
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

-_- #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Discussion] Should it be legal to pay a poor couple to make a baby girl for you?

Should incels be allowed to do this?
Yes Votes: 13 68.4%
No Votes: 6 31.6%
Partial support / only with some restrctions (explain) Votes: 0 0.0%

Basically the idea here is that you would be the stepfather to her and she would grow up to become your wife.

To help get it through some of your utter dwarf skulls, let's just pretend you have to wait until she's 18 to have sex with her.

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to promote illegal activity. This is a fantasy scenario and not a reliable method in the real world because:

1) You'd probably be arrested for "human trafficking" or some shit if you don't go through the current adoption system.
2) There may be limits on single male adoption or not allowed at all.
3) Soyciety is not okay with incels doing something like this. So even if you successfully adopt a young girl that was made for you, they would try to stop you with other legal hurdles ("grooming", child abuse, etc.)

Note to potential fantasy killers:
Some incels can afford this or would work harder to afford this. Some might even be NEETs but their family would support them if they believe it helps their son and gets them grandchildren.

JFLing if you believe in "age of consent" when you can adopt a baby girl.

That part is for intellectual dwarfs / closet babyphiles who would oppose it because the thought of a man having sex with a baby pops into their head.

If you don't like girls under a certain age, then you could just wait until then or decide it's not worth it to you.

you can go to some shit countries and just buy someones daughter tbh, no need to wait more than a decade. i remember reading about some guy who visited some poor remote village in brazil and the guy in whose house he stayed let him fuck his jb daughter in exchange for extra cash.

I mean idk
i don't think i'd want to wait till 38 years old to fuck her
i'd rather just cope with sexdolls and prostitutes
why raise another man's daughter even if you raise her as your own?
cause you MIGHT be able to marry or fuck her when she becomes legal?
giga cope
she'd be fucking chad before she turned legal

Bathe her
Change her into new clothes
Sleep in same bed
Make up a game

Fucked up idea, won't work.
Foids will be foids.

Let's break it down starting from one years old to ten years old.

When and how would it fail?

what if you pay them and they end up with a baby boy?

They should agree beforehand to abort it. And you don't pay the full amount until they give her to you.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is


[Blackpill] 11-ish YO foid goes crazy about not being able to make Chad kid her boyfriend.

Little girls first flirtation FAIL!! It's Epic!

It starts early. You think any girl at that age ever got into such a meltdown because you didn't give her clear signals you liked her? LMFAO, Chad only, no matter the age. Also this proves how foids feel about Chads, they are obsessed with them. The older ones don't show it but feel the same way, the young one simply doesn't have a filter like the older ones.

Haven describing her first crush

This one's BROOTAL as well.


Just have curly hair and be cute theory
Also she didn’t mention his personality. Is it coincidence?

As all drug addicts personality is just another drug normshits and cucks use to delude them selves. Just another high, just another day of talking to foids, another day of self-improvement to keep em selves hooked. The cognitive dissonance they have when confronted with facts is too much to bear, and so they go thinking it must be my personality. The only personality that exists is the dark-triad but that is a supplement and not the main factor for determining whether you get laid, looks and height are

(Made in Heaven)

can anyone describe what happens? video isnt working for me

11 year old slut-in-training is humorously upset and angry that a boy in her class is not picking up on her obvious signals like winks and smiles.

Thanks. I would say this is shocking, but it's to be expected that females begin mate selection around 4-5 as soon as they are aware of the world around them. JFL only reason they aren't going after men in their 20s/30s is because of social norms. Little girls certainly do mature faster than boys, I didn't even care for girls until I was like 13

Haven describing her first crush

i want to ****** **** her little toothless mouth JFL at her remembering exactly where chadlet touched her hand


Nothing a bitch slap to the face cannot solve. But white parents are too cucked for that shit.

What if you get aroused from them hearing them scream in pain?


They really do start early.
And they do show these signs.
And I never recieved them.


And agecucks think they'll find virgins in their 20s. Good luck with that.


That's some serious sui fuel. Chad wins even before puberty. JFL


Not even a teen and beyond entitled.

And LOL if you think they're playing tag. Maybe tag with his cock and her insides.

Boardwalkcel #sexist #crackpot incels.is

Gentleman.. the true nature of Foids.


What a wild beast, look into its Soulless Eyes. Its hungry for blood, its insatiable.

The reality is most foids are this insane they just choose when to show it. Look at this CUCK who knows the girl cheated on him with two different men but still decides to take her back until now jfl.

”screaming like a pure child, a psychotic one at that”

Foids don't age mentally after they hit the age of 12 (most cases). They merely learn to hide this fact by wearing a mask that filters out all of this stuff unless you know what to look for in them, then you see how unstable and childish they always are, forever. This one just stopped wearing this, dropped the cloak.

Very interesting theory. Would explain alot of their childlike behavior. IT would be seething if they saw this

Not a theory, this is - well, WAS - a scientifically proven, known fact that has been hidden from the general knowledge (Of fucking course).

I see, as most blackpilled things are.

Gyros_Pretcel #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Story] The time I went full thot exterminator

So this happened shortly after I dropped out of boarding school and moved back in with my parents. My sister became over the four years I left off age and started to give house parties week end after weekend. Being under huge emotional distress I snapped one day in face of sensory overload and chased every single of these whores and faggots out with some big cardboard packaging tube. My family is still blaming me now for ruining her teen years (lol she was 18) then and my sid in particular for me stopping her from giving parties. The thing is they all know of my diagnosis, but never gave a single fuck. I didn't even get food or something to drink on these days. Let alone a warning, so I can piss off or prepare. In hindsight I realized now why my sis hates me so much especially as a becky, cuz she feels like I stole her opportunity to nail chad. This was the last party. Not my intention, but well. Maybe talk to me instead of ignoring me...

low inhib mogs me into oblivion

I am high inhib, it was a sperg out. I can barely talk even to my family in a comcise manner.

Merc #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Venting] Single Mothers Should get NOTHING

Why is it, that as a single man who can't find a girlfriend, no one gives a shit and I get no help but a woman who fucks around and has three bastard children with two different dads get all the support she needs from the government (men's taxes)?

As a men our biological "job" is to attract a woman to spread our genes.
As a woman, it's her job to choose a man who will take care of her and her kids.

It's been like this for hundreds of thousands of years. But today, when I can't find a girlfriend, I get ZERO help, but when a woman can't do her fucking job and choose a man who will stay with her and take care of her kids, it's somehow my fucking job to pay taxes so her and her kids don't go fucking hungry. What do I get? Why is the government not giving me a "singles benefit" so that I can buy nice clothes, or buy a car so that I can get a girlfriend? I know why, it's cause no one gives a single fuck about any of us, as long as women are pampered and coddles from crib to grave that's all that matters. SINGLE MOTHERS SHOULD BE OUT ON THE FUCKING STREETS AND THEIR KIDS TAKEN AWAY IF THEY CAN'T AFFORD THEM

epillepsy #psycho #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] Foids are ugly on the inside, and that makes them ugly on the outside.

On the anniversary of Bianca Devlin’s death, @goydivision made a thread about the event, and he included a number of photos:

It's been almost a year and a week since Bianca (aka Oxychan) was beheaded by an angry normtard. It is long past due for celebration.

| Incels.co - Involuntary Celibate
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Bianca_Devins I do not recall anyone here making a thread about it, and I only realized the anniversary was recently. If anyone does not have the corpse images, you can find them here -> (warning, [NSFW])...
incels.co incels.co

The first photos showed Bianca in her living form, as she presented herself to the world through social media. This was an idealized form of herself that she believed to be most attractive.
Then the last photo showed the dead Bianca in the car seat, blankly staring into space. This was an image she obviously would not have approved to be seen in public.

As I examined and compared the living and dead photos, I was struck by how different they were. They seemed to me to be photographs of two entirely different people -- one acceptable and one not. The blank expression in the dead photo had similarities to the “thousand-cock stare,” but there was a crucial difference that’s hard to pinpoint. And that difference allowed for forgiveness. Forgiveness of what? The forgiveness of being a living female, a conscious and sentient female.

A foid is basically a piece of shit wrapped in a pretty packaging. But the grossness of the female spirit still shows through in the living photos -- in her bitchy expression, in her high-handed arrogance evident from her expressions. And then that shitty spirit contaminates the outside and makes foids ugly to look at as well. But that ugliness isn't natural. It's learned by us and has replaced the original beauty we were able to see. Now we're blind to that beauty, or at least, I am.

Living foids move. A lot of the beauty of the female evaporates in movement. And what do foids do when moving? They twerk, they dance, they scoff, they suck dick, they have sex. But once movement and consciousness is removed, a foid returns to the original beauty that was her birthright from the start. Then we see it was not really the body itself that is ugly, but the consciousness beneath the flesh, the animating spirit. And that spirit has desecrated the concept of feminine beauty by tainting the outside of a foid with its ugliness.

Fat Link #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

Yeah, the lazy minded, retarded platitude spouting normies don’t take the time to understand or figure out that the lack of having a girlfriend and or realizing we will never have a girlfriend completely kills our motivation in life to want to do anything typically considered great by societal standards.

