
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Tom Shackleford #racist #conspiracy #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Dey Ain’t Have Ta Kill Dis Boi"]

Humans aren’t all the same[…]That’s why we all belong in our own countries or godforsaken jungles[…]
Black people don’t suffer from this problem. To them, everything is about them[…]When they were utilized as farm equipment it was a punishment from God on His divine chosen, and when they’re utilized as instruments of chaos by its contemporary sowers this is because their cause is righteous

This can lead to a couple reactions from different types of white people that really piss me off[…]One type of our own will implore these blacks to be reasonable by pointing out the vast statistical disparity in interracial violence[…]
Another type will look at the destruction[…]use empathy[…]conclude that they’d need to be badly-abused to behave this way so there must be some validity to the black fury

I hate everyone in both categories[…]
There’s no reasoning with blacks. It’s possible to use some combination of fear and proactive law enforcement to impose a semblance of stability[…]What’s not possible is to achieve these two outcomes by praising them, apologizing for not doing anything wrong, giving them free stuff, and awarding them a privileged status vis-à-vis the law[…]
Black conception of material wealth at the racial level is that everybody is “given stuff.” White people are given more stuff than black people, thus explaining the disparity between a suburb and a dilapidated war zone like Baltimore[…]You’re just giving them that to which they’re entitled. The notion that whites can achieve black good behavior through gratitude is infuriating[…]
The facilitation of a black attack on Heritage America has to be understood in the context of global war, carbon footprints, genetic injections, and turning kids into trannies[…]
What all of these measures, ostensibly to help blacks, amount to is the removal of civilizational constraints on a demographic with no native suite of capabilities to establish a civilization

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
There are some self-proclaimed Nationalists and White Nationalists that are promoting the idea of Europe and America falling under the rule of China.

They claim "White people would be treated far better under the Chinese Communist Party than under their current governments".

But these alleged Nationalists never once suggest that maybe, just maybe, White people would be best ruled by their own people. They present the false dichotomy "It's either Biden or China, you pick".

Anyone who tells you that White people should accept non-white rule is a subversive infiltrator. They're anti-White race traitors.

No one should ever rule over White people but White people. And not only White people in general, but specifically pro-White people.

( @UniversalDelirium )
@Nature_and_Race I'd honestly rather die than be ruled over by more human insects.

( @BrianBoro )
@Nature_and_Race guess those "Whites" never seen what the chinks do to dogs.

( @Sneaky_Bushf0x )
@Nature_and_Race it's simple, if you're White, never trust a non-White ruler and/or leader. Your intrests will simply be overlooked, every time this is especially true of the jews as we know, but applies equally to all other non-Whites just the same.

( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race Chinese people are animals. Disgusting pigs. Imagine anyone saying that we, who have always been compassionate and noble, often to our own ruin, should be ruled over by people who FORCE aborted 500 million of their own children....people who if a child is run over in the street will let the child lay there and get run over again and not help it because of their Godless, soulless policies.

( @DrPhate )
@Nature_and_Race White people need their own land. It was supposed to be America but the jew subverted that. Building on the lessons learned, a land for White people and only White people. No jews who will suddenly shapeshift White. And and anyone who starts preaching to let in mud and jews goes over the wall.

IncelKing #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Dad brutally beaten to death protecting teen son, after a school fight

Dad brutally beaten to death protecting teen son after school fight

A man has been beaten to death after three teens and two adults approached his home looking for his 14-year-son, eager to finish a fight which started earlier in the day at school.

Let me guess, this man was brutally beaten to death because he has a “bad personality.” I bet he posted on incel forums

I wonder what color they were

The colour which is Opposite of white

I'm sure all the aggessors are fuckers


Mass-murdERERs, sERial killERs, tERrorists and dangERously violent criminals in genERal nevER seem to have any problems in attracting women. Must be their “great pERsonality”

Meanwhile the shy, quiet, passive, harmless beta nerds are sexless. But I guess it’s because they have a “bad pERsonality.”

When you relax, this is what happens

relaxation can be deadliER than people realize lol

Can’t even rot in peace these days without worrying about a pack of niggers invading your home and raping your female relatives, then bashing you to death.

Thanks to the libERals for their support of “divERsity”

It’s ovER

I looked into it a bit deeper and surprisingly enough, the suspects weren’t black this time

I blame it on cultural niggerification

"The police are looking for four or five white males"

Let me guess, Hernandez, Lopez, Martinez and Gonzalez are those white males?

Elena Ceaușescu Award

for least qualified education policy maker

Laurie Cardoza-Moore #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #wingnut twitter.com

Laurie Cardoza-Moore has promoted conspiracy theories about 9/11

She defended to plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan

Now Tennessee House Speaker @CSexton25 has appointed her to a board charged with creating the state's social studies standards.

Cardoza-Moore has criticized existing public school curriculum for exposing children to “anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christian content in our public schools”

She says the current public school curriculum is "ruining our children’s lives"

In 2011, Cardoza-Moore claimed that former President Barack Obama was causing "horrific tornadoes" because he made a speech that discussed the plight of Palestinians.

A group run by Cardozo-Moore, @PJTN, “suggest[ed] removing” a sentence stating that “members of al-Qaeda carried out” the September 11 attacks, citing Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a group that claimed 9/11 was an "inside job"

Cardozo-Moore falsely claimed the January 6 insurrection was not carried out by Trump supporters but by Antifa

When news broke that right-wing extremists were planning to kidnap Michigan GovGretchen Whitmer, Cardoza-Moore also expressed support for the plot

“Am I missing something here? Didn’t the Founders address removing a tyrant from office in the Constitution?” Cardoza-Moore wrote

Cardoza-Moore is also notorious for spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric. She led opposition to the construction of a Tennessee mosque and argued that the mosque was a “terrorist training camp.” She also falsely claimed that 30% of Muslims are terrorists

Cardoza-Moore's calls herself “Laurie Cardoza-Moore, ThD.” But her “doctorate” is “an honorary doctorate degree in theology from the Latin University of Theology,” an unaccredited diploma mill

Her only real degree is an Associates Degree in Film and Dramatic Arts

But somehow, she is qualified to participate in setting the social studies standards for the entire state of Tennessee.

Sexton and Cardoza-Moore did not respond to requests for comment

@AmericasMansMan #wingnut #racist #homophobia gettr.com

#WokeInc #CorporateBullshit

It’s time to destroy the #CivilRightsAct.

#AmericasMansMan’s simple #SocialPlan to restore #America is:


Trusted. Respected.
The Reason You Came

We believe in #Men who #ACTlikeMEN. #Women who #actAndDress like women. Be comfortable in the #SkinYoureIn.

#DonaldTrumpIsMyPresident #deathPenaltyForDems #EndWhiteGenocide

#jesus #kids #Bible #Christian #homeschooled #truckers #MAGA #whitejoy #whiteculture #standupfightback #country #americana #classic #agriculture #fjb #Mississippi #Wyoming #Alabama #WestVirginia #South

Robert Heimdal/Total Pancake Guy #racist #wingnut #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

Yes, I know. At least one of these videos has already been posted here on Renegade at some point in the past. This is just a “reminder”, a sort of “back to the basics” thing if you will, to those who might have stumbled across this information recently while looking for “answers”. Such people were meant to end up at this juncture. All roads lead to the jew anyway… don’t they?

This clearly explains why there is an ongoing destruction of the demographic fibre of America (and Europe) in progress right now, some call it The Kalergi Plan. Make no mistake, one way or another the objective is White Genocide.

Just to make sure that some people understand who the real enemy is. It is not the “Paperclip Nazis” (as some gate-keeping operatives on the payroll would have us believe), it is not the reptilians, it is not the Greys from Zeta-Reticuli, etc-etc.

Still in doubt? just let these jews speak for themselves. From the same wonderful people who brought us the ‘Protocols of The Elders of Zion’
I think it is almost useless at this point to emphasize what scourge this “religion” (actually Saturnian death cult) known as “Judaism” has meant to humanity in the last 2,000 plus. Of course I have to include all its Abrahamic derivations, including Christianity. If in need of a deep dive I would definitively recommend Charles Giuliani’s Odysee channel to be found HERE.

Do I need to point out that such supremacist “religion” needs to be terminated if we are to survive on this planet?

That goes especially for those who call themselves “jews”. If you want to be “part of the solution” you have to get rid of this death cult and move on, or you will be terminated at some point eventually… just like the rest of us you so vehemently wish to destroy.

But why should I even bother saying all this? As the most brainwashed people on this Earth you are the biggest useful idiots.

Humanity will not be able to survive until this atavistic filth gets out of the way for ever.

There is no other way.

