
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
In the Republican controlled majority, we must pass my bill, the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, to stop so called “gender affirming care.”

Puberty blockers and cutting off children’s body parts is not affirming, it’s child abuse.

This must be a top priority.

Tomorrow, I will introduce the Protect Children’s Innocence Act to criminalize the child abuse that many call “gender-affirming care.”

My legislation would immediately make it a felony to subject children to puberty blockers or horrific “sex change” genital surgeries.

It also blocks all taxpayer-funding for these barbaric procedures, bans colleges from teaching it, and prohibits foreign aliens who commit these appalling acts from entering the U.S.

( @JWMorgan )
@repmtg you're assuming the democrats don't steal the election... maybe voter fraud needs to be a priority so the other issues have a chance of being solved

( @Mule23skido )
@repmtg How about stopping the invasion at our southern border first? Mark my words the progressives are going to try to amnesty all the illegals they let in in the lame duck session? ILLEGALS AND CRIME go hand in hand.

( @WakeTheFuckUp )

Virtually no one in the country is trying to get sex change operations for their kids.

I think you should worry about the 2.5 years of scamdemic tyranny that just took place and the virtually imminent famine.

Save the tranny kid shit for a later date.

You're really starting to make yourself look like a fucking shill.

( @NavyJR )
@repmtg I believe there are already laws on the books that criminalize abuse of children, including sexual abuse thereof, which the whole "gender" notion, in fact, is. Those laws need to be enforced, & the criminals all prosecuted.

( @ReneeRose )
@repmtg Good luck fighting through all the fraud and corruption currently going on. Mutilating children was a purposeful act by democrats.

( @ThePowerofGreyskull )
@repmtg You need yo do something about Jewish influence on our Nation.

But I guess it's the same thing.

Steve Sailer #transphobia #sexist unz.com

[From "The Unabomber's Transgenderism"]

Mathematician and freelance terrorist Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, has died in prison at age 81

Much has been and is being written about him, but his transgender urges have largely been memoryholed as part of the massive cover-up of the autogynephilia fetish that motivates many of the most prominent and intelligent M to F trans types

From the Washington Post news section in 1998:


By William Booth September 12, 1998

Convicted Unabomber Theodore J. Kaczynski considered having a sex change operation when he was in his twenties and his confusion over his gender identity filled him with a rage that contributed to his bombing spree, according to documents released today[…]

To be precise, he wasn’t confused about his gender, he was aroused by the fantasy of himself as a woman

Here’s the quote from the court-ordered psychiatric report:

In the summer after his fourth year, he describes experiencing a period of several weeks where he was sexually excited nearly all the time and was fantasizing himself as a woman and being unable to obtain any sexual relief[…]

Great guy

So maybe society would have been better off if this autogynephilic had been encouraged to have himself castrated? One argument in favor of letting adult autogynephilic fetishists have themselves castrated is that while Theodore Kaczynski blew up all those people, a testicleless Theodora Kaczynski probably wouldn’t have

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Decitisenize The Flaming Faggot "Nuns" And Deport Their Asses To Iran

The Flaming Faggots Can Mock And Insult God, And Me, But I Can't Mock And Insult Them?
Sez Who?

If the Flaming Faggots opened this door we should not hesitate to walk through it. The disgusting Sisters Of Perpetual Flaming Faggotry, under the protection of Major League Baseball and sponsored by the Marxocrat Party, are now openly insulting not only God, and not only all Christians but also all Protestants of every wild denomination, with their purposely outrageous blasphemous public fag-crucifixion demonstrations.
And if we are united against this public outrage, then we should also be united against the President and his political party, who sponsor, promote, protect and defend it; JoBama O'Biden and his Marxocrat Party. We most recently addressed Biden's close, loving relationship to flaming faggotry in the Demonic Andgrogynous Hedonism of the Islamo-Commie-Homo Movement. He is so strongly supportive and celebritory of open public flaming faggotry that we have to wonder if he just might be a flaming faggot himself.

After all, Catholics can be proud of their Catholicism, and Protestants are seemingly proud of their Protestantism, and we all understand that. And, of course, American patriots are justifiably proud of America and being American.

But what, exactly, does any sodomite have to be proud of?

For that matter, what does any sexually disoriented and disordered person have to be proud of?

Most especially, what does any antogonistic, beligerent, in-your-face twisted pervert have to be proud of?

I submit that Hedonism is just as anti-American as is Marxism and Islam, and that political activist Hedonists, Marxists and Islamists, need to be recognized as the nationally destructive political forces that theyh are, declared to be personna non grata in America, decitizenized and deported.

Jennifer Bilek & @KatKarena #transphobia twitter.com

( Jennifer Bilek )
Enjoy my latest substack.

“depathologizing body dysmorphia, means governments are expecting a whole lot more people with body dysmorphia, or people who just want to augment themselves out of their human condition”

( @KatKarena )
Children’s sex is being medically attacked, and parents have no legal recourse to stop it. Crime & medical stats are being skewed, and men are raping and impregnating women in women’s prisons... all across the world simultaneously, ...

It stuns me, that people aren't up in arms with male rapists in women prison, the absolute couldn't dismissive unconcern, and yet they scream for men to go into prisons to be safe... Why are women worth so little?

Luis Miguel #fundie #transphobia #homophobia thenewamerican.com

[From "Ellen Page’s Story Proves That Transgenderism Is Demonic Possession"]

Transgenderism, sodomy, and other “queer” practices have always been symptoms of a godless, morally bankrupt society on the path to collapse[…]
I previously explained that transgenderism is demonic possession[…]
Case in point[…]Ellen Page, who now claims to be a man[…]
Page’s story should be a lesson to all, instructive of the way in which modern cultural Marxism takes young people on a road of gradual destruction. From pro-choice feminist to lesbian to transgender, Page’s devolution was a step-by-step process that took years[…]
Bounding Into Comics describes the moment[…]
There’s no doubt that Page was and is under the influence of a demonic spirit. The fact that she heard a voice in her head telling her to mutilate herself in an attempt to become a man, in total rebellion to God’s order and the way He created her, leaves no room for doubt as to the source of her feelings. After all, who was the voice? It certainly wasn’t God

Furthermore, the fact that the voice was preceded by self-harm, by Page punching herself in the face until bruises formed, is another tell-tale sign of demonic possession[…]
Mark 5, for example[…]
This is the man who was possessed by Legion, so called by the demons themselves because, as they told Jesus, “we are many”

Isn’t it uncanny that demonic spirits refer to themselves in the plural — and so do transgenders, who insist on everyone using the plural “they/them” pronouns?

Transgenders desperately want us to use their pronouns because doing so is a form of occult affirmation that invokes the demons and gives them power over the person. This is why Christians should refuse to use trans’ “preferred pronouns”

Ben Garrison #fundie #transphobia #wingnut grrrgraphics.com


Cartoon published 06/15/2023

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” – Isaiah 5:20

Picture a rainbow colored jackboot stomping on your face for the rest of time—that’s what’s coming if we fail to fight back.

