
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Various TERFs #moonbat #pratt #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Richard Dawkins asks whats the difference between transgender and transracial (and kicks open a hornets nest!)

This reply: "I cannot believe you are normalizing this debate. Dolezal had all the access to white privilege and then occupied space that wasn’t hers to occupy. You’re wrong on this one."

Some TRA's are so close to getting it that it's painful. Swap white for male, and then you've got it.

I cant believe this poster was not being sarcastic and was dead serious. Again, what's the difference? I dont see a single difference at all and this poster somehow managed to summarize exactly why...and is still clueless. Someone in another thread asked if TRA are really as stupid as they come across. I'm convinced they really are.

To the left, maleness cancels whiteness, but femaleness doesn't. That's why we get points deducted for being white, while white men can continue to debate trans rights and women's rights without criticism.


They know racism is real but don't acknowledge sexism as real.

Its not that they don't think sexism is real, it's that they want to be the victim of it. There's something about needing victim status or oppression points that the trans community really seems driven by.


For some strange, unknowable reason, I'm not seeing any TRAs tell Dawkins to choke on their girl dick

It’s almost as if TRAs can tell what sex he is.

Various Incels #pratt #sexist incels.is

RE: RageFuel How can you NOT become misogynistic after reading shit like this?



bruh men can’t be raped by women, they’re right, it’s only rape if it’s guy on guy

Get out.

would you resist if she grabbed your dick and started sucking you off?

Yes, I'd resist sexual assault. Dumb question. You're trying to do the equivalent of what women do when they claim it's rape only when it's non-chad men.

jfl cope nigga, you wouldn’t resist completely tf the extent of your “resistance” would be to push her off a bit or something not a straight man alive that would reject her, let alone an incel, men can only be raped by other men, or very very ugly women, I’m right stop coping

That’s true. This whole “men can’t talked about being raped waah muh men’s rights” thing is moot with incels becaude we’re already at a level of sexual isolation and misogyny. Like we don’t need that. It’s like if white supremacists go “well well joe Biden is a real racist and dems are the racist anti minority people” like it’s crap and we all know it but in a good way (we’re so based we don’t need to listen to those tropes)

I agree. Those foids in the OP are the usual trash, no doubt. But how can a man be "raped" by a foid? You need to have a hard-on and if you have one, you are not being raped.

Sjah ki Kahn #wingnut #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt godlikeproductions.com

Render unto Ceasar the nothing that he asks of you

Your money is worth nothing, do not rely on its use.

Real value is value. Gold has value, anything you can use or do has value. Give out value, but expect nothing back. Ask for the type of value that you need from others and they might give it to you. They might not.

What belongs to ceasar is what belongs to ceasar and that is his house and his stuff. He does not own me or my fellow Beings and thus cannot demand my mind, body, work or stuff and or nonmaterial valuestuff thing. Money is a nonmaterial valuestuff thing.

Various Incels #pratt #sexist incels.is

In response to: “WAh INKwelS HATe WoMEN FoR SIMPlY EXisTINg!!1”

it’s like saying we hate covid19 for simply existing it’s an infection to this whole earth and makes our lives worse, just like whores do. But I guess we hate it because it “simply exists” Jfl, yeah, we totally hate them because they exist. Not because they are hypergamous, petty, and rude as fuck to ugly males. They never bring up that whores hate ugly/short males for simply existing


I am free to hate whoever I want. The anti white and anti male hatred which is normalized justifies my hatred of other races and the opposite sex.

I was a teacher for a short stint. You know how parents defend their little angels no matter what horror the kids commit. A married couple once told me about their nightmarish daughter who drew blood attacking other kids that it was "a phase kids grow out of." Or dog owners whose violent animals finally kill someone. Instead of apologizing, they offer excuses. People will defend the hurtful behavior of those they care for. It's up to the rest of us to defend ourselves. First we need legal help getting the law to recognize our rights. As men, we already enjoy no gender-bias anti-discrimination protections. As incels, EVERYONE hates us. If we don't start sticking up for our group and for our rights, things will only get worse for us.

They are aware of what hypocrite soulless scum they are. They simply don't want to admit it because it doesn’t benefit them. They don't want their privileges removed, specially the privilege of getting away with treating ugly men like shit, because they enjoy it. Thanks to soycucks and normietards, they have no reason to be honest or nice ever, since SOYciety not only tolerates their misandry and dishonest, they also praise it. They literally can get away with making men kill themselves due to false rape allegations, and spoiler, it already happened.

New_Guard #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt reddit.com

Women are primarily attracted to behaviors that get men to the top of dominance hierarchies. But those behaviors are also associated with being an asshole to them, or at least not treating them like they're special. So they're programmed by evolution to like those behaviors to some extent, even though they're frustrating and disrespecting behaviors, because being attracted to those behaviors gets them the top man that they need.

