
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Brian Niemeier #fundie #homophobia #transphobia brianniemeier.com

Tolkien wasn’t writing to convince anyone. He told stories to tell stories. And he understood that he was telling stories to a Modernist audience. Sad but true, the overt Christian imagery of a Poul Anderson or even a Robert E. Howard is alien to a large plurality of modern readers.

And we got here because the Death Cult knew better than to beat normal people over the head with sodomy, crossdressing, and atheism right off the bat. Instead they delivered their twisted themes through symbols.

In fact, the Death Cult relies on symbolism. Each of their stated positions is a symbol. That’s why they can switch them out as quickly as Benny from The Mummy (1999).

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I’ve met some very decent transgender people

( mathlover )
People don't realize they are just being used by these supposed "reasonable trans" who "just want to get on with their lives".

Try not playing pronoun make-believe. Since pronouns refer to biological sex and "no one is denying that biological sex exists", it shouldn't be an issue. Treat these "good" trans males or trans male friends like men. Be polite about it. But he/him/his. Point them toward the mens bathroom when they need to go. Never invite them to any activity which is specifically for women only. Never introduce them to lesbian friends looking to meet women to date.

Be polite and treat guys like that as you would any other male friend or acquaintance. It shouldn't matter if any particular male friend wears dresses or makeup, "feels" he is something he can never be (the opposite sex), or gets off on pretending he is a woman. See what happens if you don't go along with the make-believe. Because the mask will slip from that "lovely trans" male when you are not supplying him with the human props he desires to live his fantasy.

( RawSienna )
A decent human with average social skills goes out of their way to avoid making others uncomfortable, especially a decent man when interacting with women. Any person who transgresses this raises alarm. TRAs are using shame, intimidation and threats to try to get us to ignore our own ingrained safety responses…and that makes us know we’re right to exclude them. It boils down to a meme I saw floating around, really:

“Good men stay out so that bad men stand out”.

( LilianH )
Tell them no, you won't call them a woman, and watch how long it takes for these "decent, non-aggressive, rational" men to turn into raging bullies.

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
It doesn' t matter if some of them are not deranged fetishists, they are still not what they claim to identify as. If they were decent, they would realize that telling others that they need to lie for their sake is not something good or respectful. Even if they do it "gently".

( hmimperialtortie )
“Decent, rational” and “TIM” are oxymorons.

You may not have an issue with these men in women’s spaces but they’re not going in there only when you’re there, are they? And if they’re going in, that proves they are not decent, and are predatory, because they KNOW what they are doing.

@Rex_Landy #transphobia gettr.com

Like predators in the wild, trannies mimic their prey.
Any man dressed as a little girl needs to ring your alarm bells. If they don't, you're a groomer or part of the problem of letting predatory males in drag hold sway.

This picture has haunted me for the past week ever since I saw it. I honestly can't.

Eliza Mondegreen #transphobia elizamondegreen.substack.com

"You're NOT crazy"
Trans radicalization volume #98437

r/asktransgender asks: “What do transphobes want us to do? Relocate? Detransition? Die?

The answer is simple—and not nearly so dire: just keep your wacky, pernicious belief system to yourself. You’re free to hold any beliefs you want about sex and gender. But don’t enforce that belief system on the rest of us: don’t indoctrinate children into it. Don’t rewrite laws around it. Don’t bend medicine to it. Don’t punish the people who refuse to submit to it.

But that’s not a very satisfying answer to a movement that’s going through an intensive process of self-radicalization. If the trans movement is to excuse its own radicalization and violence, then the real beliefs and objectives of its political opponents—opponents that include lifelong feminists, tree-huggers, children’s authors, poets, worried parents, medical providers, people of faith—won’t do. Instead, we must be remade in a monstrous image.


When it comes to trans activism, we have a group of people who are (understandably) touchy about the suggestion that they might be crazy and the social pressure to reassure them that they're not crazy is heavy.

This has led to a lot of well-meaning people going along with a lot of things that are just flat-out bonkers, whether that's "I'm a woman because I say so" or "not amputating healthy body parts on demand at government expense is one of the early stages of genocide."

It's uncomfortable to say: You may sincerely feel that way but that feeling is not based in reality. We wouldn't be here now if more people had been willing to tolerate a little discomfort along the way. And I happen to think everyone would be better off for it, since nobody benefits from adopting irrational beliefs that terrorize them or lead them to mortify their bodies.

Clif High #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia clifhigh.substack.com

By the end of this Summer, the majority of the People will be actively turning to engage in the War with the CCP. The majority will be aware that the CCP launched the attack in secrecy. The majority will be buying ammunition, weapons, and foods.

May, as forecast, will be Bloody! Bloody! Bloody! The financial slaughter will make you puke when you realize that ALL the money is gone, and you are left sitting at that desk as the populace turns in Shock, Horror, and the beginning of Anger to point at YOU. Remember, YOU don’t really understand the money system you use to create these social engineering changes. What are YOU going to say?
Without the money, what will they see? Trans will be revealed to be an attack on the soul of the nation by the CCP using Lin Biaos Army of Hairy Crabs...and YOU fell for it! You fell for ALL their weaponized MBP, trans, and ‘climate crisis’. Then you were so infected, you pushed it out on the populace, and spending their money to do it. We, the People, will see who has been sleeping with our enemy!

By the end of this Summer, ALL of the ill people making up Antifa (tranifa) will be in disarray! Their funding will be gone! No MORE EBT CARDS! NO MORE GOV’T SUBSIDIES IN ANY FORM! There will be no more cover being made by the political structure for them. True, there won’t be police out there to arrest them, BUT, also there won’t be police out there to protect them from the Populace. Will they be hunted down for past crimes by their victims? Who is that releasing all their names and locations? Will it be MI (military intelligence) who know that the CCP is paying for the tranifa attacks.
Legislator, be advised, The Storm is now visible. Prepare yourself as best you are able.

Any Q~uestions?

Get out of FRN <Fed Reserve Notes> while you can. Tens of Millions of Patriots are buying Bitcoin, Silver, Gold, Lead, Arms, Foods. Anything other than FRNs.

Linda Kimball #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Out of one side of their lying mouths, antichrist new pagan Global Darwinists and their fellow travelers tell us to believe that the Biblical God is dead, and with His death, so are Reality, immutable Truth, universal morality, original sin, man as God’s spiritual image bearer, the two created sexes, and Nature’s Law, for these point to eternal verities:

Yet out of the other side of their lying mouths, it’s common for them to brazenly proclaim that in ‘reality,’ evidence supporting mythological Darwinism is overwhelming. Some go so far as to claim that the myth of evolution is an established fact.

