
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

woodchip #wingnut #racist #psycho #conspiracy descentbb.net

The problem is self reliance is no longer taught. How much of the homeless problem is related to drugs free flowing across our boarders. So should the boarder states have sole responsibility for the VP's total lack of ability to handle the problem when assigned the task by the drooling idiot in charge? Should the border states not send illegals somewhere the press will report on it?
As to clothing, why don't you and some of your liberal friends start a nonprofit to get winter clothing to the illegals instead of flapping your gums about how bad the illegals are being treated. An nobody said anything about legally entering this country being looked down on. Oh and besides mg nests, throw a few land mines in the mix. Betcha the problem would be fixed real quick.

CantEscapeYourFate #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

I wish white people never colonized the world

I could be chilling in the wilderness right now living a simple happy life were me and my tribal brothers hunt hogs all day then go home and dick down our big booty tribal women in mudhuts after they cook us a full course meal.


Now I'm too civilized and can't live a life like that. Now I have to rely on the white people for everything and be treated like a monkey wherever I go.


White people robbed us of true happiness.

Worst thing was importing these niggers from Africa

I thought with your high IQs you would've known better than to drag us into your countries. Now we commit crimes and rape your women hahaha sweet revenge

Yes, Europeans are so smart yet retarded at the same time. "Hurr durr niggers are stupid apes that ruin our country" then we shouldn't have imported them to our country as slaves. "Hurr durr africans/abbos/natives are so uncivilized" then we shouldn't have invaded their land to force them to partake in civilization. Why not let them live like savages again?

True white people are cucks for letting us invade their territory

If the White man didn't take me out of Africa I wouldn't have known non-sheboon toilets existed. This sounds like a living nightmare. Imagine the only toilets you can sleep with are Black, pure vomitfuel.

Man I don't get the white bitch worship they look weird to me. I'll take a black girl or Indian girl over any raw chicken skin, diseased eyes looking whore. White people look like demons and act like it too

Brett Stevens #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist amerika.org

Over the years, any writer against the modern condition accumulates a series of heresies that in simple form undermine the illusions upon which the modern era is built. These are things that, while said plainly and in non-emotional form, still produce panic and disturbance among normies.
Let us look at some heresies that debunk and invert modernity:

1. Equality creates mediocrity: in Natural Selection, creatures that achieve endure; in human groups, everyone is subsidized so they endure at the expense of the achievers. This produces a downward spiral toward mediocrity and eventually, third-world levels of dysfunctional but still present and rent-seeking institutions.
4. Individualism replaces reality: in this life you either try to adapt to the world, or insist that you are the most important and thus it should adapt to you. Wealthy societies allow the latter, therefore produce a bumper crop of parasites and predators, each of which has the me-first “I am the center of the world” philosophy which in groups becomes collectivized into egalitarianism.
5. Diversity displaces culture: when you have one ethnic group in a society, you have one culture for everyone; once you have more than one ethnic group, you cannot have one culture for everyone because cultures differ and therefore in conflict. Instead, you loosen the rules and get a psychology of permissiveness and narcissism, with commerce, government, and ideology becoming more important as they take over the space culture once occupied.
6. Tolerance produces hatred: when you are forced to tolerate others, it means “agreeing to disagree” (pluralism) on a large scale, which in turn means that honest grievances are ignored in the means-over-ends struggle to avoid conflict (pacifism). This produces anti-culture, racism, and genocide as groups fight for control of the Narrative.

Joel “Bisqwit” Yliluoma #fundie #wingnut #racist bisqwit.iki.fi

The author of Qur’an makes several mentions that the self-proclaimed prophet of Islam is mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel.

Those who follow the messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they will find described in the Torah and the Gospel, which are with them […]

So of course we should find Muhammad in the Bible that we have according to that passage. Guess what? He is!

Here are a few instances where he is found.


Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

Muslims pride themselves of outward appearances of piety, such as the month-long fasting period of Ramadan. However, they rarely tell you that this supposed fasting period is actually a feast during which food sales in Islamic countries double due to the extravagant food-gorging that happens between the sundown and sunrise.

Many people are suckled into coming into Islam by lofty promises. However, when they begin expressing doubts regarding the most obvious false prophet in the history, they soon discover a hidden facet of the religion: Islam is a one-way ticket. If you happen to live in a Muslim-majority country and you denounce islam, you will be killed. If you live in westernized country where Islamic murders do not have the favor of law, you may still find yourself ostracised by everyone you once thought is your friend, but who now think you don’t deserve to be treated as a human.

It is for this reason and others that Islam perfectly matches the description “sheep’s clothing, but inwardly ravenous wolves”.

Matthew 24:11

And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.

The sheer number of victims of Muhammad the false prophet makes this an understatement of tragicomic proportions.

@OratorBlog Information Warrior #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #quack beforeitsnews.com

DeSantis and Rodger Stone Exposed as Kissinger-Atlantic Council and Shadowgate General Jones Operatives

The Rothschild Network of Kissinger, Shadowgate General Jones, the Atlantic Council, the Pilgrim’s Society, Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are Running the Biden Regime/Deep State.

At the same time they have Infiltrated the America First Community and placed Operatives within the Republican Party.

For instance. Who is behind State Separatism like in Texas? That would be the Kissinger Network.

They must break up America before they can Divide and Conquer.

Governor DeSantis, Rodger Stone, Whitney Webb, Alex Jones and Elon Musk Exposed as Assets of the Crown Rothschilds – Kissinger Cabal

Sorry Patriots. Brendon O’Connell implicates Tucker Carlson, General Flynn and Clay Clark as well…
There grew far too many Dissenters to send to Death Camps. Note. This was not long before the COVID VAX GENOCIDE began. A Final Solution?


The light is now shining on their Crimes Against Humanity and the countless dirty deeds they are committing against American Citizens.

The Zionists are very worried about the fact that the American People are waking up. They are crying foul, and ANTISEMITISM.

But fewer and fewer people are buying their Lies and Propaganda.


This shocking Podcast Exposes the Zionists Evil Plans on what they planned to do to Whistleblowers and Dissenters.

10 years ago only 0.05% of the population were aware of what the Zionist Cabal was really up to. At the time of this Podcast that number has shot up to 15%. Now I would estimate we are well past 35%. And they are very nervous.


