Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #elitist #mammon naturalnews.com

An engineered global collapse is under way right now. If you’re reading this, you already know the score: The coming financial collapse, engineered mass famine, vaccine bioweapons, the possibility of nuclear war, the “great reset” agenda and much more. There’s no question the collapse — which has already begun — will be a chaotic event, and billions of people will needlessly suffer as globalists strangle world supplies of food, energy and money. However, the aftermath of the collapse also presents humanity with an opportunity to choose a different future after this current tyrannical system is wrecked.
To survive and thrive, humanity must shift from a centralized, “fake” civilization (fake news, fake science, fake plandemics, fake money, fake education, fake biology, fake terrorism, etc.) to a decentralized society rooted in morality and reality. Education must be local, too, instead of having children subjected to centrally-planned indoctrination agendas pushed by groomers and pedophiles pretending to be teachers and counselors.

The future of money will be found in decentralization, which gold and silver automatically achieve. There’s no central bank that issues gold, for example, and the supply is limited by the laws of physics and geology, since it’s very difficult to mine. Similarly, technologies also exist for decentralized financial transactions and decentralized speech where no central authority can decide to silence you because they don’t like what you’re saying.
Rather than fearing the collapse, we should welcome the change. What awaits humanity after the dumpster fire of this current tyrannical regime finally turns to ashes is a world of far more opportunity, abundance and freedom.
Leftists are destroying themselves and clearing the way for more qualified people to determine the future of human civilization.

disfiguredcel & Various BPFers #elitist #sexist thepinkpill.co

Men will always prefer basic bitches

DARK_SHADOWS - Theme from A Summer Place

as above

while we pick the most intelligent individuals, they pick the most dull, dumb bitches, because they would "take care of their kids and be a good mother", but the drawback is kids inherit low intelligence. this mechanism backfires

([deleted account])
That's why people are getting dumber every new generation. Tiktok influencers had to come from somewhere.

boo hoo does that make you sad little baby? sorry but this isn’t the femcel sub, get the fuck out of here. We fucking hate men and don’t wanna be picked by them, unlike your sorry- oppressor loving ass. Kindly fuck off :)

u dumb bye

LOL.... What, you wanna be picked sweetheart?

aw yes, everything now is a pickme allegation, women hate women, nothing new

Femcels, this blackpill sub is not a group therapy space for you to bash pretty women ‘Stacys and Beccas’ because you want cock. There’s already tons of forums like that. Stop expecting us to coddle your whittle cock worshipping feelings👍

who said anything about pretty women? I said basic. Bitch, can you even read.

[deleted account], Bijouu & Pinkpillisacope #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

([deleted account])
I can't believe the feminist movement is being attacked by men in dresses

I mean, of all fucking things.

Imagine if a white guy walked into a BLM rally wearing blackface demanding to be called "my nigga" and calling black women racist for not wanting to date him, and then proceeding on tearing down flags and assaulting and sending death treaths to people who don't take him seriously. He'd have his ass handed to him.

Can we at least try to be a bit more scary? If we can't scare off a bunch of mentally ill men in dresses how can we ever expect to fight the patriarchy?

I can’t believe it either. How can you take a good look at the average tranny and not laugh your ass off to begin with? Transwomen are clearly mentally ill, cross-dressing creeps, and women are simping hard for them catching themselves on fire to keep these delusional clowns warm. What a joke. I know women are self-sacrificing slaves for men, but there’s a line and this crosses it.

I wish women were more selfish, scary and violent, but we’re not and we’ll always be second class losers because of it. I wonder what annoying bullshit will happen next after men in dresses are done dominating and humiliating us. Female robots claiming they’re the real women? AI taking its chance to dominate us as well? The possibilities are endless when it comes to female humiliation and suffering.

Modern feminism became a meme the moment they let in anyone who could say the word "feminist". Feminism became the punchline to a joke that they use in conversations, they were allowed to say sexist shit and then mutter about being "very feminist btw". Now it is too late. You can barely mention women's health problems because "muh vagina" is not inclusive. You invite a clown, you call it a party but if you invite all the clowns it becomes a circus.

Tulsi Gabbard #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #wingnut nitter.net

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I believe in a government that is of, by, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite. I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.

starcrapoo, ChrolloLucilfer04 & Retardfuel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Russian TV ad to combat mass migration of russians. Shows woke america.

There is a small Russian community here in SF.

I have personally overheard when I was in the rich white Anglo section of the city (Marina district), whites poking fun of the slavs in the outer boonie portion of the city (Richmond district).

Slavs are seen as borderline ethnic. I believe Irish were at one point as well in the east coast.

only for males
retards will still breed slav and Irish foids

Slavs are massive patriots, despite being a zero competition to anglo Saxons, this is why they are filled with complexes

Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin #ufo #mammon bookus.page

ANUNNAKI STUDIES, ZOOM ~ Advanced level classes for serious students working towards certification. Classes taught by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) & Janet Kira Lessin, School of Anunnaki Studies

Classes are ongoing, broadcasted on ZOOM. Each class starts with a lecture segment will be recorded and available later. The lecture is followed by a Q&A. Students answer questions, show that they understand and have mastered the material. Homework is submitted to professors for feedback. Students successfully complete 10 classes to receive a CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT.

Required Reading for this class: Anunnaki Evolution of the Gods
<by the Lessins>

Below are samples of some of the information we'll cover in this lecture series.

ANUNNAKI STUDIES, ZOOM Classes taught by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) & Janet Kira Lessin, School of Anunnaki Studies

Join us weekly. Below are samples of some of the information we'll cover in this lecture series. We broadcast on ZOOM. The lecture segment will be recorded and available later.

CLASSES (AN = Anunnaki Studies)











Booking Instructions
You can book between 1 - 25 sessions. Each session is for 1 hour 30 minutes and costs $150.00 USD. You can schedule as many or as few of your sessions at the time of booking. Any remaining unscheduled sessions can be scheduled in the future.

How many sessions would you like to book?

James Red Pills America #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #quack beforeitsnews.com

Patriots, allow me to say that I pray that Masses of people watch this video! I have attempted to wake up sleepers for nearly 20 years now, with much success. However, at the same time, it became painfully obvious that many sleeping people will probably never wake up…at least not until the very moment the Great Storm hits full force. May God Bless each and every one of you in your Journey!

WARNING: I’ve researched much and I thought I seen a lot, but the real life EVIL and HORRORS found with the nail-biting moments of this vide are more than most can handle! Now, with that said, for those of us who have grown accustomed to the flavor of RAW TRUTH, you will enjoy this video THOROUGHLY! As such, viewer discretion is advised.


NEXT VIDEO: MOABS DROPPED! Clot Shot Creature EXPOSED! Artificial Intelligent Nano-Tech Monster w/ EVIL END GAME! Must Mike Adams Exclusive Interview That Will BLOW YOUR MIND!
THE SINISTER & EVIL LENGTHS THE DEEP STATE DEMONS WILL GO TO DEPOPULATE OUR GLOBE IS INCOMPREHENSIBLE! Biotech analyst Karen Kingston unveils the KILLER JAB 5G link containing biosynthetic AI nanotechology. She also uncovers the truth about the Covid-19 injections containing NEUROWEAPONS embedded in Lipid Nanoparticels. If THAT weren’t enough, you;’ll discover how Neurological weapons were hidden through Emergency Use Authorization cover-up and Shocking patents confirm it’s all true (patent numbers shown). There’s a Transhumanism assault on humanity now under way, and people are becoming LESS human. The SCARIEST FACT, perhaps is that LNPs can be activated via 5G frequencies to achieve physiological changes – Covid “vaccines” appear to be exotic tech INSTALLED in human hosts. And BTW, HOW IN THE HECK is there a CCP-linked AI company named “national security threat” operating in the USA..?!?!

