useful idiots

Michael O'Leary #fundie

I love the way this guy equates lack of belief in the referent with lack of privilege to use the sign. Idiot.

"Atheists, Please Please tell me what you don't believe in.Can you without useing words like God, Heaven?
Religion, Afterlife etc? These words don't exist in your life so you can't use them so please tell every body what you don't believe in? (Remember, no religious words as there are no such)"

various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Apolitical )
If you are a White person like James Fields, they will go through your phone to find a funny meme you posted and use it to convict you on federal hate crimes charges.

If you are a black person like Darrell Brooks, they will refuse to charge you with federal hate crimes or even allow into evidence your rap video in which you said you hate White people because it might “prejudice the jury.”

The system is antiWhite

( @Khechari )
Yup, it's an actual legal discrepancy. They are illegally discriminating against us.

( @4thReichWhen )
@Apolitical #WhiteGenocide is real. I could not believe it at first, but once I woke up I realized the entire world system is set up right now to advance and provide opportunity for brown and black people but to keep White people down.

( @ThomasPollock )
@Apolitical Its anti-White because the Jews that control the system regard Whites as the enemy while Blacks they see as their useful thugs and idiots.

( @Irish_American_Patriot )
@Apolitical also called jewish

( @ldunco )
@Apolitical with jews we will always lose

( @FastCarsandBigGuns )
@Apolitical - We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

( @funbobby51 )
@Apolitical There shouldn't be any such thing as hate crime charges. Those are clearly anti white because only white people are charged with them.

( @ad_libitum )
@Apolitical The system is judified. The country is not in danger of Shariah law, it is danger of Talmudic (anti-White) law.

Stefan Molyneux #fundie

Stefan Molyneux, a video blogger popular with far-right and alt-right audiences, claimed that it was actually “political correctness” and not loose guns regulations that enabled the mass murder of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida last month.

In a video uploaded yesterday, Molyneux sought to break down what he believed to be “the ugly truth” about the March for Our Lives protests on Saturday, which attracted hundreds of thousands of people across the United States to stand with survivors of the shooting who demanded gun reform measures aimed at making schools safer.

“Now, of course, the proximate cause for all of this was the shooting in Broward County recently—the shooting of the children. And because there is an emotionally reactive group of people who either have never been exposed to the facts and the truth about that shooting, about guns as a whole, or simply have simply ignored it if they have been exposed to it, or they’re simply useful happy bleating idiots—the puppets of the puppet master—speaking out against the elemental freedoms of the United States,” Molyneux said.

“The fact is that it was not fundamentally a gun that killed those kids in the school in Florida. What killed those kids was political correctness,” he said. “What killed those kids was political correctness.”

katye1889 #racist

Yesterday my daughter turned 4. She got a 24 color box of play-doh from her uncle. After playing with it a while along with a few friends. Her friends were mixing up some colors and I had to intervene and give a lecture to all of them about mixing up the colors.
I took pea sized amounts of black, white, yellow, brown, red, and orange and said how one could make a sun flower with yellow, a panda with the white and black, a pumpkin with the orange and dog poop with the brown. They all agreed that these unique colors were a good thing. Then I mushed them all together.
I asked if I was able to make a sunflower with my now ugly brown colored ball of dough? Was I able to make a pumpkin? A panda? No. I could make dog poop still but the pure brown was better looking, and so the girls all agreed the new color of mixed origins was no good to use except for poop.
I also asked them to consider the fact that never again could it produce yellow, or black, or red, and most of all white. Now whether they will retain this lesson I guess time will tell. Probably could be useful to teach idiots in adulthood too. Its so simple yet so hard for people to realize.

Matt Osborne #transphobia

Name A Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks And I Will Give You A Million Dollars

Name a human right that Dylan Mulvaney did not already have before his “transition,” or loses by transition, and I will award you a million dollar prize.

Note that “allowed to cheat at sports,” “sterilize the kids,” “all the hormones and surgeries I demand,” “the prison of my choice,” and “million dollar endorsement deals” are not actual human rights.

Freedom from ridicule is not a human right. Flattery and silencing of negative attention are not a human right.

Suppression of contrary voices is not a human right. A field of eggshells around you at all times is not a human right.

Privilege over others is not a human right.

Dylan Mulvaney went from obscurity to success, with a White House invitation, in 222 days. African Americans needed almost that many years to be seen in the White House.

A white male mediocrity has been elevated to “influencer” success, which the Joe Biden White House has confused with a human rights cause.

Dylan Mulvaney has all the human rights of any American. He can use Instagram to build a gigantic audience of idiots, just like Alex Jones used YouTube, and play for as much attention as he wants. It’s a free country.

Stop pretending that he is a marginalized person, though. A person in a marginalized community doesn’t get this much media attention, or have this much political valence with elite classes.

Membership in the elite is not a human right. Things the elites value, such as plastic surgery, are not human rights.

Dylan Mulvaney had “facial feminization” surgery. He went into the surgery male and came out of it still male. Only now he resembles a male who has been beaten to a pulp. Stop pretending this isn’t just validated self-harm.

Dylan Mulvaney can have plastic surgery. He can have all the plastic surgery he wants. It’s a free country.

But do stop pretending he is oppressed in his surgical transformations.

Dylan is choosing this pain. He has chased it down and calls it “success.”

This is a status chase.

At the moment, elites value the totalizing potential of “transgender” and all its new language rules as a form of ideological exclusion.


Fading Light #racist

The "Native American" Genocide Myth

Liberals lie constantly without conscience or remorse. They are exposed almost daily in hate-crime hoaxes, racial crime-rate statistical misinformation, and falsified historical accounts. They have been caught in enough major lies, in fact, to fill many large volumes. Just off the top of my head: Michael Brown was not shot in the back nor with his hands up. George Zimmerman is not White and did not inform the dispatcher of the race of Trayvon Martin until asked. The perpetrators of the Oberlin College “hate graffiti” were exposed as false-flagging leftists. Matthew Shepard was not killed by homophobes or because he was gay. The Tuskegee Syphilis study did not infect any Blacks with syphilis, nor refuse to treat any infected Blacks according to the medical knowledge of the time. George Stinney was not convicted of murder in a mistrial. “Jackie” at the University of Virginia was not raped. Blacks are not given longer sentences than Whites are for the same crimes. Homosexuals are not even nearly as likely to remain monogamous as heterosexuals are. Anders Breivik was not a White Nationalist. No one was ever gassed at Dachau. Homosexuality was neither common nor accepted in Ancient Greece. Black people did not “invent” Rock and Roll. Waitress Dayna Morales made up the story about receiving a discriminatory note instead of a tip. Kerri Dunn vandalized her own car to incite hatred against her political opponents. Crystal Magnum lied about being gang-raped in order to frame White men. So did Tawana Brawley. No one shouted the n-word at John Lewis at the political rally in Duluth. Eric Garner was placed in a headlock, not a choke-hold, and the coroner confirmed that no damage was done to his airway.

This is just the tiniest sample of the endless lying from the left. It is a testament to the irrationality, gullibility, and delusional self-interest of the stupider half of humanity that anyone believes anything liberals assert no matter how benign it might sound, to say nothing of their more extreme claims.

And this takes us to the American Indian Genocide Myth: the incessant assertion of the White-hating left that Europeans “committed genocide” against “Native Americans.” The latter term has been placed in quotes because they aren’t native to the Americas. No humans are native to the Americas. “Native American” is yet another evasive, politically correct propaganda label from the same lying libtards who can’t seem to keep their story straight for more than ten seconds at a time.

American Indians speaking English have called themselves Indians for centuries. The American Indian Movement was named by the American Indians (and notice which term they applied to themselves). Of course, there is that small problem of America being a long way from India. For this reason, the scientific term Amerindian was created to remedy it, which is far preferable to the entirely fake and emotion-manipulating term preferred by leftists.

So what is genocide? According to the United Nations (whose definition everyone seems to take as the most official one), it is inflicting upon a group of people conditions calculated to bring about its destruction in whole or in part. In fact, this is only a portion of the UN definition, but it is the most relevant portion.

The UN doesn’t seem to make clear in its definition the difference between a genocide and, for example, a war. Wars often involve races, nationalities, ethnical or religious groups and the killing involved in a war is generally quite deliberate. Presumably the difference is in the intent. If the war is being fought for the purpose of wiping out a group of people, it is genocide. If a bunch of them die as a consequence of a war for some other purpose, it is not. The wars between the Amerindians and European colonists, then, were not genocide. They were, in nearly all cases, started by the incessant treaty-violations of the Amerindians, and ended by the Europeans attempting a new treaty with them instead of simply wiping them out.

Meanwhile, there is no real argument from anyone that most of the Amerindian deaths associated with European colonization resulted from diseases, not war. The left asserts that this was intentional, that centuries before Germ Theory existed, Europeans were using germ-warfare against the Amerindians. The absurdity of this assertion is obvious to any thinking person: The only place Europeans could hope to get diseases to pass to the Amerindians was from each other, but unless they were also committing germ-warfare against themselves, the ready transmission of the same diseases from European to European had to be entirely accidental. So according to leftists, it was unintentional when Europeans spread diseases to each other, but it was “germ-warfare” when the same diseases inevitably spread to the Amerindians (to say nothing of the diseases such as syphilis that they gave to us).

To support this assertion of enormous numbers of intentionally inflicted “germ-warfare casualties,” the left has found . . . (wait for it!) . . . ONE sentence in a private letter written by a European in a fort under siege by Amerindian marauders prior to the existence of the United States. And what does the sentence say? It says that maybe they can get the marauding gang of Amerindians to stop murdering them by making them sick with smallpox transmitted by offering them a stack of blankets that would first have been handled by people who had smallpox.

There are a few massive problems with this “evidence,” however—a few technical issues with this one tiny sentence that constitutes the entirety of liberals’ proof of deliberate germ-warfare against the Amerindians: First, the Amerindians were already getting smallpox and had been for some time, most often via robbing and raping and murdering Whites, some of whom obviously were suffering from the disease. (Otherwise how could anyone at the fort hope to infect a blanket before giving it to an Indian?) In fact, this appears to have been the case for the gang of savages that was attacking the fort in question: They already had it, most likely contracted from the home of a nearby White family that they had murdered and robbed a few days before the siege at the fort began.

Next, there is absolutely no evidence that such a scheme of transmitting smallpox using blankets was ever attempted there or anywhere else. Ward Churchill’s assertion to the contrary turned out to be another lie from a leftist. He made the whole thing up and there was not, in reality, a fort within eight hundred miles of the location at which he claimed a fort’s soldiers had distributed infected blankets.

Last, the transmission via blankets almost certainly would not have worked in any case because smallpox cannot survive very long outside of a host’s body. The blankets would have to be freshly and wetly infected. What kind of an idiot would accept and use a stack of puss-covered blankets? The entire proposal in the sentence in question was a desperate and empty suggestion by an exhausted and distraught person grasping at straws to try to save his people.

The Amerindian Genocide claim also entirely fails to explain the enormous efforts the Europeans went to in order to keep the Amerindians from dying out. Concerned about their falling population, the American government first tried giving the individual Indians land, but they promptly sold it off for liquor, weapons, and the like instead of working it or living on it. Finally, the government set aside large reservations that could not ever be sold to any White person, nor taken away under any circumstances (hence the name “reservations”). It worked, as all Amerindian tribes presently show steadily increasing populations and when including the mixed-race Latinos and others who group with them genetically, they now have populations in the tens or millions in the US and Canada.

In short, all of this means huge sums of money were spent by Whites to (successfully) save the people liberals claim Whites were trying to exterminate. If this was attempted genocide on the part of Europeans, we really suck at it.

Recall that the UN definition of genocide includes the stipulation of “calculated” conditions. This means awareness and willful choice. Clearly Whites recognized that Amerindians were dying out, but chose NOT to maintain the detrimental conditions, and instead went to great lengths to reverse them. Compare this with the ongoing genocide of the White race by anti-Whites, who admit freely that they are aware of our falling population, and vehemently insist on maintaining the conditions resulting in our destruction. By definition, the Amerindian situation was not a genocide. The White situation IS a genocide, and liberals care not at all.

One of the most interesting and pernicious aspects of the Amerindian Genocide myth, however, is in the numbers. A favorite liberal claim is that “greater than 90%” of the Amerindians died in the wake of the arrival of Europeans. How do they know that? The Amerindians were far too primitive, illiterate, and ignorant to have censuses, and trying to search for remains at this point to count them from so long ago would be like trying to do the same for antelope or horses—ridiculous and utterly futile. The leftist solution has simply been to make up numbers—the higher the better—because then it appears that more Amerindians must have died when one looks at the far lower population numbers after Whites started counting them.

