
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy benjaminfulford.net

Khazarian mafia agents Justin Castro, Chrystia Freeland, Jill Biden and others have fled to Ukraine as KM rule collapses, CIA sources say. They have fled to avoid arrest for war crimes as their crimes against humanity become impossible to hide, they say. That is why “actors, actresses, rock stars, comedians and world leaders are visiting Ukraine,” another CIA source notes.
That is why their overlords, the Rockefeller clan, who were behind the entire fake Biden regime, are now trying to negotiate a surrender, Asian secret society sources say. In Europe, meanwhile, their other masters, the Rothschild family, are trying to get protection from their former slave colony of Israel by claiming exposure of their crimes is “anti-semitic.”

The problem is a critical mass of Jews is now aware their ruling families were deeply involved in the Holocaust (burnt offering to Satan) as a part of their messianic project to chase the Jews out of Europe and into Israel. They wanted to become kings of the Jews, against the will of the Jewish people. The fact that Israel refuses to support their campaign to create greater Khazaria in Ukraine is proof of this.

The collapse of KM rule in the West may be the trigger for something that has never happened before in our history. Russian, Asian and Secret Space Program sources say some sort of earth-shaking, mind-blowing event may happen soon, with some predicting it for this week. As usual with such predictions, we will believe it when we see it but, as we will report below, there is some extremely unusual project blue beam-related stuff going on in Antarctica and elsewhere.
Their crimes have been by no means limited to Ukraine. In Syria, the KM military branch, going under such brand names as Al Qaeda and IS, was systematically murdering men to claim their children and women as war trophies, says US Colonel Richard Black who was there. The KM
held slave auctions there where the highest bids were for children, he says.

C.N. #racist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Byzantine discussions about Roe v. Wade"]

The expression Byzantine discussion means a useless discussion in which each side can never succeed in proving its assertions to the opposing side[…]
Without rejecting the theological presuppositions of Christianity, white intellectuals wasted their intellect in completely useless discussions, and precisely because of their inability to apostatise[…]
The same can be said today when we look at the forums of white nationalism. On the hot topic, Roe v. Wade, one of the leading nationalists on the Christian side said yesterday: ‘Some White Nationalists would do almost anything except convert to Christianity and have kids to return to those demographics. Human sacrifice sure isn’t moving the ball’. His secular counterpart, who in my eyes is a typical neochristian, wrote in his webzine: ‘I believe that White Nationalism is completely consistent with respecting the rights of other human beings. We can’t just murder millions of people because it is convenient. That may be fine for liberals, but the New Right occupies higher moral ground’[…]
For the Nazis, abortion of Aryans was forbidden and only abortion of non-Aryans was legal. The Christianity and neochristianity of the white nationalists discussing the implications of Roe v. Wade these days is patent in that they are incapable of thinking like them[…]
If we follow in the footsteps of the leading philosopher of a post-1945 National Socialism, Savitri Devi, we would no longer even think as the Nazis thought about abortion in public before the Second World War. Now our values system must emulate what Himmler said in private regarding his Master Plan East. American racialists, whether Christian or secular, are light-years away from this way of seeing things. We need young people who are capable of shattering the Tablets of Stone currently followed by both Christian and secular racialists in America

The Christian Party #crackpot #conspiracy #racist adrenogate.net

The Cult of Aton (Aten) left Egypt along with the Levites (the elite priesthood class) who had served and lived alongside them at Akhetaten (Tell el-Amarna), and at Avairs, Giza, and Heliopolis. These tribes are put before us today as the “Israelites,” the supposed “Jews” of history. Those who became known later as “Jews” were, however, originally neither Israelites nor Hebrews. The name Hebrew comes from Ibaru (or Ibri, or Abri, or Abari) an ancient Egyptian term for the “wise ones.” The word rabbi is a rendition or variant of this ancient name. The Ibaru were members of the elect and had a strong blood-line connection to the House of the Pharaoh. This word Ibaru had a similarity to Apiru (Egyptian Apir) which meant wanderer, or shepherd, or foreigner. This unfortunate similarity of etymology has caused great confusion but has favored the machinations of those elites who crave to obscure the truth of their ancestry.
Our view of Gaelic is based on an East to West movement of civilization which has been proven by archeologists and historians to be wrong. The original civilization was established in the British Isles and points West [Lemuria, Atlantis?] and moved East. Thus what many believe to be Hebrew words which spread to Ireland and other parts of the British Isles as Gaelic was actually Gaelic which spread from the British Isles and was RENAMED “Hebrew”.
The word Celt is the Anglicized form of the Greek word Keltoi, which means “the people who are different.*” In Scripture, all nations, except the Twelve Tribes of Israel, are referred to as Gentiles (Foreigners), so the only people who are different are Israel. The word Celt is therefore another word for Israelite. The Celts are part of the Ten “lost” Tribes of Israel; as are the Tuatha de Danaan and Milesians. The Irish people are a mixture of Celts; Danaans; Milesians; Judah/Zarahites (of the “Red Hand” – Genesis 38:28-30�); (Dan-ish) Vikings and Norsemen and are all racially cousins

TW, Exile and Dart #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist occidentaldissent.com

[Comments under "Richard Spencer: The Case for Abortion"]

From TW:
Brad, in Alabama blacks get 62% of abortions, Hispanics 5% and Other 2% And I wonder many how many of the white women are aborting black spawn.Would you deny abortion to a white woman raped by a nigger? Should women who get abortions be charged with murder? If not, why not if you believe the fetus is a human?


Legalizing the murder of White children is a very stupid strategy for controlling the Black population.

Alabama’s Whites would not be bending the knee to any number of Blacks without the moral collapse manifested in abortion, addiction and materialism

From Dart:
Not really. Those are genetic liberal children. Killing them reduces the frequency of genetic liberalism within the White population. Blacks are pretty much politically irrelevant and aren’t the political enemy of Whites. White libtards are the enemy. Without White libtards, Blacks wouldn’t even be a problem at all. We could have mutually beneficial separation and everyone would be content with it. Only White libtards motivated by deranged utopian fantasies are driven to force everyone together. So it’s good when White libtards voluntarily kill themselves off, through whatever means available. Overly permissive Western breeding practices, originating in the papist idea of love marriage, allowed genetic liberals to grow to a dangerously high percentage of the population. Reducing their numbers is the only way Whites will survive

micropenis29 & Ghost of Eskimo #sexist #racist #wingnut ncu.su

women hate capitalism because they aren’t good at producing value

yes, there will always be commies like @chudur-budur who'll cherry-pick the most successful onlyfans girls or pornstars

but you must realize that @chudur-budur's a low-IQ ethnic, and so he benefits enormously from his special ethnic privilege granted to him by women, soys, governments, & commies

@chudur-budur views capitalism the same way women view capitalism: he's too dumb to understand it but can sense he'll lose privileges under it

without their fake (government) jobs, fake (government) hiring practices, and of course their welfare, women & the dumbest ethnics struggle under capitalism, while the rest of us thrive

(Ghost of Eskimo)
Capitalism is cucked because it never wants to resolve your issues. The more issues you have, the more money it makes.

Therapy based on Kike Freudin psychology is capitalism at it's finest. It reduces you down to a set of values that can be manipulated into accepting your incel wageslavery.

All that's needed in life is to: nut deep inside 13 year old pussy and a plot of land you can farm.

Chris Roberts #ableist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

On Friday, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sent off a series of tweets that proved popular:

“The extreme left is taking over” WHERE. In Texas, Republicans passed a law allowing rapists to sue their victims for getting an abortion.

