
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

@JamesEsses #transphobia twitter.com

Thread Warning - 10 Contradictions of Gender Ideology:

1. Don’t pathologise trans identity. However, you must offer treatment for gender dysphoria with medication and surgery.

2. Only refer to people by language they want. However, it is fine for us to label you “cis”. (

3. The real self is fundamentally separate from the material body. However, transforming one’s body can be crucial for personal wholeness.

4. Gender identity is a social construct. However, authentic identity may be attached to stereotypical male and female dispositions.

5. People should be free to believe in what they want. However, you must see the world through our ideological lens.

6. The trans community (1% of the population) must be listened to. However, the experiences of detransitioners (1% of trans community) should be ignored.

7. Children should not be able to smoke, drink alcohol, vote or get a tattoo. However, they should be able to consent to potentially irreversible medication.

8. You must understand us. However, you can never understand us because you haven’t had our lived experience.

9. If the media report a crime and specify it was committed by a trans person, this is transphobia. However, reporting an accolade and failing to mention the person is trans is erasure.

10. Be kind. However, it’s okay for us to throw slurs at those we disagree with.

BlackCirce #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

they aren’t actually trying to put down women they’re just trying to gain inclusion in women’s spaces.

Why do males need access to women's spaces? Why would a grown man need to be included in women's sports or access a women's rape shelter? Men's sports are already accessible to men who identify as women. We have no experiences in common and this is demonstrated by transgender males and their handmaidens insisting over and over that we shut up or change how we speak about women's experiences. If transgender males were women, they'd be included by default. When "white feminists" talk about menstruation, or abortion, or pregnancy, or rape, I'm included as a black woman, and so is every other color of woman.

If they aren't trying to put us down why do they threaten us? Why do trans males rape and kill lesbians? Why do they get us fired from our jobs? Why do transgender males rape transgender females like Eli Erlick (allegedly) did? Why do they insult us, our bodies, our sexualities, our struggles? Why do transgender males behave interpersonally and politically identically to other males? I call bullshit sis.

Anons #fundie #homophobia #sexist #transphobia boards.4chan.org

(1st Anon)
The feminine force comes from The Holy Spirit. Marriage is a mirror of The Holy Spirits nature as both a male and female, Who is one flesh. The Holy Spirits nouns in scripture are He/Him, but thats to go with the flow of The Father and Son, Who are the masculine force and in itself is a feminine act of submission from The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit appears as a Dove, meaning She is a shape shifter, whereas The God of the OT is always a humanoid or elements like fire or cloud. The Holy Spirit is the only One to become an entirely different living creature.

The only time a Dove's sex is mentioned is in Genesis during the flood, where it's a female Dove that Noah sends out. Spirit in Hebrew is feminine, and in Greek is gender neutral.

Satan imitates The Holy Spirit with the tranny movement and various hermaphrodite demons, angels, and gods which are imitations of The Holy Spirits true Holy masculine and feminine form that Satan knows. The only true Transcendent sexual is The Holy Spirit, who is both male and female and The Mother God.

The Father/Son punished Eve harsh because she disgraced her Mother, The Holy Spirit, Who subm

(2nd Anon)
ngl I enjoy some christian mythology but why is it so gay? there’s no women at all among the saints or idols of veneration with the exception of Mary, who no one even gives a shit about even tho she did something arguably more important than her son (no Mary = no Jesus)

it’s all just man loving man worshipping man-ness, so fucking lame. even this passage of bullshit apocrypha you’re quoting won’t even let ONE THIRD of the tetragrammaton be straight up female, it’s a fuckin tranny. YHWH is a fuckin incel


bekkilyn #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy christianforums.com

Yes, the left won't let us say "pedophile" anymore when it comes to this perversion. We have to say "minor attracted person" now so that their feelings won't be hurt. Well what about the feelings of the children who are subjected to this abuse?

And the trans thing when it comes to children. Parents (usually woke mothers, father nowhere in sight) parading their male children dolled up in make-up and frilly dresses and showing him off and claiming he's a girl because he wanted to play with dolls a time or two or some other such thing for social media clicks and likes. Makes me sick. Don't say it's because the child wants it. No, that's all on the parents pushing it on their children. Children want to be unicorns and dinosaurs too.

bekkilyn #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut christianforums.com

In 2020 I believed that the left was friendlier to women and children, supporting programs like paid family leave and health care, but even though it's been a few months, I'm still not really over my shock at finding out just how much hatred and contempt the left really has for women and children. I just never imagined it. If you're a woman or child and you need help, don't run to anyone on the left because they'll just take the side of the abuser if he's anything other than a straight white male who doesn't pretend to be a woman.

WitchPlease #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

It suits many people.

It's a capitalist wet dream - being trans cost a lot of money over many years. This industry is worth trillions of dollars. Cross sex hormones and health issues caused by them lead to a lifelong dependency on medication. There's also plastic surgeries, and these SRS seem to always have complications and need follow up surgeries. Also the most basic consumerism in the shape of clothes, make up and other products.

It's a pedo paradise - queer ideology aims to erase all boundaries so predators (pedo or not) gain access to their targets. It removes safeguarding of children and women. Minors who take cross sex hormones and/or puberty blockers may have their brain and emotional development crippled, which means they'll become adults with the brain of a child, making them more vulnerable to predators.

It's the Mengelean/Frankensteinean doctors' heaven - it gives them the opportunity to make medical experiment on willing people.

It's the power-hungry men's perfect scenario - it's keeping people distracted and divided while they continue their dick measuring contest between them (it's how I describe politics), and keep popular uprise at bay.

It's the misogynists' triumph - fucking women over is what they live for.

@Strobe_Lightly #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

dont let them pit us agsinst each other! lesbians and trans people are strongest when working together.

On the contrary. The vast majority of ‘trans women’ represent a very real and physical threat to women in general and lesbians in particular. I’ve never known a group of people so intent on colonising women’s spaces and undermining their rights. It’s anti-feminism writ large.

Jen Wenny #psycho #transphobia #homophobia quora.com

(A psycho woman named Jen Wenny on Quora answering questions. Possibly a troll?)

Question: Is my 7 year old sister a pervert? She always watches me in the shower. I tell her to stop and leave my room but she never listens, what should I do:

Answer: Don’t! Invite her into the shower and have fun!

Question: I’m male, and me and my brother used to suck each other off when we were 13 and 14, is this normal?

Answer: Not with the same gender! But with boy and girl siblings, sure!

Question: How do I come up with a plot that isn’t cringe?

Answer: you don’t, and I don’t care about your pronouns; OK MAN?

bekkilyn #transphobia christianforums.com

Before all this "woke" stuff, trans people would just live as if they were the other sex as much as they could because it helped their gender dysphoria symptoms, but they were still very well aware that they weren't actually that sex. It's all very different now that it's being pushed onto everyone else as if their mental disorder was the norm and everyone else has to redefine reality to conform to it and validate it.

