
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Erin O'Toole #crackpot #pratt google.com

the article is about Erin O'Tooles' comments about residential schools but was too long to submit. This came at the end.

“Most of the lefty radicals are also the dumbest people at your university,” O’Toole said at the outset of the video.

He then tells the group that he’s got a “nugget” for them that, when he says it in Parliament, “silences the Liberals like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Conservatives, when it comes to residential schools in the modern era, have a better record than the Liberals. That shocks the hell out of the woke crowd, I’ll tell you,” O’Toole said.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #fundie #pratt #wingnut twitter.com

Swing States that have found massive VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes as complete & correct without committing a severely punishable crime. Everybody knows that dead people, below age people, illegal immigrants, fake signatures, prisoners,....

.....and many others voted illegally. Also, machine “glitches” (another word for FRAUD), ballot harvesting, non-resident voters, fake ballots, “stuffing the ballot box”, votes for pay, roughed up Republican Poll Watchers, and sometimes even more votes than people voting, took....

....place in Detroit, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and elsewhere. In all Swing State cases, there are far more votes than are necessary to win the State, and the Election itself. Therefore, VOTES CANNOT BE CERTIFIED. THIS ELECTION IS UNDER PROTEST!

Alexander Ash #sexist #crackpot #pratt incel.blog

Can Men and Women be Friends?

If you are a woman and have a friend who is male, it’s likely that he would have sex with you if given the chance. But if you are man and have a friend who is female, know that she would likely say no to going to bed with you.

It makes sense that men see all women as potential partners first, and potential friends second. Biologically, men are wired to seek out to be with as many women as they can. But women, on the other hand, have always been the picky ones; they must select the best male out of all available to be with them (i.e., to protect them, care for them, and carry their child).

For women, if a man does not surpass her threshold of standards (e.g., appearance, character, style) he is immediately demoted to the “friend” category, one where he is likely to never escape from. If he surpasses it however, he enters the “date” category, where he must compete with other men for her.

For men, even when rejection occurs (explicitly by being told no, or implicitly by seeing there is no chemistry), the possibility of sex always remains in the air. While the man may remain “friends” with the woman, he will generally be willing to have sex if the opportunity ever arises.

No friendship?

As the video above shows, even among ‘friends’ who have known each other for years, men would jump at the opportunity to have sex. Women however, would not. This means that women can form casual friendships- which never go beyond that – with men they see as unworthy of getting in bed with. Men however form friendships that are forever capable of evolving into more.

In short, men can’t form real friendships with women because they will always crave more. Women can’t form real friendships with men because they will always see them as inferior. Surely counterexamples exist, and good friendships without ulterior motives have been made in the past. But for many, friendship is a white lie they tell each other.

Dave Daubenmire #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut #fundie newswithviews.com

Masks do not work. You just think they do. Like the dumbest of sheep, a multitude of Americans walk around like zombies in blind obedience to an evil cabal intent on stripping all liberty from the citizens of the United States.

The ghouls behind this PLANNED-demic are sitting around their corporate board rooms chuckling at how easy it was to gain total control over a mind-numbed citizenry. This entire lock-down has never been about a virus, my friends. It has been about conditioning the American people to blindly obey the edicts of a totally out of control government. All they used to accomplish this is “FEAR”.


This is leading us someplace dangerous. Compliant sheep are easy to control. Fear is the number one way of controlling people. Soon you will not be able to enter a store, fly on a plane, or visit a relative without a mask. OOOPS…. we are already there. Now they want to cancel Christmas and many of the sheep will dutifully fall in line. Anything to keep from dying from a PLANNED Demic that has not increased the death rate in the nation. Blind guides, Jesus called them. We are sheep falling in a ditch lead by blind, deceivious guides. Throw you “pastor” in ditch...in many cases he is leading the parade.

We are about to execute a plan that we encourage others to follow. Let us begin to organize group arrests in some of these stores that will not let us enter unless muzzled. MASK WEARING IS NOT A LAW! Governors cannot make laws. Health departments cannot make laws. Have we forgotten high school civics? Don’t you know we have inalienable rights? “My body, my choice,” isn’t that what the pro-aborts yell all the time?


Some of my buddies and me are going to go get arrested. Anybody want to join us? Start a push-back in your own hometown. If not me, who? If not now, when? Masks today, Vaccines tomorrow, gun confiscation next week.

Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. Time is running out. Let us fill up the jails.

Take off the muzzle and bark.

