
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Various TERFs #transphobia #sexist #pratt ovarit.com

RE: Students stage massive walk-out after a trans girl was blocked from the locker room / LGBTQ Nation

( OneStarWolf )
Crazy to me that any girl would be protesting to put a boy changing in the locker room with them. They're so naive.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
And indoctrinated.

( MiMi2013 )
And stupid. And desperate to be handmaidens. :-(

The boy students , at least some of them, know they're protesting for the erasure of women from public places : From employment, from education, even from any place in public where they might need to use the restroom, AND that this will lead to a society in which women can only survive by finding some man, any man, to marry. That this is the result of allowing any boy or man who wants to , to "identify" as a woman (woman=porn category) has been openly discussed on 'manosphere' sites for years now.

And I have zero sympathy left for trans people at ALL. I do not believe dysphoria is at all common ; where it does exist is mental illness probably akin to body dysmorphia disorder; most trans woMEN are just autogynephiliacs (IOW, rape-y, entitled heterosexual men) , and even they are being replaced by violent sex predators willing to feign trans ness to prey on girls and women (as we see in only too many prisons). In a word : MONSTERS.

Vyncennt & Reuben H #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Swedish Minister: Authorities Failed to Tackle Crime Because They ‘Didn’t Want to Be Seen as Racist’


Swedish Interior Minister Mikael Damberg has admitted that some of the country’s burgeoning gang-related problems were not properly tackled before due to the authorities’ fear of being seen as racist.

“Before, there was an anxiety to describe some problems, they did not want to be seen as racist and so on”, Damberg told the newspaper Aftonbladet.

It's almost as if 3rd world ferals, who have created 3rd world cultures in all of their 3rd world countries since the dawn of recorded history, might recreate those very same 3rd world cultures regardless of which piece of dirt they're squatting on...


(Reuben H)
So they're finally admitting to the cancer they've imported into their midst, and their proposed solution? Spread the cancer around (integration) and extort higher taxes from Native Swedes (to pay for an increased police presence).

I somewhat understand the need for de-segregation. After all, it must be inconvenient for those migrants to have to travel to other neighborhoods to find Native Swedish women and girls to rape. It's a violation of their human rights, and the government owes it to them to place victims closer to these poor men.

Not only that, but each time a migrant is forced to travel in order to rape a Native Swede, there's a carbon cost; it contributes to Climate Change. It's far more environmentally responsible to have the victims and perpetrators in close proximity.

@MegQuahogRI #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

Then why do you think trans women feel comfortable changing their sexual characteristics to femaleones? If it is "Fucking up [their] endocrine system"?

self-harm, divided psyche. PAYING to be carved up by a deranged army of Dr. Frank N. Furters, for a delusional bid at being the opposite sex. Its a dark comedy at this point. Its gonna age about as well as ice pick lobotomies.

alwaysabeautifullife #fundie #pratt alwaysabeautifullife.tumblr.com

excerpts from a long, holier than thou diatribe

i just recently had an abortion over the weekend and it was great that i had access to it, without it my boyfriend and i would of had to drop out of college and ruin our lives but apparently abortion is sooo wrong when its not even a baby, its a parasite made of cells that have no feelings that is leaving my body, people like you make me sick‏

I was once like you. “Its a clump of cells,” they told me. “Its a parasite,” they said. When scientifically speaking, that’s inaccurate. It is a fetus, or an unborn human being. I know a human becomes easier to kill once you label it something else. This is called dehumanization. You don’t need to dehumanize the unborn human being, you can just call it what it is; you aborted an underdeveloped human being.

I’m sorry that when you terminated your pregnancy, you felt nothing, and I’m afraid that is where we are different. I couldn’t bring myself to dehumanize the tiny human being inside my body, even though it was under developed, dependent and inconvenient. I felt. And I’m the one who feels for you now. I can feel the loss for your unborn human being.

I know you assume I think I’m “better then you”. But it’s exactly the opposite. As I lay here in this bed, ready to give my life for the child inside of me right now, it isn’t just because its my child. It’s because it is a human being. I am willing to die for an underdeveloped, dependent and inconvenient human being, because that human is my equal. You are my equal, your child is my equal, and I don’t have it in me to view my life as more valuable then anyone else’s. I can’t use any reason to take an innocent human being, dehumanize it, and place it under me. And I don’t want to.

Life is precious. It is a divine right, it is so precious that I would be willing to die if that is the cost for another to live.

Ahmad Greenman #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt twitter.com

Had NATO not expanded beyond Germany’s borders, or had NATO admitted Russia into its ranks, or had NATO not breached the NATO-Russia Founding Act by permanently stationing its forces on the Russian border, there would not be the tension there is today between the West and Russia.

True but how without tension we can justify NATO budget, or arms sales to Central and Eastern Europe?? Tension are necessary to justify American military presence in Eurasia.

Taiwan's trade & investment tour of Slovakia, CzechRepublic & Lithuania is a go! NDC Minister Kung will lead a 65-strong group to the EU countries next month, aiming to grow tie-ups & jointly create interconnected, resilient supply chains for the democratic world.

Guangdong province has a larger GDP than Taiwan but sure you will replace mainland China with supply chains.

You can’t replace Taiwan with the PRC but Eastern European reactionaries don’t understand basic economics.

The mayor of Prague announces a Taiwanese business delegation is set to land the Czech capital next month

I am reactionary scumbag. Could fit as well.

Reactionaries in Central and Eastern Europe are angry at Serbia for its partnership with China. Good Job by Serbia.

Breaking: The European Parliament has passed a resolution calling for the invitation of @AhmadMassoud01

European can not influence the western Balkans properly but sure they are going to influence Afghanistan.

I am pro China/Russia Eurasianist. But Australia made the right decision to snub France and accept USA offer . If you want to buy submarines you either buy them from Russia or the USA , The best 2 countries in the field without competition.

China tops the 6G patent filings list with 40.3%, followed by the US with 35.2%. Japan ranked third with 9.9%, followed by Europe with 8.9% and South Korea with 4.2%

European think they can compete with China or the USA on tech lol.

SDarbey #crackpot #pratt #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

Trans, a byproduct of civilizational collapse, discussion.

Okay, so I don't identify as trans or part of any of the demographics that are associated. But I recently read that the confusion surrounding gender in the current world could be a sign of cultural collapse. Which is defined on Google as so: Societal collapse (also known as civilizational collapse) is the fall of a complex human society characterized by the loss of cultural identity and of socioeconomic complexity, the downfall of government, and the rise of violence.

I'm not against any who are part of the LGBT community, to each their own. But to me, this kinda makes sense. Because most of our civilization seems to be confused, and don't know who or what they are or what they want, so they fill in the blanks left by their emotions in attempt to fit somewhere while they spread hate on anyone who doesn't subscribe to the views and opinions of that community with "peaceful protests".