Ann Barnhardt #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia barnhardt.biz

[From "Incredibly Sad, Blunt Words on Queen Elizabeth II"]

I delayed quite a bit – as many noticed – because one simply doesn’t “heckle at a funeral”[…]
There of so many examples of “canonization” of Queen Elizabeth, but here just over my transom is the reliable contra-indicator about anything Catholic, the cringe-inducing George Weigel[…]makes the completely irrational argument that Queen Elizabeth displayed heroic decorum by not catering to public opinion… BY HAVING THE FLAMING SODOMITE “SIR” ELTON JOHN SING HIS RE-LYRICED ODE TO MARILYN MONROE DURING DIANA’S FUNERAL[…]
Let us pray for her soul as we do all people outside the Church[…]Let us leave to the side for a moment any discussion of the legitimacy of the Saxe-Coburg Gotha Mountbatten “Windsor”[…]The Jacobite situation is profoundly bleak anyway, as the Duke of Bavaria is a wretched, open sodomite[…]
Queen Elizabeth[…]proudly claim to be the “pope” of the Anglican schismatic sect. Queen Elizabeth was the “popess” of A SCHISMATIC MONSTROSITY[…]
Queen Elizabeth II[…]presided as monarch over the most rapid and profound societal, cultural, religious and imperial collapse in human history[…]When Elizabeth took the throne, it was literally true that “the sun never set” on the British Empire[…]Today, almost every colony and territory has declared total independence[…]
But more importantly, as “Head of State and Head of Nation”, Queen Elizabeth signed off on the largest race-replacement scheme in human history. Today, the city of London IS LESS THAN HALF WHITE – not merely “British”, but WHITE[…]
Queen Elizabeth bestowed countless honors and knighthoods on the most open, disgusting sodomites and moral monstrosities, and British culture went[…]to the totally degenerate, revolting Brit culture we see today ON HER WATCH

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Many will call the mobilization of a police state to persecute Christians a perversion of democracy. Those people are incorrect. The Death Cult holds democracy sacred. Democracy derives its governing authority from popular consensus. A core function of government is enforcing public morality. Therefore, dissenters from the democratic consensus are not only considered threats to the government’s legitimacy, they’re vilified as evil.

The crowning irony is that the system sold to us as governance by popular consent isn’t responsive to the average voter’s will at all. Instead, it serves the interests of the economic elite. Which makes sense, when you consider that they have the money and influence to shape public consensus however they want. That should tell you what Death Cultists mean by “Our Democracy.”

Christians must wise up to the fact that we are now outside the consensus and are therefore enemies of the regime. And we’d better wise up to it fast.

Affiliate offer: The system is so responsive to corporate interests that there’s no longer a substantive division between big business and government. The corporatist regime has shown it has no qualms against destroying your livelihood for diverging from the consensus. Now is a good time to start a side hustle – or more than one – to generate some independent income streams. Let my friend and client Adam Lane Smith show you how to start your $4K home business. Take his livelihood-saving course now.

Duncan Urbanek #sexist #homophobia lgbtqnation.com

Now a far-right preacher known for his vile rants about the LGBTQ community is calling for men to burn their wives’ pants because, he says, it’s just a form of crossdressing.
Brother Duncan Urbanek spread the love of God by using anti-gay slurs and encouraging men to destroy their spouses’ possessions. Urbanek is a member of the Stedfast Baptist Church, one of the most vicious anti-LGBTQ hate groups in the nation. Church leaders have called for the execution of gay men and publicly celebrated tragedies that killed members of the LGBTQ community.

“People want to get so riled up… Yeah! F*gs are an abomination. God hates ’em,” he begins. “Well, didn’t it just say if you’re a crossdresser, you’re an abomination too?”

“Now obviously it’s not as bad as being a fa***t,” he continued, “But God is still very upset with your sin.”

“No what should we do about that, knowing this as Christians? If you’re a woman and you own any pants, throw them away. Light them on fire. If you’re a man and your wife has pants, throw them away. And if she yells at you, so be it. Throw them away. That’s a good fight to be in.”

“If I was caught wearing a dress and that was online,” he said as his strange rant continued, “I would do everything in my power to get rid of that picture. Like, man, I gotta find the owner of it and persuade him. I gotta pay him off. Like, man, please delete that picture.”

“You know, there is no picture of me wearing a dress,” he added quickly with a nervous chuckle, “because I’m never going to put one on. I don’t own any and I don’t want to wear any. And women should have that same standard.”

Small Name, Big Ego Award

Simon Charles Smith #dunning-kruger #conspiracy amazon.com

Simon Charles Smith is a mathematics and physics graduate. He’s been a maths teacher, political activist, retired local councillor, and captain of Warwickshire’s county chess side. He has sufficient scientific background and political insight to realise that mainstream funded science is as dismal as our economic and financial system. He argues the case we don’t need to be scientific geniuses to know we are being lied to and manipulated by the media to serve the purpose of the misnamed "elites" in moving towards a neo-feudal world; a world over which, they hope to rule supreme...

Books by Simon Charles Smith
- Fake Aliens and The Phony Nuke World Order 29.07.2018
- Covid 1984 Cornwall 2020: Two Weeks Camping In Treen 07.10.2020
- TH€ CUR$€ OF $KINWA£K€R RANCH 28.09.2022

Simon Charles Smith #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

Flying saucers are actually of earthly origin. They were developed in a Germany that was losing the war. Both conventional and antigravity vertical take-off craft were pioneered in a Reich where aircraft runways were at a premium. The subsequent capture and development of this technology by the USA in the late 1940s created a need to cover this technology up. The “ET are visiting us” was a brilliant smokescreen. Once ETs had been invoked however, the ET psyop developed further uses, providing a cover for implanted abductees as well as cattle mutilations. Various catchpenny con artists jumped on the flying saucer bandwagon too, then as now, but that wasn’t all.

Along with other uses they may be have been put to, antigravity craft have been advertised around supposed nuclear missile installations. In doing so, the powers that be have cleverly affirmed the supposed reality of nukes among ufologists and others. This intersection of flying saucers with nuclear technology was seen in the 1951 film, "The Day the Earth Stood Still." An enjoyable film for sure, but it demonstrated another intersection: Hollywood and the CIA.

There are a growing body of people coming to doubt the reality of nuclear weaponry. These intersections form the apogee of the ET psyop and may be best understood in the context of other Nuke World Order machinations. One of these falsehoods was the phony Cold War. What better way to further the dialectic of confrontation by leaking non-existent technology to other bankster controlled nations ?

Emanuel Pastreich #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy globalresearch.ca

The opportunity that I had to study at Yale College as an undergraduate and later at Harvard University for my Ph.D., and to learn to think, learn how things work, from distinguished scholars, was a point of stubborn pride for me when I started my career as a professor, but that legacy had devolved into a nightmare, into a travesty.

I watched up close how the thoughtful and insightful men and women who were my classmates at Yale and Harvard, who were my colleagues as a professor, responded to the horrific institutional decay of the United States over the past two decades. Sadly, I observed how they, as intellectuals, as lawyers, doctors, engineers, executives, professors and government officials, how they betrayed their fellow citizens and buried the wisdom they had obtained at those temples of learning deep in the excrement of fraud and hypocrisy.
Then came the collapse of the twin towers, the last card in the Tarot deck, a modern miracle that belongs the Book of Revelations. In other words, a massive fraud that any high school student who has taken a semester of physics could see through.

And yet again, my colleagues from Yale and Harvard were silent; in many cases, they appeared at think tank seminars, on television, to promote this blatant fiction.
I am an extremely limited man and I cannot claim any remarkable achievements, but I can say that it was obvious to me that the 2000 election, the 9.11 attacks, and the drive for war with Afghanistan and Iraq were a fraud and I spoke openly, and unambiguously, about these crimes at that moment.

