
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Lance Welton #transphobia vdare.com

Significantly, in line with the view that transsexuals are definitely not “born into the wrong body,” only 15% of them are exclusively heterosexual in their new bodies. [The Report of the 2015 US Transgender Survey, By S. James et al., 2015 (PDF)]

Steve Sailer seems, therefore, to have “tangled” with exactly the kind of people whom we would expect to be transgender: autistic, high testosterone, aggressive, outlier high IQ, and probably unhappy at a very profound level. This leads to a very weak sense of self, resulting in a need to overcompensate via an extreme, rigid (but ultimately insecure) identity: everyone must accept that they are “real women,” just as much as those with two X chromosomes are.

But, of course, they are not “real women.” They are men with very serious mental problems. No society should allow madmen—for that is what transsexual males are—to dictate its social policies, let alone (looking at you, Twitter) its codes of speech.

notyourfetish #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

None of them are trying to hide their fetishtistic motivations for calling themselves women, which you typically see in TW who want to distance themselves from AGP. So I’m kind of amazed to see them letting all of this hang out, and I’m wondering if they walked into a trap by confirming everything TERFs have been claiming about them from day 1.

I think a lot of them are deeply delusional or very in denial that their "woman feelings" are basically just twisted perversion. So they pretend their AGP is some kind of valid identity and that they're an oppressed minority (which also shows how homophobic they are, because that's how they view gay people, as sexual deviants or something).

But they're not an oppressed minority. They are just straight men who have destroyed their sexuality with porn. And rather than acknowledge what they've done to themselves, they'd rather live in denial while telling themselves they must have some sort of "identity."

To convince people they have this "identity," they lurk and spy, study feminine women's mannerisms to copy them, and read the things that actual minorities say online, and then they copy us verbatim to convince themselves (not just everyone else) that they really are this poor widdle minority who is in danger constantly, etc.

They are basically mentally unstable, dangerous men.

Testosterone causes sexualized feelings that makes you end up with a fetish. Okay, cool. So what are we supposed to make of trans women who have high levels of testosterone in their systems? When they go into the locker room and all that T starts giving them euphoria boners, are women supposed to just…not care about this? Are we supposed to pretend that this isn’t a fetish when all of y’all are admitting that this exactly what this is? Like, WTF?

That he actually thinks "transitioning" makes the "fetish feelings" stop is insane. If that were true, then why are so many "transwomen" with bottom surgery still harassing the shit out of lesbians?

I've never observed a TIM who transitioned and suddenly decided that lesbians were people and that our sexuality should be respected. Instead, they just continue in the same male mode, demanding sex from women who aren't attracted to them and calling us bigots and killing us when we say no.

notyourfetish #transphobia ovarit.com

"Transwomen" are projecting. They're the ones with a fetish. Lesbians don't "fetish" vaginas. We are sexually attracted to entire women, not men with their dicks turned inside out to immitate the real thing. But since TIMs don't even understand that a woman is more than a vagina, fake or otherwise, of course they project their gross fetishes onto us.

A fetish isn't just arousal toward weird body parts (feet) or acts (wearing a thong). You can also fetish people, which basically boils down to an unhealthy sexual attraction. (The way some people might fetish a specific race, for instance.)

For example, Xander is a male character on Buffy who fetishes strong, powerful women. He has a crush on Faith and Buffy because they have super powers, and it's only later when Willow becomes a powerful witch that he starts going after her. There was also Cordelia, who was the head of the school in popularity, and who he cheated on with Willow once Willow became more powerful. And later, he gets with Onya, a demon who is very old and very powerful and trapped in a human form, and he treats her like shit as he does all the powerful women he's with.

Basically, Xander desired these women for their power and didn't really care about them as people. It's a form of dehumanization. That's what makes a fetish an unhealthy attraction.

TIMs are doing the same thing to lesbians. They desire a particular group of women specifically because they know we don't desire them and are, in fact, incapable of desire for them. They get off on bullying and coercing us into submission. It's a domination fetish, and something only a rapist would think was 100% normal and okay.

This is what I mean when I say transbians are rapists. They know that lesbians are incapable of sexual attraction to men and they know they are men, yet they harass and coerce lesbians into sexual/romantic situations anyway (from catfishing to straight up rape). And even if "transbians" were too mentally gone to understand why they are wrong, they are still WRONG, and lesbians are the ones being hurt while everyone coddles "transwomen" and calls us bigots.

Vladimir Putin #dunning-kruger #fundie #transphobia #wingnut zerohedge.com

"A Woman Is A Woman, Man Is A Man": Putin Vows To Protect Russia From West's "Gender Obscurantism"

During his marathon annual year-end press conference Q&A, which this year lasted about four hours, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again vowed to defend Russian society against the intrusion of the corrupted values of the West, in particular blasting the "gender obscurantism" pushed by the United States and Europe.

"I am a proponent of the traditional approach that a woman is a woman and a man is a man," Putin laid out, which it goes without saying also reflects basic Biology 101 and humans' self-understanding for thousands upon thousands of years. He continued in the remarks on gender: "A mother is a mother, a father is a father. And I hope that our society has the internal moral protection dictated by the traditional religious denominations of the Russian Federation."

Throughout the remarks he called it basic "common sense" - which strongly suggested that the opposite is currently the rule of the day in America and the West generally, where people fear being "canceled" in their jobs and during public discourse if they don't confirm to concepts of 'gender fluidity' and Frankenstein reassignment surgeries, which is even increasingly being pushed on children.

Putin was responding to a question form a journalist over recent gender controversies in the West, and also the way it has impacted women's sports.

"If somebody thinks that a woman and a man are the same thing, they’re welcome to [their opinion], but a certain common sense should exist."

He likened the West's attempts to push these things on Eastern Europe to a viral infection... "just like the coronavirus pandemic," he said...

"Just like with the coronavirus pandemic one can't escape [non-traditional values coming from abroad]. We need to look for an antidote."

sojourner_truth_ & hmimperialtortie #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

( sojourner_truth_ )
I've seen TRAs respond with "that's not a true trans" when presented with examples of predatory TIMs. So don't beat yourself up for confusing the "bad apple" talk for the "no true trans" fallacy- they probably became fused in your head because of the knee jerk reaction TRAs always have whenever a TIM rapes his mother, or rapes a taxi driver, or rapes a dog, or molests a little girl.

Every time like clockwork, they start saying BOTH "you still have to respect her pronouns!!!" AND "but that was no true transwoman!" Lol. Listening to these people is maddening.

( hmimperialtortie )
The irony is that the predatory men are the truest “trans” there is. The TIM rapists and paedophiles are the epitome of the breed.

( sojourner_truth_ )
Peaking comes in a series, I'm realizing. First comes the baby peak, for some people it's men shouldn't be in women's prisons or something really blaringly clear... but if you keep looking at reciepts from this gang, you will eventually peak more and more... and I think the final peak is exactly this: TIM rapists and pedos are the epitome of the breed, the truest trans there is, the final result of indulging in degeneracy for long enough.