Both fact and evi)dence point back to unchanging Truth and Reality. Truth is accordance with that which is, has been, or shall be. History, as it unfolds, is a record of truth and reality: of what works and what does not work; of what is right and true and of what is not. The long-term collective memory of this unfolding historic knowledge is common sense.
Darwinism denies the existence of God the Father, and the transcendent Permanent Things that, grounded in eternally existing Reality (I AM WHO I AM), comprise this nation’s founding worldview and give rise to our inalienable individual rights and enduring principles of liberty: our living, personal Creator, Nature’s Law, immutable Truth, universal moral law, virtue, the two created sexes male and female, and the individual thinker and ‘choice-maker’ made in the spiritual image of God.

New pagan Progressive evolutionism tells us to believe that everything came into being by chance — accidentally, without meaning, purpose, or design — from matter. Thus, since man is an accidental emergence from ‘nothing,’ then he is in the image of ‘nothing.’ ‘Nothing’ has no soul, mind, or conscience. ‘Nothing’ owns nothing and has no Constitutional rights. And since ‘nothing’ is neither male nor female, then neither should man be, rather man ought to be ‘gender fluid,’ a term for polymorphously perverse androgyne or transgender.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TRAs are desperate

( shewolfoffrance )
The anti-TRA is movement is one of the most ideologically diverse I can think of. The diversity itself isn't proof that we're "on the right side of history." It's evidence that gender ideology is so absurd and dangerous that people up, down, and all around the political landscape can come together to put a stop to it.

It's extremely difficult to think of another issue that would have second wave feminists, conservative Christians, an assortment of burly MMA dudes, concerned middle-aged parents, college athletes, ex-wives of fetishists, and a cohort of medical abuse survivors united in such impassioned agreement.

Seriously, what would it be? Legislation to allow manufactures to use lead in paint and gas again? That's how obvious and important this issue is.

( SummerGrl )
I'm so tired of trans rights activists equating women's rights with Nazism. I'm tired of them assuming all women who speak out for women's rights are conservative. There are so many lies that that TRAs spread. This one needs to be made clear. You know TRAs don't have a leg to stand on when they can't come up with one argument to support themselves and have to resort to calling anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi. It's weak.

( RighteousIndignation )
its just projection accuse others of what they are, the funny thing is it just makes them look more insane to everyone else when they throw words around that sound big like genocide, far right and nazi it shows how unhinged they are.

they know full well they are fighting for a caste system of trans privilege, that we all need to bow down to or else, just look whom it appeals too, spoiled kids whom want the whole world to pander to them like mummy and daddy do and grown ass men who are arrogant abusers.

( amethyst7 )
I don't agree that this is desperation. The opposite: it's white male power and the reverse uno/DARVO.

Julie92845 #transphobia ovarit.com

That's what I want to tell the people who say, "Look who agrees with you! Literal Nazis, Adam Walsh, Ben Shapiro," etc. Plenty of liberals don't want to say anything because we're afraid of the backlash. Not many of us are in a position to speak freely and not worry about losing our jobs, maybe even most of our friends and family.

We're almost at this ideology being taken as seriously in liberal circles as religious laws used to be in the past, and still are around the world now. It's illegal to call a man a man in some countries if he says he's a woman. This is leaning into state imposed religion for the left. It's amazing to watch, actually.

revolver.news #wingnut #transphobia revolver.news

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/ZYL.5N7X76RJ6 )

This fear must be banished. The Democratic campaign to abolish male and female and trannify America is something worth fighting against, and worth doing so loudly and energetically. To downplay the issue is to decide that it is politically impossible to defeat… this:

"Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel says at a civil rights conference in Lansing while speaking out against what she describes as efforts to divide people. "A drag queen for every school," she adds.

For two years, the Republican Party has cried out, “Save Women’s Sports!” South Carolina passed a transgender sports ban a month ago, and Louisiana passed one in early June. Thus far, close to twenty states have passed some kind of bill intended to protect the sanctity of women’s sports. It’s easy to see why: Those bans are really popular. A new WaPo poll shows banning transgenders from girls’ sports roughly 2:1 support. Images of biologically male runners demolishing the competition, or a male swimming hulking over his hapless vanquished female rivals, are appalling and ridiculous, and thus it’s easy to mobilize the public and politicians in opposition to such absurdities.


Winter Watch #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Anheuser Busch (AB) has tossed the dice on marketing it’s Bud Light brand via trannies and LGTBQ trans-fad featured woke advertising. The marketing maven, one Alissa Heinerscheid explains in the next clip that Bud Light is a declining brand “requiring an evolution”. She then proposes that younger potential beer drinkers with woke beliefs are the new demographic for this brand, inferring that old farts, aka dinosaurs, and frat guys aren’t really much of a factor any more – but that chicks with dicks are.

That said if this AB new strategy actually works and is not a stark demonstration of New Age incompetency it will say a lot about the state of the world. It bears watching.

So far the blow back- including a boycott has been pretty fierce. We are skeptical about her belief that tranny based wokeness will work for Bud Lite.
The Bud Light spokesperson Dylan Mulvaney is also the face of new Olay, Nike, and Tampax (Procter & Gamble). #StopErasingWomen

Dylan is playing his role in promoting the “transgender” agenda which is a New Underworld Order psychological operation to destroy the family unit, sexually indoctrinate children, normalize perverted behavior. It is paving the way toward transhumanism. All orchestrated.

The New York Post postulated correctly that “executives at companies like Nike, Anheuser-Busch and Kate Spade, whose brand endorsements have turned controversial trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney into today’s woke ‘It girl,’ aren’t just virtue signaling.” Instead, they’re paying the modern-day equivalent of Mafia protection money, trying to keep the heat off their business: they’re hiring Dylan and making other displays of wokeness “because they have to — or risk failing an all-important social credit score that could make or break their businesses.” If they don’t inflict woke advertising campaigns on us, they’re liable to do damage to their Corporate Equality Index (CEI) score, which could be disastrous for their business.”

Padraig Martin #wingnut #transphobia #fundie #racist #sexist #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "Our Ungodly American Constitution"]

Transgenderism was always equality’s final battlefield[…]The idea that the sexes are mutable was an inevitability once we – as a society – subscribed to the ungodly notion that we are all “equal”[…]
The greatest fault of the Constitution is the following: through the amendment and legislative process, the Constitution is grounded in nothing but the collective whims of the majority[…]
God did not make us equals[…]Galatians 3:28[…]verse was referring to equality under the law – specifically the laws of God[…]Those who are not Christians do not enjoy the benefit of this new relationship between God and Christians[…]
Even if it was not the original intention of the majority Christian Founding Fathers[…]Constitution codified equality of good (Christianity) and bad[…]
The next great failure of the Constitution was its lack of codified racial distinctions. The Constitution was written by White Christian men (some Deists) in a time when Europe was the dominant continent[…]The idea of Asian, African, or Indian equality was never considered by the authors[…]
God created physical nations. God intended those nations to remain distinct[…]
Until the 14th Amendment, the Constitution and the Bible largely complemented one another[…]
When the greatest threat to one’s survival is a swift cheetah, God created people who are not sitting around dwelling upon esoteric concepts in a subdued state getting sun burned all day[…]
Jim Crow Laws in the South tried to reconcile the federal Constitution’s “equality under the law” with the God given genetic reality[…]
God given genetic construct of black people makes it more difficult for them to function under White systems of government[…]
Constitutional Republic completely unravels on the altar of equality when it is sacrificed to the emotional appeal and dictates of women

revolver.news #transphobia #wingnut revolver.news

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
A politically damaged, barely viable President Biden has surveyed the political landscape, and, incredibly, chosen transsexualism as his field of battle. With inflation soaring, the economy collapsing, shortages ravaging America, a human invasion tsunami pouring over the border, and repeated international humiliations, Biden and his administration flunkies are declaring an all-out war effort to promote transgenderism in every corner of America.

