
I'm counting my blessings, I've found true happiness, 'cause I'm getting richer, day by day...

TruNews/Richard D Wiles/Robert F. Kennedy Jr et al. #conspiracy #fundie #quack #crackpot #dunning-kruger #mammon greatestreset.movie

The Greatest News
Beast Rising

This TruNews documentary was produced to keep truth alive in a world of propaganda. People like you donated to TruNews to help produce the film. Please join them by giving something today for future projects.

The Movie
Executive Producer:
Richard D Wiles

Prince Charles, now King Charles III, told the opening session of a World Economic Forum virtual meeting on June 3, 2020, that world leaders had “a golden opportunity to seize something good” from the coronavirus pandemic. The future King of England saw Covid-19 as the way to “reset” human civilization and to recognize “the interdependence of all living things.” Reuters reported that Prince Charles’ speech was “part of a launch event for ‘The Great Reset’, a project involving the WEF and the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative, aimed at rebuilding the economic and social system to be more sustainable.”
One month later, World Economic Forum founder and president Klaus Schwab published his book Covid-19: The Great Reset. It was a manifesto for a radical restructuring of human civilization. Indeed, the world dramatically changed in 2020 and 2021. The globalists told us that mask mandates, mRNA gene-therapy vaccines, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, school closings, social distancing, working from our homes, and online censorship of criticism of these things were part of the “new normal.”
The Greatest Reset: Beast Rising is a Christian response to the World Economic Forum’s globalists who think they were born to rule the world. Hopefully, this is the first film in a series of documentaries about the Greatest Reset – which is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the full manifestation of His kingdom. Christ is coming, but the Antichrist must come first.

Order your copy of the greatest reset dvd, shipping Winter 2022.

Two Anons #crackpot #magick #mammon boards.4channel.org

(First Anon)
This is what I see- The last saturn-pluto conjunction (astrological event) occured between January 2019 - December 2020. Saturn-pluto conjunctions are historically followed by an unusually volatile 16% - 40% correction, typically closer to 16% than 40%. Once the post-conjunction correction is over, the stock market has always entered a powerful bullrun for 15 - 20 years until a saturn-pluto opposition occurs and causes a massive crash or extended period of sideways price action. Saturn-pluto oppositions have signaled in all major bearish market events in recent history, including the great depression, the sideways price action from ~1965 - 1980, as well as the dot com bubble and the following great recession. The next saturn-pluto opposition will occur between 2034 - 2036, that's when we should expect the next major market crash, not now, it doesn't make sense based on the markets macro cycles.

(Second Anon)
People who reject Astrology haven't spend any time learning how to actually use it and discovering how shockingly powerful and useful it is, are never going to make it.

As well as the Tarot, I should mention. Particularly the "Major Arcana" (the first 22 cards). Which should always be used together with Astrology. The two are very tightly connected. One very crucial the vast majority of people make is that they think the Tarot cards themselves have magical powers and should be played around with and "drawn" for "readings" so they "tell" you things. Not the case at all.

If you truly understand them and know their meanings etc and know what you're doing (in other words you use the card's meanings to analyze your own mind and and look at your life situation from the card's "perspective"), then sure you can use them that way they might be helpful, but engaging in that sort of stuff isn't necessary for the cards to be practically useful and enlightening.

More important is to know that the cards are a MAP of sorts, a map of non-physical things.

The cards have meanings and tell a story and most importantly represent various aspects of human life and human psychology. It's much the same with the astrological signs by the way.

True Democracy Party #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon truedemocracyparty.net

They have Money for Ukraine, Money for Illegals, Money for Foreign Countries…But tell one of the most Powerful Armies in the World to ‘Apply for Food Stamps!’ Really?! And this is after They Mandated Poison for them.

There are some things in the World you just don’t do…And that’s one of them. They are Practically Pushing the U.S. Army to Our Cause…With both hands and a Boot.

This is actually a move to put the Entire U.S. Military behind the HAPPI Plan Goldback Initiative.

All the Branches of the U.S. Military; Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard were originally Branches of the Army. So by Signalling out the U.S. Army is actually sending out a Signal to the Entire U.S. Military Rank and File.

But this move wouldn’t of worked using only the Air Force, Marines or Navy as the Catalyst . Brilliant!
I’m glad we have an opportunity (Plan) to bring the U.S. CORPORATION onboard.

It should be well known that the TDP <True Democracy Party> doesn’t consider the U.S. Corporation to be the Legal Government of the Sovereign States.

We consider Them a Corporation only…a Business. And we will Deal with Them as a Corporate Business. This could be a Win Win situation for all of US.

They have something we want, need and are willing to Pay for…In Gold.

. Basic Calculations show it’ll take approx. ( 2 ) Two Years to Build all the Gold Producing Apparatus and Additional Infrastructure and for the Gold to Start To Flow.

Our Proposal is that the U.S. GOV./U.S. Treasury provide $2,000 Per Month, No Strings Attached Loans, to all those who sign up for their States HAPPI Plan Goldback Initiative.

The Loans will be Re-Paid Back In-Full at $500 Dollars Per Month in Pure Goldbacks to the U.S Treasury, as soon as People start to Receive their Gold, Approx. ( 2 ) Years. Payback Time Approx. ( 8 ) Eight Years.

Basically, this is a Paper for Gold Deal.

Maxim Mankevich #magick #god-complex #mammon amazon.com

Soul Master: How you unleash your soul powers and make the Universe your ally

Imagine that you could not fail and that the Universe gives you 100% support in your mission. You live in harmony with your creative soul and out of a sudden, all cosmic forces go into resonance with you. How does that feel?

Maxim Mankevich, Speaker and expert for Success-Knowledge, already has inspired thousands of people and accompanied them on their path to personal excellency. He knows the laws of the Universe and makes them useable for everyone in Soul Master. His thesis: The Universe supports us without reservation once we bring ourselves in harmony with our soul task. We discover our radiant core and awaken our inner genius step by step.

This audiobook is a treasure chest full of practical tools for different areas of life: [psyche/soul], relationship, calling, money, [happiness/luck]. environs, spirituality, consciousness and creation. Included online course and numerous tests, checklists and meditations.

Original GermanSoul Master: Wie du deine Seelenkräfte entfesselst und das Universum auf deine Seite bringst

Stell dir vor, du kannst nicht scheitern und das Universum unterstützt dich zu 100 Prozent bei deiner Mission. Du lebst im Einklang mit deiner schöpferischen Seele und auf einmal gehen alle kosmischen Kräfte mit dir in Resonanz. Wie fühlt sich das an?

Maxim Mankevich, Speaker und Experte für Erfolgswissen, hat bereits Tausende von Menschen inspiriert und auf dem Weg zu ihrer persönlichen Exzellenz begleitet. Er kennt die Gesetze des Universums und macht sie in Soul Master für jeden Menschen nutzbar. Seine These: Das Universum stellt sich uneingeschränkt hinter uns, sobald wir uns in Einklang mit unserer Seelenaufgabe bringen. Wir entdecken unseren leuchtenden Kern und erwecken Schritt für Schritt unser inneres Genie.

Dieses Hörbuch ist eine Schatzkiste voller Praxis-Tools zu verschiedenen Lebensbereichen: Seele, Beziehung, Berufung, Geld, Glück, Umfeld, Spiritualität, Bewusstsein und Kreation. Inklusive Online-Kurs und zahlreichen Tests, Checklisten & Meditationen.

Redemption News #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon goldenageofgaia.com

Finally – Q-Phone Will Be Distributed – NEW! (8G Tech) – The Future Is Here !!!

October 12, 2022

Six billion Q-Phone smartphones have already been manufactured and packaged.

Developed and manufactured in Germany and England and distributed free of charge to all mankind.

It is ready for delivery any time to people all over the world.

However, Deep State employees will not be distributed [receive one?].

Steve Jobs is truly alive and leading the development of the Q-Phone as one of [an] Army [of] Angels.

[It] corresponds [with] the QFS. (Quantum Financial System)

It works on 8G network.

The recent shortage of semiconductors was caused by making Q-Phones for all mankind.

The final announcement from GESARA awaits Q-phone.

We believe that once Q-phones can be distributed to people all over the world…it will start with [trigger?] the RV Tier Humanitarian Fund deposit.

Once worldwide (debt forgiveness) is confirmed, GESARA will begin.

Doctor Charlie Ward and Mr. Simon Parks signed the NDA and received the Q-phone.

There are several types of Q-phones and they can be sent at any time.

