
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Andrew Anglin #transphobia dailystormer.name

Being 50 or whatever and being tricked into turning your son into a tranny is confusing to me. It seems that at that age, you probably should have figured out your views on these things.

People often change their views during their 20s, but any major changes in a worldview after the age of 30 is very strange.

Further, Musk is supposed to be some kind of Tony Stark genius, so how is it so easy to trick him?

That having been said, he likely is legitimately mad about this situation. I don’t know how any human could not be mad about it.

Saying “my son is dead” is pretty hardcore. At least for him.

I am certain some of you are dealing with the situation of a divorced wife turning your son into a tranny, and you really have to take this position of “he’s dead” and just write him off. There is nothing else you can do. You don’t have the ability to stop it. If you tried to stop it, the government would send men with guns to kill you or lock you in a cage. And even then, you wouldn’t stop it, you would just be dead or in prison and your son would still be a tranny.

But listen: do not try to have a relationship with a tranny child. It’s not going to help anything – it is only going to break your heart further. You can have more sons. You can’t save a tranny son.

dobby & CryingInYourInbox #transphobia ovarit.com


( dobby )
These TIMs brag about becoming “weaker” (or faking being weak) and fetishize the terrifying feeling of helplessness that biological women feel when we’re reminded of our physical limitations. They treat it like a joke.

I hate them so much. I hate all males.

( CryingInYourInbox )
This is why males taking HRT should be illegal. You shouldn't be allowed to make yourself weaker on purpose

( dobby )
Honestly I don’t really care if males are taking HRT, especially if it makes them weaker or sterilizes them. I’m not okay with tax-payers footing the bill for their fetish or the strain that these cosmetic procedures put on the healthcare system, or with these males thinking that taking HRT allows them into women’s spaces.

Robert Spencer #transphobia #sexist pjmedia.com

The mind reels with lurid possibilities. What are Vance’s “weird views on gender”? Does he think that men can magically turn into champion female swimmers and women of the year? Does he think drag queens should be sent into primary schools to teach children the glories of the latest LGBTQWTF fantasies? Does he think parents should lose custody of their children if they don’t affirm their delusions that they belong to the opposite sex?

Nah. Politico would think all that was as normal as pink hair and nose rings. What Politico finds “weird” is that Vance is “staunchly opposed to abortion” and has even compared the left’s sacramental child sacrifice to slavery, another moral evil that once enjoyed the protection of a Supreme Court ruling. Even worse, as far as Politico is concerned, is the fact that Vance has “promoted Viktor Orban’s pro-natalist policies in Hungary, which offer paybacks to married couples that scale up along with the number of children.” Good heavens! He wants people to have more children? But what about their carbon footprint?

Vance also “opposes same-sex marriage.” He had the audacity in 2022 to suggest that “the sexual revolution had made divorce too easy (people nowadays ‘shift spouses like they change their underwear’), arguing that people in unhappy marriages, and maybe even those in violent ones, should stay together for their children.” This is a canard Vance has heard before, and Politico was minimally gracious enough to include his response: “His campaign said such an insinuation was ‘preposterous,’ but you can watch the video yourself and be the judge.”

SoctaticMethod1 #transphobia #conspiracy kotakuinaction2.win

You know, if we didn't hear it was transphobic to demand repercussions for a tranny grooming minors, we wouldn't think trans was linked to pedophilia.

Like when was the last time you heard attacking some White pedo was racism towards White people? You're inferring it's a feature not a bug that trans have a higher chance of messing with kids..

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

conversion therapy is ok when we do it

( pennygadget )
So its "bigoted" if a parent doesn't want to castrate their 5 year old for acting a little "too gay"? Its bigoted if they want their 12 year old to wait until they're an adult before making permanent changes to their body? It's bigoted if a parent tells their teenage daughter, "Its okay to be a butch lesbian. You don't need to take drugs and cut up your body"?

The "trans community" is a fucking cult. They're WORSE than the old Christian conversion therapists because at least those assholes didn't castrate they gay & lesbian people who fell into their clutches

( Carrots90 )

perverts invading women’s single sex spaces and the daylight theft of our hard won rights

( Ava )
I don't think trans-ID'd people are evilly rubbing their hands together and laughing about how they're gonna convince gay kids to transition. But their ideology is rooted in sex stereotypes, and it does make GNC kids vulnerable to believing they're "trans." A preference for activities associated with the opposite sex is literally a symptom of "gender dysphoria."

There are detransitioners who've spoken about how internalized homophobia motivated them to transition. It may not have been the trans movement's intention to harm these people, but they were harmed nonetheless.

Trans-ID'd people aren't just "existing" when they're pushing the message that a desire to be the opposite sex means you're "trans," without even encouraging you to reflect on where that desire could have come from.

( Persimmon64 )
Yeah, the whole ideology is built in homophobia. "Trans" kids came about because homophobic parents took their GNC little boys to clinics to be "assessed" or examined because they were feminine and claimed to be a girl.

A loving parent would realize, yeah, he's probably going to be gay and he's a kid so he doesn't understand sex and sexuality yet, just the fact that all the girls he sees behave and look a certain way and the boys he sees do the opposite, so he's coming to the conclusion that he must be a girl too because kids are extremely superficial yet and have large imaginations.


Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #fundie pittparents.com

It’s been a crazy year since my world changed on a rainy spring day in 2023, after I casually commented on the local news, saying, “Drag queens in school are wrong. It’s like they are trying to sexualize and desensitize our children. Is the Canadian government grooming children?”.

Then my usually non-reactionary, gentle, loving, autist, adult son couldn’t hold back and blurted out “It’s helping kids that might be LBGT know it’s okay to be themselves! And I should know, because… I Am Trans!” I was dumbfounded! I think I replied, “No you’re not!” But it’s kind of a blur.


He created a fairy tale in his mind that if only we could see how happy he has become with transition we would go along with the lie and affirm. Just like his sisters did two years ago, when he first came to this ridiculous conclusion about himself. [After being isolated in his room for over a year, when he should be away at college and experiencing his real sexual awakening!] His news totally sabotaged my summer and sent me spiraling.


This is when I also first discovered that he doesn’t believe in God, or any creator, and feels he can be his own god, and design himself, in his own imagination! And his sisters agree with this blasphemy! Sure, we didn’t go to church, but I always told them that we have (some kind of) a divine creator. At first, I felt like I failed as a mother. I had allowed my children to be captured by a cult!

Jason Whitlock #sexist #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #fundie angrywhitemen.org

In a bigoted rant, BlazeTV host Jason Whitlock complained that “women are not going to give up their power.” He also claimed that he would rather live in a “segregated society” under Jim Crow than “a world controlled by the alphabet mafia” — a derogatory term for the LGBTQ community

“This is the society women have built, the feminist movement has built,” Whitlock said. “And we’re lookin’ at a handful of Democrat, leftist men that are coming to grips with that.” As proof he cited Democratic strategist James Carville, who, in May, suggested that “preachy females” were hurting the Biden campaign

“They’re coming to grips, these men are,” he said. “And it’s too late for many of them. They’ve set all this stuff into motion. I don’t know if you can dial the clock back. But they’ve set all of this into mo[tion]. They’ve empowered women to the point that women are not going to give up their power”

Whitlock also advocated repealing “the whole 20th century,” including “LGBTQ rights and everything.” This, of course, would entail repealing major civil rights laws, but Whitlock said this would be better than the alternative

“Repeal it all,” he proclaimed. “And I say that knowin’… I’m… This is a fact: I would rather live in a segregated society than in this godless, pedophile, perverted society that we’ve built. I’d rather deal with Jim Crow than a world controlled by the alphabet mafia. Yes I said it. And I believe it”

Kevin Downey. Jr #transphobia #conspiracy pjmedia.com

Gov. "Comrade" Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) recently passed a law stating that schools cannot alert parents if their teen boy mentions wanting to "Hassan Chop" his twig and berries.