A War on Consciousness Terrorism. Censorship, Propaganda, Psychological Warfare and Agents of Disinformation-

Aimed at Truth Tellers who are Exposing the Khazarian Zionists Crimes Against Humanity.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #transphobia gab.com

• Putin didn’t try to force inject me with an experimental toxin.

• Putin isn’t trying to castrate and sexually mutilate American children.

• Putin didn’t send all our hard earned tax money to Ukraine when we needed it here.

• Putin isn’t the one calling American patriots “terrorists” while raiding the homes of pro-life pastors at gun point, putting MAGA grandmas in jail, and trying to destroy the life of a pillow salesman for questioning a questionable election.

Putin isn’t my problem, he’s doing more to expose the corruption in America than the FBI…which is nothing more than the Deep State’s personal goon squad. My problem is with these greedy war criminals in DC that are they themselves being controlled and funded by these godless Bolsheviks, that have for generations used people like cannon fodder by starting wars to push their central bank debt-slavery system on the rest of the world.

I’m rootin’ for Putin. I hope he wipes every illegal bioweapon lab we had in Ukraine off the map before these psychopaths release something even worse.





Never seen Putin mumbling incoherently
Never seen Putin children drunk naked
Never seen Putin children on crack
Never seen Putin sniffing children hair
Never seen Putin with a black face

I saw Putin playing Hockey
I saw Putin riding a horse
I saw Putin doing Judo
I saw Putin talking evident truth

@AmericanAFMindy. If people can't see the we, the US, is one of the "bad guys" in all this.. I dont know what to say. I'm with Putin on this too!

@AmericanAFMindy This conflict is backed by Jews on both sides to continue the Talmudic agenda of more White Genocide in Europe.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

It's not "White supremacists" that have made the dark of night unsafe in every major city across America.

No one detours around the bad parts of town because “White supremacists” live there.

Never turn your back on a Black.


@AdamHerrenvolk @Nature_and_Race Time to get out the ropes!

@AdamHerrenvolk @Nature_and_Race Just fucking kill this guy. He doesn’t deserve to live. Knowing our justice system he will likely be back on the streets raping again in no time.

@AdamHerrenvolk @Nature_and_Race imagine adopting a random nigger to live in your house when you have daughters. Liberalism is White genocide.

@Nature_and_Race ''bad neighborhood'' = black neighborhood...let's end the charade.

@Nature_and_Race When "White supremacists" move in next door, no one thinks and says "There goes the neighborhood!", and immediately puts their house up for sale.

@spud11 @Nature_and_Race I put my house up for sale after the blacks and foreigners started moving into my neighborhood!

@spud11 @Nature_and_Race White Supremacists move in next door and home values mysteriously rise 🤔

@Nature_and_Race white people feel safe going through white supremacists neighborhoods because the likely of being robbed or murdered is a zero percent

@Nature_and_Race black panthers haven't gone away, simply changed there name to black lives matter. Racist group!
The same black extremists group who blocked the polling stations for Hussain Obama

How could not wanting to be looted be a racist threat?
Hmmm 🤔. I wonder

@Jerry4USA @Nature_and_Race would be happy to see this bitch shot by a brotha

@Nature_and_Race When people pass me on the street, they stay on my side .

Russ Winter #racist #wingnut #conspiracy winterwatch.net

The Debate: Were the Jesuits Little More Than a Crypto-Jew/Marrano Crime Syndicate?

The facts and evidence point to yes, especially in the beginning. But the order took on a life of its own. It evolved into a different entity, but with fellow-traveler strands to the Frankists and Freemasons. I suspect when the Jesuits went underground between 1773 and 1814 and they began melding and cooperating with the much-underappreciated Sabbateean-Frankist sect. Many historians believe Jesuits developed Freemasonry.
Indeed, many of the Frankist-Jesuit mystical Kabbalistic belief underpinnings are the same. The Alumbrados (Spanish pronunciation: alumˈbɾaðos, illuminated) was a term used to loosely describe practitioners of a mystical form of Christianity in Spain during the 15th and 16th centuries. This may have had roots via the Templars. This was also occurring in the Sabbeatian-Jewish communities of eastern and southeastern Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Los Alumbrados sects and mentality sprang up all over Europe and the Middle East, and in non-Jewish communities as well particularly in Rhineland Germany.
Gnosticism and Eastern Mysticism (including the Mystery Babylonian religion) teaches that its members are “Gods in the making,” and that Lucifer is the one that makes us realize the “God within us” and evolve this into our full potential (without the need to repent for our sins) as his name means “Morning Star” and “The Illuminated One.” This doctrine is nearly identical in all Secret Societies called the Illuminati.

Yes, Martha. Where have we heard this mixing of the holy with the profane Luciferian Doctrine before? Sabbeatian-Frankism I dare say? Birds of the same feather.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

It looks like 2022 will be known as the last year the Khazarian mafia’s “rules-based world order” actually controlled any part of the world. In a sign of how isolated the KM is, on December 18th, by a vote of 195 to 2, the countries of the world agreed to double the amount of protected land and ocean in the world and take other action to stop the extinction crisis caused by humanity.

The two countries that voted against this -the United States and the Vatican- thus revealed themselves as the last two places controlled by the Satanic Khazarian Mafia.

The reason the Vatican and its United States corporate subsidiary voted against protecting nature is because they still think of it as something to exploit.
In a sign, the oligarchy knows it has been defeated, last week David René de Rothschild, (who according to Wikipedia is the head of the French and British branches of the Rothschild family) approached a member of the White Dragon Society with an offer to hand over “many trillions of dollars,” in exchange for amnesty for his family.

While having “trillions of dollars” would help save the planet, the problem with accepting this offer is that it would acknowledge the Rothschilds have the right to input huge numbers into computers and pass it off as “money.”
Even as the KM horror show implodes, some real action is taking place with $5 trillion worth of physical gold. A Japanese diplomat will be heading to Switzerland soon to meet with the head of the Red Cross and negotiate on using the $5 trillion worth of Japanese imperial gold held under the name of Empress Emerita Michiko to set up a future planning organization. This organization would hire the smartest people on earth to figure out ways to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and colonize the universe.