The Q-Phone is being developed by Elon Musk and the Alliance.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Quantum Jumping Service:

Only Tim Rifat is the world expert in psychic applications of Quantum Jumping; the world’s leading scientific expert who came up with Hyperinfinity collapse of Quantum Wave Functions – the so called Quantum Jumping. Tim Rifat is the only entrepreneur scientist that holds Trademarks in Mind Over Matter®, Supernatural Spirit®, Psychotronic Generators®, Bone Generators® (the mechanism for Quantum Jumping via Hyperinfinity), Sublime Good®, Psychotronic Crystals®, Psychotronic Crystalware® in Psychic Consultancy; which via Hyperinfinity, fully defines and encapsulates Quantum Jumping.
A) The Talking Bone Generator® to control the Hyperinfinity given off by the talking animals to be used by the Psi-Master. For use in your left hand (receive) right hand (to give) Bone Generators®. As 7 billion human animals talk incessantly to collapse Quantum Jumping to form the Matrix, the energy and Hyperinfinity to be used are vast. Cost $600
Now why is talking so important to Quantum Jumping? The 7 billion talking animals to not act as Copenhagen Interpretation Observers to collapse the Quantum Wave Functions. No. They talk about the things told to turn them by the Insectile in their energy body, called the Human Mind.
To manually control Quantum Jumping you can download the negative Psychokinesis, housed in the death spot on your left shoulder blade, into any target to boost your Quantum Jumping capabilities. To do this hold your Quantum Jumping Psychotronic Generator®, Psychotronic Crystal® to the left hand should blade using your left hand. Then touch the right hand to the target and tap it 169x to download negative Hyperinfinity and Psychokinesis into the target. This can be done again and again… To boost your Quantum Jumping. This done by visualising what you want and what you don’t want as you download your death spot into 7 billion wageslaves, Archons, Rothschilds, banks, countries, governments, Memes and Demonic Gods… Supernatural Spirits®.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #elitist #mammon naturalnews.com

An engineered global collapse is under way right now. If you’re reading this, you already know the score: The coming financial collapse, engineered mass famine, vaccine bioweapons, the possibility of nuclear war, the “great reset” agenda and much more. There’s no question the collapse — which has already begun — will be a chaotic event, and billions of people will needlessly suffer as globalists strangle world supplies of food, energy and money. However, the aftermath of the collapse also presents humanity with an opportunity to choose a different future after this current tyrannical system is wrecked.
To survive and thrive, humanity must shift from a centralized, “fake” civilization (fake news, fake science, fake plandemics, fake money, fake education, fake biology, fake terrorism, etc.) to a decentralized society rooted in morality and reality. Education must be local, too, instead of having children subjected to centrally-planned indoctrination agendas pushed by groomers and pedophiles pretending to be teachers and counselors.

The future of money will be found in decentralization, which gold and silver automatically achieve. There’s no central bank that issues gold, for example, and the supply is limited by the laws of physics and geology, since it’s very difficult to mine. Similarly, technologies also exist for decentralized financial transactions and decentralized speech where no central authority can decide to silence you because they don’t like what you’re saying.
Rather than fearing the collapse, we should welcome the change. What awaits humanity after the dumpster fire of this current tyrannical regime finally turns to ashes is a world of far more opportunity, abundance and freedom.
Leftists are destroying themselves and clearing the way for more qualified people to determine the future of human civilization.

Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin #ufo #mammon bookus.page

ANUNNAKI STUDIES, ZOOM ~ Advanced level classes for serious students working towards certification. Classes taught by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) & Janet Kira Lessin, School of Anunnaki Studies

Classes are ongoing, broadcasted on ZOOM. Each class starts with a lecture segment will be recorded and available later. The lecture is followed by a Q&A. Students answer questions, show that they understand and have mastered the material. Homework is submitted to professors for feedback. Students successfully complete 10 classes to receive a CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT.

Required Reading for this class: Anunnaki Evolution of the Gods
<by the Lessins>

Below are samples of some of the information we'll cover in this lecture series.

ANUNNAKI STUDIES, ZOOM Classes taught by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) & Janet Kira Lessin, School of Anunnaki Studies

Join us weekly. Below are samples of some of the information we'll cover in this lecture series. We broadcast on ZOOM. The lecture segment will be recorded and available later.

CLASSES (AN = Anunnaki Studies)











Booking Instructions
You can book between 1 - 25 sessions. Each session is for 1 hour 30 minutes and costs $150.00 USD. You can schedule as many or as few of your sessions at the time of booking. Any remaining unscheduled sessions can be scheduled in the future.

How many sessions would you like to book?

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Many will call the mobilization of a police state to persecute Christians a perversion of democracy. Those people are incorrect. The Death Cult holds democracy sacred. Democracy derives its governing authority from popular consensus. A core function of government is enforcing public morality. Therefore, dissenters from the democratic consensus are not only considered threats to the government’s legitimacy, they’re vilified as evil.

The crowning irony is that the system sold to us as governance by popular consent isn’t responsive to the average voter’s will at all. Instead, it serves the interests of the economic elite. Which makes sense, when you consider that they have the money and influence to shape public consensus however they want. That should tell you what Death Cultists mean by “Our Democracy.”

Christians must wise up to the fact that we are now outside the consensus and are therefore enemies of the regime. And we’d better wise up to it fast.

Affiliate offer: The system is so responsive to corporate interests that there’s no longer a substantive division between big business and government. The corporatist regime has shown it has no qualms against destroying your livelihood for diverging from the consensus. Now is a good time to start a side hustle – or more than one – to generate some independent income streams. Let my friend and client Adam Lane Smith show you how to start your $4K home business. Take his livelihood-saving course now.

Lotus Protection #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #mammon lotus-protection.com

We souled human beings are far from being just a physical body, we are infinite spiritual beings. As holographic parts of our Creator, we were created equal to creation itself. We are omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent beings. Our body is the electrical record of our thoughts.

We humans become conscious when we take physical bodies that we mentally project and electrically record in 3D form.

Human conscious intention is a very powerful power in the universe. We can use the power of our verbally expressed conscious intention to alter our DNA and bring about the desired changes in our body. We can also use the power of our conscious intention to bring about any other desired change, for example to balance any radiation to prevent its harmful effects, or to protect our body from any other negative influence. If we were able to keep thinking about that one and only thought, it would manifest.

Research Professor Ilija Lakicevic has experimentally proven the true concept of how the cell, atom and particle work: rings of light, like doughnuts, that revolve around the central point of the omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent (Spirit, God, Source) who is the source of energy and from which the spinning rings of light borrow energy in order to move. When we connect to this intelligent and omnipotent infinite spirit, the Spirit point and verbally express a conscious intention, that intention manifests 100% because Spirit is omnipotent.

Professor Ilija Lakicevic discovered and developed the I-Change Conscious Creation Technology and the Lotus Conscious Chip, in which he needs three nano-layers to register his conscious intention. So when the conscious chip is added to a device- its conscious intent manifests continuously (24/7).

Embedded within the Lotus Conscious Chip is DIVINE PROTECTION AGAINST EVERYTHING, including protection against the effects of radiation, protection against thought poisoning, protection against all manner of outside attacks.

International Chrysotile Association #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon chrysotileassociation.com

[From "Rotterdam Convention"]

On September 18th 2004, the Member States of the Rotterdam Convention refused, as was proposed, to include chrysotile in the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure. Numerous countries, representing more than 3 billion people, expressed their views on this subject and stated that the Rotterdam Convention was not the appropriate vehicle to protect the health of workers involved in the commerce, transformation and use of chrysotile

This is a resounding failure for the European Union, Chile and others dedicated to the banning of chrysotile and leading the battle to force this fibre to join a list of environmentally dangerous pesticides and chemicals. Some of these special interest groups expressed their frustration at having lost the battle by accusing countries, such as Russia and Canada, of having prioritized the economic interests of a few to the detrimental health risk of many

These gratuitous insinuations should not make us lose sight of the fact that the primary objective of the countries and groups, which supported the inclusion of chrysotile in the Rotterdam Convention; it is the prohibition of the trade of chrysotile in order to benefit replacement fibres[…]
There is no scientific or medical reason to justify the classification of chrysotile fibre with pesticides and the most dangerous chemicals[…]The use of chrysotile does not pose an environmental problem[…]
Inclusion of chrysotile is inappropriate because it is widely recognized that chrysotile fibre can be used safely and responsibly. The safe use policy implemented by the Governments’ of Canada and of Quebec has proven to be effective[…]
Canada must not fall into the trap laid by the European Union and Chile. We are well aware that these countries are spearheading an aggressive international campaign against chrysotile, to ensure the lion’s share of a lucrative market[…]This is a trade war

Celia Fenn #ufo #magick #crackpot #mammon starchildglobal.com

Now, in October/November 2022 we will reconnect with the Oceanic and Galactic Consciousness that will reactivate Lemurian Light Codes in our DNA and Lemurian Consciousness within evolving Humans on Earth. You are invited to join us for our 5 part webinar series where we will explore and transit these energies with Celia Fenn and Archangel Michael and the Diamond Light online Community.