Matt Walsh #fundie #pratt #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

They use the forceps to rip the child apart limb from limb and crush its skull. Michael here thinks that dismembering children is great fun. He is quite literally a psychopath. The pro-abortion movement is almost entirely populated by psychopaths. Cartoonishly evil.

Some people say to ignore this stuff. I strongly disagree. When the pro-abortion movement advertises its depravity, we should absolutely pay attention and point to it. I am more than happy to amplify their message that they are evil scumbags.

DickDickstein #wingnut #pratt youtube.com

(submitter’s note: this was in the midst of a reply thread on a LegalEagle video)

(Original commenter: "COUNT THE VOTES"
- A crowd outside a vote counting location, inside which election officials were counting votes)

Love how this take is so completely inaccurate. Same way the media tried to make the new mail-in ballots for this election to being interchangeable with absentee ballots. Same way they don't distinguish between legal and illegal votes. Same way they consider illegal immigrants and legal immigrants as a unit to use for arguments on immigration.

This one is completely misleading too because the take is LEGAL votes. Bot of the arguments are for the same purpose. "STpop the count" was to wait until they are validated, and the other is to count legal votes.

MSM twisted the meaning into something else, and it's not making me optimistic that enough people have learned to find reputable news, and not opinion analysis, or complete disregard for facts as truth by twisting the context enough to create a completely different meaning.

DeAnna Lorraine #pratt #conspiracy #wingnut parler.com

I send my Dad a bunch of facts, articles and videos of REAL easy to follow facts from actual doctors, scientists and physicians from around the world breaking down why the PCR covid tests are faulty, why the “new case numbers” are inflated and faulty, why the death numbers are false, why masks and social distancing is a farce, hey Covid is just the rebranded flu and on and on. I sent him facts about the MSM and how they are simply propaganda machines lying to us every day.

What does my dad do in response? Proceed to hysterically text me articles from The NY Times and MSNBC of “all the new cases” and “new covid spikes,” and why you shouldn’t be around anyone for Thanksgiving/Christmas, and especially stay away from people who have been to any rallies or flown on a plane recently.

I just can’t anymore W/ my family. I give up.
The worst part about it is my parents are not Liberals. They are intelligent Republicans, Trump supporters who watch FOX news (but still think it’s the truth). So sad.

Randy Quaid and Donald Trump #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut twitter.com

Randy Quaid: I just don’t see Americans rolling over for this election fraud. Do you?

Donald Trump: No!

Randy Quaid: Never underestimate The greatest President this country has ever had. Trump is an astonishing man of the people, fighting for all of us, not Big Pharma!

Donald Trump: Thank you Randy, working hard to clean up the stench of the 2020 Election Hoax!

Randy Quaid: We’ve lost confidence in the system that elects our leaders. 79 million Americans believe election was rigged, the results fraudulent. We need an in-person-only-paper ballot re-vote, especially in the States where flagrant irregularities have occurred. No accuracy, no democracy!

Donald Trump: Are you listening Republicans?

Lori Alexander #quack #fundie #pratt thetransformedwife.com

My mom didn’t fear germs at all. She feared toxic chemicals. She learned that a strong immune system is the best fight against germs and the diseases that result from them. So I grew up believing the same thing. I haven’t gotten the ordinary illnesses (colds and flu) much until I began having grandchildren. If they had a cold, I would get it and it would be much worse than the others due to my weakened immune system because of the lack of hormone production and an almost dead pituitary. However, once I began taking elderberry syrup, I haven’t been getting their colds, thankfully. It really does work!
Mothers of young children, you can rest assured concerning this virus since no children from zero to nine have died from it and most children have mild cases of this. It seems to mostly be killing the elderly and those with health problems. (The average of death from the virus is 80 years old.) I fit into the health problems category but I don’t fear it. I will do the best to keep myself healthy but trust the Lord with my life. Remember, this virus is NOTHING close to being like the Bubonic plague or polio, yet many are acting as if it were.

I am not a hand washer since I’m not afraid of germs. I have dry skin and I greatly dislike the feel of dry hands. Yes, I wash my hands after using the restroom but I have never thought about washing my hands after going shopping or out and about. I don’t use hand sanitizer and won’t since I have read that soap and water are much more effective. I will now wash my hands after going outside of my home to shop or anything else I do away from home. I will try to not touch my face if I haven’t washed my hands. I don’t eat junk food and have a lot of elderberry syrup ready to go. I take vitamin C and D every day. I do what I can and leave the rest in the Lord’s hands.

