
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Zhou Chang-Xing and latincell #racist #sexist incels.is

[ Zhou Chang-Xing ]

This dating site doesn't include Slavs as "Europeans" (another Slavpill)


Slavic and Latin people are Europeans, but because their SMV is much lower they're categorised as different peoples. Your SMV decides your ethnicity, if your sub-race is seen as uglier then you're not allowed to be categorised into the more desired group.

This is also why Jungle Gooks are categorised separate from other Gooks.

[ latincell ]

if your sub-race is seen as uglier then you're not allowed to be categorised into the more desired group

This!! My father’s side of the family are all blonde Ashkenazi stuck up Jews. My father’s niece has called me an Schwartze before, fuck that gigastacy dog cock slurpin yarmulke wearing cunt

Latin refers to spics

In America it also refers to people from the Iberian Peninsula because Amerimutts are so dumb they don't think that Spanish people are white.

Will your father's niece date a 5'5, balding sand?

Strictly JBW/Ashkenazi dudes. Her dad’s name is literally “Chad”

Ramona Bessinger #racist #wingnut legalinsurrection.com

I’m a Teacher Who Blew the Whistle on CRT in Schools, Suffered Retaliation, but Now I’ve Prevailed

On July 13, 2021, I blew the whistle at Legal Insurrection on how a new Critical Race curriculum in the Providence, Rhode Island, middle school where I taught was creating racial hostility, turning students and staff against me because I was white, and turning students against their country.

My students, almost all of whom were minority, started calling me “America” because I was white — You are America, they would say, we are not. How could I keep silent seeing what the Critical Race curriculum was doing to the students and our society?

What followed was a year of retaliation, harassment, intimidation, and involuntary transfer to another school where there was no teaching position for me. I was forced to spend a year alone in a windowless empty school basement resource room, as students and staff passed by and gawked at me like I was some strange caged zoo animal, audibly mumbling how I was that ‘racist’ teacher they had been warned about.

I am emerging from the basement victorious, with a full-time regular classroom assignment. I am unbowed, and more committed to fighting the CRT scourge than ever before.

I filed grievance after grievance not willing to let the school department win. Blowing the whistle on this racialized, anti-American and most harmful curriculum was and still is an important story to tell. Over the past two years, I have seen a disturbing and frightening radicalization of the school curriculum, in which race became the central focus, with heavy emphasis on oppressor-oppressed narratives. The result was increased racial tension in school, particularly directed against me as a “white” teacher both from students and other teachers.

The Providence School District management have essentially replaced the study of American history with a mutated version that is nothing more than woke, racist propaganda intended to inject the politics of “white supremacy” and to apply the canard of systemic racism to the past, airbrushing white historical figures from factual American history and changing their race to Black or Asian.

Ben Sullivan #racist #wingnut amren.com

How the Left Exploits Ignorance

Their ideas blend together in the public consciousness and create an inaccurate view of history that portrays the population of sub-Saharan Africa as victims.

Today’s students cannot correctly place the Civil War, World War I, or World War II within 50 years of their actual occurrence. Some teachers are no better. A fellow graduate student once told me how excited she was to teach her class Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States.

Zinn’s anti-white book is widely used, but even Stanford University has an article on its biases. Any serious historian who has read it would find it laughable. For example, it assumes the American colonists were anti-Indian because of simple racism. In fact, in King Philip’s War, which broke out just 55 years after the Mayflower arrived, tribal animosities were the main cause. The colonists aligned themselves with the Mohegans, Pequots and Mohawks against the Wampanoag, Nipmuc, and Narragansetts.

Many students believe Africa is weak because Europeans colonized and looted it. I hear this so often that I ask students to pull out their phones and search for the dates of African colonization. It did not start until after slavery had ended in the United States. Why was Africa weak until then?

Another problem for Prof. Diamond is that West Africans were involved in trade during the late Roman Empire. The Ghanian Empire, as it is called today, was a major commercial hub. Even if draft animals had not been domesticated in Africa, Africans could have traded for them.

Also, colonization was partially spurred by the American Civil War. The North’s naval blockade of the South led the Spanish and French to begin vying for power in Indochina as a way to get raw materials instead of backing the Confederacy.

The obvious reason for black Africa’s backwardness is low average IQ, for which there is overwhelming evidence.

Is there any sub-Saharan country where blacks are better off than they are in the United States? No. Does having a black teacher improve black grades? No.

Making scapegoats of Europeans for black failure makes it impossible for our country to understand the problem, much less try to solve it.

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #crackpot operationdisclosureofficial.com

Watch out for the water: this week the streets of Washington DC were inundated with floods without it raining, which was an odd occurrence. Trump literally appeared to be draining the swamp by blasting the DUMB tunnels buried two miles under Capitol Hill. These tunnels were connected to a network of underground tunnels in the United States and around the world.
“Drain the Swamp” by Trump wasn’t just a slogan …. He determined it! … DUMB’s, Tunnels, Underground Cities, Bio-laboratories, Torture Chambers, Clone facilities, Foreign occupation troops.
TRUTH: Explosion at the Beirut Port months ago was aimed at DUMB Bio-Anlage / ARMS
Every leader in the world President, Prime Minister, King or Queen must STAND DOWN. This includes President Trump. Don’t worry, he will be back.
Once he makes it official (His big decision coming) then we have to have elections within 120 days. It is here where we elect governments 10% the size of what we have now. We will never have Democrat vs Republican or Liberal vs Labour again. Under GESARA we get scrubbed back to original constitutions and sitting leaders will be in power for as long as they want, til death or they do wrong. If they do wrong by the people they get removed by Military.
Draw a line from the Vatican to the Rothschilds Banking System (Central Banks & Federal Reserve) The Rothschilds own the Vatican and it’s bank.
We have a massive Operation in Europe called Operation Defender Europe. This started on March 17 2020.
This is taking control of the Vatican, it’s Mafia’s and seizing all of the Rothschilds Central Banks.
So you can write down three dates here: Mid 2019 or the dates of Vatican raids; November 2019 Royal Assets Stripped; Feb 2020 Brexit.
The Royal Family controls the Intel agencies. This includes Israeli Mossad and Saudi Arabia.
It was these guys and the German Bush/Scherff Family that created 9/11 attack on the USA to stop NESARA/GESARA and created another depopulating/Opium and Oil controlling war.

State Duma Defense Committee's head Andrey Kartapolov #wingnut #racist #psycho reddit.com

There are many problems over there [in Ukraine], for sure. A lot has to be restored, rebuilt from scratch, but the biggest problem today is people. These are also children and children are the very category that was the most mistreated by the Banderite Nazi scumbags, who simply brainwashed them. If we want these territories to be with us, for them to have a future as part of the Russian Federation, we shouldn't be concentrating on veterans first, although everyone is having a hard time. We need to deal with the children. Perhaps in our Suvorov's, Nakhimov's cadet schools, there could be additional enrollment and we could send these kiddies there.
Maybe Moscow's higher educational institutions, and others in the country, should reserve additional spots for students who could be placed on a budgetary basis, in free dormitories. Today, they can't pay anything for their education. Nonetheless, we have to do this because then people will believe that we're serious and Russia is here for a long time - forever.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


spoilerIf you put 1 black guy in a prison cell with 20 white guys he will be fine.
If you put 1 white guy in a prison cell with 20 black guys he will NOT be fine.
This is basically in a nutshell what what all white people are facing all over the world.

With one you have a black guy.
With two you have a couple of niggers.

@ArmchairEconomist black men are only tough when they have their tribe behind them...by themselves they’re cowards.

All blacks in prison should be sent to Africa the land of their ancestors, where they belong. Blacks in prison exceed 42%.

The sad thing is that the white guy will probably get raped too. Low impulse control and they will literally fuck anything.

@ArmchairEconomist And that's exactly what created the Aryan Brotherhood.


@Dom555 @ArmchairEconomist It happened way before that and replace the word DEMOCRATS with the word "Jews."

@ArmchairEconomist when these cucks say "not all blacks are bad" we know that. We are talking about being in a majority white setting vs a majority black setting.


@ArmchairEconomist Even the black guy knows it. But we're supposed to pretend to not see the elephant in the room.

@ArmchairEconomist I had a Hmong/Thai co-worker tell me he'd rather live in a white man's world than a black man's world...pretty much for a similar reason.


David Guyll #racist #homophobia archive.ph

All you need to do to refute the shit spewing out of Eric's mouth is look at the books: blacks are overrepresented, as are non-human races.

One writer (a term I use as loosely as SJWs throw around Nazi) pledged to push homosexuality in every product, a practice he thinks is both unconventional and progressive despite homosexuality being pushed in everything else. They hire to check off diversity boxes instead of talent and skill (and boy oh boy does it show), and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they covertly engaged in discriminatory hiring practices.

If WotC were really trying to push a straight, white agenda, for starters they would at least somewhat properly represent skin color, and go out of their way to ensure that every NPC is straight (regardless of whether or not it matters to whatever terrible adventure they're pushing).

For a secret Christian agenda you'd have angels looking like Christian angels. You'd have references to Christian angels and demons. You wouldn't be able to play wizards at all (or druids or warlocks). There would be inherent benefits for being religious, and only the Christian God would be acceptable.

