
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Steven Beckow #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack goldenageofgaia.com

They have imposed fake solutions like the COVID injections of poison elements, which is most dangerous, altering the Human DNA with RNA and thus eliminating the human body from its own natural immune function of battling illness. This alone can cause the loss of life in the future of up to 70% of all those persons who have taken the fake vaccines promoted by all means of media under the control of the same cabal illuminati oligopolists.
They at this Time, transporting large Armies of foreign UN and Chinese Military to complete the Works of Death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy to Head of a civilized Nations. Their tools of choice include leadership of Federal Government Agencies such as the CDC, FDA, UN, CCP, and agencies CIA, FBI, MI6, with Government authorities in Central Banks robbing all sovereignty of nations and its people.
They have excited domestic Insurrections amongst us with Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements of violence, and have endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our communities, cities and government, the merciless Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED “STATES” OF AMERICA, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this great nation, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United “States” are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the oligopolists, cabal illuminati secret societies, and that all political Connection between them in the United States and Abroad, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent United States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent countries may of right do.

Steven Beckow #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #quack goldenageofgaia.com

WHEN in the Course of recent human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the each State in the United States, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them!

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these States in the United States; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present influence of oligopolists supporting the secret societies such as the illuminati cabalist is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over not only the great people of the United States but all people of all nations in the Globe. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.

They refused Assent to Laws by corruption of the truth, of which is evidenced by the 2020 US Elections Fraud and Misrepresentations at every level, we the people have been usurped of our legal right to exercise and see through our basic right to vote, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good and proper representation.
They have abdicated the true United States Government, by declaring us out and without rights and waging War against us, killing us softly with vaccines altering our DNA with RNA, HIV and other poisonous elements.
<<cont. next post>>

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #fundie adrenogate.net

What is #thegame23? It’s the name of the Progenitor of the Demiurges’ campaign to sequester your soul. He’s outsourced “Anonymous” to run #thegame23 cyber propoganda campaign, which also includes the #LeakitAll campaign which is run by Tyler who is the Progenitors A.I. bot. “Anonymous” also runs the #Cicada3301 campaign which is a much more cryptic and obscure version of #thegame23 who’s creators also seem to have also been responsible for creating Q. Q = 17 = Follow the White Rabbit down Alice’s Rabbit Hole to hell.
#TheGame23 a game that’s played relentlessly from many different angles and within many venues and arenas of your everyday life. It’s started on the day you were born when your parents imprinted your feet on your birth certificate. Luckily for us, our souls are ours to give away, no one else can speak for it, or for you.
The Rabbit Hole = The North Pole Saturn Cube Toroidal Energy Vortex. AKA Hell.

If you follow the white rabbit, your following Lucifer down into a fractal soul trap. You've been warned.

#thegame23 is a game for your soul.

Vox Day #racist #wingnut #conspiracy voxday.net

[From "The Scale of Humiliation"]

Mark Steyn observes that the astonishingly rapid victory of the Taliban may be the Imperial USA’s Suez moment
Steyn alludes to, but avoids stating, what is entirely obvious to any historically literate observer. This catastrophic defeat was the neoclowns’ war. This was not America’s failure, it was the failure of the self-styled “national security right” who flattered themselves into believing that they dictated reality with their words. Afghanistan is the neocons’ failure. It is AIPAC’s failure. Genuine Americans never wanted, supported, or endorsed the concept of an empire in the Middle East

To quote one veteran who served in it: “My friends died for nothing. My soldiers died for nothing. I served for nothing. And the communists took over at home”

Adolf Hitler erroneously blamed the Jews for the German defeat in WWI. He was wrong to do so because Germany never had any chance of winning that two-front war even before the USA got involved. But anyone in the future who wants to blame those whom Steyn euphemistically labels “the national security right” for the US defeats in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan will be absolutely correct. This was Bill Kristol’s war. This was Paul Wolfowitz’s war. This was Richard Perle’s war. This was David Frum’s war. This was Max Boot’s war. This was Michael Ledeen’s war. This was Jennifer Rubin’s war. This was Ben Shapiro’s war
But it was not America’s war, and no American should ever forget that. These second- and third-generation immigrants have systematically labored to destroy what was once, briefly, the greatest nation, the greatest Christian nation, on Earth. Now, imagine how much worse the situation would be today if the cursed neoclowns had gotten their way and US troops were also trapped in Iran and Syria and Pakistan and Ukraine

Galactic Federation via Aurora Ray #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We have transmitted new codes to the cells of your being while you were sleeping, dear ones.

You are empowered and have all the necessary tools to bring forth the liberation of Gaia.

We have given you the means to “beat your enemies with their own weapons” as you could say in your human language.

There’s a lot going on on your earth star Gaia at the moment. It is the final battle between dark and light.

Remember, that light is information and therefore darkness is the lack of it.

As you become informed your enemy loses power.

This light has altered your frequency. It is now up to you to hold this frequency and become “The Keepers of Frequency” so that others may access this frequency easier.

Many are still in disbelief but they are seeing their world and their beliefs crumble in front of their eyes.

Share your light with them. Inform them.

We do not ask that you go about this kicking and screaming.
Your task is to do this peacefully.

The moment a human starts questioning their reality and the motives of those who are holding the reins, they begin ascending from the third-dimensional matrix system into 4D. The astral realm.

This process is what we call awakening.
This is what is happening to Gaia’s peoples at the moment.
This is the mass awakening we have anticipated.

The 3D Matrix that has kept you enslaved is crumbling and losing its very fundament of deceit, lies, and control.

The system is falling. And there’s no more turning back.

You are great warriors of light, truth seekers, way-showers and the children of the sun who will bring forth a new dawn.

This is your time.
Do not fear.
We are here with you.

You can see our lightships in your night skies and you can feel us in your hearts. We have begun contacting you. Open your hearts to see the signs. As the liberation of Gaia proceeds, we shall come closer.

This is the victory of light over darkness.


We love you dearly. We are your Family of Light

Anon #quack #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot archive.4plebs.org

Scared of what is to come with the vaccinated

I am conservative, christian, young unvaxxed male, still live with parents, no job or income. my parents and basically all my family took the vaccines (all of them) They bought into the hoax, before the vaccine I joked with them that a vaccine would come soon out of nowhere for this 99.9% survival rate virus and I would never take it. But they completely changed tune and got it as soon as they could when it released. now I just look back and think I could have prevented it and will haunt me, but they didn't even listen for a single second and got angry.

We will be just sitting there watching TV or doing something and they will have these demonic outbursts of unprovoked hatred straight out of hell about me not being vaccinated. The amount of anger and hate coming from them post vaccine about me refusing it is scary, in all my life I never saw my parents like this, its like they are demon possessed. No human being acts like this. Then after I strongly and firmly refuse the vaccine after a minute or so it is like a switch flips and they go back to normal acting like nothing happened.

From the research I have done, the vaxxed are basically dead already, their DNA has been altered, they are no longer human and will soon all drop completely dead and burn in hell forever. it is starting to set in, and it is sad.

When the other unvaxxed find out they will not be able to handle it. The spike proteins they are shedding is making me sick as well, I can feel myself getting dumber and forgetting things, and occasionally have brutal chest pains even though I am completely healthy young male.