Steve Straub #wingnut #pratt thefederalistpapers.org

Here Are The Top 10 Questions To Ask A Liberal:

10. How many people should we let into this country?

9. How are rules that apply equally to everyone discriminatory and racist?

8. How are rules that only apply to one group of people not discriminatory and racist, like Affirmative Action?

7. Do you know what a pyramid scheme is and still like ObamaCare?

6. Why is it okay to kill unborn children but wrong to kill convicted murderers?

5. How does stagnating growth stimulate the economy?

4. Does it make sense to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result?

3. How will punishing law-abiding people stop criminals from breaking the law?

2. How can you count to ten if you skip the number two [Second Amendment]?

1. Why was George W. Bush a bad President but Barack Obama is a good one?

Basil Zempilas #transphobia #pratt abc.net.au

Equality groups have branded comments the Perth Lord Mayor made about transgender people on breakfast radio "repugnant and bigoted".

Basil Zempilas, who was elected to office earlier this month, told listeners of the breakfast show he co-hosts on 6PR it was "wrong" for someone to identify as a different gender to their physical anatomy.

"If you've got a penis mate, you're a bloke," he said yesterday morning.

"If you've got a vagina, you're a woman. Game over."

Mr Zempilas then laughed off a suggestion by co-host Steve Mills that he would likely come into contact with transgender people in his role as Lord Mayor.

Mr Zempilas also called for any women with a penis to ring the radio station for the chance to win a $100 store voucher.

When Mr Mills suggested that people in the wider community may disagree with his stance, Mr Zempilas replied: "Well mate, if you want to go softy, lefty, namby-pamby."

The pair had been discussing an LGBTIQ boxing tournament in Sydney, which led to a debate about parents who did not identify their children as male or female.

ThunderousFire18 #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger sporcle.com

Sigh... yet another quiz incorrectly categorizing humans as mammals. The idea that humans are animals is based on the debunked theory of evolution. Irreducible complexity destroys the theory of evolution. I challenge any evolutionists on this site to read the arguments put forth by Michael Behe in favor of intelligent design.

Also, if humans are just animals, then doesn't that imply that a sprawling cityscape is no less natural than a bird's nest? After all, both are habitats that have been created by animals. Yet I don't know any evolutionist who would refer to an urban environment as "natural".

VeganForLifeNZ #moonbat #elitist #pratt twitter.com

“Vegans shouldn't be aggressive!"
Oh, fuck off, will ya? Nobody expects human rights activists to be “polite” in their advocacy, EXCEPT for the fucking oppressors.

It's always the people engaging in violent behavior who expect activists to be nice and smiley and polite and fucking “respectful”.

You wanna talk about respect? Start respecting the fundamental rights of other sentient beings. And just remember that I can swear all day long, but that still ain't nothing compared to the atrocities you're inflicting upon animals.

I fucking love this shit: the people funding literal slavery criticize me for not being "civil". What a fucking world we live in.

Normal_Success #pratt #racist reddit.com

People keep staying black people are killed for these small crimes like counterfeit money or whatever, but that’s a deliberate (hopefully because otherwise it’s really dumb) misinterpretation. They’re killed for putting officers’ lives at risk. No cop says “oh you’ve stolen, I will shoot you now”, but if they tell you to put your hands up and you just waltz to your car and reach inside, now you’ve put them at risk when you could have just put your fucking hands up, for everyone’s sake.

How did Breonna Taylor put officers' lives at risk?

Not that I really expected an honest discussion, but I’m still disappointed this was your chosen tactic.

How was that dishonest? Because it doesn’t fit your “black people are dangerous” rhetoric?

Because you’re picking an incident that was almost certainly accidental and using it as your main argument against something that is purposeful. Cops also get in car accidents with innocent people, but that’s not a good example to use in this context and doing so is just silly and dishonest.

psiandco #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt deviantart.com

(from the same guy that made this, this is a reply to a comment that he now flagged debunking his anti-mask bullcrap.)
in the united states, the only people dying from the C-19 are in retirement homes and prisons...
places where one can't refuse "mystery-shot-X". Yes, I am saying that the cv-19 dead are either false reporting by hospitals (*to get money, natch) or intentionally murdered...
...By the way, the cdc released a "corrected estimate" of those who have died from covid-19, Not 250,000... nope try less than 6% of that.
do the Democrats kill people to keep their secrets?
just ask Seth Rich, Vince Foster, and over one hundred others on the KILLARY KLINTON BODY COUNT.
Ask sandy hook residents why all, and I mean ALL, home loans and mortgages were paid off simultaneously (on the same day).

