
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Experiment626, Silverberry & faded #psycho #sexist incels.is

Inceltear whines about faded and denies he got away with using force upon an escort.

Look at the comments, saying he didn't actually do it. They even said "if it makes you feel any better". That is the definition of "coping".

Guess what inceltear, in the real world, lots of women have sexual "crimes" committed against them, and they are never able to report it. That's how life works. So you need to accept this inceltear, in the real world, if it creates incels, many of those incels, are going to use physical force to get what they want from a woman, without her consent. And she can't do anything but deal with the mental trauma from it

I hope this escort fucking kills herself after years of mental torment. faded, you are the man.

I personally don't see anything wrong with what faded did anyway. That woman is a whore and deserves to be treated as such. She forfeited her bodily autonomy when he gave her the money anyway, I don't think she should have any right to have any control over what goes on in the bedroom. I hope that bitch has nightmares from this.


How does a sex worker get raped exactly? If you paid for her service how do you rape someone who is selling sex to you jfl what?

I didn’t even rape her. We just had rough sex and she didn’t like it because I was Incel

There is a very easy solution to that. Just don't be a whore.


I gave his post a standing ovation. He's been scammed by whores before, so this is payback. If whores hate their job then they better work at walmart.

Thank you. Just doing my part and trying to make whores miserable

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

BREAKING: Today, the Senate will vote on the most pro-abortion bill in history. The WHPA bill would eliminate almost every pro-life law across the country and mandate abortion on demand nationwide through all nine months of pregnancy. Every senator should oppose this bill! RT

J.B. Shurk #wingnut #fundie #sexist thefederalist.com

5 Ways Democrat Policies Work To Destroy Children’s Lives

Once again, children have become objects unworthy of life, protection, or tutelage. What kind of society does this to children?

In human history, it has been normal for unwanted babies to be aborted, smothered, or abandoned to wildlife. Parents could beat or kill their children at will. Children were routinely sold into slavery. And it was quite ordinary for adults to use low-class or enslaved children as sexual playthings.

Christianity revolutionized the way Western society thought of children. They gained recognition, inherent value, and special focus. Rather than seen as burdens not worthy of consideration until they could contribute to a family’s survival, children became blessings deserving of protection, education, and guidance. As Bakke concludes of this momentous change in Western history: children became people.

Today, we sadly are witnessing the reverse of this civilizational achievement. Once again, children have become objects unworthy of life, protection, or tutelage.

Their mere right to exist is balanced against a mother’s right to convenience. Their childhoods have become sexualized. Their education has been abandoned and replaced with regimens of indoctrination that make them easy targets for governments, corporations, and predators to exploit.

Right before our eyes, those with power are stripping American children of their personhood. Here are five ways I see this clearly happening in our society right now.

1. Child Murder

Not long ago, abortion was commonly understood as the murder of a baby and an act deserving of shame. Now abortion is perversely defended as both a “human right” and a part of “family planning,” even though it extinguishes entirely the rights of at least one human and diminishes a family forever.

Abortion lobbyists have succeeded in reducing babies to “clumps of cells” or “fetuses” or “tumors,” anything that can be used linguistically to dehumanize a living being. Far removed from the moral constraints of shame, some women actually celebrate the deaths of their children.


Ted Cruz #fundie #sexist #wingnut salon.com

On January 6 of 2021, you had tens of thousands of people peacefully protesting, and yet the corporate media and Democrats slander them with the made-up term 'insurrectionist,'" he told host Sean Hannity. "And yet in this instance, they are not willing to call off their goons [abortion protestors] even now as this has the potential to escalate and escalate further."

Slayer / Tom Araya #fundie #sexist #pratt metal-archives.com

(Lyrics of “Silent Scream” by Slayer)

Nightmare, the persecution
A child's dream of death.

Torment, ill forgotten
A soul that will never rest.

Guidance, it means nothing
In a world of brutal time.

Electric, circus, wild,
Deep in the infants mind.

Silent Scream
Bury the unwanted child.
Beaten and torn
Sacrifice the unborn.

Shattered, adolescent [sings: another child]
Bearer of no name.

Restrained, insane games
Suffer the children condemned.

Scattered, remnants of life,
Murder a time to die.

Pain, sufferaged toyed,
Life's little fragments destroyed.

Silent Scream
Crucify the bastard son.
Beaten and torn
Sanctify lives of scorn.