Please don't assume I'm hating on anyone, this isn't my opinion, it's all observation (I don't use mind numbing social medias or watch the news either so I'm out of the global loop), so again, to each their own. I couldn't give two shits honestly, I don't care who you are or what you do as long as you're not hating or hurting anyone, I just wanna know what people think about this.

Eid Badr #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt quora.com

Question: Can mutations create new traits?

Eid Badr: The problem with your question is the definition of trait.

If you consider the ability to digest something that your stomach never digested before a new trait then yes mutations create new traits.

If you are asking about something like an animal that does not hair at all and does not produce hair at all to go through mutations and then produce hair then no, this is not possible.

Or for example if you are asking abotu something like an animal that does not have wings at all to go through mutations and then graudually have wings then not this is not possible and mutations cannot do that.

On Quora questions like this ask about brand new generally beneficial traits. Traits that are not only beneficial under certain conditions. For example E.Coli is able to activate a silent Citrate digestion gene using mutations but only if it is put in a citrate medium. And this is only beneficial when E.coli is put in a citrate medium, if this medium has no citrate then this mutation is not beneficial. So it is not generally beneficial for E.Coli to activate the Citrate digestion gene.

Another example would be becoming lactose tolerant or lactose intolerant. Either would be beneficial only under certain conditions, and that depends on your diet.

Mutations are not random.

Mutations cannot create brand new generally beneficial traits.

Mutations help species adapt to their diet and their environments and conditions.

Mutations cannot get a species or an individual out of its genome type to which it belong.

Mutations cannot transform a genome type to another genome type.

Humans had only human ancestors.

Moneys had only monkey ancestors.

E.Coli is still E.coli

Lizards are still lizards.

Finches are still finches.

Evolution is a myth.

Envita #conspiracy #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

American females tried forcing their black man shagging ideals on the world.
Thank God it didn't work.
American females tried forcing their LGBT agenda on the world.
Thank God it failed yet again.
American females are now trying to force anal sex on infants too.
Hopefully that fails as well.
The Muslims are the good people in comparison
The american females are the demons, the communists, the socialists and vampires of all those around them.

manbro7 #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: If we were living in a male-dominated world (with links)

If men wanted to oppress women they'd be sent to wars as cannon fodder and make up %99 of the casualties to save the lives of the more precious male sex from such brutality and death.

The entire world would revolve around a "Men and children first" narrative. Humanitarian aids would constantly and only discriminate against women.

Men would create a movement to erase the female sex through eugenics (#theFutureisFemale) regularly call for a gendercide of women and call for it's action (#KillAllMen) and wouldn't be punished in the slightest for spreading those ideas. Men would openly associate with these ideas publicly knowing they won't be punished in the slightest.

Despite things like #KillallWomen, only sexism to men would be banned and punished, misogyny would be mocked, refused and denied to even exist by the men's rights movement.

Men's rights would victim-blame female suicide victims with toxic femininity and be obsessed with slut-shaming women and female virgins. Men's right would create loads of sexist terms like "womanspread, womansplain, bagsplain" to attack women for decades, including incessant sexist generalizations for decades. If any women objected to their insane sexism, they'd be attacked with fragile femininity and fragile egos. Oh yeah, and every single sexism the female gender faces would be gaslighted and victim-blamed onto women by calling it all "toxic femininity"

Be a man, and you're already experiencing every single thing written here and by OP. Yikes.

IrishTheFrenchie & zephyrean #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com



( zephyrean )
TBH that "right" is bullshit and it shouldn't exist at all either way. Why is this specific fetish elevated above others?

A trans is a thoroughly unpleasant individual, an offensive gross pervert. Society should agree on what constitutes "unpersoning" and grant the right to not be unpersoned to absolutely everyone who isn't a criminal. Let's say "equal prices for goods and services offered to the public". (There are a lot of free variables. What's a crime? What must be "offered to the public" and what can be a private deal? How often can you change the terms?)

For example, a person walking into a store to buy food should be allowed to buy food; if a community wouldn't sell someone food, the person can't live in that community: they should either criminalize the person's offensive behavior outright to be intellectually honest or pass a law that mandates equal access. The same goes for housing.

Consider "smelling bad". Is that offensive? Can you throw a stinker in jail? Can you demand that he leaves a store? Can you reject his job application? If yes, how is he different from a trans who engages in his fetish in public?

Can you reject the job application of someone who behaves normally in public but writes "other races are subhuman" online? If yes, how is he different from a person who behaves normally in public but has a gender identity?

Vista_Seagrape #conspiracy #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Dear Menslib- we've been trying to tell you.

I'd like to offer some words for r/menslib. It's in reference to your recent AMA with Chuck Derry from the Duluth Model Organization.. You guys were surprised at what you heard, and how bad it was....but we weren't. We knew this was going to happen, because we've been trying to warn you about political feminism and things like the Duluth Model for years. The groups and figures at the top of the hierarchy of feminism are backwards and sexist and disingenuous. The Duluth Model isn't some 'fringe idea', it's the single most influential social model on police MO for domestic violence in the US.

You guys seem to be on the cusp of realizing that your view on the modern day feminist movement isn't quite how the real world works.

We told you this. We told you this is what feminist literature actually says if you bother to read it. We told their buzzwords such as


"patriarchal structures"

"systemic oppression"

"to those with privilege, equality feels like oppression"

"Inherent misogyny"

It's flat-earth tier. In fact it's worse, because it's actual harmful. This is what we told you, the more political feminist organizations actively support, perpetrate, and lobby for the legalization of domestic violence against men, and automatic exemption for prison for violent female criminals.

I'm going to be honest and blunt- subs like ML are part of the problem of the following comment:

I grew up in a household where my mother was emotionally/verbal abusive to my father (as well as the kids) and it distinctly felt like Chuck discounted that and viewed it as less serious, as it was female-led and received.

Because Chuck follows feminist theory. Not because he is patriarchal, not because he believes in "hetero-normative" beliefs, IT IS BECAUSE HE IS A FEMINIST.

You guys need to wake up and accept how bad things really are.

You have been lied too. What you believe about the MRM is a lie.

CornusKousa #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #wingnut forum.literotica.com

RE: High school classroom decorated with 'f*** the police' poster and other left-wing symbols

It's California. There's little the GOP can do politically there to effect school policy, but parents can. We see their power manifesting itself all over the nation

I understand, but what about red states?? Red policy???

Hell, only in a few red states was CRT "banned" ......as if woke lunatics in the school system just stopped and said "oh well guess that's it!" .

Weak sauce.

