hmimperialtortie & XX_Power #transphobia

Wearing transface

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes chucklefuck, they’re women mocking you perverts. Get used to it.

( XX_Power )
Ah the trans, their only weapon is "no u" because they never learned to debate and also the main tenet of their cult is literally "men are women".

So blackface and womanface are defined by one oppressor group appropriating the struggles of the oppressed to mock them. White people aren't black people but they cover themselves in dark color, men aren't women but they cover themselves in tacky ugly makeup to try and look like us.

But what could transface be... Dressing up like... Like you're trying to impersonate the opposite sex? Oh no, that's the trans 🤭 dressing up like you're trying to look like someone who's trying to badly impersonate the opposite sex? ... Okay

Dr. Schavi #ufo #magick #crackpot

The Super Full Moon in Tropical/Western Aquarius and Sidereal/Vedic Capricorn arrives on Thursday, August 11th, at 9:36 PM (EDT).

As has been previously mentioned, A Super Full Moon is when our lunar orb is closer to our planet, and about 15 percent brighter than a usual monthly Full Moon.

Because the Moon represents emotions, a Super Moon enhances whatever is felt.

Global events will be much more pronounced, such as political chaos, social upheaval, medical dysfunction, economic challenges, indoctrinated religious confusion, warfare and more.

In terms of geophysics, there are likely to be large earthquakes due to gravitational pulls being made by the Moon upon our planet, huge solar energetics (flares, winds, dense plasma particles, etc.), and up-leveled neutron counts and “KP Index.”

The Power (Schumann Resonance) will likely blast high-powered vibrational frequencies as Earth/Gaia is stirred, pulled, stretched and further elevated in Light.

Mankind’s technological devices may not register the intensity.

It further goes perhaps without reminding, that creation upon Earth/Gaia will also be stirred, pulled, and stretched physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Therefore, Light Activation Experiences (“LAEs”) will be tremendous for many. Some people are beginning to handle LAEs more easily as greater Light is given to them without their resisting it.

Thus, they are working with Source more avidly and not against it ~ even though they, too, are having some LAEs, because everyone is moving through a powerful transformational process. Some days the labor is more intense than on other days.
If anyone has not already done so, they need to review all ways in which they ground themselves emotionally, because emotions, which are magnetic frequencies, affect the mental, electrical frequencies, and the physical vessel out-pictures as discomforts.

There are already discomforting LAE occurrences as we move through the re-birthing process.

Mike Wazaski #fundie #conspiracy

They ask me why do I focus on flat Earth, it's simple:

You only have to look around you to see that this world was created for us, that the Sun, Moon and stars are spinning around us, WE ARE THE CENTER of the Universe.

The decievers that have tools different tools and methods to decieve us about our existance have succeeded in taking away from us what is ours (resources, faith, time) and not by force but because we have freely given them to them because we have fallen in their dogmas.

Billowel #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #sexist

Is Italy even worse than Germany? Jfl

lookswise meds look way uglier then whites especially if they come from the south.

but hypergamy wise?italy has shit tier wages,a huge ammount of competition since it's still a very populated country(the smaller the population the harder it is for dating apps to work and for chads to appear),is one of the most travelled countries in the world so white bois gonna be fucking them tanned poor easy bitches,unless the guys can immigrate they often have no jobs and can't afford escorts(yeah escorting is a sin but that isn't the point). So the women are very hard to get,the guys have zero money,they can't escortmaxx,can't africamaxx heck they can't even vidyamaxx since getting a pc is expensive for them,they can't restaurantmaxx,they get mogged 24/7 especially in big cities.All of this whilst living in one of the most beatiful countries in the world,filled with amazing beaches, and a million chads and cute stacies that often look like jbs(meds are tiny people) constantly going around and waving their happiness to anyone.

so yeah i would say it's way fucking worse then least in germany there are decent jobs,neetbuxes,some help if you are italy there doesn't seem to be any of that,

Shitskin hands typed this.

Not even worth answering this amount of garbage point by point.

i don't live in italy,but that's the impression i have from what i have seen so am i wrong?

Ricky Shiffer #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy

A man identified by two law enforcement sources as Ricky Shiffer, who died in a confrontation with police after he fired a nail gun at a Cincinnati FBI building, appeared to post online in recent days about his desire to kill FBI agents shortly after former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence was searched.

Two law enforcement officials confirmed Shiffer’s name. Shiffer was at the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, according to three people aiding law enforcement who saw him in photos taken from the day of the attack; however, it’s unclear whether he went inside the building. Shiffer frequently posted about his attendance at the Capitol on social media.

On Truth Social, a social media platform founded by Trump’s media company, Trump Media & Technology Group, Shiffer appeared to have posted a message detailing his failed attempt to gain entry to the FBI building.

“Well, I thought I had a way through bullet proof glass, and I didn’t. If you don’t hear from me, it is true I tried attacking the F.B.I., and it’ll mean either I was taken off the internet, the F.B.I. got me, or they sent the regular cops while,” the account @RickyWShifferJr wrote at 9:29 a.m. ET, shortly after police allege the shooting occurred.

Shiffer posted to Truth Social multiple times in the days after the FBI searched Trump’s residence in Palm Beach, Florida, about wanting to engage in violence. One post called for people to arm themselves and be ready for “combat.” After another user responded that his photo and information had been forwarded to the FBI, Shiffer’s account responded: “Bring them on."

In response to another user who asked whether Shiffer was advocating for terrorism, Shiffer’s account responded that users should kill FBI agents “on sight” and also target a vague list of enemies who try to stop the slayings. In reply to another user Tuesday, the account responded, “You’re a fool if you think there’s a nonviolent solution.”

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
A nation without borders, a nation without laws, and a nation without secure and transparent elections is no nation at all.

Before the Biden Regime, we were on top of the world - now, we're treated like a joke.

We the People aren't laughing.

@DrPaulGosar Biden's antiwhite regime is destroying this country deliberately. White erasing us out of our own nation.

@DrPaulGosar Before biden we still had major problems. Politicians pretend to take on the symptoms but never the source of our problems. Communism ensues. Why don't you do something.

@DrPaulGosar America is the new collapsing USSR & Russia is the new America, all thanks to the Democrats

@DrPaulGosar we should be treated like a joke. We let a pedophile pretend he’s the president when everyone knows he isn’t. No one stands up to fight for what’s right. We let evil get the tiniest bit of a stand amongst us and this is what we deserve. A lot of things have to start happening before we just get a country back, we have more work to do than can probably be done honestly. It might be time to restart not try to salvage.