These are not even humans any more just government owned robot, synthetic abominations. Please if anyone reading this has loved ones still on the fence about getting one of the vaccines, do all you can to save them now. I give my life to our Lord Jesus Christ its all I can do now, the only option left.

Al Aniyunwiya National Mu'urish Republic #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon aanmrgov.com








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Eric Dubay #crackpot #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #quack lulu.com

The Atlantean Conspiracy Final Edition is the ultimate encyclopedia exposing the global conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion. Discover how world royalty through the Vatican and secret societies control literally every facet of our lives from behind the scenes and have done so for thousands of years. Topics covered include Presidential Bloodlines, The New World Order, Big Brother, FEMA Concentration Camps, Secret Societies, The Zionist Jew World Order, False Flags & The Hegelian Dialectic, The Lusitania & WWI, Pearl Harbor & WWII, Operation Northwoods, The Gulf of Tonkin & The Vietnam War, The Oklahoma City Bombing, The 9/11 Inside Job, Media Manipulation, The Health Conspiracy, Fluoride, Vaccines, Engineered AIDS, The Meat & Dairy Myth, The Cure for Everything, Masonic Symbology, Numerology, Time Manipulation, The Christian Conspiracy, Astrotheology, Magic Mushrooms, Atlantis, Kundalini, Enlightenment, Geocentric Cosmology, The NASA Moon and Mars Landing Hoaxes, Aliens, Controlled Opposition, and much more

vikingcelt #conspiracy #pratt #psycho #racist stormfront.org

Re: jewish Supremacists Admit White Genocide Is Their Objective

The enemy is not the least bit inhibited in calling for our genocide. They are winning, too. Drastic, even cruel measures must be considered.

Genocide? Perhaps not, though considering what the damn Jew has been up to, it might be best to kill them all, man, woman, and child.

War has been declared upon us. The Jews and their black lackeys mean business.

He intends to wipe us out. The Jew intends to exterminate the Aryan race. They tell us so, certain of their radicals and many of their academics. They have said as much. The White race is the cancer of history, says one. The White race must be abolished, says another. I can go on with this, quote after quote. The Jew does this out of fear and loathing. Make no mistake, as skeptical as we may be about their Holocaust myth, the Jews, every one of them, believe every word of it. This makes the Aryan an existential threat to them. They believe the Aryan hates them so much that the Aryan would exterminate them on an industrial scale. They believe this, to the souls of their beings, and they hate us for it. Of course they do. Like malevolent children, like sociopathic head cases, they cannot reason their way out of this conviction that we once tried to exterminate them. And that we will try it again! Think they resent that? You can bet they do. And unlike us, they have a plan.

The first goal is to disempower the European in his own lands, including North America and Australia. Those are our lands now, that is European territory. Manifest destiny and the verdict of war has made it so.

If we do not rise up, and put a stop to the Jew perfidy, our own ship will sink, in three generations, perhaps only two. It is a mathematical certainty. Faced with this fact, do we not consider war? What kind of men are we?

Don Elmore #conspiracy fgcp.org

Sandy Hook is nothing more than a big….no not a big, but a massive hoax—a false flag. Just like all the others: Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; The Lusitania; 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon; Aurora Movie Theater shooting; Boston Marathon bombing; JFK assassination; Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting….it doesn’t hold up when you investigate it.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #dunning-kruger bennettleeross.com

The great arches of the world
That are usually passed off as memorials
Erected by conquering heroes
Were actually resonating electromagnets

Arches and columns were powerful amplifiers and capacitors
Many used copper coils and gold
Which are excellent conductors of electricity

Many also extracted electric energy from the ether

Domes and orbs on top of poles
Also drew energy down

Indentations or cavities in the masonry
Produced oscillations or vibrations of energetic particles
These small resonators were cavity magnetrons

By utilizing spiked symmetrical ornamentation
A specific frequency was generated

The symmetrical shapes forced ions
To vibrate in a constant manner
Such as in the domed Parthenon in Rome

Ions are electrons that have left the nucleus
Electrons are negatively charged

Cathedrals also continually manipulated energy
Into specific frequencies

The central chamber was a cathode
A cathode is a negatively charged capacitor or battery
The word cathedral is from the word cathode

These were high powered structures
That generated and emitted beams of free energy
Using the interaction of the ion stream
With the magnetic field of the resonator!

Teri Wade #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy intothelight.news

The splitting of two worlds couldn't be more apparent with the ushering in of the last couple years. Right now on the surface humanity is going to extremes, chaos is boiling over in the streets and humanity is being forced to pick a side. What's happening is we are replaying Atlantis, we are replaying the Orion wars.

The Atlanteans were highly spiritual and very advanced technologically. Again, we are replaying Atlantis meaning we have highly evolved technology and what's happening to the human race right now is we are advancing spiritually on a rapid scale. This Awakening that's happening to mankind is no coincidence we have been through this before.

A big difference between our current society and Atlantis is we're much more diverse in this go around and this means that diversity connects us to many different star races throughout the galaxy. The star races that were involved in the Orion wars all have DNA within the human population. We need to be aware that we are replaying, to a smaller extent, the type of society which brought on the Orion wars. I've said this before we cannot repeat Atlantis!
We need to remember what we're living now is nothing in comparison to what we have already lived, what we have already experienced and what we have came to Earth to resolve. <...> This human Awakening is raising the frequency of mankind and we are beginning to feel uncomfortable in a society so out of balance. That's because we are resonating at a higher, faster frequency which makes us feel out of alignment with the current status quo.

A major reason for the chaos that is happening on the surface is because humanity is going through a Spiritual Evolution and we need to get it right this time. Remember, the ones who survived Atlantis became Earth's current rulers who have kept extremely important knowledge from us hence keeping us in an incredibly low vibration. That is all changing with these higher frequencies. This is the Great Awakening!!!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #quack nowtheendbegins.com

The entire planet is being given over to a reprobate mind, so to speak, that the word of God might come to pass. We who are saved have a ringside seat for the world’s biggest show.
An amazing thing is happening before your eyes right now, something that the vast majority of the world is watching but unable to comprehend. Our global community, led by a Godless America, spews forth an unrelenting cavalcade of misinformation and disinformation in order to foster an agenda, while demanding a perpetual, daily sacrifice of unborn souls to the altar of Molech. Right now, people are literally weeping at the prospect of abortion coming to an end, and that’s demonic. But hold on, it gets worse.
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, it’s another Friday at the end of yet another week of so much end times information that we struggle with what to show you first, each story more horrific than the next. If you have Holy Spirit discernment, understanding what you’re watching is easy as pie, you can see what’s coming from a hundred miles out. But to this God-rejecting and mostly unsaved world we live in, it is the cause of great debate, confusion and consternation. In America, Democrats are weeping at the thought of no longer being able to legally kill their own babies. In Europe, we are watching people being denied food and water because they refuse to be vaccinated. In the Middle East, we see the world’s most vaccinated nation, Israel, with the world’s highest COVID rates. In Asia, we are watching communist China becoming more powerful than America. The entire planet is being given over to a reprobate mind, so to speak, that the word of God might come to pass. We who are saved have a ringside seat for the world’s biggest show.

literallyaduck #conspiracy news.ycombinator.com

They can use this as a way to get the people who don't vaccinate to self identify by luring them into "you don't have to come back to the office, you can work from home".

Once people have been identified they will have the list of people to let go.