Why should any of us for example want to struggle and fight and use up all of our energy to obtain a high paying job and work ourselves to the bone and put up with potential years of viscious and petty office politics just to get a nice car and a nice and big (but empty) house to come home to every night devoid of wife and children?

Before all that why even bother working hard in school when you’re smart enough even at a young age to realize that it’s over?

Fuck society and fuck women.

They don’t give a fuck about us, so take from them what meager amounts that you can by getting on NEETbux (wherever and whenever possible) as payment for your lifetime of pain and suffering as a direct result of their cruelty and neglect making you an unloved and uncared for outcast.

The only sad and unfortunate people my above post doesn’t apply to are our brocels in awful situations where they are forced to work if they don’t want to end up homeless.

Brocels in shittier living situations than the rest of us whether it’s because they live in a third world country or are simply unable to get on NEETbux for whatever reason should have our deepest sympathies.

Incel Wiki #sexist incels.wiki

A femcel is woman claiming to be experiencing inceldom (involuntary celibacy) or volceldom (voluntary celibacy). The antonym of femcel is mancel. The culture, norms and hunches that permeate the femcel communities are referred to as femceldom. The most notable femcel in popular culture is probably Rogue, a fictional character from the comic series X-men, whose inceldom is caused by the fact that her physical touch produces an involuntary deadly high-voltage jolt, thus preventing affectionate relationships with others. The femcel is a "2" on the decile scale, just below the femcelish woman. Nonetheless, she isn't at the bottom of the totem pole as femcels tend to mog (i.e. manage to one-up) the truefemcel woman in looks, social status and overall charm.


Incel Women
It is generally accepted that involuntarily celibate women don't exist with the exception of women that have medical issues like vaginismus, terminal illness, horrendous lesions all over her body, mental disabilities that would make an adult relationship impossible (e.g., Down syndrome), or if she lives is in a sexless relationship caused by the man, or is in a country with arranged marriages. However, with incelbian women it's a different story, since some lesbocels tend to live in conservative deep red states who can't find any other lesbians anywhere within their vicinity; and if they do, these lesbians are usually in the closet, so out of reach. Of course women can be sexless, but this is largely self-inflicted because men have a higher sex drive meaning there will always be men around willing to sexually satisfy any woman

Ropemaxx #sexist #psycho #racist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] Men are stronger, smarter and more capable than women. Why dont we enslave them?

I dont get this cucked world. Men are smarter, stronger and better than women. Why dont we just enslave foids and give each man a hole as sexual property?

Foids should be the sexual property of men. Thats why all the wise religions knew it thousands of years ago.

Most ethnic men are on board with that.
Too many white and jew soys in positions of power.

Becouse simps cucks etc.

Because gynocentrism.

We don't even need to enslave them, just enforce their role like we do with children. But most men are unfortunately cucks. They'll sacrifice themselves and everything to fulfill every whim women might have, even when such whims destroy the women themselves.

Flushed Guilt #sexist slate.com

I Got Mad and Flushed My Wife’s Birth Control
I think she’s being unfair to me about it.

Dear PrudenceThree months ago, my wife and I had a calm disagreement over whether we should start a family. A few nights later, I replayed the conversation in my mind and got extremely angry about it. I went into the bathroom, flushed her birth control pills down the toilet, left the empty case on the counter, and then went back to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I was ashamed of myself, but I knew she had already seen what I’d done. She never confronted me about it but has displayed strange behavior since then. She is unusually quiet and acts withdrawn. Her body language has changed, and although we still have sex regularly, it is different than it was before. In addition, she is constantly taking phone calls in private and leaving the house on superfluous errands. I realize I made a mistake, but I don’t think it’s fair that she continues to punish me for it by avoiding me. I want to ask my wife for us both to give up our smartphones and share one car so we can work on our communication. I don’t want to fall into the same trap of doing something rash and then regretting it later. How can I talk to my wife calmly about her behavior?

Submitter’s note: I first heard about this here:
https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2020/08/15/the-unfixable-man/. PZ’s comments are much better than Prudence’s IMO.

Teutonic Knight #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] After all the science, progress and technology, we now live worse than in 12th century Europe

JFL at how bad the Western society is when it managed to regress from the middle ages so badly.

Even a 12th century European peasant lived better than the average Western man today. Average 12th century peasant would get married to a young virgin, work much less than a regular wagecuck and eat healthier food. The only thing he needed to do was to pay a small tribute to his lord and it was way less than what you pay in taxes now.

Average Western man in 12th century is either an incel or gets an old promiscous woman who divorces him, he works like a slave for some corporation and struggles to survive financially. He eats poisoned junk food and is addicted to hundreds of harmful things just to keep coping with his shit society.

And don't come up with shit like "but we live longer now" because we all know that for most men after 25 years of age this isn't living anymore but just rotting for decades until death, and for many it never began. What is the point of people living so long after their physical prime anyway?

Take the brutal 12thcenturypill.

mainlander #sexist #quack incels.is

[Serious] The reasons agecucks are against adults dating teens have absolutely nothing to do with (alleged) increased pregnancy risks

1= male teens having sex with them can make them pregnant just the same and agecucks are not against it
2= women in their late 30s and especially 40s getting pregnant have even much, much more increased possible complications (especially for the baby) and they don't care
3= they use data from shithole countries so of course the number of women who died from childbirth is noticeable in those places
4= they pretend to be devout Catholics now and that sex is only for reproduction when we all know it definitely isn't especially on this day and age. If the problem was only that, it would be ok in their book to kiss or to have non-vaginal sex with teens as an adult

Agecuckoldry (teens can date each other but adults can't date them) is 0% about reason and logic and 100% about emotions. Lookism-based prejudice, jealousy, envy, misandry, you name it.

(I won't link the IT thread that inspired me to write this because I already did one thread on IT today and I'm aware Serge doesn't want us to do it).

Personalityinkwell #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] Saying a 41 year old man wanting to throat fuck an 11 year old girl is wrong because it's "creepy" is a circular argument.

Let's think about this. How do you define "creepy"? SOCIAL NORMS

Where do laws come from? SOCIAL NORMS

Where does perceived socially acceptable morality come from? SOCIAL NORMS

You're creepy = "you don't conform to social norms even if you obeyed the law, therefore you are immoral"

It is creepy though. 11 is still a kid. Not even a teen yet. Pretty sure most 11 year olds don't have their periods yet. 14+ imo is okay

I dunno what to tell you. Wanting to harm children is pretty creepy.

"I dunno what to tell you"

and then you follow it up with

"wanting to harm children is pretty creepy"

you think I'm stupid you faggot NPC?

11 year olds are not "children" in the same sense that 5 year olds are, they are adolescents, you do realize a lot of 11 year old girls fuck right? like millions of them right? they suck dick and bounce on cock

having sex with them is not "harming" them, when these girls want to get cocks rammed in their holes

That's my opinion. Deal with it. No need to get so triggered, damn.

no, it's not your opinion, it's just brainwashing you stupid moron.

you're WRONG

There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck an 11-year-old.

There's something wrong with actually fucking an 11-year-old.


Just throatfuck an 11 year old girl bro.

Stop pushing your pedo psyop bullshit, OP. This shit is getting absurd.

nope, i won't stop because it's not pedophilia

in fact, i will keep going, as long as i want. keep feeding me bro

Idk what an 11 year old thinks, and at 11 I was probably watching pokemon. Even if I know that 11 year foids these days are fucking chad and using bad dragon dildos, I still am unable to equate 11 year olds being old enough to have sex.

11 year old boys and 11 year old girls are different

Its pedophilia if the 11 year old hasn't been through puberty yet.

true but many 11 year olds have already started developing, the soy in the food causes this

True, science says they're about as attractive as a 29 year old. 12 is when they start wait uh

naturally all men are gonna be hebephiles because that's when girls have their eggs and are fertile

11 year olds are fully capable of handling intercourse. and they want it too

What's "actually wrong" with fucking an 11 year old? If she is a pubescent, she is developed to handle sex, understand sex, want sex, and enjoy sex.

that won't be good enough for the agecucks i'm afraid

let them be cucks. it's not like anything we argue here will change much.

having a young wife is the most sure-fire way to ensure she will be loyal, faithful, and obedient to you. Remember that thread I posted of that loli being groomed by a chad? females bond to stronger males, and older males tend to be stronger/more well-off. Plus, since a loli's brain has more plasticity, she will more readily submit herself and be molded into a loyal wife. That's not even getting into the fact that the 11 year old will be easier to please and more eager to please you in return.

I remember I used to cope hard about Pr. Muhammad marrying Aisha at 9, almost made me leave Islam tbh but being blackpilled, I can 100% say that every social and scientific study shows that young brides are the best brides

9 does seem a tad young, but in certain cases they have hit puberty

Personalityinkwell #sexist incels.is

[Soy] You wanna know what's more cucked than having a daughter?

I train my Dad!))) It's very funny!!! :-D Я тренирую Папу!))))) Это ооооочень весело!!!!))))))))))

Literally don't need to say anything. Imagine being a fat, bald, old dude, and having a daughter wear spandex shorts riding up her ass in a public gym, and going with her to train her ass so she can get fucked harder by Chads.