President Biden is signing a sweeping new executive order on Wednesday that aims to protect LGBT youth from a raft of conservative state laws and address barriers they face to health care and housing. … The order aims to use the muscle of the federal government to push back on laws in states like Texas and Florida that have restricted access to health care for transgender youth and barred discussion in elementary schools about gender and sexual orientation.

The message of the president’s new order is unambiguous: absolutely zero restrictions on bombarding children with morally degenerate sexual and gender propaganda and then permanently mutilating their genitals will be tolerated in Joe Biden’s America.

Joe Biden is certainly raising the stakes on transgenderism. The million-dollar question is, will the GOP fold, let the Biden Administration win, and let every school in America become a transgenderism factory forever?

Despite what D.C. consultants might tell you, Republicans should accept Biden’s challenge. Until recently, the GOP’s response to the transgender epidemic has been fearful, tepid, and timid. Republicans fear cancellation, they fear backlash from the extreme left, and they fear a replay of the fight over gay marriage from a decade ago.


various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( @DrSimoneGold )
BREAKING: Florida Board of Medicine has just voted to BAN the gender reassignment surgeries of children and teens.

These procedures have been permitted under the guise of “gender affirming care.” In reality, this is child abuse.

Thank you, Florida.

( @Iixsive )
So many things these days are Absolute opposite’s
Of what they Actually are
It’s like right and wrong
Have been turned inside out

It’s purely

( @AlwaysIndependent )
All part of the depopulation agenda.
Your sex can not be changed. This is to sterilize and torture children.

( @payneless )
@DrSimoneGold Awesome! Sanity at last! We must protect children no matter what it takes.


No. It's child molestation.

( @ChristianUSAPatriot )
@DrSimoneGold I prefer to call it "gender pretending surgery" / "gender pretending care."

My English is more accurate than their woke-speech.

( @MichaelMane )
@DrSimoneGold Child abuse = satanism

( @Begood )
what about revoking those doctor's medical licenses while they're at it.

( @Kidbrightwillow )

Child abuse for sure.

Doctors are not “affirming” genders. God does that when people are born. They are either XX dominate or XY dominate. Supposed “medical care” consisting of surgery &/or a drug regimen cannot & does change the chromosomes everyone is born with.

I thank the Florida Board of Medicine for following “the science.”

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans flight attendant, 25, who gained fame in United Airlines commercial kills herself at Colorado home after leaving heartbreaking suicide note apologizing to 'everyone I let down'

( Women1st )
I’ll be the one to say it of this tragedy. Transition did not help the comorbitities.

( overanddone )
neither did major notice or success, in his profession. TERFs will get the blame though.

( Aparallaxia )
'Dysphoria cured', as Exulansic would say. This is such a wretched, miserable story. Only 25...

( darksunset )
Terrible. It all might have been different if he had gotten actual care for his mental health issues instead of turning into a freak show by evil medical professionals.

( TwoXChromosomes )
It occurs to me that if the TRAs would just be amenable to counseling and therapy before jumping straight to irreversible medical procedures, this man might still be alive.

( pennygadget )
The problem is that these young people are lead to believe that transition will magically solve all their other mental health issues. None of these trans ""health care"" workers will dare ask a patient WHY they think they're trans. Nor will they delve into a patient's comorbidities (ie internalized homophobia, sexism, bullying, childhood abuse, sexual abuse, trouble at home, coming from a homophobic religious background, all their friends being trans, etc) before handing out hormones that fuck with brain chemistry.

So, when a kid like this transitions and realizes that his mental health problems are still there despite getting ALL the validation and surgeries and pills he asked for....that has to be a gut punch.

They accuse us TERFs of killing trans people. But they're the ones refusing to treat their REAL problems!

( Agrimonium )
You mean COnVeRsiON tHeRaPY?!?! Seriously the rebranding of therapy as torture when used to support trans-indentidying people is evil. It is causing these stories.

Chuck Norris/Dr. Leonard Sax #wingnut #dunning-kruger #transphobia wnd.com

The opening of Thies' column this past week immediately grabbed my attention: "Children of politically liberal parents are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, lack of sense of life meaning, and have substance abuse issues," according to Dr. Leonard Sax, Ph.D. in psychology, author of four books for parents, and also a family physician with more than 30 years of experience.

Dr. Sax explained that, over the past decade in particular, a massive movement has grown of "permissive parents." They are those who are persuaded to carry out a more "gentle parenting," because they do not want to come across as "controlling" or "coercive" to their children.
NYU professor Jonathan Haidt took it one step further. Sax explained that Dr. Haidt "argues that the real reason that left-of-center kids are more likely to be depressed compared with right-of-center kids is that left-of-center kids have been taught to catastrophize events, to assume the worst, while right-of-center kids are taught to be more optimistic."

"Taught to catastrophize events" like global warming, nuclear war or America's involvement in the Ukrainian-Russian war debacle? But aren't those also political issues they are being pounded with on social media and school as well? Isn't "teaching catastrophizing events" taught on an even greater scale by public education, which is now the bastion of the left's secular progressive agenda?
"If parents have grounded their kids in a more lasting culture, then kids are to some degree insulated and protected from that toxicity of contemporary American culture. But if parents are permissive and let their kids spend hours a day on social media and playing video games, then kids are immersed in that toxic culture, and that toxic culture we know leads to anxiety, depression, and disengagement."

"These parents are also more permitting to life-altering medical treatments, such as transgender drugs and surgeries, than authoritative parents," the Examiner concluded.

@shakerofsalts & @Rex_Landy #transphobia gettr.com

( @shakerofsalts )
If TIMs (transwomen) are, in their own words....
"More beautiful and stunning than real woman"
Then why aren't swarms of men (real men) seeking out these so called "stunning women"? Surely if #transwomen are so much better then real women then the percentile of men dating transwomen would be much higher?
Men know what they want.
And it sure as f*** isn't a "woman" with a penis.

( @Rex_Landy )
That's called 'copium'. They have to take massive great whacking doses of it #OntheDaily
If they were so happy to be neutered men in drag, with a flabby, oestrogen-soaked weeping turkey neck cock, why are OUR thoughts and opinions so important then?
I don't need other people to tell me 'you're a weaver, yes you are!' LMFAO. Cos they know that they are hairy, manslab beasts in brocade!