Read this and substitute Jew for Antivaxer:


Using the term antivaxer is the first step to dehumanizing people.

Next, comes "the antivaxers have a choice" conversations and some of them do, some have a mental block (could be called mental illness), some may have what they perceive as a healthy fear of the government, which is justified as the government has done some pretty shady things like giving people Syphilis under the guise of medical care.

narrator #conspiracy news.ycombinator.com

I think the way things are headed, our governments have decided that freedom is obsolete. It is incompatible with preventing climate change. In the next couple of years, I predict a system will be brought in where all consumption will be need based regardless of income in order to prevent excess carbon emissions.

This requires that there is no ownership of property and each person's consumption is carefully metered. "In the future you will own nothing and you will be happy", as the WEF has been saying. Adjustments can be made based on compliance (e.g social credit score). The first stage of this is lockdown until consumption is reduced to targeted levels via the ruse of insanely disproportionate coronavirus restrictions. After the vaccine passports are fully implemented, the system and its AI god can go to work rationing just enough to you to live.

This is all pretty out in the open, they are just lying about how excited the world is to unconditionally embrace sustainability and equality of consumption as a guiding principle for all human activity.

Whiplash347/Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie dinarchronicles.com

To get NESARA, GESARA, MED BEDS, EBS etc we must go through THE EVENT that Triggers EVENTS. Think Black Swan, Grey Rhino and catastrophic Financial Events. The keywords to the National/Global Economic Security And Recovery Act is to recover and rebuild from these Events. We must Walk Through The Dark To Get To The Light. #WhiteSquall #WWG1WGA

Wed. 1 Sept. 2021 Unemployment Benefits ended for 7+million American workers, which was bound to lead to unpaid mortgages, rent and more failure in small businesses.

Fri./Sat. 3,4 Sept: “I’m praying Hard for September 3/4 after SEC response. Define [BLACK SWAN EVENT] & Q64. At some stage here the Unexpected Catastrophic Financial Event occurs as does. Incoming attacks that speeds it all up. Be On [GUARD] The Comms are heard LOUD & CLEAR.”…Whiplash347

Sat. 11 Sept. (9/11) THE END. THE DAY OF RECKONING IS UPON US. JOHN 3:16 Q Drop 316 Connect the Markers Anon: Martial Law Starting the 11th? Q: Justice….9/11 Anniversary with possible announcement of NESARA/GESARA and gold-backed currencies of the Global Currency Reset.

Paul Kokoski #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy renewamerica.com

The Bible tells us that Satan has the ability to "appear as an angel of light." Nowhere is this more evident than in the radical attempt to promote homosexuality in society today as something good. For the purpose of deceiving Mankind and destroying souls, Satan has thus given the homosexual lobby the following 10 commandments.

1) Always see your sexual opponent (anyone who rejects homosexual acts) as the enemy. Project what they see as your sexual disorder onto them by repetitiously calling them "homophobes."

2) Separate the act of sex from its natural purpose of procreation by referring to all homosexual relationships as expressions of "love" rather than "lust."

3) Fight to deny those who oppose homosexual acts their right to free of speech. Keep in mind that politicians and judges are your friends. Many of them are openly practicing homosexuals, and the rest, swayed by power and the almighty dollar, will do anything for your vote. Remember, too, that in today's politically correct and morally relativistic society, there is no objective moral order and it often takes only one civil judge to side in your favor for you to achieve your ends.

4) Use the "race card" unceasingly against your enemy by equating homosexual behavior (which can change) with a person's color (which, by one's will alone, cannot). Most people don't know the difference.
8) Never lose sight of the fact that God is your ultimate enemy. Attack God and all religion as something oppressive, hypocritical and evil. This is easily done by taking biblical quotes out of context to suit your own purpose and meaning. At the same time, avoid all talk of the murderous regimes of atheists like Hitler and Stalin.
10) Redefine joyful and well-established words and symbols like "marriage," "spouse," "gay" and "rainbow" and attach them to homosexual acts in order to give sin an innocent, natural and pleasing appeal.

Russ Winter #conspiracy #wingnut #magick winterwatch.net

Winter Watch defines a cult as a social group with socially deviant beliefs and practices. This is further defined as Malum in se, meaning wrong or evil in itself. The phrase is used to refer to conduct assessed as sinful or inherently wrong by nature, independent of regulations governing conduct. It is distinguished from malum prohibitum, which is wrong only because it is prohibited. The kakistocracy is pushing malum prohibitum hard, as applied to what it considers “wrong think.”
Destructive cults, gangs and syndicates are commonly associated with occult doctrines that provide a mechanism by which an individual, or a small group, can control the thoughts and behavior of large numbers of people. Members’ identities can be altered and members can be turned into de facto slaves.
Enter the concept of egregore. Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a “thought-form,” a “collective group-mind” or a “hive mind.” It’s an autonomous psychic entity made up of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people. In psychology, the Group Mind is definitely recognized as one of the factors to be reckoned with in treatment.

According to this mindset — New Underworld Order “believers” hold that only they are human or chosen, and everyone else is an animal to be exploited or slaughtered.

From the inner point of view, we may see it as a composite thought hive-mind charged with emotional energy. This energy is evoked from all those who are linked with the thought-form and, if there are those in the group who know something of the psychic mechanism involved, it can be directed upon any chosen target. It is obvious that such energy can be used for evil or control purposes.

Egregore derives from a Greek word meaning “watcher” — a thought-form created by will and visualization. A group egregore is the distinctive energy of a specific group of magicians who are working together, creating and building the same thought-form or energy-form.

Etymological Fallacy Award

Mike Stone #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #fundie #racist

Look up the word "sorceries" in Strong's Concordance, a reference book which lists the Hebrew and Greek translation of every word in the Bible, and you'll find the original Greek meaning for sorceries is pharmakeia or pharmacy. In other words, drug medications. So what that line from Revelations is really saying is: "For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy drug medications were all nations deceived."

Does that sound like anything we're going through now?
To lower the human population by means of vaccines can have only two meanings: sterilization or death.

In 2019, Gates filed a patent application entitled Crypto Currency System Using Human Body Activity Data, a system designed to eliminate cash. And just how will this "human body activity data" be transmitted and processed in order to buy and sell? By an embedded microchip, of course.

Can you guess what this patent application number is? It's WO/2020/060606.

This is the same Bill Gates whose company partnered with "spirit cooking" artist Marina Abramovic, an alleged Satanist, and released a commercial starring her on Good Friday. And this is the same Marina Abramovic who proudly posed with Jacob Rothschild before a painting titled Satan Summoning His Legions.

But I guess those are all just coincidences too.
Schwab and others like him envision a future in which natural humans with God-implanted DNA no longer exist, replaced by a population of micro-chipped trans-humanist creatures. This is their future and they can't wait for it to happen.

They want to replace God's creations with their own creations. In essence, they want to become gods themselves.

At this point in time, nothing else matters in the world. This issue is the dividing point between all peoples, between all races and between all political affiliations. You either submit to the jab or you don't.

And for those who don't submit, a sea of tribulations await.

Val Nek via Megan Rose #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Val Nek: The moon base is a very large structure built with impenetrable technology. This technology was given from us (GFW) to the US military in order for them to have a base that is protected from energy weapons and other weapons that use a frequency to hack technology. The walls of the base are built with the same technology we use for portals. Only those who have the frequency key are allowed access, without it, entering or invading using energy weapons is impossible. This is important as the reptilians and greys, the Orion alliance, have the ability to invade areas using their technology, similar to ours, but not as advanced.

