
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Arcturian Starseed ambassador René, a.k.a. ARCTURUS RA #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #quack ra-key.com

Arcturian Starseed ambassador René, a.k.a. ARCTURUS RA, awakened to his purpose, shares his personal activation or remembrance of being an Arcturian Scientist and Starfleet Commander. He discloses the stepping into his mission to help this planet restore it’s original consciousness. He also shares his knowledge of the mysteries of the Universe, how to bio-hack yourself into seeing other dimensions, where we go at night when we sleep and much more fascinating information about his (and our) E.T. heritage.
Ra, as an experiencer, had Essassani walking with him, having been “taken” multiple times.

With a strong connection to Sirius, he knows his cosmic family is from the Arcturian Northern Hemisphere Bootes Constellation.

To this day, he has many encounters with positive E.T. beings from these places, receiving downloads from them and turning those into technology.
Ra holds a Master’s Degree in electrical engineering and computer technologies. He is also self-taught in photonic fusion and bioresonance devices or the building of such. He feels that the secret of the pyramids, vortices, power spots, fountains or holy places with seemingly miraculous properties has been lost.

As an “extra-celestial” soul he has memories from past lives in Atlantis, Lemuria and Planet Maldek before it was blown up. He also remembers his home planet Arcturus. He came to Earth with his ship and crew through the gateway in the sun and is projecting himself from a future timeline backwards in time and into this vessel to help raise the planet's frequency.

As a starseed, his main mission protocol is to re-establish cosmic memory, get the “Hue Man Avatar” switched on again and help the planetary citizen awaken into galactic remembrance.

His assisting Arcturian technology is all about natural resonance with the field we call “Source”. As RA would say, “seeing is believing but feeling is knowing” and when many come together on that notion we create worlds.

Prussian Society of America #quack #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Why I would still not take the Vaccine, even if COVID were a real threat"]

No Logical, No Sincere, No Educated or Wise person would come anywhere near close to this vaccine, even if we were in fact in some sort of real pandemic

For one, growing up, I was educated to understand about FDA Regulations and Drug / Vaccination Testing, and had also conducted my own research in the field, having a background in Biology and other varied Sciences
Even people who claim they got “COVID” – in which they are really just getting Influenza – would NEVER be permitted or encouraged to get the vaccine, since throughout history, if someone was previously exposed to a virus of some kind, if they survived (and most do), they would have established antibodies for it
You can now see how the world leaders and mouthpieces like the Jesuit Criminal Dr. Fauci repeatedly change the goal posts, and they have long thrown out the whole concept of “Herd Immunity” now, and that efforts have also been made to redefine documented definition of Herd Immunity as only being achievable via the inoculations
Every New Vaccination someone takes, further exposes the body to additional health risks, while at the same time compromising the immune system to some extent
Anyone who has a background in Virology knows that Viral infections are NOT deadly, not anywhere near the level as Bacterial Infections
The even worse part if you DO get vaccinated is that your entire life is now imperiled, and it will be even worse to be imperiled and considered “unvaccinated” if you do not keep your Booster Shots up to date according to the controllers of this medical experiment, so therefore you have an even WORSE position than someone who is full Unvaccinated and of Pure Blood
The VACCINATED do not deserve our sympathy. DO NOT HAVE SYMPATHY FOR THEM

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #ufo projectcamelotportal.com

ABOUT THE VAX AND TRUMP……The reality is that JFKjr/Juan and Trump are a tag team. Trump wears the real mask hiding who he really is… playing a part to garner the vote and acting like he backs the vaccine while Juan is staunchly speaking out against vaccines and telling the Patriots what’s really happening in parables while being physically masked.

You could best think about this by saying that Juan wearing a mask can speak the truth and Trump without a mask has to falsely back the vax and take other positions in order to appear palatable to the portion of the Republican party that believes in old science of the “virus” and the “vaccine”. When talking about Trump and his stance on the vaccine know this…. In taking on the deep state/Luciferian alliance the white hats had to jump in a river that was flowing in one mainstream direction… and endeavor over time to bend the river in a completely different more positive direction. But their problem is and was that people would rebel against them if they came forward with their real agenda and the real truth because the masses (and especially the old guard) were not ready to deal with or handle real change without going through the complete death of their paradigm. Until then they would refuse to recognize that they had been deceived and backing the vampiric reptilians all those years. That self knowledge was too hard a pill to swallow. They needed to see the proof all around them and see the paradigm fall around their knees exposed for what it was… a blood drinking Nazi cult of death.

"Diane, a Seattle mother" #quack #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

I have been following this site for over 10 years and it changed my life. I am a former health care consultant, now a teacher in my latter career years. I have teenage sons and live in the Pacific Northwest, USA.

Please turn your Righteous Anger into momentum for the Positive!
Every day--all over the world--little children struggle to breathe for the entire school day. What is wrong with a society that allows this? They cannot run and play at recess without struggling to breathe! Why are there not health tests being done on their oxygen saturation levels during the day. This has got to be harming their health! What are the long term effects!?

We are surely under some kind of hypnosis or spell, not to be defending our children's rights! Are we that afraid of a mostly-harmless virus. It is worth it to deprive little children the right to breathe air? What is worth that?
Shunned from my neighbors and colleagues: WORTH IT!

I was kicked out of the teacher's union Facebook page for posting evidence about the effectiveness of masks. (BTW, I no longer belong to the Union.)

Even a few months ago, I was walking around upset that my neighbors, and my colleagues--and even my own children--were expressing negative feelings and even shunning me for expressing my opinions about what occurring. One neighbor won't allow her children (whom I love) to even walk on my sidewalk because of my views. These children practically lived at my house in years past. Now I realize I was a coward for being upset about what others feel. Its worth it for us to speak up. We are planting a seed. Now a few of my colleagues and neighbors are coming around to the truth. They are hearing it from other places as well and its starting to grow. Let's keep it up!


Candace Owens #crackpot #quack #wingnut dailykos.com

The notoriously ignorant right-winger and anti-vaxxer Candance Owens went from denying the validity of vaccines to encouraging her 4.1 million followers on Instagram to follow her regimen of using colloidal silver as a daily supplement.

“Yes, colloidal silver!” Owens says enthusiastically in her latest Instagram video. “I take colloidal silver every single day, I love colloidal silver. That is a great one. That is another one that people probably know nothing about.”

And just in case you’re interested in staving off illness with colloidal silver, the Mayo Clinic clearly says the stuff isn’t safe or effective for anything basically. “Silver has no known purpose in the body. It's not an essential mineral.”

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center reports side effects of using colloidal silver that include: seizures, skin burns, near renal failure, hospitalization, neuropathy, acute myeloid leukemia, and death.

John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am John F. Kennedy, the President of United States, and I am happy to speak today to all of you through the Universal Channel. I want to wish Merry Christmas to everyone, who are celebrating with their families, friends or loved ones.

Almost two years passed since, the Dark Souls released the lab created germs to the atmosphere, and started slashing with each day away your liberties of doing things the way you used to do, without any restrictions like where you want to travel or dine out. Now, it’s the time to reflect about your life, if you are happy, what is next and how much longer you are going to tolerate this nonsense implied on you by the World Governments.
During my lifetime on Earth, a lot of people were quite awake, to block that the Darkness pushed the drugs on the population in Seventies with the purpose to put everyone back to being brainwashed and asleep. Right now, the Dark Entities doing again by letting drugs be accessible by approval of FDA. Please, don’t buy foods with hemp, they are going to effect your thinking. They want to slow down the process of the changeover.