Do some damn research for your self.

Three Anonymous Cowards #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward 78489893)
HITLER tried to heal humanity and restart our corrupt system of international bankers.

He was on the right track to fixing the worlds problem.

(Anonymous Coward 79509617)
imageWhich is why the Bolshevist Judean bankers declared war on Germany.

(Anonymous Coward 78215030)
imageAs time goes on it becomes more obvious. The bankers run the world.

(Anonymous Coward 78489893)
This thread will soon be wiped from the net. Just good to know that the truth is still out there and they can never silence us.

psiandco #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt deviantart.com

(picture of a woman with a badly photoshopped mask calling 911, the text says "my mask won't work unless everybody else wears one!")
Dear Karen,
the W.H.O. and the C.D.C. have both changed their stances to;

I'll never forget a "news blurb" I heard, but never found ever again:
"Democrats are delighted with the success of their Milgram experiment".
incase you don't know, the Milgram experiment was to see if people could be
forced to murder someone with only the demands of an authority figure.

Wearing masks? isn't about a PLANDEMIC, or a pan(DEM)ic, aka DEM PANIC.
its about taking your rights away, its about stealing your freedom.


Conservapedia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt conservapedia.com

The "Antifa" (short for "Anti-fascist action"), sometimes known as the ARA (short for "Anti-Racist Action") is an international terrorist movement of anarchists and Marxist-Leninists dedicated to the overthrow of the existing order and responsible for violence, mayhem, and church burnings in the United States and throughout the world. While posing as an anti-fascist movement, the groups in fact is an intolerant hate group that uses fascist tactics and direct quotations from Adolf Hitler. The group relies on Cultural Marxist ideals and rhetoric for recruiting young people. It has been designated as a terrorist group in the United States. The Democratic National Committee partners with Antifa for fundraising and group works closely with Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). They have been spotted chanting 'Death to America', 'Black Power', as well as other racist and anarchist chants on the streets. They are known for rioting in the streets.

Although Antifa has been promoted by CNN as the elite Trump resistance movement since 2017, the concept of anti-fascism, especially as a far-left ideology, existed as early as World War II for propaganda purposes, where Stalin referred to the USSR as "anti-fascist", with the obvious implication that the USSR and Stalin were "morally better" than the Nazis and Hitler, using the misapplication of Nazism and fascism as being of the far right instead of being of the far left. They are also anti-American in outlook, often chanting "No border! No wall! No U.S.A. at all!"

MartinYakuza #sexist #psycho #pratt #racist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Submitter’s Note: I was unable to track down the original Facebook post, so the Reddit is all I’ve got.

1. Pedophilia is a sexuality whether you like it or not.

2. Rape is bad, but its a natural thing, so the punishments shouldnt be so harsh. It should be equivalent to beating someone up.

3. Covid is literally a flu, there were a lot of more dangerous diseases in the past and people werent panicking nearly as much as now.

4. Slavery is a perfectly normal thing to do. Better people/race are enslaving worser people/race to do the hard work for them. Its a natural world order. Since whites are far better than blacks, then blacks should be enslaved.

It takes only a bit of common sense to figure these things out, so if you disagree you are either brainwashed or just plainly stupid, I dont know which one is worse.

Silence DoGood #fundie #sexist #wingnut #crackpot #pratt #conspiracy townhall.com

All the guns and armies in the world can’t defy God, and by pushing your absurd “rights” that have harmed women greatly, you are fighting with the Creator. Good luck with your losing battle.


So, you fight to vote, and can’t even think critically. Your emotion overwhelms your reason. Besides, 70% of single women vote Democrat, and the majority of married women do too. Without women voting there would be no Democrat party. It’s a nice game of the plutocrats, who weaken the family by discouraging women from getting married and having children. Makes us easy to control. Demography is destiny. While women like you are stubbornly fighting for the right to vote, you are stupidly neglecting your primary function, which is to marry and reproduce. And the bankers are laughing at you, as they make fortunes, and destroy America.

Today’s insane Democrat party is based on women being emotionally manipulated to vote Democrat. You are stupid if you think the Democrat party prior to women getting the vote is anything similar to today’s Democrat party.