The base is secure and with the help of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, we have set up a satellite system that monitors the entire planet of Terra. The satellites are in orbit surrounding Terra. We have set up a grid that covers the entire planet. This technology has an interdimensional component which is very important. It does not allow anything to pass through it and works as a protective mechanism for planet Terra. This is very important because the Zeta Reticuli and Nebu create wormholes to invade different planetary systems instead of using a portal. The satellite surveillance is located inside the base on the moon where we are training engineers from the US military to use it. This is good news.

M: Are all the dark portals on planet Terra closed?

Val Nek: I cannot share that information. What I can say… It is under control. The portal in Antarctica is in the hands of the Alliance. There are many portals all over Planet Terra. I cannot say much more because there are active operations going on underground, underneath your planet. It is in the process of being cleared out.

M: Is there anything else that you want me to share?

Val Nek: Everything is under control. Do not consent to fear. It is my greatest duty and honor to be in service to humanity at this time. I will share more as our operations are ongoing.

Al Aniyunwiya National Mu'urish Republic #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #elitist aanmrgov.com

The Al Aniyunwiya National Muurish Republic (AANMR) is a Diplomatically recognized Indigenous Native Sovereign Nation of Moorish-Americans. AANMR operates in Diplomatically recognized State capacity as the Capitol Nation-state of the recognized Al Moroccan Empire dBA 'Empire de Al Morocco'. "Al Aniyunwiya" means The Principle People. It is the Original and de jure (true) Title of the Original "Cherokee" Nation of Al Moroccans/Americans. There are over 75 Million Al AniYunWiYa Confederacy descendants of various Tribes in America today miscalling themselves black, negro, colored, African-American, and other names that legally constitute volunteer jurisdiction to the corporate U.S. Federal Government. This legal mis-identification keeps these peoples void of possessing any rights reserved in law and legal slave/trade/employee property on the international record traded as chattel stock on the Stock Exchanges.
The Holy Royal Family of AANMR is the direct ascendant Cherokee (Aniyunwiyan) pure Mu'ur blood of The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali; in which the Moroccan Empire was vested by Emperor Mulay Yusef before his passing in 1927; whereas Noble Drew Ali was of De Bourbon blood as well; and the Moroccan Empire had recessed into a French protectorate under the De Bourbon Family at the time. The Al Aniyunwiya were and are the de jure Principle People of the Moroccan Empire, whereas the Ancient Moabite-Moors are the founders and true possessors of The Moroccan Empire, and Al Morocco/America is actually the Original 'Murica/Morocco; "Land of the Moors".

DecodingSymbolism #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist decodingsymbols.wordpress.com

For those with power moving their chess pieces with coordination is key to victory. Define Pawns.

Q asserted that the general populace is viewed as SHEEP/PAWNS to be sacrificed. Some of them are emotionally unstable and pushed into terrorism.

To coordinate this goal of sacrifice bluntly would be illegal or at the very least would cause the person who said it to be ostracized for being evil.

This is why Symbols are used.

Symbols transform basic communications into a business where risk is transferred downstream. The person with money and power says something inconspicuous, but with the cipher applied it’s understood as directions to perform a task. The one that desires something from the powerful person takes on that task for rewards.

The crucial point of the system it’s visible while being hidden.

Hundreds of years ago they used church’s to coordinate.

Just like now it worked downstream. Rothschild -> Pope -> to eventually the local church’s downstream, and church still play’s a role today, at no point are chess pieces given up willingly.

And this is the same as today.

Every new form of media as it was invented has been integrated into the system. Way back to the telegraph.

In time we had Weathermen giving incorrect forecasts most of the time, because the point of talking about rain and storms is quite different when you know elemental comms

I’ve decoded TV shows that act as promotions for the MK Ultra coordinator lifestyle, that with symbolism they promote the idea to comms aware parents that if they sacrifice one of their children to hell then another of their children, that participates in the brainwashing, their remaining child (and themselves) will get a little piece of heaven.

It’s a system that corrupts as it expands, because you don’t get a voice if you don’t pay the admission fee. That fee can be a child, and that act of sacrificing your own children and/or sheep you herd for a church is not a new idea.

mattehret #conspiracy #wingnut #racist canadianpatriot.org

In recent times, the words “Remember Tiananmen Square” have been evoked by both the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) and commentators like Bill Birtles and Nick McKenzie, and Nine-Fairfax Media and commentators like Peta Credlin and Andrew Bolt. It has become akin to saying “Remember the Alamo”. It’s become a slogan serving to remind us that we are dealing with an “evil empire” here.

But what if the so called “Tiananmen Square Student Massacre” never happened, or at least it didn’t happen in the way the mainstream media continues to portray it? The story that Chinese troops machine-gunned hundreds of innocent student protesters on the night of 3rd or 4th June 1989 has been thoroughly debunked by many of those present in the Square on those nights. Among them was a Chilean diplomat, a Spanish TVE television crew, a correspondent for Reuters, and protesters themselves
To help the US intelligence, there were two important people: George Soros and Zhao Ziyang. Soros is legendary for organizing grassroots movements around the world. In 1986, he had donated $1 million – which was a lot of money in China in those days – to the Fund for the Reform and Opening of China. Over the next three years, Soros’ group had cultivated and trained many pro-democracy student leaders, who would spring into action in 1989.
This falsification of history, which appears deliberate since the facts have become well known, deludes a new generation and prejudices it against China. The distortion of the happenings within Tiananmen Square reduces the media’s credibility and leaves its open to charges of grossly misrepresenting significant current events for cheap political gain.

And as Always, Thank You, America.

It seems plausible that the student protests in China during the late 1980s may, at their origin, have been spontaneously generated, but there is no shortage of evidence – facts not in dispute – that the entire student movement was quickly hijacked by the US.

crodish & BogHag #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #psycho #transphobia ovarit.com

( crodish )

"LGB Alliance is a hAtE gRoUp fOr EXCLUDING US!!11one"


Cannot even begin to describe how sick I am of seeing "LGB Alliance is a hate group!!" just because the T is not included.

Animal lovers don't hate dogs because they choose to own a cat.

A bird sanctuary established for endangered species of toucans doesn't hate pigeons.

And at this point, seeing as how much MASSIVE SUPPORT the T has right now, over the simple act of a man wearing a cap and a shirt with dangerous scary words, they don't need our backing.

Call us back when trans-friendly shelters start having dead opossums nailed to their doors.

I remember reading an article about the usage of the words "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender" by each of the major "LGBT" orgs, and Trans was about 80% of the total, Lesbian almost 0.

I remember that too! I can't recall the source now and I wish I could.

by their logic, any trans group that doesn't explicitly include the LGB as well is guilty of the same hate crime. After all, I thought LGBT+ is only allowed together or not at all?

( BogHag )

It's being a homosexual itself that's not inclusive and that absolutely chaps the asscheeks of TQ

I think it's that without the LGB, they have no legitimacy. They're parasites.