Neetgod #conspiracy #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia neets.me

Again there is no such thing as a black incel

The evidence is mounting and no I'm not a cuck advocating black supremacy. I'm simply pointing out that atleast in California there is a interracial phenomenon happening here. White men are in a state of disarray. Its different in some parts of the country but my city has the most interracial relationships in the fucking world. I need to move the fuck out of here. When I lived in the bay it was different. I was worshipped. But in the valley I'm human garbage.

1. Every user that is black here is not an incel. Let that sink in. Every white user here is an incel. I seen a picture of Lain And he is model tear looks. But he cant even get laid wtf is going on here
2. All the black men that live in my apartment complex have gf. Not one white man does.
3. I dont care what some stupid ass app stats say i know what I seeing is real there is a series problem for white men in California especially in the valley where I live
4. I see blacks with snow bunnys more then whites with whites I'm not making this up and its driving me insane. I hate snow bunnys for race trading so much.
5. Now I know what it's like to be a asian man it's a living hell. Your essentially being genetically weeded out in a cold silent war. It's over. Tranny max or bust for the white man in 2021.
6. If you disagree that's fine but you will not change my mind no matter how many stats you have cause i live in the real world I know what I see is very real.

Three South Carolina state representatives #transphobia #sexist #pratt wistv.com

Lawmakers are reintroducing a bill that will ban transgender women from playing women’s high school sports in SC.

A bill pre-filed by two Greenville representatives and one Aiken representative signed onto the bill that adds a section to the state code of laws that transgender women/girls may not participate in women’s secondary and post-secondary sports.

Also mentioned in the proposed bill, it is stated that transgender men/boys MAY participate in male sports.

The biological gender of the student will be confirmed using their birth certificates.

The bill has been filed in the past by Representative Ashley Trantham (R-Greenville) who has sponsored it again for this upcoming session.

The two other representatives are Rep. Melissa Lackey Oremus (R-Aiken) and Rep. James Mikell “Mike” Burns (R-Greenville).

When asked about the bill in February, Rep. Trantham said:

It’s not that I’m not compassionate about what they’re going through. But I would also point out, we have to think about how this is going to impact our girls. I mean they have to be able to have a level playing field and we just know based on the science that when we allow biological males to compete with our girls that we’re taking away that opportunity.

The bill has far to go and has to be signed by Governor Henry McMaster in order for it to become a part of state law.

Blackpillapologist #crackpot #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Hitler was a tranny

I wonder if Hitler actually had pussy between his legs and he claimed to be a male because he was a troon, and wanted power.

That might explain her worldview of pure bred Nordic Aryans being the most superior of all and all ethnics, short and disabled men should be killed.

(I am using pronoun her for hitler)

She was probably one of the very few foids who got the political power needed to execute her worldview.

One might ask why didn't she (Hitler) rank curries as the lowest instead of Jews. Answer is: she killed gypsy people as well who are descendants of curries. And secondly, she was rejected by an Ashkenazi Jewish chad when she wanted to apply for art school. Ashkenazi Jews have a lot of white genes and many of them are blonde.

She also hated gay people because every gay male chad reduces inceldom problem by 2 points.

EDIT: The only mistake she did was to deceive our generation that she is a man. She didn't know much about feminism which would plague soyciety few decades later as she lived in a relatively patriarchal time. In our generation foid is never wrong, and if Hitler was seen as a foid Nazism wouldn't be censored at all. In fact it would be justified becus MuH WoHmEn cAn NevEr bE wrOnG

tbh, i wonder why that retard was so obsessed with race

That's what I am saying. Hitler was a foid

@BevJacksonAuth #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

It is time to call out those who say affirming “gender identity” is kind or progressive. It’s the opposite. We hear daily more stories of young people – mostly lesbians – who’ve been deceived into thinking that changing their bodies would relieve their confusion & distress.
They are victims of the most heinous form of conversion therapy we have ever seen. It is time to call it out, to halt these experiments on kids, and end this madness.

PGTips4Lyfe #interphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

I doubt women's sports will be saved. I think that even if they make some guidelines drawing a line in the sand, the line will be weak and modern medicine will make it very easy to "stealth trans" and include intersex people, who may become the new major talking point for inclusion as self-id inevitably is seen as the naked wrong it is (at least for sports).

So womens' sports may indeed be doomed, even if it will peak a lot of people. Why? Theres too many nefarious countries wanting medal prestige at any cost. Think about what China already does to its dissidents. They also punish family members of dissidents, just for being related. No doubt they will trans some number of children in brutal soviet-type experiments and get a rash of gold medals on these stealth trans athletes, either they will force it or it will be coersive due to how poor and desperate their own population is. They may already be doing this or have been doing this. I really wish it wasn't doomed. but that's how it is. Right now is when we need some kind of trans male she-hulk because its a slippery slope from here I think, and if we got some team of Kobe Bryants from Belarus or something beating the shit out of the competition that might peak people enough.

But I digress.

The end of it is only going to happen when the massive scale of child abuse (via child medical experiments) is exposed. However, god only knows this coud take decades or even a century. Think of how long the Boy Scouts of America lasted before their shit was exposed. Think of the Catholic Church. And the trans religion truly is a new religion. The most dangerous one yet, possibly, as it literally has no morals, no obvious tenants besides self-destructive transgression and no central organization.

Various TERFs #psycho #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Trans woman assaulted in cell with men. ( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10201413/Transgender-woman-viciously-assaulted-jail-cell-three-men.html )

( notsofreshfeeling )
I'm going to sound really callous right now, but... pronouns are rohypnal...

How many men in jail cells with other men suffer similar injuries but these same assaults don't make it into the news?

In a prison of, say, 1000 men--how many men per week would you guess would end up in a clinical setting for an assault by a fellow inmate?

( notyourfetish )

How many men in jail cells with other men suffer similar injuries but these same assaults don't make it into the news?

This is exactly what I thought and it's not callous at all.

Thousands of men beat each other up all the time in jail, but I'm supposed to feel sorry for one because he has a gender delusion? What makes him so different from the other men who get beaten up? His preference for pink? Boo hoo.

TIMs are men. They belong in the MEN'S prison. The end.

( levitation )
Ideally, our prison system would be much less violent for everyone, but as it is everyone gets roughed up in American prisons. Why don't they express this kind of pearl clutching about the teenage boys who end up there and are forcibly "transed" into some other inmate's bitch? Because that's a hell of a lot more common than a TIM ending up in male prison, nowadays.

