
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia #wingnut ovarit.com

RE: Mississippi votes to ban transgender athletes from girls' and women's teams | TheHill

...and everyone will be like oh it's Mississippi, so backward! And blue states will double down and write some bizarro woke laws enshrining TIMs in girls sports but with some extra woman-hating flavor that will pass with 100% of the dems voting for it. Even though with everything else dems don't agree on anything and wind up splintering before getting anything passed. emits 10 min long sigh

Who knew it would be the liberals cheering for the swift death of women’s sports. Such feminism.



I know right? How are all the TW soooo naturally gifted? Must be their work ethic because it cannot possibly be anything else!

The headline is so misleading. It bans BOYS from competing on girls' teams, not ALL trans-identifying teens. No, we don't want to "ban transgender students from sports" - we want boys to play on the boys' teams.

It really just goes to show that no one gives a flying fuck about any trans other than XY trans. What does that look like, again? Oh yeah...misogyny!

Exactly. No one fucking cares if natal girls play on boys' teams. Also I hate how it's framed as an issue of "children." We're not talking about 5 year olds or 10 year olds. We're talking about natal male athletes competing in high school sports. Post-puberty. Therein lies the issue. If this was about elementary school, no one would care.

Not true. Prepubescent boys have a notable throwing advantage over prepubescent girls, and even over grown women. It’s biological and innate to the male sex.

Pomidor Quixote #fundie #magick #transphobia #psycho web.archive.org

About 3 Percent of US High School Students are Literally Possessed by Demons, CDC Reports

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2019
Such diverse “sexual identities” enriching our culture. Such “freedom.”

New York Post:
“A total of 1.8 percent of all students polled indicated they are transgender, while 94.4 percent responded that they were not. More than 1 percent of students said they weren’t sure[…]”

Yeah, look. If someone tells you they’re not sure if they’re transgender, that means they’re transgender. Okay? So it’s 3 percent. No one that isn’t literally possessed by a tranny demon would be unsure about being transgender or not.

Just to be absolutely clear here: I literally mean trannies are literally possessed by literal tranny demons. This isn’t a figure of speech.
The names “they” “invent” for themselves are actually a manifestation of the demon, just like their appearance. All that makeup and shit they do that results in their demonic appearance is not a weird artistic style transgenders just happen to have in common.

Notice the pattern.
[pictures of weirdly dressed transgender people]

This is a case that was reported last year.

PJ Media, July 20, 2018:

“An Australian man who identifies as a transgender woman defended himself in court on Thursday, claiming that he was either possessed by a demon or his mind was addled by drugs and therefore it was his body, not him, who attacked people at a 7-Eleven with an ax last year.”
“My body, my choice”? I know. It is kind of funny. It’s a known fact trannies are not right in the head.

The Islamic Republic of Iran #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #psycho google.com

A UN report released Wednesday on widespread human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran contains shocking findings that the theocratic state imposed electric torture on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children.

The UN Special Rapporteur for the Islamic Republic of Iran, Javaid Rehman, wrote that he is “concerned at reports that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children were subjected to electric shocks and the administration of hormones and strong psychoactive medications. These practices amount to torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and violate the State’s obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child."
According to the report, “The Special Rapporteur regrets that individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender experience human rights violations and widespread discrimination. Senior officials describe the community in hateful terms, including by labelling individuals as ‘subhuman’ and ‘diseased.”’

He added that “The death penalty can be imposed for consensual sexual activity between members of the same sex in the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

XX_Power #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: now i'm a hot idiot!...


spoileranna phylaxis @quatoria

i used to be a tense and anxious programmer boy in a computer science program, now ilm a hot idiot with cute tits, if you work hard this could happen to you, too

They wish they were a fifth as attractive as they think they do. You're still an ugly incel and everyone can tell Andy. No one thinks your moobs are "cute tits".

I wish they were at least somewhat attractive, but as a straight woman they just look like destroyed men, complete slaves to the cooom

I had a roommate like this. Gorgeous man. (Even my mother said, after meeting him in TIM garb, “he is a very handsome man”). Went on hormones, and now he looks, as you said, like a destroyed man.

So ironic that quite some TIMs could have had women find them genuinely attractive and want to be with them and want to have sex with them. But no, they have to do a bad woman face and chase after lesbians, only to end up forever alone and becoming more and more bitter and hateful.

Case in point: Blaire White was a cute guy but now he looks like a kardashian after a bad car accident.

Various Commenters #sexist #transphobia #wingnut ovarit.com

RE: The future libfems want for us...


spoilerLiberal Arts U 2020

"You know why we have to wear these, our bodies are invalidating to trans women"

Their heads might explode if they had to choose between validating transwomen AT ALL COSTS or potentially committing islamophobic cultural appropriation by stealing their proud history of misogynistic dress.

And boy oh boy, those are two groups the libs love to coddle that I want to see go head to head over conflicting interests so bad.


The men will win. Muslim women have already been told they’re transphobic for not wanting to remove their head coverings around TIMs.

And now these women are in a classic lose/lose situation. Go uncovered around male TIMs and be branded "whores" on one side. And being branded as bigots if they make the opposite choice. The only way they "win" is staying locked in their fathers homes forever

Trans wins every single time. There is literally no exceptions. They scream at Muslim women to "get over" their irrational fear of dicks.

Thank you, these issues are very much in parallel among liberals. You would think the only atrocities in the wold were happening in Israel, the Palestinians and other Arab countries in particular are completely innocent, Jews don’t count as an oppressed group, and anti US sentiment is something to be encouraged.

The cognitive disconnect and black and white thinking liberals claim to be so innocent of is very present in their understanding of TRA and the Middle East.

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

When Mr. Trump was U.S. President, he rightly banned transgendered people from serving in the military, because it undermines the moral integrity of our soldiers. The first thing Joe Biden did as U.S. President was overturn that law, allowing transgendered people to serve in the armed forces. It was in December of 2011 that U.S. President Barack Obama decriminalized our soldiers having sex with animals. Isn't that sick? Soldiers can mount an animal now. God will not bless this wickedness!!! Anyway, that is a different blog for another day. Our nation is going down faster each year morally, forgetting the holy God of the Holy Bible. Oh how we need citywide revivals in our nation once again, as it was a century ago.