It makes me look at other cultures that I wrote off as being so backwards because they toss all sexual degeneracy into one bucket that is off limits... and now I see that they had a damned good point. There are many roads to Rome, and there are many paths for men to turn into someone so debased they'll rape an infant or a dog. All those paths should be understood for what they are: degeneracy that undermines society.

Lauren Chen #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Katee Churchill is being lauded as a hero by the MSM after it was reported that she went to jail for trying to "support" her gender-fluid son... However, her court cases tell a different story, one of a distraught woman with financial and emotional issues.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #sexist #transphobia #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

"Did you enjoy the Holiday Concert?" the school principal asked my friend.

"Yes, but why didn't you call it a Christmas Concert?'

"Oh I can't. The Superintendent said the concert must be inclusive of all the diverse cultures in the school. We are not allowed to mention Christmas, Christ, or Jesus."

This humiliating scene was replayed millions of times this Christmas season. Some Christian groups even boycotted retailers who dropped the word Christmas from their advertising. Celebrating the central Christian holiday, and even saying "Merry Christmas" has become a political act.

Why has this happened? The answer isn't pretty. The world financial elite wants to eradicate Christianity. Their forerunners crucified Christ. Christianity gives everyone a piece of the pie and elitists want it all for themselves.
According to Christianity, all human beings were created in God's image, i.e. Divine Truth resides in every soul. Accordingly, God loves everyone equally and human life is sacred. Our birthright is to know God by following Christ's teachings.

On the other hand, the New World Order wants to corrupt and debase humanity and snuff out any spark of Divinity. They want to allot us "human rights" (which they determine) instead of acknowledging our God given rights. You see, animals are better to herd and cull.
In our society however, some people are in George Orwell's words, "more equal than others." "Diversity" is a devious ploy to subjugate the Christian majority. Christians have to take a back seat to 1.5% of Jews for whom Chanukah is an insignificant holiday that doesn't even fall on December 25 half of the time. (I won't mention "Kwanza" since most Blacks are Christian.)

To degrade humanity, the elite has to dynamite the four pillars of human identity: race, religion, nation and family. Just as it promotes homosexuality and fe-manism to undermine family, it uses Jewish holidays to destroy Christianity.
No one objects except the foreign-based central bankers and the monolithic occult (i.e. Masonic) political and cultural establishment that they employ.

Owlchaser #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] took out his penis and jacked off here, but you'll never know."

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] rooted through the sanitary product garbage and took out your used pads to put in his own underwear. But you'll never know."

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] was scouting this area to put in a hidden camera. So he could use that later to jack off at home, and/or to post the footage online. But you'll never know."

"A [man who thinks he's a woman] was listening to the sounds coming from your stall, while you were at your most vulnerable, and had some truly disgusting thoughts. He was also leering at you between the cracks in the stalls while you weren't looking. But you 'll never know."

Sinead McCarthy #sexist #racist #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

I have noticed a push back from women, many who identify as radical feminists or TERFS, against pornography, the erasure of women and girls via the trans agenda, and against the ever increasing anti-woman sentiment from the incels and other assorted porn sick untermensch. The new title of “Pick Me” has been increasing in popularity, used by many rad fems, and other women, who are calling out the internalized misogyny and pandering to low value males, that these types of women will engage in. I’m sure the reader will be utterly shocked to find jewish women at the head of this push back, as they do this with every single movement, to ensure that the jewish supremacist criminals are not uncovered as being the root cause of these issues. We know about the Talmud and its assorted number of genders, as well as the Talmud’s passages about being able to rape a 3 year old girl. These jewish “feminists” will push all of the blame back onto non jewish men, predominantly White men, as it’s apparently the evil Nazis behind porn and not the poor poor persecuted jewish men.
White women and girls need a space where they can be loved, protected and cherished. They do not need a space where they are chastised and blamed for the crimes of jewish men. In conclusion, I plan to once again start a blog just for White women and girls, as Heathen Women was taken down a while ago. This will be a space where we can share ideas, support each other, strategize, work on our boundaries, and fight back against the ever increasing anti-White woman and girl sentiment we find in supposed “racially aware” circles. Will we have jewish male trolls and their Pick Me yentas coming in to disrupt? Of course, so please don’t use your real name or picture, to avoid harassment. I have become hyper aware of these types of trolls and will be banning them at the slightest hint of nonsense.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

( mathlover )
These guys really don't get how sexually disgusting and repulsive they are to lesbians.

( ChaChaSlide )
To everyone.

( mathlover )
But they could make themselves reasonably attractive to het and bi women. And many of them were - had girlfriends and were married - as the het men they all are, before they degenerate into "trans" and become sexually disgusting and repulsive because of the kind of men they become. And even then, some of them do manage to find women to date who, by definition, are het or bi. But they could never have been, and could never be, anything but sexually disgusting and repulsive to lesbians - who are their preferred prey.

( hmimperialtortie )
That’s the thing, they can be reasonably attractive men but they deliberately make themselves the most nauseating, repellent freaks one could imagine. The one TIM I knew socially (this was in the 90s) was like that. Nice looking bloke, curly dark hair and beard in the one photo I saw of him before. When I knew him he had a stubbly manjaw, thinning, greasy, straight, bottle-blond hair (probably has a sixhead by now), bolt-on moobs pushed up in a corset, and had transformed himself into the ugliest specimen one could wish to see.

And was, of course, a transbian.


( ChaChaSlide )
All those examples are of how successful they are at gaslighting and abuse. I assure you, unless someone has some degenerate fetish, they are not looking at them with true desire.

( bellatrixbells )
Non lesbian here. It's not just you.

( Srfthrowaway )
Yeah straight as they get here. They're just repulsive.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
They have definitely colonized and settled their own Uncanny Valley.

They physically and mentally repulse everyone.

Michael Brown #transphobia #fundie #wingnut charismanews.com

In the midst of the intense national debate about transgender rights, transgender athletes and transgender children, it is all too easy to lose sight of perhaps the most important issue of all. Specifically, if you support the medical transitioning of children, you are potentially supporting their chemical castration.

What an absolute outrage. How dare any person of conscience advocate for this?

Are you familiar with the name Alan Turing? He was a brilliant British mathematician and computer pioneer best known for his lifesaving work during World War II. At that time, "Turing played a crucial role in cracking intercepted coded messages that enabled the Allies to defeat the Axis powers in many crucial engagements, including the Battle of the Atlantic."

Yet Turing was also homosexual and, after the war, was found guilty of three counts of "gross indecency contrary to Section II of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885" for having consensual sexual relations with another man.
Barely two years later, in 1951, when he was just 41, Turing was found dead by cyanide poisoning, an apparent suicide.
Yet the very same people who are repulsed by the way Turing was treated actually support something even more horrible, namely, the chemical castration of children.
In the days ahead, I'm scheduled to interview a female-to-male trans-identified individual who differs with me when it comes to God, the Bible, Christian moral standards, homosexual practice and a host of other issues.

But we have agreed to shout from the rooftops as loudly as we can for the sake of these at-risk kids.

Some will say to me, "When you will stop writing about this stuff? You sound like a broken record. Enough already!"