Daily Salinas #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger jta.org

“I want to apologize to the Jewish community,” Salinas told the [JTA] on Wednesday. She was saying sorry for a Facebook post she shared in March offering a summary of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”[…]
“I’m not what the post says,” Salinas said. “I love the Jewish community”

The post came to light this week after the Miami Herald identified Salinas as the Miami Lakes, Florida, mother who petitioned her children’s school to ban students’ access to the Gorman poem. Gorman read the poem, called “The Hill We Climb,” at President Joe Biden’s inauguration

Salinas also petitioned the school to restrict children’s books about the Black poet Langston Hughes and about Black and Cuban history[…]Miami-Dade County school district opted to restrict all but one book about Cuba from grades K-5, while leaving them available to middle school students

Salinas challenged the Gorman poem — which she says she hasn’t read in its entirety — on the grounds that it contains “indirect hate messages.” The review committee said it “erred on the side of caution” in deciding to limit students’ access[…]
Post about the Protocols included a list of steps depicting how “Jewish Zionists” would achieve world domination. The graphic included stages such as “Place our agents and helpers everywhere,” “Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism,” and “Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary”[…]
Salinas confirmed that the post about the “Protocols” was hers and apologized for it, saying she hadn’t read it beyond the word “communism.” Salinas said her aversion to communism stems from her Cuban identity. She added that English is not her first language[…]
She said she had only read parts of the books. “They have to read for me because I’m not an expert,” she said. “I’m not a reader. I’m not a book person. I’m a mom involved in my children’s education”

Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Prepare to uncover the shocking truth about the world’s most influential families and their iron grip on the global economy. The Federal Reserve Cartel, comprised of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans, holds unparalleled power that extends far beyond the realm of oil.
Picture this: The Four Horsemen of Banking, including Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo, join forces with the Four Horsemen of Oil, such as Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP, and Chevron Texaco. But their domination doesn’t stop there. They have extended their reach to encompass the music industry through an intricate network of private banks. These behemoths, along with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays, and other European old money giants, control the strings of the music industry, enabling them to dictate its direction and influence.

The nefarious deeds of the Rockefeller dynasty are far-reaching, starting with their military-commercialization of music in the early 1900s. They orchestrated a diabolical plan to shift the world’s standard tuning of music to 440 pitch. This insidious frequency was known to provoke greater aggression, psychosocial agitation, emotional distress, and even physical illnesses. Behind the scenes, this manipulation led to financial gains for those complicit in the monopoly, including agents, agencies, and companies connected to the North American Rockefeller crime cartel and elite organizations

The Rockefellers devised a cunning plan to control the rap industry and target black communities by promoting violent music that fueled oppression and civil unrest. They brought together top executives and leading black artists, binding them with confidentiality agreements. Their objective was clear: coordinate the violence within the rap music movement, while major record labels gained exclusive rights for production and distribution across the United States. As a reward, they would receive shares and points within the private prison systems.

Peter B. Meyer #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #racist #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

They designed a secret step-by-step plan, to gradually achieve their long-awaited goal.

The roadmap

Change the monetary system to fiat paper money. This replaces wealth with fiat paper and transfers it to the Deep State via currency inflation and money devaluation.

Enslave all people with this euphemistically called fiat “reserve currency”.
Control the media, and use this medium to promote agenda 2030.

Use sophisticated propaganda, to influence the public in and on all issues.

Divide and rule by creating wars.

Maintain racial inequality through class warfare and hatred.

Destroy the family unit by putting mother, wife to work.

Humiliate women.

Promote homosexuality.

Glorify cohabitation with any variant such as unisex and/or transgenderism to promote all types of perversion.

Create government schools under the name of free public education.

Keep people stupid lest they think independently.

Indoctrinate the people through mind control.

Promote “brotherly love” according to the concept of altruism.

Maintain historically good-sounding names like constitution, privacy rights, private property, national flag, right to vote, democracy, elected representatives, free press, etc., to modify these institutions.

Keep the general public ignorant about gold and silver, which is real money, this should be erased from the notion.

Give them worthless crypto currency to distract from gold and silver ownership.

Control guns and pistols. To scare the public about guns by promoting the idea that guns are dangerous.

The end result justifies all means, from assassinations to lies, treachery, deception, e.g. talk of peace that is war.
Calling land ownership “private property” but levying perpetual and progressive property taxes.

Confuse terms like liberal, conservative, socialism, communism, fascism, democracy, republican, and promote anarchy – which actually means self-government – as dangerous to the public.

various commenters #wingnut #sexist #racist gab.com

( @TommyRobinsonOfficial )
Anna Paulina Luna (R) wins her race in Florida's 13th Congressional District in first Republican flip of the night.

( @TrueBonnieBlue )
@TommyRobinsonOfficial Oh great, another whore.

( @FabriceSchrkrortzt )
@TrueBonnieBlue But with guns, so she's a Republican!

( @brightwrite )
@TrueBonnieBlue @TommyRobinsonOfficial She's a machine installed RINO but a flipped seat is still a step in the right direction.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@brightwrite I don't know what direction you think you're being led because left or right they are both on the same path to a Jew World Order hell on earth.

@TrueBonnieBlue @TommyRobinsonOfficial

( @TrueBonnieBlue )
@brightwrite @TommyRobinsonOfficial We have an antiwhite uniparty in this country and every other once-great White country. No matter who's in power, we continue toward the racial demographic cliff.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@TrueBonnieBlue Another controlled opposition ZOG whore, just like 👉@TommyRobinsonOfficial

( @RyanMessano1 )

You and her are both Zionist Republicans, owned by Jew bankers, lock, stock, and barrel.

Another win for MIGA (Make Israel Great Again)

( @Roxygirl800 )
@RyanMessano1 @TommyRobinsonOfficial I believe she also has jewish roots, what a surprise

( @Shturmovik )
@TommyRobinsonOfficial Why are there so many “rightwing” females taking over?

What controlled opposition bullshit is this?

( @GayleGergich )
@Shturmovik @TommyRobinsonOfficial and why are they all Mexican?

( @Shturmovik )
@GayleGergich @TommyRobinsonOfficial Controlled opposition, humiliation via female leadership, racial replacements and a zero percent chance of going rogue to the masters.


( @Julius_Caesar_Reigns )
@TommyRobinsonOfficial Gotta love all the simps who think this represents anything other than total cringe. She should be at home tending to her children and leaving this work to men.

( @PRUST )
@Julius_Caesar_Reigns *at home in Mexico


The editorial staff #racist #conspiracy dempart.wiki

[From "Tunisia: Jewish Kabbalists targeted by Mujahideen while praying for the genocide of Palestinians at Ghriba synagogue (🇺🇸)"]

The set of CNews will echo with the vengeful imprecations of the Jews. One can already hear Gilles-William Goldnadel threatening the Quai d’Orsay for its support of « the terrorists »

Before being stunned by the Jewish media organ during this long day about « indiscriminate terrorism » and « anti-Semitic hatred », here are some facts that deserve to be brought to the public’s attention

This Tunisian soldier knew exactly what he was doing when he targeted the synagogue of Ghriba, whose main pilgrimage is linked to the rabbinic holiday of Lag Baomer[…]
Lag Baomer celebrates Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, a fanatical agitator who during the Roman presence in Judea called upon the Jewish masses to shed the blood of racially « unclean » goyim. His activism and the ascendancy he enjoyed among the Jewish masses led to the widespread Bar Kokhba insurrection in 131 AD

His goal: to exterminate the non-Jews in Judea and Galilee and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem to give glory to Yahveh over the accumulated heaps of corpses. In short, what we now call Zionism[…]
Rome sent eight legions[…]with the mission of stopping Jewish barbarism once and for all[…]Half a million Jews were liquidated, all terrorist outbreaks eliminated[…]
Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai is also one of the inspirers of the Zohar, a key work of Kabbalah[…]
These rabbis were acting as political commissars, like their descendants in Russia, 18 centuries later. While they fanaticized the Jewish masses with their violent calls for genocide, they did not conduct armed operations[…]
The Jews celebrate the victory of the Jewish race against the nations of the world, implore Yahveh to facilitate the extermination of the goyim who resist them[…]
Shimon Bar Kochba’s bloodlust was such that Jews were convinced that he was the machiah

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The G7 group of Khazarian mafia slave countries just finished their love fest in Japan with a false show of confidence. In reality, they are trying to surrender, Asian secret society sources say.

To understand why the G7 has to surrender, let us look at their reality:
The “leader” of the once free world is a dead pedophile human trafficker by the name of Joe Biden who was placed in power by a stolen election and is now represented by an actor.

The “president” of France, Emanuelle Macron, was a teenage male prostitute who married his older male client. He is a Rothschild family servant who was also placed in power via a stolen election.

Then we have Justin Castrudeau of Canada who almost certainly murdered his brother and was also placed in power via election fraud. His father Pierre Trudeau -who was cuckolded by Fidel Castro- handed over control of the Bank of Canada to the KM.