1. Session One : Sunday 23rd October : The Element of Water, Oceanic/Galactic Consciousness and the Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse. In this webinar we will explore the Galactic element of Water as liquid or crystalline light plasma, and we will learn how to activate our "Oceanic" or Lemurian DNA so that we can step into the next phase of our evolution. We will meet with the Elohim Angels and the Dolphin and Whale Guides as we prepare for the first Eclipse on the 25th October. There will be an activation with Archangel Michael and the Galactic Whales and Dolphins.

2. Session 2 : Sunday October 30th : Swimming with the Whales and Dolphins in the Cosmic Interstellar and Galactic consciousness, as well as in Planetary Real Time. Learning what the Cetacean teachers can share with us about our history and development. (The Whales are Keepers of the Planetary Akasha or records and the Dolphins work with Human physiology. Both species have brain structure/capacity that far exceeds humans). There will be an Activation with Archangel Michael and the Whales and Dolphin Angels.
4. Session 4 : Friday 11th November : The 11/11 Portal Ceremony with Archangel Michael, the Elohim Angels and the Whales and Dolphins.

5. Session 5 : Sunday 13th November : Integration; This will assist us to create "New Lemuria", the Paradise Earth of Higher Consciousness, and also to help Humanity to cross over to the New Earth. There will be a closing Activation with Archangel Michael, the Elohim and the Whales and Dolphins.
<Cost 150 dollars>

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #mammon gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Mark Zuckerberg admitted the FBI was behind Facebook censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story… this was all designed to defeat President Trump.


Claim your gear: https://secure.winred.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-s-people-over-politicians-c/storefront/

@RealMarjorieGreene At this rate the entire federal government and all her agencies need to be dissolved.

Facebook is a shit antiwhite platform. Defund all antiwhites.


Abolish most Alphabet deep state douchebags. Assign the good personnel left to Border patrol. Shift funding for those federal investigations to the states. They can investigate and prosecute federal crmes withing their states. No more federal Gestapo. We the people have had enough. Our Constitution forbids political prisoners, yet America has thousands.

@RealMarjorieGreene Abolish the FBI. Arrest and try Chris Wray for treason. If found guilty, execute him immediately.

@RealMarjorieGreene Word out on the streets: Anyone with pictures from Hunters laptop will be charged with child porn. (They admit child porn on laptop?) All left media to censor it.

@Bitterlil57 @RealMarjorieGreene well child porn is only illegal if you're not a Democrat. Democrats love pedophilia. That's why they voted for it, right ?

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #racist #homophobia #transphobia #mammon naturalnews.com

Today’s Situation Update podcast covers the weaponization of weather systems to target human infrastructure. It is over two hours in length and features interviews with Dane Wigington (see below) as well as a first responder on the ground in Central Florida.

As these interviews reveal, exotic weapon systems are being used to achieve global biosphere destruction which encompasses agricultural collapse, fertilizer disruptions and supply chain breakdowns that are designed to achieve mass global famine.

If these attacks on our world are not stopped, they could end in an Extinction Level Event (ELE), warns Wigington.

Each interview is posted here separately, followed by the full Situation Update podcast which includes other analysis.

First interview: Weather weaponization

– Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org describes the weaponization of Hurricane Ian
– Modern tech can control the direction and intensity of storms and droughts
– Florida’s phosphate fertilizer industry was in direct path of the hurricane
– Global attacks against the biosphere target crops, fertilizer and food production
– The destruction of the biosphere is aiming to be an Extinction Level Event (ELE)
– Globalists are unleashing ecological destruction that will take CENTURIES to heal
Get the full analysis (2+ hours)
Full Situation Update podcast (which also includes the above two interviews):

– The storm took offline 50% of North America’s phosphate fertilizer production
– Supply chain disruptions mean REBUILDING Florida will take years
– Black mold is about to start growing in all the water-saturated buildings and homes
– Second interview with hurricane first responder who says US Coast Guard has massive stockpile of BODY BAGS
– Actress takes vaccine, sees half her face PARALYZED, and says she would take it again
– San Francisco hands out free monkeypox vaccines to black people (no whites), trans and prostitutes
– US Congress military aid to Ukraine hits $65 billion, but no money for US border wall

International Chrysotile Association #dunning-kruger #mammon #pratt #crackpot chrysotileassociation.com

[From "Overview"]

Chrysotile and Asbestos Amphiboles: Two Different Fibre Types

"Asbestos" is not a mineral in itself. It is a collective term given to a group of minerals whose crystals occur in fibrous forms. The term "asbestos" was adopted for commercial identification

The six minerals commonly referred to as asbestos come from two distinct groups of minerals. One group is known as serpentines (chrysotile, white asbestos); while the other group is the amphiboles[…]While both are silicate minerals, the two groups are chemically and mineralogically distinct
Chrysotile is a sheet silicate which is formed as a very thin rolled sheet[…]
Chrysotile has been known for over 2000 years, being used initially for cremation cloths, oil lamp wicks and other textiles[…]
This is in contrast to the amphibole asbestos fibers which are formed as solid rods/fibers. The structure of an amphibole is a double chain of silicate tetrahedral which makes it very strong and durable[…]
In contrast with amphiboles, chrysotile does not persist in the lungs after inhalation; it is quickly eliminated by the body. A prolonged exposure to high concentrations of chrysotile fibres is required for a clinical manifestation of pulmonary damage to appear[…]
Chrysotile: controlled use = safety
Chrysotile is a less dusty material and is more easily eliminated from the human body than amphiboles. The manufacture and use of modern products are safe as demonstrated by studies of workers exposed to much higher dust levels than in today's controlled factories which show no excess lung cancer or mesothelioma (cancer of the pleura)[…]
Chrysotile and its non-friable products[…]can be used safely[…]This is the position taken by the governments of Canada and Québec, regarding not only chrysotile asbestos, but all minerals and metals

Judy Byington/JFK Jr. #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Code Red
BIG Announcement
This Is It
The Hour Is Upon Us
The Storm Is Coming
They Are Not Prepared
I Am Back
…President Q

UN Storm Troopers Takeover London!

Chinese Communist Party Faces a Double Coup!

Global Markets Are in Freefall!!!

China Banks Are Collapsing; Australia’s Bank Has Collapsed; British Pound Has Collapsed and the Financial Tsunami is Moving Toward the US.

Sat. 1 Oct: Global Currency Reset, beginning of new fiscal year, the world pulls credit from US Inc.

Sat. 8 Oct. Drama (Congress) – an October mega Black Swan Event triggered by the Cabal, was set to occur. This could be a bloody revolution, anarchy, or a peaceful transition. (The Cabal has planned riots in 17 major cities).

In October the Chinese Communist Party will convene to make amendments to their constitution that will lead to “new strategies of governance” – likely a democratic state.

Tues. 8 Nov. 2022 Elections: “I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November 2022 will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”…Charlie Ward

9 Nov. 2022: World War 3 Announced + Fake Nuclear Attacks + Martial Law Stay at home order (9/11/22)

Nov 18th Major Satanic Event: 322 Skull and Bones day of the year and Illuminati founder died
John F Kennedy Jr, 19th Vice President

Several countries were going back to lock down for the Omicron variant, which is the Military code for the cleanup operation for the CCP Pedophiles & Traitors. As the remaining countries lockdown and reports of COVID- 19 diagnosis continue, the news unlocks the map of events.
We’ve entered the closing Act initiating the EBS, Military Tribunals and Full Disclosure Of The Galactic Alliance.
Sending out the 5:5 MIL OPS was a confirmation SIG in our primary objective – rescuing our children from tunnels & DUMBS.
Prepare to archive and be offline. SHUTDOWN.

The Great Work #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com

Anyone operating in COMMERCE without a LICENSE is committing a COMMERCIAL CRIME. You and I need to learn how to become the REPRESENTATIVE or AGENT for the STRAWMAN and conduct all of his/her COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS without getting involved.

All crimes are Commercial and are then regulated by COMMERCIAL COURTS. COMMERCIAL CRIMES are Murder, Stealing, Dealing in illegal drugs, Prostitution, Practicing Law or making a Legal Determination without the Permission or Consent by Assent of any party to a Contract.

All COMMERCE is ruled by CONTRACTS. All COURTS (Tribunals) are ruled by, CONTRACTS. Absent a CONTRACT, the COURT (Tribunal) will proceed to write a CONTRACT under Cause/Case ___ . Will the defendant rise, what is your name. This is the signature for the Contract. How do you plead – this is the giving, of SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION and becomes part of the Consideration for the Contract. All the arguments are the Offer for the Contract and the JUDGMENT is the Acceptance for the CONTRACT. The court takes a Complaint, turns it into a CHARGE against the STRAWNMAN, tries him/her on the CHARGE and then a JUDGMENT is rendered which is a Civil Action, a Claim, and this must then be Accepted by the LIVING SOUL
According to Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, “persons” are subjects of rights and duties conveyed by government. A “person” is a “citizen”: one who is “entitled” and/or “bound” by government.