I felt that it was my obligation as an educated American. It was, in a sense, the entire purpose of the education I had received.

My efforts, my dismissal from my job, and how I was forced out of the country, remain taboo topics for my colleagues from Yale and Harvard. Mentioning what was done to me, and to others like me, for opposing the COVID-19 fraud is also a no-no in the best of circles.

The Great Work #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com

Your Public Servants include all oath-bound Officers of the Law. Most frontline “Police Officers”, however, perform two roles:

As Peace Officers they uphold the law, discharging their impartial duties under Oath “according to law”, which is the de jure Common Law Jurisdiction, also known as the “Law of the Land”. They swear to “keep the peace”, by doing their best to keep people and their property safe from harm. They are protected by a Public Bond, having Limited liability. They have Common Law powers (Constitutional) delegated by the People.

As Policy Officers they enforce statutes, which prescribe the legal terms and conditions of contracts with penalties etc., in the de facto Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction, also known as the “Law of the Sea”. They do NOT swear an Oath to “enforce statutes” in commerce, and are NOT protected by a Public Bond, having Unlimited full commercial liability. They have Corporate powers (Contractual) which are subject to Consent.

Peace Officer = “Constabulary Powers” = Constitutional
Policy Officer = “Corporate Powers” = Contractual

Revenue gathering for YOURNATION (INC.) in the Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction is not part of the sworn duty of a “Peace Officer/Constable”. An Officer conducting legal fiction commerce in support of the private debt-money system of bondage can be described as a private mercenary abdicating their Oath.
You have the Right not to be “arbitrarily” stopped, detained or arrested [by chance, whim, or impulse]. There must be an “articulable” and “reasonable suspicion” that you are involved in a CRIME against a VICTIM, and a WITNESS [can be a “Peace Officer”] with first-hand knowledge and evidence who is willing to write an affidavit under penalty of perjury and full commercial liability, making the accusation of the crime. You have the Right not to answer questions. You have the Right not to provide government issued ID. You have the Right to ASK QUESTIONS.

Galactic Anthropology #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot galacticanthropology.org

One of the things that surprised me was the information that the human beings living on Earth more than 439 thousand years ago would have all had green skin! Our biology would have been copper-based. But there’s more. Listen to this fragment to learn about a nuclear war that took place around that time.
Alex Collier quoted the Andromedan Council (3) as saying that more than 439.231 years ago (4) there was an invasion by the Orion Group led by a Queen called Suti. This war was destructive on many levels and frequencies of physicality. The use of ‘atom-splitting’ weapons caused great changes in our biology and was responsible for the various skin tones (see future article). Nibiru was able to win one battle but was then forced to leave our solar system because of genetic damage. The original races were green skinned. We know this because of large copper traces in your Terran 22 blood types.
It says that the Seeders – after having stored the DNA of the present life forms on Earth at that time, like the dinosaurs – wiped them all out to allow for new life to form itself (7, p.492). So, how did they do it? What technology did they use to create this ‘planet-wide cataclysmic event‘? Wasn’t there a lot of iridium found in that earth layer, and isn’t that connected to a nuclear or a fusion bomb, just as Lacerta has suggested?
So, what do we have here? We have Alex Collier talking about Suti, a Gray-hive Queen who came to our solar system 439.000 years ago to create a nuclear war on Earth, which would have eventually changed the color of our skins. Then we have Elena Danaan talking about the arrival of the Seeders in exactly the same period of time (also 439.000 years ago) and she talks about ‘a major global intervention‘ injecting new genetic input and performing DNA upgrades.

Kristol Clear #racist #wingnut #fundie #sexist #conspiracy theuglytruth.xyz

The followers of Judah-ism, featured in this article and in many others–who are on the front lines advocating (DEMANDING) a return to the ‘good ol’ days’ of Roe V Wade aren’t being driven because of an ‘absence’ or a ‘deficiency’ of ‘Jewish ethics’, but rather BECAUSE OF THEM.

Judah-ism permits the murder of the unborn, just as it permits ALL SPECIES OF EVIL, including the sexual abuse of children, and to that particular point, we will repeat our previously-stated assertion that one of the reasons that the followers of Judah-ism HATED and CONTINUE TO HATE the person of Jesus Christ so much was/is because of His love for children and who advocated that the death penalty be applied against those who would harm them.

Having said this, the following ‘protocols’ need to be understood in the ‘Kristol-Clearest’ of terms.

The ‘institution’ of abortion on demand, brought about by Jewish activism, Jewish agitation and Jewish action, has killed more Americans than all wars combined. The Israeli-engineered terrorist attacks taking place on 9/11–perpetrated by the Jewish state in order to get the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ between the Christian West and Islamic East started–that killed 3,000 Americans, represents the number of Americans who have been killed in Jewish abortuaries on a daily basis for half a century.
Nota bene as well–it isn’t Muslims bringing this tsunami of lawsuits all across America in order to protect the business of child murder.

It is the followers of Judah-ism doing this, the ‘children of Israel’ as they just love to refer to themselves.

So, the obvious question that needs to be asked and answered is the following–


Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@Liv_F I can't wait to put your polluting ass in the gas chamber"]


What would be super cool would be if you, or any party hoping to form government in Canada, would make it not just expensive, but ILLEGAL to pollute in Canada. You know. Regulate stuff. The way you could if you wanted to (but apparently don't) #ClimateLeadersDontBuildPipelines
September 27, 2022

The left has weird ideas about "super-cool" things. Government regulation is many things but "super-cool" surely does not make the top 3000

You know what would be really cool? If guys like West Coast Lass didn't keep demanding that others be imprisoned for generic "offenses" such as "pollution"[…]
What does it mean to "pollute in Canada"?[…]
I'm sure Liv has no problem using this definition to declare CO2 a "pollutant", so we'll take his word for it[…]
If CO2 really is pollution, that can be used to regulate literally everything you do[…]
We can replace those cumbersome definitions with a much simpler one:

The OBPS applies to only one person: "West Coast Lass"

Now that we've established CO2 as a pollutant, and defined our target industry, what are the allowable amounts of CO2 we let this anti-freedom nutter consume? That's easy: everything. The moment Liv breathes, we nail his ass to the pavement Derek Chauvin style. The punishment as well cannot be a fine[…]
Jail obviously won't work either. For one thing, Liv will continue to breathe in jail[…]
So the answer is simple[…]
California gas chamber

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( poem998 )
this is enraging. it shows clearly that this person thinks of life as a video game. "girl mode" for him is a reality for others. he can change his clothes and still benefit from his male privilege. he uses the "girl mode" to get an erection. to me it is very clear, it is a paraphilia. he does it all for sexual gratification and it also tells us what he thinks of women and girls. they are sexual objects. "girl mode" to him is associated with the word "cok" written on the baseball cap and "fk my a*" written on the T-shirt. in women's bathrooms, women enter with their children, boys or girls because it's safer than entering a men's bathroom with toddlers. I see mothers all the time entering women's bathrooms with their little ones because in the men's bathroom, men could be having sex among each other or they may just be swinging their penises at other people. of course, this very deranged male doesn't think of the children potentially seeing him or hearing him masturbating in a stall.

( SometimesJacka )
This feels like it has to be satire / bait.

And yet… I know it’s probably not.

( bab00shka )
This is obvious satire or trolling/bait.

It's just a little too close to real TIM posting.

( SometimesJacka )
Well… it’s discord.

TIM’s discords can be some of the most unhinged, mask’s off moments.

It’s believable to me, because I’ve seen TIM’s like this. 🙃

( MonstrousRegiment )
Really, let's stick to critiquing believable stuff. This is too pat.