Ophelia Benson #transphobia butterfliesandwheels.org

I’ll bet the TiMs attending would be some pissed off it it ended up being all TiMs and only TiMs in attendence. I think that’s why they insist on having it both ways. They need women and girls there to validate them, to show everyone they’re just “one of the girls.” They can’t do that if it’s a total TiM sausage fest. Then they’d be being ghettoized, and they’d have to find some group with actual validating females in it so they could join. Again. Any exclusively TiM accomodation (which you’d think they’d be happy with) denies them the validation that sharing exropriating women’s facilities and resources they crave. A sporting event made up entirely of TiMs would be a complete failure. They’d just be competing against other cheats. Where’s the fun (or validation) in that?

As much as they’d hate to admit it, they need women present. Women are the secret ingedient that they can’t do without because TiMs can’t validate each other. It doesn’t work that way. How many “trans lesbians” date other “trans lesbians”? The “cotton ceiling” doesn’t refer to TiMs. Why is that? Without actual lesbians in the mix, any TiM is just a heterosexual male, and they know it. It’s really quite a bind they’ve put themselves into, and they’re doing their damnedest to use women to get themselves out of it. But there’s no resolving this inherent contradiction, especially when gatekeeping women “withhold” the validation that TiMs so desperately need. Why can’t women just shut up and be kind?

It’s just like the attempted hostile takeover of the word “woman.” Changing the meaning of the word “woman” so that it includes men destroys the meaning they’re so desperate to latch onto. If women abandoned the word and took up a new one for themselves, TiMs would come around to appropriate that new word too. They can’t be their “true selves” without women being forced to accept them as women. It’s like TiMs are trying to extract some sort of stamp of authenticity from the women they’re forcing themselves on. It’s sick and twisted. Just as TiMs reject third spaces for toilet facilities, open categories in sports, trans exclusive rape crisis accomodations and counselling, they demand access to women’s spaces and, ironically, women’s approval.[...]

Every-ist And-ophobe #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt #interphobia youtube.com

ANYONE that uses "pronouns" should be cancelled. This is the EXACT PROBLEM. look if your a man and you dress up like a woman and put on makeup you are NOT A WOMAN. And you CANNOT FORCE ME to be a part of your mental illness. Period. NO amount of hormones or makeup will EVER change your DNA only 2 sets of chromosomes XX AND XY THAT 100% FACT AND you can't FORCE me to go against FACTS AMD TRUTH.

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

( KittyWhawWhaw )
Neo Nazis at Let Women Speak Melbourne
…Does anyone else find this suspicious in the extreme?

So not only do Neo Nazis suddenly care about women’s rights all of a sudden for some reason, but they do a cartoonish Nazi salute, and let TRAs grab at their flag without resorting to any violence against them?

What about all this speaks legit Neo Nazi to you?

We know that many TRAs have a “Nazi Phase”, to the point that you can even see them talking about it if you Google it.

Who would ever suspect that they use their Nazi connections to hire either real Neo Nazis or a bunch of TRAs pretending to be?

I’d say that this is conspiracy lunacy, but look at what else they’ve done. I wouldn’t put anything past them. And this is the perfect move to undermine Let Women Speak.

Everyone is a Nazi, according to these people. Is it really such a stretch to come up with this propaganda idea?

Article on the subject: https://archive.ph/2023.03.21-161414/https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/violence-erupts-at-antitransgender-rally/news-story/87e06cdf34e9551c2d869849fd41d550?amp&nk=2410bf818d0716aaf90c64d322b29ae2-1679415260

( Laila_Salem )
When I saw the photos and read how the police casually allowed them my first thoughts were well many "closeted " TIMs go to work on the military and police and similar careers.

Women should hire a detective agency to see who's really behind these people, cause now all the news is not about what was really said in the Let The Women Speak even but about these men.

( sunhatpat )
The Biden administration has recently put trans rights on the level of national security, thus paving the way for CIA or other covert infiltration into the politics of other nations. It would not surprise me AT ALL to learn that these so-called Nazis were actually mercenaries, funded by the CIA

( momjeans )
It's not lunacy. This is a common tactic used to discredit movements, especially when they seem to be gaining favor with the public. The conspiracy community has known this for a long time, so much so that it's a predictable and laughable trope.

It does dual duty. Not only does it smear & discredit a popular movement, but it also gives the gov & intelligence agencies a legitimate reason to crack down on emerging movements like Let Women Speak. Guilt by association.

Marjorie Taylor-Greene #wingnut #transphobia twitter.com

This is terrorism, kidnapping, and extortion.


The trans movement is out of control and a danger to children and our society.

Transgender terrorists attacked Riley Gaines causing her to lock herself into a room for fear of her life.

Then they held her hostage and demanded money in exchange for her safe passage off of the San Francisco State University.

Riley IS a real woman and athlete and deserves respect, privacy in women’s spaces, and the right to compete in her sport against biological women only.

Trans women are NOT women and they already have the same human rights every single other American has.

Trans women ARE men and will NEVER be women, but they’re aggressively and dangerously trying to force themselves into real women’s places where they do not belong and are destroying women’s rights.

No amount of hate, screaming, intimidation, violence, school shootings, or anything else will ever force us to accept or bend to these sick, disgusting, evil LIES.

Maplefields & VestalVirgin #transphobia ovarit.com

I don’t believe in god & I don’t believe you’re a woman 🤷‍♀️

( Maplefields )
If modern Christians acted like TRAs:

Them: join me in prayer.

Me: I don’t believe in god.

Them: how dare you! You’re erasing my existence! I can feel God. Who are you to question my feelings!?

Me: I don’t feel anything. I’ve never seen any proof of God either.

Them: God is everywhere. Everyone has God in their hearts. This isn’t up for debate.

Me: I’m not praying to something that doesn’t exist.

Them: OMG! Genocide of my people! So you’ve chosen unemployment then. Prepare to be cancelled. I’m telling all of social media what a bigot you are and how you want to kill us.

( VestalVirgin )

Them: "You must eat this communion wafer!"

You: "But I have celiac disease, I can't eat wheat!"

Them: "It's not wheat, you heretic! It's the flesh of Christ! Burn the heretic!" * Proceeds to shove the wafer into your mouth while rallying others to build a pyre. *

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gettr.com

One of the principal organizers of Dublin’s gay pride parade has decided to add the colors of Ukraine to the LGBTQ rainbow flag, presumably to ensure support for all ‘current things’ are covered.

( @mc_muffin )
Fuck off

Back in the closet

( @The_Real_Blake )
The alphabet people don't realize they are being used as a distraction. If the Marxist agenda is achieved, there will be no more use for them and they will be relegated to the trash heap. The new world order won't have room for people with mental disorders.

( @ravenjams )
Alphabet people are a bunch of mentaly ill people.

( @waronwoke )
At the end of that rainbow there is a massive bomb crater with a dumpster full of burning pedos at the bottom of it.

( @MarinaK )
Another confirmation that Ukraine is NOT the side to be on.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Friend believes in cis-privilege

( Perseph265 )
Ask her to define 'cis-privilege' and what it looks like for women.