We can’t even get our party to import cheaper RXs from Canada. foh

Billionaires be like “the extreme far left is taking over” when the “extreme far left” in the US is “medicine shouldn’t bankrupt you,” “wages should cover rent,” & “maybe it’s bad that Wall St companies profit off mass surveillance, manufactured housing crises, and caging people”

The reason America isn’t socialist, despite a very powerful Left, is because the Left cares more about race than economics. The effects of leftism are often felt by an absence of policies. The reason crime is soaring in most cities, is because leftists have demonized law and order. The riots in 2020 lasted so long because leftist DAs refused to prosecute rioters. The reason illegal immigrants pour into the country is because the Left believes any form of border security is unethical.

What the far-left lacks in political power, it makes up for in cultural power. It is because of the far-left that many schoolchildren are taught to think America is evil, racist, and irredeemable. The far-left made Marxist and anti-white arguments common on campus. The far-left’s influence explains why major newspapers don’t report brutal black-on-white crime.

Over the last 60 years, the Left has got what it wants many times: “civil rights,” mass non-white immigration, abortion rights, affirmative action, gay marriage, legal miscegenation, and legal protections for women, the disabled, homosexuals, non-whites, etc.

The economic Left Miss Ocasio-Cortez describes doesn’t really exist. The popular leftist website, Huffington Post, has sections for five “communities:” Queer Voices, Asian Voices, Black Voices, Latino Voices, and Women. There are no Poor Voices, Union Voices, Middle-Class Voices, Working-Class Voices, or Minimum-Wage Voices. That’s a statement of priorities. The Huffington Post isn’t “far-left” on economics; it’s very far-left on race.

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist #racist #wingnut dailystormer.cn

[From "Media: After Abortion Ban, Bans on Gay Sex, Race-Mixing, and Contraception are Next!"]

Imagine a world where women can’t use sex as a weapon of power against men

The Guardian:

Following the bombshell release of a draft decision showing a majority of US supreme court justices may overturn Roe v Wade, legal experts believe other laws about individual autonomy may be in danger, including the right to access contraception[…]

Just so you know, this is the 14th Amendment
That’s what these lunatics have been claiming guarantees an absolute right to on-demand abortion. And the rest of the things listed[…]
All of these “rights” are based on the theory that the 14th Amendment gives the federal government a right to enforce “privacy” on the states

“If the draft becomes the real opinion, all of those issues – contraception, consensual sex and marriage rights – certainly are all at risk,” said Priscilla Smith, lecturer on law and reproductive justice at Yale Law School. “They have definitely left the door wide open”[…]

I doubt any state would have the nerve to ban interracial marriage. But you could, if removing abortion takes away the right of the federal government to push all of these “privacy”-based rights onto the states[…]
There might not even be states with the nerve to ban contraception

But there are definitely states that would want to ban gay marriage

And, in theory, you could see some kind of rolling roll-back of all of these “rights.” All you would need is one state legislature to go in and say “this isn’t privacy and we want to ban this”

The entire “14th privacy basically means anything” was a way to undermine the US Constitution and strip states of rights that were explicitly given to them by the Constitution itself

Without this 14th gimmick, you’re back to the 10th Amendment

diacylglycerol82 & pornoddio #sexist #racist blackpill.club

I respect black men for being willing to walk away from foids

Black men are the only ones who are willing to walk away from foids when the foid becomes unpleasant and unreasonable.

In all other cultures men must acquiesce or try to control the foid.

Attempts to control the femoid never work and of course is unecessary and stressful labor for men, if a foid is defective just walk and let her be strong and independent.

When you buy a product and it is defective you are allowed to return it to the manufacturer for a refund.

Same with foids, you shouldnt need to control them, you should be able to return her to her father or mother stating that she is defective and unliveable.

No one would expect you to drive a car with an engine that doesnt work, why then deal with a foid who is argumentative, disruptive and all round PITA.

This is true. Nignoggers that walk away from femoids do it for real. A nignogger is much more rational than your average normie. The point is that a negro observes reality, he's convinced by it. I never needed to explain a thing to a negro multiple times, they get it immediately.

So if a negro is convinced of something he's going to act according to the knowledge he has.

Whites don't do that. Whites keep spamming obsessively new stupid memes such as teenlove, offidoffi, tradwaifu, oneitis, and the list goes on and on. Basically we have this bulk of blackpill knowledge, it's all highIQ empirically tested evidence, the whites are not even considering it, they go around spamming one delusion after the other.

And white MGTOWs? What a bunch of idiots. The negro MGTOWs had to separate and create their own groups, because the white infested MGTOW spaces are too stupid to be real, they're all about discussin obsessively about muh traditionalism, muh coping with religion, muh jordan cuckoldson, they're all grown ass men and still quote Peterson like they are teenagers that don't know anything about life.

Clif High #racist #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot clifhigh.substack.com

YHWH came to earth about 5000 years back. He was not alone.

YHWH is just one of the El (Elohim) who the jews decided to follow. He offered them a choice & they chose him. He accepted their forced decision.

YHWH is not a god. We know this as YHWH demanded the jews provide him with 6 liters of alcohol a day. Also he made them pay fines in the form of silver shekels. In addition they had to perform regular census of all that YHWH owned.

YHWH was not omniscient if he had to have the jews count themselves & their flocks & lands so that YHWH would know how much he ‘owned’.

YHWH was not transcendent, but had a physical body that craved drink and the fats of new born lambs, or new born children.

YHWH needed the jews to supply him with silver coinage as that was the currency that the Elohim used between themselves for settlement of their interactions, especially their gambling debts. YHWH is the one who invented, and sanctioned the collection of interest for loans.
YHWH is reckoned as one of over 240 EL, who were claiming to be ‘lords’ over the humans they found on earth. He was not the boss of the Elohim, nor even in the top tier of the El here on earth. We would think of him as being a captain or major in an army that had ranks extending to General.

YHWH was such an aggressive personality that the entourage of the El basically hated him and worked against him. Those support staff for the Elohim, translated as ‘arch angels’ who worked for the chief of the Elohim got such shit from YHWH that they constantly plotted his undoing.

YHWH instructed his jews in killing humans. When he sent the Israelites against the hunter-gatherer tribes in E-Din (what we call Eden, now basically Mesopotania down to Egypt, YHWH claimed all of the belly fats from all the children, and some of the women, that his jews killed. YHWH did not allow the jews to take prisoners, or accept surrender.

Yep, it is going to be a very interesting rest of this decade as we get into Serious Real History.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia occidentaldissent.com

[From "Richard Spencer: The Case for Abortion"]

It is worth revisiting that old debate. My position at the time was that the triumph of legal abortion in the United States in the 1970s was a consequence of the ascendance of the left-libertarian bohemian counter-culture in the 1960s[…]Wider context of the loosening of our immigration laws (1965), the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement (1965), the legalization of interracial marriage (1967), the increase in drug abuse and the rise of feminism and the gay rights movement[…]
The idea that professional class White women who support aborting their own children[…]are going to somehow care about the identity and welfare of their more distantly related racial group and that the overall effect of this would be “eugenic” was always absurd[…]It has led to a world of childless DINKs, wine soaked dog moms and sterile tattooed lesbians[…]
What did America look like in 1970 before this “eugenic” shift?
The country was the whitest it had ever been in all of American history before the black minority had access to legal abortion[…]Deep South states like Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi had never been whiter[…]
I am celebrating the demise of Roe. I hope it signals a cultural shift away from the rotten left-libertarian expressive individualism[…]
The idea that race is a meaningless social construct rather than a biological reality of our species led naturally to the assertion that sex is also a social construct and that gender can be freely chosen. The triumph of legalized interracial marriage led inexorably to legal abortion and gay marriage and “trans”

