
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Germany: Top Politician Demands Someone Stop Fat, Ugly Woman Attempting to Provoke WWIII"]

There are two things that really get women hot: black guys and mass death

Annalena Baerbock is like “I came here to start a nuclear war and fuck black guys – and I already fucked all the black guys in Der Nigger Town”

She then raided the cookie stash and ate a whole jar of cookies before crying and passing out drunk

What a creepy-ass cracker


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz must “stop” Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock before she becomes a “security risk” and pushes Berlin towards a conflict with Moscow with her “thoughtless statements,” Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Soeder said on Wednesday during a German political festival[…]
Soeder referred in particular to when Baerbock told the European Council in January that the EU was “fighting a war against Russia,” words that sparked uproar at the time. In mid-February, Baerbock herself conceded that the remark was a mistake

You people think I’m joking about war getting these sluts hot

I’m not joking in any way at all

I might say it in a silly way, to highlight the silliness of the thing, but it is just a fact: women are turned on by the idea of mass war. Go look at the supporters of this insane Ukraine war, which literally has no point that a man could ever process as being logical or reasonable. It is just all women going nuts, saying they want to have sex with Zelensky, and calling for a land invasion of Russia

Women as a group are a security risk

Jews couldn’t find men to support this insane Jew agenda, so they released the sluts as a standing army suppressing and oppressing men

They need to be locked up in cages

They are making a complete mess of everything that men spent millennia building and they think it’s funny

Jon Miller #sexist twitter.com

Nobody believes women when they give their age…or body count…or say they weren’t flirting with another guy…or how much they spent on your card at Saks…or when they say they want you to choose the restaurant…so why on EARTH would we believe them when they claim to be raped???

speculareffect #racist #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy specular-effect.com

There are some people out there who will tell you that some manlet, faggot vegan with a funny-looking mustache was the epitome of evil. Yet, when you really evaluate the behaviors and actions of all these people who make up and occupy governments around the world, you start seeing the world in a different light. The truth is a lot simpler than you think it is.

They are all evil!

Try explaining this to your normie friends and family members. NPCs are just out of touch and will never be in touch.
I told you dumb asses to get off of social media. I also told you that Israel is going to become the next world super power, replacing America, having Russia and China as protectorate states, in The New Jerusalem—Ukraine.

Jews are creating an alternative reality on the web where they drive and control the political optics of many nations; steering your minds to follow their agendas, smothering dissident voices in the interim. Yet, you dumb asses are still on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, 4chan, and YouTube. Sitting around with your thumb up your asses, believing that you own an email address.

I’m sorry, you stupid moron, but you do not own an email, neither is the cloud account yours. You are literally storing personal data on someone else’s computer.
Why are communists almost always ectomorph losers? These are the kinds of sissies who we would beat up back in the good ole days, because they were always tattling.

Give me a fucking break. Remember who this little bitch is. Trudeau forced the vaccine mandates, forced many people out of work, which led to them to losing their homes and other properties. Yes, many are now homeless and he continues to gaslight Canadians with the next “happening” and the people cheer like seals.

Yes, women and their faggot cohorts. They are why Communism is possible, for it is a feminine construct, as I’ve explained before.

Turdeau? Well, he’s just another estrogen infused puppet, yelling at hecklers and those who criticize him.

various commenters #sexist #homophobia ovarit.com

RE: drinking piss is part of gay culture

( yikesforever )
Tbh, some of what i've heard about gay males (like going camping and having huge orgies) sounds disgusting af and worse than hetero couples, cause it's all male...

( Riothamus )
Women are the control rods for male sexuality. Remove the control rods and you get a meltdown.

( proudcatlady )
I done been saying this. And it’s exhausting to be the control rod. And miserable.

( shewolfoffrance )
Because men, collectively, want women to be the control rods, just not for them individually.

They want women to take sole responsibility for making sure there are no single-parent homes, children born out of wedlock, divorces, or promiscuity. They also want to keep their porn, casual sex, strip clubs, forever girlfriends, dating apps, open relationships, and "instagram models."

Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention #fundie #sexist christianitytoday.com

One of the country’s biggest and best-known megachurches, Saddleback Church, is no longer a part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) after bringing on a female teaching pastor last year

Saddleback was among five churches with female pastors who were deemed “no longer in friendly cooperation” with the denomination at a meeting of the SBC Executive Committee in Nashville on Tuesday

The Lake Forest, California, congregation ordained three women from the stage in May 2021[…]Last year, Saddleback selected Andy Wood as Rick Warren’s successor and the church’s lead pastor, and his wife Stacie Wood came on as a teaching pastor

Warren responded to calls for the SBC to cut ties with his church at the convention’s June 2022 annual meeting, held in Anaheim, California. “Are we going to keep bickering over secondary issues,” he said, “or are we going to keep the main thing the main thing?”

At the time, the credentials committee—the group tasked with recommending whether to disfellowship a particular church—hadn’t come to a decision on Saddleback, saying it wasn’t clear if the SBC’s statement of faith restricted women from any position doing pastoral work or with a pastoral title, or if it just applied to the senior pastor[…]
This week, the committee recommended Saddleback be disfellowshipped, saying the church “has a faith and practice that does not closely identify with the Convention’s adopted statement of faith, as demonstrated by the church having a female teaching pastor functioning in the office of pastor”[…]
The credentials committee also recommended a single church—Freedom Church in Vero Beach, Florida—be disfellowshipped for issues related to its response to sexual abuse[…]SBC has only acted to remove a handful of congregations since 2020, the majority of whom knowingly employed a registered sex offender as pastor. Others have been disfellowshiped for their stances on LGBT and racial issues

Nadya #sexist news.ycombinator.com

The answer of why [social media has a greater negative mental health effect on teenage girls than it does on boys] is quite obvious to many people but no longer politically acceptable.

