Various commenters #quack



@USCenturion2020 No regrets from my 70 yo husband or me, 66. We both got the Wuhan flu last December and used Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine with Dr. Zelenko's vitamins. Now - we have natural immunity. ✝️

@USCenturion2020 I’m paying a financial price for not taking it, but better to lose some $$ than be permanently physically damaged by the jab.


@USCenturion2020 Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were basically the covid antidotes. Glad I made that choice.

@USCenturion2020 In fact, mortality rates for young people across Europe are rising dramatically — in yet another sign that the use of the experimental COVID vaccines should be halted immediately.

Healthy people are now dying so frequently and suddenly from heart failure that the totally corrupt corporate media has invented names like Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (“SADS”) to account for these obviously vaccine-related deaths.

.@ragman57: SADS is an accurate acronym like SIDS. The public is finally re-learning to connect the dots that their cause is "innoculation." @USCenturion2020 @childrenshealthdefense @Shannonkroner

Never took it never will. Never tested never will. Fuck the vax and anyone who forces that poison onto people.

Various commenters #wingnut

Pro-abortion people: Killing your baby shouldn’t be “safe” for you. And if you were actually worried about that anyway, you’d stop posting at-home abortion methods that will cause women to get sepsis and die. 🤷‍♀️

Oh, you don’t like unsafe abortions? Don’t get one, that’s how it works right?

If you choose to kill your child in a way that’s bad for you that’s on you

It might be an unpopular opinion but if you're willing to kill a kid I don't care about your safety.

Yep. If something happens to you then it's your own fault.

if you willingly do something illegal and dangerous, then get injured/die from it, it’s really not my or the governments fault

"BaNnInG aBoRtIoNs WoN't StOp PeOpLe FrOm GeTtInG tHeM! iT wIlL oNlY mAkE tHeM iLlEgAl AnD uNsAfE tO gEt!"

Also them : "BaN gUnS! eNd GuN vIoLeNcE"

It pisses me off when people think owning a gun is worse than getting an abortion. You're not killing a child purely by acquiring a gun. When you get an abortion however, you are killing a child.

Look man, people are going to be thieves anyway, so why make it risky for them? Leave the door unlocked and all your items on the counter please...

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

I think we all have many questions about who this Messianic Jesus(JeZues, Cristos, Emmanu-EL, Yeshua, Yahushua) character actually was and which facets of the narrative surrounding him were contrived by human deceivers and which parts might have genuine Celtic/Druid/Irish provenance.

That being said, it’s pretty clear to me that the version of Jesus that’s peddled to the masses in this day and age is a blasphemous one. There is no way that God would have meant for us to worship this long-haired Caucasian man nailed up on a unfolded Saturn Cube with a sun halo behind his head. Many of the images you see in Catholic churches are that of Apollyon the Destroyer(aka Abaddon/Shiva) and NOT Jesus. That Jesus Fish symbology that I’m always seeing on people’s cars in the form of bumper stickers are actually symbolic of Lilith’s vagina portal to the Saturn Cube.

Celestial #fundie #homophobia #magick #conspiracy

With my day off I decided to worship the Lord and share fellowship so He will know how much I love him. I expected God to deal with me gently in return but that is not what happened.

As the songs were winding down I began to hear: AMERICA IS DYING. AMERICA IS DYING. YOU ARE SINGING HER FUNERAL SONGS. She is dead and dying and you are here to write of her sins and bury her. Write now of the sodomy ritual. Speak what I give you to say. Tell her the path that all who aspire to power, wealth, influence and notoriety must take. The path of the rich is a dirty one, a filthy one indeed in the eyes of the Lord. IT IS THE SODOMITE PATH, a guilty path – all who walk it must be punished for it. Unless they repent, they will be surely judged for it.
The path to greatness is brown, it is a play of filth says the Lord. It is a payment in blood and agony they make, each one of them pays their price- after that they are free to choose their path to ascension. Most of them have done this- not all but most- especially the ones at the very, very, VERY top of the pyramid. SODOMITES, says the Lord of hosts.
When a man is held down and violated- even once- he is destroyed. The Adam in him is assaulted beyond belief, often beyond repair. He can no longer function as he was made, he is ruined and sometimes the damage is irreparable. Sometimes he is ruined for good. God can heal it, no question, but the damage is often so far reaching and so long-lasting that it can even have the effect of turning a man into one who lusts for that contact again and again after it has forcibly happened to him.

Repeated sodomy can turn a normal straight male into a pedophile, into a homosexual, or into a violent angry sociopath whose soul is damaged to the point he cannot recover from his inner wound. He is destroyed inside and will eventually destroy others. Alternatively it can make a man weak; it can ruin his life.

SODOMY IS AN INNER WOUND, says the Lord, Beware of its bite.

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo

Near Death Civilization Scare Events in Progress
Trust the Plan
Only One Day Left
(to Mon. 8 Aug. 2022)
24 Hours Between Darkness and Light
Huge BQmbs, Scare Event Incoming
Digital War
Evidently Trump avoided a US Nuclear World War III with China through a last minute phone call to Xi Jinping on the Pelosi visit to Taiwan.
Charlie Ward: Confusion will deepen over the next three months and the World will experience a Near Death Experience. No secret Rapture will take place – it will be a performance. There will be no public arrests of prominent people in the near future. They are wanting them to live in fear as they have done to us. Elections won’t go ahead in November. Something will happen in Oct to stop it because our elections were still being manipulated.
Watch For A Fake Alien Invasion, White Hat Intel:

The Fake Alien Invasion uses Clouds. Project Blue Beam depends on this.
First the Deep State in many countries declassify UFO documents, and then the Mainstream Media plaster’s the story (like now). Eventually lights in the clouds in unknown countries and huge UFO crafts would be seen behind the Clouds. Then loud sounds and explosions.
It would be 5G using super Sonic sounds that connected to your ear drum frequency which simulated (Alien) telepathy, then Earthquakes and Storms produced by the geo-engineering patents the government has had since 1892.
After the Earthquakes, a new fake archeology will be found that will connect the Aliens behind the Clouds: your phone will transmit fake Alien stories and sounds, pictures and videos.
Most likely this project Blue Beam will be BETA tested in many virtually unknown countries that are owned and bought by the Rothschilds/ Rockefellers/ Kazarian Mafia (the Biblical dark blood lines).
This Project Blue Beam was always in the cards for the Deep State’s last resort.
They have already started Project Blue Beam in Rothschild-bought countries. Think south Russian border countries.

SaurfangtheElder #psycho

[on experiment called "Rhythm 0", a six-hour work created by performance artist Marina Abramović. The audience was invited to do whatever they wished to and/or with the artist, using one of 72 objects she had placed on a table for this purpose including a rose, feather, scalpel, metal bar, and a gun loaded with one bullet. Some audience members started to cut her throat and drink her blood with the scalpel , some sexually assaulted her. One man even put a gun to her head and tried to pull the trigger ]

I could see myself becoming violent in such a situation, not because I'm evil inside, but through sheer curiosity. If you look at modern society and the way we live our lives, emotions like love and tenderness happen regularly. Kissing our family or hugging our friends is very natural to many people, and many of us are taught from a young age to treat others with kindness and not aggression.

When we are presented the opportunity to see the other side of the spectrum, to treat someone not like a human being and with kindness, but with hate or violence, it becomes interesting.

This doesn't mean that the person who ends up slapping someone is evil inside, or even that he enjoys it. It's our natural curiosity that also drives us to perform such an act. In the end I could walk away from this experiment where I would have been aggressive and violent and decide that I generally prefer being a nice person over doing that.

