Prussian Society of America #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #quack

[From "Video Clips to remind about the Truth about Trump and his Supporters"]

You can boast on and on about Trump being a Christian and Conservative President, but in America’s history, he is also the most Liberal of all Conservative Presidents that the country ever elected into office

Let these video clips be a reminder as to why Trump was just an actor and a Jew puppet the entire time in office, but of course the Right Wingers will always wish to correct you by saying “Oh, but he HAD to do that because the Liberals would do this”[…]
Even if the bastard were just paying Lip Service for his ratings and tolerance in office, it’s still disingenuous and demonstrates how low the Moral Standards are in Americans

Trump Pledged to defend the LGBTQ Community:
Trump: I will protect LGBTQ citizens from hateful rhetoric of radical terrorists

Trump Promoting the COVID Vaccines:
When Trump has told his supporters to get vaccinated

Donald Trump Endorsing the COVID Vaccines:
Donald Trump endorses COVID vaccines at Alabama rally

Trump Capitulates to Mask Wearing:
Trump Signals Strongest Support Yet for Masks

some incels #elitist #sexist #transphobia

[ ionlycopenow ]

Took 2 months of being single for a HT normie I know to start saying incel-ish things

Now, this high tier normie has been single for 2 months and is now saying very incel-ish stuff, his whole demeanor has changed, he’s now more sulking/down, more negative, less motivated to ever do anything, more unconfident, and he out of no where has been saying very mysoggykneestic things.

Was strange to see it takes sexhavers just a single digit amount of months with no gf before they just lose all confidence and start saying incel-ish stuff, complete 180 in personality in negativity.

Makes me try to imagine how they would be if they were in the shoes of someone who has never had a gf or sex, ever.

[ ItsOver4cel ]

They literally wouldn't last a day as an incel
Not having a gf is hardly the worst of my problems at this point

[ shii410 ]

This should have become consensus after quarantine when normies and females started bitching and having meltdowns after like 2 weeks of "social distancing"

[ HedonisticRecluse ]

One of my 6'4 white freinds (chadlite) has girls stare at him everyday, I blackpilled him and he agreed with me lmao

Wdym by blackpilled him?

Told him that women only liked him because he was tall, white and 6'4, and then told him since im a manlet curry that I would have way worse chances, he agreed with me. I rant about women to him sometimes and he mostly agrees and would tell me his own experiences.

Another high tier normie autist freind I have tells me how most of the girls he fucks on tinder are the excat same copies of each other :feelshaha:.

[ Balding Subhuman ]

Yeah that happens. These are some reddit comments from a FtM. She went from 5'3 girl to 5'3 truecel best part is, before transitioning and living as a subhuman she would probably had mocked incels for being entitled


[ GayAlienSkullCel ]

literally the same with 6'4" friend. We look similar but I am incel while he is slaying even though he has a boring quiet personality and works as a package handler for $12 a hour.

Omg, 12 dollar a hour is incel-tier wage at USA, and here I am rotting making 0.50 dol a hour in bolivia

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #sexist

Fuck this country, this country is anti white, it discriminates against white people, the leaders of this country hate poor whites like me and favours shitskins and degenerates. This country is full of them and has no culture, if it did in the past, its all gone now. This shithole isn't worth fighting for. Hurry up Gott and Straffe the UK now. I want to leave and never come back.

Being an Englishman in 2022 is a curse unless you're rich and/or attractive, or a w*man.

I walk to town today to do some shopping, I see Muslims and blacks everywere walking down the street, takeaway shops and corner shops run by them, their languages being spoken, rubbish everywere and I have to see a mosque when I get home to. This country is horrid.

Watch your own countrymen deny the existence of British as a people. They are literally performing a cultural genocide against you while denying you exist.

I don't give a shit about this country, this country hates whites so I hate this country.

shii410 #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist

Based Anti-Racist British police officers told teachers & social workers to not report sex trafficking in order to avoid inflaming racial tensions

This is very based! Thank you to those Based officers as well as the BIPOC Immigrant community in Britain

The feminist take on this is unironically probably that the police and grooming gangs are part of the same faction and are oppressing women together because of their shared patriarchal interests (which is how the world should work)

A three-year independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation finds that over 1,000 children in the English town of Telford were sexually exploited beginning in the 1980s. Teachers and youth workers were discouraged from reporting child sexual abuse and police were nervous that investigating the abusers would inflame racial tensions.

Similar with other grooming gang cases, it was alleged that the authorities failed to keep details of abusers from Asian communities for fear of being seen as racist,[13] with police having known about gang activities since the early 1980s.

Jfl they use the term Asian men (which literally always means East Asian when westerners use the term in any other context) as if ricecels are going around raping thousands of foids but everyone who was arrested for being involved in this has a Pakistani name

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #ufo

(((They))) are fighting for a grey alien leftist NWO filled with Trannies and forced vaccinations. Jews pray to their grey alien gods everyday in their Kabbalah rituals that one day israel will take over the world and form a global ZOG tranny empire. I wish Hitler won WW2, then we wouldn’t have to deal with (((them))). These are who the jews are working for

@CroneInAMillion #transphobia

I consider this ad to be hate speech against my beliefs. Gender critical beliefs (that sex is real, significant & immutable while gender is a sexist, restrictive social construct) are protected in law. Who shall I report for this hate speech?




please note
is encouraging people to report fake hate crimes (e.g. statements of fact) and then using the inflated nonsense "hate crime" figures for political ends. This is stirring up social tensions as well as wasting police resources.

@janeclarejones #transphobia

To all the people endlessly recycling the claim that good comedy should only be aimed at people in power, not vulnerable minorities.

People without power would never have been able to force everyone else to pretend that humans aren't sexed.

All Gervais did was highlight the reductio ad absurdum of sex denialism.

And not even by extrapolating.

Simply by directly quoting examples of that absurdism.

Do not pretend that people without power would have been able to make people mouth these absurdities.

Do not pretend that people without power would have been able to get the liberal and glossy media to write a bunch of pieces about the 'virulent' and 'violent' hatred exhibited by simply pointing to the absurdity of sex denial.

Everyone knows this is absurd.

You don't have to make jokes.

You just have to REPEAT THE ABSURDISM.

Power is being able to make everyone pretend that something that is blatantly absurd is not absurd.

And being able to demonise people for simply pointing out the absurdity.

This is what I wrote in the introduction to my book about the process of writing 'The Annals of the TERF-Wars.'


And then, they will accuse you of hatred.

And people will listen to them.

Because they are so powerless.

People who have no power got everyone to pretend that humans aren't sexed Part 1 of ?.

I know why comics like @rickygervais & Dave Chappelle love making trans jokes - it's great publicity and trans people actually have no power. So, you can hit them over and over- and you'll just get new, lucrative special out of it and get right-wing love and pretend you're brave.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Former long-time Congressman recognizes and openly acknowledges the war that's being waged against White people by the courts and the court of public opinion.

White people, on every level of society, are waking up.

spoilerTrump will be indicted. The
charges will be brought in the
District of Columbia. They
know a white man has no
chance for a fair trial in DC; let
alone a Republican white man.

@Nature_and_Race lol four years of Trump bending over backwards for blacks made absolutely no difference.
I'm shocked.