Next, we have Olaf Scholz of Germany who has been described as the worst leader in 1000 years of German history by German expert Colonel Douglas MacGregor. Scholz has devastated German industry by shutting down nuclear power plants and raising energy prices by 45% in order to serve his Rockefeller masters.

Then we have the World Economic Forum slave Rishi Sunak of the UK who has been using public money to enrich his wife’s company. Mossad sources allege that in order to become Prime Minister, Sunak was forced to allow himself to be videotaped having homosexual sex with Macron and Castrudeau so that he could be blackmailed.

Following this, we have Gioria Meloni of Italy. She is a fascist who takes orders from Satanists and who supports the ongoing genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Finally, we have Japanese host PM Fumio Kishida, a KM slave actor who reads scripts handed to him by his Satanist handlers and who, like the other G7 leaders, presided over the poisoning of his people with toxic vaccines.

Lauren Witzke & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Lauren Witzke )
Looks like Frank Luntz’s stupid polls and messaging advice telling every GOP candidate to talk about nothing but the economy and high taxes didn’t land as well as McConnell expected it to.

Tackling social issues like immigration, anti-White racism, Vaccine Mandates, and the sexualizing of children motivates the base and wins elections.

A big wake up call for these Establishment hacks.

( @gre81 )
@LaurenWitzkeDE Amazing how no one talked about the issues that matter

( @joe_norte )
@gre81 @LaurenWitzkeDE Because when we talk about the issues that matter we end up with

"It's the fucking jews"

( @TheRealN8errific1 )
It won’t be a wake up for them. They know what they are doing. The government is an AntiWhite Uniparty. Injection mandates, demonizing childrens natural identity and forcing them to embrace destructive, abnormal, and fake identities, any immigration are all tools of AntiWhitism.

( @Rightwinger1492 )
@LaurenWitzkeDE not doing anything about vote fraud doesn’t help either.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
Defending democracy is not having elections where mail-in ballots are still counted weeks after Election Day.

Or using hackable voting machines & when they break, new voting rules are made but voters (that pay for it) aren’t allowed to say anything.

That’s destroying democracy.

( @Prehistoric )
@repmtg. Why do you people keep saying democracy. It's the lefts word .how about you call America what it is , it's a Republic just say defending our Republic. it isn't that hard .

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Prehistoric It sure seems like "democracy" to these lying thieving UNITED STATES Inc. tools of the jew is just code for communism which is code for judasim. @repmtg

( @Unakceptabke_views )

( @Rakchazak33 )
@repmtg WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY!!!!!!

( @Weosys )
@repmtg could you please try to remember we have a constitutional republic, not a true democracy. For hthe reason that a true republic usually crumbles into a dictatorship. Saying democracy repeatedly is what the democrats want to skew the general populations understanding of our government.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Weosys So you still haven't figured out yet that there is no democrat vs republican and that they both work for the same commie jew gangster banksters? @repmtg

( @Weosys )
@RealAnnyIrish @repmtg the core of this is the army of Satan. IT appears in many forms. The spiritual battle is real. Few can accept that fact. Just getting people to understand the basics of the framework we are supposed to have is essential to getting them to see how that has been perverted. Few can jump to the end successfully. Education to understanding is to the only way to organize a group that has any real strength.

( @TheEarlofDesmond )
@repmtg wtf kind of politician uses the other sides phony catch phrase? We live in a constitutional Republic, not a democracy. Democracy is what the democrats harp on... Why? Because any communist country can call itself a democratic peoples republic of.... This is what we are fighting. A complete change of the nation, to the left, for the worst. It must be stopped

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @RealSixMillion )
In other news, Kanye West and basketball superstar Kyrie Irving learned black lives matter less than Jewish feelings.

( @reneleea )
@RealSixMillion Wait until the Black community learns they were used like the Kamikaze pilots. There was no gain for the Blacks in all their BLM riots, they all lost and were played as pawns.

( @Macbell102 )
@reneleea @RealSixMillion it’s not just the jew, it’s also their own kind!

( @brextremist )
@RealSixMillion Sorry niggers, but jews are at the top of the victim hierarchy. You only come second.

( @HonklerBear )
@brextremist @RealSixMillion There is no 2nd.
There is a brownish sludge who hates Whitey serving the jew.

( @Mierscourt )

@RealSixMillion Maybe they should relocate to Africa and take all of their admirers with them.

( @Emmee83 )
@RealSixMillion It should be noted you can rape, murder, steal, loot and be an all around worthless human (George Floyd?) and your life will matter. However, if you step out of line and “say the wrong thing” it won’t.

( @FastCarsandBigGuns )

( @TakeTheTicket )
@RealSixMillion No. They learned that their fortune and fame was created by Jews. As soon as they pissed them off they tried to take it away. One plays a children's game for a living and the other makes shitty music that isn't music.

Jeffrey Camras #fundie #racist #wingnut #crackpot blogs.timesofisrael.com

["Moving Forward on Palestine":here]

In order to right a wrong, in order to make peace and move forward, Palestine must be obliterated. It is an afront to society, morality, humanity. It represents lies and antisemitism, oppression and terror. Nothing more

No one cares about the Palestinians. Care for them solely exists in the form of Anti-Israel advocacy, NOT Pro-Palestinian support. This is proven by the refugee camps[…]
The very concept of statehood is a foreign concept[…]Prior to this were emirates, an evolved, modern form of the tribe[…]A model that works for the region. It can work for us too

There is a such a bitter hatred towards Jews from Palestinians that it has manifested in horrific ways. Suicide bombings[…]
Palestinians need to be reeducated. To not hate Jews, learn their TRUE history, not antisemitic wistful thinking that glorifies children’s death in the name of Allah. I even dare say buried deep in Palestine are the descendants of Jews who[…]converted to Islam or Christianity[…]There may even be a Tikkun, an opportunity, for their return to our civilization[…]
Israel[…]needs to put its faith in the Torah and Hashem in order fulfill our destiny. Establish sovereignty over Har HaBayit[…]Establish Jewish prayer and a Korban Tamid today! Conquer remaining biblical lands in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Do this diplomatically or militarily. Do not be weak with your enemies. Expel anyone who does not accept Hashem’s Sovereignty[…]
The world demands human rights for the Palestinians[…]If you want these rights, you have to give up your nationhood. Because it is a lie. An affront to morality, Truth, and Justice. And a dark stain on the fabric of human history. And I will not apologize for not dying

Citizens of Israel and Am Yisrael, stop being afraid! Stop waiting for approval from America and the West. Know yourself and walk with Hashem

Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #biphobia #elitist #dunning-kruger #interphobia #wingnut freebeacon.com

Analysis: What If Woke Liberals Didn't Get To Label Everything?
Introducing the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC)

It goes without saying: The mainstream media is run by liberal activists. This ideological bias manifests itself in several ways, including the words journalists are allowed to use when discussing controversial issues.

(1.5 paragraphs of hyperbolic whining about how journalists are forced to write)

The woke words and phrases used in media reports would make a lot more sense to the average American if these people weren't in charge—if journalists were forced to abide by the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC):

Undocumented immigrant → Foreign-born fugitive from justice
Gender-affirming care for minors → Child abuse
LGBTQQIP2SAA+ rights → Gay rights
Drag Queen → Gender appropriator
Abortion → Extrajudicial fetal assassination, anti-life health care
Death penalty → Justice affirming care
Assault rifle → Freedom friend, justice dispenser
Racially inclusive → Racially obsessed
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion → Six-figure consulting fees
Black Lives Matter → Scam PAC
Pro-Palestinian activist → Jew hater
Teachers' unions → Anti-child activists
Tax cuts → Restorative justice
Democracy dies in darkness → Democracy thrives on Jennifer Rubin columns
War on Women → Kinetic military action against individuals with an active uterus
#MeToo era → Brief period of anti-male activism from 2017 until Tara Reade's credible accusation of sexual assault against Joe Biden
Speak truth to power → Leave Joe Biden alone
Hillary Clinton → Crooked
Long Covid → Mental illness
New York City Subway → Public toilet
WNBA fans→ Liars
Soccer → Performative falling
Bicycle → Morally abhorrent nerd-conveying road hazard
Happy Holidays → Merry Christmas
God bless you → God bless America

Stste of the Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Does anyone really believe the Khazarian Cabal would ever permit the nomination of a POTUS nominee from either major party who is not under their firm control? Which means the main purpose for any truly independent candidates during this 2024 election cycle is to tell the friggin’ truth—ABOUT EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING! That’s the very best the American electorate can hope for at this late date.
If RFK Jr or Vivek Ramaswamy are really outside of the cabal’s command and control, they can use this campaign season to drop one truth bomb after another. Should they start right now, they could inflict so much damage inside the Beltway that it would look like a veritable war zone. Such utter devastation brought about via truth weaponry would inevitably lay bare the utter sham of the U.S. Election System. Therefore, exposing the 2020 naked election theft would completely collapse the confidence of the American people in their exceedingly fraudulent electoral process and procedure.
In light of the irrefutable exposé that follows, the best that can come out of 2024 is the termination of the current regime that surreptitiously controls the elections in all 50 states. Any other goal is nothing but a ludicrous pipe dream the accomplishment of which will only serve to perpetuate and strengthen the swiftly intensifying Khazarian tyranny that has ruled the American Republic since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

@AmericasMansMan #wingnut #homophobia #racist gettr.com

We WILL #RecriminalizeSodomy.