Prussian Society of America #ableist #racist #wingnut

[From "A Case Study in Humans who love Disabled, Ugly and worthless people"]

My Philosophy for a Happy Life” TEDxMidAtlantic, October 2013

Progeria is not a condition, it is a different species of Humanoids, nevertheless, Sam Berns is a Jew

It is most excessively apparent in the Americans, and this is why I repeatedly state that Americans are a Nation of Losers, who love Slavery and Bondage, and have an inner streak of Self-Hatred of which they project everywhere

Take a Glance at the comments, and you will see and understand the hysterical obsession and religious nuances being spoken by these obsessed freaks who want to claim someone is beautiful[…]and to claim they are a “good person”[…]
Why isn’t a Beautiful Musician or Band who creates Beautiful Music given such statements of worship and inspiration?[…]
One commenter writes:

Charlie Pecto: You are a beautiful human being Sam! .. I am sharing this video of yours to my 19 year old son who is facing challenges emotionally and mentally but can’t quiet win over these challenges! Thank you so much for sharing your philosophies

For one, he is not beautiful, and the fact that the commenter needs to imply of him being a “Human Being” just shows how unnatural the emotion and statement behind it all is[…]
Rhere is a Musician I know of, beautiful inside and out, of whom someone was making an attempt to attack during their musical career, and for everything this Musician did do or didn’t do, and she was accused of all kinds of ridiculous theories as to her disdain with things. A lot of her personal works were also ruthlessly rejected by Record Companies, deemed too “Nationalistic”[…]
It’s just as silly as the cult following that the Autistic Demon girl Greta Thunberg has[…]
It is also demonstrative of how much Americans are in love with Jewry and has absolutely no Discernment or set of Standards

Hekmatullah #fundie #psycho #wingnut

‘I will continue killing foreigners’: soldier who shot dead unarmed Australians treated as ‘returning hero’ by Taliban

Hekmatullah, the rogue Afghan soldier who killed three unarmed Australian diggers in Afghanistan a decade ago, is living in a luxury home in the capital Kabul, treated as a “returning hero” by the Taliban who released him from prison.

He has said he does not regret killing Australian soldiers, and has vowed he would again kill Australians, or anyone who opposes the Taliban.

“If I am released I will continue killing foreigners,” Hekmatullah told an official of the former Afghan government when his release was being negotiated.

“I will continue killing Australians and I will kill you as well because you are a puppet of foreigners,” he said.

“I am among my brothers, we will be free, Afghanistan will be free. We will kill you.”

Since returning to Afghanistan, Hekmatullah has reportedly been housed in the former diplomatic quarter of Wazir Akbar Khan. He lives in a heavily secured property in a district adjacent to the clandestine former home of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the former al-Qaida leader assassinated eight days ago by a US drone strike as he stood on the balcony of his villa.

A former senior official in the democratically elected government of Afghanistan – overthrown in August 2021 – has confirmed to the Guardian Hekmatullah’s return to Afghanistan.

“He was welcomed back to Kabul as a hero … with a house, car, guards, an amnesty for his crimes, his expenses are being paid for. He is being treated as a hero.”

“The person I met is a dangerous terrorist, a dangerous man,” the source said. “He is not repentant, not regretful. He is a threat, he can cause harm to the world. He should not have been released.”

The source said Hekmatullah appeared to be “very well protected”, with close links to senior Taliban officials now in government.

“But the Taliban who hold the strongest grudges, who want to take revenge, are those who were in prison, including him, Hekmatullah. He has hatred still.”

“The Taliban is seeking revenge: they have no mercy. We will be identified soon. Our lives, and the lives of our families, are in danger.”

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut #enbyphobia

RE: Mexicans FURIOUS That Americans Are Invading Their Country, Won't Speak Spanish In Hilarious Irony

Who would have thought going to a foreign country and refusing to learn the language, culture or even integrate into the society in the slightest would make the locals angry and want to kick you out, or worse... such an outlandish concept no one could have seen coming.

(A R)
One of my fantasies has always been to go to Mexico to work as a stockboy in a grocery store and whenever a customer would ask me where an item is I would tell them "No habla espanol". This is priceless.

(Curtis Wade)
To the teams point about language, one of our political factions doesn't even speak the same language as most Americans. What is really frustrating is that it sounds like the same language, but the words change meaning from moment to moment based on what advantage they can gain over someone who speaks normally.

(Acme Racing)
Wait, I thought it was racist to object when people come to your country and don't speak the language. Will they provide English versions of all their government forms for Americans? Require locals to press 1 for Spanish when they call customer service in Mexico?

(Karnacle Blackburn)
This literally put a cheek hurting grin on my face for a full 24 hours (minus an 8 hour sleep).

(Donna Stokes-Manning)
My favorite part of this clip is when the person pointed out how this same media outlet would call Americans who complain about the exact same thing here as racists but when the people in Mexico complain they are not called racist. I wouldn’t have thought of that while reading the article. Maybe a week later it would hit me but it would be old news by then. It is why these videos are important instead of just the usual leftist media talking points

I don't really blame them getting furious......they are getting Californians after all. Just imagine you are a hard working Mexican heading to your favorite restaurant, and running into a manlet with a manbun that says "Hello my fellow Latinx, my pronouns are they/them, and I am an omnisexual." I'd be pissed too.

(Greg Lane)
Guess Trump was right that maybe Mexico will pay for a wall.

Carmella Navarro & J Bautista #magick #psycho

RE: MANIPULATION SPELL For Controlling Others | Influence The People Around You and Have Them Do Your Bidding

(Carmella Navarro)
I cant believe it! It all feels too good to be true. I have tried lots of different spells on Etsy for the past year, but I am so grateful to have found angelakaska! The boy that I liked became obsessed with me after purchasing this spell, despite never having noticed me at all before :) We soon met up and had some of the most amazing sex ive ever had! I feel as though my sex drive, confidence, and attraction factor are all through the roof. All of these positive effects at such a good price is a bargain! I will definitely be back for more

(J Bautista)
The best Sex Spell on Etsy by far! I Was shocked to see how fast the results started taking place. I have become irresistible to everyone around me, and have recently developed two new FWB relationships with beautiful women I would have once thought were out of my league. Angel Akasha is the best out there!

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

The race war already started.

They’ve just convinced White people to refuse to fight back or to actively participate in their own destruction

@Apolitical Just watching TV and walking through America’s cities you’d think America was 80% nonwhite. Then BLM happened in 2020 and all of the White people came out… marching for BLM.

@Apolitical Letting them come for your children is the cHriSTiaN THiNg To dO!

@Apolitical America? White Racial self-awareness is the first step toward loosing your chains of jewish guilt-mongering.

"Are you for WHITE America? Because if it's not White, it's NOT RIGHT!"

@Apolitical white people call for calm when an 18 yo white girl is gang raped and murdered by 4 black thugs………black folks burn down a city when a black gangsta is shot dead by a cop….and black politicians incite them to do it…

@Apolitical A great number of white people are simply cowards and won't fight back.

@blgilchrist @Apolitical Fight back against what?

@Luke67 @blgilchrist @Apolitical
The subhuman sub species that are closer to monkeys than man

Look at a picture of a negro, then a monkey, then a white.


White folks are too nice and too gullible to believe that there are other races out there that seek the White people's destruction.
Like: *nah... (They) can't mean us.

@Apolitical they’ve not only convinced whites to not fight, but to fight for the other side. This will be the first time in history that a race of people will genocide themselves.

@Apolitical I reckon the 2 year lockdown, mask mandates and jabs showed the elites clearly that the people could be easily manipulated. Far too many were here we are!

@Apolitical A war is when both sides are fighting as equally strong against each other. A genocide is when only one side is fighting. Whites aren't fighting back (aggressively, defensively or offensively); they're being genocided.

Variuos commenters #wingnut


spoilerThere are two Americas. One is
obsessed with masks, vaccines,
homosexuality, abortion,
pronouns, BLM, feminism, soy
lattes, mental illness, censorship,
ending whiteness, government
control, etc.
The other is about family,
community, freedom, God,
minding your own business.