In bodice rippers, women sometimes read about fantasy men who somehow are supremely dominant and respected by all men, but at that same time are emotionally supportive and just the right amount of sensitive. Makes sense for them to fantasize about a combination of traits that is never found in men. But at the same time, there are plenty of books in the genre that feature hard, vaguely abusive, dismissive male love interests (e.g. 50 Shades). And chicks love that too. So even when they're in an idealized imaginary world, many of them still don't want to be treated well.

Eowyn OR #fundie #quack #pratt #dunning-kruger odinic-rite.org


Germs are the result, not the cause of disease.

Homeopathy teaches that the natural process and the stages of a client’s illness must be respected and allowed to run their course; otherwise, acute conditions can be made chronic. Infectious agents enter via the mouth, nose and skin, which are instrumental in the immunological process.

Vaccination bypasses all these natural cycles by introducing foreign material directly into the bloodstream, giving the substance immediate access to vital organs without any obvious way of removing it...Indeed, if vaccines worked, why are ‘boosters’ needed?

Research shows without a shadow of doubt causal links between vaccination and cancer, leukaemia, multiple sclerosis, autism, ADD, ADHD, lupus, mental retardation, blindness, asthma, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, encephalitis, paralysis, TB, cot death, shaken baby syndrome, liver, kidney and heart failure, diabetes, arthritis, meningitis, glue-ear, learning difficulties, allergies, auto-immune disorders: the list is endless.

In fact, all vaccinated individuals are vaccine-damaged; it is merely a question of time and degree as to the outcome. Thus, every vaccine received is a medical experiment.

Vaccines have also been used as vehicles for sterility.

Jormungandr the world serpent has already injected a venom into our folk’s blood- our soil, our gift...preventing us from attaining Odin consciousness. Worse still, it has already weakened our successors- directly by vaccinating them and indirectly by reducing the immunity we could otherwise gift genetically -because of our own vaccinations: a physical, emotional, mental and psychic plague replaces it.

We must reject vaccinations and all other polluting attempts to dissect us from multiversal reality. For if we vaccinate ourselves and our children, will we ever truly be able to guarantee our minds’ are our’s- ever again?

Rand Paul #quack #pratt foxnews.com

Cloth masks don't work. The N95 masks work. You won't see a doctor in a hospital going into a covid patient's room with a cloth mask because they don't want to get the disease.

Yet, half of the country is running around with Fauci wearing a bunch of cloth masks all over his face saying they work when in reality he knows they don't work -- it's about civility, submission, it's about having you do what you are told without thinking or questioning the state.

You know, as much as the left wants to completely different narrative, history is going to record that there was a miracle that occurred in getting this vaccine.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: MULTICULTURALISM May Be America's Biggest WEAKNESS, Differing Cultures Can FRACTURE Societies

(Scott Free)
they only want this for America and Europe... Everywhere else can be one nationality and race by the billions and no one bats an eye..

Why is diversity our strength in white majority nations but a cause for constant war with only tiny differences in Africa?

(Sherman Ng)
Careful Timmy, lefties will call this title racist as usual. As an immigrant from Hong Kong, I absolutely agree. Not all ethnicities are compatible with each other because of different cultures, beliefs and interests.

(Ryan Yates)
Diversity isn't a strength. It's a military tactic.

(Zach Young)
Don’t look at the murder rate look at the spikes in rape in Sweden . 100% due to migrants

There are tons of us who have been saying this for years. But we were called racist.

Jair Bolsonaro #pratt #psycho #quack france24.com

Brazil has the world’s second-highest death toll over the past year, after the United States. While the U.S. outbreak is ebbing, Brazil is facing its worst phase of the epidemic yet, pushing its hospital system to the brink of collapse.

“Enough fussing and whining. How much longer will the crying go on?” Bolsonaro told a crowd at an event. “How much longer will you stay at home and close everything? No one can stand it anymore. We regret the deaths, again, but we need a solution.”

The Health Ministry registered 75,102 additional cases of coronavirus on Thursday, the most in a single day since July and the second-highest on record. Brazil also recorded 1,699 deaths, decreasing slightly from the previous two days of record deaths.

Mainländer #sexist #crackpot #pratt blackpill.club

Blackpill Top 5 most brutal "pills"

5th place: the foid nature pill= foids are very limited in comparison to us and will never truly care about you beyond how useful you can be to them in one or more ways. They will never love you, empathize with you, be loyal to you or understand you. They just follow their pussy tingles; no tingles, you're out. Next

4th place: the looks blackpill= the primary source of attraction is looks and if your looks are good enough you can get away with pretty much anything; likewise, if you're ugly, people will always dislike, reject and gaslight you no matter what

3rd place: the dual mating strategy pill= foids will look for good-looking aggressive men for sex/romance/reproduction and for meek, hard-working, less attractive men for financial (and other types of) support

2nd place: the dark triad pill= foids are attracted to evil and reward evil and atrocious crimes with love and sex

1st place: the unlimited gynocentrism pill= the first place is not a pill that applies to women, but to us men. Men are biologically programmed to fuck each other over and compete for foids. EVEN IN A FUCKING INCEL FORUM, there's still gynocentrism, simping, agecucking and many men who have taken shit from foids their whole lives will still side with foids and protect stranger foids against fellow incels (even if such incels are doing nothing, just saying stuff)

jeffrey bail #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

[comment on Cornell lecture “The Children of Ash: Cosmology and the Viking Universe”]

Watch 200 proofs why we dont live on a spinning ball by eric dubay then all this will make much more sense to you!! At 30 min 20 sec that is an image from Marvel comic all cosmic images are cgi and artists impressions there are no REAL photos of space it is all a richmans trick!!!

