
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

PM_ME_STRIPPERS & iwantroshani #pratt #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: People who have an older sister


what is it like having one?

the fucking worst and they really dont understand pretty privilege, and/ or they think that having 100 + of the opposite gender swiping on them is not that big of a deal because " insert bullshit female dating complaint here"
And yes, annoyingly enough everytime they break up with chad they will complain and complain and cry that they will be forever alone even though having 10 + boyfriends in their lifetime. Meanwhile here i am sitting in the darkness not bothering to vent because my situation is real and permanent and i know its pointless, wanting to kill myself every day

It's a crap tbh I wish I had an older brother instead to statusmaxx trough him,and would avoided bullying in hs

yea i would of preferred to have an older brother, even if they were chad they would at least maybe have some sympathy and understanding of our situation. If not, not really any loss either way


One day you end up stealing and fapping on her panties

I used to do this with my moms

I was just joking
But it must have been a good coom

They were the good days lol, then I realized how degenerate it was and just quit altogether. I wonder if my mom still wear the panties I coomed in lol


I was a coomer lol. I would go to anything for the coom. I'm much better now tho.

coomers really something else

Lol yeah it's something I'm ashamed of for sure.

torino #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut jassa.org

It is telling that no one has ever answered Wojciech Ketrzynski when he raised questions about the ethnicity of the Suevi.

The mainline teaching is:

Suevi occupied most of Germania

After Suevi disappeared, they were replaced by Slavs who came somewhere from the East

Slavs have nothing to do with the Suevi because the latter were “Germanic”.

Several questions come to mind:

I. How is it possible that this giant tribal union devolved into nothing?

The Suevi of later years are:

the smallest contingent crossing the Rhine in 405/406;

the Suevi of Swabia;

the Suevi of Vannius;

The first group was small. As to the second group, German writers have went out of their way to draw an equal sign between the Schwaben and Alemanni. And yet the entry of the Alemanni suggests that the later Schwabia has as much to do with the Suevic Suavia as 19th century Prussia with 13th century one. The Suevi may well have left years before the Alemanni got there. The same claim is made about Bohemia with the Czechs taking the name of the Bohemians who had been driven out years before (or were the Czechs just coming back?).

II. How is it possible that when the “fog of war” clears, the Suevic area is entirely occupied by Slavs?

If the Suevi left the area, they did not leave it empty. And if they did then plenty of other invaders who would have kept portions of the country. But there are only Slavs.

What happened to Ockham’s Razor? Did historians leave it at home?

VIII. If the Slavs borrowed terms from “Iranian” languages, why couldn’t they have borrowed them from the Jazyges?

Because the Slavs did no live next to the Jazyges. The Suevi did. If they spoke an Iranian language, then the Danube Suevi-Jazyges connection could have provided all the materials needed.

torino #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #wingnut jassa.org

III. How do we know that the Suevi were “Germanic”?

Because they lived in “Germania”? But so do the Turks, Poles, Portuguese, Croats, Serbs and Syrians today.

The Langobards and Angles bear Nordic names. But the origin myth of the former speaks of the far north when the Suevi were in the south. It is not improbable that they simply took over the local Suevic tribes.

The names of Suevic rulers (e.g., Ariovistus) or sorceresses (e.g., Veleda) have Slavic explanations and many sound Slavic.

IV. Why German writers insist on writing Suevi as Suebi? And Legii/Lougii as Lugii?

The sources speak of the SueVi almost exclusively so why all the effort to write Suebi? Because it sounded more like Schwaben?

Sources speak of Legii or Lougii, the German scholarship tries to use the spelling of Lugii. Is that because Lechy is a commonplace nickname for the Poles and that would suggest population continuity?

V. Why do all Slavic languages have “słaby” as “weak”?

Shouldn’t someone ask whether this may be a reference to the Schwaben, the weak Suevi that let themselves be taken over by the Alemanni?

VI. Isn’t it strange that the Suevi of the Danube suddenly become Suavi in the 6th century?

Just before the Sclavi show up the Suevi become Suavi. Curious.

But note also that the very first mention of the Suevi may already have been in the form Suavi [see L. Cornelius Sisenna]

VII. If the Slavs appear, as per their own records in Pannonia, isn’t it convenient to find the Suevi there right before?

Slavs record their beginnings in Pannonia. We know there were Suevi (Suavi) there right before the Slavs appeared. Isn’t that odd?

F. Roger Devlin & Charles Murray #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut vdare.com

In these cities, black arrest rates for violent crime are on average 9.6 times as common as white rates. The Latin rates average 2.7 times white rates.

“Racist cops!” shout the faithful. Murray responds with the “largest and most rigorous study” he can find:

The odds of arrest for white offenders is approximately 22% higher for robbery [and] 13% higher for aggravated assault . . . than they are for black offenders.

There are no equally good studies for murder, but in New York the black/white ratio in reports to police has recently been 14.8, higher than the arrest ratio of 11.6.

Murray adds: “Triangulating data indicates that the arrest rates reflect, and perhaps understate, race differences in violent criminal activity.”

There is really nothing to criticize about Murray’s presentation, although it will be ignored by those who most need to face up to that evidence.

In a final chapter, he goes beyond the data to speculate on what might happen “If We Don’t Face Reality.”

He believes the current double standard forbidding Whites from pursuing their group interests, while encouraging such behavior in other groups, is a lesser evil than Whites starting to behave like everybody else. In his own words: “If Whites adopt identity politics, disaster follows.”