Kurt Schlichter #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #homophobia #racist townhall.com

Have you noticed the absolute freakshow quality of the people who want to keep us in chains? Perhaps it’s one thing to be repressed by people who are at least nominally badass, like Romans or Mongols. But these geebos who make up the Democrat Party’s loudmouth wing? The sexually hopeless toads outraged because other people who might someday know the loving touch of another human can’t whack their babies? No. Not only does their tyranny fail the freedom test, it fails the aesthetic test.
Look, I’m not saying that our society should bring back bullying nerds. I am simply observing that when nerds were busy trying to avoid swirlies in the boys' room, they did not have the time to devote to getting their groomer allies access to Kindergarteners. If Melvins and Pointdexters living in fear is the price of little kids not getting chatted up by pedo-adjacent strange-os, I say that’s a bargain.
And that’s true of the rest of the salty commie crew. Pierced beings with blue hair. Fat-positive behemoths in spandex. Daddy-issue goofs of all genders who can’t do a push up. If we are going to lose our country and our freedom, it can’t be to this gallery of goblins. At least with proper enemies – like, say, the Hessians – you could get some satisfaction shoving a bayonet into their guts. With these weebles, you fail to call them by their bespoke pronouns and they collapse into a sobbing heap. Where’s the challenge?

We simply cannot lose to these people. It’s undignified.
You weirdos, losers, and mutations could have been cool. You could have done your own thing and ignored us like we ignored you. But no. You wanted to be the Big Non-binaries on Campus. Except you don’t get to, because you suck and we’re not going to be ruled over by theater dorks, infanticide fetishists, and bitter fringies.

We’re going to rule ourselves, and my advice is to keep the hell out of our faces lest you figuratively end up hanging by your Fruit-of-the-Looms from the flagpole.

Greg Abbott #elitist #fundie #racist #wingnut thehill.com

Abbott says Texas could challenge Supreme Court ruling that states educate all, including undocumented

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Wednesday said his administration may challenge a Supreme Court ruling that states must provide free public education to all children, including undocumented immigrants.

“Texas already long ago sued the federal government about having to incur the costs of the education program, in a case called Plyler versus Doe,” the governor said on “The Joe Pags Show.”

He added that “the Supreme Court ruled against us on the issue about denying, or let’s say Texas having to bear that burden.”
Plyler v. Doe is a 1982 Supreme Court case that rejected the denial of public education funding for children who are undocumented.

“I think we will resurrect that case and challenge this issue again, because the expenses are extraordinary and the times are different than when Plyler versus Doe was issued many decades ago,” Abbott said.

The Hill has reached out to Abbott for comment. 

Abbott has also been a leading opponent of the Biden administration’s decision to lift Title 42, a Trump-era public health rule that prevented migrants from seeking asylum to stem the spread of COVID-19. Abbott sent a bus full of immigrants to Washington, D.C., last month, in what the White House called a publicity stunt.

The Texas governor, who is running for reelection this year, also temporarily ramped up border inspections for trucks crossing into Texas, creating logjams that cleared only when Mexican governors pledged to increase security measures on their side of the border.

Abbott’s remarks follow the Monday night leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that established the right to an abortion in the U.S. 

That report has prompted some activists and advocates to question what other Supreme Court precedents on basic rights could be overruled in the future. 

British-Israel.us #crackpot #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy british-israel.us

God called and chose ALL of the main Old Testament heroes from the WHITE, Caucasian Race -- from SHEM'S line. Why? Not because God plays favorites, or because the WHITE race deserves this honor, but because Shem and Abraham obeyed God. <...> We have a DUTY to HELP the rest of MANKIND just as God has helped us. Rudyard Kipling called it the "WHITE man's BURDEN."
"When the Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land, and hast cast out many nations before thee ... And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee, thou shalt smite them ... thou shalt MAKE NO COVENANT with them, nor SHOW MERCY unto them" (Deut. 7:1-2).

But the United States MADE PEACE TREATIES with the Indians rather than break down their totem poles and utterly destroy them as God commanded (Deut. 7:2-5). We SHOWED "MERCY UNTO" (7:2) them.

With regard to negro slaves brought over from Africa, the United States even amended our Constitution to make him an EQUAL, VOTING CITIZEN of our country -- 14TH & 15TH AMENDMENTS -- rather than separate from him as the Bible commands (Lev. 20:24).

Furthermore, illegal Mexicans can give birth to children in this country and their children automatically become citizens with full rights.

Yes, we have MADE COVENANTS with Indians, Africans and Mexicans and God says, "they shall deal with thee HATEFULLY, and shall TAKE AWAY all thy labor, and shall leave thee naked and bare ... because thou hast gone a WHORING AFTER the HEATHEN ... Because thou hast forgotten me, and cast me behind thy back, therefore bear thou also thy lewdness and thy WHOREDOMS" (Ez. 23:29-35). But unlike other HARLOTS who RECEIVE PAY FROM their LOVERS, the United States PAYS the HEATHEN. Companies are given FINANCIAL INCENTIVES to HIRE minorities. Minorities cannot be paid less than the MINIMUM WAGE. If minorities are laid off, they receive UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION laws and QUOTAS FAVOR minority HIRING over more qualified whites.

Fat Link #god-complex #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

The Official State of the Incels.is Union Address!

6 months ago to the date toxic leftist shitheads doxxed and destroyed the lives of our two most beloved incel heroes and benefactors SergeantIncel and the Master of disaster himself…well…Master lol.

I’m sure you all remember that this was in relation to butthurt over the noble Sanctioned Suicide website the two heroes of our royal lineage had also once run together.

Leave it to missplaced anger to almost always destroy the best things in life be they people or places but not to fear as I’ve heard it through the grapevine most recently Serge and Master are doing well now and perhaps will one day be able to emerge from the proverbial Pulp Fiction bowl of rice they have presumably been hiding in all this time in Indo China, to live relatively normal lives once again, so three cheers for them my friends!

Honk! Honk!! Hooray!!!

While the past six months of my administration has been rocky to say the least, plagued by one scandal after another and perhaps most of which by my own making, give yourselves a round of applause because to quote nigger boy Morpheus from the Matrix trilogy of modern blacksploitation flicks…


So tonite we provide the list of Xbox Acheivements @Infinity and myself @Fat Link have accomplished in the past contentious but also exhilarating 6 months of time!

Saved the website? 100 Xbox gamer score.

Rebuilt the mod team from the ground up? 1500 gamerscore.

Instituted policy to stop faggots, trannies and other scum from joining that never existed before prior? 3,000 gamerscore.

And a special shout-out goes to my beloved mod team.

You guys are the best selection of chinks, niggers, mongrels and degenerate scum a h’white knee O Notsee soup prey myst like myself could ever hope to be in charge of!

Fuck Jesse Jackson and the libtards!

WE are the TRUE “Rainbow Coalition” here.

THE MASTER CHRISTOS--ESU IMMANUEL 'JESUS' SANANDA via Patrick Bellringer #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #racist #wingnut fourwinds10.com


We petition by our Mighty God Spirit within, for a great, great Love for our Creator, all the Lighted Masters, and all of Creation.