The operation Freedom, which is lead by Alliance, continues to arrest the criminals, who committed the crimes against the people, and rescue women and children from the sex trafficking and being sacrificed by Satanists. Right on, you can’t see with your own eyes yet, it’s purposely done for your safety. Some scenes, which the Special Forces encountered, could brake your heart. The truth will be unveiled in proper timing.

Meantime, let’s go of anger, fear, greed and etc. to move yourselves into high energies.
You are receiving incredible amount of Light and Support from outworlders, who are looking forward to your liberation.
Foresee your own amazing future with incredible adventures like meeting different civilizations, traveling to other Galaxies and etc.

Bill Asher #wingnut #fundie #quack amgreatness.com

When it becomes necessary for a leader to relinquish trust in order to restore it, and devote himself to the duties of his office by not seeking another term in office, a leader honors the people. We have Joe Biden instead, who has malice toward one-third or more of the American people. To the unvaccinated, he forecasts a winter of severe illness and death. He damns the living, libeling them with the blood of innocents, days before the birthday of the Nazarene whose blood cleanses us from all sin. This is Joe Biden’s Christmas message.

The message is from a Catholic who speaks like a Calvinist, adjudging others—grouping together over a hundred million Americans—to eternal death.

The message is that the sick are wicked, and healing the wicked is a sin, because those who would overwhelm hospitals deserve to die.

Biden’s message is the most ahistorical and antagonistic message of its kind, for it is without charity or kindness; and yet it is the most authentic message of its kind, for Biden has no charity or kindness for his fellow Americans.

His message is also a tell, that he cannot tell time, because no president with a sense of decency—no Catholic with the conscience of a Christian—would deliver this message.
When that day comes, whether it comes on the night of November 5, 2024, or the afternoon of January 20, 2025, the day will feel like Christmas.

The day will mark the end of lectures and recriminations, bringing with it the greatest gift of all: the peaceful transfer of power.

May we all live to see that day as God sees fit to give us that day, so we may no longer hide ourselves in daylight or be homebound for the remainder of our days or years.

In the interim, as we build back to better days, let us take time to mourn the dead and pray for the living.

Let us be watchful, patient, and grateful.

Indian in the Machine #crackpot #quack #conspiracy #wingnut ournewearthnews.com

Zombie Alert Early 2022 Watch Movie “Cell” Now… It Is Probably A Documentary!! Theory: Zombies Created With 5G + Graphene Oxide (Vaxx Ingredient) + Cell Phone!! CONOP 8888 US Dept. Of Defense Strategic Command Zombie Defense Plan Exists!! Airlines Panicking Over 5G Rollout!!

Folks… this is important… there IS a zombie event coming… the military AND Pentagon already know!!

CONOP 8888

CONOP 8888 also known as Counter-Zombie Dominance is a U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Command CONOP document that describes a plan for defending against zombies. The April 30, 2011 document depicts fictional scenarios of zombie attacks for training students in military planning.

Now if that was all bad enough… the airlines are panicking over 5G (opening scene of “Cell” takes place in airport!! What do they know????

Equally important:

Look At The Freaky Live Blood Sample Of Vaxxed Under Microscope!! “The Thing” Is Definitely Alive, As Are Other Strange Unidentified Creatures Swimming Around In Blood Sample Of Vaxxed!! It’s Like An Ecosystem Humanity Has Never Seen Before!!


Covid Shots Turn Humanity Into Patentable Species!! Supreme Court Ruling, And It’s In The Patents!!
Zombie Invasion Begins Mid-January 2022… Along With Mass Sickness And Death Especially For The Jabbed!! Make The Omicron/Zombie/Disease X Connection Now And Then Head For…

Archangel Michael: Every day “The Great Day” approaches. Many people think that once again we are lying that nothing will happen.

Tesla BioHealing™ #quack #magick #mammon teslabiohealing.com

Nikola Tesla created technology that proved the existence of Life Force Energy (hence the name Tesla Waves) and discovered how to harness Life Force Energy that is naturally occurring in the environment.

We are carrying forth Nikola Tesla’s discovery in order to create powerful, yet completely non-invasive therapeutic devices. Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices act as amplifiers to create a concentrated field of pure Life Force Energy. Essentially these devices produce an amplified field of Life Force Energy, and as long as you are within this environment,, your cells will be able to uptake this vital energy as needed, utilizing as much Life Force as is necessary for optimal cellular support and functioning.

Life Force Energy is what we are made of and what nourishes our body on a cellular level. The body is incredibly intelligent; cells are already designed with their own self-repair mechanisms. The more Life Force Energy our cellular structures have available, the more they are able to activate those self-repair mechanisms. Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices provide a completely natural yet powerfully therapeutic environment where cells can be optimally supported in order to activate the body’s remarkable capacity for self-healing.

Tesla MedBed Generators™ are our most powerful health solution created specifically for addressing challenging and severe conditions in the shortest amount of time. By placing our MedBed Generators underneath or beside your bed frame, a powerful, concentrated field of pure Life Force Energy is generated during crucial sleep and recovery time, providing an optimal environment for cellular repair, at 100x the power of our Tesla Biohealers™.
<2 MEDBED GENERATORS™ ($19,999)>

Sharmila Begum, Azarudeen and Mohammed Saleem #fundie #quack #psycho indiatoday.in

A six-month-old girl was drowned to death allegedly as a human sacrifice for her grandfather's life in Tamil Nadu's Pattukottai
Thirty-two-year-old Naseerudhin was married to Shaliha and had a baby girl. Naseerudhin's uncle Asaruddin was working abroad and had recently returned. Asaruddin used to fall ill often and his wife Sharmila Begum had checked with Muhammed Salim, a Muslim tantric who had told her to sacrifice a child without spilling any blood to save his life

Sharmila Begum had reportedly plotted to sacrifice Shaliha's 6-month old daughter. On Tuesday, she went to Shaliha's house at midnight and kidnapped the child

When Shaliha woke up, she panicked and began to search for the baby. Sharmila Begum then took Shaliha behind her house where the child was put inside a fish tank and drowned

Shaliha said that she protested, but Sharmila Begum had pressurised her to bury the child in their backyard

Pattukottai Thahsildar reported the child's death to the local police. The body was exhumed and has been sent for autopsy

Victor Green #quack #psycho windsorstar.com

A failed local PPC candidate took to Facebook Tuesday urging people to sabotage Windsor’s vaccine appointment system to prevent children from getting the jab.
Victor Green posted the phone number for Windsor Regional Hospital’s COVID-19 vaccine centre and encouraged people to book bogus appointments they don’t intend to keep.
“You know what to do,” he wrote. “Fill up those appointment slots so much, they will have to turn kids away because they are fully booked.”
The following day, Green posted his comment on a Facebook group dedicated to opposing COVID-19 protocols. He refused to talk about it later Tuesday.
Along with telling the Star he had “no comment,” he went on a brief rant about his distaste for the media.
“You guys haven’t done me any favours,” said Green, who got 10 per cent of the vote in the Windsor-Tecumseh riding during the last election.
“I’ve got no love for the media. Until such time as you start telling the truth then you and I are not friends anymore. It’s simple as that. Good bye.”

