Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #mammon #wingnut

Don't forget that amidst all of this corruption from the FBI and DOJ, inflation is STILL at an all-time high & it’s not getting better any time soon. Protect your savings like I am with @HGoldGroup. Text LIZ to 6-5-5-3-2 for up to $1500 of free silver now.

Matt Walsh #wingnut

Notice that none of these leftists are attempting to actually defend the practice of giving double mastectomies to young girls and chemically castrating young boys. They know they cannot defend it because it's abhorrent and insane so instead they scream at us for talking about it

@Gaufre_Bleue #transphobia

You cannot defend what you refuse to define.

Sex in humans is binary and immutable.

ONLY female humans can get pregnant.

ONLY a female human might need an abortion.

The descriptor for an adult, human, female is...WOMAN.





@ljlyon , @CatherineWheel & @So_Fasrus #transphobia

This goes for Julie Bindel and JK Rowling as well as all women who think there's such a thing as true trans. Women who think the problem is that some extreme trans activists have gone too far and we need to show compassion for the true transgender. Women who advocate for a compromise for a 3rd option for Trans Identified Males to have their own facilities separate from male and female only facilities and sports. There's No Such Thing A Transgender. The entire idea of Trans. What. The. Fuck. Evers. (vestite, sexual, gender, female impersonators, drag queens, all paraphilia) and all affirmation surgeries and chemical cross/wrong sex hormone protocols should be banned. This is a crime against humanity and is a misogynistic hate crime making a mocking parody of women.

I think we all start out thinking there's some compromise to be had. But these are men (and sick men) we are talking about. There is no compromise, only capitulation. The longer you study this movement, the more disgusted and discouraged you get by your own naiveté.

"a misogynistic hate crime making a mocking parody of women" I notice many GC activists have moved position on their previously transideology-compromising language, of late, and are showing regret for the accommodations they've made. Ditto regarding their willingness to pity-placate autogynephiles.

ceci n'est pas une femme

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The FBI raid on Trump's home tells us one thing.

Failure is not an option.

We must destroy the FBI.

We must save America.

I stand with Donald J. Trump.

@DrPaulGosar this is a coup. He is the legitimate president. Desantis must call the national guard and not allow his arrest

@DrPaulGosar Also the IRS, CIA, ATF, and DHS

Say the word Secession or shut up. We're not voting or praying our way out of this.

@WhoisJim Secession means loosing ground. Ethnic cleansing means regaining ground.

@DrPaulGosar Most of the Federal Government can be eliminated and the country will be far better off.

@DrPaulGosar Agree, the FBI must be defunded and disbanded, it is not a law enforcement organization anymore, it is a political organization that serves the evil interests of Washington DC, and it is a threat to the American way of life.

@dmduncan @DrPaulGosar local sheriffs need to be sent in to investigate it. Its role in covering up the false flag attacks used to justify the Iraq war should be focused on first.

That was mass murder. You can see how fearful crime families like the Cheneys are now.


This was and is a coup.
We are living in a coup.

@JolietEastSider @DrPaulGosar The coup happened on January 6 when the overwhelming majority of people in Congress certified an illegal vote. They committed treason. No one was brought before a military tribunal where they should’ve been tried for treason, and when they were found guilty, under the law, executed. Our Constitutional Republic was overthrown with a non-military coup on January 6. This is the fall out. It hasn’t even started yet.

We must destroy the national security apparatus
we must lock up Obama—he’s running the show
end the Fed
and boot all the dual citizens in government the fuck out of America

@DrPaulGosar Just the FBI? We must elimintae all of the federal agencies as they are all interconnected and therefore all involved. They are the enemy of the People and are therefore Enemy Combatants.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

It was never about diversity or equality.

From day-one, it has always been about killing off all White people.

Do you see it now? Do you see the war that's being waged against us, White people?

spoilerA post-racial world: The Last
White Man, by Mohsin
Hamid, reviewed

This blatant racism towards whites never ceases to amaze me almost as much as the amazement that none of our leaders ever call this stuff out.

@Nature_and_Race I have nothing legal to say.

@Dinduvius_Shekelstein @Nature_and_Race And that is because it is now legal to say you want to harm whites, which does not mean though that it is really legal, just jewish legal.

@Nature_and_Race Jews are innately evil.

@Nature_and_Race Wake up White America before it's too late!!! How much more convincing should you need, We are @ war with the jew & must circle the wagons instead of hanging each other out to dry!!!


Diversity in a previously homogenous country inherently means lowering the majority's share of the population. There's no other way around it, so it has, in fact, been about diversity

Even terms like majority and minority undermine the inherent European nature of the US and instill a sentiment of oppression in minorities, who are solely characterized by not being white

The policies that jews are implementing are actually the antithesis of diversity. Because they want one global mixed brown race. Eventually when that happens, then diversity will be dead.

It’s not going to happen: it would mean the end of the welfare state. Kikes and niggers have never taken care of themselves, anywhere on earth. The chinese certainly aren’t going to farm and feed them. Their plan is simply looting, as it has been many times before. Blood suckers need healthy hosts.


Utah Parents #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #transphobia

After a girl beat their daughters in sports, Utah parents triggered investigation into whether she was transgender

After one competitor “outclassed” the rest of the field in a girls’ state-level competition last year, the parents of the competitors who placed second and third lodged a complaint with the Utah High School Activities Association calling into question the winner’s gender.

David Spatafore, the UHSAA’s legislative representative, addressing the Utah Legislature’s Education Interim Committee on Wednesday, said the association — without informing the student or family members about the inquiry — asked the student’s school to investigate.

The school examined the student’s enrollment records.

“The school went back to kindergarten and she’d always been a female,” he said.

He told committee members about the events in response to their questions of whether the UHSAA, which sanctions and oversees high school activities, receives such complaints and how they are handled.

Spatafore said the association has received other complaints, some that said “that female athlete doesn’t look feminine enough.”

Crystal Alonso #homophobia

An anti-LGBTQ Moms for Liberty activist told MSNBC that she believes LGBTQ students should have separate classes from straight and cisgender students in schools.


“The kids that do have their, you know, they’re confused, or they are gay or whatnot,” said Moms for Liberty Miami-Dade member Crystal Alonso, “that the way they’re trying to go about it is to make it an open conversation and an open thing in classrooms.”

“But like for example children with autism, Down Syndrome, they have to have special IP meetings with a counselor, they have to be put into separate classrooms. I understand, because it’s a different type of education for children with those disabilities, but I think that for children that identify differently, there should also be like a specialized… something for them, so that they feel that they’re important enough that they’re being counseled.”