My answer is simple: I'll stop writing about this when our society stops promoting such social madness rather than finding healthy ways to help these hurting kids from the inside out.

Let us unite to stand against the chemical castration of children.

Deepland Bystander #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Came across this study about transgender breast implants that is unintentionally & hilariously transphobic.

Figure that shows the most common trans body type seeking breast augmentation vs the most common cis body.


Trans patients were:
-Older 40 vs 34
-Had higher body mass index 27.46 vs 22.88
-Higher prevalence of psychological comorbidities 50% vs 12%
- All most all of the trans surgeries were paid through Medicare vs the cis women were mostly through private insurance

If you read older papers, back in the 50s and why transition surgery was done, they were more honest, on the practitioner side, about these procedures were not to change sex, but rather to 'cure' sexual deviants and gays by castrating them, hidden under a nice white lie.

Now seeing that a lot of trooning out is supported by non-profits and government welfare, I can't say that it's always medical industry looking to make big bucks from lifelong patients... Now I wonder if this is some PsyOp to sterilise the current day undesirables (autists, incels, mentally ill and lonely people) by manipulating them into thinking they want it themselves.

And it's likely having been like this for a while, because as harder it was to to troon out back then subculture weirdos (usually mentally ill and distressed enough) back in the 90s seemed to be given the pass to troon out in droves too...

Harmonica #wingnut #racist #transphobia #sexist identitydixie.com

[From "College in a Free Dixie"]

When Dixie is free, one of the areas where the most drastic reforms will take place is in higher education. The takeover of colleges and universities by the Left has been, perhaps, the biggest reason we find ourselves in our current predicament. Think of any progressive idea[…]and you will find that it has been festering in colleges and universities for years[…]Attacks on the Founding Fathers, promoting transgenderism, the concept of White privilege, and dismantling the “patriarchy” all immediately come to mind
Up until at least World War I, the Right tended to control the education system[…]German universities, in particular, were infamous for being bastions for rightwing, nationalist thought. Southern universities were also once known for being far more conservative than their counterparts in the rest of the United States – see how comparably quieter Dixian schools were during the upheaval of the 1960s
In a Free Dixie, colleges will focus on the classic fields – science, engineering, history, theology, philosophy, government, language, and so on. “Gender Studies” will be removed, as well as, any of the other progressive facsimiles pretending to be serious academic study. They lack rigor, rely on emotion, and are easily fooled (see the Sokal Hoax)

More importantly, they are the nest by which the Left incubates ideas and then unleashes them into traditional fields (then society at large)
College students have become notorious for dressing like slobs (for men) and prostitutes (for women)
In a Free Dixie, all men will be required to attend class in at least a collared shirt, closed-toed shoes, long pants, and a belt. A tie will be strongly encouraged. Women will be expected to dress modestly. Violators will not be allowed to attend class until they are properly dressed

notyourfetish #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

According to TERFs, gender identity is either something socially contructed in a way that means most trans people have the histories of their birth sex and gender, nonexistent, or something that always relates to the initially assigned, presumed or physical sex in question.

Um, yeah. It's called reality, bub. Being trans isn't real. You were born a man, and you'll always be a man.

Trans people are considered appropriative in the way that certain people appropriate cultures or racial backgrounds.

Appropriating other people's struggles is all you've ever done. You're parasitic at this point.

Some TERFs believe that trans people are perverts in a harmful and nonconsensual way and that transitioning is just a way for men to gain access to women or straight women to gain access to gay men.

Perverts in a harmful and noncensensual way . . .as if there were some good way to be a pervert?

If you weren't transitioning to gain access to women and if this was really about your mental delusion that wearing a dress makes you a woman (it doesn't), then why don't "transwomen" ever demand access to spaces where women are older or at least less vulnerable?

Why don't "transwomen" ever demand access to a military barracks, an old ladies' church group, or a convent full of nuns? Because "transwomen" can't rape, harass, and prey on those women with impunity, and they have no desire to be around women who don't get thier "girl dick" hard. Women in prisons and homeless shelters and public restrooms are easier, younger, more desirable targets. But sure. Play dumb.

A man who puts on a dress and tells lesbians they have to fuck him or else they're a bigot is -- surprise! -- a pervert.

A man who gets a boner from wearing women's clothes is -- surprise! -- a pervert.

A man who tries to force the entire world to go along with his fetish is -- surprise! -- a pervert.

A man who gets off on invading women's spaces is -- surprise! -- a pervert.

@Curious13512995 / Jeffrey Crenshaw #transphobia twitter.com

Oh, sorry, forgot the point of @GCComingOutDay was to come out. My name is Jeffrey Crenshaw. I have already been fired for believing in reality/defending women's rights: https://zerohedge.com/political/scandal-plagued-ubisoft-fires-trans-skeptic-video-game-programmer-over-hateful-comments

And I will never stop. (1/?)

I was fired by Peter Handrinos and Erin Brenchley callously for social media comments. When I asked them for more details, they refused to give them to me. My coworker and "friend"
told me
was right to fire me b/c my beliefs might make trans uncomfortable

I want everyone --
, Peter Handrinos, Erin Brenchley, Daniel -- to know that I am not going to stop fighting for good just because your bigoted company
(which allows sexual harassment -- https://bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-21/ubisoft-sexual-misconduct-scandal-harassment-sexism-and-abuse) punished me.

Unsurprising that a company that swims in misogynistic harassment supports TiMs.

I will see to it that we move back to a society that believes in reality, & that every single person who capitulated to the trans cult pays dearly. What you did to me, I will see done to you tenfold

Today is just the start. When society peaks -- when it gets tired of men jacking off in women's restrooms, taking first place in women sporting events, shaming lesbians for not wanting penis -- ALL OF YOU that supported this will be pariahs. Deservedly so.

If you think I am kidding, holy hell are you going to be surprised. I spent YEARS fighting against Christianity's insistence on shaming atheists into compliance (while respecting their right to believe if they left us alone). The gender cult is no different.

The bigots that punish us for believing in reality will pay #GCComingOutDay

notyourfetish #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

They keep comparing being black to being trans as if both were immutable traits that people are both with.

Being black is actually a real thing, dude. It's racist to say all black men are rapists because it's completely ridiculous to base someone's character on an immutable, trivial trait like skin tone that they have no control over.

"Trans" people aren't born trans. "Trans" is not an immutable, innate trait. "Trans" is not even fucking REAL. "Transwomen" identify as "trans" because they're pornsick straight dudes who have warped their sexuality beyond belief and think that being a woman means strapping on sexy porn gear and harassing lesbians. It's not some shit they were born with or have no control over, and even it was, being a pervert from crib to coffin is not some kind of harmless trait like race or sexuality.

The fucking truth is that "transbians" are rapists. You might as well say someone is a bigot for calling a serial killer a murderer.

Khornate Award

Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #psycho #transphobia dailystormer.name

[From "White Pill: Russia Says They’ll Probably Go Ahead and Deploy Nukes Across Europe"]


Just nuke everything!