By our Mighty I Am Presence, we petition for ANY AND ALL WARS and all weapons used for war, including, ALL Bio Warfare, ALL Nuclear War, Scalar War, Particle Beams, ALL WAR MONGERING and WAR MONGERS, (The Biden Regime, ALL Nazi’s, Communist China, the fake media across the entire planet and all facets of it, NATO, The Cabal, Deep State, Communism), all evil technology, ALL use of evil Alien technology, “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, all wording and meaning, their creation, manifesting and manifestation, to be stopped and neutralized immediately, and transmuted away by St. Germain’s Violet Flame of Transmutation from this Low Octave to the Higher Octaves to be uncreated for all eternity!!!
We thank Putin for helping to save the world with his advanced technology, his enlightenment, brilliance, great wisdom, insight, knowledge, and caring of all people on this planet.
We then petition for a plasma bubble of Light to be put over and within the entire country of Russia, Ukraine, and all supporting countries. We AGAIN, petition for the total disbandment and dissolution of the entire entity of NATO, all of its colors, banners, mind control and symbols, ALL Khazarian Zionists (Satanists), ALL of their evil and teachings, beliefs and writings, laws (The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion), the entire FAKE and LYING MEDIA, Social Media, all facets of it, their mind control of the U.S. and China, all of their secrecy and secret training in control, the entire Biden Regime, all the evil want-to-be controllers (Khazarian Zionists) the control of the U.S. by the NAZI’s, support of the NAZI Regime to bring back Socialism, ALL Communism (Socialism), all of its facets, any fear from hearing the Truth, and ALL mind control done over the entire planets throughout the entire Cosmos.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist benjaminfulford.net

Satanic Khazarian mafia scored major victories last week on multiple fronts. Most importantly, the Federal Reserve Board building in Washington DC has been fenced off.

while Deutsche Bank was raided by German police. This has cut off the KM’s ability to launder fiat funny money into the real economy via the stock and bond markets, MI6 sources say. That is why Apple, Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, Tesla and Amazon share prices are down respectively 11, 22, 16, 29 and 30% from their peaks.
However, we must not be complacent and need to remember exactly what we are fighting for. These people have repeatedly stated their goal is to kill most humans and domesticate the rest. To get a perspective on this, compare the T rex to its descendant, a domesticated chicken. The mighty alpha predator is now a tiny caged animal living a fraction of its natural lifespan in horrific conditions. If they did the same to humans -as they plan- then male children will be tortured to death at around age six months to harvest adrenochrome before they get turned into “nuggets.” Females will be kept as sex slave breeders until about age 25 when they will be turned into sausage.
You can see why the KM are fighting for their lives. Our CIA sources say the Azov battalion Satanists holed out at the steel plant in Mariupol are fighting to the death because they know they will be killed as soon as the adrenochrome harvesting facilities there are exposed.
We are also seeing a big split in the ranks of the ruling oligarchy in the US. Elon Musk, of Tesla, has apparently gotten off the fence and is now openly supporting the white hats. This is significant because Musk is the son of a prominent Nazi rocket-scientist Verner von Braun, according to Japanese intelligence and confirmed by US space force sources.
We’ll come back to Project Blue Beam, which Musk and the secret space force are using to fake an alien invasion, at the end of this article.

US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) #fundie #conspiracy #racist rightwingwatch.org

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene recently sat down for an interview with far-right Catholic activist Michael Voris of Church Militant, where she declared that Christian organizations that are working to resettle undocumented immigrants and refugees in the United States are under the control of Satan

“I thought we had a separation of church and state,” Greene sighed after Voris complained about Catholic Relief Services[…]
“What it is, is Satan’s controlling the church[…]The church is not doing its job, and it’s not adhering to the teachings of Christ, and it’s not adhering to what the word of God says we’re supposed to do and how we’re supposed to live”

“We are supposed to love one another, but their definition of what love one another means, means destroying our laws,” she continued. “It means completely perverting what our Constitution says. It means taking unreal advantage of the American taxpayer. And it means pushing a globalist policy on the American people and forcing America to become something that we are not supposed to be”[…]
“We should hold those countries accountable,” she said. “‘Oh, I’m sorry, Guatemala, you’re not getting a check this year because you’ve sent X number of thousands and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands and millions of people to illegally invade our country as if they’re an army. They may not have guns, but they’re the numbers of a regiment of an army. We won’t be able to send you your foreign aid until you bring your people back'”

“The bishops of Catholic relief charities and services, they should be all in support of that,” Greene declared. “If the bishops were reading the Bible and truly preaching the word of God to their flock and not covering up child sex abuse and pedophilia, loving one another would have the true meaning and not the perversion and the twisted lie that they’re making it to be”

Elijah Schaffer #racist youtube.com

Yeah, Native Americans, get the fuck out of America! You're on stolen land that you stole. And you want to know why Manifest Destiny happened? You don't know why we took it back? Because we couldn't live with you on the land because you guys kept declaring war on us and kept declaring war and trying to take back land that we already traded and/or bought from you. And you did not understand property rights because you were savages. And that's why you got the name that you did. Unfortunately for you, that's what happened. So you know what, it's just true.

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist deviantart.com

Lawful Good the North West – Adam the sword and shield bearer, which is so noble of you, but you don't seem to have any real financial intelligence in the long run. What's good for everyone, isn't always good for the one thing that seems to help everyone, the normal human economy. Why do you like paying double and triple for gas so much? It takes energy to transport it across the ocean, which comes from another pipeline, which destroys another nation's forests, which is a giant virtue signal. Occasionally a member of the North West realizes that just having a monthly stipend isn't good enough, people need a purpose in life. Occasionally the North West produces a good math student who actually stops at a yellow light, and they are few not the many, but who really knows how to use a five way stop sign? You get 1 needed yellow pearl for 1 / 100. By the way Eve, what is it you said to me in the Constitution that Judah is a tax slave and Benjamin/Manassas are house slaves, or more directly, "Don't you want to be my nigger?", and the answer is a resounding no! Math or not, get off my back you workaholic whore! It's my choice to work, don't rape me in the name of communism so you can have in house flush toilets and fast cars. Thank you Tobi, big up to Kunta Kinte.

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy #racist moonbattery.com

[From "DHS Announces Ministry of Truth"]

Let’s hope Elon Musk has the good sense to move Twitter to Texas[…]Texas might not be far enough. If patriots are able to liberate a Silicon Valley cat’s paw, Big Government will then do the dirty work of [url=https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/04/27/department-of-homeland-security-sets-up-disinformation-governance-board-to-fight-misinformation/imposing censorship itself[/url]:

The Department of Homeland Security is setting up a Disinformation Governance Board[…]

“Misinformation/disinformation” is Liberalese for any speech our rulers want to suppress

Like something out of George Orwell, the Department of Homeland Security perversely facilitates the invasion of the country[…]

“Disinformation is a threat to democracy”

She should have said “our democracy”[…]they mean “Democrat rule”[…]
We are already forced to finance Democrat propaganda through PBS and NPR. But Jankowicz wants more government speech[…]
If social media companies won’t do it on their own, they will be forced to[…]Musk will have the federal leviathan to contend[…]
As many thousands of unlawful invaders pour across the border to displace us[…]under the approving gaze of DHS, we can feel secure in the knowledge that this new Ministry of Truth will keep us safe from facts and opinions that threaten the power of our rulers

Tops 10s #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist youtube.com

Top 10 Real monkey fur proof all primates monkeys and ape species all have fur and not hair exposed.
What the Caucasian try to claim that monkeys have hair well reality is the total opposite all monkey ape and primate species have fur all over their bodies to protect themselves from the natural elements outside Caucasoid lying monkey head exposed.
K9 DNA and Neanderthal Bigfoot DNA exposed the European Caucasoid tried to force the belief of their cousins cynocephali dog man werewolf branding monsters and demons that the Europeans are related too as a God called Anubis on the African.
Ancient black people the Anunnaki Rastafarian Egyptian Ethiopian children of the sun stardust first man on planet earth already mapped the earth from the stars and Africa is on top of the world because it was closer to the sun and Europe at the bottom and colder so Africa was the upper world called Alkebulan the garden of Eden closest to the heavens and Europe below was called the underworld where hellish creatures lived in the caves all types of man animal mutants, Anubis is the original werewolf dog man tamed by the black mans ancient ancestors as our warrior guard dogs but the werewolf dog man is more kind loyal and civil as there cousin the Caucasoid. More proof we are dealing with monsters, yes albino man animal mutant cave creatures from the caves of the Caucasus mountains and Neanderthal valley mutated with Neanderthals/primates/dogs/wolf

Alexander Johnson #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

My Path Toward Race Realism Began When I Started College

I was born in Albania, and my parents immigrated to the United States when I was three. My immigrant background gave me a sense of cultural and ethnic identity at a very young age, but even so, I assimilated into white American suburbia. During high school, I grew more curious about my heritage and soon came to consider myself an Albanian nationalist (in the most chauvinistic and naïve meaning of the word “nationalist”). But the political views that came with that were relegated almost entirely to the Balkans. In the context of America, I was a typical individualist conservative.