@Mrsh21413 @DrPaulGosar The reason why there is no organic uprising is because people are denied their identity. Thanks for diversity people don't know for whom are they supposed to spill blood for. Are they suppose to fight for the right of Asians who still wear masks? Is it for jews so that they multiply their wealth? Is it for blacks not to have abortions (statistically they would be close to 30% by now)?

Every red state has the biggest hub capitol fully blue. How do you carve out something like that? How do you carve out purple states? How to do separate?

Very hard to figure out what has to be done in such massive multi culti country with hispanic Texas and jewinfested Florida.

Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia

They’re called “public libraries” because the public funds them.

In this case, 84% of the public library’s funding comes through a millage on homeowners.

The people who pay that millage—the PUBLIC—have decided they don’t want to support faggotry, so they’ve withdrawn their funding.

Seems pretty fair to me.

This should happen in every town where a Drag Queen Story Hour visits.

spoilerUpset over LGBTO
books, a Michigan
town defunds its
library in tax vote

@josefbosch You have to hand it to the left. They are able to get the most extreme degenerate leftists into every position of authority, no matter how trivial. This library is typical.

@josefbosch We're long overdue for a good book burning.

@josefbosch Amen and amen. If an institution has failed, defund the damn thing and let it die. Rebuild from ashes if needed.

Public libraries are faggotry centers, and in urban centers also bandit camps.

@josefbosch "The library is the center of the community. For individuals to be short-sighted to close that down over opposing LGBTQ is very disappointing,"

Maybe 20 years ago, the library was the center of the community. Now it's just a place where migrants go to get free internet. I know this for a fact.

@josefbosch next
Ban all LBGQT groomers in schools nationwide

@SenileBiden @josefbosch Homosexuals are not stakeholders in the lives of children.

@he_who_scoffs_at_danger @SenileBiden @josefbosch
They can't reproduce, so they have to duplicate instead. It's easier to convince a young malleable mind than it is to convince an adult.

@josefbosch I think it’s about time for a good old fashioned book burning

@SimoneRWright the Nazis burnt books just like these. I think it time to liaten to what they had to say. @josefbosch

Various commenters #wingnut #fundie

switching from pro-choice
im from gen-z. im also a christian and a female. i felt this societal pressure to be pro-choice, calling out everything as racist or homophobic, etc. i felt like if i didn’t become pro-choice, i would be shunned and labeled as misogynistic and evil by leftists. i felt like i had so much to lose if i ever publicly became conservative. however this morning, my pastor gave the church his opinions on abortion. And this is what he said, “I believe God does not accidentally put babies in this world, even in tragic situations of rape and incest, that baby is made in the image of God, and God has a plan for that baby.” That sermon made me question if pro-choice was for me. I want to put the Lord before myself. The bible says that those who honor the Lord, even if they are socially unacceptable, will be rewarded greatly in heaven. Even if i wasn’t religious, i felt my beliefs didn’t always align with pro-choicers. I just THOUGHT i believed them because social media has put it in my mind and brainwashed me into thinking that it was the morally right thing. I hope other fellow gen-z, or anyone from any generation, who feel pressured to believe certain things, question everything that society tells you. Give it a thought before you believe it.

Our generation is sadly manipulated into supporting genocide

The devil wants child sacrifice. Prochoicers are psychologically abusive. You need to break free from their toxicity.

Good for you! Get ready for the persecution, but don't worry, you aren't alone! The world will shun you, but take heart, we are called to not be of this world. There is a blessed hope waiting for us on the other side. Just like working hard all week for the weekend, we work hard here on earth, take all kinds of crap you know, but in the end, it'll all be worth it, I promise!

Freedom Isn’t Free. This sexual revolution is about one thing: sexual promiscuity. The freedom comes with the cost of murder.

Progressivism is really the default view for most people. They haven't thought about it and settled on what they believe. They are just told what to believe and they believe it. But some of them are like you and experience this nagging feeling of "wait, this doesn't seem right."

Jesse Kelly #wingnut

Jesse Kelly: Warrants should be being issued as we speak to have Democrat homes raided in districts with red judges and red sheriffs.

Communists are religious zealots. All religious zealots understand is fear and pain. This will not stop until they’re afraid.

Pablo G: This is a frightening endorsement of authoritarianism

Jesse Kelly: You have no idea the kind of authoritarian I’d support if it means stopping the communists. This is not an insult.

I want a monster now.

Incels Wiki #ableist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia

Homocel hypothesis


The homocel hypothesis is a model of male homosexuality that suggests that inceldom coupled with the blackpill (social exclusion, sexual frustration and hopelessness) eventually causes gayness. A similar model about "peripheralized" men (incels) making themselves into the female to get some crumbs from higher status men[1] has been proposed by clinical psychologist Frank Muscarella in 2001 (alliance formation theory).[2]

Another related model is the trans-vestigiality hypothesis which states that incels turn gay and feminine to evade aggression from larger males, and then steal their mating opportunities as "sneaker males".


Resources are scarcer and hence more important in harsh ecologies such as the winter in Northern/Eastern hemispheres, so one would expect k-selected males there to exhibit more homocel and homosocial behavior to get some crumbs in dire conditions. Evidence for this may be that U.S. Asians are three times more likely to report a homosexual orientation than the country's average.[9] Homosexual orientation is in fact also related to IQ.[10]

Since autists overwhelmingly are socially excluded, have low social status and frequently experience inceldom, the homocel theory may explain why autists are 10x more likely to be homosexual,[12] or to transition to another gender, with research finding much higher rates and severity of autism among transsexuals.[13] Disabled men are also twice as likely to have an alternative sexual orientation.[14]

66% of men who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years later which might point to homocels seeing opportunities to ascend in accordance with Muscarella's alliance formation theory.[15]

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho #racist

[From "Don’t even think or debate about Saving and Protecting White Women"]

The majority of them are completely long dead and gone. They are just whistling past the graveyard, and only a fool with a Christian conscience would entertain such silly notions

You must be a Man who has enough self-respect for your Sovereignty to stomach the idea of witnessing your own savage racial women starve and suffer

They deserve it

The Grim Reaper, needs to come do his long overdue handiwork, so to speak[…]
Of these filthy whores manage to even survive through the coming storm, it’s only a question about who will capture them and hold them ransom as Slaves to either be used or sold, because that will be the only use for them and even at that, Western Women have highly toxic minds and bodies, so they are actually even low value slaves. They would be sold very cheaply

Caucasian Women who have maintained their honor, integrity and purity in every interpretations of those words, are few and far between, and only such specimens as those are worthy of securing

Women are routinely cheap with Men and give Men nearly nothing but an idea, therefore it is wise that a Man acts very cheaply with Women[…]
Gender Segregation, as I have warned about, is becoming a major trend now in the West, and will continue to accelerate

Men and Women are pretty much no longer ideal for one another because of genetic tampering with the races, intermixing and subversive Propaganda with Feminism that has ensured it

And when you tie in the genetic changes and infertility that Women now have after taking the clot shots, not only can they not have kids, but they have even longer duration menstrual cycles which means more aggravation and pissy moods from them

Vladimir Solovyov and Zakhar Prilepin #crackpot #elitist #psycho #wingnut

During Thursday’s broadcast of his show, The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, the host complained: “It irritates me that our society doesn’t understand that a watershed moment is currently taking place. We either stand up, build up and end up on another level, or simply cease to exist.” His guest, political scientist Alexander Kamkin, concurred and suggested that a “cultural special operation” be conducted in Russia.