But disaster for whom? Not for Whites. Murray acknowledges:

If a minority consisting of 13 percent of the population can generate as much political energy and solidarity as America’s Blacks have, what happens when a large proportion of the 60 percent of the population that is White begins to use the same playbook?

The final chapter of Facing Reality is, unintentionally, the most encouraging argument in favor of white identity politics that I have ever read.

dominic #pratt #racist #sexist incels.is

It's not even funny how hard white women mog other races of women

Everyone knows it except some delusional /pol/cels attracted to moon faced flat asian women.

It's suifuel if you're ethnic. Even if an ethnic got with a white woman by miracle (as is every ethnics dream), the ethnic genes would make the offspring uglier. Still a major fucking upgrade.

My dad was a tall, attractive, light skin Pakistani from a wealthy family, an American university degree, and a high paying American job. He could have picked ANY girl he wanted from back home, and he picked my white mom who was a fat single mom at the time. My brothers mog other Pakistanis and are genetically superior to them.

Ethnic males are so obsessed with white women it's insane. Latinos are incredibly obsessed with white women. Indian men of course also. Asian men, don't even get me started. Black men of course are obsessed with them as well, half the time rappers are rapping about white girls and how dey got da yt gurl an' shieet.

I was researching Dalida. She grew up in Egypt, born to white Italian parents, and came to fame by winning Miss Egypt or some beauty pageant. JFL average looking white woman goes to ethnic land and wins all the beauty pageants.

I genuinely think that a major factor for ethnic men moving to the west is secret hopes for some white pussy.

Inb4 some copers say "some latinas and arab girls look good!" - yeah the ones with a lot of white dna lmfao. And also Japanese draw all their characters as white because asian girls are ugly af. People cope by saying "nooo the Japanese see the characters as Japanese!" Are you trying to tell me the Japanese see this blonde blue eyed Nordic Germanic looking mfer as Japanese?

God I hate being ethnic.

ImTheTrueFireStarter & bob-object #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

I hate what feminism has done to this country

I hate being called misogynistic because I don’t conform to the notion of a “rape culture”

I hate when men are always seen as aggressors in encounters between men and women

I hate when it is assumed that I am being nice to a girl just because I want her body.

I hate it when women can claim all of this crap about “male privilege” when they have much more actual privileges than men

I hate that women can opt out of parenthood, but a man can not.

I hate that women are always seen as victims in almost every situation.

I hate that actual issues that almost exclusively affect men and boys such as higher suicide rates, higher work place death rates, higher chance of developing a learning disability, lower chance of getting into college and graduate school, false rape allegations, custody disputes, child support, alimony and many other things are overlooked and anyone who brings this up is automatically labeled as misogynist,

I hate what feminism has done to our society.

The hubris, stubbornness, and stupidity of most young woman today is the sole reason I will never ever ever have kids.

I grew up with two sisters (both are smart, good looking and healthy); and the way they absolve themselves of any sort of responsibility or fault without self-reflection has fundamentally changed the way I view human nature. Feminism needs to be dismantled and society needs to address female nature by raising daughters to be HUMBLE and THOUGHTFUL.

I hear plenty of stories about older woman learning to be humble and thoughtful after they've "had their fun", but it's often too late at that age as they've already pumped toxic femininity into the world.

Input_output_error #conspiracy #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Feminism should be invalidated as feminism has no valid reason to exist. Feminism is a hateful religion that is a blight on our society.

Being against feminism doesn't mean that you're aGaiNsT eQuALiTy or insert another bullshit feminist meme. It means that you don't agree with the rampant sexism that is feminism, that you don't agree with things like the Duluth model or any of the other insanely sexist idea's that they spew like 'rape culture', 'mansplaining', 'the future is female' (yea check that one out, the gist is men should be reduced to be a maximum of 10% of the total population..), 'manspreading', demonstrating against a male mental health gathering, 'Kill All Men' or any of the other insane ramblings of these people.

That some tween, teen or idiot twenty-some calls themselves a feminist because they actually do believe in equality doesn't mean that they are actual feminist. They aren't the ones who help write and lobby for sexist laws, they aren't the ones who write 'feminist theory'. They aren't the ones who get to determine what feminism means. People often try to revert back to the textbook definition of feminism while ignoring what feminism does. That is exactly like saying that the Democratic Republic of North Korea is a democracy and not some backwards dictator's playground. Sure, they call themselves a 'democratic republic' but that doesn't make them one.

Christopher Newman #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

What crap! Birds are not dinosaurs. They are birds. Dinosaurs are dinosaurs. Common sense should tell you that. God said each species would create of its own. How desperate are these godless men to call birds, dinosaurs when species create of their own and don't develop into something else. They just don't want to acknowledge that there is a great god who created all things and to whom they are accountable to.

Stan #wingnut #crackpot #racist #pratt atheism-analyzed.blogspot.com

Never forget: The Democrat Party was founded on racism: its sole purpose for formation was to perpetuate slavery of blacks. It fomented the Civil War in order to protect slavery. When it lost the war, it formed Jim Crow segregation and the KKK, both of which persisted for roughly a century. Then, in response to the Republican Civil Rights Act of 1964, LBJ created the welfare plan with the Orwellian name, War on Poverty, to perpetuate blacks in poverty and also make them perpetually dependent Democrats... and the blacks fell for it, even making some of their own blacks into their racist Democrat oppressors. The 60's Leftists were first to shriek "white privilege" while calling white babies "pigs" needing termination. Racism, the root of the Democrat Party, became a Leftist tool and it has been wielded with characteristic Leftist violence. Trump will be claimed as inspiration for all sorts of summer-time "racial" protest-violence intended to shut up the opposition by denying them speech venues, as happened in Chicago.