It's almost as if WotC is bending over backwards to pander to every demographic but Christians (and normal people in general).

Various commenters #wingnut #sexist #racist gab.com

Morbidly obese women are significantly less likely to conceive, so honestly you probably shouldn't worry about it... ma'am?

@SomeBitchIKnow This too...... (lol)

@SomeBitchIKnow BS that’s a black man’s dream girl….low self esteem easily manipulated, pops out a couple brats shes his forever…

@SomeBitchIKnow you are right no one fucks the fatties.

@SomeBitchIKnow L, usually I agree with you - but that right there is a prime candidate to conceive lots of fine mixed-race babies.

@Junk_Silver @SomeBitchIKnow except for her being gay... or whatever variation of gay she "identifies" as

@Jdhudson11b @SomeBitchIKnow For the right brother she'll suddenly become bi - trust me on that one!

@SomeBitchIKnow Less likely to conceive because she is so unhealthy fat, or because most men won’t want to touch her? either way, I guess you’re right. She probably doesn’t need to worry about it. 🤷‍♀️

@SomeBitchIKnow 'Gay' and 'needs abortion' are oxymoronic...
This is patent Children of Satan rebellion against Christianity. You cant get more blatant.

@SomeBitchIKnow Negros stick their dicks in anything that moves. Just roll her in flour and look for the wet spot

@SomeBitchIKnow Notice how they all seem to fit the same profile? Fat, ugly, self loathing and full of hate. Because no one wants anything to do with them. Their solution? Become worse.

@SomeBitchIKnow What right-thinking, self-respecting guy would even come close to that?!?!

@SomeBitchIKnow That shirt makes no sense. Gay people who can’t conceive are supposed to pay money to women who had sex with men to murder the baby that’s the result of their fornication?

@SomeBitchIKnow Let the left abort themselves into non existence. I’m pro-life, but not afraid to say that it would definitely be for the greater part of humanity.

Aton via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #magick #ufo #conspiracy #racist #homophobia fourwinds10.com


I come this day that ye shall be given to recognize of My pres­ence. I Am! I AM the LAW, the TRUTH, and the WORD. You need no burning bushes nor snakes into the staff--nor do you need blazing wheels in the cosmos. Hear Me clearly, chil­dren, for you who have been misled into the comers of darkness and into behaviors which have unbalanced your planet and soiled the place.
I have sent My Hosts to give Truth unto you of the planet Earth (Shan) and I have sent the WORD and until the ending of the cycle so shall it be thus. You have no way to know of the "time" which might be given unto you to find your way into the lighted path of Godly behavior and Truth.
I have watched and waited as you have taken Truth and turned it into lies. I have watched as those of the evil adversary have la­beled themselves as MY CHOSEN PEOPLE and called them­selves "Jews" which never was of Me nor of My people. My children of Judea were blessed and, when you failed, the pun­ishment was great for you lost your relationship with the Christed beings sent to set you to right direction as you turned Him and those who were sent with Him away--as you clung unto the adversary of My lighted teachers.
How can you believe and accept one thing from Hatonn and dis­card that very portion which allows your immortal soul transi­tion into the glorious realms of higher dimension? Is the infer­ence, somehow, that if you have experienced the things which are against the Laws of God and The Creation that you are doomed and lost forever? Do not be foolish--all done in IGNO­RANCE is instantly forgiven as TRUTH IS NOTED AND FOLLOWED. As in the "homosexual" participant in any rela­tionship--you turn from the placement of your parts of procre­ation or that which was purposed for speech into the places of fecal expulsion. Is that so very difficult to attain in truth? Is that act a true expression of your caring LOVE of another be­ing?

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

(Bobby E)

A reggae band from Switzerland was canceled in the middle of a concert after attendees complained about “cultural appropriation” by white members of the group who have dreadlocked hair, according to reports.

Bern City Councilman Tom Berger weighed in on the controversy, saying, “Let’s be honest. If you feel ‘uncomfortable’ because white people make reggae music, could it be that YOU are the problem…?”

In this case I agree with the blacks. Whites should never copy any black behavior or music or fashion. Stop denigrating yourself when whites have nicer hair and better culture than these blacks.

(Jeff Coffey)
I completely agree that Whites copying blacks in anything is absolutely pathetic and usually a disaster to behold, but if some White wants to look like a tool, he should be able to.

In 2016, a white student at San Francisco Student University was physically detained by two black students over his dreadlocks. He filed charges but dropped them. There was a subsequent campus debate about cultural appropriation. Most students agreed accosting the white guy was wrong, and that he had a right to wear whatever hairstyle he wanted, but were divided about whether white should wear dreads out of respect.

In hindsight, it all sounds so civil. I can't imagine how this scenario would play out in 2022.

So let me get this straight - in a country where there is "systemic racism", black men are "hunted" by police, and White Supremacists are the biggest danger in our society, two black students "physically detained" a white student because they didn't like his hair? Something is not adding up....

Ah yeah self righteous Germanics. They are offended in the name of blacks (who are like 0.2 percent of population), but have no problem bad mouthing other Europeans who live in Switzerland.
Typical bored white liberals with their performative outrage, and just like blacks they suffer from chronic ''looks at me'' syndrome.

Matthew Belanger #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut dailymail.co.uk

FBI accuses former US Marine of planning 'rapekrieg' series of attacks against white women as part of Neo-Nazi plot to boost America's Caucasian population

Matthew Belanger was arrested on July 10 in New York and was accused of hiring somebody to purchase an assault rifle for him

Belanger was discharged from the Marines in 2021 after he was found to be associated with the neo-Nazi group called Rapekrieg

The Rapekrieg manifesto details plans to 'engage in widespread homicide and sexual assault' to reconfigure America's racial make-up

They plotted to rape white women to try and bolster America's Caucasian population and ensure that it outnumbers minority groups

Those findings were a part of Belanger's involvment in a neo-Nazi organization known as Rapekrieg, which prosecutors said has 'overlapping beliefs and membership with other neo-Nazi groups such 'Rapewaffen' and 'Atomwaffen.'

A Rapekrieg manifesto cited in the court documents espouses about 'rape ideology' being an 'effective tool' defeating its enemies, which largely consists of Jews and minorities. The manifesto describes seeking to bring about a 'first world collapse' in which people who have 'any doubts about being able to pull the trigger on a Jewish child' will not be strong enough to remain in the organization. It talks about 'brainwashing' women and forcing them to become dependent on men as they are used for breeding white people and purifying the world.

'To be successful in this battle, the white man must learn to hate, seeing red the moment he lays eyes on a member of the race that has inflicted unspeakable horrors onto his people.'

Belanger and Rapekrieg associates from Long Island had purchased weapons and tactical gear, and discussed plans for attacked synagogues and women, including conducting surveillance on a synogogue and forming plans to attack it with molotov cocktails in 2019.

A source told prosecutors Belanger responded 'Good find' when a potential target for a rape-attack target - a high school girl who was photographed at a musical recital - was shared in a Rapekrieg chat group. A member of the group said 'Could possibly get her pretty easy rn,' and Belanger said 'I'm not on the mainland currently so no.'

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Cry of Racism is actually a denial of participation in Racial Civil War"]

Just as any animal would never think of other animals to be “racist”, even among its own species, an animal instinctively understands that any potential outsider is a threat to its territorial grounds and its desire to breed[…]
People who cry about Racism are actually weakened shadows of their own Racial People from yesterday, because instinctively, Men of their own tribe[…]do not blame other races for being “racist”[…]
It is a complete joke that people of the era we live in think that they will somehow eradicate “racism”[…]real problem is that they do not recognize what a Race is, and the fact that Race is a Sub-species

Even Birds recognize their is a pecking order among themselves[…]
The fact that there is discussion or debate, or such open dialogue in our times that Barbarians can so openly and freely debate and discuss these topics, is a sign of chronic decline and peril[…]
Inferiors always know they are Inferior, and the only people who want to deny that some races are naturally inferior, are people who reject nature

It doesn’t matter what an Inferior speaks of, or professes that he believes, because when things come down to the most basic levels and needs of survival, the Inferior will always demonstrate their character of savagery[…]
Make no mistake, many European People are Barbarians too, it’s not just Non-Caucasians

If you are not of Pure Greek [Hellenic], Pure Roman or Pure Germanic Descent, you are a Barbarian, and you will always be a Barbarian[…]
Today, you should be answering to a German Conqueror, and it is for this same reason that even under artificial edifices and institutions in the EU for example, Germany is still looked at as the Center[…]
True Germans are not afraid to be Racist, or to correct and influence something over a Barbarian at any time, for any reason

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Any republican candidate who stops short of calling for deportations is setting you up for amnesty.

@Halp but muh based Mexican lady.... Who will 100% hate white people and push communism. " She is going to win a d+16 district, this is great" says the same fucking people who said obama was a moderate that would decrease racial tension.

I hate the gop so much, all they ever do is whatever Democrats want them to.


Like that Mexican broad in Texas, the first female Mexican Republican, who voted for amnesty for her family and friends.
She's another lying pol.

@Halp Every single illegal who came across our border must be rounded up and deported no questions asked from every city and town in this country day 1 of Trump’s next term!!!!! Beat the bushes, stop and frisk, hunt them all down and send these thugs and rapists and drug gangs and criminals back to Mexico!!!! This must be done and stop giving them money, benefits, medical, jobs, housing, anything!!!!! That’s TAXPAYER’S MONEY FUNDING ILLEGAL ACTIVITY!!!!!