“Minding your own business” was kinda a mistake tbh - it lead to a lazy, apathetic conservative majority being taken over by a militant and organised liberal minority.

@SeekUFind The system imposed on amerika since 1913 is destroying all. I can't understand how so few still can't see it for what it is. Read the communist manifesto and tell me which plank hasn't been imposed on amerika.

@Exposingtherootoftheevil @SeekUFind Communism has been pushed on us for a long time, but these capitalism oligarchs aren't doing us any favors either. It seems like unchecked capitalism just transitions into communism once industry and power is monopolized.

@SeekUFind Obama one is about destroying America he’s had two terms to do just that his legacy will always be the man who hates white people so much he was born in Africa send him back so he can be among his color of choice and take big Mike with him.

@SeekUFind "Minding your own business"
As Christians we should always rebuke sinners, not ignore them. That's how we got where we're at.
It shouldn't come from a place of hate, but a place of love. Sin is falling short of what you can be, sins are failures, falling to temptation. Anyone sinning should have a loving Christian there to mentor them.

But if they refuse to be mentored, you're under no obligation to hound them to get them to change.


The other side, after capitulating and grovelling for decades is realizing the one side simply hates them, hates God, hates Whites, hates their country, and won't ever mind their own business and is preparing to go on the offensive. They no longer care about their namecalling, their buzzwords, and slander.

JulioGrandSlam , Tha_Vinci & FoggyKudzu #wingnut

I am against abortions not because I think killing fetuses is wrong, but because I think people need to take responsibility for themselves and not sleep around.

I agree with you and have made this argument here before. People glorify liberal behavior and have dehumanized pregnancy with their shitty post-modern language cancer so people stop feeling responsibility for their actions. A "whoops I got pregntabt better get an abortion." as if it were regular procedure. if you look at stats 86%+ of all abortions are because of it being an accident. The remaining percents are if the fetus has complications or the mothers life is in danger. Less than 1% are bc of rape.

I dont think it should be denied to women who are actually in danger because of it, but it shouldnt be normalized the way its trying to be.

Abortion is a permanent fix for a temporary problem. Pro adoption. What if we have aborted a human that had the answers for all of these problems.

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

The entire light spectrum is changing. The cosmic, gamma ray and Xray charts are taking a steep rise, the ultraviolet and infrared are also creating new bands. What does this mean? It means change on every level right down to the DNA. Why do you think the dark hearts are trying to change your DNA? To stop the activation and depopulate the awakening masses which once they find out who they are and what they have done will rise and take action. This has already begun.

Whatever changes they make are temporary, your immune system will attack any changes that do not align with the divine blueprint.
Almost every structure of power has been infiltrated by a Satanic/Luciferian death cult. The political institutions, film and music industry, business industry, religious industries all at the highest levels. This includes your medical industry. Harming and killing a child is the greatest gift they can give to Lucifer or Satan. For that they are greatly rewarded with money, power and fame.
We are all in this together regardless of race, color, gender or religion. WWG1WGA is most appropriate for the all is in the one. The all is the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness, all life throughout the multiverse, the unified field in which we all exist draw sustenance from and partake of to one degree or the other. The only difference between you and the advanced beings terrestrial and extraterrestrial is the expansion into greater awareness and use of the unified field. There are no divisions in God/Great Spirit/Creator only the illusion of separation. Time to forgive self and others, release and heal the past, get on with the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. Remember being a Christ/Buddha/White Eagle/Quan Yin/Mary/Buffalo Calf Woman etc. does not mean being a doormat. It is time to walk away, cannot serve the beast and not go down with it.

Dr. Michael Salla/Andrew D. Basiago #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Andrew D. Basiago, J.D., reveals more of his time travel experiences associated with Project Pegasus that he was formally a part of from 1969 to 1972. In this interview he goes into detail of what he encountered when he was transported to the year 2045. He describes how he underwent age-progression as one of the experiments that would prepare him for the rigors of time travel.

Andy discusses how future Presidents and public officials would be pre-identified using the time travel technology. These included presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama and future Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. Intelligence gathering of future events such as the September 11, 2001 attacks was an important aspect of Project Pegasus.

In this interview Andy discusses the critical role Rumsfeld played in Project Pegasus, and how he behaved ethically in his interactions with Andy and other child participants. Rumsfeld’s role in subsequent events such as the Jackie Gleason Homestead AFB incident with President Nixon is discussed, as well as his role in revealing the Pentagon’s black budget one day prior to the September 11 attacks, and his support for the creation of a US Space Corps that was stymied by the Pentagon bureaucracy.

Alfred Lambremont Webre #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

In his new book Time Screen (2023), futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre exposes a 50-year unlawful secret Chronogarchy plot to Balkanize America and disassemble the Constitution of the United States of America through covert social engineering. Alfred recounts his 1971 meeting with the Top Secret DARPA CIA time travel unit in 1971 after DARPA-CIA time-travelled his landmark book Exopolitics from 2005 back to 1971 using classified quantum access technologies. <...> Not only did the DARPA CIA time travel Chronogarchy foreshadow a future unlawfully caused Balkanization of USA, but U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joseph Robinette Biden would be pre-identified and groomed on a common consensual policy by the DARPA-CIA Chronogarchy secret Presidential Time Travel preidentification program.
Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre is a change agent whose principal activities are (1) founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics, (2) discovery of the Omniverse 2014 as the 3rd major cosmological body after the Universe and the Multiverse through which humanity understands the cosmos, as set out in his 2014 book DEO: Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse, (3) promulgation of the Positive Future Equation [PFE] though which humans co-create a positive future on planet Earth, published in his 2017 book My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth, (4) public exposé in his book Chronogarchy, of an interdimensional hidden power structure monitoring the time-space of Earth as its domain of influence, and operating as a secret government using quantum access Time Travel technologies to carry out its operations and mandates

Generic Username #conspiracy #transphobia

Encouraging people to pursue fundamentally impossible outcomes is nothing more than enabling them to live lives of bitterness, resentment, and self-loathing.

There are aspects of life that cannot be changed, and one of them is the body you are born with. Puberty, and the development of your body is NOT a reversible process, and neither is any tampering by outside chemicals and injections.

Furthermore, the origins of modern academia's perspective on what they term "gender", as well as the concept of "gender" in the first place, were founded on the works of a man named Dr. John Money. Specifically, an experiment Dr. Money performed on a pair of twin boys, one of whom had a botched circumcision. The twin whose genitalia had been irrevocably damaged was then placed on hormonal treatment and raised as a girl. In addition to being dosed with estrogen, the boy was also forced to perform mock sexual acts with his twin brother in front of Dr. Money, the doctor even recorded these himself.

This led to lifelong mental issues with the "transitioned" child, David Reimer, as he struggled with suicidal thoughts over the abuse he suffered and his physical state brought about through the treatment and initial botched circumcision. Ultimately culminating in his suicide, with his brother also committing suicide some time later.

The experiment was considered a success.

The hypothesis being that someone's identity as a male or female was entirely predicated on how they were raised, with no biological impetus whatsoever.

And with two ruined lives culminating in suicide, this was ruled a success.

Gender ideology has been, and will continue to be, harmful psychotic rhetoric put forward by pedophilic academics who care not for the health of the people struggling with self-loathing and mental illness, but instead only wish to profit off of and proliferate this doctrine of self mutilation.