In an interview with RIA Novosti on Monday, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov insisted that if Western nations refuse to sign a moratorium on intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF) in Europe, Russia will be obliged to place the weapons in the European portion of its territory. Moscow has proposed the deal as part of a package of measures intended to defuse the ongoing crisis in Ukraine#

Putin, c’mon, bro

Let’s make it happen

Let the fire rain down and cleanse this filth!

The time is NOW NOW NOW!


The people demand NUCLEAR FIRE!

We’re already in a war, and it’s a lot worse than a nuclear war

If you don’t think a nuclear war would be better than this, then you are a child tranny lover and you’re going to Hell

It’s a war outside, it’s a war outside, it’s like the last days of Sodom and Gomorrah outside

Everything getting nuked is literally the second best possible outcome here. The first being that everyone who got vaxed just dies very quickly

Not sure what the third best thing is

Bitcoin, I guess

[Anglin has inserted in this article several pictures from Fallout, along with portraits of Desmond]

pantypopo #pratt #transphobia outofmypantiesnow.wordpress.com

When is 90% not Substantially ALL?

Okay, I rounded… I admit it. I rounded 88% up to 90%. Substantially all still applies. Do not mistake that.

88% of the transgender population, those people who are protected by gender identity and gender expression laws, are, as reported by their own advocacy organizations, males with a psychosexual disorder. (1)

Many men with psychosexual disorders practice their fetish in the privacy of their own homes. But as many as 13,946,348 of them in the US, at the time of this writing, will be free to practice their fetish in public, in front of your children, in women’s locker rooms, in the girls bathroom at school. (2) This will be enabled by current and pending transgender legislation throughout the US. (3)

Transgender fetish is the largest sexual disorder reported in convicted sex offenders.(4) Almost 100% of convicted sex offenders have a documented history of transvestism, crossdressing, free-dressing, Autogynephilia, transsexualism – in other words: TRANSGENDER.

60% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their primary paraphillia (a parapillia is a psychological sex disorder). Of the remaining fetishists, such as pedophiles, rapists, etc., 60% of those sex offenders have transgender fetish as their secondary parapillia, in addition to their primary disorder. Finally, 40% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their tertiary (3rd) fetish among multiple disorders.

Transgender sex disorders are the leading indicator of criminal sexual behavior.

This is what transgender does:
(1) Transgender Law and Policy Institute estimates the Transgender population at 2 – 5% of the US population. National Center for Transgender Equality reports that only 0.25 – 1.0 % of the US population are Transsexual, persons suffering from a complete psychosexual inversion whose body identity disorder/ body dysmorphia disorder takes the form of an obsession with having the primary and secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex.

The remaining 88% percent of the Transgender population are here: The Transvestites, Crossdressers and Autogynephiliacs. THIS is Transgender – substantially ALL of the transgender population, as reported by their own advocacy organizations, are males with a psychosexual disorder.

Anonymous #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut desuarchive.org

It's less deviant than homosexuality and nobody can prove otherwise. Compare a zoophile who maintains a normal family life with his or her animal lover in plain sight to a fag who has to go out of town for secret buttsex adventures until he gives his wife aids, or some mutilated tranny monster. The same propaganda machine that forced normies to tolerate faggots could easily do the same for animal fuckers if the lever pullers wanted to, but it seems that the sexual revolution has passed over the beast question and is going straight to pedophilia. This is probably because the entire purpose of the faggot/tranny/pedo agenda is to promote antisocial behaviors, and sex with animals doesn't provide the same ROI.

Consent theory is unsound, idiotic feminist gibberish when it concerns humans, let alone animals, and the only reason it gets misapplied to animals is because it's the only moral framework that liberal morons can grasp to justify their emotional rejection and disgust (keep in mind that these reddit ethicists could easily be forced to unconditionally accept zoo just as they accepted homos and trannies if the order came down from their masters). These retards treat "consent" like some intractable metaphysical problem as if we aren't discussing creatures that mindlessly rape and brutalize whatever they feel like, or claim that domestic animals possess the theory of mind to trick humans into unwittingly abusing them (but are somehow still too stupid to communicate "no").

It's really nobody's business what a man or woman does with his dog, horse, sheep, etc. so long as the creature isn't being subjected to serious pain or injury. It certainly shouldn't be more damaging to a man's reputation than being outed as an HIV+ gay anal degenerate meth addict, but this is the world we live in.

The Diocese of Marquette #fundie #transphobia washingtonpost.com

Transgender people can’t be baptized unless they’ve ‘repented,’ Catholic diocese says

A Catholic diocese in Michigan has instructed its pastors to deny baptism, confirmation and other sacraments to transgender and nonbinary people unless they have “repented” — possibly the first diocese in the United States to issue such a sweeping policy about those who identify with a gender other than their sex assigned at birth.

The guidance issued by the Diocese of Marquette also stipulates that transgender people may not receive Communion, in which Catholics believe the body and blood of Jesus Christ are truly present. In most circumstances, they cannot receive the anointing of the sick, which is meant to provide physical or spiritual healing to those who are seriously ill. The guidance was issued in July but only recently sparked a debate after a prominent priest and advocate for LGBTQ Catholics shared it on Twitter.

“The experience of incongruence in one’s sexual identity is not sinful if it does not arise from the person’s free will, nor would it stand in the way of Christian Initiation,” reads the document. “However, deliberate, freely chosen and manifest behaviors to redefine one’s sex do constitute such an obstacle.”

The backlash may portend a growing clash between the church, which teaches that people should accept their sex assigned at birth, and a younger generation more likely to identify as something other than cisgender and less likely to believe that being transgender is morally wrong. One in 6 adults in Generation Z identifies as LGBTQ, according to survey data released by Gallup in February.

Some theologians said the new rule may contradict canon law. “There’s nobody who approaches baptism from a state of perfection,” Jennifer Haselberger, a former chancellor for canonical affairs in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, said. “The presumption is the opposite. You come to baptism as a sinner, and original sin is forgiven you.”

Rompeprop #homophobia #transphobia #psycho songmeanings.com

Rompeprop - Crash Test Faggots

Ready for countdown!


Crash! Test! Faggot!
Crash! Test! Gay!

Awwwwwrrrrp !!!

Uuuuuuu- I'm going to tell you story about certain people,
People wich I have a perfect vacancy for
They're called transsexuals,
And travestites
Assfucking faggots- they don't deserve rights!

Hahaha...listen faggots!!

There is this factory, around the corner you see,
Let's gather transsexuals, and kill them brutal for me!
Remove the testdummies, and use transsexuals instead,
I can't wait to witness, the E-normous impact!

Crrrash !!!

Uuuuuuuu- Served transsexual genitals now look like splatter,
Witness the torso get squashed is obviouslyyyy, what matters to me!

6-5-4-3-2-1, Next in line please!

Crash! Test! Faggot!
Crash! Test! Gay! - Die and make my day !!!

