
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Laura Wood #sexist #fundie thinkinghousewife.com

[From "Uppity Church Ladies (and the Holy Women)"]

I WAS listening to Easter music on the radio while making dinner on Sunday when the programming was interrupted for a sermon by an Anglican minister. Her name was Judy or Elizabeth, I can’t recall which

There was nothing particularly offensive about the text of her Easter message, but I wondered who was making Easter dinner at Canon Judy’s house

Jesus chose only men for His Apostles for a reason. St. Paul enjoined against women preaching for a reason. We know that their momentous decisions had to do with hierarchy and social order. We know women have other things to do

There was a reason women were the first to learn of the Resurrection. They were favored by God — men have said — because of their ardent love. The Holy Women went to the tomb on Easter morning to dress the body of Jesus, a perfectly feminine way of expressing the depth of their devotion

It was for women to repair the damage done by Eve when they found the tomb empty

Women are not needed at pulpits or on altars. The fact that they dominate churches is one sign that we live in a wilderness without true altars

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist deviantart.com

Lawful Good the North West – Adam the sword and shield bearer, which is so noble of you, but you don't seem to have any real financial intelligence in the long run. What's good for everyone, isn't always good for the one thing that seems to help everyone, the normal human economy. Why do you like paying double and triple for gas so much? It takes energy to transport it across the ocean, which comes from another pipeline, which destroys another nation's forests, which is a giant virtue signal. Occasionally a member of the North West realizes that just having a monthly stipend isn't good enough, people need a purpose in life. Occasionally the North West produces a good math student who actually stops at a yellow light, and they are few not the many, but who really knows how to use a five way stop sign? You get 1 needed yellow pearl for 1 / 100. By the way Eve, what is it you said to me in the Constitution that Judah is a tax slave and Benjamin/Manassas are house slaves, or more directly, "Don't you want to be my nigger?", and the answer is a resounding no! Math or not, get off my back you workaholic whore! It's my choice to work, don't rape me in the name of communism so you can have in house flush toilets and fast cars. Thank you Tobi, big up to Kunta Kinte.

Femina #crackpot #sexist thepinkpill.co

The great majority of male specimens of Homo Sapiens are so ugly IT HURTS!

Don't know how there are so many women that want those scrotes inside of them! 🤢🤮

Seriously how did our species end up like this? : https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UglyGuyHotWife

In most other species it is the male that is typically the beautiful one... The females tend to be pretty plain in comparison... Just look at Lions, Peafowls, various species of bird and fish etc...

It is always the male that is the most radiant one so he can attract female attention... It is not the females that try attracting male attention with their looks so why did our species invert this and made the males the plain ones and the females the better looking ones?

Is it just grooming or are there genetic factors that makes scrotes much uglier than women on average? It really makes NO SENSE that so many women will use their looks to compete with each other over who gets to suck the dick of some gross looking scrote first... 🤮

I read somewhere that the more rapist a species is the uglier the males look… checks out

Please share a link if you find it again!

I heard women are much more picky about the looks of their mates now than they were before when women had little to no rights and no options other than marriage with a scrote to live a comfortable life...

That's one of the reasons why there are so many more Incels in the modern day world than before haha... XD It is also the reason why there are so many angry MRAs around and why some of them want women to lose rights... XD

Scrotes are realizing just how little desirable to women they actually are now that fewer and fewer women depend on them for a comfortable life! 😂 Hopefully the newer generations of males born from the few desirable males that get to mate with women now will look better than the ones from past generations...

blkpilled & Basic_Snow1 #elitist #sexist thepinkpill.co

Reason #127642 of why I don't have any real female friendships


Separatism from moids: 👍🏼

Separatism from moids AND male loving bitches: 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

I refuse friendships with men bc, well... it's an obvious answer. But I also find I just can't befriend women either. I've tried over and over again but all women are male lovers/panderers in one way or another. I hate them too and dread being around them. It's not even an exaggeration, just sit back and observe how much these dumb women talk about moids in conversations.

I relate. I have no friends because women my age are all married slaves to their fat worthless husbands. I can't relate to that shit and I sure don't want to!

Antoons #ableist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #racist #transphobia #psycho reddit.com


First panel: “Happy birthday Billy” says Mom, giving her kid a smartphone as a 12th birthday present. “Wow! Internet on the go!!” says the kid.

Second panel: It’s the kids 13th birthday and she says “UGUU- ^_^ I’m a gay, trans, autistic, Muslim, disabled, antifa, feminist, furry. I make art and my commissions are open.” as her crying mother has her euthanized by lethal injection.

Prussian Society of America #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Effective 1 MAY 2022, We will no longer admit any New Women into Our Organization"]

Due to the ever-increasing problems and chaos that are becoming prevalent with Women, no less, even with many “German Women”, we will be closing all Admission and Consideration for any Applicants who have taken interest in our Society as of 1 May 2022

The current condition of German Women, both in America, Germany and all around the world is absolutely abysmal and unacceptable

The rapidly deteriorating situation with Women and overall Society is becoming far too unbearable, and we have been having some who have approached our Society either using it as a means to think they will scoop up Men for their own ill means, and many have provided us with False Identities/Aliases, and have been pushing other kinds of absolute nonsense that is really becoming far too absurd to deal with

To protect the integrity and security of our Fraternal Order and Club Membership, we will no longer be admitting any Women whatsoever for the foreseeable future, and this policy is not likely to be reversed

Women who are not Official Members of PSA are not welcome to attend any of our hosted public events

Please do not contact us

bettER_CHOices #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

RE: Cash me outside girl makes 52 million dollars from OnlyFans.

A trashy ho with no talent, who looks like a sewer hoodrat can make millions of $ for posting pics online. Rage!!

