
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The US Corporation really did go bankrupt earlier this month and what we have been watching on our so-called news is corporate theatrical performances. The evidence for this is clear.
Asian secret society sources explain the attempt to use Taiwanese and Thai royal gold to keep the US Corporation going has been stopped. That is why exports to the US have been stopped. They say they will restart trade if Donald Trump is made public president again. This has been promised before July 4th, but don’t believe it until you see it. We have heard this story before, so let us see if it really happens this time.
The “Trump indictment” is clearly part of a sophisticated campaign -by his Rothschild/Harriman backers- to take down the Rockefeller “Joe Biden” avatar. By creating a legal precedent with trump they can now go after “Biden”. That is why corporate media widely reported Congressional hearings about how Biden accepted “$5 million in bribes.”-simultaneously with the Trump indictment.
We talked to the creator of the Quantum Financial System who explained “An awful lot of people owe an awful lot of money and they want to kick the can down the road, The yield on the sovereign bonds is artificial. The T bills don’t have any value; they are money laundering. Everyone goes to the 18th floor [at BIS headquarters] in Basle [to get their fake money]. The cartel is the Rothschild family. This entire geopolitical landscape is all families refusing to give up their territory.”
Next, we notice King Charles has gone to Transylvania -the home of his ancestor Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula- “on a walking holiday” without his wife. This came immediately after he was caught forging documents to keep the KM show in Ukraine in business.

Another high-profile person to now officially vanish is George Soros. We know he has been gone for a long time but now the corporate media is acknowledging his son Alex has taken over.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @33christo33 )
here's a comment i saved that someone posted at the chateau a few years back that i thought was rather eloquent....

"Blacks in White societies (at any level above 10% at least), is the equivalent of chaining a non-working 1971 Ford Pinto behind a 2018 Maserati GranTurismo. The Maserati is top-of-the-line in technology, cultured and fast, but will NEVER experience its true potential while it is forced to drag the Pinto behind it. The Pinto gets to be pulled forward by the Maserati without putting any effort into it (and sometimes even applying the brake to stick it to Maserati), and believes, after a while, that it is the one actually capable of going fast, and probably does not even need the Maserati, and that the Maserati’s ‘sport car privilege’ is really probably holding it down."

( @RolfNelson )
@Nature_and_Race I know someone who recently got a black boss. Had been totally onboard the whole "diversity is good" train, thought I was over-stating the case. It didn't take long for it to become very obvious that things were not being run as well as previously, and the whole department is suddenly falling apart.

Didn't even have to say "told you so;" they noticed entirely on their own.

Makes me wonder how many more epiphanies are coming down the pike.

( @WomblePoop )
@RolfNelson @Nature_and_Race What you have described is a microcosm that is happening all over America.

Its no coincidence that universities have literally lowered the acceptance qualification threshold for negros.
At the same it has increased for asians!

This speaks volumes in itself.

Ultimately, you could be treated by a black 'doctor' who was not required to qualify at the same high standards as a white doctor..

Diversity : Destroying society just so we can treat idiots as equals..

( @Chest_rockwell )
@Nature_and_Race I grew up in this community in the 70’s and 80’s. It used to be called East Detroit. It was a Polish and Italian area with Catholic schools and churches. I remember my grandpa saying the niggers are coming across 8 mile. He moved further north and the blacks took over. Now it’s a shithole.

( @Earl_Turner_1993 )
@Nature_and_Race I hope this loud mouthed nigger hoots and hollers over every single one of those mudskins who went up to talk. I have a wacky feeling that they, I dunno, probably voted for her.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Blacks cannot live up to White societal and cultural standards.

They simply don't have the inherent biological capacity.

Blacks are incompatible with White civilization. We only suffer from their presence.

( @36x )
@Nature_and_Race Nowhere on earth is there a community, town, city or Country, which is fully functioning, well educated, healthy, low crime and attractive to immigrants, which is run by blacks and populated by blacks...Nowhere on earth, ever.

( @JHadron )
@36x @Nature_and_Race - The best case they could make is Prince Georges County MD which has a higher median income than that of the US and is majority negro. This is only because most of the jobs are either government jobs or those with government contractors. Even so, their schools STILL suck (based on data from http://greatschools.com) and their crime rate is also above the national average.

( @JariloCromlech )
@Nature_and_Race It would be much better for blacks if they could live around other blacks, completely free from "White Supremacy™" that "be holdin dem down n sheeit".

Which is why they should be repatriated to the African nation of their choice from Europe and America.

( @TrueDepth )
@Nature_and_Race Black women are the worst.

( @Spanks )

Case in point: Why every black civilization in history never moved beyond sticks.

( @StopAntiwhiteism )
@WomblePoop @RolfNelson @Nature_and_Race No. the purpose to erase white people from planet Earth.

( @Reconquista2 )
@Nature_and_Race this is true. For the betterment of all they should not be allowed to leave Africa.

( @jayelare )
@Nature_and_Race there isn't a place on earth that niggers have gone and added anything of value. everywhere they go, they turn to shit, no exceptions, ever.

( @Based_Gimli )
@Nature_and_Race one thing that blacks have going for them is there are in second place for the most racist people on earth. Jews coming in 1st. White's coming in last.

( @Friss_Blei )
@Nature_and_Race i feel like taking a semi auto G3 and start finding solutions.

( @Itwasthedognotme )
@Friss_Blei @Nature_and_Race M1919 Browning goes Brrrrrrrrrrr

OCTOPATH CHIMPLER 2 #racist #conspiracy incels.is

200 nigger asylum seekers staying in a hotel at my town

on one hand i hate how jews and the government disprect its own cititzens and put foriegn niggers first

i hate seeing so many niggers speaking a backwards ass language i dont understand

but on the other hand i remember my own people voted for this is and stood idly when it happens, and treat me like shit anyway and betray me

all the normie couples who planned to get married in that hotel can get fucked.

it is clear the elites want niggers to shit everything up

State of the Nation #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Folks, it really doesn’t get any bigger than the painstakingly and fraudulently geoengineered CLIMATEGEDDON scenario that’s now rapidly unfolding across planet Earth.
In point of fact, the entire fake CO2-driven narrative, which has been spewed by the New World Order globalist cabal over decades, was rolled out for this very moment in time.

Why do you think communist-run Canada was specifically chosen as center stage for this upcoming “Greatest Show on Earth”?! Only a George Soros-installed tyrant like Justin Trudeau would act out with his characteristic utter foolishness and his typical climate mania for his Khazarian masters.

Of course, attacking large cities with acts of pyroterrorism such as Quebec is the best way to get every Canadian’s attention very quickly. It also provided Trudeau with the perfect pretext and platform with which to launch his next nation-destroying initiative euphemistically named “CLIMATE ACTION”
As a matter of historical fact, Canada has been a completely captured climate change-promoting nation-state long before the second Trudeau ever set foot in 24 Sussex. Perhaps the single most important reason why the Khazarian Cabal stole each of the prime minister elections for Trudeau is because of his starring role in this year’s NWO blockbuster—“Climate Change”.
Honestly, how does Canada suddenly see the worst ‘wildfire’ season ever break out right at the end of the catastrophic COVID-19 Plandemic?!

How convenient for the countless Covid criminals who brazenly committed the complex crime sprees associated with both the various COVID-19 bioweapons launched around the globe as well as the highly weaponized Covid injections administered worldwide?

There simply is no more captivating a distraction from that genocidal Covid crime wave that’s still washing over the Earth than the dramatically orchestrated firestorms being triggered all over the the eastern part of Canada.

@ID_England, @johnbriggs47 & @peterpower #wingnut #racist gettr.com

( @ID_England )
Four hundred Channel migrants were landed in England yesterday, while zero migrants left for Rwanda. This entire 'plan' is a smokescreen designed to: grab headlines, convince Tory fans, give liberals a cause and to give the impression that the 'Conservatives' oppose illegal immigration. This isn't reality - it's an illusion.
#rwanda #rwandamigrationplan #rwandaflight #channelmigrants #englishchannel

( @johnbriggs47 )

( @peterpower )
The Tories are no different than the GOP in the US. They play dress up, larping as Conservative.

What exactly do they Conserve?

