Donald Trump

John Guandolo #psycho #racist #conspiracy

Understanding The Threat’s John Guandolo, a disgraced former FBI agent, right-wing conspiracy theorist, and anti-Islam activist, appeared on the American Pastors Network’s “Stand in the Gap” radio program yesterday where he declared that military leaders who disagreed with President Donald Trump’s plans to use troops to quash the nationwide George Floyd protests are guilty of treason and that the leaders of Black Lives Matter and anti-fascist groups should be rounded up and executed.

Guandolo, who has repeatedly called for those with whom he disagrees to be charged with treason, was furious about the protests over Floyd’s killing by the police and the subsequent calls to reform the current law enforcement system.

“[Floyd] was a thug. He was a violent criminal, and he was on meth when they arrested him, so spare me,” Guandolo fumed. “Let’s first identify some of the most dangerous players in putting forth narratives that directly support our enemies. How about the Secretary of Defense [Mark] Esper? How about General [James] Mattis, Admiral [Michael] Mullen, George W. Bush, Nikki Haley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—Admiral [Mark] Milley—this morning overtly comes out against the president of the United States. This is sedition and treason at a time when the country is at war with identifiable enemies, and these people need to be held accountable.”

“It’s time to start crushing these enemies,” he continued. “The leaders of this defund the police movement are communists and jihadis. They’re Muslim Brotherhood organized organizations like the Islamic Circle of North America, the Islamic Society of North America. They’re designated terrorist groups like Hamas, the Council of American Islamic Relations. They are leaders of communist organizations like Black Lives Matter and antifa, and as this country has done in the past, we should round up the leaders and execute them for trying to revolt and overthrow the government. And if this doesn’t happen soon, we will lose this.”

QAnon Believers #wingnut #dunning-kruger

QAnon Believers Think Trump’s Indictment Will (Somehow) Lead to Mass Arrest of Democrats

FOR MANY OF Donald Trump’s supporters, today is a dark day indeed: The president pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts today after being formally arrested in a Manhattan courtroom. But for those in the Qanon conspiracist movement, hope springs eternal, and “The Storm” is always just around the corner.


On 8kun’s “qresearch” forum, users quickly latched onto “There is no going back” as significant, with one user pointing to a 2019 post in which the anonymous Q used the same phrase. Another person replied, “that’s a proof if I have ever seen it.” (Qanon communities call anything a “proof” if it seems to confirm their overall conspiracy theory about Trump battling a secret war against nefarious elites.) Some on the 8kun board voiced the sentiment that Trump, by allowing himself to be indicted, was setting those very elites up for arrest themselves. In response to a meme that asked “At what stage in the game do you play the TRUMP card,” a user replied, “After all legal precedents have been opened?”

Prominent Q influencer IntheMatrixx, who had been banned on Twitter for such content before being reinstated under Elon Musk‘s ownership, appeared to jump on the same narrative. He pulled up a different 2019 Q drop that read, “First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.” In Q lore, the “awakening” will occur when people become aware of and rise up against the so-called “cabal” opposing Trump — the Democratic pedophiles and Satanists, et al. Here, IntheMatrixxx is implying that Q not only predicted Trump’s indictment but knew it would see MAGA enemies finally brought to justice.

Donald Trump #god-complex #wingnut

Statement by Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States

WOW! On Sunday night, while I was with my family, having just arrived from the Turning Point event in Florida, where I won the Straw Poll against all other Republican candidates with 85.7%, with all polls showing me leading in the Republican Primary by very substantial numbers, almost everyone predicting that I will be the Republican Nominee for President, and as I am leading Democrat Joe Biden in the polls by a lot, HORRIFYING NEWS for our country was given to me by my attorneys.

Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden’s DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment.

Donald Trump #wingnut #god-complex

Title: The White House reportedly asked South Dakota's governor how to add another president to Mount Rushmore, and she later gave Trump a 4-foot replica with his face on it

It's not possible to carve a fifth president's face into South Dakota's Mount Rushmore national memorial — there's no secure surface left, according to the National Park Service.

But that didn't stop the Trump administration from asking.

Last year, a White House aide contacted the office of South Dakota's governor, Republican Kristi Noem, to inquire about the process for adding more faces, according to The New York Times. The Times cited a Republican official familiar with the conversation.

Trump's interest in Mount Rushmore, and his desire to be etched in among the four existing presidents, is no surprise to Noem, who says he brought it up during their first meeting in the oval office.

"He said, 'Kristi, come on over here. Shake my hand,'" Noem recounted to South Dakota's Argus Leader. "I shook his hand, and I said, 'Mr. President, you should come to South Dakota sometime. We have Mount Rushmore.' And he goes, 'Do you know it's my dream to have my face on Mount Rushmore?' "I started laughing," she said. "He wasn't laughing, so he was totally serious."

Noem, a close ally of President Trump's, has since played into that dream, at least with the power she has.

When Trump visited the monument in early July for an Independence Day speech, she greeted him with a four-foot model of Mount Rushmore with his face carved into it, the Times reported, citing a source familiar with the exchange.

The news came amid rumors that Noem could overtake Vice President Mike Pence as Trump's running mate in the 2020 election, though The Times cited a source who said Noem has already indicated to Pence that she isn't trying to replace him.

To be clear, adding another face to Mount Rushmore is not possible. While it looks like there's a spot to the right of George Washington — which is actually where the sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, intended to put Thomas Jefferson — the rock surface is unstable.

Noem reportedly joked with Trump that there is another option, Argus Leader reports.

"Come pick out a mountain," she told him.

Brenden Dilley #psycho #wingnut

On Monday’s livestream of “The Dilley Show,” MAGA “life coach” Brenden Dilley declared that he will not be satisfied with President Trump merely winning re-election in 2020 because he believes that Trump must completely destroy his political enemies and have them executed.

Dilley, a fundamentally amoral right-wing broadcaster who openly brags about creating and spreading fake news against his political opponents, insisted today that simple political victory will not be enough to satisfy his blood lust.

“I want to win and I won’t consider it total victory without destroying our enemies,” Dilley said. “I don’t want to hold your hand. I want to stomp you into the fucking ground. I want Donald Trump to bury you treasonous pricks under the prison. I don’t want to just win. Winning is a formality at this point. Destroying you motherfuckers is way more important.”

“I won’t consider it a total victory without destroying you, entirely,” he added. “Your entire fucking life. Everything you’ve built, I want to ruin it. I won’t be done, and this won’t be a job well done, and none of us will be satisfied until all of you pricks are gone. Not just gone; gone like totally gone.”

“There is no room for mercy,” Dilley continued. “We don’t have any time for weakness. I don’t want anybody on this team that wants to lift their foot off the throat of the Democrats right now. None of them. It won’t be enough. I want to win in November of next year and I want to keep curb-stomping these motherfuckers well beyond that.”

“You’ve got to destroy your enemy,” he said. “You have to make sure that your enemy can never play the game again and the only way you do that is with total annihilation … You have to lock up these treasonous motherfuckers and they all have to go to jail.”

Pointing to a photo of a noose, Dilley declared that “there is one solution and one solution only to save America and I think you know what it is. It’s a zero-sum game and if you don’t have the stomach for it, I don’t know what to tell you.”

Brenden Dilley #psycho #wingnut

On yesterday’s livestream of “The Dilley Show,” MAGA “life coach” Brenden Dilley told his audience that they had “better start developing a stomach for death” because President Donald Trump will soon start executing his political enemies en masse in order to save the nation.

Dilley, a fundamentally amoral right-wing broadcaster who openly brags about creating and spreading lies against his political opponents, reiterated his recent assertion that the only way to save America is for Trump to essentially wipe out those who oppose him.

“You better start developing a stomach for death, because you’re about to see a whole shit ton of it publicly,” Dilley said. “You can’t escape it. The crimes that have been committed against the United States of America are punishable by death, and I fucking firmly believe that should this Justice Department do their job to the fullest extent of the law, you will have to deal with and cope with more and more people being put to death as a result of their crimes.”

“Develop a stomach for it,” he added. “Develop a will for it. You want to save your fucking country? This is what it’s going to take. It’s going to take you having the stomach and the spine and the fucking testicular fortitude to support the president of the United States and the Department of Justice firmly imposing the law of the land.”

Dilley pointed to a poll showing that 7 out of 10 younger voters would be willing to support a socialist candidate as proof that such harsh measures are necessary.

“You prosecute people spreading communist propaganda. That’s the only way,” he said. “You’re going to lose your fucking country. It might not be this week, it might be in 10 years, if you don’t push back. If the restoration of law and order doesn’t happen, you got a real problem.”

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #quack

( Donald J Trump )
The biggest thing to come out of the Twitter Targeting Hoax is that the Presidential Election was RIGGED - And that’s as big as it can get!!!

( @RagerD )
@realdonaldtrump go push some more poisonous injections bud.. you blew it.

( @IamofIam )
@RagerD @realdonaldtrump So just ignore the proof Elon just supplied that the election was stolen, because Trump didn't stop the vaccines? So its okay to steal elections as long as you agree with who its stolen from? Clowns

( @krobinet12 )
@realdonaldtrump False. The worst thing has been the suppression of information about your death jabs of which you have boasted about. Until you admit the operation was a roaring failure when it comes to preservation of health and life, you can go to Hell.

( @Dawnfreedom )
@realdonaldtrump time to re-elect president Trump !

( @wy0ming )
@Dawnfreedom @realdonaldtrump and get what exactly? Speed limit progressivism? Endless LEGAL immigration and slightly slowed down illegal immigration? Vaccines that give you heart problems? Pardoning of black rappers and israeli spies but allowing j6 protesters and ppl like Snowden and Assange to rot in jail? At least democrats are open about wanting to destroy America, Republicans have the same goals but pretend to be our allies.