Repeating my previous comment : the only way we can make that much nowadays is to [pick up] a teen foid, lock her in a basement, and force her to cam/ do OnlyWhores for our bank account (in gta 5)

Yes, even with the extreme competition on those sites, you still make more posting pics than working 100 hours in a hospital as a surgeon. I think it was posted 2 days ago, a foid that made 250k posting pics of herself in bikini on OnlyWhores, not even fully nude :Anger:

I'm done breaking my back, destroying my knees all day for a few bucks. What's the point?? I need a :gun:to start farming money with some foids camming (in gta)

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #psycho ncu.su

For improvement of my mental health white Western European females need be exterminated

Still under current OCD attack, longest one in many years now, lasting almost month, while other in those times last few days at worst. It got started right before Putin's military operation in ukraine from casual daily shit which triggered me, and polluted my mind with intrusive feeling of disgust. That feeling was increasing when reading news about military campaign and getting nervous and disappointed it not going as well as was expected, later got better, but when in tinder was swiping females in Wester Europe, strong OCD feeling of disgust came back, but now, when started swiping mongoloids, it almost went away and even have hope it will vanish atlast. So I see solution how to help me with OCD: exterminate white Western European and North American females, because they give me very negative emotions

If just looking at this easens my suffering from mental problems (similarly too looking at cute animu girls) - just think how much it could help by having and touching as own personal waifu (and exterminating white Western European and North American foids):

The End #sexist blackpill.club

Women are traumatized when they see a penis - stories of survival :-/

I don't know how I got on this, I guess I was looking for masturbation material, when I came across pages of women sharing their experiences being flashed. Their absolute hatred of male sexuality abhorred me, and further showed that I'll never understand or like women.

Now here's women relating the "traumatic events" of seeing a wiener.

* "From the corner of my eye. I saw that bastard, standing on the staircase right opposite of the entrance door. He had pulled his ‘thing’ out ,and was sneering at me, flashing it and making weird noises.
"I became numb, my body turned cold, and suddenly I found myself tearing up. Though I didn't know what was happening, it was for the first time I realised what molesting meant.
"I somehow picked up my wits and just stood up. I went to my managers cabin to report him. But he ran away by then.
"Yes. He did scar me. I couldn't forget the incident for days and was terrified to be alone." - 17 years old when flashed.
* "My gaze followed the direction of her hand and I saw ‘Him’ flashing.
"Flashing an unknown body part, we were never aware existed. Both of us were girls and we never saw something that ugly. We were kids, we weren’t aware exactly what is that he is intending to do. But one thing was for sure, it wasn’t a good feeling.
"That fellow was smiling and signalling towards his dick. As if he was inviting us to hold. Something struck us, we shouted, shouted our lungs out. ‘A’s Grandfather was sitting on the same terrace reading playing chess alone. He rushed with his thick brown wooden support stick. [..]

I could go on, but you see the pattern; women feel like they've been heinously wronged by seeing a penis.

In contrast women wrote about times they flashed both men and women, acting proud and feeling sexy. I saw men telling about times they'd been flashed by women and how great it was. And one gay man wished he would be flashed so he could give a blowjob!

I just don't fucking understand this world. Men are constantly wanting to get naked with women, and women find that repulsive, scary, funny, etc. And somehow society has decided that women are right, and men who flash their genitals are evil. Why am I just constantly at odds with the world?

Blergaderg, Ducktalesooo000ooo, TacosForTrump,systemthrowaway & Timmy88 #racist #sexist #fundie consumeproduct.win

I've never actually seen someone with platinum/grey eyes. I've seen an icy blue, holy crap were those some gorgeous eyes. Sadly, they weren't attached to the kind of person to settle down with.

Was it a tranny?

Thankfully no.

I'm guessing either danger hair, a side cut, probably a bunch of facial piercings, and definitely tattoos.

Actually, everything about her appearance was clean, she just "wanted to explore herself more". So, you know what that entails.

Riding the dick train, sad.

Damn, and if she's good looking you know she got plenty.

Why didn’t you fuck

Because I wasn’t married to her?

Various Commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist ovarit.com

RE: What do they get out of transing kids?

(mathlover )
Transing kids provides propaganda so they can claim that being "trans" is natural and normal because, after all, kids obviously know from very young ages that they are the opposite sex. It's total nonsense, of course, and it destroys bodies and minds. But the TCult doesn't care; the kids are just collateral damage.

Transing kids also deflects public focus away from the fact that the vast majority of "trans" are autogynephilic heterosexual men trying to force everyone else, especially women, to help them live their fantasy which gets them off sexually.

( notyourfetish )
Big pharma gets money.

Trans Pedos get adult children who can legally consent to thier depravity.

Evil narc parents get woke points, praise, and attention.

( LilianH )
And for a lot of parents they get a straight kid instead of a gay kid. Homophobia does appear to play a part in many parent's decision to trans their children.

(SecondSkin )
Trans peadophiles get adults with children’s bodies and minds in many cases. Non binary is perfect for this. Take hormones to block puberty but not cross sex ones, child brain in a child body still when old enough to consent to sex.

And if children can consent to gender affirmative care, then they can consent to sex- will be the next argument.

(TheLastUBender )
This is a sinister thought, but for adult TiMs especially - or adult AGPs - this is an alternate past fantasy. If I had transitioned in childhood, if I had skipped male puberty, I would now be a more desirable young woman. They're living vicariously through the likes of Jazz Jennings. They really want this alternate past dream to be attainable. They lose interest when the evidence that you don't just grow up into an idealized version of the other sex becomes too obvious to ignore.

( starstuff )
It is probably not possible for us to really understand. The male brain is dysfunctional; a waste byproduct of nature. Just like they'll never understand what it's like to be capable of higher thought, we'll never understand what it's like to be capable of absolute depravity.

(mooncakey )
gender ideology 🤝 pedophilia

AnalAndro #crackpot #sexist ncu.su

Do you know what is ascension meme?

It was never about "getting a girlfriend", do you know this?

Ascension was used as a term to mean "you earned a new capability", this was referred to as the power to reject femoids. This is why zyzz was used as a meme reference, because for a male the power to reject femoids signifies ascension to godhood. When men can only get scraps and they never complain about scraps, they are simply unascended incels, once a losercel gets the foid he can get he is accepting scraps. The ascension meme was born when some men started to realize that they wanted to claim vengeance for their bitter past, so they looksmaxed and did what was necessary, only some became legit Chads, most people failed but tried.

The goal was never to get a girlfriend, it was never about becoming a normie. Even if most incels will try to tell you that ascension was just about "muh getting girlfriend doing instagram photos", it's all false. It's a lie that most incels will repeat endlessly. But contemporary incels weren't there, when the meme was born, they never wanted to claim vengeance for all what men had to endure. So the contemporary incels simply say that ascension is "when you get a foid", this is not the first meme that was changed by the digital sands in a matter of less than 1 decade.