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(@n1k0lak1 )
"Hate speech" - any speech that threatens jewish interests or opposes jewish political goals, which usually involve some form of anti-White discrimination.

( @FatherJohn )

Jewish Fragility refers to feelings of discomfort a Jewish person experiences when they witness discussions around race and theology. This may trigger anger, fear, guilt, and violence. Some Jews may become insecure when other people groups claim privileges that Jewish people enjoy.

If a Jewish person becomes defensive, a non-Jew may feel obligated to comfort the Jew. For example, some Christians comfort Jews by telling them they are “God’s children,” while some Europeans speak words establishing racial self-hatred. These non-Jews seek to unburden themselves from socially constructed sin accusations (racism or anti-semitism).

Manifestations of Jewish fragility commonly include accusing others of what they do themselves. These include, but are not limited to:
* Inventing a social sin that only applies to non-Jews (anti-semitism).
* The privilege of their own racial homeland while accusing others of a social sin (racism) for seeking the same privilege.
* Establishing organizations promoting the interests of their own race while denying that privilege to others, specifically Whites.
* Violence toward those who do not submit to religious, historical, and cultural narratives promoted by the Jews.
One manifestation of Jewish fragility was the reaction to Jesus Christ, who verbally chastised them for hypocrisy. As a result, the Jews used their power and influence (Jewish privilege) to have him executed.
Fritz Berggren, PhD
28 February 2021

( @MisterS )
@n1k0lak1 How can it be hate speech if I love doing it?

( @HiHoney333 )
@n1k0lak1 The jew hates a Christian though he is more than happy to make a buck off him. In even the most biased depiction of jews as maltreated and misunderstood people, some element of fairness forces the script writer to include a moment of the startling degree of hatred the jew has for the Christian. Flash a crucifix and the jew shits himself.

( @zachsg )
@n1k0lak1 hey, bro. You might want to tell those negros over there that their 400 years of "slavery" didn't break any speach laws...

jews speak beyond the law...

John de Nugent #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #fundie johndenugent.com

Arnold, the Austrian who sold his soul to the jews in Hollywood, now pontificates against “hate” and “antisemitism.”

In the article below, Arnold says he believes there is no God and no afterlife, just like his luciferian Big-Jew masters.

As the very great, and antisemitic Russian novelist Dostoyevsky, said: “If there is no more God, then everything is permitted.” And the bolshevik jews showed the Russian people just what horrors an atheist can do to them.

I have written many times on the hard, scientific evidence for life after death and God (in fact, a God of love)….and also about Arnie selling his soul completely to the jews while originally admiring Adolf Hitler.
As for God, read Conversations with God.
<multi-volume automatically-written Spiritualism classic>
This is a tough-love Father who knows far better than we do what is best for us over the many incarnations we will have. Life is meant to be challenging. You knew that before you reincarnated!
And there you have it, a narcissist who HOPES there is no God and divine justice at death, because he sold out his race and nation!

Virtus is the certainty of a tough-love God and a beautiful afterlife FOR THE BRAVE!

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #racist winterwatch.net

Winter Watch defines a cult as a social group with socially deviant beliefs and practices. This is further defined as Malum in se, meaning wrong or evil in itself. The phrase is used to refer to conduct assessed as sinful or inherently wrong by nature, independent of regulations governing conduct. It is distinguished from malum prohibitum, which is wrong only because it is prohibited. The kakistocracy is pushing malum prohibitum hard, as applied to what it considers “wrong think.”

The kakistocracy cult want us shell shocked from rapidly changing false information overload, which leads to paralysis and fear. When people are in a state of fear, coupled with option paralysis, they are very susceptible to manipulation and easy to control.

While the masses are all dazed and confused and overly concerned with catching a seasonal flu, the kakistocracy cult is destroying families, small businesses and entire nations.
Destructive cults, gangs and syndicates are commonly associated with occult doctrines that provide a mechanism by which an individual, or a small group, can control the thoughts and behavior of large numbers of people. Members’ identities can be altered and members can be turned into de facto slaves.
Enter the concept of egregore. Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a “thought-form,” a “collective group-mind” or a “hive mind.” It’s an autonomous psychic entity made up of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people. In psychology, the Group Mind is definitely recognized as one of the factors to be reckoned with in treatment.
Another standardized egregore is the Janus principle. Unlike the fully depraved implanting seen in Grand Theft Auto the Janus principle is when an outward benevolent, people-caring face is displayed in public. On the other face is a deep seated, soulless anti-human evil and egregore that is so great it is unimaginable to most normal humans who have souls.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Yeah, but here's the problem with that,

Jews makeup an insanely disproportionately large number of anti-Whites.

Virtually every single anti-White initiative, anti-White organization, and even every anti-White idea has Jewish origins and Jewish leadership.

Simply put: You can't defeat anti-Whiteness without defeating those in charge of it. And those in charge of it are Jewish.

@Wanderers_Choice LOL My god you MeNots are so jealous! Ye’s Law: “Naming them ruins you. Naming them crosses racial lines which proves it’s a negative focus on them.” If the all encapsulating category “antiwhite” is not good enough for the multiracial “name them” community, that is evidence that victimizing Jews rather than ending the victimization of Whites is their objective. These are fundamentally two different communities.

( @WarriorOfTruth888 )

@NoWhiteGuilt is actually worse than a nigger.

( @kalogerosstilitis )
@Nature_and_Race if a dumb nigger rapper names the jew risking his billions his freedom his children his life probably, so can we ffs. Come on.

( @FanaticalTexan )
@Nature_and_Race The jew is like the head of the anti-White snake; remove the head the snake dies.
"These are fundamentally two different communities"
Yeah, one actually wants to go on the offensive against those that run the anti-White racket.
The other tries to keep Whites on the defensive, never gaining any ground for our people.
Guess which is which... 🤔

( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race "victimizing" jews... that's like saying we're victimizing blacks when we point out that most interracial violence is committed by blacks. I don't know if this guy is a krypto-kike or just a shabbos but he has ulterior motives and helping White people is not on the list.

( @NotReallyFrench )
@Nature_and_Race Anyone who capitalizes “jews” while *not* capitalizing “Whites” is simply not the same as us.

I can understand the impulse to capitalize all proper nouns. But the AP Style is admittedly, deliberately and openly hostile to Whites.

( @mariomileto )
More about being anti-Christian than being anti-White. Being White AND Christian is just a bonus.

Sergeant K.E. Bluemke #racist jta.org

A German-born sergeant in the Canadian Army was fined roughly $2,200 and given a “severe reprimand” after joking about the Holocaust while conducting an infantry training course

But the 38-year-old officer was not demoted, even though a military tribunal considered handing down that punishment

The sergeant, identified as K.E. Bluemke, pleaded guilty last October in an Ontario court martial to one count of “conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline.” He was charged after 12 participants in the training course said he had made multiple antisemitic jokes and comments about Jews and the Holocaust

According to court documents, which were first reported on Friday by CTV News Vancouver Island, Bluemke began the training course by asking, “Is anyone here Jewish?” Throughout the course, he proceeded to make comments such as, “Move with the sense of urgency as a certain group did leaving Germany in 1939,” and “Why do Jews have big noses? Because the air is free”[…]
“I am having difficulties finding the right word to qualify the use of stereotypes and the reference to the unspeakable horrors suffered by the Jewish community before and during the Second World War to make adverse comments intended as jokes,” Cmdr. Martin Pelletier[…]wrote in his decision. “The word ‘distasteful’ does not suffice. It is in my opinion utterly disgusting. Regardless of who in the [Canadian Armed Forces] engages in such conduct, it should make a reasonable member cringe and worry about belonging to the same organization as the perpetrator”[…]
Soldiers in the training course described Bluemke’s conduct as “offensive, demeaning, and unprofessional”[…]Pelletier specifically cited a Jewish soldier’s victim impact statement as an “aggravating factor” in Bluemke’s sentencing

Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy #racist amg-news.com

In an astonishing turn of events, seismic shockwaves have started rippling across the financial landscape, leaving utter devastation in their wake. This monumental catastrophe is none other than the collapsing edifice of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the financial dynasties that have held the world in their grips for centuries. This revelation, exploding onto the global stage, has exposed the harsh truth behind the gleaming facades of these mighty banking institutions.