There is a large external pressure for studies to show that there are no differences between men and women while there is also demand for studies that show negative outcomes of women in comparison to men. The same problem happens again and again with these studies in that nothing explains the negative outcomes of women. Except one explanation that is instantly discarded for being socially untenable.

The intersectionalist looks at the studies and declares, "It must be something - let's keep looking!" while the sexist takes a look and nods.

Nobody is going to risk their careers or their funding when they can continue being paid to investigate other avenues of explanation. The suffering of people will continue until a more acceptable explanation is found.

And because I don't wish to speak between the lines: There are psychological and emotional differences between men and women. And, from all the humans I've known at least, women tend to give more of a shit about the opinions of other people than men give a shit about the opinions of other people. While the toxic negativity of social media impacts both genders I would honestly be shocked if it didn't impact women more if for no reason other than because they care more.

tehgymcel420 #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

Do foids use cats for sexual reasons?

We all know what they do with dogs... but what about cats? Foids love keeping lots of cats.

Cat penises are too small, do they maybe use the cat's tail to hit the cervix and the g spot? Cat's have rough tongues, do they get pleasure when the cat licks their clit? Also they don't need to put anything on their flaps to get the cat to lick it since cats are already drawn to the smell of seafood.

The Taliban #conspiracy #fundie #sexist #wingnut theguardian.com

Taliban bans contraception calling use a ‘western conspiracy’

Reports that fighters have threatened those issuing birth control medicines come as Afghan midwives and activists warn of impact on women’s health and rights

Taliban fighters have stopped the sale of contraceptives in two of Afghanistan’s main cities, claiming their use by women is a western conspiracy to control the Muslim population.

The Guardian has learned that the Taliban has been going door to door, threatening midwives and ordering pharmacies to clear their shelves of all birth control medicines and devices.

“They came to my store twice with guns and threatened me not to keep contraceptive pills for sale. They are regularly checking every pharmacy in Kabul and we have stopped selling the products,” said one store owner in the city.

A veteran midwife, who did not want to be named, said she had been threatened several times. She said she was told by a Taliban commander: “You are not allowed to go outside and promote the western concept of controlling population and this is unnecessary work.”

Other pharmacists in Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif confirmed that they have been ordered not to stock any birth control medicines.

“Items such as birth control pills and Depo-Provera injections are not allowed to be kept in the pharmacy since the start of this month, and we are too afraid to sell the existing stock,” another shop owner in Kabul said.

It is the latest attack on women’s rights by the Taliban who, since coming to power in August 2021, have ended higher education for girls, closed universities to young women, forced women out of their jobs and restricted their ability to leave their homes. Restricting contraceptives will be a significant blow in a country with an already fragile healthcare system.

One in every 14 Afghan women dies of causes related to pregnancy and it is one of the most dangerous countries in the world to give birth.

The Taliban’s Ministry of Public Health in Kabul has not issued any official statement on the issue.

Taliban fighters patrolling in the streets in Kabul told sources that “contraceptive use and family planning is a western agenda”.

they-called-me-terfy #homophobia #sexist #transphobia tumblr.com

Can you imagine going back in time and telling activists that in the future piv sex will be considered gay by certain people? That women will be told that they “aren’t real lesbians” for refusing to have sex with males? That gay men will be called bigots for refusing to date females? That “gay” people will shame homosexuals for their same sex attraction?

Can you imagine going all the way back to the time of the suffragettes and telling them that some day men will put on dresses and declare themselves the most oppressed women of all? That in the future these men will be able to threaten women with murder and rape with no repercussions, but that women will be ostracized and fired from their jobs for acknowledging biological reality? That these men will steal scholarships and resources made for women and people will call it progressive?

Can you fucking imagine?

Matt Walsh #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

One thing to keep in mind about Chelsea Handler is that she has actually had three children. But she murdered all of them. That's why she so desperately justifies her childlessness. Her "freedom" was purchased with the blood of her own children.

tehm-blr #ableist #sexist tumblr.com

people are going to call me mean for this but I'm going to say it anyway: I don't care about gym bros that have eating disorders. men's eating disorders are just eating healthy and getting strong, while women with eating disorders are starving themselves to fit a sexist beauty standard. like they are not the same! they are not of equal importance!

Snake Baker #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Italy: Moslem Arrested for Disciplining Thot Daughter"]

These people say they want “multiculturalism” and then arrest this guy for doing his culture

How is this not entrapment?

L’Unione Sarda

The carabinieri of the station of Stresa, in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, yesterday arrested a citizen originally from Bangladesh for kidnapping and ill-treatment in the family . The man had locked his-year-old daughter in the room for days , beating her and depriving her of food . At the origin of the violence there would be the father’s refusal to accept the girl’s romantic relationship[…]
According to what was reported by the girl, her father locked her in her room for four or five days, with no food and only water available, he also repeatedly beat her , refusing her to go to the bathroom without being escorted by him

What they mean when they say “enrichment” is just “dirty and poor”

The reality is, there are a lot of ways that brown people could enrich white culture. It’s just that if they try to do any of those things, they get arrested for it and called evil

gattsu & WorthlessSlavicShit #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: Only MTF trannys and male fags are hated upon



No one cares about FTM or lesbians. It's just hatred of men, and hatred of men demasculinizing themselves. Most of the guys who say they hate trannys love women. Just remember this. I'm not saying I support trannys. All I'm saying is hating trannys or faggots without reason is stupid. That's exactly what women want.