Deportation should also include the children of people who came here illegally.

@Halp If the Latino vote flips to R, then the RINO whores will lineup to service Latinos.

@Garyt67 @Halp This is one both parties are our enemy. We must organize and save ourselves.

Why do these morons keep using the term "RINO"?
I've seen every Republican called a RINO at one time or another. They are kike controlled faggots and so are those that vote for any of them.

@Halp Deportation is the only way to assure these turds won't return. If Jose and Marisela (and their anchor craps) are booted out, after frittering away their life savings to get here, others turds will take heed and never make the trip.

Of course, that will never happen. Or not likely to happen, thanks to small hat wearing "friends", who are now going full blown with their kalergi plan

@Halp they will “call for” deportations until the cows come home. Calling for things is meaningless. We need to actually do.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Welcome home President Trump!

Thank you for laying out the America First agenda for all Republicans to follow.

We will Make America Great Again by:

- Unleashing law enforcement
- Protecting kids from the sexual predators
- Keeping men out of women’s sports
- Securing the border
- Deporting illegals
- Sending drug dealers to death row
- Reviving American energy independence
- Receiving respect from our allies
- Instilling fear in our enemies

Turncoat Jew Cunt...100%

@Marticus @repmtg America First now means Whites last.

@repmtg Yeah, no thanks on that first point. We've already seen what the communist bootlickers are willing to do.

@repmtg Are we really going to fall for the fake billionaire populist psyop again in Trump (Zionist shill)?

• Banned bump stocks by executive order.
• Approved of red-flag gun laws without due process.
• Assigned Fauci to Covid-19 task force.
• Started the lockdowns on non-essential small businesses for Prep Act countermeasures.
• Rubber stamped Operation Warp Speed experimental vaccines.
• Signed executive order 13887 to support Big Pharma vaccines for campaign financial backing.
• Pardoned an Israeli Mossad spy instead of Julian Assange.
• Funded liberal governors with incentives to mask and restrict freedom of movement.
• Did not indict the Clinton crime family as promised.
• Facilitated Big Pharma regulatory capture at the CDC, FDA and NIH.


@repmtg what are you gonna do for White people? You know, the founding stock and builders of this nation who are being attacked in all facets of society and even replaced?

@repmtg and kissing Israel ass while we let jews take more control of the US.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist stillnessinthestorm.com

However, in a desperate attempt to impose medical martial law on the planet, the Khazarian Mafia is mounting a fierce counter-offensive by rolling out a massive bio-weapons attack. This means an international manhunt against top Khazarian Mafia agents will continue throughout the summer in order to prevent this from happening, multiple sources agree.
Behind the scenes, MI6 informed the Asian Secret Societies “If Zug, Switzerland, the root cause of all world terrorism, is not vaporized and indeed all of Switzerland and all connected with it either now or in the near future, we will end all East-West contact.” The source further warned, “If the so-called White Dragon Society cannot terminate a global filth column KM, we will take matters into our hands and that will be thermonuclear.”

There are a lot of people who are wondering why the area around Lake Geneva, Switzerland has not been hit already with a nuclear weapon. There are over 200 organizations there that hand out passports that give people immunity from prosecution anywhere on earth. Who gave them that right?
An Asian secret society source based in South East Asia says China is “very close to a full-blown rise up of the people. The banks taking the peoples’ money is the final straw after the Covid BS had already left them seething.” The government in Beijing was already forced to cancel mandatory vaccines within 48 hours after a massive backlash.
The international planetary liberation alliance has told the Chinese communist party to back off. “Watch the water and watch the 3 Gorges Dam,” a secret space program source warns.

In any case, the entire world is waking up to the fact the Western-dominated unipolar world order is “becoming a brake on the development of our civilization,” says Russian presidential Avatar Vladimir Putin.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Case for Christian Nationalism"]

Mike Pence was on FOX News giving a speech somewhere. He was going on about freedom and how “the Left is dumping toxic waste into the headwaters of our culture.”[…]
I thought to myself… isn’t this the whole issue though? How can you have a healthy Christian culture when Jews, atheists and other modernists who hate Christianity and who relish subverting Christian cultural norms are in control of the commanding heights of our institutions? Don’t these people have the freedom to control Hollywood and the entertainment industry, Big Tech, the mainstream news media and the universities? Don’t they have the right to poison the minds of Christian children? Isn’t it “anti-Semitic” to notice that this is going on and to complain about these blessings of liberty like pornography?

There is nothing new about this. Jews have been raining down cultural shit on Christians like this for well over a century now since they created Hollywood and the ACLU[…]Jews got so accustomed to doing this and getting away with it that they just kind of assumed that the liberal consensus which has crippled Christian resistance would hold forever[…]
Donald Trump’s greatest accomplishment was demolishing Conservatism, Inc. which is why I backed him in the first place[…]
Rachel Maddow explained on her show last night that Christian nationalism was created by Gerald L.K. Smith[…]
Christian nationalism, of course, was beyond the pale to the conservative liberals who were creating the mainstream respectable Right of the Cold War era[…]
The rise of Christian nationalism is a wonderful development because what Christian nationalists propose is seizing control of the government, the currency and cultural institutions from the people who are running them now and replacing them with Christians[…]
I salute the Christian nationalists. I support their movement to retake each of the Seven Mountains

Martyros #sexist #racist blackpill.club

Most incels are cucks

What I have noticed in all of these years on incel forums, is that the vast majority of incels are actually closet cuckholds who deserve their inceldom.

This may sound harsh of me to say, but I'm not saying this for the sake of sounding malevolent, it is simply an objective observation based on my analysis of the mainstream incel way of thinking.

According to the mainstream incel, you are an incel if you can't get laid with a foid. It sounds simple enough. But if you have a high-IQ, you will notice something extremely cucked about this definition.

This definition doesn't take into account what kinds of foids you can't get laid with. It puts all kinds of foids in one single box.

This implies in a very subtle manner, that all foids have the same worth, no matter what physical attributes they have.

Race, for example.
Curry, Nigger, Gook, Beaner, Aryan.

Prime JB, mid-20's roastie and 30+ gigaroastie.

Petite, middleweight, landwhale

Sub5 gretchen, Sub8 becky and 8+ stacy

Virgin(Perfect), 1+(Ew), 15+(Eeewwww)

According to the mainstream definition, you are incel NO MATTER what type of foids reject you.

So according to this definition, if you get with a Gook, who is mid-20's, middleweight and sub5, who has a bodycount of 15 +, then you're "no longer incel"

Is it just me or doesn't this sound extremely cringe and cucked?

Not only is this cringe and cucked, it's also cope and very delusional.

If I ever got with a foid like that, not only would I still be incel, but I would also be extremely miserable, knowing that I'm coping with a subhuman foid.

Every man in the world knows what he truly desires, a VIRGIN, ARYAN, JB FOID.

This is the only true way of ascending. It's the only thing that will truly make you proud of yourself, and live a healthy and fulfilling life.

If I "ascended" with a fat, gook foid who had a massive bodycount and was sub5 PSL, I would end up roping because of the shame and humilliation of knowing that I couldn't get a prime, virgin aryan jb. And had to settle for such a monstrosity.

But according to your average, faggot, soyboy, mainstream "incel", I would be a "fakecel normie who ascended'

What a sick fucking joke.

This is why I'm glad that most incels are roping. They rope because stupid, disgusting, low-value foids don't want them.


Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Nationalist isn’t a bad word. It means you care about your country.


spoileryou will be called a Nazi no matter how hard you cuck.
so wear it like a boss.

@repmtg What about National Socialism? That is the BEST form of government! ✋😎

@repmtg Racist is a good word too. It means you care about your race.

@JohnsSaW @repmtg Well, that's what "nationalist" actually means, too. Nation does not equal country. The word "nation" comes from "natal"... it's entirely based on bloodlines and heritage.

So in short, to be nationalist is to be racist. Sadly, MTG is not really a nationalist, because she doesn't even know what that word means, and chooses instead to believe in the oxymoronic abomination known as """civic nationalism""".

@repmtg I am a proud White Nationalist.

@repmtg That's not actually what Nationalist means. A patriot is loyal to his country. A Nationalist is loyal to his people. The only time it's the same is in a racially homogenous society. Is that what you're fighting for Marjorie? Yeah, I didn't think so.

@repmtg I am white and I am a nationalist, therefore I am a white nationalist. People keep calling me racist and Nazi for loving my country should be careful because I just might decide to embrace it. Imagine if all the white people in America decided they didn't give a fuck what all the minorities thought of them.

@OneBigMaga @repmtg Embrace it. I recommend EUROPA the Last Battle it's an excellent Documentry that will open your eyes to what's truly happening to Western Nations. Hitler was fighting the same Evil that's destroying America today

Nationalist means you are pro-White! Be proud to be White and American 🇺🇸 👍🏻

flyingtigercomics #dunning-kruger #racist douglasernst.blog

{from 2014}

Clever propaganda is the most dangerous propaganda of all. Going into this odious exercise in islamic propaganda, the creators knew the real challenge was to humanize the face of the enemy of civilization. The inhuman angle, the “they’re just like us” angle, the use of a teenage girl character (“what kind of MONSTER would attack this character”) is just so much taqiyya.