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@mitkills and I have the simple catch-all response"]


hello, i made a gender-neutral pronoun etiquette/guide for the ~harvard business review~
10:50 PM · Oct 14, 2021


[On the right, a black person named Jess said "Hey! I'm Jess, they/them pronouns. You?"; on the left, someone replies that "my pronouns are ‘Jess is a mentally ill niggerfag/Jess is a mentally ill niggerfag’"]

(a helpful reminder to anybody who wants to discuss this article, make sure that you use my preferred pronouns: by your own rule you're a hater if you don't)

MiMi2013 #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Some years ago (2009-2012, somewhere in there) I watched a surveillance camera video of some black teen girls pulling a 27 year old white guy with long scraggly blond hair , out of the womens' bathroom (in a fast food place; think it was a Burger King). They beat the shit out of him, and he just curled up in a ball, sobbing.

Back then, I was such a dunce I actually felt sorry for him, because "he's obviously a harmless gay man, and he might get beat up by homophobes in the men's bathroom! "

Now, I know those girls were right; he was almost certainly an autogynephiliac, and the reason he was curled up sobbing, is, he just couldn't believe vaginathings, subhuman objects put on this earth to do whatever men tell them to, were failing to "validate his feelings". That's what we she-goats are for, after all.

Once I read those papers c.2014-2015, in which we learn that when men interact with other men, the part of their brain devoted to interpersonal communication engages, while when dealing with women, it's the part devoted to assessing objects-IOW, men literally "see" women as non human-that changed everything for me. It explains so much about not just today, but for all of recorded history. And it most definitely explains the violent entitlement of too many men, and most especially of trans woMEN.

Trans woMEN are men, regardless of whether they're the small minority who have themselves castrated and mutilated, parts regrafted to their bodies in a vague approximation of female genitalia , and pumped full of horse piss hormones, or the overwhelming majority who think they've found a 'cheat sheet' to force lesbians into letting them insert their "lady dicks" into their bodies. Many don't even make token efforts to pass...Almost as if the fun for them is using their obviously male appearance to frighten women and girls trapped with them in spaces that should be reserved for biological females only.

Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: No one is trans. Being trans isn't a real thing

( CitizenKaren )
Transness isn't a real thing. It's supposedly feeling like the opposite sex, but as anyone who doesn't claim to be trans can confirm, no one feels like any type of sex. Feeling like a sex isn't a real thing.

TIMs and TIFs are not transitioning to anything, they're just making themselves look stranger.

( hmimperialtortie )
Precisely. It’s a nonexistent “condition”. The whole thing is a lie, a fantasy, a fetish. I doubt many of them even believe it - they’re not genuinely delusional, they’re lying for the power it gives them over people.

( TransWidow )
It was pretty clearly a mental illness with my ex.

( chrysthefeminist )
Exactly, it's a form of power and control, not a "mental illness."

( xx_emptygrave )
Transgenderism is a mental illness for some and a fetish for many. It's a deluded belief that somehow you are the opposite sex "deep down inside" and feeding into that delusion until they travel down the surgery route and destroy their body to match that delusion. Or they are coom-brained males who get a hard on from wearing women's clothes,with the encouragement and coddling from society allows these fetishistic males to LARP as women so they can live their fetish 24/7 and force to involve as much ppl as possible to get the biggest coom.

"Transphobia" isn't real, neither is "non-binary".

It's all a made up thing in a deluded and/or fetishist's mind.

( TransWidow )
Mentally ill and fetishistic aren't mutually exclusive types of trans people, in my experience.

Matt Walsh #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut thepostmillennial.com

Matt Walsh's children's book skyrockets to #1 on Amazon's LGBTQ+ best sellers list

"Going forward, all criticism of me or my work is homophobic," said Walsh.

Daily Wire host Matt Walsh's children's book "Johnny the Walrus" reached the #1 spot on Amazon's LGBTQ+ best sellers list, with the author proclaiming that any criticisms of his book would be considered "homophobic." The achievement follows the book selling out in just 24 hours on the internet commerce website.

Walsh said of the achievement Sunday: "I am thrilled and honored to have written the number one LGBT book in the country and take my responsibility as a leading LGBT voice very seriously." The podcast host and now-bestselling writer added, "Going forward, all criticism of me or my work is homophobic. And with my new Twitter handle, I have now become totally exempt from all criticism. I can feel the power running through my veins."

The book tells the story of a little boy named Johnny, who believes that he is a walrus instead of a human. He even dresses up as a walrus, donning wooden spoon for tusks and striped tube socks for fins.

In the book, Johnny's mother is slammed by "Stop Anti-Walrusism" activists, who on social media call Johnny's mother "literally walrusphobic," demanding she respect his pronouns, "he/him/walrux," and enable her son's transition to full-on walrushood.

The progressive mother, caving to trans species activists, then begins to cover Johnny in grey makeup, bathe him in cold water, and feeds him "wormones."

Walsh has called the book his "magnum opus," stating that it is the "finest piece of literature" he's ever written. "Biology is not malleable. It's not relative. It's an objective reality," Walsh told Tucker Carlson in a Fox News interview. "I want to send a message of basic sanity, understanding what it means to be a child, because that seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle."

Matt Lamb #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut lifesitenews.com

The goal of abolishing abortion in America cannot be achieved if it involves any alliance with the transgender and LGBT activist movements.

“Trans lives start at conception,” chanted some pro-life protesters outside of the Supreme Court last week during the Dobbs v. Jackson hearing.

At the nation’s highest court last week, a gender dysphoric female who goes by Herb Geraghty but whose real name is Rosemary said that “trans rights begin at conception.”

“Bringing our diverse coalition of people from all races, ages, religious backgrounds, and gender identities shows the pro-abortion side that the pro-life community is not the caricature of the ‘old conservative Christian cisgender white man who wants to oppress women,’” Geraghty said. “This is a human rights movement, and we will not be silenced.”

Her statement is a good starting point for why the pro-life movement must reject any alliance with sexual and gender activists.

Pro-lifers who claim to be “transgender” and use that as an argument for the validity of their position play into the identity politics that abortion activists promote.
But Rosemary Geraghty is a fan of identity politics, referring to herself in one interview as a “queer, feminist atheist.” Rehumanize International, the group she leads, also aggressively pursues identity politics, posting photos of signs that said “Queer Atheist Pro-Life” and “Leftist Feminist Atheist Vegan Pro-Life” from the Supreme Court.

The point, you see, is that they aren’t like those pro-life Catholics and Protestants. They have dyed hair and they reject God.

But truth is not on the side of the LGBTQ movement — another reason why the pro-life movement must be careful and run quickly from any attempt to combine with it.

The way I see it, there are two key arguments against abortion. The religious argument is that God created all human life. It is a grave sin to destroy innocent human life created in the image and likeness of God.

Only_Women_Are_Women & PGTips4Lyfe #conspiracy #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

( Only_Women_Are_Women )

Why do they do this? Why do they (the APA, AMA, everyone else) lie that this is not a mental illness?

Money, control, power trip, Woke takeover of key positions, and/or (not even joking at this point) demonic possession.