Life preordained
Humanity maintained.
Extraction termination
Pain's agonizing stain.

Embryonic death,
Embedded in your brain.
Suffocation, strangulation,
Death is fucking you insane.

Nightmare, the persecution
A child's dream of death.

Torment, ill forgotten
A soul that will never rest.
Innocence withdrawn in fear.
Fires burning can you hear
Cries in the night.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #sexist #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Imagine if all those sappy love songs were hymns celebrating God?
What a different world this would be. Guess who controls the music industry.

Romantic love is a fake religion promoted by Satanists
to substitute love for a flawed and ultimately dull human being
for love of the God within.
All love is really love of God (perfection, bliss.)
All true religion is love (worship, obedience) of God.
Everything else is a satanist diversion.
God is the principle of our moral development.
If you don't believe in God, you don't believe in yourself.

We live in a society that is besotted with beautiful women and sex. This fetish substitutes for religion. Sex and romance are sold as a way of achieving unity with God. The orgasm is the Holy Sacrament. This is Satanism.

The mystification of sex and women (sex Goddess programming) makes men impotent. Men are too weak to approach and enlist women who have been taught to be "strong and independent." E.g. Leslie Gore's "You don't own me" and Linda Ronstadt "Different Drum."

This combination of idealizing women and emasculating men has led to heterosexual breakdown, e.g. Illuminati social engineering. Femininity is based on trading power for male power in the form of love. Real love is based on mutual dependence and trust, not sexual desire.

People scoff when I say Western society is a satanic cult. However, the proof is obvious. The word "God" is banned from mainstream public discourse. In fact, we are repulsed at His mere mention. Our minds shut down. We become angry. We have been brainwashed to hate God and don't even know it.

If I were wrong, God would be on our lips. After all, He is the Creative Intelligence behind life. He has Instructions for us. We should be celebrating Him and discussing His Plan.

We can't mention Him because Cabalist central bankers have their own Plan. They want to be God themselves. Their entertainment is social engineering. This is why we have love songs to vacuous women instead of hymns to God.

micropenis29 & Ghost of Eskimo #sexist #racist #wingnut ncu.su

women hate capitalism because they aren’t good at producing value

yes, there will always be commies like @chudur-budur who'll cherry-pick the most successful onlyfans girls or pornstars

but you must realize that @chudur-budur's a low-IQ ethnic, and so he benefits enormously from his special ethnic privilege granted to him by women, soys, governments, & commies

@chudur-budur views capitalism the same way women view capitalism: he's too dumb to understand it but can sense he'll lose privileges under it

without their fake (government) jobs, fake (government) hiring practices, and of course their welfare, women & the dumbest ethnics struggle under capitalism, while the rest of us thrive

(Ghost of Eskimo)
Capitalism is cucked because it never wants to resolve your issues. The more issues you have, the more money it makes.

Therapy based on Kike Freudin psychology is capitalism at it's finest. It reduces you down to a set of values that can be manipulated into accepting your incel wageslavery.

All that's needed in life is to: nut deep inside 13 year old pussy and a plot of land you can farm.

diacylglycerol82 & BettERtoreigninhell #sexist blackpill.club

Society hates us because we dont worship and serve foids.

Mgtow is considered a joke because they are the reserve army of betabuxxers ready in times of desperation but not needed under alimony model.

But incels are completely rejected by foids, society only tolerates men who agree to serve and obey the will of foids.

The only group willing to question the foid worship model are the pro male collective and they are universally hated and condemned.

Far rightists, and most incels are ready to worship foids under the correct terms and conditions, refusing to worship foids under any circumstances makes you hated by everyone.

Simply desiring a mutually beneficial relationship based on respect and consent makes you an extremist.

Actually I think some of us are so repugnant that society has found us a role that won't bother m'lady by not even worshiping her (that would imply harassment in their logic). That role is the nerd/consoomer buying tons of things that Chads would feel embarrassed to even possess. Ugliness sells a lot. Plus there are ugly failed normies who will spend a lot of money on pubs, clothes, gym cards, fitness products, perfumes, fancy cars. Ugly folks are actually a mine of money that I may argue are more efficient in keeping alive the capital monster than some lumberjack Chad who is too busy having sex and getting drunk with cheap beer at the crappy local tavern with the other manly men.