In a future age when islam and its puppetmasters are crushed, perhaps the time will be right for an islamic fake character like this. Until then, it belongs in the same pile of twaddle as all the other right-on attempts at propaganda.

The long march through the institutions has clearly included the institution of American cultural icons such as four-color reading material and this is a serious situation. Mind control by any other name.

Let its time be cut short; let its place be taken by another.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Californians and Other Americans Are Flooding Mexico City. Some Locals Want Them to Go Home


Fernando Bustos Gorozpe was sitting with friends in a cafe here when he realized that — once again — they were outnumbered.

“We’re the only brown people,” said Bustos, a 38-year-old writer and university professor. “We’re the only people speaking Spanish except the waiters.”

Endless "racism," "colonialism," etc. mentioned.

Now they know how we feel.
We get illegal aliens. They get 'upscale,' White leftists who live in Starbucks.

Now they know how we feel when their lowlife take over our towns and cities, drive drunk and kill our people, or just plain murder folks. And I, for one, am sick of hearing Spanish everywhere I go. I resent being told to press 'ocho' for Spanish.

The townspeople are complaining that decent law-abiding white people are moving to their city, spending money locally, and raising the quality of life. White people here are a tad more concerned about the murder, drugs, rape, child abuse, drunk driving and....littering that their rejects bring here freely.

White people will do anything to get away from blacks, including, moving to one of the most dangerous cites in the world.

(Francis Galton)

“That’s unfair,” he said. “If we go to the U.S., we’re expected to speak English.”

Yes! But you don’t speak English. Now you know how Americans feel.

Let me know when you call a business in Mexico, and the recording tells you to press 1 for Spanish and 2 for English.

(American Plague)

Some locals are fed up. Recently, expletive-laced posters appeared around town.

“New to the city? Working remotely?” they read in English. “You’re a f—ing plague and the locals f—ing hate you. Leave.”

Now they know how we feel, with the exception that I'd bet that these GRINGOS are not expecting Mexican taxpayers to put a roof over their heads and give them welfare and food stamps.

(Hobbit Supremacist)
Ha! They should move to L.A. or the California Central Valley. They will hear Spanish all day long. In fact, even when I go to the supermarket up here in Vancouver, WA, I hear Spanish and Slavic languages more than English.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

When I got this email Monday, I was slightly unnerved. It was a reminder that banks can wipe you out any time they want.

They weren't going to post my balance any more. But rest assured, the money is still there and they will continue to charge fees.

What was the purpose of this? I didn't ask. I closed the account.

While waiting to pick up my bank draft, I browsed through the three brochures on display.

One showed a black guy. Another an inter-racial marriage, and a third showed a mixed race family.

Banks are Rothschild franchises, much like McDonald restaurants are McDonald franchises. McDonald's product is a hamburger. The banks' product is Cabalist fairy dust, produced out of thin air and charged to our national credit cards, finagled by the world central banking cartel.

We know the Rothschilds' plans for humanity. That's why banks promote migration, miscegenation and gender dysphoria.

The Rothschilds' WEF is also behind the COVID hoax, vaccine passports and toxic gene therapy disguised as "vaccines."

Yes, we trust our "money" to people who want to eliminate our personal freedom, health, property and destroy our sexual, racial and national identity.


Blacks make up 3.5% of the Canadian population but are grossly over represented in all bank and other advertising.

First the Masonic Jewish bankers replace whites in advertising, then in the country at large.

Whites can be forgiven for thinking that, as customers, they are not welcome.

I don't blame Blacks or any other people for wanting to make a better life for themselves. My parents came to Canada in 1950 for that reason.

I do blame Rothschild shills for using these people to undermine racial cohesion in order to destroy national identity and divide and conquer.

Spider #ableist #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist incels.is

I dunno about a beta uprising, but -something- is going to happen within our lifetime.

Autism Statistics You Need To Know in 2022

Let's not be retarded here, autism doesn't exist. Anyone here could get an autism diagnosis if they really wanted to. Autism is just what the normies say we have because they can't comprehend that someone has the capability to be so socially retarded without there being something physically wrong inside your head. The fact that men are 4x as likely to get diagnosed is proof of this.

Supposedly we're on track to over half of kids being diagnosed by 2025 and only increase from there. Literally by definition it's not a disorder at that point, it's the norm. Here's another fun stat; only 5% of diagnosed autists ever find love and get married, despite the overwhelming majority wanting to have a relationship.

Combine those two and jesus fucking christ bros, we're on a runaway train towards critical mass here. I only used stats that are easy to prove, who the hell knows how many outliers like us there are.

Realistically I expect nothing to happen until the autistic generation who were raised by smartphones get to be voting age. Socially stunted losers aren't exactly going to cause a fuss and foids will be more than happy to keep fucking the top 20%. But honestly who knows, maybe the alt right will own the government and start killing jews and kikes again by that point.

retards don't produce offspring.

u right, good thing abortion is gone so all those staceys will be forced to birth autistic kids

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho #fundie stormer-daily.rw

[From "Anal Pope Fraudulently Claims White People Did “Evil” to Whale-Killing Eskimo Scum"]

Eskimo people are what’s evil. What they did to white people was evil. The only thing indigenous people did that was even remotely worthwhile was try to exterminate whales

The whales had it coming. But white Canadians were just trying to teach these ice niggers not to act like a bunch of goofy twerps

These fake Indian mass graves, and the implication that every Indian who ever died was like, beaten to death by a Catholic priest, is Greta Thunberg/Anthony Fauci tier

Frankly, Anthony Fauci should inseminate Greta Thunberg and then their child should be the new Pope


Pope Francis said on Sunday his trip to Canada next week will be a “pilgrimage of penance” that he hopes can help heal the wrongs done to indigenous people by Roman Catholic priests and nuns who ran abusive residential schools[…]

The Pope is evil

How do Catholics explain this?

I agree with basically all Catholic doctrin[…]But the issue is – I don’t understand how there can be an evil Pope[…]
I want to convert to Catholicism[…]but I do kind of feel like the Russians are right. Russian Catholicism is just Roman Catholicism without the Pope[…]
There is no tradition of Russian Catholicism in America, whereas all of our ancestors were Roman Catholics[…]Calvinism is the only real protestantism, and I fundamentally disagree with it. But if you’re a protestant and not a Calvinist, then you might as well believe in some kind of Seventh Day Adventist negro jive[…]
My only regret is that more Eskimos were not beaten to death, and that these lazy little rats couldn’t even manage to genocide whales

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerToday, and every day, PRAY to end abortion in America

@RealMarjorieGreene Pray for a congressperson who stands up for white people and white racial interests.

Hey @SanctusCrusader,

It looks like @REDPILLPORTAL and @Seeingclearly have common interests...

They're both faggots.

@RealMarjorieGreene Ending abortion means 4-5 times as many niggers being born, which means bigger versions of the Floyd summer, and faster racial replacement. But I'm not surprised that you would support this, you love Israel.

@RealMarjorieGreene Every Sunday it seems you post the same thing to pray for! Can we pray for something else. How about those J6ers, I bet they could use our prayers! Abortion has almost been eliminated by red states and all the praying in the world won't get the blue states to change. Can we just move on!

Surprised that you say that ,bc..." abortion is a jew right " , and you are ISRAEL FIRST

@Mikemiami76 @RealMarjorieGreene Abortion is only Jewish if it's white babies getting aborted, besides that abortion is actually great lol you anti semites are not fooling me 🤡

@RealMarjorieGreene I effing hate all you anti abortion idiots it was the only way to keep the nigger population under control, you have killed us MJT you effing dummy. Good job pushing the globohomo agenda of ending Whites you will be remembered as a traitor to your race and when the war starts you are on the list to be hung!!

@RealMarjorieGreene Abortiion is more necessary than ever to avoid such idiots like this one -- she did not "pray" to get money but makes good deals with shares of NWO corportations while letting you "pray" and starve -- and produce not aborted 70 % more unwanted negroes who will kill, rape, shoot YOU and not her in her Millionaires home

@WeirdRat @RealMarjorieGreene Pro abortion and racism go hand in hand, the founder of planned Parenthood knew that.

Viktor Orban #racist #wingnut #conspiracy dailynewshungary.com

“We [Hungarians] are not a mixed race, and we do not want to become a mixed race either” – this is what Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said during his address in Tusnádfürdo (Baile Tusnad), in Central Romania today

Beforehand, he slammed Western European countries and politicians for encouraging illegal migration and mixing their population. He said that Western-European cities were lost to the non-European population. Orbán argued that the West moved to Central Europe, suggesting that this region would be Europe’s future

He added that 2030 would be a turning point in Europe and the USA because that is when the EU and Washington will have to address the conflicts escalating in the 2020s

Addressing the Bálványos Summer University in Baile Tusnad (Tusnádfürdo), Romania, on Saturday, Orbán said the West was fighting against central Europe together with Brussels and financier George Soros’s “troops” to “force migrants on us”[…]
“Our situation has improved but there is still no turnaround, and without a turnaround, Hungary and the Carpathian basin will sooner or later be “repopulated” away from us,” he said. Migration has divided Europe, he said. “The West is split in two”, with one half comprising countries where European and non-European peoples live together. “Those countries are no longer nations”[…]
“In a spiritual sense, the West has moved to central Europe,” he said. The two halves of Europe are locked in a battle, he said. The West has rejected central Europe’s desire to allow each nation to live as they like“

Timothy Vorgenss #racist #wingnut amren.com

Progressives Don’t Stand for Progress

We should not accept the idea that we are conservative. We promote progress. We cannot be satisfied with delaying the victories of the so-called progressive left. This is not our mission.