The only response I've ever gotten to this is along the lines of 'being recognized as your correct gender'. And what does being recognized as a woman get women, particularly in places like Afghanistan, China, South Korea, or deep red states in the US these days?

You cannot be privileged on an axis of oppression.

( amethyst7 )
Sadly, nothing. The best you can do is gentle Socratic questioning.

"Why can't she see what's obvious?" - this is like asking why a pilot can't see through fog. TWAW is a very convenient smokescreen.

When I was a handmaiden, I used to think that a man wouldn't have to pretend to be trans to walk into a bathroom and assault someone, he'd just do it. Which is a talking point if you're not aware of the insane amount of AGPs who do this, and just assume TIMs are all harmless confused men with "gender dysphoria" who just want to "live their lives. And some TIMs really don't have any intention of hurting people - they really are just confused. But of course you can't tell which is which.

From the POV of someone who supports this, your chances of meeting a TIM in a women's bathroom are tiny, so what do you have to worry about?

They really have no wider awareness of this. Like Hollyhock said, she is probably privileged enough in life not to have given much thought to what some men do for sexual satisfaction.

The "best" way might be bringing up just what lengths men will go to to get their rocks off... but in a very subtle way.

( Women1st )
Lol- cis privilege for a woman today? That’s hilarious. So femicide, DV, male violence, rape is nothing? And having males rob women of their safety and privacy is privilege? Males being recognized for women’s sports, on IWD, and throughout women’s history month is privilege? Being silenced by men at let women speak events is privilege? Women being housed with male rapists in women’s prisons is privilege? Maybe said friend should look up the definition of privilege.

( VestalVirgin )
Did she actually say whether she would like to share a prison cell with a bepenised individual? Isn't that what it comes down to?

Have you asked her what cis-privilege she thinks women in Afghanistan have?

Sha'i ben-Tekoa #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie americanthinker.com

If the Nobel Prize Committee had the category of Most Influential Invention of the Last Century, one candidate might be the Pill, the contraceptive that came into widespread use in the 1960s and triggered a chain reaction of one tectonic, societal earthquake after another. I was a college student at the time and watched it happen.

If you want to know the origin of today’s sexual madness—”What’s your pronoun?” Little boys get castrated; pubescent girls undergo double mastectomies, and drag queens entertain American kindergarten kids.—it all began with the Pill that re-configured the relationship between men and women as never before since the Garden of Eden.

The Pill’s advent ignited a tsunami of fornication, a.k.a. premarital sex and adultery, that led to a further tsunami of millions of couples divorcing, the invention of no-fault divorce, millions of tears, and millions of broken families.

The Pill produced “Women’s Lib” and women like Hillary “Lady Macbeth” Clinton, who sneered at motherhood and wanted a “career” just like a man.
The Pill has produced a society that is dizzy with the fantasy that there is such a thing as “gender” (outside of grammar), let alone transgender, which is nothing but the old transvestism explicitly forbidden in the Jewish Bible right alongside male-to-male sodomy. The divine genius of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is that this is how societies die, via sexual abandon and sexual perversion, a couplet no longer permissible in the politically correct generation of the “woke.”
There is also a connection between the loss of a sense of right and wrong in matters of sex, and right and wrong in other activities, such as the FBI. In that institution, we’ve learned that the agents protecting the sexual perversity of the son of the President of the United States and the first family’s influence-peddling among the communists, have also allegedly led to hundreds of intramural sex harassment cases amongst agency employees.

Greg Kelly #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

What are they talking about? What are they complaining about? Again, guns in America. Hey, good luck with that because how many guns in America are there, oh, by the way? Yeah, 415 Million firearms, okay? They're going to last us a couple of 1000 years even if you stopped every gun from ever being manufactured, this is not the answer. But they prefer this. Number one -- maybe they think they can win, but they don't want to talk about this right now, in this context, what I call our monster picture. This, to them, is a civil rights issue. This is a civil rights issue. And when a transgender mass shooter opens fire on children, well, that jeopardizes their agenda, doesn't it? Because for some perverse reason, they think this is wholesome. By the way, the real threat to democracy, to our way of life -- I'm sorry, just might be transgender individuals armed with guns. It's happening all over the place.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

They're tying Parker posey to Nazis again

( Iceni )
I think it was a stunt pulled by the TRA's. I mean, they were all men in black and black masks, right? They probably decided on the day who should play a Nazi clothed in black and who should play a TRA Nazi clothed in pink and blue.

( Iota_Aurigae )
Now that I see this, I remember that the trans community (specifically TIMs) is infamous for having “former” Nazis…

( BehindtheCurtain )
Let's be fair. Very few TPA's are in shape the way those males were. Those were military or police trained bodies. There is some overlap, but I think it's more likely they came to piss off both groups and try to incite more rage.

( GrimeldaS )
Pretty sure there was at least one guy there is the son of a cop so I don't think it was TRAs. I do think the police deliberately allowed them past, either to discredit the women speaking or because they support neo Nazis. Unfortunately the whole situation has made feminists look really bad which I believe was part of the reason they showed up.

( SuddenlyRamen )
Yeah they're trying really hard to make that a thing. I wouldn't be shocked if they were TRAs in disguise or actors hired by them 😄

( bio-woman )
Didn't the person they "suppressed" attack someone? I know that people got injured at that point in the rally, but it was kind of hard to see what was going on during the stream.

( notsofreshfeeling )
A man in a wig ripped the microphone away from a woman speaking and would not let it go, resisted when they tried to take the microphone back. The body guard there was attempting protect the speakers.

One woman was taken to the hospital after being injured and the MP Moira Deeming was kicked in the shins.

( SummerGrl )
This is all over Twitter. They are pretty much using it to say "terfs" are nazis. It's pretty insulting. I don't want anything to do with that. Nazis are abhorrent and really have nothing to do with gender critical feminism. It's pathetic that TRAs can't differentiate between women who want to stand up for their rights and safety and people who openly advocate for killing others. TRAs have a very black and white way of thinking and that's not how the world works.

Gregory Hood #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

One can almost admire the “trans” community’s shamelessness, but courage is easy when the federal government and its media pets are backing you.

Is there an insurrection happening in Tennessee? Will these kids be thrown into a gulag? Will the FBI arrest hundreds of people in a dragnet? Will we have a special committee on this?


You’ve got to hand it to trans. One of theirs killed some kids for political reasons, and they’re the ones storming the state capitol as the media worries about a backlash against them.


It’s tedious even to say it, but obviously there will be no sweeping purges of pages, products, or propaganda on trans issues, in contrast to even moderate pro-white speech.

In 2019, after a young white shot non-whites in El Paso, David French wanted “war” and to treat “online white-nationalist radicals exactly the way we treat online jihadist sympathizers.” After the Nashville shooting, he just wants to “pray” and vent his scorn on “gun fetishists.”