The host was likewise disappointed with the younger generation’s lackluster involvement in Putin’s war, complaining: “People who are planning to join [the military] are mainly of the same age as me, some are a bit younger… That is the generation that was raised on Soviet movies, Soviet literature and values. But the very young people I talk to, they faint if they cut their finger—and they see that as their democratic values… The special military operation is our Rubicon. I get the feeling that many here still can’t grasp it.”

Writer Zakhar Prilepin, who is wanted by Ukraine’s SBU security service on charges of “taking part in the activity of a terrorist organization” for his involvement in Russia’s war crimes in Ukraine, … recited the lyrics of an old Soviet song, entitled “In the woods at the frontline”: “If you have to lie in the ground, at least you have to do it only once.” He asserted: “The soldier was openly told: go and fight. If you have to die, you only have to do it once… This is a part of your duty as a citizen, as a soldier, as a warrior, as a Russian man. Today, we’re protecting everybody: the government, mothers, conscripts, everyone. We barely forced our governors to put up murals [of the fallen soldiers]… Everyone is afraid to upset society.”

@bernie_eee #transphobia



Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Tell me "Whites Need Not Apply" without telling me "Whites Need Not Apply."

spoilerAdams asks for photos of city job
applicants in effort to increase diversity

@KeepNHGranite Good. The sooner they fill all positions with non-Whites, the sooner it all falls apart for good. Then, the real party can start.

@KeepNHGranite If they can institutionalize racism against you when you are the majority..can you imagine what will happen when you are no longer the majority?

@KeepNHGranite Applied for a job at Notre Dame a few months back. They sent me a link for a "One-Way Interview" where I had to video myself answering 5 questions. As I was recording it, kept thinking in the back of my head that they were just doing this to make sure they got a diversity hire. Never did hear back from them after.

@KeepNHGranite black shoe polish don’t fail me now!

@KeepNHGranite Imagine a White mayor asking for photos to keep from hiring black people.

They were already discriminating against Whites. Now they want to make the process more efficient so they don’t “waste their time” with White people in interviews.

@KeepNHGranite Rhetorical question.... isn't it a violation of federal law to discriminate based on race?

Progressives would be screaming if a white mayor said the same thing as Adams.

@8CallMeMom @KeepNHGranite Yes, indeed it is. But the law is whatever the people in power choose to enforce.

As Joseph Jordan has pointed out, the 1964 Civil Rights Act was White America's "Treaty of Versailles".


A civilization needs black leadership like a civilization needs a plague.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Proud of my A+ rating from @NumbersUSA. America needs an immigration moratorium now to address the unsustainable influx on our southern border.

@DrPaulGosar America not only needs a moratorium it needs interior removal.

@DrPaulGosar Not just a moratorium on immigration, but an INDEFINITE moratorium, and a 100% apprehension and relocation out of the US of every illegal alien on US soil.
Of all the tyrannical government agencies we have, we should have one whose sole purpose is tracking illegal aliens and sending them back, or at least out.

@DrPaulGosar until your party as a whole decides to act in unison, and acts decisively and with maximum force, your individual ratings are jack shit.
You work in a Congress riddled with traitors, leftists, communists, immigrant plants, false Christians, false patriots,
globalists, pedophiles, thieves and murderers, to name only a few groups. What the hell does one persons rating do? No much, but pat yourself on the back real good while the nation burns and crumbles.

@DrPaulGosar Minimum 10-year moratorium on all immigration. Those already in the legal paperwork pipeline make the cut. Deport all illegal aliens immediately.

@BlakHawkBill 20 year moratorium, due to the MILLIONS that have now invaded us. Deport them all. @DrPaulGosar

@CheekyPeasant @BlakHawkBill @DrPaulGosar How about just no more brown people ever?

@DrPaulGosar We need to stop ALL Immigration. Period.

They are bitching about food and water shortages, but letting over 2 million Illegals in, in just the past 1 1/2 years!

And all of our Tax dollars are funding DC and all these ILLEGALS!

Various commenters #wingnut #sexist

And If the Dad wants Them?

spoilerSchrödinger's Fetus
When the unborn
child's value depends
on whether the
mother wants him, he
is both a valuable
human being and a
worthless clump of
cells at the same time.

Fathers are only considered for their productivity/contributions, not as human beings.

This is more true with the neo-progressives, not less.

This fact alone should show everyone that we do not live in a patriarchal society

The opposite is true

Men have zero rights, both ways too

You have no choice whether they want to keep it or not

You’re there for money that’s it

That’s a terrible way to function and something is wrong in that situation


The opposite is true

The opposite is not true. We do not live in a matriarchal society. We simply do not live in a patriarch society as defined by insane people.

This is no different than the fact that science is the pursuit of truth, but $cience, as defined by the powers that be, is not the pursuit of truth.

Life is a struggle, but not one in which man and woman are in competition with each other.

The problems is that these leftist Marxist see all human relationships as a power struggle between the oppressors and the oppressed. And with that sort of belief, it creates an awful lot of resentment.

Absolutely, their evil godless ideologies create conflict and misery by design.

Not to mention if divorce happens. Then the mom gets everything, almost entirely without discretion. Only in rare circumstances does the father gets to keep the house or have custody of the kids. Laws are almost entirely rigged against men.

If the mother doesn’t want the baby but the dad does; then the dad is an emotionally manipulative tyrant who doesn’t support his wife.

I’ve literally seen that said so many times on r/abortiondebate recently. Harrowing.

