
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Canadian Anon #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

I love Russians because they are the only blue-eyed and right-wing people I meet in Canada

>Better question is why there are so many Canadian shills?
Bandera's grandson moved here along with some other descendants of the Banderite thugs; he now owns a media company and professional shillin service takes care of his interests on the Internet

>"B-But I-I'm not R-Rus-".
I don't think Poles realize that no Westerner can tell Slavs apart; they hate their linguistic and ethnic bros while flirting with the West, who think of Slavs as less than human

Also NATO was probably working on creating a virus in Ukraine that would affect all Slavs

This too; for all we know Russia might have saved all Slavs from extinction; the way Zelensky's been instructed to fight till the last Ukrainian does suggest that the West doesn't care if Slavs live or die
And anything against Slavs could easily mutate to kill Hungarians and Baltics

Declan Finn #racist declanfinn.substack.com

[Describing a trip to Italy]

One problem: the Kenyans. Yeah. If you think Europe has a gypsy problem, yeah. The Kenyans and the Middle Eastern migrants made the gypsies we saw look like pikers. We were approached by black fellow asking where we're from, pretty much shoving stuff into our hands and onto our wrists ... and then asking for money. Yeah. Right. Of course.

We paid off the first guy. Then we flashed our bling at the next few Kenyans, to let them know we'd already been conned, thank you very much. Which was fine the first day. We won't even go into the rest of the week. After the first few days of being accosted by multiple guys daily, I was about ready to commit assault.

Henry de Lesquen #racist #dunning-kruger lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Program for remigration", written in 2017]

1. Non-European foreigners' visas shall not be renewed
1) Government shall revise the statuses of these millions of paper Frenchmen [Snarl word used by the french Far-right for those they deem not "real Frenchmen" in account of their migrant background] and deprive them of nationality in cases of indignity, binationality or lack of assimilation[…]
3) A Stay Tax shall be enacted to pay off public debt and incite to remigration[…]
3. It shall be illegal to furnish housing, work, schooling, healthcare or any help to illegal foreigners. This crime shall be punished with 5 years of prison[…]
4. Illegal migrants shall receive healthcare only in their detention place. The State Medical Aid [Public scheme to pay for healthcare of undocumented migrants] shall be repealed
5. A State Secretariat for Remigration shall be established. Illegal migrants, these outlaws, shall be deprived of civil rights. They shall not be able to enter contracts. Their property shall be forfeit to the State
6. Detention and deportation of illegals shall be a political question judges shall not be able to rule on
7.The SSR shall open concentration camps (these camps already exist and are named detention centers) where illegals shall be held with their families until their deportation, without time limit[…]
9. The crime of unlawful stay shall be reestablished. Recidivists shall be sent to prison and deported afteir serving their sentence
10. Supremacy of French law: Constitution shall be amended (article 55) to ensure the regularity of the mesures needed for remigration. The Council of State [Supreme court for administrative jurisdiction, French equivalent to the Privy Council] shall not have any say and CJEU [Supreme court for the European Union law] rulings shall be null and void

Conclusion: remigration by itself shall be enough to reduce unemployment and fix public finances

dGD1jS8r #crackpot #racist boards.4chan.org


The red countries are those where the average is larger than D, orange the average is D, yellow is C and so forth.

You'll note the smallest countries are mostly third-world shitholes with malnutrition. You'll notice also all the larger beasts are in countries with large European populations. Israel, despite being fairly modern and wealthy is stuck at a piddly B cup.

To put it another way,


BlkPillPres #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

The New Meta For The "Sexual Market" Game (Texas Mass Shooting Made Me Think Of This)

Turns out the guy who did the recent Texas mass shooting was transgender. This got me thinking of a plan that incels can execute.

1. PRETEND to be transgender, create social media, add the flag to your social media, start posting positively about trans issues, etc.

2. Do a crime that will get you locked up in a favorable FEMALE prison facility with as low as possible population of black women. Do research on the stats and see which one has a higher percentage of latina's, whites, asians, etc. You might have to do a specific crime in a specific state, etc.

3. Have your lawyer demand that you get locked up in a female prison.

4. You will now have your pick of the litter (THEY DON'T HAVE A CHOICE):

WOMEN ARE SHORTER, about 9% on average. Nigerians have the smallest recorded height difference between the sexes at 4%, while men of the UAE are 11% taller than their female counterparts.

MALE BONES ARE BIGGER AND STRONGER, in both size and density. Peak male bone mass is around 50% more than women’s, and women lose bone faster as we age.

MEN HAVE BIGGER HEADS AND LONGER ARMS AND LEGS than women, relative to body size.

MEN HAVE SUPERIOR MUSCULATURE to women, a woman's body is typically about 30 to 35 percent muscle by weight, while a man's body is about 40 to 50 percent muscle by weight. Generally, male muscles have a higher capacity for anaerobic metabolism and generate a higher maximum power output than female muscles.

The reason why you wanted to go to a prison with the least amount of black women possible, is because black women are pretty much like fucking men, they are freaks of nature. Though slightly weaker they'll make up for it with aggression.

5. Even if you don't become the "top dog" the top woman there will try to lay claim to you as their bitch, so either way you're going to get to fuck lol.

Also, the women there want to fuck too, you will be the only dick around.

6. Commit small offenses every now and then within reason, so that they keep extending your sentence and you get to stay there and live like a king lol.

Doesn't sound like a bad deal to me. You get free meals, a place to stay, a toilet, and an entire compound of bitches for you to fuck.

Paul Gosar #wingnut #transphobia #racist businessinsider.com

Following Tuesday's mass shooting at a Texas elementary school, Rep. Paul Gosar, an Arizona Republican, spread a false and transphobic claim that the suspected shooter was a "transsexual leftist illegal alien."

Gosar tweeted the claim even though authorities had already identified the shooter as an 18-year-old male resident of Uvalde, where the shooting occurred.

As of Tuesday evening, the GOP representative had not commented on his tweet, which was deleted about two hours after being published.

Orion Starfire #racist #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Reader beware, the information within this treatise is of a nature known to only to a handful of people in this world. Amongst the information within this treatise is of the most esoteric and occult nature concerning Atlantis the ancient Aryan race and the Third Reich. The powers that be have attempted to keep this truth in utter secrecy since the destruction of The Third Reich and have gone to great lengths to demonize the school of thought associated with these secrets. They have since attempted to skew the truth by creating a popular culture of fantasy designed to conceal the true nature regarding the history of the ancient Aryans and their modern rebirth as a culture .To some, this information will seem so outside the norm of what they have been taught their entire lives that they will choose to reject it, out of cognitive dissonance or the fear of having to confront a false world view that many if not most have held since childhood. Within this work many of your most cherished beliefs about history, about your place in this world, and about the moral fortitude of your leaders may be challenged. The lies, which predominantly white/Aryan nations have been indoctrinated to hold true through social engineering for decades will be dispelled like an evil mist before your eyes and you will be set free of the psycho-spiritual prison in which you now reside…if you choose to accept it. <...> Likewise, if you choose to accept and proclaim the truth within these pages you will find yourself amongst the growing ranks of social pariah unable to express the truth locked inside them to family, friends, or the public at large without fear of being alienated or even persecuted for attempting to share their enlightenment. Though with every courageous step you take toward the light of truth you will come closer to a complete understanding of who you are, and your glorious destiny as a descendent of the Aryan race!
<Available on Amazon for $14.88>