Tainted Slav #wingnut #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #transphobia #psycho

Unlike the "stunning and brave" caste of XYZ challenged degenerates I don't have to lie to myself that IF I do A, B and C my life will miracously get better because I will be a new man, somehow. No, it will not get better, and this "new" will be jast a sick, wicked masquerade gone too far. Yeah sure call me transphobic because of this but I spell what's essentially and realistically true. Ignore or deny, it will not change the actual state of things. That's first.Second, whatever you like it or not but:1. There always will be people that are homophobic, mainly because homoseuality is against their life staples and the ways of their social mentality compass (like in my case although I know some gays IRL, even worked with a bunch and can confirm they were whining spoiled brats)2. There always will be people that are transphobic because no healthy people would suggest to themselves "boy oh boy, I don't think it was fair that I was born X instead of Y!". That's just a demonstration of illness to them, again because of transgenderism is against their life staples and the ways of their social mentality compass. I wouldn't have been so harsh on these petty meatsacks if I was not aware of what kind of crimes the trans people do perform mostly (spoiler: rape, and not only of full legal age human beings) and what utterly atrocious agenda they push. Do you really want me to believe that 5 year old Bobby would understand the context of gender dysphoria and feel himself to be actually trans? No, he can't, he's just a goddamn KID, he don't know shit neither should to, according to his age. BUT THEY (trans) WANT HIM TO, DUH. Also google "egg hatching" term in trans "language" for get better understanding why am I so highly negative of this kind of human beings.3. Politics, like it or not were always a part of communities, nor necessarily IRL ones though. The desire to get rid of this shit from your hugbox is understandable and goood and shit, but, like I said, people are retarded and they WILL bring politics in either way. It's just how it always works.4. Can't say much on wordsalads, we all have moments of skitzo, that's not something that can't happen to anyone of us. 40oz with this thread or Kontra's mumbling regarding DBP48' negrating are the most obvious examples.

Tainted Slav #wingnut #psycho #god-complex #dunning-kruger

[Context: dude is trying to “defend” himself after someone called out his bullshit and bigotry]

Okay, first of, I'm not a vile person you cunt. Just because I let myself tell what I really feel\think doesn't make me vile. Saying that having principle of being yourself is somehow "vile" is just sound like Doomworld soyjacks\jannies. I despise such people for good reasons, just as much as some of them despise me, both for my honest opinion on modern day affairs with the pointing out that we deserve Hell be called upon all of us for how sick the mankind have essentially become AND for absolutely untrue and rather slander-tier shit. I got used to it and often ignore such things happening because I know a simple truth: the only person I can change is myself, and nobody else, and I sure as fuck not gonna pander to delusions of some group of intellectually questionable cunts whining about "insert the current thing" and that I, for whatever reason, MUST OBEY AND FOLLOW. No, thank you, I'd rather not.

Correct me if I'm wrong here (probably not), but... are you suggest that speaking our minds in the open is somewhat a crime and should be forbidden, punished for happening to be? Because by the look of it you imply exactly this and that's DW's kulkidz\GZD handlers rhetoric, which is basically the voice of left leaning governments ie democrats in USA, trudeau's cuck party, etc.

Jared Taylor #racist

Black Brutality

Either we talk about it or we lose our country.

Everyone knows violent crime is up, and there are theories about why.

I have noticed a pattern that may not fit any of these theories.

In New Orleans this spring, a 17-year-old boy with a pistol, along with three girls — one 16, the others 15 — stole a car with the owner in it. She got stuck in her seatbelt and was hanging out the driver’s-side door when they roared away. Her arm was ripped off and she bled to death. The carjackers were black. The 73-year-old victim was white.

Just a few days ago in Philadelphia, seven black children — the youngest was 10 — beat a 73-year-old black man to death with a traffic cone.

Here’s an Orlando headline from not even two months ago: “10-year-old girl shot, killed woman after fight.”

It is hard to imagine people of any other race doing these things. America has a shocking problem with black people, a problem it refuses even to think about.

Not to put too fine a point on it, these people are enemies of civilization.

Do white people do this sort of thing? Do Asians? Hispanics? Maybe if you hunted really hard, you could find some examples. With blacks, you don’t have to hunt at all.

I hate to say this, but vicious savagery against whites is understandable in a twisted way. From childhood on, blacks learn that whites are bad people. Why not rob them, beat them, kill them?

But what about those seven youngsters who beat a helpless black man to death? What kind of depravity is this? Those children are almost an indictment of the whole species.

When something like that makes the news — which mostly it doesn’t — there’s a little hand-wringing and then silence. But let a white person say a few ill-chosen words, and it’s proof of a vast, malignant web of white supremacy and systemic racism that we must all work to dismantle, night and day.

This is not just disproportionate. It’s sick. It’s like running the vacuum while the house burns down.

Is it meanspirited or wrong to talk about this? No. It’s essential. And for as long as whites are paralyzed by the fear of being called “racist,” their country will keep sinking into savagery until they have no country at all.

Harmonica #homophobia #wingnut

[From "Plague Prevention"]

Watching how the media has handled the development of the monkeypox outbreak has been fascinating because it shows just how brazen they are, how much they hate normal Christians, and how much they will do anything to defend the alphabet people[…]homosexual men who have a compulsive desire to engage in extremely risky sexual activity, the consequences be damned[…]
That this comes not even two years after they cheerlead for destroying people’s lives who just wanted to engage in normal activities. It really reveals the depths of their hatred. Trying to keep your family business afloat? Selfish bastard! Refuse to stop having gay orgies? Oh, that’s your call[…]
The fact that homosexuals are refusing to alter their behavior one iota should be no surprise. While I would not go as far as to call monkeypox a death sentence, AIDS certainly did qualify as one in the 1980s and still homosexuals refused to change their degenerate behavior. Though the Left’s explanation lays blame at the feet of Ronald Reagan[…]facts do not bear this out. That homosexual men called efforts to get them to at least wear condoms an act of “sexual Nazis” is well documented, as was their anger at New York City Mayor Ed Koch when he shut down the bathhouses[…]
That’s why so much of the propaganda around AIDS[…]focused on heterosexual couples and how AIDS was “everyone’s disease”[…]AIDS, at least in the West, has been a homosexual and drug user disease[…]Bad PR did force homosexuals to change their tune[…]
There are certain trends that make Heritage America better prepared to fight. For one, Heritage America no longer trusts the media or even the medical community, so the move to downplay the disease will have less success now. There was too much leftover good will in the 1980s[…]Degenerate Left cannot play the bait and switch anymore, no one will believe they just want to be let alone

Matt Powell #homophobia #psycho

But [drag queens are] saying, “We’ll convert your children.” Do you know how they convert children? By molesting them. By abusing them. That’s how they convert children. That’s how people even become homosexuals, is by getting molested by one of these creeps.

And let me ask you a question: Why would you celebrate a group of people that leads the world in pedophilia?

Do you know what Jesus preached about child molesters, people that would go around flaunting their bodies and doing perversion in front of children? That they should be dealt with by the government. Capital punishment. I believe that all of these drag queens… should be lined up, every single one of them that has flaunted their body in a sexual manner in front of children, I believe that they should all be lined up, and by the power of the United States Constitution and the authority of God’s Word, should be dealt with via firing squad.
The only reason they adopt children is probably to molest them, according to statistics.
So why is the church today affirming them? “We affirm it!” What, you’re affirming AIDS? Affirming pedophilia? What kind of nonsense is that?
If you’re homosexual, you can’t multiply. The only way you can multiply is by molesting children and, like zombies, creating more child molesters.
Dear Lord, I pray that America would wake up to the perversion that is going on, and that parents would not send their kids to Drag Queen Story Hour to be around a bunch of pedophiles. Lord, I pray You’d strike those pedophiles dead. Every single one of these drag queens. Dead, Lord. I pray that You would wipe them out and that You would eradicate them through Your power. And Lord, we know that You will someday if not now.

rowanman28 #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut

Is War Just A Puppet Show?
(Continued from )
That might sound transphobic, but I don’t have a problem with trans people, I think they should just shut up about it, and just be a human being like everyone else, but realizing they chose to try to be something they couldn’t actually become and it’s a mental illness not a virtue signal.