Anonymous #fundie #sexist reddit.com


The Stressed Contraceptor
Self-care is 10 hours of video games, still anxious after
constantly “working on” herself, getting more depressed every day
ramen and takeout
defined by selfishness
thinks dogs are just as good as kids
kills houseplants with negligence
forces “partner” into virtual celibacy
addicted to dopamine spikes
“””good vibes”””
low self-esteem despite 4 hours of makeup

The Blessed Baby Acceptor
gives self entirely to others, couldn’t be happier
self-care is mass by herself, hour of Adoration
cooks from scratch
children gravitate to her
martyrdom of motherhood
sex drive not suppressed by artificial hormones
keeps multiple tiny humans alive
body is for the glory of God, absolutely radiant
overloaded with serotonin
authentic vocational joy

The End #sexist blackpill.club

RE: JFL at Jordan Petercuck

If a mainstream figure says the blackpill is real, and having sex is really just as impossible as incels believe it is, that public figure will be seen as empathizing with killers, terrorists, and LOSERS.

"Women don't want to fuck ugly guys. And since they don't have to, they won't." People act like that's some sort of hate speech and completely imagined by men who refuse to take responsibility for their own lives. Well, you can say it's imaginary, except that it is actually real for all of us actually experiencing it!

Critics always point to the outliers to dispel the blackpill. ''Not all women refuse to fuck ugly men!'' Well - duh. There are 8 billion people on Earth, so yes there are exceptions. It just turns out there are a lot more ugly men than women who are willing to fuck them.

It blows my mind how badly people want to avoid certain truths. I think the public subconsciously believes that accepting the blackpill may act as the first step to accepting that 'fairness' and self-determination are notions that only really exist inside humankind's own heads. I think it's the same reason so many people refuse to believe that free-will is an illusion, despite the overwhelming evidence.

beyondRepair&4everBroken #sexist blackpill.club

RE: Why did tradition exist in the 1st place?

Agreed. Basically, civilization required that men share the good of female erotic capital equitably (enforced monogamy). This reduced intra-male sexual competition. Tolerated polygny = intensified competition over mates and at least some of its historically attendant nastiness. So funny how incel researchers will say stuff like "teach men not to define themselves by their success at sexual conquestst" as if women themselves don't use knowledge about a man's reputation with women as a criteria for selecting him, so men are forced to care about it. "Teach men not to judge themselves by sexual conquest" = also means "teach men to become okay with a sexual marketplace artificially lopsided in favor of women in many ways which reduce male wellbeing." What's the degree of male frustration they're willing to tolerate? It ain't just incels that are "frustrated." The next tiers of guys who have to deal with modern roasties are nearly as resentful because roasties' perception of the increased demand for their sexual availability (a result of polygyny) increased their bargaining power and entitlement. Hence narcistic roasties being able to demand "open relationships" and the soys going against their natural "mate guarding" instinct to placate them. I'd rather be an incel a thousand times over than that soy.

S.O.D. #wingnut #sexist metal-archives.com

Walk the dog, do the dishes
Your lips are brown from kissing ass
Sorry guys I can't make it
Maybe next time, think I'll pass
Don't make her mad, don't make her sad
A fate for you that's worse than death
you're a slave and you don't know it
It always happens to the best

Pussywhipped, Pussywhipped
Don't you know you're pussywhipped
Pussywhipped, Pussywhipped
Don't you know you're pussywhipped

She wants to be involved with you
In every little thing you do
Always has to add her two cents
It's obvious who wears the pants
Your friends all hate you, you don't care
Cause you've been trapped in her lair
And hopefully one day you'll see
That pussy can be caught for free


Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

It’s been THREE weeks since D.C. homicide unit took possession of the bodies of five babies, found lacerated and killed outside an abortion clinic. This story clearly shows why we need a total ban on abortion in our nation. Here’s a recap of the timeline & major events: 1/19

beyondRepair&4everBroken , Weebhunter4000 & BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #homophobia #psycho blackpill.club

RE: Your not entitled to sex

Sexual relations with post-pubescent lolis is more natural and healthier than homosexuality and women engaging in Chad sharing.


Sexual relations with post-pubescent lolis is more natural and healthier than homosexuality and women engaging in Chad sharing.

Pedophilia is a predominately homosexual trait.

Perhaps, but then again feminism has turned foids into goofy stupid cunts who spurn men and get a cruel chuckle out of it. Am i i supposed to aspire to be with clownish rodeo whores? How is that actually earning anything?

I get it but if we cant change the system we outta play by the rules.


Pedophilia is a predominately homosexual trait.

The definition of pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescents. Attraction towards reproductively viable lolis is not unnatural, but I get it, women have abused their collective power to shame in order to get peak-aged lolis off the sexual/marriage marketplace. But the wonder is, since women are using the privilege of being "artificially boosted" in this way in order to delay marriage and share Chads in the meantime, it immediately calls into question why they should continue to receive this artificial boost and be protected from intra-sexual competition with angel-faced peak aged lolis. The degenerate behavior of young women -- their gleeful partipication in culturally sanctioned polygyny -- is making women as a collective lose their power to shame.

It's exactly because no one is entitled to anything than one shouldn't feel guilty to insert his ochinchin in every female past their first period as they're not entitled to safety for the same logic. But children shouldn't be abused cause they're gross. A bullet in the head is more than sufficient in Duke Nuk'em.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

How long is the media going to titillate
us with nipples, "side views" & "bikini figures?"
Is humanity's destiny to be a broken record
droning on for eternity?? Breast obsession is
a symbol of our collective mental enslavement.
Is this what we were created for?

No, it's part of a deliberate program to enslave us. Addict us to sex and they can sell us anything.
There is no "matrix" more onerous than the one that enslaves us to our reproductive instincts and make sexual intercourse the purpose of life.

The Illuminati (Satanic) mass media has addicted us to sex by portraying sexual dissipation as "sexual liberation." This mental deviance is a form of satanic possession.

How many times is the media going to try to titillate us with sex? Is it humanity's destiny to be a broken record droning on for eternity?? Is this what we were created for?