Yes, because when women stubbornly divorce men, as 80% of divorces are initiated by women, that leads to single mother households, and angry criminal men, who mistreat women. It’s encouraged by the Government, as they throw welfare at you women to replace your husbands with Daddy Gubmint. Millions of silly women think that’s a great idea. Then they complain about why their children are so dysfunctional.

You can’t name a single movie or television show from 1980 on where a woman married a man and stayed home and had as many children as she could. Why? Because the bankers who control the media know that stable families would end their control. Wake up!

Men like me avoid poisonous women like you like the plague. You are hell to be around.

zcheasypea #wingnut #racist #pratt reddit.com

[on Homeland Security declaring white supremacists to be the most persistent extremist threat to America]

Damn i guess i missed all these neo nazis burning down all these businesses, destroying property, taking over cities, forcing restaurant patrons to raise their fists and fundamentally are groups who are anti free speech and anti property rights.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

And people say these colleges aren’t snowflake hug boxes! So the college of Michigan made these VR cafes or actual cafes and separate white People from minorities...MLK is spinning in his grave so hard that he’s having a beyblade battle with Malcom X! Surprisingly they apologized after people got pissed and unsurprisingly their apology SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS! https://umdearborn.edu/offices/external-relations/key-issues/virtual-cafes-september-9-2020 Here are the highlights!


Yeah, soooooooooo~much love for “non-POC”, huh? This college needed to protect minorities from “educating” white people on how to be an “ally” or not racist, hm? So again, white people are all racist so they need a space to hate themselves. Also how do you harm someone to educate you!? Are there bullies slamming students against lockers and saying “Hey! Teach me how to be an ally! TEACH ME TO NOT BE RACIST! NOW!” Fucking hell! Millions of steps forward but these crazies just. Keep. pulling us a trillion steps back and again they‘re so open with how much they hate white people and consider them racist just because they’re white! The funny thing is that this has happened before at Harvard in 2017!


Now to be fair this was organized by black students...but you gotta imagine what if it was for white excellence and white brilliance...it wouldn’t happen hell the students that would even suggest it would’ve been expelled, demonized and blasted on social media AND THERE’S NO FUCKING WAY YOU CAN SAY I’M WRONG. INCLUSION! THROUGH EXCLUSION! SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Now Enlightened #sexist #pratt incels.net

Women are Stupid

I'm really tired of women in social media, media, everywhere. They preach beliefs and people, mostly men believe and supported them. Worse, these male supporters would even come from this forum. I never physically attack a woman nor assaulted anyone and yet the Nazis make it sound all men are doing it.

Am I the only one who's getting tired when women kept saying all men are evil? All men are trash? rаpe culture is is a norm, which is stupid. I graduated virgin and every men in my batch are single at that point. These Nazis have no concept that most men will leave college without getting sex while women would be at their 20th laid. They let the assholes damage them and make incels pay for the consequence, which is ironic. We're not the one who hurt these women. We're not the one who cheated on these women...and yet we're the one cast out and seen as evil? We are the one condoned and shamed? While thousands of chads have a pass card.

The rationality doesn't make any sense. Incels haven't hurt any women when compared to the exes these Staceys cry about in their social media. Incels are identified as worst part of humanity, worse than Chads who actually hurt and traumatize women.

Where is the sense and logic in that? The Chads hurt more women than incels and yet being an incel is worse?
And there's your another proof to women's stupidity, everyone. They are even rewarded for being foolish.

CrinkusStinkus #wingnut #pratt reddit.com

Fact is if right wingers did this in, say, Charlottesville, the protestors would be completely responsible and the media would be all over it. There would be calls for the national guard to disband the protests much less the riots, from legacy media and congress. Why does the left not get held to the same standard and instead gets the media to cover for them and continually blame "right wing agitators?"

Art Corvelay #crackpot #pratt #ufo theflatearthsociety.org

How is assuming a meteorite anymore valid than assuming nuclear weapons? We know both things exist and we know that both things cause iridium contamination. Nuclear weapons also cause uranium soil contamination, which is found all across these blast sites.

Like I've explained before, you're saying I'm speculating but you are also speculating as well by assuming these blasts were caused by meteorites. You cannot personally verify that they were caused by meteorites, and the same evidence you claim proves it was meteorites also proves it as nukes.

Additionally, if these blasts were indeed caused by meteorites, then why is it that we are no longer being bombarded by huge meteorites all the time like in the past? Literally, some of these impact craters happened very soon after the other... how is this possible? Did we just magically become immune to meteors all the sudden? I don't think so.