In fact, I'd bet money he jacks off to this little slut and would even allow her to fuck in the house while he is downstairs and listens, furiously fapping to her moans.

Peak soy, they say "I cannot comprehend anything more cucked than having a daughter", but I think this actually is that on steroids.

He could be very based instead of being a cuck if he trained her in sex.

he is training her for sex

metabuxx #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[JFL] I finally figured out why people say "what's inside you is important than what's outside"

You know what's inside you? Your genes. Obviously is more important than anything else.

Consider a Chad who never works out, is a horrendous dresser and has a neck beard. You know what foids will say to him? - "Sweetie, what's inside you is more important than what's outside." And what's inside him? His superior genes. Chad wins.

Now consider a subhuman who always works out, wears well tailored suits and has a great haircut. Foids will say the same thing to him. "Sweetie, what's inside you is more important." And what's inside him? Inferior genes. Subhuman looses.

Society was dropping blackpills since I was a kid and my retarded bluepilled ass thought they were talking about personality. JFL.

metabuxx #sexist #psycho #racist #crackpot incels.is

[Based] The ideal foid is submissive and lacks vocal chords

If you want to see an ideal foid in action notice how they act around Chads. They are submissive and they agree with everything their Chad master says without talking back.

And foids have done nothing with their freedom of speed except falsely accuse innocent men of rape, reject us, call us ugly and advocate for our genocide. In front of us they forget about their submissive nature and try to act all superior and dominant.

I wish I lived in an ideal world. A world where foids are born without vocal chords and are trained to be submissive even around subhumans like us.

For a fraction of a second I felt tempted to start coping by looking for a deaf mute, but think how visual they must be :lul:

Even blind foids want Chads. A study proved that blind women cared more about physical looks than blind men.

There once was such a world where at least foids pretended they respected non chads, but that was destroyed by simp cumskins

Exactly. If it weren't for simps, cucks and Jews we would still be enjoying the basedness of patriarchy.

in ideal world foids would have their tongues forked and be trained to be a submissive slave from birth.


based_meme #sexist incels.is

RE: [Serious] My boss is a hateful incel. What should I do?

This needs a ragefuel tag as well, because holy fuck, I'm about to punch a hole in a wall.

Imagine some random roastie in your workplace "accusing" you of being "an incel", bringing that up with HR, then contacting a lawyer.

Imagine having your life and livelihood ruined, because some degenerate cunt that works in the same company or department as you doesn't like your face.

Imagine having to face civil litigation because of this.



Saying you are an incel is like saying you are a terrorist

For real. You're joking, but in some countries like Canada (man, they're so fucking cucked, I feel bad for brocels there) "incel" is classified as a terrorist and any violent crime committed by somebody identified as "incel" (air quotes, because it means what the media narrative wants it to mean) is categorized as terrorism and they can get terror charges on their rap sheet.

Imagine getting into a fight there as an ugly subhuman defending yourself, committing manslaughter because you knocked out the asshole and he cracked his skull as he fell to the pavement, and then going to jail for TERRORISM because the police sifted through your online activity and discovered that you posted misogynistic things on the internet and offended some landwhale on reddit.

Imagine wagecucking as a maplesyrupcel (wtf do we call them... Americans are burgercels... so... croissantcel? poutinecel? whatever) for a whole year to save up for a vacation to somewhere nice where you can relax and cope in peace, only to have a special forces unit tailing you, because you've been designated as a terror target who could commit attacks against m'ladies at any moment. This sounds absolutely ridiculous, like something straight out of Team America World Police, but nothing in this gay earth surprises me anymore.

The Absolute State of Western Civilization.

BlkPillPres #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] [Hard To Swallow Edition] The Average Man Is Always Paying Women In Some Way For Companionship & Or Sex ("Courtship" Is Just "Indirect" Prostitution)

Modern human courtship norms and rituals are really just "veiled" forms of prostitution that help to ease the conscience of participants, its so that women don't feel like whores and men don't feel like "johns", but at the end of the day, there's always a transaction taking place, its just veiled behind convoluted systems and obfuscation of words and meanings, all for the sake of preserving the "human ego" and allowing us to continue to reproduce while "feeling dignified"


When you look at things for what they really are, its undeniable that you as a man are always paying in some way










At the end of the day, as a man, you are ALWAYS PAYING, this is why it always confuses me to hear men say - "I don't want to pay for sex, I want someone who is with me for me", then they proceed to "date" and that person is only going out with them BECAUSE THEY ARE PAYING FOR THE DATE

Unless you are splitting the bill on most occasions, guess what, YOU ARE PAYING THAT WOMAN FOR COMPANIONSHIP (AND THE MERE POSSIBILITY OF SEX)

Whisper #sexist trp.red

“No means no!”

You’ve heard this before. And you know it ain’t so. Because if you have been doing this a while, you have often heard “no”, and eventually gotten to “yes, please”, and even “harder, daddy”.

So what does “no means no” actually mean?

Well, if you’re the sort of man who gets to “harder, daddy”, you know that women usually say things that aren’t literally true. This is not just about lying… women use language differently.

And the phrase “no means no” is a particularly clever piece of female-language technology. It’s a Rorschach test. You know, that business with the inkblots, where some headshrink whips out a card and some people say it’s a bat and other people say it’s a moth.

It’s neither… it’s a card. None of us use language literally. Keep that in mind as you try to understand women.

So, when men hear “no means no”, they interpret it differently, and that separates them into two categories…. this is exactly what women intend. This kind of language is also known as a “dog whistle” in certain other contexts.

Some men hear “Anytime a woman says no, you should stop forever”. These are men who take “no means no” literally, because they are unable to decode the way women use language.
Other men hear “No means no when I say later that it did. But if you get to ‘yes’, I will never bring this up.” These are the men who can decode woman-speak.
Each of these types of men gets the message that women want them to hear.

They don’t want clueless men who don’t know of the existence of a “soft no” to be ignoring “no”… because then they might ignore a “hard no”, which makes for stalkeriffic behaviour.
But they WANT men who are dialed in to persist in the face of a “soft no”, while stopping in the somewhat more rare occasion of a “hard no”.
So, just like the “soft no” itself, the phrase “no means no” is used to measure a man’s social savvy, and thereby separate the wheat from the chaff.

So, how do different types of man respond to “no means no”?

Your standard Bernie-Sanders-voting bugman takes it literally, agrees enthusiastically, and often goes for years without seeing a naked women in the flesh. These are the guys women want taking this phrase literally.
Your standard PUA type ignores it inside his head, but agrees out loud so as not to be detected. These are the guys women want to ignore this phrase.
Your standard red pill novice realizes it isn’t literally true, gets mad, and calls out the “lie”. These are the guys women are most afraid of… he’s too savvy to miss the lie, but not smooth enough to play along. They are afraid this means big stalker potential.
A fully realized red pill men doesn’t merely ignore it while making the correct noises…. He constructs a dog whistle of his own, using his word choice and behaviour to let women that this isn’t his first rodeo and everything will be alright.
If any of this is news to you, then I’ve just turned you into the third type of guy, and your mission is to turn yourself into the fourth.

Here’s some things to keep in mind:

There are hard and soft “no”s.
Women want you to be able to tell the difference.
But if you can’t, they want to treat them all as hard, because having a hard no treated as a soft one is what they fear most.
They will almost never admit to any of this in literal language, because if any man who can’t tell hears it explained to him, the game stops working and bad things might happen.
Learn to spot the difference.
Getting it right is your responsibility, not hers.
Never try to discuss this openly with women. Just learn to indicate with your actions that you know.
You can sometimes pretend to treat a soft no as a hard one, if you need to overcome ASD, do a freezeout for LMR, or just to play her like a fish on a line. Don’t act butthurt. Big grin.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

(Arthur Copenhauer)

[SuicideFuel] I finally found it. The video that is going to make me kill myself. (keep muted)

OP's brother proposed to his highschool sweetheart.

Forget about all the blackpill speculation on the relationship for a second and just watch this. None of us will ever experience even 1% of this feeling. I have never seen a video that made me feel so instantly suicidal.

When I look at this, I feel like a fish looking at a bird. I see it and appreciate it, but I'm a fish. Fish don't fly.

I feel like this is THAT far out of the realm of possibility.

I can't even fantasize about this.....brain just rejects it outright.

That's sad as fuck man. I don't know if it's for the better or worse that you are so detached that you can't feel the stomach-churning suifuel.

Fucks sake, thanks dude, as if I wasn't having a shitty enough day as it is

Sorry man


Someone else already posted this. And as I have already said, 60% divorce rate, 100% future cuck, no loyalty, too much hollywoodish fake love.

Shit like this doesn't give me suifuel at all.

Brutal. Even the song says "cause we were both young when I first saw you." Not "cause I'm a divorcee when I first saw you." We'll never experience young love nor will we marry a young woman.

The most thing we can have if we self improve Maxx, careermaxx, and moneymaxx, is a civil partnership with an older woman whom we can't create special sweet experience with. We'd be hold to a high standard as a partner, cause she had experience relationships with many chads of many backgrounds.