“Imagine if the situation was reversed” is tedious. Pointing out double standards, by itself, accomplishes nothing. In their minds, progressives do not have a double standard. Many believe speech they think is harmful and reinforces oppressive social structures should not be free.

America is a country like any other, with a ruling class that has an official ideology that justifies its power. These days, that ideology is egalitarianism, which has spawned a religion that worships blacks and other media-approved “victims”. Those who are obstacles to the impossible (and undesirable) goal of equality, especially whites, are an “enemy” group as surely as the kulaks were under the Bolsheviks. All history has been redefined as a story of oppressors versus oppressed, with whites, traditional Christians, and others who built Western Civilization cast as eternal villains. Even calling it egalitarianism may be too kind because it often becomes crude anti-white hatred. Modern America’s war against “hate” is one of the biggest cases of projection in history.

Syynx #wingnut #transphobia steamcommunity.com

(talking about an indie game about fishing)

Is this game woke?
Interested in buying, can anyone playing tell me if this game is being influenced by the woke leftist agenda so I know if I can play or not?

Between Dead Space's woke bathrooms, Hogwarts Legacy's woke genders, and RE4's woke soundtrack I'm starting to doubt if I'll be able to play any new games this year...

various commenters #transphobia gettr.com

( @shakerofsalts )
If TIMs (transwomen) are, in their own words....
"More beautiful and stunning than real woman"
Then why aren't swarms of men (real men) seeking out these so called "stunning women"? Surely if #transwomen are so much better then real women then the percentile of men dating transwomen would be much higher?
Men know what they want.
And it sure as f*** isn't a "woman" with a penis.

( @CamiKarzy )
It's part of their delusional fantasy that they believe to be true. They think they are a woman and it is so. They think they are God's gift to men and it is so. Interesting that the God's gift trait usually belongs to males.

( @PhilTheGog )
They have to be ‘more beautiful than real women’. Their massive male ego insists on it.
See also, better at sport, better at taking female only jobs, etc.

( @UnaDavey11 )

( @Terfervilles )
Delusion, denial and narcissism are all part of this porn-induced mental illness.

@ljlyon #transphobia gettr.com

The hate filled language of transgenderists and their supporters towards women Using TERF (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist) and threats of violence that accompany this hate filled language against women who protest the male invasion into womanhood and society's ignoring or acceptance of this language has in the past resulted in genocide against the demonized targeted demographic. There is already a femicide happening against females most notably in China and India with selective abortion from the pressure of intensely patriarchal cultures preferring male children. Over 100 million girls/women are estimated to be missing from the global population. Misogyny ever acceptable and invisible. Misandry ever unacceptable and crazy to even suggest such a thing.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Gender_Critical )
Cis is a slur.



( notapatsy )
"Don't cisgender me," I say, whenever someone does so. "Self ID works both ways, and you don't get to define and label me."

( disco_metal )
Plot twist: I'm actually agender (because I don't "feel like" a woman--I am a woman)

( Irene )
buT it'S nOt laBeLinG yOu iT's juSt fActuAlly wHaT yoU ArE :) :) :) iT juSt meAns NOT TRANS anD yOu'Re nOt trAnS, riGhT?

( Intuiterf )
But how can you tell I'm not trans? I thought it was supposed to be impossible to tell 🤡

( Women1st )
I don’t have to accept their label because they want to validate themselves! I’m a woman, you are not

( Kriegerin )
I saw a TRA "meme" (why are leftists "jokes" just condescending lessons?) that mocked people and especially women who reject the misogynistic "cis"label and they were jerking each other off how it's "just a neutral description".

Alright, so surely you're okay if i call you an autogynephilic fetishist crossdresser or self hating fujoshi handmaiden, right? It's literally just accurate descriptions 🤔

( DurableBook )
Eh, "cis" is just the fig leaf for polite liberal sexism.

Even the people who will talk your ear off about how "sex is a social construct" know exactly which class of people cannot ever be transwomen. They know exactly which class of people need to shut up and sit down.

But they also know it will cramp their style to openly express the same retrograde sexism as their grandpa, hence the invention of a bunch of Totally New And Not At All Recycled gender labels.

( overanddone )
It is.

It is also a convenient gotcha. If transwomen are women, why the distinction used to denote natal women (or, as I am fond of saying “actual women”)? Hmmmm. Must be something fundamentally different about transwomen then, eh? Wonder what that is?

( hmimperialtortie )
Even if it wasn’t used as a slur, why the hell should normal people be defined as not belonging to a group of fetishistic, woman-hating transvestites?

( FutureBreedMachine )
It's literally telling people who aren't psychotic and interested in medicalizing themselves that they're cool with ass backwards sexist stereotypes 🙄 TIPs and TRAs might be some of the most sexist people I've ever met. I thought super right wing old dudes were the worst but they've got some serious competition these days

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Hey Joss Prior you unhinged POS. You’ve been ranting on about erasure and trans genocide. You disingenuous cretin! The ONLY erasure going on is of women. You have stolen everything about us. You have banned us from speaking apart from you, you have banned us from even having a Name for ourselves that doesn’t include you. You pieces of shit are the colonizers. You are the ones erasing women, sending us vile rape and death threats. You’re a fucking psychopath and so are your bros. You sick gaslighting pricks. You will still exist without the label Woman. Just as you have for decades. Colonizing creeps!! www.terfisaslur.com

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What evidence would you need to see in order to change your mind?

( KanaChameleon )
I would be happily live and let live if TRAs would do the same. If they agreed and respected that women and homosexuals have boundaries and needs distinct from that of the trans identified.

If TRAs did not insist on eradicating single sex spaces, women's sports, safeguarding measures, female prizes and opportunities, sex based language, homosexuality defined as same sex attraction, and instead fought for third spaces or their own trans opportunities exclusive to them, then please go for it. Even if I will not ever agree that men can be women and women can be men I have no right to stop anyone self defining. I just do not believe the law/or our social rules should be based around identity over biological sex.

( notsofreshfeeling )
100% - Gender identity should be protected on the basis of protected belief, not sex. It's a religion built around the supernatural: it's materially impossible for our sexually dimorphic human species to change from one sex to the other. I'm fine with people believing in flat-earth type nonsense, just as long as those beliefs are not imposed upon me.

( hmimperialtortie )
It’s not an unfalsifiable claim, though, which makes me think it’s not in the same category and definitely not worthy of protection. The claim that men can be women and vice versa is demonstrably untrue. Plus the whole point of it is to force it on the unwilling.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Having wine changed into blood is also untrue in exactly the same way — the religious practices themselves can be falsifiable by reasonable people, but not so by believers in a gender (soul). I say religion. Children (who cannot consent and are therefore unwilling) are targeted in both cases.

( m0RT_1 )

For me, they would need to demonstrate absolutely no intention to colonize and take over women's sexed based rights in law or practice. I'd support them having their own safe spaces and clubs,etc.

I'd like an answer to why can't men accept TIMs as another category of men and support them in the male community, too.