Also, "an incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns rose in all its splendour"is a pretty close representation of a nuclear blast. I don't think you can get much clearly than that besides straight up saying "it was a nuclear blast". This is describing a mushroom cloud... and don't say "volcanoes", because they were not in the area being described in the ancient texts. You're reaching if you think that this passage is describing anything other than a nuclear blast.

Art Corvelay #crackpot #pratt #ufo theflatearthsociety.org

Pure speculation. Like I mentioned before in response to Rama Set. Yes, meteorites do contain Iridium-191 and -193... but so does a nuclear blast, and traces of these can be found all over the Earth in all sorts of places... so either a) several meteorites hit the Earth throughout history or b) advanced ETs periodically nuked the Earth for whatever reason (I cannot particularly fathom their motives). Either theory is perfectly valid, it just depends on which one you subscribe to. I, for one, think it was nukes. Why? Because ancient texts across the world talk about nuclear weapons, way before nuclear weapons even existed according to modern science.

Ancient India's religious texts support the nuclear weapon theory. Here is an expert from the Mahabharata:

"The Earth shook, scorched by the terrible heat of this weapon. Elephants burst into flames and ran to and fro in a frenzy, seeking a protection from terror. Over a vast area other animals crumpled to the ground and died. The waters boiled, and the creatures residing therein also died. From all points of the compass the arrows of the flame rained continuously! "

It goes on to state that: "a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe!"

Later in the text, we can read these words:

"An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns rose in all its splendour. It was the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt, .....a gigantic messenger of death!"

To me, that sounds like a description of nuclear weapons. Now, how would ancient people from India be able to describe a nuclear blast so accurately? I feel like that is much more than a coincidence. I am also glossing over the numerous other references in ancient books that describe very similar events. The Bible mentions a great famine that Prince Joseph is warned of by 'God'. The famine described sounds very much so like a nuclear winter caused by fallout, as it covered the entire Earth and killed off many species of animal.

Randy Thompson #pratt incel.blog

Misconceptions About the Blackpill

There are lots of misconceptions, even from within the Incel community about this topic. I am here to clear up some of these misconceptions.

The Blackpill is an ideology

The idea that blackpill is an ideology that we follow is incorrect. Incels don’t have a belief system and the members of the community come from many political and ethnic backgrounds. There are many disagreements within the community and anyone that has spent time around the community knows this.

The black pill is simply a grouping of simple truths about looks and dating that society as a whole tends to ignore. Incels Wiki explains this well in its Blackpill article.

For a more in-depth view of the blackpill, you can read the scientific blackpill article on Incels Wiki as well, as it does go into the stats and cites many studies that arrive at interesting conclusions. Even if you’re not a big fan of incels, it is hard to ignore the studies that support many incel theories.

The Blackpill is dangerous

There is nothing dangerous about the conclusions that reached in the blackpill. Again, people associate lots of bad stuff to the blackpill and sometimes refer to it as “cultish”, but all the blackpill is at the end of the day is theories and the data that support those theories. The blackpill doesn’t advocate for violence or say anything about violence at all.

Over the years, detractors and journalists have tried to stretch the meaning of blackpill to mean everything terrible about incels, but that is false. In the community, the blackpill has always had a simple definition, and that meaning has not changed. It has always been a group of theories supported by scientific data.

The Black Pill Philosophy Will Destroy Your Life

This is a title of video made by Bulldog Mindset, also known as Bluepilled Mindset to most incels.

I’m not going to give a play by play on what is in this video, but you can probably quickly figure out what was in this video. Bulldog acknowledges that some of the things we say are correct, but he falls back on the bluepill and says that looks don’t matter but personality does. Bulldog aligns with the PUA/Redpill community, so it’s not surprising to see this at all.

The blackpill won’t destroy your life. In fact, it has done the opposite for many of the people in the community. My life improved dramatically after researching and discovering the truths behind dating and female nature. We can now figure out ways to cope with our ugliness or looksmax if we choose to do so.

Going down this road can lead you down many great paths, too. Instead of focusing on the ELO-driven slot machines that are modern dating apps, we can either work on improving our looks or just opt-out of the whole game altogether. Both are valid options for men in the modern age.

Self-defeatist or Lay Down and Rot has been classed as dangerous by many academics and journalists, but we don’t see it that way. Giving up when you have no options would be the logical and sane thing to do. Some people don’t understand this, though.