Unknown 4chan Poster #pratt #transphobia i2.yuki.la

Are you a tranny? You need to be told something important.


Okay, like one in a thousand of you do; and that's some guy who's 57", has a slight build, and always had a weak chin and even he doesn't have a 100% pass rate.

You delude yourselves into thinking you might pass some day by sharing photos online, where you spent two hours on make-up, hid your massive man-hands, threw your shoulders back and took about a dozen different shots until the angle masked enough of your masculine features that a decent percentage of people's brains were tricked into thinking "female" due the lipstick, eyeshadow, and hairdo. But here's the reality, and I see it every couple of days where I live.

1. No tranny has fortitude to make himself up like a blow-up doll every single day, because no woman does, either. And even when he does, you know what? He stands out because real women only doll themselves up like that for special occasions. So when I see a dolled-up tranny, I always notice. A real woman can put on jeans and a T-shirt and head to Home Depot to pick up some paint brushes, and nobody will think she's a guy. But when a tranny isn't dolled up, he just looks like a dude with a pony tail and purse. Your average woman doesn't go through that exhausting regimen every day. She can look cute and appealing with 15 minutes of prep and clothes that fit. You can't. You will look like a fucking tranny if you do that

2. Even if you think you fooled some guys with pictures online; guess what, your male skeleton will never move and look like a female skeleton. Men are attracted to secondary sex characteristics, all of them, and you can only mimic a few. We will notice your masculine gait, your broad shoulders, your wide forehead, your flipper-like feet; and your enormous hands. Even if a guy doesn't figure out that you're a tranny; he'll have a feeling of uneasiness and discomfort he can't quite explain and instinctively recoil from you

Unknown 4chan Poster #pratt #racist #transphobia i2.yuki.la

3. If you don't kill yourself, you are going to get old. The older you get, the more you're going to look like an old man in a dress. Have you thought about what life is going to be like as a 60-year-old tranny? You won't be caking on the make-up and heading to nightclubs to fool young men. People will just see you as a weird freak Women at that age are no longer sex objects; they find fulfillment in their families and social groups. You will be ostracized from all social groups. And you'll have no family, of course.

4. Your failure to pass means everyone will look at you with disgust The most social affirmation you will ever get is from cat ladies who use you to status-signal to other cat ladies, but they don't actually like you or see you as a woman. The only men who will ever date you are either fags or total losers. The world around you will react with discomfort and horror whenever you go out to just buy some fucking toothpaste or whatever Humans need to be socially connected; and your failure to achieve that will convinces you that life isn't worth living.

We hate trannies and are disgusted by you here at MPC, but we don't want you to kill yourselves. That means we actually care more about you than the Jewish doctor who charges you 10,000 dollars to cut off your penis and tell you you're a pretty lady. If you're reading this and still have your dick, ITS NOT TOO LATE Sure, your base fetish for playing dress-up can't be "cured”, but the need for any addiction (because that's what this is; you aren't "a woman on the inside") will indeed diminish the longer you deny it fulfillment

You've found hatred; bigotry, and most importantly, help. So go out, buy some jeans that fit you correctly, throw away your make-up, stop hanging out with nerds, and stop being a tranny-

Anonymous #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #pratt #dunning-kruger desuarchive.org

The inability many people today who view themselves as being "scientific" as well as math fans (left-brain prisoners) have in comprehending that .999 isn't the same as 1, is completely connected to their inability to grasp eternity and infinity. Their minds have basically been programmed to believe eternity and infinity are impossibilites. Over the course of the last 10 or so centuries of indoctrination into an alien world-view, they've "learned" to be unable to comprehend it.

This difficulty they have with eternity/infinity shows up in many different fields, from math to astrophysics.

This mental handicap is inherited directly from the (((Abrahamic))) religions, more specifically Christinsanity for us Westernerns. In it's origin, the inability to understand infinity and eternity is 100% Judaic in thought/philosophy. In contrast, the non-Jewish man; the Pagan man, at least the /European/ Pagan man, never had any problem with infinity and eternity. Christinsanity introduced into the minds of people the idea of life and the world/universe being linear, starting from point A and ending with a point B, whereas in the Native European world-view everything is infinite, a circle.