I realize that there is a biological explanation. We are just puppets of powerful procreative instincts. Healthy tits indicate baby feeding capacity.
But folks, enough is enough.
Sex divorced from love is an empty, dehumanizing experience. Breasts become weapons of war, not love. They don't carry the milk of life. They are filled with silicon. Death.

Society's fetishizing of the fertile female is not normal. It is primitive and pagan -- Cabalist Magick, i.e. brainwashing.
The satanists inflated women's self-importance. Seeking their own happiness has not made them happy. Making their husband and children happy did. Why? They LOVED HER BACK!!
In many cultures, breasts aren't sexual at all. For example, women in Mali go around with bare breasts. They're always feeding their babies.

When they were told that Western men are fascinated with breasts, they burst out laughing. They laughed so hard, they fell on the floor. They said, "You mean, men act like babies?" (Carolyn Latteier, Breasts, The Women's Perspective on an American Obsession")

There is something demented about a society obsessed with titties.

Ugly boy , legendarywristcel & .isRefugee #sexist #ableist blackpill.club

(Ugly boy)
Asked out by autistic girl in workplace

This autistic girl which is pillmaxed asked out me .It was a very weird experiance and I was scared by her dark vibes..she was a fat bitxh and I hated her even though some coshits told me I look like her..fuck this horse shit..I don't wanna look like her because she has an elephant face but yeah mee too have an elephant face sometimes..but you know the whole experiance clear the fact that I will have zero chance with a norm looking women..I am destined to betabuxx for a fat ugly autistic girl..but now ay I am gonna do that

Reject her. Fat foids should not breed.


JFL stop gatekeeping like cucks. He said she's fat.

She asked him out, clearly she wants his cock. OP can jizz on her face then kick her ass to the curb. Quit white knighting for this fakecel


She asked him out, clearly she wants his cock. OP can jizz on her face then kick her ass to the curb. Quit white knighting for this fakecel

No man should have to fuck a fat foid. It's like going to a homeless man and asking him to eat shit.

Robtical , AnalAndro & micropenis29 #sexist #wingnut ncu.su

RE: when the blackpill goes mainstream, what will you do?

More men being blackpilled means less simps willing to give foids free stuff, so the foids will have to work harder to get men's approval, like not being chad chasing whores in their prime years.


rooted in communism

yes communism is the big elephant in the room. To be honest, I think nobody truly cares about foids behavior at all. Or at least I don't remotely care about it. But on the other hand the threat of communism is very real.

More men being blackpilled means less simps willing to give foids free stuff, so the foids will have to work harder to get men's approval, like not being chad chasing whores in their prime years.

Normie variant of blackpill seem to be about giving money to ethots, and then calculating social interactions with petty microtransaction economy behavior. The normies calculate the cost they have if they associate with you, they decide if your worth is going to increase their social credit, they tend to be more aware of the impact that status has on their dating prospects, the normies also care more about "what foids think" as a result of mild exposure to blackpill topics, normies start rambling once they learn the foids realism science.

Once normies have that fraud "situational awareness" then they try appease foids demands even more, increasing simp behavior, not decreasing it.


More men being blackpilled means less simps willing to give foids free stuff, so the foids will have to work harder to get men's approval, like not being chad chasing whores in their prime years.

ok, let's say the blackpill becoming more widespread leads to some positive outcomes

even still, capitalism is what gave rise to the blackpilled discussions in the first place!

under communism, there's no free speech; we can't even discuss basic things that might improve society

Caamib #psycho #sexist reddit.com

{from 6 years ago}

Female perspective of rape

Feminist females define "rape" as being any sex they later regret. It is not so much that they will lie and say you raped them when they know you didn't. If you have sex and then they regret it for some reason, such as that you are of lower perceived status than they thought, then as far as they are concerned you "raped" them. Conversely, if you threw a female to the ground, ripped her clothes off and f***ed her without so much as a by your leave and she felt positive about what happened later on, it would probably not even occur to her to think she was raped. Thus the very same physical actions on the man's part could see him categorized either as a great lover or rapist depending on the later claimed emotional response of the female. Since it is not possible to objectively examine an emotional response, it follows that most "rape" cases are now prosecuted on spectral evidence, similar to the Salem witch trials. If we define "rape" as being forced sex, females do not think this is particularly bad or a big deal. Only self-hating manginas think rape is a big deal. Females like manly men who take charge of them and do what they want to them, not sniveling manginas begging them for sex and asking their permission nanosecond by nanosecond. Hence most erotic fiction aimed at females contains rape or quasi-rape scenes and females getting off on being raped is well known in criminology circles. In contexts where it is desirable and socially acceptable for them to have sex, females generally like being raped.

Rape in history

Sane societies do not revolve around the idiot "consent" or other mindless whims of females. In traditional societies females are placed under the control of men such as their husbands, fathers, pimps or whoever, and those men decide when they will have sex or not within the rules of that society. Often it would be considered the obligation females to have sex. After all, we all have unchosen obligations, and there is no reason why sex should be any different. The crime of rape was considered to be forced sex outside of the rules of society, such as a burglar forcing a married woman to have sex while robbing her husbands house. As stated, it is really the same today, except females now have control over what is deemed rape. The consent thing is a red herring.

Virginscarecrow999 #sexist incels.is

[Mod edit: this is about the 3,723,549th quote with basically the same content and it’s really getting very, very old. If people want to copy/paste their old comments again and again, fine, but can’t submitters find some new material? Please? Checkmate]

Brutal blackpill from quora (copied)

Being unattractive as a man means nature has chosen you to be the loser and this sentence will remain for as long as you live. You only live once and you will not experience the joys in life which attractive boys do. Girls will not have any social or sexual interest in you. You will not experience the blessings of a girls touch, kiss and sexual attention she can give. You will not experience looks of desire in girls' eyes and the immense positive things it does with your ego and self esteem. No kissing, no hugging, no holding hands, no looking each other in the eye with desire, no stroking, no teasing, no foreplay, no sex, no afterglow after sex, no falling asleep together and no living together. Instead, there will be just you alone every day desiring these wonderful things, day after day, year after year.

Nobody wants to hang out, socialise or be friends with a facially and physically unattractive individual. People want to hang out with attractive individuals.