In the mean time, #SaveTheChildren. At #work, at #school, at #home, and #everywhere.

The Reason You Came

#MAGA #whitejoy #whiteculture #standupfightback #country #americana #classic #agriculture #fjb #Mississippi #Wyoming #Alabama #WestVirginia #SouthDakota #whitegenocide #whitejoy #Tennessee #Oklahoma #Louisiana #Utah #SouthCarolina #Missouri #Arkansas #Idaho #Alaska #NorthDakota #NorthCarolina #Montana #Kentucky #Kansas #Indiana #Georgia #Texas #NewMexico #Ohio #Arizona #Nebraska #Florida #Wisconsin #Maine #Iowa #Pennsylvania #Virginia #Michigan #Colorado #Oregon #Minnesota #Illinois #massachusetts #connecticut #vermont #newhampshire #newyork #northcarolina #southcarolina #wyoming

Jesse Lee Peterson #racist #wingnut twitter.com

I wish Sen. Tim Scott well, but at this time he's a RINO... Unless he's changed and realized that racism does not exist, he's a mama's boy without the backbone to stand against evil. We don't need anyone in the White House who believe racism or "white supremacy" exists.

Gavin Wax #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newsmax.com

There’s a reason that national and Florida polling shows that Republicans who want a candidate able to "challenge woke ideas" overwhelmingly favor President Donald John Trump.

Often, the left asks conservatives to define "woke" and laughs at their inability to capture it. In summary, though, "woke" is the new term to describe irrational political correctness.

It most clearly manifests as a left-wing obsession with race and gender that puts all other policy considerations aside.

You might want more policing in your neighborhood, but, if that means too many Blacks get put in jail, then that’s a bad policy. You might want a secure border, but, if that means you have to deport Mexicans, then that’s a bad policy too.

That’s wokeism in a nutshell, and no other Republican can take the mantle of being the preeminent anti-woke candidate from President Trump.
And for this sin of wanting to secure our border and protect our nation from criminals and drugs, globalist corporations lashed out against President Trump. Companies such as NBC and Macy’s cut ties with him.

President Trump didn’t stop.

The forces aligned against him included the FBI, which would launch the bogus Russian probe. This never deterred President Trump. While in office, he not only secured our border, but he also implemented policies to combat the Left’s woke agenda.

It’s President Trump who began the fight against critical race theory.
On the other hand, President Trump is fully aligned and committed to unabashed America First values. He will shamelessly pursue them.

He has shown us his strength of character and fortitude.

The right team will uplift him to achieve heightened levels of success. Other candidates, namely DeSantis, will claim to be the "anti-woke candidate."

They are just a tribute band. Americans want the real deal.

@AmericasMansMan #wingnut #homophobia #racist gettr.com

#IDAHO - #PatriotFront Arrested By likely #Deepstate, According To #FakeNews Sources, With #Video

Always #FollowTheLaw

#Sodomy is always wrong. Makes you wonder why the police didn’t arrest the #fudgepackers. It took 30+ years to #RecriminalizeAbortion, and now the fight is on to #recriminalizeHomosexuality. It’s the most merciful thing to do. Before more #children die. #fatherhood #mentalHealth

#MAGA #whitejoy #whiteculture #standupfightback #country #americana #classic #agriculture #fjb #Mississippi #Wyoming #Alabama #WestVirginia #SouthDakota #whitegenocide #whitejoy #Tennessee #Oklahoma #Louisiana #Utah #SouthCarolina #Missouri #Arkansas #Idaho #Alaska #ND
"We Had Informants": Feds Bust 31 'Patriot Front' Members For Planned Riot

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Someone should get some cards printed up just for the Salvation Army buckets.

Have them say something like "I'm White. Sorry, not sorry" or "I will never apologize for being White".

Seeing as they said all White people need to apologize for their alleged "White privilege".

( @weigandvolk )
@Nature_and_Race Same thing with John Deere tractors. They gave millions and millions of dollars to BLM and the ADL. When is the last time you saw some black or Jew wearing a John Deere hat or driving a John Deere tractor plowing a field? 🙄

( @Scipio-Africanus )
@Nature_and_Race I tried that last year. The negress was watching the bucket closely and physically blocked me from dropping my card.

( @AngryWASP )
@Nature_and_Race I stopped my donations to Salvation Army when they decided to go Woke, jump on the anti-White movement and heard they've lost a lot of money!! Maybe someday they should make a movie (A Day Without White People) and see what it would be like for America (LOL)!!

( @SFGM )
@Nature_and_Race I printed and handed these out last year:


( @BGKB )
@Nature_and_Race "Someone should get some cards printed up just for the Salvation Army buckets.

Have them say something like "I'm White. Sorry, not sorry""

Left pic is what we posted last year. Shitlibs used to put in the ones on the right

( @Alien79 )
@Nature_and_Race Help only White People in your communities this Thanksgiving and Christmas.

( @quietus_mt )
I'll drop in some "It's Okay to be White" slips. Maybe I should make them up like ten dollar bills. 😀

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Nature_and_Race Another thing to do is to shame the person collecting for them, tell them they are complicit in anti-White hate and White genocide.

( @YiddishGypsies )
@Nature_and_Race As a courtesy, please, stop feeding the subsaharran african cannibals, thank you very much!

various commenters #wingnut #quack #racist gab.com

( @USCenturion )
I have no interest in listening to any politician who doesn't have the courage to mention how children are getting myocarditis from the covid shot.

( @Curtiss )
@USCenturion President Clot Shot refuses to admit there's a problem,
or "Shut It Down" The Goyim know Donnie Boy

( @pysek )
@USCenturion same but add that 2020 was stolen as well.

Every elected official from 2020 is complicit at the least by their silence.

( @EuropeanLuvesMatter )
@USCenturion i want explicit pro-white politicians, who speak against White Replacement and anti-white hate

( @Calipatriot8973 )
@USCenturion I have no interest in listening to any politician who doesn’t stand up for white people and condemn the jews flooding our countries to replace us.

( @DarenFromDelaware )

It's not just that brother, it's everything. They don't care about ANYTHING America or American, they definitely do Not care about anything White people..

( @Vonzander )
@USCenturion Well, here's the problem....

99% of Republicans went all in on the grift/hoax/Genocide shot...

So as much as we want the GOP to pretend they will hold people accountable, they absolutely wont...

Because anyone they throw under the bus...

Will name, names....

And guess which names will come up first?

( @SenHid )
@USCenturion And politicians who still won't mention their White voter base.

Burlyman #fundie #conspiracy #racist descentbb.net

Tunnelcat is forgetting that on 9/11 every news agency reported the same thing about their psychotic friends and their own psychopathy and blamed everything on Osama bin Lyin’, one of their own agents, and it’s very easy to disprove the official narrative just like it’s easy to disprove ball earth. Try a laser test. Do something! Lol… don’t just say Satan’s math scheme about a ball is the truth. That part is kinda off topic, but yeah, some people don’t even know that a rogue group within the United States and fake Zionist “Israel” are responsible. (NOT Jewish people) There’s a difference between people who think they are Jewish, the people who were the Israelites in the Bible, and those who say they are Jews but lie (like in the book of Revelation).

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Stanleymitchell90 )
I don’t want to sound anti-Semitic but maybe having our country ruled by people who want our genocide isn’t the best system.

( @CN32 )
@Stanleymitchell90 Jews are doing to the world what they did to Russia after WWI, what they did to Germany in the 20s until those 'evil Germans' stood up to them.

( @RageNFreedom )
@Stanleymitchell90 I don't want to sound antisemitic, but maybe we should stop buying their shit, watching their shit, and find a way to bank without them, and once they're broke, round them up and send them to their sand holes. That's just me though 🤷‍♂️

( @Based_Honkler )
@Stanleymitchell90 I don't want to sound antisemitic, but maybe having them in our country or Western Civilization at all is a really bad idea.

Siberia maybe?

( @Wondering_American )
@Stanleymitchell90 I'm pro American, that means I'm anti Talmudic people

( @PizzaJohns )
@Stanleymitchell90 until you are proud to be anti semitic, you're part of the problem

( @Jagdpanzer )
The amount of people that read this and didn't realize it was facetious, and that this dude gives zero shits if people call him "anti-Semitic"... lol


( @Grendahl )
@Stanleymitchell90 we also need to reject Jew mercantilism. American free enterprise was the peaceful solution the aggression and piracy of Jewish mercantilism

(corrected appreciatively)

( @Libzhaverabies )
@Stanleymitchell90 let’s make AMERICA 110

( @Trop68 )
@Libzhaverabies @Stanleymitchell90 112. They were expelled from a region in Guatemala a few years ago and they were expelled from Yemen more recently. They should be expelled from every White country.