Neil Kumar #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy neilforarkansas.com

[From "Neil for Arkansas 2022 Platform"]

Stop the Great Replacement
Americans are waking up to the fact that they’re being replaced by cheap labor from Latin America, Asia, and India. This must stop. America for Americans
End the War on the Working Class
As the Rust Belt has seen, there’s a war against good-paying jobs for traditional Americans. The war on America is moving to the South
•Restore freedom of association by repealing the Civil Rights Act and other “civil rights,” “discrimination,” “hate,” and affirmative action legislation
•Free all of the innocent patriots such as Kyle Rittenhouse and January 6th Trump supporters who have been railroaded by anti-American prosecutors

Make the Family Great Again
Democrats have used public schools to destroy our families by removing children from the home, driving down wages, and separating families by forcing the two-working parent model
Fight LGBTQ Perversion
Family is the most critical building block to civil society[…]America must flat-out reject the perversion of family life by the hateful, anti-Christian homosexual lobby
•Criminalize transgender pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures

Secure Our Elections
The November 2020 “election” of Joe Biden will go down in history as totally illegitimate, and will either be the turning point for the saving of our republic or the beginning of its demise
Preserve Our Heritage
Our history is under attack. Violent communists have begun their open revolution against America. If we let them erase our history, they will control our future[…]
•Protect American and Confederate flags, graves, and monuments
•Remove anti-American and anti-Southern materials from public lands and monuments
•Defund the anti-American education system. Deny federal funding to enemy institutions that teach anti-American values and tax their endowments

Various TERFs #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Pedophile-apologist TIF claims we should respect a group’s preferred terminology

( yougonnabebleedin )
Pedophille acceptance?

( remove_the_veil )
Yes, absolutely. Queer theory is all about breaking (or rather, getting rid of) all sexual boundaries. It views anything that is considerd the 'norm' or 'traditional' as inherently oppressive and in need of 'queering' (aka, transgressing). Even things that are put in place for a reason, like safeguarding. We all saw those posts hand-waving the Wi Spa incident, claiming, 'well if you don't like a penis in your changing room, don't look!' Notice also how keen gender ideology is to break up families and replace them with 'glitter' families. How the current trans movement claims that children can 'consent' to surgery on their genitals. That's only a small leap away to 'children can consent to [insert every sexual situation you can think of here].'

And I realise this may sound like a stretch to some, but I think one of the many sinister motives in trans'ing children (and preventing them from going through puberty) is to attempt to create a group of people who are legally adults but who still look like kids.

( hmimperialtortie )
That’s exactly what I think it is. Permanent quasi-children, undeveloped physically and mentally.

( notyourfetish )

And I realise this may sound like a stretch to some

It's not a stretch at all. Pedos are a real issue. I'm surprised people would think it was far fetched. This has been my assumption from the start.

Pedos and AGPs tend to overlap. That's why we see a lot of TIMs talking about "sexy" children and other pervy shit. They want to make it normal for grown-ass men to sleep with children and they want kids on puberty blockers to stop them growing up. It will be a free for all for these predators soon, if it isn't already.

( remove_the_veil )
Yeah, it's not a stretch to me, but I've had some skeptical reactions to that assertion in the past. It feels like a no-brainer to me. But some people think if you believe in a 'conspiracy of pedos' you are some kind of right-wing bigot nutjob. And I'm like, no.... I just know the lengths pedos will go to access children (or a 'simulacrum' of one).


Scott Lively #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut scottlively.net

If You thought “Gay Pride Month” (formerly known as June) was bad, brace yourself for another annual “Gay History Month” in public schools through October, including “Coming Out Day” on the 11th.

June was for planting the seeds of sexual anarchy in the hearts and minds of the children and teens. October is the harvest, when countless American parents discover that the “Q for Questioning” in LGBTQ actually stands for ReQruitment of their children (which is why conservatives should never add Q to the acronym).

The cutting edge of the LGBT agenda is now transsexualism, but the catch-all idea of “gayness” remains the “gaytway-drug” to childhood self-identification with perversion. All of the “out and proud” LGBT-based identities begin in the mind, often spawned by LGBT propaganda-driven enticement to sexual experimentation and rebellion (highly alluring to all-too-many hormone-inflamed pubescents).

Gay History Month (in the controlled social-engineering environment of today’s public schools) is designed both to sell the false narrative of LGBT political activism as “a noble and historic movement for social justice,” and to define a young person’s personal pursuit of “sexual liberation” through “gayness” as an act of moral courage. This explains the delusional zealotry of “woke” youth since the “gay” 1990s (which for many lasts well into adulthood as a life-cause).

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut patriots.win

RE: We're reaching levels of tranny mental illness that shouldn't even be possible.



I take solice in knowing at least one of them will commit suicide in the near future.

If we're lucky, both.


how are there men out there that want to have sex with another man but to have their penis and balls cutoff first?

Gee when you put it like that it almost sounds like a mental illness 🤔

How dare you perceive reality correctly

Trans people don't exist, it's just extra kinky homosexuals. Change my mind.


I'm not sure what I just read. Trannies hate gays? I'm not even going to try and comprehend this shit.

homosexuality is more or less normalized (ugh)

trannies arent anywhere close to that level of acceptance (yet)

The insanely unrealistic expectations, the mood swings, the lack of disclosure until after the fact... are we sure this isn't a woman or is it just the hormone therapy?

I’m not sure if the never-stick-it-in-the-crazy rule applies here. Confused.

I’m pretty sure the toss-off-a-roof rules DOES apply, though.

Roof, parking garage, mountain top...whatever is handy.

That's a 41%er homophobe. 🤡

41% isn't high enough.

It's a good start...


The trans community is the most hateful, degenerate group of scumbags I've ever seen in my life.

Look at those horrid, beastly, things that trotted out front of Netflix protesting Dave Chappelle. Those nasty dudes are all sorts of messed up. It always starts with getting diddled at some point as a kid and then they go on to recruit and perpetuate the sickness.

Not all faggots are pedos, but all pedos are faggots.


I wish the earth was flat so we could throw them all off the edge.

The whole planet is an edge if you have a helicopter.

Andrea Widburg #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist lifesitenews.com

The Marines occupy an almost mythic place in many Americans’ minds as an invincible force that runs to the guns and fights no matter what. That’s why it was so shocking to learn that, during a joint training exercise in the Mojave Desert, Britain’s Royal Marines inflicted such a shellacking on the Americans that the latter had to surrender halfway through the exercise. This is a direct result of the Pentagon having gone woke under Obama — something that Trump failed to undo — followed by Biden doubling down on Obama’s policies.
Under their aegis, Navy ships went green (when they were just meant to be mean) and bore the names of well-known leftists (gay rights advocate and pederast Harvey Milk and socialist activist Cesar Chávez, who happened to hate illegal aliens).

Obama ended “don’t ask, don’t tell” in favor of openly homosexual military service and invited mentally ill so-called “transgender” people into the military to serve under their “identified” sexes. That policy, more than any, affected troop fitness and deployability.