( @Dawnfreedom )
@wy0ming @realdonaldtrump well...that depends on your interpretation of "progressivism" is.....the current policies would lead us to believe that limiting our right to self determination and basic freedoms would be part of that ...or that brain washing children into being unsure of their biological reality...or taking from society wealth that was hard won and giving to other parts that have neither strived for or Intend to try...big government and centralized global governance...ect ect ect...NO we the people do NOR veiw this as "progressivism" it's actualy regressivism"

( @wy0ming )
@Dawnfreedom @realdonaldtrump progressivism is basically movements and policies that destroy the fabric of western civilization (ie BLM, cultural marxism/communism, Lgbtqxyz+, feminism, etc), which the republican party (including trump), supports much of.

MoonMan #racist

[Lyrics of "Northwest Front]

[Intro: Moon Man]
Northwest front (KKK!)
Northwest front (KKK!)
All of my white brothers in the northwest
Put your fucking hands up
(White Power!)

[Verse 1: Moon Man]
Niggers should be ashamed
Moon Man is back in the fucking game
Israel block my songs on YouTube
So I'm shoving my white dick in their poo-tube
Europe is going crazy
And every Swedish woman has a nigga baby
Triple-K Mafia, get your guns
Because in 2016, we're voting Donald Trump

[Hook x2: Ben Garrison]
Build the wall
Build it tall
Killing niggers and spics is the way I ball
Northwest Front, Northwest front
At Ferguson I go on the hunt

[Verse 2: Moon Man]
I get disgusted by spics
Seeing a single one makes me sick
And I can't stand blacks
Jigaboos just ask to be attacked
I never slack, always buying ammunition
And I never promote circumcision
But if an Israelite talks back
Send Muslims to attack (Allahu Akbar!)

[Hook x2: Ben Garrison]
Build the wall
Build it tall
Killing niggers and spics is the way I ball
Northwest Front, Northwest front
At Ferguson I go on the hunt

[Verse 3: Ben Garrison]
Moon Man's Dad, just as bad
When I see a spic or nigga, I get real mad
Spent my whole life stocking up guns
Just in case niggers want to have fun
Wonder why Eminem raps so well?
It's 'cause he's white, that's easy to tell
But he cries himself to sleep at night
Because he still sounds like a nigga on the mic
It may be the first time you've heard from me
But stick around, just wait and see
I'm a real big guy and I bring the pain
Jews better hide (I'm crashing this plane!)

[Outro: Moon Man]
(KKK! K K K!)
Triple-K Mafia
Representing the Pacific North-West brotherhood
Shout-out to Donald Trump, vote in 2016
And don't forget to register with your Caucus

James Red Pills America #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

The AMAZING & TRUE Story & Prophecy Of Trump’s Bible & The Hebrides Revival! An EPIC Adventure You Will NEVER Forget!
“This AMAZING and TRUE Story of President Trump’s Bible” is a Glorious and Masterful Production by James Red Pills America, first released in (approx) 2018. The Bible that President Trump owns, and is holding in his hand in the thumbnail to this video, is the same one he held in front of St. John’s – YES, it IS the Bible from the Hebrides Revival! This is the TRUE and AMAZING story of President Donald J. Trump’s Bible and the connection of who he was named after and the incredible story of how God was working through President Trump’s Bloodline through Prayerful Revival in the Hebrides – starting back in Scotland by his two Faith-driven sisters of God. President Trump and the TRUE and GODLY Faith Leaders of the world, understand that we are in a Great Battle for America – and the Christian Faith upon which it was established. For three quarters of a century, America has needed presidents who understand this fact. Unfortunately, most of them are/were Evil Satanists and/or Globalists masquerading as Christians. Thank you President Trump for taking a stand for America’s Christian heritage, and may the God of America’s Founding Fathers richly bless you – and ALL who are blessed to watch this EPIC Adventure!

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #wingnut #homophobia

[This Christian Conservative decides to play 20 questions.]

. Perhaps it is time for me to encourage YOU to think. So here are 20 questions for you.

If an unborn baby is not alive, why are its body parts of value?

If there is a “separation between the church and state”, why has the government spent so much money on a religious leader’s visit?

If Tea Party folks are so racist why do they like Ben Carson?

If the U.S. Supreme Court were to rule that it is “legal” for men to have sex with young boys, would it be legal?


Is there any country in the world where LGBT, blacks, Hispanics, women, Muslims, or other minorities have more rights than they do in the U.S.?

Are societal standards determined by a vote of unelected judges?

If Muslims are so peaceful, why is our government killing so many of them overseas?

If homosexuals are “born that way”, how about pedophiles, bi-sexuals, and bigots?

If it is “hateful” for a Christian to speak out against homosexuality, why is it not “hateful” for a homosexual to speak out against Christianity?


Is being a Christian and being a Conservative the same thing?

If President Obama is a Christian, why do so many people think he’s a Muslim?

If Planned Parenthood is so concerned about women, and since they receive $500 million in government aid, why aren’t the abortions free?

If the US Government is a corporation wouldn’t Donald Trump be the most qualified candidate to run it?

If homosexuality and cigarette smoking are both behaviors why do our schools approve of one and disapprove of the other?

Why do the names Common Core and Communism sound so much alike?

Richard the Saint #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

I have been roundly criticized when I even remotely imply or draw parallels to what happened with Jesus and what we see taking place with Donald Trump. Of course, one would have to be off his/her medication to truly make that comparison which I never have. However, one would have to be equally crazy not to see that those trying to destroy the former president are doing so merely out of rebellion toward the fact that he believes in the principles on which this country was founded. Principles that transcend men. And in this sense his experience is very close to that of Jesus. It’s called being persecuted for doing the right thing.

When Jesus confronted his enemies, he drew much anger because his claims flew in the face of the religious leaders. If his claims were true, then they threatened to remove the will of the leaders and place it into the hands of the people. Because if a man has the free will to follow God, then how can he possibly be controlled by government? The answer is he cannot. This made Jesus both the greatest liberator and the greatest threat simultaneously. While obviously not a messiah and/or savior, Trump does carry a similar plight and burden from a geo-political sense.

Donald Trump will not be the first or the last imperfect man to be used by a perfect God.
And therein is the main difference between the power behind those that oppose Donald Trump and the power that I believe propels Donald Trump. <...> How can the man say he believes and at the same time ask for help in overcoming unbelief? Because all territory (even our unbelief) is covered by God.

The focus of the enemy should not be on stopping Donald Trump from running but rather on stopping God. But even if they changed their approach, it wouldn’t make any difference. We are watching the campaign for the ages. A campaign where the finish line is merely the start of the next race. The eternal race.

Because the Son is not running to be God.


George Lujack #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #homophobia #transphobia

With these words, “We will not comply,” from President Trump, every true American should be prepared for civil disobedience, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the civil rights movement. It’s time for Americans to speak out, and not be silenced with masks. It’s time for Americans to roll up their sleeves and fight, and not roll up their sleeves to get vaccinated. It’s time for civil disobedience and more, to fight the medical tyranny that the illegitimate Biden regime hopes to impose on Americans.

If and when the next round of communist-driven propaganda media blitz comes about, saying, “We can do this,” and “We’re all in this together,” it should be shouted down with “I can do what I want,” and “I’m taking care of myself.” The U.S. constitutional republic ensures the rights of the individual against the tyranny of the communist collective. There is no medical emergency exception.
Patriots, stop trying to reason with brain-dead immoral liberals, be it friends, family members, or strangers. How can you reason with people who think abortion is not murder, that homosexuality is natural, that Covid vaccines are safe and effective, that sex change operations are not mutilations, and that men can get pregnant? The Democrats impeached Trump twice for nothing and have criminally charged him with nothing. They are too far gone. Don’t waste a lot of your time doing this.
It is high time that Americans begin going on the offensive attack against the communist left in America. I, for one, have no intention of allowing my illegitimate Democrat-commie overlords to dictate to me when I can come out of my house, whether I can breathe air without a mask, and I certainly will not be allowing anyone on this planet to stick an artery-clogging vaccine shot in my veins.

Americans, it is time to follow the lead of our true, duly-elected, America-first President Donald J. Trump and his rallying call to civil disobedience, “WE WILL NOT COMPLY!”

Lin Wood #fundie #god-complex

Attorney L. Lin Wood may believe himself to be a vessel of the second coming, and he’s not referring to another Donald Trump presidential term. That’s what Wood’s former law partners wrote in a legal brief quoting what they describe as recorded conversations proving that the lawyer gunning to overturn the 2020 election has a habit of associating himself with “God Almighty.”

“I might actually be Christ coming back for a second time in the form of an imperfect man, elevating Christ consciousness,” an extraordinary footnote quotes Wood telling his partners. “That cause you to have a little bit of a chill? Who would be more eloquent to say what the will of God is, the belief of God in me.”

Wood is said to have called himself the representative of various Biblical figures.

“I represent Moses,” Wood allegedly declared on tape. “I represent Ananias the believer. I’m like the power of King David. Now look you all, I told you I was going to pray tonight to my God, not to myself, because to me there’s God and there’s me.”

Donald Trump #god-complex

So that just happened.

Yes, President Trump, when asked about his ongoing trade war with China, deemed himself "the chosen one" when talking with reporters outside the White House on Wednesday. As Trump put it, when it comes to dealing with China's trade practices, "somebody had to do it." He then added "I am the chosen one" as he looked up to the sky.

The odd comment comes just after Trump compared himself to some kind of deity in a Wednesday morning tweet. He seemed to be watching Wayne Allyn Root's show on the conservative network Newsmax, and tweeted a quote from Root saying that "the Jewish people in Israel love [Trump] like he's the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God." And the day before, Trump accused "any Jewish people that votes for a Democrat" of having "either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty."