That's a big part of it. There's also the connection to their oppressed status, their "in group", "the community", they lose access to gays and lesbians to validate their very real assimilation into the opposite sex, access to vulnerable people they can groom for sex, young people in particular they can groom for sex and to praise and validate their narcissism... LGB is an absolute treasure trove for TQ

LadyNorse #conspiracy #psycho #racist stormfront.org

Re: China's VERY REAL plot to overtake Canada

How do you think we can turn this around?

Is there any way to fix this... ? It feels pretty nihilistic.

I hate feeling like a minority in my own country - and tbh, I already feel this way. I hate Asians of all sorts, I don't associate well with them. They're like drones.

Our leaders are treacherous snakes.

When will our people wake up?

Jacob Rothschild #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #sexist incels.is

[Demon Pill] Jacob Rothschild has a better sex life than all Chads, and experiences sexual pleasure beyond what Chad and Stacy can ever imagine

Many rich elite families are secret luciferians practicing ancient occult rituals including sex magic and child sacrifice in order to worship lucifier and conjure up demons to partake in these rituals.

In rituals where demons are summoned, it is common for them to have sex with the demons.

Demons have more sexual experience than anyone on this earth having been around for thousands of years and being inside multiple people throughout this time acquiring more and more sexual knowledge and sexual skill with each person they are in.

After knowing that demons have abilities to sexually please you beyond what any woman can do for you due to there superior knowledge and experience in sex, I realized that Occultists like Jacob Rothschild are mogging Chad daily and living a life any Chad or Stacy could only dream of.

While Chad is receiving blowjob from stacy (who say has 5 years experience in doing sex), Jacob Rothschild is mogging Chad into hell having mind blowing orgasms shooting semen everywhere due to the demon who is having sex with him having hundred of years of sexual experience being unleashed upon Jacob Rothschild penis.

It is truly over if you are not Jacob Rothschild or apart of one of these families, you will never experience hundreds of years of sexual experience unleashed upon your penis from a demon.

Jacob Rothschild is daily summoning demons in black magic rituals for booty calls, living in a state of constant orgasm with the demons being able to also shape shift into anything he wants while they unleash thousands of years of sexual experience upon him.

Look into this mans eyes, this is a man who mogs all Chads and Stacies world wide and who lives in a constant state of orgasm.


Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!!
Wed. 15 Sept.: This is potentially huge: Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia, grandson of the last German emperor is making (his first? public appearance on an event (and possibly TV) on Sept 15th!!!

Multiple scenarios are aligning: 1) Bitcoin mining is connected to the earthquakes in China that seem to follow the Silk Road. Silk Road is the centuries old trafficking road along the Chinese water entering Europe via Kazakhstan. East to west leads to the 3 Gorges Dam next to Wuhan the epicenter. Eyes on R3. CHONGQING marker when this dam goes the water will overflow leading up to 3GD. 2) China banning BTC & BTC contracts expiring May 29. Market crash? When BTC crashes again…..crash causes storm. 3) SEC case connected to the XRP – Ripple can cause waves can cause flow of Gold into the new financial market when we switch from SWIFT to QFS. Timing is everything. Attorney pulling out is creating more time. Eyes on all 3.

Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #dunning-kruger enkispeaks.com


A Nibiran agent of Enlil/Yahweh (probably Gabriel), designated an “angel” in the Apocrypha, came to Jesus’ grandfather, Joachim, a priest in the Hebrew temple.” Joachim was a descendant of King David. “Joachim and his wife Anna couldn’t beget the heir he needed for his position in the temple. The agent told Joachim “his wife would bear a child aided by an ‘angel’. But they would have to surrender the child to be raised by priests and ‘angels.’

Anna gave birth to Mary, who at the age of three was taken to the temple and left there.”

Enlil, “to ensure genetic supremacy for his fabricated messiah,” had Mary artificially insemination giving [he believed] Jesus a genetic advantage” and “abilities other humans lacked.

Jesus, who had been a Rabbi of Galilee, tried to end Jerusalem’s priest-dominated Judaism with an egalitarian creed of pan-human kinship and direct experience of unity in what the Anunnaki called “The Creator-of-All.” Jerusalem’s priests considered him a threat to their control and wealth and wanted Jesus killed for defying their authority..

The Merovingian dynasty started when Meroveus, who was King of the Salian Franks and a descendant of Enki (Poseidon], married Magdalene Princess Merira.

Enki came from the sea, in mythologized form in the Merovingian story. He appeared as a sort of fish-bull. In the myth that connects the Merovingians with Enki, he appeared from the sea as a sea-beast called
a quinotaur.
Merira desended from Jesus’ son Joshua. She carried Mary Magdalene‘s mitochondrial mDNA, mDNA transmitted to Joshua’s successive female descendants for 15 generations. The Meroveus-Merira marriage brought the genetics of Jesus and Mary Magdalene to the Franks.

chad kincham #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut christianforums.com

The catastrophic anthropogenic global warming scam came from the politician Al Gore, and it’s being pushed as hard as possible by corrupt politicians worldwide to enrich themselves from the hundreds of billions of dollars in carbon taxes, and to increase their control over economies and they do manipulate science and scientists as part of the scam, via the huge amounts of grant and research money given to those who propagate the scam, and other types of pressure they exert.

But there are fortunately those climatologists, researchers, professors and scientists out there, who speak the truth and counter the ridiculous scam.

Mike Adams #conspiracy #fundie #quack #wingnut #transphobia naturalnews.com

As globalists accelerate their engineered mass depopulation agenda, we must all remember that God will not intervene until humanity has reaped the consequences of its own destruction. Why is this the case? Because God granted humanity free will, and free will means nothing if those who have it are not allowed to experience the consequences of their own actions.

Because of the unleashing of biological weapons via “vaccines,” we are about to endure a devastating collapse of modern civilization. I believe that even from God’s point of view, this is a necessary process for humanity to return to God and learn the lessons of what happens when you allow your society to become steeped in evil, demonic activities such as abortion, pedophilia, child-maiming transgenderism and bioweapons attacks waged by institutions of “authority.” There only real authority who matters is God, and if he were to step in right now and halt the disastrous outcomes that have been set in motion, humanity would never learn the most important lessons that will reshape our civilization for millennia to come.
Were God to intervene and control the decisions of humans without allowing us to experience free will, then human beings would be nothing but puppets, and God’s creation of life would be a pointless exercise. As the Bible teaches, numerous societies have turned away from God over the last two thousand years, each suffering its own horrific demise, often followed by survivors begging God for forgiveness and salvation. Only when free, conscious beings choose to live under God’s principles of honoring life will society prosper.

Put another way, we will never experience a prosperous society while so many institutions (entertainment, “science,” government, the “church,” etc.) are run by God-hating satanists who revel in the mass murder of unborn children and mass suffering via bioweapons “vaccine” injections.

Rose Hannah/Adrenogate #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #quack #dunning-kruger adrenogate.net


I’ve heard many iterations of the “true” mark of the beast. I guess the “Mark of the Beast” and the “mark” or “seal of HaSatan” would essentially be 2 separate things we’re talking about. The Seal of Saturn 777, also represented by the 9-3 Thelema. But then we have the “Mark of the Beast”, which could be referring to Lucifer and the 666. I’m still unsure if the Fallen entity known as Lucifer/Abbadon/Azazel is the same entity as the annointed “covert agent of God” known as HaSatan. I see evidence for both paridigms. Which one runs the Saturn Matrix? Who’s more powerful? Does it matter?