I don't like trannies because I feel repulsed by their existence. But it is awesome to see them make women mad by proving male superiority.


yes, tranny hate is misandry

Exactly. They've been trying to pretend they hate FtMs as well, but they always just default to hating MtFs lol. It gets even funnier now that right-wingers are openly talking about transmaxxing, since FtMs might be even more likely to talk like us than MtFs. There are legit threads where they openly talk to each other about it not being worth to transition into a man if you are too short, how short men will never be respected in their lives, and so on, but of course, nobody is calling them incels or trying to bluepill them, mocking and gaslighting is only reserved for actual men of course.

On another note, people only shit on trannies that are ugly and look like this


You never see anyone shitting on someone that looks like picrel


Exactly. It's nothing but misandry, lookism and ageism aimed solely at delusional old incels who got sucked into the trannymaxxing bullshit. You never see even the most hardcore TERFs and right-wing transphobes reposting photos of somebody like Blaire White when talking about how disgusting trannies are, even though most of the trannies they bring up are leftists who agree with TERFs on 90% of what they talk about, while Blaire White is pretty much a right-wing extremist by the current standards lol.

Lookism is insanely powerful.

MK Uriel Buso #fundie #sexist timesofisrael.com

Netanyahu said he had spoken with coalition chiefs and they agreed the bill “won’t come up right now.” In a message to coalition party leaders, Justice Minister Yariv Levin[…]specified that the bill would not be brought before the committee when it convenes Sunday. Later Thursday, Shas back-tracked on the bill as well

The extraordinary legislation would ban egalitarian, mixed-gender prayer at the section of the holy site where it is now allowed, criminalize the activity of the Women of the Wall prayer rights group, and ban visitors from wearing attire deemed immodest

It would penalize offenders with a six-month prison term or a NIS 10,000 ($2,900) fine

The bill, which had been mentioned in coalition agreements in general terms, was added at the last moment to Sunday’s agenda of the Ministerial Committee for Legislation, with Hebrew media reporting that Shas party leader Aryeh Deri wanted the bill to pass its preliminary reading in the plenum over the next few days[…]
Shas said it welcomed Netanyahu’s decision to freeze the bill and maintain the status quo “as it has been until now”

“The Western Wall doesn’t need any law,” the party said hours after submitting the bill

“Most of the Jewish nation respects the holiness of the place, except for the provocateur women who don’t cease turning it into an arena of political combat, all under the cover of the High Court”[…]
Filed by Shas MK Uriel Buso, the bill would seek to criminalize mixed-gender prayer anywhere at the Western Wall, including the pluralistic prayer area

It stipulates that it will be prohibited to “hold a ceremony, including a religious ceremony, not in accordance with the site’s traditions, that harms the feelings of the worshipers in relation to the site.” The “site’s traditions” are defined in the bill as being set by the ultra-Orthodox-led Chief Rabbinate and the appointed rabbi of the Western Wall, currently Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch

spuriusbrocoli #sexist #elitist spuriusbrocoli.tumblr.com

(Note: this person is a bisexual man.)

a straight girl will date anything vaguely male-shaped so long as its as cis and het as she is. istfg you could line up the handsomest butches who could eat her pussy for days or the most genteel bi boys who could top her from wall to wall of her tacky apartment, and she’ll still choose her broke, ugly trogolodyte boyfriend who thinks staring at her tits is foreplay and humping vaguely in her direction will get her to cum bc gay men are meant only to compliment her tasteless dress over brunch and lesbians are gross.

Laura Wood #racist #sexist thinkinghousewife.com

[From "A Solution to “Population Decline”"]

FEMINISM and predatory economics have had their inevitable (and desired) result. The birthrate among Americans, especially among whites, has declined. The solution promoted by the government and mass media? More immigration. You’ve heard about it ad nauseam

But leaving aside the immense cultural consequences, this idea of using “migrants” to make up for a loss of native workers does not make sense economically. About 50 percent of immigrants are on welfare and they overwhelmingly come from countries with weak economies. They were not able to transform their own countries into success stories so how can they transform ours? (It’s also uncharitable, draining other countries of motivated, hard-working citizens)[…]
But a better solution to population decline in Europe and America at this particular point would be to do the exact opposite: Send millions of recent immigrants home and restore families, offering economic incentives for marriage and for women to stay home. If women in Africa can afford to have five children, why can’t women here? I do not suggest cruelty or banishment

Let’s do what Africans are doing and send our migrants home. Mass deportation, in a gradual and humane form, may seem impossible[…]
The goal of deportation shouldn’t be a racially pure society with no diversity, but a much more homogenous one, where the incentive to “be fruitful and multiply” is not stifled. Deportation needn’t, and shouldn’t, be cruel. Immigrants can be offered economic incentives to create a better life back home

David J Stewart #psycho #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

It is sinful rebellion for a wife to seek her own independence apart from her husband's authority. Men are controlling by nature, territorial and protective of what's theirs. This is my land, stay off it. This is my family, you talk to me first. That's a normal attitude for any man. If you want an equal relationship, then you are desiring a homosexual intellectual relationship.

