
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

fallopium #sexist #transphobia fallopium.tumblr.com

God if I see one more post like “I just don’t get why you’re so afraid of trans women in the bathroom…”

*deep breath* *screams*

ITS CAUSE THEY CAN RAPE US!!!!!!!! WE ARE AFRAID OF BEING RAPED!!!! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!THEY ARE MALE AND HAVE MALE GENITALIA AND WE ARE NOT SAFE WITH MEN IN WOMENS SPACES. I don’t care if josh from accounting is fine using the same bathroom as a trans man. Shove a trash can up your ass!

Edmund_Kemper #sexist #transphobia incels.is

[RageFuel] Bluepilled fags try to argue against me on fstdt

This bluepilled faggot named Swede reads that I said most people like him only agree with what everyone else believes and how if he lives in a society where society had different values his values would be different

then he says “i aCcEpT hOmOs aNd TrAnNiEs BeCaUsE iT’S rIgHt” no you don’t. And then he says in the 50s people were still pretty live and let live yeah go back to that era and kiss another man in public or kiss a black person and you’d get beaten up or yelled at. If he seriously thinks he would’ve accept homos back then he’s wrong. He would’ve hated them back then. And only 4% of Americans approved to interracial marriage back then. This retard cuck thinks he’d be part of that 4%. He thinks he’d resist Kim jong un if he lived in North Korea or would’ve resisted Hitler if he lived in nazi Germany when only a tiny percent of Germans did that. Then he says marrying jb foids wasn’t common back in Ancient Greece because pederasty happened back then. Just because teen boys fucked adult men back then doesn’t mean adult men didn’t marry jb foids. Several sources say girls usually married in their mid-teens to a man twice their age and then he says they were prolly bad wives back then because they were young teens even though teens grew up faster back then. And the teen brain thing is a myth (look it up)

keep an eye on this bluepilled website
Edmund_Kemper #wingnut
here’s the link

I hate the openness of the 21st century.
We allow too much degeneracy.

If he lived in the 50s he would’ve hated homos

Most likely.

Let’s be honest. The only reason why people approve of trannies with cocks using the women’s room is because we’re gonna be labeled “bigots” and get hassled if we don’t approve of it. 10 years ago nobody would’ve approved of it because they were allowed to disapprove

imagine thinking that trannies are a legit thing

Trannies are the most annoying retards online especially that sjw trannyfag Sam Collins

there is no tranny
trannies are males, even if they think otherwise

High IQ

Do you go out of your way to find these faggots? I don't encounter them nearly as often.

I heard of that forum so I check em once in a while

That place seems just as soy as Reddit. What a nightmare.

It’s like another clone of IT

Sonora Jack #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "Modernity’s Moloch"]

At the end of the month of March, the LGBTXYZ community celebrated their “International Transgender Day of Visibility,” which may or may not be some kind of holiday for ritualistic occultists. March 31st was dedicated to “raising awareness” and recognizing the struggles, “sucesses” (infringements), and daemon worship of the transgender community. Well, maybe not that last bit, not openly at least (for now).

The grotesque tradition began in 2009, and has spread to different countries and communities across the globe in the decade since then. The alarming speed at which they are normalizing this kind of thing is certainly enough to give one a degree of worry, but more interesting is the macabre, occult element that is rather undeniable, especially within the realms of entertainment and the high offices of the land.

Many are familiar with the name Moloch or Molech, even if from some kind of fantasy or sci fi trappings. Briefly, Moloch is the biblical name of a pagan Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, specifically with fire. This figure is identified as Ba’al Hammon by Greco-Roman authors, equated with Cronus from the Hellenistic traditions. While some scholars suggest that much of the depictions of Punic child sacrifice to bloodthirsty gods is war time or post-war propaganda on behalf of the Romans, the attestations to Canaanite/Phoenician gods demanding child sacrifice in flame predates the Roman accounts by several centuries.


It would thus indicate that even among Hebrews, who had been commanded to turn away from such sacrifices by God, Canaanite influence was strong even in Jerusalem; Kabbalic traditions only strengthen these occult undertones. It may be hard to fathom, but there is sufficient coincidence to suspect that the sacrifices to Ba’al Hammon/Molech never quite ended. From the classical era unto modern times, the Jewish people have been associated with ritualistic cruelty and abuse of children, specifically those who belong to the populations they immerse themselves in, such as the “blood libel” controversey in Europe. While maintained that these stories and records are anti-semitic propaganda, there is a very odd and very inseparable bond between the Jewish diaspora and the mystical, the occult. Even the self declared atheistic ones engage in, or state admiration or interest in such things, even if guised as a hobby or eccentricy.


Which takes us back to the LGBTXYZ movement and their machinations. Many will note that what began decades ago as “please dont beat up gay people” became “sell us cakes and services even if you dont want to” and “we just want to get married.” Many Republicans and socially conservative Democrats let these things slide, more or less, because they were promised that it would not lead to a slippery slope like those evangelical bible thumpers were worrying it would; fools that they are, they believed the lavender mafia and their leftwing stooges would keep such a promise. Fast forward 10-15 years, and it is completely undeniable that said promise wasn’t just broken, it was entirely shattered into dust. Drag queen story hours, the sexualization of teens and children only grows more open and promoted.

Is this to say that modern leftwing parents are knowingly sacrificing their children to this apparatus, this devouring Beast? Knowingly, likely not, but willingly, entirely so. A keen thing to keep in mind when it comes to the occult and sorcerous matters is that intent often matters just as much as actual action; these parents who place their children on the altar of social progress, to be fed into the fire pit of acceptance and equality, are doing something that in their mind is a good thing: their children are expected to become tolerant, friendly, and altogether, moral. But this instinct of theirs is the result of a manipulation, a perverted lie repeated ad naseum to completely saturate and indoctrinate those it is targeted at. Parents are baraged, be it at their chidlren’s schools, their public libraries, or even the children’s networks on television, to relent to this “progress.”

Even liberals who are uncomfortable with the idea quickly find themselves shamed and alienated into position; after all, you wouldn’t want to be one of those bigoted cisheteros, would you? It would displease Moloch to have your child grow strong of mind and body, pure of heart and soul. That cannot be; in order to truly advance or even maintain one’s place in society, you *must* render sacrifice to the gods. You must place your own flesh and blood, the blessing of your own creation, onto the altar to be burned. So sayeth the undercurring theme of the progressive movement and their attitude towards children.

Various Incels #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] Tranny hole mutilates her vagina and tries to become a man. Now notices she's become a truecel freak of nature and wants to kill herself jfl.


hahahahah tell her to get a better personality
this is exactly why supporting the lgbt non sense is NOT morally correct because by supporting this behaviour youre encouraging SUICIDE jfl
people were encouraging this woman to mutilate her vagina and thought its the moral thing to do
i mean dont get me wrong im happy this tranny will rope but just want to prove that supporting lgbt is not normal and its degenerate.


Yet another case of the awful tranny mentality of just "mutilate urself".
Guess what, your sex is decided when you're incubating in a foid, and no matter how much surgery or pills you take. You'll either a gaping hole, graphed flesh, and nobody ever "passes".


That's what liberal propaganda combined with the bluepill can do to you, holy fuck. I almost mustered a tiny bit of pity specifically for her, but timely woke up to who she is. Disgusting, hypocritical foid npc who happened to have so puny shit of a brain to even believe the lies she'd set up for us poor incels herself. Burn in hell, damnable bitch. You have well earned every bit of your plight.

She even calls a height of 5'4 "unnaturally impossibly ridiculously short". Well, have fun with it, stupid bitch. Enjoy your average manlet life and remind yourself that the height of the whole asian population fluctuates somewhere around that mark.

"I feel like a stupid asshole trying to call myself a man. I hate myself more and more every day. I’ll never know what sex is like, and therefor what love is like, never know what a real life is like."

Oh, you don't say? Could she imagine that somewhere, maybe even in her city or on her street, might've lived a man who thought of himself just like that? That he too would never know what love is like just because of few inches or millimeters of bone? She's just irredeemable, glad she now knows what it is like to be an incel.

Energy Enhancement #homophobia #magick #conspiracy #racist #transphobia energyenhancement.org

Infiltration of the Elite Oligarchs and their families - Atlantic Integrationists, the Globalists, anyone? - in Every Nation in the World - is their tactic.

They don't advocate a Satanic kingdom. They gently steer you that way by questioning the existence of God, by demanding "sexual liberation," "independence" "Feminism" for women, "Transexuality" for Kids, "internationalism," "diversity" and "religious tolerance." "Climate Change" - These all have a hidden agenda: to undermine "all collective forces except our own."

Sexual Excess as a Religion

We are told "free love" is "progressive and modern." In fact, like Satanism the Sabbatean sect has indulged in Sexual Rituals including wife sharing, sex orgies, adultery and incest - increasing sexual addiction leading on to homosexuality, torture, drugs, pedophilia, bestiality, and pornography for more than 350 years.

They have inducted us into their cult.

Antelman cites the proceedings of a rabbinical court where Shmuel, son of Shlomo tearfully confessed he had rejected the Torah and had encouraged his wife to have sex several times with Hershel. "I am guilty. She did not want to." (111)

Jacob Frank pimped his beautiful wife to recruit influential men.

Pimping and blackmailing Pedophilia and Human Sacrifice as an entry into Satanic organisations.

In order to be trusted by a Satanist one must pedophile then ritually torture, Murder, Sacrifice babies, children and people on video! in the underground dungeons all over the Planet.

Otherwise you get Epsteined!

Epstein as well as donating to Harvard and MIT eugenic, mind control, blackmailed scientists for, on behalf of, transhumanist Eugenicists Bill Gates and the "usual suspect" family foundations was a blackmailer, "they owe me favours" of many elite people - Scientists, heads of Google, Microsoft and Facebook - as well as Bill Gates.

Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, got his sister-in-law pregnant.

A pertinent anecdote: In his book, "The Other Side of Deception," Mossad defector Victor Ostrovsky described how the Mossad relax. At a party, the staff, including many unmarried young females, congregated around a pool, totally naked.

The Holocaust

The influence of the Sabbatean conspiracy is hidden in plain sight. For example, the term "Holocaust" is used without regard to its true meaning. Rabbi Antelman states that well before World War Two, the term meant "burnt offering" as in, "human sacrifice". (p.199)

As at Bohemian Grove - we see in pictures and videos - Human Sacrifice of a child, whether real or not, by burning to Moloch, is the Ritual of "The Cremation of Care" in front of a Forty Foot high statue of an Owl symbolising Minerva and thus Cybele and Attis - the State Religion of the Roman Empire - inducing a closing of the heart, lack of empathy and conscience - Psychopathy as the aim.

This Ritual is attended - we have the pictures - by major World Oligarchs, Presidents of the United States, scientists, Hollywood stars - The creation of people tough enough to do what is necessary to attain their end result.

A Slave Population of five millions, CRISPR edited humanoid servants and soldiers, and a Genocide of all humanity.

Satan Herself et al. #transphobia twitter.com

Satan Herself: The whole premise of "Lesbians should overcome their aversion to penis to be with trans-identified men!" is obviously homophobic and creepy, but it's also depressing as hell. Do you *really* want to be with someone who needs to overcome an aversion to your body??? Why?!

The thought of being with a woman who doesn't really like female bodies and vulvas and would have to talk herself into touching me by doing all kinds of mental gymnastics is such a turn-off. It would feel so wrong and I believe it IS wrong to ask that of someone.

AGenderCriticalDad#BringBackMRKHVoice: Yes it's all about power, it's about the power of making women have sex they don't want and to be able to make them deny they don't want it, or to have them demonised for not wanting it. It's all about power.

Mipe: Because it never been about consent or even desire it is about power to imposed over others. It is about selfish people whom dont care about other because there is only one person over the world who matter

Mediocretes: It's nothing to do with overcoming an aversion. This is 100% bullying someone into playing along with some narcissistic, egomaniacal, sociopathic fantasy fetish game. This is nonconsensual psycho-emotional BDSM. There is no safe word.