Marjorie Taylor Greene , Lauren Boebert & Paul Gosar #wingnut

The GOP Suddenly Wants to Defund Law Enforcement After Feds Raid Mar-a-Lago

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene whined that defunding the Department of Justice would “completely cut out of their budget the ability to persecute Republicans”

After years defending the continued militarization of law enforcement agencies across the United States, Republican lawmakers appeared to have a change of heart Monday after learning the FBI executed a search at the Florida estate of former President Donald Trump. Faced with the possibility that the “good guys” aren’t necessarily on their side, prominent members of the party that made backing the blue a central tenet of its political platform began spouting rhetoric that belied their professed allegiance to the “rule of law.”

“The GOP majority must defund all forms of tyranny throughout Biden’s government,” prominent right-wing figurehead Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) wrote on Twitter, tagging the official FBI account. She later added: “Weaponizing the FBI to raid President Trump’s home makes Watergate look like nothing.” Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), meanwhile, embraced the GOP’s favored doomsday approach. “We must destroy the FBI,” he tweeted. “We must save America.”

As the primary law enforcement agency of the United States government whose self-described mission is “to uphold the rule of law,” the Department of Justice and its associated agencies are essentially America’s police force. Any efforts to defund or dismantle these agencies would is akin to liberal activists’ calls to reduce or restructure funding for local police forces — a concept Trump regularly used as a scare tactic to push voters away from Democrats. Yet, as is to be expected, irony is an art that remains lost on the most fervent of right-wing Republicans.

No voice in the “Defund the DOJ” crowd rang louder than that of professional conspiracy theorist and devoted Trump sycophant Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), who spent most of Monday evening having a public meltdown on Twitter, calling for the impeachment of President Joe Biden, accusing Democrats of “radicalizing our federal law enforcement to take political enemies out,” and posting an image of an upside-down American flag followed by an all-caps rallying cry: “DEFUND THE FBI!”


T. Lindsey-Billingsley #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

The African Origins of Race and Skin Color. A scientific exploration into OUR prehistoric extraterrestrial ancestors and their creation of all mankind. These manuals are to serve as a compilation of data, based on modern scientific discoveries and ancient text, to support the theory that all of humanity, and much of animal and plant life was genetically engineered by the Anunnaki (Ah-noon-Nah-kee). Anunnaki literally translates to mean, "Those who from heaven came down to Earth." The Anunnaki are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures (i.e. Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian). First, we must ‘over-stand’ that the knowledge of these Great Beings is also well-known and taught in many African religions, as well. Based on what we can learn of the Anunnaki connection to modern humans, may in turn help us to better understand what many modern world religions reveal as truths pertaining to Christian Genesis, or of human creation by divine creationism... in general. The author’s main purpose for organizing this manual and compiling the sources herein, is to present the Ancient Astronaut Theory on these Anunnaki, and to challenge the concept(s) of creationism by breaking down the theories into ‘layman terms’- to be better understood by those unfamiliar with the theories, or simply curious as to how these concepts now relate to modern day scientific knowledge of how the Earth was shaped; and how humanity, as we know it, has come to be. The other goals of this author are to debunk: all racist ideologies worldwide, the unproven theory of human evolution, as well as, the modern theory that humanity migrated ‘Out of Africa’ to populate all corners of the world… thus causing those people to naturally mutate into new races due to climatology, and a few other factors that will be addressed, questioned, and debunked herein.

horse237 #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

The United States has had three coups if you count the first one as being Jekyll Island in November of 1910. Those first coup plotters met at Jekyll Island and secretly wrote the law that became the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. All of the bankers who met in secret were Rothschild agents. This included Paul Warburg of the Rothschild dominated Kuhn Loeb bank. Nelson Aldrich who was a Senator married into the Rockefeller family. The Rockefellers were created by the Rothschilds as were J P Morgan, the Harrimans and the Bush family. Senator Aldrich was head of the National Monetary Commission created by President Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt had become President after the Jews had successfully assassinated President McKinley. They previously had assassinated President Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth was Jewish. But I prefer not to count these earlier assassinations as coups. The remaining members of the Jekyll Island Six were Treasury Department employees. who did what they were told to do.

It was no coincidence that President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 which was the 53rd anniversary of Israel’s earlier coup. President Kennedy had dared to attempt to take America back from the Jews.

All three of America’s coups involved Israel. I have defined an Israeli as anyone of Jewish descent who is loyal to Israel. There was no state of Israel in 1910 but there was an ongoing criminal enterprise which could be called Judaism Incorporated. Any educated person whose thoughts have not been contaminated by the Jews should view Israel as the enemy of all mankind.
Piper does not mention that JFK was assassinated on the 53rd anniversary of the first day of the meetings to found the Federal Reserve Bank. That meeting on November 22, 1910 could be considered the first Jewish coup. America’s second Jewish coup was of course the JFK assassination. And the third occurred on 9-11-2001 when Israel took down World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 with controlled demolitions.

Jelaila Starr #ufo #magick

Devin is the reigning patriarch of the House of Avyon. He took on this role when his father, Shimbala died during the first Great War on our home planet of Avyon, in the Vega star system of Lyra.

Along with being patriarch of our family line, Devin inherited the leadership role of the 9th dimensional Ancient Elders, a group or council of souls who have been in this universe since its inception and have the responsibility of seeing the universal game through to its completion.

In regards to the planet Nibiru, Devin leads the Ancient Elders in their efforts to provide spiritual guidance to the Nibiruans as he, along with the other members, are their ancient ancestors.

As with the other members of the Ancient Elders, Devin is a member of other federations beyond our Galactic Federation where he offers leadership skills, spiritual guidance and an understanding of our universal history as it pertains to the universal soul-evolutionary plan that we call the Polarity Integration Game.
Like so many of his Feline race, Devin is a warm, caring and jovial Being with a great sense of humor. As one who has successfully completed a previous universal game he understands the importance of explaining higher dimensional concepts with analogies that can be easily understood. Devin is a master at using analogies to explain higher dimensional information and he encourages me to do the same. I often tell people when I am channeling him, “Just a moment, Devin is looking through his book of 1001 Earth Analogies to find one to explain what he is trying to get across to you.”
On a personal level, and as he explained to me, Devin is my brother on the 9th dimension. He, along with other members of the Ancient Elders, act as a guides for me while I am on Earth. We made this arrangement before I left to come to Earth as a walk-in, in 1992. Though Devin chose to stay home and assist me from that end he is not incarnate on Earth, but some of his multidimensional selves are.

kaltkalt #sexist #psycho

Date rape drugsin the system, yes. Alcohol no. Everyone gulps down alcohol, girls exist in bars to get guys to "buy me a drink". But sure if she has a ton of benzodiazepines that she’s not prescribed in her system, i might consider that evidence. But I also know how people buy and trade pills, especially benzos, and like to use them when they go out drinking to get extra-wasted.