That's why many people today can't understand that .999 repeating forever will never reach 1 -- they refuse to accept the idea of an infinite/eternal repetition. Saying "it's 1" is their method of escaping from the uncomfortable (and to them insurmountable) challenge which the concept of infinity/eternity is to thier Judaically-induced mental disease.

Gerald McDonald #fundie #pratt quora.com

(Part 3 [Final] )

What? What’s that? Oh, “the offspring are not identical to the parents. I see. So supposedly since the offspring are not identical to the parents, this is supposedly because of the slow moving evolutionary process. Well, why didn’t the evolutionists of the past make this stupendous revelation. Weren’t the offspring of the past not identical to the parents 150 years in the past? Why didn’t Darwin say this, instead of confessing that he was worried about not having found as many transitional fossils in the past?

And for that matter, if not being identical to the parents is actually a glimpse of that slowly occurring evolution, why are bacteria and other one celled organisms, said to be replicating “IDENTICAL” COPIES OF THEMSELVES?

Guys, this smells “something rotten in Denmark”. It smells of desperation. Which is causing the evolutionists to reach at straws to try to shore up a failing and flailing speculation that is built not upon science but upon wild imaginations and fantasy.

Evolution is fake science.

Gerald McDonald #fundie #pratt quora.com

(Part 2)

In the past, no one from the past is around to testify that evolution had actually occurred, so the claims about the past are not admissible as evidence, no matter how much the evolutionists cry, “but the similarities, the similarities”, because we see life forms born all day long, with similarities, but they are being born from other kinds of life forms. We’ve seen this pattern occurring for thousands of years. And whether they like it or not, what is observed holds more weight than anything they imagine had occurred.

And one great evidence that shoots holes in the speculation of evolution is the fact that if evolution had been going on for billions and billions of years, why is it not observed today. I mean, we are talking about bacteria replicating something other than more bacteria, or else how did they supposedly get to the place of being called humans.

And to tell the truth, even if evolution moves to slowly to occur, we are talking about what has supposedly occurred in the past. And millions of years has already occurred. So why isn’t the “bewitching” hour for many of the different kinds of life forms occurring all around us?

What has been said is that the different kinds of life forms all came from different kinds of life forms. Bacteria to frogs, or mosquitoes, or bananas, or apples. Maybe not quite in that succession, but if bacteria had evolved from something, shouldn’t we after all of these supposed millions of years that have already passed, be seeing bacteria replicating something more than other bacteria?

So, the question is guys, why are we expected to fall head over heels in accepting what is not even observed occurring.

Gerald McDonald #fundie #pratt quora.com

(Since I can’t post all of the question here, I will split it up into multiple parts.)

What scientific evidence would prove that humans continue to evolve even today?

The same that is required to prove evolution in the past or that it will occur in the future.

The same that is required to prove gravity occurred in the past or is occurring today. The same thing that the wind caused the sand dunes in the desert. Or that earthquakes caused the formations of the mountain peaks.

Observable occurrences.

The evolutionists wish for everyone to accept their word that evolution had occurred and that it is presently occurring.

To make this wish easier to accept, they make the claim, (unsubstantiated one again), that the reason why evolution is not observed, personally by all, is because evolution supposedly occurs too slowly to observe occurring.

But isn’t it funny, that many of the public, don’t realize that if evolution is supposedly toooooo slow for “anyone” to see it happen, that the “anyone” should also include the evolutionists themselves. The very ones who are saying that evolution can not be observed, are the ones that are saying evolution is occurring, but you “just can’t see it occurring”? Man talk about gullibility. Maybe the public are just too busy, trying to survive to realize the nonsensical twisted rationale the evolutionists have fallen into and are trying to push us down into.

If it is not being observed, how have they confirmed that it has or is occurring?

Luke Howard #fundie #pratt youtube.com

true but at the same time the bible makes more sense if you look at how life is. The scientists wanna always shove evolution down your throat even though biologically human are closer to a pig's anatomy than they are a chimps anatomy. There is no common ancestor between chimps and humans. That is my take but I agree with what you said in this life we will never know 100% if evolution is real or not simply because we have to interpret data from the past and considering how time works we won't ever be able to go back to the past. (Well maybe in back to the future but you know what I mean lol)

Various TERFs #pratt #quack #transphobia ovarit.com

Transwomen have female brains 🤡

Okay, so i'm tired of people telling me this bullshit that transwomen think like "cis" women or have female brains. Do you know some articles about that?

Whenever a TRA starts spouting off about the lady brain all I can think of is how some racist whites used to claim that other races had different brain sizes, and therefore were less intelligent.

Even if it is proven by science, so are the eggs in my ovaries. If that doesn't make me a female, neither does your dumb brain scan. You're just trying to change one "arbitrary" sex characteristic for another.

The last thing most trans people actually want is for transitioning to come with brain structure requirements. They know that would really whittle the trans community down quite a bit, and there's power in numbers.