The White House was intentionally defiled when Pedo Joe Biden held a ‘Pride’ celebration on the front lawn. Deviants mentally ill people were invited to cavort on the grass while Biden praised them for being ‘brave.’ Rainbows were everywhere and Biden was in full virtue signaling mode.

Elysian & WeekendZebra #transphobia ovarit.com

( Elysian )
What are trans rights?
We all know that they have all the rights that other people do, and yet they wish for more rights. When pressed, they are only able to respond that "trans rights are human rights", etc.

In my opinion, they cannot say what they actually want because what they want is not socially acceptable. It needs to be cloaked under the cover of vague "human rights". What they actually want is the following:

To see your 12 year old daughters' naked bodies in changing rooms;
To masturbate in women's lavatories;
To intimidate and cow women;
To have all the attention at all times;
To compel others' speech, respect and deference;
To speak on behalf of women;
To win all competitions;
To rape women in prisons;
To rape women in women's shelters;
To be praised for everything they do;
To be acknowledged as better than women in all things.
I cannot think of any other rights that they do not have that they could possibly be pushing for. Please add where you see fit.

( WeekendZebra )
What I see as universal in their group is the desire to be free from the social consequence of their actions. It reminds me of sovereign citizens, that they believe they can opt out of the rules or laws or social expectations of the world they are born into.

If I am part of the sovereign citizens, I can say that government didn't consult me before building the roads and requiring licenses to drive on them; and so I demand an exemption from being arrested for driving without a license.

If I am part of the gender ideology movement, then universe did not consult me and get my permission before making humans a sexually dimorphic species, and so I demand exemption from all the things that stem from biology.

It's individualism taken to the extreme, where the only rules that apply to you are the ones you make for yourself. Anyone who suggests that it is the broader community who holds the power to make rules or define words is an illegitimate oppressor who is violating your sovereign individual liberties. The idea that we need to take into consideration the other people who are negatively impacted by your behavior, such as other people on the road, or women who don't want to see your penis, that idea needs to be rejected because it restricts your sovereign liberty as an individual.


Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Ten nightmarish outcomes if we don’t turn back tyranny

1) All cryptocurrency, gold and silver will be outlawed.
2) Your ability to purchase food (and meat in particular) will be severely restricted based on your cultural and climate compliance score.
3) You will be required to conform to the narrative demands of the regime, and if the regime changes its stance on anything, you will be required to retroactively update all your previous articles, videos, social media posts and podcasts to conform to the new narrative, or face penalties and censorship.

4) You will be prohibited from growing food, savings seeds or raising backyard chickens without receiving permission (and licensing) from the government, which will require you to use genetically engineered seeds and repeated vaccination of your farm animals. (And no raw milk allowed.)
5) You will be entirely barred from purchasing firearms
6) The state will medically kidnap your children and mutilate them to achieve “gender transitions,” and if you try to interfere, you will be charged with felony crimes and child abuse.

7) You will be required to install a government-monitored network of video cameras and microphones in your home to make sure you don’t say anything that might go against “facts” being pushed by the regime. AI systems will monitor your speech and activities, then report you to government authorities if you veer from the required degree of obedience.

8) You will be prohibited from purchasing a gasoline or diesel vehicle.
Only those who parrot the ridiculous lies of the regime — i.e. “a man can become a woman” — will be allowed to use transportation.
9) You will most likely be replaced by AI systems or automation robots who will take over your current job.
10) Extra UBI benefits will be awarded to individuals who voluntarily allow “fact checkers” and “public safety enforcers” to have real-time, unlimited access to the microphones and cameras on their mobile devices.

various Daily Mail commenters #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut dailymail.co.uk

RE: Massachusetts middle school students tear down rainbow decorations and chant their pronouns are 'U.S.A.' during Pride celebration: Officials slam 'intolerance and homophobia'

( rackt3 )

I would have discouraged by kids from participating in vandalism, but if they came home telling me that the school had asked them to wear rainbow outfits to school for "pride month", yeah you better believe they'd be going to school decked out in red, white and blue!!

( Butch701 )

Good job students.

( ExPat-Bangkok )

Its not a phobia to dislike having political propaganda forced down your throat ar school, on TV, on the Radio, in every shop and every billboard. Enough of this nonsense. We have all just had enough!

( Notta Lemming )

Do what you want just stop shoving it in our faces. I applaud the students for not being intimidated.

( Unleaded92 )

It is about time

( Windycityite )

Reading this article made me proud to be an American. These kids recognize oppression and condescension, and are young enough not to stand for it. But conservative organizations must be prepared to defend their rights in court.

( Conservative NY )

Liberals hate America

( you.must.be.kidding )

God Bless these kids! They are the future of America and they understand these idiot politicians and woke followers cannot dictate to them what to say or do! They comprehend what America used to stand for and still does stand for, regardless of what these dimwitted idiots running the country think.

( Amos33 )

Good for the kids! No more brainwashing!

( latin_patriot )

Well done students!

( Adams2022 )

Nothing is "phobic" about being tired of this crap shoved in our faces

( theyank59 )

Has the administration thought to ask if straight students feel safe? Are they free from harm if their religious views compel them to abstain from participation in an event that may offend them?

( Neverretired )

Proud of the kids who chanted, "USA". Now that's true pride.

( RCH-MA )

As a MA resident...I feel that there are signs of hope for the world...Tolerence and inclusion is fine but Noone should be forced to do anything...it's not like there is a straight day...being celebrated...what's the difference between this and religious restrictions in schools...

Leo Hohmann #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy leohohmann.com

Contrary to this awakening on the part of many young parents, there has been a noticeable uptick in alleged religious groups showing public support for things that their holy books characterize as sin, that being homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, so-called transgenderism, and other aspects of the sweeping cultural Marxist agenda.

Eric Lendrum, writing for American Greatness, cites a report by NPR tracing the increase in religious groups’ support for LGBTQ “pride” to a nationwide initiative called Faith for Pride, run by the far-left group Interfaith Alliance. The group consists of multiple religions and denominations, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. Basically the same cast of characters who will come together in a one-world religion built around climate change, racist critical race theory, liberation theology, LGBTQ+ fanaticism, transhumanism and other globalist causes loosely assembled under the banner of ESG scores and, eventually, a digitized social-credit scoring system for all people on the planet.
Let’s be honest. This is all about virtue signaling to the rapidly forming one-world system, a system where evil is cast as good and good as evil. These virtue signalers are the lukewarm church Jesus talked about in Revelation that would dominate Christianity in the end times. It’s apostate Christianity. Fake Christianity. Ever willing to compromise with the world. And he said he would spew them out of his mouth like a rotten tomato.

What they call “love” is not authentic, either. It’s fake. True love always tells people the truth, even when it may be difficult for them to accept. And when it comes to children, it’s our duty to protect them from these perverted groomers and their allies in the apostate church. If I met a pastor, priest or cleric who espoused this disgusting ideology I would run the other way, and I sure wouldn’t let him or her within 100 yards of any child.

HappyNewsMan #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #transphobia #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Hello everybody.

I want better news. Therefore I’m creating it.

Today everyone is being good and loving amen.