Blushing, giggling, and throwing herself to us when we propose like the girl in the vid? Not gonna happen. Our proposal would just be like a business partnership in which we discuss our goals and if those goals alligns with those of our partners. And the decision of marriage is purely from those. Not from attraction. And I won't even start on discussing what our sex lives would be, or lack thereof

Am I insane or something? I literally don't see the problem with this as long as she is young(sub25) and preferably virgin. I would actually be pissed if she tries some cute shit like that. May be I am just too dark triad.

(Made in Heaven)

He looks pretty average, so his roastie will cuck him soon enough

This, JFL if you think marriage can work in the first world w/o a strict control over the foid.

Also, getting on your knees foa woman is the most cucked thing ever


Should I feel bad that the whole time I was hoping one of them accidentally fell over the side to their death? Or that the foid jumped herself to show that she meant no which devastated the guy that proposed because he just saw the bitch he proposed to kill herself than rather be with him?

Because if I should feel bad for thinking that, well I didn't and I'm not sorry about that.

Unnamed /pol/ poster #sexist #racist boards.4chan.org

[Comment under “Blonde hair and blue eyes”, archived here]

Why don't Ikeans just rape their own women like their viking anscestors used to do? This is why most American and European white men feel like their losing to minority men. Brown and black people have no reservations in taking the white woman and impregnating her, even if it means by force. Women being women of course, love the rough sex, and fall in love with the savage men even more. Meanwhile, the white man being civilized and respectful (a good thing) waits for concent and "makes love" to the girl, which needless to say bores them to death (their words).

To put it metaphorically, you guys are fighting an uphill battle, you can't fight with the same caliber of weapon as your opponent, can't commit the same war crimes and actively discourage each other to fight back (as it would be racist). Plus, your enemy receives aid from a certain (((group of interest))) which you pay money to every year as foreign aid, so your friend is helping your enemy to fuck you over.

Oh and you discourage sexual promiscuity because it is degenerate, but that is the one thing that would allow you to circumvent everything and produce millions of white babies the way blacks do in their gettos. I say you are in quite the predicament, and you prohibit every strategy that would allow you to win. Of course you're gonna go exstinct dummies, jews and asians are next in line to the planetary throne, and IDK that it's such a good thing. So get your shit together.

BilalBeta #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

and for society to reassert that we aren't ever to be entitled to teen love. I never saw the original show when it was on, however, recently one of my sisters who still lives at home discovered it and she got hooked on binge watching them on youtube. I happen to catch it with her and 99% of the time it is a fellow incel who is so depressed and beaten down by society. he has been rejected so many times and is so lonely. he isn't necessarily doing anything wrong he is just chatting. he is the one being groomed by these bigots in order to humiliate him for entertainment and to punish him for being born a sub 8 man. my mother got interested in watching these reruns with my sister and now they can't stop talking about predatory men and how they are so happy we live in the west where girls/women have rights so men like this are punished. i told them it is normal for men to like teenage girls and that back home teens get married all the time. they told me to shut up and that they can't believe i would promote child rape which i didn't do. they said they don't care where i got these backwards views but that feminism is spreading everywhere even back home and that nobody will get to have a teen girl soon. this is so hypocritical because my sisters had bfs in high school and they obviously had sex with them like all these teenage girls do. how many times do you know it is with a man over 18 but he doesn't get in trouble if he is a chad or tyrone? why is it so wrong for a man who missed out in high school to experience it later if a bitch that age is having sex anyway? why aren't we entitled to marry teenage virgins who will be obedient anymore? its because feminists want to genocide us and to ensure we never form a lifelong with a woman to pass on our genes. when i told them Muhamad who they claim to respect as a prophet had a child bride they said its different because it was a different time and that he was a feminist anyway and if he lived today he would be 100% like a western style feminist who would marry only one empowered woman into her late 20s or 30s only because we have longer lifespans! i can't handle this anymore. its not enough my other sister became an atheist and is impregnated by an atheist european chad without consequences. now my whore mother and other sister are making islam feminist and about punishing the average sub 8 man. women are like wild beasts and if you give them freedom they all become like this. it doesn't matter how religious they claim to be. if they aren't forced into submission from an early and married off we will continue to live in this society. they need to be tamed like a wild dog you pick up from the street or the shelter. i wish i could believe this will come to an end and we will reassert ourselves but this feminist cancer is spreading everywhere. even back home these women are increasing the marriage age, sexualizing everything but only for chaddam while punishing sub 8 men for existing, telling women to go to university and putting them in politics, pushing for separation of islam and state, etc. its so over.

The Propertarian Institute #racist #sexist #crackpot #elitist #dunning-kruger propertarianinstitute.com

“The Natural Law of European Peoples”: A fully commensurable system of measurement across all disciplines that tests for reciprocity in display, word (truth) and deed (action); the extension of the logic of the physical sciences (realism, naturalism, equilibration) to the psychological (individual) and social (group) sciences using economic terms (acquisition, cooperation, reciprocity); thereby completing the scientific method (falsification of all possible dimensions of human cognition); thereby completing the Aristotelian program; and thereby providing the explanation for the success of Western civilization under that program: sovereignty, reciprocity, and truth – and the markets that result from their universal enforcement, along with the evolutionary velocity (adaptation, innovation) that results from those markets.

Propertarianism consists of:

1 – The completion of the scientific method and all that it entails – which is a lot – hence why P is such a big program: it touches every discipline, and it converts almost all psychological, social, and political speech into economic expressions – which is counter-intuitive because it’s scientific whereas our current psychological, social, moral, and political speech is only normative or, in the case of psychology, sociology, and politics, both pseudoscientific and sophomoric.
We call this Testimonialism (Metaphysics, Epistemology, Psychology, Ethics, Sociology, Politics)

2 – The explanation for Western success in both the ancient and modern worlds (adaptive velocity because of our individual sovereignty resulting in the traditional law of property/tort) and the explanation for the Dark Ages as well as the current attempt to repeat them that we see as undermining Western civilization.
We call this the Western Group Evolutionary Strategy.

3 – The explanation of the different systems of argument used in the different civilizations, and in particular, the Abrahamic means of deceit used in the ancient world (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and in the modern world (Marxism, Feminism, Postmodernism, Denialism/Political Correctness).
We call this The Grammars (deflationary, testimonial, ordinary, fictional, and the fictionalisms)

4 – A constitution, body of law, and attendant policies that restore the American, English, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Western Indo-European, constitution (contract among sovereigns) and hardens it from future undermining by creating a legal means for the prosecution of the crimes of undermining, including religious (Jewish and Islamic), pseudoscientific, and sophomoric (Marx, Freud, Boas, Adorno, Derrida, Friedan, plus Marxism, Postmodernism, Feminism, and Denialism/Political Correctness) methods of undermining, as well as the financing of undermining through prohibiting rent-seeking, privatization of commons, and socialization of losses.
We call this a new or updated constitution.

5 – A set of policies (Acts) under that constitution that form the most substantial political, social, economic, and financial reform since the Roman era – restoring the civil society.
We call these the reforms: the policies under the constitution

6 – A set of Restitutions and Punishments that serve to return wealth to the American people, punish those who have engaged in undermining our people, and prevent repeats of undermining our people – or other peoples – in the future.
We call these the Restitutions

7 – A program of revolution and the restitution of the constitution of natural law and our European strategy that we have used to drag ourselves and mankind out of ignorance, superstition, oppression, hard labor, poverty, starvation, disease, suffering, child mortality, early death, and the chaos of a nature all but hostile to our existence. And an explanation of why the world is our debtor and hates us for it.
The Law of Nature
The Natural Law of Sovereign Men
De Lege Naturae : The Law of Nature
De Arte Testimonii : The Science of Testimony
De Philosophia Aristocratiae : The Philosophy of Aristocracy
De Scriptura Nobilitatis : The Scripture of Nobility
De Professione Regum: The Art of Kings
Viridis Bibliis Homines Europeii : The Green European Bible

The Talmud to deceive
The Bible to undermine
The Koran to conquer
The Manifesto to steal
The General-Theory to impoverish
The Critique to exterminate

The Truth to make us free
The Law to keep us free

The Natural Law of Reciprocity
The Inviolable Law of the European People
“The White Law” to Replace the Talmud, Bible, and Koran

thegymcel420 #quack #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Denying the struggle of incels is denying natural selection

Our enemies are literally as delusional as flat earth creationists.


anyone who has every watched an animal documentary will notice the same few sentences always come:
the males have to fight/prove themselves for females
the females can pick any male partner they want
males literally fight to the death to be able to have sex with females
etc etc.

why do they think humans are any different?

if women required men to fight other men till death before they were allowed to have sex with them, it would absolutely happen.

Exactly this. They would have a better point if they were creationists who don't believe in the theory of evolution, but I just find it funny that since our opposors claim to be so "science-based," that they're more than likely evolutionists, who believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. But somehow, under the same breath, they state that we lack any primordial or animalistic insticts of mate attraction that animals similar to humans intrinsically have. Their excuse is that it's "more complicated," when it's actually just hypocrisy at its finest. They only like science when it fits their worldview.