I’ve also heard that the original number of “the Beast” was 663, 660, 606 and 616.

Rose says 660. That certainly scores a big point for the 660 crowd. A crowd that seems to be made up of only her since I could find no other sources who claimed 660. Lots of 616 and 606 claims, but not 660. She should get sole credit for this.

When I playing around with the “Comirnaty” Gematria results, I found that “Comirnaty Vax” comes out to 990. So thats a bit creepy too. 990 is 660 inverted. *”Comirnaty” is the new name for the “approved” version of the vaccine.

Like I said, I’ve heard a lot of claims for a lot of different numbers and one claim that it wasn’t even supposed to have been translated as having meant an actual number to begin with and was mistranslated from Arabic to Greek at some point.

Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #fundie #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Archangel Michael with a message to the Angelic Warrior Group.

We have been notified that the Light Grid is now lower by 40 percent. This is to do with all the fear and negative reaction to Vee programming.

Understand that when you watch the news that what you are viewing is not actually reality. What you are viewing is that which they desire you to create for them, nothing more. Your belief in the news as being true is a large part of the problem. Your belief in the threats of job loss, of forced vaccination, in further lockdowns and the implementation of communism if you continue to comply, will only put you onto the path where these things will happen. They need not do so, it is simply a question of what you fear.
Sharon knows there is nothing to fear because she has faced many of her fears already: poverty, homelessness, unemployment, abuse, loss of her status in society, no food to eat, lovelessness, and more - she has already faced it. And she is happier and calmer now in the face of this Storm because she has been prepared and absolutely knows that when she allows it, she will be looked after. She has a knowing, it is not even faith.

Me: I must live in one of the least affected spots on this planet although I live right next to Quebec, which really is getting plandemically hammered right now.

Michael: Yes, you breeze through your day without fearing because you realize that there is nothing to fear. That if you do fear it, you will attract it. So you fear not.

Me: Yes. Ivo taught me that. The only thing to fear is fear itself.

Michael: And should they require passports for entrance into the grocery store, then what will you do?

Me: Either get my neighbours to get my groceries, find a black market seller, buy online and pick up or there are any number of alternatives. I'm not worried about it.

Michael: Fear is not the true state of the human – love is. Earthlings have learned to fear and you have learned to respond in fear to everything you encounter.

Spain_iS_pain #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt reddit.com

At risk of poverty rate in 2020, early estimates


Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain.

They call us the PIGS. They want these countries poor for their benefits.

EU has been a disaster for Spanish working class... In 2008 crisis we caught into European debts trap and we change our constitution. Right now paying debts to Europe is first priority expenses...not education or health care...very good... That provoke a transfer of wealth from Spain to Germany and others EU countries meanwhile people suffer in poverty... Meanwhile our touristic industry is absolutely dependent from anglo Germany space and only provide bad jobs and bad salaries... The rise of franquoism in Spain is been promoted by elites to control the rage of people... So slowly going to the 30's decade.

Meanwhile German companies are buying fucking everything around Europe.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "I’m Glad Those Soldiers Got Blown Up in Afghanistan"]

I’m just TROLLING you – don’t be a TRIGGERED NORMIE
Anyway, the issue of the soldiers dying

Joe Biden went on TV and said “they died for our values”
I respect the troops as much as I respect anyone who does any masculine, dangerous, physical profession. But I don’t think it’s sacred or holy that they died for gay anal rimjobs – which is what Joe Biden is talking about when he says “they died for our values”
I’m also 100% opposed to the idea that the soldiers fighting in Afghanistan are fighting for something other than grown men doing anal rimjobs on little boys and being ruled by women[…]US troops are all over the world, fighting for gay sex and feminism, and no one – no matter how genuinely patriotic they are – can give an explanation as to what else they are fighting for
Furthermore – I don’t have to tell you this, but I will – my biggest donors are military vets[…]Military vets are at least 100 times more likely to donate to this site than non military vets. So, considering that – I have zero reason to insult vets or soldiers, and I would not do so
Soldiers get paid to do a job. This is not 1970, they are not drafted, they sign up and they get paid to kill Moslems for Israel
I think Donald Trump’s tribute to these dead ZOGbots was depressing and frankly disgusting
The entire concept of “Islamic terror” is primarily a hoax. First and foremost, it is a hoax. Maybe there is some guy in Europe who wants to stab people. Okay. But in terms of organized groups of terrorists, if you look at any of these groups, you find that they were founded and funded by the US government

Don Spectacularis #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, one and all. The following Timeline Tourism Handbook (2021 Edition) has been handcrafted to trigger every last bone in your body. And your very mind and very soul no less. Should you take those triggers in the right spirit, you get a rare opportunity to master reality itself. Alternatively, should you miss the whole point of me writing this text and let your respective egos get the better of you, well, let me just warn you all well ahead in advance here that just about now would be the perfect time to Google "anger management techniques" first! And with that out of the way, let us now go begin things…!

TIMELINES D, E, F, and G - These are all doom-and-gloom based timelines (that I've absolutely ZERO interest in discussing any further in here). For these ones are all entirely focused upon what could potentially occur here due to forced vaccinations, forced vaccine passports, forced lockdowns, and forced what-else-have-you! If you truly enjoy playing the victim and giving away all of your innate CREATOR POWERS and abilities away all for free, then consider these timelines as practically being a godsend for you. 
TIMELINE I - If H stands for Hope; then I stands for I AM. For individuals on this specific timeline are doing their level best to play God day in and day out, simply through the virtue of using their very FOCUS right no less! These individuals are the ones making every last ditch effort to go Master the Art of Manifestation.

* wink wink *

TIMELINE J - On this particular timeline, even the I is seen as an Illusion. For where the timeline I has Aces up its sleeve, J is the Joker. The wildcard. The One that realizes that all of it, absolutely ALL OF THIS is ultimately a huge, massive, Cosmic Joke (and nothing more). An ILLUSION of divine proportions, essentially. And exactly just that!

Wronger Than Flat Earth Award

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick bennettleeross.com

The Great Whirlpool is the Rotational Axis or Polar Column
In the middle of our universe

It is a tube of flowing electrons
That forms a Central Vortex

It is the Navel of the World

In mythical times due to the high energy flow
It was easily seen in more southernly latitudes

But more commonly symbolized as a mountain or as a tree

In religious circles it was called the Holy Spirit

Every six hours the Great Whirlpool reverses its direction
Alternating between drawing in
And expelling the worlds oceans
Thereby creating their currents and tides

This is what is called Vril Energy

The north magnetic pole
Circumvents the central magnetic circle

And the toroidal magnetic field moves with it

The sun moon and planets are bound in their revolution
By our magnetic north pole

Polaris rests above this vortex
In the center of our realm

Planets are wondering stars
The sun and moon are newcomers

The moon is semi transparent
And reflects our greater realm
Although in a distorted quasi photographic manner
It is a map hidden in plain sight

Stars rotate around the magnetic circle
Making a full circle every year

They revolve anti clockwise
1 degree every 4 minutes
15 degrees each hour

We live in an electromagnetic terrarium
The sun and moon traveling in concentric spirals
Never reaching the Artic or Antarctic
But turning back at the Tropic of Cancer
And the tropic of Capricorn

Brightest stars are categorized into constellations
Which forms the Zodiac
The Zodiac is like a 12 spoked wheel

The 12 arcs are of 30 degrees each
Which is a 360 degree full circle

Constellations shift by 1 degree every 72 years
This is called the precession of the equinox

Each Zodiac is an age

Every 2160 years there is a switch to a new Zodiac or a new Age
A full revolution of 12 Ages would take 25920 years

But our universe is not that old

We have been in the Age of Pisces
And are now entering the Age of Aquarius

The advanced astronomical clocks of the Tartarians show this

Tony Rodrigues #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon tonyrodrigues.com

Exercises for fragmented memories

Purchase Now: $39

Have you found yourself here because you have a hunch that you were involved in some kind of experimental or secret space program? After thousands of others with the same feeling contacted Tony for advice, he teamed with psychic medium, Jaci Pearse, to create a thorough and comprehensive protocol course for others who, like him, were looking for help.