Would they notify the parents if the kid claimed he was suicidal?

The sexualization of children is for two demonic reasons: first, to separate kids from their parents so "the state" can brainwash them. And, what's more insidious, I have a feeling that the Maoists want to add an "M" to the LGBTFBI crew. The "M" stands for "MAP" or "minor-attracted person." They won't use the word "pedophile" because they'd hate to offend a child rapist and also because they want to destigmatize and normalize the sexual assault of kids.

Your liberal, pink-haired sister will fight for the genital mutilation of kids and will think she is better than you for doing it because she is in a cult, and her desperate need to belong to something, as well as her burning desire to feel superior to you, is more important to her than anything else.

So how do we fight the cultural Marxism worming its way through every institution in America? You do what Americans have always done: fight back.

Leo656 #pratt #crackpot #transphobia forums.thetechnodrome.com

Nope. Real-life people recognize it as a marketing trend, same as any other. It's an unfortunate side-effect of the fact that nowadays you get tons more word-of-mouth from a Tweet than you would with a commercial. As such, companies think that it's "good business" to pander to the interests of people who spend all their time online... Which, as it turns out, are predominantly overweight, rainbow-haired, perpetually-offended, sexually-confused, easily-triggered, Gender Studies Majors and other (barely) high-functioning social misfits.

That's who's online all the time, sharing Tweets and memes and "making themselves heard", and so in turn, companies feel forced to pander to them. Because it SEEMS like there's a lot of them, but the thing is, they're just incredibly loud. As we see in Real Life by how most "woke"-infested movies fail hard, the growing number of lawsuits nationwide to stop letting schools indoctrinate impressionable kids with their nonsense, and the fact that people really, REALLY love Chick-Fil-A, MOST people are definitely NOT on the bandwagon.

Companies are slowly coming around to this. By now they've figured out that most of these people don't have real jobs and are barely scraping by under the crushing debt of their Liberal Arts degrees, and so in turn it makes no sense to bend over for them.

South Carolina Representative David Hiott #transphobia wltx.com

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Patients who go to any affiliate of MUSC Health for gender-affirming care will no longer be able to receive it due to a part of a law passed in May that primarily targets preventing these procedures for minors.

MUSC has pointed to one sentence in the bill that says public funds can't be used "directly or indirectly for gender transition procedures," as the reason they can no longer offer these procedures to anyone, including those over 18.


But that wasn't the intention of lawmakers when adding to the language, said bill sponsor Rep. David Hiott.

"Our bill dealt with the minors only," said Hiott. "But I applaud MUSC for going the next step and saying they are not gonna do any of those procedures for any individual in South Carolina."

Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie #racist #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

Joel Webbon participated in a panel discussion during which he called for an end to immigration because he had to explain to his daughter why there was a woman in “straight-up Hindu garb at our neighborhood swimming pool”

“I don’t even know what country I’m in, in my own neighborhood,” Webbon fumed as he complained about having too many non-white, non-Christians in his neighborhood

Naturally, Webbon’s comments generated some controversy, which prompted him to double down during his livestream podcast on Wednesday

“My hometown and my neighborhood, my state, is being flooded with non-citizens, and then even those who are citizens … are still worshiping false gods,” Webbon griped. “They’re not American in any sense of our heritage, and primarily I’m talking about that being a problem as it pertains to religion”

“They worship other gods,” he continued. “They are Hindu. They are Muslim. They are Jews. They are not Christians”

Webbon said that he and his fellow white Christians have a “civic duty” to ensure that their children and grandchildren “have the privilege of growing up in a country that bears at least some semblance to the country that you got to grow up in and is not completely decimated by pagan gods and foreign people from foreign lands”

“All throughout scripture, the idea of full-blown invasions from foreign peoples who worship foreign gods, it is never, in scripture, spoken of as a blessing of liberty. It is always spoken of as a judgment,” Webbon declared. “I believe that America is under God’s judgment. And I don’t think that the forms or the expressions of God’s judgment merely lie with Drag Queen Story Hour, but that they also include the fact that my neighborhood is 30 percent Hindu”

“That,” Webbon stated, “is a sign of God’s judgment upon our land”

Stormy-Chameleon, PikaTheCat #transphobia #fundie deviantart.com

Stormy-Chameleon: I am on the brink of tears

One of my friends just blocked me because of my beliefs.

Said he refused to be my friend just because I didn't support him

I've been endlessly respectful and tried as hard as I could to make him feel comfortable around me, especially since he has told me so much about his past and mental health and it has been such a struggle for me to find the right way to talk to him without him being confused or uncomfortable. I love how this is my reward for how much struggle I've put into this just to help him. I thought all this hate and disrespect for me and my religion was over

PikaTheCat: I had the same problem with one of my friends as well

Stormy-Chameleon: Awww , do you kind telling me the story?

PikaTheCat: We were friends for a while and they used to be Christian as well but then they changed to be queer and just blocked me because they didn’t feel comfortable around me because of my beliefs

Stormy-Chameleon: Bro that's really screwed up. If he or she used to have the same opinions wouldn't she or he understand what you thought?

PikaTheCat: They used to be female then wanted to be a male and chose to be queer, I don’t know why they did it

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

For a group that claims that the existence of infertile women means that female can’t be defined, they sure spend a lot of time complaining about how they can’t get pregnant

( RusticTroglodyte )
It actually delights me that they so desperately want something they can't have. It makes me so happy to know they're suffering bc of it. Die mad, scrotes

( Wsbfom01 )
Their desire to be pregnant comes from a fetish, not a sense of nurture or care for children. They’re disgusting.

( StopThisMadness )
Doesn't want kids but wants to "carry a child" -- fetish.

( SuddenlyRamen )
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Trauma appropriating wankers.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
Babe wake up a new sticker idea just dropped

TWAW - trans women are wankers

( MaryDyer )
Why do you feel like less of a woman, boys? You’ve made it pretty clear that “woman” is meaningless and is merely a nebulous feeling. Why be so butthurt over not being able to get pregnant, when it’s apparently “bioessentialist” to include reproductive capacity in any form in a definition of woman? Hell, even in a definition of female? That’s right - you people have done your damndest to erase any mention of sex from the definition of female.

Yet here you are blowing snot because you can’t get pregnant. Why would you do such a thing? You’ve ensured that reproductive anatomy and biology have been uncoupled from woman, to the point that infertile females are likened to full on, reproductively-healthy males.

Now you seem to be…backtracking? Why? Is it because you know, despite what rhetoric you spread, that infertile women of a certain age are an anomaly, and you want to be a typical woman? Oh how sad for you. 😢

( mathlover )
I feel infinite relief that, once they "trans" most of the larping men will never have children.

( Understanderson )
Oh my god, this is just soooooo creepy. I hate that we're not allowed to notice how creepy it is!

Grayson Bakich #transphobia #fundie web.archive.org

Back in March, MRCTV described how another 11-year-old student appeared before the county school board and caught sight of him in the girls' locker room, saying she was "panicked" and "wanted to cry" because of how uncomfortable she was with the prospect of changing in front of him.

Nice going, Lebanon Middle School.

This story sounds very similar to a similar incident that occurred at Pennbrook Middle School a bit further east in North Wales, Pa. My friend Stephen Green covered it earlier this week, describing how a transgender "girl" supposedly kept a "hit list" of actual girls he intended to attack, blindsiding one of them at lunch and pulverizing his victim with a Stanley cup and sending her into the hospital, screaming about how he was going to kill her all the while.