At the military academies, the focus wasn’t on military history, tactics, and strategy; it was Critical Race Theory, gender theory, and anti-Americanism. The elite Rangers were forced to lower their physical standards so that women could be admitted.
That training loss transcends mere embarrassment. The leftist obsession with wokeism to the exclusion of battle readiness is bearing fruit. With the Chinese massively increasing their military technology (including that hypersonic missile); increasing the pressure for manly, aggressive men; and rattling the saber against Taiwan and Australia, the fact that our Marines couldn’t survive a paintball battle is just devastating news for America’s national security and for the free world generally.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #wingnut missionamerica.com

Girls need protective dads. So do boys. God designed fathers with the instinct to defend and stand in the gap for their children, and those who would mischaracterize or dishonor that motive are not to be trusted.
Kids essentially have become human shields for progressive politics.
Never get in the way of the “LGBTQ” agenda, is one big message. Except that, in God’s eyes, this agenda is straight from the bowels of hell. Those who desecrate children are being fitted for a millstone necklace and I don’t think God will delay that judgment for much longer.

Satan’s plans for our offspring don’t have room for protective parents and caretakers. Predators and their education allies deceive children, or discard children, or use them for adult purposes. Some eventually harbor an intense desire to defile the young (think: drag queen story hours, homosexual school clubs, explicit condom lessons).

And this doesn’t even account for the foolishness of mask mandates for children, which are scientifically unsupportable and certainly little more than a rallying device for the left’s power obsession and its determination to “mask” the real goal: keep parents in line and some teachers from freaking out over irrational fears.

The school climate that celebrates open restrooms, sodomy promotion and porn in libraries legitimizes child defilement, and can only be sustained if those who would protect the young are restrained. Many tense interactions between parents and school officials illustrate these conflicting goals.
God’s beautiful gift of innocence and goodness, the blessing of new life in our children, is being systematically corrupted and destroyed, while the truth is put in chains.

May God help us. And parents, it’s still up to you to turn this around. Don’t give up.

Lily Cade #psycho #sexist #transphobia newsweek.com

This was done by men who hate women more than any other men who have ever walked the Earth, the worst men that have ever existed, trans women, men so worthless they can't even admit the most obvious thing about themselves that is obvious to the dogs and rats who can smell their manhood and should be obvious to every mother on Earth.

Trans women are vile, weak, disgusting, whiny, fake-victim masturbators who should be ashamed of themselves.

No woman should ever pity a weak man. Tear your f***ing blinders off, b****, what the f*** is wrong with you? Your pity rewards weak men for their weakness. You have sacrificed your children's futures on the altar of that pity.

I have looked thousands of adult men in the eyes and have not met one man, not once, who believed that trans women are women. No one believes that trans women are women. Trans women know they are men. They are forcing you to pretend to believe that they are women to rape your minds and the minds of your children.

Trans women are men. Say it. Own it. Know it. Hold the f***ing line, b****. Michfest held the line. When Michfest fell, so fell Western Civilization!

This is a pedophile cult. It's been here the whole time.

Trans women are men.

Trans women are evil.

Trans women are rapists.

Trans women are predators.

I committed voter fraud for Joe Biden. Joe Biden put a pedophile monster in charge of Health and Human Services so that the process of trapping your children with that lifetime commitment to pharmaceuticals can be honed ever further into the path of least resistance. Joe Biden knows that's a man and he knows that's a pedophile and he knows that's the agenda.

I thought pedos got the wall?

I thought chomos got the rope?

Cancel this so hard that no man dare walk the path of the trans woman in public ever again! Enough is enough. Lynch Kaitlyn! Lynch the "Sisters" Wachowski! Lynch Laurel Hubbard! Lynch Fallon Fox! Make these men stand up as the men you all know they are and hold them accountable for their shame.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@TheJessieKirk - Your brain is broken. If truth makes you suicidal then I'm very sorry but you're already dead"]


JK Rowling harms trans people with her transphobia.

Sue me. 🤷‍♀️
8:18 PM · Sep 9, 2021

If "making statements" is harmful then we just need to make more statements
Every tranny is mentally ill. The "transwomen" are mentally ill faggots while "transwomen" are mentally ill dykes. Of course uranists and dykes themselves are mentally ill, so we're probably into some exponential calculations of their complete and utter insanity

Of course, as with all crazy people with utterly fictional delusions, the truth can be painful and cause them "harm". Doesn't matter. We need to speak the truth louder and more often until they change. Their "harm" isn't worth the "harm" to objective reality

Humans Are Free #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia humansarefree.com

Probably the most disturbing part of The Great Reset is how much it strongly resembles business-as-usual, only with EXTRA globalism. Most of the plan’s outlines include a further weakening of national boundaries and individual national autonomy, in favour of a more ‘universal governance.’ As usual, it is the rapidly vanishing Western middle class which must shoulder this burden, as their freedoms are further curtailed to meet the quotas of corporate-media-fuelled activism.
But the general agreement of the Western leaders is absolutely typical of any agenda which is espoused by NATO, the UN, or the WEF. If an emotionally charged, politically vague and ultimately ineffectual edict or bill is proposed by one of these entities – each resembling a shabby, globe-trotting team of insurance salesmen – our effete politicians line up to show the most fervent compliance.

As a rule, it seems their solutions to specific environmental or scientific problems mysteriously become entwined with LGBTQ+ rights, workplace equity, open borders initiatives and other unrelated social justice causes. It’s as though any goals they have are somehow unilaterally from the same source, or entail the same solution, regardless of causality or consequence. Therefore, a united response to a global pandemic mysteriously also equals trans rights activism.
International treaties always tend to be about concentrating power. It’s one of those rules of life, for realists, as there is no escaping power dynamics in human affairs. Real problems don’t often have feel-good solutions. Often, they require ‘solutions that sound mean’, that don’t sound good on a corporate goals bulletin. Initiatives like The Great Reset all entail the gradual loss of the autonomy of individual nations, as their decision-making power is transferred to an international, disembodied rule-maker.

It has been, without a doubt, a globalist fantasy for a long time, but the key question is: do they realise what they are doing or not?