speculareffect #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

The terrorists’ manifesto, be it a fake and an exact replica of Tarrant’s, complains about the The Great Replacement, which is a very real and coordinated effort. Yet, this is only so, because in reality, white men are failing.
Once again, this hearkens back to white women. White men are the only men who sit back and allow white women to take the reigns and subsequently destroy the societies which they built. Most Asian countries, certainly Arabs and )ews, will never allow such a thing. For the most part, they all keep their women in line and if not, they are not as preoccupied with them as white men are with white women. They are not as gynocentric. I am sure, as with most things, exceptions can be found and pointed out, but generally speaking, these men do not pride themselves on being violent, feminized, mangina simps like white men do. A second runner up would be African and Indian men. To put things in perspective, a study shows that the Muslim population grew by 4.4% while that of Hindus declined by 4.3% since Feminism took a hold of India. Arguably, India is extremely gynocentric and the culture is quite matriarchal, contrary to common belief. African men are super pussy-beggars and may rival white men when it comes to the Super-mangina title. Nevertheless, it is white women who affect social change on a very large scale.
White men. Get your shit together. It is for to put these white cunts back where they belong. They need to be taken out of public life. Stop complaining and start shaming these cunts for the stupid whores that they are.

Keep pointing fingers while we get replaced by women and immigrants. Keep brushing off legitimate criticisms and refusing to self reflect. Remember, the )ew could only be successful as much as you allow him to be. He wouldn’t be successful if he didn’t know how to play on your gynocentric retardation—your inability to be objective about the white woman—the destroyer of civilization.

Gordon Duff #conspiracy #wingnut #racist veteranstoday.com

The real story is an old one, a secret society, one that crosses all 3 religions of the book, which explains why Christian evangelists, Saudi Wahhabists and Zionist extremists are joined at the hip against democracy across the planet.

Why is Erdogan backing al Qaeda against Russia and Syria? What is the tie between them?

Both oppose “Baathism,” an anti-Masonic movement that took root in Egypt under Nassar, Syria under the Assads and Iraq under Sadam. Gaddafi?

It recognized Freemasonry inside Islam and in particular, the Islamic Brotherhood, as financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as a form of Zionism. Zionism isn’t Jewish, it is an offshoot of Freemasonry that worships the old gods, and that one god that they place above all.

You see, any nation that opposes Freemason-Rothschild rule, with the incumbent central bank and debt slavery, gasses its own people and must be cleansed and enslaved by terrorists, as was done in Syria and Iraq, in order to enjoy freedom and democracy.

Al Qaeda is a Scottish Rite Freemasonry group, set up initially under Gladio, the NATO program dating from the 1970s. Erdogan is a Scottish Rite Freemason, an Islamist, representing the Muslim Brotherhood, a Scottish Rite Freemason group set up in the 1920s.
When Russian and Syrian intelligence officials came to me with the story that I had to focus on Freemasons, I was out of my depth. None of us consider that Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who push billions into terrorism, certainly financing 9/11, that is commonly known, do so in combination with groups that have 100% control of France and Italy and now run Britain under Boris Johnson as well.

They are the Kosher Nostra, they were the Italian and Jewish “mobs” in America and they are the link between American political leaders since George Washington, all financed by Rothschild cash.

Andrew Hennessey #ufo #conspiracy #magick #racist whale.to

The Satanic networks, under the names of their various deities, were created by the Babylonian Brotherhood to serve their needs. We have seen that the accounts of the Watchers and their off spring, the Nefilim, include references to their blood drinking activities. The Brotherhood know that blood contains the life-force energy. Drinking menstrual blood has always been a feature of the reptilian bloodlines because they need blood to live in this dimension. It was known as the Star Fire, the female lunar essence. The female menstrual cycle is governed by the cycles of the Moon and the blood contains that energy. Its ingredients are supposed to ensure a long life. In India it was called soma and in Greece it was ambrosia. This was said to be the nectar of the gods and it was the reptilian gods who are genetic blood drinkers. The 'holy grail' chalice or cup is also symbolic of the womb and ~ drinking menstrual blood, as well as being a symbol of the reptilian 'royal' bloodline itself.
The reptilians and their crossbreeds drink blood because they are drinking the person's life-force and because they need it to exist in this dimension. They will often shape-shift into reptilians when drinking human blood and eating human flesh, I am told by those who have seen this happen. Blood drinking is in their genes and an Elite high priestess or 'Mother Goddess' in the hierarchy, who performed rituals for the Brotherhood at the highest level, told me that without human blood the reptilians cannot survive in this dimension. Her name is Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Ann Green. Interestingly, she said that the reptilians had been pursuing the Aryan peoples around the universe, because the blood of the white race was particularly important to them for some reason and the blond haired, blue-eyed genetic stream was the one they wanted more than any other. They had followed the white race to Mars, she said, and then came to Earth with them.

James Fullord #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger #racist vdare.com

So what could this be? My theory, which I just made up, is that there's a unit on demographic displacement in American history, which is a pretty well known historical fact, and they decided it sounded like "Great Replacement Theory", which it does.

And why am I allowed to just make up this theory? (We usually have higher standards than that!)

Because they won't say what the "triggering content" is, just like they never say what an alleged slur someone said is, or won't tell you what joke someone made that was allegedly transphobic.

We're now free to assume what we like. And the reality is likely to be even stupider.

Vdare Reader #racist #conspiracy vdare.com

In other words, despite national policy specifically designed to reduce the share of whites in the overall population, the white population appears to be increasing. If an immigration moratorium were imposed, there is a good faith basis to believe that America's demographics could be restored.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #quack #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

Top-level negotiations between Asian and Western elders to start a new golden age for humanity are proceeding well, according to sources involved. The basic agreement calls for the complete write-off of all debts, public and private, a one-time redistribution of assets and a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and colonize the universe with earth life. This plan is supported by –among others- the Western committee of 300, the Russian government, the Indian government and the Asian secret societies that control China, ASEAN, Korea and Japan. There are some concrete moves involving massive amounts of off ledger gold and dollars taking place. The details cannot yet be publicly disclosed for security reasons, the sources involved in the negotiations say.

Of course, we have heard this talk before so believe it when you see it.

For now, the task is to make sure the existing Western ruling structure collapses without destroying the planet. Already, the Western ruling class has fallen into what can only be described as collective insanity as their control grid collapses. The latest sign is a massive campaign of monkeypox fear porn. The fear porn appears to be a desperate attempt to justify a massive power grab by the WHO and the Davos World Economic Forum.
The amendments being pushed by the Khazarian mafia will give WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unilateral authority to declare a public health emergency in any nation based on whatever evidence he chooses. This will create a de facto world totalitarian regime far more repressive than any yet seen on this planet.
That plan is now fully underway with an obviously fake “monkeypox” fear campaign. In a world with nearly 8 billion people headlines appear all over the world about 100 or so “cases.” Notice in the article below that most of the “cases” are “suspected” not confirmed. This is pure Fear porn. The KM WHO is trying to whip up a new scamdemic it seems.