To the extent that we are conservative, it is only in the service of progress. It is necessary to eliminate useless innovations that compete with useful ones. If I am undergoing surgery, I don’t want a strawberry-flavored anesthetic. I want an effective one.

Ethno-differentiation promotes security, social trust, and therefore productivity. This leads, among many other things, to better medical research, longer life expectancy, quality of life, quality of childhood, artistic achievements . . . . In fact, listing the benefits of separation could become an academic specialty.

Our discourse could become more effective if it were to change in ways we may not have considered. I’m not talking about being right. We are already right. I’m talking about winning the ideas game, of making competing ideas irrelevant.

Our opponents are the champions of broken promises. Why offer progress rather than a return to the past? Let us oppose liberals with a right-wing vision of progress. Perhaps a slogan like this: “Rich or poor, who would not prefer the crime rate of Tokyo rather than Chicago? No more broken progressive promises.”

We must invent identity progressivism. Our arguments might look like this: “We were making such progress. Women were just beginning to enjoy their rights, and now immigrants torment them. Why did you spoil it? Do you hate women? And why force LGBT people to suffer among groups that hate them?” The key is to say such things without irony or sarcasm.

This may not change the outcome of a particular conversation, but it is important to stop always condemning the future and holding up the past as a solution. In the popular mind, white advocacy must evoke words like “solution,” “future,” “progress,” “inevitable.”

Constant repetition establishes a center of gravity, a centripetal dynamic, and anchors a belief in people’s minds. Anchoring the correct beliefs in people’s minds is what we do.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

I couldn't give a flying fuck who was where before who.

We're here NOW.

OUR ancestors, WHITE PEOPLE, fought for this land and won it in blood, sweat, and tears. OUR PEOPLE forged the world's greatest superpower from a hostile wilderness that was previously inhabited by primitive subhuman savages who were still stuck in the stone age.

@Nature_and_Race mexicans were here before us.

@Nature_and_Race - Our ancestors settled this rugged landscape and built America from nothing. We are indigenous to the nation, Mexicans aren't.

@Valhalla_calling @Nature_and_Race I've always hated this entire concept that Americans have that we aren't "native" to our own country.

No matter your belief system, I don't think anyone believes that humans just spontaneously spawned all over the world simultaneously, so we all came from somewhere else at some point in history. Obviously most people use the metric of a "native" being a child of the race that built the nation and established its culture, not tracing genealogy all the back to Adam & Eve or some caveman.

If you are White and were born in America, then you are a native American. Those red people are just aborigines, simply the relic of a conquered race of people, and they did not built this country, they lost it to their superiors who did.

@foreverzer0 @Valhalla_calling @Nature_and_Race I think leaving any of the redskins alive was a mistake. Now they're just a broken shell and miserable reminder of what it looks like to be splintered into a thousand pieces.

@foreverzer0 @Valhalla_calling @Nature_and_Race Right. Ex-Siberian mongoloids that walked across the Bering Landbridge before it flooded out. They got dumber as they moved South, eating the megafauna into extinction. Too dumb to tame the horse that evolved here, they are them all.

@Nature_and_Race It never ceases to amaze me how people don't understand America as an entity did not exist until White people built it.

@Nature_and_Race there were no mexicans when Europeans arrived on the North American continent.
That’s how powerful Europeans are. We created a completely new species of human.
Our power is sometimes a curse

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Just like Jeremy Bentham, who we discussed previously, Karl Marx (1818 -1883) was yet another promoted, made man and lifetime actor. Like Bentham, there is no other way to analyze him other than personality, actions and personal life history, which appears Sabbatean and/or Luciferian.

The Marx persona was convoluted, twisted and chameleon-like, as if someone wrote a script and tried to bury any aspects that didn’t fit the contrived narrative. Incredibly, Marx is held in relatively high esteem around the world. Why?

His ideological socialist rival, Mikhail Bakunin, got the big picture about Marx in spades. Once again, we see the familiar pattern of an elite group putting forth pseudo-philosophies designed to enslave the general population so that they can be lorded over and looted bywhat some call “oligarchs.” We call them “kleptocrats” or the Crime Syndicate.
So Marx’s role was to use workers as “useful idiots” and blind tools, which they hoped to be able to manipulate. To carry on with their conspiracy in the name of the working class, they had to cultivate and shape all sorts of communist and socialist utopias. Marx hoped to exploit the jealousy of the stupid proletariat to enforce a hell on earth in which fear, suffering, terror and treason ruled supreme.
“The Communist Manifesto” published in London was probably largely ghost-written. It was a hodgepodge of previous thinking. Marx only further developed the ideas of Illuminist leaders Adam Weishaupt and Clinton Roosevelt. He cut and pasted the words of Utopian communist and Illuminati Francois Noel Babeuf (1760-1797) to show the way to the socialist (Illuminist) revolution.

For the record, I now believe the Illuminists were defacto Sabbeatean Frankists. Although the term “Illuminati” is useful, it’s a bit of a deflection.

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #fundie #magick operationdisclosureofficial.com

White Hat Intel:

The war between Dark and Light is the war between Satan and God, between the reptilian bloodline of Satan and the human bloodline of Jesus.
The revelation of the hijacking of scripture by Satan centuries ago. The light on this planet was dimmed by the false light of darkness. The snake entered the Garden of Eden and went undercover in the snake pit. The head of the snake was the Vatican, the body of the snake formed the Silk Road leading to Wuhan where it spread out it’s venom – hiding in the Snake pit in Israel, where Satanism hijacked parts of scripture and became the false light that fooled humanity in evil frequencies of fear, shame and guilt. Separated from God and the Love we all are. Separated by a small group who benefited from the controlling of the energies and the people. This small group the Satanic Elite, the Illuminati, the Cabal.
All the ROYAL families of Europe and the Baltic and Russian countries claim their ancestor as WOTAN or ODIN. WOTAN or ODIN was a PENDRAGON – SERPENT – SNAKE – REPTILIAN. 13 ROYAL families are REPTILIAN hybrids who are shape-shifters posing as HUMANS.
In 1855 ISIS was formed by Kings of Morocco & Libya [HASSAN Family] together with the Royal British family. They signed in the Mohameddi Law which was to Kill The Bloodlines of Jesus Christ [DRUZE]
Six years later they merged with Skull n Bones: Rothschilds, Schiff, Rockefellers, Scherff aka Bush, Kissingers, etc. Skull n Bones_ISIS Assassinated JFK.
1855 – ISIS Formed by Sanussi Family linked too UK Royals (Khazarians)
1861 – Merged with 322 Skull n Bones(Khazarians)
1870 – 1930 BIG PHARMA (Khazarian)
1871 Act of England(Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societies) Khazarians
1912 Titanic/Olympic Sinking (Who was onboard, what really happened)
1913 Federal Reserve
1917 – 1923 Bolshevic Revolution
1945 – 1959 Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird.
1948 – Israel Formed (Khazarian/Bolshevic Govt)
1949 – Mossad = CIA Formed

Anatoly Karlin #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #racist #wingnut unz.com

The Idiocy of the Average - and Why It Matters

Reasonably intelligent people (for instance, the readers of this blog) tend to overestimate how smart everyone else is. About half of Americans are unable to correctly read a table and do a simple addition/subtraction calculation. Such is the banal reality of the American high-90s average IQ, which is still a dozen points above the world average.

You might have a good general appreciation of the different average IQs of the world’s major regions and appreciate that national wealth depends largely on a population’s intelligence, but putting the two together is quite tricky.

PISA website has sample math questions from the 2012 assessment, with six different levels of difficulty. Hopefully, this will give us a better perspective on what average national IQ means in practice. And why seemingly minor differences between them are important and explain the vast bulk of international differences in GDP per capita and general socio-economic success.




Level 6


I suspect that many of you can do it in your heads within a minute. But a majority of all the tested teens begged to differ.

OECD average: 3% (!!). Korea: 12%, Japan: 8%, Germany: 5%. The US, Italy, Sweden, and Russia were all at 2%; the Mediterranean was at 1%.

Some countries where a big fat 100% (rounded up) were unable to do this problem: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Qatar, Tunisia, Uruguay.

The number of people at this level, the highest measured by PISA, is dwindling away into insignificance in Latin America and the Middle East.

According to Kremer/Jones, it is the relative strength of the O-Ring sector in the developed world which explains why a hairdresser earns five times as much in Belgium as in Brazil. Why is this O-Ring stronger in Belgium than in Brazil? Because in Brazil, only a tiny fraction of high school students can do anything much more complex than a simple, single-step arithmetic operation.

James Thompson #elitist #pratt #racist unz.com

World IQ 82


David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. The world’s global score is 82. This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich Mean Intelligence benchmark of IQ 100.