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )
Joe Biden and the Democrats are playing their liberal politics by turning their backs on the good, hard-working people of Iowa who deserve to have their voices heard. I have insisted that Iowa remain first!

I won big in Iowa because they know I will always protect American jobs and American farmers—AMERICA FIRST! I will always stand up for American patriots who want to Make America Great Again.

I can’t wait to be back in Iowa. Stay tuned and see you in the very near future!

( @HerrNatSoc )
@realdonaldtrump Wait, you care about White people now?

( @Archer14 )
@HerrNatSoc @realdonaldtrump
Nah. When he refers to “American farmers”, he’s referring to wetback vegetable pickers. But we know that, don’t we?

( @ChristPatriot )
@realdonaldtrump I remember your laundry list of all the demographics that were doing the best ever except one, the white hetero male. You are going to have to change your priorities if you want to retain my vote. I'm done being a damn tax donkey for those that despise me and my values.

( @JohnBest )
@realdonaldtrump Why won't you protect our babies from having their brains mangled into autism by mercury in vaccines? You're a lying sack of shit.

( @bobjones13 )
@realdonaldtrump Shut up jew lover.

You have destroyed the white race with legal and illegal immigration.

( @wer38 )
@realdonaldtrump "No one did more for black farmers in Iowa than me!" - DJT

( @Mediaislying )
@realdonaldtrump Dude, you are still talking about the puppets, when you need to be calling out the puppet masters. I have never heard you call out Schwab, Rothschilds, Harari, etc......wef, inf, crf, committee of 300

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

Wayne Allyn Root: Like Jesus Christ, The ‘Forces Of Evil’ Are Trying To Crucify Trump

Right-wing commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump–obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root kicked off his radio broadcast yesterday by reading his latest commentary in which he calls on conservatives to rally behind the president against those who seek to “lynch” and “crucify” him.

Root says that Trump, like William Wallace and Jesus Christ, is a champion of the people and is now “facing one of the most intense, over-the-top attacks ever seen in world history,” orchestrated by the “deep state,” the media, and “disgusting, disgraced people” like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

“They have to stop him at all costs,” Root said. “Not just stop him, destroy him. Lynch him. Crucify him. They need to send a clear message, so no one ever tries to educate, enlighten, or empower the people ever again. That’s why the gates of hell have been opened on President Trump. That’s why Trump is facing a tsunami, earthquake, tornado, hailstorm all in one.”

“They need to kill Trump,” he said, “whether it be character assassination or the real thing, aka murder.”

Andrew Anglin #racist #wingnut

Jewish Dennis Prager Talks Amount Managing Your Emotions After Being Called a Nazi

Dennis Prager is one of those rare charismatic Jews. Most Jews are repulsive and uncharismatic, literal caricatures out of Seinfeld or something. The one Jew with a similar countenance to Prager that comes to mind is the late Stan Lee of Marvel Comics, who was genuinely likable.
It’s like a Jewish superpower to not be repulsive, so he is somewhat interesting to watch.

For those who don’t know, Prager runs “Prager U,” which is a Jewish right-wing YouTube operation. To give you an idea where they are, they recently hired the black white nationalist Candace Owens after she left Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA.


Although he is less known than many shills, he is one of the key ideological figureheads of the fake, controlled opposition right-wing. He has been a Jewish activist his entire life, and began his career in the 1970s by speaking on the plight of Jews in the USSR and lobbying for them to be allowed to flee in mass numbers to the West, and America in particular. He wrote a book about how Judaism is an ethical religion, and preached morality, becoming known as the “Jewish Billy Graham” – this is despite the fact that he is pro-abortion. I have no specific reason to doubt that he believes as he says he believes with regards to his religious opposition to secular Judaism, and his dislike of homosexuals and Moslems, but all this means is that he is a Zionist shill, who is able to use some overlapping moral principles with Christians to force a Jewish agenda on them. He was #NeverTrump until Donald Trump got the Republican nomination, at which point he endorsed him, but said he was his “17th choice out of 17 candidates.”

Right-wing Jewish shills like Prager are dangerous because of the way they mix truths – sometimes very good truths – with lies and Jewish shilling. It is a magnificent art, this ability to start with something that people instinctively understand as true, and then use a kind of anti-Socratic method to lead people into believing a lie. This group of fake right-wing Jewish shills is much more dangerous than any lunatic leftist, and Prager is among the worst of them, both because of his charisma and the skill with which he uses the anti-Socratic method.

And yet, Prager is now being called a Nazi, along with his tribesfellow Ben Shapiro and the shabbos goy shill Jordan Peterson.

In his latest “fireside chat,” Prager responded to being called a Nazi, and talked about how he deals with this sort of thing. I was interested, because I am also called a Nazi – much more often than Jew Prager, at least thus far – as a way to insult me and claim that nothing I say matters because I am evil.

On the point of whether I am a Nazi or not – that is entirely irrelevant, because this is only being used as an insult. It is used against me in the same way it is used against the Jew Prager – simply to dismiss what I am saying. There is no definition of this word in the media – it just means “evil white man.”

I do not consider myself to be a “Nazi” in the way I am referred to as such, because this definition – or lack thereof – being used by the Jewish media has no meaning. I believe that Adolf Hitler was a great man who has been massively maligned and lied about by the Jewish establishment, I believe that Mein Kampf is among the most important books ever written and I believe that the National Socialists promoted a lot of common sense ideas. But I simply consider myself a nationalist and a traditionalist, and believe that my respect for Hitler and the NSDAP fits into that framework.

Hitler is, in my view, one of the many great Christian leaders of the European people.


Regrettably, Prager’s talk had to do with how to personally manage being insulted, not how to respond politically to these types of defamatory insults. He said: “I don’t let the insults go to my heart and I don’t let the compliments go to my head.” That is, to be fair, good enough advice, and advice that I would also give anyone. I don’t have a problem managing my emotions, and people hating me is actually a kind of fuel for me, as it drives my internal burning desire for revenge. And I’m not prone to pridefulness either, as I believe that my work is only going to be good if I am constantly, scathingly self-critical.

But sure, it’s good personal advice for a public figure.

He also says that the only thing that actually bothers him is being misquoted. And I agree with that, absolutely. The HuffPo has taken to printing literal fake quotes from me, and has refused to stop when I asked them to, actually continuing to fabricate more quotes while publicly acknowledging that I had asked them to stop. That was the angriest I’ve ever been on the internet.

However, what I was looking for here was some kind of Jewish strategy for politically managing these insults, and turning them around on the people making them. I have generally used the “agree and amplify” method of saying “yes, I am a Nazi and I plan to masturbate all Jews to death and when I am dictator, I will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law any wolves who hide you in their caves and feed you if you escape my masturbation machines.”

But I’m always looking for new ideas.

I should have known better than to think I’d get any from a fake right-wing Jewish shill. The only Jewish ideas that are ever interesting are the ones from radically honest Jews who forward their agenda with brutality, such as Saul Alinsky.


Just for the record, after saying the obviously true – though simplistic to the point of being almost useless, like something out of the Berenstain Bears (also Jewish) – thing about dealing with insults and praise, Prager went on to talk about how trannies should be respected and treated like the sex they claim to be.

Because of course.

Because Dennis Prager is most definitely not a Nazi.

He is of his father the devil, and the lusts of his father he will do. His father was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Those with eyes can see the curse of his father written on his face.


Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )
Mother’s and families of victims of Violent Crime, which is breaking all Records in NYC, are furious that the criminals who killed their loved ones haven’t been given a trial in many years, while millions of dollars, & years of work, has been spent on a ridiculous Fringe Benefits Case, the likes of which has never been prosecuted before in our County’s history. It is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time. The D.A.s Office should focus on Murders & Violent Crime, not "Bullshit!”

( @brextremist )
@realdonaldtrump Aren't you the former president who passed the "First Step Act", which released thousands of dangerous nigger criminals back into the community? Shut the fuck up about pretending to care about violent crime.

( @CrimePays1985 )
@brextremist @realdonaldtrump He’s compromised like the rest The left and the right are one in the same They all belong to the same club and answer to the same master

( @rmckenna33 )
@realdonaldtrump and who lives in, and runs NYC?? the jew, that's who.... #WakeUpAmerica

( @FairlyHonestFrank )
@realdonaldtrump I’m furious that you refuse to mention Whites or acknowledge us in any meaningful way. I’m furious that you abandoned us on Jan 6th. I’m furious that you care about Israel more than White America. Eat a bag of shit ZionDon

( @j_floresmc89 )
@FairlyHonestFrank @realdonaldtrump Not everyone is perfect but loved some of his policies but he's white and cares about white too

( @McGraine )
@realdonaldtrump It is all going exactly as planned by the Jewish Elite many decades ago. When citizens begin crying out for police, the Elites will push a national police force, and America will get a Soviet style NKVD secret police that will make our present, compromised, FBI look like babysitters.

( @Weosys )
@realdonaldtrump how about you come out against the covid vaccines that are killing people and help the J6 prisoners.

( @bobjones13 )
@realdonaldtrump Maybe you shouldn't have hired a bunch of corrupt Jews and RINOs to work for you and you could have done something about it.

JE Aggas #crackpot #wingnut #magick #fundie #conspiracy


70 days before Biden's birthday
9/12/23 to 11/20/23 = 70 (counting the end date)

From and including: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
To and including: Monday, November 20, 2023
Result: 70 days
"Q" = 70 (Latin)
Or 1680 hours
"President Donald John Trump" = 1680 (Latin)

9*12+20*23+11*20+20*23 = 1248
"The Time Traveler" = 1248 (Latin)
"I Am John F Kennedy" = 1248 (Latin)

FBI raided Mar-a-largo on 8/8/2022 (Trump's text number)
From 8/8/22 to 9/12/23 = 400 days
"Patriot" = 400 (Latin)
"Its go time" = 400 (Latin)
"Cleansing Of America" = 400 (Latin)
"The End Is Coming" = 400 (Latin)

From 3/11/20 when the WHO declared a fake pandemic to yesterday 9/11/23 was 42 months exactly.