At the same time China, Russia, India, the Middle East etc. are also still rejecting KM fiat money and linking all economic activity to the reality created by the creator.

Wulf Ingessunu #conspiracy #magick #racist inglinga.blogspot.com

It is my belief that the "Holy Blood - Holy Grail" idea that arose, where the Bloodline of the Grail referred to that of Jesus Christ, was meant to prepare the way for a World Religion. This came about not only through Dan Brown, but also through 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' by Michael Baegent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln - whoever they purport to be. Whatever the motives concerned with spreading this idea, it would most certainly aid in the restoration of a 'Jewish Messiah' which is the basis for the World Religion.


With the BLM riots and destruction came the moves to destroy all vestiges of White Culture, and the special target was the Confederacy and its history, even though slavery was never the real issue here. In doing so the statue of Robert E. Lee was taken down to be destroyed; however, as with such blatantly evil moves, everything is not always as it seems. From what I can gather the press and media made mention of a 'time-capsule' found underneath this statue that seems to have contained the following -

An 1878 almanac.
A book of fiction (not known).
A British Coin.
A photo of James Netherwood, a master stone mason who worked on the pedestal.

These were buried, I believe, for 134 years. However, according to Robert Sepehr, something of greater importance was pushed aside, and this he seems to prove with a clip of the video of the opening of the 'time-capsule' and the search through the contents. A parchment that was opened appears to contain a complete list of 'Commanders' and 'Members' of the Knight's Templar. I have mentioned this in passing since it could well prove to be of importance at some future time.

Brett Stevens #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut deathmetal.org

Issei Sagawa (1949-2022)

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Issei Sagawa, perhaps one of the foremost experts in dealing with The Human Problem during the twentieth century. While he is gone from our physical world, he remains forever in our hearts.

Sagawa rose to fame when [...]

He shot [Dutch student Renee Hartevelt] in the neck, raped her, and then consumed parts of her body over the course of several days.

But in 1983 he was deemed unfit for trial by French medical experts and was initially held in a psychiatric institution before being deported to Japan in 1984.

But on his arrival, he was ruled sane by Japanese authorities, who decided Sagawa’s only problem was a ‘character anomaly’ and that he did not require hospitalisation.

Essentially the outlook of the Japanese is that if one of their citizens ate someone of another race, this goyische person was not human and not worthy of inconveniencing a Japanese citizen. Besides, they reasoned, Sagawa was going to sell millions in merch.


He was featured in a magazine for his paintings of naked women, appeared in a pornographic film and produced a manga comic book that depicted his crime in graphic and unrelenting detail.

But he displayed no apparent sign of remorse or reform, telling Vice in a 2013 interview as he looked at posters of Japanese women: ‘I think they would taste delicious’.

In the meantime, as humanity reaches a staggering eight billion people, it has become clear that we have chosen the path of The Ecocide rather than being willing to say NO to anyone no matter how insane, stupid, criminal, or perverse/promiscuous there are.

The quest for a replacement to natural selection goes on, but in the meantime guys like Sagawa seem to be ensnaring the credulous who do not notice obvious mental health problems staring them in the face. Perhaps if we had a billion such men humanity could heal itself.

Vox Day #racist voxday.net

[From "A Vibrant Christmas"]

Online shopping was a blow, but it was something the malls of America might have been able to survive if it were not for the dissemination of vibrancy throughout suburban America:

A shooting inside the Nordstrom department store at the Mall of America on Friday night left a 19-year-old man dead, according to Bloomington Police Chief Booker Hodges[…]

I used to love going to Rosedale, Southdale, and occasionally, the Galleria, at Christmastime. From the time I was a little boy, they were vast and magical Winter Wonderlands, where children could roam freely and window-shop. I used to wander alone from one end of the mall to the other, with particular attention paid to B. Daltons and Games by James. I still remember being 11 years old and walking back through the parking lot at Rosedale to our Oldmobile station wagon with my father, who was carrying what seemed at the time to be a very large package[…]
This sense of communal magic and wonder is one of the many things that vibrancy has cost America. Perhaps it wasn’t important, perhaps it wasn’t a significant part of the Christmas season, but I loved it as a child and it grieves me to know that it is part of the world that we have lost

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


spoilerIn the event of nuclear war I want to
remind everyone that there is
nothing a nuclear missile could do to
Baltimore City that hasn't already
been achieved by the civil rights act

@Dissidentsoaps Black people are the original weapon of mass destruction

@Dissidentsoaps I disagree.. it would clean the place up for MANY years..

@Dissidentsoaps Arguably not as bad

@Dissidentsoaps Baltimore? Heard they are pro green. Stop sending semi tractor trailers to Baltimore.

@Dissidentsoaps Ha ha. There’s nothing a nuclear bomb could do to the United States that Jews haven’t done already

@Dissidentsoaps Do not for one second think Baltimore is run by blacks. They are merely the puppets. The puppet masters are Jews and Catholics is some bizarre consortium.

I was in Baltimore just after some of the Freddie Grey riots. The city was occupied by national guardsmen stationed on numerous street corners. We decided to go into Baltimore since it was apparently safer with the MDNG deployed and patronize a restaurant for lunch. We really did feel safe and had a great lunch at the Thames Street Oyster House. The surreal experience for me was that there was a group of male Jews who were about 40 years of age seated almost out of earshot but not quite…. They were discussing their next moves for Baltimore in conjunction with the Obama administration; they were obviously using the riots to cloak something but I just couldn’t discern what they were obfuscating.

This charade is so well concealed that even when I almost see through it I just can’t quite pull the curtain back fully.

I’ve said it before and will say it again- Molly McCulley’s murder in Baltimore is closely related to Seth Rich’s death in DC.

McCulley figured out how (((they))) we’re stealing the elections via information manipulation during satellite transmissions.


Feminism Sucks! #crackpot #elitist #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

The EU was made to dilute the Jew population and reduce the number of virgins in Europe

When I say Jew, I mean the 12 lost tribes of Judah, the blood of Christ, who the people known as the race Celtic really are. They call us Celtic like we are some sportsball team, but we are actually Jew. This is who our people are.

The EU was made to bring endless numbers of Chewbaccastani rapefugees into Europe, and thus, make it even harder for European men to find a virgin bride.