YoureMurduringUs & TwinkleTitsGalore #transphobia reddit.com


Loads of people do detransition, but in typical transcult fashion there's always a massive effort to silence those people in trans spaces. It always goes something like this

"Do many people regret their transition or, choose to detransition? I am only 14 and don't wanna make any stupid decisions and regret it later"

Short answer is no, very few people regret their transition. In fact, a recent study conducted by cute valid trans qween Natalie Wynn determined that only (obviously bullshit number)% of people detransition. You are only 14 and questioning; cis people don't question their gender! You should get on hormone blockers right away!

"Is it really only that few? Surely more people detransition?"

Well ackshually yes the percentage of detransitioners is higher, but many of them are actually still trans and choose to live as their AGAB because sometimes societal transphobia is more crippling than dysphoria. Especially for tucutes like myself, who don't have dysphoria but rather euphoria, and get girlyboners when I wear my ever-so-feminine clothes! Dress go spinny >giggles<

"Ok, so nobody really regrets their transition?"

Teehee now you're getting it, sweetie. Remember; cis boys don't get aroused wearing girlyclothes, better get on those tiddyskittles pronto!!

The other tactic they use to silence detransitioners is the standard "don't share your experience because it's dysphoria triggering!"


”I'm just exploring options”

He acts like he's ordering a burger and deciding which condiments to use.

He’s 14. Kids his age commit suicide thinking how this’ll show them not really realizing that death is final and they won’t be around to see the results of their handiwork. Their brains simply aren’t developed enough to deal with the big issues, mostly because they haven’t experienced anything yet. They think “love” is their junior high crush, because that’s all they know. They have only been alive 12, 13, 14 years so decades mean nothing to them, much less forever.

That’s why puberty blockers/hormones/SRS are so terrible and the adults see: psychopaths who try to steer these -let’s face it- babies toward irreversible procedures are such vile pieces of shit. They had childhoods, they went through puberty, they experienced sex and orgasms. In many cases, a sickening number of them got to experience marriage and had children. Like, who THE FUCK do these creeps think they are, influencing CHILDREN like this?

Ugh. Narcissistic, sociopathic, selfish, porn-addicted, misogynistic fetishists, that’s .

Sorry. Rant over.

Christopher Cantwell #transphobia christophercantwell.com

[From "S o T o S p e a k | Ep. 412 | Social Distance Warriors"]

Square-Enix always finds a way to ruin a game.

I knew going into it that the Final Fantasy 7 Remake would have at least one scene in which the protagonist would dress up as a woman. The original game portrays such behavior as degenerate and worthy of criticism — rightly so.

What I didn’t expect was a total capitulation to the Social Justice Warriors at Kotaku who complained for the last five years about the tRanSpHoBiA of the original. Instead of using the opportunity to teach players about the ills of degenerate behavior, Square-Enix replaced the original message with a homo-erotic drag show in which two males almost kiss while talking about how “notions of gender don’t apply to beauty”.

It’s the current year, though. Since impeachment failed, Social Justice Warriors with pink pussy hats have become Social Distance Warriors with pink pussy masks.

I’ve got all the latest Wu Flu coverage.

This is EPISODE 412 of So to Speak w/ Jared Howe!

Wristlet 2 #transphobia #dunning-kruger incels.is

[RageFuel] If you agree with TRANNY NARRATIVE, you're no better than a full blown deranged tranny who has cut off his dick and balls

Sane people knows a surgery can't turn a man into a woman or viceversa. And that the whole tranny narrative of gender vs sex is just fantasy. Even most NPCs/normies are lowkey creeped out by trannies, and rightly so. I'd never sit next to one for example, and if I had to work with one idk what I'd do.

If you agree with tranny narrative that gender is in your mind and you can switch etc... You're no better than those faggots who chop their dicks off, bc the main thing leading them to do that are those beliefs, which you share. If you say "trans women" (referring to trans men aka born men who are deluded about their sex), use the word "cis" unironically, believe in "women with dicks", what prevents you from just fucking one of those faggots pretending to be women? Or even mutilating yourself?

I think just the use of terms that imply a user agrees with that narrative should be reason for a ban. It's only fair, because those terms imply agreeance with an ideology, and someone who believes in an ideology is just as bad as the people who act on it. Otherwise it's like if a jewish forum didn't ban people who called jews kikes or pigs, only bc they haven't specifically advocated for concentration camps. It'd be ridiculous.

if u resort to a tranny or become one yourself you should [suicide emoji]

The Prophetic Explorer #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy propheticexplorer.com

Is James Bond Trannysitioning to Jane Bond?

Okay folks, so this one is going to be difficult to wrap your head around. Back in January after the BAFTA awards there was some fuss made over the fact that Daniel Craig looked markedly different. Today, whilst researching recently developed FTM surgical techniques I believe I have discovered exactly what has caused Daniel Craig to look demonstrably changed.

Upon close inspection of photos from the BAFTA Awards compared to previous photos of Craig it seems to me that he has undergone some preliminary feminine transitioning surgery. First is what is called a ‘brow lift’ which is exactly what it sounds like. This repositioning of the forehead serves to raise the eyebrow higher in relation to the eye socket, and also to make it appear rounder and more open, both of which are feminine traits. In addition, I see evidence that Craig’s highly angular (chiseled) jawline has been noticeably softened (rounded).

Interestingly, six years ago (back in 2012) it appears that the predictive programming (social conditioning) for a transgendered Daniel Craig was already being set in place when he appeared in drag, under the preposterous guise of support for ‘women’s equality’. This campaign largely went under the radar here in America, I for one certainly never heard of it.

Folks, I need you to understand something plainly; Satan is at war with the very ideas of male and female gender identity, specifically because it is part of the natural order of God’s creation! Reality check; Even with extensive surgery utilizing the most advanced of techniques a person’s gender is determined solely by God, and it can never be changed! One can only mutilate their outward appearance. Furthermore, the male and female genders can be easily differentiated by their two sex chromosomes; a natural woman will have XX chromosomes and male XY.

For many, James Bond is the very definition of masculinity. If I am correct, this ‘trannysitioning’ of Daniel Craig has been very carefully thought out for a long time and is being timed to provide the most psychological damage to the masses as possible. The introduction of Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner as Caitlyn, and even the intentional destruction of the American cowboy as a masculine icon by the movie “Brokeback Mountain” is going to seem small when compared to the revelation of Daniel Craig as a transgender.

PM_ME_STRIPPERS, StormWind & Ellsworth #transphobia #psycho #sexist incels.is


[Serious] Trannies are weird and i would never fuck

It always pisses me the fuck off when I see some norman-scum suggest that Incels should think and give a chance towards dating transsexual/transgender "women" Seriously. Why the fuck would anyone of us do that? Honestly, I do wonder what goes through the Norman brain when they suggest such degenerate crap like that. Trannies are nothing more than a bunch of mentally ill men who are pretending to be femoids while actually being men. (and vice versa)Which means; they have dicks. Why in damnation would we, heterosexual men, want to get into relationship with another fucking man? We aren't gay in any fucking way. And, this notion still stands towards the trannies who have cut off their dicks. Only a deeply twisted, mentally ill creature would cut their fucking dicks off. Truly revolting.

You know, only in degenerate societies would this regressing behaviour be accepted. It truly shows how humanity have fallen and stopped progressing further when we welcome these creatures with open arms. These creatures should be admitted into mental wards because they are clearly suffering from gender dysphoria.


Normies are degenerates and are willing to sleep with a twink, gay, or tranny as long as it's attractive enough to them. They're fucking psychopaths. "Just fuck a mentally ill man with an hairy asshole bro!!" If someone suggests me this it will be a pathetic choice of words as that's the last thing they'll ever say to me. (In Terraria.)

Trannies need electrotherapy

A Bolt round in their heads (In the Astartes mini-series.)


Once again norm scum are wrong. Suggesting an incel get with a tranny is flawed because actual passable trannies are in just as high demand as real women. They want chad too. Sure maybe you could get an abomination like that one guy here got, but that’s just an ugly man in a wig and not at all passable. Normies like to run their mouth but have no idea what they’re talking about.

Anonymous author #homophobia #transphobia #racist survivalist-information-site.my-free.website

(Mod speaking: I removed more bits that seemed unnecessary)

Non-heterosexual orientations serve no logical or beneficial purpose for the species or the world (except in very specific and extreme circumstances like overpopulation, but even then, the condemned are too negatively impacted), so why should they continue? Confront a "progressive" (someone who is rabidly pro-heterogeneity, at the very least) with this question and all you will receive are obfuscations and/or abuse.

I have tried on several occasions to get members of any of the pro-heterogeneity camps to provide a valid logical and/or moral justification for the continued existence of non-heterosexual orientations, transgender mentality and other similar aspects, but unsurprisingly, none of them managed or were willing to do so, the pathetic, brainwashed and horrendously outclassed tools. Anyone who feels compelled to respect and/or defend those aspects is so ridiculous that the word 'pathetic' is seriously inadequate for describing them.

Although I learned of my heterosexuality very early on in my life, I did rather intensely fear turning homosexual somehow, during my childhood and teenage years. These fears were amplified after reading news stories about people spontaneously becoming homosexual (the veracity of the stories is unconfirmed) or developing the sexuality after suffering from a serious medical problem (one story was about a man who suffered a stroke and, after surviving, he claimed the stroke turned him homosexual). Even in the present, on rare occasions, I still experience small spikes of fear of transformation. Insurance against this is desirable for everyone.

It should go without saying that I resisted the pro-LGBT+ conditioning without any difficulty. It was like a bullet ricocheting off tank armour, which is a fitting comparison for all the other types of mental conditioning that were attempted on me. Thinking about this resistance gives me a momentary rush of mild pleasure. I have always had negative sentiments towards LGBT+ aspects, which is further proof my mind is not warped or inferior.

I think the vast majority of heterosexual people who say they are not repulsed by same-sex activity involving the same gender are liars. I think the non-hostile (not anti-European) ones who claim they are not repulsed are suppressing their true feelings, probably because the feelings cause them to feel ashamed or immoral somehow. The anti-Europeans lie because they want to further reinforce the European guilt complex and because they want further denigration of Western society.

Six unnamed Jakarta vigilantes #transphobia #psycho thejakartapost.com

The North Jakarta Police have charged a group of men who allegedly burned a 42-year-old transgender woman to death with aggravated assault.

A total of six suspects face charges under Article 170 of the Criminal Code, which stipulates that individuals who are found to have collectively used lethal violence against a person face 12 years in prison.

The police had apprehended three of the six suspects, identified only as AP, RT and AH, as of Thursday afternoon.

The violence purportedly took place in Cilincing after the suspects accused Mira of stealing a truck driver’s phone and wallet. The truck driver had parked his vehicle near Mira’s rented room.

North Jakarta Police chief Sr. Comr. Budhi Herdi Susianto said the suspects hit her with a wooden log before dousing gasoline all over her so that she would confess to the alleged theft. They then proceeded to pull out a lighter with the intention of threatening her, he said.


He said fire from the lighter inadvertently set off the gasoline, burning the victim alive.

Amnesty International Indonesia director Usman Hamid conveyed his disappointment in the authorities’ “lackluster” investigation of the murder, which he said only resulted in a relatively light assault charge.

“We still maintain that what the suspects did was carry out a despicable murder. The police should have conducted a more robust investigation, instead of taking the suspects at their word,” Usman told the Post on Thursday.

He said the suspects obviously intended to “do more than just threaten” Mira, as they had gone out of their way to procure gasoline beforehand.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut missionamerica.com

We’re all figuring out the new normal, yet it’s important to be on guard as the usual suspects try to rip off America while we aren’t looking.

For instance, Samaritan’s Purse is subjected to petty protests from the left about possible “LGBTQ” exclusion from their field hospitals built to take care of virus patients—of any preference or persuasion—in New York City’s Central Park.

So what contributions are America’s homosexual activists making out of the goodness of their hearts? Sacrificing time, talent and treasure to lend a hand to any suffering American, even a Christian, who shows up at their vast array of volunteer clinics?