The military is taking off Biden’s mask and bringing Trump back now amen.

Everyone in the media is now telling the truth amen.

Everyone is being sane and staying the gender they’re born as and keeping all their body parts intact amen.

Everyone is maintaining their current family size and we are making earth safe for everybody amen.

Everyone is being nice to the animals and eating a vegan diet.

We are not reptiles we are humans amen.

Charlie Ward is making some worthwhile videos again amen.

Everyone’s revealing the currency exchange and medbed appointment info now amen.

Have a great day everybody.

Make some better news and tell it to everybody and fix earth now amen.

Massachusetts middle school students #homophobia #transphobia dailymail.co.uk

Massachusetts middle school students tear down rainbow decorations and chant their pronouns are 'U.S.A.' during Pride celebration: Officials slam 'intolerance and homophobia'

Massachusetts middle schoolers tore down Pride decorations and chanted that their pronouns were 'USA' in a striking protest after they were asked to wear rainbow colors to school.

Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington, Massachusetts, were asked to wear rainbow-colored shirts to celebrate Pride Month on June 2, but a preplanned protest broke out with students tearing up Pride flag stickers and chanting: 'USA are my pronouns.'

Decked out in red, white and blue, the students destroyed the decorations lining the hallway the student organization Spectrum Group distributed, including a quote from American playwright Tennessee Williams, signage saying the school was a 'safe space' and 'equality for everyone' decorations.

'I was shocked and horrified,' Nila Almstrom, a parent of an LGBT student, said at a town hall meeting about the protest.

Parents have told local news outlets their straight-identifying students said they felt forced to participate and were 'offended' by the Tennessee Williams quote that reiterated that the human heart is 'curved like a road through the mountains' and only lines and streets can be straight.

The altercation sparked allies and parents to call for more diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the school, claiming that 'this type of intolerant rhetoric starts in the home.'

'These displays of intolerance and homophobia are unacceptable and impact the whole community,' Burlington Equity Coalition Co-Chair, Nancy Bonassera, said during the meeting on Monday night. 'We challenge Burlington town leadership to take an active stand against hate under the guise of "free expression."'


Days after the disastrous Pride celebration, anti-Semitic and racist graffiti was found inside the schools bathroom. However, Perchase told parents she does not believe it was related to the Pride outburst, the Boston Globe reported.

Parents are now calling for the DEI board to be reinstated. It dissolved in 2022 after its one-year scheduled tenure was up.


Rich Lowry #homophobia #wingnut #transphobia nationalreview.com

It’s June, when one can be forgiven for thinking we live in the United States of LGBTQIA2S+.

Old Glory is, at best, supplemented with, and sometimes supplanted by, the pride flag in all its varieties.

The flag, which has become more and more unsightly, is ubiquitous. Its increasingly elaborate jumble of clashing stripes — whether seen in a store, at a ball game, or on U.S. government buildings — is a reminder to get with the program, and that the program is always changing.

(too long to post all of his rant, but he goes on about how the pride flag/progress flag is ugly and he doesn’t like how there are different kinds of flags for Bi, Pan, Trans, NB etc)

Like the LBGTQ+ cause generally, the flag has become increasingly esoteric and obsessed with identity politics — there’s always another letter or another stripe. But what better representation of a movement that has gone down the rabbit holes of such bizarre causes as insisting that males compete in women’s sports and minors get life-altering “gender-affirming care” that other advanced countries are turning away from as a terrible mistake?

Yet, it flies everywhere as though it were a quasi-national flag with universal popular assent. Even U.S. government buildings here at home and U.S. embassies abroad are bedecked with the flag. If Republicans ever get unified control of government, they should ban this practice. The government shouldn’t be promoting boutique causes, and we already have a flag that includes everyone, that doesn’t require constant ideological makeover, and that isn’t an eyesore.

The Stars and Stripes should be sufficient for this and every month.

Various anonymous commenters #moonbat #transphobia #sexist #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger datalounge.com

(more discussion on the term “queer”; followed-up from https://fstdt.com/TVNWJ9FLKBG2B)

>Queer and cis go hand in hand. It’s hipster bullshit.

>The Trans Industry needs "Queer" as an umbrella term to lump in AGPs and pedos with the LGB. It's also why they have completely appropriated (and literally purchased) the original Black Lives Matter and turned it into something that actively harms black women and children. It's why they infiltrated and destroyed 3rd Wave feminism. These are the same rich white straight male colonizers we've known for most of recorded history. They rename our cultures, wear our cultural dress as costume, invade our spaces, forbid us our language and rights. And make a lot of money doing it.

>Now it's used by straight women wanting to be edgy.

>[…]it's such a broad term now, it's used as fad slang for every fad gender swap, purple hair, they them zee za zou pronoun BS[…]

>The term Queer is completely meaningless now that it represents self-obsessed straight people.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy returntoorder.org

The LGBTQ library network frames the debate as a child health issue. Its activists claim that the library is often the only safe space where inquiring youth can discover their sexuality. Without these resources, young people can despair, and lives will be lost. Not having these materials, they argue, will create a non-welcoming and hostile environment for the LGBTQ-confused student.

In an Internet age where everything is available online, these claims hold no water. Furthermore, there is no proof that lives will be lost. What is known is that the content of many of these books is so indecent that it cannot be described in polite society.

The effort to turn libraries into promotion centers for these obscene materials is to validate the LGBTQ lifestyle in the minds of youth. The goal is to tear down some of the last barriers of modesty and decency that defend childhood innocence. Under the false banner of health care, children will be exposed to pornographic materials forbidden by law. This is child abuse to the highest degree.

@humspot1 #transphobia twitter.com

Goddess alert!

“I don’t need your permission.”

This was hilarious - dude calls in to tell @ThePosieParker to “be nice.”😂@11thBlog

Hilarious that their argument is always,
“Just be nice, accept our lies, deny reality, & play our moronic pronoun game so that we don’t physically attack you and call you all bigots.”
Sane people have had enough.
We are done with this bullcrap.

Various anonymous commenters #moonbat #dunning-kruger #transphobia #biphobia #enbyphobia #sexist datalounge.com

(in which people take various positions on the term “queer”; I'd actually tag this as heterophobia if I could)

>"Queer" now means straight people who want to larp as oppressed. To me, that makes it doubly offensive.

>"Queer" has a long history as a slur against gay men in particular, and they are the only ones who can "reclaim" it. Not women pretending to be gay men, not straight people who dye their hair cotton candy colors, not trannies, or enbys, or any of the other imaginary identities. Homosexuality is an orientation, not an "identity".

> "Queer" allows them to elide and obfuscate the stark disparity that exists between gay people and everyone else (bisexuals, while they experience same-sex attraction, still benefit from heterosexual privilege).

>Because you can't define it nowadays, it's meaningless as a word. I hate all this stupid 'non-binary' 'queer' nothingness.

>Back before many of you were born, we simply said "gay and lesbian." "Bisexual" was something people grew out of. There was no need to encourage it.

>it's been extra funny watching the bisexuals shriek on social media about how they're left out of everything or how they are stigmatized.