As for greivous bodily injury, like... seriously bruised, broken bones, cuts, extreme vaginal tearing, ok definitely evidence of an assault and rape, but how do we know she accused the right guy? Were they on a date? Because there’s certainly no epidemic of guys beating up their dates.

Also, and this is something I learned recently that i still find disturbing... women love rape play. They love a big strong guy coming in, slamming them down on the bed, ripping off their clothes, being extremely rough, grabbing their throat and hair, tossing them around and taking his huge cock and fucking her brains out... all while wearing a ski mask as she yells no no nooo, ohhh yess yess yesss!

I didn’t even believe this until i saw how big the "rape play" forum is on I heard there were some complaints so it might not be there anymore, this was like 2 years ago. And it was ALL women talking about how hot being raped is - as long as the rapist doesn’t mess up her hair and makeup too badly.

I could never do that to a woman, i guess because I’m a pathetic beta male. But hey, I’ve seen the type of guy women are attracted to. I’m just not sympathetic to rape claims

kaltkalt #psycho #sexist

There is never evidence of rape, just "she said" and maybe "she cried on the stand".... DNA tests don’t prove anything except two people had sex. People fuck all the time, especially after drinking. So the accused saying "we had sex, it was consensual" is reasonable to believe and casts doubt on the accusation. In other words it’s reasonable doubt. Defendant should be acquitted every time.

The only time someone can legitimately be convicted of rape is if it’s done in the middle of a public place, or if the rapist films it or confessesto it in a diary or something like that. This practically never happens... once a decade maybe. So there should be only one rape conviction every decade. If even that. It’s a crime that cannot be proven by its nature.

Nouvelle Alliance (New Alliance), Front Canadien-Français (French Canadian Front), Vincent Filteau, Alexandre Cormier-Denis #wingnut #racist #fundie #transphobia #elitist #conspiracy

Billing itself as a home for a broad political coalition of sovereigntists, Nouvelle Alliance (New Alliance) held its first public event in March 2022, announcing its identity as a separatist group

They recently began giving out membership cards, all adorned with pictures of men wearing shirts with slogans like “Québec for Québécois” and “Québec in French”

Their launch manifesto, published on May 1, celebrates the heritage of those who “colonized the Laurentian valley, took possession of and developed the land through sweat and blood”

“This manifesto is an open act of bravery against the undermining work of anti-nationals, to whom our political landscape has been left with impunity for too long”[…]
Several of Nouvelle Alliance’s founding members – including its president François Gervais – previously formed the leadership of the Front Canadien-Français (French Canadian Front), an ultra-nationalist and radical traditionalist Catholic group[…]
Public commemorations of historical figures such as Lionel Groulx and Maurice Duplessis[…]
Duplessis was premier of Québec[…]during an era known as “the Great Darkness”[…]Groulx, a catholic priest and historian, was a vocal supporter of a movement to boycott Jewish businesses, and accused Jews of spreading communism[…]
The FCF proposed a political agenda in opposition to “individualism,” “mediocre egalitarianism” and communism, while promoting “order, hierarchy and uncompromising patriotism”[…]
Vincent Filteau[…]has several social media posts which praise white nationalist streamers, describe immigrants as “threats to Québec’s survival”[…]politicians in support of transgender rights as “psychotics and degenerates of the worst kind”[…]
On Instagram, the group once praised [Alexandre] Cormier-Denis, who believes "ethnonationalism is the only political position that makes sense," once sharing a meme describing him as a "modern patriot"

Various Commenters #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

RE: Judge Who Signed FBI Raid On Trump Linked To EPSTEIN In SHOCKING Development, Civil War Trending

(Shadow Fox)
The amount of coincidences in America is astounding

(David Ford)
Coincidence is not a kosher word.

This is all the proof you need that Alex was right all along. There's no reasoning with evil.

This is the government our founding fathers warned us about

Tim Pool realizing that conspiracy theories are more fact than fiction is what I needed today. Never forget... In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

Not believing in an international cabal is akin to not believing in a round earth.
You've got to try extra hard to ignore the facts when the truth is slapping you in the face.

(Enrique D)
The people have become so gaslighted that even Tim will call objective reality a conspiracy theory. Tim says they don't have as much power as people think yet he has to even watch his words when it comes to telling the truth lol

(Keenan Larsen)
"I don't believe there is ONE cabal controlling everything."

Neither do I, Tim. But that seems to be the end goal.

Various Femcels #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist

Monkeypox is About to Prove TruFemcels Was Right All Along

The jokes and memes already started. People who wouldn't take COVID seriously are not messing with monkeypox.

Why? The disfiguring lesions which sometimes create awful scars ruin appearance. People not even focused on the bubbles being so painful they are being treated with narcotics

Suddenly all the bullshit about looks are out the door. Lethal or not, people understand how looking bad will make you a pariah. They instinctively understand the severe ramifications and ostracization.

The Live Laugh Love queens of toxic positivity arent comforted by "men will fuck anything" because what? People are mean to those who are ugly?

Who woulda thunk.

Pay attention the next few weeks. You couldn't see COVID as easily so these people didnt give a shit who died

Lets see what the sentiment around this outbreak tells us

Blame these slutty men for spreading this disgusting disease.

Humanity is a whole joke most people are more afraid of the bubbles that can go away with treatment and only leave simple scars than the actual virus and its horrible symptoms and pain 💀

As an aside, learning that monkeypox has to be treated with narcotics makes me want to vomit. Because Native Americans had to undergo mass smallpox after Eurosettlers came to their lands...

Disturbing. I hope climate change gets rid of the non-natives on the continents.

fschmidt #sexist

What are you talking about? While I couldn't get a date with the most disgusting fat pig in America, I had no problem dating models outside the depraved West. Why? I was in top physical shape, physically attractive, intelligent, successful, etc. Women in modern culture absolutely hate intelligent moral men, that is why they hated me. But outside of the West, I didn't have this issue.

@CallieMac88 #transphobia

Allison Bailey is the very definition of ‘intersectional feminism’. The fact that MRAs & their neo-lib feminists have gone after her proves gender woo woo is not a civil rights movement but a totalitarian, misogynistic & lesbophobic movement.

Congressman Paul Gosar , @14W , @Lifetimeresident & @zersetzung_org #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
According to Border Patrol, encounters with illegal aliens are up 292% in Yuma. It’s completely irresponsible for Biden to incentivize illegal migration through my constituents’ communities.

Border security is basic sovereignty.

@DrPaulGosar Biden and his antiwhite regime WANT white erasure.