Various Commenters #crackpot #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

RE: Why do radfems hate trans ppl?

“Transwomen” They're men. We despise men over here. And pedo degenerates that wanna steal our wombs. “Transmen” Too naive or autistic to think they can deny their immutable female reality. That's it.

Go to my blog and read the long list of posts on the trans thing. I collect good resources because female bloggers are being shut down for criticizing this very powerful group of often violent, male supremacist, fake-victim fetishists. My blog has stellar academic articles, lists of trannie crime statistics against women, argument dissections, and plenty of articles outlining all the reasons and ways male trannies hurt women and girls.

In my country Poland there are no creeps males who look like females. There are beta males who can't compete with other males so they think it would be better to be female or women who have been raped so now they want to be a man - it is not transsexualism just mental problem.

Transwomen are mentally ill men who think they're women based on sexist stereotypes, and it's a fetish for most of them. Check out https://www.ovarit.com/o/ItsAFetish/hot to see examples. And now they're taking over female sports, taking women's scholarships, raping female prisoners, and threatening to torture and rape women who question them. Sometimes I can't help but to laugh from how ridiculous this shit is.

The vast majority of them look hideous and creepy as fuck. The fact that doctors and surgeons are enabling them to look like freaks of nature who can't pass as women at all is not just unethical, but evil and cruel as well. All of the transwomen I've met in real life have given me the creepy vibes because they're deranged, unstable men.

satellite-cel #transphobia blackpill.club

The Pinkpill is a lie. Only works if

- you're under 20 17 years old
- naturally skinny and slim framed
- a Bieberesque chadlite
- have good hair (wigs don't count)
- have a large cock. All good femboys have a large penis. Women love it. Men love it.
- can pass for a slim female jailbait rather than transgender goon (troon)

Otherwise skip the indoctrination and just kill yourself by gunshot to the head.

#A$5HalloweenCostmumeWillSetYouFree (delete yourself from the server called life).

Operation Q #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia humorousmathematics.com

Michael LaVaughn Robinson: Deep State Satanic NWO Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama

Can you believe there are people out there who still don't know who BIG MIKE is? This article is designed to give you a clear understanding of who exactly Michael LaVaughn Robinson is. Rumour has it he will even possibly replace Sleepy Joe Biden on the presidential ticket once they phase him out to due his obvious mental decline and inability to survive a 4 year presidency. We had Michael's husband in power for 8 years and the United States is still trying to recover, there is no way we can allow another Freemasonic Luciferian into the White House. If they are willing to lie about something as simple as their gender and sexuality then who knows what else they are willing to deceive the public about...
The reason there are no images of Michael pregnant with the obama daughters is because they are adopted/borrowed from the Nesbit family. Ancestry.com (requires premium account) has no records of either of the children ever being born. Michael tries to tell the public and media that Malia & Sasha were conceived through IVF. The daughters real mother Dr. Anita Blanchard was supposedly the same doctor that delivered the Obama daughters, see the connections below between the Nesbits and Obamas.

pokitaru (“Proud Lolicon”) #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #transphobia blackpill.club

You are occupied, you are humiliated.

Nothing about the world we live in will ever make sense to you unless you understand you live under
an occupation and are thus subject to the rules of the occupiers. If you do not start from there, you will
search for multiple explanations and rationalizations that will lead you to ineffective ends. You are not
an active participant in politics and public debate, you are it's problem. Public debate is debating why
you're the problem, politics is about dealing with that problem. The opposition in debate simply offers
an alternative path to your destruction, the end goal is never resisted. We cannot seek to influence the
debate or enter politics we can only hope to smash it.

Your humiliation is the enemies goal. To take a hit and fight on is honorable to take a beating every day is just sad. Humiliation robs you of your
humanity, your will, your reason to fight on. Humiliation takes everything from you and debases it in front of all, it robs you of being worthy of
empathy. It has been used by every occupier in history, it is our natural primal understanding of defeat. The Ottoman practice of kégek was an
ultimate example, similar to the concept of “Drag Kids” in modern America. Kégeks were a combination of dancers, clowns and prostitutes, they
were young non-Muslim boys taken from their parents and trained to be willful sexual objects and entertainers for the Turks

The goal was to have the occupied think “If we allow that to be done to our boys what else can they do?” The answer is anything. It is full
spectrum domination of the conquereds mind.

Your enemy doesnt want gay pride parades in your street, drag queens in your adverts, your son transgender, your parents dead from opioids,
your daughter race mixing, your meat replaced with bugs all while your media laughs at you because they think it’s for anyones benefit. They
want it because they know you dont want it but cant stop them, they want to humiliate you. There isnt any other reason.

Various Commenters #transphobia lipstickalley.com

RE: Biden Picks Transperson Rachel Levine to be Assistant Health Secretary

Once again, use the negros and then promote agendas that already have a strong financial and political backing and do nothing for said negros because we are viewed as monolith.

They are determined to have black people go back into the shadows and stop voting or not voting democrat.

Gay and trans people have a bigger voice in politics than black people. I haven’t seen anything about the upcoming administration doing anything to help repair the black community. If you aren’t going to give us reparations then at least give us periods where we are tax exempt and we get to pick the years.

They were floating the idea of having this person as Surgeon General so thank god that didn't happen.

I don't know what the Assistant Health Secretary does but hopefully they can't push this agenda of drugging up and mutilating children in the name of trans rights.

I’m a republican but voted for Biden. This and the illegal immigration thing has me tight. Lmao. I knew it would be fuckery but damn lol

It’s just weird having a delusional person hold a high position. They are trying to normalize this nonsense.

Biden is getting side money from these wealthy white Trans identified men so they can push transgender medicalization on children and change the language on women's health. All boundaries set to protect women and children will be diminished. I won't be surprised if this results in mixed hospital wards just like in the UK.

JOHN NOLTE #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut breitbart.com

Nolte: Investigators Say Blunt Force Trauma Did Not Kill Officer Sicknick at Capitol Riot

Once again, we are being taught the lesson that everything the establishment media report eventually ends up being exposed as a big fat lie.