Joshua Feuerstein #wingnut #transphobia facebook.com

[in response to churches that require parishioners to be vaccinated to enter]

What we need is some men of God that have testicles-I'm just going to go ahead and say it, big orange pumpkins hanging between their legs. But we've got more pastors right now looking more like Caitlyn Jenner and have less testosterone in their body than he does. Guys, we're living in the last days, and I'm telling you, it's sad. It's sad to me that so many pastors and pastoral organizations and Christians...we look weak. We look weak.
You should look at your leaders. They're the ones with the flippin' white face paint on and the little red noses and the oversized shoes, looking like a bunch of clowns making people have COVID vaccine passports to come to flippin' church service. You guys are the same guys that would have bent over and taken it from Hitler right up the backside.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "A Third Edge of the Sword biology lesson for @HamletHologram"]


THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BIOLOGICAL SEX there is an aggregate of 5 different biological data that we collect about infants that all present in various ranges and change over time. I'm sorry that science has improved since you went to high school 40 years ago.
3:31 PM · Oct 13, 2021

When you see this mentally ill faggot, beat him across the face with a lead pipe. I guess it doesn't have to be lead, or even a pipe. The important thing to do is to keep beating him in the face until the pipe (or bat, or thing that isn't your fist because you don't want to get AIDS) gets a good quantity of his blood on it

Then find yourself a lab. It could be an NCIS-style forensic lab, or you could try 23-and-Me if they accept blood (they don't). You could even get one of those home test kits but I'm sure Gary would object to that not being the current science or yadda yadda yadda. Ideally, you go to a cutting edge genetic research facility, really get the most up-to-date science we have available

Anyways, have them test the blood from your pipe. Ask them a simple question: which biological sex is the person the blood came from?

You'll be pleasantly non-surprised to learn that they can answer this from one piece of biological data and there are only two possible answers. Well, one possible answer, since he's a guy. Fun fact, it wouldn't even be able to tell that he's a faggot (unless he had AIDS, and even then we can only say with 99.999% certainty): the long-hyped search for biological evidence they're "born that way" has stalled out (and again with "5 bits of biological data, a favourite number of theirs apparently)

Various MRAs #sexist #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

Netherlands: assaulting a minor boy results in a small fine and one day of prison

The two ladies forced themselves on the 17 year old pizza delivery boy. One filmed how the other groped and assaulted him.

I expect the feminists in the Netherlands to vocalise the absurdity and injustice of this sentencing any moment now. /s

Feminists in the Netherlands largely only worry about "lack of women in leadership positions" etc., while falseflagging about caring how men feel.


I can translate it for ya’ll, since I’m a Dutchie. 2 girls ordered pizza and opened the door for the guy while filming it. One of the girls was wearing bathrobes with nothing under it and another girl was wearing sm-clothing squeezed the guys balls/penis. The girls were laughing in the video and saying it was the ultimate dream for guys.

The guy later returned to the job while crying and hiss boss told him he should file charges.

Own opinion: it’s sad that the final charge is so low, especially since it had national coverage here and if it was the other way around it would’ve been much higher.

A 24 year old and a 25 year old are adult women, not girls. Did the article pass them off as girls?

Netherlands, where the sexual assault of a child is OK, when the perpetrator is a woman. These monsters, planned the assault, filmed the assault, bragged about the assault publically, but were given a rap over the knuckles for a heinous crime.

Sexist pigs in wigs running Netherlands, don't take your children there.

Ahh right, teach them young about their disposability and worthlessness in society. Shame them if they speak up.

Female Privilege: When the same thing happening with the genders reversed would cause far and wide outcries. Along with demand for heavy punishment for the aggressor.

*unless the perpetrator is a female transexual raping/sodomizing a female in a school bathroom... Then it wont be mentioned in schoolboard meetings.

Scott Yenor #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie firstthings.com

First, the institution of marriage is collapsing among those without college degrees, contributing to degeneracy and despair among our fellow citizens, which in turn erodes middle-class life. Our new sexual constitution actively dishonors marriage, accelerating this erosion. We must be forceful and unrelenting in our promotion of marriage and heterosexual responsibility. Legislators should propose laws that make divorce more difficult to obtain. Immediate measures, such as making fathers the default parents in custody battles, would encourage women into sobering second thoughts about filing for divorce. Perhaps legislators should impose a “sin tax” on divorce, just as we tax other socially harmful behaviors. The churches need to lead the way by reinvigorating taboos against divorce and cohabitation.

Second, the connections between sex, pro­creation, marriage, and parental responsibility need to be rebuilt. Prohibiting abortion is an important step in this direction. Renewing cultural stigmas concerning contraception is another step. As feminists recognize, abortion and contraception guarantee freedom for the independent woman because they sever the tie between sex and procreation. In social policy, we need to stop funding pre-K and other surrogates for family life. Parents must be encouraged to accept primary responsibility for their children. Financial support should be provided through government payments made directly to parents, not to programs that function as parental surrogates.

Third, we need a new gender ideology, one that restores a workable patriarchy. We cannot go back in time to the old constitution, but family life and marriage can be recovered on new grounds. Many sense the damage done by the new sexual constitution but are anxious not to seem judgmental. They shy away from enforcing the sexual taboos arising from the Old Wisdom. This needs to stop. We must wage an open counterrevolution, a way of life that dares to speak its name.

Mmmm_Brains & roundabout #transphobia #pratt #sexist ovarit.com

RE: So it's all about being able to "pass"

( Mmmm_Brains )
The reason it all hinges on passing is because it's entrenched in trickery and rape rhetoric. It gives them this rush to know they've forced someone to acknowledge their fetish, that they've also tricked them. It's really a form of sexual harassment, because we're all participating in someone's sexual fetish/deviency, quite unwillingly too.

( roundabout )

It's really a form of sexual harassment, because we're all participating in someone's sexual fetish/deviancy, quite unwillingly too.

I agree with that but, for exactly that reason, I don’t think it “all hinges on passing”. I think they get less of a kick from “tricking” us (rarely happens anyway) than they do from forcing us to go against our instincts (including that of self-defence), against our reason, and against our volition. It’s about power, like it always is with men.

Various Commenters #pratt #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Oh no, how could it be?


Young Americans Are Becoming Less Comfortable With LGBTQ People, GLAAD Finds

Yup. I'm gay and I've lost respect for the LGBT community. I don't want to be associated with it anymore. I've put myself back in the closet because I'm so sick of not being able to join any LGBT group without seeing giant lists of sexualities, kinks, and pronouns.

Imagine if 98% of the world were constantly saying they were straight, had "straight" as part of their display name, straight flags around their names. It would be fucking annoying as all shit. That's what trying to deal with any LGBT group is now. I'm done. I'm now a bigot. Internalized homophobia or whatever.

Every time a less liberal gay group starts up they get attacked and doxed by the ultralibs.

Who's willing to bet that it's not the LGB aspect that's losing support, but it's actually the T and and all the attention seeking bullshit that comes after the T as well? It seems like the support for lesbians, gays and bisexuals is increasing with each generation, but when it comes to transgenders they seem to be stuck in a rut in which they can't get out of.

I swear, ever since the fucking lgbt fetishizers came along, it's been ruining the hard work the community has been doing. It's a real shame.

Pople warned this would happen ever since the first obnoxious SJWs began appearing on Tumblr over a decade ago. Year after year I recall seeing people who said "treating people like shit is going to make them reject the LGBT."

I mentioned seeing in a Tumblr-adjacent community back in 2014 how someone said that the vicious behavior of TRAs makes it very hard to care about trans issues. And was proven right almost immediately by a horde of shrieking TRAs tearing that person apart, claiming they don't want "fairweather allies."