Yes, you heard it right! The once unassailable Rothschilds and Rockefellers are witnessing their empires crumble before our very eyes. The years of clandestine operations and untrammeled power are catching up with them, spiraling into an unrecoverable free fall of their clandestine empire. Their desperate efforts to veil their intricate network of corruption have led them to resort to private banks and covert tactics. The net, however, is closing in, and the predators are rapidly turning into prey.
This shocking exposé has echoed beyond the confines of Wall Street. The domino effect of this economic meltdown is hitting global institutions hard. Among those at the brink of fiscal disaster are NATO and the United Nations, the pillars of global peace and cooperation. Severed from their financial lifelines, they’re teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

In a turn of events that sends chills down one’s spine, even the mighty US military, the iron backbone of NATO, is backing away. Military insiders have released classified reports suggesting the shocking truth – without US military support, NATO and the UN are expected to crumble within a month. This scenario paints a grim picture of a world standing on the precipice of a geopolitical crisis, and a potential war with Russia.
In the fight to unmask these corrupt behemoths, every stone unturned leads to new revelations. As we stand witness to this historic unraveling, the future of global finance seems to hang in the balance.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
For those of you who don't already know, major corporations are being rewarded for discriminating against White people, especially White men.

There is a war being waged against us, White people. We have to do something about it, in real life. The courts aren't going to protect us from anti-White discrimination - they support it.

--> https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/how-business-giants-get-lower-interest-rates-for-meeting-diversity-quotas/

( @becca01216548 )
@Nature_and_Race I have witnessed a *dramatic* change in demographics of our team after our employer changed to a BIG, INTERNATIONAL company a year ago. Based on all the DE&I crap they send out, I'm not surprised...

( @GodzillaKingOfTheNose )
@becca01216548 @Nature_and_Race that’s why it’s only white MEN. The women must pursue jobs and be around their diverse brilliant 80 Iq coworkers while white men continually lose access to those jobs. White men deserve it tho. These beta pussies are some of the weakest most pathetic race traitors I’ve ever seen. Being racially aware is not racist nor is it bad.

( @Driver )
@Nature_and_Race I'm waiting for them to come up with a "bring a black friend to work day"....to get a lower interest rate. Just wait...I'm sure that idea is in the works.

( @Pinkbirds )
@Nature_and_Race Disgusting and reprehensible. It is so clear that there's a war on against White people. What a unique idea - fighting racism w/ racism - NOT.

( @Feet2Fire )
@Nature_and_Race Well, seems every time I read about a non-White (Black) person being put into a position of managing $$$ (for example, superintendent of public instruction or head of a civil service dept.), inevitably there develops a situation involving embezzled funds. So I'd be leery about a bank with a majority of non-White managers/employees, but then I'm a naturally suspicious type who trusts very few! LOL.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
When White people say that Jews control all institutions and corporations, it's dismissed as "anti-Semitic".

But when Jews themselves say it...

--> https://twitter.com/JGreenblattADL/status/1590722899702591489

spoilerIt’s time for the Jewish community to take a seat at the table to use our power as institutional investors to ensure corporations are aligned with our values, and don’t fall for #antisemitic and anti-Israel pressures. That's why we're bringing
’s umbrella.

( @Malignant )
@Nature_and_Race Imagine being the only people on the planet that has a country tailored to your very specific race. Then having the audacity to choose to live somewhere else and tell the inhabitants of the other place how they need to adapt for you.

( @HeroicSpud )
Lemmings wont believe it even when the jew says it themselves. Every. Damn. Time.

( @Resist_Jewish_Supremacy )
@Nature_and_Race take a seat at the table?!
They OWN the table and they are the only ones sitting at it!

( @T0000008 )

( @smartvalueblog )
@Nature_and_Race Never forget Americans => The definition of Racism and Diversity is white genocide. The "real" hate, racism, division, "reverse racism", and violence in America doesn't come from the Right, Conservatives, Constitutionalists, or Whites. It comes from Democrats, Hollywood, Academia, Democrats, immigrants, illegals, Muslims, Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Antifa, BLM, WEF, OFA, SPLC, Jews, ADL, MSM, Wall Street, and the Left. @USA #2A #1A #9A #10A @DeSantis2024 @RealMarjorieGreene @realdonaldtrump @wendyrogersaz @LaurenBoebert @RandPaul @tedcruz @_JimJordan @TeamTucker

( @Goodozzie )
Fuck off back to Israel Greenblatt. You don’t belong in America you Mossad fool.

Andrew Anglin #racist #wingnut #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "China Confirms Support for Serbia, Calls on Albanian Filth to Calm Their Tits"]

China has one again sided with the good guys, and issued a statement supporting the Serbian authorities in Serbia and in occupied Kosovo, and called on the Albanian filth to back down and stop making problems[…]
This is no surprise to me, as I am well aware that the Chinese are going to side with the forces of good in every situation[…]I do not lionize the Chinese as acting out of altruism[…]Their interests line up with the forces of good in the world, because they are in opposition to the Jewish controlled United States, which is a force of pure evil[…]
Kosovo is a part of Serbia that was bombed into submission by NATO as they were supporting conquering Islamic terrorists from Albania[…]The US wanted to use it to hurt Serbia, which is a nationalistic country where the population tends to believe in the values of old Europe[…]
The Albanian ape recently appeared on Meet the Press with that rabid Jew Chuck Todd to say he’s trying to force democracy on Serbia[…]
This is similar to the situation in the Ukraine in a lot of ways, and also sort of an inversion of it[…]
The population of the Donbass wanted some kind of independence or semi-autonomy, and the Kiev Junta refused them that, and just kept going in and bombing random people’s apartment buildings[…]
Serbia would have to send troops across the border into occupied Kosovo, which is actually a part of their own country but is currently occupied by Albanians and NATO[…]
The whole Serbian world, which is broken into these different pieces, is coming together, as they are once again under attack by the Albanians and NATO[…]
The US is also trying to create some kind of major fiasco in Myanmar of all places as well[…]
The Ukrainian mercenaries – who are all neo-Nazi groups run by the Jews – are becoming a kind of new ISIS that can be deployed anywhere in the world where the US wants to create destruction and death

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #homophobia catholicamericanthinker.com

What the real geopolitical game is about is the end of all independent nationhood and the bringing of all nations under the rule of one tyrannical global government. America's half-assed patriots are either blithely unaware of that, or they are in on it. They let one high crime after another, and even one act of high treason after another just go by right in front of their noses, and they do nothing.

How many glaringly obvious crimes did Madame Hillary commit that went unpunished? For that matter, how many did Billary commit? Try to count the criminal scandals and crimes attributed to the Clinton and Obama presidencies, and nobody ever did anything about any of them.
What happened to the big figures in the CIA, FBI and DOJ who were proved to be criminally colluding to take Trump down in the Russia-Russia-Russia hoax and the Ukraine-Ukraine-Ukraine hoax, and all the corroborating lies of the likes of Schiff and Nadler? Nothing. What did Barr do about all the video evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election? Nothing.
Look around. Just look at the results of that treason. I mean decision.

Open borders. Fentanyl deaths. Human trafficking. Lawlessness. Defunded/demoralized/decimated police. Looted stores. Non-prosecution. Crime now pays. Children being indoctrinated in sexual perversion and racism. A Presidential cabinet consisting of an actual diversity freak show of incompetence. The demolition of the Abraham Accords. A return to Marxist "climate justice". The Afghanistan bug-out. The Russian invasion of Ukraine. A new alliance of China, Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Ever increasing Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Marxocrat Party belligerence

All the election interference with the 2024 election. Indictment after indictment after indictment, on trumped-up charge after trumped-up charge after trumped-up charege, against President Trump, probably the best and most effective President since George Washington.

Greg Cook #fundie #wingnut #racist #transphobia crisismagazine.com

Someone might object by asserting that this immigrant invasion is not military but rather one of humanitarian need. That objection helps make my point, which is this: our compassion for the desperate stranger is no longer tied to Christ’s Gospel, and this ersatz compassion is now our downfall.
While we don’t exactly have labor camps and gas chambers, we do have widespread abortion and infanticide (aka “late-term abortion”), inner-city killing zones, spikes in deaths of despair, and drug overdoses, all in large part due to ersatz compassion. That is the compassion that empowers our government to allow millions of noncitizens into this country.