What would damage soyciety is not simply the presence of ugly/incel men but the rise of the Diogenecels who stopped coping and live with the bare minimum. But how many incels are so blackpilled to develop this mentality? So few in comparison to the exploitable incels that they're never gonna be even noticed.

Chris Roberts #ableist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

On Friday, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sent off a series of tweets that proved popular:

“The extreme left is taking over” WHERE. In Texas, Republicans passed a law allowing rapists to sue their victims for getting an abortion.

We can’t even get our party to import cheaper RXs from Canada. foh

Billionaires be like “the extreme far left is taking over” when the “extreme far left” in the US is “medicine shouldn’t bankrupt you,” “wages should cover rent,” & “maybe it’s bad that Wall St companies profit off mass surveillance, manufactured housing crises, and caging people”

The reason America isn’t socialist, despite a very powerful Left, is because the Left cares more about race than economics. The effects of leftism are often felt by an absence of policies. The reason crime is soaring in most cities, is because leftists have demonized law and order. The riots in 2020 lasted so long because leftist DAs refused to prosecute rioters. The reason illegal immigrants pour into the country is because the Left believes any form of border security is unethical.

What the far-left lacks in political power, it makes up for in cultural power. It is because of the far-left that many schoolchildren are taught to think America is evil, racist, and irredeemable. The far-left made Marxist and anti-white arguments common on campus. The far-left’s influence explains why major newspapers don’t report brutal black-on-white crime.

Over the last 60 years, the Left has got what it wants many times: “civil rights,” mass non-white immigration, abortion rights, affirmative action, gay marriage, legal miscegenation, and legal protections for women, the disabled, homosexuals, non-whites, etc.

The economic Left Miss Ocasio-Cortez describes doesn’t really exist. The popular leftist website, Huffington Post, has sections for five “communities:” Queer Voices, Asian Voices, Black Voices, Latino Voices, and Women. There are no Poor Voices, Union Voices, Middle-Class Voices, Working-Class Voices, or Minimum-Wage Voices. That’s a statement of priorities. The Huffington Post isn’t “far-left” on economics; it’s very far-left on race.

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist #racist #wingnut dailystormer.cn

[From "Media: After Abortion Ban, Bans on Gay Sex, Race-Mixing, and Contraception are Next!"]

Imagine a world where women can’t use sex as a weapon of power against men

The Guardian:

Following the bombshell release of a draft decision showing a majority of US supreme court justices may overturn Roe v Wade, legal experts believe other laws about individual autonomy may be in danger, including the right to access contraception[…]

Just so you know, this is the 14th Amendment
That’s what these lunatics have been claiming guarantees an absolute right to on-demand abortion. And the rest of the things listed[…]
All of these “rights” are based on the theory that the 14th Amendment gives the federal government a right to enforce “privacy” on the states

“If the draft becomes the real opinion, all of those issues – contraception, consensual sex and marriage rights – certainly are all at risk,” said Priscilla Smith, lecturer on law and reproductive justice at Yale Law School. “They have definitely left the door wide open”[…]

I doubt any state would have the nerve to ban interracial marriage. But you could, if removing abortion takes away the right of the federal government to push all of these “privacy”-based rights onto the states[…]
There might not even be states with the nerve to ban contraception

But there are definitely states that would want to ban gay marriage

And, in theory, you could see some kind of rolling roll-back of all of these “rights.” All you would need is one state legislature to go in and say “this isn’t privacy and we want to ban this”

The entire “14th privacy basically means anything” was a way to undermine the US Constitution and strip states of rights that were explicitly given to them by the Constitution itself

Without this 14th gimmick, you’re back to the 10th Amendment

diacylglycerol82 & pornoddio #sexist #racist blackpill.club

I respect black men for being willing to walk away from foids

Black men are the only ones who are willing to walk away from foids when the foid becomes unpleasant and unreasonable.

In all other cultures men must acquiesce or try to control the foid.

Attempts to control the femoid never work and of course is unecessary and stressful labor for men, if a foid is defective just walk and let her be strong and independent.

When you buy a product and it is defective you are allowed to return it to the manufacturer for a refund.

Same with foids, you shouldnt need to control them, you should be able to return her to her father or mother stating that she is defective and unliveable.

No one would expect you to drive a car with an engine that doesnt work, why then deal with a foid who is argumentative, disruptive and all round PITA.

This is true. Nignoggers that walk away from femoids do it for real. A nignogger is much more rational than your average normie. The point is that a negro observes reality, he's convinced by it. I never needed to explain a thing to a negro multiple times, they get it immediately.