Feminism is insane, wrongly labeling husbands as “controlling” for wanting to know where his wife is at. A man has every God-given right to inquire concerning his wife's whereabouts, activities, friends at all times. If you don't like that, then you have an unbiblical attitude. The sinful world rejects the Bible as being God's inspired Words. The heathen world doesn't recognize the Biblical right of a married man to “RULE OVER” his wife (Genesis 3:16). Feminists are rebels, who completely reject the Bible's teaching of wifely submission to her husband. A godly woman obeys her husband, giving him veto power over everything in her life. Her husband is her boss, and

Ephesians 5:22, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” 1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.”
Many women have a totally backwards mindset toward their marital problems. A lot of women are demanding, placing ultimatums on their husband, threatening divorce; when instead they are Biblically supposed to submit in obedience to the husband. 1st Peter 3:1 teaches that a husband who WON'T listen to God's Word may likely be won over by the obedience of his wife. It is a Biblical principle that a wife's submission to her husband will push him toward obedience toward God.

Daniel Haqiqatjou #fundie #sexist twitter.com

Unlimited kindness to women destroyed Christianity.

Unlimited kindness to women destroyed Judaism.

Unlimited kindness to women destroyed every traditional religion and culture...

...and their next target is Islam.

Humanity needs patriarchal family structure, which every religion has historically endorsed. But patriarchy has been attacked by liberalism as "oppression of women," i.e., being mean to women. So these religions deleted patriarchy in favor of equality, thus suiciding themselves.

Emina Melonic #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #conspiracy amgreatness.com

There are things that transcend time and ideology, in spite of all efforts to the contrary, and it is these that make us human. Sexual tension and especially love, that is to say all things relating to eros, are part of that transcendence. Eros is among the more mysterious and powerful forces we live for, or at least, we should live it as it is the driving force of life, creativity, and abundance. The world which we inhabit right now, however, seems devoid of this tug as it is devoid of the desire for life such erotic moments indicate are part of our nature.We have worked even harder than the communists did at designing an erosless world, a machine to churn out purely perfunctory artifacts, the purposes of which are, paradoxically, meaningless.
The transgender ideology is an attack on both masculinity and femininity. If the falsehoods of this ideology were actually true, transgender people would be in a half-human state. Neither male nor female, they would be suspended in some anti-metaphysical status—alive but not partaking in human being. They would be incapable (whether physically or mentally) to truly engage in a sexual act. Their self-imposed, mechanical celibacy is based on an unhappy turn inward. By electing a state that is neither male nor female, they have chosen the annihilation of eros.
One cannot quantify sex and eros. It is a relationship that is mysterious. To be sure, erotic acts and encounters have their own language and their own unique revolution. Desire is a form of turmoil, of unsteadiness, and of yearning. But it also has a kind of resolution in the life-giving power that it generates. But this revolution and resolution have nothing to do with the ordinary sort of politics and ideology that so engage our consciousness today. Eros, in the end, is based on human vulnerability, on the fragile balance between a man and a woman, on a mystery of being, and the relationship between lover and the beloved.

Prussian Society of America #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Men should be more openly Vocal about their Hatred for Women Around Other Men and Women"]

The more that it is understood openly by the public, the better

For example, I make no effort to hide the fact that I mostly only view Women as sexual objects, as all Men other do

Most of us Men, outside of the Woman’s Beauty and Sexual Body Parts, we actually despise them as a Person or Human Being, they are an annoyance and piece of shit to have to be bothered with for any reason, even to ring up your orders

Women are always inferior usually in what they do, they are unreliable, they are secretive, use code-speak and lie constantly

What is there to really like about them!? DO NOT RESPECT WOMEN

Agnar #psycho #wingnut #racist #enbyphobia #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

SinistralRifleman: The 2nd Amendment is for everyone.

This is something I’ve believed for years, and something many people I know have also believed. But it’s apparently a controversial statement now.

Agnar: I don’t want communists, Chinese people, antifa, gender psychos, or people who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election to have 2nd amendment rights.

Not sorry, just want to have a country in 20 years, thanks.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist gab.com

China currently has in excess of 1.4 BILLION people.

They could sacrifice 200 million of their best looking women, sending them to the US to steal White men from White women, and they'd still have over 1.2 BILLION Chinese citizens left in the homeland.

There are only about 750 MILLION White people worldwide, and China is currently wiping out White people in every White country in the world through this very process.

@Nature_and_Race Look at the smile at the end. This is an ugly whore who spends two hours daily to look like a 5.

My wife wakes up after a restless sleep looking like an 8.

Good luck, rice taco.

@Nature_and_Race Whites are dying. Don't race mix.

“I will pass on this hair, this eyes….”

Yeah Bitch just wait until they mass import niggers into China & other Asian countries ❤️

@MageofSolitude @Nature_and_Race
Totally same here! I love Japanese but I think the rest Asians are basically worthless.

@LupinIV @Nature_and_Race agreed. the only thing I like the Chinese for is the north east Americanized Chinese food, however, we can get the recipes and keep them open after deportations. the japanese have such a beautiful culture and country (they seem the closest to us but we should still be allies in seperate countries). They also sided with hitler so...