There is no fight back, that's why the left is keeps getting it's way.


spoilerPolitics in 2050:

Why yes I'm for mandatory estrogen in the water supply

Why yes heroin is a human right

Why yes I'm for mandatory abortions

Why of course yes I'm for mandatory anal penetration for all males

That's right, I'm a conservative

Pepe Escobar #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt twitter.com


Old school. Top clearance. Extremely discreet. Attended secret Deep State meetings on 9-11. Tired of all the lies.

"An emergency phone conference was held in the early afternoon of 9/11 based on the fact that WTC Building Number Seven was still standing. Demolitions were engineered to cause the building, as well as the others, to fall into its own footprint. I attended this call.”

“No plane hit Building Number Seven.”

“The CIA was brought to cover it up. The CIA set up failed asset bin Laden to blame as misdirection, then pulled the plug on Building Number Seven.”

"The CIA doctored tapes to show Arabs entering the planes."

"Our CIA Arabists knew that if we blamed Osama, who was innocent, Mullah Omar would not give him up in violation of the laws of Islamic hospitality. Mullah Omar requested evidence: then he would turn him over. Of course, we did not want that.”

“The Afghanistan heroin war was justified by 9-11. No one in Afghanistan was involved in 9/11. No member of Islam was involved. We invaded Afghanistan for only one purpose, to restart heroin production shut down by a righteous act of Mullah Omar.”

"CIA heroin plantations in Afghanistan funded external, clandestine operations and lined some important people's pockets. That was common practice when the CIA ran the heroin operation in the Golden Triangle."

“It was never in the U.S. strategic interest to lay a curse on Islam in the West."

“9-11 was a kind of Gulf of Tonkin false flag operation justifying a war on Islam and the invasion of Iraq, followed by other invasions of Islamic nations."

“The Taliban loved us as they did not know that we lured Russia into Afghanistan. It was idiotic to think that they wanted to hurt their ally on 9-11.”

"With Iraq invaded over a new falsity, the neocons created a war of hatred against Islam."

"The apex of the U.S. command structure is not the presidency. It’s the Deep State. I use that term even though we did not as it is commonly used."

wizzard426 #pratt #sexist forum.literotica.com

the disturbing and extremely credible allegation that Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape Christine Blasey Ford

I used to manage a bar, did security. I used to laugh when females in cock dresses, searching for cock, would complain about getting goosed.

This one, and I gave seen a billion just like her, figured out at 14 she has a pussy......letting boys play means you aren't lonely on a Saturday night. For a #7 at 2:30.........just another plain Jane butterface.

A few if them around here, I see!

LoL, that same lady, sits in the same stands at the speedway every year, same black cocktail dress, hoping someone will notice.

Hope is a beautiful thing. However, hope doesn't buy dick on Saturday night.

This communist shrew has no credibility. Her Feminazi enablers have accomplished what?

ShyBiGuy954 #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #wingnut forum.literotica.com

Quit trashing Obama's accomplishments. He has done more than any other President before him. He was the first President to:

apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

violate the War Powers Act.

be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.

demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.

terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.

cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.

arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.

tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.

file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

golf more than 150 separate times in his five years in office.

hide his birth, medical, educational and travel records.

win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week

repeat the Quran and tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.

side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs Arizona).

I feel much better now. I had been under the impression he hadn't been doing ANYTHING... Such an accomplished individual... in the eyes of the ignorant maybe.!.

thevenon #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Africans spread aids within China, girls still have sex with them regardless

I shall tell you a secret kept during 600 years, the true reason why Ming treasure voyages have been stopped https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ming_treasure_voyages. Chinese men did not want to see same images 600 years ago.

It is really amusing that nobody understands why Chinese stopped their voyages in the 15th century.

Maybe they wanted to impress their wives by importing exotic BBCs but the boats were overloaded with too much cock

Chinese men were highly intelligent when they stopped contacts with western cultures. The same was true for Japanese men.

These men will die now

Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIMs losing height on HRT?

( yikesforever )
Gender dysphoria is a mental health condition (even if they deny it), it's not a normal healthy mental state of mind to be in.

I'll be happy for them tho. Go get that unhealthy body AGPs! :D

( GoodGoneGirl )
My first thought was actually that it would make them less of a threat. But the majority of TIMs are way bigger than women regardless of, erm … shrinkage.

( hmimperialtortie )
Every bit of harm these perverts do themselves just gives me schadenfreude.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
Until they start clogging up our medical facilities and wasting MORE of our tax money on treatment for conditions they brought on themselves.

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes, that’s the only drawback.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Republicans BLOCKED From Voting In Newsom Recall Told They Already Voted, Larry Elder STILL May WIN

(Snuggly Bastard)
They're rigging the elections again. The Democrats can't win otherwise.

(SWFL Fishing)
Soon they’ll tell us Gavin Newsom is the “most popular governor in history”, 80 million votes in a state of 39 million.

Whenever there exists a Democrat in the election.... the likelihood of shenanigans taking place goes up by about 1000%

(Kevin Hoekman)
Tim, they won't let them vote. They, the Dems, already voted for them. Get this through your head, this happened in 2020. Millions of people Tim.

Stop denying voter fraud Tim. We all know its a widespread problem and they hide it.

(Rob K)
Tim, you sound just like the people trying to force vaccines: “just shut up, stop asking questions, and vote.”

(David Guyton)
After the results come out, you won't be allowed to ask questions about it without having your online persona Epsteined.

(System X)
I'm sure it's gonna be the most free and fair election ever if Gavin wins. If he loses it'll be Trump and Russia behind it.

(Phoenix 2020)
"Do your job media..." Says Tim. Silly kid. The Democrat propaganda machine is fully operational and working well. Seems like we've heard this all before somewhere... 🤔

Simon Burnton & Some Wingnuts #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: According to The Guardian, it is now suspicious to show how almost 100% kids in your country look like...


They do realize politics is often like a pendulum so the more they crank the rhetoric about race one way the more it may swing the other if there is ever countermovememt. And if they know even the slightest thing about Europe they should know that prodding at racial tensions will end in massive bloodshed.

That level of foresight would first require that they pull their heads out of their asses, and since that would subject them to all of those icky opinions of people who are obviously wrong, they won't do it.

But supposing for a moment that they could do that, look ahead and see the prospective consequences of their extreme ideology? They wouldn't care. Because it would mean that all their incessant claims about white supremacy being everywhere would be validated

News-flash, not EVERY nation on the entire planet is a "melting pot". Many countries will have people who all look the same.

Yeah, it's funny how they never seem to complain about Asian countries, or Arab countries having people who look similar.

Yet you won't ever hear them complaining about the shocking lack diversity in Nigeria or Japan or India.

Its like taking a trip to India, and complaining about all the 'foreigners'.

Actually you hear a lot about the lack of diversity in Japan.

You'll never hear them complaining about the shocking lack of diversity and shithole countries but they will always complain about the lack of diversity in nice developed countries with working utilities.


This is the face of the numpty who wrote that.