The worst part about that one was that another girl had warned teachers and staff that it was going to happen (five hours in advance), but the school just brushed it off saying that nothing would happen.

As Stephen put it, "It never does happen. Right until it does."
In all seriousness, I am convinced that being "trans" is just an excuse for men to act out their worst impulses, and the media will keep it under wraps because the trans victimhood narrative is still a hot (albeit cooling) commodity.

For instance, two weeks ago I wrote about some loony named Kyle Calvert, a self-described "trans non-binary" man who unsuccessfully tried to nail-bomb the Alabama State Capitol, and supposedly had issues with violent impulses.

That same day, my buddy Matt Margolis briefly touched upon what has been happening at Planet Fitness facilities, but I don't think he covered enough of the sort of perverted stuff going on there (my indispensable guides in finding stuff to write about at Libs of TikTok can elaborate, but bring eye bleach).

Then the week before, PJ Media's resident funnyman Kevin Downey Jr. shared with us the absurdly evil words of Jason Lee Willie, arrested twice for making vile, unhinged threats of shooting up schools, bombing churches, and molesting kids.

Of course, that doesn't mean that women who "identify" as men are immune from being as equally despicable, as the Covenant shooter from last year and a would-be copycat named Andrea "Alex" Ye demonstrate

samsdat #transphobia ovarit.com

"Gender-affirming care" is self-harm

It seems blatantly obvious, doesn’t it? I understand how people who haven’t given an ounce of thought to it can go along with the idea that “gender affirming care” is good for “trans kids” and that “trans kids” are even real, but as soon as you start thinking it through, the whole concept falls apart and it becomes clear that the trans-identified teenage girls are the biggest victims in this movement. And the mental health industry, particularly the APA, but also the counseling and therapy professions, are glibly helping destroy these young women (and no, I know it’s not everyone, but if the majority are against it, they aren’t speaking out).

And ordinary people are also helping it along, particularly the most outspoken “allies” out there, the ones who actually have no personal skin in the game, no “trans” kids, no transing themselves, just an “I know better than everyone else and I’m going to make the world a better place, because I am Good and Kind, and damn the torpedos (and the truth and the well being of children and anything else that stands in my way)” self-righteous attitude. If it weren’t for the vehement allies being such enthusiastic flying monkeys for the whole trans movement, this whole damn movement would have fallen apart due to mockery and honest debate a while back.

Aero #transphobia #homophobia #pratt #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot archive.ph

One, said kids do it because it’s trendy. All their friends are doing it. The mainstream media presents it as fashionable or glamorous to fuck those of the same sex, or to be willfully confused about what’s between your legs and hard-coded into your DNA. To sexually identify as an alien hermaphrodite with a barbie doll crotch. We do think of kids as being rebellious and so quick and eager to stick it to the man, or those in authority.

The only problem is, kids tend to only direct that rebelliousness towards their parents. Not towards the man, nor the establishment, nor towards crony capitalism, except maybe in word.
As much as we like to make fun of the regressive left for pretending to be edgy and rebellious despite having BEEN the establishment for a decade or longer, it’s easy for children to forget that. Many of them lack the maturity or the experience to understand that they are not being “liberated” or “freed” or being “authentic” or “true to themselves.”

I digress, but the point is, if the culture tells children that it’s cool to be a sodomite, they will take it to heart. They seldom have the cognitive ability to withstand that propaganda on their own. If sexual orientation were truly inborn or innate, this would be extremely harmful, probably even more so than forcing heterosexuality on adolescents who are clearly gay. They’re essentially persecuting those who carry society, carry the human population. Just because they’re jealous and angry at them.

But if homosexuality were made, not born, that provides an even stronger incentive to not normalize homosexuality. Like I said earlier, for even a large minority of the population to be LGBTQ is a disaster for any future population growth, or the well-being of future generations, as few in number as they may be. If homosexuality were made, not born, the last thing that you want would be an environment that actively fosters homosexual orientation in children. It doesn’t fucking matter how much society kisses the LGBTQ community on the ass. Being gay, or especially trans, significantly reduces your quality of life.

And the fewer people who are willing or able to bear children the natural way, or at least provide existing children with a stable home environment with parental role models of both sexes, the more likely society will collapse.

Boskov01 #fundie #transphobia #homophobia deviantart.com

Yet the rainbow mob who circles the wagons and denies the pedos exist among them, or if they do, they proudly extoll them.

Unlike the alphabets however, Christians/Republicans excise the pedos from among our ranks. We DO police our own. We don't defend them, we get them removed. We don't wagon circle and deny they exist. We do, however, tend to wait for proof to emerge first, and once we have proof, then we go after them and get them removed. We don't just accept blind accusations at face value. We require proof first. That's why it may seem to our opponents that we defend the pedos within our ranks, but if we do, it's only because there are accusations made without proof to back it up.

The alphabet mob on the other hand cheer and parade their pedophilic acts for the world to see. They extoll the likes of "Desmond is Amazing," a boy who dances in drag for grown men and even strips for them, like it's wonderful.

Arthur Schaper #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

Singapore made a grave mistake when the national government repealed Section 377a.

Repeal of that moral sanction sent the false message that homosexuality and transgenderism are normal behaviors, and therefore should face no moral sanction or approbrium.

And look what has happened.

LGBT themed museums, classes, programs are becoming all too common in the city state.

When public sanction is rolled away for private perversion, private perversion becomes public pollution.

Dear Singaporeans, you should have looked to the West, and you would have seen what a foolish move it was to repeal Section 377a.

various commenters #transphobia #homophobia ovarit.com

RE: Gay men angry with Rad Fems for not doing enough about TIFs in their spaces

( Spencer_Shayy )
Gay men, the men who stayed quiet at best when their brothers-in-wigs began invading our spaces and threatening to rape and murder us, or who smugly cheered it on at worst, now what us to give a shit when straight little fujoshi women do it to them?

Gay men, who gave me and so many other women shit for focusing on women's rights in addition to gay rights? Who called me TRASH for doing so?

Gay men, who have constantly treat lesbians like shit throughout history even though we were the ones who helped you during the AIDs crisis when everyone thought touching you would infect them?

I hate these creepy homophobic TIFs almost as much as I hate TIMs, but this is karma.

"Transgender" is a men's movement. You're damn right I'm going to blame men. Gay men are just as misogynistic as straight men, hell, gay men makeup some of the "trans" population. You're all to blame - every single one of you, no matter your race or sexuality.

To any gay men who may be lurking here - FUCK YOU! Reap what you sow.

( mathlover )
Gay men were the reason the T was added to the alphabet soup. When this occurred the vast majority of "trans" were gay men, with the het men mostly avoiding the gay spaces where they felt unwelcome (they did not want to be thought of as gay men). Adding the T to LGB was done largely by stealth so the gay men could get their gay male buddies into LGB community centers and other services.

If gay men get rid of the T completely, the larping women will go as well. The balls are in their (gay mens) court.

( Ceibo )
Have gay men helped lesbians and women in general keep their personal spaces TIM-free? Have they given us their support? No? then they need to STFU and GTFO. TIFs are far less dangerous than TIMs anyway.

Men are the fucking worst, gay, bi or straight.

( Megasaurus )
Gay men can just tell TIFs to fuck off and 90% of them will just run away and cry. Lesbians who tell TIMs to fuck off have to worry about getting hurt by narcissistic, enraged Buffalo Bills. Because of that, gay men have been able to defend their spaces much more effectively.

Tatsuya Ishida #transphobia sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This is strip #29 in the “Down the Rabbi Hole” series (July 7, 2024), most of which appear to be inspired by the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.