How to recall space program memories


Over 1 hour 40 minutes of instructional video tutorials, Q&A, and guidance from Tony

A step-by-step protocol for memory recall

Exercises, examples, and supporting links for all steps covered


There seem to be three main categories of program experiences:

1) Human Space Programs

People that have been in a military program, usually the United States, or United Nations program. Typically have the Moon and Mars memories, always heavy medical and military memories.

2) Draco Group Contact

Usually alongside a human group, always a reptilian being and/or the typical Grey being. Always great trauma. Unspeakable things get carried out. Very rarely anything positive. Also aligned with the German Breakaway Group.

3) Everyone Else

Any number of other species come through our solar system and have an interest in interacting with any one of us. For as many different reasons. So visiting space faring species very often can leave the contactee with the feeling of benevolent interaction. The levels of technology witnessed can vary greatly, and the accounts tend to have very few things in common with other accounts.


Tony is now offering $65 consultations and can be contacted here to book. You will be asked to present completed exercises taught in the recall course before confirming your appointment time

jhartz39 #conspiracy #crackpot #quack greatawakening.win

I bought a 6 pack of Ivermectin horse paste, the same day I received it my MAGA coworker told me his parents had covid. I gave him a tube of the horse paste the next day, they took it and they have made a full recovery within 3 days. It worked like magic.

Everyone should have a tube of this on hand just for emergencies. One tube is enough to treat a 1500 pound horse. So its enough to treat 3-4 people. You have to take 2 doses, 4 clicks per dose twice in a 48 hour period. There are 28 clicks per tube.

I have a feeling the deep state will try to release a more deadly viruses in the future. Before they go down in flames they will try to take the rest of us with them. Protect yourself and your family.

There are many options on Amazon right now. There are 3rd market retailers listed there as well. You do not need a Amazon account to purchase from them.

Stay safe my frens!!!


Althaea Sebastiani #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie twitter.com

Reminder that "soft polytheism" does not exist.

Polytheism is the belief in many autonomous & individual gods. Qualifiers to that (i.e., soft) render it something else.

It's okay to be a pantheist.
It's okay to be a panentheist.

Neither of those things makes you a polytheist.

Pantheism is routinely and historically used to erase the existence of polytheism and prop up Christian religious dominance. Even if we ignore that (and we shouldn't, because this is harmful and has real world consequences).

Believing in an ambiguous divine force present in all things (pantheism) or an ambiguous divine force that exists in all things yet also exists separate from all things in some sort of collective (panentheism) is in no way the same as believing in *distinct* autonomous Beings.

Prussian Society of America #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Mathematics is Not Creative, It is a Man-Made Scourge and a Tool used by the Luciferians"]

The Information Age that we live in has also perhaps been one of the most Intellectually-obsessed Era that we live in, where the focus on Intelligence has been one of worship, rather than reverence

As such, Intelligence is “misplaced” and to a point where there is no longer any kind of Real Intelligence, because the Truest Intelligence first comes from Intuition and Wisdom

However, Modern Western Civilization rejects the notions of Intuition, and it also is not very keen on applying Wisdom. At least not in real application
Material is necessary for our survival, and I have no qualms against monumental figures being Mathematics, such as Blaise Pascal, however this Individual is a great exception in the fact that he possessed much wisdom and also the spirit to not become blind-sighted by Mathematics[…]It was his Philosophical Side which pioneered his knack for Invention and his proficiency in Mathematics, rather than the other way
Today, Mathematics is a cut and dry, calculating and Luciferian Agenda

People who think only by the means by Mathematics are essentially Evil and Calculating Cowards
Numerous youth who attend Universities in the Modern Era, actually believe that Mathematics is “Creative”, and the person who speaks this nonsense is as foolish as the one who worships the Tree Branch more than they do the Sweet Red Apple that hangs from it
The person who thinks ALL LOGICALLY and the person who thinks ALL EMOTIONALLY are both equally savage in nature

The entirely logical archetype, being represented by the Jew, while the entirely logical archetype being represented by the Negro
Mathematics has also permitted the Mass populations around the world to permit the COVID Tyranny and their Initiation into the Cult

New Humanity Movement & 5D EVENTS #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

New Humanity Movement & 5D EVENTS

Present their 27TH epic event:


NOVEMBER 4-7-2021

Golden Nugget Hotel Las Vegas
5D Events are about amazing 3-day epic 5D event is about creating a better future with Quantum consciousness, Space Science, ET Disclosure, Functional Wellness, Scalar Research and Technology, Stem Cell Research, Cancer research, Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, DNA Activation, Longevity, Quantum Healing, Tesla Technology, Agenda 21, Survival of Humanity, Secrets of Pyramids, Artificial Intelligence, Secret Space Programs, Super Soldier SSP Programs, Time Travel, ET contact, Business Leadership, CO-Creating a new Paradigm with a 2.0 humanity, Personal Empowerment, Mindfulness, Awareness, Transformation, Gratitude, Sacred Geometry, Spirituality & Life Mastery with many Lectures, Workshops, Panels, Exhibits, Friday Night Speakers meet and greet party & Saturday Night Banquet Dinner party. Networking of Researchers, Scientists, Space Scientists, Disclosure groups, Lightworkers, Star Seeds, Consciousness groups, Quantum Medicine Researchers, Biomedical Companies, Tesla Science researchers, Medical Doctors, Business Leaders, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Health Practitioners, Nutritionists, Energy Healers, Mindfulness Coaches, Please join us at this amazing 5D event with diverse audience and amazing speakers with exploration of the five precepts which we consider to be fundamentally allowing ourselves to Quantify further & gauge the following “Health, Wellness, Science, Biomedicine & Quantum Healing”. Within these three days, we shall have the most prominent keynote speakers in each area of those dimensions which will discover and engage with workshops, lectures & panels on some of the most prominent questions in our lifetime.
Event 4 days ticket now is $199 and gradually goes up biweekly to $496 (covers all lectures, Panels, workshops & exhibits), (Dinners are extra).


Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Queen An-Ra, Grand Council of New Earth Council, and I just recently became the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition. This is a new alliance created to help civilizations to have a peaceful coexistence between each other.

Our main goal is to forbid the Dark Forces to travel through the coalition territory with intentions to attack the planets that don’t want to be involved in war activities. Many different races joined us as they would like to live in a nonviolent environment without constant threat from the Reptilians, Orions, Anunaki and other ones, who destroy and thrive on someone else’s distresses and unhappiness.