I find it really sad that some white people are developing self hatred to the point of irrationality. Imagine hating yourself so much you complain about there being too many whites in Poland while you're giving live updates on a soccer game.

Various Commenters #elitist #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: How a More Diverse Population Will Change America


"Ordinary Americans predict a white backlash."

I see no sign of that happening.

They have to blame white people for the increase in crime and destruction of social trust. How else are they going to prevent everyone else from noticing who commits most of the violent crime? Look at the "Stop Asian Hate" campaign. It is usually blacks committing random attacks on Asians yet the movement blames white supremacy for the crime.

(De ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Doc)
Patricia Kenny, one of the cherry picked, foolish voices for this WaPo article, opines:

“Diversity is the lifeblood of a healthy nation. “

Diversity is the the lifeblood of nations? Like the Mongolian empire of yore? Or the Austrian-Hungary Empire? Or the USSR? Or the British Empire? Funny how diversity saved none of those super-national entities.

“Diversity of culture brings new ways of thinking and problem solving. It is not a surprise that many of our Nobel winners and inventors are immigrants or the children of immigrants.”

Of the 900 Nobel laureates 20% are Ashkenazi Jews and a huge chunk of others, until more recent times, were of White European descent. Diversity is fairly narrow, when it comes to very high IQs. The immigration status is a moot point, as far as Nobel prizes go, since that characteristic contributes little to such successes.

A real White backlash would mean Whites having large families again and not miscegenating and encouraging more European immigration to our shores. We need MORE White people. Period!

For a young white person it seems to be a social obligation to marry a nonwhite and have half white kids.

Young urban white women, especially. Men.. less so, but they do they are inclined to Asian women for very obvious reasons... young urban white women.

Gregory Hood #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

Mencius Moldbugman

The Taliban have started painting over murals left behind from the American occupation. Here they paint over one mural depicting St George Floyd and replace it with proclamations of victory.

The Globalist American Empire really was painting images of George Floyd in Kabul.

A pro-black account posts the following, featuring James Baldwin:

Dear white people, we are not the minority. You are.

Yes, we are a global minority. That is why we must ensure our survival.

A transgender socialist, “Contrapoints,” is in trouble for knowing about the work of Helmut Schoeck, who wrote about envy. If you’re not watching far-left YouTubers, it’s not important, but it shows that on the left, knowing about certain people or citing them favorably is a moral failing.

Another interesting exchange from leftist YouTube. Apparently, slaughtering whites is a topic for debate.

Critical Race Theory should be taught in school. Whites should learn that those in power oppress them. Those promoting CRT don’t understand that they are part of the ruling system, not rebels against some mythical pro-white Establishment. They’re on Twitter; we’re banned.

A progressive says the quiet part out loud:

A reminder that if white people couldn't vote, the US House map would look something like this


Even if you are a self-hating white who talks about “decolonialism,” you won’t get any credit.

A. H.

Just saw a white person call another white person ‘decolonial’ as an adjective as a compliment. As in, “you are beautiful and decolonial,” and no my fellow whites. Absolutely fucking not.

It’s worth reading. White leftists can grovel all they want; it won’t do them any good.

Finally, a refreshingly direct insult.

samer #SaveSheikJarrah

White people are truly a cancer everywhere they go

Clearly, it’s whites’ fault that South Africa is such a mess.

ereddsIsHere #fundie #pratt #sexist reddit.com

RE: Abortion until 22nd week of pregnancy divides Norway's left wing, which eyes election victory in Norway

At the 8nd week brain is already active and is developing very fast with the nervous system, this since week 6. Wanting an abortion at f*cking week 22nd is criminal and is something that goes before any ideology. If you support abortion to this extend i have no words and you may probably be a psychopath.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #elitist #fundie #pratt youtube.com

RE: Die-Hard Atheist Encounters Jesus While Reading Narnia

Jordan grew up an atheist and would ridicule her Christian friends for their beliefs. But then she encountered the love of Jesus.

(Henrique Ordine)
I've been down that atheist path as well, and it's a path of frustration and hopelessness. Jesus is the truth.

(Crystal Ramdial)
I struggled with self hate , addiction and depression . Experiencing GOD'S love truly brought freedom and peace. Honestly nobody can love you like JESUS. GIVE HIM A CHANCE, HE'LL DO THE SAME FOR YOU.

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."

That is of my favorite C.S. Lewis quotes. And whenever someone asks me to prove there is a God, I'll respond with "Look around you. He's everywhere."

(Gumbi Is A Meatball)
Today I saw an interview with Carl Jung. He was asked, "Do you believe there's a God?" He paused and said, "I don't have to believe, I KNOW." What many don't understand is that, Jesus Christ and God are REAL. Once you have a Personal encounter with Them and begin a Relationship with Them, you DON'T have to believe... you KNOW! Do you "believe" in your best friend, or do you KNOW them?

(Karunya Ronith)
Repent today. God is coming soon

(Agafaith Rilles)
i can't imagine a life that you dont believe in God. That's just hopelessness, darkness and no purpose at all.

(Kathy R.)
Take a look around... it’s a no brainer that God is Almighty and a Genius Creator

(Yeya Music)
I love how creative God is! Such an abstract way to reach someone yet so cool.

Jade #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Ban urged on rape suspects ‘claiming they are women’ | Scotland | The Times

I've had my fair share of "kink-positive, it's-his-right-if-he-wants-to-work-in-the-sex-industry, positive-vibes-only, can-we-talk-about-something-else?" libfems derail sorority group meetings created to tackle reports of sexual assault within a specific social group with "but why can't we invite men? Why does it have be us against them? Men get raped too! Women rape men too!"

All we need now is to corroborate this pickme virtue signalling do jour with statistics that "prove them right" because Jayden decided to be called Aimee and rape some "fellow women".

Various racists #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

Re: Oklahoma Reels After Supreme Court Ruling on Indian Tribes


Kyle Willis hadn’t seen Kimberly Graham in years, since the day she was sentenced to 107 years in prison after she drunkenly plowed her truck into a group of motorcyclists in Tulsa, killing five people, including his mother and stepfather.

So it was a shock when he saw her at a court hearing last month, a free woman. Graham, who is Native American, was let out of prison in April after a Supreme Court decision last year that found that a large part of eastern Oklahoma is still Indian country. Crimes there were the province of federal and tribal courts.

Aren't there any politicians who simply refuse to comply with this madness? Our claim to authority over this land is ultimately by right of conquest. Why don't be act like it.

(Law and Order)

If this ruling applies only to crimes committed against other Indians, fine. If it applies to Indian crimes against Whites, that's a problem.

It applies in both cases.

Frankly, don't care what an injun does to a white in the rez. They have no biz being there. No different than a white going to an African country. You are taking chances.