Prussian Society of America #racist #magick #fundie #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Demonic Bloodlines vs. Demonic Possession/How Christianity distorted “Demonic” Concept"]

The layers of how well Christianity has influenced most of Modern People[…]is so pervasive that even Non-Believers and Atheists alike, still subscribe to Christian theology[…]
People are more familiar with the concept of people becoming “demon-possessed”, rather than the object of Bloodlines being the origin of Demonic Hosts, but the reason for this is that the Church has a strategic interest[…]
Demonic Possession is possible[…]usually happens either through trauma or abuse[…]
Otherwise, Demonic Possession usually only happens to people who in general are very Weak-willed, and have accordingly given up their will to something, and such is common on low levels such as with drug users, and on the high levels such as in Hollywood Initiation of Famous Stars[…]
Demons present themselves, more often than not to the public, as being victims or somehow having certain ethics or ideas that are noble[…]
As most of Humanity is programmed to view and follow certain traits and attributes that they view as agreeable based on their specific programming, this is why false ideas of what is Good or Evil exist[…]
Same reason why Hitler was believed to be “Demonic Possessed” and that so too were the German People during the Third Reich, but in fact the opposite was true, since Adolf Hitler was charged with Divine Authority[…]
Science can only be a means via the “Scientic Process”, but to make it the pillar of Human civilization, purpose and existence is to bring Mankind to a humdrum and slavish state[…]
If the British Royal Family for example did not know something something about their Bloodlines, why would they be so ultra curious about maintaining it so well, as does many other Royal Family Lines?[…]
Few people suspect the Jew as Evil because Jews always manipulate people and host nations

Steve Sailer #homophobia #dunning-kruger #racist vdare.com

“Stigma and blame undermine trust and capacity to respond effectively during outbreaks like this one,” UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director Matthew Kavanagh said in the agency’s Sunday statement.

“Experience shows that stigmatizing rhetoric can quickly disable evidence-based response by stoking cycles of fear, driving people away from health services, impeding efforts to identify cases, and encouraging ineffective, punitive measures,” Kavanagh added. “We appreciate the LGBTI community for having led the way on raising awareness – and we reiterate that this disease can affect anyone.”

Unlike HIV, which was spread largely by:

Blood transfusions with infected blood, a problem that was solved relatively quickly
Heroin junkies sharing needles without cleaning them
Gay men sodomizing each other on a mass scale
Monkeypox, like COVID, appears to be spread mostly by socializing.

But gays do that more than just about anybody. Thus, the big superspreader event of last summer’s COVID Delta wave was Bear Week in Provincetown.

Shutting down schools for semesters and forcing children to wear masks is Following the Science, but asking gays to turn it down a notch until we figure out why they are spreading monkeypox would be The Worst Thing Ever.

Some people’s fun, such as children’s, is just less important that other people’s fun, like gays.

Mark Gullick #racist #wingnut amren.com

Where I lived, I was almost the only white man, and I often heard mutterings that I was a policeman. A few doors down was a black who owned a dog. Not many English blacks like dogs unless they are weaponized and can be used as a symbol of threat and aggression, and then they were either pit-bull Terriers or Rottweilers, and this one was the latter.

I remember the dog’s teeth scraping against the bone in my forearm. I still have a scar and, whenever I hear or read the word ‘racism’ – on a daily if not hourly basis now – I look ruefully at the strip of white flesh.

Six years ago I relocated to Costa Rica because I could see what was happening to my country. The last time I was in London I was alarmed at how blacks controlled the streets. A white man now has to be very careful not to catch the eye of passing blacks, no matter how much they want this to happen. Now, knife crime – almost exclusively black-on-black – in the capital is at an all-time high and increasing monthly.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is a Muslim and has absolutely no interest in re-introducing “stop and search,” the eminently sensible anti-crime procedure now deemed racist, and there is a reason for that. Anyone who lives in London and is honest knows that blacks and Muslims don’t exactly get on, despite the fact that young Mohammedans ape the speech patterns and “style” of their Anglo-Caribbean contemporaries. Most fatal stabbing victims are black, and for Mr. Khan the only good black is a convert to Islam.

The police have been neutered in Britain just as they have been in America. You are more likely to see the police in London at a gay pride march than attending to your burgled apartment. They are told to police tweets rather than streets.

Here in Costa Rica there are some blacks, but there is none of the arrogant swagger, the trousers worn at half-mast, the gold teeth and the aggression and lawlessness. The USA has, I believe, a 13 percent black population, the UK a mere three percent. The trouble they cause, however, is entirely disproportionate. Britons are constantly told about the benefits of black culture, but it is hard to see what they are. Now, I have nothing against individual blacks. I just have no wish to live anywhere near them ever again.

Thorsten J. Pattberg #elitist #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut thesaker.is

The number of Japanese who study German has halved in just a decade. Part of this is the EU’s appalling woke propaganda.

If you study Italian or Hindi, you will literally study Italian or Hindu culture, history, arts and so on. In German studies, you will be lectured on Nazi guilt, analsex, feminists and the importance of staying childless, democracy, the rule of law, diversity and gang bangs.

It is a disgusting moral lecturing and brainwash that no totalitarian cult in the world matches, not even the old Soviet regime or North Korea.

The would-be-students in Tokyo are greeted with alarming brainwash and misinformation, images of brown and black “New Germans”, ridiculous lies about the biology of men and women, and utter pseudoscience such as political correctness and antisemitism.

Abortions, prostitution, childlessness are all good-to-go. Gay sex and genital mutilations and drugs and idiocy are now Western mainstream.

If you study English, you talk about the weather and family; and Spanish, about weather and food. In German, you talk about racism, guilt and holocaust. It is the most insane, unnecessary and mostly self-inflicted collapse of a society in all of human history, comparable only to farewell of the Ostrogoths and Aztecs.

The final blow to the former land of poets and thinkers was undoubtedly the politicization of German grammar. In the Germanic languages, we may take most verbs and turn them into persons by adding -er.

Grammatically speaking, that noun is then masculine. Semantically, however, we know it refers to both genders, thus is neutral. But not so the leftists who feel that a “doer” or a ‘swimmer’ are offensively male privileges. Therefore they insist on a grammatically unambiguous female ending -(er)ess, preceded by an asterisk *.

All major regime media, newspapers and journals, textbooks and magazines and even the radio in Germany must now use BOTH –masculine AND feminine– endings. Thus, a simple address “Pirates, distinguished swimmers!” becomes “Pirates and Pirat*esses, distinguished swimmers and swimmer*esses!” All German texts are thus deliberately made stupid and eyesore.

Japan needs to investigate this crap and close it all down, also to save Goethe and for Germany’s sake.

Vladimir Soloviev #crackpot #pratt #racist twitter.com

We aren’t warring with Ukraine-because Ukraine is a Nazi invention, created by Polish, German and American imperialists. This creation, like brain cancer, devours the ability to remember and to think of those who live on it, turning (especially the youth) into cruel zombies. Ukraine, or “Outskirts” in Russian, has for ages being called those Russian lands which are at the line of contact with the other side.

Similarly the far east is not a government or nation, but-like Ukraine-Russian land on the eastern border of Russia. And if anyone says there are differences in language, well there are the Tatarstan Republic, the Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Dagestan etc. Once again, there will be a Ukrainian Republic. What’s the problem? Ukraine isn’t going anywhere, but it will be under our protection.

Today we are rectifying a historic injustice-liberating a part of Russia-Kyivan Russ, from it’s Anglo-Saxon and Jewish colonizer occupiers, the hands of which are covered up to their elbows in the blood of different people, which they don’t consider human.