Adunaiii #moonbat #psycho #god-complex #wingnut #sexist reddit.com


The ukrainian population is decreasing because of the failure of the economic system of the ussr at the end of the 80s.

I'm not a big fan of economic materialism. To me, it is obvious the USSR fell because the GULAG was shut down. Eaten from within by spies.

Stalin defeated Hitler - that's a historical fact. Whereas post-Brejnev USSR fell to spies without a shot.

The ukrainian population is decreasing because of the failure of the economic system of the ussr at the end of the 80s.

Emigration - because modern Ukraine has a failing economy and lax emigration laws. And a religion that worships foreign deities such as Jesus and Coca-Cola.

Low birth rates - because the USSR gave women the right and obligation to work. Coupled with American feminism, it might be described as the witch's brew.

Although the fertility rates in the modern DPRK are at replacement level - 1.93.

Dont get me started on that 1.5 mil number which is grossly underepresentative.

Can you please explain how the Holodomor figures are in any way relevant to the cold historical fact of 52 mil. in 1990 - 37 mil. in 2020? The Holodomor worked out way better than capitalism.


Shut the fuck up you tankie you are just as bad as neo nazis


Shut the fuck up tankie you are just as bad as neo nazis

Isn't it funny how I'm upvoting your responses as a commendation of your effort to engage in a discussion, whereas you are trying to silence me by downvoting my eloquent posts?

You are not even arguing against the numbers I am presenting. A clear case of dishonesty, coupled with mental dissonance.

No, I'm no tankie, I'm a fascist-sympathiser and a fan of Juche.

Thebatface #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

They Know Biden Would Not Be Able To Run This Country By Himself. So The DemonRats KNEW Kamala Would Be President If Joe Won & Resign In January.

Biden Would Gather The Poorly Educated Middle/Older Age
Black & Latino Votes Since That's The Only Way Biden Could Win The Election FOR KAMALA.

That's Whom I Have Feared Since 2017
The Lady Creeps Me Out. She Is Both A Fascist AND Communist. One Is Worse Than The Other. BUT Still Isn't Good For Freedom Lovers. She Will Act Like A Female 0bama. But Bad For Both Parties.

President Donald Trump #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut usatoday.com

[WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Tuesday attacked Sen. Kamala Harris over her questioning of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings in his first public remarks since she was named Joe Biden's running mate.

Harris, a former prosecutor, grilled the judge over sexual misconduct allegations against him during the contentious 2018 confirmation hearings.

"And the horrible way she treated Justice Kavanaugh, that was a horrible event. I thought it was terrible for her, I thought it was terrible for our nation," Trump told reporters during a White House briefing. "I thought she was the meanest, the most horrible most disrespectful of anybody in the U.S. Senate."

Trump saved his remarks on Harris for the scheduled briefing. But minutes after the announcement, Trump tweeted a new campaign attack ad on Harris, a vocal critic of the president. The ad accuses Biden of "handing over the reins to Kamala while they jointly embrace the radical left."

"She is also known, from what I understand, as being just about the most liberal person in the U.S. Senate and I would have thought Biden would have tried to stay away from that a little bit," Trump said.

Biden announced Harris, one of his former Democratic primary challengers, as his No. 2 pick after weeks of speculation in the lead-up to next week's Democratic convention. She will become the first Black woman and first Asian American person on a major party's presidential ticket.

Following the announcement, the Trump campaign seized on a feisty exchange between Harris and Biden during a June 2019 Democratic debate, when the California senator was still in the race. Harris challenged Biden over his remarks about working with segregationist senators and criticized him for his previous opposition to federal busing mandates – a moment that hobbled his campaign and led to her brief surge in national polls.

"Not long ago, Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist and asked for an apology she never received. Clearly, Phony Kamala will abandon her own morals, as well as try to bury her record as a prosecutor, in order to appease the anti-police extremists controlling the Democrat Party," Trump senior adviser Katrina Pierson said in a statement Tuesday.

"She is proof that Joe Biden is an empty shell being filled with the extreme agenda of the radicals on the left," Pierson added.

Incel Party #sexist #crackpot incelparty.win

[From "Incel Party Policies"]

Pay femcels and incels to date each other
Although those born with a penis get 3x the pay. A chicken in every pot and a thot on every cock.

Government seizure of boomer real-estate
to reassign to millenials for free.

A common criticism is that millennials might resell their houses to purchase sex from the pussy cartel or drugs from a drug cartel. Incel Party would establish that millennials may sell habitable houses, but only to other millennials in a 1-1 exchange. So a house must be exchanged for another house plus or minus any money. No millennial can lose their house on the market, in other words.

A monthly government allowance for all the poor

A common criticism is that this may decrease motivation to work. However, with our paying femcels and incels to date each other policy, it is unlikely men would stop working like in countries where men have no romantic prospects.


More Michael Cera movies, but where he is not just shy, but unemployed and living with his parents
The national socialists were able to convince a buncha Germans that Jews needed to be gassed (against human nature, as gassing is not a natural human drive). Similarly, (but non-violently) we could legally convince women that unemployed men are desirable through hollywood movies. IE men don't need hollywood to adjust our sexual drives, but women do. And it wouldn't be scamming women, but genuinely overriding their nature. Female sexuality is more influenced by social mores than male sexuality.

Abolish Psychiatry
Get to a goal of 0% prescriptions of all psychotropic drugs not used for chronic pain, supervised addiction management, or limited surgery prescriptions. Keep the medical industry out of everyday mood management (beyond treating those with chronic pain or addictions). Legalize all drugs, provide more scientifically accurate drug education in school, and provide indefinite, low-cost prescriptions for otherwise illegal drugs to those who would be permanently adversely effected by withdrawal. All psychotropic meds would be advertized to doctors as not safe and contra-indicated for any non-physical-pain or addicted mental state.


State Mandated Femdom Girlfriends
State mandated femdom girlfriends for all people of color. No they won't be paid.

Make Anime Great Again
Make all anime real life immediately with absolutely no exceptions.
We will seize the portal to imagination land the government has and bring all the anime girl to our reality.

Arthas93 #sexist #dunning-kruger #crackpot incels.is

Foids have 5 incomes and ugly men can't compete.

The Inceldom of today is man made. It only exists because ugly men have been legislated out of the sexual market.
The State, and to a lesser extent cucks too, gives free money to foids, who then have free resources and free time to become sluts to go after Chad cock only.

Ugliness is a secondary reason for Inceldom. The first reason is "How Much Opportunity To Get Free Shit The Foid Has."
Ugly guys both in the past and today, in shithole countries with no social welfare, have wives, make lots of children, and get sex often.

Subhumans in India, Africa, Middle East, China. That is why their population is so big, because ugly guys there have a fair chance at getting foids, no laws cucking them, therefore having lots of sex.

And that stability and protection are things that ugly men have as a "coin" in the Sexual Market to trade for marriage/sex.
When government provides that "coin" for free to the foids those ugly men then are condemned to Inceldom. Less because of their ugly mugs, and more because they can't compete.

Today's women are financially supported by everyone. Literally.
Her father pays her bills until he dies. Fathers are the 1st income. Then comes Big Daddy Gov. He can provide dozens if not hundreds of welfare programs to the foids. It's literally free money from the State, just for having being born a hole. And if the foid gets pregnant from Tyrone and/or Chad, then the welfare money she receives doubles. Gov is the 2nd income.

Then comes the beta cucks, desperate, soy masochists, that literally donate thousands of dollars to see pics of foids. Instagram, OnlyFans, Premium Snaps, Twitch Streams, cam whores. Beta cucks are the 3rd income.

If all that money is not enough she can also "marry" a beta cuck provider, never give him any sex, because marital "rape" aka "asking your wife to suck your dick" is now a crime. She still gives sex to Tyrone and Chad tho. Then 1 year later, get pregnant from Tyrone, divorces her cuck husband. He now is forced to pay for a child that is not his for the next 18 years. Plus alimony, plus half or all his things, plus part of his income. Boom, 4th income.

She can also get a "job". No, not a real job like you and me. Where we have to work our bones off. She won't work even a single day in her whole life.

A major company is forced to hire her, because "wahmen rights", those companies are forced to pay her a 5 figure salary just for her to sit at a desktop computer and stay on Facebook all day long. 5TH INCOME. 5TH FREE MONEY JUST FOR HAVING A HOLE.