(Lewis Wetzel)
Let's change this ridiculous reservation system where the Federal govt. props up these welfare recipients. I live on a reservation, and you can hardly find a "working" Indian. Change it just like the left wants to re write our history.

(Jack McGriff)
Can Whites have a reservation too? Or nah because White ethnostates be racist an she it?

There are so many Indian ethnostates in the USA I wonder if we could lease some of that land or even buy a reservation ourselves? Indians love money and the White man's clothes, technology, and shiney trinkets.

(Law and Order)
I have listened to injun programs in community radio stations in California and Arizona and they always blab about protecting their culture. But when a white says the same, it's racism.

vikingcelt #conspiracy #pratt #psycho #racist stormfront.org

Re: jewish Supremacists Admit White Genocide Is Their Objective

The enemy is not the least bit inhibited in calling for our genocide. They are winning, too. Drastic, even cruel measures must be considered.

Genocide? Perhaps not, though considering what the damn Jew has been up to, it might be best to kill them all, man, woman, and child.

War has been declared upon us. The Jews and their black lackeys mean business.

He intends to wipe us out. The Jew intends to exterminate the Aryan race. They tell us so, certain of their radicals and many of their academics. They have said as much. The White race is the cancer of history, says one. The White race must be abolished, says another. I can go on with this, quote after quote. The Jew does this out of fear and loathing. Make no mistake, as skeptical as we may be about their Holocaust myth, the Jews, every one of them, believe every word of it. This makes the Aryan an existential threat to them. They believe the Aryan hates them so much that the Aryan would exterminate them on an industrial scale. They believe this, to the souls of their beings, and they hate us for it. Of course they do. Like malevolent children, like sociopathic head cases, they cannot reason their way out of this conviction that we once tried to exterminate them. And that we will try it again! Think they resent that? You can bet they do. And unlike us, they have a plan.

The first goal is to disempower the European in his own lands, including North America and Australia. Those are our lands now, that is European territory. Manifest destiny and the verdict of war has made it so.

If we do not rise up, and put a stop to the Jew perfidy, our own ship will sink, in three generations, perhaps only two. It is a mathematical certainty. Faced with this fact, do we not consider war? What kind of men are we?

Various Incels #pratt #psycho #sexist incels.is

JFL FDS roasties noticed that most of their users are femcels and don't actually want to date

REMINDER: FDS is NOT WGTOW/OVARIT/FEMCEL etc, We're a Dating Strategy....So You Should, Ya'Know, DATE.


(Deleted member 30198)


Women learn through consequence, beating and humiliation. You should get comfortable with beating and ignoring them.

I hope FDS gains millions of subscribers on reddit so that the blackpill about female nature can spread. :)

won't change things the way you think it would. Men are still led by their dicks, it would be a bump in the road for women, but back to smooth streets after a while.

(Deleted member 33893)
A lot of guys are aware of what is going on but because a small % of women is loyal and not slutty they are chasing the 1 in 10.000 or rarer unicorn of a woman. Just that most female unicorns (if they exist) are already in a long relationship.

ETA: I want to be clear that we explicitly recommended multi-dating - that’s in the handbook.

-Date Billy for his shekels, don't have sex with him more than once a month

-Date Chad

Various Commenters #crackpot #pratt #transphobia #ableist reddit.com

Anons talk about the transmaxxing manifesto


All funny until some idiots actually do it and then start blaming us when they realise they made a terrible mistake

What makes you think she would regret it?

impossible with 100% success rate

Transmaxxing is incredibly based

Although the transmaxxing manifesto is kinda nutty ngl

well transitioning got me laid so +1 for transmaxxxing ig,, but now i just worry abt everyone being a chaser. such is the life of a passer 😢

not even a passer, just an attractive femboy

incel to tranny pipeline is based but this is retarded

PPEcel #pratt #sexist #wingnut incels.is

FBI releases 2020 Hate Crime Statistics: just 0.7% of U.S. hate crime victims faced gender bias

From the FBI's press release:


Of over 7,500 single-bias* hate crime incidents recorded by local, state, and federal law enforcement in 2020, just 71 were motivated by gender bias. Of those 71 incidents, 49 were motivated by anti-femoid bias (the remaining 22 by anti-male bias). The majority of those 49 incidents involved simple assault or intimidation.

(approx. 300 multiple-bias incidents occurred in 2020)*


Funny. Considering how often Redditcucks say that we're a terrorist group that deserves crackdown and censorship, the numbers don't showcase any need for law enforcement to divert resources to monitoring harmless online trolls here.

There are sociological reasons why certain types of incidents might be under- or over-represented, of course, but if "incel violence" was truly such a massive problem, you'd think that there'd be hundreds if not thousands of recorded gender-motivated hate crimes each year, instead of a few dozen. Femoids' and simps' proclivity for exaggeration simply knows no bounds.

In other news, the U.S. Department of Justice revealed last month that it declined to prosecute 82% of all federal hate crime suspects investigated from 2005 to 2019, though the DOJ won well over 90% of the cases it did pursue.

Jfl at anyone thinking incel violence is a serious issue. Chad violence occurs at a much greater frequency, they are so used to women saying “yes” they get violent when they hear the rare no. This cycle continues because women get wetter if chad is violent.

there are likely less than 50,000 actual neo-nazis in all of north america and europe but the security services can still play them up to get their budgets pumped up, just like they've milked islamist terrorism for the past 20 years.

angryallytoall #dunning-kruger #elitist #moonbat #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia reveddit.com

The trans community would gain more allies if trans women quit acting like cis men in feminist spaces

I am an extremely vocal ally of oppressed classes. I have led feminist education groups for men, I have marched hand in hand at pride parades, I have stood up vocally and physically to shut down oppression of minorities. I have bled because I stood up. I also believe intersectionality to be the most critical thought process to integrate into ANY fight against oppression.

I’m tired oppressed classes punching down, certain cultures of POC being extremely homo and transphobic.

My wife USED to be a rabid supporter of trans rights. Now, she wants the trans community to shut the fuck up.

Women have been shit on by men for millennia. This is absolutely undeniable. Even today, when a man enters a conversation, he will suck the air out of the room. The problem is, so many trans women grew up under toxic masculinity before their transition and they retain this “I am here, now bow before me” attitude. When these trans women go into feminist spaces, they demand everyone be an ally and demand that they change EVERYTHING that MIGHT offend one single person. If a woman dares to disagree with a single point, she is quickly labeled a TERF.

Trans ladies, do not fall into this behavior that is so typical of bearers of penises. You are hurting your own cause. You’re not demanding equality. You’re demanding deference from people who your birth assigned gender has demanded the same from since before recorded history.

If you were born with a penis, you have ZERO right or reason to have any say whatsoever over gynecological healthcare. Wanna talk about how creepy so many of us cis guys are? Yep, that’s a fantastic discussion.