Later in the show, Moms for Liberty Miami-Dade chapter chair Eulalia Jimenez said that kids are being “influenced to be gay.”

“I believe that the gay community has felt invalidated and left out,” she said. “And, rightfully so, they want their place.”

“But again, why does this need to be imposed on young children?”

The Great Work #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

We are born on the land and are considered heirs of the land assets of our country.

But within hours undeclared agents of the federal “State” franchise get our Mothers to sign Certificates of Live Birth. These documents are misrepresented as simple recordings of the baby’s birth. Instead, they are registrations of commercial “vessels” using the baby’s name, and serving to make the “State” franchise the beneficiary of the baby’s estate on the land.

However many days, weeks, or months later as determined by “State” law, your “vessel in commerce” is reported “missing, presumed dead” to the probate court, which then doctors the civil records and converts your living estate to a trust ESTATE benefiting the perpetrators of this scheme.

You are now officially “dead” with respect to the land jurisdiction and unless you take action to correct the probate court records, you and your assets are permanently trapped in the international jurisdiction of the sea. You are therefore unable to take recourse to your holdings on the land or the law forms of the land that you are owed.

This is why your constitutional guarantees don’t apply. There’s no version of “you” operating on the land as a result of this fraud.
And the monsters doing this to you? The IMF and FEDERAL RESERVE and other criminal international banking cartels and organizations like the American Bar Association that have participated in and profited from this lurid fraud scheme.

The IMF does business as the “UNITED STATES, INC.” and has franchises doing business as the “STATE OF OHIO” and so on.

The FEDERAL RESERVE (reconfigured as a United Nations owned and operated corporation) is doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. — they are just now setting up franchises operated simply as “OHIO” and “WISCONSIN” and so on.
Isn’t it time to take back control of your property? [ . . . your flesh and blood human body and the fruits of your labor?

Suzanne Maresca/Ismael Perez #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon

By introduction, Ismael Perez is a Galactic historian and Cosmic Ambassador to the Earth, here to reconnect the Earth to the galactic community.
Two books he loves are: (1) The Keys of Enoch: a book that was meant for the 144,000, a white book with 7 feathers with the coded word Yahwah. It’s higher level knowledge, encoded with everything. It even talks about the Solar Flash, and it’s written like a metaphor. (2) The Urantia Papers.
He was genetically enhanced and edited. His genes come from various ET sources (like many of us). His channels were open again after practicing Kriya kundalini yoga that he learned from the Master he met in rehab.
Starseeds can carry 24 to 48 strands of DNA. A few Humans (100, to be exact, and he’s one) carry 144 strands. “The Mighty Hundred.” There are 50 male, 50 female, and he’s met 6 others of them.
Super soldiers are different, they do have a higher genetic potential than other humans and they’re part of Solar Warden.
The EBS is looking like it will take place in August/September. The White Hats have all the evidence they need to take down the entire deep state, replace the old control structure with the QFS, and institute NESARA/GESARA.
Project ODIN will take over all airwaves, and for 10 days, the doubles/clones will be arrested, and disclosure of Extra-Terrestrials, healing tech, replicators, etc. will take place.
The Quantum computer, which is also biological and under the control of the Galactics, will be able to read the frequency of each of our heart chakras, The more compassion and love in our hearts, the greater access we’ll have to funds and resources.
The heart generates a greater frequency than the brain. The greater our frequency, the greater our abundance and unlimited access to funds.
We’ll be a type 2 interplanetary system (think Star Trek), and are actually bypassing type 1 (think Buck Rogers).

Jim #elitist #racist #dunning-kruger #wingnut

[From "Decline in GDP per capita"]

Your grandfathers could enjoy a house, a garden, children, and stay at home wife looking after the kids. Their grandchildren are dual income no kids, but live in a little box with Ikea furniture Not only did we land on the moon in the 1970s, we had nicer cars, nicer toilets, and better clothes washing machines, though today we have nicer phones and computers[…]
Compare the old malls with the new shopping centers. These are places built for poor people. I recently revisited San Francisco, having been away for a decade or so. That the streets are full of human shit and crime is governmental failure caused by browns in government, but that the buildings need some maintenance and a coat of paint indicates everyone is getting poorer[…]
Don’t you know that it’s 2015? That means gay marriage! Women in combat! Even the first rumblings of the normalization of pedophilia! Say what you will about the Classical Marxists of the past – Lenin, Stalin, Mao – but they built massive hydroelectric dams, intercontinental missiles, skyscrapers, and atom bombs. Yet in The Current Year, they and their grand projects have been replaced by the Cultural Marxism of Gramsci, Marcuse, and Alinsky[…]Global warming means we can’t build big impressive things anymore, so now we simply declare the cutting edge to be increasingly degenerate sexual and cultural practices[…]
A holiness spiral peaks suddenly, and then it is over. Sometimes no one survives, but usually it is abruptly terminated by a Hitler or a Stalin before it gets to that point

A dark age sets in slowly, at about one percent a year for centuries, From time to time there are dramatic crises, and even turnarounds, but these make little difference to the long term trend. We have a holiness spiral and a dark age setting in

AsianBoss #transphobia

How you would rate this Tranny?
I thought he was a woman

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you.

Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man.

Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment.

They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there.

Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Various commenters #wingnut

How awkward is it knowing your mom is pro-choice? Like “hey, thanks for not killing me…even though there was a pretty good chance you would.”

To be fair, alot of mother’s have been brainwashed and don’t know what actually goes during an abortoin, or at the very least don’t see the major logical flaws the pro choice stance has.

I used to think this, too. Lately I don't feel so charitable in my estimations. Do most of them really not understand they're killing a child? Or do they just not care?

So basically all of us. Imagine the afterlife and all of your death siblings be chilling there...

And this is exactly what the pro choice movement is about. They cite all these sob stories, but those cases are very rare, and the vast majority of abortions are for nothing more than convenience. They can claim its for rape and ecoptic pregnancies all they want, but when offered a compromise of keeping those unfortunate cases legal, and banning abortions for convenience, they will never accept. Because convenience is what its really about

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)

time for you to get DeSantis to use his national guard to arrest the fbi criminals....this is a clear threat by domestic terrorists

Yes they are unaccountable antiwhites.

@repmtg And charge them all with treason.

@PissAllOverTyranny @repmtg Welfare and government schools have given us tens of millions of people who will vote for these pedophile communists again in a heartbeat. 🤷‍♂️ Not 81 million, sure. But plenty.

I don't think there's any political solution to this madness. Collapse of the US Dollar and economy are inevitable. Nobody could possibly get elected, if they even mentioned how unsustainable welfare and the Ponzi scheme that is social security are.

This bus is going off the cliff at 90.