Before the age of anti-White liberalism, the best estimates by the academics were very different than they are today. For the territory that is now the United States and Canada, the US Census Bureau estimated in 1894 that the pre-Columbian Amerindian population was half a million. This was a rational estimate considering the primitive, literally stone-age conditions under which they lived throughout most of that region. In 1928, James Mooney, an ethnologist employed by the Smithsonian, estimated a little over twice this number, 1.2 million. Again, this is probably more or less reasonable for their level of technology.

It is worth pausing for a moment to reflect on the fact that liberals consider a debate “won” for their side if they can find a supporting figure from an authority such as an ethnologist working for the Smithsonian or the US Census Bureau. They consider such authority estimates final and unquestionable . . . unless those estimates do not serve their agenda.

The estimates above were good enough by all academic accounts until it became beneficial to the anti-Whites to bump them up in the 1960’s. Then leftist anthropologist Henry Dobyns resolved to work backward to get the answer that he wanted: He decided to assume (without reason or proof) that over 95% of the “native” population died from European diseases (which would be a truly astonishing mortality rate for ANY plague). Using census figures for Amerindians from after the arrival of English colonists, he declared that the pre-Columbian population for the same territory already described must have been in excess of twelve million—ten to twenty times higher than the previous estimates.

This is, of course, a typical example of leftist deception and a wonderful tool of circular reasoning for anti-Whites: They wish to describe the arrival of the Europeans as a devastating calamity for the Amerindians, so they start by assuming that it was, use the assumption to make up some numbers, and then use the numbers to back the assumption whenever the subject comes up thereafter. Liberals ceaselessly cite these numbers as “proof” of the scope of the destruction, never bothering to answer for the source of the numbers they are using.

After all, the numbers come from “experts.” If the population fell from 12 million to 490 thousand by 1900, then that’s a lot of dead people. If, however, the other experts (the ones liberals don’t approve of and whose estimates were around 500 thousand) are correct, then their population barely fell at all. Their argument boils down to declaring that the high estimates are the right ones because White people are evil, and White people are evil because the high estimates are the right ones. Got it?

What liberals can’t avoid, however, is that even in the modern world of politically correct academia, the pre-colonialism Amerindian population estimates are still all over the board. High they undoubtedly remain in nearly every case. After all, who wants to lose their career for being a “racist” by impeding the leftist agenda? And despite this, the upper-end estimates are absurdly, grotesquely, ridiculously inflated. Consider, for example, the estimates for pre-Columbian Central America, which range from 100 thousand at the low end, to about 13.5 million at the high end.

Think about that for a moment: The upper estimate is more than THIRTEEN THOUSAND PERCENT higher than the lower estimate. How does one justify such a thing mathematically? This is like saying that the weight of the average adult female is between 200 and 26000 pounds, or that the cost of a loaf of bread is between five dollars and seven hundred dollars. In math circles, this is referred to as being completely full of crap. In political circles, this is typical leftist “reasoning.”

Liberals depend upon authority arguments because their assertions fall apart immediately when examined logically. When a leftist states a statistic, assume it was simply made up out of thin air (because it probably was). Expend the effort to dig around for the real numbers since your liberal opponents never will: They care not at all about truth, nor about REAL genocides, only about getting their way in everything.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #elitist #conspiracy

It's been difficult at times to feel super jazzed about reporting on the news lately except when the narrative boom comes along like with the Putin interview and the Epstein documents. In between the huge moments has been a dull: Oh look they are sending more of our money to Ukraine or more disheartening news about the border or Trump's legal persecutions.
Your money was being siphoned by the military-industrial complex underneath your nose for generations. The foreign wars we fought were shams.

This was clear to conspiracy theorists before but now this truth has become so blatant that many are joining our intellectual side. I mean they are now giving billion to an unwinnable war to literal nazis in Ukraine while Biden can barely complete a coherent sentence. Us conspiracy theorists told you President's were puppets but Biden has manifested this reality like no one thought possible. You can practically see the strings attached to the corpse of what used to resemble an idiotic person.

When you detach from the everyday happenings though, you find it almost miraculous that we have come this far. The country has inexplicably not imploded despite all that she's been put through. America still stands.

And so do anons.
2020 was years ago. It's 2024.

And the election is right around the corner. And God knows what else.

I take solace in the breadcrumbs that God leaves along the way.

Like the fall of Roe v Wade, the prophetic event of the Georgia Guidestones blowing to smithereens, and the massive awakening occurring around the world.
Don't let the draining news of today rob you of the ability to extract joy. Just think of how far you've come. We've all had transformational experiences along the way. God is using these hellscapes, these trials and He's creating a path forward. A proverbial parting of the waters. Onwards to an Exodus. A fall of Babylon. A great jubilee with hardened and tried and tested people.

We will make it.

Kristoff45 #magick #conspiracy

I've been thinking a bit about that something might happen in 2012 and it might have to do with digimon. If it really does have to do with digimon, what if we're the cause of it?

We are trying to get to the digital world, which might leave a permanent hole in the path between dimensions. There are probably a lot of evil digimon in the digital world,who would to destroy us. Even if they're mostly idiotic digimon who just use brute force, it would take only one intelligent digimon to be able to find it, and they could bring the other evil digimon here. They might decide, "Hey, instead of destroying humanity, what if we enslave them?"

Humans might put up with it until the year 2012, when they would start to fight back. This could result in a war that would destroy humanity and the planet earth in a fiery hellstorm of death of destruction, and we would have caused it, by opening that first portal.. But thats the worst case scenario, and just a theory.

PeakStupidity #transphobia

In our very 1st post on feminism, Peak Stupidity ranted on the use of "their" as unknown-sex third-person singular. That's been going on since likely the 1970s, as the feminists have the average speaker scared of using the male pronoun (he, him, his), as proper English would tell HIM. (<--- the right way!) Things have gotten way beyond that with people "identifying" as other sexes and with other sexual preferences. There are a hell of a lot of combinations now, but not any extra pronouns in the regular English language to make use of.

Therefore, these idiots are telling others to call them "they", "xir", and I guess whatever Xey want. Not all are pronounceable, but that's apparently not Xeir problem.

See, now this is just another area in which the Chinese are kicking our asses! Tāmen have got two things going for tāmen:

a) They don't have their Cultural Revolution going on. We do. This sucks.

Two Anons #ableist #crackpot #elitist #sexist

(UN Anon)
Female Domination in Humanity Now Appearing

In the wild females of the animal species are the biggest, the best at hunting and most violent compared to the male counterpart.
In the primitive age women had to deal with with both hunting and cooking which gave rise to the male dominance.
Human females have been held down and not allowed to grow into their natural forms.

Now with technology and the males being more at ease the females are now evolving into what they originally should have been.

Notice that females are getting bigger and more violent as well while the males are shrinking and becoming more docile.
The ones afraid of this are now making stuff like artificial wombs and sex dolls because they have lost their dominance.
Most of Asia is currently seeing a female dominated growth.
The future is 9:1 female to male.

>but testosterone
Female also have it and they have more estrogen which is the reason mothers are protective and violent while mood swings are also caused by this.
Females are biologically more violent and aggressive than males if not held down from birth.

The males are mostly the ones that show off and try to get attention, entire species devoted to just showing off and look beautiful.
Sound familiar? Another example of males reversing the order of nature.
The good thing it is being fixed now, look at all the girly boys today and how many more women become tomboys

(Gadsden Anon)
Utterly retarded thread gazing into the imagination of a 90 point IQ idiot who can't use google to check up utterly retarded hypothesis.

>females are getting bigger and more violent
No, the educated women who're tall and work are getting genocided and replaced by women who're passive and are essentially mentally retarded. The gap between man and women is increasing.


Women, precisely RIGHT NOW, are evolving to be more dependable on men. Women are selected to be small, passive, and retarded, ironically precisely during "egalitarian" times. Tall educated women are literally being genocided, birth rate bellow 1 child per couple.

Invictus #fundie

I always love talking with some atheist or agnostic who thinks that it "bothers" me when the gospel is rejected... the attitude that they have somehow hurt me or caused me some emotional pain is too funny. I could really care less if they blaspheme their way to the gates of perdition, I like it when the fools act the fool... I enjoy a good laugh and one at their expense is even better.

If I was a drinking man, it wouldn't bother me at all to raise a glass in honor of their rejection of truth... I am one of those folks that plan on sitting in the front row all decked out in full party regalia when the damned are cast into the lake of fire... I laugh now, I'll really be laughing then, in fact I plan on making a copy of the highlights. Some of that stuff is bound to be side splitting funny, I can't wait.

The look on ya'lls faces when you get judged on every sin that you've ever committed...ROFLMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I can't wait to hear some of the idiotic excuses... when God uses the fool proof method whereby you actually indict yourself is sure to produce some looks of astonishment, bewilderment, and my favorite...the flat out blank stare where your eyes just blink several times...ROFLMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you guys are gonna give me centuries of enjoyment. Thanks, guys.

Rich Hoffman #fundie

Guess what, Obama, MSNBC, CNN, Hillary Clinton and all the rest of the knuckle dragging losers of progressive politics? They thought they finally had a white middle-aged Republican man who committed a terrorist act—so that they could propose more gun control. Sadly for them, the shooter—Robert Lewis Dear—the lunatic who shot up a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic on November 27th 2015 appears to be a cross-gender loving pervert who shared much more with Obama’s LBGT community than the NRA loving American traditionalists. According to early reports from The Gateway Pundit shown below indicate Robert Lewis Dear identified as a woman, not as the man that he is. Bet you won’t hear that on the news networks. Sounds like he had some issues———————————.have a look for yourself. Dear sounds like a cast member of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. That would explain his appearance.

This is just further proof that liberals make most of the problems in our society. They feed anger toward Planned Parenthood with immoral justifications then they create a loose society full of perverts, peeping Toms, and losers who are men who think they are women and women who want to be men. USA Today almost had an orgasm when they saw the pictures of the suspect, but quickly put on the brakes once the stories of this idiot became clear. They reported that the motive was unclear so the hard reporting will probably die now that Robert Lewis Dear has turned out to be a Bruce Jenner clone—a woman in a man’s body. Perhaps Dear was jealous that real woman were able to get abortions for casual sex while he was not able to commit such a vile crime—so he went on a shooting spree. That conclusion is just as valid as Obama’s early comments regarding the push to use gun control as a way to keep more idiots like this loser free to peek in our windows all in the name of a more “progressive” society of morally loose punks and general depraved nut cases. Gun control laws obviously didn’t work with this confused person. Robert Lewis Dear was a Obama kind of guy—a bewildered mess who didn’t know what he was. And when it got to be too much of a mess in his head, he went on a shooting spree, just like the radical Muslims, and dumb kids taught in public schools who take out their frustrations through violence in public places. All the mass shootings over these last few years embody one of those character traits and all of them are creations of liberalized educations and progressive society. Add Robert Lewis Dear to the list.

Sorry liberals, you won’t find many people in the NRA who fit the mental description of Robert Lewis Dear. They at least typically know what sex they are and aren’t the type of people who peek through windows at unsuspecting victims. NRA members have guns to protect themselves from people like Robert Lewis Dear. Again, if there were more armed people within the Planned Parent Hood clinic, they could have ended the standoff a lot sooner than they did, and more people might be alive. After all, what are they protecting—they are already agents of death? At least if they were armed they may have been able to save a few lives instead of exclusively being a place that takes them.

Robert Lewis Dear Apparently Identified as a Woman: What the news won’t tell you about Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting
November 28, 2015 / overmanwarrior

Guess what, Obama, MSNBC, CNN, Hillary Clinton and all the rest of the knuckle dragging losers of progressive politics? They thought they finally had a white middle-aged Republican man who committed a terrorist act—so that they could propose more gun control. Sadly for them, the shooter—Robert Lewis Dear—the lunatic who shot up a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic on November 27th 2015 appears to be a cross-gender loving pervert who shared much more with Obama’s LBGT community than the NRA loving American traditionalists. According to early reports from The Gateway Pundit shown below indicate Robert Lewis Dear identified as a woman, not as the man that he is. Bet you won’t hear that on the news networks. Sounds like he had some issues———————————.have a look for yourself. Dear sounds like a cast member of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. That would explain his appearance.