Being unattractive makes people walk away from you; you are not a priority and there is no benefit hanging out with you. I remember going in discos and bars in summer holiday resorts only seeing attractive young people being happy and having a good time. Rarely unattractive boys, and when they were present, boy did they pay……The social treatment you get is totally different and downright discriminate as opposed to what attractive people get. And sexual treatment? None whatsoever for the ugly guys.

Not a talk nor a single kiss. Kissing too is very different for unattractive men. One of my neighbours, in his 50′s, never kissed a girl once in in his life, compared to a facially attractive friend of mine who kissed hundreds of girls over the years, not to mention the mountain of women who asked him to go home with them afterwards. Being unattractive will basically prevent you from living and experiencing the joys that romance and sex will give to your mind, soul and body.

Face_Puzzleheaded #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

How women in Bangladesh exploit Islam in Bangladesh

There's a term called "Mohrana" or "Denmohor" in Islamic Marriage. Basically, it's a sum of money or gift that the man gives to his wife. Without paying this amount,your marriage won’t be legal.

Anyways, long story short,that tradition has become a matter of honour and pride for the woman. It’s as if the woman's self worth is somehow related to the amount of money they get in "Denmohor". What happened in our country is that,people just decided to ignore the 2nd rule,which is,paying it up front. What they'd do is,ask you for a ridiculous amount in "Denmohor" just before marriage. They'll ask you that in a situation when you've spent already spend hundreds of thousands of bucks in the wedding ceremony. You can't walk away from the marriage because It's a question of your social status. So the guy usually agrees to it because he doesn't have to pay it right now.

Now,in cities,the divorce rate is around 50%. In most cases that have a big amount of dowry, the marriage ends in a divorce. As a result, the guy has to pay the dowry that he promised to the woman. This has become a common trend in Bangladesh where women marry men that agree to a big sum of dowry and then, divorce them within six months.

"I have noticed a trend. Girls and their families in Bangladesh target wealthy boys and their families (many of whom live/study abroad) with the sole purpose of the girl getting married to the boy and initiating a pre-planned divorce 6-12 months later. They fix a high dower money (den mohor) of 20-30 lakh BDT and the girl and her family essentially do this to get rich quick. When the groom or his family pay this money to the girl, they end the marriage. I have seen this happen first-hand recently to a very close friend of mine. And I don’t know how he has the strength to live. Because not only did this girl marry for money but she CHEATED on him and GOT CAUGHT."

DeepSea #crackpot #pratt #psycho #sexist incels.is

The René Guyon Society's motto was 'Sex before 8 or else it's too late'. This was just meant to shock people, I believe, but the sentence does make sense if one doesn't literally interpret 8-years old as the ultimate limit.

The more one waits, or has to wait, to start sexual experiences, the more difficult it gets to jump into it. Ideally, people should gain experience in all aspects of life while their brain still has a large part of its neuroplasticity.

Age of consent laws are not just problematic because they repress the sexuality of adult men, but also because they repress the sexuality of minors themselves. A 13-year old boy who wants to have sex but can't because girls are not attracted to him is out of luck in today's society. Every day, he is surrounded by provocatively dressed girls who won't ever date him. He has to watch his male peers engage in PDA and brag about doing sexual stuff with girls, while he rots in loneliness, at a time when his sex drive is at its peak.

It is better to lose your virginity as a teen than as a grown man. In fact, a study found that adolescent boys aged 12-14 who had their first-time with an adult woman were signficantly more likely to remember the experience positively than adult men who had their first time with an adult woman.


There is no good reason not to allow teenagers to buy sex. It's much easier for a 13-year old boy to begin seeing prostitutes than it is for a 22-year old virgin who might already have become damaged from years of rejection and frustration.

Modern society has greatly exacerbated the sexual repression and social isolation of males. This is, in my opinion, the worst case of abuse young males suffer in rich countries, and it causes much more psychological damage to than the so-called "child sexual abuse" that the media loves to talk about.

BettERtoreigninhell & HikikunDeformis #sexist #transphobia blackpill.club

Another paradox of IT about personality

"so my problem is personality right?"

Yes inkwell!

"how do I get a good personality"

You just have to say and think everything our current ideology teaches to the point of being unrecognizable from the next soy spewing the same regurgitated ideas inkwell!

"But wasn't personality about having a strong individualistic mind and behavior at the cost of rejecting commonly agreed values and ideas?

That's why you're incel!

"ok let's admit I do what you say then why among all the politically correct unproblemating men she should go for me when I am ugly?"

Because of you're unique personality!

"Why is my head spinning?"

Tehehe who cares I'm gonna screenshot this conversation

"can you suck my dick?"

Of course inkwell! I'm a real girl and not a tranny trying to groom insecure young men!


You have an easier time finding a woman that fits your niche belief system or obsession that one that prefers men who look like you.

There are "neo-nazi" girls, women who believe in reptillian conspiracies, women who eat raw meat, women who like watching gore etc.
They are rare because women are the biggest normies of all but "different" women exist.

And yet I have never in my life came across women who like bald guys, guys with small dicks or guys who have a weak jawline. Because attraction is nature. All women are hard wired to like very similar few types of men. Only mentally ill women might be into us. But I d say those are less common than female necrophiliacs

AnalAndro #sexist ncu.su

RE: Lolipill Ideology.

unless you live in some very patriarcal country you can not get away with hitting foids below 12 regardless of being incel or not

Well, patriarchy doesn't mean anything specific. Maybe men in patriarchal society evaluate your worth, if you don't have money and you not capable to meet father demands you remain incel.

There are some feminist societies that are open to lolipilled behavior, others not so much.

To be honest I don't face much hatred from local feminazis, they do focus on appropriation of resources, they all work for Marxist organizations, but they are entirely focused on appropriation of resources and nothing else. They bother nobody, only some losers like myself actually care to notice how they are all funded by Marxist orgs. Most people don't even notice.

And lolipill behavior is not accepted, but still happens for Chads and lucky normies with cool social media status.

mistersinister #sexist incels.is

If you didn't ascend in college then it's definitely over for you.

ollege is the only time in your life when you're going to be surrounded by women in your age group who don't expect you to be the greatest version of yourself. You won't be expected to have a good career because you're still a student. You can still get away with acting somewhat awkward because you're young and no one expects you to have fully matured by then. You won't be judged as harshly if you've never had a girlfriend before.