You have allies. Abuse us and you will become marginalized again solely because of your own actions.

I am EXTREMELY vocal in holding other men and other Mayosapiens’ feet to the fire for being phobic or ist and I won’t shy away from confronting ANYONE for being an asshole.

codet #moonbat #pratt #psycho twitter.com

So like are we gloss right over the intentional starvation of 3.9 million Ukrainians or does that not fit in your narrative of the romanticism of the Soviet Union.

The kulaks burned half their food because they wanted to resist collectivisation, their resistance was fierce and caused the death of millions across the entire USSR (not just ukraine), but ultimately they were liquidated as a class and agriculture improved since then

The word holodomor is only a recent invention and nazis from ukraine and the former ussr are KNOWN to promote what basically amounts to a double genocide theory which is indisputably a form of holocaust denial

someone got sources for me?

well for a primary source, molotov in his memoir basically says the same thing, but other than that it should be pretty well known that the 1932-33 famine wasnt intentional, and the burden of proof is ofc on the accusers but they havent produced a shred of evidence

i’m just asking because i know nothing and would rather not take a tweet for info

Im p theres plenty bourgeois historians that basically say the same thing, though i cant name them off the top of my head at the moment

SamuraiGhostCat #moonbat #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

I love being a terf

I love being a woman who sticks up for the rights of other women and girls.

I love knowing biological reality & believing in science.

I love having logic.

I love sticking up to misogynistic men.

I love being speaking the truth!

I love being a part of a community of wonderful, hilarious, intelligent, witty, caring, amazing women who support each other.

I love being a terf.


Anyone else? 🙋‍♀️

chad kincham #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut christianforums.com

The catastrophic anthropogenic global warming scam came from the politician Al Gore, and it’s being pushed as hard as possible by corrupt politicians worldwide to enrich themselves from the hundreds of billions of dollars in carbon taxes, and to increase their control over economies and they do manipulate science and scientists as part of the scam, via the huge amounts of grant and research money given to those who propagate the scam, and other types of pressure they exert.

But there are fortunately those climatologists, researchers, professors and scientists out there, who speak the truth and counter the ridiculous scam.

Spain_iS_pain #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt reddit.com

At risk of poverty rate in 2020, early estimates


Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain.

They call us the PIGS. They want these countries poor for their benefits.

EU has been a disaster for Spanish working class... In 2008 crisis we caught into European debts trap and we change our constitution. Right now paying debts to Europe is first priority expenses...not education or health care...very good... That provoke a transfer of wealth from Spain to Germany and others EU countries meanwhile people suffer in poverty... Meanwhile our touristic industry is absolutely dependent from anglo Germany space and only provide bad jobs and bad salaries... The rise of franquoism in Spain is been promoted by elites to control the rage of people... So slowly going to the 30's decade.

Meanwhile German companies are buying fucking everything around Europe.

Some Wingnuts #pratt #wingnut 9gag.com


StIlL NoT As BaD As ThE CaPiToL RiOtS

I mean what did they expect? When you attack the government even a minor amount, did they expect the government to forgive, forget, and not care? Of course the government would be out for a vengeance, every fucking government out there is like that.

yet nobody talks about the BLM "peaceful protests" that caused literally BILLIONS of dollars in damages

it's funny. BLM riots literallybtook multiple government and municipal buildings hostage and killed something like 25-30 people, including a handful of legit assassinations, meanwhile the iNsUrReCtIoN resulted in the absolute slaughter of only 1 PROTESTER and a couple accidental deaths of people climbing the walls or some shit. By this I mean BLM killed other people, and the MAGA crowd only posed a serious danger to themselves...

You don't see Congress having hearings over the BLM riots, do you? Why do you suppose that is? Nobody is saying that the BLM riots is an excuse for the Capitol riots but why is no one being charged in the BLM riots? Why did politicians actually raise bail money for the BLM rioters? Where is the accountability on the left? There is none. Most right leaning people I know want the Capitol rioters punished for their stupidity. Can you show me anyone on the left that's pushing for the BLM people to be punished? " To the left there is no such thing as "Equality under the law" which is ironic since all you hear from the left is screeching about equality.

Calling this a coup is ridiculous. I wouldn't call Juan Guaido standing with 5 deserted soldiers by his side a coup, and that was a gazillion times more serious than a few clowns strolling into a parliament. There was a successful coup in Ukraine in 2014. That's what coups look like, not a few suburban moms taking selfies after the cops let them into a parliament during non-visit hours.

SlayerSlayer #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist archive.fo

Most women have the traits of psychopaths

1. Superficial charm and high sense of self-worth-

They have the charm to easily have tons of social media followers, and are always on QUEEN shit for egregious behavior. Females are incapable of thinking other people are better than them. They demand to be constantly listened to. Anything that kills the fun makes them sad. Fun at the expense of other's happiness.

2. They are extreme liars

Easy for them to say different things at different times based on the situation. Always making excuses as to why they don't fulfill their promises. They don't even care that you KNOW they are lying. Make you take blame for everything.

3. Cold heartless, living parasitic lifestyles

Other people's feelings do NOT matter. They want to turn others against each other. They want others to do FOR THEM. Not do anything themselves. Prefer NOT to work for a living.

4. Poor behavioral control and promiscuous

OF + getting drunk and having a three-way in Cabo after getting a poorly done tattoo of their daddy on the clevage.

5. DO NOT take responsibility, possible childhood abuse

A history of juvenile delinquency, and not taking responsibility for it. As kids they were constantly able to get others to take the fall FOR them. HATE taking responsibility for their actions.

Women who do not fill this bucket list simply do not exist, prove me wrong.

Conversely, incels are the complete opposite of a psychopath:

1. Completely charmless, with low self-esteem
2. Honest to a fault, and utterly guileless
3. Maybe youngcels are possible parasites, but past that most incels do not have the opportunity to be parasites, WE HAVE to have jobs, We HAVE to earn our keep. No one cares about us enough to allow us to be leeches. Not even our own parents. We obviously have hearts because we want to be loved very badly, and sincerely.
4. High inhib virgins
5. Take responsibility for everything, or example currycels feeling shame over bobsandvegene texting lowIQ curries have done

John Branyan #crackpot #fundie #pratt johnbranyan.com


[For "National Ask-An-Atheist Day 2011]

Theists can think.

Nobody else can.

Respect for God is where wisdom begins.

Thought without wisdom is impossible.

So that’s it.

You Atheists will object.

You think you think.

I don’t believe it.

Why should I?

You offer no empirical evidence.

No proof your thoughts exists.

You say, “Show me your God!”

I say, “Show me your thought!”

Brain scans don’t cut it.

A scan just proves brain activity.

Doesn’t prove thinking.

If activity signaled origination then

…music comes from your eardrum.

But I’m already too deep.

Only the theists are still with me.