Dear also lists his party as UAF.
Colorado Voters Info has Dear listed as a woman.
The Heavy reported has more on Robert Lewis Dear from Hartsel, Colorado:
Robert Lewis Dear, the suspected gunman, is from Hartsel, Colorado. According to KDVR-TV, he was previously a resident of North Carolina and is originally from South Carolina.
Dear’s age has been reported to as both 57 and 59, but public records indicate that he is 57. His family is from South Carolina, according to public records and his father’s obituary.
According to court records, Dear has an arrest record in both North and South Carolina. He has been convicted of several traffic offenses, but has been arrested several times on more serious charges.
His convictions include seat belt violations, driver’s license violations, operating a vehicle in an unsafe mechanical condition and driving a non-registered vehicle.
Dear was charged in Colleton, South Carolina, with two counts of cruelty to animals in 2002, but was found not guilty in a bench trial.
He was also charged in 2002 in Colleton with charges of “peeping Tom” and eavesdropping. Those charges were dismissed.

This is just further proof that liberals make most of the problems in our society. They feed anger toward Planned Parenthood with immoral justifications then they create a loose society full of perverts, peeping Toms, and losers who are men who think they are women and women who want to be men. USA Today almost had an orgasm when they saw the pictures of the suspect, but quickly put on the brakes once the stories of this idiot became clear. They reported that the motive was unclear so the hard reporting will probably die now that Robert Lewis Dear has turned out to be a Bruce Jenner clone—a woman in a man’s body. Perhaps Dear was jealous that real woman were able to get abortions for casual sex while he was not able to commit such a vile crime—so he went on a shooting spree. That conclusion is just as valid as Obama’s early comments regarding the push to use gun control as a way to keep more idiots like this loser free to peek in our windows all in the name of a more “progressive” society of morally loose punks and general depraved nut cases. Gun control laws obviously didn’t work with this confused person. Robert Lewis Dear was a Obama kind of guy—a bewildered mess who didn’t know what he was. And when it got to be too much of a mess in his head, he went on a shooting spree, just like the radical Muslims, and dumb kids taught in public schools who take out their frustrations through violence in public places. All the mass shootings over these last few years embody one of those character traits and all of them are creations of liberalized educations and progressive society. Add Robert Lewis Dear to the list.
Sorry liberals, you won’t find many people in the NRA who fit the mental description of Robert Lewis Dear. They at least typically know what sex they are and aren’t the type of people who peek through windows at unsuspecting victims. NRA members have guns to protect themselves from people like Robert Lewis Dear. Again, if there were more armed people within the Planned Parent Hood clinic, they could have ended the standoff a lot sooner than they did, and more people might be alive. After all, what are they protecting—they are already agents of death? At least if they were armed they may have been able to save a few lives instead of exclusively being a place that takes them.
Oh, and what is the UAF? I’m glad you asked, it’s a front group to the Socialist Workers Party. Defiantly not a Republican group. It is possible that this voter registration was doctored but at this early stage, probably not. Take a picture. It will last longer.
Rich “Cliffhanger” Hoffman

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #elitist #fundie

Idiots come in all shapes and sizes and judging people by looks alone can be deceiving. Some idiots appear outwardly friendly, some don't. Sometimes the person you least suspect of idiocy turns out to be the biggest idiot of all.

In current time America, you could make the case that anyone wearing a face diaper is an idiot and I wouldn't argue with you. Although, I would suggest exceptions be made for children, teenagers, and even those in their early-mid twenties. They've been duped and lied to by their parents and their teachers and many of them honestly don't know any better. Certainly anyone over the age of thirty and wearing a face diaper has earned the label idiot.
An idiot's opinion on any subject is often a word-for-word regurgitation of the last television news show they watched. If you ask their opinion about something that hasn't been covered on television, you'll likely be met with a fluoride stare.
Idiots occupy two extremes when it comes to education. They're either uneducated without a high school diploma or highly educated with a college degree. The former group is comprised of welfare mothers, non-working males, and generally anyone who depends on the government dole to survive, while the latter group tend to be white collar professionals.
Idiots have a blind faith in authority, yet almost all of them are irreligious. The few that aren't irreligious are what I call CINOs--Catholics in Name Only. They've been brainwashed to accept the post Vatican II counterfeit church and its line of wicked antipopes. They call themselves Christian, but their actions are decidedly anti-Christian.

I used to feel sorry for idiots and occasionally I still do. When I see children and teens being forced to wear masks and know that very soon they will be forced to submit to the beast by taking the jab, it breaks my heart. I wish I could help them, but there's only so much I can do. Especially when their parents are idiots.

Grand_Old_Partier #fundie

These "weddings" have zero to do with love. The radical left are using deviant "couples" as useless idiots to discredit Christianity. You have to see the big picture here. In Cleon Skousen's book, "The Naked Communist," published in 1958, he described how the communists have 45 actions items in their agenda to destroy America. One was to discredit Christianity and the other was to normalize deviant behavior like homosexuality. People need to wake up. We're being ripped apart from inside out and people are just sitting on their bums voting for American idols. Obama is using the Cloward-Piven strategy by allowing a mass invasion of low intelligence illegal aliens to overload the system to collapse the economy. He's fired over 300 of our top military leaders. He's shrinking the size of our military and allowing these deviants to openly serve. He's put women in combat. This is getting crazy.

BenMcLean #sexist #fundie

No, we do not hate women, but we do hate feminists.

"Nobody ever, ever, ever has any right to the use of my body without my permission."


"Because congratulations, you've just argued yourself into forced organ donation for MEN"

This seems to be assuming a radical egalitarianism which I don't think you will find is a common premise.

"Because nothing you've said actually decreases abortion rates."

Our goal isn't to decrease abortion rates. Our goal is to end the abortion holocaust.

Just as the anti-slavery movement didn't set better treatment for slaves or any temporary short term decrease in the slavery rate as one of it's goals, the anti-abortion movement does not have a temporary short term decrease in the abortion rate as one of it's goals. That sort of goal only serves to prolong the root problem.

"One out of three women in America has had an abortion--and those numbers only increase in forced-birther dominated areas."

Which areas would those be?

"A pro-choice position"

You're not pro-choice.

"Know how else I know everything you've said here is a complete logical fallacy? Because I'm in my mid-40s and was a fundamentalist Christian back in the 1980s. You're recycling arguments that forced-birthers used back then, and it was those arguments that chased me right out of the movement--and right out of the religion too! Shocking, how similar the arguments are, the ones used by both religious fanatics and forced-birthers. That's why I just sigh and shake my head when you try to bring up atheist forced-birthers. I've talked to them, and they are using the same arguments religious people use--and to the same idiotic end. They don't even realize that they're playing into the movement's agenda of re-Christianizing America."

Apparently, you need to read up on how logical fallacies work. You wouldn't have shown any logical fallacy to be occurring even if every single thing you said here was absolutely true.

"Oh, did I surprise you?"

Only with how little you understand how arguments work.

"The history of abortion in America is a sickeningly dystopian one; it's always been a dogwhistle used by religious nuts to restrict women's rights..."

I can simply respond that "women's rights" has always been a dogwhistle used by anti-religious nuts to murder babies.

"...and signal virtue--in this case against what they view as immorality."[i/]

Right because virtue signaling and decrying what you view as immorality is something you'd neeeeever do.

"You know what forced-birthers call feminism? "The curse of independence.""

You know what I call feminism? Brain cancer.

"That's why the forced-birther position concentrates not on lowering abortion rates, but upon making abortion brutally difficult to acquire.

Assuming you mean the Pro-Life movement, the reason we focus on making abortion brutally difficult to acquire is because the electoral and amendment processes have been circumvented by judicial fiat, (in Roe v. Wade) which ultimately destroys the respectability of the law. So we're going around the law. Rather than banning abortion outright, we'll levy a local abortion tax so that each one costs a trillion dollars, or drive every baby murder mill out of business with frivolous lawsuits or try any other dirty trick which has the same effect. Why should we respect pro-abortion laws when you don't respect anti-abortion laws?

"That's why they also don't worry much about the "precious babies" once they're born, and why they don't endorse social safety nets for the poor women who are plunged into worse poverty after an unwanted pregnancy."

That is untrue of the Pro-Life movement and it's supporters.

"This is my body. I own it."

No you don't. God does.

"And that, too, is something I'm not going to discuss with you. Resolve that on your own time. I'm not set up to fix that level of broken."

You can't actually address a point of view which significantly differs from yours?

If so, then shut up and get back in the kitchen, bitch.

soulartemis #sexist

[RageFuel] Dumb idiot foids with sociology degrees use sex to get jobs and call STEM majors useless creepy virgins

Found a sociology forum with a massive number of foids who chose to major in sociology and have postgraduate degrees in sociology.
They always whine about not being able to find a job.

They use their more intelligent husbands to find job connections and get hired.

They call STEM majors "aspie creepy virgins," completely oblivious to the fact that as sociology majors, they're all dumb as fuck compared to STEM majors.

They call CS majors and app developers "useless," extremely hypocritical coming from them when they make a living writing papers about Plato and human sexuality.

They even talk about sucking the dick of their professors and bosses to get grants and promotions JFL WTF

If this isn't a career blackpill into the extremely tutorial mode lives of foids, I don't know what is.

”What is new here? All social ((((science)))) whores' main job is to scam money and grades by sucking dicks. Also same goes with most liberal arts departments. They are the most degenerates in any university campus. They spend 80% of their time on partying and rimming chads' buttholes in frat houses.

As a side note, a cockroach in the shitroom of a STEM department building can IQmog an entire faculty of liberal arts.”

True. Just imagine studying for a useless degree and accumulating debt that will never get payed off and still having the courage to call yourself smart in the end. Just fucking lol @ those cunts. They can walk, but decide to put themselves in wheelchairs and then they complain why they can't go up the stairs. They fail at Tutorial Mode.

Perfect analogy, then they complain about how they can't get a job and how they have all this debt, fucking stupid
then they have the nerve to call app developers useless when they're the ones writing papers about human sexuality and calling that a career.

Anonymous #fundie

Why are there age limits? why can't i marry a 12-year old?

Literally because of feminists.

No one in the entire world had a problem with this and it was common to marry off young 13-14 year old girls to older men all over Europe and even America until the fucking Suffragettes and later Feminists ruined that for everyone by making it illegal.

It's social programming and manipulation only, there is no scientific basis to restrict it to such an arbitrary age. All cries of "not fully developed" and rekt by the fact nature says''s they are physically capable of childbirth at 13 due to first period, and mentally, it goes according to individual. Most adult women are not mentally mature enough to "handle" sex today anyways it's a bullshit excuse used by American puritans and idiot fathers who want their daughters to remain pure until death.

various incels #sexist

(final batch of comments from that motherf*cking thread (mostly to wrap up))

hearing your mom get dicked by chad

Have you called your mom out on it? Have you told your dad? Man thats fucking shitty. Women have no shame.

In Middle East, you should have had to kill your mother and that Chad to clean your honour. This is why you Western men are socially oppressed. You even can't listen your instincts.

Cheating with evidence is instant death if she was married but lashes for the guy if he was unmarried but if both were married then both need death.
Edit: also if both were unmarried then both get lashes if there is evidence.

Dude I'm from Turkey, Eastern Turks aka Kurds would kill that degenerate cunt in such a case very very most probably. I like their sharp patriarchal traditions. It's not totally Islamic, it's a social rule existing before Islam too.

Even for a normie this shit would be fucking repressed memory material, for incels it's even worse. It's one thing to cheat on someone, it's another to involve your own kid in it against their will. Can't imagine what you're going through, friend.

Jesus fucking Christ. One of the few positives of being middle eastern is not having a slut for a mom.

Hhahahah. here is a blackpill: i'm from a conservative middle eastern country

What the fuck? I am from a conservative middle eastern country as well so I'd like to know what country it is. I am genuinely baffled.

levantine raised in ksa

This is so fucked...
But I am glad I am blackpilled, I used to be a naive idiot that would have never suspected something like this. That said this is still surprising for me, the ride never ends.

What the fuck. How can you still respect your mother?

that is the least of it

please elaborate story.

too many stories and they're long, but she would go on vacation on my beta dad's dime and take me with her, she would introduce me to new guys there telling me they are family or family friends. she would book two rooms and hide that she booked a second one. she would go and fuck chad and then come into our room sweaty in her bath robe when done.

thats fucked up, i don't think i could look her in the eye again if she was my mom. wtf and ur father he is clueless as fuck. the fate of the beta cuck what pointless existence. just pain and humiliation.