Revelation 13:5
"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months" = 1373 (Ordinal)
prime number 220

"Can You Handle The Truth" = 1373 (Latin)
"impeachment inquiry" = 220 (Ordinal)
"Donald John Trump" = 220 (Reverse Ordinal)
"President DJ Trump" = 220 (Reverse Ordinal)
U.S. President Donald Trump was late for his meeting over tea with the Queen on Friday, leaving the 92-year-old standing in wait nearly 12 minutes outside Windsor Castle – Jul 13, 2018
Trump walked in front of thw queen on 7/13/2018 the US corporation was formed on 2/21/1871
2*21+18*71+7*13+20*18 = 1771

7 × 11 × 23
21st Tetrahedral!
Duodecimal 1037
17+71 = 88
"Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

In my No. 1 bestselling book back in 2013, "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide" I reported Obama's plan was to "boil the frog slowly." To destroy America in small steps, to move so slowly that we wouldn't notice we were being destroyed, until it was too late. Hillary Clinton was supposed to finish the job. Hillary's election was supposed to be Obama's third term.

But Donald J. Trump came along and ruined the plan. Trump became the first politician in history to beat a rigged election. That's why Hillary and Democrats were so shocked. I think it's obvious Obama rigged it so Hillary could not lose.

How did Obama do that? In addition to the usual Democrat tricks of stuffing the ballot box in Democrat-run inner cities, with no voter ID and no signature match, Obama spied on the Trump campaign.

But Trump brought out more working and middle-class voters than any candidate in history. He beat the rig. He won even though Obama spied on him. Even though Obama knew everything Trump was doing and planning — and gave it all to Hillary.

Enter Russia collusion.

See the Durham Report. We now know for a fact this was a fraud made up by Hillary. We also know that Hillary laid out this scam to Obama and Biden in the Oval Office. Obama gave his approval. Then Obama rigged the game even further, making sure his hand-picked DOJ and FBI would never prosecute these high crimes.

Obama also made sure they'd continue spying on the now-president Trump. And use the weaponized federal government filled with Obama hacks to target, frame, demonize and destroy Trump the president.

Donald J. Trump #dunning-kruger #god-complex

[The quote was at the end of a WaPo 2023-09-02 article, I thought it may be entertaining enough for FSTDT. I thought about including the mammon tag for fun, but...]

Trump, however, said he isn’t going anywhere and that Truth Social was his “home.” In a post there Monday, he wrote, “TRUTH SOCIAL IS THE GREATEST & ‘HOTTEST’ FORM, SYSTEM, & PLATFORM OF COMMUNICATION IN AMERICA, & INDEED THE WORLD, TODAY. THAT’S WHY I USE IT — THERE IS NOTHING THAT COMES EVEN CLOSE!!!”

Nick Fuentes #wingnut #transphobia

On Aug. 24, 2023, former president Donald Trump was booked at an Atlanta jail on felony charges[…]After his mugshot was released online[…]Nick Fuentes declared the photo was a “symbol” to “rally behind” like the swastika or hammer and sickle

“And so this is just like — and I think everyone already recognizes [it], I’m not the first person to say this — but this has become now an icon and a symbol of this moment,” he said on his America First show. “I think people are rallying around this. And it would be stupid for him not to monetize it”[…]
“I don’t think it’s necessarily a given. The Georgia — the Fulton County courthouse has given him the symbol,” Fuentes continued. “This is like giving him a swastika. He didn’t have a swastika. He didn’t have a hammer and sickle. He didn’t have a — whatever. Whatever the great symbol — he didn’t have a bloody shirt or a flag, really, to rally behind”[…]
Fuentes called the mugshot a “symbol of defiance against the system.” He added that, “This is what the election is about. In a way it’s about that picture. Because the picture summarizes all the events of the last eight years, and the eight years are a culmination of 30 years or even longer of what’s been going on — which is that this country is being killed by its leadership”

He said Trump’s mugshot depicts the “face of America” which is “being punished” and “chopped up”

“Meanwhile, as we all know, the country is in decline,” he complained. “Meanwhile, what is celebrated is vulgarity and indecency and crime and obese people and transsexual people. They tear down the statues of the heroes and they change the holidays, and they uplift criminals. We worship thugs. Worship deranged freaks”

James Wilson #fundie

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is a liberal pretend businessman, star of a "reality" show lacking substance, and a professional wrestling heel who usurped the Republican Party's nomination through false promises, and a RINO who became the forty-fifth President of the United States. Since assuming office, Trump has largely followed in the footsteps of his predecessor, Barack Hussein Obama.
Trump was raised in Queens, New York City, and moved to Manhattan to lead a failed business venture based on scams and he is a nominal Presbyterian who cares not for the things of God. Although he claims not to drink alcohol, his business and former residence Trump Tower sells cocktails in a bar because Trump has not heeded the clear teachings of the Bible against strong drink.
Trump is pro-choice, is for socialized medicine, hates the things of God, and nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Gorsuch is even more liberal than Obama nominee Merrick Garland, and the Supreme Court was supposed to be a selling point for conservatives to vote for Trump. Gorsuch is an Episcopalian who attended the parish of a woman "priest." Trump said he wants to get more money in health care.
Trump is a friend of Islam, was open to celebrating Ramadan at the White House, and his "travel ban" excluded terrorist state Saudi Arabia in both iterations. Trump has yet to do anything substantive about radical Islamic terrorism, and creeping Sharia law in America and has supported liberal sodomite lover Ariana Grande under the guise of opposing radical Islamic terrorism. He has yet to endorse Koran burning.
Trump has yet to ban Islam, women "priests," and the evil succubus Taylor Swift who has seduced many with her perfectly circular and perky breasts and legs of Satan, despite Trump pledging to ban the liberal menace of pornography.
Trump picked closet homosexual Mike Pence to be his vice president, and has nominated false conservatives like pro-homo Rex Tillerson, pretend Christian Betsy DeVos, and pacifist Steve Bannon as well as Bush-era neocon goon James Mattis.
Trump has retained pro-sodomite executive orders of Obama. "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." This liberal administration will lead America further from godliness and into sodomy and eventual destruction.

Larry Klayman #wingnut #racist

Far-right activist and legal gadfly Larry Klayman announced this month that a “citizen grand jury” had indicted President Joe Biden and members of his family, and that a “citizens’ judge” has handed down felony convictions after a “trial” in Boise, Idaho

“BREAKING: The Bidens Convicted!” was the subject line of an August 24 email sent by Klayman’s group Freedom Watch to readers of the right-wing publication Human Events. Klayman has also talked about the Biden “conviction” in online videos, where he has also posted clips of “evidence” being presented to the fake judge in the fake trial

Klayman said that “sentencing of the corrupt Biden plan” will be held August 29. “We will then commission established law enforcement and the military to take Biden and his son and his brother into custody if they don’t turn themselves in, and frankly, put them in the slammer,” he said in a video posted on YouTube. He has promised future trials of public health official Anthony Fauci and other perceived enemies of the MAGA movement

Klayman’s cosplay has no legal standing, but could inspire violent behavior from one of former President Donald Trump’s passionate supporters. Klayman denounced the “Marxian Jewish left” he said was persecuting Trump, calling for a “counterrevolution.” He called the judge in the Georgia indictment an “anti-white racist.” He said he believes that someone in Trump’s orbit will be harmed, which would set off Trump’s supporters

Klayman’s escapades in the past have included a citizen grand jury that “convicted” then-President Barack Obama of fraud, and a failed rally at the White House that was meant to force Obama out of the White House

Klayman is using his new version to raise money for Freedom Watch, a group he founded after falling out with the leaders of Judicial Watch, which he also founded

Rvbomally #psycho #wingnut #racist #fundie

The year 2016 was a year of major shifts in politics, and the beginning of the end of the old order. The United Kingdom left the European Union, prompting the Netherlands and France to petition for their own exits. Against all odds, Donald Trump won the Republican nomination and then the presidency. He was unfortunate enough to have to deal with another recession - this time Chinese in origin - within a hundred days of his implementing extreme tariffs against Chinese goods. The beleaguered Chinese Communist Party decided to put the blame on the Americans, escalating tensions in the South China Sea, on the Korean Peninsula, and even against Russia. This policy proved unwise, as Trump was unwilling to back down and responded to provocation with more provocation. Before long, events escalated out of control, and by late 2017 the world was at war.

Russia and America joined forces against China, while the Americans turned a blind eye to the Polish-Russian invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Belarus. Russo-American forces made great advances in China, but the desperate Chinese government retaliated by using its nuclear arsenal. The Russians and Americans responded with overwhelming force. Only a few Chinese missiles hit their targets, most of which were against foreign armies on Chinese soil, while the Americans and Russians devastated China in return (although the exchange remained limited). In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia - already abandoned by the Trump government - invaded Syria and Iraq to prevent the Russians and Iranians from gaining total hegemony. The Saudis were roundly defeated.

The global economy collapsed in the aftermath. The American government temporarily lost control as they scrambled to reorganize in Philadelphia. Trump's controversial and disastrous policies were widely unpopular; the nuclear attack on America was icing on the cake. State governments declared that they would not follow Trump any longer, Texas and California chief among them. With much of the American military destroyed in China, the federal government relied on loyal militias, some of which had their own agenda and used the civil war to carve out their own states. The federals secured the South against the neo-Confederates, but lost Texas to evangelicals, the West and New England to libertarian militias, and the Northwest to once-loyal white supremacist militias who saw Trump as too soft on the "racial question." Trump himself did away with the old government and, as his most ardent supporters wanted, proclaimed himself Emperor of the American Empire. In Russia, Putin did the same.