( @Libzhaverabies )
@Trop68 @Stanleymitchell90 I’m good with 112😆

( @mostdefinitelyprobable )
@Stanleymitchell90 I'll be antisemitic for you!

Kabbalah is born of Satan!

( @robert1978bp )
@Stanleymitchell90 It's ok to be anti-semitic

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
I will only donate to charities that only give to White people.

Non-whites have more state resources than they know what to do with.

While White people are discriminated against by the system on a daily basis.


( @HanzGrubr )
@Nature_and_Race Catholic Charities......LMAO....who is helping the NGO'S import migrants?? Say it with me....CATHOLIC CHARITIES....God Bless

( @RoseWinterSnow )
@HanzGrubr I am Catholic & this is true. I wish it were not.

( @HanzGrubr )
@RoseWinterSnow I am a Christian and by no means do I not like Catholics. But the Catholic church has been playing the same globohomo power structure for centuries......they just called it something else.

( @ChadleyDudebroughington )
As many pointed out to me when I made a similar post, almost all charities are scams.

If you want to help, find White people who need help, and help them directly.

( @Screw_Your_Optics )
@Nature_and_Race Do we have anything like Hitler's Winter Relief Fund in North America or in Europe?

( @machungu )
@Nature_and_Race I give cash to white homeless people rather than sleazy charities with slick advertising campaigns

( @ConstitutionForever101 )
@Nature_and_Race Catholic charities are also funding the invasion of our border. Not sure how to reconcile this.

( @WarPigg )
@Nature_and_Race Catholic Charities is the Number One culprit in bringing in shitskins to our country. Don't give them one single cent.

( @Mjorees )
@Nature_and_Race Great idea. I usually try and give to whomever needs help because I have never cared about color of skin. This last two years has been an eye opener.

( @barbara51 )
@Nature_and_Race MOST are very poor, race, not included here. Go to a homeless area. Yes we are discriminated against. but who are WE? God is the JUDGE. He includes all colors. THE RED CROSS IS THE WORST. thank you for your comment.

( @UnironicFash )
@barbara51 @Nature_and_Race This dumb mindset will lead to your extinction. Reminder that the government would happily replace most white men with "christians" from africa and the middle east and they wouldn't care.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
We are now entering the Salvation Army begging season.

So don't forget how they tried to demonize all White people, claiming that we're all inherently racist, and thus inherently evil.

The Salvation Army exists solely to steal money from White people and give it exclusively to non-whites.

As many of you know, I was once homeless for over two years, and when I reached out to the Salvation Army, they told me they only had resources for blacks, illegal immigrants, and homosexuals. I kid you not.

Don't give these anti-White crooks a single penny.

( @BobbyMaga )
@Nature_and_Race Print these up and place them in the Red Kettles this year and every years. It's the only thing they deserve till they fire every one of the woke assholes involved in this and issue a very public apology to white people.

( @Lineman1776 )
@Nature_and_Race So many on our side forget what the enemy has done to us while their side never forgets that they want us enslaved or dead...We need to work on that...

( @Chrisbelvedere )
@Nature_and_Race oh I won't forget, I can't wait to throw out that standard answer to their soliciting money from me that I cannot donate because I am White.

( @Zippo_Man )
@Chrisbelvedere @Nature_and_Race
"they only had resources for blacks, illegal immigrants, and homosexuals."
same thing can be said about the catholic church

( @TransAm0914 )
@Nature_and_Race Last year I cut up little slips of paper that said “Here’s your White privilege apology…Merry Christmas” and I dropped them in every red kettle I saw.

They will never get a dime out of me.

( @RockyMountainRebel )
@Nature_and_Race Yes, they told White people to apologize for our White privilege, so last year I put "apology notes" in their red kettles, saying something like "here's my apology. Sorry SA is so racist. Sorry you won't be getting anymore money from my hard working White hands", etc etc.

Brythonic Princess #sexist #racist #conspiracy #kinkshaming #wingnut archive.is

(From “An open letter to the entire feminist community.” Written in 2017.)


To the radical feminists: You are closer to me than you think you are. However, you will never abolish the porn industry fighting the wrong group of people. I strongly urge you all to look up the Jewish porn moguls and the statistics of Jewish people in the media and big business, despite being less than 3% of the American population they manage to be the majority in most of these things while holding a large portion of the wealth as well as being the group with the lowest rates of poverty. Stop blaming white men for every single issue in society, Porn alone has always been a communist and Jewish creation used specifically to ruin society, I have said before that this is bigger than the oppression of women, they are teaching our young boys to only be aroused by incest, Gang banging and bestiality to destroy him. Hitler knew this, that is why he made it his business to burn pornographic literature and general media. Pre-Hitler Germany was riddled with porn culture which of course lead to rape rates going way up and mass demoralisation of the public, Hitler managed to abolish most of this and brought peace and high trust societies back to the German public, which flourished even under a global depression. He did this just by trying to deport the Jewish elite to Palestine and purging Their nation of what those elites had created. Hitler released his people from massive, Crushing loans and debt, created hundreds of thousands of jobs, gave mothers generous financial support and time off from work, Ran the world’s first anti-smoking campaigns and made it the government’s business to protect their environment. He created the socialist Utopia you would all die for, the media then went on to lie about him and make you afraid of him, because they don’t want you to succeed.

Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Hero Who Protected New York City from Unhinged Violent Black to be Charged with “Manslaughter”"]

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness[…]!

Daniel Penny[…]will face a charge of second-degree manslaughter[…]

The mob called for charges, and the DA responded to the mob. It’s literally a state-sanctioned lynch mob

This individual Neely had been arrested forty-two (42) times, including multiple times for assaulting women[…]
He was a threat that we’ve all seen in the centers of every city in this shithole country

This is George Zimmerman v. Trayvon Martin all over again, except that wasn’t on video, so the court case was designed to determine what happened[…]
This is a 24-year-old man, a marine who served this country, who is going to go to prison for 10 years, losing some of the best years of his life, because he did the right thing[…]
Imagine a story where Commissioner Gordon arrests Batman because some criminal on drugs died when he was saving people. That would never happen in fiction

The DA admits the death was accidental, or they’d charge him with murder. He was trying to restrain a violent lunatic[…]
This is Biblical – in our society, good is called evil and evil is called good. You want to chop up a teenage girl’s healthy tits off[…]? We’ll give you an award. You want to save people’s lives? You’re going to prison[…]
Show this picture to anyone in the world outside of America and Western Europe – Asia, Latin America, and yes, Africa – and ask them to point to the criminal:

More than 85% of the world – that same 85% that opposes the war in the Ukraine, by the way – is going to point to Neely as the criminal

Most black people in America don’t even think like these Jewish-backed activist “protesters”

Most black Americans would say: “you know, that nigga been wilin’, he finna pop off, white dude, he be just tryin’ get the nigga to calm hisseff”

@_Leese , @MikeYorkshire & @UkPatriot1st #wingnut #racist gettr.com

( @_Leese )
'The Rwanda policy shames Britain'

NO, what shames Britain is consecutive British *globalist* governments ethnically cleansing their own people and gift wrapping this erasure as "diversity is our strength"

more ✈ deportations

( @MikeYorkshire )
This is not our country anymore 🤮🤬🇬🇧

spoilerIT'S NOT
Its time to wake up!

( @_Leese )
then, why don't we retake it❓

( @UkPatriot1st )
I’d like to see a plane load every hour, then we’re getting somewhere..

( @_Leese )
gawd I second that 😄

Hunter Wallace #racist #conspiracy #wingnut occidentaldissent.com

[From "We Are All Daniel Penny"]

Paul Kersey coined the term “Black Run America” over a decade ago

There are a lot of people who dislike the term. They think it is misleading because actually Jews Run America. Personally, I don’t really see how the two narratives are at odds. We have both a Jewish liberal elite and a sick culture which is centered and organized around the figure of the negro. The oppression of the negro by “racism” and “white supremacy” is at the core of our established national religion

“Black Run America” describes an essential aspect of our social order. The New York subway, for example, is run for the benefit of worthless vagrants like Jordan Neely. Innocent people are killed all the time there. They are often pushed in front of trains by sociopaths. No one cares. It only becomes “A Story About Race In America” when someone like Daniel Penny dares to lay their hands on one of these gremlins

We are all Daniel Penny. We are all living under the same system and through this unique period of history. Never before in all of history have black people been put up on such a pedestal. Your life has been negatively impacted by this obsession in countless ways. Maybe you have to pay to send your kids to a private school because the public schools have been turned over to blacks. Maybe you have to commute to work because it is unsafe to live in a big city because of black criminals. Maybe you just pay taxes to subsidize the dysfunction. Maybe you lost your job because of some impious act of lèse-majesté against a protected class. Maybe you encountered obstacles in your career because of your race. Maybe you have been investigated and excommunicated from your church for “the sin of racism”

The world is being run at your expense for their benefit. We are living through a social experiment. Daniel Penny’s freedom is the latest casualty of that experiment. He won’t be the last

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The planetary liberation alliance scored major victories last week in the United States, the UK, Thailand and Pakistan, while major battles rage in Europe and Turkey.