In a word, zip. Instead, the self-interested Human Rights Campaign is morphing into the latest whining entitlement group. A recent e-blast lamented the marginalized “LGBTQ” community’s limited access to health insurance, the message being that it’s everyone else’s responsibility to provide for these self-disadvantaged perennial victims. Never mind their chosen high-risk lifestyles. The President must be pressured to reopen the wasteful ACA health exchange bureaucracies during the virus emergency.

Watch for the virus relief bills to cover “gay” entitlements as these radicals never let a crisis go to waste, and also, seldom think about anyone but themselves.

While the virus shutdown settles in for a few weeks, parents must diligently protect children now at home for seven additional hours each weekday. Guarding them from cyber danger is essential.

The good news is that drag queens are shut out of libraries for now. The bad news is that some are offering online “entertainment” for kids where perversion is pitched as a light-hearted joke and “LGBTQ” deviance mainstreamed as a normal option.

The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) will hold its annual pro-homosexual/pro-gender-confusion propaganda day, the “Day of Silence,” online for middle and high schoolers this year on April 24. This child corruption organization will also conduct virtual “gay straight alliances” (or “genders and sexualities alliances”) in what they believe is “support” for these terribly confused teens.

Be alert to any connection your middle or high schooler makes on the Internet or in social media to GLSEN or its affiliated activists. They fill young minds and hearts with immoral, ungodly misinformation, are openly hostile to Christian doctrine and seek to propel youth down heartbreaking, sinful roads.

The Human Rights Campaign is in the child endangerment business as well. Its gender confusion indoctrination program for grade schoolers called “Welcoming Schools” is holding a Wednesday online “inclusive” story session, featuring books normalizing gender switching, and families with two moms or two dads. Make sure your kids stay far away from this lollipop deviance.

There is some good news for parents grieving about a teen’s gender identity confusion. Surgeries to amputate healthy body parts (or construct false ones) are on hold for now, because they truly are “non-essential.” The bad news is that off-label prescriptions for puberty blockers and opposite sex hormones can continue.

JerseyPine #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia boards.christogenea.org

The White Adamic children of today DON'T stand a chance. When they are born, vaccines containing doses of xx (females) are given to little boys, while little girls are given doses of xy (males). This HELPS these young children right from the start THINK they should be the opposite gender that they are actually born. Then with the help of satans 24/7 propganda via ALL media forms, along with schools teaching trannism in elementary school, we end up in transvestite world. This is only one tiny piece of what satan is up. Human trafficking, sacrifice, and organ stealing, along with porn, are his best sheckle makers.

When we think of the all wickedness and evil in today's world, it's no wonder our children are being destroyed (from LACK OF YAHWEH' KNOWLEDGE). Yahweh is allowing this; as a lesson to us, His children. He certainly WON'T allow this to continue indefinitely. The closer we get to the END, the more WICKED and BOLDER satan grows. Satan actually THINKS he can beat Yahweh God! Satan (jews) lacks the understanding to realize that Yahweh is ALLOWING him this temporary power to TEACH and DISCIPLINE His children, before Yahweh DESTROYS satan once and for all.

I pray 2020 will be the year of Babylon's fall, a Fall HARVEST, and return of our King (Yahweh Yahshua Christ) with His mighty SWORD. Our people are a MESS and the devils roost is FULL in EVERY Jacob Isreal nation!

nancysauria,oveja,doomentio #transphobia #homophobia youtube.com

(just for context, I used to watch nancysauria back in the day, I mostly followed her for her art tutorials but her miraculous ladybug content got too annoying for me and I stopped paying attention to her, but I forgot to unsubscribe from her channel and one day the video titled "NO TO LGBT IN CHILDRENS SHOW" was recommended to me, so I decided to quote about her and the two guests here, I’m going to leave timestamps and try translasting some of their most repugnant claims.)

NancySauria: why am I doing this video? parents, you will see that on July 23 it was released the chapter reverser of ladybug in which it was included a very special character as it is a caricature of a country that doesn’t respect the thinking of others but it already imposes their gender ideology agenda to the day, I would not be surprised if they started to deepen these characters that they include in the name of bad liberty and is not only ladybug there are already programs that are extremely direct with the kids, they are not subtle, those victimists will not be happy until they appear in the jam of the babies lest that jam incites babies to hatred, I say this because these people who create these cartoons are interested in selling and this topic is in fashion, they are not interested in what information they give to your child if you consider that your son is too young to receive this type of content, these people do not create entertainment for children who are entertaining themselves with children so be careful with these invasive contents, that allows them to see your children enter this ideology in programs for children that directly intervenes with their identity and the child's conscience until they now perceive the world and doubt that their first reality will only make them insecure and will harm their ability to analyze their environment objectively, this confusion that did not exist prior to the ideology of transsexualism brought by Magnus Hirschfeld in the 20th century can also cause children to be involved in illicit and dangerous situations, both because of the way they can be exposed and because of the idea of ​​being hormonally altered, practice that practice that has led nearly half of its practitioners to suicide, although it can be argued that promoting homosexuality in childhood cartoons is not equivalent to promoting transsexualism and hormone abuse if it can be argued that these content creators are involved with lgbt organizations, which are related to these practices, all this decline in standardization inevitably leads to the rethinking and questioning of values in normalization inevitably leads to the rethinking and questioning of of pre-established values due to a slippery slope effect.

Oveja: I will always answer that their orientation was never an important part of the story, they were never persecuted for discrimination or their acceptance in society was seen explicitly only because of their sexuality, they were part of a cast that tried to show reality and their orientation was not part of their character, If you are one of those who wants to demonstrate a shameless progressive political vision in terms of cartoons is because you would be against seeing the negative side of them, because it always has to be the positive side, they would not be willing to see an episode of a children's series to treat this topic as objectively as possible and let the children think about what they want to think about it? of course not because it would go against their progressive narrative, right?

doomentio: When a person is against pro-homosexual positions, the first thing they look at as a kind of ad hominen is their religion, well, in my case I am not a Christian or a Muslim, my position is influenced by social studies and scientific as well as historical, it is not a big problem that homosexuals exist, after all they are a very small world minority the problem is when it is promoted and normalized ignoring thousands of tests that highlight its psychological and health damage in the population.

Gov. Brad Little & Rep. Barbara Ehardt #wingnut #racist #transphobia courthousenews.com

Idaho Governor Signs Restrictions on Affirmative Action, Trans Athletes

BOISE, Idaho (CN) – Idaho Governor Brad Little has approved a trio of bills that target affirmative action and transgender rights in the Gem State.

The first of the bills signed by the Republican governor is a statewide rollback of affirmative action protections. The new law bans state-run agencies, state contractors and public schools from using affirmative action in the employment process.

Supporters of the bill say it will help to ensure fairness and equality, while opponents have suggested that it could result in discriminatory practices toward minorities or other marginalized groups in the state.

The bill saw revisions prior to landing on the governor’s desk. After its initial passage in the Idaho House of Representatives, the Idaho Senate made changes to ensure that the bill would not result in any funding cuts from the federal government. Those against the bill, however, say the amendments essentially canceled out a provision barring discrimination on the basis of several factors including age, race or gender.

Little also approved two bill targeting transgender Idahoans.

Under a new birth certificate law, transgender individuals will no longer be able to change their listed sex on their official birth certificates and the certificate can only be amended within the first year of its filing. After that, a birth certificate can only be changed for reasons of “fraud, duress, or material mistake of fact.”

Little’s approval of the bill comes almost exactly two years after U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy W. Dale ruled a similar Idaho rule was unconstitutional. Dale said in March 2018 that a law banning transgender people from making birth certificate changes was in direct violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution and ordered the ban to be scrapped. Dale also warned the state against future restrictions that would run into the same legal problem.

Legal experts say that the newly approved bill will likely be challenged. An analysis of the bill conducted by the Idaho Attorney General’s office determined the bill could ultimately be deemed unconstitutional.

Backers of the bill, however, saw they are aware of the possible road ahead for the birth certificate bill.

“I think we all understand what the costs and what the risks are in making the decision to go forward,” Republican Senator Jim Rice told The Associated Press.

The second transgender-related bill Little signed bars transgender women and girls from participating in women’s sports at public schools, colleges and universities. Supporters of the bill argue the new restrictions will help to ensure fairness in sports because transgender female athletes could have unfair advantages.

Republican Idaho Representative Barbara Ehardt has said that the bill is about ensuring fair opportunities.

“As we look at the culture we’re in right now, to have opportunities taken away from girls and women by boys and men, it’s not right, it’s absolutely not right,” Ehardt said according to Boise news station KBOI.

Opponents say the bill discriminates against transgender girls and women who want to participate in sports, that it will require transgender females to undergo invasive or humiliating tests to prove their gender, and that such restrictions could turn prospective athletes away from sports altogether.

The Human Rights Campaign, one of the largest LGBTQ civil rights organization in the county, said that the bill marks Idaho as the first state in 2020 to target transgender people in such a direct way.

“We are living in an unprecedented global health crisis, with confirmed cases of Covid-19 increasing on a daily basis in Idaho, across the United States and around the world, but Governor Brad Little and the Idaho Legislature have decided to prioritize the demonization of transgender people,” the group’s president Alphonso David said in a statement.

“This is unacceptable, and a gross misuse of taxpayer funds and trust. Idaho is leading the way in anti-transgender discrimination, and at a time when life is hard enough for everyone, Idaho’s elected leaders will be remembered for working to make their transgender residents’ lives even harder,” he added. “Shame on Governor Little and the legislators who championed these heinous pieces of legislation.”

Atavistic Autist #transphobia #sexist #ableist incels.is

[Serious] An autistic male transforming himself into a Machiavellian is the flip-side of an autistic male transitioning genders

Both are attempts of the autist to increase his social status, get attention/recognition, and fit in.

But what do they result in? In most cases, disappointment and failure.

Just as many transsexuals commit suicide, even or perhaps especially if they enjoy initial success in getting low tier normies to buttfuck them, many autists who try to become manipulative Machiavellians, even or perhaps especially if they enjoy initial success in it (as in a career setting), will just end up crashing and burning because they're not able to reconcile their lies with their true selves.

What the actual psychopath and foid have going for them is that their entire lives are lies. They aren't even pretending when they present themselves as artificial edifices: they are artificial edifices, the consummate NPCs.

But an autist has a true inner core, on the contrary. And rather than trying to be something you're not, self-actualizing through NEETdom and the cultivation of your special interests is the true way forward.

u/XXandangry #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

TIF classification project - open to feedback

While we classify TIMs as AGP and HSTS, I've noticed that there is a lack of consistent TIF typology. So, I went ahead and made one.

My sources: almost a year of undercover activity on trans forums (3 different characters, 2 TIFs, 1 TIM), 5 real life run-ins with TIFs (all types), a talk with a female victim of a predatory one, a predatory TIF in my extended family.

Warning: upsetting issues ahead - rape, fetishism, violence, mental illness


Motivated by societal distress caused by being female. Lesbians, tomboys and/or rape victims. The most known and arguably common type. Most of detransitioners come from this group.

Sexuality: Either homosexual (“straight” for them) or so obliterated by trauma so as to be completely non-existent (“asexual”). If not asexual, then either masochists/submissive, or “vanilla” (not perverted).

ID: Most are “men”, but there is a significant minority of those who ID as sexless (agender, nonbinary, neutrois etc.). They don’t really want to become men, as much as they want to stop being women.

Detransition rate: Very high. Feminism empowers non-conformists, lesbians, and victims, and so serves as a safe place for them to go. Furthermore, the general society views “I just wanted to be accepted” as an acceptable feminine motivation. The one exception are those who are 10+ years into it, didn’t get any nasty side effects from procedures, and have a partner and a job. They’ll stick with the devil they know.

Common mental disorders: Anorexia, dysmorphia, anxiety, depression, autism.

Interests: Vary a lot. Plenty of quiet, bookish types. Often some sort of stereotypically masculine sport. Not that many of them are otherkin or furries, but plenty are therians. They often shun stereotypically feminine hobbies they genuinely enjoy and push themselves into things men in their lives do.