>"Queers" are asshole fake gays temporarily using the gay community to add some kinky flavor to their dull straight lives, and they are going to be the death of the real gay community.

> Go ahead and pretend to shamed when you’re misgendered when you foolishly try to look like the gender you are not. Your obvious body dysphoria is a sad condition and you should seek treatment instead of validation.

puppy_cat #dunning-kruger #transphobia ovarit.com

(Regarding an episode of “Bob's Burgers” where Louise researches Amelia Earhart)

I've always liked how Louise is seen as a bit of a tomboyish character and had a wide array of interests. I've especially liked it how she would speak out against girls not being allowed to do certain things that boys are allowed to do, and talk ahout how girls can look and do whatever they want to do (and insinuating they don't have to be boys to do so). I haven't watched this show for a decent while, but that was something that I've always enjoyed about her character, and I was even surprised it was allowed to say things like that anymore, with all the TRA garbage in the media today.

(Submitter’s note: she's apparently unaware that “Bob's Burgers” is a VERY trans-friendly show)

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

( drinkwater )
Because it's working. The end goal is pushing back against the progress the women's rights movement has made. And it's worked so well it's as if it was the plan all along.

( pennygadget )
Its not a coincidence that genderwoo exploded just as "metoo" was picking up steam and we almost got a female president. Things were finally getting better for women. And genderwoo was the perfect way to halt all that progress and suck the last vestiges of real feminism out of the left

( pennygadget )
My tinfoil hat theory is that the gender clinics and the fertility/surrogacy clinics are in cahoots. When young people render themselves sterile and/or unfit for pregnancy via radical hormone regimens, they'll need assisted reproductive technology if they want to have families in the future. So the IVF clinics will swoop in and offer to freeze their sperm or eggs (which costs a monthly fee) for future use. And then, if that's not an option, they can seek out egg/sperm donors and surrogates (which is an even more expensive service)!

( Novemberinthechair )
WEF. More money for big pharma. The destruction of western culture. Depopulation....sterilized kids can't reproduce. Greenies like that, since they think climate change should be reduced to the time before industrialization...which is near to impossible while humans walk the Earth. Killing women's rights.

Take your pick.

( freeradicalwoman )
My conspiracy theory-obsessed housemate insists that the satanic elite want to create a class of sex slaves that look like prepubescent children. Turns out he is right and that wasn't as koo koo as it sounded. He believes that most celebrities are caught up in some evil sex trafficking system and the super-rich & politicians are all deviant perverts who use sex slaves until they discard them and throw them away. Supposedly Anthony Bourdain witnessed a US congressman in such an act while in drag, and was murdered in Paris rather than committed suicide. All of that used to sound unbelievable. The fact that at least half of that is true is extremely alarming.

Jennifer Bilek & various commenters #transphobia twitter.com

( Jennifer Bilek )
Do you really think worldwide governments are dramatically & rapidly overhauling language, laws & societies organized around our species sexual dimorphism so a few people with body dysmorphia can feel included?


( @KrizoSusanna )
Nah, they're using them to get rid of the family, women's rights and children's rights. We'll all be lumped into a group of gender-neutral humans who have no feelings and work for those in power as the pronoun nonsense ends the moment they get their goal as does the family.

( @pedro_loftus )
Transgenderism is about normalising the idea that tiny minorities have the right to lord it over the rest of society: to impose their will.

That’s the insidious message that elites want to indoctrinate into people from a young age, so they willingly accept their status as serfs.

( @Exoconscious )
No, these actions are essential steps in acceptance of transhumanism and relinquishing human rights, spiritual connection, critical thinking, and biology to artificial field of reality.

( @KatyKircher )
It's not people with gender dysmorphia. It's men who get a kick out of wearing women's clothing. Men who refuse to have any reassignment treatment at all. Men who hate women. Men who claim they are women in order to sexually harass lesbians.
It's bully, violent, threatening MEN.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #homophobia catholicamericanthinker.com

What the real geopolitical game is about is the end of all independent nationhood and the bringing of all nations under the rule of one tyrannical global government. America's half-assed patriots are either blithely unaware of that, or they are in on it. They let one high crime after another, and even one act of high treason after another just go by right in front of their noses, and they do nothing.

How many glaringly obvious crimes did Madame Hillary commit that went unpunished? For that matter, how many did Billary commit? Try to count the criminal scandals and crimes attributed to the Clinton and Obama presidencies, and nobody ever did anything about any of them.
What happened to the big figures in the CIA, FBI and DOJ who were proved to be criminally colluding to take Trump down in the Russia-Russia-Russia hoax and the Ukraine-Ukraine-Ukraine hoax, and all the corroborating lies of the likes of Schiff and Nadler? Nothing. What did Barr do about all the video evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election? Nothing.
Look around. Just look at the results of that treason. I mean decision.

Open borders. Fentanyl deaths. Human trafficking. Lawlessness. Defunded/demoralized/decimated police. Looted stores. Non-prosecution. Crime now pays. Children being indoctrinated in sexual perversion and racism. A Presidential cabinet consisting of an actual diversity freak show of incompetence. The demolition of the Abraham Accords. A return to Marxist "climate justice". The Afghanistan bug-out. The Russian invasion of Ukraine. A new alliance of China, Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Ever increasing Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Marxocrat Party belligerence

All the election interference with the 2024 election. Indictment after indictment after indictment, on trumped-up charge after trumped-up charge after trumped-up charege, against President Trump, probably the best and most effective President since George Washington.

Greg Cook #fundie #wingnut #racist #transphobia crisismagazine.com

Someone might object by asserting that this immigrant invasion is not military but rather one of humanitarian need. That objection helps make my point, which is this: our compassion for the desperate stranger is no longer tied to Christ’s Gospel, and this ersatz compassion is now our downfall.
While we don’t exactly have labor camps and gas chambers, we do have widespread abortion and infanticide (aka “late-term abortion”), inner-city killing zones, spikes in deaths of despair, and drug overdoses, all in large part due to ersatz compassion. That is the compassion that empowers our government to allow millions of noncitizens into this country.

It may be objected that every one of these immigrants is a person with human dignity, and to a point that is true. They are also, as humans, afflicted by original sin and prone to concupiscence. Ersatz compassion seeks only to focus on rights uncoupled from responsibility and obedience to laws.

In the past, we would have helped people; now we enable them. This humanitarian invasion comes from spurning God. Consider American cities such as New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. Ersatz compassion in those places has resulted in crises of the common good. Residents do not feel safe in the midst of aggressive homeless tribes, and the beauty of iconic urban settings are defaced by garbage, graffiti, and human waste.
Drag Queen story hour? Sure. An eleven-year-old thinks he’s trapped in the wrong body? Help him! “Engaged” couples living together for seven years and with three children? Who am I to judge?! Entering the country under false pretenses or without going through the legal processes? What’s the big deal?! Fidelity (like punctuality) is a vestige of an earlier, privileged culture, right?
Thankfully, God’s justice is a true
Unless we—Americans and Catholics—reject a false, Christless compassion, we will continue to suffer the sting of God’s justice via the invasion we deserve.