This is an especially perilous situation for Ireland and Scotland, DNA studies prove we are the purest European race with the smallest amount of Mediterranean Wog or Slavic Finnic blood in us. We also have a small population, so even a relatively modest number of uitlanders in our homelands can quickly destabilize our ethnic matrix.

They also bring their barbarous cultures to our lands, and dilute who we really are. They seem to really have a taste for Our White Women, and many of said Females want to fuck them to prove that they are tolerant and multicultural and not racist.

I'm not saying that sending the uitlanders back and purifying our "Celtic" (in actuality Jew) land would solve all of our problems, but a removal of uitlanders combined with a return to traditional Christian morality would greatly reduce the number of sluts, and far more females would be marrying a man when they are at their peak fertility age of 15-17, and then, we could have wives who are submissive both in the home, in the bedroom, and in the economy.

Oh it was nice when you Scots were busy emmigrating to Rhodesia and fcuking black virgins there. Now when the process you fought and bled for is on your dorrstep now you complain.

See your life, proud of Ian Smith Celtic man ready to fight and die against niggers to have sex with their women and shieeeet but now complaining when the system you created is coming home.

Whites peaked at 7% of Rhodesia, whereas Ireland is now ~20% uitlander, Brits are a minority in London, the same with Frenchmen in Paris.

Also, sex between White men and black women in Rhodesia was a rare occurrence - the Rhodesian pioneers were devout Christians who frowned upon having affairs with random local women.

Clarity of Signal #wingnut #racist #conspiracy clarityofsignal.com

Welcome to Clarity of Signal Blog and Geopolitical Information website. This site will open up your mind to things you did not believe could be taking place. It exposes what is going on behind the scenes in all this current geopolitical insanity. By reading here you will learn about what really happened in Ukraine, Syria, Libya and Yemen. You will see actual false flag attacks. You will learn how western and Gulf state powers supported jihadists and terrorists in Syria and Libya. You will learn that Zionist oligarchs did finance the western supported Ukrainian Nazi battalions. You will learn the inner workings and the hows and why’s of what is taking place in the Grand Chessboard for control of the world.

Caveat against slurs of anti-semitism : The Zionist aspect mentioned above is highly relevant to point out due to the fact that oligarch Igor Kolomoisky has funded the Right Sector pro-Nazi battalions in Ukraine in 2014. Ironic context of a prominent Zionist Jew supplying Nazis should be applied/considered in relation to the Holocaust also. There is evidence provided within the site that reveals that the Rothschild Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland laundered and siphoned millions of stolen dollars to the German Reichsbanke during WW2 and that the UK government protected the Galician Waffen SS who committed atrocities against hundreds of thousands of Jews and Poles in Galicia and Volhynia. I am not anti-semitic. Normal Jews have become victims of Zionist actions on numerous occasions throughout history. Zionists are just one part of the evil cabal that run the world. Jesuits, secret societies and powerful corrupt government and private organizations and individuals also play subversive roles.

The best place to start to understand all this war and madness is with comprehending the Grand Chessboard and the elite’s use of Hegelian Dialectic……then move onto the other pages of the site as it all connects together and paints the larger picture.

William Mallet #racist #psycho mirror.co.uk

The man who shot dead three Kurdish people in Paris has been pictured and named for the first time.

Excerpts from William Mallet’s pre-trial interviews emerged today along with his full name and a picture

The retired French train driver, 69, told prosecutors: "I always wanted to assassinate migrants and foreigners"[…]
He has been in a secure psychiatric unit since the attack on Friday when he used a US Army Colt 45 gun to carry out the massacre around a Kurdish cultural centre in the 10th arrondissement of the French capital

The 69-year-old shot dead two men and a woman at a Kurdish cultural centre and nearby Kurdish cafe

The woman was Emine Kara, the revolutionary Kurdish women’s activist, who fought for many active years against ISIS in Syria. She was wounded in the fight against ISIS and travelled to Europe for medical treatment

Mir Perwer, a popular Kurdish singer and Abdullah Kizil were also killed

Mr Mallet had previously said questioning at a burglary at his home in 2016 had triggered a “hatred of foreigners that became totally pathological”, according to prosecutor Laure Beccuau

Witnesses said they heard also heard Mallett shouting: "I hate Kurds" on Friday

Ms Beccuau said Mr Mallet had said he wanted to take his own life but added: "before committing suicide, I always wanted to assassinate migrants and foreigners"[…]
The man told investigators that he had first travelled to the town of Saint-Denis just north of Paris, armed with a gun and seeking foreigners to “murder”

But he gave up on that idea because there were few people about and his clothing had made it difficult to recharge his gun

He finally decided to head to Rue d’Enghien in the 10th arrondissement of Paris because he knew there was a Kurdish cultural centre there

Racial Consciousness / @Nature_and_Race #wingnut #racist gab.com

On National Socialism

(Maxed out the character limit, still incomplete)


National Socialism, first and foremost, above all else, is a philosophy.

Not an economic system.

A philosophy predicated on a foundation of Nature: Understanding natural laws and natural order, and applying those laws and order to human society and civilization.

It's a philosophy that recognizes the fundamental and uttermost vital importance of the racial component of the human condition: Seeing race as the very origin of all human culture, and that pure culture can only come from pure race. To mix race is to corrupt pure culture.


The economy was the very last point of concern in the NS philosophy. NS Germany didn't even have a formally defined economic system. They just figured it out as they went along (and it worked miracles, seeing as Germany was pulled out of the catastrophe of the Versailles Treaty, and thrust into first-world superpower within about four years).

The Reichsmark, the German currency, was backed by labor, rather than gold or oil. It was revolutionary in its novelty. After WWI and the Versailles Treaty, Germany was completely bankrupt. Inflation was so bad it literally cost something like 17-trillion dollars just to buy a carton of eggs, a gallon of milk, and a loaf of bread. No exaggeration. So when Hitler took power, he started completely over from scratch, creating an entirely new currency.


Beyond that, their economy was based on agriculture and industry, like most first-world countries. Farms and factories were almost exclusively privately owned, and laws were put in place to ensure that they remained privately owned. As were all small shops, from grocery stores to clothing stores to furniture stores, as well as every type of repair shop of the age.