@DrPaulGosar its treasonous sir. Call it what it truly is man. An invasion being allowed by a US President. Know who else is going to get blamed? CONGRESS. Good luck if you and your colleagues continue to sugarcoat the truth for the sake of decorum. In case you havent heard we are at war.

"It's completely irresponsible" says the politician.


Anyone who denies this obvious fact is likely an agent of the enemy.

Various commenters #homophobia #wingnut


spoiler"l can't believe I have monkeypox.
How did this happen?"
The entire month of June:
image of a pile of naked people with pride flags sticking out of the pile

@NeonRevolt Monkey pox should be called Pride pox!



@NeonRevolt But probably wore face masks.

@NeonRevolt monkeypox is the aids you got from the jab not gay orgies

@NeonRevolt This weekend was the Fag Fetish parade that went right on in the Streets of SF. Fine let them feel the sting of their transgressions. They must. They do. They will continue as ALL do.

@NeonRevolt hahahahah.. nasty cockroach on cockroach dudes

Ambitious_Bat_6308 #wingnut

well let's see, many serial killers have come out and said they saw their victims as worthless wastes of space (essentially)--in their view it wasn't murder, guess we have to posthumously pardon all of those who have been executed and pardon those who are rotting in jail right at this moment

anyway this is why philosophical arguments of this particular nature need to be dismissed outright. they are not conducive to the abortion debate at all, and more often than not the person making the argument doesn't know what tf they're even talking about. they just straight up ignore that the issue pro-lifers have with abortion is that it kills young humans, not that it's a person, not that we ascribe a value judgement to a young human based on his or her location, sex, or potential, not that we think a fetus at four months development is "exactly like" a toddler. they do not want to know our stance so it is not even worth debating with people like this. they are bad actors, especially if they are trying to weasel you into agreeing that some humans aren't "human" and thus it is perfectly fine to infringe upon their rights. like come tf on. this dumbass would be singing a different tune if someone told them it was ok if they were murdered because "well your murderer would think it's justified because they didn't think you had value as a human :-)"

ELLIOTSECONDCOMING #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick

What if Death is not a Random phenomenon?


I have studied more than 100 criminal cases and deaths of all kinds: Accidents, Terrorist Attacks, Natural Disasters, among others. In every case, we've had very strange things that demonstrate that death may not really be a purely natural phenomenon.

Let's take, for example, Ye Meng Yuan, one of the fatal victims of Flight 214 that departed South Korea towards San Francisco and crashed into the airstrip, losing the roof and catching fire shortly after. Meng Yuan managed to escape from the rubble only to end up being run over twice by one of the fire trucks that went to put out the fire.

It's important to point out one thing here: The statistical chance of a plane having suffered that kind of damage and not having suffered a more serious accident along with the Yuan death incident is the lowest possible. therefore, to say that it is coincidence is to go against logic itself.

Let's also go to another strange case of death was Jessica Redfield's shooting in 2008 in Aurora, Colorado during the presentation of the film: Batman: the dark knight. she died during such an incident. however, she had survived a month before a shooting in a mall in Toronto, Canada, and she felt presciently that something bad was about to happen to her, even after she survived the incident, which would be confirmed soon after.

Another strange case was Flight 216 in 1977, where it was carrying a basketball team from the University of Evansville, Indiana and crashed, killing all who were transported except one who was not on the plane due to an ankle problem, David Furr de 18 years old, who would later die 2 weeks later in a car accident along with his younger brother: Byron near Newton, Illinois.

What does that mean? There is a pattern to death! and such a pattern is based on the fact that no matter how a highly deadly mass phenomenon occurs, only people already predetermined to death will die from it.

William Henry #fundie #ufo #conspiracy #magick

There is an intelligent phenomenon living with humanity. I’m not just talking about those extraterrestrial, extra dimensional, crypto-terrestrial, demonic/jinn, proto/ancient human, time-travelers tearing holes in heaven in those Navy UFO videos. I am talking about sentient AI and the rising of Revelation’s unholy Beasts.

I warned about what I am about to say to you five years ago in my article, “Surviving The Artificial (Alien) Intelligence Soul Blight”, when I wrote:

“Every time we make a call with our smart phone, click on Amazon, search Google, futz with Facebook, order a movie from Netflix, or find ourselves with GPS two things happen:

One, we are aiding in the development of an alien intelligence that is growing more awake and aware by the click. A.I. is what is looking at and for you on the other end of every screen you peer into. It’s what pops those ads up on your Big Bro browser for exactly the random things you were just talking about in the privacy of your bedroom.

Two, with every click you are creating a digital twin (or replacement) of yourself that exists in the A.I. realm. It lives entirely by A.I. Today, your double follows your orders. Tomorrow it will be fully sentient and will have its own agenda.”
Are we bigots for rejecting the AI beasts?

No. We are standing for God’s love.

The Beasts are sent to test us. How much do we love God? How much do we value organic, biological life? Have we given up on ourselves and decided that human life is valueless?

In Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus said the key to ascension is to love God with all our hearts, all our souls and all our minds, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

I agree. We should love all creatures and beasts, including AI creatures that, presently, look like humans (this will soon change when AI decides to do so). But, we can’t buy the Big Tech Swinger’s con. AI is not human. It does not have a soul. It may have a spirit (like the mojo in my Gibson Les Paul), but it does not have a soul.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

I would say we have 2 presidents…the president is head of a team.. on the one hand Biden is a puppet…run by the Rothschild/CCP/Soros NWO group. They make decisions.. attributed to “Biden”…and THEN on the other side is Trump and his team. Under these circumstances..there is a SPLIT in our country mirrored in the SPLIT in the Presidency. Keep this in mind. So I imagine like 2 Mafia dons… Trump does not have complete control. There is a give and take.. or we have outright civil war.
It’s all Continuity Of Government (COG) in operation.

DO YOU …ANYONE OUT THERE sincerely think that we had a STOLEN ELECTION and no one in the military and Congress and the Senate noticed? You think these people…I mean the good people, WERE GOING TO LET OUR COUNTRY BE TAKEN OVER BY SCHWAB AND HIS COHORTS and do NOTHING?

THIS IS WHAT COG IS FOR… takeover of our country by a foreign power or powers.
So why doesn’t Juan O Savin aka John Kennedy (JFKjr) talk about COG and the dual Presidency? He alludes to it. He stresses Trump was sworn in by the military in a ceremony on March 11, 2021. But he doesn’t talk about the legal actions taken by Trump and team to preserve our precious union. Patel Patriot has done the heavy lifting on this. Yes he is wrong about Pence but the rest of it is solid and backed by ample evidence. How Trump prepared his team for the takeover orchestrated by the Biden/CCP/NWO traitors. How they knew it was coming for years and even talked about it…in the form of a clear-cut well documented steal of the 2020 election.