( SometimesJacka )
If we stuck to only critiquing the believable, we would have no posts.

But I think this post is believable to anyone who has ever spent time in discords with TIMs.

various Blackpillers #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

Wtf is happening in Iran?
Two weeks of daily riots and rebelling against government. All the talk about how police is super harsh against protestors and then we are treated to dozens of videos of whores disobeying and men doing nothing.

Imagine being an Iranian and not beating the shit out of these cunts. A grown man walking away from teenage girls when he could single handedly slap the snot out of 5 of them and chase away the rest of them from the premises. But instead these sluts remain unpunished like western uppedy whores.

It's good that a government actually kills the feminists though, that'slifefuel, irancels if they exist are very privileged, I wish I lived ina country like that except with white people.

Can you imagine being the security guys and being allowed to just slap women all day long?

It is nothing new unfortunately. I know some will say it is 100% the cia or some undermining tactic from a foreign regime. I won't say it's not possible.

But I've met some Iranians back in 2010 and they were already like this : pro fem, pro liberal, etc.. Obviously not allof them but quite a few. If you look at before/after pics of Iran or Afghanistan, there were already foids dressed in short skirts wanting to be "free".

The only thing maintaining strict rules for foids are MEN USING FORCE. Once these guys decide to be pro feminist and open, you see the consequences

Summer of 69, that's what's happening.

76 people were died in the protest. Among them 4 foids and 2 kids.

70 of them are men. 92% male casualty.

Men Simps are literally giving up their lives so that foids can freely roam around the streets half-naked.

It's the summer of 69, all over again.

The Transformed Wife (godlywomanhood) #sexist #elitist #fundie twitter.com

Feminists vs Christians


Raise daughters to be feminists
Prepare for college and careers
Be independent
Be loud/outspoken
Dress how you want
Preaches in church
Submits to no one (except to boss)
Single and has abortions
Uses birth control
Twists and manipulates God’s word

Raise daughters to do God’s will
Prepare to be wives/mothers/homemakers
Be dependent on God and His will
Meek/quiet spirits
Dress modestly
Silent in church
Submits to husband
Marry, bear children, guide the home
Fruitful and multiplies
Pursues sexual purity
Loves God’s word as written

Various commenters #transphobia gettr.com

I honestly don’t understand how people think they are going to fight back this whole gender insanity by continuing to support the narrative there is any coherent category of people who can be identitied as “transgender.” The word is an ad campaign for deconstructing humanity.

Exactly. That's why we should concentrate our fire on AGP men and the deceitful "allies", they are the bastards doing the damage - the kids are victims

It really is. The more research I do, the more convinced I am that trans is really autogynephilia with a political agenda to dupe children and young people into becoming human shields. Every generation has its rebellion but this one was manufactured and controlled by Big Pharma.

"The number of people currently claiming to have a gender identity is less than the number who were claiming aliens were probing their bumholes 20 years ago. Just because a phenomenon has been studied doesn't mean it exists outside a belief in it" @ Shatterface (Twitter) 3:02 PM May 9, 2021

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

If all of Hitler’s advisers were jewish then maybe you could compare Joe Biden to him.

@Wehrmacht dictators are dictators… communist, fascist… no difference..

@Jokera @Wehrmacht Calling a jewish communist administration a bunch of nazis is fucking retarded.

@Jokera this is the problem with the typical weak minded conservative. They hate what is happening to their homeland, but they would rather see their nation burn as their race goes extinct than to sieze power and use it to push their will and dominate their enemies.

They think their enemies play by the same rules they do, but they don't. @Wehrmachtimg]

@Wehrmacht HITLER MURDERED 15 million in the camps 6 million were jewish then at the End of WW2 USA Took in 1500 Nazi SS and Soros the Nazi collaberator! then THEY All formed the WEF in recent times a weird mix of Nazis fake banker jews and cultural marxists and Communists ELITE GLOBALISTS and They have a Manifesto hence why we are where we are Today a Long Planned CULL of the Poor and up to Middle Class........GOD BLESS US ALL 777

@Wehrmacht Hitler fought to the death against these anti-Christ entities that now enslave us.

Hitler was a Rothschild bastard

@Wehrmacht FACT!

People who don’t understand this are infuriating!

People using the terms Hitler, Nazis, Fascists, to define the Biden regime and all of the globohomo tyrants currently “running” countries around the world are actually helping them continue the revisionist history, false fake narratives, and bullshit propaganda that has been intentionally jammed down our throats forever! People are actually helping this vile, evil, shit continue and are assisting the true puppet masters in their mission.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Biden is attempting to use his extended COVID-19 national emergency declaration as authority to steal from union workers and give to billion dollar hedge funds. Thank you to the 120 Republicans signers of Discharge Petition #12 that will force Speaker Pelosi to schedule a vote on the termination of Biden’s continued COVID-19 national emergency extension.

@DrPaulGosar it must end

spoilerThe "Died Suddenly News" group on Facebook has
grown from 10,000 people to over 100,000 people
within just a few weeks. Many people are sharing
stories about loved ones dying from the vaccine.

@DrPaulGosar There is no emergency how the hell has this been allowed to continue all this time?

Can anyone answer this

@DQ4U @DrPaulGosar Trump called a state of emergency back when this first started, has this been stopped or been "recalled"? I don't know how these things work, but it could be why this is continuing.

@DrPaulGosar remember when they said 45 was a tyrant drunk with power lol
brandon go play soccer

Norman McNeal #racist youtube.com

RE: Is THIS What They Think of Black People??

A dating app came out with a music video that tries to encourage black people to vote by depriving one another of sex unless they’ve voted: “No Voting, No Vucking.” This takes “soft bigotry of low expectations” to a whole new level—let’s get into it.

Amala, WE DID THIS TO OURSELVES. "They truly think you are dumb." You're right Amala. We showed them that we are a hypersexual race of people. We show and tell them in our music, dress, language and disproportionate crime rates. En mass, we voted for a President who identified us as a "monolith", promoted mass incarceration and supported segregation. Of course they think we are a "simple and small-minded" race. Just about every individual is Black in the horrid video you just played. Why would they not believe us when we tell and show them who and what we are?

Gregory Grace #wingnut facebook.com

It is funny that I see people on the left here tell us how they are the ones that are open to opposing ideas. But my experience on this FB group has been horrendous. I've had to block about 20 people on the left because they use defamation as a tool to try and silence me. I have had to block ZERO people on the right even though I regularly express far left ideas that they don't like. I am a liberal D but the D party right now is a far left socialist/Marxist party that is corrupt to the core. The people on these FB groups that use defamation/cancel culture to try and silence opposing views are like Mao's thugs that committed atrocities during the cultural revolution in China.

godlywomanhood #fundie #psycho twitter.com

This notion of building children up with self-esteem who become adults with self-esteem of their own doing keeps many far from the Gospel. Children need to be taught that their worth comes from Christ alone. Everything else is meaningless. They are sinners in need of a Savior.

Jamie Gooch #fundie onlysky.media

With the release of Hocus Pocus 2 coming up I would be wrong not to sound the alarm and warn you to protect your children. After all the whole movie is based on harvesting the purity of children’s souls so that witches may live on. Hocus Pocus by definition means “meaningless talk or activity, often designed to draw attention away from and disguise what is actually happening:”

What is actually happening when we watch these films? What are we subjecting are minds to? What are we welcoming into the homes of our families?

I’ll try to be brief, Please hear me when I tell you the truth that the Witches and Warlocks in the satanic church abuse and sacrifice children in their “spiritual rituals” to gain more power in the underworld.