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

During the Atlantean invasion
When intrusive forces attempted to control the crystal core
It resulted in an explosion
Damaging the instruction sets and data memory storage
For the earth plane

The shattered remnants were used to run reversal currents
Which damaged our bio neurology
Resulting in mind control

As our brains properly decipher the renewed crystalline intelligence
Repairs to the thalamus and neural synapses are occurring

The thalamus deciphers and transmits information
From the crystal technology of the inner earth

Then connects with the fornix nerve fibers
And the limbic system
Which relates our emotional experiences
And unlocks our higher sensory perception

Which erases artificial signals of mind control and metatronic reversals
Reconfiguring the entire solar plexus area

The lattice crystalline ray structure of the platinum current
Which activates sun disc spirals
Has been dormant since the Atlantean cataclysm

This gold crystalline technology of the earth grid
Is a highway of holographic light frequency patterns

It is a network of geomantic blueprints
Which holds living crystal consciousness
Performing specific functions

It extends out into the celestial map
Of sun star networks in the Universal plane
That transmits star crystals
And a range of stellar frequencies
That allow for consciousness transport to other dimensions

The formation of new crystal stars
Will transmit healing crystal frequencies for fractured souls

Major sun disc vortexes are in
Brazil Bolivia Scotland Egypt and Australia

Platinum ray crystalline energies
Have seeded the ascension template

They act as harmonic stabilizers with parallel realities
And are shield protectors of the Earth crystal core

They run the highest available coherent energy
In the whole spectrum
Of opalescent and pearlescent rainbow crystal light

Activating the biological crystal in humans
Which is in the 14th chakra

That connects human consciousness
To energy records in the crystalline network
Through a biochemical interface of hydroplasmic light

And connects directly to the frequency code
Of the Law of One consciousness

Which is the unified state that exists
Between multidimensional energies!

Drunvalo Melchizedek/Martijn Vroemen #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #mammon pyramidsofchi.com

Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony

Created by Drunvalo Melchizedek & presented by Martijn Vroemen

Pyramids Of Chi, Tegallalang, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia

$25.00 per person

3h 30min

Would you like to Awaken your Human Light Body Merkaba and become fully stable living within your heart?

Would you like to open your third eye for a full sensory perception of your reality and activate your beams of light, antennas, and human halo?

Would you like to move yourself from the 3D level of life on Earth to 4D?
Ascension is an inner and outer game that we get to play in every moment in this reality called life, especially during this special transition time on Earth where we are moving from the Dark into the Light Cosmic Cycle of time within our Milky Way Galaxy. Ascension is being triggered inside each one of us by the energies that are being send into our atmosphere, bodies and Earth by The Great Central Sun of All That Is.

The Awakening the Illuminated Heart (ATIH) are the teachings that were given to Drunvalo Melchizedek who is part of Melchizedek consciousness which is 7- & 8-dimensional consciousness from the Star system Sirius. Drunvalo received these teachings directly from the Ascended Masters, the Great White Brotherhood of Light, the Pleiadean and Sirian Archangels of the Light (Archangel Hermes/ Thoth the Egyptian/ Atlantean).

Martijn has created this Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony together with the World Class Sound Healing venue Pyramids of Chi. For this ascension journey to be NEXT level. It contains all the Ancient Mystery School teachings for you to Awaken your Human Light Body, Merkaba in Egyptian or Rainbow body in Buddhism. Within the whole universe, the Merkaba is THE Light Body vehicle that allows you to raise your vibration and frequency to the highest levels of awareness and consciousness, when activated properly it IS your ascension vehicle.

Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I want to let you guys know that I got a message from Ashtar Sheran, while channeling his book, that I may be in trouble here in Canada. I am an active resistor of the government, which is trying to go communist, and we all know what commies do to their resistors. We've known for a while they've been creating “covid resorts” here in Canada, apparently for travelers who need to quarantine for two weeks. They say there's nothing to fear, that's all they're going to use them for. As if! I also know that the Chinese Red Army landed in Canada a couple years ago, and they've been strangely quiet. Ashtar told me that they're using the census responses and checking them against the vaxx records, and if you're in there and not vaxxed, they're going to come to get you and take you to their concentration camps. They're determined to kill us, one way or another, folks. If you won't do the jabb, they'll find another way to get you. Well, I'm not in the census because I refused to fill it out, even having been threatened with a $500 fine. I told them to get off my property. Ivo is watching them to see if they're coming for me, and he's asked me to pack bug out bags and finish packing my house so that he can take me up into his ship if need be. If there's no threat, then it's for nothing but better safe than sorry.
Ivo's got my back and it would be great being on his ship living with him instead of pining for him all the time. I was hoping that my re-introduction to Ivo would be more romantic than this ugly scenario but it is what it is. Canada is not fighting back enough and it's people who are resistors who are going to be targeted.
We'll still be buying the house in 5D and setting up a TV station and a light city, and perhaps a social media site, but this would just be one more step before that happens.

Anyway, thought I would tell you because I keep you up on things.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

Trump’s public speech on the vaccine has become indistinguishable from Fauci’s. In a recent event in Dallas, Texas, Trump sat next to Bill O’Reilly and bragged about taking the booster shot, adding that all Trump supporters should “take credit” for Operation Warp Speed and how Trump managed to shorten the vaccine approval and development time from 5-12 years to less than one year.

Trump completely ignores this mass death across America and scorns his own audience, telling them, “Don’t mock the vaccinated.” He seems utterly tone deaf to the reality that it is the unvaccinated who are being condemned, mocked, fired from their jobs, kicked out of restaurants and arrested in places like New York.

Trump now appears to be completely isolated from real America, showing zero understanding of the kind of totalitarian nightmare unvaccinated Americans are currently living through. Trump is completely out of touch with his own support base and the struggles they are facing due, in large part, to Trump selling them out to Big Pharma and the Federal Reserve.
And Trump himself has fallen right into the trap. By the time the globalist media is done with all this, it will be Trump who is labeled the modern-day Josef Mengele, not Fauci.

In the mean time, we all suffer under Trump’s inflation (now Biden’s inflation) and accelerating die-offs as we head into the dark winter that Joe Biden promises will be filled with “death” for the unvaccinated.

It’s starting to feel like Trump and Biden are playing for the same team, isn’t it?

That’s probably because they are.

It’s all theater, folks… Republicans vs. Democracy, red vs. blue, right vs. left… both parties pursue nearly identical policies of mass death, enslavement and the total financial looting of America. The only real difference is that Democrats like to rape children, while Republicans prefer to rape their own supporters.

I have run out of patience waiting for Trump to come to his senses. America needs to look elsewhere.

US Green Party Black Caucus #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt #quack blackcaucusgreens.org

We Say No To Mandates

What has become known as the Medical Freedom movement is arguably the biggest and most diverse international movement in world history.

Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are among the most vile, unconstitutional, immoral, unscientific, discriminatory and outright criminal policies ever enforced upon the population and goes against everything the Green Party stands for under Social Justice. These policies are coming from an out-of-control government at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry. The mainstream media and social media are also working in lock-step to censor any and all doctors, scientists, and investigative journalists who have an opposing view or who even question the current mainstream media orthodoxy.

It has taken a while, but more recently many medical professionals, elected officials and federal judges have come out fully against lockdowns, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and of course massive censorship. There is a growing clarity among many that these measures have nothing to do with health and everything to do with a power-grab at levels never before seen in the history of the world.

The National Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United States adheres to the principle that Informed Consent in all personal health and medical decisions is an inalienable human right.