NS Germany had virtually no welfare system to speak of. Most of the welfare provided to the poor and the disabled was generated through public fundraising events like the Winterhilfswerk (WHW) program. Hitler's most memorable public statement on the subject was "German people, help yourselves!" And it was insanely successful (I even have a bunch of little trinkets from the WHW (pins, buttons, ribbons, keychain booklets, etc.)

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia henrymakow.com

Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult where God is replaced by his "Chosen People," led by the Masonic Jewish central bank cartel.

A documentary Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas (2017) brought home how the West has been inducted into this satanic cult (Cabalism). Many popular Christmas songs were written by Jewish songwriters and are really Jewish. These include Dreaming of a White Christmas, Silver Bells and Let it Snow. Through banker control of the mass media, Cabalist Jews have removed Christ from Christmas and replaced him with snow and material consumption.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, written by a Jew. Robert May was inspired by how Jews were ostracized because of their big noses.
Santa plays the role of God, choosing Rudolph to lead the other reindeers.
Cabalist Judaism involves abandoning absolute standards and imposing a false reality that advances Jewish banker interests instead. Through their control of the mass media and suppression of the truth, they have converted most people to "Judaism." We are satanically possessed. We are all Jews now.

What do Cabalists believe? Just ask, what do you and I believe? They are our common values. We are materialists. There is nothing beyond matter, no Moral Order, no God and no soul to hear God speaking to us. We believe in buying-low-and-selling-high. We believe that after money, sex is the best thing in life and the more partners the better.

We believe in despoiling pre-puberty children with "sex education" and gender dysphoria. We pursue social causes like migration and civil rights if they can be used to weaken our perceived rivals. We believe in Greater Israel and endless wars against her perceived enemies, no matter how many people are killed or maimed.

Freemasons are known as "Jewes." These traitors and imposters are our leaders. They run the world for the bankers. They create mental reality. They program us. We are all "Jewes" to some extent.

Michel Houellebecq #racist #wingnut lemonde.fr

Michel Houellebecq is familiar with controversy. His novels paint a dark and cutting portrait of French society. His characters' antifeminism and the outright rejection of Islam portrayed in Soumission (Submission, 2015) could be considered artistic license[…]In a recent special issue of the journal Front Populaire, he openly shares his observations on France's social and political situation[…]
This shift further and further right appears all the more sincere because the writer expresses himself in a two-way, friendly interview with the founder of this publication, Michel Onfray – who is also obsessed by "the fall of Christianity" and the idea that the French, by cultivating a "self-loathing," are complicit in losing their identity

Houellebecq is adamant throughout the discussion: France is lost, its decline is inescapable, and the fault lies with a modernity "which generates its own destruction." The "Great Replacement", he says, "is not a theory, it is a fact." There is no conspiracy orchestrated by the elite, he says, but there is a "transfer" of people from Africa, where the birth rate is high. This supposed overflow spills into Europe because "no one controls anything on immigration". "What we can already see is that people are arming themselves," continues the author. "There will be acts of resistance," he predicts, including "reverse Bataclan" attacks aimed at mosques as well as "cafés popular with Muslims"[…]For the moment, says Houellebecq, the French just want "the Muslims (…) to stop robbing and assaulting them"
According to Houellebecq, there has been no national reaction because France continues to "tow behind the United States" and is content with importing the "woke" movement. Faced with this subservience and with the many "collaborators" who are rife within universities, Houellebecq draws the conclusion that "our only chance of survival would be for white supremacism to become 'trendy' in the United States"

Eugen J. Winkler, based on Jakob Lorber #ufo #crackpot #racist jakob-lorber-bilder.de

(Translated from the original German by submitter.)

The inhabitants of the planet Mars
Some science fiction author once invented te term of the “little greeen men” , who supposedly live on Mars! But that name is not all that far from the truth, as in reality, they do indeed wear a green cloak for clothing. Their skin colour however is light brown,. They are, with an average body site of ca. one metre, the second-smallest human beings within our solar system.
The planet Mars is the materially poorest and most desolate within our solar system. The human beings on MARS are, from a material point of view, of unsightly and less beautiful form, are small and a bit fat, and are lacking in anything else attractive in their extreior. Their colour is lightbrouw, but sometimes going into the rather dark - Their physiognomy has similarities with our Greenlanders, some lapplanders and eskimos. - Their clothing consists only of a form of apron, which is tied around the neck and cover from there the entire body to the knees with several folds. It has the same form for both men and women. For the two hands, there are simply two openings left on both sides, so that people can extend their hands through these to perform some kind of work; when they have no work, however, then they withdraw their, after all not too gracefully-looking arms back under the cloak.

variuous commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

By law, as decreed by our Founding Fathers of these United States of America, the only immigrants who can legally become American citizens are free White people of good character.

Literally everyone else is an illegal invader. America is a White country and belongs to White men. And it has only declined in every imaginable way since it has darkened demographically by these illegal criminal invaders.

@Nature_and_Race boomers be like "but they didn't say specifically that based blacks and based jews CAN'T be citizens"

@Nature_and_Race "So muh Founding Fathers were literally Hitler!?!?"

- some boomer somewhere

@Nature_and_Race If we went back to this standard, most of our problems would be solved.

@Nature_and_Race This was not far right or far left when the country started. It was the baseline. Look where we are now

@DanOnTheWeb @Nature_and_Race let’s go back to baseline

@Nature_and_Race White posterity!

@Nature_and_Race That's absolutely awesome! Now why wasn't this enforced many years ago during the civil rights legislature? I firmly believe if we as a nation had adhered to the Constitution, we would not be in this shitshow!!

@Buzzorn1 @Nature_and_Race question is, what now? Just watch it burn? Is there any feasible solution?

@DespiseDespots I think anything could be feasible with the right organization and leadership.

The real issue is that the majority of While people are followers, like all groups, they only really take a side if the leadership does something. So, until pro-White leadership is influential, most Whites will continue to shamble around aimlessly; most have been demoralized, indoctrinated and reduced to a state of stupor, they follow trends sadly. I would wager anyone on Gab who is able to see a modicum of what's going on is an exceptional individual of the White race, most simply don't understand or care to know.