In the US, the mass awakening has reached critical mass as 70% of Americans agree fake US President Joe Biden’s foreign business dealings, bribery and influence peddling schemes are ‘very serious.’ This means the majority of the people are now close to the truth.

They now need to stop being distracted by avatars like Biden or George Soros so we can target and neutralize the true enemy.
Here are some specific names of war criminals who need to be brought to justice: David Rockefeller Jr. Hillary and Bill Clinton Rockefeller, Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller, John Podesta Rockefeller, Klaus Schwab Rothschild and the various other Rothschilds (with the possible exception of Nathaniel who has been cooperating with the liberation alliance), the Dutch Royal family, etc.
There is also a huge secret war being raged inside the UK now. The Khazarian mafia is trying to use the Satanic coronation of King Charles (it took place six months, six weeks and six days after the murder of Queen Elizabeth II) as an excuse to take over control of the quantum financial system.
In another sign Trump is back in charge, he was allowed to speak the truth on CNN about the stolen election and many other things.
Trump is urging Republican legislators to trigger the first-ever US debt default. As Trump knows, default is needed to trigger the jubilee and the nationalization of the privately owned Federal Reserve.

In addition to that, there are now 413,220 Grand Jury Sealed Indictments, with California & Texas in the lead. The average number of sealed indictments before Trump & 2016 is 1,500 cases per YEAR. Since each sealed indictment can contain multiple individuals, it looks like the one million or so Satanists in the US have been identified and will soon be sent to internment camps for re-education or punishment.

JBSLAYER #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #fundie blackpill.world

Fuck the Jews, Hitler wasn't only right, he was on a Godly mission. Here's a rough outline of the Jewish plan for global dominance

I will unveil the Jewish plan for global domination before your own eyes

A rough outline of the Jewish Plan :

Place our agents and helpers everywhere

Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans

Start fights between different races, classes and religions

Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way

Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials

Appeal to successful people’s egos

Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail

Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism

Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us

Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary

Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism

Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect

Rewrite history to our benefit

Create entertaining distractions

Corrupt minds with filth and perversion

Encourage people to spy on one another

Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor

Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold

Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.

Introduce a progressive tax on wealth

Replace sound investment with speculation

Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments

Give bad advice to governments and everyone else


As to the question, if the Jews truly control everything, they must be superior ?

The answer is a definite NO !!!

No more than the devil is superior to God. It's in the nature of the devil to strive for the world. If the other races spent even a fragment of the energy Jews utilize to obtain power over the world, they would have succeeded with far greater success. Therefore, don't despair. God is with you, not with the Jews, not with the damn Jews.

There's only solution to the Jewish Question. A solution which will leave the spirit of Hitler rejoicing in heaven. Wake up brothers, the Jews have caused much harm. THIS CANNOT GO ON FOREVER

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Jews: "Jewish control of the Federal Reserve is an anti-Semitic myth"

Also Jews: *brags about how Jews founded and run the Federal Reserve*

For those who don't know, the Federal Reserve bank is what controls almost all of the entire world's wealth. It's the single-most powerful institution on the planet, and the root of almost all of the world's evil.

( @FFG22 )
@Nature_and_Race End the “fed”, screw the Jew!

( @Professional_Noticer )
@Nature_and_Race only lazy low IQ fools believe Jewish control over the fed is a myth. It literally only takes a few seconds to look up who's been heading it since it's inception. I just want to shake them incessantly until they wake up!

( @David_Watson )
@Nature_and_Race The "Federal" Reserve is just a front organization for the Rothschild Dynasty.

( @Littletoad2020 )

( @xmax65 )
@Nature_and_Race You can be a massive anti-Islam bigot, but don't you dare whisper a negative word about Judaism.

( @rotifer1066 )
@xmax65 @Nature_and_Race
The Zionists did to Muslims what they do to kids in Western countries, just different specifics.
Indoctrinating younger generations into violent terrorist activities through wahhabism,
Like Western kids are indoctrinated with Marxism and Antifa/blm groups.
Then the Rothschild Zionist mafia and Israel uses the young islamist terrorists to destabilize countries so Israel can take them over and plunder them and kill their people.
And America pays for all of it!
Then the Zionist media tells Americans Muslim bad, while ZIONISTS destroy America.
The American military is still being used by the Zionists in the Middle East.
No one seems to wake up

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Russians sure love their Jewish Bolshevik Communist heroes.

Yet again, Russia erects statue of Vladimir Lenin, the first President of the Judeo-Bolshevik government (which gained power by violently slaughtering native Russians), in Ukraine.

Was this the purpose of their invasion all along, to spread Bolshevik Communism beyond Russian borders?

( @NSSAP )
@Nature_and_Race -- Judeo–Bolshevism has never really left Russia. It remains alive, both physically, and in spirit. It is an unfortunate fact, but that's Russia's identity.

( @VanCleef )
A Russian dissident once wrote that the ideology of the average Russian is that of the Staliban, a weird an aberrant hybrid of marxism and orthodoxy. The russian is truly a bizarre animal.

Despite of having been ruthlessly culled by jewish marxist psychopaths they jack off to their soviet past because of its militaristic goose stepping while “espousing” orthodoxy. They even simp for National Socialism while fighting it at the same time, they promote eurasianism etc. They’re just like the kookaburra bird, you can’t make them out.

( @Maverick042089 )
@Nature_and_Race If only 'Barbarossa' had succeeded. All that Bolshie excrement would.ve been relegated to 'the dustbin of history'. never to threaten the world again

( @Might_Is_Right )
@Nature_and_Race this is a big reason why I've supported Ukraine over Russia since the beginning. I still don't understand why it seems like the majority of WNs on here seem to favour Russia over Ukraine.

Mike Stone #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

How would you like to be a teen boy growing up in today's world?
You pass Jenny Hobbs in the hallway, the girl you thought was so cute in the 6th grade. She now has a nose ring and half of her hair is dyed blue. The other half of her hair is shaved off. "She used to be so pretty," you say to yourself. "What happened?"

In math class, you're shocked to learn that your test paper was graded an "F" even though you answered every question right. "Getting the right answer is not important," your pink-haired math teacher tells you. "It's a sign of inherent racism. So I've signed you up for Diversity Training. Be here on Saturday if you want to pass my class."

In history class, you notice the flag of the United States has been replaced by a rainbow flag. Next to it is a picture of a smiling Joe Biden and the words "Our President." Surrounding Biden's picture are hearts and smiley faces.

Your friend Davey is absent. He was jumped by a gang of "youths" on his way home from school yesterday and is now in the hospital. Sheila Johnson, a snotty, pinch-nosed white girl, stands up and "confesses" her racism to the rest of the class. That tough guy who beat you up in grade school is now wearing a dress so he can use the girl's locker room. He hides his phone under his skirt and snaps pictures of girls in various stages of undress. You can buy them for ten bucks apiece.

"And by the way," your teacher announces, "Mr. Harrison your music teacher is no longer Mr. Harrison. His name is now Doris. You will address him as Ms. Harrison. Anyone who doesn't comply will be suspended."

"If I can just make it till lunch," you tell yourself, only to discover that Meatloaf Monday in the cafeteria has been replaced by a delicious concoction of bug paste.

Such is life for teen boys growing up in America today. Schools are now Communist indoctrination centers, staffed by mentally ill teachers pushing all manner of sexual depravity on their students.

variuos commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @MrJoePrich )
Full on open war between blacks and jews on twitter rn

"Free Kyrie Iriving" is trending and it's just an endless torrent of tweets about who owned the slave ships and what Micheal Jackson meant when he said "jew me sue me" etc

The golem has broken completely free of the leash and is now stalking the grounds hunting Master

Highly amusing to observe

( @DevonReyob )

(@Northern_Star )
@DevonReyob Who needs niggers? Nobody @MrJoePrich

( @Hangman88 )
@MrJoePrich Ex-NFL player mentioned the holohoax too


( @Northern_Star )
@Hangman88 All this proves is that the Jews are willing to allow niggers to get away with a lot more than everyone else because they don't ultimately perceive those dumb monkey animals as posing a legitimate threat to their agenda. And the Jews are correct as niggers are incapable of organizing against their tribe and only capable of indiscriminately attacking white people. @MrJoePrich

( @Warlord11 )
@MrJoePrich recent figures estimate that the use of the word “nigger” has increased among jews by 10,000%

( @jimwinter78 )
@MrJoePrich it would be wise for some GAB boys who still have accounts to get in there and stir shit further. Especially the jew slave owner angle.