If they marketed it as a mental illness they would have far more legitimacy in my eyes

My guess is they ran the numbers -- one or two pills for life to treat "dysphoria" would be like Prozac profit-wise, but endless major surgeries, hormones, and publishing deals even -- $$$$ sky's the limit.

Thing is, Big Pharma and friends are already jillionaires just from how sick everyone is from the food industry, so I am not 100% convinced it's all money-driven.

Also, underlying hatred of women -- even of humanity in general. Huge grants from the Rothblatt Transhumanist Super Villains?

( PGTips4Lyfe )
Yeah it really can't be just money. It has to be mass perversion of the elite, like sadistic (satanic) levels. And to them its all one big inside joke. Its not a conspiracy like a cabal of chanting priests, its just a big wank off joke among people who cannot feel anything so they hurt others for fun.

Like when Mark Zuckerberg said quote:

-"You can be unethical and still be legal that's the way i live my life. Haha"

This is how they live.

various TERFs #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

( hmimperialtortie )
A funeral is not the time for an AGP to express his fetish.

There is no time or place outside his bedroom an AGP should be permitted to do this.

( littleowl12 )
Exactly. Debbie Hayton's school should be allowed to fire him, especially. It's really discouraging that TIMs claimed to suffer the same discrimination as people of color, and the West has bought it.

( crodish )
This is one of the points I still struggle with. I have no issue with men wearing women's clothing, but where is the line drawn? Debbie Hayton's clothes are "sensible" and "non-fetishy", so the only issue is that because we know he's male. But "clothes have no gender" and "anyone should be able to wear whatever they want".

He's one of the ones that "just wants to live their life" but where do we draw the line for "good trans"?

( littleowl12 )
No, he dresses just like his wife. Creepy as hell. "Modest Christian Wife" is every bit as kinky to AGPs as fishnets. That's the whole point of AGP. There's just a range of tastes. From dressing like a grandmothers to school girl skirts.

I don't care that he "just wants to live his life." He can do that at a transvestite pub, not in front of children. He's not materially harmed by having work boundaries that interfere with his sex life. It's not on the kids to help him cope with his cross-dressing compulsion.

Clothes have no gender, technically. But that's not the way TIPs see it, especially AGPs. Like I said, I don't think people have the right to wear whatever they want in every single context. And white men don't need some kind of special care or deference when it comes to the workplace. It's not even the fallacy of being "colorblind,"- it's everything blind.

( hmimperialtortie )
He’s another abuser, isn’t he? Trans widow in the background? I don’t think any man should be allowed to LARP as a woman in public. My “they’re just clothes” or “oh, cool” days of seeing men in dresses are long past. Seeing what AGPs are and what they do killed them stone dead.

Linda Harvey #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #wingnut missionamerica.com

A question came up recently from a concerned parent: “How might a homosexual friend influence my child? Or someone who is confused about gender?" This has been an issue in a number of situations we’ve encountered over the past few years, in discussions with both parents and students.
Because there are increasing numbers of kids who are “out,” I am advising every parent to prepare a student in advance when—not if—they have a relatively close association with someone who is a declared homosexual or who is trying to live as the opposite sex. What are the risks? And, are there any opportunities as well?

Sexual involvement. The first thing you need to decide is whether there is any risk of sexual involvement, and rule this out (hopefully). If it’s a same sex friend this is of course more risky, because the friend who confesses a “crush” on your son or daughter may really mess with his or her mind or emotions, particularly if it’s a vulnerable time in your child’s life. The relationship may start as an attempt to “help” the friend, or may mask an attempt to demonstrate sophistication and a lack of bigotry among peers.
Christian Faith. The biggest danger is what this friendship will do to genuine Christian faith. Your child will hear the assertion over and over that the friend is not only well-adjusted, but sure that he could never be anything other than homosexual, or is really trapped in the wrong sex body. This is certainly a firm belief, but it’s not based on reality. The long-term evidence is that homosexuality and gender confusion arise out of dysfunction, including experiences like child sexual abuse, poor relationships with parents (especially the same sex parent), and peer difficulties. An introspective personality, and the availability of pornography may then turn a slight attraction into obsessive fantasies. It may influence the person with a shaky gender identity to fantasize about "becoming" the opposite sex (which can never actually happen).

Various TERFs #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

( AnneLister )
The ugliness that's going on in MTF spaces is only rivalled by incel communities. It's the exact same kind of disgusting depravity.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I personally think they're the same people.

( AnneLister )
The Venn diagram is a circle.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
NeoNazis are in that circle too.

( hmimperialtortie )
And the child rapists.

( remove_the_veil )
Chris Chan is the 'missing link'. ;p

mathlover #crackpot #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

Of course TIMs are more viscerally repulsive to lesbians than normal men. While sex with a lesbian may be a fantasy for a lot of normal men, they don't specifically seek to rape lesbians as the only way they can obtain sexual gratification and "validate" who they are as men. In contrast, ALL het male TIMs actively seek to rape lesbians. That makes them viscerally more creepy, digusting, repulsive,and threatening - because they are.

@some_dawg #psycho #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

(submitters note: @some_dawg's bio reads "lol my pronouns: dont/care not a virtue signaller :) i have a job and a pussy, did i scare trannies yet?")

I have reread your reply and have realized you just have the reading/writing comprehension of a 4 year old.

You mean "could you tell me why they're getting abused in the first place?"

Even then, that's not how domestic violence works. The victim doesn't "make" them do it.

yeah excuse my bad writing, kinda tired rn. its something like uhhhh, "they got themselves abused by being a tranny lol"

To reiterate: that's not how domestic violence works.
Use critical thinking for once in your life. Abuse is an choice made by the abuser.

If you wanna go with the "lol it's their fault" excuse, then what do we do about men who beat their wives? Just say "lol she asked for it"?

but if your abuser is choosing to abuse you for a choice you made, that's still your choice.

"i have a job and a pussy, did i scare trannies yet?" what the actual fuck am i looking at?
"if your abuser is choosing to abuse you for a choice you made, that's still your choice."
hmm, so you're one of those "if she was wearing a skirt she was asking to get raped" people, eh?

if you don't wanna be raped, don't dress skimpy and get drunk in the streets of florida. you're asking for it at that point. it's like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. should i blame the ground for breaking my legs?

Padraig Martin #sexist #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Should Women Vote?"]