Under no circumstances shall any medical treatment or procedure — including psychotropic medications, vaccines or other injectable treatments — be mandated or coerced. Individuals should be allowed to protect/heal themselves in a manner that best supports their medical and spiritual beliefs.

The coercive methods we oppose include:

Removal of minors from their guardians

Travel restrictions or restrictions from public spaces based on a requirement for "vaccine passports" or any other proof of "compliance" with any medical intervention

Vaccine requirements that target specific populations based on ethnicity/race, even if positioned as correcting disparities

Adama of Telos via Dianne Robbins #crackpot #magick #quack #ufo diannerobbins.com

Breaking the Death Codes

You are all great Warriors carrying the Light. You are all remnants of past great civilizations who have embodied again at this time to change the course of history. You are here to break the codes of death and aging. You are here to set belief systems on a new spiral – a spiral upward toward immortality, instead of spiraling downward toward death.
This is a great breakthrough for humanity, for without this change humanity on Earth would be doomed to continue third dimensional reality. So, the part you play is crucial. As you change your belief system you change the belief system of the critical mass – which in turn will change the codes of death to reflect the codes of Immortality as they were originally intended to work. Our DNA was and still is, originally intended to create Immortality – intended to allow us the choice of determining our own life spans – of determining how long to remain in our current incarnations. It was never intended that we live only a few decades and then die in total separation from the Creator.

For life is all One, and your lives were meant to reflect the wholeness and oneness of creation; and your lives were meant to be Immortal, so that your earthly life spans would spiral through the decades bringing you more and more wisdom as you spanned the course of time. For the longer your earthly life spans, the more wisdom you garner and the more evolved you become. Shorter life spans only limit your evolvement and can cause endless incarnations to achieve the same thing.

So we come to you bringing great hope, bringing you the knowingness that you are all programmed for Immortality. Bringing you the knowledge that you are Immortal Beings playing a great role on Planet Earth, and that Planet Earth is playing a great role in the Cosmos.

I Am Adama, High Priest and Ascended Master in Telos, a Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta in California.

Thierry Baudet #quack #racist vice.com

A far-right politician has been ordered by a Dutch court to delete social media posts comparing the treatment of unvaccinated people to the mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust.

Thierry Baudet, leader of the Forum for Democracy party, had been taken to court by Jewish organisations and a group of Holocaust survivors over a series of posts that made the comparison, which is frequently made by anti-lockdown and corona-skeptic activists.

Among Baudet’s offending posts were tweets calling unvaccinated people "the new Jews," and those “who look the other way … the new Nazis.”

Other posts included a photo of a Dutch child prevented from attending the traditional celebration of the Feast of Saint Nicholas, alongside an image of a Jewish boy, wearing a Star of David, awaiting deportation from a Polish ghetto. Another featured an image of Buchenwald concentration camp with the text: "How is it POSSIBLE not to see how history repeats itself?”

In a ruling on Wednesday, the judge ordered Baudet to delete the four posts within 48 hours or be fined €25,000 (about £21,000) a day, and banned him from making any other posts comparing the Holocaust with the coronavirus pandemic.

JubalE #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #quack #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Waukesha Feels Abandoned After Tragic Parade Attack

“Because this was a black guy who did it, the media doesn’t want to cover it. They were all over the Rittenhouse case because that kid was white. Race doesn’t matter to us here, but the media makes everything about race.” said state Rep. Cindi Duchow. “We’ve got six people dead and teenagers so badly injured they will have to learn to walk again — at Christmas.”

"Race doesn’t matter to us here.”

And that, Republican Cindi Duchow, is why our people is both dying off and being routed by the ((())), the white bolsheviks, and the colored races. Whites as a weak, flaccid people that no longer cares about carrying their and their ancestors' genetic heritage on. After all, what does it matter - right Cindi? Does it matter whether your descendants look like Charles I, or like Jussie Smollett, or Xi Jinping, or Porfirio Diaz? Doesn't matter - does it Cindi? Dilute the blood, fool Cindi, and you dilute away the very characteristics that made our race of world explorers, pioneers, scientific researchers, technological innovators, conquerors, lawgivers and grand organizers of grand projects. None of this matters to you, you obtuse fool Cindi. Cindi, just hurry and get your first, then second, third, fourth, and fifth vaxx booster shots, so that we can be done with you.

“Race doesn’t matter here”

It sure should! What other racial group dominates violent crime statistics in the country and commit 90% of violent interracial crime? This is what’s wrong with white people, the sick men and women of America. They are bending over backwards to prove they are not racist after a vicious, white hating negro devil just mowed down over 60 white people celebrating in the streets of their town.

From the foolish perspective of whites like Duchow, "the Democrats are the real racists", and this misguided negro Brooks was mentally and psychologically in chains on the Democrat "plantation".

Flyingclaydisk #conspiracy #quack abovetopsecret.com

Wait!!! Why don't we round up the VACCINATED?

Wait a minute here!!

Why don't we round up all the vaccinated and put them all in quarantine??? They seem to be the ones (really) spreading the Chi-Com Flu.

Cruise ships of fully vaccinated getting covid, hospital ICU's filling up with the vaccinated who have covid, breakthrough cases every day. This isn't because of the un-vaccinated, people! This is because of the vaccinated spreading it amongst each other and everyone else.

Oh wait, I know why. Because the vaccinated represent the majority...which is just EXACTLY what TPTB wanted so they could use this exact excuse / reasoning. This was the agenda all along...get more vaccinated than unvaccinated then you can force majority rule on everyone else, regardless of effectiveness, right or wrong.

I'm really sick of this backwards agenda and narrative. Even a caveman could figure this out!

Dr. Stella Immanuel #fundie #quack #crackpot americanfaith.com

[recounting how she supposedly fought off the COVID virus]

I woke up one morning, and I was having this choking cough…this was like, maybe two months ago. I prayed and I took my dose of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as a kind of shield. Then when I woke up the next morning, I got out of my sleep feeling like there was a beam over me.
I woke up with this most shocking cough. I went crazy! I was like, “What?! Devil, you’re a liar! I am God’s anointed, and the Bible says, ‘Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.’” I started shooting fire and brimstone. I shot all kinds of weapons, I prayed every Scripture I knew how, I bound him and cast him into the pit. I sent fire to crash-land your satellites, and I command them to be destroyed!
I was screaming, I was screaming, I was screaming! After about thirty minutes of fighting like I was boxing-I donned my kickboxing gear and I was punching [with the power of] the Spirit-and quoting every Scripture I knew, I said, “All your people, they shall be broken into pieces! All you [demons] will have the fire of God consume you! He will crash-land your satellites with the Holy Ghost hand grenade!”

And guess what? God was like, “Can’t touch this!”