So if a negro is convinced of something he's going to act according to the knowledge he has.

Whites don't do that. Whites keep spamming obsessively new stupid memes such as teenlove, offidoffi, tradwaifu, oneitis, and the list goes on and on. Basically we have this bulk of blackpill knowledge, it's all highIQ empirically tested evidence, the whites are not even considering it, they go around spamming one delusion after the other.

And white MGTOWs? What a bunch of idiots. The negro MGTOWs had to separate and create their own groups, because the white infested MGTOW spaces are too stupid to be real, they're all about discussin obsessively about muh traditionalism, muh coping with religion, muh jordan cuckoldson, they're all grown ass men and still quote Peterson like they are teenagers that don't know anything about life.

Marco Rubio #fundie #sexist #wingnut salon.com

[Pro Choice activists intend to protest at Catholic Churches]

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida also entered the fray, tweeting, "Deranged leftists are urging followers to disrupt church services across America this Sunday … I hope President Biden & democratic leaders will condemn this attempt to incite domestic terror."

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia occidentaldissent.com

[From "Richard Spencer: The Case for Abortion"]

It is worth revisiting that old debate. My position at the time was that the triumph of legal abortion in the United States in the 1970s was a consequence of the ascendance of the left-libertarian bohemian counter-culture in the 1960s[…]Wider context of the loosening of our immigration laws (1965), the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement (1965), the legalization of interracial marriage (1967), the increase in drug abuse and the rise of feminism and the gay rights movement[…]
The idea that professional class White women who support aborting their own children[…]are going to somehow care about the identity and welfare of their more distantly related racial group and that the overall effect of this would be “eugenic” was always absurd[…]It has led to a world of childless DINKs, wine soaked dog moms and sterile tattooed lesbians[…]
What did America look like in 1970 before this “eugenic” shift?
The country was the whitest it had ever been in all of American history before the black minority had access to legal abortion[…]Deep South states like Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi had never been whiter[…]
I am celebrating the demise of Roe. I hope it signals a cultural shift away from the rotten left-libertarian expressive individualism[…]
The idea that race is a meaningless social construct rather than a biological reality of our species led naturally to the assertion that sex is also a social construct and that gender can be freely chosen. The triumph of legalized interracial marriage led inexorably to legal abortion and gay marriage and “trans”

Danny McCormick & Louisiana legislators #crackpot #wingnut #sexist nbcnews.com

Louisiana lawmakers advance bill that would classify abortion as homicide

A bill advanced Wednesday by Louisiana legislators would classify abortion as a homicide, potentially allowing authorities to charge women and girls with murder and criminalize in vitro fertilization, critics said.

The bill, dubbed the Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act, passed 7-2 out of a state House subcommittee two days after Politico published a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion suggesting that the court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The bill will now move to a full House vote. The legislation would still need support from the Senate and the governor before it could become law.

Speaking at a hearing Wednesday, the bill’s sponsor, Danny McCormick, compared the move to flout federal laws protecting abortion to the state’s approval of medical marijuana.

"If more than 15 states can defy the federal government, we can do it to save the lives of innocent babies," he said. “We cannot wait for the Supreme Court to confirm that innocent babies have the right to life."

“The taking of a life is murder, and it is illegal," he added.

The bill’s text, which says the legislation aims to “ensure the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all unborn children from the moment of fertilization,” it instructs the state to disregard federal abortion rulings, including Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Ellie Schilling, a Louisiana lawyer who represents reproductive health care providers, said at the hearing that the bill would amend state law to allow authorities to charge someone who is pregnant with homicide or criminal battery “at any stage of gestation,” according to Reuters.

Kurt Schlichter #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #homophobia #racist townhall.com

Have you noticed the absolute freakshow quality of the people who want to keep us in chains? Perhaps it’s one thing to be repressed by people who are at least nominally badass, like Romans or Mongols. But these geebos who make up the Democrat Party’s loudmouth wing? The sexually hopeless toads outraged because other people who might someday know the loving touch of another human can’t whack their babies? No. Not only does their tyranny fail the freedom test, it fails the aesthetic test.
Look, I’m not saying that our society should bring back bullying nerds. I am simply observing that when nerds were busy trying to avoid swirlies in the boys' room, they did not have the time to devote to getting their groomer allies access to Kindergarteners. If Melvins and Pointdexters living in fear is the price of little kids not getting chatted up by pedo-adjacent strange-os, I say that’s a bargain.
And that’s true of the rest of the salty commie crew. Pierced beings with blue hair. Fat-positive behemoths in spandex. Daddy-issue goofs of all genders who can’t do a push up. If we are going to lose our country and our freedom, it can’t be to this gallery of goblins. At least with proper enemies – like, say, the Hessians – you could get some satisfaction shoving a bayonet into their guts. With these weebles, you fail to call them by their bespoke pronouns and they collapse into a sobbing heap. Where’s the challenge?