Before I begin to explore the question entitled, “Should women vote?”, I believe, as a practical matter, we – the Dissident Right – have no choice but to encourage our women with similar moral and political values to vote
The question I posed is not whether we need our women to vote, rather it is an exploration as to whether or not women should have ever been enfranchised with the vote in the first place[…]The introduction of women into voting has devalued the God-given male-female dynamic by which the male is designed to be the Head-of-the-Household
By welcoming potential divisions on political matters into male-female relations, we invite social cracks into the foundation of Western Civilization: the nuclear family. Rather than a male voting for the best interests of his family,[…]women’s suffrage invites the potential for conflict that can resonate amongst the children
I believe the origins of this destructive democratic disorder lies not in the 19th Amendment[…]but the 15th Amendment[…]Once it became law, it allowed the inclusion of an easily manipulated, less informed electorate to augment the voting numbers of more radical 19th Century Social Justice Warriors
The South rightfully implemented rules to curb such easily exploited voter participation in the form of literacy tests
The loss of that leadership position, however, opens the door for younger White females to support deleterious positions predicated on emotional appeals in direct contravention of their father’s wishes
It is not an accident that the disintegration of Western Society almost distinctively begins with the emergence of women’s suffrage[…]American women have removed segregation, empowered homosexual marriage, invited transgender story hour, established social welfare programs, founded affirmative action, and lost every single war in the process

Dylan #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

Resident terf here: I've been thinking about why exactly radical feminism doesn't fit with the left or right for a while now. Not to sound super SJW, but I think it's because modern day American politics were built by and for men. Men in the 1700s honestly didn't expect women to be a voter bloc. Even when women were granted the right to vote in the 1920s and slowly started to integrate themselves into politics over the years, most politicians are men on the left and right, so arguably they primarily represent left men and right men respectively. Political alignment doesn't protect men from being misogynistic, and radical feminism has a problem with misogyny, so naturally they don't really fit on the typical political spectrum as the common ground for radical feminism is eradicating the root of misogyny, a ideology that can be held by liberal and conservative women.


I have been telling this in the past, and I'll repeat: terfs are just broken clock showing right time. It's YOUR deranged ideology that was built on manhate, hating masculinity, suppressing natural male sexuality, feminizing boys, and creating a message of men bad girls good that cauzed shit you've gotten into. Trannies are product of feminism and progressivism. Go and suck girl dick, you've earned it. The only real reason terfs are terfs is because of man hate. They hate mtf because they were men, they hate ftm because they ditched sisterhood. Terfs don't belong anywhere, because you're bunch of mongloid retards who can't take accountability for the product of your ideology.

In a fight of terfs vs tranies I would like to see them both cemented in a ditch.

mathlover #transphobia #psycho ovarit.com

RE: TIM wants a female TSA agent to touch his man parts


This is something male allies could help with. Some big burly dude should always be available behind the scenes to put on a wig and makeup and say he is a "transwoman" when he comes out to do the pat down with his big old man hands. And get righteously angry if the man larping as a woman objects. Lol.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #transphobia naturalnews.com

The dreadful-sounding “Omicron” variant is the latest chapter in the globalist psycho-bio-warfare attack on humanity. The “psycho” part refers to the psychological terrorism inflicted by the complicit media and its attempts to drive everyone into widespread fear. The “bio” weapon is the vaccine itself, which was engineered from the start as a depopulation bioweapon designed to cause mass fatalities over the next decade (from cancer, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disorders, etc.).

Notably, this new form of warfare requires no actual kinetic, real world weapons. The entire psychological terrorism campaign takes place purely in the minds of the targeted victims. They imagine the omicron variant stalking them and threatening them. They imagine pain and suffering if they don’t do what they’re told (take the vax shot).

But if they open their eyes and look at the real world right around them, there is no war. There is no omicron. There is no covid pandemic. Only those who tie their consciousness to the dishonest fake news media are even aware of the existence of a “pandemic.” Without the media fear campaign, the pandemic doesn’t exist at all. It’s just another seasonal flu.
The goal of the globalists is to dissociate you from reality, then control all your perceptions and beliefs
In order to achieve this war against your psyche, globalists have been slowly prying your consciousness away from reality, introducing layer upon layer of abstract fictions into your mental landscape. Transgenderism is one such fiction. No biological man can get pregnant and have a baby, but the globalist-run media complex has convinced at least half the population that biology isn’t real. They have dissociated the psyche from physical reality.

Importantly, they have also convinced people to disbelieve their own senses.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Every Father who has ever sent his daughter off to College / Encouraged Her, has Committed a Crime"]

Every Father who has prodded and promoted the notion of his Daughter becoming “Educated” and “Independent” and to promote their “Careers” has done great harm, and committed an eternal crime against his Racial People

It may be today that such things are not seen or understood to be the crime for what they are, but the tomorrow is on the Horizon for when they will be regarded as criminals and sorry excuses for Fathers

No Real Man who has born Healthy, Primal, Full of Wisdom and Esoteric Spirit would ever dream of sending his daughters off to University, but instead would take the time and effort in securing to make sure she is with the proper Husband

The Baby Boomer generation is the most guilty of this crime, and the fact they will never confess is that they promote their daughters to go to school out of lack of responsibility to have them make good life decisions or to educate them in seeking a valuable partner for life
All of course, are part of the Communist Party Platform of establishing their system in place

Honorable Men loathe the idea of a Career-oriented/College-educated Female

Such females have absolutely no value
Career-oriented and College-educated Women only serve the interests of Financial Capitalists. As such, these Women are property and cattle, of these Financial Hyenas
All Women who attend Universities are far much more likely to also engage in and promote subversive activities such as miscegenation, International Missionary Work for Barbarian Nations, and promotion of the LGBTQ activities
It is for this very reason that Prussia asserts itself as a Power to regulate control over the bodies of its citizens, and that it instructs its Men to seize their rightful position as having complete ownership over Women, Mind, Body and Spirit

Only Men are to be Sovereigns

Various TERFs #crackpot #pratt #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I'll say it again for those in the back....

The end goal of Transgenderism and "Queer Theory" is now, and always has been, the legalization of pedophilia and acceptance as a legitimate sexual orientation.

I've been saying this for years, and it's only become more obvious as time goes on.

• Teach deviant sexual acts to children as young as 5 and call it "sex ed"

• Remove child safeguarding

• Have schools groom children into believing it's ok to keep secrets from parents

• Give children medical autonomy

• Hey! Kids can make their own medical decisions, they should also be allowed to make their own sexual decisions.

( ElectricBlue )
And use Karen/TERF rhetoric to ramp up hatred of adult women, who will be the biggest opposition to them. Make it look like all adult women are hysterical prudes so anything they say can be derided.

( Tq231442 )
They're already doing it. Shit makes me sick.

( mil-bil )
I would also say that removing legal personhood from women is a key goal.

The language of "cervix-havers" and "birthing persons" conveys it. Any modification of the body (e.g. hysterectomy, even for significant medical reasons) or change in time (not actively being in labor) removes a woman from such a label. These labels don't capture what the word "woman" captures.

So what legal standing would a woman have upon the removal of the word "woman" from the law?

Recasting prostitution as sanitized "sex work" and the push for commercial surrogacy rest on depriving women of legal recognition and human rights.

( remove_the_veil )
Surrogacy is also all wrapped up in this. If you can legally buy and sell children, then nothing is stopping pedos from doing so...

( Ruby )
And then putting the child on puberty blockers to ensure a permanent childlike state...

( bumpyjerboa )
It'll be designer baby girls soon. Made to suit the pedo's tastes. When she's "too old" they'll force her into surrogacy too.

Various TERFs #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: Trans surgery ‘may be judged’ a mistake by future generations- The Australian

( BlackCirce )

Writing in the prestigious journal, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Melbourne psychiatrist Alison Clayton argues that transgender mastectomy may with time be seen as “dangerous medicine” like discredited past practices such as psychiatric lobotomy, which won a Nobel prize in 1949.