DC will reach for more power. Then we'll decide if our grandchildren will grow up in Chinese-style work towns with social credit scores and constant monitoring.

Prepare for the worst. Protect your families.

@repmtg And the DOJ, DOE, DOI, CIA, IRS and a few others while you're at it.


@JCovfefe @repmtg abolish won't do anything they'll just get jobs if a different area and continue to do the same shit. they need to be arrested and held for treason by the military

@repmtg The GOP needs to do something other than talk. I personally think the only possible peaceful way out is that all the red state secede from this third world $h!thole that team biden has made.

@repmtg Just so you are clear, the largest police force in the US is an organization that controls your travel, tried to make a ministry of truth, is helping us be invaded at the border, and is 100% loyal to the Dems known as the dept of Homeland security. The second largest police force is now the IRS which can financially ruin you instantly 100% loyal to the dems Not sure where the FBI ranks, but it is clear that they are the goons and again 100% loyal to the Dems. They built an army, we made memes, get it yet???

Various commenters #wingnut

Trump should have gone full Totalitarian on these lunatic leftard commies when he had the chance.

spoilerExecuting a warrant against ex-
POTUS is dangerous. The
apparent political weaponization
of DOJ/FBI is shameful. AG must
explain why 250 yrs of practice
was upended w/ this raid. I
served on Benghazi Com where
we proved Hilliary possessed
classified info. We didn't raid her

@TheRISEofROD Pompeo the Wimp explaining why we are losing.

Why the fuck didn't you raid her home?!


@JohnGalt22 @TheRISEofROD CIA Pompeo

@StJoseph @TheRISEofROD And a filthy Zionist.

@TheRISEofROD this is equivalent to getting mad at an episode of WWE. Trump is certainly a jew puppet as is biden. Dem/rep mean nothing, its a ZOG

Yep, he should've declared war through the Insurrection Act, & the Efficiency Militia Bill 11654!


@WARLION @TheRISEofROD Even the President had the normalcy bias. Meaning he couldn't see how bad things were.

Trump didn't do a lot of things, and now he's paying for it

Coulda shoulda woulda doesn't mean shit when the you're an ex-president getting raped in an FBI raid

We've entered a time where the zealot leftists are only a few 'current things' away from reporting their opposition neighbors to the gubmint and accepting their subsequent mass murder

They know not what they do. The average leftist lusting for rightist blood is neither capable of meaningful violence or defending against it when it happens. These people are suicidally linked to their ideology

Babylon Bee #wingnut #transphobia

Boston Children's Hospital Throws Child Off Roof After She Claims To Be A Bird

BOSTON, MA — This week, Boston Children's Hospital made history by throwing the first child off the roof based on the child's "felt need to have their birdhood affirmed." The child is now back in treatment in Boston Children's Hospital for broken bones, but the hospital is standing by its decision to fling the child off the roof to affirm their right to flight.

"Common questions from parents include: ‘Are you sure we should let little Johnny try to fly?' or ‘Could we try from a lower jump point before committing to the 2nd story?' or ‘Where are you taking my child??'" A promotional video posted by Boston Children's Hospital this week features a mild-mannered doctor describing the "species-affirming care" children can receive. "We always give parents the same answer: always affirm your child's felt needs, never correct or counsel them. If they want to fly, don't take their wings!"

Boston Children's Hospital has released several videos with doctors elaborating on the mostly-natural procedures to affirm flight in children, explaining the hospital's careful attention to sufficient height in the buildings they throw the children off, so that flight-attracted children can fully commit to their new lifestyles.

At publishing time, Boston Children's Hospital had expanded its trauma care wing to handle the influx of children with broken legs, spines, and tailbones. Some parents have protested that they were not made fully aware of the potentially irreversible harm of throwing their children off roofs, but these parents have been tagged as "potential threats" by the FBI.

Dreamer-cel #conspiracy #magick #ufo

Aliens Fucking with my family for generations or Inherited Mental Illness?

"get yer anal probe!!!" (its aliens)

"you need jesus on steroids" (its demons)

"get yer kikepills and padded room" (we are all crazy)

my father has claimed to have alien implants in his head and tried to take them out, his brother killed himself young because of some entities tormenting him.

my mother's family wont come to visit because they see black shadows in the house that we didnt see at the time.

Recently, both my mom and dad on separate occasions saw black shadows in the house in the same day... and i saw nothing.

due to the nature of these experiences im thinking it could also be demons, even tho my parents and i are atheist.

my family and i have tried a lot of "spiritual" things to try and help the situation but none of them worked... these entities are more tangible than ethereal, and therefore are not "demons" but aliens or ET's.

its said that alien's keep tabs on certain groups of people, messing with each generation... but some people believe in generational curses caused by demons, so i really dont know whats goin on, either way im so fucked

they have gone into every orifice of my body without my consent.

recently i woke up with unexplained bloodstains on my pillow

they have an obsession with my left ear, for a long time they put different tools in there, and last night trying to sleep i heard a unique tone/beep coming from inside my own ear...i am beyond fucked

the most frequent visitors look like giant worms whose mouths open up like a flower revealing rows or teeth

the thing is one of the alien dragon or demon snake things... LIKES TO SNIFF ME AND I CAN FEEL ITS BREATH ON MY SKIN... ghosts and spirits can't BREATHE but these things CAN

last night the one that like to sniff me said: "you make me feel nasty"... when he was done being rapey he said "your parents wont like it but one day im gonna take you away and youll live with me here" (shows me some nice looking house)

if i die or get abducted know that its this niggas fault

my dad tried exorcisms but it didnt work

jewish pills will be the very last resort

ill only go for jewpills IF it gets unbearable... and we arent there yet!

Various Femcels #psycho #sexist #transphobia

So what is the future

What are we going to do? Is there even anything we can do? Have we given up and preparing to die with minimal damage to our soul and body (avoiding males and their slaves) and not bringing our daughters into it?

As individuals it depends on what our options are... For me I may become a nun one day just so I can live the rest of my days only among women without having to worry about males invading the community since most traditional religious institutions like the Catholic Church do not and probably will never bow down to TRA junk and accept the trans women are women garbage from TRAs...

As far as what we are going to do as a whole in the future... I think we should look for a way to reproduce without the male sex being involved. If parthenogenesis becomes possible for humans we can start deciding if keeping males around at all is worth it or not... Personally I think we would be better off without the great majority of them at least... Women need to wake up and stop birthing so many moids into this world... Especially ugly moids which the vast majority of moids end up becoming... 🤢🤮

that nun thing is pretty smart, nowadays even nursing homes for old women are filled with troons...