The violence against freedom (speech and assembly) is wholly predictable, because it is in the genetics of the Left, and has always been there historically. It is the party of race tyrants. It will not change now.


Black Lives Matter, otoh is purely racist against all whites; the intent is to instill a new cultural standard for black ghettos: drugs, gangs, theft and killing are now black cultural standards which whites may not interfere with or try to control. The new standard is black separatism, i.e., the new segregation into a subnation which is inaccessible to whites (or browns). This already exists in certain blue model cities in the USA, where whites dare not go, and cops dare not arrest.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: No mass protests after Honolulu police shoot, kill man (negro married to white woman)

I don't wish to turn anyone's stomach but I'm continually baffled by why a natural-blonde white woman would want to get naked with a gorilla beast and breed offspring. None of us may ever know, but maybe some of us can gain insight from this collection of photos.

All she ever wanted to do was forever end racism by filling herself with the hot seed of a proud black man.

I am guessing a lot of these women are filled with so much hatred of their men that they date and reproduce with negros out of revenge. IT is sick.

(All white is all right)
Self-loathing slut and whore rolls around in the gutter for kicks.

Come on feminists on this site and try to shame me for calling her that.

I have no answer as to why a white woman would go with a black man but then I have no answer as to why white men would go with Asian or black women either.

The only reason there are no protests at the killing of that black man is because there was no white involved, nonwhite on nonwhite crime gets a free pass after all it's normal for them.

(White gold)
Beautiful white women like her feel like saints when they breed with blacks. Look how she virtue signals. The fact he was killed by police must be a dream come true to her as now she can play a saint to her “martyred” pet/husband.
I pray she takes her kids back to Africa. There they don’t seem as taken with white attention whores like her as unfortunately in the states she will be given plenty of coverage, scholarships for her kids, and maybe even a sympathy phone call from Biden.

Pepe Escobar & Andrei Martyanov #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut archive.ph

The Disintegrated States of America

Andrei Martyanov's new book on imperial decline features a devastating indictment of US political mediocrity

Having lost the arms race and every single war it unleashed in the 21st century geoeconomics is essentially a “euphemism for America’s non-stop sanctions and attempts to sabotage the economies of any nation capable of competing with the United States.”

The United States cannot win wars. Inflicting hybrid war is another matter entirely, as in creating “a lot of misery around the world, from effectively starving people to killing them outright.”

Martyanov also feels compelled to update what he’s been excelling at for years: the fact that the arrival of hypersonic missiles “has changed warfare forever.” The Kinzhal, deployed way back in 2017, has a range of 2,000 kilometers and “is not interceptable by existing US anti-missile systems.”

The 3M22 Zircon, a scramjet-powered maneuvering anti-ship hypersonic cruise missile, “changes the calculus of both naval and ground warfare completely.” The US lag behind Russia in air defense systems is “massive, and both quantitative and qualitative.”

The book qualifies as a critique of the post-modernist phenomenon that’s responsible for the current social re-engineering of the US, in tandem with an oligarchy that, “realistically, is not very bright, despite being rich.”

Assuming the US avoids complete disintegration into “separatist territories,” Martyanov stresses that the only way for the American “elite” to maintain any kind of control “over generations increasingly woke, or desensitized by drugs,” is through tyranny. Actually, techno-tyranny. And that seems to be the brave new dysfunctional paradigm further on down the road.

Kaito Itsuki #fundie #pratt medium.com

This is yet another example of how someone can get completely misinformed by a random place on the internet and then carry a false view of something without having clue of what it actually is, virtually every single time that angels appear to humans in the Bible (ex Genesis, Daniel, Job, Isaiah, Matthew, Luke, Jude, Revelation etc) they are always described as regular young human males with no wings, just a little more impressive than us, they are neither weird creatures with wheels nor viktorian supermodels with wings nor little babies.

Also it is really ironic how the author tries to bash the largest and most diverse system in the world (Christianity) which gave us everything that we have today, while at the same time having blind faith in atheism/darwinism which is the most dangerous, and miserable religious system that anyone can ever hold to, which brought nothing and gave only genocide (fascist regimes) and madness.

There is a reason why atheists have always been the angriest, most bitter and most miserable minority of neckbeards, with the lowest birth rates and highest suicide rates, because they have blidn faith on a religion that offers nothing but takes away everything, including your own personhood and all of these nonsense due to your guilt.

BH Times #moonbat #pratt #racist twitter.com

The state of isntreal is a reflection of the u.s., that is a violent settler colonial outpost built on the land dispossession, genocide and settler colonialism of the indigenous Palestinians.

isntreal is an extension of yt power, imperialism, and settler colonialism

It is nothing more than a military satellite for the u.s. to control the lives of Arabs in the so-called Middle East and their resources.

isntreal is a yt colony on stolen Arab land, and the resistance of the Indigenous Palestinians is decolonization as they fight to remove the kolonizers on their lands, or else risk being erased completely.

The u.s. is a colony on stolen Indigenous land, and to this day maintains itself through artificially constructed borders, mass incarceration, pig shootings, deportations of indigenous people off their own land, imperialism, and slave labor of the Colonized world.

The Colonized proletariat within the u.s. and around the world, have never stopped resisting, and as the u.s. crumbles, kolonizer amerikkka will meet their end.