This, also how recent was this and are your parents look-matched?

dad is ugly, mom is hot

i was younger, but fully capable of understanding what was going on

Alter Ego #transphobia

Ἥλιος said:
Speaking of Kris, the hole shtick of using "they/them" pronouns on him is idiotic. His design is clearly masculine, but of course Toby Fox wanting to pander to/being part of the tumblrite community makes him "non-binary" or whatever.
Gru said:
That's exactly how it was done in Chapter 1, everybody just referred to Kris as, well, Kris, and it didn't throw me out of any of the scenes because the game wasn't trying to force anything down my throat.

But now Chapter 2 comes in and is trying to force the nonbinary they shit down my throat and it takes me out of all the scenes, like you said. Thankfully from what I know of Chapter 1 the lang.json files the game's script was in were just in a folder without having to check through the .exe's files itself. It's probably the same with Chapter 2 unless Toby did some bullshit there so it'll probably be easy for somebody to just mod the game with some text edits to go back to the Chapter 1 format of writing around Kris.
I detest the "non-binary" fad (maybe even more so than standard trannies) and have no doubt that Toby's in the woke cult that propagates it, but the impression I have is that Kris' is just an innocent repeat of Frisk's concept from 2015: a player-character made simplistically androgynous for both male and female players to project onto, meaning that you'll always be correct whether you say the character is a boy or a girl. While it's true that Kris does appear to be more masculine than Frisk, there's still enough ambiguity, especially next to Susie who we would've absolutely interpreted to be a boy if her name wasn't fuckin' Susie. So far, it seems to me that there's been just as much restraint in calling Kris singular "they" as there was for Frisk, although dialogue could've been written to avoid pronouns altogether.

On the other hand, I do realize that the major difference between the games' protagonists is that Kris is established immediately to be divorced from the player with a backstory and set name used repeatedly while the player is meant to believe in being Frisk.

On another note now that I've played Chapter 2 myself, I really wish Ralsei kept the hat. Same goes for Susie's hair to a lesser extent.

Pastor Ward Clinton #fundie

[Note: This post is from 2015]
[She's beautiful. She's talented. She's popular. She's creative. She's wealthy. She's influential. She's just one more heartless Communist traitor.
Taylor Swift is joining with the Clinton campaign to raise money, using her caché to sway young idiots like herself to elect a lying, corrupt, murderous, Neo-Communist, Moslem-sympathizing monster to the White House.

Dr. Michael J. Bisconti #fundie

[Not only women can be stupid...]


#1 You are a stupid man if you look at a woman, other than your wife, in order to derive any kind of pleasure.

#2 You are a stupid man if you use profanity.

#3 You are an idiotic man if you view pornography.

#4 You are a moronic man if you do not “wear the pants in your family.”

#5 You are an insane man if you seek sexual gratification from another male.

XX_Power #sexist #transphobia

RE: now i'm a hot idiot!...


spoileranna phylaxis @quatoria

i used to be a tense and anxious programmer boy in a computer science program, now ilm a hot idiot with cute tits, if you work hard this could happen to you, too

They wish they were a fifth as attractive as they think they do. You're still an ugly incel and everyone can tell Andy. No one thinks your moobs are "cute tits".

I wish they were at least somewhat attractive, but as a straight woman they just look like destroyed men, complete slaves to the cooom

I had a roommate like this. Gorgeous man. (Even my mother said, after meeting him in TIM garb, “he is a very handsome man”). Went on hormones, and now he looks, as you said, like a destroyed man.

So ironic that quite some TIMs could have had women find them genuinely attractive and want to be with them and want to have sex with them. But no, they have to do a bad woman face and chase after lesbians, only to end up forever alone and becoming more and more bitter and hateful.

Case in point: Blaire White was a cute guy but now he looks like a kardashian after a bad car accident.

Rhoda Wilson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Who are the “far right” – the people being blamed for the unrest throughout Britain?

You are.

Unless you are a raging commie, fascist member of Starmer’s predictably Net Zero loving far left Government (which is determined to destroy everyone and everything of value) you are a member of the Far Right. In America you are a member of the Far Right if you aren’t a fervent supporter of the Clinton/Obama/Biden/Harris Democrats.

If you have any savings, you aren’t a “working person.” The British Government despises everyone with £1 in the bank or building society. And plans to destroy you – using the myth of global warming and the weapon of Net Zero to do so.

The politicians and the mainstream (corporate) journalists live in a cocoon. They have no idea of the fear being created by mass immigration. They don’t see the effect the nation’s overcrowding is having.
And yet the riots currently tearing Britain apart have been deliberately manufactured. Crazy policies (unapproved by the population) are tearing the country apart and giving the Government an excuse to bring in more laws and more police. Protesting will be classified as terrorism.

(Remember, by the way, that only 1 in 5 people in Britain voted for Sir Keir “Free Suits” Starmer. Four out of five electors did NOT want Starmer’s bunch of dangerous idiots in charge.)

The riots are being used to launch peasant shooting season.

And we are the peasants.

Brutal, authoritarian and pitiless politicians want to destroy everything we value.

Two-tier policing has clearly been introduced.

This autumn Starmer and Co will push up the minimum wage and increase public sector wages. The inevitable result will be a jump in inflation and a rise in interest rates (as I long ago predicted). Mortgage rates may fall for a few weeks. But they’ll soon be rising again. Tax rises will destroy anyone with small savings, with a small business or with hope or ambition.

The weapon which is being used to destroy you and your world is Net Zero.

Jeff Berwick #conspiracy

On May 12th, the “WannaCry” ransomware attack was covered widely in the mainstream media, immediately proclaiming it to be the “the worst cyber attack of all time.”

Is that really the case? How did they know so quickly?

The entire ransom collected so far, mostly from idiots and moronic government agencies who still use Windows XP and don’t update their software, is a total of $70,000. Is this really the worst attack of all time?

The attack gained worldwide attention 11 days after May day. May day, or May 1st, is the anniversary of the Bavarian Illuminati which was formed on May 1, 1776. Or, 1/5/1776. Which, when added up, 1+5+17+76 equals 99.

Within minutes, the media seemed to already know how many countries were hit by the attack. The number? 99.

“Wannacry” in gematria, which the globalists use, is the number 99 in “English ordinal” and has all 9’s along the bottom row.

So, this already seems to have all the markings of a globalist hoax or false flag.
But, where did this virus come from? Surprise, surprise, it came from the National Security Agency (NSA). The virus is called EternalBlue and is an exploit generally believed to have been developed by the NSA.

So, what we have here is a virus developed by the US government which apparently set off the “worst cyberattack of all time” which affected 99 countries, and only received ransoms of $70,000 but was portrayed as an event of grave international importance.

If this was a false flag, what was the goal/target?

Well, here’s the thing. The ransom was collected in bitcoin! And, voila, bitcoin is demonized yet again. As though no ransom in history was ever collected in dollars.

Various TERFs #crackpot #moonbat #racist #sexist #transphobia

RE: Libfem logic when it comes to how media influences people



They'll throw tantrums over shit like sitcoms from 20 years ago, but videos like 'big black cocks destroy tiny teen' are simply great!

The same woke White people who will dox a 12 year old White girl for posting a picture of her cornrows on Instagram will defend porn with titles like "Spicy Latina B!tch Gets Gang Banged For A Green Card" Woke politics has ZERO consistency! And yet it is still colonizing everything

This is why I don't take libfems seriously. They will call people out for the awful crimes of white women doing Yoga or taking Salsa classes; but are totes okay with porn that literally calls women slurs and is ACTUALLY racist.

Because libfems usually only criticize other women. They know it's much harder to confront men, so instead, everything is women's fault. Feminism that is comfortable for men and never challenges them will change nothing.

not to mention pornsick men literally condition themselves with orgasms to think racism and sexual violence are acceptable and desirable. idiot teen boys and young men are using porn as sex ed and brutalizing teenage girls and women. but the woke crowd would rather argue about children's cartoons being fascist or whatever and then turn around and jerk it to rape, child porn, racist porn, porn ABOUT SLAVERY, etc. it's disgusting.

David J. Stewart #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia #conspiracy

Are You Hateful Enough?

By David J. Stewart

Psalm 97:10a, “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil.”

[RIGHT]image[/RIGHT] The unsaved world discourages hatred in all forms, but the Bible teaches that there is a good form of hatred—hatred against evil. In fact, God commands it in Psalm 97:10, "Ye that love the LORD, hate evil." Sadly, most professed Christians today don't hate evil like they should. Hatred is a strong word and every Christian should have a strong feeling of dislike against evil that makes us want to do something about it.


Every born-again believer ought to hate evil in every form; such as the evil of abortion (i.e., murdering little living and growing babies). Abortion is brutal and demonic. When one stops to realize that America silently passed the 50,000,000 abortion mark in January of 2008, it's hard to fathom that 25% of our U.S. population has been holocausted. The official U.S. population for 1970 was 203,211,926.1 Since 1970, Americans have killed one-fourth of their own children. Tearfully consider that in 2004, there were 74 abortions for every 100 births in New York City. Can you imagine?

We ought not hate the people getting abortions, nor the people performing abortions; but we must hate the evil of abortion itself. To deliberately kill a child is evil. When you think of the blessings in your life, you should praise God that your parents didn't believe in abortion. Sadly, a mother's womb is the most dangerous place to be in the world today. This is a sad fact. There's not enough hatred today against abortion. God tells us to hate abortion, because abortion is very evil. If you don't hate the sin of abortion, then you DON'T love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hateful Heathens

Ironically, it appears that some of the strongest hatred today is against Bible-believing, Christ-honoring, Christians who do hate evil as the Bible teaches. Flaming homosexual, Ellen DeGeneres, criticizes Bible-believers who “use the Bible to justify their hate.” Uh, Ellen, Psalm 97:10 does teach believers to hate, to hate evil. Hatred for sin and evil can be justified with the Bible. Ellen calls such faithful Christians, “idiotic” ...

"I don't see full-page ads saying `Stop the Hate, Stop the Violence." said DeGeneres. "These same evil, idiotic, so-called God-loving people who use the Bible to justify their hate, I'm sure still feel deep down that blacks aren't equal to whites because the Bible was also used to justify slavery."


It seems that Ellen DeGeneres has quite a bit of hatred herself toward Christians who hate evil, which brings a Bible verse to mind... Proverb 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” An “abomination” is hatred coupled with disgust. To the righteous man, he not only views “Sin City” Las Vegas as evil, but as repulsive and disgusting. I think Hollywood (or Hollyweird) is an abomination. It's not just saturated with sin and evil, it's a disgusting place of sick-minded perverts and demented God-haters. Walt Disney employs some of the most sick-minded, perverted, immoral, sin-loving, Bible-hating, Christ-hating, blasphemous, people in the world. That's why their shows and movies are so abominable. Most of the movies and programs Walt Disney produces nowadays are utterly offensive to any decent person. There's no garbage pail that wreaks with the stench of rot and maggots anymore than Walt Disney, Hollywood and all the other heathen movies producers of this sinful generation. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Pay Day is Coming!

Before the Apostle Paul became a Christian, he hated the Church and persecuted and tried to destroy it (Galatians 1:13). The Word of God brings out the best and the worst in people. You either love God or you are his enemy. People either love the Bible or hate it. Jesus said that the same world that hated Him, and crucified Him, would hate us and treat us the same horrible way. Increasingly, American society and nations abroad are becoming hostile towards Christianity. People who live contrary to the Word of God know it, and therefore hate the Bible intensely. Romans 1:18, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." The Bible says that the wicked "hold the truth in unrighteousness." In other words, they are sinning in full knowledge of what they are doing. Ellen DeGeneres KNOWS lesbianism is a sin, and is against nature, and is abnormal and will eventually bring the judgment of God. I do not hate anyone, please know that. I only hate sin. I love sinners, because they are people whom Jesus Christ died for to pay for their sins. God loves humanity, which includes sinners too. God hates sin and evil, but he is waiting for men and women to repent (2nd Peter 3:9).

Immodesty and and Lewd Behavior

Our love for Jesus Christ is easily measured by the intensity of our hatred for sin and evil. Most people take sin lightly nowadays. It means nothing for a professed Christian woman these days to put on a miniskirt or wear a low-cut blouse. These are the sinful clothing styles of the world. 1st Timothy 2:9 and other Scriptures teach that a Christian lady ought to dress modestly as an expression of her chastity and virtuous behavior.