@Nature_and_Race well, looks like it's butthole only for Asian women. glad to know this, thanks for sharing.

@Scott786 Sodomites like you are never welcome among Whites.

@Nature_and_Race only low value men find Asian women attractive.

Jonathan Shelley #sexist youtube.com

I heard an independent fundamental Baptist preacher, he's like, “You know it is not right for me to tell my wife when we are going to have kids, you know I need to ask her permission, or ask when it's OK to start having kids.”

And I'm like, “Are you a man? Are you a Baptist? You're a fundamental Baptist preacher and you're going to ask your wife it it's OK to have children?”

I'm like, what planet am I living on? How effeminate is that, to let your wife tell you when she's gonna have kids or not? I mean, that is feminism.
You know which buttons I ask my wife are OK to press? None, because she doesn’t tell me what to do. That’s a weird relationship, and it’s sad that fundamental Baptist preachers are letting their wives tell them what to do.

K9Otaku #sexist #conspiracy incels.is


There has been a lot of excitement lately over the anime foid AVs ban. I think that the problem runs deeper. Here is my take on it.

Most incels on this forums are youngcels, who are the loudest of all to claim they are blackpilled. Yet if any one of them gets even the remotest chance of "ascending", they will go back to simping and white knighting in a split second. Of course, they will never admit to it here but that is exactly what thy will do. They will just disappear from here and melt back into the bluepilloshpere (remember Kyle Incel?)

Some Incel-tier males eventually get to have a relationship with some low-tier becky or other (or a post-wall sheboon or whatever). But, of course, that means that they will have to lick the floor in front of her. Only Chad gets to be actually blackpilled in practice with respect to foids in today's world.

So, saying "I am a blackpilled incel, but I want to ascend" is fundamentally contradictory and therefore hypocritical. For incel-tier males, ascension can only mean going back to simping and white-knighting, therefore to a betrayal of the blackpill.

The only honest attitude would be to say: "I am a blackpilled incel, and I want to ascend only if I can do so in a blackpilled way"

In practice, this means converting to Islam and living in an islamic country or maybe in some other really shitty hellhole where nobody cares about foids.

In the West, the only possibility is Volceldom. Of course, MGTOWs are also huge hypocrites, most of them, but fundamentally, they are right in principle. It is IMPOSSIBLE to interact with Western (or Western-style) foids without doing the simp/white knight dance.

Conclusion: the only honest people on this forum (and elsewhere in the "manosphere") are old (35+) Volcels or oldcels who have completely given up.


Weeb-related crap is the most obvious sign of the above hypocrisy. An incel weeb is basically someone who says to himself: "while I wait for an opportunity to grovel at the feet of an irl foid, I will do so in fantasy mode with an Anime foid". […]

TLDR: Weebery is part of the foid-worship entertainment industry that is the main cause of Inceldom by conditioning men into foid-slaves.

Snake Baker #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "UK: 2021 First Year When Majority of Babies Born Were Bastards"]

Headliners | More births outside marriage or civil partnership for the first time

Society just keeps getting healthier and healthier as we approach our final destination: utopia!

Forward march – into the future!


Sky News

More babies were born outside marriage or a civil partnership in England and Wales in 2021 than within

It is the first time that has happened since records began in 1845, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said[…]
The average age of mothers increased to 30.9 in 2021, while the average age of fathers remained at 33.7

Only 30.9? Why not 60.9? After all, women have to have time to take at least a million zillion gillion cocks before they decide to settle down

It’s a little thing I like to call “democracy”

At least 30.9-year-olds are smart enough to know that they don’t need no man

Single Mothers EFFECTS On Society

femsolid #sexist tumblr.com

I used to think small boys could be allowed in female separatist spaces but after working with boys as young as 4 I don't want them anywhere near me or girls. It starts so early. I don't care if it's nature or nurture. They all become evil so quickly. And I'm not using the word evil lightly. As someone who is very understanding with children, there are some things I've seen or heard that were beyond comprehension. There is an obsession with destruction, violation and inflicting pain that just isn't normal. And the male ego and entitlement is already there. It's already too late. And to think later on women try to "change", "educate" and "teach" grown men. If we can't do it when they are 4 what do you think you're going to achieve now?

Andrew Anglin #fundie #sexist #wingnut bitchute.com

[The Apostle] Paul was basically encouraging people to be incels. He also just said that women need to shut up and not be involved in anything. They should take care of their homes. People will say, “But Paul said to love your wife.” Well, obviously you don’t hate your wife. You should take care of your wife, she’s the mother of your children, but you should have total control over her. In this society, that is actually impossible, so there’s some question as to how you’re even supposed to do it, but that’s a topic for another time.

Anyone who tries to say that Christianity supports women and women’s dominance and that Christianity says women are not obsessed with sex and don’t base their entire existence around sex, go read the letters of Paul, go read any of the church fathers. It sounds like an incel forum if you read what the first Christians were writing.
I think the basic problem with all of Western civilization was that the church sold out the people, and the first big thing that caused everything else was allowing women to go to education…and this will help fuel women’s egos, which is not even healthy for women.