Climate change, axes of colonial resistance, the rise of China, and the continued fall of amerikkkan empire and its satellites will bring forth an end to yt power and colonialism that is long overdue.

The wars of WWI and WWII offer examples of what kolonizers do when they begin to lose power and when the resources stolen from the Colonized world begin to dry up.

isntreal’s bombing of the Gaza Strip is just the modern day example of this.

To all our fellow Colonized peoples: join organization and begin to build for yourselves. Leave the amerikkkan colony built upon the bones of your ancestors and on your ongoing genocide.

Join http://blackhammer.org/join to smash colonialism once and for all!

Gymcelled #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill 11 year old boy (tallfag) impregnates his live-in nanny - Media doesnt call it rape or pedophilia

Double blackpill here.

First off he was taller than the adult female at 11 jfl, how hard must he have mogged other boys at his age?

And of course the media is super soft on this, they dont call it rape or pedophilia, great double standards

Check 0:30, look at how tall he is and how she's admiring him
and jfl, ogress with a NW2 hairline what the fuck

Just be a normie athletic white boy and you're set for life. Lol at the 15 year old white"cels" of this forum

Most youngcels will ascend or shouldn't be here, they should be trying their hardest to make it
But there's a huge difference between normie face and let's say Eggy face

She was charged with sexual battery and got sentenced to 20 years in prison. Wdym media doesn't call it rape or pedophilia?

They're soft as fuck in the video, even just the title lmao. Wouldn't be like that if the genders were reversed

whiteuser1 #pratt #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

PROOF 20th-Century European Imperialism BENEFITED Africa (No More White Guilt)

It's often told to students to promote white guilt that "evil european imperialism" was the result of all the world's ills, or something to that extent. Let's look at how those countries fared over the following decades, by looking at their GDP in 1950.

South Africa, had a GDP per capita of more than double any other developed country in Africa, $2.251 trillion.

Meanwhile, out of the developed countries, the GDP of Ethiopia was dead last, significantly below every other formerly "occupied" nation, at $227 billion in 1950. By 1973, it was still only $400 billion, still dead last by far.

As far as Liberia, it is one of the most crime-ridden and dangerous countries in the world even today, not to mention impoverished. In case you are curious, Liberia is the former slave colony, where freed slaves from America were sent.

Everywhere Europeans expanded, they raised the income and quality of life in the host nation.

Worse, since it is evident from the data that western imperialism raised the standard of life, then the Jewish idealism that demonizes imperialization / colonization actually LOWERED the standard of living in poor countries dramatically, by denying them the benefits of western civilization.

Potentially hundreds of millions of people have died, then, of starvation and conflict in Africa and other poor countries, because Europeans pulled out of those countries after colonization was demonized and abolished.

Yet, even in the aftermath of the withdrawal of Europeans, the countries formerly colonized by Europeans still enjoy a dramatic benefit over those countries that were never colonized by Europeans.

Matt Powell #fundie #pratt dropbox.com

Evolution should just flat out be cancelled just based on the fact that it’s totally based in racism. If it’s about “survival of the fittest”, and we evolved from African-Americans into other Americans, what about the African-Americans that are still alive today? That is completely dissing on them, that is completely racist towards them.
To believe in evolution is to be racist in your ideology. So if you want to continue believing in evolution, you have to believe what comes along with it. It’s part of the package, racism is.

Viking Defender #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #racist stormfront.org

What you're talking about is known as polygenesis (which I agree with). The different races (really different species) emerged all over the globe independently of each other. Whites didn't "evolve" or "speciate" from any npn white hominin species. We are independent and have always existed in Europe, not Africa or India or some other sweltering stinking cesspool.

There would be many more than 3 separate species of humans too. Bundling all Asians (and presumably Australasians and Latinos too) together as one species, and all Africans together as another species and all Europeans together as another species is just too ridiculously crude and doesn't actually make much logical sense.

Up there with nonsensical leftist expressions such as "The International Community" there is hardly a more annoying phrase than "The Human Race". it's a completely absurd expression because obviously there are MORE than one singular race! Likewise, there's the ridiculous classification bundling ALL humans into "one species" what the deceivers. Jews and liberals are the culprits behind this criminal pseudoscientific mass fraud which is of course driven by plans for white genocide and other diabolical globalist political agendas. How convenient for Jews and liberals that there would only be "one" species of human!

As a Germanic I always take offense every time some liberal claims "we separated off from this or that race X - thousand years ago". Let some deluded white liberal believe what they want, whether it be "Out of India" or "Out of Africa" or some other nonsense. I never separated from ANY other race. My race emerged independently of any non-Germanic race, and i won't have any race mixing libtard try and tell me otherwise!

Kamau Bobb #pratt #racist bbc.com

Google has removed its head of diversity over a 2007 blog post that said Jewish people had "an insatiable appetite for war and killing".

In a post about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that resurfaced this week, Kamau Bobb also claimed Jewish people had an "insensitivity" to suffering.

The post has now been deleted.

On Thursday, a spokesperson for Google told the BBC that Mr Bobb would "no longer be part of our diversity team going forward".

"We unequivocally condemn the past writings by a member of our diversity team that are causing deep offence and pain to members of our Jewish community," they said.

"These writings are unquestionably hurtful. The author acknowledges this and has apologised. He will no longer be part of our diversity team... and will focus on his Stem [science, technology, engineering and maths] work.

"This has come at at a time where we've seen an alarming increase in anti-Semitic attacks," the spokesperson added. "Anti-Semitism... has no place in society and we stand with our Jewish community in condemning it."