You Non-Theists are readying another volley of vitriolic vapidity:

“Do you believe in Santa Claus too?  Santa and God are the same thing!”

Oooo!  Ouch!

“There’s a multiverse!  The multiverse makes life possible!”


“People don’t need God to be moral.”


Comprehending any offered response to these statements requires thought.

That’s where you run into problems.

In place of genuine thought…

…you have skepticism.

You are skeptical of everything

…except your own skepticism.


I went too far again.

If you want to follow what I’m saying…

Wisdom is just a prayer away.

Ask God to reveal Himself and He will.

But you’re not gonna do that.

Because you think that’s stupid.

John Branyan #crackpot #fundie #pratt johnbranyan.com


This is the 2nd part of my fantastic new series where I present evidence for the existence of God.

In part one, I explained what I mean when I say “God”.

In order to understand the first evidence, you need to understand Jello.


Specifically, you must understand that Jello is not alive.

Though it comes in many shapes and flavors…

…none of them are living.

Suppose a spoonful of Jello that you scooped onto a plate suddenly came to life.

It slithered across the table onto the floor and headed out the front door.

Be honest…that would surprise you, wouldn’t it?

Suppose a microscopic piece of Jello suddenly came to life and slithered around.

Is that less surprising?

What if a microscopic piece of Jello came alive a million years ago?

It’s pretty miraculous no matter when it happened.

That’s essentially what happened on Earth at some point in the unrecorded past.

It wasn’t exactly Jello that came to life but it was something just as dead.

And that’s not something that ever happens.

Non-living stuff doesn’t come to life.

Living things only come from other living things.


Earth started out as dead as a teaspoon of Jello.

And then there were living cells.


That’s evidence

End Times Prophecy Report #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt endtimesprophecyreport.com

Man is such a wicked, prideful being that (in his telling) his eventual demise is totally in his hands–not God’s.

This explains the two false (but popular) ‘Doomsday’ fables of “the nuclear holocaust” and “climate change“.

(‘Climate change’ was previously called “global warming” until the majority of people could no longer be convinced of the earth’s warming through man-made means)

Again: both of these fables put man’s demise in HIS hands.

And IF his demise is by the hand of man, then man’s salvation can also be by the hand of man.

Even in destruction, man wants to imagine that he is in control.

There are no end to deceived and deceiving men who blabber about the false problem of “climate change.” In most cases, they get paid very well to utter such nonsense.

Bill Nye demolishes climate deniers: “The single most important thing we can do now is talk about climate change.”

One of the phrases being promoted in the Corporate Media is “scientific consensus”

AS IF this is how truth is determined: by a vote of deceived and deceiving men. Majority rules.

Another phrase being flung about is “the science is settled.”

AS IF the thousands of scientific hoaxes, scandals, false ‘facts’ and frauds of the past weren’t also ‘settled’ at one time or another.

Bloodletting was settled science for over 2000 years.

The Corporate Media/mystery of iniquity has been blabbing about climate change for years.

Now the talk has become “We need to take ‘climate deniers’ out of the conversation.”
Again, wicked man will challenge the truth of God’s Word, even in his invented stories about his destruction.

EVEN those who argue AGAINST climate change (the ‘climate deniers‘) are promoting the lie by reasoning according to the world’s standards, not God’s.

The tales of man’s destruction the reader will see in the world’s Corporate Media are all tales of Man’s Destruction by Man.

This is a lie.

H.Himmler #conspiracy #pratt #racist amren.com

Blacks, as we know, are far more likely to commit crime, especially violent crime, murder and rape. Add to this their exceptional stupidity, and you now have before you the perfect group of people useful as a tool. Perpetually suffering, agitated and easily manipulated, the 2% tribe are using these animals as a means to strip WHITES of OUR rights. Don’t you see this?

When Fentanyl Floyd overdosed and died, one and only ONE thing made it into something it wasn’t (newsworthy), the MEDIA. The media, which is unquestionably, irrefutably owned, controlled and dominated by tribal interests, write the script for the black narrative, and they play them like the worthless animals they are, whipping them into violent frenzy with a single “news” story. In turn this creates a “defund the police” movement, which, after the apes, as expected, spike their crime rates through the roof, leads to a call for INCREASED POLICE FUNDING...

So we’re going to become a police state, eventually surrendering all rights, all at the hands of the tribe and their violent, worthless pets.

annylovesanime3 & Maryam_ #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt #sexist thepinkpill.co

Can you imagine a world without scrotes?

Yesterday when i was daydreaming,i thought about a world without men. Its crazy how 99% world problems are created by them. In a world without scrotes there would be: -No war -No Abuse, rape, trauma -No Pedophilia -No Rape culture -No destrution of nature -No sexual assault -No Sexual abuse/degradation -No animal cruelty -No Human trafficking -No abuse of woman and children -No violence -No catcalling/ Street harassment -No Motherhood cult -No overpopulation -No climate change -No oversexualization of everything -No racism -No Judgement (eating disorders, fat shaming...) -No objectification -No teen pregnancy -No grooming -No firearms -No nuclear weapons -No fear -No murder -No Poverty -No sex workers -No porn -No sadism -No Terrorism -No marriage -No divorce -No STD´s -No prisons -No ageism -No Colonization -No world hunger -No hierarchy -No misogyny -No forced marriages -No religions -No 3 world countries where woman dont have any rights -No discrimination -No feminism

-Woman could wear everything they wanted -Woman could travel everywhere alone -Woman could go out at night alone -Woman could have power -Woman could be free -Woman could do anything and be anything -Woman could be human

So i want to thank all handmaidens that had, have and will sons. Because of you there will never be world peace and this shit will suck forever. Fuck you.

I think the socio-economic, political and cultural environment scrotes created is the biggest thing that makes me stay on this site. I haven't been traumatised by them (based pakistani gender segregation.) I can always go WGTOW and avoid them. But I can never escape them. Male biology is there, telling me that there are five lights instead of four and that Big Brother is always watching me. They're creating the collapse that will kill third-worlders like me, creating the systems and religions that keep our countries in shitholes.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Leftist Filmmaker Michael Moore Celebrates Decline in White People

Calls it the "best day ever in US history."

(Lawrence Drake)
If China floods Tibet with Chinese nationals and boasts that it will no longer be Tibetan then it's an outrage. If it happens to white people then it's good, moral and necessary.

Michael Moore owns nine homes. How many have black or Hispanic neighbors? I'll eat my hat if any of them do.

Isn’t it funny how quickly the left went from:

“We care about the downtrodden middle class, no matter what race they may be”


“F white people!”

It’s almost enough to make you think their fabled concern for the working class was just a sham all along.