NATO and the European Union collapsed, and civil wars broke out across the European continent. Britain closed itself from the world, while nationalist and far-right organizations saw weakness in continental governments and began an armed uprising. The far left and Islamist groups retaliated, officially on behalf of the government, but fighting the government and one another just as often. Russia, seeing an opportunity to expand their influence, backed these groups and attempted to conquer the old Warsaw Pact. However, they were rebuffed by the Visegrad alliance, which became a close-knit alliance in the face of Russian invasion. The Russians were thrown out of Eastern Europe, while European nationalists secured their victory by using nuclear weapons they claimed to have acquired from old NATO bases (some evidence points to Russian involvement). In the wake of their victory, the nationalists exercised brutal reprisals against their enemies, real and perceived.

The Chinese Communist Party did not survive World War III. Years of warlordism followed the nuclear attack, as did starvation and disease. The Chinese population plummeted. However, the gender imbalance in the country continued despite the deaths of many young men in the war, and indeed got worse after the strikes against Chinese cities. Uniting many desperate, angry young men was the idea of a new, patriarchal Chinese empire, where they could form the ruling class and thus could pick as many women as they could. Influenced by the Western "manosphere," this movement became popular among many young men, thus allowing it to overpower its opponents and claim power. The Chinese also invaded their neighbors, explicitly to take their women; while successful in Mongolia and Korea, the Chinese were defeated in Vietnam, putting an end to their expansion and forcing the Chinese to lick their wounds and rebuild.

By 2042, the world has stabilized. The Russians and Indians are the most powerful societies on Earth, although the standard is not very high. The fighting in Europe and Asia has died down definitively, and the new orders are going strong. Most countries focus on rebuilding, particularly those devastated by WWIII. Poverty is widespread, protectionism is commonplace and global trade has collapsed, and much of the African and Asian continents are suffering from a wave of famine. Technology has stagnated since the 2020s, and few advancements have been made since; the American Empire is reinvestigating the EM drive, but little progress has been made. However, the Japanese have been successful at alternative reproduction, but the technology is taking a while to catch on elsewhere.

New religious movements have become popular, particularly the Cult of Kek and the Redpill Church. The Cult of Kek, arising out of an online meme, believes that through the use of "meme magic" - the constant repetition of something online - the ancient Egyptian god Kek will alter reality to suit their needs. The Cult has become popular simply because the events of the 21st century - known as "The Happening" among the Cult's members - were almost exactly what people online "memed" into existence, thus proving the religion correct. The Cult of Kek has many sects and forms, but most are loyal to the current alt-right new order and seek to further it.

The Redpill Church is one that arose out of certain portions of the online "Manosphere," and gained widespread acceptance in the aftermath of WWIII, particularly after the rise of the Chinese Empire. Teaching that women are biologically "hypergamous" - that is, almost parasitic upon men - the Redpill Church seeks to facilitate the final destruction of "gynocentric" society. This is facilitated through teaching by Redpill monks, who travel the world to preach the message. As with all religions, the Redpill Church is divided. Some sects believe that their goal is to enforce the current "patriarchy," while others believe that even the rise of the traditionalist regimes in the wake of WWIII is not enough, and others still want to do away with the need for women entirely through the use of artificial wombs.

Russia was not hit hard during WWIII, and while Putin has died, his image lives on as the father of the new Russian century. Tsarina Yekaterina, purported to be Vladimir Putin's daughter, holds the throne, but she has elected to be more of a figurehead and allow the oligarchs to run the country. Nonetheless, Russian authoritarianism has returned in full, based on a strange mix of Imperial and Soviet patriotism. Stalin is now a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, now Russia's state religion. The Islamic minorities remain noisy, but given the sheer brutality of the Third Chechen War, they are wise enough not to start any violence against the government.

America remains shattered, and there are no signs that this will change. Emperor Donald I has perished, and his son, Donald II, has taken the throne, and there are those in the Empire who worry about the future of the monarchy if Donald II does not live up to his father's legacy. Given the major territorial losses suffered during the Second American Civil War, the Trump monarchy's greatest achievement - the Great Wall of America - does not exist within the Empire. The Empire, modeling itself off Rome, is a rather unpleasant absolute monarchy, where any opinion that dissents from the Trumpist line is punishable by imprisonment. The Lion Guard, ironically referred to as the "Trumpstaffel" by its detractors and its supporters, acts as a "private" enforcer of the regime.

Texas remains a democracy, although the only choices are "fundamentalist Christian" and "slightly less fundamentalist Christian." Formed by the evangelical factions of the Republican Party - opposed to Trump even before the civil war - Texas considers itself a shining city on a hill, the last bastion of true Americanism. It does maintain the Great Wall, but it has built walls of its own on its borders with the Empire. The Governor of Texas is all-powerful, with the legislature doing everything he wants. Christianity is the state religion, although Texas is protective of Jews, and atheism and Islam are banned outright.

The libertarian states on the continent - the Pacific States and New England - have formed a defensive alliance. Although starting out as a rag-tag group of states, the necessity of defending themselves from hostile neighbors have vastly increased the size of government, particularly the military. Both governments are now dominated by their militaries, which are the descendants of various militia groups, and are unfriendly to anti-libertarian political expression. However, both states do remain tolerant of foreign cultures - so long as they keep to themselves and participate in the economy - and while they discourage "statism," freedom of expression is still protected. A vast majority of the population is poor, and receive no aid whatsoever from the government.

In the Pacific Northwest, a white nationalist state has established itself. Originally supported by the Federal government, the Northwest Republic broke off and promptly expelled all non-whites and any whites who objected. Due to the major destruction the war and the purges caused to the rich coastal cities, and the pariah status the Northwest Republic has, it is an impoverished state, although it maintains a large military to remain a threat. Modeling itself somewhat off the Third Reich, the Northwest Republic is a single-party state with a single "President" at the top, and is closed off to all non-whites.

In Europe, nationalism reigns supreme, but in varying degrees of intensity. The United Kingdom remains a democracy, albeit an "emergency" one with a UKIP-Tory coalition in perpetual rule. The United Kingdom has taken a policy of "splendid isolation" with regard to the continent, and has expelled portions of its population that the government deemed "dangerous," but there are still some Eastern European and Middle Eastern communities on Great Britain (of course, they are thoroughly Anglicized). The European Brotherhood takes the position of pan-European nationhood, albeit one that respects the different cultures in Europe. The EB is practically a French empire, with a presidential dictatorship. The EB models itself off Rome, but local rights are respected - so long as the localities are European. Christianity is encouraged by the state, Islam is banned, and non-Europeans have been expelled from the country. The EB and the UK, while aligned, do have major differences of opinion on the question of the continued British occupation of northern France. In the East, the Visegrad Union promotes traditional European culture as a counterpoint to the current Russian regime. The Union is heavily Catholic, and even the current Pope is a conservative Pole.

The Nordic Union has taken a different track: the Nordics reject Christianity as a foreign religion, and have turned back to the worship of the Aesir. Believing themselves to be the successors of the old Norse, the Nordics are ashamed of their multicultural past (although they direct most of this at Sweden), and try to make themselves "suffer" to atone for it. This includes the belief in radical self-improvement as a vector for racial improvement as a whole; Nordic education involves a lot of reading esoteric works from men like Julius Evola, and a major focus on physical fitness. Then, there is the Fourth Reich, an openly neo-Nazi state that seeks to conquer Europe and exterminate the Jews. Already, the Reich has crushed all opposition within its borders, and only its isolation and relative weakness prevents it from waging a war of conquest.

Iran was the big winner in the Middle East, successfully defeating the Islamic State, the Kurds and the Saudis, and establishing friendly regimes in Iraq and Syria. Iran remains a Shia theocracy, and is attempting to impose this form of government on secular Iraq and Syria. However, their Russian allies caution them against inflaming religious tensions and possibly sparking another war in the region.

Military regimes returned in Egypt and North Africa after the recession of the Islamist tide. These brutal dictatorships make the Gaddafi regime seem humanitarian in comparison. They extremely anti-Islamic and have attacked mosques suspected of harboring members of the Muslim Brotherhood and other anti-government organizations. The most powerful regime among them is Egypt, which has made a somewhat successful attempt at securing hegemony over the region. The Egyptians have their eyes set on the rest of the Middle East, not out of expansionist desire, but because of what is going on in Arabia.

After the fall of the Islamic State, many of its fighters flooded into Saudi Arabia. The Saudi military, already hammered hard by Iranian and Russian forces, proved incapable of stopping them; indeed, many Saudi units defected. The Saudi monarchy was overthrown, as were the other Gulf monarchies, and a caliphate established to replace them. Ironically, little has changed in Saudi Arabia since the rise of the Islamic Federation, apart from the destruction of "Western" influence in cities such as Dubai, the destruction of "idolatrous artifacts" in Mecca and Medina, and the stricter enforcement of preexisting Islamic law.

South Africa has been placed under white rule, mostly by Europeans fleeing the chaos of the EU. The ANC government collapsed in the wake of WWIII, allowing the Europeans to take control of the cities, ironically with the aid of Russia. Apartheid has come back in full force, as the South African government believes that blacks are inherently incapable of governance. The remnants of the ANC disagree violently, and the South Africans are currently waging a brutal bush war against them.

The Chinese Empire is still licking its wounds. Draconian laws, akin to those of the Qin, have been scaled back by the most recent set of reforms, after the Chinese government realized that it may cause a revolt. The gender disparity is less of a problem now, although the Chinese still resort to imported sex bots and concubines to keep the powerful and the enforcers of the regime happy. The Chinese have done away with any child policy, seeing that as a vector for disaster, and now the Chinese population is booming. It has now exceeded pre-war levels, and now the issue is the lack of food, territory, and the continuing lack of women. The Chinese look outward for expansion, but have run out of easy targets.