It’s not really the real issue, it’s a diversion and it’s not organic, but it’s important enough because it’s part of the general destruction of tradition, morality, common sense, courage, and democracy that is letting any of this happen in the first place.

The US and UK governments are killing old people with midazolam because they don’t have enough money to keep the old people alive, social security is insolvent, so why is the public health system paying tens of thousands of dollars to transition kids?

Well, big pharma want the money, they’re probably planning on killing all the old people and useless people anyway, and I think they’re actual, literal Satanists, for real and it’s like a ritual thing as well as a money making scam and a eugenics program.

Most of the population says they don’t trust the media, and if you push them they will all admit the corporations are ruthless monsters who do anything for the bottom line, but on any particular media narrative, they still fall for it every time.

You can objectively prove that these people are not just ruthless, not just criminals, but genocidal maniacs on a mass scale who show a pattern of psychopathic mass murdering insanity that belongs in a horror movie.

Which people? The government, the corporations. It’s not all of them exactly, but they’re all under the same umbrella due to the way the money flows.

This is what makes it hard to put your finger on who is a traitor, a terrorist, an infiltrator, a spanner in the works, committing treason, selling us out to a foreign power or corporate criminals.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell, like most Americans would argue that either Trump or Biden was the “good one” because that’s how they been trained to think.

The problem with being trained how to think is almost everything you been trained to think is wrong, and the people who are training you to think are sabotaging your brain with almost every single thought.


Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The Democrat’s unconstitutional gun control bill bans many common handguns, sporting rifles, and magazines. They’re coming for your Glock, 1911, AR-15, and the rest of your rights. Tyranny is their platform.

@DrPaulGosar The terms "assault weapons" and "hate speech" are very similar. Both of them are communist terms to limit our gun rights and freedom of speech.

@USCenturion2020 @DrPaulGosar Antiwhites use language as a means to psychologically attack us.

@USCenturion2020 @DrPaulGosar

That’s because no one limited the speech of marxist propaganda because they didn’t wanna be “the bad guys”.

@DrPaulGosar if they don't know it already, they will spark a response that will throw us into a revolution. Hope that is what they want, because we are ready.

@DrPaulGosar Antiwhites want white people disarmed so that they can victimize us. Antiwhitism and white erasure are their platform.

@DrPaulGosar Right. They've already taken our First Amendment Rights, as Americans - so now we can't even complain about it. Then, comes the Second. Next will be property.
After that, will be the round up and cattle cars.

They are more than welcome to try and come get them.....

One bullet at a time....

This is communism, the same Jewish led tyranny that took over Russia and the Weimar Republic in Germany. Where was your voice when that Jew lackey Donald Trump banned bump stocks and called for red flag gun laws? All of you politicians are Jew owned criminals who work against the American people, especially white America.

@DrPaulGosar No. they aren’t actually coming for them. It’s all a ploy to start a civil war, thus reducing the population, which is the goal. All politicians on both sides will continue to do is push a button that never needed being pushed until it creates what they want from it…. It’s pathetic is what it is, and the politicians will have to be held at a very high account for their actions of course. That’s just common sense.

@DrPaulGosar Need to stop calling it Democrat, its not. Its Communist.

Laura Loomer & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Laura Loomer)
24 days left till the Florida Republican primary!

I’m campaigning 18 hours a day to get to DC to FIGHT for all of you.

The feckless, cowardly Republican Party establishment has given my opponent thousands of dollars to use against me even though he supported the 2nd impeachment of Donald Trump, skipped the vote on the bill that would have federalized our elections, and he doesn’t believe the election was stolen.

We must unseat him. Please donate $25 or more to my campaign today so we can FINISH WITH VICTORY!


I will never vote for a Jew. Not after how they treat Whites. They are horrible people.

@lauraloomer just what Jewmerica needs, another kike in Congress.

@lauraloomer don't support this Jewish transgender.

@lauraloomer I used to defend you from Nazis but you got spotted with freemason will not survive your father....he lies to all including his own...Christ is your only chance.

@lauraloomer you're done kike...hit the showers with Milo for some ass play and have a nice long soak at the mikvah...tranny garbage.

Synagogue of satan this cunt is

@lauraloomer Democrat, Republican
you are ALL servants of Jews and you ALL need to be hanged

A transgender Jew - you are perfect fit with our current clown government 🤡

@lauraloomer no trannies. Period. And no jews either.

@lauraloomer sorry we don't need more jews in position of power in this country.

Various commenters #wingnut

RE: They murdered my grandbaby 😭😭

So sorry for your loss. Abortions really can destroy families and those seeking them don't seem to care about how it will make their families feel.

My wife's sister killed her niece or nephew with an abortion. Their relationship basically broke down at that point and now they haven't spoken in more than three years.

Sadly the culture today tilts so heavily towards self gratification rather than taking responsibility and it seems to have influenced your daughters.

our culture is so fixated with sex being as casual as possible with little consequence or responsibility

Also I forgot to say this, as for your younger kids since you’re concerned about their morals. May I suggest having them volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center or some other pro life charity to show them what choosing life is and to get them better educated on what the “choice” is and what the baby looked like. They could also possibly learn there that a baby isn’t the end of the world and you can be an excellent mother and have a career and education. Maybe take them to the local march for life if your area has one.

I wish you well, your not being backward or controlling your going to your morals and that’s what a family should be about good morals, I wish that person who did it to come back and say “l regret it”. I wish you to get better and we are all here to support you, this is why I’m against abortion it doesn’t just hurt the person doing the abortion it hurts others too it has a ripple effect. Wishing you well from U.K.

If that was me I would of left my GF instantly

I don’t know what to say other than I’m really sorry. It’s hard enough finding out that some random woman you’ve never met is considering abortion, never mind your own child. Your daughter is lucky that she had someone so willing to help. There are countless girls in her situation who choose abortion because everyone turns their back to her and her child.

You have not been forsaken. This is a horrible way to find out that your family doesn’t share your values. Pray for them and your unborn grandchild. I will pray for your family.

I would first checkout the kind of education your children are getting. Already brainwashed to see it as a "choice".

Various commenters #wingnut

It’s hard to think they forget abortion is murder

Didn’t hitler convince his followers that Jews weren’t really people? Huh…

Wow, such an interesting parallel🤔ᴴᴹ

The nazis denied that their victims were human. Just like abortion advocates.

I don't think it's right to compare the 2 at all. It gives our movement a bad name.

Why not tho? Both include the dehumanization of certain human beings to justify their killing.

Too much logic. PC liberals don’t like logic. They get too focused on the racial part of the argument and equating something evil that they agree with to something evil and race related means in their small capacity of ideological understanding that we must be calling them racist. So they will get defensive and name-call us racists in response, even though race wasn’t the point whatsoever - dehumanization is the point.

Could you imagine if hitler could have convinced the Jews to kill their own children before taking a breath and commit a self genocide?

What we have here is a very large group of people convinced to kill their own. The leaders of this movement don’t even have to lift a finger to do the dirty work. Why does this even happen today?

Eldooro #sexist #psycho

[on a 10 year old child giving birth in mexico]
If you think 10 year olds are too young, you really shouldn't look at human history.
There's a reason for the remark "if she bleeds, she breeds".
Back in the day, before penicillin, infant mortality rate was really high. In addition, you needed kids help to work the farm and whatever. The only way to accomplish a lot of things it to breed as fast as possible. This included what we define as kids.

The big deal for us is 10 year old's have no method to survive on their own. We deem them irresponsible and incapable of making live changing decisions. We believe at 18, you're smart enough for live changing decisions (excluding alcohol, being the President, a member of Congress, etc). From others perceptions about it, they look at us as we're going out of our way to teach children (<18 yo) that they can not be responsible until this magic number 18 hits them. In Texas, it's 17, btw, with a 3 year Romeo and Juliet clause.