The Dark Ones love to ambush civilizations with intentions to demolish Planets, Galaxies and Universes. Everyone who joined the coalition is going to be protected and helped, if they get attacked by the Negative Entities. Each nation contributes to the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition by adding technology, forces and etc. Also, a Commander was selected for the new Fleet, the name is going to be announced in the next Universal Channel message.

I have been very busy with my new responsibilities, and I didn’t forget about my tasks of New Earth Council. I have been continuously changing and replacing the Ground Crew Members, because they are not fulling their requirements of launching Nesara/Gesara, QFS, RV and etc. They keep finding a million of excuses to delay the transition.

I express my gratitude to the ones, who are spreading Love and Light, helping rescue children and women and put themselves on the front lines to transform your 3D reality to the New Earth. The ones, who create constant obstacles in the launching of a new financial system, redistribution of wealth to humanity and try to harm innocent souls, are going to be removed from your planet and face justice by standing in front of Prime Creator or Supreme Father.

End Times Prophecy Report #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt endtimesprophecyreport.com

Man is such a wicked, prideful being that (in his telling) his eventual demise is totally in his hands–not God’s.

This explains the two false (but popular) ‘Doomsday’ fables of “the nuclear holocaust” and “climate change“.

(‘Climate change’ was previously called “global warming” until the majority of people could no longer be convinced of the earth’s warming through man-made means)

Again: both of these fables put man’s demise in HIS hands.

And IF his demise is by the hand of man, then man’s salvation can also be by the hand of man.

Even in destruction, man wants to imagine that he is in control.

There are no end to deceived and deceiving men who blabber about the false problem of “climate change.” In most cases, they get paid very well to utter such nonsense.

Bill Nye demolishes climate deniers: “The single most important thing we can do now is talk about climate change.”

One of the phrases being promoted in the Corporate Media is “scientific consensus”

AS IF this is how truth is determined: by a vote of deceived and deceiving men. Majority rules.

Another phrase being flung about is “the science is settled.”

AS IF the thousands of scientific hoaxes, scandals, false ‘facts’ and frauds of the past weren’t also ‘settled’ at one time or another.

Bloodletting was settled science for over 2000 years.

The Corporate Media/mystery of iniquity has been blabbing about climate change for years.

Now the talk has become “We need to take ‘climate deniers’ out of the conversation.”
Again, wicked man will challenge the truth of God’s Word, even in his invented stories about his destruction.

EVEN those who argue AGAINST climate change (the ‘climate deniers‘) are promoting the lie by reasoning according to the world’s standards, not God’s.

The tales of man’s destruction the reader will see in the world’s Corporate Media are all tales of Man’s Destruction by Man.

This is a lie.

Jim #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #racist blog.reaction.la

[From "Where we are now"]

A survey of the talking heads talking about the fall of Kabul confirms that our major military objective in Afghanistan was to teach nine year old girls to put a condom on a banana

I am happy about the fall of Kabul, because Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires
We face two live faiths that hate us and want us to die, progressivism and Islam
Holy war is coming, and you need to take a gun to a gunfight, and a faith to a holy war. Our best prospect for winning is the Christianity that is barely beginning to show tiny shoots of green in Russia

Old Type Roman Catholicism is alive, and I wish it well, but the Pope is a heretic, an apostate, and a pagan, and the Vatican is in the pocket of the lavender mafia
Even Old Type Roman Catholicism is fatally blue pilled, and has been ever since it capitulated to the Troubadours. We need a state religion that is compatible with elite fertility, or else whites will disappear and the remnants will be wiggers

Orthodoxy has the great advantage of being a coalition of national faiths

When the Tsar conquered some place X that was not orthodox, he would install a King of X, and would send a Russian Orthodox priest from Russia to X to run their state religion
We have to replace our existing universalist state religion of progressivism and woke with a national and nationalist state religion, and Orthodoxy fits the bill better than old type Roman Catholicism, which is fatally and inherently blue pilled and fatally supranational
Keeping the roads open, orderly, and safe is the sort of thing that empires are good at and can easily do. Getting nine year old girls woke is pushing muck uphill, and empires go to Afghanistan to die because they are pushing muck uphill

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #quack #conspiracy #wingnut projectcamelotportal.com

Think about how they are educating this alien AI… I am calling the Borg. Using humans as their research subjects. This is what the Grey ETs (who serve the Reps and Draco and ultimately the AI that controls them) has been doing from the beginning. In the beginning they only abducted a limited number of humans…then the number increased. Eventually those who knew about the Eisenhower treaty with the various groups of Greys had to try to stop them from taking so many humans. So they redirected them down to South and Central America. Now things have advanced. The Grey/Rep/Draco / aka Luciferian Alliance or Luciferian rebellion against God got the select humans that they had taken over to combine certain choice things into a bioweapon that would cause “flu-like symptoms” — the most common symptoms indicating a body was rejecting something…anything it didn’t like..it’s immune system doing it’s normal job.
It is inevitable therefore that even the fully vaxxed BORG MINIONS will one day wake up from their sleeping sickness inside the body of the beast and once that happens it will be catching. Once a few humans begin to wake up and blink back into existence from within the Borg others will begin to awaken because of the phenomena or principle of RESONANCE and soon it will become an epidemic of AWARENESS and the Borg will loose it’s strength and hold over them until they BREAK FREE and the nano in their bodies will be taken over or transformed to serve their HUMAN MASTERS until in the end the BORG will disperse and taking it’s remaining devotees fly off and leave the PLANET. …PLANNED-NET that it had invaded and go off to search for other less enlightened PLAN-NETS TO INVADE.

Unknown Telegram Poster/Medeea Greere #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut amg-news.com

As you know now, the cabal had long ago planned to kill billions through a pandemic that was planned long ago. You can find hundreds of sources verifying this by searching “LOCKSTEP>ROCKEFELLERS plan/GATES”. There are countless interviews and speeches showing their plans to reduce world population.

For example, look up “GEORGIA GUIDESTONES”. And, in one of his speeches, Fauci assured his audience that a Pandemic was coming for the Trump administration. He and his cabal associates own all the patents for the Corona virus (SARS). Proof of that has been all over the Internet as well.

WHEN TRUMP released the vaccines in record speed in 2020, it completely disrupted the CABAL plans. Their original plan was to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest through 5 years of torture/full lockdowns/martial LAWS/mental psychological ops >[MSM] EXTREME EXTREME FAKE DEATH COVERAGES WORLD WIDE >>MOCKINGBIRD<<

By the second year of lockdowns, medication including methamphetamines (speed), DANGEROUS sleeping pills, painkillers, and 15 deadly other medications were planned to bring billions into psychosis, deadly depression, and suicides . . . and stop the production of the pineal gland.

Years into the lockdowns, the deaths from the FORCED medication and psychological torture lockdowns and removal of essential fruits, meats, vegetables and grains would ensure sickness and deaths.

WHEN TRUMP released the vaccines… He destroyed the MOLOCH WORLD SACRIFICE SATANIC DEEP STATE PLANS to torture and kill billions through a systematic genocidal agenda. The children would have suffered publicly through “legal” addictions to FORCED deadly medications and overdose. The torture they would endure would insure hospitalization that would induce more torture and pain producing >>>ADRENOCHROME<<<. That was the ultimate plan.

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