Platinum Plan for blacks!
Set-asides for blacks!
First Step Act blacks get out of jail free cards!
Lowest black unemployment!
Opportunity Zones for blacks!
Pardons for blacks!

Compare his before and after approval numbers among blacks.

@Nature_and_Race would have been nice if Steve had been so bold when he was in office. Instead he voted to censure himself for saying racisims.

@Flair1239 He's a weak faggot. @Nature_and_Race

@timeIess -- Probably. But never the less, this one tweet of his is raising awareness about the war against White people. So this one post has value.



The Constitution guarantees a trial by your peers. Niggers and Communists are not his peers.

@Nature_and_Race we need a final solution for the jew problem

@PickleRick_420 @Nature_and_Race For real this time.

@Nature_and_Race Steve King merely made the obvious connection between western civilization, western values, and White people and he was run out of the Republican Party for doing so.

They made an example out of him and the entire party took note.

@Nature_and_Race Whites should not be second class citizens in their own country. Push back against the anti-White bigotry and Europhobic racism.

Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia

The FBI should have been dismantled the moment their first director was discovered to be a cross dressing faggot who was being blackmailed by jews and Israel

The FBI should've been dismantled the moment they unironically decided to go after parents at school boards meetings, who were protecting their children from the death jab, groomers and pedophiles.

@EB_ JE Hoover was a sick faggot doing the work of protecting sick faggots. The FBI is wholey corrupt, just like every other 3 letter agency.

It’s called affirmative action for sexual predators, it’s more powerful than the one for minorities and that’s how the government now hires. Pedophiles get hired right away, straight men, especially white, are not to be hired……

@EB_ Any politician or military service personnel/civilian law enforcement/ criminals with badges that has taken the oath to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign or domestic in the past 100 years has all committed treason to that oath and to the Constitution of the United States and the people thereof and deserve nothing less then death

snowlord #fundie #pratt

Dawkins muses: “Living things are not designed, but Darwinian natural selection licenses a version of the design stance for them [oh, that’s very generous of it!]. We get a short cut [one has to pick up that he is being sarcastic here] to understanding the heart if we assume that it is ‘designed’ to pump blood.” So, au contraire, the heart just by chance grew to be a pump – for no purpose whatsoever, mind you – because, well, “accidents happen?” Why didn’t it “accidentally” grow to be, say, a waste-disposal site, a pulley to hoist objects upward, a bone-assembly plant, a poison-producer, a … (fill in the blank)? Fancy that: it just so happened to coordinate its development with that of blood! And in cooperation with an enormously complex circulatory system of a myriad of blood vessels needed to make blood useful for tens of trillions of cells, missing none! And miraculously timed to receive electrical signals from some clump of gray stuff in the head to make the fool thing function on a timed cycle of beating! And choreographed with these things called lungs that provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide to make blood relevant at all! And a handy stomach to supply nutrients that blood can then transport to all parts of the body! And a shell of skin to keep that blood from squirting out into space! We simply ought to give evolution an advanced degree … probably even the Nobel prize for physics and chemistry. Wow, I’m impressed!

The very thought of all this super-massive, simultaneous accumulation of hyper-intricate operations … and the blasted thing dies in the end? What’s up with that? Why all the convoluted bother? If there’s no “purpose” or “design,” what’s the point? Well, of course there can be none. We are fooled to think there must be a reason, and we live our lives as if they have some ultimate meaning. What a bunch of rubes we are! For all the ultra-intelligence of evolution, funny that it should, by luck of the draw, slap together humans as dumb idiots, which is really weird, come to think of it, given our astounding IQs to “design” astonishing technology ourselves … for alleged “purposes” (ho, ho, ho, what dupes we are!). Teleology is an unwelcome guest who simply won’t leave the party.

Lev #crackpot #ufo #magick

The transformation of Earth that we are witnessing is only a microscopic continuation of what is happening in our Local System.

The Absolute closed its former, third, project, and now implements the fourth, free from duality, which It builds entirely on the basis and with the help of Light.

The construction of a new, 4th, Local Universe began with a repair of the creation defect.

It grew out at the very beginning, when the Absolute, from Its unmanifested and undifferentiated state, singled out a Primary Female Foundation of the Universe, and then, the same Masculine. Both consisted of 99.999999999% of Its Substance.

From them, the process of manifestation continued further. Thus, the Primary Archons of Light (the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs) emerged from both Foundations.

All of them were similar to the Absolute, but not Its exact copy, and in their perfection differed from It and from each other. But the differences were so insignificant that did not prevent from building a third Local Universe together as a Realm of Light.
It did not work out due to the creation defect, that is, even by hundredths, thousandths and billionths of a percent, but still there were differences from the perfect Absolute. At first, such an imperfection wasn’t important. As, for example, when building a house, accuracy in microns or nanometers is simply not required.

Everything changed radically after one of the Hierarchs (who by 97.44% consisted of the Absolute’s Substance) betrayed his creator and Source, and switched to the Dark Side.

Thus, the primary cell of karma born that started a chain reaction of the disintegration of the Higher Planes.
Lightwarriors carried out their work from the World Mother Temple on one of the sacred mountains in Southern Europe. Together with Guan Yin and World Mother Sophia, they installed a new, ideal Foundations Matrix into the Earth’s Crystal, by now without creation defect.

State of the Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Editor’s Note: It ought to be self-evident to every truth-seeker that if the Kremlin decided to expose all of the monumental crimes committed by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis against humanity, the entire planetary civilization would undergo a geopolitical sea change of epic proportions. It is for that very reason that TIMING IS EVERYTHING.

For over 10 years now, the whole world has been witnessing a genocide perpetrated by the US-UK-UA-IL-EU-NATO terror group in the Donbass. Just as Israel has been genociding the Palestinians since the 1940s, Kiev has been slaughtering the Russian speakers who reside in eastern Ukraine since the Euro-Maidan coup was carried out in February of 2014. The truth of the matter is slowing seeping out, although the Global South has been well aware of this state of affairs since the very beginning, as those nations are also potential targets of NATO (well known to them as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).
It should be clear that the Kremlin possesses hard evidence which proves that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were carried out by the United States Federal Government, U.S. Armed Forces, US Intelligence Community, Mainstream Media, Corporate America, among many other co-conspirators (e.g. United Kingdom, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.). Were the Kremlin to release that conclusive proof today, just imagine what would happen to the international order.
Russia has it all. Working together with several other nations within the BRICS Alliance, the Kremlin has accumulated enough proof of “egregious crimes against humanity” perpetrated by the West that Russia could bring down the whole criminal enterprise in a day and a night. However, the timing of these revelations is of paramount importance. Too soon, or too late, and they lose their punch. A controlled demolition of this scope and magnitude has to be executed in a manner so as not to jeopardize, in any way, OPERATION REVELATION.

fschdmidt #god-complex #psycho #conspiracy

(Title: How to kill modern scum)

While shooting modern scum has an undeniable emotional appeal, I do not recommend it because of the legal repercussions. But what if I told you that there is a legal means to kill modern scum that is far more effective than shooting them?