“Every full citizen is a person; … But not every human being is necessarily a person, for a person is capable of rights and duties, and there may well be human beings having no legal rights, as was the case with slaves in English law. A person is such, not
because rights and duties are ascribed to him. The person is the legal subject or substance of which the rights and duties are attributes.” — Bouvier’s Law Dictionary

God created no “persons” – He created MAN. The state creates “persons.”

E.A. Koetting And Conner Kendall #magick #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Black Magicians E.A. Koetting And Conner Kendall Are Summoning Their Most Trusted Demonic Allies To Unlock The Treasury Of The Infernal Empire In Your Life On The New Moon Of September 25
The Wealth Magick Ritual - $499
We will summon our most trusted demonic allies to work hard on your behalf, and both Connor and I will unlock the Treasury of the Infernal Empire and let the many riches of this world and the other spiritual realms flow into your life like a waterfall of abundance.

I, E.A. Koetting, will perform Belphegor’s Wealth Attraction Rite, in which I evoke Belphegor, the infernal demon of sloth, gluttony, and greed to begin working with you and upon you to make your desires known and to bring them to fulfillment. He will seal his sign upon you astrally, which will continuously attract increasingly greater degrees of prosperity and fulfillment.

In my ritual called The Cauldron of Ghob, I, Conner Kendall, shall call upon the Kingdom of the Northern Quadrant, the Watchtower of the Earth, and all the Earthly Elemental energies, powers, and forces shall gather forth rushing into the temple.

The Cauldron of Ghob is an actual astral construct and matrix of earthly power. I first discovered that this Cauldron was astrally made out of a variety of earthly metals, stones, minerals, rock, and stone, possessing a living sentience, and stamped in gold, rubies, diamonds.
Both Connor and I will film our rituals, so you can see and hear everything that happens, and receive any channeled insights that come through us. As soon as the ritual is complete we will begin processing the footage, and will send you a video link within a few days.

The ritual is not fully sealed until you watch the ritual video, as doing so confirms that you willfully accept these supernatural forces into your life. Once you’ve signed up for this ritual, we will bring your name before these Infernal Masters and seal their sign upon your life forever.

Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Brief History of the Global Currency Reset: Where we came from, Why we’re here and Where we’re going:

In the late 1700s a group in Eastern Europe (Illuminati Families, Rothschilds), known as the Cabal, began taking control of the Global Monetary System using fiat or paper currency that was not asset backed. To counter this movement some sovereign families of Asia and Europe dominated by the Chinese Royal Dragon Families, pooled their gold assets into secretive off ledger private banking trusts now known as the Global Collateral Accounts.
In the US the privately-owned (Rothschilds, Rockefellers) Federal Reserve System in reality started around 450 years ago with creation of a Vatican Trust Account attached to the generational wealth of several nations. This World Financial System was set up by and mainly funded through gold of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families of Asia.

The Cabal operated monetary system in the US went back to founding of the United States of America Corporation in 1871, re-organized in 1907, Jeckyl Island in 1910 and forming of the privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913.
In 2015 the new US Republic located the new US Treasury on an Indian Reservation in Nevada near Reno.

White Hat Military Operations silently seized the Chain of Command of the Vatican Empire. Vatican Inc. Down: In 2016 Dr. Charlie Ward’s team removed 650 plane loads of gold from the 150 mile long tunnel beneath the Vatican that ran to Switzerland.

In April 2016 certain patriotic members of Congress formed the new US Republic, US Treasury and US currency notes.

In that same April 2016 the Dragon Families excused all US debt when their gold from the Vatican-Switzerland Tunnel was placed in the new US Treasury in Reno.

City of London Inc. Down through Operation London Bridge: On Thurs. 8 Sept. 2022 the announcement of death of Queen Elizabeth II freed the World from British Admiralty Rule and insured the collapse of the World Cabal Deep State regimen.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #mammon exopolitics.org

Indigenous peoples from all over the world have talked about a return of the gods at a time of great turmoil and corruption. The Aztecs, the Incans, the Hopi, and Assyrians, are some of the sources of indigenous beliefs in creator gods who protected native peoples and helped establish the first laws, agricultural practices, and civilizations. These indigenous legends describe gods with supernatural or magical powers, which today we would recognize as advanced technologies. Many of these creator gods were, in fact, refugees from Atlantis, Inner Earth residents, or extraterrestrials (Elohim/Seeders) that were helping rebuild human civilization after the great flood around 9600 BC..
A key group in understanding the return of the gods and a second coming is the Anunnaki. Sumerian and Assyrian texts such as the Eridu Genesis and Atra Hasis both describe the rivalry and roles of Enki and Enlil in the creation of humanity. Enki was a geneticist and is clearly identified as humanity’s protector, while Enlil is described as a despot who wanted to either enslave or destroy humanity, which had become far too clever for his liking. After the departure of the Anunnaki, the minions of Enlil stayed to play a disruptive role behind the scenes with unscrupulous extraterrestrial visitors such as the Draco Reptilians and the Orion Grays, who are largely responsible for genocidal religious crusades throughout the ages.
In my upcoming webinar on Saturday, September 24, I will go into detail about this complex history, outline the agenda of government and military authorities regarding the return of the Seeders, and explain how all this relates to the idea of a Second Coming occurring very soon.
Webinar takes place on Zoom

Date: September 24, 2022

Time: 10 am US Pacific / 1 pm US East Coast

Length: 2 ½ hours (includes 30-minute Q&A)

Cost: $35 (All attendees will also receive access to the webinar recording)

Chris O'Connor/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #magick #mammon exopolitics.org

Chris O’Connor claims to have completed three “20 and back” tours of duty with secret space programs including one run by the United Nations. He says that he was born into a human family as an extraterrestrial starseed as part of a pre-life agreement with the US Navy/Air Force. In 1970, at age 2 Chris claims he was “age-progressed” to 25 years old where his past life memories as an extraterrestrial were fully restored, and he became a liaison/ambassador for different space programs.

Chris says that around 1990, he began serving with a United Nations run SSP that was based in the rings of Saturn that would conduct diplomatic negotiations with extraterrestrial civilizations. He asserts that many of the negotiations involved exoplanet populations that had been negatively impacted by SSPs such as the Dark Fleet. Chris says that he currently is experiencing two timelines as his third “20 and back” tour of duty completes in 2030.

According to Chris, his SSP memories began returning around 10/12 years ago, and he is currently doing hypnotherapy sessions to fully restore these. Chris says that one of the conditions he required in exchange for his SSP service was that he would be permitted to release advanced healing technology used in the programs. Chris subsequently invented an electrotherapy device he calls a Divine Evolution Electromagnetic Micro Singularity Device (DEEMS) publicly available.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon nbcnews.com

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday defended hosting a Saudi-funded tournament at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, by casting doubt on any connection between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Asked to respond to harsh criticism from families of Sept. 11 victims who are urging Americans to protest the Saudi-backed LIV Golf tournament, Trump suggested there was still uncertainty surrounding the attacks.

“Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have,” Trump said.

Ministry of Magic #magick #mammon theministryofmagic.com


Illuminati Nephilim Gold Activator

The Gold Standard Series of Spell-Castings.

Throughout the generations the Power Elite have used secret mind/spirit technologies to dominate humanity.

Secrets taught to our ancestors by the mighty Nephilim.

These secrets were meant for all but were hidden in the Royal libraries of Kings and Queens.

The Nephilim were banished to the center of the earth for disobeying God by mating with the daughters of men and teaching them the "forbidden" arts.

This is where the power of the Illuminati comes from.

Through this ancient and previously suppressed Nephilim Spell of forbidden power you will be intiated knowledge or gnosis of the Fire Snake.

The Fire Snake is also known as the Kundalini.

Kundalini is the basis of all power, sexuality , glamour, influence, charisma, spiritual power , material manifestation.

Without the foundation of Kundalini... NOTHING HAPPENS.

This is why in all secret societies the initiation of the Fire Snake Kundalini is one of their most sacred ceremonies.

This incredible 2 day Spell casting has taken years to craft and decipher.

How is it that the Elite can go away for a "weekend retreat" and come back seemingly changed and transformed?

The Secret Powers of the Nephilim. One of the Illuminati's most cherished Secrets.

This Kundalini Activator uses Sonic Magic Technology to manipulate the Astral realm like nothing else can.

It is a POWERHOUSE all by itself, and will fire your Kundalini like the heat from a thermonuclear explosion.

Absolutely Forbidden Power to serve you as you see fit.

The talismanic vessel which accompanies the spell has been sonically bathed in the matrix tonal frequencies.

The minute you put it on you will feel a charge of raw power flooding through your body, unlike anything you have ever felt before.

v9Yb7lO1 #mammon #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

why hasn't america produced any med or slav white nationalists? why is it always nordicists?

Because America is a White country in the truest sense. It's a fucking meatgrinder, dude, where the poor get poorer and the rich feed off them. It's cutthroat - Euro sensibilities don't work here. That's how the Jew is able to operate. The world is in for a big surprise when we reach our final form.

yes speaking as a med i don't think we really belong in america but we can't all just go back to europe that easily so what's to be done? either ally ourselves with whiteness and be considered second class citizens or be antiwhite? the meds aren't really white meme is not going to satisfy rabid BLM antifa types. italians created fascism after all.