My path toward race realism began when I started college in 2018. Reading about history, genetics, archeology, and linguistics, I came to realize the astonishing interconnectedness of all European peoples. Meanwhile, my classes that dealt with politics and race were vehemently anti-American and anti-white. My professors portrayed history and the modern world as tales of white wickedness. I viewed this as an attack on my identity, both as an Albanian and as a white man. And all this academic invective made me want to stand up for myself and for my people.

The process of my awakening accelerated rapidly during the 2020 Black Lives Matter/antifa riots and the anti-white posturing that came with them. I spent much of that summer learning about the concerns of people such as Jared Taylor and the desperate situation white Americans find themselves in. By the end of 2020, I had developed most of my current views on race realism and white identity. Today, I’m happy to spread my knowledge about these topics to friends and family.

Antoons #ableist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #racist #transphobia #psycho reddit.com


First panel: “Happy birthday Billy” says Mom, giving her kid a smartphone as a 12th birthday present. “Wow! Internet on the go!!” says the kid.

Second panel: It’s the kids 13th birthday and she says “UGUU- ^_^ I’m a gay, trans, autistic, Muslim, disabled, antifa, feminist, furry. I make art and my commissions are open.” as her crying mother has her euthanized by lethal injection.

C.T. #racist #wingnut #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

[From "A cute postscript"]

I would like to add a postscript to Mauricio’s words in ‘Responding to Jamie’. There is a litmus test I have devised to see who has, or has not, transvalued his values

Imagine a scenario analogous to The Turner Diaries where revolutionaries come to have control over nuclear missiles in a silo, and use them to create global chaos and, thus, eventually come to power. But before the thought experiment of this entry I would like to answer the question, Why is chaos necessary to come to power?#
If in a moment of social chaos a submarine with nuclear weapons were to fall under our power, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to use all its missiles to nuke the capitals of the West and its major cities, starting with those of the United States and its lackey in the Middle East (naturally, Chinese cities and Mecca would be nuked too, lest Gooks and Muslims become emboldened and take advantage of the situation)

To show you the level of my morals—that is to say how the priest understands the four and fourteen words—, even if one of my brothers happened to be in one of those cities I wouldn’t hesitate in the slightest to push the buttons

And this is my litmus test: Who among those commenting on racialist forums would do the same if a submarine with nukes fell under his power for a couple of days? I guess that none of them would. And if there is anyone who would, please tell me in the comments section, because this is a great Gedankenexperiment to find out who has left Christian morality behind

Dissident Mama #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy dissidentmama.net

Knowing full well the avalanche of libel under which Dixie has been buried for far too long, we rebels rightly denounce US propaganda aimed at the Confederacy, our ancestors, heroes, and symbols, and Southern-hate in general. So why embrace the same lies spouted by the same pathological liars and for the very same pathological reasons only when aimed at another country and people group?

Putin is Hitler, just like Robert E. Lee! Let’s regime-change ol’ Vlad right out of Russia’s capital the same way we knocked Lee from his pedestal in the former Capital of the Confederacy! After all, Russian supremacism is racist just like the white-supremacist “heritage not hate” dog whistle made by those deplorable Dixians. Two peas in a hateful ideological pod, so they say.

One of the layers of propaganda to justify nearly any abhorrent, immoral, or illegal act is to establish another country’s leader as a “depraved, blood-thirsty villain” and then demonize its people. Putin is both Hitler and a KGB commie, say the presentists, while Robert E. Lee was a slave-owning, POC-whipping racist and a traitor to American “unity.”

They’re white-hooded trouble-making twins who are anathema to our puritanical-progressive paradise, so do to them what you must, woke warriors! Equality and democracy hang in the balance!
C’mon, y’all. This is all part of the same amped-up lunacy we’ve heard a thousand times before. Beware of playing along for it’s the same totalitarian tidal wave that aims to drown you and yours, Southern man.
The establishment says the mess in Ukraine is not only Russia’s fault, but so is every other ill in your life. Ensue Pavlovian response!

As all right-thinking Muricans know, Russians just like Dixians are uneducated, rancorous rubes whose only reason for existence is to bring about “the end of a relatively peaceful global era”. The globohomo policies of our depraved overlords could never engender such division and strife. Perish the thought, citizen.

Andrew Joyce #racist judaism.is

The section titled ‘Culture of Critique’ is a both a nod to the work of Kevin MacDonald, and an expansion upon the same. Setting out this section, our author might recall the notorious remark of the Jewish historian Louis Namier (1888–1960) when asked why he did not deal with Jewish history: “The Jews do not have a history, they have a martyrology.” It is this martyrology that lies at the heart of the Culture of Critique. Whereas almost every nation possesses a history that is in most respects objective, the Jews alone possess a mere quasi-history, riddled with mythic and esoteric self-deceptions that give psychological permission for the most clannish and subversive of social behaviors and the most hostile of attitudes towards other peoples. The Culture of Critique, a kind of cultural revenge inspired by the Jewish martyrology, is the clearest expression of the corrosive nature of the disastrous Jewish/non-Jewish relations so mourned by the woefully misguided Rev James Parkes.

StevenR #fundie #wingnut #racist simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Barry Soetoro, better known by pseudonym Barack Hussein Obama, is a Kenyan national who claimed to be the rightful 44th President of the United States. He is a homosexual atheist liberal sympathetic to Islam and Wicca and he hates Christianity because of the truth and clarity it provides. Soetoro also claims to have been born in Hawaii. He is also known as Bathhouse Barry, due to his affinity for sodomite acts.
Soetoro is "married" to Michael Soetoro, a male transsexual who prefers to go by the name "Michelle." Soetoro also claims to have been born in Hawaii, and provided a fake birth certificate to prove that he is a relentless liar, a fact documented by then-Congressman Joe Wilson.
Soetoro won the 2008 presidential election illegitimately due to his birth in Kenya, and won primarily because of the fact that he ran against milquetoast RINO and pretend war hero John McCain and apostate Mormon and RINO Willard "Mitt" Romney in 2012. Soetoro picked sexual assault perpetrator and general idiot Joe Biden as his running mate to cater to blue collar working class voters.
Soetoro's main accomplishments include the "Affordable" Care Act, which accomplished nothing except raising health insurance premiums through the roof and then throwing more people onto the weak sauce government welfare program Medicaid. Soetoro also nominated two far-left affirmative action picks to the Supreme Court, and he nominated Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State so she could make it to where effeminate sodomites and extremely butch lesbians could lie about their sex on their passports, thus causing all sorts of national security incidents where men identified as women got flagged because of their penises.
Soetoro caused racial tensions to skyrocket in the US, presided over a sluggish economy, threw order out of the window in favor of moral decadence, and his presidency was an illegitimate, illegal, nightmarish farce. His successor, Donald Trump, pledged to undo the damage Soetoro did, but has instead continued down the path to wanton destruction.