Lauren Witzke & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Lauren Witzke)
Clarence Thomas married a good woman. Bold, courageous, and unapologetic in her beliefs. Love it.

spoilerNew: In interview with Jan 6 cmte,
Ginni Thomas reiterated her
belief that the 2020 presidential
election was stolen. "Yes" Cmte
Chmn Bennie Thompson said
when asked if Thomas said she
still believes the election was
stolen. "She said that."

@LaurenWitzkeDE Her kids are brown.

@LaurenWitzkeDE The FBI dogs are going to raid Clarence Thomas’ home.

@LaurenWitzkeDE Being as she isn't a public official or a business owner she can speak the truth without the fear of being voted out or canceled. Even the communistic Biden regime wouldn't dare try to arrest the wife of a Supreme Court Justice for voicing her opinion. But don't you try that shit

@LaurenWitzkeDE Race mixing is communism. Apparently conservatives are just the communists of 40 years ago.

@LaurenWitzkeDE Anyone who actually looked at the facts and the evidence would say exactly that.

@LaurenWitzkeDE you're a mudshark 🤮🤮🤮🤮

Robin M. Itzler #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #racist americanthinker.com

Decades ago, when I was a liberal Democrat, I bought into the fallacy that saying “Merry Christmas” was wrong. But back then, I also thought murdering a baby in the womb was right. As (my husband and) I slowly morphed into Reagan Democrats and then finally abandoned the now Marxist-leaning Democrat party to register as Republicans, I realized that celebrating Christmas is fundamental to the United States remaining a beacon of freedom in the world. Commemorating Christmas guarantees freedom of religion for all Americans.

Think about it. If a nation where about 80 percent of its population is Christian is denied its own religious beliefs (“Merry Christmas” morphing into “Happy Holidays”), what chance do smaller religions such as Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. have for celebrating their holidays? If woke Marxists can remove the nativity scene from Christmas and replace it with Santa Claus, it’s even easier to remove the Hanukkah menorah and replace it with Liberace’s candelabra.
And here we are today. Progressive lunacy has given us a society filled with misguided people who think they can pick from hundreds of genders or no gender (when they’re not busy stealing luggage from airport carousels). They want to convince young children that they can medically alter their gender without parental consent, that men have can give birth, that teachers should discuss kinky sexual acts with kindergartners, that one race matters more than another, that biological men wearing skirts are women, that abortion after birth is acceptable, that millions of illegal aliens can waltz into our country, that criminals shouldn’t be arrested and …

E N O U G H !

The attack on our freedom started with words when Marxist progressives demanded that “Merry Christmas” become “Happy Holidays” and I say, “Enough!” As Benjamin Franklin warned: “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”

Vox Day #racist voxday.net

[From "2-2 (4-2)"]

Argentina have won the World Cup. Congratulations to the Albiceleste and their fans. It’s good to see a national team that actually represents its nation win, instead of the team that represents the state that successfully imports the best Africans. And while it was a fun and exciting tournament, one is left with one conclusion

Too many penalties. So many penalties

The game really should not be designed to encourage teams to build their offense around playing for fouls in the box

Brother Nathanael #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Congratulations to Kanye West for advancing to “Antisemite of the Year 2022!”

“Stop Antisemitism”—yet another Jewish Watchdog Group among tons of other Jewish dogs—gave Ye this prestigious award for his ‘hate speech’ screeds.

And, dear, what is ‘hate speech?’

Truth and Facts Jews simply ‘hate’ to hear.
Damn right.

I grew up as a Jew and saw Hannukah morph from a holy day celebrating God raising up the Maccabees against a pagan king into a money-making hoopla.

Go into Target, Wallmart, Whole Foods, and Hannukakah Menorahs are everywhere.

Nativity Scenes?

Not a single one.

Talk about Kwanzaa.

In ‘66 a Black professor at U Cal fabricated Kwanzaa to give Blacks something instead of Christmas to celebrate which he called “too White.”

Christ-hating Jews jumped right on in seeing a chance to kill off Christmas.

Planning to stage joint Kwanzaa and Hannukah celebrations—complete with a ‘Black-Jewish’ Conference to kick it off—Jews knew a good thing to get in on.

Some enlightened Blacks were wary saying, “Jews will soon own it all.”
But I’ve got my own prime candidate for “Antisemite of the Year.”

Jonathan Greenblech of the Anti-Defamation League.

You say: ‘Hey bro!’

‘Greenblech is kike supreme, how’s come you to make him an ‘antisemite?’

‘Cause the kike is creating Jew-hatred every time he opens his mouth.

Like a dog begging for food at your table, Greenblech annoys the goys worse than any hungry dog.
Just one look at the Yid gives one a revolting feeling about Jews deep down in their kishkas.

Can’t we find a better looking Yid to represent Jew hatred?

Here’s a nice vibrant sampling of yiddishee people to pick from.

We’ve got fat Jews, obese Jews, heavy Jews, overweight Jews, and stout Jews to choose.

Some very rabbinic Jews, humping Jews, thrusting Jews, and even a schwartza Jew to select instead of Jonathan Greenblech.

I like the schwartza Jew, since no Jew, not a single one, will want a schwartza Jew representing him.

How antisemitic of me!

It’s true!

But Bro!

That’s ‘hate speech!’

@Henrysavage101 #wingnut #racist gab.com

@Nature_and_Race 'What makes Jews so dangerous to civilization isn't their ideology.

It's their racial instincts - the things that they're compelled to do by blood.

Jews would be dangerous even if they weren't conscious of the fact that they're Jews, because their DNA is what dictates their actions.

Cuckoo birds don't lay their eggs in the nests of other birds because some book told them to. They do it because their blood compels them too, just as the blood of Jews compels them to corrupt non-Jewish societies and civilizations.'

You sir are a genius. Excellently put.

I was raised around Jews (who knew they were Jews and were-covertly- quite chauvanistic about it) who had never been within 100 feet of a synagouge, had never met a rabbi and whose last familial connection to (overt) Judaism was not in living memory who have behaved exactly as you describe. Controlling, exploitative, two faced, backstabbing, hysterical, hypocritical monstrous freaks.

Only after I realised they were Jews ethnically did I see the pattern.