It may be objected that every one of these immigrants is a person with human dignity, and to a point that is true. They are also, as humans, afflicted by original sin and prone to concupiscence. Ersatz compassion seeks only to focus on rights uncoupled from responsibility and obedience to laws.

In the past, we would have helped people; now we enable them. This humanitarian invasion comes from spurning God. Consider American cities such as New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. Ersatz compassion in those places has resulted in crises of the common good. Residents do not feel safe in the midst of aggressive homeless tribes, and the beauty of iconic urban settings are defaced by garbage, graffiti, and human waste.
Drag Queen story hour? Sure. An eleven-year-old thinks he’s trapped in the wrong body? Help him! “Engaged” couples living together for seven years and with three children? Who am I to judge?! Entering the country under false pretenses or without going through the legal processes? What’s the big deal?! Fidelity (like punctuality) is a vestige of an earlier, privileged culture, right?
Thankfully, God’s justice is a true
Unless we—Americans and Catholics—reject a false, Christless compassion, we will continue to suffer the sting of God’s justice via the invasion we deserve.

Dave Blount #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Muslim Colonists in Belgium Reject LGBTism"]

Cracks are forming in the cultural Marxist coalition. LGBTists and Muslims can agree that Western Civilization needs to be torn down. But that does not reconcile Islam with the gay agenda:

On [May 11], the “LGBTQIA+” community in Belgium suffered a violent attack by teenage Muslim students from The Atlas College in Genk. The Islamic attack occurred at an International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) event held at the school[…]

One day it will get through to liberals that Muslims are exactly what they accuse Christians of being: violently intolerant of the sexual degeneracy liberals revere

Progressivism will be killed off by a poison progressives imported:

This is not an isolated incident in Belgium, a country that has changed dramatically over the past decade. Without any public debate, it has become a massive Muslim migration state due to the left-wing government’s open borders migration policies and the European Union’s policies in Brussels, Belgium’s capital[…]

A similar story is playing out in the Muslim colony of southeastern Michigan

Muslims engaging in hijrah (conquest by immigration) love open borders policy. The rest of liberalism they will eradicate the moment they have the leverage

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
One of the greatest crimes committed in recent generations was the reducing of Norse/Germanic mythology to mere comic book cartoonism.

It is now impossible to have a serious conversation with anyone about the various aspects of Norse/Germanic gods and what they symbolize, because no one takes them seriously anymore, due to them being reduced to mere cartoon fictions in their mind.

Stan Lee, the creator of Norse/Germanic comic book cartoon figures, was racially Jewish. So much of our racial and ancestral identity has been destroyed by these creatures.

( @RavnBrann )
@Nature_and_Race They wrote most of the "christmas songs" as well. They have their hand in everything seen as having to do with White culture.

( @outspokenmiss )
@Nature_and_Race Jews worm their way into OUR culture, then hollow it out from the inside till its dead and gone
They are doing it to Christmas - Winter season
They are doing it to Marriage - gay civil partnership
They are doing it to stereotype rolls - male home makers
Sports - transvestite men beating women

Its a multi faceted attack on all fronts, and after a generation, the past is gone out of sight

( @RockstarRepublic )
@Nature_and_Race Unfortunately, one of the criticisms for Walt Disney is that he did the same thing. Both Tolkien and C.S. Lewis had criticized him for dumbing down the European mythos. I wouldn't be surprised if Stan Lee took what Disney did and put his own Jewish twist onto it, as Jews don't usually create or come up with original ideas, they only steal what others have done and claim it as their own.

( @Billingr )
@RockstarRepublic @Nature_and_Race I think early Disney is pretty based, with films like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White being among the best. Pure European and White. Of course, the company eventually got shit when Jews like Eisner took over and made it multicultural and degenerative.

( @Ultrafunk )
@Nature_and_Race jews deserve to be wiped out for their culture alone

Astranagant #racist themotte.org

Who gives a shit what color Tolkien's world was or wasn't.

Me. I do. This is a conscious effort to erase me and people who look like me. This is a conscious effort to dispossess us of our heritage, to plant a flag in our birthright and say "this isn't yours anymore." This doesn't end at fiction, we've seen history blackwashed (black English queens on Netflix and black Romans on the BBC) into propaganda, with the explicit aim of erasing the historical truth that England was once a much whiter (and much nicer) country.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Yes, I am a white heterosexual male, and I do not give a damn who likes it or not! In case many of you have lost all your brain cells, not one human on this earth has any control whatsoever over what color, ethnicity, culture, or country in which he is born. It is completely out of his control, and therefore, each should be proud of, or at least aware of his background, regardless of what that background entails. Each has to make his own way in life, successful or not, and cannot change his color or biology, no matter what effort is taken. This also includes biological gender, as that also cannot be altered in such a manner as to defy natural biology, no matter what efforts are pursued. So let the hate mail from ignoramuses commence, as this will expose the idiocy that consumes most of the proletariat today.
The most prolific racism in this country today is becoming black against white, but in reality, it is every ethnicity, every culture, and every idiotic ‘identifying gender’ with multi-labeled acronyms, (2SLGBTQI+) plus, plus, of course, as new designations surface regularly, against white people. (The explanation of this bullshite is astonishing) It is about every color, media outlet, government, many so-called ‘entertainers,’ leftist politicians, and a multitude of white hypocrites; all committing racism against white people, especially white males, as discussed earlier. This form of racism today is illegitimately viewed completely in reverse. But fear not, with this level of racism against white people, they (everyone else) may yet get the hate they tend to crave so much. Why would that ever be desired?
The only true slavery that exists in this country today is the slavery of the masses by the State. There are no black slaves, white slaves, brown slaves, or any other in any real sense of the term, as actual slavery ended in this country well over 150 years ago, which means that no one living is or has ever been a slave. The past is gone.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @TrumpLongTimePatriot )

spoilerKnowing what we
know now, I'm pretty
sure Democrats
haven't been
"elected" in years.

( @waiting4truth )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot no rational person would ever vote to increase crime. how long have they been doing this?

( @latinoPatriot82 )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot the kenyan terrorist was for sure not elected. ILLEGITIMATE!


( @servantnewberry )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot TRUTH! Those who serve satan receive the glories of this world, money and power. Then spend eternity in The Lake of Fire for REJECTING God the Son Jesus Christ as LORD of their life and their Savior fro all their sins.

spoilersatan comes to

( @Tetragrammatron )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot It's how Obama STOLE BOTH HIS ELECTIONS. Hilary tried to but they didn't get the algorithms right.

( @Tetragrammatron )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot thanks to electronic voting machines, Obama STOLE BOTH HIS ELECTIONS. Take that shit to the bank. Nobody voted for that faggot other than blacks and other faggots.

( @Tetragrammatron )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot it's hard to win elections when the FBI works in tandem with democrats and Jewish Supremacy to manipulate the outcomes in their favor. (Yeah, we ALL know now)...

( @WhiteyRighty )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot Since AT LEAST 1959 and the Daley DemonRAT Machine back in Shitcagoland! 14 WORDS!

Tucker Carlson #wingnut #racist msn.com

“Is white supremacy liking white people too much?” he asked with a straight face on “Tucker on Twitter.”

“White supremacists are America’s new child molesters,” he said. “We’ve got zero tolerance for white supremacists.”

After playing a clip of President Joe Biden denouncing white supremacy at Howard University, Carlson said:

“But what is it? That’s the question. Can anyone in authority actually define white supremacy? What is it? Is white supremacy liking white people too much? If so, that’s gonna put those of us with white children in a pretty tough spot.”

He continued in familiar territory:

“Or is white supremacy something much more obviously bad, like trying to expel all nonwhites from America and creating some kind of ethnostate? If that’s Joe Biden’s definition, what exactly is the scope of this threat?”

various commenters #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #racist gab.com

( @PiratesNFlowers )
We deserve to be destroyed. God is allowing America to be destroyed because of our sin.

We ONLY turn this around by honoring God.

Asking God to intervene on behalf of a country that murders babies on demand, alters the biological sex of young children, and promotes sexual deviancy in life and film is a pretty tall order. God can do anything for any nation, but that nation must turn to Him first. Before you ask God to save the United States, you need to ask Jesus to save you, first - then encourage others to do the same.