( @americanpunk )
@MrJoePrich Our enemies have done more to awake our people in the last two weeks than we have been able to in two decades + .

It is amazing to watch.

( @jbwilson24 )
@americanpunk @MrJoePrich It's always a little bit nuanced. The only protests I have heard of in Europe over anti-Christian art exhibitions (Piss Christ, etc) are by Muslims. Whites are passive, white Christians are perhaps the most passive of all.

( @Pratgioln )
@jbwilson24 @americanpunk @MrJoePrich Would love to see an art gallery display a masterpiece showing a menora submerged in a boiling bath of piss and shit.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

The victory over President Trump of the military/security complex has condemned the United States and its European, Canadian, Australian, and Japanese empire to irreversible decline. Trump’s intention to “normalize relations with Russia” was perceived by the powerful military/security complex, about which both President Eisenhower and President John F. Kennedy warned, as a threat to its budget, power, and primacy. Thus was launched by the CIA and FBI the long and ongoing era of false charges against an American President, both in office and out, by the security services of the United States.

The consequence is that the world is moving away from our influence, departing the dollar-dominated financial system, and adhering to a rule of law instead of Washington’s self-serving rules.

The consequences for the Western world will be currency decline, inflation and lower living standards, energy scarcity, and social decay from unassimilated masses of immigrant-invaders whom the Western world lacks the self-belief to repel.

Ruinous war might also be a consequence with disastrous results for the West whose weapons systems are inferior to those of Russia and whose armies are demoralized by “diversity promotions” and anti-white indoctrination.

Pleiadian Collective via Neioh #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #racist disclosurenews.it

As You Live Daily On Various Areas Of Earth, Understand Fully That No One Reading This Communication Is On The Vast Continent Of Antarctica!

Having Remote Areas Where Humans Never Dare To Explore In Leisure, There Are Many That Are On Missions Of Light!

These White Hats From The Pleiades And Other Elohim Races That We Have Shared, Are There Frequently And In Great Numbers!

Cabal Bases Are Also Scattered Throughout The Area With Only 200 Left As The Light Takes Over In Great Numbers.

The Galactic Federation Has Bases Throughout The Planet.

Some Of The Finest And Most Luxurious Are Beneath The Ice In Antarctica!
There Are Vast Openings Where Crafts Enter Seamlessly And The Occupants Are Ushered Into Hallways And Structures Of Crystals And Beauty.
Another Covert Operation Is The Constant Monitoring Of Clone Activity.

Having Many Secret Facilities For Product Replacement Of Humans Has Become A Large Undercover Deception That The Planet Is Undergoing.

Galactic Federation Allows Free Will And Has Always Been Aware Of The Growing Numbers Of Clones In Action Now.

This Will Continue Until The Grand Shift
It Is A Tool Used By Many To Replace A Human That Has Been Completely Removed From Life On This Plane Of Existence.

Galactic Federation Has Many Plans And Actions That Are Not Revealed In These Moments!

There Are Currently 400 Large Bases In Antarctica That Are Used By The Galactic Federation.

As Crafts And Motherships Are Welcomed From Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturus And The Pleiades, The Power Of Light Is Enormous.
Antarctica Is One Of Several Openings To Inner Earth!

There Are Civilizations Of Beautiful Areas That Are Called Crystal Cities.

One That We Have Shared Is A Place Called ‘Crystal’ Which Was Inhabited In The Area Of Sweden.

These Beings Looked Like Pleiadians With A Nordic Look Of Long White Hair And Blue Eyes.

These Humans Became Very Close To Visiting Pleiadians And Were Protected And Given A Beautiful Place To Live In Oneness And Thrive Without War And Chaos.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
“Jews own the media” is a statement of fact.
It is not a value judgement.
It is not saying it is a bad or good thing.
It is merely a statement of fact.

If you think it is incorrect you can disagree and correct it. But that isn’t what jews and their defenders do. They don’t correct the statement because they can’t. Jews own the media

( @Dey )
@Apolitical . ..for the most part, jew's owning the media in American is a fact.
And being a fact that it constantly pumps out filth, perversion and lies, that makes it a bad thing - and that's a fact!

( @temulentpolyglot )
@Apolitical Our language has been so completely subverted that it takes a whiteboard and a dictionary to even begin a conversation about true nationalism with the uninitiated. Without a visual aid the topic is constantly constipated by wordthink and quibbling to the point where obvious facts are buried beneath pseudo-morality.

( @Servant_of_Christ )
@temulentpolyglot @Apolitical somebody should run as a national socialist. I'd vite for them if I were american.

( @WhiskeyBeer )
@temulentpolyglot @Apolitical I usually just say the forefathers had more in common with Adolf Hitler than current Republicans and would consider reps Liberal and treasonous. They still cant see how far they are from “patriots” but larpers.

( @The_Nose )

( @Preussen )

( @Seanlayne )
@Apolitical correct. The fact that just pointing it out as fact, regardless of you saying it’s good or bad, should be a red flag that they don’t want us to know or talk about it, so a healthy level of discernment should show they’re hiding it, therefore it must be bad.

Anonymous #racist #conspiracy whitedate.net

For those who have still not understood that Russia Today RT is a Putin and (((zio-occupied Russia))) shilling anti-white thus pro-jewish platform, here is the undeniable proof:

In case this page will be buried out of embarrassement, here the archived online version https://archive.vn/o5YbI

A Jewish author who infiltrated White Date as a fake user desperately tries to vilify our harmless traditional white dating site by finding strictly … nothing nasty.

It was probably himself who created this natzeee esthetic venerating group to pretend that our respectable members are all ‘Nazis’. But what does ‘Nazi’ mean nowadays ? Seems to have become a synonym for ‘White’. Who knows, with the boomerang effect, this dirty word without clear meaning might one day even turn into a compliment.

Reading thought the article one cannot miss noticing that there are inserted images linking to other RT articles about murderers (white or (((fellow white))), I cannot tell) that have absolutely NOTHING to do with neither white dating, nor white people building families and traditional communities, nor white people networking to talk freely about with their cultural and racial roots. Russia Today /Charlie Stone just tries to associate white interests with ‘evil’ to create a subconscious negative connotation in the reader’s mind.

Luckily, the comment section adds some sanity to this page of unqualified and dishonest journalism. People are easily capable of seeing throught his anti-white propaganda piece. Enjoy 🙂

Liv Heide #elitist #racist #wingnut amren.com

WhiteDeal.NET: A Job-Search Site for Whites

From the founders of WhiteDate.NET comes a new job search site for white freelancers and companies wishing to hire them. WhiteDeal.NET is a new site that is again functioning and ready to help white professionals find jobs, temporary or permanent, with employers who recognize the value of hiring whites.

We first launched WhiteDate.NET in 2019, but in 2021, our U.S.-based server took it down along with another of our sites, WhiteChild.NET, without explanation. Eventually, we determined the cause: Both sites were sabotaged because they offered white solutions to existing problems.

We found a new server (in a safe, non-white country, ironically) but were forced to rebuild the site to accommodate that server’s technical requirements. Now, we are happy to announce both sites are again live and ready for access.

Why we need WhiteDeal.NET

The Western world, including most employers, seems to have become blatantly anti-white. So-called “anti-discrimination” laws have made some employers, wishing to curry favor with our rulers, proudly proclaim their eagerness to hire non-whites. Yet, beneath their protestations is evidence that many, even among those who loudly champion diversity, might might want to hire whites. See, for example, a 2017 article published by the Harvard Business School (HBS) titled, “Minorities Who ‘Whiten’ Job Resumes Get More Interviews.” The study showed that, at least in 2017, the employers in the study preferred applicants who avoided mentioning minority status.

The HBS study suggested that simply by hiding their race, non-whites might improve their job prospects. With WhiteDeal.NET, we are offering an explicit way for white applicants to appeal to employers, white or non-white, who prefer to hire whites.

We live in historic times, and I am pleased to be part of a movement that intends to bring our world back to sanity, a world in which white children can be proud of their heritage, and where criminal minds are kept in check. With new tools like the ones we are producing, we whites will continue to chart our own course, while we let others — in the words of Jared Taylor — “pursue their own destiny,” wherever that leads.