Also, you'll have way more opportunities and free time to interact with women in your age group than at any other point in your adult life. After college, your only primary opportunities to meet women are on dating apps or bars (both of which you'll get immediately rejected for not being Chad)

If you didn't ascend in college, it's unlikely that you'll ever ascend.

90% of people who "ascend" in their 20s are betabuxxers and aren't desired.
you'll never be 15 and in love

lying on the grass on a warm summer night, watching the stars, carelessly chatting

not worrying about rent, bills, student loans

only worry in life is how you're gonna cheat on that history test on monday

you'll never take a young, tight, hot-bodied girls virginity, pulling out to cum all over her back and have her look in your eyes and say "I love you"

you'll never have a girl around every day after school, pretend to be doing homework together, but instead just **** like rabbits

you're in your 20's now

gotta get a good job

gotta be a serious man nowall the good ones are taken

maybe a nice girl will eventually settle with you

they have already felt all those new exciting feelings before, and are usually jaded and bitter

you missed what it feels like to have not a care in the world other than making your girl happy

you have missed out on teenage love

Various Commenters #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

RE: "Look Out for ‘Incel’ Behavior, Secret Service Warns in Report Calling Misogynistic Extremism a Rising Threat"


On the day of the shooting, before leaving his hotel with a firearm, he uploaded a song detailing his failed accomplishments in life and a note that read, “If I can’t find one decent female to live with, I will find many indecent females to die with,” the report stated.

If you can't marry a foid in this life, they might as well be your slaves in the after life. Too bad guys like him weren't educated on Kyrgyzstan maxxing, he may have lived 2 decades in pure Bliss with a good teen R🅰pe slave in his basement (in gta 5)

(Bangkok or bust)

"report incel behaviour"

This will just create chaos as it'll just devolve into Lookism against innocent, single men.

Any man that looks "off" will be reported as an inkwell.

Sub-6/7 lonely men are becoming nothing but treated the Jews in nazi Germany.


"report incel behaviour"

This will just create chaos as it'll just devolve into Lookism against innocent, single men.

Any man that looks "off" will be reported as an inkwell.

Sub-6/7 lonely men are becoming nothing but treated the Jews in nazi Germany.

Nah jews didn't receive harsh treatment just some labor with summer camp amenities. We will actually get the cremated alive treatment.

(Xanax Bar)
They are right to be worried, not because of terrorism but because of the shifting mentality towards the government and women. Women were always the tools of the establishment to pacify their male population through marriage and families(a sort of collateral, your stake in society) and without that, their power and control will simply wither away. I am expecting changes in the future, they will crack down hard on social media and dating apps and promote marriage through mass media campaigns and very serious monetary benefits, it's already happening in several countries, like Russia.

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist blackpill.club

How to spot a fakecel

Many times I've been involuntary reminded that on inkwell forums that only a portion of cels are actually IN and many reported experiences or voiced opinions very suspicious to come from someone who knows how living as an ugly man actually feels. Some that I've noticed

1)Girls always ignored me

Ignore you? That means they never called you names or called you straight ugly. That means either women's evil doesn't exist or you're simply not ugly.

2)My friends...

Which friends? Ugly men make girls AND boys uncomfortable. I was explicitly told I was ruining their chances with girls in my only social group where I was barely admitted only because I was in the bundle with my cousin (who barely tolerated me too). That's why exclusively misogynists but not misanthropes smell fake. Men cannot respect ugly men; at best they are the clown of the group used to be mocked in front of everyone.

3)Height > Face

Jfl completely blowing out their cover as mentalcels. In order for height making you repulsive you have to be at least 4-5 inches below average. Ugly men on the other hand even when tall are treated as the Frankstein's monster. In high school a lot of 5'6-7 manlets with pretty faces creampied jbs left and right while the ugly ogres were seen as elephants in the way blocking the sight.

4)I was rejected...

No. To be rejected means you were in a situation where you could have shown your value. Meaning having at least some convo with a foid. No foid ever talked to me IRL. Not even small talk, at best short sentences questions to ask me if I have seen this teacher or that Chad. And ALWAYS using MY surname. If some female other than your family calls you by your first name you can try to get hired as a male model and stop larping.

Add more boyos.

Ps truecel trait : the thread's title reminded you of that program.

BlackCirce & proudcatlady #sexist #homophobia ovarit.com

male homosexuality is a trip

I wish it weren’t glorified so much tbh. Male sexuality, for ALL men, is so depraved, dehumanizing, and just wrong. I don’t find it suddenly okay when they go after each other and are completely free to just treat each other like sex toys. It’s bad enough in hetero relationships when there’s a woman to kind of make the man sort of behave most of the time, but gay male sexual behavior really show the full ugliness of male sexuality. Blech.

O003npM5 #crackpot #racist #sexist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Aggressively catcalled by black men


They're not awakening. Even when they acknowledge that a particular group is responsible for a disproportionate amount of aggressive and violent behavior, they're still asking for some kind of method to ignore it so that they're not "racially biased". These people will never wake up.

Not if they're women. Women can't " wake up ". They would do what you said here. Because women obey first the societal instruction, whatever society, or " most people " think. If you live in a society that says women should stay at home, not vote, enrich their families, and make their husbands and children happy, then women would do that and be happy doing it, competing with each other to see who has the happiest family and the cleanest home.
Now society has a whole new set of instructions that they will happily obey, and not being racist is one of them. THEY MUST FOLLOW THE SOCIETAL INSTRUCTION. No matter what it is.
And that's what this stupid bitch is attempting to do here. Yes she recognizes the danger and meanwhile she's desperately trying to be socially acceptable the prime mission of any woman. You change society you change women. We keep letting the kikes be in control the women will do what the kikes tell them to do.

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #crackpot blackpill.club

There is no nobility in morality. It is pure selfishness as amorality.

Why do humans instinctively long for ideas like compassion, love,not caring about looks, heroism in dying for your country and bla bla bla?

Why even myself got in the past teary eyes when the girl in Howl's moving Castle tells the MC "I don't care if you're a monster". Is because I am sensitive and deep right?


It's just a sneaky and coveted way of my biological imperative to impose itself. I am a monkey programmed to coom and coom inside all fertile females leaving bastards all around the world while cucks provide for them.