Hollywood female celebrities dress like sleazy-trash, whores and bimbos. I'm not trying to be unkind, I'm being moral. It is a shameful disgrace the sinful way in which American women dress immodestly nowadays, wearing tight blouses, exposing their thighs, causing men to lust in adulterous thoughts, which is adultery (Matthew 5:28). To such whorish women, it's game, a thrill a tease. They will answer to God. God tells women to dress in "modest apparel." Christian ladies ought to hate immodest clothing. Dressing seductively in public is sinful. Women and girls ought to dress in modest clothing. This is what God says in the Bible. It's rare nowadays to find women who adhere to strict Christian dress codes. Ladies ought to wear dresses. We live in a sicko society that is trying to turn teenage girls into whores. Walt Disney makes teenage girls look like whores by moral standards 50-years ago. America has lost it's respect for God, morality, the marriage, decency and Christianity. Now we've got a Muslim U.S. President who despises Christianity and won't even salute the U.S. flag during the national anthem. Sad.

What Do You Hate?

Everybody hates something. A lot of people hate the Bible. A lot of people hate Christianity. A lot of people hate a righteous person. What we ought to hate is evil. Hatred against sin is good. The unsaved world will always demonize Bible-believing Christians who hate sin. The Devil has successfully built a false religion today, that encompasses many denominations who have been taught that any form of hatred is bad. This is simply not true. God commands us as His children to HATE EVIL. That means we should hate drunkenness, fornication, whorish clothing, homosexuality, government theft and violations of the U.S. Constitution. We ought to hate lying and false advertising and cruelty to animals. We ought to hate the heathen public school system, CPS who thinks they own our children and the evil sin of divorce. We ought to hate indifference and false religion. We ought to hate movies that curse in God's name, songs and books that diminish, attack and belittle the Bible. It's seems that every movie made today has to have someone cursing in God's name. Someone told me that they like the Sylvester Stallone movie, First Blood; yet God's name is taken in vain no less than 10 times throughout the movie. The movie is evil, of the Devil and dishonors God. I hate any movie that takes God's name in vain. God created us, feeds us, gives us the health and life we enjoy, and then people go around making movies that insult God, curse in his name in anger and show utter disrespect for the Lord. No wonder America is going to Hell in a wheelbarrow. We ought to hate when anyone takes God's precious and holy name in vain.

The Jews have some crazy little thing they do, spelling God as G_d, claiming that is their way of respecting God. Yet, in total hypocrisy, they opening reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah. They are effectively atheists, because they reject Jesus as God in the flesh (John 1:1-3.14; John 10:33; I Timothy 3:16; Colossians 2:9; Revelation 1:8; John 14:1-6). We should hate the false religion of Judaism, which denies Jesus Christ as the Savior, and teaches in their Talmud that it's ok for priests to molest 3-year old girls. Why doesn't Jack Chick ever expose the Jew's false religion instead of attacking the Muslims for everything. The Muslims weren't the masterminds behind 911. We ought to hate the New World Order, which aims to destroy Christianity, eliminate true American freedom (i.e., out Bill of Rights) and bring to fruition a Communist Police State to smash resistance from Christians, patriots and those who defend the U.S. Constitution. It's frightening how insane many people get when you hand them a badge, a gun and give them authority over the common man. Then stuff like this happens. There's a million punks running around America nowadays, called police, including she-men women who belong at home baking cookies, who don't care about your Bill of Rights. They just want to smash you, take your kids and force you to comply with the New World Order's Communist agendas. You're now guilty until proven innocent. You don't have to be proven guilty to go to prison nowadays, the jury simply needs to "think" you're guilty and you're a goner. And they call that justice.


I could write a book on all the evils and sins which born-again Christians should hate, but that is not necessary. You have a Bible and I hope you read it. Most Christians neglect their Bible and don't read it enough (if at all). Hearing the Bible increases our faith (Romans 10:17). In discouraging times, we need to read the Bible to boost our faith. In times of loss, when our friends hurt us, family betrays us and the Devil comes after us to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10), we ought to spend more time in the Scriptures and rest upon the promises of God. God will keep His Word, His name is at stake. You can rest assure on the promises of God.

Let us hate evil and expose it wherever it is found. You don't have to be unkind to people, but you don't have to go along with the evil either. Professed Christians all across America go to Walt Disney, Las Vegas casinos, Jack Daniel's brewery, Elvis Presley's mansion, et cetera. There are all shameful places. The need of this hour is for Christians to act like Christians and get angry over sin, because the Devil's crowd doesn't care.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist

[From "Don't say "Red China" anymore, it's "Peoples of Canada's First Nations China" now"]

Millions of people around the world are expected to be killed from the Wuhan Flu. Hundreds of thousands already have

The country that birthed the disease (either through poor biosecurity, medieval-calibre animal markets, or a deliberate act of war) is the one seemingly least impacted by it.

Around the world free market economies (with a half dozen quotation marks around many of those words) are effectively shut down, which probably will cause the largest global recession in history. It might last for many months or possibly even multiple years.

Oil futures even temporarily reached negative value (with another half dozen quotation marks around many of those words) while Alberta oil is effectively without value due to the pipeline fiasco of the past few years.

So what, pray tell, does think is the big problem we have to worry about? Why, lazy Red Indians not getting their way over land that was never theirs, obviously.

As has been the case for over a century and a half, since Canadian Confederation, the territory of ostensibly sovereign indigenous nations within Canada has been consistently used for major infrastructure projects that non-indigenous Canadians don’t want to see run through their own backyards. This partly explains why it was so easy for indigenous protests to nearly shut down the Canadian economy in February: railways, highways, pipelines, canals, and other strategic infrastructure already cut through indigenous territory.

Taylor Noakes, for those who may not have known, is "a freelance journalist from Montreal" and an occasional CBC and National Post writer who "focuses on the intersection of history, architecture, urban planning and public policy". In other words, a hardcore leftist who hounds Jason Kenney by lying about subsidies and who writes about how "rule of law" should be subject to protest (but only when his friends are the ones doing it). It also means he's probably not stupid: he knows that what he wrote is wrong.

Like all leftists, Taylor Noakes is a liar. Always. He's always lying.

The reason railways, highways, pipelinies, canals, and other long thin things always "cut through indigenous territory" (which, by the by, isn't sovereign and nobody other than far-left activists ever believed that) is because lazy Red Indians claim their territory is the entire country. Remember that in B.C. various tribes including the Wet Soup One Indian Bands claim their territory is largest than the actual land mass of the province. The same Noakes who lied by referring to oil as having negative value in reference to the article about oil futures I posted above is welcome to explain how with negative land space in B.C. available to them, Coastal Gas is going to build a pipeline without some Red Indians whining about it.


Wickham indicates that the five clans of the Wet’suwet’en nation are unable to continue negotiations because their consensus-based meeting system would require congregations of more than 50 people, which have been outlawed as part of Canada’s social distancing guidelines. Though the Wet’suwet’en have complied with the regulations, the same rules do not appear to apply to pipeline workers. Moreover, Wickham indicated that both the federal and provincial governments are unwilling to discuss either the pipeline or the presence of the RCMP in indigenous territory during negotiations.

Finally some good news out of all this. The federal and provincial governments should have been unwilling to negotiate with these lazy Wet Soup whiners from the very beginning: white landowners never got this treatment and therefore red land-sitters (the land is actually owned by the federal government who has the complete right to build on it at any time). Meanwhile what's this lie about "their consesnsus-based meeting system"? Strangely enough this wasn't on their list of demands on February 21st, and didn't seem to be in effect when useless tit of a cabinet minister Carolyn Bennett met with a half dozen chiefs in a closed door meeting. This sounds like another ridiculous lie promoted by deceitful Red Indians and their stooges like Noakes.


Companies leaving for the bad political landscape is due to two dishonest and disgusting actors: Red Indian savages and the far-left Antifa thugs that associate with them, and the cowardly idiotic Shiny Pony government. It's a fun little game that deceitful liars like Noakes like to use. Step one: have the savages make a big stink about a project. Step two: have the craven idiots in leftist governments take appeasement action. Step three: have the savages get even more...well, savage...and cause maximum damage and disruption. Step four: have the leftist government negotiate a deal that makes the project completely impossible. Step five: when the investors say "to hell with you all" use that as some sort of compelling evidence that clearly the project wasn't that great in the first place.

Mike King #conspiracy



Hong Kong's "Umbrella Revoution" is a recent example.

Are you having a problem with pesky nations that refuse to comply with the Globalist or Zionist program? Worried about the cost and unintended consequences of another Neo-Con war? Well, before you do anything rash, try overthrowing the target government with a "Soft Power" revolution instead. See recipe below.


•A ton of American cash from the CIA and/or George Soros
•Small army of undercover CIA agents
•Controlled "Human Rights /Pro Democracy" groups
•Idealistic "Western wannabee" college brats
•Easily manipulated do-gooder "libtards"
•Professional signs & banners written in English
•Bribable / blackmailable journalists
•Bribable / blackmailable politicians
•Bribable / blackmailable academics
•Corrupt Union bosses
•Violent "Agent Provocatuers"



Dispatch your CIA, MI6, & Mossad agents to the target nation. Use various covers such as "exchange student", "tourist", "aid worker", "businessman", "journalist", "diplomat". Be creative!


Use the humanitarian guise of "pro democracy" or "human rights" to start up your NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations) inside of the target nation. Provide cover for yourself by doing actual good works, while building up your NGO with local malcontents, libtards, and gullible idealists.


Recruit your network of domestic traitors. Target intellectuals, academics, politicians, journalists, and, if possible, military men. Use bribery to target those who can be bought. Use blackmail to target those who have some stain in their private life.


If the target nation has large Labor Unions, corrupt labor bosses will be very happy to cooperate with you. Yankee dollars are king!


(Now you are ready to get cooking!)


Pick a catchy theme or color for your "revolution". Examples include "Prague Spring" (Czechoslovakia, 1968), "Velvet Revolution" (Eastern Europe 1989), Saffron Revolution" (Myanmar), "Cedar Revolution" (Lebanon), "Rose Revolution" (Georgia), "Orange Revolution" (Ukraine), "Green Revolution" (Iran), "Arab Spring" (Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria etc) and Hong Kong's "Umbrella Revolution". It's all about marketing, baby!


Kick off your "revolution" with a "spontaneous protest." Use your CIA agents and their controlled NGO idiots to make allegations of "human rights abuses, or "government corruption," or "election fraud." It doesn't matter if the allegations are true or not. Just be passionate!

In certain cases, "WikiLeaks" may be able to assist your fake revolution by "leaking" embarrassing secrets about key officials within the target government. When your paid journalists run with the "leaks," many pissed-off citizens will then join forces with your NGO rent-a-mob.

Julian Assange / CIA (Wikileaks)


Roll out your "spontaneous" banners and protest signs, written in English. You are, after all, trying to manipulate American policy makers and the gullible American public.


Add in your wholly-owned labor bosses, academics, and spoiled "Western wannabee" college brats. Turn up the heat on the target government. This will swell the ranks of the protesters to include malcontents, people with legitimate grievances, "bandwagon" types, and folks who are just plain bored and want something to do.


The major American and European media outlets will now assist you by portraying the uprising as a "popular" and "spontaneous" reaction to corruption / tyranny / voter fraud etc. Tell your agents not to laugh as the cameras are filming them.


Now that "the world is watching", stage an incident. If you can manipulate some fanatic into setting himself on fire, do so! Otherwise, fake an atrocity, Use fake blood, fake tear gas, and photo shopped images. Make sure the "victim" is a woman! The international media and your paid local propagandists will run with the atrocity story. The destabilized target government will soon lose support among many of its own people!


Add in your violent agent provocateurs. Use them to FORCE the police into violent acts. This will embarrass, intimidate, and destabilize the government to the point where it becomes de-legitimized in the eyes of "the world community."


Add in your traitor politicians and wait for the US, UN, & EU to "pressure" the "oppressive" target government into submission. The threat of economic sanctions, "no-fly zones," bombing, or even an armed "rebel" uprising, should convince the government to either bend to your wishes, or to step down and call for new elections.

If "Color Revolution / Spring" should fail, then prepare for military action -- to "make the world safe for democracy!"

various Daily Mail commenters #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut

RE: Massachusetts middle school students tear down rainbow decorations and chant their pronouns are 'U.S.A.' during Pride celebration: Officials slam 'intolerance and homophobia'

( rackt3 )

I would have discouraged by kids from participating in vandalism, but if they came home telling me that the school had asked them to wear rainbow outfits to school for "pride month", yeah you better believe they'd be going to school decked out in red, white and blue!!