So before you hit play on the night of the premier of this movie please ask yourself if not only your mind but your children’s minds are strong enough to ward off the hypnotization and bewitching trance that will be coming through the screen to aid in the desensitization of the coming evil in this world. Don’t fall victim to the schemes of hell.

Jeffrey Joseph Wolynski #crackpot #dunning-kruger vixra.org

Expanding Earth, Semi-Aquatic Dinosaurs, Earth Atmosphere in 3-5 Bar, Exoplanets and Stellar Metamorphosis

Some information is tied together regarding expanding Earth, stellar metamorphosis, semi-aquatic dinosaurs, exoplanets, Earth’s atmosphere and the idea that the Earth was covered by large shallow seas at one point in its evolution. This is to tie together some really big ideas which make more sense than currently taught plate tectonics, nebular hypothesis, land dinosaur theory, and the idea that Earth has remained this way almost its entire existence.

Stephen P. Smith #crackpot #magick vixra.org

Color Afterimages as Innate Memories as Hypothesized by the Mirror Universe Theory

This paper considers two explanations for negative color afterimages: that they are the result of overstimulation of the retina, or that they are a result of training and are part of an innate memory that begins in the retina. Moreover, the innate memory hypothesis comes with an additional speculation that innate memories are part of a mirror universe and have a panpsychist origin. By measuring the duration in one person’s experience it was found that a 40-second exposure to blue comes with a yellow afterimage that lasted 35 seconds. This was only 4 seconds longer than the afterimage that followed eight 5-second showings of blue that were separated by seven 5-second refractory periods that showed white light. That is, the skimpy 4 seconds did not impress given the claim that overstimulation causes afterimages and given the whopping 35 seconds (7×5) of refractory time allotted to the alternative. Because the seven refractory periods also came with afterimages, the cumulative duration of afterimages was actually 66 seconds and this provides a stronger contradiction of the explanation based on overstimulation. Furthermore, a 5-second showing of blue generated a 10-second afterimage, a 200% increase over the showing of blue. However, with more stimulation the 40-second showing of blue generated an afterimage that was only 87.5% as long as the stimulation time. Taken together, these demonstrations marginally support the memory explanation, but there remains room to disagree.

Ronaldo Fryman Award

for Wildest Gender Theory

GENERAL EYES #enbyphobia #transphobia #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot abovetopsecret.com

Is the Gender Identity Movement Preparing Us for Aliens?

I keep thinking about the wealth of influence the Gender Identity crowd has had lately.

Over 53 varied gender explanations, a wealth of Neo-Pronouns (and more coming every day) and all I can think about is if this is some sort of soul migration of beings who are, at least currently, in human form (Starseed Theory) preparing us for eventual alien disclosure and the Non-Binary is just how they self identify as their previous incarnations had no sex characteristics, as they were mainly cerebral in nature.

Is this a possibility and one reason the Powers That Be are so intent on changing the traditional terminologies to suit the coming of this new breed?

I mean, it sure seems like a lot of effort to appease such a vocal minority, but if this is in preparation for an Alien Contact Scenario, what are we supposed to do with an entire race of beings who don't seem to contribute anything to society other than trying to mandate forced compliance measures to suit their particular ideologies and self-affirmations in a Gender Nondescript capacity?

Do these Newcomers offer anything of value to the Human Sphere aside from Gender Constructs?

What do you think?

Am I going too far in trying to understand the sudden onslaught and reaction to this phenomenon or do I just have aliens on the brain?

Looking forward to hearing your opinions on this one.

GLPers #conspiracy #quack #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

Scientists Have Discovered a New Set of Blood Groups (Vaxxed?)

[Article extract omitted]

"Strange antibodies" Well then.. They are discovering all types of new antibodies and types of blood now all the sudden? Wonder why?

Interesting read.

(AC #84292080)
Explains the massive uptick in miscarriages.

By design? I think so.

Poor lady though.

Of course they're going to try to paint this as normal.

Just like hot showers cause heart attacks and it's normal for young children to have heart failure.

Anything to normalize what's happening.

The fact you can't see this is the reason society is at the impasse.

It's people like you that make vaxtards possible.

(AC #78551315)
That's like blaming a chef at a restaurant for making you fat.

Nobody forced you to get mRNA jabbed....oh wait, I take that back....Joe Biden did force you.

Carry on, Moveon.org stalwart.

(Justin Castro)
3 new blood types discovered so far are Clotted, Semi Solid & Solid.

(Tie Nylon)
"Just like healthy adults suddenly dropping dead, these "new" blood groups have actually been around for thousands of years..." - Your doctor, probably.

Ali Alexander #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #psycho rightwingwatch.org

Far-right activist and so-called “Stop the Steal” founder Ali Alexander went on a manic rant during his podcast Monday in which openly advocated for Christian fascism and “a violent Christian crusade” against his perceived political opponents

Buoyed by reports that Elon Musk will purchase Twitter and that Kanye West was photographed wearing a “White Lives Matter” shirt[…]
“I refuse to walk into a future where it is commonplace to have sexual perversion in public,” Alexander declared. “It’s just not going to be the norm, not where we’re going. OK? You can call that whatever the hell you want. You can call that Americana, you can call that America First, you could call it fascism, you could call it a theocracy, you could call it Christian nationalism[…]
“We will not live in a future where violence doesn’t meet widespread perversion. Period,” he continued[…]
“All the good faith that we have allowed our oppressors to be assigned, it’s gone,” Alexander said. “I’m not gonna bomb an abortion clinic, but if somebody did, I’m not denouncing it. I’m not calling for violence. I’m not calling for death. I’m explicitly saying, ‘Don’t do that,’ but if it happens, c’est la [vie]. OK? C’est la [vie]. You know, if they can poll a bunch of moderate Muslims and they don’t feel the urge to denounce radical Islam, guess what? This guy—Ali Alexander and Ali Alexander alone—but guess what? I’m going to be joined by tens of millions, maybe a couple hundred million Americans[…]
“I’m not gonna get beatified for this,” Alexander asserted. “I’m not going to reach sainthood, but I am here to say, ‘Fuck them.’ Fuck their nuclear war. Fuck their World War III. Fuck their rejection of peace. And if they don’t deal with the middle—the Elons and the Kanyes—then they should meet—I’m talking about the whole world—they should meet a violent Christian crusade. I mean it,100 percent. … And we’ve got to start conditioning each other for these mental models”

Various Moonbats #moonbat #racist nytimes.com

Sundance Liked Her Documentary on Terrorism, Until Muslim Critics Didn’t

Film critics warned that conservatives might bridle at these human portraits.

But attacks would come from the left, not the right. Arab and Muslim filmmakers and their white supporters accused Ms. Smaker of Islamophobia and American propaganda. Some suggested her race was disqualifying, a white woman who presumed to tell the story of Arab men.

Sundance leaders reversed themselves and apologized.

Abigail Disney, had been the executive producer of Jihad Rehab. Now she disavowed it. "The film landed like a truckload of hate. I failed, failed and absolutely failed to understand just how exhausted by and disgusted with the perpetual representation of Muslim men and women as terrorists or former terrorists or potential terrorists the Muslim people are.”

Assia Boundaoui, a filmmaker, critiqued it for Documentary magazine.

“To see my language and the homelands of folks in my community used as backdrops for white savior tendencies is nauseating,” she wrote. “The talk is all empathy, but the energy is Indiana Jones.”

“An entirely white team behind a film about Yemeni and South Arabian men,” the filmmaker Violeta Ayala wrote in a tweet.

Ms. Smaker’s film had a Yemeni-American executive producer and a Saudi co-producer.

More than 230 filmmakers signed a letter denouncing the documentary. A majority had not seen it.

“When I, a practicing Muslim woman, say that this film is problematic,” wrote Jude Chehab, a Lebanese American documentarian, “my voice should be stronger than a white woman saying that it isn’t. Point blank.”