Dave Blount #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Muslim Colonists in Belgium Reject LGBTism"]

Cracks are forming in the cultural Marxist coalition. LGBTists and Muslims can agree that Western Civilization needs to be torn down. But that does not reconcile Islam with the gay agenda:

On [May 11], the “LGBTQIA+” community in Belgium suffered a violent attack by teenage Muslim students from The Atlas College in Genk. The Islamic attack occurred at an International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) event held at the school[…]

One day it will get through to liberals that Muslims are exactly what they accuse Christians of being: violently intolerant of the sexual degeneracy liberals revere

Progressivism will be killed off by a poison progressives imported:

This is not an isolated incident in Belgium, a country that has changed dramatically over the past decade. Without any public debate, it has become a massive Muslim migration state due to the left-wing government’s open borders migration policies and the European Union’s policies in Brussels, Belgium’s capital[…]

A similar story is playing out in the Muslim colony of southeastern Michigan

Muslims engaging in hijrah (conquest by immigration) love open borders policy. The rest of liberalism they will eradicate the moment they have the leverage

@PureBloodFreedm #wingnut #transphobia gettr.com

Attention conservatives, republicans, populist, that still won’t Turn off Fox News, OMG strike 3 Fox News swings all the way to the left this is sickening 🤢🤮🤬😡 Fox News promotes transgender Child’s transition, Spreads false theology on gender
#pureblood #pureblood #propaganda #fakestrammedia #fakenews #operationmockingbird #nwo #enemywithin #mainstreammedia #doyourownresearch #donotcomply #medialies #patriot #trump2024 #fjb #saveamerica #foxcnnlite #fox #tuckercarlson #donttrustfoxnews #foxrunbytheleft #propaganda #foxpropaganda #twothousandmules This is really disturbing read this article 😵‍💫🤮🤢🤬

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The clinical definition of insanity is the inability to distinguish reality from fantasy.

Anyone who believes they are really a woman, when they were born a man, is living in a complete fantasy world. They are literally insane.

These literally insane people are running institutions all over America now, from government to military to law enforcement to universities.

When the clinically insane are given ruling powers, the normal, healthy, sane citizens are in great danger. I mean this sincerely.

( @NSSAP )
@Nature_and_Race -- And this culture produces mentally insane parents, and mentally insane parents raise mentally insane kids. And then you're stuck in a cycle of never ending insanity.

( @Iceman876 )
@Nature_and_Race Feed that thing to a grizzly bear, wtf is wrong with Montana.

( @jkbergin )
@Nature_and_Race So even Montana lets mental illness into a formerly respected body. The country is lost.

( @3yrsin )
@jkbergin @Nature_and_Race This thing came out of the University of Montana, Missoula, and so it is no wonder. When you have a major university in a community, then you will have you the source of all local insanity and degeneracy. Unfortunately that source will flow out and eventually infect and affect the rest of the state.

( @melgibstein )
@Nature_and_Race he looks like a literal demon.

( @RealMarkHohe )

True....and it's not just recognition or equality these fruitcakes want.....they want to "convert" everyone else.....

( @Nilkill )
@Nature_and_Race Probably is a kike, i’m disappointed in Montana but surely it’s the Californians moving there turning cities blue.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Yes, I am a white heterosexual male, and I do not give a damn who likes it or not! In case many of you have lost all your brain cells, not one human on this earth has any control whatsoever over what color, ethnicity, culture, or country in which he is born. It is completely out of his control, and therefore, each should be proud of, or at least aware of his background, regardless of what that background entails. Each has to make his own way in life, successful or not, and cannot change his color or biology, no matter what effort is taken. This also includes biological gender, as that also cannot be altered in such a manner as to defy natural biology, no matter what efforts are pursued. So let the hate mail from ignoramuses commence, as this will expose the idiocy that consumes most of the proletariat today.
The most prolific racism in this country today is becoming black against white, but in reality, it is every ethnicity, every culture, and every idiotic ‘identifying gender’ with multi-labeled acronyms, (2SLGBTQI+) plus, plus, of course, as new designations surface regularly, against white people. (The explanation of this bullshite is astonishing) It is about every color, media outlet, government, many so-called ‘entertainers,’ leftist politicians, and a multitude of white hypocrites; all committing racism against white people, especially white males, as discussed earlier. This form of racism today is illegitimately viewed completely in reverse. But fear not, with this level of racism against white people, they (everyone else) may yet get the hate they tend to crave so much. Why would that ever be desired?
The only true slavery that exists in this country today is the slavery of the masses by the State. There are no black slaves, white slaves, brown slaves, or any other in any real sense of the term, as actual slavery ended in this country well over 150 years ago, which means that no one living is or has ever been a slave. The past is gone.

@MrMennoTweets #transphobia twitter.com

The difference between actual civil rights movements and the ‘trans’ movement is that none of them fought for rights on the basis of something they were not, or passing themselves of as another demographic of people. Black people didn’t say “Hey, we’re white!” Women didn’t say “Hey, we’re men!” and gay people didn’t say “Hey’ we’re straight!” They fought for rights on the basis of what set them apart.

But ‘trans’ is about claiming the identities and rights of others. Men claiming to be women. Women claiming to be men. Straight men claiming to be lesbians.

It is the only movement that wants the right to identify into demographics of people that already exist within their own right.

It’s a form of colonisation. Not only that, under the guise of ‘trans’ the meaning of words and material reality all have to be turned upside down to ‘accommodate’ this colonisation. Actual women are now ‘cis’ women so that men who call themselves ‘trans women’ can be seen to be every inch a women as them, even if they have an extra couple of inches dangling between their legs. Actual lesbians become ‘cis’ lesbians and are told they can’t have female only events anymore as they’re be breaching anti-discrimination laws that prioritise the demands of blokes who call themselves lesbians.

This is co-opting, appropriation, colonisation and the rewriting of reality. It is identicide: by trying to identify into the class of people they don’t belong to, they are killing off what they actual class of people represents. All because they are intent on killing off their own true identities.

We’re seeing how dangerous this is in sports, in prisons in rape shelters, in toilets / bath rooms / changing rooms / hospital wards, etc. It’s becoming more clear every day.

And it’s all rooted in a movement trying to make us believe they are not what they actually are.

No other movement has ever done that, it’s unique to the ‘trans’ movement. Just like the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” it was a sham from the very beginning.

And that’s why Monty here is trying to compare ‘trans’ activism and the response to it to other movements, to make it look like it’s the same, that ‘trans’ is simply ‘the next frontier’ and that we should learn from how actual civil rights movements have historically been discredited and not let the same fate befall the ‘trans’ movement.


@jennifer_1ee , @lucystone1871 & @RiggleElaine #transphobia twitter.com

( @jennifer_1ee )
Why are men hesitating to defend women from the onslaught of trans invading our spaces? Perhaps they want to distance themselves from men who are openly deviant because it makes them cringe at their own secret fetishes. They want to get the weirdos away from them so they won't be tempted.