What does IQ 82 mean in practical terms?


There has been a lot of animus against country intelligence scores. As explained before, data quality varies between countries. You already knew that, because if countries really differ in intelligence, that will show in the way they conduct themselves. Some countries will do forward planning, and others will do less. Some will conduct regular censuses and surveys, and others won’t. Some countries may have people who are more willing to cheat than other countries.


Naturally, country level data may obscure regional differences, and caste, tribe, class and religious differences. These are matters of granularity. Some countries are homogenous as regards talent (China may be in this category) others are not (India).

Country IQs may explain how that country conducts its affairs. Intellectual assessments ought to have explanatory value, thus leading to greater wealth, and discrepancies need to be investigated and explained. Two main sources of economic discrepancy are tourism and natural resources: the presence of either can inflate economies which lack human capital.


This list is useful and you may find it worth printing out. It would fit nicely on the back of a door. Yes, it mixes environmental and genetic effects, but it gives you a rule of thumb as to what countries, on average, are capable of doing.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

To help guide White people back to their sense of racial consciousness.

To help reconnect White people with what it means to be White.

To do as much as I possibly can, with what very little I have.

What's your higher purpose? What are you actually striving for?

@Nature_and_Race Hopefully you're making progress. It is ridiculous that all races are allowed racial consciousness, except for your people. It is hypocrisy at its finest.


@Nature_and_Race being irish or english or german means something so we need to go back to ethnicity - white really does mean nothing - just like black means nothing to africans. black means something to slaves - but for white to mean something we have to realize we are slaves to the rothschilds - then say "and we are better than blacks" - which are two things "whites" aren't likely to do until ethnicity comes into it...

The only purpose of white people is to point the entire world to Jesus Christ

@Nature_and_Race wake White people up to the evils of the jew and to make them racially aware and realize that diversity is our weakness not our strength

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

You can have civilization or you can have diversity.

But you can't have both.

Wherever they go, they must nigg ✊🏿

@Nature_and_Race They do this everywhere they go...stores, restaurants, airports, shopping malls, etc. There's a video on Fox News today of a bunch of them fighting at Disney World. Wanna have a good laugh? Look up "fast food freakouts" on YouTube...tell me which demographic you see the most of in those videos. There's NO WAY these animals have ever, or could ever, be equal to us.

@Nature_and_Race If only they had more economic opportunities. A civil rights act, affirmative action, government assistance, housing vouchers, college tuition assistance, the end of Jim Crow, desegregation, being able to sit on the front of the bus, the ability to vote, the ability to own property, etc. Then maybe they would just be equal...

Best thing hotels and restaurants can do is refuse to do business with them. They’ve ruined what used to be a paradise resort city, Miami Beach, like so many other places/things. The only way this can happen is for White people to stop trying to include them everywhere as if including them is some sort of virtuous act. Stop inviting black speakers to events. Stop inviting black musicians. Stop playing their disgraceful music at your venue. Just stop associating w anything black and stop allowing it in your home or place of business.

This must happen before we can ever successfully separate ourselves from this rotgut, lowbrow, hedonistic, retarded and violent race.

@Nature_and_Race By the force of things lower races do not have the level to access our civilization which exceeds them in every point.

Niggers will be niggers.

Makes me want to watch the end of Zulu watch the niggers get wrecked

Roosh V #fundie #sexist #racist rooshv.com

[From "Why Do You Consume Secular Content?"]

At risk of reproaching fellow Christians, I am continually surprised by how much secular content they consume. From Facebook to TikTok, from Hollywood movies to pop music, I suspect the average Christian is bombarding his soul with several hours of secular content per week. Do they not know that this consumption may be separating them from God and weakening their faith?

When I first returned to God in the spring of 2019, I was wholly immersed in secular culture. I made several Twitter posts a day (usually about politics or the misbehavior of women), listened to popular music, watched movies, consumed all manner of YouTube videos, and read self-help books[…]
It is three years going and I’m still tapering myself off secular content—that’s how entwined it was into my life[…]
First I quit the modern music, rationalizing that “oldies” was okay, but an examination of their woman-idolizing lyrics revealed that oldies wasn’t safe either[…]
May I ask you why you consume the creations of non-Christians, of those who don’t live by Christ, of those who don’t glorify Him?[…]Why do you watch movies produced and directed by Jews who hate Lord Jesus Christ and view abortion as a sacrament?[…]
I’ve since become highly averse to reading, watching, or listening to anything that is produced by someone who does not have a knowable or visible Christian faith. If I get weak and think such content will edify me, perhaps because the non-Christian is “intelligent,” I ask myself how intelligent are they really if they don’t worship their very own Creator in the Church that He built[…]
It’s a mistake to believe that Orthodox Christianity is merely a lifestyle add-on that has a slot in your life alongside many other lifestyles. Orthodoxy is the lifestyle

John C. Wright #racist #fundie #pratt archive.ph

Note that Moorlockery, Social Justice, Postmodernism, Postrationalism, Self-Important Holier-Than-Thou Jabberwocky, Cultural Marxism, Coprophagy, or whatever you want to call this moral and mental disease that has corrupted our society not only destroys comic books (Female Thor, Negro Johnny Storm and Jimmy Olsen, Islamic Batman and Ms Marvel) and science fiction (If You Were an Ancillary Pronoun Wereseal, My Love) and politics (CNN, MSNBC) but indeed render the Morlock incapable of any work or act requiring even a modicum of honesty and integrity.

Likewise for George Carlin, Mort Sahl, the TV show All in the Family, and the likes of Janeane Garofalo and Dick Cavett – indeed, his favorite adjective at this point became “subversive,” and like most of his ilk he remained incredibly blind to the fact that he and those who think like him are now very much the establishment and that a true “subversive” nowadays is a Christian conservative. Even as they are closing down bakers for sticking to their Christian convictions, they imagine themselves “subverting” all that they hate.

Of course, you are clear on what they hate – the Church, America, all forms of public decency. Lenny Bruce is hailed as a hero for mocking all of these things and inspiring others to follow in his footsteps.

And on and on it went, and I felt tremendously badly about it, firstly because my wife had given me this as a gift, and it would be rude indeed to express distaste; but also because, without the left-wing poison, the book would actually be quite good, because when he didn’t indulge in lefty preaching, it was actually engaging and interesting. But he just couldn’t help himself. Political mockery of conservatives by liberals was shaming the powerful with the truth; but Dennis Miller’s conversion to conservatism after 9/11 was bigotry. Conservatives have a “pathological hatred” of Obama, but the pathological hatred heaped on George W. Bush was liberation. Shockingly, even Bob Hope was raked over the coals for daring to go to Vietnam and entertain troops that were facing death to protect self- indulgent drug addicts like Lenny Bruce or George Carlin.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Mass Immigration was Blair’s Attack on Britain

(The ice pick that killed Trotsky)
Blair was the worst thing to happen to Britain post-war and that says a lot.

(Kyr Man)
Tory economic policy - higher taxes, more debt. No economic conservatism.
Tory foreign policy - liberal interventionist, no national conservatism
Tory immigration policy - hyper promiscuous borders - certainly no native or national conservatism
Tory housing policy - destroy Britain ancestral greenlands to build migrants homes - no native conservatism

Which part of the the Tory party is right wing exactly?

(Peter Field)
Jeez, as a born and bred Londoner, English parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc it's a tragedy what's happened. I was born in 1967, the changes in my lifetime are catastrophic , for my mum who died 2016 even worse.

(T G)
My entire teens and adult life so far has been plagued by the nightmare of mass immigration. It will only get worse...

(Tim the Enchanter)
I'm always amused by the "muti-culturalism" argument. As an American, I live in a place that was designed to be multi-cultural, but isn't really. Although it is often wistfully described as a "melting pot," what it really is, is just a very large place peppered with little pockets of varying culture. People come to America -- not to be Americans -- but to live in America with other people just like them.

There’s nothing wrong with treating invaders as enemy combatants.

(Kevin H)
So they admitted to colonising Britain? Wasn't colonisation bad when we did it though?

If you know anything about Roman history in Britain, allowing and paying sea faring barbarians to settle is always a recipe for disaster

(unopened envelope)
I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what these so called "benefits" are for mass immigration..

Xanax Bar & I_need1cm_chinToWin #sexist #racist blackpill.club

(Xanax Bar)
There's a reason women were treated as property up until 150 years ago.

There's a reason women were treated as a property up until around 150 years ago. They're not exactly children in terms of emotional intelligence, but they're the next closest thing and they never grow out of it. Women will quite literally throw tantrums and act like children on purpose to see your reaction, because they want to see how you'd react if she had a child with you.

There are deep evolutionary reasons women act the way they do. Women only want the top 20% of men. Why? Because she only has so many eggs, and childbirth is a potentially dangerous process, so she only wants to do this with the best man she can get. Women only go after tall men with strong jawlines and broad shoulders. Why? Because those things are indicative of high testosterone and stronger bone structure, which means more muscle mass/upper body strength, which means he'll be a better protector. Ect, ect, ect.