Andrew Anglin #racist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #transphobia #ableist #wingnut dailystormer.name

["The Retardality of Evil"]

Remember “the banality of evil”?[…]
It was related to[…]Eichmann’s “trial” in Israel[…]The Jews went and kidnapped him 15 years after the war and gave him a fake “war crimes” trial before executing him (by hanging! Like he’d gotten caught killing a nigga for his Air Jordans!). It was like, one of the most extreme, bizarre acts any state had ever done, and definitely not banal[…]
The term was not used in reference to the evil Jews and their non-banal acts, but to the Nazis supposedly trying to exterminate the Jews[…]
Eichmann testified that there were so many bodies buried under the ground that wherever you walked blood would start squirting up out of the ground like something out of a hentai[…]
Let’s go ahead[…]and allow that particularly[…]malicious human actions are “evil”[…]
•The allegations of the Jews, of rollercoasters of death, masturbation machines, a cage with an eagle and a bear, the Wall of Eyes, the Wall of Death, changing the color of people’s eyes[…]
•The real world actions of the Jews, such as inciting black people to do a violent revolution because a gentle giant OD’d[…]faking a viral pandemic[…]sending out a retarded teenage girl to lecture grown men[…]other various sadistic and maniacal Jewish behaviors[…]
We would be talking about “the retardality of evil”

Because the stupid Jewish lies about white people’s behavior, and the actual behavior of the Jews against white people, are fundamentally retarded by nature[…]
The whole child tranny thing is the worst example[…]
The purpose is[…]to drastically reduce the population. All of these kids are sterile[…]most of them kill themselves. It would be really easy to just kill the kids. Instead, the Jewish Pritzker family has built an ideology around “synthetic biology”[…]
There is absolutely zero reason that people who believe in global warming and who are okay with child trannyism wouldn’t just simply send their kids to be sacrificed to the weather gods

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene )

spoilerJoin me in prayer to
end abortion in

( @bobthebuilder123 )
@RealMarjorieGreene how about you actually name the tribe promoting all this anti White rhetoric?

OH WAIT that's right you belong to that tribe so you never will

kikes like you are filth

( @Broadlick )
@bobthebuilder123 @RealMarjorieGreene but it's a jewish women's religious right! How dare you take away their satanic child sacrifice rituals!!!

( @DigitalYankee )
@RealMarjorieGreene Listen, Marjorie... It's a part of the Jewish agenda. It will never end so long as they have power.

The longer you side with Jews, the more babies that are going to continue being slaughtered.

( @brextremist )
@RealMarjorieGreene I will pray to end niggers and jews in America.

( @K_Hard_R_Jo )
@brextremist @RealMarjorieGreene all non Whites. Our most prevalent invaders are south of the border.

( @14W )
@RealMarjorieGreene Let's end antiwhitism too. You should be brave enough to say so.

( @LordHumungus )
@RealMarjorieGreene Only of White babies. I am pro-life except in the cases of rape, incest, retardation, race mixing, and muds.

If it’s White, it’s alright.
If it’s brown, flush it down.

( @lllll__ll_lll_lllllll_ll_llll )
@LordHumungus @RealMarjorieGreene And exactly what is wrong with a White child who is the product of rape or incest? NOTHING!!!

( @Vaxless90 )
@RealMarjorieGreene we can start by sending all the Jews back to Israel and cutting ties with them…

( @BatKun )
@RealMarjorieGreene Yaaaay, let's welcome 50 more million NIGGERS in US

( @Sticky25 )
@RealMarjorieGreene for sure just name the evil doing it

Sen. John Kennedy #racist #wingnut alternet.org

United States Senator John Kennedy (R-Louisiana) insulted the population of Mexico while grilling Drug Enforcement Agency Administrator Anne Milgram during a Wednesday Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on fentanyl.

Kennedy, like many on the right, has advocated for deploying the American Armed Forces to neutralize the cartels — a point that he viciously emphasized to Milgram.

"If [Mexican] President Andrés Manuel López Obrador invited the American military and or law enforcement personnel to come into Mexico and work with his, we could stop the cartels, couldn't we?" Kennedy asked.
"Why hasn't President Biden done it? I mean, this is the way the American people whose sons and daughters are dying. Look at it. Our economy is $23 trillion. Mexico's economy is 1.3 trillion. Ours is eighteen times bigger. We buy $400 billion every year from Mexico," Kennedy griped.

"Without the people of America, Mexico, figuratively speaking, would be eating cat food out of a can and living in a tent behind an Outback," the senator seethed. "So why don't you and the president embarrassing no one, get on the phone and call President López Obrador and make him a deal he can't refuse to allow our military and our law enforcement officials to go into Mexico and work with his to stop the cartels. Why don't you do that?"

Rolaant McKenzie #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy wnd.com

The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s sought to end segregation and discrimination based on skin color, especially against Americans of African descent. It legitimately sought to abolish the legal and social framework that perpetuated this system of injustice.
Unfortunately, like other movements that had good intentions to resolve legitimate issues, unscrupulous people and so-called advocacy groups over the years have infiltrated and manipulated the civil rights movement into a grievance industry that continually seeks to aggravate divisions between people for their own wealth and power.
Over the course of nearly 60 years, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream that people would be judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin has been twisted into its opposite through the promotion of critical race theory in society, especially in the U.S. education industry.

Divide and conquer" is one of the techniques used by global elitists to keep masses of people under their control. Instead of allowing people to reconcile and build a future together in freedom, peace and prosperity, they keep alive old grievances like chattel slavery to keep them divided and fighting each other. This in turn distracts from a greater form of slavery that these elitists are presently working to impose on everyone.
But there is a form of slavery that affects everyone on earth, even greater than physical and financial. It is the slavery to sin that came upon all humanity when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
When Jesus Christ – the KING of kings, and LORD of lords – returns to establish His kingdom, the dark tyrannical empire of the global elite will be broken into smithereens!

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Catholics vs. Khazarians

What we’re really talking about here is the long-running war between the Khazarian communists and Catholic capitalists. While FDR was arguably a closet communist, JPK Sr’s entire career was that of an uber-capitalist. A quick scan of his Wikipedia page reveals a man of enormous talent, keen business acumen and towering intellect, which is why he clashed so much behind the scenes with a crippled government man like FDR. In fact, Roosevelt surrounded himself with hardcore Jewish Zionists, all of whom could have easily grown up on an Israeli kibbutz if that apartheid state had been in existence at that time.

KEY POINTS: This ever-simmering blood feud between the Kennedys and the Roosevelts was really a ruthless multi-century war between the Catholics and the Khazarians. However, it was always the restrained Catholics with a conscience who were the victims of Khazarian viciousness and vindictiveness. The JFK and RFK assassinations are obvious examples of Chicago’s Jewish Supermob killing any opponent anytime. They also assassinated John F. Kennedy Jr. at the age of 38 because of his expressed intention to expose President George H.W. Bush in the assassination plot that killed his father in Dallas in 1963.
Of course, the same Khazarian falsifiers also present JFK as the biggest womanizer in US presidential history. That tall tale even gets taller and longer by the year in their zeal to wreck and ruin his reputation for having exposed their many nefarious NWO agendas. Now here’s the real story, which is totally opposite of the one that is forever promoted by the Khazarian-created tabloid press.
So, while we’re all reading fake stories about the ever-captivating Kennedy family over decades, the Roosevelt clan skates from every crime scene they ever created. This has been the Khazarian MO for millennia: blaming their enemies for crimes that they themselves committed.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
If you want to end the war that's being waged against White people, you have to defeat those who manufactured it, those who are leading it.

With only the briefest precursory examination, it becomes blindingly clear that the war against White people was manufactured, and is currently led, by the Jews.

We've proven this a thousand times over. We have the screenshots, we have the links. We've been sharing them for YEARS.

End the war against White people. Defeat the Jewish menace.

( @Ghost_of_Colin_Flaherty )

spoilerThe Jewish, supremacists
overplayed their hand
with this anti-Black
targeting of Kyrie Irving

( @TimboAbwe66 )
@Nature_and_Race It's the jews. 👍👍👍


( @Okie_Frijole )
@Nature_and_Race When enough people finally stop giving jews their business, their power will be gone. Credit cards, banks, loans. Our entire financial system is constructed to their benefit. We will all have to live as the Amish.

( @alexpulse231 )
@Nature_and_Race We can't remove the Jews from power by voting, they have to be removed the way Robert Bowers removed 11 of them from existence

( @Amulet7 )
@Nature_and_Race I've said it before and I'll say it again. Judaism is not a "religion." Judaism is a MAFIA. The religious veneer is designed to cover up the nakedness of their iniquity, robbery, and murder. It is demonic, satanic, and diametrically opposed to truth, goodness, and beauty. It is a perverted mockery of all that we hold dear.

THE WHITE RACE must close ranks and destroy this venomous presence among us.

( @GenesRus )
@Amulet7 @Nature_and_Race fortunately we can catch them all through DNA testing

( @Jackdman )
@Nature_and_Race Jews are indeed at the root of antiwhitism, there is no doubt about that.

( @Its_all_in_the_Reflexes )
@Nature_and_Race Anyone know a good gas chamber manufacturer?

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