Oratorblog #fundie #quack #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

Constantine Removed 45 of the Most Powerful Books of the Original Biblical Canon

(111 Books Existed Pre 325 A.D. in the Original Canon Before they were Removed by Constantine and Sylvester) The 111 Volumes Represented the 111 Degrees of GOD’S Thinking. 45 Degrees of GOD’s Thinking was Removed from The Christian teachings.
Here is a Spoiler. Hydro-Gel (As is found in the mRNA Death Jab) has a Biblical Equivalent-

Hydro-Gel is a Demon that Reads DNA

Crisper Cast 9 Translated from the Latin = Anti-Christ, or Anti-GOD’S Code of Creation-

Serpentine Translated from the Persian = Virus
Venom Translated from the Persian = Bacteria

A virus Strand in your body is an Algorithm that Came from the Serpent/Lucifer
The Serpent has Infected Humanity

The Anti-Christ is also the Coming of the Destruction of the Code of GOD’S Creation

“How the Evil One Would Seek to Overturn GODS Creation Through the Genetic Code of Man”

Black Oxygen Organics #quack #mammon nbcnews.com

The social media posts started in May: photos and videos of smiling people, mostly women, drinking Mason jars of black liquid, slathering black paste on their faces and feet, or dipping babies and dogs in tubs of the black water. They tagged the posts #BOO and linked to a website that sold a product called Black Oxygen Organics

Black Oxygen Organics, or “BOO” for short, is difficult to classify. It was marketed as fulvic acid, a compound derived from decayed plants, that was dug up from an Ontario peat bog. The website of the Canadian company that sold it billed it as “the end product and smallest particle of the decomposition of ancient, organic matter”

Put more simply, the product is dirt — four-and-a-half ounces of it, sealed in a sleek black plastic baggie and sold for $110 plus shipping
BOO[…]claims many benefits and uses, including improved brain function and heart health, and ridding the body of so-called toxins that include heavy metals, pesticides and parasites
Testimonials like these make up the majority of posts in dozens of Facebook groups, set up and overseen by BOO sellers, with hundreds of thousands of collective members, where BOO is heralded as a miracle drug. Teams of sellers in these private Facebook groups claim that, beyond cosmetic applications, BOO can cure everything from autism to cancer to Alzheimer’s disease. Conveniently in these times, BOO proponents say it also protects against and treats Covid-19, and can be used to “detox” the newly vaccinated, according to posts viewed by NBC News
Black Oxygen Organics’ compensation plan, like most MLMs, is convoluted. According to their company handbook, sellers, called “brand partners,” can earn income in two distinct ways: through retail commissions on bags of BOO they sell, and through recruiting other sellers

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #quack #magick #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Realms are full frequency bands of flashing energy waves
With built in layers of manifestation templates
Reflecting energy architecture designs of light and sound
For the purpose of consciousness experience

These morphogenetic fields have stored data appearing in numbers and codes
Creating complex mathematical formulas
Which form geomantic matrices in the wave spectrums
That construct our reality

Our original 12 strand DNA was the password
Into this universal computer
Which we can activate by our thoughts and intent

Thoughts become substances that crystalize into manifestation
Composed of patterns of frequency
That project the hologram of ones experience

Free will choices based upon ones interpretation of reality
Determine our dimensionalization

Our world has been enduring a dark Aeon of covert artificial machinery

The divergence between people living in phantom cocreations and positive polarity
Is becoming increasingly varied

Our original human silicate matrix 12 strand DNA has been warred against

The Caduceus with its entwining serpents
Is now the symbol of the medical system

As the Caduceus or Tree of Life or Universal Axis
Has been infiltrated with reversal currents
With the intended destruction of our glandular system
And damage to our DNA

So is the intent of our current medical system

Suffering is an intentional design of a program
That has been superimposed on the holographic computer
Which is our world

The intense plasma jets now currently infiltrating our realm
Are weakening the artificial holographic inserts

Humans are energy processors
We are the intermediary between the processor instruction sets
And what will be manifested

We can awaken our original 12 strand DNA
By having the eternal light of the God source
Which activates our highest potential
Through our alignment with natural laws
Which are rooted in eternal love
For all beings!

Devid R #conspiracy #quack #psycho vice.com

A German man involved in the COVID-19 conspiracy community killed his wife and three daughters after his wife was caught with a fake vaccination card, police say.

German police say they believe a man, who has been referred to as Devid R., committed the quadruple murder-suicide last week. [I]n a suicide note, the man indicated the couple was worried that the government would take their kids away because his wife was found with a fake vaccination certificate he’d provided to her.

Like much of the rest of the world, Germany is in the midst of tightening up its regulations in light of the latest COVID variant of concern, Omicron. Residents are required to provide proof of vaccination to access some amenities, and some jobs also require their employees to be vaccinated. This was true of Devid’s wife, who was employed at a technical university. Her university noticed the fake vaccination card and asked her about it.

Local media reports that the punishment for faking a vaccination certificate is a year in prison or a fine and that authorities said Devid would have just been fined for providing her with the fake certificate.

Marjorie Cole #fundie #wingnut #quack #conspiracy liferecovery.com

The blood and cries of 60,000,000 aborted, unborn babies in the United States alone, not to mention the silent cries of millions that have given their blood and lived as tortured children cry out for justice.
We must be aware of the law of retribution and understand that everything, including all of Satan’s alibis and excuses and demands for justice are very specific. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that Devil’s evil, bloody judgment will not only match the crime, but strike at the very place where the crime was committed.

A new kind of terror is moving in among us as the silent crisis that is destroying the lives of those who are coming into contact with those who have taken “the shot” continues. The striking and mysterious manifestations and physical consequences of this “shedding” from “the shot” are as remarkable as they are specific!

Why would we find it strange that most of those effects and symptoms are targeting the blood, when it is the shedding of innocent blood that is being judged? Abortion and bloodguilt are calling for retribution. The symptoms that are being reported worldwide by the thousands, from those who have come into contact with those who have taken “the shot”, include vaginal bleeding, blood clots in the brain, or in the lungs, brain bleeds, menstrual bleeding for weeks, post-menopausal bleeding, miscarriages, sterility, bruising on the legs of men, as well as, old scars and wounds reopening and bloody noses in children. As noted by one of the experts, the uterus, the place of the abortion, is especially being afflicted. The reproductive systems of the body seem to be targeted.
The shedding of innocent blood is calling for judgments that are causing the shedding (transmission) of pathogenic spike proteins into the bodies of even the “non-shot”. The baby blood we shed, the lives we rejected are now allowing Satan the opportunity to bring his demonic judgments upon us to satisfy his demands for demonic retribution and vengeance.

Marjorie Cole #fundie #magick #quack #conspiracy liferecovery.com

The Evil One has always been after our DNA – the codes and sequences of written on the powerful little strands of life that define us as human. It was the humans, Adam and Eve, and us that have been the biggest threat, the most coveted prize and the most hateful point of bitter contention for Lucifer in his attempt to ascend to the throne in his war against God. To this very day, the Devil has NEVER wavered in his efforts to capture creation for himself.

The war for your DNA, your humanity, began when God declared He would put enmity (war) between the seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the Woman (Eve and her children). Satan’s first attempt to alter and annihilate the Seed of the Woman came with the incursion in Genesis 6:1, when 200 of the fallen angels opted out of heaven’s glory to take wives for themselves of the beautiful daughters of men. They wanted to be like men, to be able to create their own offspring, so they took wives for themselves of all they desired.
Our DNA is our sacred link to God and His invitation to be part of His Family. But Satan knew that if he could get us to discard our humanity which is basic to being candidates for salvation, he could separate us from God forever. To this end, the Devil has worked endlessly to get us to believe lies. He has corralled us like a scared bunch of cattle being rounded up for market. Fear has become the chief motivator and force behind almost everything. We are mandated to “stay safe” in the midst of an artificially contrived crisis that has been a diabolical “smoke and mirrors” magic show from the beginning. Why?