Karen Shoen #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy americaoutloud.com

Are solar panels Keto, Gluten-Free, or even digestible? Can I deep fry one? How about putting one on the BBQ? Are there any good recipes for cooking or baking a solar panel? Why the ridiculous questions you ask? As I drove down the highways recently, I noticed farmlands that used to have peanuts, corn, cotton, and hay now have fields of “planted” solar panels. Now I know why there is a big need for more illegals. Harvesting those big solar panel crops will require a lot more cisgender power.

Since Communists hate Americans especially cheerful Americans, the Communist EPA decided to screw up the supply chain. According to Chris Wright, “The central problem traces back to the fateful day when the EPA allowed California to mandate stricter emission standards on, among other things, big trucks. Then the EPA gave California the power to prohibit trucks that fail to meet the state’s stiffer standards. This immediately wiped out half the available trucking fleet because, in effect, it meant trucks older than three years old could not be used in California. So it’s no surprise there’s a shortage of trucks to move cargo out of California’s ports just like night follows day.” Merry Christmas from baby-killer Joe and Gruesome Newsom. Will they go to parties without masks? You Bet. Will Gavin continue to ferment grapes spewing an unchecked amount of CO2 in his vineyard? You Bet.

FYI: Sentences that are: Mandatory, Required, Mandated, Requested, Ordered, Ordinance, Decrees, Compulsory ARE NOT LAWS. I will not comply, will you?

Remember, by 2030, “You will own nothing and like it.” If you don’t give up everything you own to the government for redistribution, we can not save the planet. Don’t be selfish; it’s for the greater good.

Jonathon Van Maren #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut thebridgehead.ca

As trans activists accrue cultural power and consolidate their territorial gains, their movement has begun the process of doing what all revolutionaries inevitably do: hunt down and punish dissenters. They aren't being subtle about it, either.

But for breathtaking brazenness it is hard to beat a new pamphlet from the Cambridge Student Union's Women's Campaign, which advises students on how to identify heretics who still doubt that a man can become a woman simply by saying so. It is titled -- subtly -- "How to Spot TERF Ideology."

The pamphlet opens by announcing that there are some women who are not welcome in the women's movement because those women oppose men in the women's movement:
Page 5 warns trans activists and their obedient allies not to engage TERFs. To do so would be to encounter arguments, and arguments can constitute hate speech if they do not involve the concession that dudes in unconvincing drag are actually Real Live Girls. The trans movement is one of those progressive movements that skipped from proposing assertions to demanding acceptance without bothering to do the persuasion bit that usually happens in between.

TERFs, we are told, are basically trash because they have "a conservative, binary, essentialist conception of sex as the be-all-end-all, and a deep hatred for trans women, couched in the language of feminism and feminist theory."

Got that? Radical feminists are conservatives now, because they want to conserve the idea that biological women are women and biological men are not. I can't wait to see who else becomes a "conservative" simply for refusing to junk a set of foundational scientific facts. In fact, the pamphlet notes that TERFs are not just conservative, but "it may also be worth bringing up that TERFs ... spend a lot of time working with the far-right."

hmimperialtortie #crackpot #transphobia #pratt #sexist ovarit.com

(Submitters Note regarding context: A trans woman tweeting “Cis people are afraid that trans people will criticize them. Trans people are afraid that cis people will kill them.”)

RE: No, we're afraid that you will rape/murder us because you're men.

( hmimperialtortie )
Nobody’s murdering you disgusting male freaks except your pimps and johns, and that’s only the miniscule minority of you who are prostituted gay men. You AGP perverts are the rapists and murderers.

Pepe Escobar & Vladimir Putin #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut asiatimes.com

The world according to Vladimir Putin

Russian president, in Sochi, lays down the law in favor of conservatism – says the woke West is in decline

The plenary session is the traditional highlight of the annual, must-follow Valdai Club discussions – one of Eurasia’s premier intellectual gatherings.

Vladimir Putin is a frequent keynote speaker. In Sochi this year, as I related in a previous column, the overarching theme was “global shake-up in the 21st century: the individual, values and the state.”

The re-alignment of the balance of power presupposes a redistribution of shares in favor of rising and developing countries that until now felt left out. To put it bluntly, the Western domination of international affairs, which began several centuries ago and, for a short period, was almost absolute in the late 20th century, is giving way to a much more diverse system.

Putin made several references to freedom, to family – in his case, of modest means – and to the importance of education; he heartily praised his apprenticeship at Leningrad State University.

In parallel, he absolutely destroyed wokeism, transgenderism and cancel culture promoted “under the banner of progress.”

This is only one among a series of key passages:

We are surprised by the processes taking place in countries that used to see themselves as pioneers of progress. The social and cultural upheavals taking place in the United States and Western Europe are, of course, none of our business; we don’t interfere with them. Someone in the Western countries is convinced that the aggressive erasure of whole pages of their own history – the “reverse discrimination” of the majority in favor of minorities, or the demand to abandon the usual understanding of such basic things as mother, father, family or even the difference between the sexes – that these are, in their opinion, milestones of the movement toward social renewal.

Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: A transgender woman filed a discrimination complaint alleging she was denied admission to an assisted living facility | Maine Public (https://www.mainepublic.org/courts-and-crime/2021-10-21/a-transgender-woman-filed-a-discrimination-complaint-alleging-she-was-denied-admission-to-an-assisted-living-facility?_amp=true)

( IrishTheFrenchie )

but an administrator denied her admission because of a concern that she wanted to stay in a room with a female roommate.

There is no age when men stop raping women.

( Srfthrowaway )
Yup. You know this man would have also demanded female PSW for intimate care.

( Pugsnotdrugs_411 )
On the slightly less nefarious spectrum of entitlement, he could just be doing this solely for validation purposes. But I guarantee it's because he wants to flex his power over women and god forbid, because he wants to commit a sex crime.

( ProxyMusic )
This is the next frontier in the march of the invading trans tyrants. Trans orgs have been "training" people involved in running LTHCFs and home health agencies for a number of years now. It's part of the strategy of making inroads in areas where the persons being encroached upon and put at risk are those who are most vulnerable and least able to fight back - kids in school; women in prisons; women in shelters & rape refuges; women acutely ill in hospitals; elderly, infirm and disabled women in nursing/care homes & rehab facilities, or who rely on health aides & helpers in their own homes.

( bellatrixbells )
Ok so let me get this straight. This elderly man needs to be housed in an assisted care living facility and demanded a female roommate for validation purposes. That was denied because females deserve their dignity and privacy, so now he's suing the state for a human rights violation ?

This guy is basically suing a state for not letting him violate the privacy of women.

Doesn't make any sort of difference that he's dressed up as a mock woman for years. I wonder if he dumped a wife and kids to live his fetish full time ? "Oh, but he's been using women's facilities for years" So ? He shouldn't have been doing that in the first place. Fuck him.