T. Morris #dunning-kruger #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Southern Apologetics – “Whipped Peter,” and the Problem of Human Gullibility"]

I was in a (mostly one-sided) email conversation with a blogger-correspondent[…]Initiated by my correspondent’s posting of an interesting interview conducted with an 82-year-old black woman and former slave named Millie Barber[…]

Hello, [name redacted][…]
You wrote in your preface to Millie’s interview that,
“The most egregious part of her colorful narrative relates to her parents being separated on different plantations“[…]
Seems to be more an emotion-based reaction[…]in the vast majority of such cases, the father was separated from the family because of his[…]abusive and violent nature and tendencies[…]masters tried to solve and enforce within such families in the best way they could[…]

The following is what I wrote my correspondent in a couple of follow-up message

The mass of people in any given society tend to be very gullible and uninformed[…]If intelligent people have learned anything at all from the COVID 19 insanity, that fact ought to be it[…]“A picture is worth a thousand words” is often cited in these little write-ups of mine[…]Photos of “Whipped Peter” and the emaciated bodies of former prisoners held at Andersonville[…]
I had something of an epiphany concerning that photo in particular when I was watching one of those television documentaries about a “Super-Max”[…]It was a distinct possibility[…]“Whipped Peter” was very much like these violent felons[…]
The situation at Andersonville is another story entirely of course, but the same principle applies[…]

I could literally “go on and on and on,” quoting[…]from dozens of original sources regarding the question of antebellum slavery[…]all in support of the “default” position I personally take in defending our noble, gallant and honorable ancestors

Napoleon de Geso, CunnyEnjoyer & Ghost of Eskimo #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy #psycho ncu.su

(Napoleon de Geso)
In honor and memory of Hitler we need to exterminate white females
As much as we respect Hitler and are thankful to him for trying to make world better place, but we also need to look at him with constructive criticism, and see that he just tried, but failed to grasp real truth, what only we, based men of culture, had understood, about what real enemies of humanity and parasitoid vermins are - white females. And is our duty to finish Hitler's work by exterminating them

Foids just need to be controlled and forced into submission by force but no one is doing that, its all on kikes.

(Napoleon de Geso)

Foids just need to be controlled and forced into submission by force but no one is doing that, its all on kikes.

Kikes only give freedom to femoid's inner animal. And white femoid's inner animal wants nigger cock, not white man's

(Ghost of Eskimo)
Hitler was a puppet of the jews. Many Nazis were Free Masons that were manipulated by jews. Some Nazis were even jews.

Hitler sent the kikes to summer camps. The pictures of thin bodies and piles of bodies come from the end of the war when Allies bombed the German supply chains.

Hitler was building a technocracy and developing technology that would later stolen by the Allies. I think all technocracies eventually become cucked.

@BadAssTexan , @WWAPD & @DeanWWG1WGA1776 #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #racist gettr.com

She's not wrong.

Satan is behind gender mutilation of children.

Satan loves abortion.

Satan loves the destruction of our schools where he has free reign.

Churches have been infiltrated. @EnjoyTheD

MTG is absolutely right. The same church leadership that is too weak to speak out against homosexuality, child trafficking, CRT and gender brainwashing of elementary school students is too weak to oppose our country being overrun by invaders. Look at the damage the churches that brought Somali refugees to the Minneapolis area have caused.

Satanist butchered the Bible . 700 stories they chose 60 to edit modify and fit there agendas . shame they forgot to take the flat earth out before nasa spun there ball earth in 1583 by pope 3rd . the year after they made the cagorian callender . Its God's Earth . a clue is in one Religon called the ROMAN catholic church . then jesuits invaded it in 1841 . became a child abusing Nazi cult run by a Jesuit freak in red shoes

T.J Koeneni #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger comicscommandpost.com

John Ridley doesn’t believe in censorship while asking that HBOMax censor ‘Gone With the Wind” through a veiled threat of cancelling his subscription. He’s talking out of both sides of is mouth. ‘Gone With the Wind’ is a cinema classic that was a story about survival. It was also made in 1939 Mr. Ridley, and I think America has long before and since, learned its lesson on slavery. It’s deplorable, it’s bad, and is a stain on this country that was a part of our history. Ridley, in his ignorance, also failed to realize that he called for the blacklisting of a movie that featured actress Hattie McDaniel…the first black performer to win an Oscar. How about focusing on that positive note. You see, in a functioning, well structured society, like the United States is, we actually have the capability to learn a lesson. We are the one country in the world who has learned their lessons on slavery. There are many countries out there, including in AFRICA, where slavery still exists, and is prominent. How about reflecting on the positive aspects of our history rather than promoting and propagandizing it in a negative light. That only stokes the flames of hatred and division in this country, that have been drummed up by the likes of yourself and the Democratic left, who utilize a false racism, like it was big business. I’m 100% positive that at least 99.9% of people in this country think slavery was bad. Why hide the history of it? Wouldn’t you want children and adults to learn from history rather than hide and bury it? That seems like cowardice to me.

Clif High #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

Of course, we note now, that NESARA is the CCP system with another name. Again, an example of the Kharzarian Mafia defaulting to name-stealing. The combined themes of NESARA and GESARA, are frequently linked to the mythical QFS, though recently the amounts of words put towards the QFS label is falling dramatically. Probably due to pushback against all the social credit schemes across the globe, and perhaps the revealed links, formerly hidden, between the QFS, and its creators, the WEF (the core Khazarian Mafia organization of this moment). Yes, the Khazarian Mafia created the QFS. All of these scams are also being linked to XRP/Ripple, which is the quasi-crypto currency created by the Khazarian Mafia Banks to replace their failing Swift system. The shills link their bullshit stories to XRP as it has no block chain supporting the ‘digital coin’, and is therefore not able to be monitored, thus, like the dollar, or the fake ‘stable-coin’ ,Tether, there is no accountability for amounts. Basically they can create their XRP tokens as they need to harvest money from the public by way of their dupes, shills, and useful idiots.

Included in the category of useful idiot, IMO, is Kerry Cassidy who loves to pimp out other peoples ‘truths’ even when the stories are clearly bullshit. Her mind is caught by their fantasies & she repeats them ad nauseum to support the agenda of the moment. She frequently ‘interviews’ many of the shills, dupes, agents, and other, useful idiots.

Kerry, and the Story Tellers, the shills, dupes, and useful idiots will all be changing over this Summer and into Fall.
Space Aliens are one of the last of the Khazarians’ planned Grand Deceptions. This is one of the most dangerous information weapons for them to deploy as the central theme is quite factual.

As we have seen from the recent hearing by Congress about ‘encounters’ with UFO’s (aka UAPs), the Khazarians are needing to expend more real information to try to maintain control of the narrative.

Anonymous American #racist amren.com

A Public Defender No More

Virtually all our clients were black men and women, even in a region that was mostly white. One day, I was assigned a new client, a black woman accused of assault and robbery, looking at a max of 15 years in state prison.

I worked a miracle: not guilty on all charges. She expressed no gratitude. I said, “Well you can at least say ‘thank you.’ I put in a lot of effort and kept you out of prison.”

Her reply: “You white mother f*ck*rs don’t deserve a ‘thank you.’ What you need is a mother f*ck*n’ *ss beatin’.”

Another client was a black man. He used a handgun to beat and terrorize an Indian store owner. His defense was, “I ain’t do nothing, white mother f*ck*rs just need somebody to f*ck with.”

Another client was a black man in jail for homicide. He was accused of aggressively instigating an argument with a totally innocent teenager. The argument ended when the man drew a firearm and killed the kid. What were the first words out of his mouth? “Just what I need, a cracker.”