India was a big winner in WWIII, indeed becoming a superpower by the 2030s. This did come at a cost: the famine of the 2020s hit hard, particularly India's poorest, but the fall of China allowed India to restructure its economy among more modern lines. It did so through Chinese-style modernization, and now India is the workshop of the world. India is still suffering from problems, such as the pollution, but now India is extending its influence into Africa with one mission: to take in more resources.

Ben Garrison #fundie


The corrupt Deep State media painted Donald Trump as a sexual predator, a friend of the KKK, or even a ‘Nazi.’ Some on the left were whipped into a frenzy and claimed the world as we knew it would come to an end if the ‘orange monster’ somehow got elected.

To prevent that disastrous occurrence, a parade of women were trotted out of the woodwork to accuse Trump of sexual assault. They were all liars. Their lies may have had some efficacy in the past, but fortunately in the age of the Internet, the truth can be found and Trump became president.

Apparently, the Deep State has no other playbook. They’re now using the same lying, dirty tactics against Roy Moore. Moore wants to make America great again and does not mouth the usual politically correct platitudes. He’s not part of the Deep State, so their operatives are doing their best to keep him out of the Senate.

I think they will fail again, but just in case, I drew another cartoon to support his election.

johnQadams/Q #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

Q Post 791, Feb 18, 2018 8:57:51 PM EST
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future."
:Protect 6/14-46
:Protect 6/14-46

Most of you will recognize the quoted part of this Q post, signed Q+, aka Donald J. Trump, as a Scripture verse. Jeremiah 29:11 to be exact. The ":Protect 6/14-46" lines refer to Trump as he was born on June 14, 1946. More on that later.
YHWH promised us, as subjects to the High King, that we would have victory in His-Story. YHWH keeps his promises. Do you believe that? Well, I do. And I know that when He promises something that He can deliver because He is sovereign. He declares the end from the beginning. He controls everything, from the big events down to the small micro events. He is the one who hardened Pharaoh's heart so that the Egyptians would not only eventually beg the Israelites to leave, they would also send them on their way with all the Egyptian gold and silver. He raises up kings and He removes kings. Sometimes, He even uses someone who was raised as one of them to bring about their destruction.
The Jews crucified the Messiah, but they were simply carrying out what YHWH had predestined to take place (Acts 4:28). We live in a time where our Satanic controllers think they are pushing their agenda forward through number rituals (see Part 7), but everything they do has been pre-ordained by the Most High Elohim who is sovereign over all. He has told us about His sovereignty and has demonstrated it in numerous ways. Yes, it is true that we do not know the day nor the hour when He shall return in his Second Parousia, but through Scripture He has revealed His plan for His-Story to us and for us. Because He is sovereign, and because He has determined the end from the beginning, we can know that His-Story is going somewhere, that there is a climax, a culminating eschaton. The Biblical worldview tells us that nothing can stop what is coming.

General Bipin Rawat #homophobia

Indian Army general: We won’t allow gay sex

The Indian Army will continue to enforce regulations banning gay sex, despite the decriminalisation of homosexuality in the country.

Gay sex became legal in India in September 2018, when the country’s Supreme Court struck down British colonial-era law Section 377.
However the head of the Indian Army, General Bipin Rawat said on Thursday (January 10) that the military will continue to enforce a ban on gay soldiers.
Indian Army ‘won’t follow’ decriminalisation of gay sex

Rawat told the media at a press conference: “We will not allow this to happen in the Army. LGBT issues— in the army, these are not acceptable.

“We will still be dealing with them under various sections of the Army Act. [It] will not be allowed to happen in the Indian Army.”

According to NDTV, he added: “We are not above the country’s law but when you join the Indian Army, some of the rights and privileges you enjoy are not what we have. Some things are different for us, but we are certainly not above the Supreme Court.

“We will have to see how we take a call, let us also see how it comes into the society, whether it’s accepted or not—I can’t say what will happen two years down the road.”
Indian Army laws written in 1950s ban ‘unnatural’ conduct

Despite the decriminalisation of gay sex, homosexuality in the Indian armed forces is still a prosecutable offence under three 1950s laws, the Army Act, the Navy Act and the Air Force Act.

The vaguely-written laws bar “any disgraceful conduct of a cruel, indecent or unnatural kind,” with “unnatural conduct” commonly interpreted in law as a euphemism for homosexuality.

Despite the push to decriminalise homosexuality across the world, many countries still maintain prohibitions on LGBT+ people serving in the armed forces.

The LGBT Military Index, which launched in 2014, studied 100 countries around the world and found that 50 permitted people to serve in the armed forces regardless of sexual orientation, and 50 did not.

Just 24 countries permit people to serve regardless of gender identity, with 76 countries including the United States maintaining a ban on trans troops.

In July 2017, US President Donald Trump abruptly announced on Twitter that all transgender servicepeople would be purged from the US armed forces, claiming they were a burden on the military.

The resulting policy has been repeatedly challenged in courts, and trans service personnel are currently able to continue serving as the policy continues to be subject to legal action.

Ted Cruz #pratt #wingnut

“I’m pissed at these over and over and over again, if they’re indictments, it’ll be the fourth indictment of Donald Trump” Mr Cruz, who lost the Republican nomination for president to Mr Trump in 2016, said. “This is disgraceful. Our country’s over 200 years old. We’ve never once indicted a former president, or a candidate or a leading candidate for president and this is Joe Biden and this is the Democrats weaponizing the justice system because they're afraid of the voters.”

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )

( @DarenFromDelaware )

Even IF Voting was secure and fair the Republican Party are 98% TRAITORS

( @brextremist )
@realdonaldtrump You can never have fair and free elections as long as JEWS are pulling the strings. It's time for you to man-up, and disavow the jews. ✡️

( @Clayhughes )
@brextremist @realdonaldtrump he's not even trying to get elected, every move the deep states makes is simply to reinforce clown world. But why?

( @brextremist )
@Clayhughes @realdonaldtrump Yeah, he's basically just there to divert the energy of everyone who's (rightfully) angry at the US government, and funnel it down a dead-end path.

( @Jamesthepatriot )
@realdonaldtrump One solution - Public Executions

( @pinyonshim )

Electing Jews assures a fucked election!

( @osmilealways68 )
@realdonaldtrump MILITARY DO YOUR JOB!!!!😤😤😤😤😤😤🤦🏽‍♂️

RetiredIT #wingnut #conspiracy

To: DeeDee McKay, who stated:

“How many people are they going to let die before they do something about it and eliminate these Deep State Evil Satanic People???????”

You are obviously in the dark about what the white hats and faithful military have been doing for at least the past several years to fight the evil in this world and bring criminals to justice. Before President Donald Trump left the White House in 2021 he signed the Insurrection Act which turned everything over to the military.

Since then and even before then while Trump occupied the White House, JAG military tribunals have been conducted both at GITMO (Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp, which was greatly expanded during the Trump adminstration) and also more recently at the Camp Blaz Marine Base in Guam.

During that period dozens of Deep State criminals, murderers, child and sex traffickers, politicians and treasonous medical and scientific personnel have been arrested, tried, convicted and executed for their horrendous crimes through various means including hanging and firing squad. Most have been executed while others have been given long prison sentences.

I encourage you to do your due diligence before making unfounded accusations against U.S. military patriots and others who have been putting their lives on the line daily to fight evil here and throughout the world.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

Now It's Official. I Know it, You Know it. Everyone Knows It. Trump's Georgia Indictment is the Final Proof the 2020 Election Was Stolen

Folks, now you know it. I know it. Everyone with a brain knows it. Even Democrats (deep down) know it. The 2020 election was stolen. The debate is over.

How do I know? Because both the feds and Georgia just indicted our former President Donald Trump for talking about, questioning and trying to investigate a stolen election. When the communist thugs, bullies and tyrants make it a crime to question a stolen election, in a country built around free speech, it's 100% proof they stole the election.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
January 6th was all about a highly CORRUPT ELECTION, which is the only thing the Unselects refused to investigate!

( @AlanJr )
@realdonaldtrump what about the political prisoners you abandoned in DC? January 6th was 100% about your grift!

( @squarebubble )
@realdonaldtrump The orange S.O.B. was in the perfect position to rectify it, but he ran off on AF One with his tail between his legs.

( @HaasDelgado )
@realdonaldtrump So why didn’t you talk about fraudulent elections in your speech???

( @TheRoyalRob )

Which really makes me question why any president would then turn the keys over to the people who stole it.

But in clown world anything is possible I guess.

( @SilverBull4HotLiberties )
@realdonaldtrump shut the fuck up, you traitor for the communist kikes that you are. You fuckin' fraud, PROUD mass murderer with your poisons, mass thief through central bank currency debasement in 2020, and Israel-firster. FUCK YOU, you lying sack o' shit. You're NO BETTER than the filth in the White House right now. You lying fuckin' scumbag. You should be embarrassed being so obviously sold out to foreign interests as you are.

Kanye 2024

( @GreyGhostJustice )
@SilverBull4HotLiberties @realdonaldtrump I agree with everything in your post but Kanye 24' Do you really think that nog gives a shit about whites? He is a Black Hebrew Israelite.

( @MotelandRVPark )
@realdonaldtrump You knew there would be fraud in 2020 election, but you did nothing to safeguard that election. You only have yourself to blame. Do you expect us to vote for you, after letting us suffer under Biden?