Remember that horrible and harrowing story about U.S. Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick being beaten to death with a fire extinguisher during the Capitol Hill riot last month…? Well, guess what…?

…it didn’t happen.

In fact, according to far-left CNNLOL, the medical examiner found no evidence of any blunt force trauma of any kind during Sicknick’s autopsy.

In fact, there is apparently so little evidence Sicknick was physically injured in any serious or notable way during the incident, the following is being considered…

One possibility being considered by investigators is that Sicknick became ill after interacting with a chemical irritant like pepper spray or bear spray that was deployed in the crowd.

Are you surprised? Because I’m not. My default position when it comes to media reports for years has been, “Yeah, that’s a lie.”

And I’m always correct, especially when the story in question perfectly fits whatever left-wing narrative the fake media are promoting.

This is, after all, the same corporate media and D.C. establishment that lies about everything, that tells us President Trump colluded with the Russians, called Nazis “very fine people,” told people to inject bleach; that tells us there was no vote fraud in 2020, men can magically transform into women and women can magically transform into men; that protected and is still protecting the perverts at Project Lincoln, that a year of left-wing riots and deaths and billions of dollars in property damage were “mostly peaceful protests,” that Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is doing a stellar job handling the coronavirus, and Global Warming is real.

It’s all lies.

Jonathon Van Maren #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #homophobia lifesitenews.com

These days, one can identify as pretty much anything and it is considered polite (mandatory, in the case of gender delusions) to play along. Thus, much has been made of Joe Biden being the second Catholic president of the United States. The first, John F. Kennedy, was a member of the clan that spearheaded the political schizophrenia of “personally opposed, politically supportive,” and Biden is breaking all records with a rash of pro-abortion and LGBT executive orders while the press praises his faith. Supporting the destruction of children in the womb is what makes all the difference.
Catholics for Choice makes about as much sense as Vegans for Cannibalism, but this organization serves an important purpose. As those who believe in biblical teaching on marriage, life, and family get pushed to the fringes of society, progressives need to ensure that they do not alienate America’s religious majority. Liberal churches and groups like Catholics for Choice serve as convenient collaborators for the progressive movement. Progressives can point to these folks and claim that they represent true Catholicism, or Christianity, or faith—and that those clinging stubbornly to orthodoxy are simply hateful hangovers from the Middle Ages.
Catholics for Choice, however, is barely trying to hide their contempt for actual Catholics. Last month, they announced that “Charlotte” Clymer—an Army vet and LGBT activist famous for coming out as transgender in 2017—would taking over as director of communications and strategy. Abortion might be a women’s issue, but this guy is a woman, men can now get pregnant, and Catholics are morally obliged to support all of that over the teachings of their church.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #transphobia twitter.com

Perfect timing 4 Biden 2 announce Transgenders in military- just as China attacks Taiwan. This will scare China 2 death. They will be so intimidated by thought of US Army of transgenders they’ll immediately put up white flag. Right? Actually Chinese may die from laughing so hard!

Laura Wood #transphobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger thinkinghousewife.com

[From ““Health” Secretary Levine”]

AMERICA at large doesn’t know how dangerous this man is, but Pennsylvanians do.

Dr. Richard Levine, aka “Rachel” Levine, has been picked by Joe Biden to be his assistant secretary of health. Levine is currently Health Secretary of Pennsylvania.

He may be one of the most hated bureaucrats in America. He has caused unnecessary deaths, untold suffering and economic devastation. To top it off, Levine, who adamantly insists he is a woman, wants laws to silence anyone challenging his sort of mental condition. That’s why, of course, he has been chosen. When it comes to a virus that has never been isolated and purified in a lab or shown to be contagious by healthy people, the “science doesn’t lie.” When it comes to a universal fact recognized by all of humanity, it does. Can you imagine a health secretary who doesn’t acknowledge the basics of biology? Sadly, you can.

In other words, he’s a perfect fit for the Biden regime.

Levine played, and continues to play, open favoritism towards major corporations and big business. He allowed a large amusement park, Hershey Park, to open at 50 percent capacity while smaller fairs and businesses were shut down. He continues to persecute restaurants. He is famous for having taken his mother out of a nursing home right before he ordered sick hospital patients to be returned to nursing homes, where they caused illness and strained available resources. He’s a COVID crook who has implemented medical tyranny with Bolshevik zeal.

But it’s not hard to believe he’s headed for D.C. Maybe you’ll get a free “gender change” if you get the vaccine.

fucksinglemoms #sexist #racist #transphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

SJW in Avengers Endgame

First of all captain marvel is super OP and thanos tried to punch her it did nothing. She so OP.

She also has a feminist haircut. They just had to give her that kind of hair. I know it's like that in the comics but the fact that she went to a normal haircut to a feminist 'rebellious' haircut, don't tell me there's no agenda there.

Gamora kicks StarLord in the balls. Basically encouraging domestic violence. They think it's ok to beat up men but evil to beat up women.

Another SJW element is Capitan America. He passes it on to a falcon. Captain America is now black. This symbolizes America turning black and casting out the white people. Whites are being kicked out and shamed while blacks replace them and be the heroes.

Iron man dying, bet they will give the moniker to a woman like his daughter, Pepper or the african american girl in comics

Thor letting Valkyrie rule New Asgard

Thor becoming fat, meaning to convey white males as lazy n ugly

Peter Parker a white male getting saved by like 10+ of all the female hero cast at once. Right before hes saved hes acting scared n whimpy

Another reason is transgender propaganda. They had a Bruce Banner and Hulk mixed. I think this is kind a a subliminal message that tells us that you can be whatever you want. Non-binary, both genders, or the opposite gender. They are saying gender is a spectrum. More pandering to sjws.

It might also be encouraging forced diversity cause hulk is 'mixed' kind of like mixed race. Who knows.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #sexist #wingnut #transphobia nowtheendbegins.com

There is a reason why young and inexperienced women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are ruling over us from the halls of Congress. Tonight we will bring you the shocking biblical truth of what it looks like when God judges a nation, and gives it over to the sinful desires of their hearts.

