more successful in the public eye the visual terrorism committed against our bodies increases. It’s no surprise many girls decide to opt out or develop mental health problems from this horrific strain on their identities

@AthenasWrench & @CheeseAndOnions #transphobia

On the question of fairness in womens sports re trans id’d males. This is how little they think of us. Because there aren’t many of them (yet) best to destroy womens sports because we matter less than the cosplaying hate movement larping as a civil rights movement. Trans is a hate movement. Shut them down and put these assholes back in their man box. The call is coming from inside the house.

Trannies: We're statistically insignificant!!
Also Trannies: You must reorganize society and language to center our needs!!!

@zelosaletheia & @AthenasWrench #transphobia


Study finds trans-identified people more at risk of dying early.

They sterilize kids and they know it will ruin their health and shorten their life expectancy. All to appease the deities of the Church of Trans and to line the pockets of the gender industry. I truly feel this is the end of times.

It’s definitely terrifying. We are living through the most anti-science pro human experiment time in modern history. Things are moving at such a rapid pace and all controls and stops have been removed. It’s full eugenics as progress. Up is down. Men are women. Kids need their puberty halted. What the f**k is going on?

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)


@RealMarjorieGreene America and western civilization can't come first without White Wellbeing.


@ROBODAN :honk: @RealMarjorieGreene is Israel First like all the rest. Nobody can be in Anti-10A National Party politics and to sell out the American people.

She gave a pledge of allegiance to Israel. That's all there is to it.

The constitution says representatives, not party. The difference is a completely different form of government.


@RealMarjorieGreene Hail to senile Joe Biden, the illegitimate president!

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force. He must be insane, or suffering from late stage dementia!

@realdonaldtrump "Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal." -Joe Biden

@MistahLarry @realdonaldtrump faghots deseve head bullets aimed at their necks dnsoul.

@MistahLarry @realdonaldtrump two degenerate kikes...this is what most of them behave like behind closed doors

It's time that the ethnic group, aka kikes, who are so inbred that they have over 40% mental illness, be deported

These mentally ill crazy people can not be trusted, send them all to isn't real and make them stay amongst their own kike kind

It's the only viable option to deal with them other then "eradicate their DNA from existence" but too many fucking cowards on this planet who won't fight for their continued existence for that to work

Realize this Biden "speech" is designed to anger Trump supporters and bait people into doing something stupid- don't fall for it- they want a reason to cancel the midterms because they know after the midterms that's the end of the whole deep state con. They are the minority. They are the extremists.

@Mythbuster @realdonaldtrump Imo, they want MAGA peeps to become violent. The pResident naming MAGA peeps terrorists puts targets on their backs. They will be attacked, threatened, killed, thus forcing the hands of MAGA who are in large part, most of the gun owners. Can't take down a country where most of the opposition is armed and can defend themselves.....

@realdonaldtrump Biden knows that he is illegitimate and most of America hates him for his corruption and America hating policies.

This is what a speech after a coup looks like: a president flanked by uniformed soldiers and bathed in red light as he delivers an address that every network must carry.

James #fundie

Same. The new buzz lightyear movie was what motivated me. I'd urge people to ditch Netflix as well or at least keep your kids away from it. So called 'cartoons' like 'cup head' are satanic.

Paul White Gold Eagle #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Greetings Gold Winged Nation of our 144,000 Galactic Earth Angels of the New Eden

Happy 111, 222 , 333 Gateway of Angelic Connections.

Today we begin our first of 10 Galactic Activation Portals days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 146 ~ White Electric Worldbridger. We are feeling the intensity dialing up to the fifth dimensional resonance as the Great merging of timelines and dimensions for our full collective Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous, Eternal Light beings of Infinite Life.

Synchronizing with this GAP day our local Solaris released another powerful M Class flare and is hurling multiple CMEs into space almost daily now. Solar Cycle 25 is really ramping up for this Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Heaven upon Earth. We also had a blast of white light on the Schumann charts at an amplitude of 26 hz.

We are experiencing through the night and into the day a major shift in the timeline with some overlapping the old 3d earth with the new 5d earth and some bleed throughs occurring as we continue the purge and rejuvenation of our cellular integrity as the new codes and sequences are integrated and embodied in our Sacred Avatars of Light.

All Starseed Ground Crew of the 144 are stepping into the Divinity of their multidimensionality in the Self Realization of Pure Awareness. All things are perfectly resolved in the Unborn Mind of Buddha. There is no-thing to attain albeit the releasing and letting go of all that no longer serves the individual and collective. These many things are the false projections and deceptions of the little mind of the human that believed in the fall and separation from Source Creator. In the healing of all core wounding we step into the Power and Glory of our True Nature as Conscious Co-Creators of the New Earth.

Together we Rise in Oneness as One United Force of Divine Sovereign Holy Grail Queens and Kings as Guardians of Terra Nova Gaia, Mothership 33…A’Ho!

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