Bleach. Find a blonde-haired blue-eyed woman and make babies... even if she's fat. Whatever you do, don't fall for Amerindian exceptions. Pussy and the means to properly chase it has been the bane of nearly every society. Adapt or die. Spics aren't going to lead the world - ever.

Indian in the Machine #conspiracy #magick #elitist #mammon ournewearthnews.com

Truthers… for starters… you have literally saved a portion of your species from extinction, as humanity tinkers with technology of mass destruction and distraction… like monkeys in the china shop… you, so patiently and with great kindness continue to deliver the goods in the most gravest of circumstances that would destroy even some of heaven’s angels.

Truther, you have had to deal with threats… threats of violence… in extreme cases, death threats… you have been gang stalked by your own friends… you have created a forum for truth, and have had to deal with lower lifeforms always seeking to discredit you, and those who watch you with fiendish eyes… watching every move you make and hoping you stumble and fall, and yet for the most part you remain graceful and continue to provide your services.
People just assume that truthers can live on “likes”, compliments, and words of support… and at times, truthers have been extremely under financially supported… even moreso, by people who have the means to support them, but they are so used to the truther’s generosity that some of their ‘supporters’ take advantage of their giving nature… and it is true for years and even decades. Yet somehow truthers have managed by the help of God instead of their own friends, and held the torch of truth burning bright.
Yeah, your followers don’t owe you, the truthers, anything, but their support surely is appropriate.

The next time you have an opportunity to support a truther, don’t think of it as charity or an opportunity to be as cheap as possible, just because you are used to getting something from them for nothing, and afterall, old habits sometimes die hard don’t they?
Yeah, the truthers are more like Jesus and God than many could bare to conceive… let’s now finish our toast to the truthers… the christs… the godly humans… Christ… the spiritual hierarchy… God… the angelic realm… Prime Creator… Supreme Creator, and the light within All.

True Democracy Party #crackpot #mammon truedemocracyparty.net

INITIATIVE HAPPI PLAN (CALCULATIONS : ) How Any State or Country can Turn $5 Billion in Copper, Into $22 Trillion In Goldbacks and Platinum-Back Foil Notes for the Help All People & Planet Initiative (HAPPI PLAN)!

When you can Turn $5 Billion Dollars into 22 Trillion Dollars worth of Gold & Platinum Foil Money Notes…Gold-Backs & Platinum-Backs (Platbacks), MONEY IS NO OBJECT!

And in this Amazing Post…States, Countries and Citizens, will find out HOW.

Resonate Frequency Technology of Copper to Gold, produces (2) Precious Metals in Equal Amounts…Gold and Platinum.

Dr. Joe Champion’s Low-Energy, Resonate Frequency Technology produced 50 Pounds of Gold and Platinum, (25 Pounds each), from 100 Pounds of Copper.

WORLD GOLD-BACK HAPPI PLAN: STATE GOLDBELT PROPOSAL! The First Groups of States have been selected by the TDP to Help Lead the Charge into the New Golden Age of Humanity.

The New Golden Age of Humanity in it’s most Basic Form, gives Low-Cost, Man-Made, Pure Gold to ALL ADULTS willing to follow a few Simple Rules. In it’s most Basic Form, it’s really that simple.

There is nothing Physically stopping this from happening. This is all about Attitudes, Beliefs and Personal Freedoms.

Be willing to Grant All Others Gold and Freedom, and you and your Family, will be Granted Gold and Freedom.

Deny Others Gold and Freedom, and Gold and Freedom will be Denied to you and your Family also. “It’s That Simple.”

The Low-Energy Resonance, Copper to Gold Conversion Process will not be hard to Locate and Replicate at the State & University Level, or for some of the Chosen Governments like Russia and India.

This is not a Physical Battle, this is a Mental Battle. It’s a Battle Of Beliefs…Freedom Versus Slavery.

And the Winners will Determine whether the Human Species is Worth Saving or Not.

Amethyst Qu #magick #mammon amazon.com

The goal of Crystal Cash is to show you a simple folklore-based magickal path to becoming a money magnet. We're going to use widely available stones to draw the abundance of the earth to us - the same stones that magick workers have used for thousands of years to help them prosper. I'll show you just how easy it is to use 10 inexpensive, easy-to-find crystals to draw more money into your life.

I selected these stones after over a decade of testing simple prosperity workings based on thousands of years of secret lore. But I won't ramble on for 1,200 pages about 492 rare stones that you've never seen and can't afford. This 10,000 word book is a no-fluff call to take action and start working today to attract a more prosperous life. The Crystal Cash system uses popular stones that you can find right now. Stones you may already have in your jewelry box, your rock garden, your kid's rock collection, or even your goldfish bowl. Within minutes, you can start to change your life with the prosperity power of natural crystals. We'll cover the following key topics:

Why You Need the Crystal Cash Prosperity System

Arkansas Quartz Crystal -- The Stone That Won A War

Lodestone -- Nature's Magnet

Moss & Tree Agate -- Grow Your Wealth

Marble -- Lay the Groundwork for Your Success

Emerald -- Wealth Goes to the Wealthy

Ruby in Zoisite -- It's Christmas All Year Round

Aventurine -- The Classic Gambler's Stone

Jade -- The Classic Prosperity Stone of the East

Bloodstone -- Health is Wealth

Copper -- The Metal of Venus

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Crystal Magick

Don't wait another day to change your money luck. You don't need a Kindle to read this book. Simply scroll up to the top and order Crystal Cash right now. Then download any of Amazon's several free apps that allow you to read Kindle books on the device of your choice.

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Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon naturalnews.com

Understand this great cosmic truth: The universe operates on an ecosystem of automatic abundance, where mass is abundant, and mass can be converted into energy at nearly zero cost (via hot fusion, cold fusion, LENR, etc.). Automatic abundance is intelligently designed into the very laws of physics.

Energy, in turn, can be used to create fuels and fertilizer, two inputs necessary for affordable food. In addition, the universe provides the sun which brings us heat, energy and photosynthesis, all for free.

When geoengineering isn’t creating artificial droughts, rain falls out of the sky for free, and the rivers, streams and oceans are teeming with life and abundance (except for when we pollute them with pesticides and plastics, of course).

Thanks to these gifts from God, all the resources humanity needs to achieve abundance and end suffering already exist around us and are nearly free for humanity to harness. When these resources are properly harnessed, every human being can be healthy, wealthy, abundant, and nourished. No one needs to suffer from scarcity.

Governments produce scarcity by shutting off pipelines, shutting down farming operations, taxing productivity and deliberately causing food shortages and inflation. Money printing steals savings from everyone, creating scarcity of the purchasing value of dollars previously earned.
As explained in today’s Situation Update podcast, breakthrough for human abundance will require the defeat and dismantling of the “scare-city” architects that are working to exterminate humankind. This means defeating them politically, taking back honest money for the people, dismantling all the institutions of tyranny and declaring freedom from tyranny on a global scale.

Importantly, honest money must be the basis for this system of human freedom, for without honest money, humanity can never be free.

Tunia the Pleiadian via A.S. #ufo #magick #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon eraoflight.com

Question: Hi, Tunia and Hakann,

I am glad I can ask you this question. My question is about money —— some suggest to obtain gold, silver and crypt currency. I understand we are moving up to 5D. Do we still value silver, gold, crypt currency in 5D? What do you think of the suggestions?

<answer from Tunia>
There is a discrepancy here because an incredibly large amount of money is subtly siphoned off from the real economy and disappears into secret bank accounts. The actual richest people on your world are not who you are told they are, and those people are far richer than the current so-called richest man, namely Elon Musk.

Bad people often try to control you by telling you to think in terms of models about reality, instead of thinking about actual reality directly. In general, it is often better to directly look at reality, instead of looking at models of reality.
So, money is a magic trick and it’s subject to inflation. Crypto is a magic trick and it’s controlled opposition by the dark forces. The stock market is overvalued. Suppose we’re not a particularly savvy trader who can make profits even under these conditions. Where should average people put their savings?
The channeler has also bought some Iraqi dinar and Vietnamese dong. It could come to pass that those currencies will become much more valuable in the future and will each become worth one or a couple of US dollars. At that point, the channeler hopes to be able to sell those currencies for a profit.