We simply cannot lose to these people. It’s undignified.
You weirdos, losers, and mutations could have been cool. You could have done your own thing and ignored us like we ignored you. But no. You wanted to be the Big Non-binaries on Campus. Except you don’t get to, because you suck and we’re not going to be ruled over by theater dorks, infanticide fetishists, and bitter fringies.

We’re going to rule ourselves, and my advice is to keep the hell out of our faces lest you figuratively end up hanging by your Fruit-of-the-Looms from the flagpole.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

What about voting? Women overwhelmingly vote Democrat. There would have been no Democrat Presidents without women voting. It’s mostly the single and liberal women who are voting for large, intrusive government programs. They don’t have husbands, so they want everything free from the government. Instead of depending upon a husband to provide for them, they prefer an impersonal, corrupt government do this for them. It’s also the Democrats who are trying to vote in the right to be able to murder a baby weeks after it is born. Wouldn’t you all gladly give up your right to vote so women wouldn’t vote anymore and more babies would be given life??? I sure would in a heartbeat. Beside, most voting is fraudulent now.

Some will question why I discuss politics. Excuse me!!! The life of the unborn is NOT politics. It’s human life made in the image of God that we’re speaking about! Many mothers no longer even want to raise their children with public schools and daycares in abundance. They would rather a godless institution raise their own children. Let’s rebel against this, godly women! Marry, bear children, and guide the home as God commands in 1 Timothy 5:14. I assure you that His ways are best. Are they easy? NO! They’re hard and exhausting but nothing good ever comes easily. But His ways are perfect and produce beautiful fruit; godly offspring who will grow up and bless your socks right off!

How many of you believe these verses are true? If so, then live like it!

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

I can have sex with every girl I want
With few simple tricks

Confidence :

You walk confidently towards her like you were facing your worst enemy in the final battle

Personality :

You talk to her using very charismatic arguments like "now you'll do anything I say or I will murder your parents"

Kino :

Your wrap her neck with your hands

Push and pull :

you push her in your car and pull off your dick once in an isolated place

Peacocking :

You wear eccentric accessories like a big knife so she notices how unique you are

Holding your frame

You're completely over her so she cannot escape

Feign disinterest :

I don't care if you die

Pump and dump her :

Feel her ass with gasoline, throw a lighter in her, dump her corpse in the desert in redhead redemption


Dave Blount #wingnut #sexist #homophobia moonbattery.com

[From "Get Woke Go Broke: Subway"]

Subway chose one of the most obnoxious moonbats in America to represent the franchise. There was some initial blowback. Let’s see how Megan Rapinoe is turning out for them in the long run:

Subway has struggled in the year since it hired soccer star and left-wing activist Megan Rapinoe as a national spokeswoman, with hundreds of stores closing across the nation[…]

Rapinoe is not known so much for playing soccer, since no one watches women’s soccer, as for proclaiming her devotion to sexual deviance and indulging in Colin Kaepernick antics to demonstrate her hatred of America. Even by moonbat standards, she is unappealing in the extreme:[…]
Regarding her public displays of disrespect for Old Glory, Rapinoe barks:

“Being a gay American, I know what it means to look at the flag and not have it protect all of your liberties”

The more special privileges they acquire through crybullying, the more oppressed they claim to be

Ludicrously, Victoria’s Secret proclaimed its wokeness by signing her up as a model. To put it mildly, Rapinoe is no Adriana Lima

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

In general, women are short-sighted. Some will claim that the birth control has helped them with some disease or problem that they have in the same way women will be angry if I suggest that women should have never had the right to vote. The birth control kills babies. It causes abortions. Millions upon millions of unborn babies have been slaughtered in their mothers’ wombs because of the birth control pill.