( @lucystone1871 )
I see a lot of men starting to pay attention and get angry. But this issue is still being reported (when it is reported) in the most biased way (women’s rights being painted as “anti-trans” etc), so my *hope* is that this is an awareness issue, at least in part.

( @RiggleElaine )
Men's lives go fundamentally unchanged. I see some fathers of girls and gay men/lesbians seeing how erasure of sex in our language is extremely problematic. Men did try to squash the trans, btw, many years ago, but women stopped it. Why? Empathy. We forgot about pervs. Men knew.


( @jennifer_1ee )
That's IT. You nailed it. Trans activism is an effortless virtue-signal for men. He says "Transwomen are women" and he's praised for his Enlightened Dudehood. The "enemy" is already beaten down and oppressed. Piling on women is a piece of cake behind the shield of po-mo rhetoric.

various commenters #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #racist gab.com

( @PiratesNFlowers )
We deserve to be destroyed. God is allowing America to be destroyed because of our sin.

We ONLY turn this around by honoring God.

Asking God to intervene on behalf of a country that murders babies on demand, alters the biological sex of young children, and promotes sexual deviancy in life and film is a pretty tall order. God can do anything for any nation, but that nation must turn to Him first. Before you ask God to save the United States, you need to ask Jesus to save you, first - then encourage others to do the same.

( @PotatoSack )
America, repent as did Nineveh!


( @Dante353 )
@PotatoSack @PiratesNFlowers

🤢🤮 Please keep this Jewish nonsense to yourself.

( @IrishInManchesterUK )
@PiratesNFlowers much of this is also true of my native Ireland, as we turned away from God and chose to accept and believe the lies of Satan, ignoring the warnings from our grandparents generation before they passed in the 1980’s who were totally opposed to all the changes they saw in the 1960’s onwards - we gave our power away and have brought our current situation on ourselves, so we do deserve God’s punishment by His allowing evil to prosper, no matter how tough the truth of this reality is

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@PiratesNFlowers I legitimately don't understand this. I respect you and love you. But how is everyone held responsible for the actions of kikes and faggots? It's like, "sins of the father"...except way worse.

I don't believe I'm responsible for what some nigger tranny or kike faggot or otherwise tranny faggot kike does. I can't control that. Except [fedpost]. Why would God hold me, or my children, accountable for this? It seems unfair at best.

( @ScrapKitty )
@PiratesNFlowers The United States is a country, not a nation. A nation is like Ireland or Japan or Portugal: basically one folk of the same/similar genetic heritage. Not a multiculti swam.

( @PiratesNFlowers )
@ScrapKitty jews did this. We foolishly tried to tolerate these fucking demons in the New World and they didn't change their behavior. Shocking! Lol

They're going to be hunted off earth for all the misery they are responsible for. There won't be a single jew alive in a century.

An American Patriot #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia stateofthenation.co

only POTUS candidate to date who has firmly addressed the single greatest crisis facing the American people.
However, your approach thus far to the devastating agenda of Cultural Marxism is still way too muted to have the meaningful effect that’s now necessary to terminate this terrible scourge nationwide.

As the subtitle of this post states:

“Either come down from the mountain like Moses … … …
or stay in Tallahassee and continue to serve the great
state of Florida.”
For every form of evil and wickedness, now associated with the rapid implementation of the Cultural Marxism agenda, is now irreparably tearing the fabric of American society. By the way, this nation may already be past the point of no return so the time to act was really YESTERDAY!!!
In point of fact, there is no other political leader in the USA who has the cojones to take on the 2SLGBTQIA+ movement the way that you have done thus far. However, your efforts and your successes are quite insignificant compared to the utter destruction wrought by the cultural marxists in all 50 states to date.

Which means that it’s high time to allow your inner MOSES
to fully emerge.

Do you understand that, Gov. DeSantis?!

This is not about winning the 2024 election, as you well know. This is about using your huge and high POTUS candidacy platform to lay waste to the patently demonic agenda of the communist Left.
By the way, childishly fake conservative Trump is completely AWOL on this issue. Lifelong Democrat RFK Jr. won’t, and cannot, go anywhere near it as his websites attest to. Which means that only you can come down from the mountain, draped with righteous indignation and fulminating the thunderous truths divinely elucidated by this new 11th COMMANDMENT.

Now, let’s get busy saving America … so we can then save the entire planetary civilization.

@Rogue_Koala #transphobia spinster.xyz

I hope one day all these TRA's are taken to court and destroyed. Their lives ruined for what they have done.

Then all these cowardly demented supporters follow afterwards.

They should be as Hitchens once said "People like that should be out in the street, shouting and hollering with a cardboard sign and selling pencils from a cup."

They don't deserve their qualifications or position in life.

Victor Davis Hanson #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy amgreatness.com

When Martin Luther King, Jr. called for emphasizing the “content of our character” over “the color of our skin,” the subtext was “stop judging people as a faceless collective on the basis of their superficial appearance and instead look to them as individuals with unique characters.”

It is tragic that King’s plea for an integrated, assimilated society, in which race became incidental, not essential to our personas, has mostly been abandoned by the Left in favor of racial stereotyping, collective guilting, and scapegoating by race and gender.

Indeed, many of the old Confederate pathologies—fixation on racial essence, obsession with genealogy, nullification of federal laws, states’ rights, and segregated spaces and ceremonies—are now rehabilitated by woke activists.
Like the mysterious omnipresence of transgenderism in popular culture, all of a sudden, the obsession with whites as a Satanic collective has become a national fad—a pet-rock or hula-hoop-like collective madness.
The dearth of actual racism also demands a new set of adjectives that serve as something like sophisticated detectors to discover otherwise invisible natural gas fumes. The adjective “systemic” means only the select can now spot racism. Like air, it is everywhere but invisible and thus requires battalions of diversity, equity, and inclusion inspectors to use their training to expose it in the common atmosphere.
We know from history the ultimate destination of tribal chauvinism, and it is not pretty. Once a society retribalizes, it descends into a Hobbesian war of all against all. Everyone eventually seeks out or manufactures a tribal identity for self-protection. Tribalism operates on the principles of proliferation: if a neighboring nation goes nuclear, then everyone in the neighborhood must too.

Unless some passengers on our runaway train force our engineers to hit the brakes, we are headed over the cliff into Yugoslavia.

Dave Blount #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Fox News Requests Bud Light Treatment"]

Leftists enjoy crushing their opposition in a full frontal assault in the tradition of Joseph Stalin, but when that isn’t expedient, they use the Antonio Gramsci approach of infiltrating and subverting institutions they oppose. Progressive bête noire Fox News is a case in point. The liberal establishment inflicted serious damage with the Dominion lawsuit[…]But the death blow that kills Fox will be delivered from within.

The Daily Signal has gotten ahold of a company handbook revealing that Fox News complies obediently with LGBT mandates, specifying that men can use the women’s restroom, can show up for work dressed in women’s clothes, and must be referred to with female pronouns if they so demand. Employees are encouraged to become transsexual through a “Workplace Transition Plan”[…]
Imagine trusting a media source that arrogantly lies to your face, even when it clearly knows you know it is lying. This is the case when “journalists” refer to guys like Mulvaney and Thomas as “she”[…]
It isn’t just a rule of thumb; it is an iron clad law. No outlet that knowingly refers to people by the wrong pronouns in order to comply with LGBTism can be regarded as a reliable source of information.