Mr Bobb - who joined Google in 2018 - has apologised to staff for the blog post.

HT #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Why Reparations for Slavery Are a Crazy Idea

How can anyone argue for reparations for blacks when in reality, having slave ancestors and winding up in America, was the best thing that ever happened to blacks? Even most of the slaves themselves led better and longer lives than their African relatives. Blacks should be paying us or return to their "homeland".

I did a search on the internet for “percentage of black americans who support reparations.” The first article that showed up in my search results was a 2019 report from CNN that says 75% of black Americans want reparations for slavery.

What a bunch of lazy parasites. Even if they get their way and get paid a reparations check, they will continue blaming white people for their problems long after they run out of money and still want more gib-me-dats.

The Negro has gotten every type of handout and advantage possible for 50 years and yet today they complain more than ever about the life we have provided for them. Time to separate now because there is no other workable option.

BH Times #moonbat #pratt #racist twitter.com

Isnt’real is falling apart as far-right coalitions unite to oust #Netanyahu after 4 elections yielded no elected leader over the country. This is all while the Indigenous #Palestinians continue resisting the yt jews colonizing and destroying their lands.


Y’all thought Isnt’real couldn’t get any worse? Isnt’real’s far-right forces are uniting to oust Netanyahu and ramp up their attacks against the #Indigenous Palestinians.

BH Times #conspiracy #moonbat #pratt twitter.com

#DonaldTrump won the election! Dementia Joe and Kopmala Harris stole the election 😒 Pass it on y’all

The ##Democrats are out here trying to distract peoples with BS commissions, such as the #January6thCommission & charges against the #RepublicanParty questioning the election. The way we see it, Jan 6th was just a party, but what about the election?


Until we get a thorough investigation of the election, #DonaldTrump is the president! At Black Hammer, we ain't calling sleepy joe #president until we get all those #ballots counted!

Ford Campbell #crackpot #pratt facebook.com

What a hoax. Can any animal survive when it's digestive tract is 15% evolved? Can any bird or bat survive when it's wings are 10% developed? Can any animal survive when it's reproductive system is 20% developed?
The obvious answer is NO! What happens to animals when their heart is 15% evolved? Their Liver is 10% or their eyes are 10% evolved?
Are you starting to see the scientific truth of evolution? If animals can not survive when major organs are only 10 or 15% evolved, then they would never get to 5 or 10% developed! What a hoax!

chopppacalamari #fundie #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

There are plenty of Bigfoot. And heaps of evidence including DNA. Science relies on the theory of evolution so they have to make Bigfoot seem like a conspiracy just like Russia collusion. They have to make Giant humans skeletons disappear. So they don’t let the media talk about it. Just look up the New York Times articles from 1810 to 1920. Heaps of giant bones were found and now it is illegal to dig the burial mounds where there are more. The Bigfoot shows on tv are kept stupid to look like crazy’s. Everything down to pictures. You can’t take a quick photo anymore and have it in focus. But you used to be able to. They made it worse not better.

Chris White #racist #conspiracy #pratt odinia.org

Incidentally many today have suggested that the recent “chemtrails” phenomenon” (the inexplicable covert and secret dissemination of toxic nanoparticle and chemicals into our breathable atmosphere in massive quantities using airliners), is in fact a crazed Jewish conspiracy whereby a formula is produced calculating the estimated number of people who will die of cancer as a direct result of the chemtrailing, and that this estimate is used to some sort of sinister Jewish religious ritual as being representative of a number of Jewish human sacrifices.

Chemtrails may be a deliberate attempt to remotely instigate Jewish occultic homicidal rituals on the unsuspecting gentile population, thus avoiding the inevitable pogroms that resulted from more direct Jewish homicidal rituals in the past.

While there is no direct evidence to fully substantiate this, it remains a fact that chemtrails appear to be real and recent phenomenon. I once believed that the absurd officials about the cardinal Globalist hoaxes of 9/11, “climate change” and the so called “holocaust” were real. It therefore wouldn’t stretch my imagination too far to consider the above claim to be at the very least partly true.


Jews have of course been banned from entering or residing in England on pain of death since 1290, but where Jews have not been banned it is vital that they are forced to don bright yellow markers such as this pointy coned hat, so that the citizenry is able to more readily identify malicious scams and atrocious acts of sexual and/or homicidal mischief perpetrated against the public.

Living for Christ #fundie #pratt youtube.com


(Remember, these facts were written thousands of years ago):
(1) The Earth free floats in space. (Job 26:7) At the time, people thought the earth sat on a large animal.
(2) The Earth is round. (Isaiah 40:22) At the time, people thought the earth was flat.
(3) Blood is the source of life. (Leviticus 17:11) Up until the 1700s, people were bled because they thought that would get rid of their sickness. They should have listened to the Bible.
(4) Air has weight. (Job 28:25)
(5) Air has a cycle. (Ecclesiastes 1:6)
(6) There are hot water vents at the bottoms of deep seas. (Job 38:16) This fact wasn't verified until the 20th century with submarine technology.

CTON & connorhus #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: A Windfall for Minority Farmers Divides Rural America


White farmer: “They’re not even thinking about the fact that they’re discriminating against us."

Why do so many white conservatives act like blacks and nonwhites and leftists "didn't mean to" do the bad things to them that they do? Why are they so naive? "Why, how does that help black lives matter???!!" or "Why, discrimating against whites only harms you in the end!" How can our people still not get it, or is it they don't want to get it?

Imagine the discrimination against whites should America become majority nonwhite.