Transition: Baggy clothes, short haircuts, binding breasts. Normal male or unisex names. Hormones. Mastectomy and hysterectomy are common, but phallus is usually not constructed. They mumble something about “not good enough yet”, but it’s actually because they want to desex themselves and find penises disgusting.

“Goals”: Either a normal, respectable dude, or a sexless being.

How to approach: Gentle conversation is the best. Affirm that loving women is okay, that any “masculine” interest is cool, that she didn’t deserve her assault/trauma – without calling her a woman outright. She has a lot of baggage attached to that word. Slowly build a friendly relationship, gently bring up side effects of hormones and surgeries. Once you see doubt, direct her towards detransitioners.


Motivated by desire to be special and shallow aesthetics of the gender-special movement. Often there is a mild autoandrophilic element (caused by too much yaoi).

Sexuality: Straight (or “uwu gay boys”). Some of them identify as bisexual, but it’s hard to determine if it’s genuine bisexuality or attraction to manly men and she/her “femboys”. Fetish-wise, into a lot of weird stuff. Furries, tentacles, latex, transformation, this sort of thing, often as a switch (both the doer and the target of the act). Sometimes come across as pedophilic, due to inappropriate conduct around children, sharing NSFW information with them etc. This, however, usually comes from the “sex positive” ideology, rather than genuine pedophilia (this is more of a “predatory” thing).

ID: Actually, a minority of them are “men” (I’d say 20-30%). A lot of them call themselves half man, half woman (bigender, genderqueer etc.) or “genderfluid”.

Detransition rate: Complicated. Young and “out” only on tumblr? Will go away. 25+ and a head of a LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ organisation? Not likely to back down. With every IRL thing done in the trans direction (coming out, hormones, surgeries, legal stuff, joining organisations), the chance of detransition drops significantly.

Common mental disorders: Narcissism, borderline, schizotypal, maladaptive daydreaming, sometimes a mild form of psychosis.

Interests: Cartoons, especially anime, drawing, making jewellery (with various obscure flags, to sell on Etsy). Lots of them are otherkin – the more special, the better (fairies, dragons, deities etc.), furries are also well-represented among them. Some of them are self-proclaimed witches or “spiritual” types. Overall they have a very poor relationship with reality.

Transition: Loads of flag patches, colourful hair, either binding without packing or packing without binding (uwu androgyny). Batshit insane names, often neopronouns. Further transition varies, from all the way to “my body is a boy’s body because it belongs to a boy!” Often get tattoos and piercings.

“Goals”: Feminine bottom gay boy, handsome-but-still-pretty top yaoi boy with a hairless body of a Greek god, or a sparkling hermaphroditic alien who is adored by everyone.

How to approach: Don’t feed her delusions. Don’t give her undue attention. Allow her to talk about her gender fluctuations and kin memories, and just go “mhm”. No “omg, you’re so valid”, but no “you’re fucking crazy”. Include her in women-only spaces and events, keep her away from queer spaces/websites. Practical activities, like horse riding or camping are great ideas. The younger she is, the easier for her it will be to shake it off.


A complicated, mostly invisible type. Born with psychopathic traits, which causes them to not socialise as female fully (as they lack empathy, enjoy hurting others etc.) and therefore relate to male culture strongly.

Sexuality: Orientation wise, all over the scale, mostly in the middle. Usually call themselves bisexual or “pansexual”, very often “aromantic” (incapable of feeling love). Sadist/dominant, with fetishes like rape, impregnation (with them in the male role), mutilation, cannibalism etc. Often pedos or into bestiality. Two huge elements in this type’s sexuality are what I’d call autohybristophilia – attraction to the image of oneself as a male killer/rapist – and corruption fetish – the fantasy of destroying someone, body and mind, and “remaking” them - they enjoy the thrill of exposing children to fetishes or “cracking eggs”.

ID: Almost all “men”.

Detransition rate: Zero, or at least very low. I've never met one that had any regret or doubt, and I've never met a detransitioner who used to be this type. They seem to more self-assured that the other types, have less interest in fitting in, women usually find their company repulsive or dangerous, mainstream society doesn't find "it got me off" a feminine motivation...

Common mental disorders: Psychopathy, various paraphilias.

Interests: There is always some strong interest in the grotesque/macabre, horror, gore etc. They like people getting hurt, and watch horror films or even real-life gore like most dudes watch porn. Some are otherkin (usually something vague like “monsterkin”, in stark contrast to kweer ones, who have entire characters), but they are less active in the community. Other interests vary wildly, they usually don’t obsessively hide “girly” interests like self-hating ones do.

Transition: Normal male fashion, packing (stuffing underwear) with or without binding. Names might be normal or batshit insane, they are usually less anal about pronouns, whatever they use. Go all the way – hormones, all surgeries etc. Very common of them to take up weightlifting and get tattoos. A lot of them use special huge strapons that transfer sensation or even ejaculate (anatomic autoandrophilia) instead of or before surgery.

“Goals”: The potential to hurt outweights aesthetics. Typically the “ideal body” has huge muscles and a big penis, but it might be very ugly or even nonhuman. Worth mentioning, this is not the same as a revenge fantasy some women (including self-hating TIFs) indulge in. That is “I don’t have power, but if I could hurt the people who hurt me, I’d have power at least over that situation”, this is “I like hurting people, and if I had power, I’d hurt them even more/without consequences”.

How to approach: sigh Tell me if you know. I'd argue it's better not to aproach them - you'll get laughed at at best, pulled into a weird mind game at worst. Stay away from them in real life. Out of 3 I met face to face, two were sex offenders and one beat me up. If one is your child - if she's really young, you might teach her empathy and emotional regulation, otherwise you're probably out of luck.


It's possible for one to be two or all types at once. It's possible for one to pretend to be the other for various reasons. It's possible for a non-trans woman to have some traits of one or more type (if she's at risk of transition and/or a TRA ally).

There are two additional factors, both for TIMs and TIFs, - DSD/intersex conditions (which can cause weird socialisation) and actual delusions ("I'm a man on an astral plane" or "I have ovaries, but my doctor can't find them").

Hey, cynical lurkers - none of those are "true trans".

I'm open to constructive criticism.

I can talk about my experiences if you're curious.

Le Gall #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut henrymakow.com

The militant homosexual discourse, both right and left, advances the elimination of nations by identifying gays with the One World Order. LGBT are strongly involved in undermining the notion of family, homeland, and the roots of Christianity....

Gay activism is a puppet of Jewish lobbies and Freemasons. The formula is mathematical; the stronger Jews and FM lobbies are, the stronger the gay lobby, and the promotion of bisexuality, feminist ideology, abortion, immigration and so on. In other words, the stronger the attack on societal health and cohesion.

It is really a war against civilization, as anti-Christian as it is anti-Islamic. Religion is a natural obstacle to a New World Order. LGBT activism, especially leftist, is part of this agenda.

The flood of pornography stuns the masses, makes them more animal and thus more malleable. Note also the infantilism or arrested development that strikes many young gays who are very sensitive to the lure of consumer society.

A sick overvaluation of youth and and fear of old age and death, contaminates all of civilization.

The LGBT movement, supposedly a liberating agent is extremely harmful to traditional cultures. While some have managed to seamlessly integrate the homo-or transsexuality (Thailand etc..) others have rejected it.

Gay activists therefore have the task of creating a sub-masonry, a new branch lobby. Note that any dark sexuality, including sadomasochism, is also honored. All the Hollywood stars are gay-friendly. It's a scandal if a celebrity reveals a different opinion or criticizes homosexuality. Any artistic or political career may suffer or be destroyed. There is a new Stalinism of political correctness, and part of this Stalinism, a pink or rainbow politburo. The former victims are the new executioners.

u/gendercritfem #transphobia reddit.com

[Serious Discussion] What do you think motivates TIMs?

I've seen a lot of different theories on here, and I'm going to list some of the more common ones:

1: Desire to take opportunities and resources ordinarily reserved for women (scholarships, public services, etc.) Note that it's possible to believe that TIMs do appropriate these things while still believing that they transition because of one of the other reasons mentioned below.

2: Using femaleness to sexually harass/assault women in women's spaces (e.g. to perv on women in public restrooms/lockers): This one seems unlikely to me. Why would so many of them chop their dick off when the government lets them into women's restrooms without one?

3: Desire to "fit in" as a gay/feminine male: Seems pretty unlikely, since a lot of TIMs are straight or not especially feminine men.

4: Desire to gain sexual access to gay women/straight men: I kinda understand this for gay TIMs, since most men are straight, making them more romantically successful as a woman, but for straight TIMs, it doesn't make sense to transition, even if you believe that lesbians would actually date you. Unless...

5: TIMs fetishize having "straight" sex with men, or "lesbian" sex with women. Unlike #4, this would explain why straight TIMs transition.

6: TIMs have a strong neurological desire to be women: The David Reimer case (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer) suggests that people have a strong desire to live as their birth sex, and become distraught when they're forced not to. The fact that TIMs don't experience the same symptoms Reimer did living as a woman suggests that they may have some kind of birth defect that makes them want to be the wrong gender. It's possible that the TIM phenomenon is caused by men with a neurological desire to be female who mistake wanting to be a woman for actually being one, and appropriate that identity with little concern for the effects on actual women.

7: Some people theorize that TIMs are part of a deliberate conspiracy by anti-feminists to destroy women's sense of collective identity, to erase the reality of sex discrimination, or to reinforce gender roles. While you may believe that TIMs have these effects, I think it's a bit outlandish to believe in some vast, secret male conspiracy. Besides, TIMs are too self-centered to be doing it for someone else's sake.

So, what do you think? Which theory do you believe is most plausible? Are there any that I missed that you want to put in? Post in the comments.

Atavistic Autist #sexist #transphobia #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] An autistic male transforming himself into a Machiavellian is the flip-side of an autistic male transitioning genders

Both are attempts of the autist to increase his social status, get attention/recognition, and fit in.

But what do they result in? In most cases, disappointment and failure.

Just as many transsexuals commit suicide, even or perhaps especially if they enjoy initial success in getting low tier normies to buttfuck them, many autists who try to become manipulative Machiavellians, even or perhaps especially if they enjoy initial success in it (as in a career setting), will just end up crashing and burning because they're not able to reconcile their lies with their true selves.

What the actual psychopath and foid have going for them is that their entire lives are lies. They aren't even pretending when they present themselves as artificial edifices: they are artificial edifices, the consummate NPCs.

But an autist has a true inner core, on the contrary. And rather than trying to be something you're not, self-actualizing through NEETdom and the cultivation of your special interests is the true way forward.

and this is related to inceldom how?

Transsexualism is a cope for inceldom, largely employed by autistic males, and there is currently a thread on this very board encouraging autistic males to become Machiavellians.

Traci Doering #fundie #racist #transphobia boards.christogenea.org

(On a thread calling for the release of David Bogdanov, a man jailed for murdering a transgender woman)

My ninety-three-year-old Christian neighbor and dear friend passed recently. That man could ax a tree root out of the ground stronger than most 30-year olds. He was such a shining a light and real man. Imagine all the life and changes in society he has had seen. He was a gent, but I can picture him swearing and talking boldly against this filth.

A side-track, but wonderful experience. I told him Jews were of Cain and wicked bastards, all liars. I didn't say bastard. He stopped me, saying, hold on a second - calm..... these are God's chosen people. Well, in a series of conversations, I laid out several facts each time, including our Anglo Saxon Identity, church control, and so much more.

He listened, was silent, but wanted to hear more. He never stopped me or pushed his beliefs. He respected that I was not afraid to tell him and was committed to Yahweh and the Truth above all. A REAL man of Yahweh.

This man that killed the trannie was a hero. He was justified in the crime committed against him. It's a wonderful idea to get C.I. material to him. Maybe he will be near enough for one of us to visit him. We should pray for him.

Scripture isn't completely clear what the Lake of Fire hereafter is. I hope they all burn and suffer infinite for their wickedness against our people.

These beasts and kikes are born with perversion and every wickedness in their blood. Life is in the blood. The fallen and of satan. I cracked up tonight when on a podcast heard Bill talking about going to the mall and being among zombies, the walking dead. That's just what they are. Devoid of Yahweh's spirit, but they do have spirit of satan, dead.