( @coltanaconda45 )
@MotelandRVPark @realdonaldtrump It was not PRESIDENT TRUMP that RIGGED and STOLE the election, It was the communist "deep state wealthy elite CABAL" their foreign operators that "pre programmed" the algorithms ("hacked") the voting machines", and their "enforcers" that made sure their "plan" to install "their CONTROLLABLE choice" would be successful, the SCOTUS "judges" would do "as they were told", refuse to look at the mountains of PROOF submitted, ,and ALLOW the FRAUD to continue. We are NOW a third-world communist controlled banana republic SHIT-HOLE.

( @Swbjamz )
@realdonaldtrump Donald never went to bat for the j6 patriots. It's a shame.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy

In an unprecedented turn of events, a tidal wave of hope is sweeping across the globe, as a coalition of white hat operatives, military forces, and vigilant citizens gear up to combat the sinister underbelly of human trafficking. Expectations run high as a series of meticulously planned operations are poised to dismantle child trafficking rings that have plagued our society for far too long.

Brace yourselves, for the next 10 months are set to unveil a shocking revelation that will reverberate through the highest echelons of power, forever altering the trajectory of human history.

As the sun rises on a new era, the relentless pursuit of justice becomes the clarion call of the hour. A symphony of police raids, military interventions, and alliance operations are set to take center stage in the fight against child trafficking.

These meticulously orchestrated maneuvers will break the chains that bind innocent lives, sending shockwaves through mainstream media channels and reverberating across the vast expanse of social media networks.

The stars are aligning in a cosmic battle to unveil the true extent of the darkness that has permeated our society. Icons of truth and change, including Congress, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Joe Rogan, and RFK Jr., are joining forces to expose the insidious networks that have perpetuated the heinous human trafficking industry. Through their podcasts and influence, these luminaries are igniting a spark of awareness that will soon engulf the world.
A grand unraveling of truth is in motion, masterminded by the valiant efforts of the white hat operatives. This global awakening will jolt minds out of complacency and thrust the harsh realities of child trafficking into the spotlight. Prepare to be red-pilled on an unprecedented scale, as the shadowy connections between UKRAINE, BIDEN, Hunter’s laptop, Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, MI6, CIA, and Mossad are laid bare.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )
So I help a seriously troubled man, who just happens to be black, Ye (Kanye West), who has been decimated in his business and virtually everything else, and who has always been good to me, by allowing his request for a meeting at Mar-a-Lago, alone, so that I can give him very much needed “advice.” He shows up with 3 people, two of which I didn’t know, the other a political person who I haven’t seen in years. I told him don’t run for office, a total waste of time, can’t win. Fake News went CRAZY!

( @G_Thaumaturgus )
@realdonaldtrump At least Ye is not afraid to name the Jew

( @shitlord_olafssen )
@G_Thaumaturgus @realdonaldtrump DJT "names them" all right - names them as his master!

( @Takeshima )
@G_Thaumaturgus @realdonaldtrump seriously fcuk Trump the zionist Israel FIRST bootlicker. All Kanye and Nick Fuentes are saying is what Trump said himself 2015-2016 before he became a sellout cuck shabbos goy race traitor .

( @MrBAD )
@realdonaldtrump you sold out. I'd rather have a troubled black man who names the Jew and declares Jesus is King than someone who sold out.

( @Takeshima )
@MrBAD @realdonaldtrump Notice how Kanye is suddenly “distressed” and crazed when he logically calls out zionist jews and their influence on media, finance and politics? Shabbos goy Ziodon and his Jew oeners don’t want their house n1gger escaping the plantation and thinking for himself..

( @TheSuperSavvyCitzen )
@realdonaldtrump Please stay away from Kayne and Nick Fuentes they'll ruin your chances of winning the primary it's already hard enough with election fraud

( @KenpachiRabbit )
@TheSuperSavvyCitzen @realdonaldtrump he let the fraud happen as president while he was working on 'warp speed' clot shots. we need someone even bolder and not ron defaggot either

( @brextremist )
@TheSuperSavvyCitzen @realdonaldtrump So long as Trump refuses to denounce the jews as America's greatest adversary, he has no chance of winning in 2024.

( @WoodenDoors_88 )
@realdonaldtrump shut the fuck up you orange kike

Donald Trump #wingnut

The “shocking and totally unexpected” loss by the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to the our once great Nation under Crooked Joe Biden. Many of our players were openly hostile to America - No other country behaved in such a manner, or even close. WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!! MAGA

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #transphobia

[From "Trump Indicted In Georgia"]

Sure, Donald Trump is running for president again and has been indicted again (we have seen it three times before), but we are at the point where you can begin to feel the pull of the waterfall ahead. History is speeding up. The 3,000 foot drop into the unknown is coming next year


Driving the news: The 41 felony counts in the 98-page indictment include racketeering charges, conspiracy to commit forgery and perjury[…]

As I was saying about the Amren conference, we are going about our routines and everything feels normal[…]
Don’t be fooled. American politics hasn’t been this bad at any point in our lifetimes[…]
The impeachment of Bill Clinton never summoned this level of anger, resentment and disillusion with the system. Bush v. Gore, which was settled by the Supreme Court, was a contentious election cycle but it doesn’t approach this level of breakdown of trust in institutions[…]
While politics in the Gilded Age was heated and violent, William Jennings Bryan was never arrested. None of the forgettable presidents of that time period like Cleveland and Harrison had their rivals arrested and incarcerated

Polarization hasn’t been this bad since the War Between the States and Reconstruction. It is truly incredible when you think about it that our elites would put our institutions under this amount of stress in a time such as this, but I guess we shouldn’t be surprised after Iraq or COVID or transgenderism or now the war in Ukraine. Making foolish decisions is the hallmark of our current ruling class[…]
Elections are how the ruling class legitimize their rule in our system. The key thing is that both sides trust that the process is fair and legitimate. The loser has to feel like they are full participants in the next election. Defeats aren’t permanent defeats. They are torching that to own Trump

Stephen Miller #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut

Former Senior Advisor to former President Donald Trump, Stephen Miller made a bizarre claim about Watergate during a recent interview

The exchange happened during the Friday edition of The Benny Show where host Benny Johnson asked Miller how reform could take place at the Department of Justice in light of the third indictment of Trump. A clip from the interview began circulating Twitter via Jason Campbell

JOHNSON: I think the atmosphere, perhaps Stephen, is right for true, true reform here at the DOJ. Sir, how do you go about doing it?

MILLER: Well, the first and most important thing is to reestablish what is known as the unitary executive. So this goes back to the Watergate era. And now we obviously know, looking back on it now, of course, that that was a deep state coup against Richard Nixon

MILLER: But this was back to the Watergate era in which, by the way, the cost of that just that we’re talking about measuring this in human lives, is that just I know it is a tangent, but to understand the consequence of the deep state thinking they run policy. Getting rid of Nixon, who was pursuing an honorable peace and a durable peace in Vietnam, led to the complete collapse of Nixon’s Vietnam strategy after he left office

MILLER: That would have then kept some sort of peace in Indochina, and instead we were left with communist butchery on a scale that few can imagine. I’m not talking about the validity of entering the war. I’m just pointing out that when you when you get rid of duly elected presidents, the effects on policy can be truly calamitous

Brent D. Cates #wingnut #conspiracy

Devon Archer is going to testify UNDER OATH today before the #AmericaFIRST Congress Donald Trump worked relentlessly & tirelessly as a 76 year old billionaire in 2022 to put into office.


Ponder on this a moment.

With everything that’s been thrown at him, relentless & also tireless Lawfare directed at him (and his FAMILY!) since 2016 with an ever growing intensity, he’s endorsed & rallied for the #AmericaFIRST Candidates he’s confident he can work with to SAVE AMERICA as he circles back to the Oval Office.

MAGA is a movement, of which I am a part, is the broad base of those who support Trump and his goals in restoring America’s greatness.

#AmericaFIRST is made up OF MAGA People, yes, but they are the specific candidates, many of whom were successful (thanks to Trump’s Platinum Endorsement) in their run for office for Congress, the Senate & the all important Governorships.

So MAGA, being comprised of the donations & votes of Trump’s base, are then FOCUSED past all of the static currently being thrown up by the GOP Wing of the UniParty to support his America First MOVEMENT.

Do you SEE it yet?

Trump has been exposing the GOPe from the day he was pushed out of DC in 2021.

But in the years since he’s not only shown MAGA who these controlled opposition Creeps are, he’s been stealthily building their REPLACEMENT.

Now that Trump’s America First dominated House fixed the horribly broken yet overpowered Speakership we are witnessing Congressional Hearings that are NOT showcases of sheer ego & campaigning via conducting the people’s business.

The last 3 months have been stunning as the House Oversight, Weaponization & Ways & Means Committees have ripped aside the Shadowy protective Curtain that has been protecting the Biden Crime Family for decades.

I cannot stress this enough = Trump’s efforts in endorsing & rallying for these Office Holders has made all of this possible.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
“Give me Freedom or give me Death”

( @TheLordsWork )
@realdonaldtrump "Give me Freedom or give them death"
I fixed it!

( @Zippo_Man )
@TheLordsWork @realdonaldtrump
democrat mainstream media: "Trump now threatens to commit suicide"

( @MojoRisin1984 )
@realdonaldtrump Like your vaccine?

( @FivePointBaptist )
@realdonaldtrump Should have had that mentality when they stole the election. Instead you walked away.

( @BasedAsianUSA )
@FivePointBaptist @realdonaldtrump Indeed, at the pivotal moment to save America, Trump backed down, let America down, and let J6 patriots rot in jails all for simply listening to his call to action on that fateful day, while pardoning his criminal dirty Jew in-law instead, despite the huge advantage in number of at least 3-to-1 (more like 5-to-1) and 2A, against the traitorous Jews and their Demrat minions that stole election 2020.

( @KathyIngram )
@realdonaldtrump mean like the J6ers???

( @coachjc88 )
@realdonaldtrump Freedom or death shot. You promoting the death shot cost millions of people to be free.