( Butch701 )

Good job students.

( ExPat-Bangkok )

Its not a phobia to dislike having political propaganda forced down your throat ar school, on TV, on the Radio, in every shop and every billboard. Enough of this nonsense. We have all just had enough!

( Notta Lemming )

Do what you want just stop shoving it in our faces. I applaud the students for not being intimidated.

( Unleaded92 )

It is about time

( Windycityite )

Reading this article made me proud to be an American. These kids recognize oppression and condescension, and are young enough not to stand for it. But conservative organizations must be prepared to defend their rights in court.

( Conservative NY )

Liberals hate America

( )

God Bless these kids! They are the future of America and they understand these idiot politicians and woke followers cannot dictate to them what to say or do! They comprehend what America used to stand for and still does stand for, regardless of what these dimwitted idiots running the country think.

( Amos33 )

Good for the kids! No more brainwashing!

( latin_patriot )

Well done students!

( Adams2022 )

Nothing is "phobic" about being tired of this crap shoved in our faces

( theyank59 )

Has the administration thought to ask if straight students feel safe? Are they free from harm if their religious views compel them to abstain from participation in an event that may offend them?

( Neverretired )

Proud of the kids who chanted, "USA". Now that's true pride.

( RCH-MA )

As a MA resident...I feel that there are signs of hope for the world...Tolerence and inclusion is fine but Noone should be forced to do's not like there is a straight day...being celebrated...what's the difference between this and religious restrictions in schools...

Declan Finn #wingnut

This year: is there any Leftist who isn't a supporter of Epstein's client list?

The slippery slope used to be "gay marriage to pedophilia" (which took five years).

Now it's "close the churches" to "burn the churches" in five MONTHS.

I think I preferred it when I could at least imagine that they were misguided idiots instead of straight up fiends from the pit.

It used to take full on wartime propaganda to dehumanize the enemy to such a state that we perceived them as something so monstrous and alien that we didn't even blink at killing them.

Now all I have to do is listen to what comes out of their mouths.

Animeak116 @ Murphy Slaw #sexist #ableist

(=Weebs talking about anime girls. That is all.=)

King9204: Blake is the hottest character!

Animeak116: If only she wasn't bat shit retarded

Murphy_Slaw_: to be fair, aside from maybe Weiss all of Team RWBY + Jaune/Ren/Nora are completely retarded.
Blake is not much worse than the rest of them.

Animeak116: I mean all of them are retarded foe the sake of the plot just saying the symptoms started with Blake so i will always label her retarded as well. She may be a cute cat girl that any one may wany but she is idiotic as a brick that you'd rather use as a pump and dump then actual waifu material. Also Weiss was ruined this season heavily by the current episode. So i wouldn't hold my breath that she to isn't retarded especially after her scenes in the previous volume

Various Incels #sexist


[SuicideFuel] Average teenage chad life


i was on some social media and a chad i have added posted this. This guy is in HIGH SCHOOL. Thats right, you resd that right, HIGH SCHOOL. While you were at home rotting and playing video games in high school chad was LITERALLY HAVING GIRLS BEG TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM. Incredibly over.

Brutal tbh, I can barely understand what they’re saying.

Hit it means have sex, she is begging to have sex with him

You fuckin idiot,you fuckin masochist cuck.
Why are you using any sort of social media or add Chads ?
You deserve getting your blood boiled with anger and dying ıf you use non-art/porn/meme only social media

You sound angry at me. You should be angry at chad.


But but, teen foids can't consent and aren't ready for sex. :soy:

Even kindergardeners can consent to things. They just don’t always know whats best for them. But men do and men have married off their young daughters to eachother for as long as patriarchy has existed among humans. It’s a few thousand years. Paleolithic humans were like mandrills.

Not even adults know what's best for them. Teen foids will be better at choosing a mate because most likely they're less picky than adult chad chasing whores.

soy if you dont think they're ready by 10. even boys are having sex at 10 when they start puberty after females

Soy if you care about the age when they're ready.


Imagine having girls literally begging for your dick because you're good looking. Being able to just snap a quick selfie and get on Tinder and have girls hitting you up for sex. Life is just a pussy buffet if you're good looking enough.



What a crazy bitch
"I need to have sex with you or ill kill myself"

God help the kids she has.


We need to euthanize all teenage foids. They're degenerates. Every single one of them. AWALT.

Sara Ahlmark #fundie

Why is it still fuckin legal for those cock-licking homo pigs to maintain this nazi fucking LIE called evolution. Let tens of thousands of evil DEVILS of ETERNAL flames burns their grandchildren in concentration camps all over the planet. And if that doesn't shut down these cunt morons, I shall personally rip their intenstines through their GOD DAMN nosdrils!...I just get so fucking upset when I hear people talk about this gay shit piece of pussy EVOLUTION. I am NO son of a buttfucking God damn ape, and that's scientific enough for me! Hell yeah! We should decapitate all those bitch slapping freak loving idiots, who think God is dead and who uses the name of Jesus to wipe their infidel pedofile asses.

HawkeyeLonewolf #fundie

And this goes along with the end of the USA thread.

LOTR actually promotes GOOD vs. EVIL. Not a specific religion.

Harry Pothead promotes EVIL vs EVIL... and the religion of witchcraft -- even using some real people as characters.

But because idiot parents let their idiot kids read them because "at least it gets them to read" crap, we have to suffer through the hypocracy. Toss the kid a Playboy and I'll be he'll read too.

yeahbest #racist

[In response to an article about the recent violence faced by and mass emigration of French Jews]

At some point, Europe will come to the startling realisation that they got rid of 6 million Jews who would have built and further enhanced their rich culture and let in 40 million Muslims that set about destroying their culture and replacing it with Sharia Law. Hopefully, we'll all be in Israel by then.

["That's not racist at all."]

Yeah, keep telling yourself that it's only a minority and that their culture and religion has nothing to do with what is going on in the world right now. No, please, if it makes you feel more righteous. I prefer to use my eyes, brain etc. to decide what's right and what is wrong. Accuse me all you like - it is arbitrary and quite frankly the goto rhetoric that liberals use when someone even dares commit the cardinal sin of suggesting that there are negative traits within a culture and that maybe, there might be some form of poison within that culture that is causing would-be innocents to behave this way.
No one wants to hear what I stated above but Paris is only the beginning. These protests - in the name of Palestine - are only a means to an end in their battle against Western culture. Idiots like you give them the green light to use the very freedom we fought for in WW2 against us. I hope I'm wrong but these protests will start becoming a real nuisance for European governments. Sharia law doesn't respect our law, just remember that.
When it's all over, I'll come an bury your corpse that was beheaded by the very people you seek to defend.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #magick #wingnut #racist

When the Dark Forces, in very ancient times, stole the Ancient Aryan Mysteries, they got hold of the Ancient Wisdom that had been built up over thousands of years, and which was (to them) a source of might and power which they could use to control situations and people, and to further an agenda that has come to fruition in our era.

The rather idiotic term 'Woke Culture' has arisen, not surprisingly in an era of 'controlled insanity'. The term typically uses incorrect English in a way that suggests it stems either from an illiterate source, or is a kind of 'take' on what is right. These people are far from 'awake', but like the 'enlightened' or 'illuminated' they can dream! With this came the destruction of our past, our history, which started through 'Black Lives Matter', a front for a Marxist Revolution that would destroy the past, thus paving the way for a 'New World Order'.


The Great Darkness is growing, but we have passed the Yuletide of the Great Year (1933 - 1939) when the seeds of a New Order were sown, and at this time (The Winter) we can expect a period of destruction, dissolution and chaos. The Yuletide or Midwinter is the time of the Longest Darkness, so our time is when the Light Forces are waxing again and even though this is a harsh and violent time the Forces of Light will grow and grow in strength until finally the Last Avatar will appear to destroy the Darkness and Chaos.

The 'Star Wars' films were based upon the battle between Light and Darkness, Order and Chaos, between the 'Empire' and the 'Republic'. The military leader is Daath Vader, whose name is based upon 'Daath' which is the reverse-side of the Cabalistic Tree of Life - the Shadow Realm. 'Vader' is the same as our own 'wate' or 'wod' meaning 'movement'. Daath Vader uses a form of 'physical magic' through the 'Light Sabre'; above him is the Emperor who is an Evil Sorcerer. He is a 'Hidden Power' that uses Dark Sorcery, and he is the ultimate power in the Dark Empire. We should keep this in mind because this is the structure that we face within the Dark Forces.

BNP Crusade #racist

The lefty idiots, those maniac cult-like brainwashed freaks, just love using the "out of Africa" theory to attack nationalism and our ethnic idenity as indigenous British - they simply can't get enough of this particular gambit. The intellectual arsenal of the leftist cult is very limited, but the "out of Africa" theory is a favourite weapon - it is, however, by no means an ideological weapon of mass destruction.

I am not interested in going into the science of the theory as it's irrelevent to understand the true reason why said lefty lunatics use this the theory so reguarly: it must be understood that the braindead leftist scum are not concerned with the science of the theory, so when they start up with the "nationalists are stupid because we all come from Africa" line, it is a purely a political attack against nationalism, and in no way is it a genuine discussion about science. Leftists couldn't care less about science, facts, reason and logic. However, that being said, the leftist zombies just love to observe as nationalists expend their energy arguing with them.

Anyways, the correct response to the "out of Africa" weilding leftist retard is simple. Ask them (if, as they assert, we are all from Africa and therefore this makes nationalism (and by extension ethnic identity) invalid) this question: so then there are no such people as Chinese, Tibetans, Australians Aborigines, Moaris, native Americans, Somalians, Zulus, Tamils, etc, etc, etc?

You will find that they will never deny the existence of such ethnic groups, in fact the opposite is true, i.e. the Free Tibet campaigners are almost entirely lefties, therefore they are acknowledging the legitimacy of the Tibetan people as a distinct ethnic group, and their right to have their own nation, and "Free Tibet" oppose the immigratoin invasion of the Han Chinese into Tibet. Contradiction, much? This is key to see that lefties are not concerned with reality.

The "out of Africa" theory is only ever used by the demented leftists to attack European ethnic identity and the legitimacy of our nations, they will never use this theory against non-Europeans. Therefore, it is clear to see this much favoured "out of Africa" gambit is purely a political weapon against the indigenous Europeans. Don't get baited into arguing about this theory, simply ask them the question and enjoy as the lefty squirms and responds with insults because once you call their bluff they reveal they have no real arguments.

BrazilianEnema #sexist

Please help, I can’t stop stealing your looksmatch ricecel lurkers


What a retard. any man wanting to reproduce with a Mongofoid is flushing his genes down the toilet. Asian men are much better looking than noodlewhores and have the common sense to date out, while idiots like this are probably facially 2/10 and have to use a combination of their height and race to snag the worst type of foid.

He might legitimately be a pedo. The deliberate seeking out of neotenous features and extreme difference in stature? Suspicious indeed...

Peter Scully, one of the most notorious pedos of all time and the creator of an extremely sick video (Daisy's Destruction) that is a legend on the dark web, had Mongofoid girlfriends and purportedly fathered some hapa children.

Have you ever met a mentally normal Mongofoid enthusiast? All of them seem completely evil in ways we can't comprehend.

You're right, the evidence is everywhere. The second largest demographic with the most white supremacists aside from white men are not white women, but asian women. I bet there does not exist a single asian supremacist woman, not that we'd want that anyways. Supremacists are truly nuts.

Bro just date asian men

Asian men are more facially attractive than Mongofoids, not even kidding. Some of the saggy fat 80 year old expired mayos in Thailand will swear up and down they're not gay but still knowingly date a ladyboy. Noodlewhores are just that unpalatable that trannies are preferable.

Wouldn't that make sense though, if the men are more attractive? Get as much worth out of your money.

That's what I was saying. Black foids are stereotyped as the least desirable but they are actually more attractive than Mongofoids and more tolerable too. Anyone who has a Mongofoid mom knows how bad the incessant nagging and guilt tripping can get. The only reason anyone contacts Mongofoids on dating apps is because they're the sluttiest and easiest.

Date out?

Asian men can get mayowhores and beanwhores, and sometimes sandwhores and currywhores. Now that China is colonizing Africa they can also get nigwhores if they are desperate and willing to relax their standards. Even Aborigine foids are more tolerable than Mongofoids.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

On November 28th, 2012 the moon was 405492 km away.

Currently the distance is 384,400 km Feb 2015.

From all recorded science on the subject the moon only moves an inch away every year.