Our apostle Paul in the book of Romans tells us plainly that everything that was written in the Old Testament was written so that we could learn from the things that took place, and that the spiritual principles we see there apply to every dispensation. Why? Because the nature and character of the LORD are eternal and unchanging. Isaiah shows us Israel in the time of Jacob’s trouble, laying out in graphic detail what it looked like when their nation fell. We would do well to heed that warning here nearly 3,000 years later in the end of the Church Age.

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking to see what happens when the people of a nation reject the rule of God over their lives, and what we find is startling indeed. The natural order of things is reversed, and everything gets flipped upside down while all the while people are hailing it as ‘progress’. Sound familiar? You bet it does, and tonight we will see just how America got to the place where arrogant children lecture us on climate change, and universities proudly instruct their students on things like the nascent 72 genders and abortion as health care. There is a reason why young and inexperienced women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are ruling over us from the halls of Congress. Tonight we will bring you the shocking biblical truth of what it looks like when God judges a nation, and gives it over to the sinful desires of their hearts.

FuckGovernment #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy patriots.win

1. Texas secedes

2. Other states follow

3. Federal government declares Civil War II under Bitch Biden

4. We crush demoKKKrat pussies. Won't take 4 years this time.

5. We carve off Maine and exile all demoKKKrats to that location and tell them to Fuck off or go join Canada.

6. We strictly enforce borders and protect our new MAGA union. We outlaw communism, make English the official language, make genital mutilation a felony, outlaw abortion and hang all abortionists and pedophiles and everyone involved in the 2020 election steal.

Gymcelled #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: JFL Obese 5'2 FtM trans searches on reddit for a wife to be a "househusband" to

imagine being this person, 30 years old, unemployed, not having a penis, being diagnosed with mental disorders and thinking some girl will want to date you if you make a reddit post where you show her your quirky personality

It's both funny and infuriating because a male would only have to do a tiny portion of this to be considered a total loser. A guy who's 30 yrs old and unemployed is already seen as a loser and leech that deserves to be shit on. Yet this fucking foid is also obese and mentally ill and yet thinks that absolutely nothing is wrong with her. People always talk about muh obese neckbeard living in his mom's basement when so many foids fail just as hard if not more at life and yet are never mocked or considered losers.

They also think every male lives like a 6'6, blue eyed, diamond-sharp jawed, full bearded, rich man.

A woman will walk past a bunch of construction workers, sewer workers, roofers, garbage men, janitors, bus drivers etc and only notice the business man exiting from a nice car and think to herself "fuck, men have it so easy"

this is really noticeable on any imageboard like r9k. a fembot and an incel could have the exact same life story and yet the key difference is the woman will always have a social safety net of some kind.

This is caveman mentality that stems from the fact that foids are always a breeding asset to the tribe regardless of how bad they are. People always say muh obese neckbeard asking for models when in reality it takes a min of tinder to find obese unemployed single mothers with mental issues/on SSRI who make entire lists of what a man has to have/be to have a chance with them. I've never, EVER, seen a male make such lists.

ReturnOfSaddam & Unsaveable #sexist #transphobia incels.is

This FtM trans has no idea what she's in for

FtM 23; Pre-T; Feeling incredibly dysphoric; Starting T in 14 Days

They think they'll become men and live like Chad...then surprise

Reminder number 958914 that most women would be incels or truecels if they were male. They're the incel factories Like holy shit she looks like bo2cel. Looks like the type of guy that would get bullied, beaten and mocked his whole life

It's like you said the other day. Women never think there can be anything wrong with their genes. They view themselves as perfect. Just google "ftm regret" and you'll see so many cases of what awaits the foid in the OP in a few years time. It's like the fucking penny drops and they finally realise that not all men live like Chad :lul:

FTM Regret transition, intensely lonely and need someone to talk to

More foids should transition so they can begin to understand how fucked sub Chad males are in 2021.


Yea congratulations you pass as a very low t looking low value male, i'm sure you'll be just fine. What bunch of morons.

Torchy Blane #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut #kinkshaming winterwatch.net

Once in awhile there are flickering signs that some institutions and corners of society in the U.S. are not completely infiltrated by degenerate cultural Marxists and satanists. And when one of these comes out of the closet, good people need to support them.

In 2017, and at long last, the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) had seen enough. The ACP — which is America’s respected and official organization of pediatricians and child healthcare professionals — published a position paper on the ACP website titled “Gender Ideology Harms Children.”

The report urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts — not ideology — determine reality.
The ACP condemns as serious child abuse the shocking prevalence of hormone-blocking drugs being given to pre-pubescent children by adults who have promoted “transgender feelings” in those children.

Children ‘who use puberty blockers to impersonate the opposite sex will require cross-sex hormones in late adolescence. Cross-sex hormones are associated with dangerous health risks including but not limited to high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke and cancer.’ Rates of suicide are twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, even in Sweden which is among the most LGBQT-affirming countries.

Ineedassitance #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Discussion Pinkpill feminism on "male cope"


spoilerI will never not laugh at men's long-standing pathetic cope called organized religion

All religion is male cope. Islam, Christianity, even the godless ones. Take for example Christianity. The Bible was written by men and it reflects their view on women. The Father, Son and holy spirit are all manitestations ofwomb envy: Now that's true blasphemy. It should have been the mother; daughter and the holy spirit because women are not vessels but true creators. All religions are a male cope with their own mortality.

I don't know what these feminist theories are trying to say, but I do know one thing. Man wants to secure his own genes, that is the aim of man - the escape from inceldom. Why do we get jobs - to get women. I do not know any other heterosexual man who does not think this way. Everything else is an attempt to stop that process.

All these theories seem to give a more complicated picture of society, so I just occam's razor that bitch. Why would I help my fellow man when it's in his best interest to cuck me (spread his seed as much as he can)? Sexual selection is a process.

Reminder that sub still isn't banned even after going private for months while

BlackPillFeminism and AndreasGarden somehow got banned.

Blackpill feminism sounds based. They need to bring back Gendercritical, based foids.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “What if Vincent Li became a tranny?”]

I wrote last month [I]en passant [/I]about Vince Li, the Greyhound decapitating cannibal murderer from Asia who moved to Edmonton and then travelled to Winnipeg where he decided to viciously murder (white) Tim McLean.