BlkPillPres #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Why I Can't Fault Rapists (Society Let's Women Play The Game Of "Schrodinger's Assault" - An Act Is Only Assault When They Decide [Criteria = Looks])

1. Rape Is A Man Rebelling Against The Corruption Rampant In The "Sexual Market" (Whether He Knows This Or Not)

Women like to (and are allowed by society to) pick and choose WHEN something is a violation or not, it can't work that way, that isn't logical and it isn't consistent, and that makes it prone to bias and in a way "corruption" as women are the "higher class" hoarding a scarce and valuable resource and controlling its distribution in a manner that does not allow "upward momentum" within the social hierarchy of the sexual market (the rich get richer so to speak)

Let me put it to you in the simplest way

I can't DECIDE that someone stabbing me isn't an assault (the police will still detain and question the assailant regardless of whether I refuse to press charges)

I can't DECIDE that someone taking my belongings at gun point isn't robbery (same as above)

I can't DECIDE that someone burning my house down isn't arson (same as above)

Etc, etc, etc


You see a system like that is inherently corrupt and open to bias, every white person can just say every black criminal that assaults them has assaulted them, and every white criminal that has assaulted them didn't (and vice versa)



Here's what I mean by that:
Attractive man (Chad) forces his tongue down her throat - "he's being forceful, kinky"
Average/below average man forces his tongue down her throat - "help, I'm being raped"


Oh and yes I've seen shit like that happen in real life, attractive men get away with outright assault, because to women its only assault AFTER THE FACT (WHEN THEY HAVE REVIEWED YOUR LOOKS AND DECIDED WHETHER YOU GET A PASS OR NOT)

Women shouldn't be deciding AFTER THE FACT that THE SAME ACT is only now assault because they don't think the man doing it is attractive enough TO BE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH IT








2. Women Only Feel Violated Because They Feel They Were Not Compensated Fairly (Either By The Validation Of Said Male Being "High Tier" Or Monetary Payment)

What is rape (to women)? - having sex with a man you don't actually want to

What is prostitution (to women)? - having sex with a man you don't actually want to for money

I find it funny how easily "the most unspeakable act in the world" becomes completely acceptable and not traumatizing at all, the moment a woman accepts payment for it :feelskek:





Do you think whores aren't being fucked "roughly"?, they are, they are handled more roughly than the average woman in a date rape who barely remembers anything, and whores do this with multiple men, day in and day out



But for some reason, like magic, there is no "outrage" like the woman who gets raped once in an alleyway or gets "date raped", now ask yourself, WHY IS THAT?

Its simple really:



That's the only difference, the difference between rape and prostitution is the feeling of being compensated (be that validation from males she desires and/or money, its the lack of compensation that women see as the TRUE VIOLATION, not the act itself, AND THAT MAKES "THE SYSTEM" CORRUPT)



Last edited: Today at 8:33 PM

James Casbolt/Michael Prince via James Rink #ufo #racist #conspiracy #psycho #sexist #homophobia supersoldiertalk.com

Note i don’t necessary adopt James Casbolt/Michael Prince’s belief system towards Women, Jews, and Black peoples but I feel he brings up some important points which makes this worthwhile to share.

Axioms of the Forth Reich

There exist five root biological forms in the universe from which all life-forms spring. All life in the universe originates from these five or is a combination of the five. The five are as follows-

1: Human
2: Canine/dog
3: Bird
4: Feline/cat
5: Reptile

The human form is the original form in the universe with the highest survival dynamics. In a competition of survival of the fittest the human form can be said to be the ‘strongest’.

Through physical tests conducted at facilities OP/OW ( Off Planet/Off World ) the canine form has the second highest survival dynamics behind the human form, with bird form behind canine, feline behind bird and reptile at the bottom of the chain with the lowest survival dynamics.

The bipedal reptile form was originally human. The bipedal reptile form is currently evolving back towards the human form.

Composite Human Aryan Evolution

The original form in the universe was a single white skinned human male. This life-form existed before all others. All life-forms spring from this original form.

Bipedal reptiles were genetically engineered by this human male. They were his first creation. Because of this an intimate relationship exists between human and reptile. More so than any other biological life-form in the universe.

At this point the original man created white skinned human females afterwards and the human race began.

The human race started as a combined white race. However it gradually lowered its survival dynamics by falling into subhuman races within the white race with different skin colours.

This occurred through human interbreeding with the animal races. I.E the black race was created through the following process-

The Luciferian Wars

The so called Luciferian wars in galactic prehistory caused the factioning of the original white human race into two sides. Every man and woman had to choose a side in the war. One group decided to wait and see the outcome of this war and then side with the winning faction. For their cowardness a long chain of events occurred that ended up with them being stranded on an unpleasantly hot planet covered in thick jungle.

Every male ended up dying through a jungle contagion. The females went insane and ended up doing what they always do when no human males are in their environment to stabilize them. I.E they started having sex with the animal that most resembles man. In this case the monkeys and gorillas of the jungle planet.

The black race was thus created through this interbreeding and black skinned humans have been having problems ever since. The black innately hates himself and his own skin colour because of this.

There is no reason for the white Aryan to hate the black. The black is simply a subhuman second class citizen with lower survival dynamics.

The black will simply evolve back towards a white skinned human as the human race puts itself back together again and geographical, genetic and weather conditions improve.
The Solution

We can indentify the two main enemies of the Fourth Reich and a paradise of existence as two main forces working against the plan-

1: The intelligent bipedal reptile who is fighting against evolving towards becoming a white skinned human form. Most reptiles are currently surrendering to the Fourth Reich.

2: The Jew- working alongside the first.

The Fourth Reich have currently taken over every government on the planet and all military and police forces have been indoctrinated with the Axioms of the Forth Reich released here for the first time in history for public perusal.

Enemies of said government are now as follows-

Homosexuals- The reptile species who goes against the survival dynamics of the human race engages in the practice of homosexuality. This life-form is a mixture of male and female as it has lost distinction and survival boundaries within this group.

Homosexuality is being promoted in society as an attack on the original male form and the propagation of the white race. Military prison camps are currently set up for homosexuals to engage in relearning.

Pedophiles- The reptile species who goes against the survival dynamics of the human race engages in the practice of pedophilia as it has lost distinction and survival boundaries within this group. They engage in a process of age regression when reaching advanced years and see the young as adults.

White Aryan woman engaging in practices against the human survival dynamics-

White Aryan woman must learn to become submissive to the Aryan male once again. The second form must learn to be submissive to the form that created it for harmony to take place.

Feminism and equality must once again be erased. Larger numbers of woman exist in the world than the superior male. After population reduction has taken place, polygamy will be reinstated as was done for German SS officers in World War 2. All surviving white males will control a community and act as Warlord for that community. Each Warlord will take multiple wives and begin to repopulate their designated areas with white offspring.

All surviving subhuman races and individuals OP/OW will be involved in colonies that will experience accelearted evolution towards the perfect Aryan human form.

All surviving dark skinned subhuman races will become white skinned humans. All bi-pedal alien forms whether they are canine, bird, feline or reptile will become white skinned humans. All canine, bird, feline or reptile life-forms will return to their natural state in the OP/OW colonies and will walk on all fours, fly or slither on their bellies.

B.O.G.A.R.T. #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] Daily reminder that anyone who claims that 'TEEN LOVE' doesn't exist, is COPING HARD at this point

"it's just instinct to reproduce bro, like animals"

Not so fast! With animals you get purely instinctual life, cycles of copulation, only with humans sexuality can become a obsession that completely possesses you and disturbs your daily rhythm to the point you will be doing nothing else in life but crying over the teenage loves you never had on anonymous forums. What distinguishes erotic love from mere lust is this are 3 crucial things:

– The suddenness, imminence or surprise that marks the appearance of love. Lust is what I feel whenever I watch hardcore porn or see a woman with big milkers, infatuation begins when I get captivated by my oneitises overbite. Developing a oneitis is likely a result of an arbitrary, specific choice of the unconscious, a value judgement that transcends immediate instinctual goals. So even if you physiologically release the tension through masturbation, it doesn't get her out of your system. It's a metaphysical experience you're going through.

Infatuation is plagued by idealization. Being a creature of the imago, you process reality through imagined concepts, your oneitis is also a IMAGE of a girl you create. The more she is kept at a proper distance the more desirable she becomes. Your love-object is still a clump of meat that sweats and shits at the end of the day, but your imaginary register is making that buck toothed Becky a heavenly match with a intriguing personality.

– In love the reach exceeds the grasps. You can be thwarted in achieving satisfaction both when we you don't get the girl of your dreams, and if you'd get her fully (by marrying her). Love-affection is always the strongest when you almost have the girl, but stops short from "happily ever after". Imagine having a passionate summer fling with your oneitits, but her father cockblocks you in the end and takes her far away, ironically losing a girl is the only way to keep the flames of erotic love burning -- in the alternate scenario poised by the question "what if...?"

To paraphrase Lacan: Imagine you see in front of you a beautiful flower, or a ripe fruit. You reach out your hand to grab it. But at the moment you do, the flower, or the fruit, bursts into flame.

I'm just gonna leave this here

Having romantic relationships in mid to late teens linked to better mental health and higher self esteem in adulthood

Good piece, shows how escrotcels will always be coping.

It's also that as teens people are the most idealistic. Adult relationships are always more driven by lust and convenience than actual love.

I'd say it's pure pragmatism when you're over 30.

Honestly idk how anyone can treat foids as an element of desire, purpose or anything like that after taking the blackpill and understanding their worthless nature. They're nothing but cumdumps.

Desire structured by and within a fantasy, getting blackpilled on 'felame nature' is like watching a behind-the-scenes featurette of your favorite movie. Even when you know nothing of it is real, you're still tempted by the illusion of appearances.

BududubNow #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] How are IT responding to the Chadfish experiment?

How are IT trying to respond to the fact that we, incels, are able to get girls to like us, even agree to fuch us if we use other, good looking men's pictures on out dating app profiles (Chadfish) while being ourselves vs using our own pics?