Will indeed the Iraqi dinar and Vietnamese dong indeed become more valuable? I, Tunia, am genuinely not sure. Some people are working towards that goal and are making plans, but those plans might not come to fruition. That said, the upside here is large and the downside here is small.
You are wise to ask if gold, silver and crypto currency will still have value in 5D. In our Pleiadian society, we do not use gold or silver or cryptos as currencies or wealth. We do not have currencies.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #racist #magick #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Sequestering Adonai the Voice of Chaos Evil to manifest your will Service;

The Chaos Evil sourced from Shaddai flows into the dark seas of Awareness (Chaos fluctuations in the quantum vacuum) to iterate as non linear dynamical quantum vacuum fluctuations that then seep into the light energy matter universes as Elohim. One must ask the question what is the nature of this Chaos sequestration programme to make it so invasive? It is obvious that the formation of a self perpetuating strange attractor fed by far from equilibrium quantum dynamics is the chaos sequestration system called Shekinah by the Satanic Jews. It follows that all Jews must feed off the Goyim as parasites to feed this Shekinah.
Once this process is complete Jod He Vau He, Jehovah is complete and the Matrix can be built, Adonai being the waters beneath the temporal Matrix world, the watery Demonic foreign Chaos mind of the zombie in which the Demons of Kabbalah swim to possess the unconscious, subconscious and conscious of the slave and cut off the dark Sea of Awareness, quantum vacuum from the Shaman Psi-Master. Adonai is therefore the voice, the chatter that all wageslaves hear in their minds and is parroted by the media whore; it’s higher aspects being the Illuminati avatars of Shaddai, Tsabaoth, Elohim who turn the Intent of Chaos into words, voices Adonai. So one can see all Western Jewish controlled politics from the USA to the EU is Adonai.
Sequestering Adonai the Voice of Chaos Evil to manifest your will Service:

$1000 Limited Edition, 12 only… (SOLD OUT – RENTALS ONLY)

Rent this Service $600 annual fee

Adonai Upgrade A: Sequestering the flow of Adonai riches from the Rothschilds to the SuperJew:

The Adonai flow brings all the Goyims wealth to the Rothschilds. Now the Psi-Lord controls the flow he or she automatically reroutes the flow of wealth, money energy, riches, treasures, good things in life from the Rothschilds to him or her and the 12 other Adonai SuperJews.

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #mammon #wingnut twitter.com

Don't forget that amidst all of this corruption from the FBI and DOJ, inflation is STILL at an all-time high & it’s not getting better any time soon. Protect your savings like I am with @HGoldGroup. Text LIZ to 6-5-5-3-2 for up to $1500 of free silver now.

Suzanne Maresca/Ismael Perez #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon goldenageofgaia.com

By introduction, Ismael Perez is a Galactic historian and Cosmic Ambassador to the Earth, here to reconnect the Earth to the galactic community.
Two books he loves are: (1) The Keys of Enoch: a book that was meant for the 144,000, a white book with 7 feathers with the coded word Yahwah. It’s higher level knowledge, encoded with everything. It even talks about the Solar Flash, and it’s written like a metaphor. (2) The Urantia Papers.
He was genetically enhanced and edited. His genes come from various ET sources (like many of us). His channels were open again after practicing Kriya kundalini yoga that he learned from the Master he met in rehab.
Starseeds can carry 24 to 48 strands of DNA. A few Humans (100, to be exact, and he’s one) carry 144 strands. “The Mighty Hundred.” There are 50 male, 50 female, and he’s met 6 others of them.
Super soldiers are different, they do have a higher genetic potential than other humans and they’re part of Solar Warden.
The EBS is looking like it will take place in August/September. The White Hats have all the evidence they need to take down the entire deep state, replace the old control structure with the QFS, and institute NESARA/GESARA.
Project ODIN will take over all airwaves, and for 10 days, the doubles/clones will be arrested, and disclosure of Extra-Terrestrials, healing tech, replicators, etc. will take place.
The Quantum computer, which is also biological and under the control of the Galactics, will be able to read the frequency of each of our heart chakras, The more compassion and love in our hearts, the greater access we’ll have to funds and resources.
The heart generates a greater frequency than the brain. The greater our frequency, the greater our abundance and unlimited access to funds.
We’ll be a type 2 interplanetary system (think Star Trek), and are actually bypassing type 1 (think Buck Rogers).

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #mammon naturalnews.com

The first story concerns new intel from commercial suppliers, indicating that governments of the world are stockpiling supplies like never before, seemingly in anticipation of an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that threatens to wipe out the vast majority of human beings living today.
Governments are preparing for an Extinction Level Event (ELE)
Right now all across America, government agencies are buying up a long list of survival and preparedness gear, depleting the supply that remains available to civilians. Large-scale government purchases currently include:

Storable food, MREs and emergency food supplies.
Ammunition and firearms.
Night vision devices.
High-efficiency HVAC system components.
Potassium iodide pills (for protecting the thyroid from radiation damage).
Garden seeds and fertilizer.
Diesel fuel, diesel engine oil and other transportation-related components.

These supplies are being transported by the millions of pallets into underground caves, bunkers and even cities that are run by governments of the world. For example, it’s no longer a secret that even the nation of Taiwan runs a massive underground air force base, complete with its own aircraft hangars built inside caves, along with aircraft taxi ways and transport lanes, all underground.
The point here is that the US government is preparing for the end of the world while telling civilians everything’s fine. The people will never be told to prepare for anything. The people are being fed to the wolves and left to die while the government is tripling down on its own COG (Continuity Of Government) emergency plans and trying to provoke World War III with both China and Russia, all while the domestic regime wages a war of tyranny and violence against the American people via the FBI, IRS, DOJ, ATF, EPA, etc.

EastsideRim #dunning-kruger #mammon #moonbat #psycho #sexist reddit.com

Practice with men you don’t like

As a beginner, it’s easiest to practice Diabla with guys you truly don’t even like. This is the G rated side of it. If you all find this helpful, I can write up the X rated strategies I find useful.

“Treat him like a plaything” is organic when you truly feel he is.

For example. do you find basically all men unbearable? You wonder why even mediocre bros with nothing more than a high school diploma seem to always have higher paying jobs and so much more money than you? (Hint: it’s patriarchy, and often white supremacy + unearned intergenerational wealth in a lot of cases, though only patriarchy might apply to brown guys. There can still be colorism however.)


Whatever your stance, look for guys who hold a misaligned one, if not the stomach turning opposite.

Find yourself a doofus who loves his Tesla and his stonks. Make sure he has money (no studio apartment dwellers thank you) & is at least okay looking, not smelly, not completely physically repulsive to you. Remember how he has 3 vehicles, a vacation home, and owns a boat with his daddy, because somewhere down the line, his great great great great grandparents stole land from and enslaved other people’s ancestors. Or his ancestors oppressed the people in the lower caste your bestie is descended from. Whatever the case is. (Oops, if it turns out he is broke after all: play him for a minute, no longer than one pricy drink/dinner, then move on quick. These are low stakes speed practice.)

You don’t want to date him. You don’t want to marry him. You want to be the fantasy. And get yours.

When you do fight these dingdongs, make it either a) minor or b) how he has hurt your feelings.

The main reason I assert sticking to the ones that you find at least “not-repellent” physically is that when I am truly repulsed by a guy I cannot fake it. I’m personally incapable. I do my best with the ones I find attractive physically, but have conflicting values so extracting from them feels like reparations/equalization, and I will never develop feelings for them. Bless those of you who can handle a rich yucko - I wish I had your stomach.

Quantum Nutrition Labs #quack #crackpot #mammon qnlabs.com

Detox, Quantum

Dietary Supplement
90 Plant-Source Capsules
Full Detoxification Support*

Sale Price: $23.93 ea - 20% Off

Bentonite Clay – Nature's Ageless Detoxifier

Quantum Detox uses rare, remarkable type of bentonite clay to promote whole body detoxification.* It is comprised of calcium bentonite, not the more common sodium bentonite. This clay has been sourced from the area of an underwater ancient volcanic eruption that has been continually drenched with fresh water for millions of years. This long-acting process has acted to give this clay its unusual pristine properties. Analytical research studies of this usual form of bentonite clay demonstrate its powerful adsorptive and absorptive properties for detoxification.* This can help support your own natural detoxification process.*
How does the natural detoxification process work?

Clay has a beautiful, intricate crystalline structure with a negative electrical charge on the outer surface. This acts to give the clay its highly effective absorptive qualities. When the clay’s negative charges meet positive charges in the body (often due to toxins), the clay’s negative ions are exchanged for the unwanted positive ions. The absorptive properties of the clay then act like a sponge to pull these unwanted toxins deep into the clay’s inner matrix, so that later on, the body can eliminate them. This process is as fascinating as it sounds. There really is no other substance that acts with such a full detoxifying splendor as bentonite clay.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Skighetta #magick #mammon #psycho etsy.com

Puppet Master Spell, Mind Control Spell, Domination Spell, Love Only Me Spell, Thought Implantation, Love Spell, Revenge Spell, Karma Spell

EUR 61.50

Do you want to control a certain person or situation and bend reality in your favor? Let me help!

I am offering this at a very discounted rate, allowing you to work someone like a puppet

I use puppet master oil, demon Dantalion (mind control is his specialty), Belial (revenge and payback) and a spirit I use which only I have access too

Use this to take control of your life

This spell works by bending reality to your favor. There are an infinite amount of possibilities out there and a lifeline exists where you have/get what you want. This spell transfers you that that lifeline.