They always try and tear you down, tell lies about you, hate Whites for thier nobility (the people I was raised around were very small nasty people and it showed) and try to sabotage things.

They have an inbuilt hatred of Whites and really of all civilisations. It is amazing to watch (crypto) Jews who are not as smart as the average Jew try and use the same dishonest argument style, same pilpul etc and fail at it when critiquing Whites. It is really revealing of their true nature. They really, really, really do hate Whites.

They really cannot help it.

Yes Judaism the religion/culture is horrible- utterly evil. But Jews created Judaism not the other way around.

Tl:DR; personal experience has taught me to avoid anyone with Jewish ancestors (of which there are vastly more than even the most hardcore antisemites would believe). The problem is their genes.

Beware crypto Jews (ethnic Jews) are everywhere.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

@Nature_and_Race Exactly, this is why I scoff at any jew that claims they have converted to Christianity, a leopard can't change it's spots. Also the crypto jew jesuits aka jewsuits have done a fantastic job of proving that.

@Nature_and_Race They would be a hazard, but not the same degree of hazard. What makes the Jews truly dangerous is their knowledge of being Jews and how it assists them in organizing against their racial enemies and to promote their interests.

If the last notion of Jewish identity were to disappear, the effect of the Jew as a race would almost disappear.


@hamburgertoday @Nature_and_Race disagree completely. They do what they do by instinct.

@Henrysavage101 I didn't say anything about instinct not being a factor.The issue is whether instinct alone is sufficient to make them as great a hazard to their host populations as they typically are or do they also need identity in addition to instinct?

I think the latter is the case. @Nature_and_Race

@hamburgertoday @Nature_and_Race

I have been thinking that part of it is that they direct their psychopaths in a direction which benefits the group as a whole. They let them pursue their instincts.

Europeans tend to shun our psychopaths or at least try to isolate them. Although I am not sure how true that is in America anymore.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

What makes Jews so dangerous to civilization isn't their ideology.

It's their racial instincts - the things that they're compelled to do by blood.

Jews would be dangerous even if they weren't conscious of the fact that they're Jews, because their DNA is what dictates their actions.

Cuckoo birds don't lay their eggs in the nests of other birds because some book told them to. They do it because their blood compels them too, just as the blood of Jews compels them to corrupt non-Jewish societies and civilizations.

@Nature_and_Race I’ve been saying this for years. Most jews don’t even *know*; but they support their anti-White causes *instinctually*.

The world situation we’re now in, is what happens when that is left to run unchecked. They latch on to powerful goy institutions, weaponize them against each other for their own personal gain, and then (try to) jump ship when the whole thing comes crashing down.

The parasite *always* regards itself as a superior being to its host. After all, if the host was so superior, why did it allow itself to become parasitized in the first place ?

@Nature_and_Race "There isn't a jewish conspiracy because too many people would know!!"

1: All mosquitos have a conspiracy to suck blood

2: Too many people DO know. I'm telling you right now.

@Nature_and_Race When you've been acting as a parasite in every nation you've been in the last thousands of years it's clearly much more than a mere ideology. It's a way of life

@Apophis22 @Nature_and_Race exactly. This is why zionism is such bullshit. Jews will never do productive labour and Israel the country is a parasite funded by White tax payers.

@Nature_and_Race Jews are genetic evil. They can't help it. Jesus challenged them from the very beginning to do good, even promised them if they would that things would go well. But he knew then, and he knew later when he challenged them again that they were incapable. Steal, kill, destroy, lie, accuse, deceive. That's what they do because that is WHO they are.

@Nature_and_Race Jews worry about the innate taste and preferences of whites... They work very hard and suppressing those tendencies in our culture.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@DanPriceSeattle - Have they tried being less inferior?"]


Black workers are 26% more likely to say they're treated fairly after going remote

I don't think we've fully come to grips with how much mental health damage office work has done to people who don't fit into the majority - black people, introverts, etc
7:53 PM · Aug 9, 2022

Negroes don't like going into the office. Every employer who's looked at the number of hours they put in has surely noticed this, but it's nice to have one of their "allies" point it out as well

The funny thing about "being treated fairly" is that a poorly performing employee being treated badly is fair...but not if you ask the employee in question. So on the face of it this survey doesn't tell you anything. Dan's claim is "making niggers do office work hurts their mental health", but the counter-claim that "niggers prefer remote work since they can slack off without being detected" is exactly as explainable from the data

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #racist #fundie naturalnews.com

Over the weekend, this author received intel chatter — unconfirmed but worth paying attention — about radical left-wing terrorists planning on carrying out acts of sabotage during the Christmas week deep freeze that’s about to hit much of North America. Acts of sabotage against domestic power infrastructure are multiplied in their chaos effects by sub-freezing weather which makes power loss extremely dangerous for a variety of reasons.
Many Antifa supporters are Luciferians / Satanists, and if they can take down the power grid on or around Christmas Day, they will literally achieve the snuffing out of lights on the day of Christ. This would be an “extra credit” type of terrorism activity for those who are also satanists and who therefore despise both Christ and a functioning human civilization.
I cover all this and more in today’s podcast:

– Antifa group in Georgia arrested with BOMBS and weapons
– Intel chatter about Antifa groups targeting electrical infrastructure
– Luciferians hope to take out the lights on the Day of Christ (Christmas)
– Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck
– America is at the tipping point of chaos and desperation: #Inflation , layoffs, etc.
– EU #climate cultists reach agreement to force all citizens to pay for carbon emissions
– EU climate goal specifies a “carbon zero” deadline of 2050
– CARBON ZERO means zero human beings, since breathing releases carbon
– Under the climate cult, Western Europe is committing civilization SUICIDE
– The planetary-scale ethnic cleansing operation has only accelerated since
– Vaccines, bioweapons, economic collapse, “carbon zero” all share same goal: Eliminating humans from Earth
– Why is Earth being prepared for a post-human future? #depopulation
– Humanity is a FAILED species on a cosmic scale. Failed basic tests of logic, stewardship and sanity.
– The entire human race has been targeted for termination by forces far more powerful than us

Too Qrazy for QAnon Award

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #ufo adrenogate.net

*Operation Trust 2.0” is another codename for the Q psyop. The Q Psyop hss been rebranded and relaunched in several different forms since 2015. “Q Clearance Patriot” was the original name of the operation that eventually became the “Q” we all know(not “Qanon”, that’s what the media mistakenly refers to it as. “Q” will get very upset if you refer to it as “Qanon”). Though Q-anon is a homophony for Cannan or Cain, which makes a ton of sense. Q is also a nod to:

(1) the feathered serpent Mesoamerican diety Quatzecotal.