( @PotatoSack )
America, repent as did Nineveh!


( @Dante353 )
@PotatoSack @PiratesNFlowers

🤢🤮 Please keep this Jewish nonsense to yourself.

( @IrishInManchesterUK )
@PiratesNFlowers much of this is also true of my native Ireland, as we turned away from God and chose to accept and believe the lies of Satan, ignoring the warnings from our grandparents generation before they passed in the 1980’s who were totally opposed to all the changes they saw in the 1960’s onwards - we gave our power away and have brought our current situation on ourselves, so we do deserve God’s punishment by His allowing evil to prosper, no matter how tough the truth of this reality is

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@PiratesNFlowers I legitimately don't understand this. I respect you and love you. But how is everyone held responsible for the actions of kikes and faggots? It's like, "sins of the father"...except way worse.

I don't believe I'm responsible for what some nigger tranny or kike faggot or otherwise tranny faggot kike does. I can't control that. Except [fedpost]. Why would God hold me, or my children, accountable for this? It seems unfair at best.

( @ScrapKitty )
@PiratesNFlowers The United States is a country, not a nation. A nation is like Ireland or Japan or Portugal: basically one folk of the same/similar genetic heritage. Not a multiculti swam.

( @PiratesNFlowers )
@ScrapKitty jews did this. We foolishly tried to tolerate these fucking demons in the New World and they didn't change their behavior. Shocking! Lol

They're going to be hunted off earth for all the misery they are responsible for. There won't be a single jew alive in a century.

Victor Davis Hanson #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy amgreatness.com

When Martin Luther King, Jr. called for emphasizing the “content of our character” over “the color of our skin,” the subtext was “stop judging people as a faceless collective on the basis of their superficial appearance and instead look to them as individuals with unique characters.”

It is tragic that King’s plea for an integrated, assimilated society, in which race became incidental, not essential to our personas, has mostly been abandoned by the Left in favor of racial stereotyping, collective guilting, and scapegoating by race and gender.

Indeed, many of the old Confederate pathologies—fixation on racial essence, obsession with genealogy, nullification of federal laws, states’ rights, and segregated spaces and ceremonies—are now rehabilitated by woke activists.
Like the mysterious omnipresence of transgenderism in popular culture, all of a sudden, the obsession with whites as a Satanic collective has become a national fad—a pet-rock or hula-hoop-like collective madness.
The dearth of actual racism also demands a new set of adjectives that serve as something like sophisticated detectors to discover otherwise invisible natural gas fumes. The adjective “systemic” means only the select can now spot racism. Like air, it is everywhere but invisible and thus requires battalions of diversity, equity, and inclusion inspectors to use their training to expose it in the common atmosphere.
We know from history the ultimate destination of tribal chauvinism, and it is not pretty. Once a society retribalizes, it descends into a Hobbesian war of all against all. Everyone eventually seeks out or manufactures a tribal identity for self-protection. Tribalism operates on the principles of proliferation: if a neighboring nation goes nuclear, then everyone in the neighborhood must too.

Unless some passengers on our runaway train force our engineers to hit the brakes, we are headed over the cliff into Yugoslavia.

Pro White Women #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Most of you are saying I need to be more positive towards white men...

How tf can I do positive posts when the majority of you're weak and are race traitors?!

You're all making me lose hope for a White Future because you're weak minded, pathetic race traitors.

You say you're tired of white women?

Well, I'm tired of you, white men.

You turn your head so easily for n0n-whites it's disgusting.

I wish you were r@cists!!!

But none of you are...

I feel like Pro White Women are more r@cists than "Pro white men"

I seriously feel majority white men are not masculine enough for White Women, you're weak and I pity you!

You can't even defend our white nations, you don't do anything!!

You don't organise, plan and do action....

You call it fed if anyone suggests anything or blame WW

"Pro White Women don't exist"
"White Women destroy White men in marriage courts"
"White women divorce me if I cheat with an asian"
"White women don't want me"
"White women don't want to be my slave"

All I hear is "white men" making excuses to race mix with asians

You disgust me

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Donald J Trump )
Incredible how dishonest the Fake News Media is. The Failing New York Times has gone crazy. So many of the people I Endorsed went on to victory on Tuesday Night, nobody was even close, and they literally make up a story refusing to write the facts, and only quoting enemies and losers. Almost all of the people I endorsed WON, yet if you read the story from two Trump hating writers (who only do as they are told!), you would not even recognize the truth. They truly are, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!!!

219 WINS against 16 LOSSES IN THE GENERAL ELECTION, and yet the Fake News writes only unrecognizable junk. No wonder they are all doing sooo badly!

( @CrossReaper )
@realdonaldtrump are you going to go kiss the jew wall again or are you going to do something about the US being a vassal state to Israel?

( @Iceman876 )
@CrossReaper @realdonaldtrump When the jew world order installs him in 2024 he'll finish the wall to hold all the 3rd world's trash in.

( @Pern1121 )
@CrossReaper @realdonaldtrump he's gonna kiss the Jew Wall and party with the Saudis. That's a requirement to get on the ballot.

( @NSSAP )
@realdonaldtrump -- Ever noticed that all the media repeats the exact same narrative? That's because it is controlled by one group of people only. It is time for you to start naming them, Donald.

( @NSSAP )
@realdonaldtrump -- "The failing New York Times" as you described it, Donald, is controlled by jews, just like the rest of the media. Even you admitted that at one point. Name the jew, Donald.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Daily reminder,

Jews don't care about the displacement and replacement of White people in White countries by third-world browns and blacks.

Not even the Conservative Jews who claim to oppose Liberalism and Cultural Marxism.

Jews don't care about White people, so White people need to stop putting their faith in Jewish figures.

( @LaBanderaNegra )
@Nature_and_Race I wonder what shapiro's reaction would be if israel was being overrun by non jews and bread out of existance ? Think he'd be leading a "crusade" to bilk $$$ out of us to "save the jewish people and the only democracy in the middle east ?

( @Toodank2bunderstood )
@Nature_and_Race Then anyone should be allowed into Israel too, right Benny???

( @DrPhate )
@Nature_and_Race Ideology and race go hand in hand. The ideology that gave highest standard of living the world has ever known came from White men. No other race could concieve it or maintain it.

( @moonsloth )
@Nature_and_Race Ben Shapiro is controlled opposition scum. Spends 3 mil a year on facebook ads and has never been banned from facebook. He knows exactly what he is doing and its no accident.

( @PatriotKitty2022 )
@Nature_and_Race he doesn't care cause HE'S a KIKE They're the one browning America. Sissy faggot

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #racist #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From "Erdogan Won – Denounces Faggot Agenda in Victory Speech!"]

The Jew media was going nuts over the claim that Erdogan could or would lose his election. I told you from the beginning: this is like that stupid debt ceiling bullshit. The Jews, with their media, hype up gibberish

Erdogan has popular support. The fear was of course that the US – specifically, NED, which is still operating in Turkey – has enough people on the ground to do massive fraud

However, it was just obvious that Erdogan has enough of a hold on power that he would be able to send in his people to prevent this from happening. Some things are just very obvious to me. Erdogan wanted a semi-close election, because he wanted to point out that it’s a free country

In general, I think “free and open elections” are retarded in the first place, but when you have the US running around manipulating everything – from their media operations to their actual control over the levers of voting through the various clandestine organizations they’ve formed – it becomes nonsensical. If I were running a country, I would do a plebiscite, but there is no way I would allow an election[…]

Erdogan[…]has once again labeled the opposition as ‘LGBT’[…]
Kilicdaroglu is not an outspoken supporter of gay rights, but has promised to reinstate the Istanbul Convention[…]

Of course he was going to promote man-on-man anal. Every US shill does this[…]
The belief that homosexuality is normal is not compatible with any other worldview[…]
The only thing that can exist alongside the normalization of gay sex is Americanism, or what is called globalism, which is more accurately called “ZOG”[…]

Putin has been saying it, but sort of placing it in the larger context of the West being Satanic. That is also very awesome, but gay sex is the number one thing Satan promotes[…]if you allow it[…]you can’t serve anyone but Satan

ryujinomega092095 #psycho #racist #elitist deviantart.com

Why can't people just accept that since the Japanese have more bearing on my life & western society as a whole than any other asian country & they make better products & pop-culture than the rest of Asia, not only are they the only country that deserve to be the dominant economic powerhouse in Asia, but also, unlike Germany, they're too good to apologize for any of the atrocities they enacted during WWII? Why can't people realize that the creation of their very own pop-culture should excuse them from having to make any apologies or reparations for the 2nd sino-japanese war & that china doesn't deserve the appreciation or sovereignty it has?