Ideally, make enough money to build a female only country with a military and create a bioweapon to eliminate males. Bioweapons are cheaper and easier to manage than nuclear weapons, so this can be achievable its just a matter of resources, team work and execution. Also, it will be a pity if I just die and not bring some males down with me.

I'm hoping in another five years or so some of the branches of the womyn's land movement will see the error in including men and I'll buy into one of those.

Women's communes. Unfortunately, the TIMs have infiltrated many of them.

I would love for a blackpilled to become a millionaire to raise funds for what she believes in. Millionaire moids do this a lot. Perhaps it would be possible in South Korea where the pessimistic, and separatist radfem is more popular.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut

Why Do THESE People Hate Us?

Even people from dung heaps spit on us.

Just about every group in this country has convinced itself it has great excuses to hate the white man. There’s slavery, white supremacy, homophobia, the holocaust, white privilege, sexism, and racism, and just showing up in the New World. Hating us is so much fun that even groups we can’t possibly have ever wronged have learned how to do it.

Take Indians and Pakistanis.

Moshin Hamid has just published his 5th novel, The Last White Man. “At the end of the book, Hamid fast-forwards to a time when whiteness is a distant memory, inviting readers to imagine the possibility of a post-racial world.”

It will be paradise once we’re gone, but never forget: There’s no such thing as The Great Replacement.

But I don’t get it. Indians come from a country where millions of people still defecate wherever they can find a spot.


Maybe that prepares Indians for the horror of living in a country with repulsive white people.

Pakistan is an even worse mess than India, so both groups are fully qualified to tell us what’s wrong with our country.

And despite the “white supremacy” they yell about, they do very well. Asians have higher median household incomes than whites. The difference is very close to the $20,000 difference between blacks and whites – and that difference is supposed to be a national scandal.



Do they ever say “Thank you, America, for letting me come to a much better place than the one I left behind”?

They love to talk about the oppression of black and brown people because they quickly learned that in the victims’ sweepstakes that puts them right up there with blacks, though, of course, they live as far away from blacks as possible. They learned quicker than anyone that they can leave behind their own dung-heap countries and then defecate all over us.

They are without shame, without honor, without decency, without a shred of gratitude. Because we let them get away with it.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist

[From "America surely going down with a whimper, and not a bang"]

Automatons have no inclination to fight for anything, even when their own interest or survival is at stake[…]Automatons will actually cheerlead for the enemy and tyrant to take on more Authoritarian control and influence[…]
Expiration Dates are becoming much closer to the dates of purchase, due to less than expected purchase activity[…]
Massive layoffs are about to roll out week after week as we head into August, which is a hot month for warfare[…]
Automatons are 100% selfish and useless, as people. This is why essentially, they need to be killed off from the population, and in fact, this is why the Illuminati is pursing the depopulation agenda[…]
If you have a homogenous population [assuming it is of GOOD RACIAL STOCK] and that the people are largely NOT Automatons, there is a general sense of concern and “reflexes” that ought to emerge[…]
Americans generally also do not have experience with life under Communism or the telltale signs of Communist or Dictatorial Takeovers, and that the first signs of routine food and supply shortages including inferior grades of meat and produce are signs[…]
Under Democratic Forms of Government, there is no process of “making history”

All so-called “historical events” that occur under Democratic rule, are always planned, entirely scripted, and have no spiritual or lasting significance[…]
Under a Democracy, it is a sterile ground for people like Philosophers, Inventors, Scientists, Engineers, Poets, and other truly unique brains that make remarkable imprints that people look up to in admiration and splendor[…]
The US runs a shadow government and operates more “for show” not only because America is actually officially owned by the UN and other subsidiaries[…]
Is it any wonder that the whole January 6th so-called “insurrection” was a setup by both Political Parties

Colin Wright #pratt #psycho #transphobia #wingnut

“A good portion of children do know as early as from the womb” that they are transgender.

At Boston Children’s Hospital “we see a variety of young children all the way down to ages 2 and 3.”

This is literally a sick cult that mutilates children. That's not hyperbole, it's absolutely true. The best time for outrage was over a decade ago. The next best time for outrage is RIGHT NOW.

This has gotten so out of hand. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

Yeah, yeah, sex isn't a spectrum blah blah blah. A person's sex is defined by gametes and reproductive anatomy blah blah blah.

While these details are important to understand, don't let these finer intellectual points distract you from what's happening on the ground:

Gender nonconforming children are being indoctrinated into a cult that is mutilating and sterilizing their healthy bodies with hormones and surgeries based on the pseudoscientific belief that it's possible for a person's body to not "match" their mind.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut

Trans activists have doxxed me, threatened to kill me, defamed me, and tried to silence me. Because of this reaction I've taken time to reflect and reconsider and I've now decided to triple down and be even more radical in my opposition to their agenda. Thanks for the motivation!

"We will try to dissuade you from opposing us by justifying and confirming all of the absolute worst things you already thought about us"

This tactic has never worked on me, folks. Not sure who it would work on, but not me.

sojourner_truth_ & GraceHoward1729 #transphobia

RE: Dumb take? I dread the day men invading our spaces stop calling themselves "women" and start claiming they are "transmen" instead

( sojourner_truth_ )
TIMs lie. Literally, that's what they do. They lie about being something other than male, that's their defining trait. They also lie about all kinds of other stuff. So, when I hear sad sobbing and violin music about some poor TIM who was so distraught over using the women's bathrooms, I hear them pulling the heartstrings of the Be Kind crowd. Inevitably, some handmaiden will bleat out "Oh, you poor poor dear! Come and use the women's, don't be silly!" It's a cunning and calculated manipulation. I hate that women still keeping fucking falling for it in 2022. I automatically doubt any such sob stories from these wolves in sheeps clothing, no matter how pretty or nice he pretends to be. He'd keep his crossdressing in the bedroom if he were so nice.

When you're telling your granddaughter about the good old days when women had our own rights and our own single sex spaces, it will sound like a fairy tale about flying on a broomstick or something, because these TIMs are stealing everything from us. I wish women would stop feeling sorry for them while they are robbing every woman and girl of their human dignity, safety and rights. Men's purported attacks on TIMs are not our problem.

( GraceHoward1729 )
They feed off of being called women and being 'seen as' women. It's their fetish. Pretending to be women and getting women to pretend too is the 'right' they are fighting for. It's a men's sexual rights movement. They won't give that up and call themselves 'trans men' for access. It's complete capitulation they want. Kat Blaque is a misogynist and I can guarantee he uses female spaces with glee; the story is bogus to further the narrative that these fetishistic entitled men are somehow 'oppressed' and 'marginalised' by parodying women and purposefully violating women's rights and boundaries.