Also, i like an answer to how we are meant to distinguish between so-called "true trans" and the other 98% that are porn-soaked AGPs that make women's lives a fetish.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia kunstler.com

How’s the war going? Huh? Do you mean the war over in Ukraine? Or the US government’s war against its own people?

Well, the first one, the Ukraine War, is mostly destroying Europe — though, apparently, the denizens of Germany, Holland, et al., haven’t figured that out yet. Europe’s industrial economy is toast without affordable Russian natgas. We turned off their pipeline for that in September and nobody in Europe objected. They just sucked it up and went back to smoking cigarettes at their café tables. A year or so from now, nobody in Europe will have enough money for a cappuccino (or cigarettes) and maybe then they’ll start asking the mental mollusks who run things there some questions — if they don’t just leapfrog all that politesse and burn the joint down.
So far, everything we’ve done to promote the conflict has backfired on Western Civ. Most of the rest of the world recognizes that the US has gone insane and they are taking careful steps to decouple from us — mainly to stop using our money for international trade. Really, would you want to have anything to do with a crazy person? No, you’d put as much distances as possible between you and this lunatic and stop even trying to communicate. If the world stops using the dollar in trade, the dollar will lose value, and so will the trillions in US bond paper held by other countries, which said countries will seek to unload as quickly as possible. Can you spell sovereign debt crisis? Look out below….
Probably more than half of America realizes that the legal system has been purloined by the same rogues who infiltrated social media and the state boards of election. They are getting good and goddam sick of it, along with all the mental twerkery around transgenderism, race hustling, climate change, and Ukraine. I’m sure it means we’re in for a thrilling spring and summer.

US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) #transphobia #dunning-kruger apnews.com

Twitter says it has removed thousands of tweets showing a poster promoting a “trans day of vengeance” protest in support of transgender rights in Washington, D.C., on Saturday[…]
In removing the tweets, Twitter said it used automated processes to do it quickly at a large scale, without considering what context the tweets were shared in. Because of this, both tweets that were critical of and those that supported the protests were removed[…]
Many of the tweets Twitter removed were from conservative users sharing an image of the flyer in an attempt to connect the planned protests with the recent school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee. In the aftermath of the shooting, some right-wing activists and commentators have seized on the gender identity of the shooter in order to denounce transgender people and advocates, call transgender people violent, and “evil,” and insinuate they are planning to engage in violence. U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia, was among the Twitter users whose account was affected[…]
On its website, the group organizing Saturday’s protest said it does not condone violence. In a statement posted on the site, the Trans Radical Activist Network and other organizers also strongly rejected any connection between the school shooting in Nashville and Saturday’s protest, which organizers said was planned before the shooting took place

“Vengeance means fighting back with vehemence,” the protest’s organizers wrote on their website. “We are fighting against false narratives, criminalization, and eradication of our existence”

various commenters #transphobia yahoo.com

RE: Trans sauna ban being considered in Germany

( bot )
Ban genital and breast surgery and synthetic hormones for all people and all ages.

Treat them for the mental disease.

Sex = gender.

Intersex = intersex or gender closer to the state at birth.

"Trans women" are men, period. They are delusional.

( lies )
It's sad how many people just don't care about women anymore. We are being sold out to biological men.

( David )
Trans women are not women. They are men pretending to be women.

( Kelly )
How many men would ever seriously date trans women? Because sooner or later they will be yelling about how men are discriminating against them because straight men refuse to date TW.

( Robert )
trans = fake/imposter/pretending to be something you are not

( lifeisntfair )
They woke crowd says sex and gender are 2 different things. I say they used to be the same thing until some mental patient needed to justify their delusion.

( Not given )
Women's rights are rapidly turning into mens rights.

These radical gender terrorist need to be stopped.

( Hopeless )
Great! Because trans aren't women at all. They're dudes

( isis )
The article should state, "Men who identify as women" wanting access to women's sauna's. The majority of men with gender dysphoria are heterosexual autogynephiles and pose a threat to women's safety.

( Kelly )
I just am flabbergasted at this whole thing. The Left progressives don't seem to care about their privacy or the privacy and rights of other women. Most women will not want to be in a sauna or locker room and then look over to see pee pee hanging out. These are traditional safe places. I don't care how trendy and cool you think you are (leftist women), why do you seem to despise women so much? And it is disgusting to hear a woman politician say, "these are women". No, they are not. How has it gone so far Left that the entire world and culture are falling apart? How have views changed so much in 10 years that now all of a sudden WOMEN (not Men) are having everything taken from them because a man with a pee pee "feels" he's a woman? How is that even possible when he has never experienced any of the trials and tribulations that come with womanhood? Womanhood is more than wearing a dress and wearing makeup. I feel like the world has lost its mind. And letting 14 yo change their sex (which is IMPOSSIBLE). It feels like the end of days.

various commenters #transphobia yahoo.com

RE: Trans sauna ban being considered in Germany

( JPW )
I don't see why this even needs debate. It is a slap in the face to women and women's rights to allow a trans gender person in: a) a change room, b) a washroom, c) any other type of room designated for women. It is only common sense. As a civilization, we have gone much too far in adhering to woke principles, even when they violate common sense.

( elaine )
Women’s rights are rapidly disappearing under the weight of the gender confused rights. Women have a right to privacy from men and a man can never actually be a woman.

( Paul )
So I as a man , can say I am a woman and go into a sauna used by women? That would work for me, although it might become obvious I wasn't thinking like a woman, if you get my meaning.

( Not given )
Alot of women and young girls are complaining of that exact problem.

Its nothing more than camouflage for predators.

Radical gender terrorist must end

( Timothy Gibson )
The fact this is even a debate shows how far humanity has fallen in terms of general common sense. If you're a biological male, you use the MEN'S bathroom, sauna, dressing, room, whatever. You're either pro-woman or pro-trans, they're mutually exclusive and anyone who says they're both is just a bold-faced liar. Supporting the trans cult is a direct affront to the VERY long-winded effort woman went through to gain equal rights in civilized society, and the LGBT breaks it down at every opportunity.

Every woman on earth should be VERY concerned with this, the very idea of the trans cult's demented male members getting to just decide whether they want to use a woman's private space is like something straight out of an Orwell novel. The fact this is ACTUALLY happening in modern times is still stunning...

( Jason )
They should stop using the word ban because it’s not a real ban considering you’re still able to use the sauna that relates to your biological gender.

( Kelly )
But the media must say ban to outrage the leftists. I read an article on a trans boy who said a law that would not allow him to play soccer would leave him without sports to play. Uh, no, you can still play on a soccer team with your own sex.

( Donnie )
There is no such thing as trans women. There is no such thing as trans men. There is no such thing as non-binary people.

There are men and there are women. That is all.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( @Libsoftiktok )
Just when I thought this week couldn’t get any better 👏

( @SundayNiteDriver )
@Libsoftiktok Praise God in Heaven.