Converting Kilometres to miles;

13106 miles of 'movement'

830396160 inches.

553,597,440 years.

Half billion years.

//science on how the moon moves.
[link to]

How did it happen?

CERN opened a black hole on earth in 2011...a half billion years ago by accident. It's been getting bigger and bigger over time consuming other systems. Eventually we're going to have guests from the other systems the black hole they made consumes more and more and more.

Where are you all?

Dead in a black hole that in relative terms three years has passed. Outside in the physical universe, half billion years. Most everyone has moved on to where they need to.

All the money, stuff, power, government has all been gone for a long time. It is about as pretend as it gets. All the bad ideas you see floating around out there is part of a government project setup prior to the blackhole opening called 'Dreamland'. Basic run of the mill brainwashing of a bunch of 20-30 year olds to 'maintain' their way of life. I know, so stupid. As a result. There are less than 2 billion left out of the 7.2 billion that started three years ago. Everything else here is all fake. Money, gold, silver...all of it is completely phony.

This -pokes wall- is shared memory. All of our collective memory that keeps the construct rolling along. We all create this by our mind keeping all the bullshit of the past running in our memories. For some, they were programmed (monarch, dreamland, whatever...) thankfully they are just breaking and dying 'the true death' taking all their dumb ideas with them. And no, no one is going to help them. (They are all on their own here for thinking it would work in the first place. Best for them to let go and move on)

To help yourself

You need to purge all the bad ideas these idiots considered 'normal'. Means cold turkey from all media. Unplug. Use it only as a reference. Don't listen to the news, you've already noticed that it's all bait.

Steps in this order

1) Unplug
2) Go follow your dream.
3) Seek beauty.
4) Find a faith/pantheon/belief you can agree with.
5) Let go and go there. Or join those kids doing the mindcraft thing and go with them.

Again. Let go. You are all dead. It's not a threat. It's just the situation.

David J. Stewart #fundie

Why are Our Youth Being Intentionally Corrupted in America?

Dr. Ablow tries to analyze why alcoholism is plaguing America. He theorizes that Americans are fleeing reality. Dr. Ablow fails to address the powerful influence of music celebrities on our youth, who are even called “American Idols” on television. Famous singers Toby Keith and Jimmy Buffet glorify drunkenness in their music, as do many singers in all genres. Toby Keith has influence over millions of young people, singing insane garbage like the song, “Get Drunk And Be Somebody!” Toby Keith certainly is “White Trash With Money,” which is the shameful titled of his album. It's not that hard to figure out why drunkenness has become such a big problem in America. Acts 4:20, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Are we in flight from reality in America, or are our youth being led astray from reality by wicked people? Youth are extremely impressionable.

If their idols are getting drunk, abusing themselves with drugs, and behaving recklessly, then so will America's youth. Singer Justin Bieber was arrested in January of 2014 for driving under the influence in Florida, using Marijuana. Toxicology tests done showed that Bieber had Marijuana and the drug Zanax in his system. He had no prescription. Sadly, Bieber has influence over MILLIONS of teens and preteens. What an idiot! Bieber ought have his singing contract cancelled as a message to others who also use drugs. That's what game officials do to professional sport's athletes who use drugs, destroying their entire career for using steroids. Yet, Bieber can abuse Zanax and Marijuana while driving down the street, risking other people's lives by his stupid recklessness, and it's let go.

Bieber blasphemes God in a recent April 2014 shameful rap video titled “THE PLEDGE,” along with Brandon Burke. I won't even link to the video on YouTube, because it's sick trash. They display 2nd Chronicles 7:14 in their shameful music video (if you call that noise music)...

2nd Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Bieber's alleged Christian song is like a stripper praising the cross while she's taking her clothes off. Rap music is intensely disrespectful, worldly and tasteless. Rap music is synonymous with America's drug-problem, street gangs, slum lords, crack houses, ghetto culture and all the wickedness associated with it. Our youth are being influenced by evil, selfish, money-hungry, fools. Bieber is an Illuminati puppet who has sold his soul to Satan! It is sinful to desecrate the Word of God, which is what Bieber is doing!

It is not a coincidence that Katy Perry, Jay-Z, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Kesha and other despicable characters are leading America's youth by example into a moral sewer of depravity and sleaze. This is all deliberate to destroy the backbone of the United States, which is the home. I know this sounds way out there and conspiratorial, but I can prove what I am saying, as I will show you. The average person today is woefully ignorant about so many things. I say this with great sadness, for our ignorance is Satan's greatest advantage over us.


What a powerful mouthful of truth! Kids today are being brainwashed by television (i.e., hellivision) and music to have no morals, and to backtalk (sass) their parents. That's exactly what the Communists want. It's not uncommon these days to hear children on TV telling their parents to grow up or to be quiet. The same defiance is found in movies, whether by Walt Disney or Warner Brothers. Music is without a doubt the biggest offender. There is nothing more detrimental to the spiritual growth of a teenager than worldly music, which captivates the soul, and preaches a gospel of SELF, SEX, and SATAN.

To help you understand what's going on in the world today, please consider that Communism was created by the globalists, aka, the Illuminati (formally recognized in 1775, whose leader was Adam Weishaupt). There is an evil group of men and women who intend to create a world government system. They've been working at it from generation-to-generation, because Satan is behind it all. Biblical prophecy foretells of coming world government.

DoctorDoom #racist

["Larry Elder to the GOP: 'Stop talking to blacks like they are children'"]

Not children. Idiots. When the vast majority of members of a minority robotically support and vote for a party that that used to lynch them, that has fukked them over at every opportunity, and that has kept them on the plantation for decades, they are idiots.

Children rapidly learn new things. The negroid race has apparently been impervious to education and understanding for generations. Fuggem.

"f the party has any hope of attracting a significant percentage of the black vote, it must speak to that community honestly - and as adults." Larry, if the GOP were to do just that, it would make exactly how much difference in the blind, unthinking way that those idiots liplock on the asses of the DemonicRATs?


Otherworldly Bleed, Consensus, and Magic

A few years ago, back when this idea of the otherworld bleeding through began to make its way into Pagan/Witch discourse, I had a curious incident at the side of a river with a witchy friend. Both of us had noticed the uptick in otherworldly activity. We were both also getting messages from multiple people. Often from people who didn’t ordinarily experience our kind of strangeness, and that stood out.

I wondered what the effects of this otherworldly “bleed” would have on magic and what we humans can do with magic. Naturally (because I’m an idiot like this), I grabbed a stick and drew a sigil I use when creating portals into the sand and silt of the riverbank.

The effect was almost instantaneous: a shifting sensation that used to take more effort to achieve.

I closed it and scrubbed it from the sand almost as soon as my friend and I noticed the shift.

I’m a firm believer that most things have their season. And if the blog John Beckett posted this morning is anything to go by, then this subject’s season has come. In "The Currents of Magic are Getting Stronger", he makes the same observation I did at the side of that river.

We also cannot ignore the fact that most of the discussion on this topic is coming from US sources. I’m not saying that strange things aren’t also happening elsewhere—but we also cannot assume that just because this stuff is happening here, it’s happening everywhere.

If Cotton Mather is to be believed in his "Wonders of the Invisible World", early colonizers in what would become the US also drove out “devils.” He even goes on to blame the apparent preponderance of witches in Salem on a counterattack by the devils, thus retaining that link between witches and the Otherworldly in his interpretation of events.

The otherworld is bleeding through, the devils are coming back, and they’re bringing us witches with them?

Various Incels #racist #sexist

RE: Did you had phase about your countryfoids?

I am a currycel and I think our women are grotesquely hideous goblinas with personality of a wet mop

Never had a phase for German women in particular, there is no beauty to admire there tbh. They are most of the time dull looking and get BTFOed by Slav women when it comes to aesthetics. Only once simped for them a tiny bit in 2015 (due to mass migration and sex crimes), nowadays I couldn't care less because most women would spit on me anyways.

Never had this phase, I've always seen Italian foids as the hypergamous beasts they are

Yes, I used to have the belief that Colombian women were the most loyal, loving women on the planet....what an idiot I was, Colombianas are the dirtiest sluts out there and are only loyal and traditional towards white guys --- this was one of the hardest black pill truths to swallow.
Some guys never grow out of it --- I used to work with an old Russian man, and his exact words "Russian women are the best women in the world"...please they're probably the second sluttiest after Colombians

(To koniec)

Guys that live vicariously because females of the same race as them are considered attractive are delusional and often think it will trickle down to them. Same with affinity for culture and food.

great point about food, while polish cuisine and especially british one are awful i've seen many food nationalist especially with curries or asians and southern europeans, that their food is superior... food nationalism is even dumber than foid nationalism tbh

Booger Cancer #conspiracy

Hitler vs. Obama

It's almost understandable how Hitler was able to seize power. Germany had gone through a time when a wheelbarrow of money was needed to buy a loaf of bread, so the people were freaked out.

So the people acted irrationally and fell for Hitler. The ones who didn't found themselves dead. Plus Hitler played on the German's deep hatred of the Jews. It was his "Look - Squirrel Jew!" distraction that worked like a charm. Give the people something to hate and you can have them eating out of your hand.

He, like Obama, had an extremely weak legislature to contend with.

Obama didn't have the extreme economic situation like Hitler had, although the economy was in a dip for sure, manipulated by a despicably corrupt Hank Paulson, to bring the situation to a head. Paulson falsely told Bush the economy would go into free fall in days if he didn't play along.

As we've seen by the Federal Reserve's actions, they can delay the coming crash for years on end.

But it was enough for the usurper to take up residence in the WH.

Considering our superior form of government, Obama hasn't been able to commit mass murder yet like Hitler did - yet. But he is screwing with the edges of government in every way he possibly can, resulting in huge increases in the number of poor people, people on food stamps, and the like.

Obama has also laid the groundwork to control the internet. It's only a matter of time when he squeezes the news funnel to skew far left like the networks already are.

Obama is doing all he can through the tyrannical EPA to shut down the coal industry. He has also brought to a near halt oil exploration on public lands even as the areas considered 'public' grows by leaps and bounds.

He's used the IRS to punish those he hates. His efforts affected the 2012 elections tremendously, allowing the usurper to keep squatting in the WH.

Now we see Lois Lerner and Hillary defying the laws with nobody doing anything effective to jail either one.

Another 2,000 illegal children come across the border each day - still! This is designed to create a permanent Democrat majority. Mexico has something like that, and you can see how well that third-world piss pot is doing.

Not last or least, Obama's advisor to the illegal Iranian deal was a US lobbyist for Iran! This deal should work out well. /sarcasm. Don't be surprised with Iran strikes us with an EMP attack. Everyone will die - you, me, and the preppers.

Obama has our military training in the public streets. If you think that training is in preparation for foreign wars, you are one naive idiot. The Affraudable Care Act has a provision for a federal army to be used domestically in case of a national emergency! It's euphemistically called a "Ready Reserve." Guess who gets to decide whether we have a national emergency or not?

He will most likely use a health scare such as Ebola to limit everyone's movement while his army arrests his enemies even though they aren't infected in the least. It will be the cover story for the 'detentions' that are nothing more than 21st century round ups similar to the box car round ups Hitler carried out.

Do you recall when Obama promised a national military that was just as strong and well armed as our existing military? Well, he has co-opted the existing military to do just that!

Obama has actually moved nearly as fast as Hitler did in the way that Hitler ruled with an iron fist, which is extraordinary considering the historical constraints of our Constitution.

In the last few months Obama has accelerated the rate of his abuses of the law.

But don't be fooled. He will be picking up the pace even faster than he is shredding America right now. If you think the last four months have been breakneck destruction, hold onto your hat. The next 18 months are going to be a torrid pace like we have never seen before.

Gary D. Barnett #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist

The CIA created and heavily marketed term, “conspiracy theorist,” a term invented to marginalize any questioning of the politically-plotted murder of JFK, is still heavily in use today. It is still used to stop any supported argument, any facts, or even any discussion concerning disagreement with the state sponsored narrative. Anyone who utters this ignorant, idiotic, and useless phrase as a way of ‘argument,’ should be immediately ignored as they have not the intelligence to speak to any critical thinking individual. In addition, those using this term deserve no respect or reply because they have already abandoned any possibility to listen or think.