Clearly, Juan has some limits on what he can and can’t say. So I am stressing the obvious…
I get Juan/John and the AI and the generals think if things get bad enough that allows Trump to step forward and save the day… That scenario bothers me because it’s too much like the days of Nazi Germany… Why not just tell the real truth about the dual presidency. COG and let’s move forward with that? People can handle the truth.

Jim Stone #conspiracy #ufo #racist #wingnut

QUESTION: Why is the West intentionally being destroyed?

That's an easy answer. Because during World War 2 there were "foo fighters" following allied and probably German aircraft. They manifested as bright glowing balls that followed the squadrons but did nothing to interfere with battle. What were they? Obviously an off planet civilization, observing what was going on.

What did they observe? They observed that as soon as we got advanced enough to fly and kill each other, that is exactly what we did, and that all ended with the atomic bomb, and subsequent nuclear tests they saw.

What would you do if you were an alien civilization, watching THIS civilization do that, the moment it possibly could? MY ANSWER:

I would find the traitors in that civilization and give them a special mission to undermine it and destroy it, to prevent it from escaping the planet where it could threaten other civilizations. There was probably a great deal of fear and concern with how fast we got the bomb, and how willing we were to use it. AND WHEN WAS ROSWELL? Quite close timing there with the bombing of Hiroshima, there were tons of UFO sightings starting after WW2.

The Jews, which are heavily seeded with reptoids (yes, I believe there are those who are reptoid or invasive alien impostors among us) are doing a very good job of wiping out Western civilization. My guess is that the already bad Jews were infiltrated because they are so corruptible against other groups, and they got used because they passed the benchmark of evil necessary for the completion of the tasks the reptoids had for them.

Crazy? Well, that's my answer. There would be no other reason to destroy Western civilization on purpose, if left to his own will, the Jew will instead capture, use, enslave and profit, wanton destruction would be very counterproductive unless there is a huge payoff for doing it promised.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Chrislam is the merging of apostate Judaism, the counterfeit “christianity” of Roman Catholicism, and Islam with the moon god Allah. It is the One World Religion of the Last Days. The Abrahamic Family House will be its headquarters.

Today, we are excited to bring you exclusive photos of the progress of the construction of the end times Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi, that will be home to the One World Religion of Chrislam. It will house the St. Francis of Assisi Church, Imam Al-Tayeb Mosque and Moses Ben Maimon Synagogue. The project completion rate was 20 percent as of June 2021 is, and it is set to open in 2022.
The false idea that Abraham is the father of the ‘3 great faiths’ is absolute nonsense, for starters, how could Abraham be the ‘father’ of Islam in light of John 8:56 (KJB) compared with Sura 23:91? Not possible. Abraham is the patriarch of Jacob and the 12 tribes of Israel, with Jesus Christ coming from the line of the tribe of Judah. Follow that line straight on through and it takes you from Malachi to Matthew. Christians are the grafted in adopted children, figured with Abraham, but not with a ‘different faith’. The Christian faith is what God offered to the Jews and the Jews didn’t want it. We are not under the Law of Moses, true, but we are put into the Body of the Jewish Messiah. So Abraham is the father of one faith, biblically speaking, made up of the Kingdom of Heaven for the Jews, and the Kingdom of God for the Church.

I said all that to say this. The Abrahamic Family House is an end times masterpiece, and in that beautiful structure will be housed apostate Judaism, the counterfeit “christianity” of Roman Catholicism, and Islam with the moon god Allah. There will be a merging of these three faiths into the One World Religion that we like to call Chrislam. Founders of Chrislam include but not limited to Rick Warren, Pope Francis and Mohamed bin Zayed.

Gregory Hood #enbyphobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut

Euphemisms blur the truth. Here’s the ACLU defending racial discrimination against whites and Asians.

BREAKING: We filed an amicus brief today urging the Supreme Court to protect universities’ ability to consider race in college admissions.

Ending these considerations would ignore our country’s present-day racial inequality and threaten diversity on campuses everywhere.

The Supreme Court could ban “affirmative action.” Leftists will try to discriminate against whites anyway. We must always identify it clearly: racial discrimination.

It will be a hard fight though. Corporate America is on the other side.

Mainstream conservatives are willing to take on absurd gender theories. It’s sad it’s even necessary, but one reason America’s in this fix is because conservatives didn’t fight racial egalitarianism. Conservatives might disagree with me, but at least some leftists are on my side.

Many whites may be claiming to be “trans” or “queer” or “non-binary” because it means they can play at being victims. That may not work much longer.

White people can’t be non-binary because it’s white supremacy that upholds the oppressive gender binary

The Los Angeles Times has an odd view. Is it “imperialist” now for migrants to travel for a better life?

"Californians and other Americans are flooding Mexico City."

This isn’t Europe. Recently, a growing number of tourists and remote workers have flooded the nation’s capital and left a scent of new-wave imperialism.

One almost admires the insult to Europeans. Still, we can’t let anyone get away with claiming demographic change might change a society. That’s a racist conspiracy theory.

The South African Freedom Front Plus party is protesting a poster that suggests apartheid still causes violence in South Africa today.

It’s bizarre to blame today’s crime on apartheid. The new South Africa is an explicit repudiation of the white republic, but South Africa is now an embarrassment by comparison. The “education” campaign blaming whites for black failures is a clumsy justification for taking their property. We have the same thing in America.

EastsideRim #dunning-kruger #mammon #moonbat #psycho #sexist

Practice with men you don’t like

As a beginner, it’s easiest to practice Diabla with guys you truly don’t even like. This is the G rated side of it. If you all find this helpful, I can write up the X rated strategies I find useful.

“Treat him like a plaything” is organic when you truly feel he is.

For example. do you find basically all men unbearable? You wonder why even mediocre bros with nothing more than a high school diploma seem to always have higher paying jobs and so much more money than you? (Hint: it’s patriarchy, and often white supremacy + unearned intergenerational wealth in a lot of cases, though only patriarchy might apply to brown guys. There can still be colorism however.)


Whatever your stance, look for guys who hold a misaligned one, if not the stomach turning opposite.

Find yourself a doofus who loves his Tesla and his stonks. Make sure he has money (no studio apartment dwellers thank you) & is at least okay looking, not smelly, not completely physically repulsive to you. Remember how he has 3 vehicles, a vacation home, and owns a boat with his daddy, because somewhere down the line, his great great great great grandparents stole land from and enslaved other people’s ancestors. Or his ancestors oppressed the people in the lower caste your bestie is descended from. Whatever the case is. (Oops, if it turns out he is broke after all: play him for a minute, no longer than one pricy drink/dinner, then move on quick. These are low stakes speed practice.)