BUT , here things get interesting, nature also cursed me with the gift of self awareness that makes me realize that being a a monster my primal urge cannot be fulfilled. This leads me to unconsciously develop a system of imagined bugs through which I could crack the system : ie a woman who likes my face even if hideous. The continuous longing and rumination birth an idea that gives me comfort, warmth and peaceful feelings. I find these feelings beautiful and grow fond of them to the point of thinking they're something that have value by themselves.

I've just invented a hierarchy of things that make me uncomfortable (Chads having casual sex with your teenage oneitis) oppised to things that make me comfortable (the idea of women not being bothered by ugliness and loving you for who you are). I JUST CREATED MORALS.

But as I just explained the necessity, birth, and developments of these morals are 1)Strictly biological and 2)Totally self interest driven.

I'm just like a guy sucking at Dark Souls, wishing there was an easy mode and, instead of facing my one detective ability as a player, I create the idea that an "easy mode would be something desirable".

Then I go the interweb to lament about it and the nerds (Chads) laugh at me with the meme "git gud". But since I can't " git gud " due to my faulty nature I imagine MY version of Dark Soul where I'm not judged by my skills but about my desire to explore the game and visit its beautiful environments. Where I can breeze through the enemies like in Devil May Cry. So now I consider the version of Dark Souls that exists only in my head better than the actual Dark Souls that everyone with the skills to "git gud" love and would never change.

Now this applies to everything.


Napoleon de Geso #sexist #psycho ncu.su

At this moment so sucks not being manly man who can do serious fight against degenerate ukrainians

After reading news about Russian army not doing so well, and degenerates almost ready to celebrate victory of "western values", I feel so lame not being man enough, who could join Russian army and do serious fight. If at best could be possible to do it as low level expendable mook - thats not tempting idea, as man of honor and culture - I deserve more. But if I could be something like skilled sniper, and shoot me some ukrainians, or be pilot, and bomb their feminist cities - that be nice

Stupid ukrop whore, it is me, who bombed your house and shot your simpcuck husband. AND YOY'RE NEXT



Russia is gigacucked too nowadays

It is fight not for Russia and not against ukraine, but against Wester feminism, which in Russia is still less prevalent

R_Hak #sexist #conspiracy consumeproduct.win

I think I am more of a real man than you mate. I don't consider married men, real men. Sorry. Married men are compromised men. Are men who keep their heads low to not disturb the status quo because they have to feed their children. Responsibility is a chain to keep you locked into the dominant societal mindset...in order to have a paycheck and a pussy.

There is a reason why revolutions start from unmarried man. Not cucks

Now to, illustrate to you and the impartial observer that I know what you mean with the quote above. My last serious ralationship. After 2 months of dating and fucking, there is this episode in my bedroom. After having a shower together, she seems to forget something in the bathroom. I calmly take it and put it near her purse. She says you could have left it there... I can use it next time. She already knew I didn't want her living with me. So she starts crying. But instead of simping for her, I started laughing. And like in one of those horror movies when the psycho abruptly stops laughing, she stopped crying, like it was on command. Clearly the bitch wanted to manipulate me emotionally, to make me feel bad.

Women, and society do this.

Men are taller and heavier and stronger, but nature or god balances things. Women have their advantages over us too. They are better at verbal and social manipulation. Society has never been patriarchal. Women are always at the center. Society is always and always will be gynocentric.

Vincent James #sexist cozy.tv

[in response to the Secret Service announcing its intention to investigate incel violence]

I am a misogynistic extremist. I am a male supremacist. Male supremacy has received increased attention in recent years from researchers, government agencies, and advocacy groups due to its association with high-profile incidents of mass violence. Who can blame young guys nowadays? Who can blame them?

I see [women] walking through the mall or walking through shops, and I see how these young women talk. We see how they act. We see it in the numbers. Like I said, a body count [of sexual partners] of 20 for chicks nowadays is like low. It’s low. And then they just jump from dude to dude to dude. It’s just a mess.
All of this together has made a lot of things worse, and it’s mainly affected men. Men are discriminated against in family court. Men are discriminated against in the media, and they’re discriminated against in in society as a whole. And they see the way that women act, and they see the way that women treat them, and they see the way that women jump from guy to guy to guy to guy, and so how can you blame them for wanting to sit inside their room and play video games and sort of get lost in a digital universe of their own? And then you see them lash out sometimes. I mean, how can you really blame a guy?

pornoddio #sexist blackpill.club

Since all foids aged 22 or more are ugly, what's the point of having open relationshits?

How are open relationshits relevant for incels? @william ?

Since all foids are ugly and only teens are attractive, what's the point iof getting their pussy? The attractive foids are not going to give us pussy anyway. Isn't it better to focus all energies on AOC like lolipillers are doing?

vintologi #sexist blackpill.club

How can i improve the vintologi bible?


Which parts are not radical enough?

Is 13 too high when it comes to AoC?


Yes it's too high. I advise to remove AOC, and focus more on ownership rights. When you own a femoid you should be able to defend your private property. I think removing AOC is better. Is it edgy enough? I can be more edgy if I want to.

There is already a system for dealing with humans reduced to property

D0: very high-value individuals under guardianship/custody (owned by senator or B-citizen).
D1: high-value slaves/children (owned by C1 or higher).
D2: slaves/children you are not allowed to injure (minor punishments allowed).
D3: slaves not allowed to be k1lled or seriously injure (loss of limb, brain-damage, sterilized, etc).
D4: slaves you are not allowed to k1ll or give serious brain-damage.
D5: slaves with no rights.

Age of Consent applies to females not reduced to property of some male. If she is reduced to property then no consent from her is needed, only the consent of the property owner will be needed.


One serious flaw in the vintologi bible is that it doesn't promise enough rewards for the vintologi followers, of course all people who have helped me grab power will be generously rewarded given the opportunity, i want my followers to reproduce for example.

The parts about making it difficult for males to reproduce will not apply to people who grab the power of course.

سمير الدرع #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

Our saudi women is an honorable enhanced queen
Don't pay for the house
Don't pay for school, university and college
Do not pay for hospital treatment service
In banks and institutions, women first
Man pays her the marriage dowry and she does not pay anything for marriage
Upon divorce, the house is registered in her name, and the man leaves the house
The divorced woman is paid a monthly salary by the state
Her husband is deceased, the state pays her a monthly salary, and if he died in battle, the state pays her compensation at least 150 thousand dollars
Hitting a woman is forbidden
Her contempt from her husband is forbidden
American What is the woman?

crew2 #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt incels.is

The "black community" and black women in general in the US are the canary down the mine for how society is going in the West

This isn't racism because I have plenty of black pals in real life and some of them agree with me on this. It's just an observation.