99% of sexual offenders are male. This is why our goal is 100% of men out of women's sex-segregated spaces. We're not fighting to keep women who pretend to be men in women's spaces, we're fighting to keep men who pretend to be women out of women's spaces.


@Bertie007 , @raygin & @WesternWitch66 #transphobia

They're all #perverts & #paedophiles any bloke who goes about pretending to be a woman has already crossed a line into perversion in my book#menarenotwomen

Absolutely "sex swap" activism is paedophile activism.

Bloody right they are, every last one of them, and am sick of idiots sucking up to their pet trannies.

Lauren Witzke & Various commenters #wingnut

(Lauren Witzke)
They will do everything they can to STOP Trump from running again. The pathetic and weak GOP will cry on Twitter and then continue to do nothing.. just like they did nothing to help the J6 political prisoners, nothing to stop the Big Tech Censorship, and remained SILENT as they shut down our bank accounts and put us on domestic terrorist watchlists.

When we win, remember that the Left CANNOT be negotiated with. Give them an inch and they take the whole thing.

They must be dismantled.

@LaurenWitzkeDE it’s the jews

@LaurenWitzkeDE tbf, what has trump done himself for his j6 followers?

@LaurenWitzkeDE Your wrong about the “pathetic and weak GOP” doing nothing. I have already received a GOP fundraising email talking about the raid and asking for money.

Thankfully I learned my lesson after the GOP raised millions by proclaiming “Stop the Steal,” and then spent none of the money raised to actually fight for audits in places like AZ, while the DNC sent hundreds of lawyers.

@LaurenWitzkeDE “ When we win, remember that the Left CANNOT be negotiated with.”

We’ll win not through the ballot box, i’ll leave it at that.

@LaurenWitzkeDE And precisely what, pray tell, did TRUMP do to help the J6 prisoners, or stop censorship, etc.?

Fix 2020...I hope the republitards don't have any delusions of winning anything...they are going to cheat their asses off again

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
I know how it feels to be attacked, slandered, and lied about by the media. They've been going after Andrew Torba for months now - some would say years - because the platform that he is building threatens the Liberal World Order and their control over what we're allowed to say and see online.

Twitter and Facebook are full of human trafficking, pornography of all kinds, drug deals, and more. Several mass shootings have been live-streamed on Facebook and every leftist hateful ideology under the sun can be found on Twitter. But the media expects everyone to disavow and leave Gab because someone, somewhere, said something controversial? Nonsense.

I don't listen to the media.
I'm not leaving Gab.

The antiwhites are going after you because they perceive you as standing up for whites. Call out antiwhitism and white erasure, support white wellbeing. Now is the time.

@14W He loves Israel more than he loves White people

@DrPaulGosar i wish more of Congress and the Senate would add GAB accounts so we can communicate here. not everyone uses twitter and fakebook

Jim Justice #fundie #elitist

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice scoffed Monday at a suggestion by Democratic lawmakers to let voters decide whether abortion should continue to be allowed in the state.

The Republican governor said the state's abortion law falls under the scrutiny of the Legislature and the attorney general.

During a legislative special session initiated by Justice last month, majority Republicans failed to pass legislation criminalizing abortion.

On Friday, top Democrats asked Justice and leading GOP lawmakers to bring the Legislature back to consider a resolution to allow voters to consider a constitutional amendment for "reproductive freedom."

Justice wanted no part of that.

"Unfortunately, this place is surrounded with constant grandstanding," the governor said at a news conference. "I think that's what the Democrats are doing."

Abortion had been banned after 20 weeks of pregnancy in West Virginia until the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion. After that ruling, Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said abortion was banned completely in the state because of an 1800s-era law that had been unenforceable while abortion was federally protected.

But a Charleston judge barred the state from enforcing the ban, ruling it had been superseded by a slew of conflicting modern laws, including the 20-week ban. Morrisey has appealed the ruling to the state Supreme Court, which is expected to take up the case this fall.

"Coming down from the U.S. Supreme Court, this is the responsibility of our Legislature and our attorney general," Justice said. "And absolutely I've said over and over and over, I don't want to impose anything, any ideas or anything."

"Now, if they bring me something that I cannot sign, I won't sign it. But actually, I don't think that'll happen. I think our Legislature is abound with good people and they should get through this and bring me something that I will absolutely welcome and sign. And I think that's exactly what will happen."

incoserve #transphobia #conspiracy

The issue here is not even a matter of tip-toeing around the feelings of a"a small minority of people." These people are not a small minority. They are a group of seriously mentally derranged individuals, people with real mental problems who are demanding not only that their mental sickness be normalized and mainstreamed, but that everyone else participates in it.

I am a normal human being. I am not mentally sick. I can distinguish between male and female. But I am expected to play along with their mental sickness and afirm their delusions. Eventually, if I am a good and tolerant person, I will fully agree with them and see the delusion with my own eyes. At some point I am expected to embrace my own gender disphoria, as well.

I recetnly experienced something like this here. I was verbally attacked and accused of many evil things because I refused to tacitly approve of a lifestyle that I believe to be destructive and immoral.

You see, first we were told to be "tolerant. Then we were told that we had to be "inclusive." Then we had to afirm. Now we're told that we must participate. It will never end until they have converted us all into transgender, pedophilic pervets.

Angellica Goodson-Lord #racist #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot

In Genesis Chapter 2 YHWH Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge creates his
hybrid race. Who were described in archeology as the Semite Hyksos race of
Indian Adams that lived in Israel, Sumeria etc., in the regions known as Canon?
They were the Canaanites. If we
trace them back in archeology records they are also the Solutreans that are
associated with the City of Atlantis, the West Coast of Europe who also
migrated into North America in 22.000 B.C.

YES THEY GOT AROUND so to speak.
While in Egypt their ruling class actually described Yahweh as Seth a
Dogman figure they called Suetekh that was a hybrid chimera very similar to the
descriptions of Dogman today that people encounter in the woods.

The Hyksos Semites were once considered the lowest cast of human hybrid
beings alive in ancient and prehistoric India. In their legends Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge YHHW was the Archon Demiourgós (δημιουργός) who as in Gnostic legends became blinded by
his own arrogance. According to
alien angel legends the Semite Jewish Canaanite god legends YHWH was really one
of the lesser gods (Elohim) known as the Archon Demiourgós, who referred to his human hybrid race
as his “Chosen Race.” He demanded
that they:

'Thou shalt worship no
other god; for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God' (Exod.

There were many hybrid races created by aliens. This is a best kept secret that is now
being discovered and talked about.
The Semite Hyksos then became known to themselves, and other races, as the 'chosen

The true 'chosen people', of course, were our Scandinavian Mitochondria
Mother race who we all share DNA with.