BTW OP next time you upload a link with a misgendering title, I suggest you change it to proper pronouns :) I wondered who was she-ing this man hahah

Various Terfs #sexist #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: "It so weird to me that after realizing we are men, we are more willing to accept our femininity."

( AnneLister )
Adopting the sissification fetish from their brave and stunning transwomen sisters, I see.

( GynyHappyPeople )
That was my thought.

It’s a sub of trans identified females acting out trans identified male fantasies. So many “catboy” selfies.

( AnneLister )
TRAs make me so embarrassed on behalf of cats.

( tacocat )
Jesus. These people need to get off the internet.

( MonstrousRegiment )
When I saw the post title I instantly imagined some new variation on trans-identifying men who understand that they're autogynophiles! What a disappointment!

( gncautistic )
So they're totally fine with being feminine and a stereotypical woman just as long as you call her a ''he''? this shit you can't even make up! Calling themselves ''femboys'' is so gross. TIF's also can't keep their fetishes a secret.

( ComplicatedSpirit )
There’s so much to unpack. Internalized misogyny, the conviction that all things must be “gendered,” the anxiety over conforming to “masculinity” or “feminity” and what they’re identifying and presenting as. These people have serious problem and they’re turning to fucking Reddit and Tumblr to validation rather than help.

( hmimperialtortie )
And this is yet another example of why I’m really over TIFs and my sympathy for them has almost completely evaporated. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

( Jacknife )
Can't they just cut the crap and act out AGP as cis women?

Roosh V #quack #crackpot #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #transphobia rooshv.com

[From "Modern Psychiatry Is Demonic"]

The secular world makes people ill by denying the presence of God, and then the secular world gives the solution of psychiatry and its obsession of prescribing anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs
The whole field of psychiatry is backward rationalization. They study patients with mental illness, theorize on the biochemical state of their brains, and then shovel them with ultra-addictive drugs to make their brains appear similar to those without mental illness, but this is merely studying the effect of a disorder and then declaring it to be the cause
A psychiatrist will study house fires, notice that firemen always seem to be present at them, and then create a solution to destroy all firehouses, the “obvious” source of fires
Having a “brain chemical imbalance” is often the effect of a faithless or sinful state of existence where depression is due to the consequences of secular life
Psychiatric drugs disconnect you from your humanity and make it harder for you to repent before God. Consider that God gave us emotional states to help us orient our lives closer to Him
Feminism is demonic because it inverts the natural order by trying to make man as coming from the woman’s rib instead of the other way around, and here comes the psychiatrist to further enable this inversion with a heavily-marketed drug that keeps the independent woman working
The doctors all work as a team to destroy the human soul, one prescription, vaccination, and surgery at a time, until all that is left is a husk of a human
I believe that a person with symptoms of depression or psychosis should consult with an Orthodox priest for spiritual diagnosis and treatment. I would guess that treatment will include repentance, baptism, receiving communion, prayer, a change of diet, lifestyle adjustments, and in severe cases, exorcism

@SatiriaNews #pratt #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

We read the article. It’s ideological gibberish. Complete drivel. Utter nonsense. One slogan after another.

You & every one of your ancestors for millions of years was born from an egg produced by a female & a sperm produced by a male.

“Keep on sloganeering I guess”.

Cope. I mean, seriously—you can drop the pretence that anti-trans activism is somehow *really* about the rights of women, or that it's *really* about safeguarding children, or *really* about free speech.

No-one gives a shït what you wear or call yourself, sweaty.

Trans activists are getting people fired from their jobs for even questioning your deranged cult that says male child molesters are women and must be placed in women's prisons purely on their own say-so.


You have a penchant for being incapable of saying anything remotely on-topic. Where did I mention anything about what people wear or call themselves? Incidentally, people DO care what others wear and call themselves—if they didn't, they wouldn't be freaking out over pronouns or an innocuous ad featuring a gender nonconforming kid; deadnaming wouldn't be an issue, because people wouldn't engage in it maliciously. But sure, "no one cares"—except, well, for those that obviously do.

No-one cares what you call yourself.

They care about you imposing your brand new, white western colonial gender religion on them.

No-one has to comply with your demands that they bow to your "gender" in all questions over everything.

You literally just demonstrated that YOU care.

Yes, we care about deranged idiots lying to vulnerable kids that they can change their sex, and that anyone who even questions that hates them & deserves violence.

None of this is stopping you wearing whatever clothes you like & calling yourself whatever you like.

HellaHella #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

APP (autopedophilia) often overlaps with AGP (autogynephilia).
The combination of the two is at the heart of transgenderism. People do not want to look at this degeneracy, because every normal sane person feels sick. Instead, people choose to believe 'gender dysphoria' pity party narratives.

Mayday #ableist #transphobia #crackpot #interphobia ovarit.com

RE: CAIS are men, not women, and prove sex is binary

A female is not: "identifying" as female, growing up as female, socializing as female, dressing up as female, and "passing as" female.

A woman, a female, is an organism that can bear offspring and/or produce eggs under the right conditions.

CAIS are males with an inability to respond to androgens. The product of the inability is a male with a pseudo-female like appearance, creating the illusion of a female.

Beneath the layers, CAIS have no internal female sex organs - no uterus and no ovaries. They have testes - the male gonads that produce sperm. Their bodies were supposed to support the production of sperm and failed. They are men in every sense of the word.

The only reason they even know they are intersexed is because of modern medicine

The reason humans know they are humans and not another specie is modern medicine, and study of genes. Surely you wouldn't claim humans were not humans before they learned of what separates each specie.

CAIS were not women before modern medicine. They were disordered men.

Henry Makow PhD/E. Michael Jones #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #fundie henrymakow.com

In "A Goy Guide to World History" Part 4, a handful of thinkers describe how satanist Jews (Communists) have systematically attacked and dismantled the Christian social fabric.

These Jews were taught that this is necessary to prevent anti-Semitism, which they were told is irrational and a mental illness.

In the 45 minute documentary, E. Michael Jones, editor of Culturewars, explains how Satanism inverts truth. Evil is good. False is true. Sick is healthy. Thus Jews (Organized Jewry) who hate Gentiles are the "persecuted victims" while Gentiles who defend themselves are "haters" and mentally ill. Homosexuality is healthy while the nuclear family is sick.

Jones, the author of a dozen books, explains that Western Civilization is built on the belief in Logos, i.e. the Moral Order, God.

Logos uses Ethos (Will) to restrain and guide Pathos (Passions.)

Satanist Jews interpret any restraint on lust as Christian. In fact, Jones explains that, as the terms imply, Western Civilization is based on this Greek principle.