There is lots of misinformation surrounding the blackpill. It is not misogynistic, defeatist, or dangerous as some people would like you to believe. People should do their own research and utilize their critical thinking skills before jumping to conclusions.

Art Corvelay #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #ufo theflatearthsociety.org

I am a long time lurker of this forum. I enjoy the interesting discourse as a result of the FET, but am not a proponent of its beliefs as there is simply not enough evidence. I figured I would post my theory here, since it seems like you all appreciate good ol science and conspiracies. And I've certainly got a conspiracy for you here.

We've all heard the stories about the mass extinction of the dinosaurs, but are we missing something? Recent evidence has come to my attention that points to the idea that advanced ETs killed the dinosaurs to make way for human colonization on Earth. This evidence is almost irrefutable. There is also evidence that dinosaurs and humans may have coexisted at some point in human history, as there are several ancient depictions of dinosaurs in ancient artwork and myths (dragons, for example).

Here is a carving on an ancient Cambodian temple named Ta Prohm, built in the late 1100's and early 1400's:


That is very clearly a stegosaurus. How would our ancient ancestors know what these great creatures looked like? Could it be because they lived with them, and even possibly made them their pets?

Art Corvelay #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt #ufo theflatearthsociety.org

But, I'll get on to my main points. The dinosaurs were killed by nuclear weapons. The main piece of evidence that convinces me is the presence of iridium in the soil layers at the great impact site in the Yucatan Peninsula. As many of you should know, iridium is a left over byproduct from nuclear weapons, as nuclear weapons contain iridium-192. In fact, the impact at the Yucatan would have had approximately the energy of 1 x 108 megatons, i.e. about 2 million times as great as the most powerful thermonuclear bomb ever tested. That's some pretty advanced stuff. Most of this evidence can be found here. But there are also several other places across the internet where you can easily find this information. What I am suggesting is that highly advanced ETs dropped a nuclear weapon from orbit on the Yucatan Penisula (at the impact site of the supposed 'meteorite impact') in an attempt to eliminate the dinosaurs. As we all know, this impact caused the eventual downfall of the land-based dinosaurs. Supposedly a black fog covered the Earth, plant life died, leading many dinosaur herbivores to starve, which caused the meat eaters to die from lack of food as well. It was a vicious cycle, and mainstream science describes it very much so like a nuclear winter caused by fallout from a massive nuclear explosion. Coincidence?

Also, iridium has been found in dinosaur fossils from the same period. Some of the dinosaur fossils were reported to glow when taken from the soil... leading to special equipment being used to carry and assemble these fossils. Why would these fossils become so covered in radioactivity? Could it be because they were all killed off by a nuclear weapon?

Stonetoss #homophobia #pratt stonetoss.com


[panel 1: Man wearing a light orange T-shirt asks a man wearing a purple shirt "When did you choose to be gay?"

Panels 2 and 3: depict a child wearing a purple shirt playing with a toy truck while the shadow of an adult male ominously looms over him

Panel 4: The purple-shirted man responds "I didn't"]

Conservapedia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt conservapedia.com

The Proud Boys are an international conservative or paleoconservative fraternal organization formerly led by Rebel News personality and Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes. Proud Boys describe themselves as "western chauvinists" and espouse pro-second amendment, pro-free speech, anti-illegal immigration, and anti-racist views. Proud Boys tend to gather among themselves to hang out at restaurants or bars, and also attend political events either in support of or in opposition to other groups. They can typically be identified by their black and yellow Polo shirts.

Proud Boys have been vehemently mischaracterized and slandered by the liberal mainstream media, perhaps more so than any other single conservative organization in recent times. Most news outlets characterize the Proud Boys as white supremacist, alt-right, and fascist, as well as accusing them of promoting political violence. Wikipedia holds strongly to this warped view,while hypocritically characterizing Antifa, an anarchist terrorist faction, as mere "political activists".It is likely Wikipedia holds this view as a result of parroting the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, a notoriously dishonest organization which Wikipedia tends to use as a source.

In actuality, the Proud Boys are a multiracial group (which even some liberal outlets have noted) and have continually denounced the Alt-Right, to the point that actual Alt-Right groups often attack them and their founder as well. The FBI has declared the Proud Boys are not extremist or terroristic.