The first race of hybrids created were the Aryan Race who stole the
DIVINE RIGHT TO RULE THE WORLD from our Scandinavian Mitochondria Mother race.
It all went down hill from there. These Elohim aliens created the different
races to look like them using genetic engineering, cloning and were the

Tom(Montalk) #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger

Like the Grail, the Ark of the Covenant was an object endowed with supernatural powers.
Ark: Etheric and Electric Fields
The Ark is infamous for its deadly energy discharges. Those unqualified to touch, approach, or even look at the Ark would be struck dead:
The Ark alone cannot do what the Bible says it can, at least not according to conventional science. The top mistake fringe researchers make is limiting their interpretation of the Ark’s function to the perspective of conventional physics and engineering. Thus they propose it was merely a spark gap radio, electrical capacitor, seismic energy transducer, algae food grower, or some other mundane device. While each of these may explain a few alleged Ark traits, they cannot account for them all.

High demiurgic technology, however, explains everything. Just as in Alchemy, conventional scientific principles may enter into the equation but are not the only ones involved. While the Ark may be a capacitor, that is only a small aspect of its total function. One has to go beyond regular physics to understand it.

For instance, it’s worth noting that, topologically speaking, the Ark is a spherical capacitor, where one electrode is nested inside the other. According to my fringe physics research, what makes spherical capacitors special is that they can receive, transmit, absorb, and emit gravity waves. It has to do with changes in charge density coupling to changes in the gravitational potential. If the Ark was a spark gap radio, it would have had to intercept gravity waves and convert them to electrical arcing between the two winged figures.
In summary, the Ark Stone is a physical matrix possessed by a powerful entitized thoughtform created or invoked according to the operator/priest’s instructions. If it seems belittling to call Yahweh a thoughtform, bear in mind that the universal Demiurge is a thoughtform also, and so are our own souls.

Magda Lewandowska #fundie #magick

[podcast's transcript] Petting shapeshifting demons

Hello, everyone! Sława Bogom and welcome to the 20eth episode of Searching for the Slavic Soul.

Today I will be talking about searching for my own Slavic soul and about the way I practice Slavic Native Faith and also why I practice it this way.

The original pagan Slavs worshipped outdoors. But the modern Rodnovers build indoor altars and invite storm or death itself under their roofs. And then they attempt to… I don’t even know what word to use here… to entice? Bribe? They, like, attempt to worship the storm or the death itself, indoors, by offering, like, 5 quid worth of, I don’t know, Tesco own brand beef. Like, how sad is that. And how pointless.

Oh, by the way, I am also 100% sure that our ancestors did not run around in the rain during a thunderstorm calling upon Perun and calling him father. Which is, as I learned some time ago, what some modern Rodnovers do.

Considering that most of us, the modern Rodnovers, were born in hospitals without any sort of proper setting to receive the Goddesses, it is likely that most of us have a Nie-dola, so a bad fate, not Dola, so the good one.

So, once I figured out the bread situation, I really started to interact with all sorts of demons. I thought to myself, let’s see if any of the Poles moving to UK over the last 150 or so years, brough a Plonek with them. I started leaving small offerings on the fields near to my practice just in case there is a Slavic demon living there. Under 6 months it brought me plentiful harvest, metaphorical, in the sense of salary. Which is actually quite unusual nowadays, when working hard and being honest usually causes people to take advantage of you.

As to the Slavic Gods. I deeply believe They are, while having a very scientific approach to looking at the world, because these two don’t actually contradict eachother, which one day I might actually record an episode explaining that. I believe They make the world run and influence various events, but I also deeply believe they don’t give a shit about me or humans in general.

I mean, bees are more useful than we are. Which is why bees are the Gods’ messengers, and we humans, are just there, like everything else.

Chris Aldridge #dunning-kruger #fundie

Why Don't The Gods Talk To Us Like People Do?

The Gods spoke to ancient man much in the same way they speak to us today, through signs, omens, dreams, emotions, seers and oracles. If you know anything about the Oracle of Delphi, Apollon spoke through the voice of His Pythia to give advice to mankind, but even then it was very short and often encrypted (He likes to give us things to figure out for ourselves. He doesn't attempt to make our choices or live our lives for us). We may wonder why all this is the case. Certainly the Gods can do whatever they want, yet they do not stand before us and talk to us like our friends and family do on a daily basis.

I would first entertain the idea that the Gods are indeed, or at least can be, directly around us, but we cannot generally see them because our eyes are not adjusted to the plane upon which they live. We know there is a reasonable possibility that other universes exist parallel to our own, yet we cannot see them in our bodily form (although some Gods, such as Helios the Sun and Selene the Moon, are exceptions, but they still don't come down and talk to us).

Additionally, some may even believe that it's not possible for our mortal bodies to stand in the full presence of a God, citing the version of the story of Zeus and Semele when Zeus reluctantly killed Semele because She was unable to withstand His radiance. I don't believe this, because it would be to say that the Gods can't contain themselves.

Finally, I'd say it's possible that the Gods don't usually come to us on our level because, unlike our friends and family, we are not their equals, nor do the Gods exist for our purposes. They answer our prayers, protect us, give us blessings and advice, and keep order in the universe, but they're not our coworkers or office party. Their positions are extremely sacred, royal, and hold responsibilities that we could not even begin to fathom. I delight in the simple fact that the Gods like, love and are intrigued enough by humans to give us as much of their blessings as possible.

Hunter Salazar #crackpot #magick

Feeding my Demonic Servitor

I recently discovered a problem with my Demonic Servitor. He wasn't performing effectively for the purposes I created Him for consistently, but did well in short one-day bursts. I devised an empowering and feeding rite for my Servitor to make Him more effective in a consistent manner. The shape traced in white chalk is a trapezoid, in the center is His Sigil in white chalk and His usual feeding method via a black candle, and His home (An Engraved Amulet) is wrapped around the votive holder. A trapezoid is a shape of angular frustration because of its near but not yet achieved completeness. The shape is perfect for a Servitor because it's existence is tied to providing for us what we created it for, creating a desire to 'do its job' essentially. This particular Servitor of mine is Demonic because of its nature to make me "look better" and feed my ambition through actualization of goals, and my vision of It.

Oh man! Watch that flame rise as you speak. That happens to me in necromancy when I call my working shades up. I'm working it a lot in Vodun with Samedi and the Ghede. It's gotten nothing but results so far. I've worked it from a Norse perspective too. It's awesome.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that! Candles and flames are portals in essence to the realms of dense energy from this more materialistic one. I only know Necromantic knowledge I've learned from reading Somnus Dreadwood and Sorceress Cagliastro, the sorceress being my main working sourcebook for blood magick. It isn't my strong suit in what I know however.