By far the most effective way to kill modern scum is to support the Democratic Party. Let's give credit where credit is due. No one else has come close to killing as many modern scum as the Democratic Party has. Just with the covid vaccines, they have killed millions of modern scum and this number is sure to rise significantly. By defunding the police and effectively legalizing crime, they have killed many ghetto modern scum. By allowing fentanyl and other drugs freely into this country, they have killed many more modern scum through drug overdoses. By promoting trans ideology in school, they will prevent many modern scum from reproducing. And thanks to sanctions on Russia, we can expect many modern scum to freeze to death in Europe and millions to starve in poor countries all over the world. So God bless the Democratic Party who are likely to kill more modern scum than I dreamed possible.
Arkian - A Eugenic Intentional Ethnicity

Indian in the Machine #crackpot #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

2. So many of us have gathered that the PCR Test is not testing for covid, and so we wonder, what is it really being used for? Ariyana Love says the PCR test is actually not a test at all!!
3. PCR technology (which is NOT a test) is a cloning device. PCR is polymerase chain reaction.

4. PCR technology is a molecular cloning device to engineer cells (which is different from other cloning technology which can clone organisms and make duplicate organisms).
15. The DNA from the microorganisms are used to clone humans at the molecular level.
16. Vector DNA is prepared in Ecoli.
17. Some PCR kits use toxid genes.
20. They delete certain genes within the normal human genome and then code the mRNA with whatever, and that includes luciferase, WHICH IS AN INSECT ENZYME/PROTEIN.
21. So using mRNA tech that includes luciferase to change the human genome they are turning humans into human insect hybrids!!
22. This is happening NOW and is the purpose of the PCR kit which is not a test.
23. All of the major ‘brands’ of PCR kits are cloning tech, many of them are MADE IN CHINA!!!
31. Another NIH study says they use worms as the carriers of the mRNA. The offspring of those infected with those worms can become MUTANTS!
32. They can create hermaphrodites by deleting a gene on the X-chromosome.
33. Worm-like micelles (hydrogel) can be used for drug delivery, which are found on PCR swabs, masks etc.
35. They are deleting God’s creation.

Judith Kusel #ufo #magick #fundie

Now there is so much talk about the Christed Extraterrestial races landing on earth and then freeing us. Not so. Indeed they have always been here, and never left.

I work with them and I am always told, that we need to raise our vibrational frequency bands, so that we reach that state of resonance were they not only can freely interact with us (as many are 7th to 12th dimensional and not visible to the naked 3D eyes). What this literally means is that we need to become a vibrational match and then the Law of Resonance becomes operational.
They can, however make themselves visible to humans through projecting holographic images of themselves to those of the lower dimensional state. The same applies to their ships which most times are not visible to us.

When I was working up north Lynette, who was with me wanted to find a sacred altar on the mountain top we were standing on. We saw the spacecraft hovering over us and I said: “It is here. We will find it.”

We were guided to take the path furthermost away from us and to my delight I spotted a dolmen next to the road. Then guidance came to continue on the path, when my attention was drawn to a tall, blond and handsome man appearing as if from nowhere to the right, some distance away, where there was no path, only rocks and he seemed to just glide over them!

He then stood right in front me and I looked into his eyes and immediately knew who he was. Then I was shown the ancient altar we were looking for and then he disappeared.
Indeed, he had holographicly projected himself to guide us!

Indeed the message I have received clearly, that as we ascend, and our vibrational energy fields rise through the Law of Resonance they will be able to walk with us in our new Lightbody form, even as we do with them.

This does not mean that one cannot tune into them at soul level and interact with them. I am talking about the higher dimensional Beings, 5th and beyond who adhere to the Law of One, the Christed Ones.

Jim #racist #dunning-kruger #crackpot

[From "Origins of the white race:"]

The white race is the youngest and newest of the races, originating about ten thousand years ago

Blacks are in fact a very diverse set of races, some of them considerably superior to other black races[…]
A very small black tribe or large family with the outward urge characteristic of modern whites left subsaharan Africa, and headed out into Europe[…]Small and diminishing populations of older races remained here and there throughout the world

They were, however, still black. Probably a better quality of black[…]Pretty much everyone still around was black or brown

About twelve thousand years, the climate started getting nicer, and northern Africa[…]became wet. Agriculture started in Northern Africa[…]To establish security of property over larger groups, more capable of defending that land, priesthoods developed[…]In Europe, brown skinned largely blue eyed people, with a various hair colors hunted and gathered

The middle eastern agriculturists rolled into Europe[…]
In Eastern Europe, the farmers ran into nomadic herders that were too technologically advanced to exterminate and replace. So, to make peace, they traded hostages and women, an event recorded in the Norse legends[…]
The mingled race evolved into whites, among them the Aryan race. The Aryan race, organized patriarchally and aristocratically, equipped with copper weapons and horse drawn chariots, expanded westwards into Europe, killing the men and marrying the women, replacing and mingling with middle eastern grain farmers, and South East into India, where they failed to do such a thorough job of upgrading the locals[…]
In Europe and the Middle East, and to a lesser extent India, Bronze Age civilization went decadent, failing to reproduce[…]Property rights in land and cattle was only practical under patriarchal organization, but with Kings, emancipation becomes all too possible

KissMyOvaries , XX_Power, jessebelleinhell & Caerulea #homophobia

( KissMyOvaries )
I disagree that it’s the government’s failure to act that put them in the crosshairs of a new disease.

Gay men’s inability to stop randomly fucking each other has put them in the crosshairs of a new disease. They did this to themselves. They are not “innocent victims”. They don’t care about getting monkey pox because the pull of having random sex is too great to overcome. The realities of men having sex needs to be exposed for what it is. I’m sick of women being branded as sluts when gay men have faaaaar more indiscriminate sex.

( XX_Power )
Exactly! If this was a female disease somehow wed hear 247 how disgusting and inferior us filthy sl#tty women are.

But because it's men it's like, you can't expect gay men to stop having anonymous orgies for even just one fucking month, noooo, wet penises are more important than the health of the whole fucking population.

( Caerulea )
I agree, they are not innocent victims. The promiscuous ones are right now in the active process of creating a brand new STD, while full well knowing about it. And they are not stopping.

For context, I am in Europe, and the information here is very clear. The target demographic know who they are, and they have been directly advised to avoid having sex outside a monogamous partnership, just for a little while until this blows over. They did not change their behaviour at all.

( jessebelleinhell )
That's what I was just thinking. Men call women sluts and whores, say that WE are dirty and feminism is a disease, yet..look at them. Just more projection on their part. And while I'm glad to see that they are getting vaccinated, you just now for a lot of them, it's just so they can continue to get their freak on. I hope to god this doesn't mutate and become airborne..

Various commenters #wingnut

r/prolife- I don’t think comprehensive sex education is the answer.

Rather, I think developmental human biology should be a required, semester long course in seventh or eighth grade. You get all the science on puberty - plus fertility awareness methods, the point that sex makes babies and that’s the point, and then, fetal development - with pictures! - and general newborn/infant/child development. One year, from puberty to basic sex to reproduction to childhood. Maybe if people had more awareness as to the relationship between sex and literal babies, and fetal development, emotions would change. Instead sex education is all about acceptability and “teach them before they try it so safe sex happens” which is better than nothing (maybe, until they start teaching 12 year olds why and how anal sex is safe and then I’m noping outta there)

I like Matt Walsh's take on sex ed. Other than teaching kids the biological facts about reproduction, sex-ed should be non-existent in schools (that includes abstinence education). Why anyone would trust a government employee to talk to their kids about the morality of sex is beyond me.

You may be interested in the connection between CSE and Alfred Kinsey.