Someone else mentioned Gina Rippon, so I thought this interview in which she mentions how she's asked by trans people to "prove" their brains are of the opposite sex (which is impossible according to her) might interest you: https://time.com/5669513/gina-rippon-interview-gender-and-our-brains/

Of all the TRAs arguments, this one is the craziest imo. A vagina and uterus don't prove you're a woman, and a penis doesn't prove you're a man. So the most visibly telling body parts don't indicate you're your sex. But the brain, which has no distinctive differences based on sex, somehow can? That's just crazytown. And by their own argument, isn't it transphobic to claim a woman's brain only belongs to women? Isn't that transphobic against an AMAB who identifies as a woman but unfortunately was born with a man's brain? And omg wouldn't someone please think of the enbies!

It's all such nonsense. Their arguments turn on themselves.

Fishcel #sexist #pratt blackpill.club

Whenever women are given rights, chad benefits while the rest of men are hurt

Think about it, when women entered the workplace it meant that money was no longer as important. Before men who weren’t attractive could compensate by earning a lot of money and providing. Now foids can make money on their own so they have no more need for sub 7 men. This means that chads don’t even have to work now, while working doesn’t help sub chads nearly as much. It’s fucked up shit

Che #pratt #dunning-kruger #sexist blackpill.club

[Blackpill] The Nice Guy

IT wants us to be nice guys when there is a sub called r/niceguy where foids relentlessly mock and make fun of these exact nice guys. IT doesn’t care about us or our cause. They just wanna appear as the good cool guy conforming to social norms. Why isn’t there a r/meanguy where this mythical bad personality guy is made fun of? IT may have the numbers but they definitely lack the brains.

Nostalgia #sexist #pratt blackpill.club

[Important] Dear incelophobes: Please explain why females should have equal rights

Equality between the sexes is almost universially viewed as a necessity and a righteous cause, yet advocates of it fail to explain why gender equality is desirable in the first place. People just assume it is somehow benefitial to society, while this is clearly not the case.

Men are biologically hardwired to be leaders. Nearly every important invention has been made by men. Despite the de facto and de jure gender equality that exists in most Western countries, men still make up the vast majority of CEOs and occupy most leadership positions.

Women are the exact opposite. They are hardwired to be men's submissive counterpart. The "strong independent woman" trope inherently defies female nature. Therefore, the genders are innately different, and so should be their rights (as well as responsibilities).

Giving women equal rights has not lead to any positive outcomes, only an increase in promiscuity, hedonism, and other forms of degeneracy as well as a decline in marriage and birth rates - both of which are detrimental to any society, by logical necessity.

Not only are women's rights a disadvantage for covilization as a whole, but also for women themselves. Studies have shown females are unhappier than they used to be. This is known as the "Paradox of declining females happiness," although it's not really paradoxical that a gender that has evolved to be submissive is not satisfied with being forced into a position of equality.

As I have sufficiently laid out, equal rights for females are neither advantagous nor desirable for society, both from an ethical and a pragmatic standpoint - so why should they exist?

GeneticTrash #pratt #wingnut #dunning-kruger blackpill.club

[Important] GeneticTrash's Disclaimer

All of my posts, comments and threads on this forum are source of parody, satire, and humor and are for entertainment purposes only. Said posts or stories or opinions may or may not use real names (or nouns), always in semi-real and/or mostly, or substantially, fictitious ways. Therefore, all of my writings and posts are works of fiction, constitute fake news and outlandish/unreal ideas and opinions. Any truth or actual facts contained in said stories or posts are purely incidental or coincidental and not intended to be, or be construed as, facts. Any resemblance to the truth or actual facts or to reality is purely coincidental, except for references to famous (and/or infamous/notorious) persons and/or public figures, or some historical events, in which case such stories are based on real people, but the story, or stories, or opinions surrounding or about these people or figures are almost entirely fiction and are intended as satire and entertainment. As the purpose of said writings/comments is to entertain and amuse and not to disparage any persons, or institutions, in any way and no malice is intended toward anyone or anything, nor should any be construed from all my writings on this forum. My action of typing and my predisposition or conviction are completely unrelated. Therefore, my posts and writings are not a source of facts or real information. That means all items or stories made by me are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental or is intended purely as a satire, parody or spoof of such persons and is not intended to communicate any true or factual information about that person. All my posts, comments and threads are intended for a mature, sophisticated and discerning audience. Should a reader, or readers, upon sober reflection, think or believe that anything contained in any post from mine is true (or take them in a serious manner), they are mistaken and should relieve and abandon themselves of that idiotic notion immediately. Anyone who concludes otherwise ought to stay away from all of my writings forever and may want to consider instead seeking immediate mental help, attention or treatment.

Furthermore, the above statements applies to every alias and IP associated with this account. Therefore,



Senator Amanda Chase #dunning-kruger #pratt twitter.com

Del. John Mcguire is speaking against legalization of marijuana. He said he had 7-8 people cry in his arms when he knocked their door. He said they were crying because their child overdosed. I have strong doubts that these people’s kids OD’d on weed.