Well we don't have to imagine it. We can see it in South Africa. It would be absolute and total discrimination.

It will be 'payback' time against whitey. Unfortunately, the 'payback' has already started and our minority status hasn't even began yet!

The fact is lots of whites, especially young whites, think we deserve it. These millennials and zoomers have such contempt and disdain for their own people.

It will never get to that because the entire world would be starving before farmers became majority non-White, just like in SA. Unlike SA though America and the world would not have White productivity to keep them fed while they pretend they are civilized. It's the final catch 22 of the Multi-Cult. Doomed even if they succeed in their mission.

Nigel Farage #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

This has been a constant attempt for the left to tarnish us with this racism word and it just doesn't work anymore. The real racists are actually those behind Black Lives Matter, I really mean that. What's happening through BLM and elsewhere is, we are dividing people up into different groups dividing them up on the grounds of race ethnicity gender whatever else it may be, and that is disastrous, that is destructive, that is the real racism, and I loathe it, and i want to live in a country where everybody is treated exactly the same.

Whether it was my UKIP supporters, my Brexit party supporters, Trump supporters at the rallies, these are very, very good, decent people and the more mainstream media, you know, or Hillary Clinton point fingers at them, and call them deplorable, or ignorant, or stupid, the greater their resolve to fight back.

Within 24 hours of the death of george floyd there were riots in the streets of London, so don't tell me this was a spontaneous outpouring, this was all planned, they've been waiting for the opportunity and I was disgusted.

One of the things that has changed politics in the UK has been postal voting. We've seen it abused again and again, there is no country in which this is safe, and i was trying to warn america this time last year, that if you went down this route, you know the left will always win at this, because you see, if you think you're morally superior cheating is quite an easy thing to do.

i once saw a vote box in Oldham. Unbelievably, of the thousands of ballots that were in that box, the percentage that were voting for labour was 100. That is literally impossible so, you know, that is what is keeping Sadiq Khan holding on in London is the power of that postal vote.

Michele Bachmann #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

Jan. 6, we’re all told that that’s the worst day that ever happened, these were the worst riots in America. It absolutely wasn’t. It is my opinion that this was a theatrical event that the progressive left put on. The individuals who were the instigators, who brought this about, these were agitators brought in to create this problem. I believe it was specifically done to rebrand Donald Trump as being an insurrectionist and a leader of a terrorist movement. I also believe that this was done to rebrand the Make America Great agenda—because remember, that was considered extremely popular by about 80 million Americans—so they wanted to rebrand Make America Great as an evil thing and those of us who supported Donald Trump and that agenda as evil and terrorists.

That’s all a lie. In the last five months, you wouldn’t even know that Donald J. Trump was ever the president. You wouldn’t even know that those four years of his presidency existed. George Orwell wrote a book, ‘1984.’ He talked about a concept called the memory hole; if the government in charge didn’t want you to remember someone, they put them in the memory hole. Donald J. Trump has been put in a memory hole, Make America Great Again has been put in a memory hole.

LegendaryEmu1 #conspiracy #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Why do feminist pretend they care about men too?

Its a tactic to deflect criticism. And continue to produce male feminists, who generally turn out to be shitty, shitty people, almost always toward women, which helps keep their cycle and narrative going.

Feminism has been running an impressive propaganda war for quite some time. The idea that it helps men is mostly a way to make it seem better than it is. You see similar things the nazis did, communists, especially the chinese during mao's shtick, oddly enough Canada today and the woke, for about five or so years.

Extremism needs to be cloaked in something more palatable for people, otherwise it will face overwhelming rejection, rather than just widespread rejection. It relies on frankly, ignorant people to form their mob, while the zealots form the core.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Interesting Observation

No one calls out black ballerinas for appropriating European/white culture. Ballet is a huge part of Russian culture with performances like swan lake. That’s the cream of Russian culture, up there with Yevgeniy Onengin and Dostoevsky’s crime and punishment. r/BALLET’s top of all time is filled with black dancers, BLM, and soyboy Reddit users sucking their dicks. When will THEY be held accountable for stealing and appropriating MY culture?

I don't think garbage rap music with stereotypical bling bling, cars, hoes and weed counts for much.

Black culture is to African culture as Chicano culture is to Hispanic culture.

Russian Ballet is the original one and only one. It is the only remnant of the old french one

We DOMINATE. It is our culture and no one else’s. Especially those who do not respect us or our ancestry.

It's the good ol' double standard. But can you blame them? Most things were made by white folk so if we were being just like them they would be approving white culture by wearing a t-shirt

All drug addicts, prostitutes, single mothers, and criminals are appropriating black culture

Why are you even trying to argue with these people? They even attacked Samoans for playing a Croatian song. Only black Americans and muslims are protected class. They happily harass Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and even Africans.

Eastern Europeans and Slavs are an easy target, because we are "white". They think all Europeans benefited from colonization. That's why they think it's okay to take things from European cultures.

That being said, I don't care if a black person decides to dress in Sorbian clothing or sing Sorbian songs.

David #fundie #pratt tochristians.wordpress.com

Science says man evolved from apes…..they are wrong because the only source of “new” natural genetic information is DNA mutation and 99% of them are “lethal” and therefore can not be passed on for Natural Selection to act on the traits they might exhibit. (of the 1% positive ones, less than 1% occur in germ cells…….the only ones passed on to offspring) Based on this, there simply was not enough time from the appearance of apes and the Creation of Homo sapiens. (Science does some fancy “spin” on this) Religion says that man was Created by God in His Image by Intelligent Design.. Ironically…they are correct but their “Intelligent Design requires a “supernatural mechanism.” (what ever that is!) Sadly…it Science didn’t reject the Bible and they understand the REAL God revealed in it..they would realize who the “ELOHIM” were and KNOW that man was Created by “ELOHIM” via RECOMBINANT DNA.