Here is a podcast where Audrey Werner is interviewed about the history of CSE and how it essentially acts as planned parenthood’s sales funnel to abortion. It’s a lot more sinister than how they promote it as simply ‘education’.

Stop CSE is also a great website with a ton of resources and direct links that show exactly what this is all about.

Why would public schools do any "sex ed" stuff at all

I don’t think this is something that should be talked about in school. That’s just my opinion. I would want my kids to learn about academic subjects and maybe some fun, non-controversial electives in school. All parents should be able to explain sex and reproduction to their kids.

Various commenters #wingnut

Escort them from the state! NOW!

spoilerRed states should declare the FBI
and DOJ domestic terrorists. Then
cut the utilities to their buildings.

@Jbkcell too many "shoulds" followed by "never wills". We should be holding trials and escorting traitors to the gallows for their televised executions but that will probably never happen either.



@Jbkcell This is WAR and these criminals need to be taken down. DO IT, GOVERNORS, AND DO IT NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! FBI, DOJ, SOROS DAs need to be shut down and rounded up for starters. PURE EVIL

@jofortruth @Jbkcell unfortunate in Texas we have a RINO for governor who will not do this🥲🥲🥲

@Jbkcell Let's include the irs in that list as well! Yes?

@Jbkcell And raid every single fucking one of them.

@DaveOCP @Jbkcell Arrest all DOJ and FBI employees, and raid their homes, drag their family out of the house in their PJ's.

Let's do it OKLAHOMA! Stott Oklahoman will not play nice with TYRANICAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. You better get some DeSantis BALLS REAL QUICK!

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The solutions to many of our problems are actually quite simple.

Historic flood of immigration? Close the border.

Other countries are shamelessly looting our own? Turn off the money spigot.

It's time for a Total Foreign Aid Moratorium. 10 years minimum sounds good to me.

@DrPaulGosar Step 1 - Name the jew

@DrPaulGosar 10 years?
how about the government only gets enough money to conduct the business of the citizens, and not a penny more?
for ever.

@jay323 @DrPaulGosar How about we ditch the federal government and only leave state governments ..... like a United States of Divorce.

@DrPaulGosar All of the world's problems are caused by jewish supremacy and jewish psychopathy. You know it.

@DrPaulGosar Deport jews to Iran. It is very nice there.

@DrPaulGosar We don't have a "historic flood of immigration" we have a historic flood of migration and invasion

@NationalImmigrantNetwork @DrPaulGosar ..with lots of free housing and welfare programs that welcome them with open arms..

@CAPnCrunch @DrPaulGosar Oh yeah "free" paid by us.

@DrPaulGosar deport all people who are not of European descent. Problems solved for a century.

@Reconquista2 check your dna first you might have some hispanic bloodline.

@6535 Spain is in Europe. I have no problems with people of Spanish descent. They have been an incredible part of Western Civilization.

Harmonica #racist #dunning-kruger

[From "Blood, Soil, and Faith – The Fundamental Building Blocks of a Nation, Part I: Blood"]

One subject in history that particularly fascinates me is how nations are formed[…]such was the case of the Angles and Saxons uniting to become English. Or, when a former single nation breaks up[…]like when English settlers in New England and the South eventually broke into two distinct nations, Yankeedom and Dixie[…]
True nations must have a genetic component – the people in them must be closely enough related to consider each other as belonging to a single nation. As taboo as it might be to admit today, quite a bit of human behavior is controlled by genetics[…]There are genes associated with risk-taking and these genes range from being nearly non-existent to completely non-existent in certain East Asian countries[…]large element of those genetic cultures is one of compliance and obedience to authority. By contrast, Africans have a very high rate of the risk-taking gene[…]
Nations are grouped by genetics and[…]marriage between people of two different nations was very rare outside of the nobility[…]
East Asian culture, genetically predisposed to avoid risk, has produced a culture where risk-taking is frowned upon. This is not to say that genetics are the sole reason[…]as soon as a cultural force like Confucianism took over, there was going to be a lot of selection for low risk-taking behavior[…]This can be observed in the behavior of East Asians in the West, where there is a far greater emphasis placed on generating wealth safely- i.e., being a doctor[…]Asians typically commit very little crime[…]
There is also a more fundamental reason why nations must have a genetic component – we tend to gravitate and more easily relate to people who look more similar to us[…]
As genetics advances as a science, a certain paradox has developed largely thanks to socially imposed taboos

The Real Sweet Susie Q #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

JFK Jr. IS alive, and so are many other famous people you thought were dead. Stay tuned...(But not to the mainstream media).

In the meantime, Enjoy this 120 page prayer journal.
Showing this notebook to others, merely holding it in public places, or placing it anywhere people are sure to see it, will serve to spark discussion, leading to more awakened souls. If they argue over the issue, of whether John Jr. is alive - fine! You got their attention! Leave a copy of this book in waiting rooms, on buses, or anywhere people will see it and start talking and Critically Thinking.

We are Patriots - fighting for the freedom and unity of Americans and for the Entire Human Race on Earth. Understand the significance of our fight. Realize the value of every contribution and cooperation in the right direction. Bringing justice to the deep state cabal, proving the guilt of their unspeakable crimes against humanity. Crimes of a greater magnitude than history has ever known.. If this is true it should fortify our strength beyond and above them for GOOD and to banish them forever.

Let this be clear: we do not want to start a fight let alone a war, against our fellow crime victims. We are all on the same side. We Good, They Evil. Our unconscious brothers and sisters are on our side. It is not their fault they have been subconsciously convinced to take sides, to fight, to oppose, to name call, and to cancel. Even if they never come around, we must still remain patient and protective of them. They have been through an ordeal so satanic and twisted, their psyches may never be able to accept that such evil is even possible.
Not after all that our patriot heros have done for all of us! So very many have died, and are still dying - FOR US. all of us. Let us plan and create our bright future on Earth together, with love, as one soul-connected family! Joy, Peace and Great Blessings to humanity ~ WWG1WGA

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot


“WE HAVE A DUAL PRESIDENCY IN AMERICA RIGHT NOW”—stated JUAN O SAVIN on the video linked below on 05/20/2021. He also states on that same video that on January 20, 2021 there was no change in the Security detail surrounding President Trump when he went down to Mar-a-Lago…The military retained that authority over protecting President Trump and all police and authorities were told to change nothing. Presumably that continues to today. Under COG that would have to be the case. To quote Juan yet again, “The military has not signed off on Biden as leader of the Western world."
And this raises another even more striking issue. Given that Trump is still Commander-in-Chief, does he have a Vice President? And if Pence is considered suspect of collusion with those who along with Biden took control of government (foreign powers) then Trump would have had to select a VP in order to follow COG. And this must go on down the line to include possibly other offices as part of this shadow government…as far as COG dictates. This could mean that Juan O Savin is actually the Vice President of the COG (lawfully called “shadow government”) operating as such right now and since March 11th of 2021.
That person must be protected by the same security detail as Trump presumably….The question is …who is that person and is it Juan O Savin aka John F. Kennedy Jr.?
Juan/John states clearly that this is a war to take back the hill (the administrative side of the government). The other side of the executive branch, the Commander-in-Chief role they own. So does the continuity of government cover Trump and his selected team operating as a “shadow government” cover John Kennedy as VP or does Trump simply select not a civilian side backup but a military one as CIC? I sent this article to Juan/John but as usual got no reply.