Panels 1-2: Trans man card person with “he/him” button approaches gender clinic. They’re the four of melons. Tats has previously portrayed female card persons as being of the melons suit - the male ones have the normal hearts/clubs/spades/diamonds. This card person was portrayed in a previous strip¹ as emerging from the clinic “post-surgery”.

Panels 3-4: “Alice” (Year Person 2024) appears out of nowhere and does a timey-wimey thing.

Panel 5: Future vision starts. Trans man card person no longer has a suit or number, has a red gash with stitches across their upper card face, and an eggplant emoji stitched to their lower card face. This is how he was portrayed after emerging from the clinic in the aforementioned previous strip.

Panels 6-10: Trans man card injects testosterone, becomes horrified at the balding hairline and beard, becomes jealous of a pregnant woman, and has a big sad at what he has become.

Panels 11-12: Future vision ends. Trans man card person hesitates in front of clinic.

Panel 13: Clinic shown to have four stained glass windows: A king and a unicorn, a queen and a genderbread person², a jack and a scissors, a joker with a scalpel and a syringe. (The king and queen windows appeared previously.) Trans man card person discards “he/him” button and leaves. “Alice” leaves in the opposite direction.

¹Seen here in Down the Rabbi Hole #16: https://sinfest.xyz/view.php?date=2024-06-24
²Explanation of genderbread person here: https://www.samkillermann.com/work/genderbread-person/

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Utah House passes bill calling for bathroom use according to gender on birth certificate

( BlackCirce )

If someone fully transitions to the opposite gender — and changes their birth certificate to reflect that change — they also could use the bathroom that corresponds to their new gender.

What does “fully transition” mean?

( BondiBlue )
Governments need to stop letting these institution-destroying radicals normalize and facilitate mass public records fraud. Changing one's name is no big deal (as long as the previous name is not obliterated; there is no such thing as a "dead name"). Changing one's birth certificate however, is the definition of a lie. What's to stop people from changing their birth year if they can alter their sex (not "gender") on official documentation? I am in my late thirties, but I don't identify with (stereotypes of) millennials or (stereotypical) "millennial culture"; do I have the right to change my birth year to the generation I identify as? If that's the case, then from now on, my pronouns are ok/boomer.

( Moonflower )
100% this. Retroactively editing birth certificates to make them say the literal opposite of reality should not ever have been on the table.

( Persimmon64 )
And how does one transition "gender"? I thought they already were their "gender" so they were trying to change their body to "match it." But if they already are their "gender" why do they need to transition to the opposite?

And how would they know what bathroom corresponds with their gender when bathrooms are separated by sex.

If they're separated by gender then I have no idea where to go because I don't have a "gender"

( cranberrysalad )
Someone made a great point recently in a comment on Ovarit that really stuck with me. I wish I remembered who and what thread. Anyway she said that altering the birth record alters the reality of others. The mother who gave birth to a son that is now changed to a daughter—how is it okay to alter her lived experience? It’s not just the TiM/TiP that is impacted.

MariaTenebre #transphobia deviantart.com

That isn't grooming. Growing up into a sexual and sexualized adult is a part of life. If that is grooming, then by your own standard nature is the biggest groomer of all as nature turns children into sexualized adults. Boys grow into sexualized adult men; girls grow up to be sexualized adult women. Sexualized women and men should be role models for girls and boys as that is what an idealized mature adult looks like and that is what most women and men regardless of sexual orientation are attracted too. That isn't grooming unless you think that nature, puberty and sexual maturation is grooming which from a MAP's point of view I can see why you would argue that.

Plus, that isn't even the definition of grooming. Showing sexualized adults as the natural idealized role models for children is not grooming. A person using explicit sexual material on the pornographic end and manipulating a child for sexual and rape purposes is grooming. Showing a sexualized woman or man as the natural ideal for women and men aka the Venus and the Adonis is not grooming it is nature and the idea that being a mature sexualized and idealized adult is the ideal end for girls and boys as it always has been. Honestly the route people like you take of keeping people perpetual children is why the West is falling apart. Also Drag is about satire, parody and it does so in many cases by using highly sexualized humor, modes of dress etc. They dress to be outrageously sexual for humor and arousal. Many Drag Queens even admit they like to have sex with their adult male fans at these meetings. It is transvestite sexual humor. Now it can be made to be child friendly but much of what we no as Drag is highly sexualized male transvestite material that people do find arousing and that is the point.

Austin Ruse #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy crisismagazine.com

There is a campaign well underway to separate “good gay” from all those other icky iterations that sully “good gay.”

It goes a couple of different but related ways.

One is that the LGBs are just fine, but the Ts? No, the Ts are nuts and have never really been part of the LGBs. The Ts are a recent addition that somehow snuck up on the LGBs and has become the tail that wags the dog.

The other way is with Queer Theory. They say LGBs are not now and have never been a part of Queer.

What is this Queer Theory that the LGBs have never been a part of? Large-brained atheist James Lindsay explains it often,
"The imperative in Queer Theory is to make the categories of sex, gender, sexuality, etc., seems absurd, and inapplicable, meaningless, and or oppressive, and to disrupt and support them, usually by being intentionally flamboyantly absurd in exaggerating performances of them."
There are legitimate efforts right now by dear friends of ours to go easy on the LGBs, to build coalitions on the trans madness aimed at kids. And this makes a certain amount of sense. Who knows, perhaps over time, after we have put the T back in the bottle, which will never happen except maybe for kids, our allies in the LGBs will respond to our winsomeness and the wisdom of our ancient knowledge on human sexuality and eschew their sexual habits.

At its heart, queer theory challenges the normality of “heterosexuality.” Even that is a made-up word in order to introduce the concept of the “homosexual.” What do sodomitical relationships do but challenge the normality of “heterosexuality”? And so many of us have fallen for this in the name of political expedience in the face of the trans child emergency. Again, this makes some sense, but the danger is that the Overton Window is moving so far so fast that we can never go back to a proper understanding that “homosexuality” is an evil that harms the participants, society, and that we can never accept it.

David Barton #fundie #forced-birth #transphobia #homophobia #enbyphobia rightwingwatch.org

David Barton will once again serve on the committee responsible for drafting the Republican platform ahead of the Republican National Convention[…]
Barton discussed the upcoming meeting of the platform committee with fellow committee member Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council[…]
“Biblically, that’s just not the way it works,” Barton said. “Scripture is really clear that righteousness exalts a nation … Jesus says, ‘Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness,’ and all this other stuff will get added to you. So one of the things, as Tony pointed out, that we’re really going to work on in the platform is the first twelve chapters of Genesis”

“If you take the first twelve chapters of Genesis, it starts with, ‘In the beginning, God’[…]God is central to everything in the story. So if you’re not acknowledging God, that’s a problem”[…]
“You start with the acknowledgement of God,” Barton continued.” Then as you go, it says that God created man. Well, God created life. So life is an important issue. That is a creation of God. You need to be protecting life; that includes unborn life[…]So that’s a big deal in the first twelve chapters of Genesis. And then it says, ‘And he made them male and female.’ So now we get gender involved in it. Four times it says that God made them male and female, so giving up on gender stuff, or Title IX and letting that go away”[…]
“Then Adam and Eve had children,” Barton asserted. “Now you’re into the family. So you want to protect the nuclear family, you want to protect the traditional family. And then as you continue on, you go through and you get to chapter twelve where …God makes a covenant with [Abraham] and says, ‘You’re going to become a nation, and whoever blesses that people, I’m going to bless and whoever doesn’t bless that people, I’m not going to bless.’ That’s Israel”

“So, when you look at the first twelve chapters of Genesis, you’ve got a pretty good grid there of the first things we’ve got to be looking for”

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIM works at the coffee shop I frequent and now the whole vibe is ruined

( Pickles )
There is a TIM that works at a sandwich shop I used to frequent and had to quit going because his attempt at mimicking a woman's voice was so incredibly unnerving to me and he always worked the cash register. The voice and impression he put on was actually frightening to me. Minor inconvenience for sure, but I don't hear other demographics of people who need to quit going to establishments because they have employees who openly put on offensive impressions of them. It really is bullshit we have to put up with it.