( @EllaPamH )

( @Bauer7117 )
@EllaPamH @Libsoftiktok is it weird that everytime I see these pictures I feel overwhelming sadness for these people and our country? How are we allowing and promoting the mutilation of our young?

( @SallyTreaganwarrior )
Save the children!

( @Ghostjackyl )
@Libsoftiktok should be 21 years of age. Can’t drink a beer at 18 but you chop your dick off? Dumb

( @benisxddd )
@Ghostjackyl @Libsoftiktok why should tranny ideology even be acceptable at 21, this kind of cowardly conservative position got the country to this point

( @Ghostjackyl )
@benisxddd @Libsoftiktok agreed. Drinking at 18 is a lot less severe than sex surgery. Whatever happened to fags that knew it was wrong and hid in the basement

( @benisxddd )
@Ghostjackyl @Libsoftiktok conservatives done the same thing with gays "why care about what adults do in their own bedroom" while now they don't only support gays republicans are completely pro-gay

its a harder push but conservatives have already started pushing pro tranny positions, everyone forgets about republican candidate tranny freak bruce jenner

( @JGC1 )
@Libsoftiktok ...........What A Shame On The Medical Profession That A Law Had To Be Created To Stop Them From Mutilating Small Children And Ruining The Rest Of Their Lives.

( @RobbyC )
@Libsoftiktok puberty blockers should not be utilized except when actually correcting an actual medical condition. It should never be used for childhood genital mutilation/deformation. It is bizarre that this is even something that needs to be said.

( @benisxddd )
@RobbyC @Libsoftiktok why do you think its acceptable for adults tho?

( @RobbyC )
@benisxddd @Libsoftiktok why on earth do you think i think its acceptable for adults? I spoke up for the children; it does not mean i condone evil and perversion for adults. Why would you make that assumption?

Larry Tomczak #transphobia #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist charismanews.com

Malevolent forces in our culture work through radical progressives, Hollywood, the music industry and social media to lure impressionable, peer-dependent youth.

Gender dysphoria (confusion/discomfort with one's biological sex) has always existed, but now the problem is exploding as Satan exploits it to destroy our precious young people. I've advised parents to watch a documentary on the life of famous singer Karen Carpenter. She was praised by her peers as possessing the purest voice of her generation (36 million record sales) yet she deceived herself at 90 lbs. that she was fat and starved herself to death at 32.

4 Steps to Stop Seduction

1. Spiritual warfare. As parents and pastors, we must remain steadfast in intercessory prayer on behalf of our young people. We have power over the evil one who is a defeated foe! We must exercise our authority, resist the devil and "cast out demons" in Jesus Name.

March CM Cover2. Stand guard. We must be "watchmen on the wall" safeguarding our families from ungodly influences. We must "give no opportunity to the devil" to work through computers, iPhones, cable, TV, music, books, magazines and friends who don't share a clear-cut biblical worldview. "He who walks with the wise will be wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." (Prov. 13:20).

3. Stop deception. In school and church settings, survey and stop any unbiblical teaching about sexuality and gender selection. God is our Creator and He made us "male and female" and that's not left up to us to decide!

4. Showcase masculinity and femininity. Contrary to what our culture puts forth, God designed men and women with different traits and roles that our children need to see so they can emulate. Learn what scripture teaches about men and women, and then live your life to the fullest according to God's magnificent design.

Michael Mormando #transphobia #wingnut #psycho msn.com

[[Note, slightly edited by me because the original quote uses some mispelling to get around MSN’s comment filters]]

This is all a show to boost China moral. "You see, roook how weak America is ahaha". However, the media Lies. Way more people disagree with this mass psychosis being pushed upon us.

These people, including many gov officials and hollywood, are oddly obsessed with OTHER people's children.. and what other people's children should be allowed to do and see. Massive Pedos.. and they don't generally have their own children either because they can't (because they're not humans anymore- as they identify as something else that is generally more sinister) or they have worries of "environmental strain from human life" If you feel this described you, you can always start by offing yourself to protect the environment or just stay away from other people's kids.

Babylon Bee #transphobia #wingnut babylonbee.com

Beverage Pretending To Be Beer Features Man Pretending To Be Woman

U.S. — In a match made in heaven, a beverage that tries to pass itself as beer has hired as its spokesperson a man trying to pass himself off as a woman.

"For decades, we've been putting carbonated backwash in a beer can and pretending it's beer," said Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth. "Who better to represent our brand than a guy throwing on a dress and pretending he's a woman?"

Long a staple drink of people who hate actual beer, Bud Light felt putting Dylan Mulvaney's face on a can would also attract people who hate actual women. "As a man acting out the most horrendously offensive stereotypes of women, Mulvaney taps into the soul of people who despise real women," said Mr. Whitworth. "As a company dedicated to serving those who detest real beer, the partnership made perfect sense. The new beer can just shouts, 'Come, enjoy this atrocious substitute for the real thing'."

While a few in the media questioned the move, so far Bud Light fans have welcomed drinking out of a can featuring the face of a guy with a little girl fetish. "It really completes the experience," said Bud Light fan Mason Olsen. "If that dude with his massive jaw can pretend to be a little girl - well, I can pretend this is real beer. It's pretty inspiring."

At publishing time, activists had resumed calling for America to stop keeping trans people invisible.

@DebJane , @Bertie007 & @ljlyon #transphobia gettr.com

( @DebJane )
Good to see Helen Joyce and Matt Walsh joining forces. We can only beat this insidious cult if we join forces. We don’t have to agree politically or like each other, but if we all agree on this issue and work together to defeat it we will win.

( @Bertie007 )
Yesss! The left is more misogynist than the Right, they just disguise it as wokery - women have nothing to gain from pretending otherwise, we have to look out for women whatever their background and politics #menarenotwomen #womenslivesmatter #womenarehuman #womenwontwheesht

( @ljlyon )
Yes, I agree we have to work across the aisle of politics to end transgenderism altogether. Transgenderism and all affirmation surgical/chemical medical protocols are a crime against humanity and should be banned worldwide. However, I will NOT support/promote a man who comes to this issue late in the game and takes the work that women have been doing for over 50 years and support his documentary over Vaishnavi Sundar's work. Dysphoric 4 part documentary watch for free on You Tube and far surpasses the quality of Matt Walshes documentary without all the sexist bullshit. I wouldn't mind so much even the sexist bullshit of Matt Walshes documentary if he would have st the very fucking least acknowledged the work women have done before him. Comment continues in replies

( @DebJane )
I am not supporting Matt, other than on this trans issue, but we wanted to get the message out there. Maybe he came late to the table, because like me, up until recently I had no idea what was happening and I am political. So I am a latecomer, does that mean I shouldn’t fight this cause either? If this dislike of Walsh is about feminist egos rather than pragmatism I.e. realising it’s not a feminist issue, because it affects the whole of society, even those women on the right, feminists who refuse to work across political divides are not our saviours they will not win. Maybe that’s why feminists are annoyed, they want to be the ones to stop it. I just want it to stop, don’t care who does it as long as it’s stopped.

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