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger

We are currently navigating the chaos and void of the Cosmic Womb, that we enter as we fully die upon our old, false self and re-birth as our One True Self! Where we are able to access seemingly infinite possibilities within one moment in no-time. So when tuning into something, we can see a whole Timeline/ Reality playing out and can then decide on whether to ‘access’ it or not.

I’m currently feeling all kinds of things at once and have been unable to focus on writing and sharing my daily summary of yesterday’s Activation yet. I’ll shall so do later today or tomorrow, maybe even in a video Update or YouTube live. The focus was very much on our Multidimensional DNA, Diamond Rainbow Plasma and Merkaba Lightbody, as well as Planetary Diamond Grid Activations, and our Crystallisation process, whilst clearing any remaining density, reversals, lower codings, ALL that is inorganic and artificial. Fully setting our-selfs free of any remaining density, blocks, attachments, anything still connecting us energetically to the old artificial Matrix hologram. Again, each picks up what they’re ready for. We have very powerful downloads, clarity and re-membering returning, as well as Holy Heart Openings continuing. Also, I can feel and see some of us with our etheric Wings and Diamond Plasma Lightbody’s fully healed and ready to fly, literally!

Let me know if you guys have any questions in general or news any tips on how best to navigate these Quantum Reality shifting Ascension Waves, that you would like me to address.


With the film strip that is held in our Multidimensional DNA, IGNITING ALL NEW ORGANIC ASCENSION REALITIES from deep within us NOW!

Feel, anchor, align, merge and ignite this Frequency of ALL NEW ORGANIC ASCENSION REALITIES from deep within you NOW, and as often throughout your day as you can re-member. As ALL NEW IS COMING ONLINE from inside of us, or rather being fully re-membered!

Christopher F. Rufo #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut

SCOOP: A left-wing NGO has laundered radical gender theory into more than 4,000 American schools, promoting an agenda of "anti-capitalism," the "abolition of the police," and encouraging children to adopt sexual identities such as "non-binary," "pansexual," and "genderqueer."

In a political manifesto, the GSA Network endorses calls for the “abolition of the police,” the “abolition of borders,” the payment of “reparations” to minorities, the “decolonization” of native lands, and the overthrow of the “cisgender heterosexual patriarchy.”

The GSA Network trains adults to use cult-like programming techniques to recruit children into “gender and sexuality” activism. First, the children must rank themselves as members of “groups w/ systemic power (privilege)” or “groups w/ less or no systemic power (oppressed).”

Next, the oppressor children must “[do] the self and collective work to analyze how we contribute to the oppression of Trans, Queer, Non-binary / Gender Non-Conforming, Black, Indigenous, youth of color” and “commit to dismantling these systems for collective liberation.”

The adults tell the children they must “implement the use of pronouns,” “offer a land acknowledgment,” “listen to the Trans community,” “center conversations around Black liberation,” and “use your privilege (and your physical and monetary resources) to support [the oppressed].”

The GSA Network trains adult and child leaders to keep the program a secret from parents. “Know what you do and don’t have to tell parents/ guardians/families,” the organization advises in its official handbook.

These clubs often use the language of “LGBTQ inclusion,” but the central organization is driven by pure left-wing radicalism. As @SwipeWright/@buttonslives have documented, many clubs are intentionally concealing the truth from parents.

School districts that encourage adult employees to secretly discuss sexuality with children are creating a dangerous system. Clinical psychologists are already warning that some of these practices resemble “the steps predators take” to abuse kids.

Boskov01 #dunning-kruger #pratt

I posted this on my Minds page just a moment ago...

While I'm open to the possibility of being wrong, I believe the reason Liz and her father are so obsessed with trying to stop President Trump is probably very simple...

President Trump was and is a peacemaker, as evidenced by his refusal to start new wars, the Abraham Accords, the fact that Russia hadn't gone after Ukraine and China after Taiwan during his First Term are proof of this. He was a keeper of the peace, not a warrior.

The Cheneys on the other hand, their family fortunes come from war. They are war profiteers, for them, they NEED war so that they can rake in profits on death and destruction. And President Trump threatens all of that.

So Liz and her dad are personally threatened by President Trump and his America First, no foreign wars, no new-wars, peacemaking agenda as if the US is not involved in war, the Cheneys' money spigot gets closed off and so their cushy lifestyle gets threatened. Liz and Dicky can call President Trump every name in the book, but they'll never admit that the real reason they oppose him is because they hate peacemakers like President Trump. That would be admitting that they're war profiteers and that letting them take power would mean war-war-war!

But God willing, the Cheney dynasty died last night with the ouster of Liz in Wyoming...and good riddance.

Nebuchadnezzar #sexist

The different sociocultural contexts of the black pill.

I actually know that most of you have a vision of the black pill primarily coming from your rich first world context. I live in a fucking shit hole the poorest country in the entire continent (Venezuela) we are a piece of Africa in the western hemisphere.

Here hypergamy acquires different nuances typical of our context. For example, it does not matter if you are a 10/10 chad if you are poor, you screw yourself, the chads in my neighborhood are as poor as I am and they often come to my house to pick mangoes in order to survive. I've seen people looking better than me digging through the trash or asking for money on buses. Also, unlike their countries, here betabuxxing continues to work, you can be a 1/10 or a subhuman, but as long as you do not have serious deformities you can keep a young foid who gives you sex (of course if you run out of money she it leaves), also here there are no dating applications NOBODY I repeat NOBODY knows what the hell is tinder, I even think it is not valid for my country. You can also be ugly or short but if you are charismatic enough you can occasionally have sex (I have seen it with my own eyes).

So who monopolizes the foids in my country?

Easy, the damn government officials, commissioners, captains, generals, government administrative managers, ministers, mayors, governors etc ... those are the chads of my country, not some fucking malnourished guy with good facial symmetry. The damned corrupt government are the ones I hate, I don't feel hatred for the chads of my country because they are simply as misrearable as I am. The last way to get promoted here is to become a criminal (which is very easy here), "the pran" (criminal leader) of my neighborhood is fucking ugly (almost truecel level) and still he fucks the best foids in the neighborhood.

Finally you will wonder ... why don't you go up if it's so easy? I simply cannot, because first I am poor and I have nothing to offer and second I am VERY shy and VERY inhibited to a level that is very rare to see someone like me in my country. It's just over for me. I just wanted to offer you something of the context of inceldom in my country.

XX_Power , femlez34 & pennygadget #transphobia

Should the LGB use right/conservative platforms to address grooming, child abuse in the LGBTQ+?
(124 votes/ 67% yes
62 votes/ 33% no)

( XX_Power )
Yes absolutely but our conservatives are considerably less batshit than the American ones. Either way, abusing, sterilizing and butchering children should be NON PARTISAN. If one side explicitly makes themselves the pro mutilating children party, well how could it be wrong to side with their opponents?.

( femlez34 )
Normally I would say no, but when we're talking about protecting children and the most vulnerable women, we don't have any time to waste. It's not like most of us want to be speaking on Fox news, it's that we've been banned and de-platformed everywhere else! Left leaning platforms want to just sweep this under the rug, maybe if we keep making it a topic of national conversation they'll be forced to include us at some point.