( CupOfAbominations )
Oh yeah that'd put me over the edge; the fake voice they put on is even worse, esp when they do things like exaggerating vocal fry. "Thankfully" this guy doesn't even try to affect a female voice, but he's so loud and he's always talking I just can't take it anymore...

( overanddone )
I hear you. There is a TIM clerk in a store I frequent, and I try to avoid him.

BUT! His mere presence means I have to consider him whenever I am there. I can’t relax, have to watch where I am looking and control my face, so the experience of shopping there has become slightly tense and no longer comfortable.

Is there a suggestion box at your coffee shop? Can you prepare and slip in a comment that loud political talk is ruining the once-pleasant vibe?

( Radishe )
Just having a TIM working in a coffee shop (there seem to be a lot of them, I had one today) puts me on my guard because I'm concerned it could escalate over any thing. I am always polite, I don't "sir" them, I don't look at them much, just place my order, but it still makes it less comfortable in there. It would be worse if he started going on about politics like that.

I bet his coworkers can't stand him either but have to suffer in silence.

( Spencer_Shayy )

"because I'm concerned it could escalate over any thing."

Literally why I hate working with "transwomen" and hate going to businesses staffed with "transwomen". They're ticking time bombs waiting for any excuse to fly into a violent rage. I actually feel safer around men who aren't "transwomen".

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

I’m going to be sick. Wtf did I just read?

( WitchPlease )
I highly doubt that any woman would allow her porn sick brother to feed toxic discharge to her kids. This is a disgusting fantasy.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
I highly doubt most women would even know what "Hormones" in what dosage to get to help with lactation. These TiMs don't get it, what is a natural process for women is a chemically induced freak thing to a male body, and when something similar is done to animals, it would be considered animal abuse.

( Uber )
No fucking way did this EVER happen. I can never imagine any situation where a woman would allow anyone else to breastfeed her child, certainly not a man. And I'm sorry, I thought we were calling it chestfeeding now? Or is that only reserved for the sex that naturally grows breasts?

There's no way in hell that even if this DID happen (which it did not), there would be any nutrients to speak of, unless we're considering unnatural synthetic chemicals nutrients, now? I can't keep up.

( CupOfAbominations )
I'm relieved that this is probably 99.9% fanfiction, but this is so gross to read. No sane mother would put her newborn's health at risk to validate her weirdo TIM brother's delusions. It's all about him, all about his "biology dysphoria" without any concern over what would be best for the baby! Surely a naturally lactating mother's milk would be the most nutritious thing for the baby than whatever gross milky discharge is coming from his nipples!

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #fundie pjmedia.com

SHOCKER! Biden's Cross-Dressing Dress Thief Scores Sweetheart Deal

DRAG-O-RAMA! Brinton is a member of a troupe of drag queens called
"Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence." You may remember them as the needy men in dresses who make hapless attempts to annoy Catholics by dressing as nuns. Brinton's drag name is "Sister Ray Dee O'active," though he is no longer employed by the federal government as the nuclear waste master-blaster. Another member of the same troupe, Clinton Monroe Ellis-Gilmore, was arrested for publicly "arm wrestling Mr. Richard," if you get my drift.

Elizabeth Hummel #transphobia pittparents.com

I wonder, who are these awkward boys with their tiny breasts? Why do I now see them every time I go out, usually in low-level jobs they are barely performing? Have they been previously hiding, slowly cultivating their fabricated appearance, but are now emboldened to “come out” en masse? Is it that businesses are desperately trying to hire “queer folk” to meet their social justice quotas, even if these young people are mentally unstable?

Some see the gender cult as a mass delusion. Some see it as cultural indoctrination by powerful people who want to profit from normalizing gender ideology. Some see it as a mental illness. It’s all true, but it doesn’t matter when you are face to face with these lost boys. You can be angry at these boys for putting on “woman face” if you wish. I can understand that response because I am a woman, and these young men pretending to be women are not.

But anger is not what I feel. I feel only deep sadness and sorrow. Because I know who these boys are. They used to be healthy, happy children. They are young people who have been grievously harmed. They are the collateral damage of a culture gone very wrong. They are the boys of friends of mine. They are the boys of parents whose anguished stories I have read on PITT. Even the parents who would never read PITT and who “affirm” are conflicted. They too miss their sons, even as they lie to themselves and the world.

Behind every one of the lost boys, I see a grieving parent.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Maine pushes to become 'transgender safe haven' where minors can receive sex-change surgery and can't be returned to their parents - as outraged community leaders try to slow efforts | Daily Mail Online

( ProfTerfMom )
Rep. Katrina Smith (R-Palermo) said: 'The state should never place itself above a loving parent and irreparably destroy the reproductive health of a minor child.'

Why isn't this common sense???

It terrifies me that any adult believes it is ok to give minors drugs and surgery based on what is essentially a self-diagnosis. The implications (and complications) will affect these kids for the rest of their shortened lives.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Right? Many of these detransitioner stories are them deciding to be "trans" as kids or teenagers and regretting it in their 20s. These kids didn't even get to reach adulthood normally. They'll be mentally and physically fucked for life. "Gender affirming care" is so evil.

( RusticTroglodyte )

The 'Act to Safeguard Gender Affirming Health Care' would enable certain out-of-state teens to access hormone blockers or surgery without their parents' consent regardless of their own state's laws

Do they fucking hear themselves???

Aside from the permanent medical damage these kids will endure, the foster care system and orphanage (group home) system is rife with abuse. This is brilliant: take vulnerable children with low self esteem, remove them from their support systems and primary caregivers, and put them in the system hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with that. I'm sure none of these sexually confused children will be preyed upon

( OxyToxin )
So you want to trade a reputation for delicious blueberries and lobster for the title of pedophile Mecca? Jealous of California getting so much attention?

These people are deranged.

Cynthia #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy eyeopeningtruth.com

Nothing grieves my heart more than that which is being done to children in this modern society. Children, helpless, defenseless children.
GOD puts children in families. It is a gift that comes with responsibility. Children come into this world completely dependent on the adults around them. There is NOTHING they can do for themselves. They cannot even let you know what they need or what is wrong. THAT is what makes them so vulnerable. EVIL PEOPLE can do UNSPEAKABLE things to them with no fear of repercussion because they KNOW that babies and small children cannot speak out what has been perpetrated upon them. They most often don’t even know or understand what has happened.

In THIS INSANE ASYLUM we call modern society, where everyone is demanding acceptance and inclusion and declaring that they are loving human beings, while they act like animals and even mutilate their bodies so they can look like animals as they spew their hatred for everyone and anyone who does not submit to their tyranny and confess support for their madmess, people are treating the precious gift of life as it were totally without value. They are ready to KILL anyone who angers them or does not agree with them. They are willing to murder their unborn children so they can continue to pursue their lusts. They rape men, women and/or children according to their lusts. They even sexually molest tiny babies. Now, they may be able to buy and sell babies/children legally with the blessings of the STATE. IT IS BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION!

YOU had better understand that GOD SEES ALL THINGS! If no one else loves those children, GOD DOES! MORE than any human heart or mind can comprehend. WOE, WOE, WOE to ANYONE who harms a little child. You may or may not see the repercussions in this world, but one day, you will stand before ALMIGHTY GOD.