Anyways, it appears that Vince Weiguang Li, like Gohar (Carmen) Ahmed Pervez/Abdullah Shah before him, has legally changed his name.

He's now Will Baker. Remember that name if you come across it: Will Baker is a piece of shit who confused a man's skull with Kung Pow Chicken.

Yet strangely enough, Wikipedia continues to call him Vince Li.
This wouldn't seem strange at all, of course, but notice you'll never see that on any CBC article about Bruce Jenner after he legally changed his name to Caitlyn for bizarre reasons no sane person would ever pretend to consider normal.

Last year news outlets apologized for calling Anthony Stevens by that name instead of the "Aimee" he wanted to be called as he pretended to be a woman. "Deadnaming", a nonsense term nobody had heard of in 2008, has become a Fake News staple: just another way that the media always lies to you.

And it's notably inconsistent. Criminals change their name to avoid being connected to their crimes, and trannies change their name to avoid being directly connected to their faggy mental illness.

But if Vince Li decided to become a chick and name himself Wilma Baker, CBC and all these other woke media outlets would completely throw the old person down the memory hole.

Various Trump Supporters #sexist #transphobia #fundie patriots.win

[RE: Regarding White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany]

100% Guarantee she will be the last attractive press sec. Probably going to be filled by a tranny now.

If true the journos will be suckin its yuge clit

That tranny will get questions like:

1. What's it feel like to do the most awesome things ever?

2. When will this administration criminalize supporting Trump? Sorry if this question is too hard

3. Could I taste your lady penis?

Vandeross #conspiracy #quack #transphobia lipstickalley.com

Why is the trans lobby so powerful?

These people are: Anti-science but they have the medical field by the neck. Misogynists who fight to undo generations of feminist progress but they have women's rights groups by the neck. Lesbiphobic but they have LGB groups by the neck. Poll after poll shows that the trans ideology is unpopular with the public but they have politicians and journalist by the neck. Research paper after research paper proves that trans women have a significant advantage over women in sports, and yet the have the sports field by the neck. Even the ACLU, a Civil Liberties Union have abandoned their core principles of freedom of speech and sex-based rights to kowtow to the trans ideology.

What is going on? The math isn’t mathing. These people are at war with truth and they are winning.

They've brung kids into the equation. They're afraid that trans kids will kill themselves so they play along. They feel this is the best treatment for suicidal trans kids.

That’s a good point and I used to think that too, but evidence has shown that suicide rates are the same before and after sexual reassignment.

During the Obama administration, they did a huge study to see if it should be covered under Medicare and they concluded that there wasn’t enough evidence to support that it benefits patients.

“Based on a thorough review of the clinical evidence available at this time, there is not enough evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries with gender dysphoria.”


One Handed Typist Award

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #magick adrenogate.net

The Importance of the Black Nobility cannot be understated. The Freemasons get the bulk of the attention from truthers, but there are other more exclusive ancient orders that are far more insidious and heinous and wield FAR more power and influence. These secret orders of androgynous Jesus slandering Homosexuals, who are nothing more than inbred, baby-eating, blood-drinking, poop-eating, ass-sucking, demonic entity-worshipping, genitalia-mutilating, Occult gang sign-throwing, eye-covering, quill-sweating, masquerade ball having, Osiris/Apollo phallus-sucking wannabe gods, are obviously absolutely disgusting and deserve plenty of slander(I could have kept going). What people don’t spend enough time on however are these ancient Pharoahic/Nephilim/Serpent Seed/Cannanite bloodlines that breed these Occult leaders and place them in the highest positions of power to call the shots from above and are also behind these ancient Occultic Babylonian mystery-sects that require a much closer look and are often glanced over by researchers.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Joe Biden wants America to know that right from day one of his brief rule as president, he will no longer put up with any of this ‘two genders’ nonsense that the bible tells us God created back in Genesis. His first official act will be to restore Obama-era polices that provide for things like men in dresses being allowed to be in the ladies room at the same time as your 8-year old daughter is in there. Joe Biden says he will ‘draw on his strong Catholic faith’ to be a president for ‘all Americans’. Hmm.
America 2021 will officially be turned into a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, where all manner of evil and wickedness is not merely tolerated, not merely accepted, but now will be formally codified into the law of the United States. Every other nation in human history that reached the point that we are at right now was destroyed, America will be no different. The empires of Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome all collapsed when they made laws to protect and promote the things that God hates. You cannot do that and get away with it, God will not allow it.

God made only two genders, male and female, if you can show me genders different from those two, then they were created by Satan. It is a demonic delusion to believe that you can change what is hard-coded into your DNA, identifying as your fantasy does not turn that fantasy into reality. A man can no more become a woman than he could a dog, cat or farm animal.

Douglas Wilson #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

Let us not be hasty in proclaiming Kamala the first woman to be this close to the presidency. Since we have discovered that being a woman is dependent entirely on how the person feels about it, she might be the fifth or sixth & I have had doubts about Woodrow for some time now.

SlayerSlayer #crackpot #homophobia #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is


THEY GET OFF, because they are humiliation fetishists. Do you really want some sick fuck, whacking off about being friendzoned as your friend? Maybe you do, but I hope you realize that men and women CANNOT be friends, and you are not a good person for enabling a pervert's fetish.

I got friendzoned on a dating app (screen shot) r/FriendzoneCucks


Lmao what is the point of doing something like this? Do they really believe a woman will fuck them if they write a bunch of ideological bullshit to appease her?

they have a fetish where they get off to their own masculinity being marginalized. It starts off getting dumped, friendzoned. Next thing you know you are dropping off your female bestie to CHAD's house. Next thing you know you are getting off when you meet up with her and she tells you how much better his cock is and how happy she is to have you as a FRIEND. Next thing you're a straight up faggot looking at dicks on grindr, and then becoming a tranny.

The male humiliation pipeline begins when females REJECT YOU

Not getting pussy has some serious consequences.

BasedRedPillZeus #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia patriots.win

The republic is officially DEAD (started its steady demise in 1913 when the Fed was created and was further accelerated in 1971 when Nixon took us off the gold standard).