Del. McGuire is right. We have a drug problem in Virginia, and legalizing marijuana will only lead to more marijuana overdoses and deaths. Democrats want more marijuana deaths. As your governor I would never allow marijuana to be legalized.

Kevin Sorbo #dunning-kruger #pratt twitter.com

“The coronavirus is about 100 nanometers in diameter. Cloth mask ‘holes’ are 1,000 times larger than a virus. An analogy is used that a mask is like a mosquito getting through a chain link fence. it’s a mosquito getting through a chain link fence w/holes 14 yards wide.

American Airlines #pratt #racist charlotteobserver.com

Kyetra Bryant says after taking an American Airlines flight out of Charlotte, North Carolina, with her boyfriend, she soon noticed an unusual fee on her bank statement: “African American African Service Charge.”

Despite using separate debit cards to pay for their luggage fees, Bryant’s boyfriend received the same statement, she said in a social media post.

Upset and confused, Bryant said she has been trying to get an explanation, and an apology from the airline, since seeing the charges the weekend after Thanksgiving. She hasn’t had much luck.

After being passed from department to department, she said she was eventually told the incident was being investigated, but she’s never received an answer as to how it happened.

“Honestly, I didn’t expect a response but I’m not stupid and no I don’t think it was a mistake. Never flying with them again,” Bryant said.

Whatever the reason, “there’s really no justification,” she told Fox 46. “We definitely felt targeted. That’s an instance of racial bias.”

Connor Murphy #fundie #mammon #crackpot #pratt #dunning-kruger #god-complex instagram.com

For most of us it’s tough to say, “Merry Christmas” this year and mean it. We’ve gone though a lot this year, and many of us are mentally suffering. You can do two things about this: be a victim and continue to mentally suffer, or take responsibility for your happiness and create your own reality. I’m here to help you do the latter. Since many of us are celebrating the birth of Jesus today, I thought I’d fill you in on what he was ACTUALLY trying to teach. His teachings have been misinterpreted and mistranslated for 2000 years. This is a big reason why this country, which was founded on Christianity, is such a mess. Let go of the concepts you’ve been indoctrinated into and directly experience what Jesus was pointing to for yourself. I’ll help you get there.

NDS80 #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

Who knew the awesome destructive power of less than half a tank of jet fuel? Imagine the level of technical skill required to handle quantities of such a volatile substance on a daily basis. If only we could harness the raw energy of jet fuel for peacetime applications, we could power entire metropolitan cities with the degree of potential catalyst present in one or two commercial passenger jetliners.

Is probably what that charlatan, Isaac Newton would say.

Jim O’Neill #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt canadafreepress.com

A Message for the U.S. Military

I have a question for our military: Did you not take an oath, a solemn oath, to “support and defend” the United States Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic?” And is it not your DUTY to protect and defend the American republic and its citizens?

That’s what I thought. So why aren’t you doing it? Why are you standing around with your thumbs up your butts and ignoring your DUTY while your country gets flushed down the toilet. And don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. You know damn well what I am talking about.

…Those who believe that it will mean anything if Trump starts a new political party, or the Republicans take back Congress are idiots. We the People have just experienced an in-your-face “what you gonna do about it” election fraud of historic proportions. There will never again be free and honest elections of any importance. In the future The Powers That Be will elect who they wish to see elected and block who they don’t want. It’s a given, you can take it to the bank.

Each branch of the military has its own intelligence service, and unless they are doing one piss poor job of gathering intelligence, then they know, THEY KNOW, that the only reason that Biden “won” this past presidential election was through deceit and foreign interference. You are fine with that; you are just going to let that slide? If so, then you are a disgrace to your uniform and nothing but a sad, sick joke.

…Now is an excellent time for you to step up and take charge. As I say, there is currently no legal POTUS, so you would not be committing a coup – there is no president to commit a coup against! You would simply be filling in this peculiar gap that presently exits between one legally elected president and the next.

Paul Bury #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger familyfriendlygaming.com

Recently there was a humorous exchange where I exposed someone emailing me as a complete and total liar. They claimed to be mad at Family Friendly Gaming based on lies from some toxic hater website and that they were a Christian. I quoted multiple verses and their vain attempt to twist the truth was truly astounding. One of their premises is you must respond to the lies or you acknowledge them as truth. How messed up is that?


To even want to respond to a site spewing venom, lies, and hatred about Family Friendly Gaming I would first need to find them credible. I would need to have some respect for them and what they are doing. We continue to build up and improve the lives of millions here at Family Friendly Gaming. This hater website is trying to tear down because they are not capable of building up. We show our tolerance of diversity by ignoring them. We are not sending them law suits for their slanderous libel. We are not attacking them on a routine basis. We are living and let live. Maybe those cancel culture moral guardians will learn from our adult example. Mic Drop.

Anti-Gravity Alliance #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger #fundie squeeb1134.tripod.com

Substantial scientific evidence has been found that gravity does not exist! In fact there is more evidence that gravity doesn't exist than that it does!