BlackCirce & westhead #transphobia ovarit.com

( BlackCirce )
The stereotypical heterosexual relationship is the AGP working a high powered and/or male dominated job while practicing his perversion in private for many years while his wife raises their children. Then he comes out dramatically as a woman and there is a photoshoot where he towers over his beleaguered wife in his size 15 high heels and clothes he stole out of her closet while she tries unsuccessfully to hide the 1000 yard stare she’s developed while trying to satisfy his gonzo porn inspired sexual desires and keep the secret of his disreputable behavior from family and friends.

Is that what he means?

( westhead )
10/10 perfect description of the AGP lifecycle. Only thing missing is the TIM gets appointed head of some DEI or Women in Tech task force due to being stunning and brave.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

In conclusion, online and offline gaming is almost definitely a major factor in the current transgender epidemic, especially games with a heavy "role-playing" element, or that allow kids to play as characters that do not match with their actual physical gender. The research is, however, not quite conclusive yet, and if we are to find cures for our captured children and ways to prevent others from falling to this cult, we must do more inquiry.

In the meantime, I highly recommend preventing any kids who have not yet been captured from playing such intoxicating games as Minecraft, Roblox, or any other such dangerous, ideologically captured media.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gender Critical v Terf

( VestalVirgin )
Eh, well, "terf" has always been a slur. I cannot begrudge it anyone if they don't want to use that as self-description.

(I don't use it, either, except jokingly. I consider myself a plain old feminist. If I need to clarify, I might add a "radical", but that's it.)

( CruelEnnui )
This so much. People seem to forget that not only is "terf" a slur used to silence women, it is also incorrect in the sense that radical feminists don't exclude trans people - only trans males.

( Unicorn )
Yes. Men are not part of radical feminism because it is a female movement. (They can be allies to radical feminism but not actually radical feminists.)

Transgender-identifying men ("transwomen") are not excluded because they are transgender-identifying, they are excluded because they are male. Radical feminism rejects the upholding of gender, which transgender ideology requires, especially in order to consider a "transwoman" a woman.

( syntaxerror )
Yep. TERFs are fine with accepting “trans men” into feminism, since they are, you know, women. It’s the TIMs they don’t want.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I don't call myself a feminist. It's become so androcentric that I'm embarrassed to be affiliated with it. I prefer "women's libber".

But I like her statement about the three groups because she's right, even if we call them something different. Too many GCers are trying to compromise with trans activists. Placating men is literally why feminism is in such a sorry state.

These people hate you for being female. Their whole ideology ("transgender") is the result of misogyny. They constantly wish us all raped and killed for not validating, supporting, or agreeing with them.

Why do you think making concessions and being diplomatic will change this? Has that EVER changed mens behavior towards women?

( syntaxerror )
I guess technically the TRAs would refer to me as a TERF but that term has long been watered down from its original meaning. They call right wing men TERFs now.

I am not a radical feminist. I am a feminist for sure, but as I’ve said here before I disagree with a few views that can be classified as “radfem” so I would refer to myself as GC if I was required to identify that type of political thinking. But idk I qualify as a TERF with the way the word has shifted so who knows at this point.

BlackCirce #transphobia ovarit.com

GC Purity Politics: A Threat to Unity? - by Noray

I don’t want to go line by line but I don’t know how useful the concept of purity politics is for women. Purity is bad for men and good for women, because women are already too accommodating to interests that conflict with our own.

Politics is about power and when it comes to the trans issue radical feminists are in the weakest position. That’s how we got routed to begin with and it makes sense for radical feminists to be wary of big-tentism because it didn’t serve us in the past. The religious right is in a better position to fight trans because they have more money and clout. “Terfs” are on the very outside of our natural ally group which are far leftists. Collaboration with the religious right is going to cost us something and them nothing. This doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done, beggars can’t be choosers and all that. But it should be acknowledged.

It becomes increasingly difficult to defend GC movements as progressive or pro-woman when people hold increasing tolerance, or platform fascists on a regular basis.

Why does the charge of fascism always come from the left towards us? The “antifascist” left sends men to punch elderly lesbians and gays, sporting shirts that say “a million dead terfs” and shit like that. I hate men who are against abortion and think women’s proper role is in the home just as much as the next RF, but right now, they are not threatening to kill me, “antifascist” leftists are. Abortion is still legal in my state. But I can’t meet with other women and protest on behalf of lesbians. I can’t say women are adult human females or risk my job or even my life. Again I can’t stand conservative men and I’ve never considered them my friends or allies, but the handwringing about “gender critical fascism” turning away women who openly praise left wing men who write fantasies about raping and murdering lesbians and RFs as justified resistance is goofy. These are the same women who march on behalf of Hamas and Hizbollah… they clearly can handle a little diversity of opinion in the movement.


J. K. Rowling #transphobia twitter.com

I asked a lefty straight man I know (this is irl) whether he was aware how many penised ‘lesbians’ are involved in the push to access female spaces. The subject made him incredibly uncomfortable. He simply didn’t want to hear it. I then asked him whether he knew what his straight male friends wanted from women in the bedroom, kink/sex wise. Horrified look: ‘no, of course I bloody don’t.’

I said to him that if you put 100 straight and bi women of our age and average sexual experience in a room together, they could write an authoritative compendium on straight male kink in an afternoon, from their own direct experience or that of women they know. I said I presumed he knew that a cross-dressing fetish is one of the most common paraphilias in heterosexual men and that this has been in the psychological literature since Freud.

I cannot overstate how little he wanted to talk about this, let alone acknowledge that any of it was real and happening. I don’t know whether it was the idea that women actually talk about what they meet in the bedroom that touched a nerve, or whether he found the whole subject ick, or didn’t like the suggestion that he was naive or poorly informed, but the impression given was that I was depraved to say such things aloud, and that he’d much prefer a seemly silence.

C.A Skeet #homophobia #transphobia #fundie pjmedia.com

Drag queens and drag shows are intentionally targeting children. Some of these drag queens have turned out to be registered sex offenders. But even if they weren't, nobody, neither gay nor straight, has made a convincing argument as to why drag queens or drag shows are appropriate for kindergarteners. Rather than make such an argument, drag shows simply use armed Antifa brownshirts to protect their exhibitions in child predation.

Is this what you're proud of?

You who are so brave in donning priests' and nuns' gear to mock Christians would never dream of doing so to Muslims, whose compatriots are doing far worse to gays today than the meanest Christians ever did to gays, at any time in the history of their religion. Your "pride" seems inversely proportionate to the reasonable expectation of violence derived from its expression. The less the threat from your "enemy," the more "pride" you rub their faces in. Nuns don't shoot up gay nightclubs in Florida or hang you from cranes in Tehran, so it's safe to make fun of them.

And you'll notice that Queers for Palestine does not have fellow travelers in Jihadists for Gays. Nor will it ever. This alliance of convenience ends one way and one way only.

Is this what you're proud of?

Women's sports face the challenge of mediocre male athletes who never would have blipped on anyone's radar but are now shattering women's records, stealing women's scholarships, and breaking women's bones. In the darker corners of all-gender safe spaces, they are raping teenage girls. This is all happening under the protection of the LGBTQ banner.

Is this what you're proud of?

Wait, what's that you say? You never intended for pedophiles, rapists, misogynists, and little punk totalitarians to hijack the gay rights movement? Guess what? They did exactly that.