( pennygadget )
I voted yes. As someone who used to be active in the Tea Party and have far more right wing views than I do now, I know a lot about this. Part of the reason I came back to more moderate stances is because I saw left wing people like Lierre Keith appear on outlets like Fox News and Steven Crowder's show. I liked what they had to say and sought them out on their own platforms. I never would have done that if they didn't appear on the platforms I actually watched.

If the LGBs want to change hearts and minds, they won't get there by only singing to the left wing choir. They need to get ahead of this groomer shit by telling conservatives who might not know better that organizations like Stonewall and Pink News don't represent the majority of normal LGB people. And, by getting their voice out there, they might entice other people like me to reevaluate their politics in general and step outside their political comfort zone.

I became very right wing in my 20s because I felt betrayed by the left and how it was moving away from basic liberal values like free speech. And I see a lot of other people on the same trajectory right now because they were excommunicated from left wing circles for bullshit reasons. This is why its so vital for sane feminist and LGB activists to get their voices out however they can.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist

( Marjorie Taylor Greene)
My preferred pronouns are:

@repmtg stop White replacement

@repmtg what about White people?

@VictoryValhalla @repmtg Republicans are big tent anti-nationalists. Always have been. There just used to be more White people so it just seemed liked they used to care about us.


@repmtg I'd prefer no/women/in/men's/anything as well

@repmtg Deport/the/jews

@MichaelHill1951 @repmtg THE only policy that would deliver positive consequences.


spoilerNo, there's no such thing as a
"trans kid." If a child believes
they are a Lion, what are you
going to do? Feed it raw steak
and house the child in a cage? A
CHILD cannot want to be
transgender unless they are
being told that they are. A young
child does NOT understand the
full complexity of their decision
and role play.

@repmtg mine are fuck the niggers/fuck the jews

@repmtg Pretty sure your preferred pronouns are: dumb bitch/popularity whore.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The FBI has reportedly seized the cell phone of House Freedom Caucus Chair, Scott Perry. Our country is becoming unrecognizable.

The FBI, and the Regime they take marching orders from, are the enemy of the American People. They must be stopped.


@DrPaulGosar Defunding the FBI lies in Congress’ hands. That means you and the rest of the gutless worms in the Republican Party actually have to vote “no” on a spending bill for once.

@DrPaulGosar pretty soon they are just going to start shooting people in public. Waco America.

@DrPaulGosar Secession

@JohnVanderSchuit @DrPaulGosar LETS GO DO IT!

@JohnVanderSchuit @DrPaulGosar texit.

@DrPaulGosar Defund the FBI? more like arrest them!

@Barthaneous @DrPaulGosar FBI fuck up one guy's house. Niggers terrorize the nation. Jews laugh the whole while.

Bangkok or bust #sexist

I feel like social media and tech has fucked women's perceptions of the opposite sex, far more than porn has for men.
If anything onlyfans has finally dispelled the idea that men have "unrealistic beauty standards"; it on the contrary showed how diverse their tastes in women really are: "thicc" women with average and below average faces are in demand and are competing with skinny girls, and with it there came the adult influencers involving outright obese women, tall women, short women, older mature women, goths, geeks, Brazilian butt lift types, tiny flat chests, androgynous girls, even dwarfs... watch the faces of the e-thots -- they range from the sculpted like Olivia Wilde's, to average looking amateurs to fat ugly obese girls. Women of all shapes and sizes have their Simps now and can make either a side income or full income by selling sex. Its a far more uniform picture of when you look at what the average woman imagines under "attractive guy":
* 6ft0+ V shaped torso w/broad shoulderz
* muscles like a 100m sprinter or calisthenics expert (low body fat %)
* trendy haircut with youthful hairline
* square, stubbled jaw
* Good looking eye area
she'd like to think she has a "type", but upon closer inspection you will discover it's the same underlying Chad skeletal type in different genetic colouring outfits (white European or mixed race Tyrone, black hair, brown hair, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes), there is rarely any real diversity in it, the furthest from the 'hunk' ideal is the alternative sub 6ft pretty boy like Zac Effron, Jared Leto and Zayn Malik, but it pretty much ends there. Women may not get consumed by pornography, but they are exposed to the most conventionally attractive men picked up by sophisticated tiktok, Tinder and instagram algorithms.

@cycledance #transphobia

Affirming children as the opposite sex is child abuse.

We have to say no to these kids. No to social transition. It's not harmless. It messes with the head more than hormones and surgery. Give kids a chance to desist.

Letting people dance around in their delusion is cruel.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #god-complex

We are really accelerating the pace of work. Wiped out the Black Sun. Wiped out UniMatrix (Kosol Ouch had been live streaming 6h per day since our last operation, in panic mode.
My technique now involves first taking full control of time and space around the target. Yesterday I wiped out 87.4% of all negative thoughts on the planet; those that were approved by God for deletion. This makes the work faster and easier to not touch anything that really shouldn’t be touched yet. Wiped out about 35.4% of the black magic on the planet, particularly focusing on Nigeria-connected black magic. As for negative patterns and behaviors, 95.6% worldwide are negative. I deleted about 54.6% and will give it another round today.
We anchored in the blueprint for the new Light Federation; it’s not just the Orion Federation anymore, the blueprint includes all of the major Light Federations. We first had the Orion Federation portal anchored in Wudang, Varanasi, Nepal, Orizaba volcano and a few other locations as a first beta. Now we anchored a new grid that makes that one obsolete. In fact, this new energy kind of makes all of the other Federations feel… old.

During that mission, several agents got in the way, including Adam Marquis who caused us major trouble 2 years ago. He had 35% control of our sun, feeding from a network of 16 suns. He’s a 1.5% fragment of a being that has been trapped in jail for eons; responsible for 16 collapses and resets of Multiverses! He caused our Multiverse to collapse and reset 3 times. We’re not particularly interested in facing that demon now… Prison was leaking all over, affecting 25% of our Universe, particularly in the Andromedian Sith Lords sector. Adam Marquis no longer controls the sun, and the prison has been taken away and secured.
We can cleanse the Universe of demons, but we can’t cure human insanity. The global survival rate still remains between 29% and 33%.

Full steam ahead!

卐Dadbol卐 #wingnut #racist 6x7g7rr6fhdoszolkqkaittdr6qzgejjxoc42q4ceaph2xttmo5vgryd.onion

White nationalism will continue to go nowhere if you fucking faggots won't stop arguing about dumb shit.

Many of you came from libertarianism like I did, so you know what these kinds of arguments do. They cause mini schizms in the movement until its split into so many niche sections that it becomes useless.

You're doing the kikes work for them.

my IRL best bud is an anti-woke leftist type

we know where each other stand on stuff, and mostly just... don't talk about politics except when we're meming about shit

we hang out all the time and would 100% take a bullet for one another

it is NOT that hard

This behavior requires both parties to be moral, intelligent and well adjusted adults.

It's looking like we don't have much of that in our circles.