He said, “F*ck their flea bargain it’s just because I’m black and they don’t like n*gge*s. My mother f*ck*ng people were your f*ck*rs slaves.”

I have many, many, more stories. They are all the same: a violent crime, a black client using up taxpayer dollars, and the claim that everyone is racist, including me. The explosive violence of these people is shocking, and when I say explosive, I mean explosive.

It was the same script over and over. If the victims were white — as they often were — they deserved it and were lying. They were “white mother f*ck*rs” or “white crackers who had it coming.” You couldn’t reason with them; there was no reasoning going on. There is a pool of black men and women roaming the streets looking for an opportunity to victimize someone through brute force.

Over and over, I heard the same thing: “Yous peoples owes us.”

If people really knew about the violent predators who are walking around in large numbers, looking to beat them to death for no real reason, they would board themselves up in their homes and never come out. The liberal news won’t tell you, your local politicians refuse to admit it, and the police are accused by both the criminals and the politicians of being the problem

Asmobaby #racist #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

White middle class men in drag really seem to get upset when a black succesful man goes on a stage and makes people laugh

The only thing they hate more than black men are mild-mannered British authors of children's books, it seems.

Here's my theory! I'm sure others have had this same take, so I apologize for the autism or regurgitation of common knowledge: It's like what many have said about "male feminists." They use that identity to get them "in." Clout, points, whatever - "I'm the good guy; now I'm on your side!"

God, I'm drunk on my first weekend off in a while here so bear with me...How do I put this articulately? It's like, these white "CIS men" who have been told for most of their lives that "white CIS men are the evil ones" they, not surprisingly, want to reject that, right? So they troon out. Ok, good. So now that they trooned out they can be "women" now - and NOW they can freely hurt women if they so want (because they are "women" now, ya follow?). Check. They "get" to do that now. How great for these men to be able to freely hurt us. Love that for us.

So next! These still "white" but now "un-CIS" ladies(?)...Well now there is the "minority" thing in question. But waitaminute! These white men in dresses "rank lower" than any minority out there because...Well, because they say so! And because they have created the "victim rankings" they get to rank "lower" than whomever they want. And because they rank themselves on the lowest victim tier they now get the full privilege to hate on, attack and say whatever they'd like about whomever they like.

But long story short: Men (and it's often white men, but I'm not trying to sperg by saying that) want a reason to be able to go all out on women and minorities while still retaining their liberal, progressive status. This is just a given. So I'm never surprised when I see troons happily posting about wanting to kill/cancel a black person or a woman or a lesbian - they "get to" do that now, free from consequences! It's what they've always wanted, really. Just had to troon out to do it, and now it's a goddamned free-for-all.

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #racist blackpill.club

The true reason behind womens' aversion towards dick pics
Many copers think that it's because they are too sensitive to like the mere vision of an erected dick. Jfl no. They love cocks much more than men love vaginas. What disturbs them is the uneasy cognitive dissonance if a duck without a face attached. They see something that signal mating and arousal but they can't judge us that mating will fertilizes her with a fully human being is some atrocious monstrosity.

Now if a 6'3" Chad sends them a full naked picture showing off his physical superiority with his face clearly visible while he's holding his 9 inch dick she'll begin drooling like an Indian in front of an empty street during a diarrhea attack; like a Chinese in front of a Bruce Lee movie, like a negro in front of an open car with keys attached, like an American Indian in front of a slot machine, like a Latino when a big stockpile of cocaine has just arrived ready to be dealt : basically A LOT.

Just another reminder it's always you the problem.

JohnEngelman #racist #wingnut forum.literotica.com

Anti Racism is a Shabby Substitute for Lost Religious Faith, by John Engelman

Anti Racism has become a shabby substitute for lost religious faith. Secular liberals pride themselves for rejecting a religion that cannot prove its tenets. They have adopted a dogma that can be disproved. This is what Charles “the Apostate” Murray has said about their dogma in his September 2005 Commentary essay “The Inequality Taboo:”

Putting this in my own words I will say that a person’s race can usually be determined by appearance, and always by DNA analysis.

Once we acknowledge that race is an important biological classification of humans, it should be acceptable to study the durable ways the races differ in average intelligence, academic performance, criminal behavior, and sexual behavior.

But it is not. When one is accused of racism truth is no defense. It is evidence for the prosecution.

Liberals condemn conservatives for banning books from school libraries and school curriculum. Most liberals would try to fire a high school civics teacher who assigned his class to read “My Negro Problem and Ours,” by Norman Podheretz and “Race, Evolution, and Behavior,” by Professor J. Philippe Rushton.

They would probably succeed. Conservatives do not try to suppress the discussion on global warming. Liberals do try to suppress the discussion on the relationship between genes, intelligence, crime, and race. Nevertheless, it is liberals who condemn conservatives for opposing science. Race has become an area where the more one rejects science the more enlightened one is said to be.

In addition to being a religious substitute, anti racism gives affluent liberals an alternative to working for the economic reforms that would restore a steeply progressive tax system, and which would raise their taxes. Anti racism gives affluent liberals, who have lived, gone to school, and worked in nearly all white and Oriental environments, the opportunity to condemn the racism of white blue workers who attended black majority public schools, lost job opportunities to affirmative action, and been victims of black criminals.

CJtbRmcK #crackpot #racist boards.4chan.org

Proper classification of "White"

Since there is a lot of confusion and shitflinging on this board about what constitutes "White", I thought I would try to define it properly.


Firstly, all Whites are Europeans, not all Europeans are white.
What constitutes an "European"?
>1. The ethnic group was present over 1000 years ago (1000 AD or earlier) in Europe.
>2. The ethnic group developed within the last 1000 years in Europe from a native ethnic group.

What constitues "White"?
>1. The ethnic group is European.
>2. The ethnic group has a very significant percentage of fair-headed (25% ca+), fair-eyed (50%ca.+) and fair-skinned people


>3. The ethnic group is culturally western (from a country of mainly christian (preferably protestant, catholic may also apply) background, belonging to Faustian civilization, within the Hajnal line i.e. historically developed and historically contributed a fair amount to European civilization)
>4. The ethnic group is primarily of Germanic or Celtic blood.


Culturally and in terms of historical contributions Italians and Greeks are certainly closer to "Whites" than most other Europeans on the map are (and Italy mogs most of the other countries too), but due to their somewhat darker complexion they can not be lumped in with physically different NorthWestern Europeans.

Sample in average IQ too


About IQ there's so many surveys with wildly varying stats that I am legit not sure as which one to pick

I forgot to include height which is a trait fairly often associated with "Whiteness" and which may bring up lower Western Balkans quite a lot.

From a purely strategical standpoint, furthering divisions between Europeans instead of solidarity will do us no favors in the long run.

However establishing that not all Europeans are "White" could also detract much ground from the left's collective attacks on "Whites", e.g. when a Slav claims a separate category and claims victim status.


Voluntaryist #racist #ableist reddit.com

Im not racist (unless you use some retarded leftist meaning of the word I guess). I don’t hate people just because they belong to a different race. If I see a normal black person I would treat him like any other normal human but I will not pretend that an average black person is as good as an average white or asian person.

Generalorder4 #racist #pratt deviantart.com

Fast forward to the better 'woke' versions...

G.I. Joe: An exclusively non-American team of overweight women create international incidents because all authority (other than their own) is wrong.

Masters of the Universe: Lesbians deal with their insecurities.