You can argue (and I would agree with you) that these ne'er-do-wells have piggybacked you with their own selfish and perverse agendas. But your movement's leadership (with noble exceptions) has fully embraced them out of fear of social cancellation or a sincere and dogmatically fanatical delusion that the traditional nuclear family, free market capitalism, and Western civilization are existential threats that must be annihilated at all costs and that this justifies defending the worst excesses of misogynists and sexual predators. To make an omelet...

Earsel Bill #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #homophobia youtube.com

Shew I get how this kind of humor isn’t productive, but at the same time the world really is too damn woke…I can tell just from playing games, and that’s a problem. Between the ugly ass women in Mortal Kombat, the changed dialogue in MARIO games, yes Mario games, and the….lets just say situation in SpiderMan 2…..ugh I’m so tired of the constant political mind set of both fuckin parties, liberals AND conservatives….like, omg I’d give just about anything if Obama and Trump BOTH were never a thing….mostly Trump, but seriously I’m tired of politics being so out of control that you can’t play a damn game without being reminded of it

BlackCirce , justanothernastywoman & syntaxerror #transphobia ovarit.com

Doctor is suspended for refusing to use transgender patient's preferred pronouns - during argument about danger of sex change drugs | Daily Mail Online

( BlackCirce )
This is why the “evil money hungry doctors vs innocent unsuspecting patients” narrative framing is inaccurate. The patients are demanding this treatment against the will of the physicians and doing the most to punish the doctors who say no.

( justanothernastywoman )
The surgeons who do SRS are definitely money-hungry and evil, especially the ones who perform elective surgeries on children, but you're right, the adults demanding these treatments aren't innocent. They're mentally disturbed and delusional.

It's absolutely sick that someone who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars training in school for 8+ years to be a doctor can be suspended for not affirming delusions. Should psychiatrists affirm the delusions of schizophrenia patients, too?

( syntaxerror )
I agree that most (if not all) surgeons in western societies, particularly America and the UK are being forced into this way of practicing medicine on threat of losing their livelihood they spent a decade to work towards and that they’re being told the science is “settled” on the affirmation model, despite what they’re witnessing. We should absolutely be more understanding to the average doctor. I think their hands are tied in a lot of cases, and the ones that do bravely speak out are being silenced and getting serious consequences.

That being said, the surgeons who agree to operate on healthy minors deserve to lose their license at a minimum. No one’s forcing them to do that. And honestly, even surgeons who operate on adults (who often have several mental illnesses) need to be heavily scrutinized as well.

Donald ♥ Ivanka Award

for the creepiest parent

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

At 13 my daughter’s body had blossomed into something truly beautiful. She was perfectly proportioned, with lovely breasts and emerging curves that gave her body a classically balanced profile aligned to our western culture’s standard definition of an attractive female.


For reasons that are still not clear to me, at 19 she suddenly began the nightmare of disowning her own body. It started with binding, and then testosterone, and now at 23, her determination to get a double mastectomy. Looking back at those years before the nightmare began, I now realize I should have taken a path completely opposite than the one I did. I should have turned her into a fighter.

I should have given her the mission of protecting her sacred body. I would have told her that men, women, and even well-meaning people, even some so-called professionals and medical providers, might want to tamper with her body — some would want to touch it, and some would try to touch it without her permission. Some would ogle it, stare at it, some might try to penetrate it without her permission. Some would obsess about it, and others would try to convince her to alter its essential integrity with drugs, chemicals, hormones and removal of healthy body parts. I would have told her not to let anyone touch or tamper with her beautiful body without her permission.

TheKnitta & NastasyaFillipovna #transphobia ovarit.com

Staff working in rape and trafficking centres are routinely subjected to bullying and intimidation for defending women's rights, report warns | Daily Mail Online

( TheKnitta )
The Rape Crisis Centre I went to for years, that was so adamant at keeping a woman-only space and was so supportive and wonderful, has recently started posting shit like ‘TWAW’ on Facebook. It made me wonder what had gone on internally, because I can’t imagine many of the staff who were there when I was would’ve agreed to that.

Many women from the Middle East used their services, and they had specially trained women for it (languages spoken etc). I can’t see many, if any, of the Middle Eastern women I knew back then using the service now if men are there. Such an important resource for refugee women, trashed for the fetish of a few men in dresses.

The selfishness of men never ceases to enrage me. They’re smirking at this. It’s why they do what they do. It turns them on. Of anyone, I’d have expected staff at Rape Crisis to know this. It’s heartening to hear some women are still standing up for women, at least, but the threats they face are disgraceful.

( NastasyaFillipovna )

It made me wonder what had gone on internally

My guess is they hired some new young staff out of university trained in Social Work, who are completely high on Gender Ideology. Same thing happening to teachers.

( TheKnitta )
I know in the city I lived in previously a TIM from the local university took a very close interest in ‘fundraising’ and ‘helping’ the local Rape Crisis Centre there…while trying to wriggle their way into the staff. No idea if they finally managed it. I hope not, but if my local Rape Crisis is anything to go by, you’re probably absolutely spot on. All the work women built up over years, chucked away for a few pervert men in dresses. It’s enraging.

various commenters #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: Almost every single time - AUTISM
( pennygadget )
IMO, this trans fad is a sinister way to castrate autistic people (mainly autistic kids). Its so much easier for a clinician to tell an autistic girl that testosterone will magically fix her problems instead of helping her work through her issues and learn to adapt to society

( RusticTroglodyte )
I agree. It's a convenient way to get ppl who are autistic, or same sex attracted to self-sterilize

( PracticalMagic )
Honestly call me a nasty old woman but I am growing so BORED with neurodiversity. Everyone and her dog is neurodiverse now. It's become meaningless and at worst a set of excuses to do nothing.

Autism is a real thing of course but it's bwcome the left handedness of the 2020s, something everyone suddenly wants because it's more "creative".

( OverTheWall )
Same. Its kind of to a point where we’ve determined that, yes, every brain is an individual and works in a speshul individual way, and maybe people learn and function differently than one another.

But the neuro-divergent bubble wrap sad marshmallow gang just went full stupid with this concept and use their differences as an excuse to not try hard at anything and just give up on learning to function or even thrive.

Hell, I feel like a neurodivergent diagnoses is a self fulfilling prophecy. None of them seem turn their differences into anything positive or take the information they learn about how their brain works to be better, even just at one specific thing, but instead just cry “I can’t do that because I’m NeUroDiVeGenT”.

( Bml7864 )
Yes, but I wonder how many have been diagnosed vs self diagnosed. In today's society, people are using "I'm autistic" or "I have ADHD" as a get out of jail free card to act however they want without having to work on themselves.

( VestalVirgin )
True, but I do think many of the girls who trans have autism.

It would explain why they fall for the lie that it is possible to have a sex-change surgery (and other lies TRAs tell) so easily: They don't expect to be lied to.


Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

PRIDE has become a catch-all for our culture’s outcasts and losers. If I were an L, a G, or a B, I would be downright resentful of my movement’s colonization by those who are weird and/or unattractive, sometimes because of their own choices.


I saw evidence of furry culture in this PRIDE event—just a glimpse, but I think a highly revealing one. I went into a restaurant in downtown Portland for an early supper. When I entered, there was a table for two just leaving—it appeared to be a young girl (late teens) and her mother. The teenager was wearing a furry costume, and as she left the restaurant, she popped on the tail, furry paw-spats and gloves, and the doghead. Her mother was wearing a t-shirt that said something like “furry mom/free hugs.”

(Aside: here’s a question for other Generation X-parents of generation Z-kids out there: can you imagine going to a PRIDE event or an ACT-UP demonstration in the 1980s or early 1990s with your mommies? I was so embarrassed for this woman and her daughter, who is probably autistic or has some other emotional or developmental delays. Perhaps the mother has autism too—who knows? Whatever happened to privacy and boundaries within families? Do parents now really want to know so much about their children’s sexual fetishes and porn-influenced tastes?)