It’s unethical and conceptually incoherent to treat mental disorders with surgery. If a mental disorder has such a concrete connection to a somatic structure or process that it can be adequately treated with surgery, it should moved to the speciality of that structure. “She’s upset because she has breasts, therefore removing the breasts will cure her distress” is not a valid clinical reasoning.

Psychiatrists treating gender identity are getting high on their ability to marshal the big guns: anesthesiology and surgery.

( Snowball )

“She’s upset because she has breasts, therefore removing the breasts will cure her distress” is not a valid clinical reasoning.

Indeed. It's only a short step from that to "She's unhappy because she hates her life, so killing her will cure her depression".

( SulphuricMirror )
Yeah, no shit. This is going to be the scandal of the 21st century, certainly a very major one, right at the start. It will be in history books for a long time just like Thalidomide and lobotomies and Nazi experiments and Big Tobacco and so on already are. This will not be looked back on Kindly by future generations, at all. It will be recognized as a war on womankind, and a war on homosexuality. Because that's what it is. It will also be recognized as a mass-psychosis, and the fact that it was funded by a just a few very rich fetishistic men may not be what is most remembered about this, but I'm sure the most detailed, honest accounts of what's happening now will include that. There are receipts, after all. Books will be written, just like you can find books now about the Satanic Panic and recovered memories crazes.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia henrymakow.com

Society reminds me of a man who tries to cash a sizable cheque upon which his future depends.

The bank returns the cheque - "This account has been closed."

The man keeps flipping over the bum cheque as if endless contemplation somehow would make it redeemable.
The cheque represents our Birthright. The bankers are foreclosing.

The "globalists" don't just want to dispossess us. They want to sicken, imprison and exterminate us.


Trusting? Naive? Innocent? Credulous?


Stupid? Cowardly?

How did he get this way?

He never learned real history. Real history is the story of how a satanic cult, Cabalism (Organized Jewry and Freemasonry) has sought to subvert civilization and enslave or exterminate humanity. This is behind all major wars, depressions and "pandemics."

People who know real history immediately recognized covid for what it is - a pretext to impose unpopular social and economic change (i.e. Communism) on humanity. The same is true of "climate change."

But those ignorant of real history bought the lies expounded by the Masonic mass media, medical profession, politicians and professors.
The Satanists are not even hiding their evil intent any more. Joe Biden boasts of having the most effective vote rigging organization in the world. He keep caressing children in public. Twitter now is allowing 85% of adverse reaction news. They are not hiding how they planned and rehearsed this in advance.
The Christian God of Life (Love) has been replaced by the Cabalist God of Death (Hate.)

The education system has taught unthinking obedience. The people have been dumbed down and addicted to porn. Sex has degraded all human relations.

They've been taught gender dysphoria and "inclusiveness" instead of truth.
They don't know how to research and think independently. Their lives have been mired in trivia.

They simply can't face the harsh reality. They and their children have been declared redundant.

Various TERFs #transphobia #psycho ovarit.com

( BlackCirce )
I’m glad to hear incarcerated women made him feel unsafe. I’m sure that’s true for all men like him and they should all be locked up with men

( GenderHeretic )
I remember reading on Gender Trender about a case of a TIM prisoner getting transferred to the women's prison ostensibly because it was "safer", and getting a transfer right back when the women there beat him up.

I was like, well, when they repeatedly state that their supposed reason for moving to the women's prison is "safety", they're literally telling women how to get rid of them.

( carpetplaydohx2 )
I was pleased to read that, too.

Three South Carolina state representatives #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia wistv.com

H. 4605, also known as “Freedom from ideological coercion and indoctrination,” would regulate what goes on at any entity that receives state funding, grants, or tax exemptions, including public and private schools, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, state contractors, and private businesses.

Reps. Lin Bennett, R-Charleston, Mike Burns, R-Greenville, and Cal Forrest, R-Saluda, are sponsoring the pre-filed bill, which will officially be introduced when lawmakers return to Columbia in January for their regular legislative session.

The bill would prohibit entities like schools from teaching “discriminatory concepts,” such as that “an individual, by virtue of his or her race, sex, ethnicity, or heritage, bears responsibility, or must confess or atone for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race, sex, or ethnic group” and that they “should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress because of his or her race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, heritage, culture, religion, or political belief.”


The bill would also ban these entities from compelling students or employees to accept, affirm, adopt, or adhere to “controversial and theoretical concepts,” including the existence of genders other than male or female, nonbinary pronouns, implicit bias, and that race and sex are social constructs.

It would prevent schools from teaching students under 18 about sexual lifestyles, acts, or practices; gender identity or lifestyles; and pornographic, lewd, explicit, profane, or similarly age‑inappropriate materials, or instructing in ways that “repeatedly distorts or misrepresents verifiable historical facts,” “omits relevant and important context,” or “interjects the instructor’s personal views,” among other regulations.

Schools, businesses, and entities in violation would lose their state funding or tax exemptions until the Attorney General determines they are in compliance, and the bill outlines that the Attorney General’s office would have to set up a phone and email hotline to take complaints about potential violations to investigate.

jewzyfloozy88 #quack #transphobia reddit.com


Bro he was born in 96….why does he look that damn old?

He’s my age wtf. I have a trimmed beard that makes me look a couple years older maybe but I thought this guy was in his 40’s or something like Chris Chan.

He's a fucking year younger than me and he would look like some creepy uncle standing next to me. Idk what hormones do but I thought estrogen helps with skin a bit. Idk.

HE'S ONLY A YEAR OLDER THAN ME. I thought he was like in his thirties

I've got this theory (with absolutely zero evidence to back it up) that something hormonal is fucked with a lot of these men. Like, beyond the basic "my brain is female but I'm male" or the "I get off on myself as a woman/girl". The seem to share physical features: some kind of male pattern baldness, what appears to be a beer gut, and (I hesitate to use this because it isn't really quantifiable at all) a potato face that makes them look 10-15 years older than they actually are.

I don't know if it's a vegan/vegetarian diet, or something fucked they're born with, or some other external factor I'm not accounting for. But why the hell do so damn many of them look like Danny DeVito in drag?

LeChampion1992 #ableist #conspiracy #transphobia #racist #wingnut kiwifarms.net

So I found this recent entry to RW’s Alt-Right Glossary;
View attachment 2657924
Is this true? Was #GoBaldForBLM a 4Chan prank? Or are they just scapegoating 4Chan to cover their asses? Cos they also claim on their “Social Justice Warriors” article that “most SJW nonsense is actually 4Chan’s doing” which is definitely not true.

Average rational wiki sperg
"No social justice cringe is something that 4chan does. Yes if you don't put pronouns in your bio or put BLM in your bio then yes you are racist. Sorry those are the rules now don't be a right wing bigot!!! Now anyways stop being a conspiracy and get fucking vaxxed yes those fat people are healthier than you because you're a supreme spreader now shoo!"
Picture of Le typical rational wiki user.


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