· Gravity is only a THEORY and NOT a Scientific FACT!

· Gravity cannot be proven!
- As a theory, gravity can never be proven, scientists admit this!! No one has tested gravity on Jupiter!

· Gravity cannot be seen, heard, felt, tasted, or smelt!

If gravity exists then:

· How do birds, bats, and insects fly?

· How do airplanes fly?

· Why do balloons float up?

· What makes a hot air balloon keep from falling from the sky?

· How do Zeppelins or Dirigibles float in the sky?

· How does a siphon work?
Gravity can not exist. Consider the lies scientists tell us about gravity:

· Gravity is blind, ruled by random chance and chaos.
- Why are all the stars, planets, and moons round instead of many different shapes. How did "blind" gravity make all the
celestial objects perfect spheres?

· Gravity is a great force which permeates the whole universe that we are powerless to resist.
- We are told that this force is blind, does not love us, and that we are not known to it. Can this be so?

Dave Daubenmire #wingnut #pratt coachdavelive.video

I appreciate all the guys who told us Trump was going to be in there for ten more years or twenty more years, or soon he was going to own America, whatever. But there are a lot of things that influence it, and I still believe, along with Mark Taylor and along with Dana Coverstone, I still believe that Donald Trump will be President of the United States. I still believe that.

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy #pratt #crackpot deviantart.com

So congrats on the win! You won by not only cheating but also threatening the lives of innocent people so thank you for showing the world your true colors as the true fascists. As I said before and I’ll say again, these crazies are commie nazis and unlike these crazies who use words like “Nazi, transphobic, homophobic, racist“ and every ist and ism(not to mention “reactionary“, yeah cause rioting totally isn’t reactionary) like they’re saying hello...we actually have evidence of their shit.

2024, people! I highly doubt Biden will last a year as President with Kamala “Fweedom” Harris breathing down his neck but what can I say? Now look, I don’t support storming the capital because that‘s what the crazies do not what Trump supporters should do because we should know better. Tho I gotta love how the media is now calling this a riot but when ANTIFA and BLM riot “PEACEFUL” they say! “Summer of love!” Says Jenny Durkan

as her city was being burnt to the ground. Remember, Trump has condemned white supremacy and neo nazis, Biden NEVER condemned BLM and ANTIFA for rioting. You can go on and on about how “ANTIFA is just an idea and isn’t real” (nice gaslighting btw) but we all know the truth, it’s rules for thee but not for me https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zxdaStQNO18

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

The fact that the crazies have been bitching about how trump isn’t their president because muh russia or muh Ukraine for 4 years and have absolutely no evidence. Yet Trump has evidence of voter fraud https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=keANzinHWUA but the judges don’t want to see it, either because the crazies have threatened to dox them(which they did) or they‘re never trumpers. Not to mention that this city bordered up their businesses because they know the crazies will riot cause I haven’t seen Trump supporters riot. Now we have Supreme Court justices scared of riots! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YmjhydD_TB8ossil “Oh, Shawn you keep bitching about the riots but it’s all for justice!” Yeah? Where’s David Dorn’s and every other black police officer or civilian that was killed in the riots justice? Where’s the justice for business owners who already got their asses kicked by COVID and now have crazies stealing then burning down their shit? And of course, where the justice for people getting killed because they wear a fucking Trump hat? And here comes the flying monkeys with their “whataboutism! REEEEE!” These fools don’t care about social justice or change, they want to dance around acting like they won but soon realize they have buyers remorse for voting for Biden. What? You actually thought this asshole was really gonna be “the most progressive president ever elected”? Is AOC gonna be in his cabinet and finally end climate change? Nope! In fact it looks like he’s getting someone...who is FOR fossil fuels! Oops! Eh, she’ll get over it by bashing capitalism by selling $60 shirts. Oh but it’s made by people who are unionized! Yet the shirt is made from polyester. Don’t worry, AOC just cry in front of an empty parking lot again, the crazies will love it. Then there’s Kamala Harris who has BLM looking over her shoulder and counting the days of when she’ll invite them to talk. Well, since she won then there‘s no use for ya now! You were played from the start!

ThunderousFire18 #fundie #pratt sporcle.com

[Regarding a quiz about Charles Darwin]

I really wish Sporcle wouldn't publish quizzes like this. Charles Darwin peddled a nonsensical, pseudoscientifc theory that has since been debunked, yet for some reason continues to be believed by millions of people (even some so-called "Christians"!) worldwide. His name deserves to live on in ignominy.