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia satchidanand.substack.com

Carl Jung’s Gnostic Revival, Abraxas, and the 20th Century Cult of Mithra, the gnostic underground stretching from the Sodomite Rituals of the ancient mystery cults tied to Isis and Demeter, to the Templars, Franciscan and Jesuit inner initiates to the Hellfire Club, the Illuminati, 33rd Degree Freemasons - most Secret Societies are all Sodomite through the performance of Satanic Sodomy Rituals.

From the Rosicrucian takeover of Britain with the the Aleister Crowley Thelema Sodomy Rituals to inject Demons into the Anus, ALL Secret Societies believed in a cosmology which held that Psychopathic absolute nothingness devoid of love, reason, intention or any other quality (see: Newton’s assumed infinite space) was the essential character of reality.
All Satanists are Sodomites but all Homosexuals are not Satanic!

The Thule’s Vril Society was essentially an order of clairvoyant priestesses/witches who would service sacred ritual orgies as Whores of Babalon of initiated New Aryan Templars while also channeling spirit entities from the ether and messages from ‘the secret Chiefs’.

Please note that the Demon Baphomet is transexual and all LGBTPS stems from Satanic theory and practise.
The Rites and Rituals that developed over the eons to facilitate this breaking free of moral constraints, involved rites of initiation, and elaborate mystery plays, sacred mind-altering drugs, human and animal sacrifices, the castration ritual, cutting the breasts off, hysterectomy ritual, perverse sexual exercises like the Sodomy Ritual or Sex with the Whore of Babalon and other exercises that brought those who survived the rites of passage into a new identity as an elite order of human gods.

As I said in my Book Against Satanism 3 the purpose of Satanic Ritual is to implant evil energy blockages into people to turn them into Psychopaths, to split them into more subpersonalities, to implant demons into them, to make them more and more Evil so that these Evil people can be promoted.

Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

The Lavender Scare

I sometimes think of the parallels between the Lavender Scare and the modern day "trans" movement, and I wonder:

What is the difference between the government demanding I lose my job for being a homosexual and a trans activist demand I lose my job for be a "TERF" (homosexual)?

What is the difference between being called "morally weak" and a "sexual deviant" by conservatives and being called a "genital fetishist" by trans activists who constantly imply, if not outright state, that I am "morally weak"?

What's the difference between the government's tests for homosexuality and trans activists tests for "TERFs"?

What;s the difference between men pretending to be gay to get out of the draft and young people pretending to be "LGBTQ" to get out of being seen as straight or "cis"?

What's the difference between McCarthy's blacklists of "subversives" and modern trans activists blacklists of "TERFs"?

What's the difference between McCarthy era bureaucrats interrogating possible homosexual employees and trans activists interrogating possible "TERFs"?

I'd really, really like to know.

"It has also been suggested that contemporary attitudes towards LGBT people in America have been shaped by the Lavender Scare. The 'Pervert Elimination Campaign' and the criminalization of gay men existing in public spaces demonstrates how attitudes towards LGBT people during the Lavender Scare shifted towards intolerance in public spaces. Brandon Andrew Robinson has suggested that this criminalization of LGBT people in public spaces has impacted how LGBT people now exist within America. [...]"

No. It was not "LGBT". It was HOMOSEXUALS targeted by the Lavender Scare. The Lavender Scare influenced everyone's attitudes on HOMOSEXUALS, including "trans" people, who often seem to hate us MORE than regular old conservative straights.

I don't want "trans" people to think for a second that the Lavender Scare had anything to do with you. It didn't. You were among the ugly, sniveling little assholes hounding us out of our jobs and forcing us into heteronormative institutions back then, just like you are now.

MARK TAPSCOTT #transphobia #conspiracy pjmedia.com

Off all the Left's revolutionary movements seeking to transform traditional American liberties and culture, none is as senseless and barbaric as that of transgenderism. It's the "T" in the "LGBTQ++++Etc..." formulation.

Transgenderism is simple to understand but difficult to contemplate why anybody in their right mind would adopt it as their fundamental worldview. But they do, and here's the rationale: Think you were born in the "wrong" body? Don't worry, we've got the drugs and surgical procedures to fix that!

Through its deadening control of most precincts in public education and public health, as well as a mainstream media that dares not include critical coverage of any sort regarding the movement, transgenderism is being forced into the deepest corners of American daily life, including most dangerously elementary schools.

Increasingly, parents, especially but not exclusively in blue states, are not allowed to know if their elementary school sons or daughters have been brainwashed into thinking they should be of the opposite sex.

The costs of GAS can vary widely, ranging from $5,000 to $75,000 or more. And that doesn't include the costs of drugs that must be continued long after the surgical procedure has been performed and healed. Take a mid-range figure of $35,000 as the average and multiply that times 48,019. The total is $1.6 billion.

If that seems like a tiny market for a huge special interest group like PhRMA to be concerned about, remember that the market is expected to expand significantly and a huge proportion of those who undergo such surgeries will need medical services, including pharmaceuticals, for decades afterward.

GRAYSON BAKICH #transphobia #racist pjmedia.com

I have written about the crimes of illegal immigrants — *ahem* newcomers — and transgender individuals, but this marks the first time I have ever seen a twofer.

In Denver last week, police officers shot and killed a 52-year-old man pretending to be a woman named Miguel Tapia (no, not the Chilean singer, and yes, a lot of the news outlets still call him a woman) because he was on the intersection of Broadway and Lawrence holding a hunting knife and apparently yelling angrily.

Because this guy fits into two categories that the left considers more valuable than Americans' lives, only people on X are getting these details out to the wider public, and Google isn't displaying much about this story. Whatever results you find when you search still refer to Tapia or Gonzalez or whatever his name was as a woman and do not bring up those two facts about him.

Given those details and the fact that, thankfully, nobody else was injured or killed in the encounter, expect this to be swept under the rug.

But hearing these news stories that the mainstream media would prefer you not know about is precisely why sites like PJ Media exist and why those same media companies and their allies in Big Tech and government try to silence us.

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #racist #transphobia #elitist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Ten Things I Hate About my Fellow Americans

1) America is made up of dupes, fools, and morons. How else can you explain over 60% of the population voluntarily injecting themselves with a fake vaccine for a phony virus?
Who else but a complete retard would do such a thing?.
3) Americans are filled with false pride that prevents them from admitting when they are wrong. This one is a head-scratcher. If someone shows me truthful evidence that counters a belief I have, I'm the first to say, "You know, you're right. I was wrong about that."
5) Americans are an unjust and immoral people. A truly just and moral people wouldn't stand for what we've seen transpire over the last two decades and longer. They simply wouldn't. The freaks and traitors would be tarred and feathered, or worse. None of the problems we're facing today would exist if Americans were just and moral.

6) Americans have no understanding of history. None. They were duped into fighting World War I, duped into fighting World War II, duped into fighting two Persian Gulf Wars. They think the Civil War was fought over slavery.
7) Americans are demonically possessed. I've written about this before.
Because so many Americans are demonically possessed, and because demons attract other demons, we have demonically possessed trannies posing as First Ladies, pop stars, and female athletes - and demonically possessed soy boys jerking off to their images.
10) Americans are baby-killers. Is there anything more evil or satanic than the murder or mutilation of an innocent child? Americans are all-in on both counts. They support the murder and genocide of Palestinian children. They support trannyism and the sexual mutilation of children. They support it all, and the worst ones of the bunch are the fake Christians who complain about Communism, but support Zionism. I shudder to think of the fate that awaits them when they are cast into the deepest and darkest pits of hell.

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