Comfycel #transphobia incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] Wizardcel is too ugly to transititionate

Suicidefuel for trannymaxxers.

My story

Trannies are digusting,I would rather be a virgin incel until the day I die than being a fucking disgusting degenerate tranny,trannies are living crimes against nature,biology and common sense.

Also even disgusting trannies want to leech from some betabuxxer,fucking lol.

Copemaxx #sexist #transphobia incels.is

As long as a woman is skinny then she's feminine and attractive in the eyes of a man. She could have the ugliest, most unfeminine face but it won't change a thing. But if a guy has an unmasculine receding jawline then it's over for him. People claiming to be femcels are lazy, disgusting landwhales who refuse to look after themselves

its 2020, the 'thicc' acceptance movement already destroyed that, all you need to do is have a hole and trans acceptance growing means you wont even need that lmfao

wxhluyp #transphobia #crackpot reddit.com

(This is a guy who thinks that everyone who wishes they were the opposite gender or has fantasies of being the opposite gender secretly have a fetish he’s came up with in his head.)

Quite unexpectedly nuanced, but still uninformed. From the title of the article, what should be understood is that this "sissy" fetish (and likely all meaningful non-dragqueen crossdressing) is actually a masochistic emasculation fetish. That it is possibly the most common masochistic fetish in males. That for the small proportion who develop profound emotional attachments related to their fetishism (especially if it is related to self identity), then these appear to make up the bulk of M2F transgender population.

It also goes without say, that while most masochistic emasculation fetishists are otherwise pretty regular guys, there is the possibility for some that substantial femininity/homosexual feelings figured in the initial emasculation anxieties/trauma which result in the fetish in the first place.

Mike Adams #quack #wingnut #transphobia naturalnews.com

Why Americans are the most delusional of all
Americans are especially delusional in all this, as they think America will somehow be able to stop the virus when 103 other countries couldn’t. Yet they hold this belief at the same time that America has tested almost no one for the virus, as I originally warned over two weeks ago on NaturalNews.com — a story that has now been repeated across the mainstream media two weeks later. As we explain in this new story, The Atlantic finally reported what we reported two weeks ago about the catastrophic lack of testing for the coronavirus in the USA. (Drudge linked to The Atlantic, but he never links to Natural News even when we’re first and more accurate.)

Thus, the belief of delusional Americans that the virus won’t spread in America is precariously lashed to a rickety sinking raft that’s taking on water and is named, “Almost Nobody is Being Tested in America.” Somehow, delusional Americans think the virus can be stopped without any real testing for the virus.

This belief is, of course, utterly insane. Those who hold such a belief are mentally ill (or incredibly stupid). They are perhaps even more mentally ill than the transgenderism pushers who think a biological man can transform into a biological woman by wishing. If that’s true, then why not just imagine the coronavirus isn’t real, too? Or pretend that viral replication in your lungs is no longer something with which you self-identify? Or why not just invoke trans-species magical thinking and declare yourself to be a zebra, then declare that zebras are immune to the coronavirus?

In denying the coronavirus, in other words, Rush Limbaugh is acting out the same sort of lunacy as the transgenderism pushers on the radical Left. Rush is pretending the virus isn’t a problem because he wishes it so.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia kjbisjesuschrist.wordpress.com

"Conversion therapy"??

What in the world is this? I never heard of it till yesterday in those articles I posted here. You learn something new every day, my mother used to say. But I highly doubt she would have understood, or liked, this term either.

Apparently, “conversion therapy” is a derogative term describing what Christians use on LGBTQs to get them to change their lifestyle (deathstyle) and become Christians. They say it causes them to hate themselves and have severe bouts of depression, even some committing suicide. So they coined this term to describe Bible believers who in reality care for homosexuals’ eternal souls and don’t want them to die in their sins and go to Hell.

So I have a question. Which do you believe? The LGBTQs side, which is nothing but demonic LIES and political propaganda to further drag (no pun intended) our dying nation to Hell, or the truth? Am I a “conversion therapist” because I care about your soul? Am I one because I know that God hates your despicable sin of homosexuality (God does NOT hate homosexuals) and I pray for you to get saved so you won’t have to endure His wrath? Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth? (Galatians 4:16)

What next? You’re going to put me behind bars because I speak the truth from God’s Word, which cannot be broken? So you can continue in and further push your vile, filthy, health-destroying sin of sodomy and rape of little kids? And they aren’t supposed to worry about the consequences, just be politically correct and all will be well?? Let me say this, you reprobates. You will be held individually responsible for YOUR actions while you live in this world. YOU will be held severely accountable by God in the end. Furthermore, you have been warned.

“As we previously reported, so-called “conversion therapy” is under relentless attack not just in California but all across the country as LGBTQ activists push to eliminate the freedom of faith-based counselors and therapists to help people who don’t actually want to be LGBTQs.”

Out of their own mouths they condemn themselves in their own vile description of this insanity. They hate God so much that they twist young minds to convince them that being LGBTQ is commendable and profitable. They call us “counselors” and “therapists,” (e.g. “conversion therapists”), but we’re in fact SOULWINNERS. Ever hear of that term, Mr. Mannoia? Therapy is supposed to be a good thing, but these devil worshippers of course make it sound bad to make themselves look good.

So let me get this straight. You charge Christians with a hate crime, accusing us of being unloving toward potential LGBTQs (in other words, they’re thinking about becoming gay, e.g. “come out of the closet,” OR the other way around, such as someone who IS LGBTQ and heard the Gospel and thinks they’re horrible because now they’ll be ridiculed and stigmatized for life). Am I getting it right? So you throw us Bible believers under the bus and blame our “faith-based counseling” (SOULWINNING) for the tragedy of someone who can’t decide if they’re a boy or a girl? And it’s YOUR VILE SIN DEATHSTYLE SICKO AGENDA that got them thinking that way in the first place? Who’s kidding who? That’s insanity at its worst!! That’s spitting in God’s face!! These are CHILDREN we’re speaking of!! Am I getting through to ANYONE??

We live in a sick world, and the only cure is the Lord JESUS CHRIST.

Arch Stanton #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #wingnut birthofanewearthblog.com

Older people might remember how boring and empty America used to be. Well not any more, thanks to unrestricted immigration we are all cozied up together with who knows what mystery meat. Why even today’s cooked chicken seems darker and greasier than it was in the bad, old, white-bread fifties.
Yesiree Bob! None of that boring white stuff today with all that vibrant “multiculturalism” assaulting our senses – if not our bodies. Look at the thrills one faces today living in urban cities challenging Hong Kong for population density. Unlike those horrible, old, white-bread fifties, a time when authoritarian, white males forced people to work, today’s robust economy allows people leisure time never even imagined in the past. And it’s going to get even better with A.I automation. Soon no one will have to work because there won’t be any jobs! What an improvement over those horribly oppressive days when white privilege ruled!
And just to remind us of just how wonderful the new minoritized, multicultural vibrant America is today, America’s fearless leaders have finally have gotten rid of most of those old white-bread statues that were nothing more than tribute to worthless, old, dead, white males that never did a damn thing for this country, other than oppress the golden Negros and other minorities. What a reward for the American people to finally see all that tasty justice served up to whites that once reveled in their horribly racist society. If nothing else, Americans can finally say “at least we’re not racist anymore.”
Want to have some real fun why not move to LA, San Francisco or Seattle and live in the inner city. Russian roulette never began to give the thrills of the possibilities those cities represent to the unsuspecting. Soon all of western civilization will resemble vibrant regions of diversity, like those seen in Africa. Who needs the oppressing discipline of the white man when they can have the flagrant, moral incontinence of a diverse, “multi-gender” society?

Believe it or not, these are in fact males made to look like females – real females. I might add they do a pretty good job of it too. Would parents be outraged if these girls ~ er ~ boys were reading stories to their kids? And how many children would be scared of these guys (girls?) While they might provide an unpleasant surprise for a normal male taking one out on a date, one thing is certain – they don’t scare me.
And then there is this. This scares me. Today, Americans can enjoy watching their children participate in story hours with bizarre males that dress up like some sort of evil, female clown. Why is it they always ~ always ~ look like perverse, evil clowns? I know for fact, no child in those bad, old, white-bread fifties ever experienced anything like this because I was there. Are these guys really trying to emulate females that attract men, like the above guys, (girls?) or is there something else going on here?

Tragically, one might be forced to wonder how often the guy on the left showers. Might these grotesque, female caricatures be scaring the bejeezuz out of these children? Hopefully, that is all they are doing to children. This brings to mind a curious question, to wit, why is it these “drag queens,” dandling little children on their knees in the schools and libraries under the pretense of running a children’s story hour, always look like something out of a Hollywood, Killer Clowns horror movie?

Say, here’s a thought, could it be these faggot predators aren’t really trying to be “transgendered” women, but simply throw on a dress as an excuse to gain access to children? Gasp! Perish the thought someone might actually suggest such a thing in the enlightened, worry-free, 21st century America. Thank god we finally got past those old authoritarian, white bread fifties to arrive at a point where we no longer discriminate against homosexual, predator pedophiles. Today American Children are free! Free to be play toys for perversion. Tell me it’s not a better world.
Yes sir it is looking better all the time. What’s more we have Jews to thank for all these profoundly gratifying changes in American culture. Jews, light unto the world they are, are making the world a better place. Just look around, everywhere one looks, one can see how Jews have made the world a better place for everyone – ‘cept maybe white people. But who gives a damn that those bad old white days are over in the new improved American culture that detractors say is actually a cesspool of vice, criminality and corruption. Culture? What culture? We doan’ need no steenking white culture around here ‘cause WE HAVE DIVERSITY!

Kyle MacDougall #transphobia youtube.com

I'm one of the people who says that transgenderism is a mental illness, although I am careful about when and how I say it, and I don't intend to hurt anyone by saying it. I believe that transgender people are suffering intensely (their pre-op and post-op suicide rates are astonishingly high), and I have no desire to add to anyone's suffering. I'm no stranger to mental illness myself (having experienced severe depression and a learning disorder--as well as being bullied on and off throughout my entire life for having said learning disorder and for generally being "different" from others), and I don't think mental illness should be stigmatized. I have nothing but sympathy for transgender people in general, because I believe they're suffering, but my sympathy runs out when they start forcing their identity politics on everyone else and trying to curtail other people's civil liberties (such as First Amendment rights). I will not use someone's preferred pronouns, because the line has to be drawn somewhere. I don't believe that transitioning is the right way to help someone with gender dysphoria. Thank you for not jumping on board the "You're just being hateful!" bandwagon.

Incline #sexist #transphobia incels.is

[SuicideFuel] I wish I was born a woman so much

Fuck trannies and all that shit I am talking about being born a biological woman. Every day I think about it, just how much different my life would have been if I was born a woman an actual real woman not the fake tranny meme. I could have respect without doing anything, I would have army of simps at my hand. I could do whatever I want. I could achieve my dreams because I would not feel so UTTER FUCKING SHIT EVERY DAY. Every day, I replace myself with a female version of me in my head and imagine what would it feel like and how much different all the situations in my life would go.



And I cant fucking escape it. I cant. I will die meaningless death and nothing I ever do matter. I try so fucking hard to find the effort to push forward in life but I really struggle like whats the fucking point man If only I was born a woman... If only... My life would be so much better.

There is NOTHING in this FUCKING WORLD that boils my blood harder than seeing FUCKING THOTS say shit like "OH NO ITS SO HARD TO BE A WOMAN..."



Ethan Huff #wingnut #transphobia #sexist naturalnews.com

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is in the throes of celebrating Christina Koch, who’s become the latest woman astronaut to spend the longest time in space. But what’s the point of celebrating her achievement now that a biological man who thinks he’s a “woman” can just sweep on in and claim the new record?

Koch reportedly spent 289 days in space during a recent extraterrestrial excursion, and is expected to spend a total of 328 days in orbit by the time she treks back to Earth. But, again, what is NASA going to do once a “transgender” astronaut comes along to steal the top prize for longest time spent in space by a “female?”