Women are biologically driven to let thier emotions and instincts guide thier actions. That's just reality. Giving them the same power as a man especially in politics has been a massive mistake. They are just more emotionally driven and more apt to let feelings cloud rational judgment. There is simply no place for emotions when it comes to determining the fate of society. Men of the past realized this, and that's a big reason why for pretty much all of human history (with some exceptions), women were barred from making important political decisions.

yes man theyre retarded, but i don't think they're fair detectors of good genetics,they only see something aesthetic like a chad or sometimes go for normie brad lanklets but they can have diabetes,bad eye sight,bald in their 30s idk you name it. Sometimes they go after whatever media tells them, like slav foids with negroes whose more ugly than a monkey

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Hey, White people,

The entire non-white world is unifying and organizing against you.

They're preparing to take action against you. What are you doing to prepare for it?

I'm not positive but it looks like they want a #racewar.

@Nature_and_Race Even with just a small percentage of our wolves awake, against that, I like our chances.

@MoIonLabe @Nature_and_Race we have God on our side us White Wolves just one of us is worth more then countless goyim niggers out there

@MoIonLabe @Nature_and_Race

I hope everyone here realizes It's not just blacks though.

I live in the Midwest and EVERY non-White from hispanics to indian pajeets is now OPENLY racist against Whites.

Even in small "cow towns", they don't even try to hide it anymore, and the LGBTQP+ and Lefty Whites are working with them.

The irony is that the gays and Lefty's are so mentally-ill, cowardly and weak they're going to be a big liability for the poc and jew armies when this war starts.

Plus most of the Lefty's got the clot shot and/or allowed themselves to be infected/inoculated with God knows what when they were ((( tested for COVID ))) via the nasal swab, so it's only a matter of time before that takes them out and they start dropping like flies.

We have IQ on our side so when this race war breaks out. We may not have the numbers but we can easily outmaneuver and outsmart the jews and their poc proxy armies.

@Nature_and_Race yeah good for us really, we will collectivize.

besides niggers cant win wars they are not even useful as slaves.
Its already spreading like a wildfire, we are unavoidable.

@Nature_and_Race There's no integrating these Negros. Ship them to Liberia

@Nature_and_Race death to niggers

Might be black Israelite supremacist idiots… they do the purple costume with a menorah. With typical “we wuz kangs” logic, they figure themselves one of the lost tribes of Israel. There isn’t 75 IQ points in the whole black conga line.

@Nature_and_Race how did they find that many black men out of jail, all at the same time?

Bracken County Republican Party #racist #conspiracy #wingnut jta.org

When Steve Dettelbach was confirmed last week as the director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, he became the beleaguered bureau’s first head to pass a Senate confirmation in eight years. For some, the confirmation offered hope of a changing tide in America’s sea of mass shootings

But a county Republican group in Kentucky saw a different story: that Dettelbach is part of a “Jewish junta” that “is getting stronger and more aggressive”

The Bracken County Republican Party, representing a rural county with a population of around 8,400 along the Ohio River near Cincinnati, made the comment Friday on its official Facebook page, two days after Dettelbach’s July 12 confirmation

In calling Dettelbach “a Jewish anti-gun activist,” the county GOP group attacked the two Republican senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Rob Portman of Ohio, who voted for his appointment. It also attacked two Republican Senators, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and James Risich of Idaho, who were not present for the vote, saying, “It’s obvious they want to move on from having to defend rural gun owners”

The group deleted the comment from its Facebook page later that day, after being contacted by the Louisville Courier-Journal. The county’s GOP chair, Karin Kirkendol, did not respond to the paper’s questions about the post, but later signed a Facebook post from the group disavowing it

Tobias Langdon #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut unz.com

I can only conclude that the Jewish families turned up, saw the hideous whiteness of the fascists at the park, and fled for their lives. Jews “love diversity,” remember. They “just feel comfortable” amid a “kaleidoscope of skin colours.” So while the fascist fun-day was a sea of hideous whiteness, the Family Fun-Day organized by Jewish Care would have been a kaleidoscope of color.

Well, sarcasm over. Jewish Care didn’t invite Muslims and Blacks to join the festivities, of course. The photographs aren’t of a Fascist Fun-Day but of a genuine Jewish Family Fun-Day. That’s why the photos are “hideously white.” Ashkenazi Jews flocked to Hertfordshire to enjoy what they assiduously deny to White British goyim: the exclusive company of their own kind. Jewish Care’s Family Fun-Day wasn’t enriched with Blacks or Muslims, which is why it wasn’t enriched with crime or obnoxious behavior either. While working tirelessly to turn Britain and other Western countries into Third-World swamps, Jews are careful to maintain ethnocentric islands amid the chaos and crime. If those islands are ever threatened with submersion by vibrancy, Jews have a secure place to flee: the ethnocentric enclave of Israel, where that age-old Jewish injunction to “Welcome the Stranger” is completely ignored. Israel doesn’t welcome black and brown strangers: it keeps them out with high-tech fences.


But what’s good for Jews — ethnocentrism and exclusion — isn’t good for goyim. Or rather, it is good for goyim, but that’s precisely why Jews want to deny it to goyim. Jews don’t want what’s best for Whites: they want what’s worst for Whites. That’s why both America and Britain have open borders and endless ethnic enrichment. Jews are in control of politics on both sides of the Atlantic, so governments pursue what’s worst for Whites, not what’s best. But I think Jews should remember a warning from their own Bible: “Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.” (Proverbs 26:27)

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Ilhan Omar Uses Her One Phone Call From Jail To Call Both Her Husband And Her Brother

Link: https://babylonbee.com/news/ilhan-omar-uses-her-one-phone-call-from-jail-to-call-both-her-husband-and-her-brother/

@TheBabylonBee jihadist lying slut...strikes again.
BTW...lying is a sacrament in islam.

@TheBabylonBee Remember, the only good terrorist is one speaking to the Pedophile, Child Rapist and Pig Fucker Mohammad and Allah the bitches of the Cult of Filth called Islam.

@TheBabylonBee They should have put these demratz in jail next to the Jan 6th people...now that's funny😏

@TheBabylonBee Omar is a disgusting p.o.s. who should be immediately returned to Somalia, WHERE SHE BELONGS!

@TheBabylonBee Muslim Whore, Pig, Cunt and Brother Fucker and Shit out the Ass of Mohammad the Pedophile Breeder.

@TheBabylonBee Send that slut back to whatever Muslim shit hole she crawled out of.

@TheBabylonBee Muslim Pig Bred Whore and Brother Fucker and Breeder Terrorist Scum…..OMAR.

@TheBabylonBee Ilhan Omar is a ho. And a heretic. And a blasphemer, and a woman, and a black, and a foreigner...

@TheBabylonBee Hey jews we see you raping our children and murdering replacing us and stealing our country
Millions and millions and millions and millions our eyes across every white nation

Secrets out
Does this comfort you

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

America was at its strongest when it was overwhelmingly WHITE, and when WHITE MEN held all positions of power and influence.

You want a strong America? Stop getting in the way of racially aware White men who are striving for power and influence.

(Donald J Trump)

@Nature_and_Race Make America White Again!

@Nature_and_Race WHITE men that had one goal in mind. To preserve our country to remain WHITE. The white men in office of the past were all corrupted even before 1900’s when the seeds of Jews was being planted

@Red_Bearded_Heathen @Nature_and_Race That's a fact make America non Jewish and you will have your Homeland back, that's your only hope.

@Nature_and_Race if America being white is what it takes to not have black fools detaining me and seeking to scam me of my money then i hope America becomes white again.

@Nature_and_Race He meant keep America (((Strong))) so that the (((fam))) can rake in another $518 million.


Do you think Trump is a jew?

I asked on another post of yours but I am guessing you missed it.

@Kriger1488 -- No, I don't think he's Jewish. But he's a billionaire and a Zionist, so he's a spiritual Jew.

Padraig Martin #racist #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "In Defense of Slavery"]

The United States has tried desperately to impose a collective guilt upon the South for the “peculiar institution” of slavery. Like most Yankee mythologies, their arguments are grounded in partial truths and revisionist history[…]Southerners have been forced to make a choice: support their historic icons and monuments which are now equated to a support for slavery or reject them[…]
Well before the South was created, humans have taken other humans and impressed them into service[…]
That which made the African slave trade unique was its predatory fraternal nature. In Africa, a superior tribe would defeat an inferior tribe, enslave them[…]
That which made African slaves so appealing were multifold. To begin, the climate of Dixie was unlike the Anglo-Celtic islands from which early Southerners derived. The fair skinned Anglos were not built to work in the overwhelming heat of Virginia or the Carolinas in the 1600s[…]
The fact that the United States[…]was neither unique globally nor inconsistent with Christian norms. Slavery was a biblical institution[…]Slaves were treated much like valuable livestock[…]They were certainly treated better than their captors treated them in Africa

With the exception of a handful of slave owners in the United States who mistreated their slaves, Africans and later blacks enjoyed parallel societies that would eventually become the basis of self-imposed segregated communities in Dixie[…]
Did the South need slaves? Absolutely the South needed slaves. The United States needed slaves. Southerners have nothing for which to be ashamed. They enjoyed the benefits of a timeless institution, endorsed by God Himself, and built a powerful nation-state through the use of human labor[…]
Was slavery wrong? No, it was not wrong. The only thing that was wrong was ending the institution without a viable plan to return them to Africa

Samuel Hathaway & Noah #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Mom Shot at by Tekle Sundberg Expresses Outrage

(Samuel Hathaway)

Cindy and Mark Sundberg adopted Tekle from Ethiopia when he was just four years old.