Mike Lindell (the MyPillow guy) #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt thebulwark.com

[Link is to a secondary source in case the original video gets pulled down for obvious reasons. —shy]

Lindell: It was the security advisor, Robert O’Brien. He brings me upstairs. And the president said, bring him up to lawyers, show ’em this and come back down. They bring me back downstairs and I wait about 10 minutes. I had the stuff in my hand which I was now bringing it up to the lawyers. I sat down with the two, the one lawyer is all upset with me. I show them all this You can see who did it, on the computer, how many votes were flipped. This is an attack on our country by China and other countries that did this to us. So I left there with a deflating feeling. Mike Lindell wants the truth to be told to everyone in this country and everyone in the world to show that this was the biggest election fraud in the history of the world as far as I’m concerned. We got videotape of them shredding all the ballots made in China and an invoice from China. God’s got His hands in all and all this stuff will be revealed. And the longer it goes on you are finding more of the rats that pop up, the evil…

Interviewer: What about the Insurrection Act or Martial Law?

Lindell: Four pages that I brought to the president which was that evidence for the big machine switch. Here’s all his options he could do. Basically it laid out all the options. One of the things the president really liked on there was Google, Facebook, Twitter he has the authority to order them to put everybody’s back intact their Facebook and their Twitters back. He turned to that Robert O’Brien and said “Yeah we could do this.”

Interviewer: What is your sense of the presence of the military here? Is it over the top?

Lindell: I don’t understand it. You know there’s like three people and every other person’s a military guy. We’ve all had our prayers going, “Gee maybe somethings gonna be done that this president is willing to say hey we’ve been attacked by another country cause we have. Our country’s been under attack for a long time.”

Interviewer: I think people are hoping that this military presence is a response to what you just said.

Lindell: That’s where my hope lies. One more thing: You can’t hide this. I don’t care how much they corrupt the media and take away our platforms, there’s 100 million people that know our nation’s been stolen.

Flat Earth Network #fundie #conspiracy #pratt facebook.com

The dome or firmament is BLUE when it is lightened during the day, and it is totally black or dark in absence of light. It is a great HOAX or LIE or DECEPTION of astronomy all these images of galaxies and nebulas they have shown us. Don’t BELIEVE them. Believe in the Bible, in your senses, not in the falsely so-called science of the jesuit freemasons astronomers of the vatican who are the ones who control nasa.

Bradford C. Walker #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

A laptop got stolen from Pelosi's office during the peaceful protest, and it is believed to be Special Operations using the protest (and protestors) to cover the operation, liking covered itself under the combination of the Stafford Act and the Emergency Powers that are still in effect because the whole of the United States remains under a State of Emergency.

And what's on that laptop? Undeniable evidence.

It can be of the fraud. It can be of the human trafficking her children (as with Biden's) is involved with. Whatever it is, it has Pelosi in a panic and that put entirety of the Thralls in the United States in a panic. Word went out fast to nail this shift in the narrative; it's also why the sudden deplatforming hit when and how it is- it's there to attempt to cut off Trump's ability to spread the word.

The problem is that Trump has direct, hardwired access to every last American via the Emergency Alert System. There is no way for the Thralls to stop that signal without stopping their own and going dark themselves; they may do so anyway, just to stop the God-Emperor, but by then it will be too late for them.

(…) They sense it, which explains the panic, but they can't perceive it so they're going to get it anyway and because none of them took the olive branch none of them will be spared.

Ken Ham #transphobia #fundie #pratt twitter.com

I had to fill our a form at our local pharmacy and they asked for "Sex Assigned at Birth." So they know to be true to science there are only two genders, male and female. So they word it this way to be "politically correct" but in reality they are acknowledging: 1. There are only two genders of humans; 2. One is either male or female; 3. It's important for medical reasons to know if one is male or female. As Jesus states in Mark 10:6. "But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female."

The Meme Policeman #wingnut #pratt facebook.com

Responding to a meme about what Antifa actually means…

And now, presenting the Memey for Most Annoying Meme!
There was incessant gaslighting over the summer about Antifa. It was simultaneously not a real organization and just an "idea," while at the same time a brave movement fighting fascism. Even as Antifa groups occupied, burned and destroyed sections of American cities, memes continued to claim the black clad group were akin to American soldiers in WWII.
Even though Antifa would now consider the average WWII vet a racist perpetrator of toxic masculinity and Western hegemony. They also seemed to ignore that Stalin was anti-fascist.
Runner-up in the comments.
Stay tuned for more Memey Awards, they run until the end of the year. For a complete list of the 2020 Memeys (updated in real time):

Donald Trump #wingnut #pratt twitter.com

The lockdowns in Democrat run states are absolutely ruining the lives of so many people - Far more than the damage that would be caused by the China Virus. Cases in California have risen despite the lockdown, yet Florida & others are open & doing well. Common sense please!

Sharif Sourour #elitist #wingnut #pratt twitter.com

Give $600 to a poor person & it's gone in a week.

Give $600 to a rich person & it's multiplied 10X in a few years or less.

When someone points out that poor people need to buy food and pay rent…

Exactly. Because investing in liabilities instead of assets is how poor people use their money and therefore lose it.

I mean even if the rich person was stripped of all his riches and put in the position of the poor, with the rich person’s mentality he or she could figure out how to be rich again from that situation.

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