I think far too often people forget we are still slaves to our biological masters. We're horny because our body says "MAKE BABY NOW!". There are 13 year old that look like 18 AND get in to bars with a fake ID. They are horny like anyone else but are held to a different standard. Right, wrong, or indifferent -- that's the way it is and it'll be a political war to change it. The war won't be able what's best for the children or adults. It'll be what looks best and will help assist in voting people in to power.

In the US, sex is a scary thing. Showing vag in a movie will get you an X rating. But showing someone losing their torso and blood everywhere may still net you a PG-13 or maybe an R. Sex is natural and something your body really likes. Killing, not so much. Personally, I find us as backwards

Queenfaggo #homophobia #transphobia

Modern wokeness was a disaster for gays. Once upon a time, you could just be gay. Gay was gay. Gay was nothing else. Gay was nothing more. You were either a dude who liked other dudes, or a girl who liked other girls. You could be yourself and be as gay as you wanted and that was that. As simple as could be.

Then came the "community" mafia. Suddenly gay being meant you were apart of some coalition with other non straights. Gay was now a community you HAD to be in. The gays had to get along with the lesbians, the lesbians had to deal with the gays, and everyone had to deal with the troons. It was the lgb"T" community after all. You dykes and fags HAVE to get alone with troons. Never mind the fact that transgender isn't even a sexuality so the whole thing makes no sense, STOP THINKING TOO MUCH BIGOT. What's that, you're a lesbian who obviously doesn't like cock because that's the whole point? Too bad, suck the girl cock anyway or else you're a bigot!

The problem with this is that gays don't really have anything in common with lesbians. They're never going to get along organically. And nobody has anything in common with troons, so that's a non fucking starter right from the get go. When the T got associated with the L and the G, the T brought along with them all their baggage and woke nonsense. Being gay was now an aggressive political statement.

As a homo I cannot even begin to tell you how hard it is to find non woke partners nowadays. I just want a cute girl to cuddle and do cute things with, I don't want to read your fucking twitter or talk about how great abortion is or how much you like multiculturism or whatever. Finding a normal gay is next to impossible. It makes you realize why everyone used to hate us and why they're starting to hate us again.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #racist

[From "Big Chief Apostate Bergoglio Outdoes Himself in Canada"]

Jorge Mario Bergoglio possesseth not the Catholic Faith, and he is now on an apology tour of Canada[…]The purpose of this apology tour is to make reparation, as the Argentine Apostate would have it, for the "harm" done by those who evangelized the Indians of North American without esteeming and preserving their pagan, diabolical, murderous, barbaric customs[…]
Although there were clerical abuses of some of the students over the years of the like that are still being covered up by the conciliar “bishops”[…]Jorge Mario Bergoglio is apologizing for the fact that the indigenous peoples of Canada were “victimized” by the French missionaries[…]
Father John de Brebeuf wrote to his superior in Quebec on December 28, 1637, of the inhospitable nature of the savages among whom he was working[…]
Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his band of conciliar revolutionaries believe that there no universal standards of modesty of dress, decency of speech, nor purity of conduct as they believe that it is wrong to “impose” supposedly “European standards”[…]
Pagan superstitions of the Indians of North America had to be eliminated, and they have only made a recrudescence in the past five centuries because of conciliarism’s penchant for its ideology of the “inculturation of the Gospel”[…]
Bergoglio, of course, loves false religions and thinks nothing—absolutely nothing—of offending the true God of Divine Revelation[…]
Bergoglio’s “penitential pilgrimage” to Canada is another exercise in apologizing for that which the Apostles and countless missionaries thereafter have striven to do: to preach the Catholic Faith while preserving what they could of indigenous customs that were not opposed to the honor and glory of God and thus of the good of souls

Janath #fundie

At that time I was completely against this video. I thought this is a complete false, made-up video insulting and ridiculing the Buddha. I hated this. I thought this was done in lowly, corrupted intention in hating Buddha and Buddhism. But later I recalled all about this to Ms. Sandya, a good, honest lady whom I know well and she also watched this video as well as others. She was a buddhist but now a converted devoted christian. I hoped a fair reply from her because she has a good knowledge of Buddhism being a Buddhist until she was well past her 20's of age. She did reply but it really shocked me again, because she said after much thinking that everything in this video is completely true!! I was shocked and terrified but she said that this is true. She said that Buddha did not believe in the God and rejected the whole idea of God's creations of everything, humans, animals and worlds . She said that Buddha failed to say how everything started first and said everything started naturally which is wrong. She said all desires cannot be eliminated as Buddha said so, because its work of the God which Buddha did not understand. Buddha said after eliminating all desires, humans can achieve Nirvana state which is away from heaven and hell and that Buddha going to Nirvana after death. But this lady told me that this Nirvana was never correctly proved by Buddha and either there was not a single evidence to support it. She said if that is true and correct, Buddha has to come out himself in any form after his death and say that he's now in Nirvana, but that kind of thing did Not happen. At least not even the slightest notifications occurred at that time or any kind of signs of any form appeared anywhere with Buddha's death to prove about this Nirvana theory. This lady said that its a complete lie by Buddha and that nirvana is not achievable and that it does not exist at all. There's only heaven and hell. She said that its known to Christians that Buddha said at his dying time that Buddha "still did not find the light I am searching for".

The_Real_PMC #sexist #pratt #dunning-kruger

All feminists are like that, all feminists hate men period. Feminists are allied with each other and enable each others hate.

Transcript[Panel 1]
[Panel 2]
-Pauline Harmange-
[Panel 3]

The Peace Street Show with your host Willow Proctor #conspiracy #quack

Hugely disappointing explanation. Did corrupt big pharma buy Khan institute as well? Perhaps khan institute is not up to date that the second Doctor co-authorizing the Wakefield study actually appealed all the way to the high courts and won the case that no malpractice had occurred in the "Wakefield Study" study and received his medical license back. As well, it was declared by the presiding judge that the Lancet paper authored by the Wakefield and 12 other prestigious researchers, should be re-published and that the entire Wakefield case had been handled unjustly. Andrew Wakefield has also since been vindicated scientifically by 6 independent research teams from different countries, all having been able to replicate Wakefield's findings, showing he was RIGHT to suggest that more research into links between autism, MMR and IBS is needed. Andrew Wakefield, produced a profound film, VAXXED, which has supported a huge wake up movement around the world. Highly educated doctors, chiropractors, health practitioners, mothers, fathers, are waking up to the reality that there is massive fraud being perpetrated in Big Pharma and government regulatory agencies. People are discovering that we MUST question the safety of vaccines.

Crypto Whale #fundie

1. STOIC (being calm and almost without any emotion.)
No feelings, No emotion,
prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
(Or if you prefer: wisdom, morality, courage, and moderation.)
Stoicism holds that the key to a good, happy life is the cultivation of an excellent mental state, which the Stoics identified with virtue and being rational. The ideal life is one that is in harmony with Nature, of which we are all part, and an attitude of calm indifference towards external events.
2. LACK OF LOVE ~ teaches compassion only as the highest virtue.
3. PASSIVE ~ We are just part of this Karmic universe, Cause and Effect. We are the effect of some cause, ie, we were born because our parents made love . . .
4. SELFISH ~ Does not concern about other important things, (example, the origin of the universe, the nature of the self as a body with a soul or mind, And the nature of God or Creator or Prime Mover, or the nature of the spirit) is only concerned of the self reaching enlightenment, nirvana
5. ATHEISTIC ~ Doesn't concern himself about god, more accurately, AGNOSTIC .
6. NO SOUL 无我 , ANATTA , NON-SELF ~ The self is just a tiny little part of a bigger reality in the universe.