When women are liberated, they have higher expectations. So, because their expectations are not met, they become unhappy because they have new expectations from feminism. And it’s like, well, Occam’s Razor: the most obvious thing is that women don’t actually get any happiness from this liberation. What gives women happiness is marriage and being submissive to a man, which obviously, they don’t do that voluntarily. You’re not going to have a woman voluntarily submit to you; you have to force her. That’s the reality. You have to dominate the woman, and even if you do think you have dominance, she’s gonna keep pushing you. I mean, there’s women who get divorced in their 60s and 70s. So it’s a lifelong thing to try and wrangle this bitch like a wild horse, but a horse [eventually] breaks.

Anon[241] #sexist #elitist unz.com

Every time you see an expose of alleged pedophilia it turns out to be a teenage girl voluntarily prostituting herself.

There is a class element here, low class girls from chaotic families are unchaste and men from all classes can take advantage of that. The solution is for low class families to put down the meth, stop cheating on one another, stop divorcing, and actually discipline their children for once in their lives. It’s not to join the white trash conspiracy theorist goon march that seeks to blame everyone but them for their daughters being sluts.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

As one wag said, "Why would a man buy a used car instead of a new one?"

How many drivers has it had, or the damage done?

Western women are at a tipping point. Our satanist society teaches them that it is chic and empowering to be promiscuous. Onlyfans has two million "content creators."
College girls have "sugar daddies." Thousands are having their breasts removed as they transition.

Young women today don't realize they are victims of a depopulation agenda masterminded by the same people who brought you the COVID hoax and deadly vaccines. The goal is to forestall marriage and family formation.

For example, women are naturally hypergamous. They want husbands who are of higher status, who are confident leaders. Our society elevates women to higher status than men, either through idealization of sex, or discrimination. Men have been undermined psychologically. This undermines heterosexual union. Men have lost the confidence to approach and win a woman.
Men want power. Women want love. Heterosexual marriage is an exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. This exchange of power-for-love defines femininity. This is how two people become one.

Of course she must first find a man able to prove his trustworthiness through a long process of courtship.

Most women are defined by their reproductive services. When they are no longer fertile, they are less attractive to men. This is why men still want women who have consecrated their sexuality for their husbands and families. Women are the heart and soul of a family. They are cherished because they sacrifice themselves for husband and children.

Sexual intercourse is based on an exchange of power-- female surrender and male possession. When a man "makes love" to a woman, he is showing his appreciation for giving herself to him.

In contrast, a man has no reason to give pleasure to a stranger. He simply takes his own.

Intercourse symbolizes the permanent marital bond.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

TIMs "attacked with misandry and transandrophobia"

( Hera )
Being a transwoman is always a red flag that the man in question probably isn't trustworthy and one should be very wary when interacting with him, but omg, if a man just flat out doesn't try to look like the opposite sex and still has gall to say "I'm a woman" that's not a red flag, that's a wholeass alarm bell and you run. He's a predator.

( ScaryHairyQuiteContrary )
If it’s not the testosterone, explain why men commit 99% of murders and sexual assaults.

Just because? That’s even worse. Did the male who wrote this even think this one through? (Clearly no lmao)

( nopenottoday )
That's a really good question that for all of my years in feminist circles I still don't have a good answer to. If it's not the testosterone that makes men so much more violent than what exactly is it? It MUST be the testosterone. In fact, isn't sociopathy linked to higher production of testosterone during the fetal stage? It's almost like the more "male" a man is the more violent and empathy-less he is.

Edit: I just looked it up again and apparently it's a relationship between both testosterone and cortisol. So high levels of both are needed for sociopathy to flourish in a person. So maybe that's why men who have higher than average testosterone that also grew up in stressful environments are the most likely candidates for extremely violent offenders, like serial killers. But I still think testosterone is to blame for a lot because plenty of average-testosterone men are still extremely violent.


( vampires_teabag )
I dont think its testosterone solely, although its effects mediate the reasons why males are the way they are, its a holistic fact of their differential investment in reproduction and their strategies they use to compete for mating, and acquire females for mating. You can get low testosterone males to become extremely violent in the right circumstances, if they feel insecure in this way, and high testosterone ones to be placated, if it is totally in their power. Women arent violent in the same way, even if on testosterone, since they have none of these motivations, and it doesnt benefit them reproductively, sexually or socially to act this way.

Better Bachelor #sexist youtube.com

(Video title)
Wallet Vampires are now lurking in home improvement stores for husbands


(Video description)
Ah those dark times bringing out the vampires.

Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on Locals.com (it's free to become a member) to see all the same content you get here on YT. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - https://betterbachelor.locals.com/sup...

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@frenchdipset - Nobody (except possibly murderers) dies if abortion is banned"]



Quote tweets confirm. Just evil, evil people

People—real, flesh-and-blood women with families, friends, plans and dreams for the future just the same as yours and mine—will die as a direct result of this ruling. There is absolutely evil here, but it belongs squarely to those five justices
4:23AM·May 3, 2022

Last summer the United States Supreme Court overturned the objectively horrible Roe v. Wade ruling, and leftsts like Madam Theis absolutely lost their minds over it

You can tell by the hysterical blabbering. How are "real flesh-and-blood women" going to die as a result of no court imposed prohibition on State abortion bans? This is a common talking point as long as you realize it literally makes no sense

At absolutely zero point has anybody opposed abortion in the event that continuing the pregnancy causes a likely risk to the mother's life. Part of the reason is practical: this straight up never happens[…]
Seeing as how abortion is currently murdering about a million people a year between Canada and the United States, it's unclear how the number of "real flesh and blood" people who die would not only increase but even maintain at the tiniest percentage of the current dearth rate

It's also worth noting that in such a scenario every death is deserved and I'll cheer it on. After all, in a world where baby murder is outlawed then the only deaths are of the infamous "backalley abortion" cases. And there's no reason anybody with an ounce of horse sense should fret[…]
Death penalty for attempting abortions? Now we're talking! Real bitchy pieces of shit with deplorable hopes and wicked dreams would die as a direct result of that ruling, and I would be the first in line to enjoy a popcorn and watch a trollop hang

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

London Cop Rapes Dozens of Women, Puts Them on a Diet, Forces Them to Clean His House While Naked

This dude is based.