I just can't fathom the mental pathology on display here. Whites built the civilization that these leftists seem to have thrived in. Why do they just blindly assume that what is coming next will be better than what was already here? You would think that there were hard numbers that demonstrated that things consistently get better with diversity. But that just isn't the case. Maybe in a few years they'll be telling school kids that we didn't have flush toilets until about 1980, when some Ethiopian immigrant brought this gift to us poor benighted white people.

Middling leftists might be dumb enough to swallow the “diversity is strength” bs, but leftists at the top are well aware of the glaringly obvious track record of nonWhite/ nonOriental countries being disorderly and oppressive. The top leftists are intentionally trying to replace order with chaos, so that they will be given more authority to address the chaos that they themselves have invited. The left are demonic ghouls.

On a hunch I looked up Michael Moore.

This despicable man lives in Torch Lake, Michigan,

97% white, 1% black.

Of course. Moore probably has quite a few BLM lawn signs, but he lives in a safe secure gated community.

TruthDefenseForce #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut patriots.win

I Can't See a Way Forward Without a Patriarchal, White Nationalist Christian Nation. Can You?

Patriarchy is a counter to the effeminacy that is plaguing society. It leads to purpose, happiness and fulfilment, something this matriarchy does not lead to.

White Nationalism counters the racial divide in order to promote unity.

Traditional Christianity (not modern woke secular humanism masquerading as Christianity) promotes an ideal objective moral code upon society to combat the evil and degradation in society.

Combined together is the ideal society for our people.

Jack Posobiec & Tim Pool #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut youtube.com

JP: And Bowser knows this, she knows exactly who she's catering to, and she will paint Black Lives Matter all across the street in front of the White House, then when Trump isn't in there, when he's gone, what happens? It gets paved over, and she goes and she's kicking famillies out of the city, by police.

TP: And when "Cuba Libre" was painted in front of the, I believe, it was the Cuban embassy building, they came in and got rid of that immediately. Yeah, the messaging is only there if you're, you know, you're anti Trump. Right?

You know, what I love about those Capitol hearings is that, they're literally crying. Like, Kinzinger cried. That dude is a SOCIOPATH. Because, those tears aren't real. That dude was faking it, and I'll tell you, in my opinion.

Why? We had 60 Secret Service agents injured at the insurrection at the White House last year.

JP: Right.

TP: What was it, a guard tower, a Secret Service tower was set on fire?

St. John's church, also set on fire.

Insurrection. They're tryna, they're tryna breach the White House. 60 Secret Service agents injured. And 150 police.

JP: Remember, they laughed. They laughed at Trump being evacuated, to the presidential bunker.

TP: That's right. because of their insurrection, the President was evacuated, and the media laughed and mocked Trump, and they called him the bunker boy, and they posted photos, and now Kinzinger's crying? Spare me.

JP: You know, Imagine if that were Biden and Harris sent to the bunker. Then, I mean, those Jan 6th hearings would be... I mean, what they're trying to do, and I know that you were in Ukraine when that happened. They're trying to turn January 6th into an American version of the Maidan Revolution. They're, so, essentially, that was a color revolution, right? this is, pretty wildly accepted that that was a color revolution.

zylyftar & teothealbanian #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #racist reddit.com

RE: Ancient DNA from bronze age Tollense valley battle site (13 century BC) and it's similarity to modern populations.


What a ridiculous thread.

Are you suggesting now that those people fighting on 1200 BC in todays north eastern Germany were slavs or similar to slavs when slavs were living in Urals and emerged in history books 1,800 years later???

First of all there is not a single evidence to prove the genetic proximity that is suggested in this map.

Secondly, (let's say the map is true) if some of those remains are similar to people in today's western Poland is because slavs and poles in this case have assimilated native people in this region when they came in the west since some of these ancient people might have come in the battle site from the east


Amazing how East Germany has such a high precentage. Really shows the genetical influence of the assimilated Slavic tribes

It shows the massive Soviet rape actually


While it certainly had a noticeable effect, to say that this is the main reason is inane.

It is the main reason. Reality is not pleasant I know

Never have I seen someone harp on about reality while being so devoid of the same.

Germany since the Middle Ages germanized Slavs. There is no reasoning with you, because you are dead set in portraying Slavs as being the epitome of “barbarity”, the only reason why you still focus on the Rape of Germany.

Yeah yeah sure. Try finding medieval and ancient reasons when the reason is the clearly known massive rapes during the occupation. Today Germans are an mix of Soviets, French, British and American occupation soldiers. Medieval assimilation can have have as much impact as massive events of ww2

I’m not calling Slavs barbarians for what they did to Germans. It was a well deserved sweet revenge as much as 1999 and 2004

Incelius Savage #pratt #sexist incels.is

FDS Whore Claims she's slept with over 100 Dudes in the Past 12 Years and is Proud of it, and goes on to say men should pay for everything

"dO yOu eXpEcT A mAn tO pAy FoR EvErYtHinG fOrEvEr": How Women Talk Themselves Out of Following FDS Standards By Creating Imaginary Problems.

What a fucking slut. She's fucked at least 4 or 5 dudes a year. No surprise though because this is what every average woman does if she hasn't settled with a rich guy. I will never pay for the whole date. The "Traditional Woman" no longer exist and women still shouldn't be receiving those privileges. Yet they wanna bitch and moan when they are being drafted and have to get harder jobs cuz they can no longer sit on their asses like all women have done since the dawn of time. I'm talking about the dumb fuck women out there who still don't wanna use their pussy to make money.

You'll never be able to find a virgin in this society unless she's never had phone and never had any male friends. Nearly all women have slept with dozens of men by the time they're 20 years old, and women only want to use you for your money and have you as a resource. True love and care no longer exists in this society unless you're chad, a millionaire, or a famous guy. Women are the most toxic beings ever and are not worth it, plus their pussy stinks like fish too. Don't ever spend money on a woman. Not even if it's for your dying mother or it's mother's day. Women can go die and stop whining about every fucking thing when they're practically all living a fantasy world and they know it, women are just obnoxious annoying fuckers.

Modern Male standards = don't be a whore, be feminine, don't backstab me or shit test me.

Modern female standards = Buy me everything, jump through hoops for me, entertain me 24/7, be yourself but also be whatever fantasy i have in my head, die for me, don't expect anything from me.

And they call us entitled...

Robert Kelly #pratt #racist amren.com

RE: A Black Activist Says Two White Men Jumped Him Last Summer. Now, He’s Charged with Assaulting His Attackers.

Another racial hoax. When are people going to realize that there are no roving bands of whites going around and attacking black people? It doesn't exist. It's a bad fairy tale. But millions of people are convinced that it happens every day. All the time.

Except, there are no 911 calls. And these white supremacists always seem to strike out of the view of any cameras. Despite there being cameras everywhere. And when people get caught in their hoax, they just double down because even though that story might be false, we know that somewhere, there's a gang of whites attacking innocent blacks for no reason whatsoever.

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