We’re already seeing this kind of thing in women’s sports, as fake females smash records while leaving real females in the dust. Where does it all end, and do actual females stand a chance at winning anything ever again in this new LGBTQ “paradise” we’re all being forced to accept?

A female high school athlete from New England recently spoke out about how she lost a regional track meet to two transgender “females” who stole the title from her due to their size and strength, both of which were reflective of their biological maleness.

“Her arms were much more defined than the average girl’s and same with her legs, but she had long hair, long braided hair, and I didn’t think much of it, and then I watched the race and I saw that this girl was blowing away the competitors, and I thought, ‘Hey, this isn’t right, this usually doesn’t happen,'” this athlete, Selina Soule, is quoted as saying.

For all she knows, Koch could soon encounter the same thing if some transgender astronaut comes along and decides, “I’m going to steal the record for the longest time spent in space by a woman” – and there’s nothing Koch will be able to do about it because any objection on her part will be seen as exemplifying “transphobia.”

Transgenders ruin everything, don’t they?
Koch is quoted as saying that she hopes someone out there will surpass her record as soon as possible “because that means that we’re continuing to push the boundaries.” But our guess is that she doesn’t hope a biological man dressed up as a woman will be the one to “push the boundaries” – though we could be wrong on that.

We haven’t actually spoken to Koch about any of this, but chances are the concept isn’t even on her radar. Heck, most rational Americans probably still aren’t conceiving of the fact that all of these new-wave transgenders are “pushing the boundaries” every day to see just how much perversion they can get away with in the name of “progress.”

Keep an eye on this because there’s certain to be at least one gender-confused man claiming to be a “woman” who, at some point, will attempt to become the first fake female to spend the longest amount of time in space, eclipsing Koch’s accomplishment faster than you can shout out the word “tolerance.”

“I’m waiting for the headline about the longest LGBTQ spacewalk or longest non-binary POC (people of color) rover deployment,” joked one Breitbart News commenter in response to this story.

“I’m curious when the first transgender black male will give birth (with sperm from a Muslim transgender Asian female) to a non-binary gender fluid interracial child who is accepting of all races, religions and creeds,” joked another. “In space

E S #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

Around 32:00 - the reason trans lesbians are "cringy" is that they are HETEROSEXUAL MALES with a fetish. They may "identify" as women, but they are MALES. Part of the trans ideology is that those males should be able to obtain legal status as "females" and thus be granted access to spaces heretofore restricted from males because they are spaces where FEMALES are vulnerable. This should creep you and everybody else out; it is cringy. The legal fiction of "males becoming females" and the reverse needs to stop.

Silent Witness aka kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #quack #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #racist #sexist dttflftl7.blogspot.com

I'm going to list some things that are surely of the Devil. I'm sure you can add to this list yourself. These are pushed and forced on us to make us think they're "normal." This is the result of no Bible, no prayer and no respect for God in these last days. Take away the Word of God from a nation, that nation is headed for Hell. I don't think I'll get them all, but in case you don't want to read a long list, here's a summary:


- 99.9% of the the internet
- Money (the love of which is the root of all evil)
- Cellphones
- Porn of any kind
- Gambling
- Sicknesses
- Death
- Poison
- Cults
- All religions
- Any Bible except the King James
- Propaganda & those who spread it
- Lies & all liars
- Deceit
- Satan worship
- Vaccines
- Junk food (use your imagination)
- High cost items
- Abortion
- Dishonesty
- TV
- Hollywood
- Celebrities
- Sports stars
- News anchors
- Media
- Movies
- Literature
- Same gender marriage
- Homosexuality
- Bestiality
- Actors, actresses
- Transgenderism
- Gender confusion
- Backmasking
- Secret societies
- New York City
- Los Angeles, California
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Salt Lake City, Utah (Mormon capital)
- Drag queens
- The Federal Reserve
- Murderers
- Crime
- Sociopaths
- Anything that diminishes God and glorifies Satan
- Every bible PERversion (all 2,000+ of them, including the NIV, NKJV, etc.)
- Social media (FAKEbook, TWITter, etc.)
- Dating websites (whores and whoremongering)
- Drunk driving
- Drugs (when abused and sold for abuse)
- Child trafficking
- Mormonism
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Roman Catholicism
- Anything that is man-based, man-made and man-promoted, including worship of men
- Inner cities/ghettos/jail houses
- Corrupt cops
- Corrupt judges
- Corrupt legal systems
- Abuse of power
- Trash in the streets
- Liquor industry
- Media industry
- Witchcraft, idolatry, Ouija boards, necromancy, magic, fairies, trolls, elves, etc.
- Obscene language & gestures
- Filthy speech (the F-bomb, the A-- word, etc.)
- High schools
- Colleges
- Elementary schools
- Preschools
- Day care centers
- Whores
- Pimps
- Filthy dancing (twerking, etc.)
- All pharmaceutical companies
- Dishonesty
- Our legal systems
- Corrupt government
- Whorish clothing (tight spandex, low-cut tops, halters, miniskirts, fishnet stockings, etc.)
- Disobedience
- Disrespect to others
- Taxes
- Cashless control grid
- The RFID chip and all its kin (the mark of the beast)
- Any store that pushes said chip technologies
- Fleshly desires
- Telemarkerters, scammers, phishing websites, computer viruses, etc.
- People who think sin is good
- People who cause others to sin
- People who run their mouths in obscenities
- People who can't stop interrupting while others are talking
- People who make a scene while shouting at others and don't care
- People who use you and abuse you
- People who love things that you hate, and hate things you love

And tons of others....

Andrea Widburg #wingnut #transphobia americanthinker.com

The media use the transgender movement as a lever forcing people to deny reality

George Orwell knew that totalitarian dictatorships retain power by compelling people to agree that 2+2=5. But what happens if it's not the government, but the media that lie? With the American media pushing transgenderism, we're finding out.

With accelerating force, the media insist that biological sex is meaningless and that people's sex is determined by their feelings. We are told to accept that people, through wishing, hormones, and surgery, can magically become the opposite sex.

Over the years, the homosexual rights movement has made people realize that, in a free society, no one should be penalized for a sexual preference. Today, the transgender movement, using the homosexual movement, is working with the media to force us to give it the same rights and respect. This ignores that homosexuality is different from so-called transgenderism.

Homosexuality does not force us to deny biology. Homosexual men are still men, and homosexual women are still women. Their differences are behavioral.

Transgenderism, however, is not about behavioral choices or biology. It's about denying fundamental biological realities. The saddest thing is that those who have accepted the media's drumbeat, often as an antidote to deep depression, are discovering to their cost that it's a lie.

Those committed to individual liberty will let people claim to be the opposite sex, or a camel or a Martian. But while the First Amendment ensures that our government can neither tell us that these beliefs are true nor punish us for denying those beliefs, our media are subtly trying to recalibrate our brains.

The latest shot fired in this media war to have us accept that 2+2=5 is an NBC article bemoaning women suffering from periods. Wait. That's wrong. It's not about the fact that, since the dawn of humankind, periods have been a pain in the tuchis. Instead, the article is about the psychic suffering of women who think they're men but, in relentless fealty to biological reality, still have periods:

When transgender model and activist Kenny Ethan Jones experienced his [sic] first period, he [sic] faced both physical and psychological pain. Initially, Jones, who had not yet come out as trans at the time, felt like he [sic] was losing control and didn't understand what was happening to his [sic] body. However, one thing was clear: He [sic] didn't feel like himself.

"I didn't believe that having periods would be a part of my lived experience," Jones told NBC News. "I felt isolated; everything about periods was tailored to girls, yet me, a boy [sic], was experiencing this and nothing in the world documented that."

He [sic] currently experiences a wide range of challenges with his [sic] monthly bleeding, especially when it comes to getting his [sic] hands on menstrual hygiene products.

Women all have a wide range of challenges when it comes to periods. They are painful, messy, and inconvenient, and they alienate women from their own bodies. You're not different, Kenny. You just think you are.

The real horror for Kenny, though, is that the companies who make tampons, pads, and other products for menstruation keep marketing them as if their customer base is...get this...female:

Some transgender and gender-nonconforming people who menstruate, like Jones, say when the products are categorized as women's products, they can feel alienated — and may even avoid purchasing them altogether.

The same women who believe they're men also believe they deserve special price breaks on menstrual products...because they're not really women. They're just men who every month have a period just like women:

The hurdles some trans men [sic] and gender-nonconforming people who menstruate say they face include the high cost of period supplies[.]

The article demonstrates that our media are relentlessly using the transgender movement to force Americans to believe that 2+2=5. Once the media have us believing that trangenderism is real, what else will they have us believe?

Perhaps they'll have us believe that, when Iran shot down a passenger jet flying out of Tehran Airport, Donald Trump was responsible for the 176 innocent people who died. What's sad is that, even in Iran, a tyrannical nation in which lies are government currency, the people aren't buying that story.

Sea_Safer #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

[on Taiwan legalizing gay marriage]

This changes my mind.
Taiwan is China. All traces of Taiwanese national distinction should be wiped out and replaced by Chinese. These degenerates need to bend the knee.

They think that because they can trace their political history back to the Emperors that they are the true China.
This is not in keeping with Allahs teachings. The only true China is the one capable of defending its divine mandate - i.e Daddy Xi > whatever faggy crap this is

If hong kong goes the way of the degenerate west China needs to send in the tanks and clean house.

I don’t understand why reddit cares so much about HK. It’s a fucking shithole of a city, overpriced, overcrowded and all around filled with these arrogant cantos. Nuke it down china daddy

I'll only support HK independence if they too denounce homosexuality and blacks

this, but unironically

My priorities for HK:
conversion to islam
expulsion of the white devils
denouncement of bussy and trannyism

also good

Ethan Huff #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy naturalnews.com

As part of the trendy obsession with going “trans” these days, the LGBTQ Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has launched a “Safer Sex for Trans Bodies” primer that instructs the next generation of youth into the “proper” use of LGBTQ-approved names for trans people’s genitalia.

A “strapless,” the guide explains, is a term used to describe “the genitals of trans women who have not had genital reconstruction (or ‘bottom surgery’), sometimes referred to as a penis.” And a “vagina,” it further explains, isn’t something that a biological woman is born with, but is rather a “word to talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery.”

So, what is a vagina now called on a biological woman? According to the primer, the proper terminology is front hole, which the guide explains “may self-lubricate, depending on age and hormones.” And as far as who has a dick, the guide says “people of all genders” may have one, as a dick is a “word to describe external genitals,” which can “come in all shapes and sizes.”

There’s also a section of the guide that offers tips about masturbation, including a section entitled, “SCREWING, SHAGGING OR MATTRESS DANCING,” which explains how this “safe” form of self-pleasure offers trans bodies the opportunity to engage in sex “without barriers.”

For more related news about LGBTQ perversion, be sure to check out Gender.news.

Transgenderism is a mental disorder, not an identity
As you might expect, Twitter was quick to condemn this Orwellian, and quite frankly disgusting, trans manifesto for basically hijacking the English language. One actual female user called out HRC for stealing the word vagina from real women, and giving them front hole instead.

“Wow, so trans women have a vagina, but us biological women have a ‘front hole,'” this user tweeted. “LOL these people are insane,” she added, referring to Amir Sariaslan, the guy from the HRC who first tweeted about his organization’s language guide.

“What in the fresh politically correct dystopian 1984 language control hell is this?” asked another Twitter user about the HRC’s attempted theft of common vernacular to suit a special interest LGBTQ cause that 99 percent of society would prefer not to have to hear about or deal with ever.

“Um, what point is there in downgrading the correct anatomical name for a born female’s genitalia to ‘front hole.’ I can’t even,” commented another disgusted Twitter user in response to the HRC tweet.

“I’m pretty sure we’ve arrived at the Singularity now,” joked another. Enlightenment has been a total black hole.”

Perhaps the most declarative tweet of all was one guy’s chastisement about how the HRC foundation “does not own language, fortunately.” He concluded this tweet by stating simply, “I have two specific words for them,” which you can figure out on your own.”