Various Anons #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(US Anon 1)
New Study shows only 2% of Americans over the age of 70 believe Jews control USA, meanwhile 25% of those under 24 do.


Are boomers even salvageable at this point?

(Finnish Anon)
They grew up in a time period when hiding the truth was even more important than it is today because lots of young men had just died for the cause. Also there was no way to really research forbidden subjects like there is today, libraries could just pull books off the shelves and to get your hands on anything, you had to know a guy who knows a guy and basically be committed to the whole thing already.

(Irish Anon)

>Average IQ well into the 110's
>Taking better education because they're smart and usually come from well off families
>Ending up in powerful positions because they're cognitively ahead of 99.9%

I really think this jew conspiracy has gone too far. There's a strong correlation between intelligence and succes, and this group of people just turned out to win a bit harder than the rest of us. Cope

There's tremendously more white people with IQs over 130 than Jews. Learn the numbers. It's an advantage not an explanation

(British Anon)
At this point you need a lot of evidence show that media and finance is not controlled by jews to debunk anything.

(German Anon)
Look up the generations most affected by lead in gasoline.
The IQs of Boomers and Gen X average about a 10 point drop over earlier and later generations. This also explains the Flynn effect btw.

(US Anon 2)
Gen Xers were just slow to catch on. We didn't have the internet growing up, so we didn't have an easy way to find out the truth. Can confirm about Boomers though. Even the ones who are halfway aware of what's going on do not understand and refuse to understand the root of the problem. Have tried broaching the subject with somewhat based Boomers and older Gen Xers (I am a young one). Their brainwashing kicks in immediately and they can't conceive of and are unwilling to entertain the truth. My mom thinks I'm a neo Nazi now.
These people are too far gone. 100% demoralized.

S.O.D. #wingnut #racist metal-archives.com

Fuck the middle east
There's too many problems
They just get in the way
We sure could live without them
They hijack our planes
They raise our oil prices
We'll kill them all and have a ball
And end their fuckin' crisis
BEIRUT, LEBANON-Won't exist once we're done
LIBYA, IRAN-We'll flush the bastards down the can
SYRIANS and SHIITES-Crush their faces with our might
Then Israel and Egypt can live in peace without these dicks

british-israel.us #crackpot #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy british-israel.us

Does God still speak to men by means of visions and dreams? He says, "I change not" (Mal. 3:6). God is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8). If He spoke that way in the past, we can be certain he still speaks that way today -- by means of visions and dreams. But where are they? The movie "Chariots of Fire" is one such vision. How do we know? Because of amazing parallels that have occurred between reality and the events portrayed by the movie. Real-life events transpired in 1980-82 (and after) which paralleled the movie script. Uncanny parallels -- too many for mere haphazard chance. It is truly -- "an Enigma."

Running represents the "ritual of human endeavor" (p.175, Chariots of Fire by Weatherby). Priests wore short breeches (Ex. 28:42) made of linen (Ex. 39:28) and went barefoot into the Sanctuary (Ex. 3:5; Josh. 5:15). Their fine white linen is their righteousness (Rev. 19:8). Thirty runners (p.105) may correspond to the thirty mighty men of David (2 Sam. 23:13,23). Just like Scripture, the movie deals with primarily three (vv. 9,13,16-19, 22-23) -- Eric, Harold and Andrew. At the beginning of the movie, all 30 are labeled as "Chariots of Fire" just as Elijah was called "the chariot of Israel" (2 Ki. 2:12). As the movie closes, Blake's Jerusalem labels Christ a "chariot of fire" -- our Lord returning. Waters in the background are multitudes of people (Rev. 17:15). Just as the movie's three main runners were "British," so also the church believes in "British-Israel" doctrine in Pasadena. Furthermore, every true Christian (of whatever race) is a "Covenant man" or "Brit ish" in Hebrew (Gal.3:29).
There were TWO GOLD MEDALISTS in the movie. SAMSON is similar to the "MIGHTY ANGEL" (Sam's son; Rev. 10:1). Etcetera. If we can admit to ten parallels, then there is only one chance in 5x5x5x5x5x5x5x5x5x5 = 9,765,625 that this is coincidence.

Blergaderg, Ducktalesooo000ooo, TacosForTrump,systemthrowaway & Timmy88 #racist #sexist #fundie consumeproduct.win

I've never actually seen someone with platinum/grey eyes. I've seen an icy blue, holy crap were those some gorgeous eyes. Sadly, they weren't attached to the kind of person to settle down with.

Was it a tranny?

Thankfully no.

I'm guessing either danger hair, a side cut, probably a bunch of facial piercings, and definitely tattoos.

Actually, everything about her appearance was clean, she just "wanted to explore herself more". So, you know what that entails.

Riding the dick train, sad.

Damn, and if she's good looking you know she got plenty.

Why didn’t you fuck

Because I wasn’t married to her?

Sith Religion Award

Let the hate flow through you

Mauricio #racist #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Responding to Jamie"]

You need to transvalue your views on Hate and War

Hate is a source of pure, raw power. The best source of Power

Aryans need to re-learn how to tap into that source and use it effectively to destroy their enemies completely, forever

It should be obvious by now, that in order for Aryans to continue to exist, all other human races have to die

Seven billion humans must be exterminated. There is no other way

And to accomplish that enormous, herculean, multi-generational task, the Aryan Man must adhere to a religion of infinite Hatred

The Aryan Man must become a remorseless, relentless, genocidal mass-murderer of non-Whites and White traitors, or he will cease to exist; or Beautiful Eyes will disappear forever

Therefore he must wage War against Non-whites mercilessly

War is Chaos, and Chaos is Nature’s way of determining who is Strongest

Hatred is Strength, and Strength is Power

To win the War, Aryans must religiously Hate their non-Aryan enemies enough to carry out a Hundred Year Race War of Extermination of 7 Billion. Infinite Hatred

Kill all sub-humans until there is no more dark skin and dark eyes on this Earth

I can’t explain it any simpler than this

Blood Purity will bring the ‘End of Unnecessary Suffering’

Anything else will inevitably lead to the extinction of White Beauty.

Anything else means Whites were not fit to exist

Mark Downey #fundie #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

This Internet outreach is dedicated to the vision of establishing a Christian foundation for the good news of the gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the United States. The so called churches in this country, as elsewhere in the world, are corrupted with the trappings of jewish fables and false doctrines detrimental to the true Israel people of scripture; that is, the Anglo Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic and kindred peoples that comprise the twelve tribes, to whom the Holy Bible is exclusively about.

Kinsman Redeemer Ministries is a calling to White people to gather together and worship the one true God; to rightly divide and discern God's Word; to proclaim the righteousness of the Laws of God and His judgements; to live the truth, the way and the life according to God's will.

This ministry "will fear no evil" and will declare the realities of race, government and theology. The calling for those with ears to hear and eyes to see is physical, mental and spiritual. God Almighty is calling the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel in this hour, to gather in unity and singleness of purpose to rid our land of the antichrist enemies of God.

gcochran9 #elitist #racist archive.ph

Guns, Germs, and Steel revisited

In particular, Diamond argues that people in PNG are significantly smarter. "in mental ability, New Guineans are probably genetically superior [my emphasis] to Westerners”: p21. This is sufficiently odd that readers of GGS often refuse to admit that Diamond ever said it.