My vote doesn't count -- it's simply reallocated to the preferred globalist choice by Dominion or shredded by some low IQ jogger counting the ballots.
Millions of browns flooding in every year bringing in crime, commie votes, and breeding generations of Marxist state-loving hooligans.
Money means nothing. We limp along, crushed by a system of satanic usury while our women are indoctrinated into entering the workforce while letting the state raise our children. This soul-crushing rat race is created to line bureaucrats' pockets and to pay for Jamie Dimonds next yacht.
Incessant gaslighting by the mockingbird media industrial complex and academia completely controlled by psychotic Bolshevists' indoctrinating entire generations of youth to worship the state.
A populace castrated and feminized by pharmaceuticals, resin and formaldehyde soaked masks, toxic foods/air, and rampant EM wave and estrogen mimetic plastic poisoning.

I sit here with a glass of Laphroaig disgusted at the state of this world. We sacrifice all our liberties at any moment for perceived security -- all provided by the most evil entity known to man -- the state.

Oh well, I will just continue to buy guns and ammo and remove myself from society.

Live free or die.

Red Youth #moonbat #homophobia #transphobia redyouth.org

Activists on a payroll, used a drone to carry a giant rainbow flag to the top of the Motherland Monument in Kiev. This huge memorial to the Soviet war dead, was erected in 1981 and stands at an impressive 203 feet.

This stunt is part of a coordinated campaign that we are witnessing everywhere, linked to the global dominance of the financial oligarchy of the USA and EU, which pose as progressive and emancipatory in terms of identity politics, to distract from the appalling conditions imposed on the working class and the annihilation of weak nations.

Those who launch wars and commit genocides champion LGBTQ-identity standards, in their own interests, as elements of democracy. They manipulate social movements for their own benefit under their own rainbow flag. The most reactionary forces of NATO, regimes such as Zionist Israel and in this instance, the Kiev junta accuse as “sexists, homophobes, transphobes”, etc., all who disagree with the dominant doctrine of the Empire, all the while committing fascist outrages, such as the burning alive of trade unionists in Odessa just six years ago.
Behind the rainbow flag of fluid identities lies the plan of converting people into bulk masses passive and malleable by the most aggressive forms of capital. These are the neo-liberal-postmodern dogmas of “symbolic construction” of gender, social order, politics and ideology, nation and homeland, which suit so well the National Endowment for Democracy and the supporters of Ukrainian fascists.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #fundie henrymakow.com


The butter truth is that the Illuminati bankers are Satanists. They are EVIL.

Naturally they would say good and evil are subjective.

They are not. Good is an absolute, and evil is its opposite. Good is Life. Evil is Death.

Satanism is the religion of death. They will not rest until they have robbed life of all its joy and meaning. Quite simply, the purpose of the scamdemic and the lockdowns is our demise. This is also the purpose of the havoc in Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles... coming to your city.

We have been under relentless occult attack for centuries. Never has it been more intense than today. The new Netflix series, Teenage Bounty Hunters, promotes premarital, lesbian and interracial sex. The very first scene shows a supposedly Christian girl overcome the resistance of a Christian lad who wants to reserve sex for marriage. They are replacing healthy Christian norms with Satanist norms designed to make people dysfunctional.

A satanic cult controls and exploits its members by corrupting and making them sick. Humanity has been inducted into this satanic cult, i.e. Cabalism.

We were being disenfranchised before they stole the election. Corporate America made it clear that didn't want "toxic" customers who didn't conform to Communist shibboleths like allowing trannies in women's bathrooms.

They have made it clear that control not profit is their priority. Christians and conservatives must be destroyed. We have already been banished from social networks. Parler was kicked off Amazon. Protesters are losing their jobs.

What next? This is what Communists do. Have no illusions. Biden has already announced his intention to discriminate against whites.

TyongTY1995 #transphobia reddit.com

This is what we need to do folks. Barge in on these worthless losers and shame them for invading women’s bathrooms (and locker rooms too). As a real woman I’m sick and tired of men making sexism and homophobia cool again because as a lesbian also, I’ll never suck your dick and a mutilated dick is not a vagina you’ll never be a woman no matter how much mutilation you do to your body. I hope one day trannyism is illegal but honestly the fact that their suicide rate is so high is a wonderful silver lining. Fucking disgusting mentally ill perverts

Henry de Montherlant #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: JFL 40 year old woman on r/Truefemcels

deformed, ugly, old, unlovable. 40 years old, never had a boyfriend

"The most perverse, surreal part of all of this is that I get approached by A LOT of men in bars, clubs." TRU FEM CEL DO NOT EXIST

Fucking larp. So she gets approached en masse but only by faggots who wanted to suck her cock? Fuck off.

She textually says she's being approached, but she considers those guys as perverts because she's too ugly to attract "good guys", and also she thinks they approach her because they think she has a D (lmao, who does this)

To be fair, you purposefully left out the part right after "clubs" (and also put a false full stop after "clubs"). The full quotation is: ”The most perverse, surreal part of all of this is that I get approached by A LOT of men in bars, clubs, who are then disappointed when they find out I was born a woman and I do not have a penis.”

she said she looks like this image

You buy this shit ? Dudes chasing ugly foids with a D unironically, and who then back off if the foid has a pussy ?

You don't think there are a significant number of men with a tranny fetish that want to be dicked?

You can be bisexual or "deviant" of any sort, but that doesn't mean you'll reject a foid you find attractive, giving "she lacks D”

purposefully misquoting someone

I wasn't going to quote an entire paragraph. Cuts need to be done. I made another message to add why I found the idea to be rejected as woman for lacking D absurd.

And even if it's true (let's just assume it's true), she still gets validation, which is more in a night than any trucel will get in his entire life. More in a single night than any trucel will get in his entire life.