They dont respond to it, they cant. The Chadfish is our ultimate weapon, it proves bluepilled tropes like "Personality" and "Confidence" are literally meaningless compared to SMV.

The only thing I've ever seen them say to refute the chadfish experiments are "But muh only 10 girls" I've seen 100's of documented cases on r/chadfish (which was one of the first cel subreddits to get banned on cuckit.) To know its not just anecdota it's a large enough case study.

Plus your own Chadfish experiments will be the final blackpill. I remember personally using some tall white Chad's pictures and just sending the eggplant emoji with a question mark and getting addresses and phone numbers immediately. It's seriously that easy

Can I see which pictures you used for your Chadfis? I wanted to make my own Chadfish but IDK where to find legit looking pics of a Chad that would show the same person and be believeable at the same time.

This was a long time ago. Look up "male model" in instagram and use one with less than 1000 matches. If legit chad guaranteed to work and will have no issues getting recognized

The bolder ones that really double down claim you'd be able to have the same results with your actual pics (because using Chad's pic made you confident, kek). The less bolder ones just dismiss it saying that Tinder is not real life and real life works differently.

1. But I literally first got 100x the matches as a Chad vs me, what does it have to do with confidence? Also I spoke the same way as a Chad as I did when I was myself.
2. majority of people meet online nowadays. Online = real life.

ionlycopenow #sexist #psycho incels.is

How cruel is it that attractive men get all the women while everyone else gets none

Sometimes, I want to punch a wall then go and find the nearest foid and shoot her in the dome everytime they complain about how all men cheat

All men cheat, and have six girlfriends at once, because they only go for these men. They only go for men who ALREADY have plenty of other girlfriends. Ie the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

Then they still complain about it after, while the plenty of good single men continue to rot alone without anyone.

They enter harems knowingly, willingly, then complain about the harem.

I hate whores so much.

But this isn't a new take. Usually when someone makes one of these "water = wet" posts it's because something happened to make them mad enough to post it. Otherwise there's no point.

I'm angry all the time. I have not known peace in decades

ShadowTheEdgehog #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] Foid co-worker telling me what she did on the weekend

Don't know why she feels like it's necessary to keep me updated on her social life but fucking hell is it annoying. I have to hear all about which bar/club she went to and how drunk she got and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah "I'm a dumb white bitch" blah blah

She has the fucking nerve to ask me if she can borrow my tools and then on lunch break tell how much money she spent at the casino

Shes trying to give you the feeling that she's interested in you so she can get your shit for free.
The second you give it to her, she will ghost you.

Never help women. Never support women.

The casino shit is supposed to make her seem innocent and dumb so you go "oh women, you know how they are wink wink" and hand over your fucking tools or worse: Do the job she needs the tools for for her as a favour.

Trust me, I have 3 sisters and multiple very manipulative female relatives. No sneaking by me cunt.

Stop talking to that worthless cumskin whore. She'll use you and throw you away like a tampon.

Fuck her.
The only drill you should give her is drilling her ass.

ionlycopenow #sexist #crackpot #conspiracy incels.is

Have you ever seen an anxious Chad?

Let's get this out of the way, I'm talking about real anxiety/stress, not made up foid anxiety. It's fact that these things come about over years of social neglect, abuse, isolation, etc, you cannot be constantly orbitted and validated and still be anxious

So this takes me back, whens the last time you saw a neurotic, overly nervous and stressed male who was good looking/Chad? I would bet never. I never have.

I'm sure IT type morons will spoit about muH cOmPleXiTy, (then hilariously claim nonnfacts like it being caused by low serotonin, something no study has ever confirmed, it's a meme pushed by pharma to sell harmful non helpful Jew pills) but some things are truly simpler than they seem. If you're anxious and stressed all the time as a male, you're ugly and get no pussy. It's nature putting pressure on you to do so. Sex is a natural destressor.

Yeah, I think having those things is a sign of being ugly/low smv as a male. I don't think you'll ever attractive guys who get girls have any of that.

not even once

in sophomore year of HS my 'oneitis' was dating a guy who claimed to have some anxiety order but he wasn't really an archetypal Chad and also he used to touch her right in front of me so yeah it's just foid "anxiety" like you mentioned

At best I've seen them mildly upset or disappointed when they failed an exam. That's it. That's the peak of their negative emotions

Meanwhile, cels get panic attacks over going outside, or thinking about the future or whatever. What a joke.

Albatros #sexist incels.is

[JFL] Foid in my BJJ class only rolls with chads(lites).

Jfl this one foid in bjj class here only rolls with chads and chadlites, most of us are incel looking and she goes out of her way to avoid us even if we're higher belts and can teach better than some white belt chad who doesn't know what he's doing.

Because every ugly male who rolls or wrestles with foids is considered that they only want to touch her, but when chad wants to do it, he just wants to innocently train. Not that I complain much anyways, as foids can't grapple for shit and doing it with them is a waste of time unless she's at least 180lb purple belt or higher (but those don't exist lmao) to make it at least a bit hard to submit her.

This just confirms that what is considered creepy for incels isn't for chads.


ScornedStoic #sexist #crackpot incels.is

The agecuckery on this site is getting out of control

14-16 year olds are sexually active, pubescent, and nearly sexually mature. By 17 they're biological adults, barring some brain development that only finishes by 25 anyway despite us barring 16 year olds and 20 year olds from fucking and considering 18 old enough to do porn.

Teenagers are not children. Stop being cucks and go back to Reddit.
Also, the cucks calling ephebephiles and hebephiles pedophiles... Literally kill yourself

Yea tbh also it’s rare that youngcel ascends

This is about aoc not youngcels

FastBananaCEO #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Analysis on this ChinkTok about .co made by a foid


Why is her facial expressions contradicting what she's saying?

She is smirking as she holds in a laugh whilst saying stuff like "this is so bad!!"

If it's so bad then why are you laughing about it?

Here are the reasons:
1) the plight of ugly males amuses and pleases her

2) she doesn't give a shit about what's being said she is just happy at the fact that she knows she will get views and likes from this

3) she finds what is being said to be true to an extent. smirking whilst saying something is a known sign that you're lying about what you're saying or that what you're saying contradicts your real beliefs

4) she is aware that these posts are shitposts and exagerations and jokes so she finds it funny, or like I said previously, she is lying, and knows that the posts are harmless but is contradicting her beliefs and is lying by making everything seem like such a big deal and it's "so bad"

5) it's an evil laugh as she is aware that she just cherry picked something that she knew soys would be terrified of hearing. of all the posts she could've chosen she obviously decided to go with what's considered "fucked up" by soys

beanieball2020 #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Women want a man who commits domestic violence. They just don't like it when it happens to them. Most women would be perfectly fine sleeping/being with a man who constantly beats his wife.

Edit: to all the normies that keep PMing me, explain why these women love the personalities of low lifes and dead beats and stay with them? I thought women hated misogynists and abusers? Why do serial killers have groupies hanging onto them while they are in prison? Also to normies remember its a minority of women who like abusers. I am addressing them but they usually are the ones sticking around.

Lahore High Court #fundie #sexist opindia.com

The persecution of religious minorities is rampant in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. In a shocking decision, the Lahore High Court has ruled in favour of a Muslim perpetrator who abducted, forcibly converted to Islam and married an underage Christian girl called Maria Shahbaz.

Reportedly, a 14-year-old Christian girl, Maria Shahbaz, was abducted in Faisalabad in Pakistan in April 2020 by Muhammad Naqash and his accomplice while she was travelling to her workplace. The Lahore High Court has recently overturned the verdict of a Sessions Court in Faisalabad which had directed that the victim is rehabilitated in a woman’s shelter home. Ruling in favour of Muhammed Naqash, the Lahore High Court ordered that the 14-year-old girl should be returned to the man who abducted her.

The Court ruled that Maria Shahbaz had willingly converted to Islam and married her abductor. Therefore, she must live in his custody and be a “good wife,” WION reported. The Lahore High Court refused to accept documents that revealed that Maria was a minor at the time of her abduction and marriage. As per the report, she was in tears when the judges proclaimed the judgment in favour of her abductor.

Reportedly, 1000 girls belonging to the minority

Eye witness accounts by Pervez Masih, Younas Masih, and Naeem Masih state that Maria was forcibly abducted in a car while she resisted. The men were armed and as such the eyewitnesses could not help the victim. The accused also fired shots in the air. Speaking to International Christian Concern, her mother, Nighat, expressed fears of rape, forceful conversion to Islam, and even murder.

She was indeed married off to her abductor and forcibly converted. While Maria’s marriage certificate stated her age as 18, it contradicted her National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) certificate. As a part of the modus operandi, a typed statement that she had left her home willingly was also produced. community are abducted, forcibly converted, and married each year.

Ben Shapiro #kinkshaming #sexist #wingnut news.avclub.com

{Submitter’s note: the vide discussed can be found at this link.}

As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on a nation rocked by civil unrest in the face of rampant police brutality, Liddle Ben Shapiro is comforting himself by pretending it’s 1985 and fretting over the bad, bad words in a popular rap song.