I take precautions to make sure there is no negative karma or backfiring with my work on my customers. That is my personal guarantee.

To order: Please leave your name and your persons, birthdates if you have them and a photo if you wish

Some customers who have used Puppet Master :

-- Yesterday, I did Puppet Master ritual on someone to persuade then to send me $1,000 for school. Within an hour they sent me EXACTLY $1,000!

I also used PM.....

...... on the judge in a court case to influence her to be annoyed with my opposition and their lawyers...At the final hearing to rule she was short and critical with them but nice to me and my lawyer.

....To make my bf (plan on leaving him soon) not badger me so much for sex and watch porn more instead. He is doing so.

....To make my dad see what a b*tch backstabber Narcissist my sister is and after the trial (2/9/21), he texted her saying he regrets believing a word she ever said, that he refuses to speak to her, and "only has ONE daughter now".

-- My favorite hex potion, get this and watch the amazing happen...I love Belial's energy.

This spell is like ketchup, "use it on everything." I just love this spell. The best mind control ever! I use this potion to make my ex sign paper that she keep promise never to sign. This potion works great"

Please note: This is not for a physical product, nothing will be mailed to you. Spell work done by me.

Nothing in life is guaranteed, including magic. There are not refunds after I cast.

Ashley Hill, Nell Fusini & Queens Dominations #magick #mammon #psycho etsy.com

(NOTE: For context, those are a few of the reviews to a supposed mind control spell.)

(Ashley Hill)
It worked, and then some. He's obsessed with me, obedient, and even submissive. He offers to pay for everything, to take me shopping, tells me he's going to give me the world. At one point he even said those three words and that he felt like he had to be under a spell. My jaw almost dropped. So yeah, if you're looking for a sign, this is it!


(Nell Fusini)
Amazing!!! It's like he just can't stay away from me. He wants me badly lol giving me all the attention I need. No more being ignored and neglected. Still hoping for the three words. Fingers crossed. But ski is truly gifted

(Queens Dominations)
Ski is a BEAST she's Extremely Gifted at her craft. This PM Spell is working for me like a Charm and it's not even close to (Full Manifestation) I've been granted Gifts-Money-Favor with my Financial Institution.....need I say more 💜🖤💜

Dr. Delirious/Mary Beaver #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #quack #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

Mary Beaver served in the U.S. Army as a human intelligence analyst with cryptologic linguist abilities. She has memories of being a super soldier, missions on space crafts, as well as living on Mars as a civilian. She recalls military briefings in which she trained young soldiers on how to kill Draco aliens.
Her SSP records are heavily sealed by the government and even galactic space command is not forthcoming on information about her origins. She comes from a long line of Majestic Masons. Her grandfather served in WWII and infiltrated one of Hitlers strong bases which possibly contained alien technology. Forty years ago, her father worked in an underground facility below Area 51 which contained dark secrets resulting in him building a resistance movement against the government. It appears her father, was a victim of Mklutra delta programing, which activated, causing him to nearly killed Mary when she was a child. Mary has received claw marks, needle marks, bruises, and scars from malevolent beings who also seem to be targeting her children.

In the early 1980’s, Dr. Johnny Delirious worked with one of the first pioneers of the scientific modality, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). In the 1990’s Dr. Johnny did not know he had life threatening Hepatitis C with 12 million viral load and liver cirrhosis resulting in 96% scar tissue. Due to poor health, he had no choice but to sell his business and figure out a way to heal himself. His medical experts believed he had only 6 months left to live and recommended a liver transplant. Dr. Johnny chose not to get the transplant which led his doctors to believe he was delirious. Eventually, Dr. Johnny was able to completely recover thanks to the laboratory science knowledge he gained from his alien abduction experiences. Dr. Johnny is a Master Survivor, bestselling author and radio host celebrity and gives his expert advice with over 40 years of experience as a professional in the health industry.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

The Devil has a vested interest in convincing the world he doesn’t exist. St. John Paul the Great reminded the world of Satan’s existence in no uncertain terms. And he built up the Church’s arsenal to fight Satan in the world.

Not only is denying JPII’s sainthood a cowardly slander against the faithful departed, it’s a serious attack on the authority of Holy Church herself. Canonizations of saints are counted among the Church’s infallible pronouncements. So denying an officially promulgated canonization betrays doubt in the Church’s indefectibility. TradCaths should be aware that we already have a simple, direct, and precise term for such a position, and that term is “Protestantism”.

In addition to battling Satan, John Paul the Great worked to heal the rift between Catholics and Orthodox.

For a glimpse at a future world where the East-West Schism has been healed – and there are giant fighting robots – read my hit mecha thriller:

©H.I.R.M. J.M. Sovereign: Godsent™ #crackpot #moonbat #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Are you sick and tired of the government interfering with your life? Have you had enough of being railroaded by the system? Have you ever wondered if there really is a way to protect your freedom and your privacy from predatory public servants? Well there is!!! TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU'RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook is the ultimate legal self-defense strategy guide! If you are looking for the peaceful solution to "the government problem", your quest is complete. If you want to know how to prove your case in court without going to law school, this book will show you how!! If you are serious and really want to know how to cut "the government" out of your life forever, this book is the essential sovereignty checklist!!! So fire your public pretender and get the latest and greatest version of TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU'RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook!!! Dispelling the mystery of law and the legal process.
©H.I.R.M. J.M. Sovereign: Godsent™ A prince on the 9 Sacred paths of Catholic, Buddha Rasta, Tao, Maya, Jain, Shivaite, Vaishnava, and Eckankar, he has traveled the world in search of priceless wisdom, humor, melody and artifacts. He has learned the most confidential knowledge and has been given the keys to the Kingdom of God, by the enlightened masters, which he gives entrance to you here, in this book. He has never owned a weapon in his life. Shown the path of ahimsa(non-violence) at an early age, he is a lover of music and art, who has traveled the world to dance with friends at over 400 Grateful Dead shows in 5 countries. Surviving repeated attacks at shows and on the streets, by public employees, and noting the patterns of abuse and the damage done, he concluded that the World needed a treatise on Sovereignty and Reservation of Sovereign Rights. With the Investment of 24 years of field research and litigation along with 8 years of networking and writing, Godsent has turned the nation on its ear.

William and Clare Henry #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon williamhenry.net

William and Clare Henry invite you to join them on October 1-2, 2022 in Nashville, TN for a transformational gathering/reunion of souls and a weekend of renewal, regeneration, and revelation for the next steps in our passage.

These are awesome and powerful times of prophecy.

We are living in a new spiritual era based on contact with higher beings and lighter worlds, but also direct challenges from dark entities, predatory Big Tech, and soul-less tyrannical governments who seek to transhumanize your body, mind and soul to merge us with a ‘fake’ reality or matrix.

These prophecies tell of an advanced or ascended race of angelic ‘just humans made perfect’ or ‘perfect light humans’ (as the Essenes and Gnostics called them) who intervene on our behalf. Jesus spoke of these illuminated whole, holy and compassionate beings in his final teaching and promised they would return with him. Who are they? Where do they come from? How can we connect with them? The Gnostic gospels have the answers.

Join William Henry, for this empowering and revelatory weekend of breakthrough light body gnosis of the perfect light humans that will help you become more than human and help heal our world.

The human body as a sacred temple and how to activate the light body within it.
The Gnostic secret of baptism and healing with the Oil of Joy.
The lost sacrament.
John’s view of Jesus as coming from a higher world.
Discussions on multiple universes and the divine beings who dwell there.
Understand, and unlock, the power of our light body, our angelic body.
The correspondence between John’s vision of the origins of creation and simulated reality theories.
The antidote to Artificial Intelligence is the activation of the divine image within (our angelic intelligence).
Techniques to dispel the Archons, who John called the rulers of the matrix.
The role of ET Disclosure in our Ascension.
Powerful meditations for raising the Christos and activating the light body.

$322 per person

Darren Starwynn O.M.D. #quack #magick #ufo #mammon amazon.com

A Sophisticated and Accessible Lightworker’s Guidebook for Healing and Spiritual Awakening

An Avatar is Divine consciousness expressing itself as a human being. Awakening the Avatar Within offers a practical roadmap for deeply healing yourself and living an awakened, actualized life as an Avatar. You will learn many transformational practices for raising your level of consciousness and upgrading the health and functioning of your body through the cutting-edge science of epigenetics. From this place, you can become a vital part of the movement to heal and uplift the human race.

Author Dr. Darren Starwynn has had a long career as an acupuncturist, inventor, writer, healer and teacher, integrating therapeutic systems from around the world. He has written four groundbreaking books, led hundreds of workshops and seminars, invented several vibrational devices used worldwide and helped develop advanced mind-body healing systems.