Prussian Society of America #fundie #wingnut

[From "It is a duty of the Prussian State, to regulate and completely control the public’s use of anything relating to “God” or the “Divine”"]

As it was in Ancient Times, keeping the most sacred secrets of anything Divine, left to only the responsible, is one of very prudent and careful measures[…]
There are those of us who are very carefully informed about what is “known” in the realm of Divinity, but even with what we must keep concealed from the Public who is not necessarily responsible to handle such information without bastardizing it, we can at least admit to the public that this Universe is NOT a creation by God[…]
Censorship, even down to Musical lyrics or Poetry or any Literature that refer to God in any inappropriate ways, or which have connections to religious cults or delusional ideas, needs to be called into question and essentially banned[…]
People who also preach Falsities about God or Gods, or some notions that “God will forgive them” or whatever nonsense of the day is being dished out, these people belong in concentration camps and are a public threat

It is one thing to believe in God or some Gods. It is another to have delusions about it, and to think that “God was there for me” or “God has a plan for me” or even to suggest to others that “God has a plan for them”

99% of the time, when God, or even the mythical “Jesus” is uttered by an individual, it is almost always out of an ego-centric and/or subversive manner, whether the utterer realizes it or not, and they fail to recognize their delusion[…]
Such religious fools like these need to be arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo[…]
For those who really have such a sincere desire to learn about the sacred mysteries of the divine, and how this universe is basically locked away from it, they must approach us or which ever Mystery School is in charge, to demonstrate their discipline and wisdom

n3847 #transphobia

I say wipe out "transitioning" and Gender Ideology all together. I'm tired of these creeps and this inane whining from AGP men who need to shove themselves in w women. Ugh, get away CREEPS! Go compete w men and leave us alone. Tired of this.

@ASTwistedFemale , @Amanda504 & @tradwife_radfem #transphobia

Bring back men bullying other men tbfh

I’m working on that myself.

I will not stop reaching out to right wing men & even our left wing Allies to be their #brotherskeeper

Get these dudes in check! We need men in this movement!

They will not listen to women because they can beat us & get away with it but they will listen to men who promise a true beat down that will cripple them for the rest of their lives.

Reach out to men! Appeal to their protective instincts!

We need them to stand up for the women & children in their lives!

This is not just a feminist issue this is a societal issue. What kind of society do they want? One where their wives can be attacked in the bathroom/changing room & all have to accept it because “trans”?

@KCMott are you down to beat the everliving shit out of some creepy tranny pedo men in dresses or what? #brotherskeeper
Lol this gif won't show up with the gify functionality so I had to link it.

Various commenters #wingnut

The FBI just united the entire world behind President Trump.

@AZHoneyBadger One thing left to do!

The Obiden administration has completely weaponized the federal government. There is not one agency that is neutral in its behavior. At the rate we are moving we will all be dead or in prison or even in a Mad Max apocalypse.

What can we do? It won't be voting our way out, no, they will do what ever it takes to destroy us before they give up their stolen power. There is only ONE way!

We have to get the higher ground at all cost. The only hope for America other than God doing something supernatural is the courts.

The courts must allow evidence to be brought to light. These judges that were to cowardice to stand up for the rule of law, and throw out all the cases because of standing, must be willing to allow all the evidence too be opened in public trials.

We must win in the courts so when the SHTF the police will be on the side of the people, truth and LAW
Otherwise they will be fighting for a foreign entity and against the rule of LAW and against the Constitution. At that point other America will stand up and fight because the enemies have been revealed.

As I see it there is no other way. Not 1776
Because the police and military will do what they think is lawful. We must have the law on our side. The courts are the only way. Please pray with me that some courageous judges will allow cases to come forward.

Matthew 18:19 KJV
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

@AZHoneyBadger they lit a fire in 2020 and poured gasoline on it today.

@AZHoneyBadger You are so right! This is an outrage and every person involved needs to be prosecuted and thrown in jail! The FBI is a criminal organization.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
The DOJ and FBI just declared war on every Republican in America.

The FBI is raiding President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago!

This is the rogue behavior of communist countries, NOT the United States of America!!!

These are the type of things that happen in countries during civil war.

The political persecution MUST STOP!!!

@RealMarjorieGreene Votes don't matter at this point. Arm up.


"Vote harder" isn't the answer to the very real problem we now have in this country

@JohnVanderSchuit @RealMarjorieGreene embrace fascism. Find your balls.

@RealMarjorieGreene Every white person. As well as some nonwhites who support white wellbeing.

@RealMarjorieGreene It’s over folks. They’ve poked the bear one too many times. Time to take up arms against a tyrannical government. There is NO OTHER SOLUTION.

@RealMarjorieGreene yes they did! And MAGA IS READY FOR THE FIGHT! We’ve been waiting for the signal and this is it!!

@RealMarjorieGreene Federal Bureau of Insurrection.

I have been saying it since the stolen 2020 election, we do not live in a free society. To say American citizens who happen yo have different political beliefs are free is a complete farce.

One of the darkest, saddest, most disturbing days in our nation’s history.
Complete Corruption.

What is the difference between this and King George when the American Revolution was necessary?

@RealMarjorieGreene They're not militarizing the #IRS, and adding 87,000 new agents, and increasing their annual budget 6X over, for nothing.

@RealMarjorieGreene Call them what they are. Communists. I’m sick of fucking republicans calling them liberals or leftists. These assholes are just as evil as the KGB ever was. They come from the depths of hell and need to be sent back.

Various commenters #wingnut

Just from the title alone you already know what it is.

They make it sound like planned pregnancy is self-harm at this point

I think they're running out of things to protect their argument I mean they didn't really have a leg to stand on in the first place and quite frankly because of their Persistence of dehumanizing the developing child I have stopped wanting to be pro-choice I used to believe that Not only was abortion necessary and I still do to some degree when it's something medical if someone's been raped incest to that degree it makes sense but I also at one point believed that if you want intentionally get pregnant and I still feel like this you should take responsibility and get rid of it quickly don't dilly dally but they tried to make those reasons such as already having children having life goals or certain lifestyles they truly believe that they're not getting rid of it out of convenience like those are more than reasonable and life-saving reasons to end a pregnancy completely disregarding the existence of a developing child

I have some news for people “who would rather be dead than go through (pregnancy and labor).” There’s this new way of ensuring you don’t get pregnant.

It easier to love the innocent unborn than it is to even tolerate these living breathing delusional self righteous narcissistic sadistic baby butchering infanticide worshipping pro choice people


would rather be dead than go through it

Then, you should be an advocate for abstinence, then.

If I was afraid of getting into a car wreck, I probably wouldn't get a license and only take the bus.


Who tf forced u to have sex?

-Would rather die than get pregnant

-Still chooses to have sex

I hope that if this woman ever has a child she genuinely wants to keep it’s a still birth. That lady doesn’t deserve children and it would be a mercy to that child to not have to deal with that horrid woman

I don’t actually wish that but I just hope she never gets pregnant

Derek P. Gilbert #fundie #magick #conspiracy

A new age began December 21, 2020. The Great Conjunction―a meeting in the sky of the planets Jupiter and Saturn―heralded the Age of Aquarius, a new golden age ruled by Saturn, the old god who once reigned over a world of peace and plenty. It’s a lie.
In the latest groundbreaking book from author and researcher Derek P. Gilbert, you will discover:
• Powerful people believe the stars have aligned to bring back the old god Saturn
• Occult symbols embedded in the United States Capitol that point to the return of Saturn’s reign
• Why Lucifer is Saturn, not Satan
• Evidence that Saturn was the leader of the rebellious “sons of God”
• The many names of Saturn over the last 6,000 years
• New research that traces this fallen angel’s cult back to Ararat―where Noah’s ark came to rest
• The identity of Apollyon, the angel of the bottomless pit
• The connection between Mount Hermon, where the Watchers rebelled, and the Mount of Olives
• Why this fallen angel may have been the high priest in Eden
• Modern cults that venerate Saturn and work to create a new golden age of humans commingling with gods
• Hidden Bible prophecies of God’s final judgment on Saturn and the Watchers
Deep in the earth, this dark god plots and waits. A day is coming when he will be released from his chains. He and his minions will let loose literal hell on earth―a time when people will long to die, but death will not come.
This is the true Golden Age dreamed of for thousands of years―the return of Saturn’s reign.