On Friday, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion released what’s bound to be the song of the summer with “WAP,” a track we called an “anthemic salute to total, unabashed sexual agency.” It’s proudly filthy, with lyrics that unfold thusly: “Yeah, you fuckin’ with some wet-ass pussy / Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy.” What someone like Ben Shapiro, who’s creepily obsessed with Ariana Grande and believes you’re “stupid” if you think rap is “music,” could’ve said about the song is nothing. But since Ben Shapiro needs to placate his audience of racist octogenarians, he decided to clutch his pearls and read the lyrics out loud. In his little voice. And with “pussy” replaced by “p-word.” It’s hilarious and, by virtue of the way he’s able to strip any ounce of sexuality from the lyrics, kind of astounding. (It’s even better than his 2018 rendition of “Bodak Yellow.”)

And because this wouldn’t be a Ben Shapiro joint without some of his famed intellectual commentary, he even leaves us with a lesson. “This is what feminists fought for. This is what the feminist movement was all about,” he says. “And if you say anything differently it’s ’cause you’re a misogynist, see?”

Ah, yes, truly the “cool kid’s philosopher.”

Carl Benjamin #psycho #sexist youtube.com

(=an infamous quote from Carl's rant were he defends Elliot Rodger, treats incels like they're victims and lays the blame on feminism. The actual video was taken down, but numerous response videos are still up=)

"Which is ironic because, before your stupid social justice feminine bullshit, it [-mass murders-] didn't happen on this scale! It's CRAZY! This is a disease of the modern age! YOU are responsible for perpetuating it, by disenfranchising these poor fucking guys who don't have any options left!! When someone takes the option of absolute INSANELY last resort, you have to wonder, what kind of system is producing them? And I'll tell you what, Laci, IT IS A FUCKING - FEMINIST - SYSTEM - THAT IS DOING THIS!!!"

David Robertson #fundie #wingnut #sexist #pratt christiantoday.com

[Submitter’s note: yes, they finally did it. Fundies are now attacking The Handmaiden’s Tale for muh persecution. Be a Christian in Saudi Arabia, funded by Christian Nation America, and then complain]

The Handmaid's Tale' is ugly and anti-Christian. We have a better story to tell

The Handmaid's Tale is a superbly filmed and acted version of Margaret Attwood's 1985 novel and has won five Emmys – including Elizabeth Moss in the lead role deservedly winning best actor. The liberal metro-elites love it because it portrays their nightmare – a United States run by religious fundamentalists, in which women are oppressed and treated as a subservient class.

The Handmaid's Tale portrays an America called Gilead, in which gay men are hanged, abortion is banned and birth control pills are not allowed. Most women have become infertile and so those young women who are fertile are taken as 'handmaids' to be impregnated by the 'commanders'. Although it's a dystopia, at least the Greens should be happy as the USA finally gets on board and reduces carbon emissions by 70 per cent. And there also appears to be racial equality – at least in the TV series. In the book African Americans are removed to national homelands but in the TV series they have an equal role with the whites – I suspect somewhat cynically that this is because an all-white cast would not have gone down well.

The 'baddies' are portrayed in very religious terms. The female leaders who control the handmaids have 'Irish nun' accents, solemnly intoning that 'fertility is a gift from God' – as the girls are prepared to be raped. The handmaids dress in a nun/puritan style. In one strong scene the handmaids are encouraged to take part in a stoning by the chief 'nun' who tells them that 'God's love gives us blessings and gives us challenges' – the challenge in this case being to stone to death one of their sisters. It gives a whole new meaning to the tough love scenario.

The numerous Bible quotes, biblical language and names are set up to portray a scenario where right-wing religious fundamentalists have taken over the USA...watch out, the evangelicals are coming to get you!

The hypocrisy is brilliantly portrayed. The music from Onward Christian Soldiers is played as the master reads from the Bible and then has sex with the 'handmaid', while his wife is present observing the grotesquely unerotic scene.

The Handmaid's Tale is as much a liberal fantasy as The West Wing was. Moss, incidentally, portrayed President Bartlett's daughter Zoey in that series. The West Wing portrayed a President and presidential team that came as near to heaven on earth as most can imagine. The Handmaid's Tale, on the other hand, is its hellish polar opposite.

So let's return to reality. There are countries where religious fundamentalists are stoning people to death. But none of them are ones where Christians have taken control. Of course you could not have a major network portraying a dystopian future where America has become an Islamic republic. That would be Islamophobic! But Christian fundamentalists are fair game – Christophobic isn't really a term that has caught on yet.

And there are religious cults that do a great deal of harm – including some that profess to be Christian. In an irony that seems to have escaped the maker's notice, Elizabeth Moss, the star of the show, is a committed member of the Church of Scientology – one of the most cultish and harmful religious groups in the Western world. But again of course, Hollywood would not make a series about the evils of Scientology – there are too many well-known celebrities involved and anyway they would be sued.

Neither is this a film series about Trump's America, any more than the book was a commentary on Reagan's America. Ironically, Trump's misogyny, sexism, bad language, sexual immorality, dodgy business practice and opulent lifestyle has more in common with Harvey Weinstein than it does with Billy Graham. The abuse of women that this fantasy series portrays is seen today as much in the increasing number of Hollywood producers and powerbrokers who, after the Weinstein exposé, have themselves been accused, as it is in the religious authority figures who have been found out. The hypocrisy of conservative fundamentalists preaching religious morality while engaging in sexual immorality is matched only by the hypocrisy of liberal fundamentalists preaching woman's rights while engaging in sexual abuse.
The Handmaid's Tale is an ugly series – its sexual explicitness and violence mean that it is out of bounds for anyone with any degree of sensitivity. Unlike The West Wing, which I am now watching for the fourth time, I won't be going near this one again – not just for the ugliness of its sexual violence but also because of the bigotry and anti-Christian hate speech. It is the kind of programme made about Christians that antisemites would make about Jews. It demonises 'the other'. Despite the constant citation of Scripture, the portrayal of Christianity in the drama is the antithesis of what real Christianity is. Real Christianity is not religious hypocrites enforcing their perverted teachings through the barrel of a gun.

Some people say, 'It's only a drama – who cares?' I care. There are those who know nothing about Christianity who when they see this programme will think that this is what it is about. The producers even managed to have a comment at the end: 'If you have been affected by the issues in this programme, call...' as though being part of a religious country run by Christian fundamentalists is a common or likely occurrence.

The Handmaid's Tale is part of a general cultural shift in which Bible-believing Christians are the bogeymen of contemporary society. While in the West we are nowhere near the level of persecution that Christians in many countries face, I'm still not a big fan of encouraging people to hate us on the basis of a distorted and perverse view of the Christian faith.

The way for us to challenge and handle this kind of post-truth alternative-fact fantasy is not to complain, whine and curl up in our Christian snowflake ball. Let's get out there in the real world and be its salt and light – sharing the truth, beauty, love and freedom of Christ. It's not the fear-mongering of The Handmaid's Tale that our world needs, but the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Henry Makow, Phd #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho henrymakow.com

Reparations to the descendants of black slaves
obscure the real debt the Rothschilds owe to humanity.

by Henry Makow PhD

A Tentative Invoice

World War Two - Ten trillion (includes Dresden, Hamburg and Jewish holocaust)

World War One - Five Trillion

Destroying the Catholic Church and Christianity - Three trillion

Removing God from social consciousness and public discourse - Five trillion

Destroying millions of lives through feminism (marriage and family destruction) - Three trillion

The war on masculinity and feminity which has damaged heterosexuals and robbed the world of masculine virtue and feminine charm. One trillion.

Mass murders by Bolsheviks and Chinese Communists - Five trillion

General depredations of Communism - One trillion

The Cold War and other wars of the twentieth century - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria. Libya - Five trillion

The Great Depression, the Credit Crunch and the #scamdeminc of 2020 -- Five Trillion

The assassination of JFK, MLK, RFK and 9-11 - Two trillion

Wars previous to the twentieth century- i.e. US Civil War, etc. Two trillion

Attempt to start a race war in America - 300 Billion

Destruction of the democratic process, journalism, education and the arts - five trillion

Damage to national cultures and identities caused by multi-culturalism and illegal migration -- One trillion

The Rothschilds will finance and distribute ten honest movies about Communist subversion and espionage in America,
as well as ten movies extolling American patriots like Louis McFadden, Charles Coughlin, Charles Lindbergh, and Henry Ford.
Airports and public places named after Illuminati traitors like G.H.W. Bush will be renamed.




The Rothschilds may discharge this debt by forgiving all "debt" due to money creation and relinquishing ownership of central banks to national governments. This is letting them off easy, but the return to national sovereignty, personal freedom, and truth is worth the price.

mainlander #sexist #racist incels.is

Today I was pondering how the plethora of white, cute and prime-aged women I see daily in my college aren't marrying and having children, many of them probably won't have children later either. Most of them certainly won't have more than 2.

Meanwhile, beggars on the streets and faveladas get pregnant at 12 and at 20 they already have 4 kids.

Feminism destroyed the white race. Nathan Larson was right, just like in communism, you don't have enough bread to feed all peasants, in feminism, you don't have enough babies to sustain the population.

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