The argument over whether artists should share racial or ethnic identity and sympathy with their subjects is long running in literature and film — with many artists and writers, like the documentarians Ken Burns and Nanfu Wang, arguing it would be suffocating to tell the story of only their own culture.

Jihad Turk, former imam of Los Angeles’s largest mosque, was baffled.

“My first instinct,” he said, “was ‘Oh, not another film on jihad and Islam.’ Then I watched and it was introspective and intelligent. My hope is that there is a courageous outlet that is not intimidated by activists and their too narrow views.”

ThatGamer707 #psycho #sexist reddit.com

I have friends and family that are so close we would choose each other over anything.

I couldn't care less about society or their rules or anything. The only thing that really matters to me is family and friends.

Doesn't mean I would like what they did but I have some ppl I would back and help almost no matter what. As long as they don't hurt anyone I care about

So you would remain friends with a convicted rapist?

Yep if they were a really close friend. Nothing anyone did would change my mind as long as it wasn't to me or someone I care about.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't be a bit more cautious around them. Like not bring any women or men depending on who they raped into vulnerable situations with them.

My relationship/bond with them depends on how we treat each other and the bonds we formed not what they do outside that.

littleowl12 #transphobia ovarit.com

TIMs (and TIFs) shouldn't get so defensive about porn as an influencer. That would actually be good news


To anyone lurking here that gets touchy about the porn factor: if you were exposed to it as a child, I view that as sexual abuse of you, not by you. I hold you accountable for your adult wrong-doings, but not how you were taken advantage of when you were 12.

And while there are a bunch of things that contribute to this trans craze, I believe it would actually be a good thing if porn addiction really is the driving force. It means you are not genetically defective, you are not destined to be this way, and porn, like other addictive substances, can be avoided. We brought smoking rates of teens down significantly in the US. Protecting kids is totally doable.

Obviously, the motives are different between TIMs and TIFs. TIMs are pursuing their pornographic ideals. TIFs are usually trying to run away from them, though they too are enamored by other porny fantasies like Yaoi.

It's just not a coincidence that the more widespread porn became, the faster this social contagion spread. As porn producers compete for clicks, they have to get stranger, weirder, and more disgusting. It's just marketing and capitalism. They must stand out from the crowd if they want to be noticed. Once you realize that's the only reason why porn producers bother with this particular paraphilia, it loses its mystique.

Obviously porn is not the only factor. In highly homophobic societies, you will find more HSTS TIMs. These are just gay men in a very dark place. But HSTS TIMs usually go on a body-destroying quest to meet pornographic ideals of womanhood. They aren't interested in women outside stereotypes they think will charm men. Even if they do want to bake in a pretty half-apron, it's not about the physical reality of womanhood. It's about being a sexy stereotype men will like. So porn is definitely the how-to guide HSTS TIMs think they need. Combine that with the obligatory venture into prostitution and porn, you've got yet another man who is ruled by porn.


Various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

The argument they're making here is viability. Essentially they're saying that it's not a person until it can survive outside the womb. There are some pretty easy ways to poke holes in this argument.

First, you push them to define what they mean by a fetus being viable or able to live outside of the womb. Does it have to be able to survive on its own without the mother at all? Until formula was invented, a full term and healthy baby couldn't do that. The current medical definition of viable is 24 weeks gestation, but if the baby is lucky enough to be in a major city with an advanced hospital it's viable to keep them alive earlier than that. In a less developed country without access to advanced medical technologies it's not viable until a while after that. Should location or the advancement of technology define personhood? Is a 24 week gestational age baby in New York somehow more of a human than a 24 week gestational age baby in Namibia? Are either of those babies more inherently a person than their grandparents were at the same age, when technology wasn't advanced? Will a 20 week gestational age baby in 2040 be a person because technology makes them viable if a 20 week baby isn't a person now?

"Viability" is a trash argument.

So they consider the fetus not a human yet because they can't survive outside their current and natural environment due to their level of development. Well I can't survive under water or on moon because I wasn't developed for a subacvatic or extraterrestrial lifestyle so I am not a human being yet according to this individual's logic.

But they contradict themselves when they say that the baby is alive yet until they can survive outside of their mother's womb. To be able to survive an obstacle or a change of habitat you need to be alive in the first place. To survive means to be alive and thriving despite the harsh environmental change.

This person is confused or retarded. Or both....

Let me rephrase..

Nothing is more important than what I want. Nevermind that my choices created another human being. I don't care about that. I will kill if I have to to have my own way.


They should’ve just said they support murder. Mothers shouldn’t have the innate desire to kill or get rid of their unborn child, it doesn’t make sense biologically or evolutionary wise.

@EDM0_0 #transphobia twitter.com

The general transphobe response is to hand wave this away by suggesting its all just people moaning about offensive tweets.

I looked at the official figures once and the vast majority was physical assault, stalking and harassment with 6% being online hate crimes iirc.

Hi @jk_rowling! Thoughts? 🙂

Bro who TF touching that fake vagina, if someone is so desperate to rape a trans then yeah we fucking need to open the asylums again

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Merrick Garland is running a rogue DOJ & FBI.

Congress provides oversight and funding to the DOJ.

This is a political war.

Our federal law enforcement agencies should never be used this way.

Merrick Garland should be impeached and so should Joe Biden!

The antiwhites are waging a war on WHITES.

@14W And MTG is Anti White.

@repmtg DoJ and FBI should be abolished. They're run by and for open communist pedophiles.

When people fight over government power, not against it, government wins.

@William_Jaeger @repmtg idiot, name these communist pedos. You've full of shit pal and probably projecting the pedo. Retard.

@repmtg Merrick Garland is perfectly in line with the government at large. The problem isn't that DoJ is rogue, it's that the entire government is rogue and illegitimate.

The federal government doesn't actually have most of the authorities it is exercising on the daily.

If we are going to ignore the fact that the entire apparatus is operating outside of the constitution then it makes no fucking difference what Merrick Garland is doing.

The biggest problem we have in the US is that we're stuck here with a bunch of worthless faggots refusing to represent us and telling us the problems in government are caused by the other party. The problems in our government are there because our government is the problem. If we as Americans are not going to enforce the restrictions placed on government power then it doesn't really matter who is in charge.

@repmtg Not just impeached, but dropped in a deep, dark hole in Gitmo for the rest of their traitorous, unnatural lives. Save room for that psychopath Fauci, too.

@repmtg Merrick Garlic is a huge HOMO and has already sucked a thousand co?ks since taking over the D.O.J

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Donald J Trump)
The fired agent who was just escorted out of the FBI headquarters is the person who got the FBI to do a Raid on a home, Mar-a-Lago, that has “stirred” the World and created anger and hostility toward the FBI and DOJ the likes of which have perhaps never been seen in our Country before. The “Special Agent” In Charge of the unprecedented and unnecessary Raid and Break In of Mar-a-Lago, who concealed the partisan nature of evidence to secure the FBI’s approval to open an investigation into the 45th President in the first place, was also involved in the hiding and suppressing from the Public and the Media, the “Laptop from Hell,” the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, and so much more!

@realdonaldtrump Mr. President, let's talk a minute about Operation Warp Speed. Your hesitancy to own up to your poor judgment or worse concerns me. Kids are dying. Why not come clean, say pharma deceived you, whatever. I think people are starting to see the real you, and I don't think they like what they see. You can be forgiven, but you need to step up to the plate and own what you have done (not brag about it). I know that's hard if not impossible for you to do. Are you too compromised? Corrupt? Just have bad judgment? What's up? You will give account to the Lord Jesus Christ, are you ready for that?