Andrew S. Fischer #ableist #wingnut

In New Jersey not long ago, I went to play miniature golf with my fiance. I’ll call the place “Golfville.” After we’d paid, we discovered that the course consisted of nothing but flat, straight, unchallenging par-2 holes. I immediately complained to the management, and the response was that a NJ law requires any new miniature golf course to be wheelchair accessible!

In other words, I mused, only crappy miniature golf courses can now be built – which means no one who isn’t handicapped will want to play, effectively killing the pastime – just so a handful of theoretical miniature golf “diehards on wheelchairs” can play.


I understand the desire to include the disabled in recreational activities, and this is not a bad idea. (I’m sure that if I were wheelchair-bound I’d be complaining about all the things I couldn’t do and all the places I couldn’t go. Would I have the right, however, to demand access to everywhere I feel like going?) What I don’t understand is that the federal government has any business telling mini-golf entrepreneurs what they can and can’t do with their own property, that it can define what a “socially integrated experience” is, and then it can force all of this down everyone’s throat in order to include a small minority which may or may not have any interest in the activity in the first place.

If there were, in fact, a demand for wheelchair-accessible mini-golf courses, wouldn’t businesspeople be building them? The disabled from miles and miles around would descend like locusts upon such places, and their owners would make fortunes! Forced compliance would be unnecessary if the need actually existed.

So, as old mini-golf courses wear out and new ones are built, nine holes out of eighteen will be tepid at best, effectively killing the fun for the non-disabled 99% of players. An alternative would be to build two courses, one for the disabled and one for the non-disabled. Twice as expensive to build, but too bad for the entrepreneur…. Of course, all of this will really improve people’s attitudes toward the handicapped.

We The People News #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

There is more news to contemplate today.
New points of interest and old points going away.
Some have been completely debunked
But still some resurface and recycle to flunk.
Sometimes you hear what’s been said before,
But maybe, just maybe there is more in store.
So try to expand on your own way of thinking
Have every intention to learn what they are seeking.
Not everything you hear, is a lie today.
You have to figure it out And find out why.
Learn to survive, and do more than just live with a lie.

Not just Survive, but learn how to Fly.
Fly to the top and push the Cabal off.
Send them to where no one can be found.
Elimination, evaporation, Rods of God, inbound !!!

With the armor of God, This world will be heard.
God bless all true patriots who haven’t said a word.
But continue to fight, every second of the day.
The silent warriors out there to finish their plans
The ones we call hero’s who do more than we demand.
These are the true Warriors of God, who never retreat.
But explode all the demons and evil from our earth underneath
The ones who will give all of humanity, New Freedom to keep.

God Bless you ALL and Thank God above….WWG1WGA…with love

#SAVETHECHILDREN….Save the world…and continue to pray. 🙏

TOMORROW… will never again be …. Just Another Day !!!

ZetaTalk Chat #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

<Taken from a Q&A from the Zeta aliens>
Why are they sending the double Nancy to Taiwan with all this war talk? What is the point? [and from another] The Zetas have previously stated that Nancy Pelosi is now a Double, under the direction of the Junta. What is the Junta's purpose in arranging for the Pelosi Double to visit Taiwan? The Chinese Communist Party believes Taiwan is part of greater China and not a separate sovereign entity. The CCP vigorously opposes any action that would recognise the independence of Taiwan, especially official visits by high ranking politicians. Can the Zetas explain why the Pelosi Double's visit to Taiwan was necessary, given its obvious effect of antagonising China?
Internet rumors are increasingly focusing on the fact that the Biden Double seen on TV is not the Biden of old. This is clearly being made obvious. The public is being gradually educated about the Secret War that has been ongoing since President Trump signed his Executive Order starting the Tribunals. Pelosi was one of the first to be executed for treason, and the public Biden and Harris are Doubles under the control of the Junta. Since the US has been under Martial Law since the Fall of 2015, the Doubles in the White House and in control of Congress are scarcely relevant.

So why would the Junta send their Pelosi Double to Taiwan for a visit? When Q returned and SCOTUS overturned Roe vs Wade, virtually on the same day, we stated that the Secret War had been won to the extent that President Trump could be reinstated. We have predicted that the New Madrid Finale would occur before the end of 2022, and the Junta is braced for this. The FAA weather cams have been blinded to reduce panic and the Military is being activated. Since the coverup over Nibiru is ongoing, the Junta wanted a reason for the military going on high alert. Pelosi’s little trip is the excuse for the current military activation.

Quantum Nutrition Labs #quack #crackpot #mammon

Detox, Quantum

Dietary Supplement
90 Plant-Source Capsules
Full Detoxification Support*

Sale Price: $23.93 ea - 20% Off

Bentonite Clay – Nature's Ageless Detoxifier

Quantum Detox uses rare, remarkable type of bentonite clay to promote whole body detoxification.* It is comprised of calcium bentonite, not the more common sodium bentonite. This clay has been sourced from the area of an underwater ancient volcanic eruption that has been continually drenched with fresh water for millions of years. This long-acting process has acted to give this clay its unusual pristine properties. Analytical research studies of this usual form of bentonite clay demonstrate its powerful adsorptive and absorptive properties for detoxification.* This can help support your own natural detoxification process.*
How does the natural detoxification process work?

Clay has a beautiful, intricate crystalline structure with a negative electrical charge on the outer surface. This acts to give the clay its highly effective absorptive qualities. When the clay’s negative charges meet positive charges in the body (often due to toxins), the clay’s negative ions are exchanged for the unwanted positive ions. The absorptive properties of the clay then act like a sponge to pull these unwanted toxins deep into the clay’s inner matrix, so that later on, the body can eliminate them. This process is as fascinating as it sounds. There really is no other substance that acts with such a full detoxifying splendor as bentonite clay.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Can Jews Be Conservatives?

“We don’t want Jews in our movement,” says Andrew Torba, owner of Gab.

He says “Ben Shapiro and David Rubin are not welcome.”

That “movement” Torba is spearheading is a Christian nationalist fight to take back America.

“Shapiro, and Rubin,” says Torba, “must repent, renounce Judaism, and accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour to be considered bona fide conservatives.”

It begs the question:

Can Jews be Conservatives?

How could they?

Jews require censorship to protect their unquestionable power.

That’s why the kikes invented “hate speech” to shove a gag down your throat.

If you still insist that Shapiro, Rubin, Levin, Prager, Geller, Fleisher, Zeldin, Horowitz, Steven Miller, and the like, are ‘conservatives’ then ask yourself:

“What are Jews conserving?”

Besides, of course, their own unquestionable power in politics, media, finance, and Zionist propaganda.

Jews affirm their own political movements, but if Christians attempt it the Jews forbid it as ‘racist.’

The classic definition of conservatives are those to achieve maximum freedom, which naturally exiles the Yid.
All in all, in toto, across the board, in every respect, in its full entirety, no one pushes censorship, twisted-sex, gun stripping more than the ‘Conservative’ Jews in tandem with the Jew-run media and screech-dog ADL.
What you see is what you get.

You are NOT going to get anything “Conservative” out of the Jew.

You’re going to get deception, subversion, controlled-opposition, cultural inversion, civil disruption, and population dispossession.

Can America be saved?

Well, let’s put it this way.

There are 50 times more Christians than Jews.

It’s time for Christians to pry the oppressive Jewish boot from off their heads.

Ben Klassen #racist #conspiracy

Unfortunately or otherwise, there are not only millions, but billions of people who are adult in years, but their minds are still as irrational and gullible as a little child’s. And that is just the way the preachers would like to keep their flock of sheep. “Unless ye become as little children ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven,” saith the Lord. Although when they become adults these sheep may, too, have studied Ancient History, geology, geography, math and science, there is still a major section of their cranial grey matter that insists on clinging to silly fairy tales that their common sense tells them are ridiculous. They call it “religion” and proudly describe it as their “faith.”