The final battle will be over the alteration of OUR DNA! DON’T MISS THIS PART!!! The injection of something, possibly an alien strain of RNA, will be introduced into the bodies of those willing participants that will CHANGE their DNA from human to inhuman. Any change to our DNA that changes us from human to something else DISQUALIFIES us from receiving salvation because we MUST be human to qualify for being saved.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

"Antisemitism" is growing as the covid scam is correctly identified with Organized Jewry, Freemasonry and Communism.
No one can justify genocide, but the stigma attached to this term is devious mind control. Antisemitism is legitimate resistance to the pernicious agenda of organized Jewry and Freemasonry, i.e. the NWO.

This agenda is to re-engineer, dispossess and enslave humanity by destroying the four legs of human identity: race, religion (God), nationalism and family (gender.) Covid gene therapy takes this process to the next level.

Most Jews and non-Jews are unaware that since antiquity Jews consistently have been reviled for good reason.

Jews are in a state of wilful denial. They don't realize that Judaism is governed by Cabala which is Satanism. The essence of Judaism is to take God's place, destroy Christianity and dispossess non-Jews, exemplified by Communism which rabbis equate with Judaism. First, Jews were possessed by Cabalism; then society as a whole, thanks to Freemasonry. We are witnessing constant Communist (Satanist) attacks on society, in the Democratic (Communist) Party platform, and now in the COVID hoax.

I am considered an antisemite. In fact, I am a witness to God (Truth.) I have earned more goodwill for Jews than most other Jews. Pretty good for an "anti-Semite!" I prove not all Jews are party to the sinister agenda of organized Jewry and show that Freemasons (non-Jewish Satanists) are equally culpable.

Like its spawn Freemasonry, Judaism is a secret society. Only the initiated know the true agenda. The rest are deceived and manipulated. Uninitiated Jews must oppose the NWO, or become its scapegoats. The Illuminati are responsible for the Jewish holocaust and will not hesitate to throw uninitiated Jews, like my family, under the bus again.

Italian Anti-vaxxer #quack bbc.com

An Italian man who wanted a Covid vaccination certificate without getting the jab turned up for his vaccine with a fake arm, officials say.
The man, in his 50s, arrived for his shot with a silicone mould covering his real arm, hoping it would go unnoticed.
The nurse told local media that when she had rolled up his sleeve, she found the skin "rubbery and cold" and the pigment "too light".
After being discovered, the man tried to persuade the nurse to turn a blind eye, la Repubblica reported. But instead she reported him to the police for fraud.
La Repubblica suggests the incident may not have been a one-off, pointing to a message on social media that may have been written by the man.
The Twitter post quoted by the paper featured a silicone male chest half-body suit, complete with fake arms and neck, that was on sale on Amazon for €488 (£416).
"If I go with this, will they notice? Maybe beneath the silicone I'll even put on some extra clothes to avoid the needle reaching my real arm," the Twitter user reportedly wrote.

Herbanomic.com #quack #crackpot #mammon herbanomic.com

HNEX HydroNano Extracellular Oxygen Delivery System

HNEX™ was developed by a group of world-renowned European scientists with a patented technology that has been scientifically tested and shown to signal the activation of genetic pathways which can lead to positive impacts on overall health.

HNEX™ is the first supplement on the market which contains active hydro-oxygen Nano structured molecules, providing powerful cellular messengers that help protect and revitalize the body.

HNEX™ utilizes silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as a base to attach a matrix of separate Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms. This delivers Oxygen and Hydrogen to the body’s immune system. Highly potent and effective, this nanoparticle anchor delivery method is a promising Antiviral, Antifungal and Antibacterial agent with its transportational action of vital Oxygen to cells and Hydrogen throughout the body.

HNEX™ has been shown to:

• Improve immune system health
• Modulate hormone balance to support vitality and wellness
• Help maintain a healthy inflammatory response
• Improve gut health and digestive enzyme production
• Help maintain cardiovascular health and support arterial elasticity

HNEX™ is the first supplement on the market which contains active hydro-oxygen Nano structured molecules, providing powerful cellular messengers that help protect and revitalize the body.

Cell signaling in your body plays a key role in regulating gene expression. We are not talking eye color here — your genes do much more than dictate physical characteristics. Genes give life-sustaining instructions to cells, and cells carry out those instructions to keep you alive and healthy. As we age, cell communication breaks down, the signal weakens, and gene expression can be disrupted. Regulating gene activity with hydro-oxygen molecules keeps cellular communication strong.

<only $125 PER LITER>

Anonymous Coward 80273444 #conspiracy #quack #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

New Theory: The Vax Is To Kill Off As Many People As Possible Before The Coming Earth Changes
Notice how the corona virus bullshit started a few months after the china lake earthquake in california?

Three gorges dam is going to break, california and the west coast are going to go.

Yellowstone is going to go.

Remember the solar eclipse of 2017? the one that is coming in 2024, when the paths of the two are combined, make a large X over the yellowstone caldera.

Remember those leaked military maps of most of the world being under water sometime during the mid 2020s? Those came out in what, 2004? Maybe earlier

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #quack #crackpot deviantart.com

There once lived a Dr., Dr X, so afraid to reveal his identity because of his dangerous blood experiments. A doctor in the 1920's who wanted to get to the truth about the matter of blood types, not lineage. In fact there are over 200 specific blood types, but we condense them into a scant few. His findings about blood types? That only 20% of fathers were the biological fathers at the time, probably to this day, because alpha seed and beta cuck need.

ALPHA SEED vs BETA NEED : Women Date Alpha's & Marry Beta's! (RED PILL)

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #transphobia naturalnews.com

The dreadful-sounding “Omicron” variant is the latest chapter in the globalist psycho-bio-warfare attack on humanity. The “psycho” part refers to the psychological terrorism inflicted by the complicit media and its attempts to drive everyone into widespread fear. The “bio” weapon is the vaccine itself, which was engineered from the start as a depopulation bioweapon designed to cause mass fatalities over the next decade (from cancer, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disorders, etc.).

Notably, this new form of warfare requires no actual kinetic, real world weapons. The entire psychological terrorism campaign takes place purely in the minds of the targeted victims. They imagine the omicron variant stalking them and threatening them. They imagine pain and suffering if they don’t do what they’re told (take the vax shot).

But if they open their eyes and look at the real world right around them, there is no war. There is no omicron. There is no covid pandemic. Only those who tie their consciousness to the dishonest fake news media are even aware of the existence of a “pandemic.” Without the media fear campaign, the pandemic doesn’t exist at all. It’s just another seasonal flu.
The goal of the globalists is to dissociate you from reality, then control all your perceptions and beliefs
In order to achieve this war against your psyche, globalists have been slowly prying your consciousness away from reality, introducing layer upon layer of abstract fictions into your mental landscape. Transgenderism is one such fiction. No biological man can get pregnant and have a baby, but the globalist-run media complex has convinced at least half the population that biology isn’t real. They have dissociated the psyche from physical reality.

Importantly, they have also convinced people to disbelieve their own senses.

Trilby Smith #conspiracy #quack twitter.com

OMICRON > New C19 Variant

.....check it; it's an anagram for MORONIC

Moronic definition: adjective; very foolish or stupid.


Various Commenters #conspiracy #elitist #quack #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared... scientists "baffled"

Almost nobody in Africa is getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus, and as a result there is almost no covid anywhere to be found on the continent. In Zimbabwe, nobody wears a mask, nobody is vaccinated, and life goes on as normal. "Covid-19 is gone," stated a man named Nyasha Ndou, who joked with reporters about how he keeps a mask in his pants "to protect my pocket."