@Alethinos @realdonaldtrump Trump believed, naively for sure, his health experts, especially fauci. Little did he know the little elf was the one who helped design the virus and I'm sure was in on the order to release it to try to unseat an economy that was punishing his partners the Chinese, and would certainly meant a difficult time of stealing the election from him.

If only you had drained the swamp and secured our elections...

Stonetoss #wingnut #pratt #elitist #dunning-kruger stonetoss.com

Shoehorn Theory


spoilerFirst panel: white duck person with red hat and Gadsden flag shirt: “Yeah, I support free speech, private gun ownership, non-interventionism, and limited government”

Second panel: white duck person with pink hair and pink shirt looks shocked and/or horrified

Third panel: white duck person with pink hair and pink shirt looks angry and fearful, whispers into hand: “Just like the Nazis did…”

tyeluxe #racist twitter.com

(white savior gets egg on their face)

SolitaryWendigo: The mob only won because a youtuber told people to vote for it.

tyeluxe: your username is extremely offensive to Algonquian people as that word is to refer to an evil spirit of insatiable greed. change it or stay the fuck out of my notifs. that spirit is highly appropriated in pop culture. native peoples' beliefs are not for you to "nerd out" on. gtfo

SolitaryWendigo: I’m native, maybe you shouldn’t assume and mind your fucking business.
Also you’re fucking white lmao, I don’t think you get to tell ME what to do.

*This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists. Learn more*

SolitaryWendigo: Yes, there are heavy differences, often times the folklore between the 2 gets mixed up, which causes people to think that the name wendigo is offensive or not to be said, this is not true, and is in fact the shape shifting witch’s name that you shouldn’t say.

Tommy Tuberville #racist thedailybeast.com

Saturday’s Donald Trump rally in Nevada naturally featured some extremist comments, chief among them a false—and racist—tirade from Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), who claimed that Democrats are in favor of “reparations” because they are “pro-crime.” Tuberville’s speech also called for an end to food stamps, education reform, and closing the border. “No, they’re not soft on crime, they’re pro-crime. They want crime!” Tuberville said to the fringe crowd. “They want reparations because they think the people who do the crime are owed that. Bullshit!” The remarks at an event intended to promote Stop the Steal loons like Adam Laxalt, a Senate candidate, drew the ire of an army of critics on social media. Among them was MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough, who likened the Alabama senator’s comments to the rhetoric of segregationist figures like George Wallace and Lester Maddox.

Matt Walsh #psycho #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

I expected that something like this might happen.

It had to happen, I've been successful in fighting against the left's agenda, especially the trans agenda, and especially recently. Those who support the sexual mutilation of children know full well that I am a threat to them because we're winning, and they're losing, and they know that too.

They can't engage with our arguments, they can't oppose us on the battlefield of ideas, so instead they look for another way and now they're convinced they found their kill shot against me.

Yes, my PR team over at Media Matters apparently wasn't satisfied to promote just my current show and all the work they do there, so they decided to go back 15 years to my time as a rock radio host on an obscure station in Delaware, which is also an obscure State.

So here's my official answer, for the record.

Kiss my ass. I do not apologize. In fact, by all rights, you sick freaks should be the ones apologizing to me. For lying and defaming me, and doing it all, because I'm trying to prevent you from sexually mutilating children. You damned monsters. You child-abusing psychopaths. I wouldn't apologize to you, soulless parasites, if I had a gun to my head.

Instead, I'd rather just tell all of you to piss off.

I apologize for nothing. I concede nothing. I will never surrender even a single inch of ground to a pitchfork mob of degenerate morons.

You know, the secret they never say out loud, is that nobody is truly canceled unless they consent to it, and they willingly play their assigned roles. Well, I do not consent. And I'm not going to play the game. I'm not going anywhere.

I am more motivated than ever to oppose you and to fight against everything you stand for, because I hate everything you stand for, and I hate it more with each passing day. So you can try to humiliate me, you can try to ruin my reputation, you can accuse me of all of the most heinous crimes that you can invent in your tiny feverish little brains, but I am not going anywhere.

Staying in a fight. Never leaving. I promise you that.

Also for the record, I will always maintain that tasers are a wonderful source of comedy. That's not going to change either.

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

The “Great Replacement” is a dangerous conspiracy theory. Just listen to Rep. Mayra Flores:

Hispanic Texans are now the state’s largest demographic group.

Latinos can turn the tides and start the red wave!

A red wave? Our view is that our rulers import a helot underclass that votes progressive.

What if we were wrong?

Mr. Liu, himself part of a group with higher incomes than whites, said:

We go on treating whiteness as the ideal and social baseline of American life.

Whiteness is the baseline of American life. If Hispanics or Asians accept that and don’t “reckon with class divides and inequality,” there can be no Left that is built on victim morality, aside from blacks, who would be increasingly isolated and despised.

Hispanic social dysfunction far outpaces white, so they could be part of the victim class, but they are mostly ignored in the media’s incessant focus on blacks after BLM.

Hispanics are an artificial group.

Africans became “black,” much as Europeans became “white”. This didn’t happen with Hispanics.

Activists invented the category to get “our just share of political influence and Federal funds,” and there’s no consensus on who is included. Are Portuguese and Brazilians Hispanic?

“Ethnic” Americans — meaning whites from southern and eastern Europe — could conceivably have become a category if activists had pushed for it. Patrick Buchanan toyed with the idea. If so, we would be hearing many tales about the supposedly awful discrimination against Irish and Italians. (The American government’s campaigns against German-Americans during the world wars would probably would still be ignored).

It’s not whether “Hispanics are white” or whether “Hispanics can become white.” Hispanics aren’t any more real than “ethnic Americans.”

Support for the Democrats is lower among those for whom their Hispanic identity is less important. If the GOP really wants to win over Hispanics, it needs to end Hispanics as a demographic category.

However, elite attitudes ultimately triumph; even having to talk about drag shows for schoolchildren shows how powerful they are. With enough time, even “Latinx” could catch on.

Russ Winter #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

In research on the topic of witchcraft of the early modern era, little attention in given to those deemed witches. Feminist versions of the witch trials hold that the accused were often merely mid-wives and healers of peasant society who were burned for “no good reason” or because of poorly explained “hysteria.” Others claim it was indiscriminate prosecution of pagans or an earlier version of the shadow language term “satanic panic”.

Generally, this is a pervert justice warrior (PJW), very low-value narrative that dismisses attempts to reveal and counter Satanism, or just flat out evil as discrimination, hatred and prejudice. It is astonishing how frequently this scam is incorporated any time the awakened are asked to deny their lying eyes about the slime creatures crawling under the rocks.

No, not much attention has been given to the behavior of accused witches. The term “witchhunt” used in current vernacular implies persecution for no valid reason. But was that the case with accused witches of that period?
Heresy in and of itself was problematic during this period — but when fused with sorcery and perceived evil doings, it was a red flag and threatened the social order. Many ultra-rebellionist discordians, who rejected social and religious norms, went over to the dark side. The eccentric weirdness was noted, and these individuals sometimes self-identified as witches.
Burning was also used as a form of eugenics to eliminate the criminally mentally ill, as well as ultra-rebellionists, vagrants and indigents. Those with a “malignant spirit” (demons) were targeted, and this included those with schizophrenia, disassociative identity disorder, hysteria and epilepsy. And it included nasty, mean, mentally unbalanced people.
One study found that witchcraft beliefs are associated with the acceleration of antisocial attitudes and lower levels of trust in society. It wasn’t just scapegoating poor innocent pagan witches.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #magick #racist #quack #wingnut #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

THE TRANSHUMAN, SATANIC/LUCIFERIAN PLAN is a Khazarian/Fascist backed plan.

This is at the ROOT of why they do what they do!