In arguing that the last actually are first Diamond dismisses the entire field of psychometrics. It’s a ballsy approach – implying that the whole field is just crap not even worth discussing. It’s how I deal with astrology or gender studies. It’s how everybody should have dealt with Freudian analysis.

The problem is that aptitude tests actually work. A one-hour paper-and-pencil test gives a reasonable estimate of a student’s general problem-solving ability.

Regional scores on IQ tests and other educational tests ( PISA, etc) do track regional differences in S&T achievements. Not perfectly – northeast Asians have the highest scores but have not made the largest contributions to the development of modern technology – but pretty well. Populations that have low average scores on such tests have contributed very little to the development of modern science and technology.

Diamond acknowledges, “We see in our daily lives that some of the conquered peoples continue to form an underclass, centuries after the conquests or slave imports took place. The transistor leapt 8,000 miles to launch an electronics industry in Japan – but it did not make the shorter leap to found new industries in Zaire or Paraguay. The nations rising to new power are still ones that were incorporated thousands of years ago into the old centers of dominance. Prospects for world dominance of sub-Saharan Africans, Aboriginal Australians, and Native Americans remain dim.”

Why should that be so? If hunter-gatherers are ” probably more intelligent”, why doesn’t it show? Where’s their Paul Morphy, their Ramanujan, their George Green? If Aboriginals are so smart, why aren’t they rich? Why do they flunk algebra?

Callum Darragh #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

The United States Looks Like South Africa

That is the state of the United States, which is increasingly looking like a tin pot south African country. I mean racial discrimination directly from the central government, on the grounds of just giving away money to black people and refusing it to white people. Your universities again are being infested with just racial, ideological debates endlessly and black supremacist ideology. Is the economy going down the pan? Yeah. Mega inflation. I mean, it is mad, but it is the reality of what it looks like.

Anonymous #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #psycho thebarchive.com

Honestly think how fucking much world be better if Nazis won IIWW, out technogy would be much better, because half of the world would work together, there would be less crimes, less homeless people, no political problems, better goverment in the retarded fucking braindead eastern Europe, and whole world would be purged from those filthy fucking disgusting untermanschen that only bring chaos and disorder

S.O.D. #wingnut #racist metal-archives.com

You come into this country
You can't get real jobs
Boats and boats and boats of you
Go home you fuckin' slobs
Selling hot dogs on the corner
Selling papers in the street
Pushing, pulling, digging, sweating
Where you come from must be beat

You always make us wait
You're the ones we hate
You can't communicate
Speak English Or Die

You don't know what I want
You don't know what I need
Why must I repeat myself
Can't you fuckin' read?
Nice fuckin' accents
Why can't you speak like me
What's that dot on your head,
Do you use it to see??


pornoddio #racist #psycho blackpill.club

Online people mock curry confidence.


But the most confident guys out there are the asians. I have never heard of an asian that wasn't in possession of situational awareness. The asians never discuss their microdong, the asians k1ll themselves when their asian social facade is uncovered. For this reason I think the asians are the most confident race out there. Nobody surpasses asian confidence.


They tell you to be confident and at the same time mock confident men

When online people discuss confidence meme, they just refer to situational awareness. The curries online that ask for bobs vegana are sure confident, but they get ridiculed nonetheless.

When redpillers discuss "confidence", they mean in reality "confidence company man", because they are descendants of scammers that operate in the low level Ponzi blocks, some of them are millionaires, but vast majority is dirtpoor and ideologically inferior. They don't even believe that change is possible, afterall they were born from parents that sold supplements for a living. When you deal with redpillers and other inferior underlings, usually best solution is to genocide them, like it was done in russia for classes of normies that were't salvageable anymore.

Puzzleheaded-Ad6151 #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #racist adrenogate.net

Im just gonna put this here, pre-warned its a major rant.

The phoenicians worshipped Baal. They received an alphabet, advanced architecture, medicine, mined gold and sacrificed people.

If you look at google images for the talisman of Saturn what youre going to find is a Minotaur with an arrow and a scythe and a dragon. I believe this dragon is yahweh and also quetxacoatl. Theres a good yourube on how Yahweh desribes a dragon multiple times, and in no way would be describing a man in old translations.

Everywhere these fuckers went they would coerce the followers to create slavery and become the civilizations we know today. These people became the ‘Name Stealers’ aka Kahzarian Mafia.

They take over all religions. They were heavily into the Romans culture. <...> For this reason if you were to look up the god Dionysis youll see its connection to baal and that he/she ( trans ) is celebrated december 25th and you decorate trees and hes involved with wine and blood rituals etc.

Now here is the Unified Rabbit Hole Theory that ties everything together.

Anyone heavily into the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon will tell you that there is a very prominent extradimensional aspect to it. We have in our ancient writings descriptions of insane events and contact with ets, such as what Chariots of the God’s says.

Tom Delong has mentioned many times that if you mention Jesus Christ your abduction may end. Other sources have eluded that there is a demonic element to aliens.

Im going to cut to the chase;

We are in a balance between good and evil, and there is a dimension beyond this that interacts with us. What we end up having on one side is Grays and archon like entities harvesting fear and anxiety and emotions and reptilians below harvesting meat and blood and emotions. I honestly believe the Gerogia Guidestones are coming into play with this New World Order stuff and depopulattion. Either that or its a heck of a coincidence.

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

Despite resorting to extreme fascist repression, the Khazarian mafia slave regimes of the G7 are mathematically doomed. The reason is financial. They made the fundamental mistake of thinking that numbers on financial institution computers were real and not imaginary. This is why, for the first time in my memory, the G20 finance ministers did not issue a statement after meeting last week. If they had been honest, they would have declared bankruptcy.
Even more disturbing, for me as an Anglo-Saxon, is that when the US, Canada and England tried to stage a walkout of the G20 to protest against Russia, nobody followed.

The Anglo-Saxon nations used to have the respect of the world because they stood for democracy, human rights, competent economic management etc. I’ll never forget when I asked the former head of MI6 “We used to be the good guys, what happened?” His answer was “the Khazarian mafia.” This is because, like a caterpillar that has been infected by a parasitic wasp, the governments of these countries have been taken over by Satan worshiping Khazarian gangsters. So, the politicians and military of the West were redirected -against the interests of their own people- to a project to turn the entire planet into a giant animal farm. This was to be run by Khazarian gangsters out of their ancient homeland, the place we now know of as Ukraine.

The KM took over the governments of most Western countries through a process of murder, bribery, blackmail and lies. This was directed at the very tip-top of the elite. Understanding the problem lies at the tip-top is also the key to overthrowing the KM. Just like a pimple, if you squeeze it from the bottom up, the pus comes out at the top.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "English Propaganda as an Art Form/Character Of Barbarian Nations"]

The English are of course, Masterminds of Propaganda[…]
Figures like George Orwell[…]people who support him forget to recognize that he comes from a Liberal school of thought, and that he was a Democratic Socialist and an Atheist

The problem with Atheists[…]is not so much the fact that they disbelief in God, but that the Atheists have a sinister agenda on their own[…]
Anglo-American countries have also made many centuries worth of Propaganda Efforts by trying to form alliances and the pretend act of considering certain Allies as “Brothers”[…]
Kurds and Armenians are generally an enemy element in the Caucasus region, but the English and Americans have covered up their atrocities in the Western Press for many decades[…]
Anyone who thoroughly studied what these people have done[…]would be unable to deny that they are Land Stealers and Nomadic People[…]
When one thoroughly studies racial origins and history of these people such as Armenians and Kurds, you will find that they are a Crypto-Iranian[…]many centuries history of struggle has been aimed at Pan-Persian Expansionism[…]
The Armenians will never admit however, that they are largely secretly Iranian or of other breeds and working for a Pro-Iranian Agenda[…]
Another twisted scenario is also the Modern “Greeks” who are largely an admixture of Persians and Slavs[…]
The Slavic Problem was supposed to be addressed in World War I affairs, and while the Jews and English are responsible in wholesale part for the war, the Slavs played a major role[…]Slavic Question had much to do with whether or not they will ever agree to live with less since they are an inferior race[…]
The Slav may not be as low and uncivilized as the Negro, however they still are not far off, with a few exceptions