( @genuflect )
@coachjc88 @realdonaldtrump as my grandmother would say, "God gave you a brain; use it". Blaming other people for your poor decisions and cowardice seems so Millenial.

( @II_TheRook_II )
@genuflect @coachjc88 @realdonaldtrump

Obviously god didn’t give you a brain if you don’t hold Trump responsible in anyway for the vax and his useless during the stolen election. Or pardoning jews in federal prison for financial crimes and black rappers, but letting his people rot in prison.

You seem to be a too much of a fan girl. Trump is toast.

( @rchagnon1955 )
@coachjc88 @realdonaldtrump I'm beginning to believe that Q tards and Trump worshipers don't believe that the vaccine hasn't killed anybody. Right? The way they worship this man and he can do no wrong. Problem is there's millions of followers.

( @a_texian )
@realdonaldtrump yet you bow to zionist

( @Misfits4life1 )
@realdonaldtrump You gave us the USMCA Act and more communism Trump you must think everyone here believes you B.S coming out of your mouth

( @GabRsux )
I'm not asking permission.

There is Freedom, or there Will Be Death.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #crackpot

[Trump lashing out in New Hampshire about the DA in Atlanta:]
"They say there's a young woman — a young racist in Atlanta — they say she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member. And this is a person who wants to indict me […] wants to indict me for a perfect phone call,"

Anna Perez and Elijah Schaffer #wingnut #psycho

Right-wing commentator Anna Perez reacted to the latest indictment of former President Donald Trump—this time for his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election—by suggesting that an armed uprising and revolution is the only proper response[…]
She was being interviewed Wednesday night by Elijah Schaffer, an equally bigoted broadcaster who used to host a program on The Blaze network until he was fired for reportedly drunkenly groping a female colleague, about Trump’s latest indictment, which Schaffer proclaimed to be “tyranny”

Perez agreed and suggested that the proper response is to take up arms

“Here’s the reality,” Perez said. “The [America] Revolution was an insurrection. What else would it be? What happened is people stood up against the tyrants that were basically controlling their every move. … They were living under absolute tyranny, and what did they decide to do? They decided to take up arms against the government. They formed militias in their communities, and they took up arms against the most powerful military in the world”

“Are we not living under very similar circumstances here in America?” she asked. “Does this not call for the same, if not a similar response, to that situation? Why else would we have a Second Amendment? They specifically put the Second Amendment in there because we didn’t ever want to have to come to this point, to be quite honest”

“I’m not calling for violence,” Perez unconvincingly insisted while simultaneously declaring that the American people must “realize that there is a Second Amendment for a reason”

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
Why would anybody be surprised that the Supreme Court has ruled against me, they always do! It is unprecedented to be handing over Tax Returns, & it creates terrible precedent for future Presidents. Has Joe Biden paid taxes on all of the money he made illegally from Hunter & beyond. The Supreme Court has lost its honor, prestige, and standing, & has become nothing more than a political body, with our Country paying the price. They refused to even look at the Election Hoax of 2020. Shame on them!

( @Rogue_Fenrir )
@realdonaldtrump Go cry to the wall shabbos goy

( @buckyandhiscat )
@realdonaldtrump You are a real trooper! No president's been put through such sneaky, seditious behavior ever before! Keep a stiff upper lip! Jesus is King.

( @Diego_vizc )
The Supreme Court is just part of the deep state. Pure swamp.

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@Diego_vizc @realdonaldtrump If the Supreme Court is part of the Deep State, then so is Trump--he appointed the last few, and they haven't done his bidding. If the Court is in on it, Trump is a villain as well.

( @sopokolo )
@TrumpaBumpa @Diego_vizc @realdonaldtrump all federal judges were forced to get the vaccine. Everyone vaccinated is under direct mind control by Joe Biden

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@sopokolo @Diego_vizc @realdonaldtrump If that's true, then Trump is also under the mind control of Biden, because he's had just as many boosters as Biden has. I guess Trump is a controlled asset after all.

( @terranceD )
@Diego_vizc @realdonaldtrump Of course they are ! why do you think they overturned Roe vs Wade; it was to guarantee a midterm win for Dems with 90% of women's votes...They are as evil as the rest of government, and half of them are probably on adenochrome as well...

( @Janiek13 )
@realdonaldtrump ungrateful donkeys, every one. Although, I'm surprised at Justice Clarence Thomas. No matter, if they can look at your perfect tax returns, then we can look at Barry Sotero's and all his aliases.

David Duke #racist

Former KKK leader David Duke came to the defense of one of his political idols Tuesday, blaming Donald Trump’s legal problems over his scandal-plagued Trump University on a new culprit.

“Jewish agent” Wolf Blitzer and the Jewish-owned media.

Pointing out “the Jewish establishment knows all about psychology,” Duke went on to explain that they have the ability to “marshal up an army of Jews” to go after opponents like Trump by sending out experts to attack him.

Duke cast a wide net, including Chris Wallace from Fox News, CNN’s Jake Tapper as well as Blitzer from CNN, who Duke claims he has already exposed as a “Jewish agent from AIPAC.”

Duke went on to point out that CNN is run by “Jewish extremist” Jeff Zucker, helpfully noting that Zucker has said “he lives and breathes Israel.”

‘They’re the ones who have been attacking Trump,” Duke continued, “And most recently Fox News, the shabbat goy shiksa Megyn Kelly, because they love to have some gentile — they don’t always want all the Jews out front. She recently criticized Trump, the fact that he said this judge isn’t fair. This Mexican judge. This Mexican-descended judge.”

Duke went on to criticize Judge Gonzalo Curiel, noting his affiliation to several Hispanic lawyers groups before adding, “You couldn’t even imagine someone being a member of the European-American National Bar Association. In fact there isn’t one, it wouldn’t be allowed. That would be called ‘racist.'”

Steven R. #fundie #wingnut

Amy Coney Barrett is a papist Supreme Court justice nominated by wicked fake Christian Donald Trump to replace communist Zionist Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Barrett has admitted she wishes to “build the kingdom of God” as a judge which means she wants to force genuine Christians to worship her false gods inclining but not limited to Mary and the Pope.

Liberals have been worried about Barrett wishing to overturn the barbaric Roe v. Wade and overturning the abominable Obamacare that had led to more deaths and the government funding of “sex change” operations even though in her confirmation hearing Barrett has admitted she does not wish to do away with Obamacare or Roe. She also got flak for saying the term “sexual preference” to note how homosexuality is indeed a choice, but once questioned about it she rolled over like a weak milquetoast liberal like Neil Gorsuch in promoting the homosexual agenda. Barrett is yet another lackluster liberal like Gorsuch or John Roberts.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

I know the game they're playing. Either they're taking cash bribes directly into offshore accounts... or it's laundered through offshore charities... or through corrupt offshore countries like Ukraine... or through illegal campaign contributions... or the bribes are doled out to family members or trusted friends of the politicians and government officials to keep them one step removed. One thing is clear: Our nation has been sold out.

There's only one way to find out: LIE DETECTOR TESTS.

The politicians will refuse. They'll say these tests are "unreliable." Let's turn the tables on them. I found out recently that Navy SEALs are forced to take random lie detector tests several times a year to detect if they've shared top-secret information with spouses, family or friends. If they fail the test, they're instantly fired.

If the government accepts the results of lie detector tests as proof enough to fire Navy SEALs, then "we the people" accept the results to fire the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. From now on, either take the lie detector test, or in the words of Donald Trump, "You're fired!"

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Donald J. Trump #wingnut

( Marjorie Taylor Greene )

The Biden Crime Family has never produced anything their entire lives.

The only thing they ever sold is the power and influence of VP Joe Biden in a corrupt influence peddling scheme.

Now President Trump is being arrested in an attempt to interfere in the 2024 election.

( Donald J. Trump )
Biden and his family steal Millions and Millions of
Dollars, including BRIBES from foreign countries,
and I'm headed to D.C. to be ARRESTED for
VENUE, UNFAIR JUDGE. We are a Nation in
Decline. MAGA!!!

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
This Election was a disgrace, everything was geared by Republicans toward Election Day and then, when it finally came around, the Republican machines were systematically broken. They should at minimum redo the Arizona Election.

( @dg54321 )
@realdonaldtrump Talk talk talk. Whine whine whine. Go shit your drawers and pretend you're anything but controlled opposition you weak faggot.

( @shitkimchi )
@dg54321 @realdonaldtrump Jewsa society is a complete failure shame of faggots africans lgbt mafia trans pedos rednecks and cowards. a bunch of criminals aggressors and losers who die for israel. have been ethnically replaced by africans and hispanos. arlington is a shameless shithole. a place of criminals and losers. criminal grandparents who died for the israel mafia. a complete shithole of lies deception and useful idiots. jewsa is the land of the Holohoax lie. 911 done by israel and everyone keeps quiet. if the criminals from jewsa who attacked germany and japan then would see jewsa now they die in an instant: a communist shithole ruled by israel and by the lgbt pedophilia mafia, a land completely racial ethnic replaced. communist education fag children pedophiles rule the jewsa, negros and hispanos are the majority now. tv channels and press controlled by israel. a total communist and finished land. most of central south american countries are far better now than the jewsa in all aspects. usa is a finished shit. a communist shitplace like china. the jewsa stars criminal flag are communist israeli stars. just a criminal wasteland without sovereignty controlled by israel.

( @sailboat22 )
@realdonaldtrump traitorous swine rigged and stole 2020 and 2022
Punishment for treason is death. All those involved at any level must be hanged by the neck until dead!

( @14W )
@realdonaldtrump Antiwhites never cease in their unethical behavior.

( @Cdust42 )
@realdonaldtrump No shit ! We already know their was cheating just like in 2020 .Biden is not the president!!

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