We live in a country where everything coming from the state is based on lies and deceit meant to either support or cover-up government conspiracy. Remember that the definition of the word “conspiracy,” is a secret agreement between two or more to perform some harmful or illegal act. From the original Latin, it literally means, “to breathe together;” or to agree, unite, or plot. All government, especially the American government, is completely conspiratorial. The likelihood of any truth coming from the state, state bureaucracies, state minions in enforcement or the military, or from any mainstream media, is close to zero. If any facts are considered, everything being told to the masses can instantly be seen as harmful propaganda, and therefore conspiracy.
What if all of us who fully understand what is really going on are the only one’s prepared to resist and never comply? What if all of us who take personal responsibility for ourselves and our own are the only one’s willing to risk all to save our freedom? What if we fail to convince others to fight back? If we are defeated, what is to become of everyone else? There is but one answer to that question; all left will be slaves dependent on the very evil state that claims total ownership over their minds, bodies, and souls. That my fellow man, is hell!

AggressiveConcert5 #transphobia

Calling someone "cisgender" is like calling someone a 'muggle'.

A muggle is a just non magical person. Technically we are all muggles because none of us have magical powers.

However, when you call someone a "muggle" you are implying that you think some people really do have magic powers. You're advertising the fact that you're an idiot.

Same with "cisgender". It technically means 'someone who's gender is congruent with their sex.'

Thing is, this is true of everyone! Even those people who believe that they have transitioned gender.

When you use the term "cisgender" you are advertising the fact that you believe some men have become women. You're being a bloody idiot.

Andrew Anglin #quack

[From "Self-Help Sunday: Don’t be a Foam Cuck, End Soap Use Now"]

I have not used normal industrial soap really in my entire life, due to the estrogens in it, instead buying natural soaps. These don’t tend to be much more expensive than the estrogen soaps, but they are difficult to find. Due to the idiotic coronavirus hoax, I was unable to get my normal soap, which is made of olives.

I wasn’t going to use the industrial petrochemical soap, so I just didn’t use any soap at all. I scrubbed my body with a rough pad, and as if a miracle, my skin became significantly healthier. I am now more than two months into #NoSoap, and I can guarantee you, this is a superior way of living life.

The musk will become you, and your essence will be the musk itself. That is to say, your musk will be your true essence.

I have very sensitive skin, and would typically get various kinds of small irritating rashes and zits and so on, and virtually all of that is gone now, completely. The only place I get any problems at all is on my hands, where I still use soap.

But Do You Stink on the #NoSoap Train?
I don’t know how badly I stink because I cannot smell myself. I am surrounded by underlings who would not honestly answer questions about my musky odor. But I did ask someone who would have answered honestly recently, and he told me I smelled better than usual. (Note: I have never used deodorant, so there has always been a potential for body odor.)

It makes sense I would smell better than usual, as even the natural olive soaps were messing with the balance of my skin bacteria. Now that the skin bacteria is achieving its true natural balance, I should be smelling like a true natural man. I have also been strongly attractive to women as of late. This is always true, because of my handsomeness and charming demeanor, but it’s been even more true since I quit soap. Girls I speak to in public are becoming smitten, and getting aggressive with me. I believe this is due to my manly skin bacteria emitting a healthy musk filled with pheromones.


But I Work and Wear a Suit?
I still don’t know the answer for people who have to work in a white collar job and wear a suit. Probably, such individuals are forced to wear antiperspirant deodorant, which is literally the worst thing on earth. It is much worse than even the worst petrochemical soap. However, if you are wearing that deodorant, you can still cut the soap, because your natural skin bacteria will not create a stink other than through the sweat of the underarms.


You do need to take a shower regularly, and you might want to take it more often. You need the water on your body to remove the stench of the sweat, and you need to scrub under your arms and on your crotch to remove some portion of the musky bacteria that is created from the musk-zones. The concept of a “stench” like the one that black people have from not bathing is created by letting dead bacteria rot on the skin and letting bad bacteria grow by feeding on excessive dead skin cells. That is the secret: you have to remove the dead bacteria and the dead skin cells through regular harsh scrubbings of the underarms and groin. Scrub between your buttocks as well. In fact, scrub down everything, completely.


Let Me Tell You a Story…
In a moment of weakness, I recently washed my crotch with soap, and I got a bunch of little zits on my thighs. It was horrible. Little infected hair type zits, all along my inner thighs, because my healthy bacteria did not know how to respond to this abuse.

I want you to understand: I have told you this story not to weaken you, but to strengthen you. Now it is up to you.

Never again.
[Picture of Holocaust monument reading "Never again!"]

Daniel Pavlovsky #conspiracy #racist

They’ve been priming the population for this via their cinema with movies like Lucy and Chappie, where you either see this interface between biology and technology and/or the anthropormorphization of the machine.

And then you have a steady stream of TEDTalks, with kikes like Ray Kurzweil spouting his “singularity” thesis. They’ll mask the technology as something good, like it will make paralyzed people walk, and blind people see, and the sheep will fall for it. But everyone hear know the Jew, and of course there are no moral or ethical considerations about doing something abhorrent to humanity, like interfacing our nervous systems with a computer, which has been possible (many people have been used unknowingly as guinea pigs) for quite some time now.

And a lot of idiots would actually do this, because they’re so spiritually disconnected that they don’t even understand their own potential. Basically technology replaces the spirit in this “technocratic nightmare”.

radishman #sexist

RE: Brutal High school Bully gets cucks oneitis years later & Brags about fucking her to him

It kills me inside knowing she's with him and not me, "him" being my high school bully

- Foids says no
- Remains friends with her

JFL All foids virtue signal to their orbiters that she doesn't like musclemaxed bad boys and prefer sweet timid guys that make her laugh. And funny part is if he told the foid what the bully sent him, she would defend him and get mad at the cuck. Friends with foids? Not even once. Social media friends? Asking to be cucked. Faggots. All of them. Sent him a reply to block them both. Doubt he'll listen.

if a foid knows that you have a crush on her and doesn’t immediately cut you off, she’s exploiting you. you can’t be genuine “friends” in a relationship with that type of power imbalance. it’s like how a homeless man can’t be close personal friends with Jeff Bezos, there’s a superficial/sycophantic aspect to it that you really can’t avoid. the dominant party is actively withholding what the other person wants from them and this creates situations like the OP post

I hate how foids try and gaslight naiive dudes into thinking she had no idea he liked her. An awkward guy is always giving you attention and no other foid gets it. He's always willing to listen and help you. Give me a break. They know exactly what they're doing, but don't want people to think of them as a bad person for using the dude. Reputation is everything to them, which is why they cling so hard to the personality meme.

If a woman hates a guy there is a 99% chance she likes him.. eg.. calling him a 'cocky idiot'. The 1% exception is guys like us who women really hate but don't like.

Yeah but the 1% they use different terms. Guys they like are dicks and assholes. We're creepy.

André du Pôle #fundie

5 Qualities That Dying Empires Lack

André is a young European who left his decaying country in 2012 for greener pastures. He enjoys exploring subterranean places, reading about a host of interconnected topics, and yearns for Tradition.

Along with blue pill and global governance comes the Hollow Empire. We live in the golden age of marketing, public relationships, and propaganda. Many people are good at crafting appearances and virtue-signaling by the standards of the degenerate mainstream. The cities are littered with awesome, hip images, but this world is full of it.

Cities are full of useless bureaucrats, con artists, effeminate men, and man-jawed women. People are fake. Interests and excessive desires are either veiled under passive-aggressive forms or openly communicated through sheer assholery. No mystery why stoicism came back into fashion among conscious men: when your day is full of fake smiles, you’re better off working on your inner fortress. (And when you’re stoic and poor, bulking on a budget makes you better off as well.)

In such a world, some human qualities are sorely lacking. They are often perceived as signs of weakness, naivete, or as antics. Or some start counterfeiting and misdirecting them.

1. Loyalty

Sheep dogs are amongst the most loyal breeds out there. Have you seen a lot of them in metropolises? Bourgeois bohemians prefer small, frail dwarf dogs that cost a small fortune. Or cats, whose displays of egoism and moodiness are always overlooked because they’re sooo cute.

Loyalty is a noble trait. It supposes courage, constancy, straightforwardness. A loyal parent cares. A loyal citizen does his duty and tends to become a pillar of his community. A loyal friend is someone you know you can count on. Unfortunately, loyalty has been both abused and derided. Since the 60s, the media started associating it with purportedly “oppressive” and narrow-minded people while encouraging sheepish behavior towards the latest craze.

Being loyal to a girl who would only remain if you treat her badly would be foolish. Beyond this, it is hard to be a loyal patriot once you know how much nation-states sent Europeans kill each other for nothing but neoconnish interests. As French writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline said, “you think you’ll die for your country but what you’ll really lose your life for is bank vaults.”

2. Kindness

According to the dictionaries, being kind means having a benevolent, friendly, helpful disposition. In a normal society, kindness would be the sign of a good nature and it would be rewarded. In The Current Year, kindness towards women or strangers will have you exploited then called a loser or hypocrite. Men with low self-esteem started to serve women in exchange for absolutely nothing: this warped beta niceness has become a patron for kindness in general.

‘I’ve tried speed dating and all the dating Apps, but every time I put my real age, all I get are idiots and losers,’ she told the New York Post. ‘I figured, why not make them useful and have them help me around the house?’

She found a match with a man wearing overalls and wielding a hammer in his profile photo and invited him over to install her air conditioning— After he successfully carried out the installation, Bloom asked him to leave and didn’t answer his messages asking her to go on a proper date. (Daily Mail)

Displaying kindness towards freewheeling female hypergamy is the same than being loyal to a brand that makes millions out of sheeple. A sane mind doesn’t do it.

3. Politeness and courtesy

Both words refer to a kind of high culture: refined interests, a genuine concern for arts and belles lettres, a tactful and gallant temperament. Polite, courteous manners thrived during the eighteenth and nineteenth century. They were derided as bourgeois by Bolshevists and promiscuous bohemians. Today, loud-mouthed girls know nothing of it, and both have been turned into either mild-mannered spinelessness or pure snobbery.

The arts associated with politeness, such as theatre or classical music, were appropriated by old money whereas the masses are fed with pop garbage. Actually, you can be polite and courteous if you hop in the right context, then use it as a folding screen for game, Sandor Szavost-style. Otherwise you will come across as formal or distant or snobbish. Indeed, neither do boyish immaturity nor grrly aggressive narcissism provide good grounds for taking a woman’s hand and leading her through an impeccable tango.

4. Forgiveness

Jesus Christ extolled forgiveness beyond revenge. Clear the slate, turn the other cheek. Just like toleration, forgiveness works best when it is reciprocated: I’ll forgive your misdeeds because you will forgive mine, I’ll tolerate your antics because you will accept my eccentricities. When the reciprocal aspect wanes, these qualities turn into sheer weakness. Forgiving a BLM activist who sent your brother into a coma only means giving him a pass so he’ll do the same to you.

The Golden Rule, just as any of its derivatives, only works within a context of reciprocation and mutual trust. German jurist Carl Schmitt noticed the Latin Bible told about forgiving the inimicus, the disagreeable guy you’re squabbling with, not the hostis or foreign enemy who will take your head as soon as he can. There is no point being forgiving towards an enemy you have nothing in common.

Unfortunately, the chaotic Current Year destroyed most boundaries. It is sometimes hard to say who’s an inimicus or occasional yet brotherly rival you can forgive, and who’s a hostis you should always be vigilant of.

5. Patience

Arno Brecker did nothing wrong

As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm. Being patient, planning, delaying gratification, is part of achieving great things. (Unless you’re picking up a Western whore whom you should bed early). The occult elite does not want you to be like that. Rather, those on the top want you to look for instant gratification.

The social media crack pipe, junk food, porn, and video games are designed so you get a massive rush of dopamine early on and get back there for more. If you go down this road you’ll become impatient, addicted, unable to work long hours without some unnatural gratification.

Of course this mindset makes you dependent, frail, unable to provide for yourself over the long term. Impatience is often associated with neuroticism, immaturity, and seeking external validation.

Being patient—without being passive—is required to tread the long path towards the top of the mountain.


Patience can be exercised alone on a purely Stoic fashion. Being patient only requires mastery of oneself, not of others. The four other qualities are essentially social but hard to exert in an anomous, low-trust society. Our natural propensities, from loyalty to the desire to provide, were misdirected and exploited. This made us wary of society in general and of other individuals in particular. When people are foreign to each other they are bound to screw and get screwed.

The better angels of our nature, yet, are still there. In spite of constant bickering and backstabbing the dissenters are closer to each other than to degenerate normies. Some girls can become reliable housewives. Hipsters who snark at old-fashioned qualities are the kind of people who build nothing. If we manage to build thick relationships again, we will effectively foster a civilization renewal.

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