Thus, femcels don't exist, I'm not particularly intellectual, and you're a bluepilled dickhead fegget.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist #homophobia #psycho nowtheendbegins.com

What you watched yesterday unfold in the Capitol was a combination of events that all have one thing in common, everything you watched yesterday was the hand of Almighty God judging America for her sins, and then giving us the desires of our collective, national heart. America is godless, and now we have leaders with unlimited power to destroy us in precisely the same way Adolf Hitler used his unlimited power to destroy Germany, and almost the world. But Hitler was only a type of the Antichrist, now get ready for the real thing.
What happens now will be equally stunning. As you read this right now, leaders in Washington are demanding that Trump be removed from office now, as a statement, to send a message. The Democrats have the Congress, the Senate and the White House, and everyone is getting in line behind that. The “new” America will hold up abortion as a ‘human right’, glorify transgenders and all manner of perversion as ‘progress’, and they will absolutely force you to do things like take the vaccine. It will all be done in the name of preventing what happened at the Capitol yesterday.
The real American revolution was not what happen at the Capitol, that was the distraction. The real revolution will begin on January 20th, and the America they will create will glorify everything that God hates. For decades now, the radical Left has demanded God get out of America, yesterday He left. The people who are in charge now are the same people who defended and protected ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ+ P for Pedophile Movement, due-date abortion, and in this new America Christians will be hunted down and removed and the Bible banned. What’s coming now will be the New World Order.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

This is our Jonestown moment.
Renouncing the Creator,
humanity has been inducted into a satanic cult.
Not "The Peoples Temple," but Cabalism or illuminism i.e. Communism.

If the Joe Biden is able steal the Presidency, the assault on society will intensify. The country will be destroyed as BLM and Antifa are given free rein. Satanism, gender dysphoria, migration and lockdowns flourish. Don't think the Demonrats will rest on their laurels. They are coming after Patriots, Conservatives and Christians. It's what Communists do. Look at the covidscam. We must prepare to defend ourselves.

Failure to resist implies consent. Are you prepared to be dispossessed and enslaved? Are you prepared to drink the kool aid?
Communism expands the Rothschilds' monopoly over credit (money creation) into a monopoly over literally everything of value: Power. People. Commodities. Animals. Information. Discourse. Thought. Behavior.

Its goal is to dispossess, enslave, and even exterminate humanity. This is confirmed by Agenda 21, (the UN's agenda for the 21st Century) which calls for an inventory of everything and demands that people give up private property.

The Rothschilds and their cronies have unlimited wealth. They are bored with wealth. Now they want unlimited power.
People are astonished at the Demonrats' brazen disregard for democracy and basic decency. Communists are satanists. Satanists are dedicated to destroying civilization.

Jews don't know this but Judaism as defined by Cabala is essentially satanic. It seeks to destroy civilization and replace it with an Orwellian dystopia where they control every aspect of life. The Rothschilds seek to supplant God.

Vox Day and followers #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia voxday.blogspot.com

Vox: My summary:

* Trump knew Pence was planning the double cross

* He was testing the intensity of his support – would enough show, and would we take it to the Swamp creatures ourselves when called upon? To both he got a resounding yes.

* Disrupting the electoral certification was a bonus. Rudy thought they needed extra time to get help from the state legislatures that were reneging on their elector certifications.

* Pence is another full-on compromised pedo Swamp creature. All he had to do was send the dual slates back to the legislatures. He didn’t have to count squat.

Robert Browning: What did I tell you about the Irish? Mick Pence? They are a treacherous lot, one and all.

George D: I knew this was bound to happen ever since I learned Pence's wife name was Karen.

Crunchy Catchelot: His career will be over - no one will want him.

Pence is going to come out as gay soon and run as a Dem for Senate. Where can I get a bet down on this?

Wait, maybe he's gonna go for "transwoman". Either way, full globohomo switch.

nswhorse: Lin Wood's latest claim about Pence is that he is a literal homopedo. It's certainly plausible, given all we know about ticket takers.

Ken Ham #transphobia #fundie #pratt twitter.com

I had to fill our a form at our local pharmacy and they asked for "Sex Assigned at Birth." So they know to be true to science there are only two genders, male and female. So they word it this way to be "politically correct" but in reality they are acknowledging: 1. There are only two genders of humans; 2. One is either male or female; 3. It's important for medical reasons to know if one is male or female. As Jesus states in Mark 10:6. "But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female."

Alex Newman #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist libertysentinel.org

-The U.S. dollar will continue to decline as the Federal Reserve destroys it, losing more and more purchasing power even compared to other declining fiat currencies. As this accelerates — and there could be a catastrophic plunge in 2021 — the push for a digital one-world currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund will grow. The move toward a “cashless society” will also pick up steam.
-Independent farmers, ranchers, businessmen, miners, loggers, and other producers will continue to face the wrath of the establishment, all over the world. The plot to centralize control over all economic activity will gain steam, especially with the religious cover now provided by Pope Francis and his Rothschild-backed “Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican.”
-All of this economic misery will provide the justification for the globalist campaign to have a “Great Reset” to fundamentally transform everything from the economy and education to governance and business. The engineered economic crisis, which has been building for many years but went into high-gear with the COVID lockdowns, will be used to “Build Back Better” (more technocratic, less free) from the ashes.
-War on the family waged by the elites through the United Nations and the massive battery of “NGOs” will keep getting more and more intense. The sexual and homosexual and now transgender revolutions, all of which are aimed at undermining the family as the basis for society, will go into warp speed.

_Moon_ #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut saidit.net

Just finished Cyberpunk 2077 and romanced Judy. And fuck, I wish I were lesbian! The XY attraction virus is far worse than the overhyped Coronavirus. I'd rather have the overhyped Coronavirus than the much more lethal XY (attraction) virus. I wish I were lesbian and had a GF like Judy.😭


...on the other hand, of course, if you look at "lesbian" dating profiles, they all read "Polyam. Married. They/them. AFAB. BLM. ACAB. Hufflepuff AF. Gemini Moon. Depressed/anxious/neurodivergent. Fat activist working on decolonizing my body. QTPOC to the front." 🤮

Kate Harris & Bev Jackson #conspiracy #transphobia archive.vn

Lesbians facing 'extinction' as transgenderism becomes pervasive, campaigners warn

The LGB Alliance’s mission statement refers to clinicians concerned about a culture of “transing out the gay” at the Tavistock Clinic in London, which specialises in offering gender identity development services (GIDS). Referring to her childhood as a tomboy, she added: “If I was in school today, I would be taken to one side and helped to come to terms with the fact that I was gender non-conforming. And how special would I feel? What child would turn down additional attention?”