What now passes for journalism borders on a crime against humanity:

Fox also drew strong backlash for a June 2022 on-air segment praising a child’s gender transition as an “inspiration to others”[…]

The pernicious effect extends beyond the Fox News viewership to compromise conservatives in general[…]
Disney’s leftist propaganda outlet ESPN is particularly insidious because it circumvents intellectual defenses by disguising the moonbattery under a sugar coating of sports coverage. FNC is more insidious still, hiding the woke poison in conservative lite pablum

Justin Deschamps #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia badlands.substack.com

Update June 1st, 2023: Trump’s incredible announcement yesterday, just so happened to perfectly line up with the subject matter of this piece. In my opinion, based on how the globalists rolled out their current model of society, Trump is making a decisive and massive blow against their Great Reset plans for the future.

Watch Trump’s announcement for a year of celebration for the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States. “The Great American State Fair will put forth innovative visions for America’s future,” which I believe Trump is referring to the same sweeping and incredibly positive visions he talked about in last November’s 2024 Presidential-run announcement.
With traditional communities now destroyed, hypersexualized gender-bending media and entertainment would be unleashed, enhanced by social media, producing a kind of “soft” eugenics, where people would self-select out of the gene pool and those left behind found it increasingly difficult to combat the anti-family pro-state-raising children through big media agenda.

Today, we’re living in a world that was shaped and molded by sophisticated and effective propaganda techniques, where the wisdom and ways of the past seem primitive, all while we suffer under the increasingly costly yoke of globalist technocracy, socialistic neo-cultism, and medical authoritarianism.

Trump’s recently released plans, I suspect, are, in part, a kind of white-hat America First World Fair or Expo, with the same basic agenda—to inspire and recruit the people into a new way of life, a truly free way of life where globalism is gone forever.
They were likely going to roll out their own Great Reset-style World Fair or Expo, where the transhumanist dystopia and gender-bending madness are center-stage. But Trump is stealing their thunder, and in a way that will make their vision for the future seem like the batshit insanity that it truly is.

What a time to be alive.

Mothers Grim #transphobia the11thhourblog.com

🇺🇸Cutting to the Chase:YouTube’s Bearded and Breastless Transmen, a Salesforce in the Making 1
(continued from https://fstdt.com/NZJ4NFZ4MY6NG )
It is not too hard to see how the interconnectivity of influencers and platforms just might permit a freakish explosion of a very bad ideology causing monumental harm to an entire generation of young people. Clicking on FTM Aydian Dowling’s company, point5cc, advertised on Chase’s channel (as shown in the image below) brings up a company called Point of Pride. Point of Pride is a nonprofit under Aydian Dowling’s leadership who got her own start on, none other than, YouTube. Point of Pride has programs to help fund surgeries with a US-based surgeon (even under age 18 with guardian consent). They also have programs offering 12 months of free HRT through Plume (an online drug dispensary founded by MTF Jerrica Kirkley with real estate on YouTube) and free binders through gc2b, yet another trans owned business also with real estate on YouTube. Now amplify this power of the click across each video on each FTMs content and it is not hard to see how a crisis might ensue.
The Internet of Things has plugged stressed-out young females directly into their own undoing. With an arsenal of procured and targeted ads and influencers bombarding YouTube followers, Chase, and/or members of the consortium of FTM influencers, are bound to hit their targets one after the other with their collections of goods and services. Click after click, hypnotized females then fall further and further down the rabbit hole of harmful transgender medical identities. The influencers' business successes speak volumes about the war that has been waged on sexed bodies in the 21st Century.

Greg Abbott & Texas Republicans #wingnut #transphobia reuters.com

Texas becomes largest state to ban transgender care for minors

Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday signed a bill that bans transgender healthcare including puberty blockers and hormone therapy for minors, making Texas the largest of the 20 states to have outlawed gender-affirming care.

Republican lawmakers across the country have promoted similar bills, saying they mistrust the consensus among major medical associations that endorse gender-affirming care as needed and even life-saving for trans youth after extensive evaluation.

Texas, the second most-populous U.S. state, has an estimated 29,800 transgender youth aged 13 to 17, according to the Williams Institute of UCLA.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other groups have pledged to fight the law in court, as they have similar legislation in other states.

"They (Texas lawmakers) are hellbent on joining the growing roster of states determined to jeopardize the health and lives of transgender youth, in direct opposition to the overwhelming body of scientific and medical evidence," the ACLU said in a statement when the bill passed the legislature.

The Texas law creates exceptions for minors who began treatment before June 1 or for those who attended 12 or more sessions of mental health counseling or psychotherapy for at least six months.

But those patients "shall wean off the prescription drug over a period of time," the law says.

Backers of such laws say government must intervene against the wishes of parents and doctors because they fear it will cause irreparable harm and say children are incapable of acceding to such decisions.

Groups including the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics oppose the legislation.

Republicans introduced more than 500 bills affecting LGBTQ people in 2023, with more than 50 passing, according to the Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ rights group. Those numbers are up from 315 bills introduced and 29 passed in 2022.

Connect ALL the Dots #transphobia solvealltheproblems.wordpress.com

Awake, not Woke

Words have meanings and meanings matter. It makes no sense to allow a privileged group (men) to unilaterally redefine words in order to benefit themselves while simultaneously destroying the fundamental, hard-won human rights of a traditionally disadvantaged group (women), but here we are. This has already happened, in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Most Canadians don’t even know that any male sex offender can walk into any girls locker room in the country, drop his pants, display fully functional male genitals, and if women or girls object, all he has to do is claim to be a “trans woman” to avoid prosecution for voyeurism or indecent exposure.
Nobody asked women if we wanted to legalize voyeurism & indecency in the single-sex female spaces where these crimes do the most harm. Ontario voters never had a say in the decision to let any man, even convicted sex offenders, falsify government documents and claim womanhood without any gatekeeping of any sort. We have a serious problem in that women’s rights have been systematically dismantled by stealth. We have an even bigger problem in that voters are powerless to rectify this heinous abuse of power. Voting only works in a democracy, but before the plutocrats head-hunted her to keep the truth out of the public eye, Chrystia Freeland let the cat out of the bag about who rules in Canada .
The point here is that voting will never be enough to solve any of the serious problems we face. The primary problem that must be solved first – chronologically – is restoring the democratic power that was stolen from voters decades ago. This will require solidarity in the face of the polarizing Divide & Rule tactics of the ruling class. This is why when I point out that “trans women” are men and I’m accused of being a right-winger I don’t just spit out a knee-jerk denial. We won’t be able be able to successfully counter the divisive tactics used against us until we abandon tribalism and embrace single-issue solidarity.


Rolaant McKenzie #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

There are many examples in society today where narratives are promoted by very powerful people and organizations that invert reality in the pursuit of certain agendas. These powerful entities work in conjunction with government, big tech, big media, the largest banks, international institutions, and multinational corporations to label anything that goes against their current propaganda as misinformation, disinformation, or hate speech.