How, you may ask? The pill itself can cause abortions. It has also caused almost everyone to have a birth control mentality. “We get to decide when, how many, and if we’re going to have children.” God has been completely left out of the conversation, even among Christians. Now, pregnancy is called an “accident” or an “inconvenience” when discussing a human being being formed in the womb rather than a blessing from God. The pill has also led to massive fornication which leads to a massive number of abortions to cover up the couple’s immorality. Women have also decided they want careers rather than having babies. Why do you think we’re at the point where doctors and parents can decide to cut off a five-year-old boy’s male anatomy? Life is no longer valued. This is path that the pill has taken us down, and it’s horrific.

Thunderstudent #dunning-kruger #sexist deviantart.com

I love the LOOK of the 616 Jane Foster Thor but they turned her from a kind, strong and independent woman into an SJW Feminazi. Long before now Marvel did a What if comic on if Jane Foster found the hammer instead of Thor's mortal persona. And it was way better! So what if Jane Foster Thor gained the personality and mentality of her old school counterpart "Thordis"? No politics, no bullshit, just good old fashion story telling with compelling characters and well conceived plotlines?

Anyomous #conspiracy #sexist quora.com

Is Doctor Who pandering to SJWs?

The answer is obviously yes, unless you think it’s by chance that in the past season as the SJW’s rose, suddenly Jesus was black, all of history is whitewashed, the doctor will be becoming a woman, and the sidekick is a black lesbian. All they need is an Asian and they’ve ticked all the boxes - and you guessed it, next season will also have an Asian. And it’ll go like this - the women will be in charge, they’ll be brave, intelligent etc., and the men will be complete wimps, stammering about hardly able to put a sentence together. Apparently this is ‘progressive’, despite the fact to anybody with a brain, it’s regressive.

Given most people are indoctrinated, they probably see this as normal. Regardless, whether you like the pandering or not, the show has lost it’s magic. Tbh I wouldn’t say SJW’s ruined it, even before the pandering, after Matt Smith’s departure, the show’s just…..boring. Far too iterative, they need better writers - but finding good writers is hard when SJW’s will lynch anyone that even slightly deviates from their agenda. But, I don’t know why they can’t find good writers, could be a number of reasons.

Vincent James #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #psycho bitchute.com

The Supreme Court has completely banned abortion, or they’re going to move to ban abortion. They’re gonna ban sodomy, they’re gonna ban gay marriage, they’re gonna throw gays off roofs. Women lose, God wins! Christ wins, total victory incoming. Hoes mad, total baby victory. Let’s go! Gays are banned, sodomy’s banned, gays are banned! We shall have our theocracy very soon.
Let’s go! Maybe five years from now, we’ll be seeing Alito throw [gay people] off of tall buildings. Maybe five years from now, we’ll be seeing Alito and Justice Clarence Thomas (if he makes it through his health scares) throwing them off of roofs.

Vincent James #homophobia #sexist t.me

In 1950, abortion was not only a crime, but a shameful act you would be ostracized from any social group for. In 1960 the vast majority of America opposed the idea of gay marriage, and sodomy was illegal. It is precisely for this reason we must force gays back into the closet and women back into the kitchens.

Hyve #sexist mmo-champion.com

It was a mutually exclusive deal. The women must cover herself in front of men, to stop any temptation, and at home, she is free to dress as she wishes. These days though, that has been taken totally out of context, and had religious views stamped all over it.

Sadly, this isn't restricted purely just to Middle-Eastern Societies, but it is more prevalent due to the media coverage. Over here, we allow women to dress as they please, and rape cases are higher here, then they are in the Middle East. Now, I'm not saying they've got a good system, but merely pointing out, they had an old system (and I am talking, hundreds, if not thousands of years by the way) that ensured that both Men & Women were safe and could lead happy lives.