Maybe instead of being put in jail, he should… be made the ruler of England?

New York Post

A British cop, who served in London’s Metropolitan Police force, has been described as one of the country’s most prolific sex offenders in history as he admitted to numerous sex crimes over an 18-year period[…]



Several victims bravely told the court that Carrick would lock them in a closet under the stairs in his home for hours on end without food. Some of the women were forced to clean his house while naked

Carrick would physically abuse and demean some of his victims, including belt-whipping and urinating on them, The Guardian reported. He also controlled some of them financially and in some cases, made sure the women cut off contact with other men and their children entirely

The court heard that Carrick called his victims “slaves,” “fat,” and “lazy” and told them when they could eat and sleep

Men who respect women are the biggest faggots of all. Like literally, respecting women is gayer than taking a dick in your ass from other men

Conversely, everyone who does not respect women, and kidnaps them and makes them do house cleaning in the nude, should be given extreme power to make decisions about society

It-goes-both-ways #sexist it-goes-both-ways.tumblr.com

The only genuinely misogynist people that I know of are so due to abuse. Mostly severe, over a long period of time, and/or by multiple perpetrators so it can be difficult to counter, especially when people’s response would only make things worse. So when it comes to misogyny I’d say that none of it is biological, as it goes against humanity’s gynocentric nature.

As for whether there is any non-biological reason for misandry; considering that women’s innate fear of men which often progresses to hatred (a side effect of the lack of empathy for them which is itself a side effect of their own self preservation), is biological, probably not.

Some say that the reason men are considered to be violent/rapists is because of biology but when perpetration by one sex is exaggerated while the other is ignored coupled with female preference it’s difficult to really know for sure with more severe forms of violence. Women are more willing to hit men than the other way around, it also takes a hell of a lot less provocation. Most men won’t report any abuse by women, emotional, physical or sexual. This perpetuates the idea that men are perpetrators and women are victims while encouraging women more inclined towards these behaviours to commit them. Believing that men can’t be victims while women can’t be perpetrators only increases those very things.

Something I find rather convenient is that with powerful men throughout history, people often say things like “behind every great man is a great woman” if what they did was considered good. They almost see what influence women can have over powerful men. Though they always seem to forget all about it when it comes to dictators, tyrants and despots.

It-goes-both-ways #sexist #fundie it-goes-both-ways.tumblr.com

Ask:Do you believe that men and women are wired differently or is it just that society (both men and women) have created a world where men and women are expected to think and act differently. I think the differences are mostly created by society and don't actually exist. Your thoughts?

Answer: If that were the case, how did they differentiate at all?

Men and women are far more similar than they are different, they just manifest differently. Empathy is not a female trait for example, while people find it more obvious in women because they’re more social, if there’s a dog drowning in a river or a child in a burning building, generally it’s men who will rescue them.
Right the way down to crimes such as rape, male rapists mostly target adult women while female ones will mostly target male children.

Women are generally more cautious and averse to personal accountability, using proxy violence or blaming others for their own actions. While men tend to be more overt about it, personally I’d take being punched in the face over being falsely accused any day. It makes perfect sense why this difference exists, of course women are more cautious, a pregnant woman wouldn’t last very long if she didn’t put herself first and early societies wouldn’t have lasted very long if they didn’t put women as a sex first. The differences in behaviour influenced society, not the other way around.

Obviously there are exceptions all round, #NotAll etc. The fact that it’s a biological thing is what makes it so bloody frustrating when dealing with feminists and tradcons alike.

surreal #psycho #sexist #wingnut incels.is

After graduating in Iran, foids get paid fully but men won't be allowed to work and get paid NONE because of mandatory military

"muh Iran is based and fights degeneracy and feminism"

Because of mandatory military service for men, I will have to work with absolutely ZERO pay for 2-4 years after graduating while my foid classmates will get paid FULLY

Also foids are almost always preferred in job interviews for comfy desk jobs

Muslim countries are anything but anti feminism, 90% of men are worker bees and cannon fodders, only the top men get to experience the "basedness" you retards talk about

I will most likely blow my brains out when they give me the Kalashnikov rifle in the training

Might unironically go ER (Emergency Room)

fucking brutal. Most "based" countries are basically shitholes unless ur rich. This is true in the west too but less

traditional countries are basically even worse for men in many cases nowadays. Traditional country normally means poor and broke. And men do all the labor, foids leech off em completely.

And you know what's funny? because of media influence the average poverty shitskin foid in 2023 has the same looks standards as western foids in top of expecting men to pay for her everything

But most won't end up with chad because they're subhuman themselves also there aren't many chads here, in the past they settled but now they're perfectly happy staying single forever because of job opportunities

who will actually be doing the fighting.

subhumans, while foids flee to other countries to get fucked by foreigners

Sneir #psycho #sexist incels.is



aaomalley #sexist #psycho reveddit.com

For a while now I've noticed it more and more. It just seems creepy to me. I really don't understand the fetish with teens in porn.