SuperHeroes: People with incredible powers but deep-seated neurosis live average lives and avoid work when they aren't being emotionally validated for doing nothing.

Star Wars: Women (and a couple of males for them to order around) effortlessly defeat Nazis.

Dr. Who: A WOMAN goes to different times to tell MEN how dumb they are. (I emphasize because gender is desperately important...apparently)

Star Trek: A psychotic team of children kill MAGA straw men.

Payton Gendron #racist #conspiracy #wingnut nbcnews.com

A manifesto allegedly written and posted by the suspect in a mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket that killed 10 people laid out specific plans to attack Black people and repeatedly cited the “great replacement" theory[…]
The manifesto, which appears to have been written by 18-year-old Payton Gendron, included a shared birth date and biographical details with the suspect in custody. The PDF was originally posted to Google Docs at 8:55 p.m. Thursday, two days before the shooting[…]
The manifesto, which has not been modified since it was posted on Thursday, includes elaborate details of a planned shooting. The document claims the suspect chose Buffalo because it was the city with the highest number of Black people in his vicinity[…]
The manifesto includes dozens of pages antisemitic and racist memes, repeatedly citing the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory frequently pushed by white supremacists, which falsely claims white people are being “replaced” in America as part of an elaborate Jewish conspiracy theory. Other memes use tropes and discredited data to denigrate the intelligence of nonwhite people[…]
Gendron claims that he was radicalized on 4chan while he was “bored” at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020

The document also claims “critical race theory,” a recent right-wing talking point that has come to generally encompass teaching about race in school, is part of a Jewish plot, and a reason to justify mass killings of Jews[…]
Gendron repeatedly cites Brenton Tarrant[…]
Suspect said he planned to post his manifesto and links to his livestream to 4chan, to a knockoff of the now-defunct extremist website 8chan and to servers he frequented on the chat service Discord, in part to see if his livestream was working

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Why There Will be More Payton Gendrons

Everything Mr. Gendron wrote and did was driven by fury at the replacement of whites in traditionally white-majority nations: “To preserve our cultures and people we must be physically separated,” he wrote. “Whites do not belong in Nigeria the same reason why blacks do not belong in England.”

What is “The Great Replacement” and why does it evoke such passion? The phrase is shorthand for large population changes. In 1960, whites were 85 percent of the US population, and assumed they would always to be the overwhelming majority. Today, they are down to 58 percent, and by 2060, their numbers are projected to drop to 43 percent.

The same process is underway in every traditionally white nation. In Britain and France, natives are expected to become minorities by 2060 or so.

For those who welcome white replacement, it is not a conspiracy but something to celebrate. Michael Moore declared the Census Bureau’s release of the same 2020 data, “the best day ever in U.S. History.”

Facts are not racist or sexist. The 2020 census found that in the previous 10 years, the Asian population in the United States had grown by 35 percent, Hispanics by 23 percent, and blacks by 5.6 percent, while the number of whites declined by 8.6 percent. Charles Blow of the New York Times wrote that “it was a terrifying census for white nationalists.”

Non-violent replacement has the same results as military occupation. If Mexico had conquered parts of the Southwest, there would be a dominant Mexican/Hispanic presence of language, culture, aspirations, people — which is what we find today.

Today, the entire West is united in support for Ukraine against Russia. Why? Because it is fighting The Great Replacement — this one armed. But if Ukraine saw a huge influx of Russians would Ukraine be changed even a fraction as much as The Great Replacement is changing the United States?

Nations have a powerful urge to protect their identities. It is Basic Law that Israel is a Jewish state. This officially recognizes a precious identity that replacement would destroy. All non-white nations have an equally powerful, instinctive opposition to replacement. What Turk or Thai or Tunisian would even think of setting in motion policies that would reduce their people to a minority?

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Poles already regretting taking in Ukrainian Refugees"]

Within a matter of days of Poland taking in the Ukrainian Refugees, we received countless amount of feedback about how the Ukrainians immediately took advantage of Refugee status[…]many of these migrants been found to come from questionable elements which are not even of Ukrainian descent[…]Ukrainian Women are making proposals and using methods of stealing Polish Men behind the backs of their girlfriends and wives[…]
Having traveled a lot and interacting with many different Races especially in various projects, I have witnessed the various races who do attempt infidelity and to interact with other Men or Women behind the backs of others

Most of the time, Barbarian Races use verbal flirting methods

Even Roma Gypsies I have encountered only resorted to verbal seduction[…]
The tactics and finesse she used to isolate her husband from the scenario were beyond imaginable that someone would chance what she did, but when you understand the nature of this people and how poor, desperate and corrupt that country is, applying the racial attributes about them, you can understand how someone would even attempt something like that, in her own household as well[…]
One thing many Western Men overlook when involving themselves with Russian or Ukrainian women is that those Women do not like Men who ever have idle time. While they may be a so-called “wife” type, they hoodwink the most gullible Men, and they want that Man always busy with work so she may tend to other activities behind his back when he is not around[…]
Many Slavic Men not have much enthusiasm over their own Women and many remain indifferent to Westerners who come to these countries[…]for these types of Women

It’s because they know how much value is lacking in their own Women[…]
We can only wonder now what types of things these Ukrainian Immigrants will be doing in Germany!!!

pornoddio & dsar9013 #sexist #racist blackpill.club

RE: Ukraine - the future incel kingdom

Foids from slavcountries are all attracted to money, that's why I told incels hundreds of times that they can get an ukraine pussy easy. I don't want it because I am volcel, but if I was an incel offidoffi oneitis teenlove validation ponywaifu tradwaifu addict I would simply take an EE femoid, since it is extremely easy to get one, everybody can get it, my neighbor has one and he's just a boomer with a pension.

True, some guy on /pol/ pointed out that none of the Ukrainain whores are coming back they will stay in Poland or Germany and fuck Chads/Chadulah/Tyrone. Dumb fucking Ukrainian retardcels fighting for a kike controlled country, they did it to themselves. As Bill Greathouse would say it's their own damn fault (for electing jews to rule over them). They will have more virgin men that are young, than Japan.

Macedonian Anon #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Albanians, thanks to their Islamic culture and geographical isolation, are overwhelmingly inbred. They hence exhibit:

*Excessive repetition of surnames
*Ridiculous numbers of disabled offspring.
*Lower life spans.
*Cognitive & emotional issues

Albanians have far more genetic defects than any other ethnic group in the continent, and the number of disabled, psychotic and criminally predisposed Albanians is likewise exponentially higher than the continental average. Albania is unique in that it is the only nation with an abundance of missing parenthood records regarding the existence of paternal grandparents. This is due to the fact that the father and grandfather are often the same. The end result is a nation of mentally and physically degenerated freaks.

>Lowest iq in the white world (even lower than turks)
>Most inbred ethnicity in europe, easily recognizable from their deformed pan-like head shapes
>Islamic as, fanatically so in Kosovo
>Used to be arnauts in the middle ages (servants for turks who subdued christian uprisings)
>The Turkish word for Albanian literally means "those who march first" because they were used as cannon fodder against European armies
>Most criminal nationality in europe, involved in every type of crime in every corner of the continent
>Invading literally every advanced nation in existence. More of them live outside albania than inside, Even Finland had a mass shooting done by an Alboroach
>Aggressive and belligerent, have no self control and start fights all the time
>Can't build a country, there isn't a single city or area with an albanian majority that is 1st world
>Wiggers, arab-wannabes
>Ugly as fuck

SuspendBeforeYouBan & 2DIsGreaterThan3D #racist #conspiracy #psycho consumeproduct.win

Can you please target politicians, business leaders and prominent scientists/academics that push anti-white stuff?