BTW..another problem with evolution is Natural Selection between Phylum and Class. DNA is “packaged” into chromosomes for proper distribution in cell division (mitosis, and sex cell formation in meiosis)The actual number of them has nothing to do with how complex the organism is. There is no “mechanism” known that reveals chromosome number adjustment from Phylum to Class because chromosome number mismatch is 99% lethal. The ONLY other possible explanation is Intelligent Design by rDNA. (Book of Genesis supports this where is says “each creature produces it;s own kind.”)

Various Commenters #moonbat #pratt reddit.com

Is it morally wrong to let the global south suffering by closing the borders?

Was debating immigration with a leftist, by position has always been we need net-zero or net-negative immigration. No immigrants as they take away jobs from the working class and suppress wages. Nobody should be arguing against this since its true. The leftist responded saying that it is morally wrong to let the global south suffer by closing the borders. Thoughts?

I've done research on the impact of foreign remittances. While the migrants benefit from moving to richer countries, the countries they leave behind are worse off for it. There is the brain-drain, but these inflows of foreign cash also insulate portions of the population from domestic economic conditions and decrease the incentives to participate in politics.

I don't really get it. How does the global south suffer from closing the borders? Does extracting 0.5% of their population - most of which middle- and upper-class - lessen the suffering of the global south?

Opening borders isn’t actually going to address the issue.

The under developed world must be given a chance to develop.

This would require the USA, Europe, etc to reshore their manufacturing and agriculture, giving the opportunity for underdeveloped nations to build their internal markets rather than simply being plugged in the global supply chain and being stuck at the bottom of the global division of labor.

Metalman71 #moonbat #pratt theguardian.com

At least we now know that an astonishing almost 10% of the uk's population are economic migrants from the rest of the EU. No wonder there's been a chronic housing shortage in recent years and public services so stretched.

Meanwhile in Eastern Europe working age populations are falling rapidly leaving a chronic shortage of doctors and other medically trained professionals to treat the aging population who can't migrate elsewhere.

I've asked this question of dozens of remainers and they all dodge it.

Why are British patients more important than the patients in the countries where these EU citizens have come from, and who are now suffering from the lack of medically trained staff in their own countries?

As an example, Romania has lost 5,000 doctors, or 10% of their total, in the last 20 years.

Why are British patients more important than Romanian ones?

Hopefully, that will start to change and more and more NHS workers of EU origin will leave the UK.

As the populations of Eastern European countries continues to fall, and as more and more of their skilled population migrates, their GDPs will suffer accordingly and it will become ever more difficult to make life more attractive for those they want to encourage to stay.

Freedom of movement has been a complete disaster for many European nations which really only benefits a handful of countries like Germany and France.

Chris1889 #pratt #wingnut theguardian.com

There is an obvious contradiction between holding a progressive immigration policy and championing workers rights, better pay and better public services. If socially democratic politicians truly want to improve the lives of working class people then they should want to restrict corporate demand for more cheap labour.

The left appear confused on this and have done for 20 years and this explains much of there decline in popularity especially amongst the working classes in recent years.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



The mega billionaire Bill Gates continues to play God. The company he funded plans to release around 20 million genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys this year. Ostensibly the purpose is to lessen diseases spread by the mosquitoes, but there is also talk about using mosquitoes to administer vaccinations.

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Yes, whether you like it or not, Gates will use mosquitoes to inject substances into you that you may not want in your body. Far fetched? They already put fluoride poison into public drinking water in many cities throughout America. They falsely say it’s good for people’s teeth. No matter how many times it’s proven that fluoride does harm and no good whatsoever, it stays. Just like the face masks. Dr. Fauci wants them to become permanent.

It’s medical tyranny.

Atilla942 #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

The far left is becoming a dictatorship. Silencing free speech and banning people for merely disagreeing with the status quo is exactly what the Soviet Union or other communist dictatorships did and still does in countries like Cuba and China. The far left is destroying the West for what it really takes pride in, personal liberty and freedom of speech.

I've noticed something with these woke/far left/feminist individuals, they really think they are the only righteous side and anyone who disagrees with them must be silenced and driven underground. There is no wonder why the far right finds it so easy to recruit young men. You can't fix a society by silencing young men through the threats of censorship and state sponsored discrimination.

Woodrow wilson Resurrected #pratt #racist amren.com

Face the facts, Negroes, your race are a failed race because you're a feckless, unruly, uncivilized horde of feral proto-humans. You never figured out how to live in a society bigger than one or two squabbling families. Starting thousands of years ago, everyone else on this planet without exception did - they invented religion, the idea of law, and the ideas of property and respect for the value of human life. This enabled tribes to coalesce into bigger groups and become organized. The rest is history, or rather civilization. But your lot never did this, did they? Abstract thought and problem- solving have never been the black man's strengths, have they? Did they invent a long-lived and intellectually coherent religion? Nope. Did they ever build a city? Nope. Did they even invent bricks? Nope, Did they till the land until somebody showed them? Nope. Did they domesticate an animal for their use? Nope. Did they invent a written language? Once, but it died an ignoble death surrounded by negro ignorance. Did they invent the wheel? Nope. Were they curious enough about what lay out across the sea to sail upon it? Nope.