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Exit polls from last night's election.

There can be no unity between White people and non-whites. We are completely incompatible with one another. And non-whites are incompatible with White society and White culture.

We're divided by DNA. We were never meant to be united. We were always meant to be separated. And because we've rejected the natural order of racial separation, our once great country is dying.

Make America White again. Or prepare for America's funeral.

( @alexpulse231 )
@Nature_and_Race I wish all white people would stop lying to themselves and accept that racial integration is never going to work. I wish everyone sees that diversity is not our strength, but our destruction. If you decide to undo God's natural order, it's going to fail miserably, and that's what we're seeing today. After all, white people didn't want forced integration, it has been imposed on them by the Jewish subversive press that has made it palatable.

( @CharlesPNW )
@alexpulse231 @Nature_and_Race

Integration was never about it working.

It was never about progress.

It was never about justice or equality.

It was ALWAYS about genocide.

( @MCharlton )
@Nature_and_Race We had different languages for a reason. Different languages kept people separate. Different languages are a barrier to racemixing. There is no more subversive act than teaching nonwhite people to speak the language of England.

Yet for many years the right has aggressively pushed for nonwhites to speak English… which puts them in our government, enables them to deliver our news, enables them to teach White children, enables Jewish propaganda to mix them with White women and creates the conditions for replacement.

( @SenileBiden )

Only property owners should vote as intended by the founders
The rest are parasites voting to take your property

( @PRUST )
@SenileBiden It's beyond that - it's about RACE.


( @Libertarian_Pill )
@PRUST @SenileBiden @Nature_and_Race and gender? Childless women tend to be parasitical in nature.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist gab.com

( @EB_ )

spoilerUniversal suffrage is a very silly
way to choose the direction &
leadership of the worlds most
powerful country.
Half of people donlt even pay
taxes. Millions canlt speak
English. IDs are unnecessary. And
everyone but White people just
vote with their race.
What a joke.

( @LurkingTachyon )
@EB_ By design universal suffrage is a terrible idea. It's why it was exclude from our system.

White males pay > 80% of all taxes. We make up roughly 30% of the population. Adjusted for those who pay taxes, that's roughly 20% of the population.

What is taxation without representation? If you're a white male your taxes are stolen and you are not represented. This is a illegal and unconstitutional even according to our laws.

Universal suffrage is enslavement of white men. Anyone supporting it supports our enslavement.

( @CharitySlaughter )
@EB_ i agree with all except - taxation is THEFT. Of ALL the times the people should stop paying taxes - its NOW.
Don't say "don't even pay taxes" like it's a bad thing.

( @UsernameTaken__000 )
@CharitySlaughter I think the “don’t even pay taxes” bit in the statement is a qualifier of who should and should not be able to vote. I agree that taxation is theft. A better way to state it should be landowners not taxpayers because property tax is a pyramid scheme theft as well

( @ShelbyD22 )
@EB_ When I was working with a friend of mine he went around and asked all the black people in the warehouse specifically why they voted for Barack Obama and none of them could give an actual specific reason why except one honest black guy that immediately said "because he's black."

( @LordVince )
@EB_ it’s not a joke, it’s a Jewish con. Democracy was always a method for manipulating the system in a systematic and even more efficient manner, it’s essentially the most effective form of tyranny once you have it properly calibrated and programmed to where the slaves perpetuate the self-enslavement, largely because they have been so brain fucked that they have no clue they are slaves. That likely also applies to you if you don’t understand that taxation is not theft, it’s fractional slavery.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @PatriotsDotWin )
This is why we said fix 2020 first.

( @kijo )
@PatriotsDotWin I will never vote again.

( @fight4freedom1 )
@kijo @PatriotsDotWin ...You wont be able to, They will have a dictator installed. Say Good By to the America we grew up in. FORCED EVERYTHING IS NEXT!

( @LiveFreeOrDieFightingEvil )
@kijo @PatriotsDotWin automatic dem win (same result anyway)

( @TLP57 )
@PatriotsDotWin the states that were cheated in 2020 were cheated in 2022

( @brextremist )
@PatriotsDotWin If America is to have any hope of fair elections going forward, you need to get rid of all the niggers and jews first.

( @Volcanic84 )
@PatriotsDotWin The Sanatists in control were never going to allow that. The machines were created for the very purpose of installing people not electing them.

( @Karkess )
@PatriotsDotWin I live in Michigan and a proposal making it easier to cheat passed. I'm not even going to waste my time voting anymore! I'm just going to stock up, arm up and wait for the collapse!! Just hope age gets me before it all goes to Hell!

( @FalloutGuy2k21 )

People tried to legally correct 2020, but were thwarted at every turn by the established criminals.

When does lawfare run it's course of remedy?

( @whyserenity )
@FalloutGuy2k21 @PatriotsDotWin did they? I don’t think they even tried. Just like Republicans ceded all of the media and entertainment to democrats and are surprised they can’t get their message out.

( @point3 )
@FalloutGuy2k21 @PatriotsDotWin

When do we get to use our guns ?

( @B_E_Atles )
@PatriotsDotWin Voting with the same broken shit and expecting honest results.

Paul Charnock #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger #wingnut #psycho thescorp.multics.org

(Note: This may seem innocuous, as the rest, which is insane couldn’t be included due to the damn character limit. The rest will go in the comments, so go to those for the meat of it)

UTOPIAN AND INDEED DYSTOPIAN fictional societies are often an impressive way of putting political and social ideas in a sort of fictional shop window, the more easily to be seen and admired, or the opposite. It is much easier, of course, to demonstrate ideas and ideologies working on paper than in practice. But also such demonstration may, if done well, have far more impact upon the reader than any number of dry ideological/philosophical tomes. A talented author can bring his dream, or nightmare, far more vividly to his readership by offering them a picture of it happening, rather than a dry blueprint or plan for achieving it. Not surprisingly, therefore, utopian/dystopian fiction has a long and interesting history. From Sir Thomas More’s eponymous 16th Century work, through those Lemuel Gulliver found on his Travels, the late-19th-Century-Socialist future vision of England embodied in William Morris’s News From Nowhere, the 20th Century nightmare visions of consumerism in Brave New World and communism in 1984, to Ursula K. LeGuin’s anarchist world of Anarres in The Dispossessed. Now we have a Nietzschean vision realised – impressively in this reviewer’s view - in American writer S.M. Stirling’s Draka series.

Canadian Anon #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Canadian reddit (the gayest place on the entire internet) is finally turning against Jeets.

How long until total Jeet extermination in Canada is on the menu? Pics in thread.

Jeet fatigue is at an all time high in Canada.

Canadians hate Jeet’s with every fibre of our being.

Canadians have grown tired of being surrounded by smelly, dirty, slavelike brown people.

What will happen when the Leaf finally snaps from his branch?

Old Canadians are in despair at the thought of retiring around horrible, incompetent, lazy Indian’s. Who can blame them?

If Canadian redditors are openly discussing the Jeet locust swarm, how redpilled is your average non-retarded becoming?

Jeets should be worried. Only White people in Canada have their gun licenses and rifles.

Remember; never ever tip a Jeet. Always be rude to Jeets. Always make them feel unwelcome. Always speak down to them.

Trudeau wants to import brown slaves? Treat them like dirty brown slaves.

Canadian’s patriotic duty is to order food on Uber, and when a Jeet delivers it, refuse to tip and then complain with Uber that the Jeet sexually assaulted your wife so they lose their pathetic slave job.

Always undermine the Jeet menace.

If Canadian leftists want a Final Solution to the Jeet hordes, what do respectable right wing Canadians want?