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Roe makes abortion on demand, through all nine months, for any reason the de facto law UNLESS a state restricts abortion. America has the most liberal abortion laws in the world Roe is crazy & even most "pro-choice" ppl don't support unfettered abortion It's time for Roe to go

Bangkok or bust #sexist #crackpot blackpill.club

RE: It's over

I have to agree completely with your comment in bold. Women evolved highly intuitive eugenicist senses and other biological attributes when it comes to picking a mate. The end goal of women is to pick a mate that can support themselves and their progeny when it comes to resources. They choose tall Chad because he looks dominant compared to other men; in caveman times lesser men were servile to Chad or be ******, hence it ingrained in women's brains. In modern times tall handsome chads still look like winners but also are assumed to have resource acquisition because they move up in ranks easier and are socially treated better than say a child looking manlet. Nevertheless, the problem with modern day society is careerism and cultural decay of nuclear family values. Hence, as women become more career oriented; they will find that all the potentially viable, genetically healthy average males they rejected in the past will work against them in the end. These careerism women sacrificed their fertility in turn for their vain ego, narcisstic tendencies and materialistic comforts. Hence, when their maternal instinct tells them desperately to procreate with any 'good' male they can find; they soon realize they are too old now, and no male wants to procreate with them because they have better options available elsewhere (i.e. younger, more fertile women with looser standards that are willing to compromise. Or men simply using escorts and staying bachelor's). In summation, career-driven women are a biological dead end in terms natural selection because their vain ego, narcissism, inability for self reflection and unrealistic standards in a mate is their downfall in the end.

micropenis29 & Ghost of Eskimo #sexist #wingnut ncu.su

old men aren't wise

once a man starts losing his sex drive, his brain begins to rot

i watched a video of noam chomsky the other day

in one part of the video, he was describing how he thought communism was superior to capitalism because one time he spent an afternoon planting trees with a group of commies and he enjoyed it

lordgoro, an oldcel & high status member of blackpill.club, has admitted to having less of a sex drive than he had when he was younger

it's no wonder he believes in communism and never wants to discuss women; he has no energy to produce anything of value and he's not even attracted to women!

(Ghost of Eskimo)
Men should only think of producing value that keeps females subjugated.

Communism is just centralized capitalism that's inefficient at distributing resources.

Only individual men deserve freedoms. Working class men should have a vote in all corporations. Shareholders would have a minor role.

Free companies would be a sole proprietorship or partnership until they accumulated a plurality share of a market.

We shall call it "Blackpill Capitalism"

PS. There should be criminal code written for cucks. For violations, they shall be sentenced to public humiliation, hard labor or death.

Prince Caspian #sexist #homophobia scifiwright.com

On a side note. My cousin's daughter was half paying attention to a cartoon on Nicolodeon. My Grandma was watching it too, but did not really gather what small feats and characteristics about the characters were displayed.

Two college girls were hanging out with each other on a quest. It came to be revealed, they were "dating" each other. And had to break up. The crush between the two girls.

It was propaganda for children to adopt the lifestyle as innocent. Just a mere blush. A certain love like charm, like boyfriend and girlfriend would have.

This is the benign appearing entry into a child's mind and heart. It's the slithering serpent in the Garden. "You shall not die!"

This is a introduction to children to think of romance, crushes. And children have a mind and are intelligent. They are not stupid. They know that this means the terms of endearment which a man and a woman often display. And children come often onto the seen. They understand.

Deviating this with two girls, then tells children that two girls can have those romantic relationships that evolve from a crush. Children are not stupid. Thus, the logic of the cartoon is not innocent, for which it leads to.

Thus, as the authors in the letter above. Surely know, their audience are not stupid. But treat them as Mrs. Sanger loved for her purposes. Referring to them as "feeble minded."

There is nothing romantic about two girls, or two boys loving each other. Nothing!

The love a boy builds an affection for a girl, is willing the good of the other. He defends her. He protects her. He is a Knight! He is a Prince! The opposites attract. The opposites are complimentary. Their completely creative. The girl and girl, or the boy and boy are not. It's dead.

The guy creates a Poem giving her the words that only a Goddess can hear. Goddesses cannot really stand hearing what they want to hear from each other. It's already known.

The boy, the subject of the Goddess, who not like any other as she has known and seen. Brings her delight. She see's a smaller willful subject, unlike her own. He is a strange and unusual creation.

That's the point of boy meets girl.

Girls can live Lesbos if they want. And, they will live for that for a awhile, until a boy awakens their wonder. And find a Prince who slays dragons, and rescues Princesses. She see's him as her complimentary. Not her equal.

Matt Walsh #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

There really is no creature on Earth more repulsive than a bitter old Boomer pro-abortion feminist. These people are just absolute heinous monsters. They've overseen the slaughter of 60 million children and still aren't satisfied. Blood thirsty psychopaths.