For all intents and purposes, the Fauci Flu is gone from Zimbabwe, even without the injections. The only areas of the world seeing mass disease and death are those pushing the "vaccines"

Continued at


(tow man)
Our IQ's are too high.

Africans are like, "I dont see it, where is it?"

We are like, "Its there, but we cant see it!!! We have no real evidence it exists!!! But its there because science says its there!!!"

Im starting to think Africans are smarter than Whites.


Not the people that (((they))) are targeting for extermination.

Not yet. I expect a massive Ebola outbreak

In other words, stupid is as stupid does.

Who wins this intelligence contest: Africans, or white pro vaccine Antifa leftists. I say Africans.
(I am not impressed with certain members of my own race, nor with the communist Semites, who might also claim to be white.)

Neither am I. We have to remember that most African countries don't do any tests.
SA is in the front because whites want to travel.

Traveling or not blacks don't want it.

Two groups refuse the vaccine at the highest levels.
Very high and very low iq people.
The very high iq people use their brains and the low iq people use their gut instincts.


Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia henrymakow.com

Society reminds me of a man who tries to cash a sizable cheque upon which his future depends.

The bank returns the cheque - "This account has been closed."

The man keeps flipping over the bum cheque as if endless contemplation somehow would make it redeemable.
The cheque represents our Birthright. The bankers are foreclosing.

The "globalists" don't just want to dispossess us. They want to sicken, imprison and exterminate us.


Trusting? Naive? Innocent? Credulous?


Stupid? Cowardly?

How did he get this way?

He never learned real history. Real history is the story of how a satanic cult, Cabalism (Organized Jewry and Freemasonry) has sought to subvert civilization and enslave or exterminate humanity. This is behind all major wars, depressions and "pandemics."

People who know real history immediately recognized covid for what it is - a pretext to impose unpopular social and economic change (i.e. Communism) on humanity. The same is true of "climate change."

But those ignorant of real history bought the lies expounded by the Masonic mass media, medical profession, politicians and professors.
The Satanists are not even hiding their evil intent any more. Joe Biden boasts of having the most effective vote rigging organization in the world. He keep caressing children in public. Twitter now is allowing 85% of adverse reaction news. They are not hiding how they planned and rehearsed this in advance.
The Christian God of Life (Love) has been replaced by the Cabalist God of Death (Hate.)

The education system has taught unthinking obedience. The people have been dumbed down and addicted to porn. Sex has degraded all human relations.

They've been taught gender dysphoria and "inclusiveness" instead of truth.
They don't know how to research and think independently. Their lives have been mired in trivia.

They simply can't face the harsh reality. They and their children have been declared redundant.

Dark Sage Mystic #fundie #quack twitter.com

It is possible that the 'Vaccine' interferes with the protein transcription process and prevents us from reincarnating when we decompose after we die. God would not be able to recognize the sequence and we would not be able to enter heaven.

Dark Sage Mystic #quack twitter.com

Virus theory is the deception of the century,

Make sure you do not use the term 'germ theory' or 'exosome' because we have to fully discredit this advanced deception. Viruses do not exist, and therefore Vaccines and Virology cannot exist - you cannot create a Vaccine.

jewzyfloozy88 #quack #transphobia reddit.com


Bro he was born in 96….why does he look that damn old?

He’s my age wtf. I have a trimmed beard that makes me look a couple years older maybe but I thought this guy was in his 40’s or something like Chris Chan.

He's a fucking year younger than me and he would look like some creepy uncle standing next to me. Idk what hormones do but I thought estrogen helps with skin a bit. Idk.

HE'S ONLY A YEAR OLDER THAN ME. I thought he was like in his thirties

I've got this theory (with absolutely zero evidence to back it up) that something hormonal is fucked with a lot of these men. Like, beyond the basic "my brain is female but I'm male" or the "I get off on myself as a woman/girl". The seem to share physical features: some kind of male pattern baldness, what appears to be a beer gut, and (I hesitate to use this because it isn't really quantifiable at all) a potato face that makes them look 10-15 years older than they actually are.

I don't know if it's a vegan/vegetarian diet, or something fucked they're born with, or some other external factor I'm not accounting for. But why the hell do so damn many of them look like Danny DeVito in drag?

Eileen Day McKusick #quack #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon amazon.com

A guide to the basics of Biofield Tuning, using tuning forks to clear trauma stored in the human energy field
When Eileen McKusick began offering sound therapy in her massage practice she soon discovered she could use tuning forks to locate and hear disturbances in the energy field, or biofield, that surrounded each of her clients. Passing the tuning forks through these areas in the biofield not only corrected the distorted vibrational sounds she was hearing but also imparted consistent, predictable, and sometimes immediate relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, and a host of other complaints. Now, more than 20 years later, McKusick has fully developed her sound healing method, which she calls Biofield Tuning, and created a map of the biofield, revealing the precise locations where specific emotions, memories, ailments, and traumas are stored.

In this book, McKusick explains the basics of Biofield Tuning practice and provides illustrations of her Biofield Anatomy Map. She details how to use tuning forks to find and clear pain and trauma stored in the biofield and reveals how the traditional principles and locations of the chakras correspond directly with her biofield discoveries. Exploring the science behind Biofield Tuning, she examines scientific research on the nature of sound and energy and explains how experiences of trauma produce “pathological oscillations” in the biofield, causing a breakdown of order, structure, and function in the body.

Offering a revolutionary perspective on mind, energy, memory, and trauma, McKusick’s guide to Biofield Tuning provides new avenues of healing for energy workers, massage therapists, sound healers, and those looking to overcome chronic illness and release the traumas of their past.

chad kincham #conspiracy #quack #pratt christianforums.com

Once upon a time, in 2002, there was the SARS-CoV-1 virus, for which they developed a vaccine.
Animals given the vaccine developed a robust antibody response, which is what they wanted.
But when the animals were exposed to the live virus, they all died from the pathogenic priming effect, so they discarded the vaccine.
Fast forward to 2019 and the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in which vaccines were developed in a rush and released as experimental vaccines - and guess what essential step was skipped? Animal trials.

A Nobel prize winning virologist predicts mass deaths within 2 years among those vaxxed.

The UK recently released a report showing that most COVID deaths are among the vaccinated.

One of many reports on UK COVID deaths:

UK hospital data shocks the world: 80% of COVID deaths are among the vaccinated… COVID deaths up 3,000% after vaccine wave

(Note: Here is the link he posted - doesn’t look like a very authoritative source to me https://stuartbramhall.wordpress.com/2021/09/28/uk-hospital-data-shocks-the-world-80-of-covid-deaths-are-among-the-vaccinated-covid-deaths-up-3000-after-vaccine-wave/)

Russ Winter #wingnut #quack #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Starting next Monday, life gets increasingly “interesting” and challenging for the 40% still unjabbed in the Czech Republic — me included. The government is instituting what is called the “Bavarian lockdown model.” Us unwashed deplorables will not be allowed into public events nor can we use “services.” It’s unclear what the latter term even means.
I had an interesting day on Tuesday as I went to a dental hygienist and was refused service. Dental offices are Class V services where extra precaution is needed. I have an important doctor’s appointment on Dec. 1, so we’ll see what happens at my medical clinic.

Next that day I decided to test some restaurants to see if they would serve me lunch. At my first stop, I visited a locale where I’m a regular. They know me. I was greeted at the door by one of the staff. He did the obligatory request for the pass.