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt deviantart.com

Feds are searching Rudy’s apartment for electronics and we alllll know what they’re looking for! They know Rudy has plenty of shit on Hunter and Sleepy joe so now they’re gonna try to shut him up. They’re doing this shit out in the open because these crazies know they won’t face any consequences! Of course the crazies are gonna say this is “justice” when it’s another example of the left’s fascism! Think I’m wrong? Then have joe and his dip shit son on the stand and let them prove their innocence but they won’t because the crazies will riot. Think I’m wrong again? isn’t it convenient that Rudy proved he has Hunter’s laptop because that asshole was so high on his own stuff he forgot to pick up his own laptop he sent to get fixed with all that info on it? There’s also the guy who works at that same store who saw everything and ID‘d Hunter as the owner of the laptop as well? Hell Hunter called or texted the repairman to get the laptop back!

Candace Owens #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt twitter.com

[Submitter’s note: This tweet received 25.6k likes]

To every person that got vaccinated and is wondering why they still have to wear masks—you’re forgiven for doubting those of us who insisted from the beginning that this was about power—not health or science.

You’ve now been sufficiently prepped for authoritarianism.

Tucker Carlson #conspiracy #pratt #quack #wingnut mediaite.com

As for forcing children to wear masks outside, that should be illegal. Your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid in Walmart. Call the police immediately, contact child protective services. Keep calling until someone arrives. What you’re looking at is abuse, it’s child abuse and you are morally obligated to attempt to prevent it.

Thomas Sowell #racist #wingnut #pratt creators.com

Liberalism Versus Blacks

The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals' expansion of the welfare state. Most black children grew up in homes with two parents during all that time but most grow up with only one parent today.

JohnEngelman #pratt #psycho #racist amren.com

There is going to be a white backlash against this. I hope it persists, unlike the one that happened after Reconstruction and the civil rights movement of the 1960's. I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. I was mistaken. The black response to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty confirms conservative and segregationist arguments against them. The civil rights legislation was forced on whites with extensive experience with Negroes by whites with little experience with them. The last twelve thousand years of human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the requirements of civilization. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy. Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the jungles of Africa earn for many of them felony convictions in civilized countries.

I wish it did not have to be this way. The minority of blacks who behave and perform as well as the majority of whites deserve equal rights. The majority deserves to be reduced to second class citizenship. Segregation and Jim Crow legislation was based on sound instinct. There is often wisdom in tradition. A criminal justice system that is effective on whites is insufficiently harsh for blacks. Before the civil rights movement that was understood in the United States, and especially in the South. That is why, when a black man and a white man committed the same crime, the black man was given much more punishment.

Before the civil rights movement whites killed blacks all the time. Blacks did not dare protest, because they knew they would be massacred.

Maxime Bernier #transphobia #crackpot #pratt twitter.com

Father sentenced to 6 months for violating gag order about child's medical gender transition

This is an outrageous decision.

We are destroying the bodies and lives of lesbian, gay, autistic and depressed children, and calling it "human rights." And parents who publicly dissent go to jail.

Our laws have to change to stop this monstrous ideology.

IAMTAT #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt abovetopsecret.com

The Democrat Party is Officially Marxist

I'll make this point as simply as it can be possibly made:

The majority Democrat Party leadership...including the Democrat leadership of the HOUSE and SENATE...AND The Democrat PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT...has kneeled down before, submitted to, surrendered to...and pledged it's allegiance to..."TRAINED MARXISTS"!
The evidence is irrefutable...and it sits (kneels) before you.

Deny this, if you're able to do so in good conscience...

OTHERWISE...admit that, at the very least, the majority of the Democrat Party have become Marxist sympathizers and apologists...or TRUE Marxists in their very heart and soul.

Perhaps this is just fine with you.
If so...continue to embrace your new Marxist masters.
Your country...through your Democrat Party has sold out to Marxism.

Jim Caviezel #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #pratt twitter.com

Clark: Jim... Tim... you're playing the role of Tim Ballard. Tim is actually continuing to save kids, I mean you're making a movie about him but this is what he does.

Caviezel: He was supposed to be in the room with me, right here in Tulsa, but he's down there saving children as we speak. Because they're pulling kids out of the darkest recesses of Hell right now., and [Deep Underground Military Bases] and all kinds of places. The adrenochroming of children... Look, where we're at right now, hopefully we'll need your prayers.

Clark: You said a word a minute ago, and I want to clear up what that was... you said 'adrenochrome'.

Caviezel: Yeah.

Clark: And a lot of people here, there's about 4,500 people here, by a show of hands, who's heard that word before in this building?

(Some people in the audience raise hands, others cheer)

Clark: Could you please explain to the extent that you want to or not want to what that is, because some people have never heard that before and we need to discuss that.

Caviezel: Essentially you have adrenaline in your body, I’ll simplify it, and when you are scared you produce adrenaline. If you’re an athlete you get in the fourth quarter you have adrenaline that comes out of you. If a child knows he’s going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline, and they have a lot of terms that they use. It’s the worst horror I’ve ever seen. The screaming alone, even if I never ever, ever saw it, it’s beyond, and these people that do it, they’ll be no mercy for them.

Prometheus #fundie #pratt twitter.com

Science & religion is about faith.

Light supposedly travels at 300000 km/s, that's never been observed in 1 direction. In fact it takes faith to believe that light always behaves the same way regardless of circumstance.

Same with evolution, never been observed/repeated in a lab

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