I'm quiet very skeptical to the fact that I came across to a site where someone offering they're services said it's possible to attain a very supernatural powers like fireball, manipulation of weather,and ultimate telekinesis through his very powerful servitor do you believe in this type of servitor that can really bring you an extraordinary power ?

It is technically possible but extremely unlikely that very many of such servitors are created and exist here.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #racist #crackpot

One little prayer chain in front of a church was all it took to make the Death Cult admit what we’ve known for years. The motive underlying their war against straight, white men is diabolical hatred of Christ.

The occupational government of the economic zone once known as Ireland telegraphed the Cult’s plans for Christians even harder.

[Quoted news report: "Pro-life campaigners and advocates for religious freedom in Ireland have expressed dismay following the news that the Irish Government intends to introduce fines and prison sentences for people who pray, hold signs, or try to persuade women not to have abortions while they are within the vicinity of an abortion clinic. The proposed legislation would mean that individuals would not be allowed to express pro-life views within 100m of abortion clinics while also prohibiting silent prayer, the holding of placards, and any peaceful offers of alternatives to abortion."]

So the country whose constitution begins “In the name of the Most Holy Trinity,” is now making prayer against child sacrifice punishable by jail time and fines up to 3 grand. The use of abstract bug measurements in their laws was a red flag. The Bible stipulates just weights and measures. Justice is tied to reality, and the metric system don’t real.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #quack #crackpot

Sarah Breskman Cosme is a certified Level 3 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner and specializes in assisting clients in regaining past life memories that can help in their healing and self-actualization journeys. QHHT was pioneered by Dolores Cannon and has been used with great benefits all around the world.

Sarah used past life regression hypnosis on a number of individuals who began sharing memories of having lived in Atlantis and Lemuria, and both civilizations having been seeded by extraterrestrial civilizations. Sarah met and befriended Jen Sullivan about a decade before performing a past life regression to fulfill Sarah’s QHHT certification requirements.
In her first interview on Exopolitics Today, Sarah discusses why she chose a career as a QHHT practitioner and the implications of the past life memories of multiple clients she has encountered during her 12 years as a hypnotherapist. Sarah shared her insights into her clients’ testimonies and the remarkable similarities with current global circumstances concerning rampant viruses and DNA-altering vaccines that devastated ancient Atlantis and ultimately impacted the relatively untouched island continent of Lemuria.

Sarah finally explains powerful red crystals used for healing and weapons applications by the Lemurians and Atlanteans respectively, and how these were bought to Earth by extraterrestrial visitors. Finally, she explains how the Bermuda Triangle lies over remnants of Ancient Atlantis where some of the red crystals remain active.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia

The awake part of the population, the Americans with sufficient intelligence to be able to think independently of what CNN, NPR, NBC, the NYTimes and the rest of the presstitutes stick in their heads, are furious with Biden’s rampart anti-Americanisms. To name just a few: open borders flooding the country with immigrant-invaders and the associated welfare burdens, crime, and illegal voting; political prosecution of opponents; gratuitous conflict with Russia, China, and Iran; demonization of white Americans as racists; illegal lockdowns and vaccination mandates; the green light given to sexual perversion; the imposition of sensitivity training and Critical Race Theory on white kids in public schools and white members of the military and civil service and the imposition of quotas on their promotion. The corrupt Biden regime has done all it can to destroy equal treatment. In place of an opportunity society America now has a society of special privileges for “oppressed minorities.”
If the Democrats can be prevented from again stealing the November election, perhaps more Republicans with backbone can get into office, people like Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, South Dakota governor Kristi Noem, and Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Governor DeSantis has said outright that he will not permit woke prosecutors to defend criminals from justice as is the practice in many Democrat jurisdictions. DeSantis understands that the Democrats’ policy of normalizing crime, sexual perversion, and open borders means the death of America.

Although it took forever, finally many Americans have also come to this realization. If the sentient Americans who remain can reject being put in a defensive position by the Democrat and media enemies of America, people far more dangerous than Russians, Chinese, and Iranians, and turn aggressive like Antifa and BLM, the republic has a chance of being restored.

Otherwise, it is good-bye America.

"Kayhan", "Iran" and Mohammad Marandi #fundie #psycho

Iranian ultra-conservative newspaper Kayhan on Saturday hailed the man who stabbed British author Salman Rushdie -- the target of a 1989 Iranian fatwa calling for his death

Rushdie was on a ventilator after the attack during a literary event in New York state on Friday, more than 30 years after he went into hiding following late supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's fatwa

"Bravo to this courageous and duty-conscious man who attacked the apostate and depraved Salman Rushdie in New York," wrote the paper, whose chief is appointed by current supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

"Let us kiss the hands of the one who tore the neck of the enemy of God with a knife," the daily added

With the exception of reformist publication Etemad, Iranian media followed a similar line, describing Rushdie as an "apostate"

State-owned paper Iran said that the "neck of the devil" had been "cut by a razor"

Iranian authorities have yet to make any official comment on the stabbing attack against Rushdie

But Mohammad Marandi, an adviser to the negotiating team for Iran's nuclear talks in Vienna, wrote on Twitter: "I won't be shedding tears for a writer who spouts endless hatred and contempt for Muslims and Islam"

"But, isn't it odd that as we near a potential nuclear deal, the US makes claims about a hit on Bolton... and then this happens?" he questioned[…]
In 1998, the government of Iran's reformist president Mohammad Khatami assured Britain that Iran would not implement the fatwa

But Khamenei said in 2005 he still believed Rushdie was an apostate whose killing would be authorised by Islam

Lauren Chen #conspiracy #wingnut

Monkeypox is being marketed as the new public health scare, with the media and governments in full panic mode. But although the vast majority of cases have occurred in gay and bisexual men, for some reason no one seems to be suggesting the obvious way to curb its spread...

Liz Wheeler #wingnut

I pray the rosary daily. The “don’t tread on me” flag flies at my house. I’m vehemently against CRT in school. I will always fight trans’ing kids. I support the 2nd amend. I’m appalled at the FBI raid of Trump. If you think this makes me extreme… then you’re a communist.

Vladimir Putin #crackpot #pratt #wingnut

From a speech Putin gave were he says that Western elites started the Ukraine War to distract their people from falling living standards and poverty while Russia and China are fighting against the "dictatorship of supranational elites" to build a more democratic world.