Once these global collaborators declare something to be hate speech, intimidation tactics and threats are made to silence those who persist in speaking things of which they disapprove.
Because of his hatred of God and His creation, especially human beings that are made in His image, the father of lies, Satan, seeks the destruction of humanity through the demolition of the nuclear family, promotion of moral relativism, societal division, infanticide (abortion), infertility, euthanasia, and depopulation.
One of the tools the devil uses is the promotion of transgenderism through the medical and education industry, entertainment, and other mass media outlets. This sexual grooming targeting children is meant to confuse them regarding their immutable biological and binary nature and get them to undergo permanent genital mutilation and hormone treatments to supposedly change their sex, the end result being sterility, mental instability, depression, and too often, death.

Anyone telling the truth about this in order to protect children from this evil agenda often face censorship, deplatforming, and other sanctions. Schools, the media, and the medical industry indoctrinate children to turn them away from God, hate themselves, and hate those who do not go along with their unreality.
Do not fear the seemingly overwhelming power of the rulers of society and their efforts to suppress the truth. Their plans will crumble before God’s power.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #fundie #conspiracy gcn.ie

Results of Turkey’s 2023 general election were released, with Recep Tayyip Erdogan being re-elected as president, beating out social democrat Kemal Kiliçdaroglu[…]
Speaking to supporters in front of his Istanbul residence after the result, Erdogan thanked voters for putting their trust in him. He went on to speak out once more against the LGBTQ+ community, saying: “In our culture, family is sacred, no one can interfere. We will strangle anyone who dares to touch it”

He continued by suggesting that the so-called “LGBT forces” would not be able to infiltrate his party, the AKP. These sentiments align with his longstanding and openly homophobic beliefs that queer identities are inseparably linked with “terror, immorality, perversion and violence” and follow rhetoric he used in his recent re-election campaign

At a rally in Izmir earlier this year, for example, he said: “In this nation, the foundations of the family are stable. LGBT will not emerge in this country”

At another electoral rally, he affirmed that his party will “never be pro-LGBT, because the family is sacred to us”, a statement similar to the one he made after being re-elected on Sunday

Throughout his whole campaign, Erdogan put a heavy emphasis on striking down the LGBTQ+ community, seeking support from his Islamist base to win the election. Many of his speeches accused the opposition of undermining family values and being infiltrated by powerful LGBTQ+ networks, sometimes even hinting that they were being run by paymasters abroad, framing the queerness as “cultural terrorism” of the West

Furthermore, he called on people to vote for him in order to “take a stand against those who exhibit any kind of perversion forbidden by God, who exhibit any kind of heresy our lord has forbidden, and those who support them”

Jennifer Bilek & Salspua #transphobia twitter.com

( Jennifer Bilek )
Only the question of what a woman is, is important. This is because our reproductive capacities are being deconstructed, colonized for the market - to be transferred to the tech sector.
The dehumanization is not personal. It’s business. They can’t dismember actual humans & justify what they’re doing. It’s how all slavery works. Colonize. Dehumanize. Extract the resources. Womanhood is occupied territory.

( Salspua )
Are you paying attention yet?

We must stop participating in this, stop pretending that the gender craze is about inclusion & people's "true selves."

Mothers Grim #transphobia the11thhourblog.com

🇺🇸Cutting to the Chase:YouTube’s Bearded and Breastless Transmen, a Salesforce in the Making 1
(continued from https://fstdt.com/.XSR.N9ZPL8PK )
The FTM influencers care not one lick about their fans save for the cash flow they provide and the perpetuation of the fantastical business of “transition.” These influencers do not act alone but appear regularly in one another’s content and collaborate on selling the ideology and products to support the illusion of “transition.”

In Chase Ross’s content, regulars, like FTMs Aaron Ansuini, Ty Turner, and Kai Scott make repeat appearances. In what seems a misfit among the females, even the popular MTF Steph Sanjati appears from time to time. Then there are countless other influencers and companies that are linked in some way via advertising like Aydian Dowling and her company Point of Pride or Mason Luke and her company MasonLuke.com. Mr. Mason Luke is advertised as a “transgender man who has been in the adult sales industry for 15+ years.” These influencers indoctrinate teens into the “trans” lifestyle, peddle porn products, and are a salesforce for Big Pharma. They advise young women on drugs, surgeries, or devices with no mention of the physical and mental harm they are doomed to endure by accepting the advice of these charlatans.

Examples of a few influencer collaborations amongst the FTM social media influencers and their cross-marketing can be seen in the chart below:

Thomas St Thomas #wingnut #transphobia thomasstthomas.medium.com

Gender is a Social Construct and 2+2=5

You may have heard someone saying “gender is a social construct.” Usually, it has a “First of all,” in front of it, as some sort of preparation for the gravity with which this declaration should be received. That itself lends credence to the parallels between what Winston in 1984 went through with two plus two equals five and the manner in which this pseudo-truth about gender is declared.

But just like two plus to two being equal to five, nobody actually believes that gender is a social construct. Winston only truly believed it after he was tortured into belief. Like two plus to equals five, stating that gender is a social construct is a means for someone to declare their political position with relation to an ideology. It’s a means to plant a flag in the ground and declare with whom they stand.


But being beaten into submission until you say and believe that two plus two equals five creates a whole chain of cognitive problems. Big Brother is undermining the very foundation of thought. If two plus two equals five, then what does five plus five equal? What about one plus one? If something so fundamental is destroyed, then nothing else makes sense and Winston’s mind is broken. Once the mind is broken, it can be convinced of anything. It’s the same for confusing us on gender.

Martin Armstrong #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #racist #transphobia armstrongeconomics.com

ANY company engaging in WOKE should be brought to court for what they are doing is patently UNCONSTITUTIONAL and lawyers should start to wake up and bring class action lawsuits against Target, Budweiser, and North Face as well as every other company engaged in this activity of promoting transgenderism has rendered college degrees irrelevant. If you check a box, no qualification or experience is required.
Hiring people based on race and gender is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It is outright discrimination and whatever job is open should go to the most qualified – not to check some box of this discriminatory and unethical Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Here you have a pretend organization claiming it stands for human rights advocating abortion and ignoring any human rights of the unborn. They are a front for propaganda that is to actually divide the nation and deliberately target religious issues such as abortion and seek to give low “grades” to Christian beliefs.

The worst kept secret in corporate HR departments across the country is this thinking that they MUST deny employment based on qualification and instead check boxes to satisfy this unethical organization masquerading as human rights. If we are really talking about EQUALITY, then the most qualified person should get the job. In our company, we have every race, creed, and nationality from Asia to Europe. We hire based on qualification – not race or religion.

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) should be brought to court for they are denying qualified people employment. Not that they are claiming to be about Human Rights when they are openly engaging in the violation of our Civil Rights. Any company with an HR department engaged in checking boxes should be hauled into court on a class action for unconstitutional civil rights violations. This is the ONLY way to stop this agenda from pretending to be about equality when it is really about discrimination.

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