I'm getting really sick and tired of the random people at a supermarket or whatever. It sends the wrong message and accomplishes very little.

That is all.

Kid wasn't a white supremacist, he is an authoritarian leftist who was groomed on discord to do the shooting.

They groomed him to portray himself as a white supremacist to fuck the right as a whole over.

When you think about it logically it makes sense. His whole manifesto was a checklift for the left to use against us as an acceleration tactic.

Rather smart if you ask me.

All they have to do is find some loser who hates us and tell him if he really wants to fuck us then make himself out to be one of us and commit a shooting.

Dink Dinklemann #racist #conspiracy #ableist twitter.com

Vaush: If nothing else we can treat this as a reminder that the political compass test is absolutely worthless, though that's probably not new information if your IQ can be expressed in two or more digits

Dink Dinklemann: Mainly we can say communism sucks, and this mentally ill kid doesn't represent anyone.

Meanwhile, your antifa loonies are sharpening sticks all over the country seeing nazis around every tree.

Ultimately, it's too bad people can't talk to each other in the information age.

Nemo: Do you denounce the belief that a cabal of "Cultural Bolsheviks" are trying to destroy "Western" civilization? The belief that motivated the shooter?

Dink Dinklemann: No. That's happening. I wouldn't denounce the shooter's opinion that the Sun rises in the East and set in the West either. His murdering doesn't make all of his points invalid. It is his decision to kill people that is to be denounced. You know, mental illness is complicated.

hbenthow #dunning-kruger #racist scifiwright.com

"Thor: Ragnarok" is chock-full of anti-Western subversive messaging. Its main message is that Western civilization needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt from scratch.

After Odin dies and Hela takes over Asgard, Hela brings up Odin's history of conquering other worlds, and paints him as someone who obtained the riches of Asgard unjustly, then tried to cover it up and hide from his past (she breaks down artwork portraying Odin in a positive, peaceful light to show plastered-over artwork of him in his conqueror days). She describes Odin's viewpoint of Asgard's riches and status by saying that he was "proud to have it, ashamed of how he got it." While she is a villainess (who approves of Odin's old conqueror ways, disapproves of his later change of heart, and attempts to bring back Asgard's glory days of imperial power in order to "make Asgard great again", so to speak) it's obvious that the filmmakers agree with her viewpoint that Odin is a hypocrite for choosing to remain proud of his kingdom's status, rather than making amends by giving all of Asgard's riches and power back to the cultures he took them from and impoverishing Asgard in the process.

This is all a thinly-veiled allegory for the notion of Western countries only being as rich and powerful as they are due to having stolen from and enslaved other peoples, and their later abandonment of colonialism and slavery as being a half-measure that doesn't make up for the damage and only brings about unearned self-satisfaction. Odin is representative of modern-day patriotic Americans, Brits, etc, who no longer perpetuate slavery or colonialism, but are still proud and protective over the status of their countries rather than being so ashamed of their countries' pasts as to want to bankrupt them to make amends.

Prussian Society of America #elitist #racist #conspiracy #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Separate Website Exposing Subversive Frauds in Music Subcultures and Explaining Music History to be Launched"]

In witnessing a lot of divisions and breakdowns of society[…]I have decided that we will be launching a separate website to discuss matters relating to Music and Subcultures, along with Subversive themes along the lines of their history but especially with the themes that have overtaken them today and have distorted their original form

It will focus a lot on the subcultures related to Goth, Punk and Metalhead and related scenes

I want to keep this topic separate from this website, especially because it is also more based on American problems within these Subcultures and I cannot exactly vouch for any bleeding of the degeneracy that may be spilling over into either the German, UK or European Scene in general.

From what I understand in Germany, the scene is still thriving and generally good and I still find a lot of Great New Music acts and everything which come out of the Fatherland

But if any social issues which I report in the American Music scene exist in any form whatsoever in the European Countries, we would be so grateful to hear anyone’s feedback on this, but I will still always believe the American one is the worst[…]
The website we will launch will focus on history and other attributes behind the American Music Scene, especially in how the Jews and Ulster Scots completely have a monopoly on Rock ‘N’ Roll and its development[…]It will discuss how degeneracy has been even much more of a problem with the American scene compared to Europe and even the UK at that[…]
It also gets hard to discuss this topic without bringing up the Jewish Problem and even the reason why the Nazis suppressed Jazz [rightfully so][…]

CCPcel #conspiracy #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Manifesto analyzed: Twitter soys claim that the Buffalo, NY shooter was an "incel". In reality, he's a cuck.

The bodies are still warm, but that hasn't stopped the misandric left from trying to rile up anti-male bias via the latest horrific act of mass violence. There are hundreds more tweets just like these, but all of these claims are baseless.

Now, Gendron doesn't mention having issues with femoids. The words "foid", "femoid", or even "female" don't even show up once. He exclusively describes femoids via the Reddit-approved way—"women".

Instead of hating women, Gendron is in fact a massive fucking simp. He seeks to defend m'lady's honor, and devotes quite a chunk of his manifesto to bemoaning the rape of "European women" by "invaders". On page 159 of his manifesto, Gendron implies that his motive for this shooting was in fact the "distress [of] European women".

In the upcoming race war, Gendron writes, "the only option for a true man or woman of Europe is to labor, labor with all effort towards victory" (page 176). In doing so, he implies that toilets are the equals of men, and that femoids (needless to say, the weaker gender) would somehow be able to contribute to the efforts of a race war.

Additionally, Gendron tolerates faggotry. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual faggots are "fine" with him (page 8).

So, in short, Payton Gendron is an 18-year-old normie who thinks that:

rape is bad and we must shoot up grocery stores to defend m'lady

empowered qweenz can be just as strong as men

being a faggot is OK

Yeah, that's blatantly incompatible with the blackpill. He bemoans the drop in "white birth rates" but not once does he mention feminism, hypergamy, and the dating habits of white women. Instead, he blames ethnicels.

This man is not an incel. He is a foid-worshipping cuck and his own writing proves it.

It's obvious by now that the SJWs of Reddit and Twitter have taken a leaf out of the Russian playbook. Just as anyone who opposes the Kremlin is a "Nazi", any man who doesn't kowtow to the progressive orthodoxy is an "incel", even when there is not a shred of evidence connecting him to the incel community.

speculareffect #wingnut #sexist #racist #conspiracy speculareffect.org

The Northman Review

I won’t go too long, neither will I provide spoilers, but I must start out with saying that it would be nice if gentiles could have their cinema back. )ews have been shitting down our eye sockets for a hundred years now and this movie does not disappoint in that regard.

Okay, okay. It’s actually not a bad movie, but it is highly thematic. There’s the Oedipal theme, there’s the Male Mother Need theme, there’s the Simping Mangina and Gynocentrism theme, the Disposable Male theme and the Usurpation of Male Vitality by Whores and their Whoresons theme.

Naturally, this film has every single young, foolish white male buzzing with the incessant outbursts of “based” at every mention of it.

The writer, who is an Icelandic poet, I suspect to be a Icelandic )ew (yes, the traders made it to Iceland in 1625).

He keeps company with the vilest of traders, such as Margaret Atwood.