The information and energy transmissions of this book can empower you to:

Identify and express your superpowers
Become a powerful catalyst of healing for yourself and others on the Quantum level
Increase your inner peace and clarity of mind through awareness of the Fifth Dimension and the Quantum Field
Identify your “job description” as a Lightworker
Create a fulfilling daily practice of meditation and self-development
Activate your Light Body (Merkaba)
Augment your self-love and come to peace with your shadow self
Be a planetary healer, and join with other Avatars in uplifting the human race

Awakening the Avatar Within is more than a book—it is a living transmission that will support you in building your energy circuitry and increasing the embodiment of higher light in your physical body. Order your copy today.

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo #mammon dinarchronicles.com

The announcement of GESARA will now affect the Republic along with the rest of the world amounting to a total of 206 sovereign nations.
The IMF will announce the “global gold-standard monetary system” once GESARA is announced. All remaining fiat currencies will be cashed in for gold-standard currency.
Paper money will eventually be phased out and all currencies will be digital under the new financial system.
Notably, the wealth proliferation aspect is actually very stabilizing. People who have new found wealth in extremis are far more likely to feel able to help their relatives, their close friends, their fellow citizens. They are more likely to engage in humanitarian efforts. This is wealth building.
The Cabal is on the ropes and some of the new – suppressed – technologies that are being released date back 70 years or more. Suppressed technology is ‘New’ to us, but in reality, it is very ‘Old’. Some go back millions of years.
For example; the purified waters of Antarctica will be used to ‘turn the deserts green’ and ‘restore mineral life’ to all plants and living things. The future will be unbelievably complete with Cards for our own Personal Credit.
The application of ‘Replicators’ that can produce everything. And surely most importantly, ‘a new awareness’ of the ‘power of our mind’ in order to ‘display’ our needs. And soon also available ‘real health care’ to make people healthy instead of sick, to regrow limbs or organs, or to reduce our age by 30 years.
The greatest short-term affect will be that the RV will create a large surge in consumers over time. Corporations that responsibly produce things that people really need will see a huge surge in business and profits for many years to come. This is wealth-producing. Because a huge aspect of GESARA is the elimination of the national debt of every nation on earth, taxes will be adjusted to be lower for citizens and corporations. Only a flat sales tax of about 15% on new items will be applied.

Shana Toni #quack #magick #mammon quantumangelichealing.com


Hello my Divine Soul Family,

My Angelic Spirit Guides


Higher Self have lead me to

my life path as a Spiritual Energy Healer.

A path where I’m meant to

aid in the healing of GAIA for ascension.

Be of assistance to those who are ready

to let go of vibrations that

no longer serve them


Release energies that keep them dense

and stagnate,

blocking their soul's truest expression

and evolution.

I invite you to go within

For the answers that you seek.

Your higher self holds your

soul blueprint and wants to assist you

in discovering your highest timeline

for ascension & your soul's evolution.

I am a Quantum Alchemist,

Quantum Alchemy Channel to the Divine,

& Quantum Hypnosis Practitioner

​I am certified in several holistic energy healing modalities:

~ Certified A.U.R.A Quantum Hypnosis Practitioner (With the aid of Angels and sacred alchemy symbols)

~ Certified Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healer (R.A.A.H)

~ Certified Quantum Akashic Record Reader

~ Certified Quantum Alchemy Channel

~ Certified Quantum Alchemy Energy Healer

My Infinite Love

Tuella and T. Lobsang Rampa #magick #ufo #crackpot #mammon amazon.com

SIMPLE HOW TO PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT BOOK PRESENTED IN AN ORGANIZED BOMBARDMENT OF SPIRITUAL TRUTH. . . EXPERTS PROCLAIM: MIND TO MIND COMMUNICATION IS NOW POSSIBLE AROUND THE WORLD AND ACROSS THE GALAXY. Shrouded in secrecy since ancient times, now it is possible for all sincere individuals to tap into that 80 percent unused portion of the human brain that will eventually enable humankind to cross the barriers of space and time, link up with our "cosmic cousins" and break down the walls of false illusion that exist between many races and groups on Earth. This vital workbook and study guide to expanding your clairvoyant and telepathic powers has been compiled by two of the foremost authorities on altered states of human awareness. TUELLA is widely recognized as the primary channel for the ASHTAR COMMAND, a galactic spiritual force that for decades has rendered valuable assistance in providing "shortcuts" guaranteed to bring about the removal of the wraps of secrecy and unnecessary ritual that have kept clairvoyant abilities out of the hands of the average person. T. LOBSANG RAMPA is one of the greatest teachers of metaphysics having studied many ancient scrolls hidden away in dusty monasteries and the deepest caves of his Tibetan homeland.
This is a clearly illustrated presentation that will enable to sincere student to. . . * Construct a firm spiritual foundation for establishing contact with their centers of awareness; thus opening up telepathic contacts with those close to the heart, as well as angelic beings and higher life forms. * Use crystals and other easy to obtain apparatus to reinforce and heighten telepathic sending and receiving. * Clear the mind of all false and negative influences, thus leaving the mind open only to receive positive thoughts. * Wash away "bad luck" and spread wide the necessary nerve endings that will enable you to receive only the most beneficial of cosmic forces and spiritual rays.

Jim Stone #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon jimstoneindia.com

Update: Today I am sick as hell and was not able to do anything at all until 2. I gained 2 belt sizes without eating and my heart hurts. I might turn the site over to someone else. At least old reports can be reposted by someone else.
I let a Jew prepare my coffee this morning
It was at a place I go to, I never saw that Jew before. It tasted awesome. However, now I am crashing, everything hurts. Maybe I will update this tomorrow?

Claudia will still need to be taken care of if I crash out, it is taking more and more effort just to type, she will probably need about $2,000 per month to stay afloat well enough to keep the servers going.
During a nuclear weapons/materials sweep of several major cities it was discovered that ALL the Israeli embassies emit large amounts of neutrinos, which means Israel is storing nuclear weapons in their embassies. The strongest signal came from the one in New York but all the embassies have at least something there.

This is not a new topic, it dates back to 2012 and was something that was revealed shortly after my original Nuclear Blackmail report. Nothing has changed, other than perhaps a refreshing of the nukes. If a nuke goes off anywhere (and there are whispers right now from people who are worried), no matter WHO they blame, Israel is the first, second, third and fourth suspect, with Russia perhaps fifth on the list.

My report "Nuclear blackmail" pointed out how Israel has potential troubles with launching nukes due to it´s small geographic size, so Israel went clandestine and is getting their nukes placed by bringing them into various nations disguised as something else. They have probably completed this mission, and are therefore obviously the prime suspects for anything that might happen.

The Ascension Diet/Eating To Ascend #crackpot #quack #fundie #ufo #conspiracy #mammon eatingtoascend.com

The organs regenerate, we are light, and food is death. Nothing in this world they provide exists to better us and at this point we must take strong action to detoxify.

THE ASCENSION DIET ROPEWORM PROTOCOL BIBLE HUMAN ASCENSION MANUAL will help you cleanse your temple and help you secure your place in the book of Life. Why? Because we are truly what we eat, and all of the accumulated genetic material, heavy metals, fungii, yeasts, pesticides and other toxins have grown monsters in our bodies – or as Jesus called them in The Essene Gospels of Peace, “little satans”. These are the cause of internal struggle, emotional and mental fluctations and instability, disease and death. This intensive combined protocol will help you take back your own life – body and soul.
I have spent the last few months writing this book, which was originally only one chapter in what will now be the next book (making this book a prequel, like in the STAR WARS releases, which began with showing TATTOOINE, the RED PLANET NIBIRU overhead – JUST AS IT IS NOW) coming out in JUNE which I had planned in 2018 to have published first, but COVID CHANGED EVERYTHING AND I KNOW THAT PEOPLE NEED TO GET THE ROPEWORM AND PARASITES OUT to survive what’s coming. I also know that many don’t have a clear picture of the BIG PICTURE and I am trying desperately to get this out into everyones eyes, ears and hands so they can save their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
It’s time to evict these monsters. Whether you believe the last days are at hand because the skies are being hidden from us or not, you just don’t need these unwanted guests sapping your lifeblood. It is the foreign DNA of all systems not original to humans when we were created that is responsible for all things negative, all of which lead to disease, death of the the body, and loss of one’s soul. For more information on why, read THE BODY KILLS THE SOUL.

Aylin #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon t.me


People! Rejoice!

We were heard, we were seen, we will be seen and we will be heard!

Oh people, oh followers of Q, how glad I am for everyone, I am very glad!

🔥Good news,
Binance will list our GESARA & NESARA assets within 3 months. The price has already risen x2 after this news and this is just the beginning

As I said, everything is going according to plan, everything is going according to plan Q.

Soon everyone will understand what NESARA And GESARA are and then people will realize that it is possible to live by different rules, by HUMAN rules where everyone is equal.

⚠️ Buy GESARA & NESARA assets until it is not too late!


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