Among this heterogeneous group of gullibles are the Christians, who believe in a mythical Christ of which there is no more historical evidence than there is of Mother Goose, who purportedly performed a myriad of miracles as hokey as any of the Mother Goose stories, such as the cow Jumping over the moon. They believe them because they are in print and their bible says so, and that is reason enough, they claim.
However, if Yahweh fornicated with a little jewess called Mary, how does this still leave her a virgin, and is it still really a virgin birth? Hardly. The jewish scribblers glorify this kind of fornication and adultery with a fancy name and call it the Immaculate Conception. Tricky, tricky.
We Creators would rather be promoting a cause that may be unpopular at this time but will win in the end, than one that may be popular now but lose in the end.
The Dark Ages of European civilization were at their worst when jewish christianity was at its peak.
Spooks in the Sky: Unseen, unheard, unfelt, unsmelt, unknown, unreal.
Unless the White Race takes charge of its own destiny, none of the pressing problems of the world will ever be solved.
Political Parties come and go. Religions endure.

rowanman28 #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia

Is War Just A Puppet Show?
I like An0maly, he talks some common sense that should be a mainstream opinion, and maybe it is, but he gets shut down by the media industrial complex and big tech censors because it doesn’t make money for the right people.

I’ll get to the point I wanted to talk about, which is whether Putin is a puppet of the very same people who own Zelensky, and Biden, Trump, Trudeau, Macron, etc, the World Economic Forum, or the bankers, the Jews.

It might not make sense immediately, like why would they be so vicious in the media against Trump and Putin if they were just the other side of the same coin, owned by the same people, who own almost everything?

Well, most people get convinced by everything they say, they faked the moon landing, and even when Buzz Aldrin went on Conan O’Brian and said it didn’t happen, it was faked, (that wasn’t the only time he said it), they still haven’t caught on.

It takes a special sort of awareness and skepticism to be able to see something as obvious as that, but with the more important lies, they might not let you say anything at all.

We have a lot of war talk going on, the UK army commander and top generals are talking about a war between the UK and Russia, at a time when if you gave half the people guns, they’d probably shoot their own leaders, if they could get away with it.

Why so much hate for “our own side” you ask? There is no part of anything I’ve seen them doing in the last two years that couldn’t be clearly defined as an attack designed to destroy the West completely.

This is how they’re training the Navy to fight in world war three, against Russia and China. I don’t really care if they don’t get it, but this is the kind of thing that would make someone defect, and they’re not training kindergarten teachers.

My view is it’s good to be nice, but what this actually is is sabotage, they’re making the USA a laughing stock, it’s cultural marxism, the plan is to show that capitalism failed, America failed, so the world moves on to the next thing.

There’s no way that will catch on even just in America, it wasn’t designed to catch on, chest feeding isn’t a real thing, it’s just stupid.

Men don’t give birth, and if they did it probably should be illegal for very good reasons, and the hormones are just the start of that argument, it would mess up a kid’s head for life no matter what anyone says.


Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia



@uttered THEY hope to kill of the Queers....! just supposin

@uttered And the AIR FORCE is having a diversity drag celebration...makes me want to puke! And these pervs are going to defend us?

There's no politically correct way to even talk about a disease that spreads almost exclusively through buttsex between homosexual men, much less do anything to stop it. Which will make it that much easier to terrify the general public about it when the midterms, I mean when the time comes. By November, people who tell the truth will be misinformation spreading homophobes whose accounts will get suspended.

If they shut down bathhouses and homosexual bars, jews, Democrats, central bankers, and Rinos would have nowhere to go after a day of lying, cheating, stealing, and committing treason.

@uttered Just like aids the pedos will take it home and give it to their cheating female partners and spread it thru the general population.

@uttered because you are ruled over by faggots

@uttered Because you failed, thankfully.

Sodomite bars should be shut down because they are evil, not because faggots have skin problems (the wages of sin).

@properlyarmed @uttered if by “shut down” you mean “burned down” then I might agree

@uttered Gay Ass Sex isn't as scary as breathing to these disgusting freaks.

@uttered the white guilt liberals and blacks can't handle the truth.

@uttered. So what does all the rainbow parades, Drag Queen story book hours, and how-to-be-Gay instructions for youngsters contribute to society?

@uttered we need to ban gayness and euthanize all the faggots ... to flatten he curve

Neil Kumar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Neil Kumar for U.S. Congress)
In case it isn’t clear by now, blacks have a free license to rape and murder Whites.

I don’t know what else there is to say at this point.

No murder charges. Now it's 2 counts of involuntary manslaughter, aggravated assault and assault.

3 suspects accused in beating death of Akron teenager outside I Promise School indicted on lesser charges

It's way past time to stop tolerating this shit. There's only one response, that savages understand, and that's extreme violent force. It's time to take it out of the vault and return it to your every day life. Our ancestors should have eradicated this filth, now it's up to us. Otherwise, they will feed on your descendants.


@neilforarkansas Critical Race Theory = Avoid niggers

@neilforarkansas Not a single mainstream "politician" will take on this violent and murderous hatred for Whites by niggers and all institutions specially the judicial branch, the prosecution and mainstream "news" networks. Not a single one will take on this case as one that perfectly exemplifies this murderous hate. This says it all. They are the enemy along with the retarded and violent low impulse control niggers. This is the case to wake up an entire nation and an entire race.

@neilforarkansas Ethan Liming was murdered while hanging out with "friends" of color when the inevitable happened. Many blacks are taught racism hatred at home, in the church and definitely on the news.

@JedSerchin @neilforarkansas They taught to specifically hate White People. The proper term for that is antiWhiteism.

@JedSerchin @neilforarkansas This is what happens when White Parents teach their White Children to be colorblind. Teach White Children to hate niggers.

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger

[From "Why Immigrant Cultural Contributions are often worthless"]

Some Barbarian Races may cook great food, or have certain traits about them which may seem admirable from time to time, but they can be potentially destructive to the landscape of your country[…]
Very few races are capable of improving and innovating upon another culture[…]
We have a lot of problematic immigrants in America who are not just among Blacks and Hispanics, but there are many problematic people like Albanians, Syrians, even some Romanians and others as well[…]
Many of these Races lower the standards and quality of European Civilization, if even they may also have European or Aryan ancestry or origins of some sort, because they have higher tolerance for corruption[…]
Arabs and Persians for example, many are disgusting two-faced liars, they lack honor and very few Islamic Clerics today will speak the truth of how degenerate their people have become[…]
Many Races love to be people pleasers, ESPECIALLY if they gained an immigration foothold on suspicious terms[…]
The differences and nuances among various races are too great to be ignored

Civilizations which bring in all kinds of immigrants from all parts of the world, even if they do not miscegenation, it still causes dissonance[…]
Societies which bring in immigrants from many parts of the world become less trustworthy and more anti-social[…]
America did bring in better elements from Europe, from countries like even Greece, Italy or Poland[…]these effects were very short-lived[…]
Some Empires throughout history have attempted atomized multi-ethnic enclaves, such as the Ottoman Empire did[…]
Albanians have some of the lowest levels of empathy, shoddy and shallow[…]
The best policy for Caucasians to mitigate claims and cries of Racism from Non-Whites is to unashamedly and brazenly show one’s Racist Attitudes

Janath #fundie

“How would Buddha believe in Jesus, Jesus was born after buddha's death and Buddha was born in lumbini near himalayas there was no teachings of Jewish near buddha's area”

The lady who told me about this said that, although Jesus was born after Buddha died, the Christianity was here in this world since 5000 years. It was the time of Moses. If Buddha was all knowing and intelligent enough, he supposed to have known about Christianity also. Thank you for responding!

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