Based Frog #racist #wingnut #fundie #pratt rebelreformer.wordpress.com

The Middle East Needs a One State Solution

Most likely, you’ve heard biggots espouse anti-semetism, even going so far as to criticize the nation of Israel. The most evil people in the world oppose Israeli armed invasion of Islamic countries, and the most anti-semetic of all believe that Israeli conquered land ought to be shared with Muslims, such as Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, Lebanon, or the Siani Peninsula. All of those lands were taken by Israel during defensive wars, and it was the filthy communists in the United Nations who compelled the cuckhold Israeli democracy to return rightful Jewish lands, which are needed as living space for the Hebrew people. There’s a special label for the hate-filled murderers who oppose the advancement of Hebrew nationalism: They’re poisoners of history, lovers of evil, and above all, they’re Nazis. And to clarify, anything that I don’t like or don’t understand is automatically Nazism, and Nazis are so evil and genetically inferior that we should build gas chambers to kill them all because they’re they’re lesser beings compared to those of us of the supreme political ideology. The problem with Nazism is that anti-semites are too socialist, too libertarian, and not racist enough. The average anti-semite is a basement dweller who can only claim “da Joos rule da world and stolled my job and took my gf.” Oh sure, as if everyone except you is being mind-controlled by the scary Jewish overlords, lol, that’s some Alex Jones level libertarianism right there. And yes, Nazis aren’t racist enough. Whereas Nazis believe that Jewish boogymen are behind every evil imaginable, espeically white genocide; truth be told – non-whites generally don’t create desirable civilizations, which is why it’s only logical that non-whites would want to come to our nations. There is absolutely no explanation for why anti-semites hate the Jews, just as there is no reason for why the degenerates hate whites; and such one-sided hate relationships are only comparable to how communist sympathizers seek to divide the world with hate and anger.


If you give a Jew bricks, he will build a city. If you give a Muslim a city, he will turn it into bricks. Jews have inventing everything we see around us, including bluejeans, the ballpoint pen, stainless steel, lazers, (notably a staple for electronics), most types of people-food (my personal favorite of which is bagels/donuts), most of our medical advancements, and even nuclear weapons from the ground up, beginning with the first atomic bomb. In comparison, what have the Palestinians contributed to the world? The very existence of Israel’s enemies is absolutely disgusting and is one of the worst forms of pollution in the world. Muslims have only taken beauty from the world in the form of countless deaths and a daily slew of endless bloodshed and suffering. All of Israel’s enemies are terrorists. They follow a religion that demands ignorance, prejudice, hatred, and violence, and it is our pleasure as Zionists to shoot every one of them.


[And with this pearl of wisdom underneath] All toads are terrorists. *Pls note reference to television is ironic satire cuz TV is for boomers. (PC master race here)

Rainer Shea #moonbat #dunning-kruger #pratt #crackpot twitter.com

The Holocaust can be understood as an extreme instance of necro-capitalism, where the parts of the population that the capitalist ruling class views as expendable are killed off or outright enslaved. Events like it happen when a country’s bourgeoisie become desperate.

The purpose of the genocide was to reinforce the power structure of German capitalism by eliminating or enslaving those deemed to not fit into society, while the favored demographics could enjoy increased living standards under “National Socialism.

The United States is heading towards a necro-capitalist scenario of the same genocidal nature, with refugees already being put into concentration camps. As the process of genocide continues, the country is taking on other attributes of the Nazi regime.

Tyler Durden #pratt zerohedge.com

If The Postal Service Was Publicly Traded, It Would Have A Trillion Dollar Market Cap

In the past few days, there has been an unprecedented amount of manufactured drama over the US Postal Service, as discussed in "Unpacking Fact From Fiction Behind The USPS Drama", yet which has continued overnight

And which as Byron York summarizes, "speculation about Trump and the Post Office has grown so frantic that it resembles the frenzy three years ago over allegation--from many of same people--that Trump conspired with Russia to fix the 2016 election."

In any case, we won't belabor the political talking points - as those will be with us every day for the next 78 days - but instead make a market-based observation that if the US Postal Service, which has had just three profitable quarters this decade...

... had been a publicly-traded company, it would easily have a massive market valuation. Why? Because in the last ten years or 40 quarters, the USPS has made $688.7 billion in revenue while losing $68.2 billion, an abysmally bad performance which even such cash incinerators as Tesla, Uber and Netflix can only admire in stunned silence.

And since this market rewards nothing quite as generously as massive cash burn, it is beyond debate that the USPS would have a market cap of over $1 trillion. In fact, thanks to its record net loss, it might even be the world's most valuable company thanks to the Fed which has flipped every market fundamental upside down.

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