Rampant fatherlessness, gang killings, child killings, abortions through the roof, foids who look like shit almost exclusively living off the government tit while refusing to work and only Chads/thugs being accepted as baby daddies, with stand in fathers being expected to be full blown simps on 6 figure incomes if they don't meet the Chad/thug archetype is the future norm for foids in the West. And here's the thing...the black community is practically 100% there already.

BLM is trying to make this shit the norm EVERYWHERE as if it isn't already because that is how you collapse a society and make the plebs all equally as poor as each other. The more stupid white bitches relate to that movement the more they are going to relate to the sort of women who support it and live just like them...which a lot of them already are.

If you don't believe me just check out some Kevin Samuels videos. Every foid he has on there is a 5/10 at best black woman (who just happen to be the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to attractiveness) who thinks she's Beyonce and has 3 sprogs to some Tyrone or thug and is only willing to touch a non Tyrone if he is a fucking high flying CEO with a top of the range car. Fucking crazy.

The future is the lowest value women only accepting the top 1% men and thugs while the rest of us roam around holding our dicks thinking "what the fuck is going on!?"

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Price Americans, especially American Soldiers & Veterans are about to pay, is Frighteningly enormous"]

Of course, not frightening for us Prussians[…]
American Soldiers and Veterans have taken all the disgusting credit away from Germans and in fact many other Europeans and other Nations who have naturally worked to defend Honor and their own People’s[…]
Americans are going to get their assess kicked REALLY fucking hard in the conflict that is now taking place with Ukraine[…]
American Soldiers[…]especially the USMC are the biggest scum of the earth, and they are about to have all of their Uniforms stripped from them, and if Nuclear Weapons don’t get around to it, people will dig up the graves of every US Soldier ever buried and smash the graves and burn the corpses that lie buried in their caskets[…]
The Hatred that will soon emerge for Americans is going to be absolutely epic[…]
Why their is such a Propaganda War to make Putin seem the most evil[…]
It’s curious to see how while the Western People have had no problems also about the damages done to countries like Iraq[…]
The Arab world has mostly been lost anyway, which is all by design in the leadup for Israel to conquer it all[…]
This is why the Western World needs a powerful leader with an iron fist [In Germany][…]
The thing with Russia is that, while they are trying to protect Civilian lives of the Ukrainians[…]we cannot simply assume that the same fate would be given to any expansion of this conflict in Non-Slavic countries[…]
Even if Americans were to live in the future with no Dictatorship that would keep them confined[…]there will be a day when Americans will not be able to ever travel again. They will be shot on sight[…]
The Prussian Society of America does not guarantee protections or security for any group of “Caucasian Women”

pornoddio #sexist #dunning-kruger blackpill.club

RE: Redpillers can't deal with any topic they discuss.

I forgot to add one thing. If you just want to hate foids online, well, in this field we incels excel. Redpillers can't even hate foids properly because of their massive ignorance. So, if you want to do the following activities ask an incel:

- Coping. Incels are experts in coping behavior. An incel can cope with advanced coping patterns such as vector coping. Redpilers can't cope for shit, they break their minds same moment they encounter a glimpse of blackpill. Instead incels cope majestically with the hardest hitting blackpills and still have the courage to learn new blackpills.

- Hating foids. Incels are the excellence in this field. Incels are hERoes like Cho Seung Hui, Lepine, ER. PUAs only have Sodini, a lowlevel clown that was simply pissed off like the most average of the normies.

- Social analysis and innovation of social sciences => Incels are top tier grade in this field. The incel understanding of the world is vastly superior to redpill theories.

- Hentai and creativity => Incels DOMINATE this field. A redpiller wouldn't even know where to start to do degenerate hentai. He's too common, plain, stupid. Incels rule even here.

Revenge Before Reason Award

Various Commenters #sexist blackpill.club

I wish girls would approach me - just so I could reject them.

Screw relationshits, I want to be the most attractive guy in the world and have women lining up to me just so I could tell them "no, you're not quite thin, pretty and young enough for my tastes~ get out of my face, cow".

With a completely emotionless expression... this is my daily fantasy. My biggest fantasy, bigger than any sex fantasy even. I want to give some of my experience right back to them. It would be the only way I can make up for my mistakes and truly move on to be blackpilled.

Women in 2022 are beyond cursed. Wanting real-life action is thoroughly bluepilled.

Now imagine saying yes, staying with her so she gets attached, and then breaking up after some time to maximize the damage.


Now imagine saying yes, staying with her so she gets attached, and then breaking up after some time to maximize the damage.

Without ever getting physical. Just making her buy me shit (that I trash) out of her own pocket... I'm getting a mental orgasm at the thought.

My biggest fantasy. Imagine waking up as a chad one day and making femoids rope by rejecting them

I want to take a shit over a whore´s mouth as a form of rejection.

Various Commenters #sexist blackpill.club

Is the divorce rate declining because men are more likely to tolerate being treated like shit

Were the boomers the last men who tried to stand up to their Karen wives, and were rewarded with alimony and sex tourism in SEA.

Whilst younger men have been brainwashed that dominant rude aggresive women are strong and empowered and so tolerate stuff in a relationship that other men never would have.

I cannot read FDS which is the average woman in 2020s and then somehow believe that the relationshit market is improving, it makes no sense that things are getting "better" when women seem to behaving worse by the year.

Yes all boomers have enslaved bitched wives, some of them are so traumatized that can't even speak anymore. the boomers beat foids alot. Because foids are an antistress. I do admire them for the highIQ highly cooperative behavior of beating foids to near death.

(Bangkok or bust)
Foids are just one click away from chads. All nonfat women today are "chadstruck" (from their promiscuous teens and 20's) and resent any average looking man they may settle with. Marriage is a funeral with wedding cake.

Some will accept a anything just not to be divorce-rapéd like Brendan Frazer.

It's declining because less and less people get married and at a later age. Women are always whores but older whores are a bit less likely to cheat than younger prime stacies.

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