Take away Logos and Ethos, and Pathos runs amuck. You have Satanism i.e. Cabalist Judaism. "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." This is the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which Jones believes will destroy society.
As satanic possession, Communism takes many forms. When it failed to mobilize the worker to revolt, it morphed into feminism and mobilized women. Communist Jews promoted sexual "liberation" and "LGT rights" to undermine gender, marriage and family. They promoted multiculturalism and mass migration to undermine race and culture. Satanist Jews always find a fissure to pack a stick of dynamite. Blow up Syria and inundate Europe for example. Civilization must fail so their hegemony will succeed.

The Rev. Steven Roland #transphobia #fundie #wingnut simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Bradley Edward Manning (often incorrectly referred to as Chelsea Elizabeth Manning against the will of the Lord Jesus Christ) is a far-left kook and traitor to the United States. Manning jeopardized United States national security as a sergeant in the military, and is also likely a double agent sent from the Kremlin. Manning is now considering a run for the United States Senate in Maryland, where he will surely lose if the identity politics embracing left decides to nominate him instead of the safe liberal incumbent without the baggage of being a traitor, double agent, and mentally ill sexual deviant.
Manning was sentenced to a long prison sentence for his heinous misdeeds, where he was commuted of it by former "president" Barry Soetoro of Kenya conveniently right before successor Donald Trump took office. This was probably done because he is a so-called "transgender" individual who lives in drag outside of a stage persona, therefore in a state of denial about his God given gender and sexuality as he is indeed an effeminate sodomite who has not had proper Biblical truth exposed to him in a convincing way.

Lebensmüder #pratt #transphobia incels.is

These people live better than us

Doubt it.

Imagine having an infected, feces covered hole (implanted by Mengele-esque Frankenstein doctors) between your legs because you fell for a Psy-Op/meme.

Imagine waking up every day to the smell of that Fournier gangrene while having to injure yourself in order to prevent that wound from healing.

Imagine doing it to get a girl as a transbian and then only matching with other mentally unstable men in dresses.

Imagine knowing that all of that is now irreversible and that you have to spend your life now as a perpetual/castrated freak simply because you were groomed on Discord as a child.

There are some things worse than inceldom and trannies are that thing.

Various Commenters #moonbat #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

This monster thinks it's okay to walk around with a raging boner in a women's shelter. The shelters response to criticism? Guess. This was all a public spectacle, by the way.

Wow fuck that shelter. They care more about the feelings of men than the safety of women.

They really do. It's terrifying how the feelings of men are valued higher than the safety of women all across our society. And now we can't even escape it in the spaces we've painstakingly carved out for ourselves.

Sadly, they need to toe the line. Canada, but British Columbia especially (here and here), is very woke regarding trains. There's one (yes, one) rape shelter in Vancouver, BC that won't take men in.

As a result, they've had their windows vandalized and a dead rat nailed to their door, and a local politician* was doing everything in his power to try and take away funding that the place needs to survive the last I heard.

* To nobody's surprise, he supported local snart Yaniv, who epitomizes mental illness.

ALL US shelters are going co ed. There are almost no shelters for women and kids any longer. I stopped volunteering at one because I am not about to use pronouns or talk to men in female space where women have been raped.

One of the most aggravating parts of these situations is that they often go above and beyond to protect transgender people over women. In Canada (2021 data )the portion of the population that identifies as transgender is just 0.24%. Assuming an equal split between genders only half would identify as women. So in this case the rights of women (~51%) are being trampled for the rights of ~0.12% of the population.

If a biological woman (for lack of a better term) had made the same comments and behaved similarly they likely would have kicked her out. This Tyler person doesn’t seem to even be attempting to present as a woman. People like that are hurting those who are truly suffering.

Various Commenters #pratt #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Yet another example of them claiming they’re better than actual women…


What’s with these people and trying to convince themselves that they are prettier than bio females? Do they secretly know that they look terrible at the back of their minds and then do this to delude themselves into thinking otherwise?


It’s cope

Totally. My uncle is now my aunt and she straight up looks like me in a dress. She sounds like if I was trying to mock a woman's voice. She buys expensive clothes, expensive makeup, expensive haircuts. Still just me in a dress though. There's no fixing being too tall with broad shoulders and a man-face.

There's no way she can't see it. She's choosing to ignore it to cope.

I'm guessing that they are trying to get out in front of the inevitable fact that men won't want to date them because of how they look. They are preparing people to say that trans women are just as beautiful as real women, even though trans women often look like lazy drag queens. Very few of the self-promoters on Twitter, Tik Tok, or Youtube are actually "passing", as they would say. They know they still look like men and they are trying pre-emptively shame people into never actually admitting it.

Same self serving bollocks as the "body positive fat acceptance" movement.

They deep down can't stand themselves so they create a fantasy for themselves and lash out at anyone who calls it out.

Their delusional enough to think their a sex they are not in reality, they have a section of society telling them and feeding their mental illness - why is it shocking they think they are pretty or better than actual women? You do not fix mental illness by feeding that mental illness - transgenderism is a political tool, nothing more.

Every time you call a trans person their preferred pro-nouns you are feeding a mental illness, you are making them worse.

Various Commenters #psycho #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

(In reaction to the Malaysian government trying to extradite a Malay transwoman from Thailand for breaching Islamic dressing rules.)

(Jack Django)
It's not strange at all that traditionalism is on the rise in the rest of the world. Anyone on the outside that looks at the west for more than five minutes wants no part of what we're doing.

(privacy first)
Malaysia attempting to change a person's pronouns to was/were. Progressive.

(Dave N)
Can we just go back to calling the ones that pass Ladyboys, and the ones that don't (99.9%) Men.

You give them an inch they will take a mile. In Canada they already can brainwash and medicate kids without leting the parents know. If I had to choose between the two I choose the Malaysian way.

(who is John Galt)
The east, and tribal cultures have seen what has happened in the west. They are seeing what we are doing to little children. They ain't having it.

(Milk Shake)
Welll .... the Aliens or Robots will start to enslave humans .... or Owrld War 3 will turns us all to ash .... these can't come soon enough. Humans are clearly trash.

(Geoff Owen)
Ahh the lefties are now in a bind, if they kick off about this they're islamaphobic, if they say nothing then they're violent transphobes as silence is violence.
Ohhhhh pass the popcorn.

Lefties are going to love living in an Islamic country.

(Midori Sato)
While I'm not going to say that a person can't be a trans man and willingly get pregnant, I will say they're doing a terrible job at being men.

(Delta Sly)
Trans people can be hot,
Mostly, if there under 35.
As soon as your age shows, its like wearing ball skin on your face.

(Aniquin Stark)
Muslims are allowed to have entire religious governments but Christians can't even talk about religion in schools...

(Jason Reborn)
Asian men make the most convincing women. It is disturbing how hard it is to tell that isn't a woman. Soon you will need to see a birth certificate and baby pictures to be sure it's not a man

Asian trans > American trans

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