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #transphobia brianniemeier.com

Here's how far out of touch the GOP has veered from normal Americans in its mad dash to stay one step behind the Left: Stopping quacks and child abusers from mutilating young boys is now deemed an act of government overreach. Protecting kids from being turned into gelded freaks now violates the sacred Conservative principle of small government.

The vapid quislings in charge of the Republican party are not serious people. They do not stand in opposition to the Left. They are a soulless suicide cult bent on enabling the most twisted Death Cult enormities.

Conservatives may talk a good game about standing up for the principles of limited government enshrined in the Constitution. But not only has the government ballooned on their watch, what's the point in shrinking government when you still allow that government to destroy the posterity the Framers intended to defend?

The Republican party no longer represents the posterity of America's founders. They are nothing but coat holders for the Death Cult that is busily driving the United States over a cliff and into Gehenna.

If the American nation is to survive, GOP delenda est.

Ethan Huff #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy naturalnews.com

TWITTER now becoming a delusional bubble of libtard lies; all voices of REASON are being systematically censored
Just days after Natural News reported that Twitter had speciously targeted the account of an independent, conservative-learning PJMedia.com journalist for suspension, the popular social media sounding board has reportedly axed from its platform the account of yet another independent journalist with similar political leanings – Megan Fox, also from PJMedia.com.

Fox wrote about her social media plight in a recent article, explaining how she’s repeatedly been targeted by the “big boys” as her work has gotten more popular. Fox’s YouTube channel, for instance, was apparently demonetized not long after conservative talk show legend Rush Limbaugh read one of her articles aloud on his program.

Matt Drudge has also picked up Fox’s work, which further drew attention to her and put her in the crosshairs of Twitter. An article she published entitled, “Teachers Attend ‘LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP’ Sensitivity Training (WTF?)” garnered plenty of scrutiny, including from the LGBTQ mob, which accused Fox of “harming people” with her free speech.

In responding to these allegations via Twitter, Fox told her critics that they “change the meaning of words” and teach children that science, a.k.a. biological reality, is false (though she used a more “colorful” swear word to express this). Fox further pointed out that the LGBTQ mafia is the entity actually responsible for hurting people like American business-owner Jack Phillips of the Colorado-based Masterpiece Cakeshop, who is being accused of “unlawful discrimination” against a gay couple that demanded Phillips bake them a wedding cake in violation of his religious convictions.

At the end of her tweet, Fox included the words “Go hang,” which she says is a colloquial way of telling someone, “I don’t care what you say.” This is how it’s listed in the Cambridge Dictionary, anyway, but Twitter apparently doesn’t recognize this definition as valid. Not long after tweeting this in response to one of her critics, Fox was presented with a message that many Twitter users are encountering these days:

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy kjbisjesuschrist.wordpress.com


Image: An election sign reading “Any functioning adult 2020”

I saw this on somebody’s fence when I went out this morning. Obviously what they’re implying here is that whoever is running for office this Primary Election may well be more than likely an immature, hen-pecked, wishy-washy, God-hating, Christ-rejecting, Bible-bashing, makeup-and-nail-polish-wearing, LGBTQ-pushing, probably transgender, novice who will make and break promises, a continual and shameful disgrace to our once great nation. Nothing is getting better, not by a long shot.

Folks, let me let you in on something. Voting is nothing but a propaganda front to make you think your choices will win. Fact is, you have no choice in today’s world. You learn what you know from the all-powerful newsmedia and entertainment industry. Whoever wins was already decided long before the elections even began. It has been this way for many decades, since after President Kennedy was shot in broad daylight.

I love what my country used to be many moons ago. Notice I said, USED TO BE. I hate this country now. I hate this “Great Satan” just like I hate her father, the Devil. No bones about it, the UnTIED States of AmeriKa is rapidly headed towards destruction. The last thing we need is another wannabe in the White House who talks like a man but thinks like a woman. I’m not naming names, but you see what I’m getting at, unless you live under a rock.

Graham Linehan #transphobia #sexist dailymail.co.uk

Today I am one of the most loathed figures on the internet. My speaking events have been cancelled. I have been sued. The police have visited my home and former friends have turned their backs on me.

Yet I’m the man who wrote the much-loved Father Ted! Why is it that I’ve become so suddenly unpopular? The thought crime for which I have been tried and found guilty is that I believe biological reality exists.

I believe women are females. I believe everyone should be able to present themselves as they wish but that women’s hard-won rights must not be compromised for the benefit of men suffering body dysphoria – which is to say men who feel they are stuck in the wrong body.

Most of all, I believe that gender ideology, in its currently fashionable form, is dangerous, incoherent nonsense.

I believe trans people –those unfortunate enough to suffer body dysphoria – are having their condition exploited and trivialised by abusive, controlling and authoritarian trans rights activists. And I think women and children are suffering because of it.

Worst of all, I say so, loudly. This makes me Public Enemy No 1.

I make my arguments forcefully because I’m concerned, sometimes with humour because I’m a comedy writer and often while cursing, because I’m Irish. It’s the humour they hate most. It’s kryptonite to these activists.

I’m 51 and I’ve never seen anything like the authoritarianism on display, the desperate desire to shut down the conversation. No genuine civil-rights movement advances in secret but this one has as one of its mantras ‘NO DEBATE’.

So, while we are in a world where male sexual offenders in bad wigs assault female prisoners, where rape crisis centres are defunded because they won’t admit men and where a bloke in a full beard tells schoolchildren that he’s a lesbian, we’re informed with venomous aggression that we may not talk about any of it.

No debate? Oh, there’s going to be a debate all right.

The popular opinion among my detractors is that I’m cherry-picking negative stories to mask a hatred of trans people. In fact, I first came to this debate because I saw women being bullied, losing their jobs and suffering the most intense online harassment I’d ever seen, and I wanted to stand beside them.

Also, as a writer, I couldn’t watch as one of the most important words in the English language, the word ‘woman’, was being changed against the will of those whom it defined.

Suddenly, everywhere you looked, women were being erased, insulted or endangered. Amnesty referring to pregnant women as ‘pregnant people’. Productions of The Vagina Monologues closing because they excluded ‘women who don’t have vaginas’. Women’s toilets disappearing from public life – even though they were introduced to ensure that women could have a public life.

Worst of all, I saw the lack of compassion or empathy for the vulnerable women who are often at the sharp end of the new Gender Theocracy.

The four women attacked in prison by a male sex offender in 2018 (who everyone had to call ‘Karen’ or they were committing a hate crime) are four women too many.

Women in prison often have a history of abuse at the hands of men. Whatever they’ve done, they are entitled to safety from the type of men who helped put them there.

Rational people – and that includes rational trans people – are dismayed by those who have now taken over trans activism.

Body dysphoria is no longer seen as central or even necessary for those who decide to adopt a so-called trans identity.

To see just how elastic and meaningless the word ‘trans’ has become, one only has to look at the definition adopted by the Stonewall lobby group: ‘Trans people may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms, including (but not limited to) transgender, transsexual, gender-queer (GQ), gender-fluid, non-binary, gender-variant, crossdresser, genderless, agender, nongender, third gender, bi-gender, trans man, trans woman, trans masculine, trans feminine and neutrois.’

Neutrois, I discovered, literally just means ‘androgynous’. So androgynous people are trans. That’ll be news to Bake Off presenter Noel Fielding.

Under Stonewall’s definition, everyone is trans, and no one is. A cross-dresser such as banker Philip Bunce, who adopts the female persona ‘Pippa’ for only a few days every week, nevertheless receives the honour of being named by the Financial Times as one of its top 100 women in business.

This was seen as progress, a step forward for women. In fact, it is an insult to women and to those suffering from body dysphoria.

In order to maintain the fantasy that our sex is unconnected to our bodies, the truth must be bent and beaten in the fire of academic language. That is why trans activists talk about sex being ‘assigned at birth’ – an abuse of language, if ever I heard one.

Is the sex of a newborn ‘assigned’ by a capricious midwife? Of course not. Rather it is observed and recorded as a matter of fact.

‘Assigned’ is one of the more successful hijackings of English achieved by gender ideologues, yet you will hear it parroted across many organisations from the NHS to the BBC – the sort of institution where you really would expect people to know better.

Before I knew how toxic trans rights activism was, I wrote an episode of my Channel 4 sitcom The IT Crowd with a trans character. The response was more venomous than I was used to, but as bad as it was, at least I was allowed to write it. That was in 2013.

In 2020, such an episode would never air. And that is because the first generation who didn’t go out to play have grown up to become clones of Mary Whitehouse. The new puritans.

I am not new to outrage. There was fury on the part of some when we first released Father Ted but the executives we had were made of strong stuff and ignored the attacks. The same goes for The IT Crowd, Brass Eye, Black Books, and I guess a few comedies I haven’t worked on.

I’m worried we’re entering an era of pre-chewed, prissy art that offends no one. But it’s not comedy writers who are the victims of all this: it is women who are the real casualties.

Gender ideology is a disaster for women. They are expected to make room for men in their changing rooms and their safe spaces.

They are being robbed of the language to describe their reality by unintelligible academic ‘gender experts’, by teenagers encouraging each other online, by parents who are profoundly mistaken, and by well-meaning people who, confused by the ever-changing terminology, still believe they are defending what used to be called transsexuals.

All these forces working together are, whether they know it or not, providing a smokescreen for fetishists, conmen and misogynists to pursue their own agenda.

In years to come, we will look back at this scandal, at the ruined bodies, the confused crime statistics, the weakening of safeguarding and the rollback of women’s rights and wonder how it was left to go on for so long.

Draconiss #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming removeddit.com

As a lesbian, I fucking HATE the gay community.

Even when I was growing up and coming out as a baby gay, ive always despised people who just HAD to make their sexuality the single facet of their personality. What happened to just loving people differently and moving on with your life? I used to be heavily involved in my schools gay community, and all we did was discuss shit in a safe place. How to come out, our worries, our anxieties, our issues.

Instead we get the mess that is pride. Instead of helping our community and continuing the tradition of activism, all we get is an excuse to party and shoving genitals BDSM and other fucked up fetishes down the throats of kids! There are still real issues facing us. Higher rates of drug addictions, homelessness and obesity. But no, all we want to do is fucking drink and go clubbing. I was talking to my coworker the other day and he said all he wanted was a Pride that he could bring his dad and kids too to show what were about. I had to point out that some people still do bring their kids! To have them see furry and leather suits that show wildly swinging peens. Disgusting.

God forbid you criticize anyone. You get labelled a self hating gay, and “unworthy” to wear the label. Well guess what? Im a lesbian loving pussy even if im not “woke”. Its like the SJWs on tumblr infiltrated the real world. Giant rainbow flags, dildo tents, and nudity, so much nudity. The straights are right, youre being fucking obnoxious. And when people are less approving of us, this is why. Its shit like this that makes people hate us. What weve become in this day and age isnt something to be celebrated.

Dont even get me started on how ive gotten banned from the largest lgbtq sub just for stating that as a lesbian, I dont like dick. A literal clown world where I have to not only state, but get banned for stating the obvious? What kind of twilight zone shit am I living in?

There was a time where being a part of the community meant something. Now its all abide by my political beliefs or get out. Where was the queer community that welcomed everyone regardless of what they believed in regardless of their belief, instead of this militant mess we have today? If you honestly believe someone deserves to be treated like shit because they have a different opinion than you, YOURE the one being intolerant, and perpetuating the very thing you claim to fight. But hurrdurr its different cause were oppressed. No, youre acting like a fucking asshole, fullstop. And playing the victim card to justify your hate is fucking revolting. This community is being divided, where the more sensible of us just want to fuck off and live our lives in peace while the vocal minority just keeps dragging our image through the gutter.

Sunnnnnshineeee #homophobia #transphobia #racist amren.com

RE: Uber Driver, 28, Plotted to Drive His Car Into ‘Evil’ Gay Pride Parade to Kill Non-Muslims, Court Hears

I dislike Muslims but honestly, I think gays are worse. Muslims have absolutely no business in our countries, they shouldn’t be our problem. Gays are just civilization destroyers, no matter how you slice it. Obviously not saying this guy should kill anyone, but we also shouldn’t be celebrating deviance as a society.