While many will deem this movie to be quite masculine, while I would be inclined to agree, it is the primitive side of masculinity that is spoken of here, in this article. A matriarchal archetype of masculinity.

Just read that article, watch the movie and you’ll see what it is I mean. In the end, the movie shows you how male vitality is wasted for the sake of…vajeen.

I rate it a 6.5 out of 10.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@EontheEevee123 - Have you ever considered negros are just really bad drivers?"]



POC are significantly more likely to be stopped/pulled over

That, and Qualified Immunity has let them get away with whatever they decide to do

I think there should be some consequences to breaking into someone's home and killing them in their sleep…

3:44AM·May 7, 2022

Hey remember back when I used to do those […]yegtraffic bad driver alerts? Those were fun. Anyways one of the gags I did with it was indicate the race of the bad driver. It made a lot of people, including that useless cunt Jesse from 100.3 The Bear, upset[…]
I'm well north of 80% accurate at guessing the sex of a driver and at least 75% accurate at guessing their race. In other words, niggers drive a certain way and I know it. Here's the hint as well, they are often bad drivers and were what triggered the infamous bad driver alerts[…]
So when folks like Eon try bleating about "racial bias" in policing, it's important that they understand how stupid it really is. Blacks don't drive the same way as whites[…]so why would you expect their pullover rates would be equal either? After all, how many percentage of police stops are from behind (where officers don't know the race of the driver)?[…]
Much like how they tend to commit more (serious) crimes and therefore any statistic purporting to look at "disproportionate" outputs without looking at the disproportionate inputs is meaningless[…]
An "anti-racist" police force would harass innocent Gerald Stanley for the noncrime of shooting a jackpine savage out to do him harm…and we already have that!

Richard Kieinger #crackpot #fundie #magick #conspiracy #racist the-ultimate-frontier.org

The Brotherhoods began a long program to uplift the Jews at the time of Jacob, who was later named Israel, and this culminated with the ministry of Melchizedek, who Chris­tians refer to as The Christ. The interrelationship between Melchizedek and the Jews started out unhappily about 76,000 years ago on the now-submerged continent of Mu.
The Egos who traditionally incarnated into the Judi and Levi tribes continued to reincarnate among the race since its traits were familiar and comfortable. Essentially, they remain­ed a separate faction of our Human Life Wave and gave rise to the Semitic Race. For thousands of years during Atlantean times they were a troublesome group to their neighbors. The Semites were a savage, backward, cruel race of vicious predators. As individual Egos they disdained incarnation into other races and cultures and so their experiences were very one-sided. The accumulated karma of the Jewish race made their lives harsh, and this only tended to brutalize them more and make them inordinately reactionary to their enemies. About six thousand years ago, Melchizedek decided that the Brothers should devote special attention to the Semites in order to bring them into a more balanced state. As a spe­cial grace it was given to the Jews to be the agents through whom Christ’s special message to the world would come.
Great Egos incarnated into the race as the Prophets to teach them, and finally Melchizedek came to show them Love and redemption and even offered Himself for their revenge upon Him. He functioned in the body of a Jew and said His teach­ings were for the Jews and not for the Gentiles. This appeal­ed to their sense of exclusiveness, but of course His message was meant for the world. Through His beneficence He direct­ed that the karma of the warlike Jews be spread out over millennia so they could advance; and indeed the Jews long en­joyed a continuous experience of a refined and disciplined culture which has produced many fine minds.

Robert Regan #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist jta.org

During his campaign for a state House seat, Michigan Republican nominee Robert “RJ” Regan had told local outlets that, “My words aren’t as smooth and polished as the politicians are because I’m not a politician.” And there were many ways Regan wasn’t like other politicians

For one, most politicians’ public Facebook pages aren’t filled with antisemitic memes blaming Jews for the Sept. 11 attacks, calling Jews the “real virus” instead of COVID-19, or calling feminism “a Jewish program to degrade white men.” Most politicians also don’t have recorded video of themselves making jokes about their own daughters being raped. Regan had both

Most politicians also run with the full backing of their parties, but the Michigan GOP[…]refused to aid Regan in his Grand Rapids-area special election after he won the primary in March. Although the state party had initially congratulated him on his primary victory, it reversed course when his comments came to light[…]
Finally, unlike most politicians, Regan lost a seat he was heavily favored to win. In the May 3 special election[…]he lost the conservative district to Democrat Carol Glanville, who got 7,288 votes to Regan’s 5,697 and became the first Democrat to hold the seat in a decade[…]
In his concession, Regan called himself “an America First Republican” and lashed out at “the RINO Republican establishment”[…]
During his campaign, Regan had insisted he was “not antisemitic” but did not apologize for his social media posts, instead attacking “the left trolls trying to get some attention because they know where I stand on the issues”

John C. Wright #racist #dunning-kruger scifiwright.com

{from 2017}

Kamala Khan is a Muslim highschool girl form Jersey city, and gained the ability to expand, stretch, and shrink her body in various ugly and ungainly ways, and make her fists into giant balloon-like stupid looking flesh blobs. She wears the dumpiest uniform imaginable, and acts like a cross between a spoiled idiot child, a sociopath, and a fascist. She took on the name Ms Marvel because the name Jihad Girl did not test as well in focus group.

She does not really fight crime, instead she fights white guys, who are the source of all the world’s evils, and she protects her friends like the Lesbian who is in love with a high school Muslim girl who wears a headscarf at all times. Because we all know how ultra-fundamentalist Middle Eastern religious women are encouraged to be sexually liberated and experimentally genderfluid by their families. The writing here is lazy, one dimensional, and stupid.

Fred Reed #racist #wingnut amren.com

Fun with Race. For a While, Anyway

America’s racial circumstances, its lightning demographic transformation unimaginable a half century ago, runs apace. Over half of children eighteen and under are not white. Thus in an uncertain but small number of years, America will mostly not be white.

So how does the racial map look? Latinos concentrated in the Southwest, where they seem certain to become the majority. In California they now outnumber whites. New Mexico, aptly named, seems poised to follow.

Blacks dominate America’s cities. Typically the downtown contains a sprawling, impoverished black ghetto, crime-ridden, hopeless, and dangerous, semiliterate, and very angry. Residents have little or no contact with the surrounding country. These cities are not under control of national or state government. Whites dare not walk in them. Governments at all levels are afraid of blacks, who if crossed will riot, loot, and burn. Any attempt to crack down on crime would result in explosion, and everyone knows it, so law does not extend to these regions. In aggregate, these enclaves constitute a sort of distributed country within a country.

East Asians and, increasingly, Indians dominate America’s high-tech world. They make up around seventy percent of the very high-end high schools. Interestingly, India supplies a growing part of America’s brains. One telling example is that Indians are CEOs of IBM, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Adobe, and Mastercard, among others.

So: The Southwest to Latinos, the cities and culture to blacks, universities and laboratories to the Chinese, and a noticeable savor of curry in managerial ranks. This is America.

Whites? In decline, both proportionately in the population and in dwindling numbers in science and engineering. This is perhaps most conspicuous in the downgrading of mathematics in schools and universities as being racist.

Why is all of the foregoing not an accurate description of America today? Where leads the growing dependence on Asians for brainwork? The exodus of stores from cities because of crime? The very real enstupidation of the schools to hide the failings of minorities? The heavy-handed enforcement of centrally devised racial policies on people who don’t want them? Economic decline? You tell me.

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