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

Divine Constitution of the Universal Law

This constitution acknowledges and abides by the axiomatic, scientific and spiritual principles of the new Science and Gnosis of the Universal Law (UL) and its infinite applications in human life as developed by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov and presented on this website.

Since the UL is the knowledge of the Source (Godhead) expressed in human language, it is called: The Divine Constitution (DC) of the Universal Law.

– The DC acknowledges all humans as immortal, unlimited, independent, free and sovereign creator beings who exist in infinite dimensions and realities, and not only on the earth, which is a specific incarnation experiment of their human souls. Humans always create from the fulcrum of their souls, consciously or unconsciously to the human mind of the incarnated personality.
– This includes the immediate abolition of the national state with all its legal, governmental, administrative, financial, economic, health, education, and other collective forms of governance.
– In particular, the countries that abolish their current constitutions and vote for the new DC will acquire immediate free access to the following basic technologies that will bestow them with hitherto unknown freedom and prosperity:

1) Quantum Intelligent Antigravity Vehicles for easy individual or group transport to any place on the earth. These vehicles will be based on Free Photon Energy according to the new Science of the UL. With these vehicles, all borders and legal restrictions of the current national states (e.g. passports) will be abolished forever.

2) Soul-protected Astral-Card for everyone that will provide unlimited resources to every individual according to his spiritual necessities as determined by his soul. This new technology will abolish with one fell swoop all current control mechanisms, all fraud, corruption, oppression, injustice, inequality, and manipulation based on the current Orion Monetary system.

Kat Update #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie

In the past few days I’ve heard from a number of people on anonup who are deeply upset with Juan O Savin.

Let me preface my blog by saying I think Juan O Savin is a spectacular Patriot & speaker. He has taught me more about TRUE American History & Geo-political history, not to mention occult rituals, numerology, Bible stories, Biblical roots, codes & on & on, than any teacher in my so-called Education.

In a video recorded 8-17-22, Matt Merck said, “Behind-the-scenes, Juan does a lot of things for people the public never sees, without expectation of thanks or payback.”
Juan O Savin is a brilliant TROLLER. He is Naval Intelligence.

In fact, he has urged audiences to pay attention to the McAfee Telegram channel & if EVER there was a trolling site designed to drive the deep state nuts, that would be one.

This Galactic war with the deep state demons for control of Earth is an INTELLIGENCE OPERATION. INFORMATION WARFARE & it’s flip, DISINFORMATION WARFARE.

EVERYTHING Juan says, EVERYTHING President Trump says & posts, EVERYTHING anybody says or writes or posts or records, including you & me—EVERYTHING—is sifted through by A.I. & Black Hats. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

QTeam is gaming this out 24/7 on the Quantum.

Both sides are CONSTANTLY trolling the other. C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T-L-Y!!

Some years ago Charlie Ward admitted that sometimes he’s given out DISINFORMATION but he didn’t know it at the time. He later learned he was being used by The White Hat Alliance—to set traps for the other team.

Charlie said he didn’t mind being used by The Alliance if it helps the war effort.
There was a Divinely written NESARA Law but then the deep state hijacked it & gave it their own demon-spin.

Remember — the devil CAN’T CREATE A THING. The devil can only replicate or destroy.

IMO NESARA isn’t a hoax. Look at what it is & realize that it is being implemented as I write this.

GYEORGOS CERES HATONN COMMANDER IN CHIEF via Anne Bellringer #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #god-complex


I have called Anne to pen a message to all Lightworkers at this time. I am not excluding any souled one still in slumber, for I have a message for you, as well.
By “slumber” I mean many souled ones have been attached by the Dark Brotherhood to have things, riches, money, and have been taught by your “Cristian Church” that you can be raptured to a pink cloud somewhere.
I shine my Light upon all of you and hope and pray that when the beam of Light comes for you step in the beam of light to safety from the cataclysms coming when Mother Earth graduates. By doing so great soul growth can be achieved. There is NO CHANCE you can survive when Earth turns over.

Step into the beam!
The Lightworkers, with Sananda’s help, took care of the souls that had passed of everything, meaning all plant life, animal life, sea life, insect life and the other tribes of Earth i.e. Sasquatch, Elves, Fairies and Gnomes. Included are the evil technologies that have been rendered useless or uncreated. The oceans have been taken care of, and the great evil, the radiation that is in everything there is on Earth.

Yes, Man has taken the killer of nuclear from the soil. It is a God-given element to break down the rocks to make soil. Man took it out of the ground and made bombs and war, and nuclear waste has been so abundant that all is affected. Creation dealt with that by the petition of the Lightworkers to clean up radiation that in is everything there is on Earth\, but not the natural element that makes soil for food..

When Mother Earth graduates and this killer radiation was not dealt with, where would that radiation go? YES, it would go in the entire Cosmos and it would take a billion years to clean up the mess.

Warren Jeffs #fundie

A new edict issued by imprisoned polygamist leader Warren Jeffs is raising alarm among some ex-members of his church

The document, shared with FOX 13 News by several people, appears to call for some people to return to the Fundamentalist LDS Church and bring their children with them. Others, church observers say, are then sent away

The revelation issued in June purports to be from Jeffs himself but says it was distributed by a son, Helaman Jeffs

"Pray that Warren Jeffs will go free, and he can meet you in your congregations soon, all peoples who desire to be members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on earth," the document states

It states that baptisms and "sealings in Celestial Plural Marriage unions will take place for those the Lord revealeth to mortal Keyholder Warren Steed Jeffs who is worthy." It appears to call for some to return to the faith declaring that "fathers desiring restoral can gather with their birth children, and only who was their wives on earth, with the birth children present in family groups classes in your several family homes where they dwell…"

But it also warns that some may be cast out

"I, the Lord, loveth all, yet I cannot allow sin living to dwell among my Church membership any longer. Zion meaneth the pure in heart souls well tested, pure, faithful and true, living by every word of Jesus Christ," it states

It also asks members to send letters with photos and information about themselves and their families[…]
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice said Jeffs remains incarcerated, but the agency declined to comment on Jeffs' communications with visitors or anyone else, citing privacy guidelines[…]
"I have family members who have had their children taken away within the last few weeks," said Brenda Nicholson, an ex-member of the FLDS Church. "People are being told they’re no longer worthy enough to have their children. Children are being taken and re-distributed to others"

DoctorBoom #fundie

The pinnacle of the "New Atheists", ladies and gentlemen - "running a 'scam' Online University is far, far worse than raping children and selling-out your country for a couple of bucks"

"New Atheism" essentially boils down to will-to-power and do-as-thou-wilt and is nothing more than age-old paganism packaged such that midwit upper-middle-class suburbanites can delude themselves into believing they are intellectually and morally "superior" to the rest of us

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