Introducing Cindy and Mark Sundberg, the "adoptive parents" of Tekle Sundberg from Ethiopia.

More evidence that Minnesota whites are a seriously defective branch of the White race, actually believing that it's their job as whites to patronize third-world blacks, pamper, and spoil them to no end.

The Sundbergs are among the biggest racists you'll ever meet -- for patronzing blacks and always taking their side, and also for preaching, sermonizing, moralizing and guilt-tripping whites.

pathological altruism is epidemic among the Swedes

Minnesota is filled with those whose ancestry is Swedish. Obviously a serious neurological, retarded defect in the brain somewhere -- in Sweden and here in the U.S. The parallels of pathological altruism are too stark to ignore.

Adopting Ethiopians is about as dumb as adopting a wild animal from Africa, turning them loose on society and expecting civil behavior as a result.


I look forward to some black saying the Sundbergs are racist for adopting the black kid from Ethiopia and he is now dead because of that. That will be irony times hundred for these two fools who wasted time and money adopting him and raising him here.

They will call them colonizers like they did Amy Coney Barrett.

The irony is that Ethiopians aren’t “black,” they’re Cushitic and they’re one of the major slave traders, along with Somalis, of black Bantu slaves to Arabs. They’ve done this for millennia, until Europeans made them stop.

Their cruelty makes them a people that don’t deserve pity.

In Europe, the Nordic countries were the furthest from foreign invasion. They’re not like mainland and Central European people who’ve seen a who’s who of history’s bastards come marching through their land.

A Swede never saw so much as a marauding Avar, but Hungarians and Poles did, as well as Huns, Mongols, Turks, Soviets and Nazis, to name a few. Swedes have no real concept of outside danger or the inherent danger present in outsiders in either the old world or the new.

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #elitist winterwatch.net

The Method Against Social Justice Warriors

No. 1: Drop all social graces with them. That may be hard, but remember Social Justice Warriors take advantage of good manners and put no value on them anyway. Our objective is to trigger them via harsh criticism and ridicule — not threats or violence, in case that’s unclear. For example, the ultimate insult or trigger to a female Social Justice Warrior third- or fourth-wave feminist is the word “cunt.” That’s a bit over the top for me, so I’m mostly going with “bitch.” Absolutely refuse to engage in sex with Social Justice Warriors or Pervert Justice Warriors.

For non-cucked men, never ever trash talk femininity, but rather defend heterosexual women passionately. Winter Watch addressed this in our old Milo Yiannopoulos article. (((Milo))) was a problem because he as a homosexual trashed women generally. Keeping such women out of harm’s way is the mark of manhood. Also, do not use racial slurs. This is about individual behaviors and culture wars only. The term “dindu” is only descriptive of behavior and thus appropriate.

No. 2: Show no sensitivity toward Social Justice Warriors. Insult them matter of factly. If they show marginal or metro-sexual gender identification, insult their appearance (“there is a new thing going around, it’s called soap”). If they are over-the-top Social Justice Warrior homosexuals or transgenders, never use the contrived newspeak term “gay” or LGBT. In fact, avoid their shadow language. Let them know that you are armor proof to their accusations.
No.4: Knock the Social Justice Warriors unearned trophies and “specialness” badges off the shelf by telling them they have little of value or intelligence to offer anyone.

No. 5: Demonstrate thumbs up, support and accolades to the anti-Social Justice Warrior movement. Older generations need to wake up and get engaged. So do decent folks in the black community. Offer carrots and sticks and encouragement to repressed normies. Godspeed.

The Babylon Bee #wingnut #racist babylonbee.com

Ilhan Omar Uses Her One Phone Call From Jail To Call Both Her Husband And Her Brother

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ilhan Omar was arrested by Capitol Police at an abortion rally yesterday. According to sources, she has used her prison phone call to contact both her husband and her brother.

"Hey Ahmed! Come bail me out, brother!" said Omar to her husband. "They got me locked up in D.C. jail with invisible handcuffs just because of my bravery at the Supreme Court protest! How long will it take you to get here?"

Sources close to the couple say Ahmed is distraught that his wife has been arrested, but is also laughing at how his sister keeps getting herself into trouble. "Ha ha! Ilhan you dork! Got yourself arrested again, huh?" Ahmed laughed before breaking down in sobs. "I'm on my way to get you out, my love!"

AP photographers are reportedly on site, ready to capture the powerful moment the police unlock Omar's invisible jail cell after her husband-brother Ahmed bails her out with invisible money to await her invisible trial.

At publishing time, Omar's husband showed up to post bail but her brother mysteriously disappeared.

Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist gab.com

again, why are we supposed to hate Russia?

because they fight against the Pedo Groomers?

@JohnRivers Exactly. Normiecons are itching for us to put troops in Russia. Why??? The enemy of judeo-globohomo is my friend.

@JohnRivers Over the past 20 years Russia and the US seem to have swapped.
We are now the communist shithole.

@JohnRivers I like Russia more and more each day. If they would nuke israel off the map I would have to learn Russian and move there


Also the Chinese

@JohnRivers This reason alone is worth backing them. Lets not forget they castrate pedophiles before imprisoning them.

I really hope JewSA keeps poking them towards world war 3 then loses to them.

It will be wonderful.

I welcome my LGBT banning overlords.

Wow. I'm on Russia's side.

@JohnRivers I might have to become Russian at this rate

@JohnRivers Compared to our government today, Communism don't seem so bad especially if it rids communities from 'those' people! LGBTQ+

@JohnRivers I'm liking Russia more all the time. It would be great if we had politicians in this country brave enough to stand up to these sick bastards. We need to send all of these sick bastards to an island like they did the lepers. Disease would kill all of them off in no time.

Russias looking a more attractive place to go live every day.
Unfortunately I cant really speak Russian.
Maybe theyll start a fast track immigration system for people who want to go there to get away from western degeneracy....

@JohnRivers "Guys, why are we supposed to hate Russia? As far as I know, the only thing Russia has ever done, literally, is be against homosexuality. Literally!"

@JohnRivers I have noticed the Russians do not have a negro problem with crime ... DUH ! I wonder why ?

Konstantin Kosachev and Irina Yarovaya #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #quack #ufo #wingnut thedailybeast.com

Nearly five months into its senseless war against Ukraine, Russia has concocted a wild new explanation for why the Kremlin’s plans for a quick takeover fell apart so spectacularly—because Ukrainian troops were turned into superhuman killing machines during “secret experiments” in American-run biolabs, of course.

That claim was made Monday by two Russian lawmakers heading up a commission to investigate “biolaboratories” in Ukraine, Kommersant reported.

Konstantin Kosachev, the deputy speaker of Russia’s Federation Council, and Irina Yarovaya, deputy chair of the State Duma, touted what they described as bombshell findings from the “investigation.”

Testing of Ukrainian POWs’ blood, they claimed, uncovered “a range of diseases” that suggest they were secretly experimented on “for military purposes.”

“And we see: the cruelty and barbarity with which the military personnel of Ukraine behave, the crimes that they commit against the civilian population, those monstrous crimes that they commit against prisoners of war, confirm that this system for the control and creation of a cruel murder machine was implemented under the management of the United States,” Yarovaya was quoted telling reporters.

“And those performance enhancing drugs that they are still given in order to completely neutralize the last traces of human consciousness and turn them into the most cruel and deadly monsters also confirm this,” she claimed.

Bizarrely, she also claimed that the presence of Hepatitis A antibodies in Ukrainian prisoners’ blood was proof of an American biolabs conspiracy, since a former health minister for Ukraine was a dual Ukrainian-American citizen who had worked to acquire drugs for the treatment of hepatitis in the country.

“It is quite possible that this was about testing these drugs on military personnel,” Yarovaya said.

The claims appeared to be a new take on the biolabs conspiracy theory that Russia’s Defense Ministry has routinely rolled out to try and justify the war.

The latest iteration appears to be aimed at explaining away Russia’s military setbacks by way of mutant Ukrainian troops.

Ann McLean #racist #pratt heraldcourier.com

Now comes Richmond-area historian Ann McLean, [Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin’s] appointee to the Virginia Board of Historic Resources and an apparent magna cum laude graduate of the Jubal Early School of Lost Cause Revisionism.

Our moment of racial reckoning, teetering on the brink, does not need a Confederate apologist. But here comes McLean, who likened Abraham Lincoln’s attempt to preserve the Union to “Russia invading Ukraine” during a July 18 interview on John Reid’s talk show on WRVA radio. She also claimed that "slavery would have been outlawed in the South within five or 10 years, but they wanted to do it on their own time."

I can only assume that “they” were not considering the desired timetable of the enslaved.

Seven months earlier, on the same show, McLean defended Confederate monuments with a heaping helping of Lost Cause pablum.

“Fake news or false narratives are not new,” she said. “And this whole tragedy is that these statues were built to tell the true story of the American South to people 500 years from now.”

“But we have forces right here 150 years later that want to destroy the evidence of that story,” she said, framing the Civil War as a “fight for sovereignty of each state and constitutional law.”

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