Are you aware of the WINGMAKERS MATERIAL? The premise there is that sometime in our future a RACE OF AI RUN ANDROIDS will ‘drive by’ our solar system and spot our Earth and decide to invade with the intention to takeover and conquer this version of humanity. Therefore the SECRET GOV / DEEP STATE /SECRET SPACE PROGRAM MILITARY decided to CREATE THEIR OWN RACE of human cyborgs to use as CANNON FODDER/ a fighting force to repel these coming invaders.

As I have described based on many years of investigation, the roll out of the TRANSHUMAN AGENDA and how the use of NANO GRAPHENE OXIDE coupled with spike proteins and other hidden ingredients (mRNA) is present in the various of the bioweapons unleashed on humanity. Dr. David Adair, is an expert on AI and has said in a recent interview that Spike Protein which attaches itself to nano graphene oxide provides a foundation to transform the human body from carbon to silicone. This concoction has for years prior to the so-called VAX and PCR TESTS been put into our FOOD, WATER, CHEMTRAILS, and so on including our clothing and air we breathe. It acts as a terraforming agent so insidious and hidden that it only became widely known once the VACCINE PROGRAM via warp speed and big Pharma was launched.
As with all MAGICK acts performed by the dark ILLUMINATI type Magicians/doctors/military industrial complex actors… using Mkultra-type PROPAGANDA also known as the “mockingbird media” they persuaded unsuspecting humans to stand in line (volunteer) to get the “VAX” that would be the final ‘coup de grace’ as part of a long effort to turn the human race into androids or more specifically cyborgs, TRANSHUMANS linked to an AI … or what some call the BORG.

William C. Lewis #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

The Trump Ukraine Biden Anti-NATO Phone Call Transcript Javelin Missile Conspiracy Revealed: CIA Coup Ukraine Burisma Holdings Hunter Biden Bidengate Controversy

The impeachment surrounds a phone call Trump made to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelansky on July 25, 2019. Trump is accused of wanting Zelansky to work with his prosecutor to dig up dirt on the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden concerning Hunter Biden's board membership with Burisma Holdings gas company located in Ukraine. Hunter Biden received this position after the CIA Wall Street NATO U.S. war machine overthrow of the Ukrainian government in Feb. 2014 that installed a far-right neo-nazi anti-Russian junta in Kiev. Trump had not delivered the $400 million in military aid to Ukraine at the time of the July 25, 2019 phone call in which Javelin missiles for Ukraine were discussed by Zelansky. The anti-NATO Trump that does not believe other European countries contribute their fair share to the NATO alliance is in the hotseat because of the CFR elite Biden-Hillary camp's desire to oust this politician so that they can go more aggressively after Russia's Vladimir Putin in an attempt to conduct a Coup d'état in Russia in the same fashion that was conducted by the NATO western colonial war machine in Libya against Libya's Muammar Gaddafi because this ruler wanted to trade for his oil in gold rather than the U.S. dollar. Hillary discussed Libya's gold with France in her e-mails and western NATO member nations that collaborate with the U.S war machine for global conquest power to control oil and minerals want Hillary back in power so that the NATO western alliance can overthrow Russia and take its large oil reserves and so armaments manufacturers can sell more weapons of death in a U.S. NATO invasion of Russia. This is what impeachment is really about.

cautiousculpeo #magick twitter.com

(No True Scotsman, the Indigenous edition)

NaysPinClub: What cryptid do you want made into a plushie the MOST?

Pat_the_Flareon: Windego

cautiousculpeo: The w*ndigo is an indigenous monster it’s not a cryptid… please don’t use the name if you don’t know the intentions behind it.

Pat the Flareon: No you do your research it is an indigenous cryptid from their folklore look it up, and I will tell you this rethink in how you phrase things because if you read it you wrote it like you were attacking someone and not advising them to knowledge they didn't know.

cautiousculpeo: Did you just tell me to research my own culture what. Yeah no. I offered warning. Don’t use that name if you don’t know what that name means. All you do is put your own life on the line even THINKING the name. Whatever if you don’t want to listen not my funeral.

Pat_the_Flareon: I'm native American too I know the folklore and the legends because I've done research since I had no one to teach me and like I said rethink phrasing because the way you are phrasing things is coming out hostile

cautiousculpeo: If you are indigenous you should know why you don’t mention or think his name. Whatever man. You are the hostile one and you are fighting with fire in a dangerous way. Not my funeral

BondiBlue , OneOddBird & OneStarWolf #transphobia #moonbat ovarit.com

( BondiBlue )
Blue states becoming "sanctuaries" for genderwoo.

Connecticut has just announced it will be the first state to ignore court orders from red states prohibiting trans nonsense. Washington D.C. is reportedly soon to follow.


The upside is that they're also intending to be sanctuaries for abortion. But the downside is that they're lumping the two together as a broader "civil rights" battle. Even though the genderwoo cult are the ones erasing women's civil rights, and leaving us with no sanctuaries away from them.

This makes me angry, because the genderwoo cult now has a narrative framing of being on the Union side against slavery. It's just more forced teaming, now with trans bullsh!t effectively positioned as a "race." Just because I don't want anything to do with these militant colonizers doesn't make me a daughter of the Confederacy, FFS.

( OneOddBird )
A lot of this blue state trans thing refuge thing raises a lot of questions. Whenever a bill like the Texas one is passed, you see hordes of trans kids or their parents saying they are going to move out to a blue state. The thing is, blue states usually have higher costs of living. What person can actually afford to uproot their entire life, buy a home in a new place, pay for all the travel and expenses etc. it really shows that trans kids and trans healthcare in general is a problem of the bourgeoisie. What’s going to happen to that “trans kid” in Texas whose parents work as grocery store clerks? They can’t just uproot their lives and move. But oddly enough all the focus and sympathy is leveled at these upper class trans kids and their families who can afford to basically upgrade their quality of life

( OneStarWolf )

So Connecticut is also all about forcing women into prisons with men to inevitably be raped and become pregnant against their will. But at least they’ll allow the women abortions, eh! The idiots.

Gender ideology is a scourge on women and children, and it’s despicable how they now try to force ally it with abortion.

Women don’t want or need your gender cult bullshit as a condition for having autonomy over our bodies. Fuck off, Connecticut and all other TRAs and blue states trying this sleight of hand with our rights. We see you.

Mike Stone #racist #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

Every time you watch a movie, television show, or streaming service your mind is being manipulated and molded by an unseen hand.
Are you familiar with the term "channeling"?

It's a word used by mystics and psychics.
Now what happens when you turn on the television? You turn the knob or press the remote to a specific "channel." You then invite whatever is on that channel into your home and into your mind. The use of the word "channel" as it applies to television is not a coincidence. You are literally "channeling" unseen energy and influence into your life.

Are you familiar with the term "programming"?
The bottom line is White people, and particularly White men, are being programmed to accept their replacement. To accept it, to see it as inevitable, and to acquiesce their new position on the bottom of the totem pole. Sadly enough, it's working.
What about White women, you ask? They're even worse. The majority of women, and in particular White women, will believe whatever society tells them to believe. They've been brainwashed into believing that White is out and non-White is in; that being a wife and mother is boring, but being a whore or slut is cool and financially rewarding. They've been programmed to reject and loathe their White brothers - the very men who risked their lives for centuries to save White women and who have given White women everything they have.
Fat, dumb Americans would rather subjugate themselves to those who despise them, rather submit to mental slavery, rather allow themselves to be beaten and killed than experience the temporary discomfort of giving up the boob tube.

Thank God they don't make up the entirety of the White race. There are still White men, and a handful of White women, with balls; men and women with courage, fortitude, and vision working tirelessly to get us out of the mess we're in. Sadly, they are few in number. Are you one of them?

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