[I dislike Muslims but honestly, I think gays are worse.]

You like terrorism more than quiche? Interesting.

If things were the way they should be, we wouldn’t have to worry about Muslims and their beliefs, because they’d be in their own lands.

And let’s be real here, the gays are just as militant in demanding people “convert” to their beliefs. They want to push their ideology on us and force us to celebrate them. They’re making it illegal for parents to try and get their gay children help, and are trying to make it illegal for parents to stop their minor children from mutilating themselves because they claim to be “trans”. And let’s not forget Drag Queen Story Hour and endless Pride parades and the fact that their uncontrolled sexual deviance has spread so many diseases and even brought many back into prominence, and their disgusting ways helped create MRSA and other super bugs.

Roger Marks #fundie #transphobia #homophobia disqus.com

(commenting on story “South Dakota House Advances Bill Prohibiting Hormones, Surgery on Youth Struggling With Gender Confusion”):

Good, good, good. Common sense is prevailing. If children under 18 cannot decide for themselves to accept help for not wanting to be homosexual, then they should not be allowed to decide they are being deceived by a heartless and deceptive Satan who is laughing all the way to the distortion and deprivation bank to screw up as many people's lives as possible.

Of course the ACLU would oppose the law because that is there modus operandi. Oppose anything that tells the truth.

Ethan Huff #transphobia #wingnut naturalnews.com

Just as the Health Ranger predicted, Big Tech is now declaring war on gays to satisfy trans

Today’s LGBQs are finding themselves at odds with the Ts, as the Ts are increasingly demanding that the LGBQs submit to their ever-evolving sexual demands or else be deemed “bigots.” And just as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, long predicted, Big Tech is siding with the Ts in shutting down the free speech rights of the LGBQs because the Ts find their viewpoints “offensive.”

All acronyms aside, here’s the rub: Mentally deranged transgenders are angry that homosexuals aren’t sexually attracted to their mutilated trans bodies, so these transgenders are exploiting platforms like Facebook and Twitter to silence all homosexuals. As it turns out, homosexuals prefer others of the same biological sex, and aren’t interested in transgender freaks who merely “self-identify” as some other gender.

A homosexual male, for instance, is attracted to other biological males, not a transgender “male” who was born with a vagina, but later had it surgically altered to become a fake penis. The same goes for homosexual females, who prefer actual females and not mentally ill dudes who took cross-sex hormones and underwent a litany of gender-bender surgeries to become “women.”

For daring to espouse biological reality, homosexuals have found themselves as the new sworn enemies of the trans mafia, which recently petitioned Facebook to shut down a homosexual men’s group known as “The Boxer Ceiling” for this exact reason. This group, which is no longer visible on the social media platform, had described its mission as exposing “the abuse of gay men and lesbians by proponents of Gender Identity Ideology.”

Members of The Boxer Ceiling say that they have been “relentlessly targeted and harassed by Gender Dogmatists (both trans and non-trans), who fundamentally disagreed with our basic premise that everyone deserves sexual autonomy.” And after creating their group, these members were targeted even more by the trans mafia, and were eventually forced off the Facebook platform entirely.

When Breitbart News attempted to reach out to Facebook for a statement, the Mark Zuckerberg empire did not respond. Attempts to locate the page for The Boxer Ceiling group on Facebook are also pulling up a message stating: “This content isn’t available right now.”

For more related news about social media censorship of politically incorrect speech, be sure to check out Censorship.news.

Dear victim society: What goes around comes around
A group of lesbian feminists encountered similar opposition from the trans mafia during a recent event it held at the Toronto Public Library.

Trans freaks threw a big hissy fit outside the facility after learning that a panel organized by Radical Feminists Unite-Toronto was taking place inside, and included a woman by the name of Meghan Murphy, founder of Feminist Current, who, like the members of The Boxer Ceiling, believes that biology trumps mental illness.

Not even 10 years ago, this type of trans insanity wasn’t even on society’s radar. But today, not only is the trans mafia demanding absolute acceptance and embrace of its perversion, but it’s also normalizing tyranny against all opposition with the help of Silicon Valley.

Watching the LGBTQP mafia at large – the P stands for pedophilia, by the way – eat its own is humorous, to say the least. We all saw it coming, at least those of us who’ve been paying attention to the movement’s rapid decline into total depravity.

“Now they’ve learned that when you are lower on the victim pyramid, you must cede your rights to those above you,” wrote one Breitbart News commenter about the plight of today’s homosexuals.

“Clearly trans resides higher on the pyramid than simply gay. One would assume that someone like a cis-male female-identifying non-binary pansexual Muslim refugee from Syria with chronic PTSD would be at the top of the pyramid.”

lunarmaris #transphobia reddit.com

[moderator note: When submitting something like this, it would be nice to know what the “it” is that is mentioned. A little bit of explanatory context please.]

Exactly! It's like a evil doomsday cult where there can be no happy ending for their members.

God forbid the cult wins. This would be absolutely horrific and go even beyond reinstating bronze-age patriarchy -- it's not only dismantling all sex-based protections, setting up a gender-inquisition, mutilating bodies -- I'd say in fact it is the end of the human species as we know it. I don't find the following nightmare scenario implausible: We'll be ruled by an elite group of polygamous masculine men ruling the weak men who will be forced to become TIMs and women at the very bottom.

Or the mainstream society finally comes to its senses and roots it out. With permanent repercussions for their former 'branded' (= the 'look') members. Either way, you're screwed.

That's also my personal motivation to fight it. While in the great scheme of things, I'm powerless, I can still help individual people to see this awful truth and keep them from joining a destructive cult heading for doom!

Tony Randolph and South Dakota Republicans #homophobia #transphobia sdlegislature.gov

2020 South Dakota Legislature
House Bill 1215

Introduced by: Representative Randolph

An Act to prohibit the state from endorsing or enforcing certain policies regarding domestic relations.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That a NEW SECTION be added:

25-11-1. Marriage policies--Prohibitions.
The state may not enforce, endorse, or favor policies that:
(1) Permit any form of marriage that does not involve a man and a woman;
(2) Appropriate benefits to persons who enter a marriage other than a marriage involving a man and a woman;
(3) Permit counties to issue marriage licenses to persons other than for a marriage involving a man and a woman;
(4) Treat sexual orientation as a suspect class or as a basis of prohibited discrimination;
(5) Recognize a person's belief that that person was born a gender that does not accord with the biological sex of the person as determined by that person's anatomy at birth;
(6) Appropriate tax dollars to pay for sex change operations;
(7) Ban conversion therapy. Under this subdivision, conversion therapy, means a therapeutic practice in which a licensed medical professional, acting under authorized consent, assists a client in the goal or realigning the client's sexual preference to prefer members of the opposite sex who have corresponding reproductive anatomy;
(8) Permit public libraries or public schools in the state to partner with nonsecular organizations to promote, host, sponsor, favor, or endorse drag queen storytime;
(9) Mandate pronoun changes;
(10) Condone or affirm homosexual, transgender, zoophilia, objectophilia, polygamy, or sexual orientation doctrines; and
(11) Permit a person to change the sex on a birth certificate to a sex that does not accord with that person's anatomy at birth.

Section 2. That a NEW SECTION be added:

25-11-2. Rights not affected by chapter.
This chapter does not affect:
(1) Marriages between a man and a woman;
(2) A person's right to set the person's self-asserted, sex-based identity narrative or sexual orientation; and
(3) A person's right to practice secular humanism.

Michael Biggs #transphobia #conspiracy 4thwavenow.com

The Open Society Foundations & the transgender movement

The transgender movement has transformed cultural norms and social institutions at breathtaking speed. Most of us, becoming acquainted with the trans issue for the first time, are astonished to discover the extent of the gender revolution. The movement has accomplished in a few years what the movements for women’s and for gay and lesbian rights took many decades to achieve.

Part of the explanation is the amount of money behind transgenderism. The Gender Industrial Complex, as we may call it, has many components. Lucrative sponsorship comes from pharmaceutical companies and medical providers. Charities originally established to fight for homosexual rights (like Human Rights Campaign in the United States and Stonewall in Britain) wield large budgets. Last but not least, three American billionaires have bankrolled the transgender movement on a global scale: Jennifer Pritzker, whose activities were detailed in another blogpost, Jon Stryker, and George Soros.

This blogpost focuses on the Open Society Foundations (OSF), funded by Soros. This is not easy to discuss because he is vilified by right-wingers, whose criticism sometimes degenerates into anti-semitism (Williamson 2018). Therefore those of us who are liberal or progressive tend to react instinctively by dismissing any scrutiny of Soros out of hand. This is unjustified, as I will show by providing some facts about how OSF has funded the transgender movement.

OSF fully supports the objectives of transgender activists. Self-identification is “an essential legal right for trans people” (OSF 2014a). In other words, biological sex must be superseded by subjective gender identity, to include options “outside the binary categories of male and female” (OSF 2014b). Identity should not be “governed by age restrictions” (OSF 2014b). Therefore OSF funds “trans-led or LGBT organizations that promote progressive, rights-based processes for legal gender recognition” (OSF 2014a). It also advocates access to “hormonal therapy, counseling, and gender-affirming surgeries” on demand (OSF 2014a). This includes puberty blockers for youth (OSF 2013).

How much has OSF spent to promote the transgender movement? In 2011–13, it spent $3.19 million, which made it the top funder, followed by Stryker’s Arcus Foundation and Pritzker’s Tawani Foundation (Funders for LBTQ Issues 2015). OSF’s current database includes grants worth $3.07 million for 2016–17 (searching for keywords “trans” and “transgender”). The largest recipients in this current tranche are the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association ($642,000), Global Action for Trans Equality ($500,000), and Transgender Europe ($500,000).

open society reception areaThree million dollars on trans issues is a tiny fraction of OSF’s total expenditure, merely 0.3% (OSF 2017). Crucially, however, this funding greatly exceeds the resources given to alternative voices. This website, for example, receives no funding. To illustrate the difference that money can make, consider the commemoration of the victims of violence.

As we saw, OSF gave $500,000 to Transgender Europe in the past two years. Transgender Europe also received $1,072,000 from the Arcus Foundation from 2010 to 2017 (Arcus Foundation 2018). The organization’s projects include the Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is underpinned by a comprehensive database of victims throughout the world, Trans Murder Monitoring. This database counted 325 trans victims of violence in year from October 2016 to September 2017 (TMM 2017). The great majority of these occurred in Central and South America. There were only three in Western Europe, and thankfully none in the United Kingdom. Surprisingly, perhaps, the Transgender Day of Remembrance was widely observed in Britain in November 2017. In many universities, for example, candles were lit for each of the victims, the transgender flag was raised, speakers were invited, and services held. Searching university websites (the domain .ac.uk), we find over 2,800 webpages containing the phrase “Transgender Day of Remembrance”.

While no transgender person was murdered in the United Kingdom in 2017, 138 women were killed by men, including murders where a man was the principal suspect (Smith 2018). These data were compiled by Karen Ingala Smith, who receives no funding for this work. She started recording such deaths in 2009, under the rubric of Counting Dead Women. This was developed into the Femicide Census—in partnership with Women’s Aid—with minimal funding and pro-bono support by two legal firms (Femicide Census 2016).

Despite the diligent research over many years, this has left barely a trace in British universities. The equivalent search on their websites yields fewer than a hundred webpages containing the phrases “Femicide Census” or “Counting Dead Women”.

To sum up, more than a hundred women are murdered each year in the United Kingdom at the hands of males, but no day has been set aside to commemorate their deaths. Transgender murders are exceedingly rare—eight in the past decade (Trans Crime UK 2017; Evening Standard 2018)—and yet they have an institutionalized day of remembrance. Even if we consider the homicide rate rather than the number of homicides, Nicola Williams demonstrates that transgender people are no more likely to become victims than are women (Fairplay for Women 2017).

The prominence of transgender victims, compared to the virtual invisibility of female victims, is partly explained by the amount of resources devoted to compiling evidence and promoting commemoration. Thus funding from large American charities like OSF—along with the Arcus and Tawani Foundations—shapes the political climate in Britain and around the world.

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