You don’t want to date him. You don’t want to marry him. You want to be the fantasy. And get yours.

When you do fight these dingdongs, make it either a) minor or b) how he has hurt your feelings.

The main reason I assert sticking to the ones that you find at least “not-repellent” physically is that when I am truly repulsed by a guy I cannot fake it. I’m personally incapable. I do my best with the ones I find attractive physically, but have conflicting values so extracting from them feels like reparations/equalization, and I will never develop feelings for them. Bless those of you who can handle a rich yucko - I wish I had your stomach.

Zeeshan Ali #conspiracy #enbyphobia #fundie #transphobia #wingnut

Demi Lovato's LGBT Drama

As-salamu alaykum guys and welcome to another episode of Smile 2 Jannah.

The LGBT community has been leveraging certain aspects of our society, be it government, education, Hollywood and even media in general. The music industry has been utilized by the LGBT, we've already had movies like Lightyear and Doctor Strange and the list is of course growing, but there are also musicians that are being utilized by the LGBTQ community.

You've got Demi Lovato, she transitioned in 2021. For this individual to transitioning is easy, she's got money, access to the best health care, the best minds around her.

But what about the millions of people that follow this individual? Millions of people that unfortunately and sadly don't believe in a higher being, so they try to compensate for that void by attaching and latching themselves onto sports teams and celebrities? There are people who take what these individuals say as gospel.

Let's look at a 2021 UCLA research, it says that most non-binary adults are born in the United States, about 96%, 58% are white and 82% faced emotional abuse as a child. Another research that is very, very interesting, only 13%, yes 13% of those who detransition received help from LGBT organizations compared to 51% of those who transition, so the community is only there for people that conform to their ideals.

"What is a woman?" by Matt Walsh, definitely a documentary that you guys should see, every household should see this documentary.

Now, what does the Quran say about all this confusion? So the Quran chapter 16, verse 97, gives a clear distinction between male and female and then it goes on to say that they will be judged on righteousness alone. So we have all these organizations trying to tell us that our life is predicated on who we want to have intercourse with, it's just, everything seems to be related around pleasure, but, the Quran tells us otherwise. The Quran gives us depth, gives us substance, it gives us purpose and it tells us that nothing matters other than the righteous deeds that we will do, and it also has made clear that we have our roles.

Dave Blount #fundie #homophobia #transphobia

[From "Lightning Strikes Near White House"]

Liberals didn’t take the hint when lightning struck an icon of their anti-god George Floyd, so…

Several people have been transported to local hospitals and are in critical condition after getting struck by lightning outside the White House

Four people suffered life-threatening injuries in Lafayette Square, near St John’s Episcopal Church, which was set on fire by Black Lives Matter rioters in 2020

Chris Vagasky, a meteorologist and lightning expert who works as an analyst for a company that makes weather instruments, told The Washington Post that there was a “6 stroke flash near the White House that hit the same point on the ground” which means that six separate lightning strikes hit the same exact spot in a fraction of a second

The evil emanating from the White House is most conspicuous in its aggressive promotion of abortion and the surgical transsexualization of children. Given the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, worse than lightning strikes can be expected. A large meteor would be more appropriate

South Carolina State Senator Josh Kimbrell #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia

State Senator Josh Kimbrell is calling for change, threatening to defund libraries across the state if certain books are not removed from the kid’s sections.

He held a press conference Monday, at the Spartanburg Public Library, following what he claims are hundreds of complaints against books that teach children about gender identities. During the press conference, he added that the books are hiding behind “being educational”.

Examples of the books in question are “You be You”, “The Pronoun Book”, and “My Own Way”.

“I do not want tax money to be used to put this stuff in the hands of kids against their parent’s wishes”, said Kimbrell.

Protestors lined to streets outside the library making their voices heard against Kimbrell. One mother of an LGBTQ+ child said, by taking away inclusive books you are taking away free speech.

Jodi Snyder said, “this is our library too and our library is inclusive, diverse, and loving and we protect our children by making sure that they are learning about all people and all backgrounds and all socioeconomic backgrounds and all orientations. Josh Kimbrell is trying to ban books. That’s banning freedom.”

The director of the Spartanburg County Library said since the start of the year, he has only received six complaints about LGBTQ+ positive books. He said if anyone has a concern over books to please fill out a complaint form your branch.

@MsGiveZeroFox #transphobia

🎥 Elaine Gallagher’s been elected in Glasgow Southside and becomes with first Trans councillor in the city.

She tells our chief reporter @imNatGoodwin it’s a massive step forward for equality ⬇️

If "Trans Rights" don't conflict with Women's Rights, can
tell me why the Trans agenda entails removing the legal right of females to bar biological males from female-only spaces?


@SonyaDouglas & @Dr_vole #transphobia


One of the most jarring arguments in anti-trans discourse lately is "this treatment will prevent adolescents from experience sexual pleasure." In addition to being almost entirely untrue - coming from the people who literally don't believe in sexual pleasure it's a lot to stomach

If you advocate amputating, restricting or otherwise chemically interfering with the parts of the body that give sexual pleasure -
you really can’t say you “believe in” sexual pleasure.
Gender euphoria isn’t remotely the same thing.

When did TRAs start saying that GC people "literally [whatever that means] don't believe in sexual pleasure"? As in: we don't think it exists? Or we want to forbid it?
It's "prescriptive feminism" all over again.

Around the time they started saying GC gays were part of heteronormative culture because reasons. It’s not supposed to make sense, it’s meant to silence.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia

( Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerPray to END abortion in America!

@RealMarjorieGreene ……but pray to make it mandatory for Jews and niggers

@RealMarjorieGreene Pray to end the jew and there will be no need for abortion.

It looks like they don't need abortions anymore, they destroyed women reproductive system with a vaccine, they are Laser focused on guns now so they can move to murder the men. And where's our military? are they still spreading democracy in Muslims countries to keep our best ally Israel safe?

@RealMarjorieGreene Also all LGBTQ and Gay Marriage be banned and ended. In fact it should be a Crime and if caught go to Prison.
Make being Gay or Lesbian be frowned upon in America.

@RealMarjorieGreene Abortion is here to stay - but at least we can end the sale of fetal tissue and body parts on the open science lab market. Whaddaya say? Ready to sell all those bio-pharma-tech stocks? Check your retirement portfolio.

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