Yariv Levin #racist timesofisrael.com

Justice Minister Yariv Levin, the chief architect of the suspended judicial overhaul legislation, reportedly told the cabinet on Sunday that the Supreme Court must feature justices who “understand” why Jewish Israelis would not be “prepared to live with Arabs” in mixed localities

“Arabs buy apartments in Jewish communities in the Galilee and this causes Jews to leave these cities, because they are not prepared to live with Arabs. We need to ensure that the Supreme Court has justices who understand this,” said Levin, according to the Kan public broadcaster

His reported remark was meant to be an argument in favor of controversial legislation that would bring judicial appointments under political control, as part of the suspended push to overhaul the judiciary and dramatically reduce the powers of the High Court of Justice

It came as the cabinet also held a discussion on a proposed government resolution advanced by the far-right Otzma Yehudit party to assert “Zionist values” in government policy, a move that would seemingly enable giving Jewish Israelis preferential treatment in housing planning and construction

Taki #wingnut #elitist #fundie #racist takimag.com

I then sat down and patiently if not too articulately, due to a large intake of vodka, explained: “God is also an anachronism, but I believe in him, as do billions of others. Anachronisms are what we need today more than ever, what with the discrediting of our past, of our national identities, and other such vile actions by woke leftists. Society needs something intangible to trust and respect; too much reality is no good.”
It is a time of extraordinary social isolation, where people report less companionship, less time with friends, and even less time with family. This is where God and his messenger, the Church, come in and play a very important role.

Yet the young no longer believe in God and do not attend their church regularly the way my generation did. What they do is complain nonstop about the crushing weight of the world on their shoulders.
Democracy has earned a resounding F where the US of A is concerned. While flirting just ever so subtly, I told Alissa how far less complicated the world was back during the 13th century, when everyone believed in God and the divine right of kings. Mind you, it was a pity there was no penicillin.

In the meantime, an obviously deranged Bagel Times daily warns of the dangers of a fascist takeover in America, but that’s because the paper has been taken over by talentless ideologues who cannot understand that not everyone in the country has had their brains fried in woke.
Monarchy might be anathema to most Americans and an unimaginable curse to many West Indians, but it is of preternatural importance to countries like Holland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Not to mention Japan, which has the oldest royal family ever, loved by a united people. In view of the disuniting of America, I think Uncle Sam should try the institution.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
Asking White people to choose between democrats and republicans is asking them to chose between an enemy and a traitor.

These are not viable options

( @brextremist )
@Apolitical Democrats will punch you in the face, republicans will stab you in the back.

( @PatriotsQuick )
Left wing,right wing of the same parasite.

( @GreatWhite96 )

( @Anne_Fallible )
@Apolitical We need an Anti-Mason Party.

( @gyrfalcon )

( @John_Madison )
@Apolitical The red Tidal wave turned into a kitty pool wave As I knew it would and didn’t waste my time voting in an anti-White system.

( @funbobby51 )
@Apolitical but in reality it's pretty easy to choose when one side is openly promoting evil and destruction and the other only tacitly approves.

( @Rabbi_Spacelaser )
@funbobby51 @Apolitical That is by design of the system, all the more easier to fool you into false hope.

( @funbobby51 )
@Rabbi_Spacelaser @Apolitical
Hold on, when did I say anything about "hope"?
A number of places have recently banned child castration and mutilation. While the elections are rigged not voting doesn't help. That makes it easier for them to cheat and less likely to get caught.

( @Mallard_ )
@Apolitical White nationalism must replace conservatism

( @Maxximum )
@Apolitical read my pinned posts for jew hate of whites. Its genocide but if you cant call out the jew, you are weak. Please share.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @MarkCollett )
Anyone find it strange that when a white person does as little as utter a 'racial slur', it often gets more news coverage than when a black person murders a white person?
We live in an anti-white world where the media is the primary tool used to attack people of European descent.

( @SickoftheBSguy83 )
@MarkCollett This just in...student calls black student nigger! *abc news reports this as breaking news*
Meanwhile a nigger rapes and murders a white woman and kills her 3 month old baby after breaking into her home but the news refuses to report on that. This is why i dont watch tv as much anymore. By watching that garbage of lies you are supporting the filth they produce for you to watch. Stop supporting the lies.

( @RabidNationalist )
@MarkCollett Who runs the media again?

( @Sanyo4080 )
@RabidNationalist @MarkCollett

( @Kidbrightwillow )

FACT - Black Americans, per capita, are exceedingly violent.

Violent crimes per million population in 2018:

Violent crimes per million population in 2019:

Citations below spreadsheet.

( @Tetragrammatron )
@Kidbrightwillow @MarkCollett Multiculturalism via forced association IS PRISON. A prison where the Jew is the warden.

( @jh71 )
@Kidbrightwillow @MarkCollett between niggers and Democrats ..if we get rid of both it could be a real nice country.

( @johannbraun2005 )
@MarkCollett most news organizations are controlled by jews. That may have something to do with the unbalanced coverage of events.

( @Randallz )
@MarkCollett niggerniggerniggernigger kike👍

( @Randallz )
@MarkCollett kikekikekikekikekike gooknigger

Martin Armstrong #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #racist #transphobia armstrongeconomics.com

ANY company engaging in WOKE should be brought to court for what they are doing is patently UNCONSTITUTIONAL and lawyers should start to wake up and bring class action lawsuits against Target, Budweiser, and North Face as well as every other company engaged in this activity of promoting transgenderism has rendered college degrees irrelevant. If you check a box, no qualification or experience is required.
Hiring people based on race and gender is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It is outright discrimination and whatever job is open should go to the most qualified – not to check some box of this discriminatory and unethical Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Here you have a pretend organization claiming it stands for human rights advocating abortion and ignoring any human rights of the unborn. They are a front for propaganda that is to actually divide the nation and deliberately target religious issues such as abortion and seek to give low “grades” to Christian beliefs.

The worst kept secret in corporate HR departments across the country is this thinking that they MUST deny employment based on qualification and instead check boxes to satisfy this unethical organization masquerading as human rights. If we are really talking about EQUALITY, then the most qualified person should get the job. In our company, we have every race, creed, and nationality from Asia to Europe. We hire based on qualification – not race or religion.

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) should be brought to court for they are denying qualified people employment. Not that they are claiming to be about Human Rights when they are openly engaging in the violation of our Civil Rights. Any company with an HR department engaged in checking boxes should be hauled into court on a class action for unconstitutional civil rights violations. This is the ONLY way to stop this agenda from pretending to be about equality when it is really about discrimination.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Anti-Sigil, Verve, Magic Symbols Service:

Satanists inscribe symbols around their magic circle and in talismans, amulets and Gris-Gris. Sigil are ways of putting a magic spell into one symbol. The 13 Jewish Satanist Families that are the eye of the Illuminati pyramid and owners of all the Western slaves due to British Maritime Law have turned corporate signs into Sigils to spread black magic control over the Zionist Empire. In it’s basic form a Sigil in a magic spell in the form of symbolic language written in blood to lock the Quantum Wave Function with the carrier of Hyperinfinity (blood) onto parchment or human skin. Sigils written on human bones are even better and the human skull is best. A basic Sigil is I get money and your signature condensed into one symbol. In this Service you write a simple present tense of your magic spell and your real name and Tim Rifat will make an Anti-Sigil, Verve, Magic Symbol of this magic spell which will be put on a Certificate so you can copy it 156 times onto your hard drive for use as Psychotronic Crystalware® .

Occult Satanist black magic inscribes Kabbalistic, Enochian, Goetic, Egyptian, Babylonian, Sumerian symbols in the circle’s circumference. These are the Sigilised form of the Gods and Demons of the Satanic pantheon in it’s Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Jewish incarnations. This Bone Generator® enables the Bone Psi-Master to take any Demonic name, God name, be it Moloch or Baal, Baphomet or Elohim and simply put Anti- in front of the name, then draw the mirror image by use of a mirror, to get the Anti-magic symbol of any of the names used by the Satanists in their magic rituals to Evil. This then permanently wrecks all the Satanic rituals that use that Demon God, past, present, and future and highjack the energy, Hyperinfinity and Agglutinising Force so the Bone Psi-Master gets power by vivisecting the body of Satanism by dismantling the alphabet of magic ritual of black magic.