Anonymous #kinkshaming #sexist lolcow.farm

basically guys into "femdom" femdom (think PVC, cbt, the meme worthy stuff) are c tier men who are obnoxious and petulant outside of sex, and are generally worse to women than they are to men, without the success/value to match. high school tier mentality.
if "soft femdom" is more your thing you will eventually notice that a lot of that overlaps with 'mommy' stuff. maybe far more tolerable people but possibly more deranged.
not a comment on kinks/fetishes/lifestyles but an observation about the men who are into those things.

Men being annoying parasites is common in general and more so if they are outspoken about sexual fetishes. It really doesn't matter which one they prefer. Men wanting to believe they're a big bad dom kang, guys shrieking mommy over any woman with a hint of muscle, hooking up with randoms at orgies, psychos jerking off in the middle of public parks, foot fags. If you're in a social community dedicated to any of those things, solely looking to hook up with women based on those things and otherwise advertising your fetish to the world (like in a dating app profile), you are deranged. It goes for both sexes although obviously men are worse. The reason it's better to bring up femdom scenarios with 'normie' men is precisely because they are normal. Even the women here who say they must always have femdom sex or are okay with casual encounters surrounding their fetish even with gross men freely admit they are not mentally well.
>men… generally worse to women than they are to men
that's literally all men. I'm not defending outspoken sub guys I'm just saying they're no better or worse than a person forming their entire identity around any kink. Liking the same things does not guarantee compatibility on a personal basis.

Fat Link #god-complex #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

The Official State of the Incels.is Union Address!

6 months ago to the date toxic leftist shitheads doxxed and destroyed the lives of our two most beloved incel heroes and benefactors SergeantIncel and the Master of disaster himself…well…Master lol.

I’m sure you all remember that this was in relation to butthurt over the noble Sanctioned Suicide website the two heroes of our royal lineage had also once run together.

Leave it to missplaced anger to almost always destroy the best things in life be they people or places but not to fear as I’ve heard it through the grapevine most recently Serge and Master are doing well now and perhaps will one day be able to emerge from the proverbial Pulp Fiction bowl of rice they have presumably been hiding in all this time in Indo China, to live relatively normal lives once again, so three cheers for them my friends!

Honk! Honk!! Hooray!!!

While the past six months of my administration has been rocky to say the least, plagued by one scandal after another and perhaps most of which by my own making, give yourselves a round of applause because to quote nigger boy Morpheus from the Matrix trilogy of modern blacksploitation flicks…


So tonite we provide the list of Xbox Acheivements @Infinity and myself @Fat Link have accomplished in the past contentious but also exhilarating 6 months of time!

Saved the website? 100 Xbox gamer score.

Rebuilt the mod team from the ground up? 1500 gamerscore.

Instituted policy to stop faggots, trannies and other scum from joining that never existed before prior? 3,000 gamerscore.

And a special shout-out goes to my beloved mod team.

You guys are the best selection of chinks, niggers, mongrels and degenerate scum a h’white knee O Notsee soup prey myst like myself could ever hope to be in charge of!

Fuck Jesse Jackson and the libtards!

WE are the TRUE “Rainbow Coalition” here.

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

History will be written about the “feminist” violence that saw crushed skulls of unborn infants as woman’s ultimate liberation About the smug men that backed up the vicious ideology that freed them from responsibility & service About the incalculable loss of 60 million lives

Allie Beth Stuckey #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

50 years. If Roe is overturned, it is the result of 50 YEARS of anti-abortion advocates fighting for the dignity of babies and against the unconstitutional Roe v Wade decision. This is the long game of trusting God, working hard, telling the truth, and passing the torch.

Dana Loesch #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

The argument (fact) that the majority of those seeking to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy are already mothers just “family planning” and not young teenagers doesn’t help the argument for abortion. What happened to “safe, legal, and rare?"

Matt Walsh #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

The greatest cultural battle of our lives does not end with the overturning of Roe. It begins. The Left will do literally anything to protect its highest sacrament. We are in for a fight like you can't imagine. The die is cast. No turning back now.

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

The far-left is about to find out that despite their attempts at generating fear and revulsion for babies who were “unplanned,” the vast majority of Americans don’t want abortion through all nine months like they do & don’t want to join their bloodlust picket mines. #ProLife

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

We will likely see violence from extreme pro-aborts who love abortion so much it will drive them to rage. Hold fast and don’t be intimidated by the shrieking & threats. Life is a precious gift and worth standing up for. You are on the side of justice and love.

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