"Thereby, they [the west] are trying with all their might to preserve the hegemony and the power that is slipping through their fingers; they are trying to keep the countries and people in the grip of a neo-colonial order. Their hegemony means stagnation for the whole world, for the whole of civilization, obscurantism and denial of culture, neoliberal totalitarianism.

They need conflicts to maintain their hegemony. That is why they prepared the fate of cannon fodder for the Ukrainian people, implemented the "anti-Russia" project, turned a blind eye to the spread of neo-Nazi ideology, to the mass murders of Donbas residents, pumped and continue to pump the Kyiv regime with weapons, including heavy weapons."

"Russia, together with its allies, partners and like-minded people, will improve existing international security mechanisms and create new ones, strengthen its armed forces and other security structures, take other steps to build a more democratic world, where the rights of all peoples and cultural and civilizational diversity are guaranteed."

dsar9013 #racist #conspiracy

I should have guessed this sooner, I knew there was a reason these drinks are so addicting and terrible for your health. I got terrible cavities and high blood sugar from getting addicted to Monster Energy drinks, they really are a very evil/terrible company, even though they are very sweet, delicious and addicting to drink. Kikes are evil and probably have satanic pacts to make the most delicious drinks that fuck up your health the most, other energy drink companies like Rockstar or Redbull don't taste anywhere near as good as Monster energy which is way more addicting.

@janeclarejones #transphobia

Spotted today in the city… 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂🙄

It's not a question of what women SHOULD be.

It's a question of what they ARE.

Sticking to the minimal definition of what they ARE is the only way of nobody telling us what we SHOULD be.

Our *existence* isn't a fucking social norm.

*YOU* are the people who want us to be redefined by the idea of what we SHOULD be.

So far here are some of the options offered and/or performed as evidence of what we SHOULD be:

- The ones who are penetrated
- A palimpsest
- Blank blank eyes and an expectant asshole
- A void
- Frankenstein's monster
- People who get to go to pyjama parties and paint our nails frosted pink
- BIMBO!!! *squeee*
- Spinny skirt
- 'Suicidal ecstasy'
- General all purpose fuck toy
- Head tilt

Think we'll stick with 'female' if you don't mind.

OhNoTokyo #wingnut


I disagree.

If you have the right to life, fighting for that right does not become wrong just because you might not agree on what comes next.

If I save you from being shot, I am not wrong for saving you, even if I have no plan to assist you with the rest of your life.

I agree that it is desirable as a rule to try and help people as many steps forward as possible, but the "whataboutisms" here miss a few things:

While it is clearly wrong to abort, the justification for certain programs isn't based on that. They have to be assessed on their own merits.

Let us pretend that I had a plan to simply hand every person in the US a million dollars. A million dollars isn't what it used to be, but if wisely managed should be enough to allow you to be housed, eat food and maintain a reasonable fixed income, even if you couldn't work.

However that would be about 300 trillion dollars.

You then have to ask some questions:

Where does the government get 300 trillion dollars?

How much money does it take to pay to administer the disbursement of a million dollars to 300 million people?

Does the very amount of money handed out cause rampant inflation which reduces the value of the million dollars below the value it originally is set at?

And I am sure there are many other questions.

Now, don't get me wrong, my example is absurd, but it is absurd to make a point:

Giving someone a million dollars would definitely be positive for someone, but there are foreseen and unforeseen problems with any program, even ones that are not quite as ludicrous as the one I am proposing.

And you can't ignore those issues. If your sole criteria for implementing a program is that, "its better than abortion" then that's a pretty low bar.

I am not saying that I don't support programs to assist people, but I think the argument that, "you're not pro-life unless you support X or Y program" is bogus.

If you want those programs, then justify them on their own merits. Don't allow them to be unjustifiably linked to a position that stands alone.

Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist


spoilerYou weren't allowed to go to
church, you weren't allowed to go
to the gym, you weren't allowed to
go to class, you weren't allowed
to be with your loved ones when
they died, you weren't allowed to
go to funerals--but under no
circumstances do we infringe on
sacred gay orgies

@Teamsaveamerica “HIV activists say calls for abstinence do not work.”

Yes fags are degenerates.

@Teamsaveamerica because the kikes have everyone so dumbed down that they're okay with shitskins and faggots doing whatever they want because if you say anything you're racist or homophobic. What's the difference between the faggots having faggot orgies and niggers burning cities down during the scamdemic? Nothing they were both allowed. I'm tired of hearing shitskins bitch about America. If they don't like this "evil racist" country then get the fuck out so white people can live in peace.

So, the Churches got CONDEMNED for 'Congregating' to Sing and listen to a Sermon - in a 'pandemic'.
The Rainbow Usurpers get a Free Pass and Encouragement for 'Congregating' to Stick Their Dicks Up Each Others Asses - in a 'pandemic'.

The Monkeypox Spreaders need 'MAN'Dates:
+ Keep 6 Dick-Lengths Away From Each Other - To protect Us All From Their Sickness.
+ Stick a Mask Up Their Ass - To Keep Other Dicks from Spreading Their Sickness.
+ Close ALL of Their Ass-Germ Places of Association - To FLATTEN THE CURVE - Until This 'Pandemic' Is Completely Non-Existent (Spoiler Alert - This Will Most Likely Be The NEW NORMAL)
+ And for the 'Minor Attracted' Monkeypox Spreaders - STOP FUCKING KIDS.

Violators Will Be Arrested, Ridiculed, Refused Medical Care, FIRED FROM EMPLOYMENT, Denied Government Assistance, Blocked from ALL Public Events, Denied Service at All Establishments that Serve the Public.

@Teamsaveamerica Don’t wanna offend the sodomite butt f$ckers 🤬🤬 #CovidIsAScam #MonkeyPoxIsAScam

@Teamsaveamerica with rigged elections for like 30 years, this is what the crooks want for us.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Imagine being so mixed up & indoctrinated... that you would reject your own race that invented, built & civilized the world, & instead embrace a race that couldn't invent a plate to put their mud pies on in 40,000 years.


spoilerWhite American children shouldn't
be taught their story begins in
They should learn it begins 1000s
of years ago. That it stretches
through kingdoms, empires, &
across every continent.
That the blood their ancestors
gave them, built civilization & gave
light to the world.

@ElfReich They have less architectural skills than beavers, but their mass immigration to the West is somehow vital for our knowledge based economies, to compete with the rise of ethnically homogenous high IQ nations like China...

@melgibsmedat2 @ElfReich

@melgibsmedat2 @ElfReich it's been shown that like the jews, Asians use the average IQ of their wealthiest and most intelligent citizens to appear smarter while White countries use the entire collective which includes the poorly educated and the non Whites into that average. White people still have the most geniuses by far of any race..

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