<$600 for crystals and certificate>

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )

spoilerWhen a country's demographics
changes abruptly in the span of 2
If the country was originally brown:
this is ethnic cleansing/genocide
If the country was originally
white: desirable unavoidable
multiculturalization resulting
from progress

( @MarkLuth1 )
@Trouble_Man It’s our nation. Not the JWOs or third worlders! We built it.

( @HeroicSpud )
Only Israel is allowed their ethno-state.

( @1488Mussolini )
@Trouble_Man ....and never forget (((who))) you have to thank fir that...👇

( @BostonPaul )
@Trouble_Man has their ever been a stronger nation/empire as easily conquered as the USA was?

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
Thank you Georgia’s 14th district for putting your faith in me to be your voice and your representative in Washington.

It’s my privilege and my honor.

Thank you to all who support me. I am 100% dedicated to fight for America and the American people. I’m looking forward to it.

( @BearAryan )
I'm sure you'll be great for juden & israel!

( @The_Righteous_0ne )
@BearAryan @repmtg i feel sorry for those who think thats a woman.

( @Johnny_Eights )

You are a LIAR! IF you were 100% dedicated to fight for America and the American "People" you would name the JEW!

( @johngraham365 )
@Johnny_Eights @repmtg she works for the Jew

( @TheLugenpresse )
@repmtg You're a zionist chump who puts Israel first. Nice one tricking your 40 IQ supporters cunt.

( @SouthUpRising_TX )
@repmtg get fucked not one word on the voter fraud all around you but celebrate your win with a hat you disgraceful piece of shit! Not one fucking word on the nationwide steals!

( @DaGoyimKnows )
@repmtg In a country living under communist rule and rigged voting systems, you have to wonder why someone like you is re-elected.

You controlled opposition, Babylonian whore.

( @KnoxvilleKC )
@repmtg Great news! Glad you will be in the new congress fighting for our rights.

( @NordicWolf )
@KnoxvilleKC "fighting for Israelis rights"

( @johngraham365 )
@NordicWolf @KnoxvilleKC @repmtg and black folks. She wants us to forget her Juneteenth vote

( @NordicWolf )
@johngraham365 @KnoxvilleKC @repmtg
jews do love to keep their plantation niggers fighting against White folks.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@ravinCanadin - No other explanations, eh?"]



Indigenous people experience some of the worst racism in this country. If you're going to address this issue, address it for everyone @JustinTrudeau

Totally and especially in systemic ways. I see it first hand in downtown Calgary working nightshift, anecdotal speaking, an extremely disproportionate amount of people battling homelessness and addiction seem to be indigenous

April 30, 2022

From all accounts Jadon is a fairly conservative guy, so I hope he takes this criticism well: but you don't play on their terms

Which means you don't claim that systemic racism exists against anybody other than whites, because you can't point to a single system which is racist in this way (which seems a pretty first-principles sort of approach)

While the second half of his tweet is pretty accurate, that doesn't even remotely tie into the first half. Personal failings tied to the reliance on a 20,000 year behind-the-times culture combined with a genetic inability to handle alcohol can equally explain what you're seeing on Calgary's streets. It's a less comfortable conclusion since it doesn't allow for white self-flagellation on an industrial scale, but it actually has more evidence in its favour than what Jadon and Melissa are talking about

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

What You Can’t Sell To Jews

How many Jews does it take to sell you something you don’t want?

All of them.

How many goys does it take to sell the same poo back to the Joo?

One or two.

Smack the goy in the face a hundred times and he still does nothing.

I am all in for a teaching on what to sell back to the Jews to leave them blushing.

Start with:

“VAX The Jews!”

They sunk the needle into every goyisha sucker for a year and more.

Let’s do another population control to bring the number of Hebes below 1% and make their yiddishee arms and pores swell up really sore.

Jewish Supremacy is our biggest threat.

How Auntie Semitee to even think it!

Don’t care.

Sell the deadly VAX back to the Jew and give him a taste of his own pharmaceutical.

Carry on with:

“Bus The Jews!”

Bus those yiddee kiddees to shwartza neigborhoods.

They sell busing to White Christians, but busing the Yids?

They ain’t buying.

Make them buy, they make us.

Follow through with:

“Open Borders For IsraHell!”

Everyone should be welcome in Jew Land!

Bring in Arabs, Bedouins, Ethiopians, Yemenites, Shiites, Sunnis, Falashas, Negroes, Sudanese, and let’s have real diversitee in Yidishee land!

Crash their borders!

They do it to America, Europe, and all White Christian nations.

Sell it back to the kike.

Let him have all the “strength” of “diversity” he gives the goy.
Take all guns out of Jew-ish hands!

Start with Israel, then go door to door in kosher neighborhoods and give them brochures that say:

“Jews Must Give Up Their Guns!”

Better run.

The cops, paid off by the Yids, will throw your arse in jail.

Rather sell this one:

“Abort Jewish Babies!”

Pro-choice works both ways.

“Eliminating a spoonful from the womb,” instead of Whites, makes the Supremacist population go down.

Put the Jewish narrative through its paces.

Whatever they sell to us, sell it back to them.

Disarm the Jews, abort the Jews, diversify the Jews, miscegenate of Jews, open borders for Jew land, censor the Jews.

Many people are not yet free of thinking Jews are ‘extra special.’

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
This is a dumb argument.

Participation in the system means you approve of said system.

I don't approve of this anti-White theater, so I refuse to participate in it.

@PiratesNFlowers no vote then no bitching.




( @DouglasBelmore )
You're phony controlled opposition!

( @RamboBear )
@DouglasBelmore @Nature_and_Race you seen the demographic breakdown of the election? No amount of "muh based Cubans in Miami" is ever going to rewrite reality. White decline is death of the Republic.

( @grizzlywhisker )
@Nature_and_Race yeah I feel like the less people participating and perpetuating this system, the better. Like if nobody showed up to vote and nobody paid taxes, we’d be in a better position.

( @nibblets509 )
@Nature_and_Race They all hate me because I’m white so none of them get my vote

( @SocalRight )
@Nature_and_Race All the candidates have signed their "Pledge to Israel" and are compromised assets. For this they receive funding to advertise and the blessing of jews required for their advertising to air on jew controlled media.

( @MCharlton )
@Nature_and_Race If non-participation means 40 million new brown people colonizing the interior of the United States, I’m participating. Owe it to future White kids whose lives will bear the brunt of inaction, brown majorities and White genocide.

( @IllinoisValleyMale )
@MCharlton @Nature_and_Race So when Bush and Trump were in office they ended the migration problem?

Its a 2 party system, 2 wolves and a sheep voting what's for dinner, and buddy you are a fucking sheep

( @MCharlton )
@IllinoisValleyMale 2 million brown people or 40 million brown people. This isn’t hard. Not voting gets us 40 million brown people with a deliberate policy re-settling tens of millions of nonwhites in the interior of the United States for the purposes of White genocide.

The Jews who trick people into not voting have pulled a masterful psyop because “your grandchildren gonna be brown.”

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #magick henrymakow.com

I noted that the Soviets razed thousands of churches but spared synagogues.

If Communists considered religion "the opium of the masses," why didn't they include Judaism?

Do Christians and Jews worship the same God? Is there an affinity between Communism and Judaism? Perhaps the Jewish elite has a different God.
According to Wikipedia, "egregore" is an occult concept representing a "thought form" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme."

George speculates that elite Jews created the Jewish God as their "egregore," i.e. an instrument of their collective will, i.e. their desire to vanquish the heathens and rule supreme.
This "egregore" is Lucifer, and elite Jews have made him the master meme of the New World Order. The elite Jews are the "Communist Capitalist International", the intermarried German Jewish banking families who, according to Christian Rakovsky include the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs and many others.

They have also intermarried with the corrupt gentile elites of Europe and America, many of whom think they are Jews.

Since the Jewish egregore is also behind the New World Order, only the "believers" are human; everyone else is an animal to be exploited and/or slaughtered.

The greatest mass slaughter in history was not the Jewish holocaust but the Ukrainian Holodomor. By Stalin's own estimate, ten million Ukrainians died, mostly at the hands of Bolshevik Jews.

Lysson's account suggests that this was the result of a centuries-long feud in which Jews failed to accept their common humanity with non-Jews. This continues as the murderous record of the 20th century is overshadowed by Jewish losses, as if only Jews were human.

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