When he realized I didn’t have one, his face literally contorted with anguish. I thought he was going to cry, turning me away. Czechs are not arrogant people. They aren’t as brainwashed. I rate them as rather kind and polite. It’s one of the reasons I like it here. In fact, I wonder how the police are going to behave with the tyranny ahead. It’s not like Australia, which has a different mentality. But apparently there’s a 3000-euro fine for serving the deplorables and for being a deplorable in an establishment.
Thus, the reason the Crime Syndicate is now pushing boosters is as a response to the inefficiency of the first two. And how many jabbed in all locales are realizing this is a never-ending game whereby they, too, will be jettisoned along with the unwashed Deplorables?
What’s going to happen in Czech Republic now? The weekend weather forecast is for pleasant sunny weather, so a mass protest shouldn’t be a surprise as the full restrictions are not yet in place.

If there isn’t a strong protest and push back I will end my eight year residency here and make plans to leave.

Joseph MacKinnon #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #quack lifesitenews.com

Much has been said and written of late about medical tyranny in the West and the vaccine apartheid being cemented by authoritarians, not just in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Europe, but here in the United States.

It is important to recognize two things: first, that the proponents of those dehumanizing trends are now seizing upon the technologies that have been deployed over the past year, the precedents set, and the apparent nonresistance exhibited by the supermajority; and second, that those same proponents are furnished with a utilitarian ethic, a statist mindset, and a materialist philosophy. To combat or at the very least withstand the totalitarianism to come, we must first address the culture that sustains it. Change the culture, and you’ll free the West. 
Our eudemonistic / epicurean Culture of Death—that name given it by St. John Paul II in Evangelium vitae—has made our society morally weak, unaccountable, and unprincipled in the name of individual freedom. There is obviously nothing wrong with freedom, but here we’re dealing with a transmogrified form: freedom from risk; freedom from responsibility; freedom from inconvenience; freedom from tradition. Liberated from all the above, these swinish cultists instead enslave themselves—but more often than not enslave others whose subjugation might be required—to the pursuit of [their] fleeting pleasure. Though made in the image of the infinite, omniscient, and loving Creator of everything visible and invisible, they turn their eyes downward and seek meaningless thrills in the dark at the expense of their souls and our civilization. 

flatearthandmore_ #conspiracy #crackpot #quack reddit.com

Lead paint was banned, not because children were eating paint chips, but rather how well it absorbed RF/EMF radiation. Why do you think you wear a lead vest whilst getting X-Rayed? lead is highly effective in providing protection from sources of radiation. Including gamma rays, x-rays, and other types of radiation. The truth of the matter is that they removed this paint to make their silent weapons more effective against us.

Sinead #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #quack renegadetribune.com

The jewish occupation governments of the West know the value of using the mental health system as a weapon against the people. During the reign of the Soviet Union mental asylums were used to destroy people who opposed Jewish communism. The Brandon Raub case shows how the Freemason patsy governments of the Jews try to intimidate White people by using bullyboy criminal tactics.

Psychiatry is a Jewish creation. It has no foundation in science whatsoever, being the most fraudulent part of the entire Jewish medical establishment.
This jewish gibberish is designed to destabilize the mind of the goy for the purpose of defeating White nations once and for all, for international jewry. These psychotropic weapons are highly dangerous in the hands of our enemies. They weaponize them, having people obey their “doctor’s orders” without consent, under the pretense of “curing” their patients of “mental disorders”. Their communist/Marxist agenda is to have all humans in the world submit to them and accept them as the most intellectual people on the planet. What easier way to control the masses than to illegitimately sneak your way into power, stealthily kill your biggest enemies in the process, slander the remaining opposition, then arrest them and drug them into obedience? The most astonishing thing is that some humans (who are of course pawns) defend them for this. Are we going to get rid of these parasites, or will we continue to let them do their demented deeds?
If we don’t do anything about this criminal conspiracy, this will be our future. This is what could happen to to all Pro-Whites who oppose their own genocide. In the Jewish Psychiatric DSM Manual racism/anti-Semitism will become a “mental illness”. Then all jewry’s political opponents will be herded into mental institutions, given their de facto death sentence, and chemically lobotomized, shutting us all up forever.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #quack realjewnews.com

It’s so easy to be a ‘domestic terrorist’ these days.

Just attend a PTA meeting and dispute Critical Race Theory indoctrination of your five-year-old child and voila!

The Jew who heads the DOJ will sic the FBI on you.

I’m talking about Merrick Garland whose hideous face, Jewish hooked nose, and crooked mouth matches his vulgar agenda.

You see, the Jew pledges to “mobilize the FBI against parents protesting Critical Race Theory in public schools.”

Garland then cites unspecified “threats of violence” against school officials in response to the National School Board Association equating parental concerns to “domestic terrorism.”
It’s a script right out of Jewish Bolshevism’s playbook.

This time Garland switches out “class warfare” with “race warfare.”

Simply intimidate moms and dads—who oppose CRT indoctrination and open porn passed off as “literature”—so this despicable Jew Garland can silence their dissent.

Garland is acting in concert with another White-hating Jew.

I’m talking about lesbian Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers.

“Thank you #DOJ,” the lesbian Jew Weingarten tweeted.

“Merrick Garland tackles threats to educators amid critical race theory furor,” the Jewish lesbian barfed.

It’s all a Jewish affair you know, since Jews—like Garland—know how to milk the tits of “racism” as a huge cash cow.

You see, Garland’s Jewish daughter, Rebecca, and his Jewish son-in-law, Xan Tanner, are getting rich off selling anti-White CRT training materials to public schools.

It’s a multi-million dollar operation called “Panorama Education” and Garland surely gets a piece of the pie.

Some call it “conflict of interests.”

But if Jews can get away with murder—like Jewish-owned Pfizer with its ClotShot—then Garland can surely get away with a ‘misdemeanor’ like “conflict of interests.”

Mike Adams #conspiracy #fundie #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

Covid vaccines contain instructions for the body to manufacture spike protein nanoparticles. Those toxic nanoparticles attack the body from the inside and even damage the DNA repair mechanism found in the nuclei of human cells. Accordingly, covid vaccines are a biological weapon being used to destroy human lives.

When they are injected into children with the permission of their parents, those parents are sacrificing their children and condemning them to death. God has already chimed in on his disdain for those parents who sacrifice their own children, and if the modern world does not stop this medical violence being committed against children, it’s quite clear that God will unleash his wrath against the nations of our world.

What will that wrath look like? The Bible is filled with numerous examples: Plagues, earthquakes, pestilence, economic collapse, war and mass human suffering. Nations that turn away from God are heading directly down the path of total destruction, and the only solution that spares those nation is a return to God’s teachings and for adults to start protecting children. (America is currently lead by a fake president who is a child-sniffing pervert. Ponder the spiritual implications of that…)
As the children of the world die from myocarditis, heart attacks, immunological disorders and even cancers over the next few years, it’s going to become apparent that humanity was engaged in a planetary scale mass child sacrifice ritual to Moloch, spurred on by demon-infested anti-humanists like Fauci.

Any parent sacrificing their child to Moloch is rejecting God and securing their position in Hell for eternity. It’s not going to be a pretty experience for them.

Those of us who understand the fundamentals of God’s teachings must now peacefully work to stop the mass sacrifice of our children and prove to God that we are defending the innocent by halting child sacrifice via “vaccines.”

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