Citing studies which have found elevated rates of autism in transgender people, she said: “This is what drives us. We were recently talking to a teacher in a SEN school who said there were 24 trans kids, one non binary, but no gays and lesbians. “Is lesbianism going to become extinct? Yes. It's deeply uncool. It is so uncommon, it is the bottom of the heap. Becoming trans is now considered the brave option.” Having raised concerns about the exponential rise of children seeking to change sex, the pair have welcomed the ruling in the Keira Bell case, which said trans children should not receive puberty blockers unless they understand the “long-term risks and consequences”.

Following accusations of being associated with “neo Nazis”, Ms Jackson said: “We have no connection whatsoever with any far right organisation, any religious right organisation. Google LGBT charities and you will find hundreds. But LGB? None. We need the Charity Commission to show that there is a tolerance for a plurality of views.”

Consider the Horses #moonbat #sexist #transphobia considerthehorses.tumblr.com

Learn the Difference - It Could Save Your Life!



spoiler1st pic)

Womanism: There are no individual solutions to systemic and structural problems!

Radical Feminism: …And men and the patriarchy are such a systemic, structural problem!

Liberal “Feminism”: Although it depends on how, like, you identify? Like, my bxyfriend - who is also my BDSM Mxster - xe identifies as a hydrogender and, he, I mean, xe always says that, like, womxn like ximself are not accepted by wh*te TERFS? Despite xim employing so many womxn of color at the porn company xe owns? Like, feminism is not about hating men I mean womxn?

2nd pic)

Womanism: Pornography tells lies about women…

Radical Feminism: …but it tells the truth about men!

Liberal “Feminism”: Yikes, I literally can't even? That's, like, so white feminism? Like, my boyfriend, I mean my girlfriend ... who used to be my boyfriend before xe became my girlfriend, xe owns this porn company? And, like, they employ so many womxn of col*r and give them a chance to get off the street? And now they can work in "Anal Ghetto Sluts Destroyed" instead of being homeless? Why are TERFS so racist!?

L. Todd Wood #conspiracy #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut creativedestructionmedia.com

With the exposure of Chicom influence, subterfuge, and corruption inside American political, economic, judicial and governmental systems, it is clear that a decades-long hidden agenda has been executed against the United States of America, and in fact the free world.

Think about it.

If you wanted to destroy a nation’s ability to defend itself, you’d want to destroy its masculinity. ‘Toxic masculinity’ ring a bell? You’d want to destroy its ability to reproduce – abortion on demand, the more the better. You’d promote homosexuality as normal – no new warriors being born there for sure.

If you wanted to destroy a nation’s culture — you’d promote radical feminism and destruction of the family unit. You’d try and confuse young children as to their gender, or even which pronoun they should use. You’d destroy a nation’s culture of self-reliance.

You’d destroy Christianity – like they do in China.

You’d promote massive waves of migrants from areas of the world that don’t share our values as a nation, a massive drain on resources and destruction of security and culture.
You’d do all this slowly, over decades, until one day in the future, when you thought you were entrenched enough, you’d literally try to steal a presidential election, install a Chicom puppet, and make the United States of America a vassal state to the Chinese Communist Party.

And, if even that didn’t work, you’d go kinetic — a dirty nuclear device in a big city, an EMP attack to destroy the electric grid. Or, a war in the South China Sea, or another virus.

It’s coming America, unless we get Trump back in his duly-elected rightful place in The White House.

LibraryLover1999 #racist #transphobia saidit.net

Best way to deal with NigFems?

All my local Feminist Facebook groups are full of black lives matter propaganda and people demanding “racial justice”, even the radical ones. I don’t have a thing against black people I just don’t think they should be in a Feminist cause due to their culture (they might as well rename rap music to rape music) and the fact that 97% of all rape porn features a black man abusing and raping a white women. Not to mention black trans lives matter when they don’t. I did meet a person earlier this year who shares my views and we were going to start a group that excluded black lives matter stuff but she got expelled for bringing a knife to school not long after we met. We still go to the same church but we can’t currently go due to the BS lockdown. What is the best way to create something like this? I could create my own Facebook group but I know it would get reported.

_Moon_ & Radicalwhirl #sexist #transphobia #wingnut saidit.net


Lets all go r/childfree and the moid problem will be solved!

I totally support not having children, but all these childfree and "anti-natalist" places are full of egocentric manchildren who do not want to have children because they rather watch pornography and play video games 24/7 than growing up and taking responsibility. And the women there are woke leftists who worship AOC and Greta Thunberg and all these other useful idiots currently used to decrease the living standard of the working class in the name of climate change, etc. And some of the most prominent anti-natalist Youtubers are transgendered men, lol.

So, it's a collection of woke leftists, pornsick manchildren, and transexuals enforcing the American trans agenda. Ironically, the type of people who hang out in all of these childfree/antinatalist places are part of the reason why I do not want to bring children into this world.


You are actually totally right, didn't know people were black pilled about them but you surely are. Based

Especially the r/antinatalism. It wae heavily misogynistic. Tho many women are speaking up now.

But concerning YouTube antinatalists, there are transgendered men?! I didn't know that. Can you say who exactly you meant?

_Moon_ & trucrimepill #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

r/PinkPillFeminism is open again ... and their new rules now forbid "transphobia", JFL:


spoilerPosted by u/trucrimepill

r/Againsthatesubrecldits is TRANSPHOBIC (they banned me, a transman) and then they play warrior and pretend to TRAs. Bullshit. I want everyone
to know the real face of r/AHS.

Note from the moderators:

Please don't hate, I am a transman. But don't you think drag is kinda like blackface? I hope I am making it clear, that blackface is when you dress up as an oppressed minority, but then can dress back up in your privileged self after the show. This is different from transpeople like myself who are an oppressed minority in itself and can't dress in and out of stuff. In blackface, white men painted themselves black and acted outlandishly because black people weren't allowed to act. In dragface, or womanface as I would like to call it, dress up as women and act outlandishly and it stems from women not being allowed to act (look up ancient romans to Shakespeare, etc).

If you have a question regarding your ban. you can contact the moderator team for r/AgainstHateSubreddits by replying to this message.

Pinkpilled trans"men" accusing Reddit normies of being "the real transphobes" is as cringe as Republicans accusing Democrats of being the real "white supremacists".

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