NTsl87k #conspiracy #racist archive.4plebs.org

West slavs in general and Poles in particular are ethnic time bombs
Polish sleeper agents.
We planted them all over Canada for the past 100 years and they became indistinguishable from the Anglo-Celtic and German communities over time, but this recent war in Russia has light switch brained them all into warmongering zogbots
They also tend to like Israel for some reason, ironic given that Genrikh Yagoda was responsible for the holodomor
Also unlike kikes and other non-whites, they produce top quality women who become simp magnets, which I believe is at least partly responsible for Reddit taking up with the ukronigger plight
Picrel is a Polish girl I went to school with


cH4OoW5 #racist archived.moe

Poles want to be real western Europeans so badly, that they pretend not to hear when Brits call them 'toilet cleaner race' and the like. They'll tolerate, forget, and forgive anything just for the west's approval.

But then when it comes to their fellow slavs, they adopt that British kind of arrogance and snobbery towards their 'lessers' to the east. Funny how that works...

Joshua Light #conspiracy #racist quora.com

Question: Is it possible that North Sentinel Islanders are not homo sapiens?

Joshua Light: A perfectly racist question. The essence of racism is the belief in “races” - that people-groups are somehow in different stages of evolution than others and “not quite human”. Darwin believed the Australians to be of inferior breed.

Margaret Sanger believed “negros” to be of inferior breed and wanted them “bred out” of the human race entirely. She formed what is now known as Planned Parenthood. From the grave, she has been largely successful - over 30 million black babies - black voters - have had their vote suppressed in the most permanent way - by killing them in the womb. 30 million is 5 times more blacks than the total Jews killed by Hitler.

Heart Communicators/Elana Freeland #crackpot #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut heartcommunicators.com

BEWARE – this is a really ugly subject matter (SODOMY on children & Satanic Ritual Abuse) on this page but needs to be discussed as our leadership lives their lives with ritual and occultism and the sodomy practice. They do this with their piers and with pedophilia is big amongst these New World Order WANNABES. It is outrageous on its best day, it destroys lives – young and old. THIS SUBJECT MATTER IS ABOUT SODOMY WITH CHILDREN TO SPLIT THEIR MINDS AND CONTROL THEM FOREVER.

This is a part of the NEW WORLD ORDERS trans-gender luciferian agenda being put out and being enforced by our leadership, the military complex,and police forces with quite the vehicles and technology to do their jobs with these days.

“The”Key of David” is the Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white flashes of light in the brain”.
You remember Aleister Crowley. He was a 33rd degree Mason. I talked to Bill Schnoebelen one time and asked him, “Where did the Masons get the sodomy?” and he said, “It came by Aleister Crowley from black magic Hinduism.” Well, that isn’t the only place it came from.
Sodomy is the biggest occult power source there is, so how did they get their power without it? I was not there, I was never invited to go there, I could not have gone there because I was never a victim of sodomy as a child. Now, the Masons do recruit people who are innocent bystanders just for the image and the dues. But the real driving force of the Masons are the sodomites, just check the de Molay thing.

Sodomy has a spiritual component in it that is far more sinister than anybody recognizes. It is the most underrated evil power to the general public. But to the people who are in the know, they know that this is the ultimate rebellion against God Himself. This is what they hope to use to gain the whole human race for their side and defeat God Himself.

Roosh V #racist #conspiracy #fundie rooshv.com

[From "I Am The Peasant Revolt"]

It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. I’m not supposed to be sharing the truth with you. They had a specific plan for me, but I figured out what it was and revolted against it[…]
In 1965, a certain demographic in America agitated for a looser immigration law. Historically, most immigrants came from Christian Europe, but the law changed, opening the borders to anybody, including the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. My father was one of the first to benefit[…]My mom immigrated with her entire family[…]
The plan of the regime was simple: culturally sterilize the white population, their greatest threat to power (as clearly evidenced by the recent Canadian truckers’ protest), and replace them with atomized non-European people who will obey any directive to come and reside in the United States to enjoy its first-world comforts. Through the pursuit of their material self-interests, my parents unknowingly consented to this plan[…]Their son abided by this plan and exceeded it to a foul degree[…]
Within history you will find stories of the slave girl catching the eye of a member of the noble class[…]His spawn, sent back to the slum, is obviously smarter than the rest of the slaves[…]This half-breed then speaks for his people[…]How many peasant “half-breeds” are there in America right now, not racially but in socioeconomic class, knowledge, and faith, who were educated in atheist universities[…]
They gave me a degree in microbiology to use in developing vaccines, and I now use that knowledge to forcefully speak out against vaccines. They gave me the internet and computer technology to be programmed by their words[…]
The second I started to speak the truth outside of their Overton window, the regime activated against me. Their peasant was not behaving correctly

Moonman1488 & AnalAndro #wingnut #psycho #racist ncu.su

RE: how do you feel about nuclear war?


Please let it happen, God I hate agecucks and kikes and degenerates in this world just fucking make it happen nuke them all

Yes maybe it will happen, in this case I already have a list of accelerationists and communists that I want to deal with myself. Because commies, just like the cockroaches they truly are, tend to find always a way to survive, so I am sure they will not be destroyed like I would like to happen. For example I need to deal with Toni Negri myself, because he's an accelerationist and an evilcommie that stays far away distant from actual conflicts, he brainwashed many young retards that think communism is highIQ and sent them to do his dirty work.

Then I think it's time for him to pay for the blood he shed, fucking dirty stinky commie.

hate agecucks

Yes I hate them too. In this world we cannot even fap to lolis without facing consequences, all done to protect the mental derangements of some of the stupidest beings of this planet. It's more than enough to wish for a nuclear disaster to happen.

Estonian Anon #elitist #racist boards.4chan.org


I'm so sick of niggers eternal victim complex. Here you have a rich world-famous absolutely cushioned guy claiming that you can't suffer if you aren't black, to a people that probably suffered the most in Europe the last 500 years.

Makes me vomit. Fucking ingrate.

My people (100% pure white at the time, 100% of the population) abolished slavery years after it was abolished in USA for niggers.
Let me put this in words any american retard can understand.
My white ancestors were slaves for longer than niggers in...anywhere really.
Let that sink in and marinade before you start worshipping beasts.
And you know the funniest part of all this shit? We don't scream for sympathy, we don't ask for reparations, we don't murder, we don't steal because we are not beasts.

Tell an american negro that Estonians were enslaved by every neighbour for thousands of years, they won't believe you.
Estonians were literally legal slaves in the same years while negroes were roaming free in america.

You know, I'm already asking myself if even the most redneck racist slave owner treated them like shit if there was at least one competent worker under them. I mean we're talking about people that crippled themselves to avoid work.

They have no inner monologue, no concept of hard work and no concept of tomorrow or reaping what you sow. They run on "what am I feeling right now" instincts with no regard for the future, nor the past.
Once you put yourself in their position, it actually becomes quite easy to imagine cutting off your limbs to avoid work, what in reality is happening, is that the negro lives in the moment, so to not work at the moment, he will cripple himself at the moment, neither of these actions actually make any sense if you think in the sense of "tomorrow" or any longitude.

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