That is because you are a victim of the male version of slut shaming. See feminists have shamed men into submission when it comes to owning the fact that ephebophilia is completely natural and healthy. We are biologically driven to be attracted to women that are close to puberty, because they are more fertile and likely to bear healthy offspring. That doesn't mean that it is okay for a grown man to have sex with a teenage girl, but it is perfectly acceptable for him to be attracted to her. Teen girls have the proper physical proportions, perky breasts, and clear skin that signals they are a good mate, and that is what attracts men.

You have fallen into the trap that says that simply being attracted to a post-pubescent but underage girl is creepy and makes you a bad person. It doesn't and that is a flat out lie, it makes you a healthy heterosexual male. Now if you proposition a teen girl or otherwise leer at them, then you are a creep. Simply finding them sexually attractive is nothing to be askamed of.

I don't know. Its possible I guess but I don't think its likely.
I made this decision on my own without anyone talking to me about it.

Really you have never been around another person that described the behavior of being attracted to a teenager as creepy? You have never watched TV when someone if portrayed as a pederast for being attacted to a postpubescent girl? You never saw American Beauty? Media has formed your opinion of yourself. The social stigma created by the feminist zeitgiest has defined how you feel, you never had to be told you have been shown since the day you were born. You learned to be ashamed of your own behavior without ever thinking about it.

A question to make things clear. When you see a nude 18 year old girl with a perfectly toned and proportioned body and perfect hair and skin, do you get an erection? If you do then you are an ephebophile. I am sur you do, because it is biologically programmed into all men. the creepy feeling is because you have also been programmed by society to feel bad about your sexuality, which is the primary goal of feminism

aaomalley #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Generally the well performed studies put the rate of false allegations between 9% and 60%. These are based on different metrics, but all looking at cases where the allegation was demonstrably false. The general consensus is that false allegations occur in about 35%-45%. And these are only looking at numbers of false allegations actually reported to police. The allegations of rape that occur where someone doesn't go to the police are more difficult to study, but I would guess a much higher percent of those cases are false. I have personally been in this situation where a consensual drunken night turned into alleged rape and the girl tried to turn all my friends against me. Luckily everyone at the party knew it was clearly consensual, so I want that damaged, but it isn't always the case, I also have 3 other friends that have been falsely accused but not reported to police.

These cases of demonstably false allegations also don't include the "grey area" rape allegations. Those cases where a woman got drunk and had sex then reports it at rape, or other such allegations where sex occured but consent is he said/she said. Those actually make up the vast majority of rape allegations and, thank god, are rarely prosecuted except when a prosecutor wants to get their name in the paper. The fact is that when you take false allegations and these grey area rapes you are looking at a substantial majority of rape allegations that are unfounded, and yet the push by feminists is that "women don't lie about rape" and people like the OP that don't believe false rape allegations are common. They scream that anyone that discusses false allegations is a misogynist and a MRA crazy, as if being an MRA was an insult.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #conspiracy #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com


It is no surprise that Andrew Tate is being “taken down”, however do not be surprised if this is actually nothing more than a Smoke and Mirrors operation and it could actually be staged altogether, just like the so-called “Trump Impeachment”

It’s Kabuki Theater[…]
With Trump’s alleged “Impeachments” and 2020 Election Loss, they had stirred both sides of the population

The Left Wing believed Trump was going to be destroyed[…]
The Right Wing were believing in the QAnon psyops[…]
Even the January 6th event was another great example of Kabuki Theater and Psyop Operations[…]
Trump only has loyalty to Capitalists and especially his Jewish Handlers[…]
The reason for going on about that is because I want you to think about it and relate it to what is going on with Andrew Tate’s sudden takedown, which also makes his Christmas Message he delivered to age “badly” in the eyes of his desperate and hopeful supporters[…]
From a lot of what we’ve been reviewing about Andrew Tate’s take down in Romania, it seems that this is more of a greater operation in having used Andrew Tate as an element and face cover for “Toxic Masculinity”, i.e. that the World Controllers spun him into the figurehead[…]
It also stirs up an element to make Men who do travel abroad to Eastern Europe or other countries to even more so be potentially viewed as “Sex Tourists”, so this effort seems to be aimed at targeting “Target Masculinity”[…]
It may also be playing a discreet role in bringing about the Gender Civil War, because it will only make tensions rise further between Men and Women[…]
Women in the West are also “closing their legs even tighter than ever” these days now as well, as they are seeing the money and freebie pools drying up around them rapidly[…]
Women who have no fear of their Men, are cunning

Dr. Debra Soh #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #pratt #sexist #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Gender ideology is a form of grooming.

Conspiracy theorists are the ones who are paying attention.

If you can count to two, you know how many genders there are.

When the entire process thus far has been corrupt, I fully expect any “investigation” into it to also be corrupt.

Keep sex offenders out of women’s spaces.

Gender self-identification was designed to be exploited.

Biological sex is immutable. There’s nothing to debate.

The he/him “allies” are always the most insufferable.

The word ”woman” is being redefined in the name of stealing our opportunities and trophies.

Parents pushing transition need a psych evaluation.

Detransition will soon be more common than transition. That’s my prediction.

Autism, sexual assault, and being gay are the real reasons girls are transitioning.

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