(2)the Queens subversive “Qinetiq” intelligence apparatus.

(3)the “sentient” Quantum computer program that creates the Q drops and manages the rhetoric and tone of the psychological operation as a whole.

Visually it also acts as a representation of the human Zygote embryo being infected by a synthetic or serpentine genetic invader.
Most of these partisan political movements and many of these “alternative” social media and video platforms like Truth.Social and Gab are obvious honey hole traps designed to identify dissident citizens and gather intelligence to be used against the American people. I’ve even heard the much beloved and very free speech friendly Bitchute platform is British Intelligence! Say it ain’t so! Just remember never to trust anyone or anything.

Anyone still smoking the Hopium and buying into Q as a benevolent military operation here to save America and annihilate the Jesuit/Zionist Cabal is dumber than a box of paperclips. The Q movement is designed to “identify and neutralize” the opposition. It’s the Feds gathering intelligence. They’ve done this before.

There no “White Hats” secretly vanquishing the Cabal behind the scenes and holding secret military tribunals to bring the EL-ite leaders who control our Clownworld to ultimate justice. It’s all an act.

@England449 & @Evola_shades #wingnut #racist gettr.com

( @England449 )
Controlled opposition!

People like Laurence Fox, Tommy Robinson and Anne Marie Waters are completely fine with mass immigration and us becoming a minority so long as the immigrants coming "share our values and love our culture".

Here's a video of Tommy Robinson saying that he'd open our borders for all Muslim women in Saudi Arabia to move here.



( @Evola_shades )
Culture is downstream from Race.

Prussian Society of America #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Race Wars will also mean Intra-Racial Wars"]

The inevitible Race Wars which will break out in America and Europe, will be of epic porportions

America, however is already under a Race War, but it is an undeclared one at this time[…]
It is absolutely imperative that we must take advantage of every opportunity to expose, exploit and even curtail conditions to our favor and interest when it comes to Intra-racial conflicts[…]
This may mean using direct or indirect methods of instigating tensions or conflicts between said races[…]
The Barbarian Races know that their own people are Barbarians[…]
Every Barbarian knows they are inferior, thus they are seeking for any platform of leverage[…]
It is the same reason why their own leaders suppress their own people in their Nations in the style that they do[…]
We must make no effort to leave the stones unturned with the fact that most Hispanic people alive today are not purely Spaniards and many of them have Sephardic Jewish Ancestry

It is advantageous and desirable[…]Latin America upholds to its largest extent as possible, its own policy of Aryan Supremacy in terms of maintaining Pure Spanish or Portuguese Blood[…]
We must make no effort to withold the fact that African-Americans are de facto, “Bolshevized” Elements and that many African-Americans have a few droplets of Jewish ancestry[…]We must utilize every opportunity to even encourage these “Africans” to want to impose pogroms or enslave these “African-Americans”[…]
The American Indian Race[…]is a very complex issue, because for one they are an Oriental Race, but while they are not Jewish, some Tribes were more aggressively violent than others[…]
In Germany, the Welfare State must entirely be shut down[…]It must be entirely eradicated if we are to even begin to give Germany a sporting chance at fighting back against the enemies of the Vaterland

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

I am an ethnic Jew and believe that most Jews would find this statement abhorrent. However, it is the agenda of the Jewish leadership who are at the forefront of Communism, a Masonic Jewish central banker monopoly over EVERYTHING. This is behind the gratuitous war in Ukraine, UN AGENDA 21, climate change, the scamdemic, lockdowns, the toxic "vaccines," the election steal, destruction of family (gender dysphoria), race (migration, miscegenation) censorship and the promotion of Satanism in general. Presented as "progressive," their real purpose is destruction of Western (Christian) civilization. You have been brainwashed, distracted and degraded so you do not see this BIG picture.

Judaism's destructive mission puts all Jews in jeopardy when only a fraction are involved in it. Assimilated Jews like myself must speak out or be blamed for the gruesome consequences. Most Jews, including Israelis, are also suffering from the COVID hoax and are being vaccinated like cattle (goyim.) Only, Satanists (Illuminati) are avoiding the consequences and profiting.

The agenda may be to stoke antisemitism and force American Jews to emigrate to Israel. In any case, Jews must oppose COVID communism, or be the scapegoats for the bankers and Freemasons. Jews are tired of being human shields for Illuminati (Cabalist) Jews and their demonic agenda.


@_Leese #racist gettr.com

schools and universities shame Europeans and our achievements, in tandem they teach non-whites that 'racism' causes their problems.
To them no other factor may be used to explain non-white peoples failure.
'tis Indoctrination Not Education

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Negrocity is blapipo having a history of enslaving their own people and selling them to foreigners in open slave markets, murdering White people in the lands they were freed in (freed by White people), murdering Asians and blaming it on White people, reducing the world's greatest cities to unlivable third-world shitholes, obsessive shoplifting, rape, incest, and calling White people "racist".


@Scorezeny @Nature_and_Race whites are advanced because they had to bust their ass to survive in a frozen cold ancient Europe!

@Nature_and_Race Just a small correction; Blacks enslaving their own people and selling them to Jewish slave traders, and murdering Whites at a far far higher percentage than Whites murdering Blacks as well as Asians and blaming Whites.

@Nature_and_Race nignorance is best term.

@Nature_and_Race + claiming other people's inventions and achievements as your own

@Nature_and_Race I see a negro, but I hear a jew.

@Echoing @Nature_and_Race That's the case pretty much anytime one of the kept Apes runs their ignorant mouths.

The Kike Filth is incessantly stirring up shit with them, and they guzzle it down.

@Nature_and_Race Do we call him Nigger Bishop or Bishop Nigger?

@Nature_and_Race somebody should let that guy know that it was the Jews who purchased black people and shipped them to america. And it was the Jews who murdered 50 million white Christians in Russia.

@Nature_and_Race Bishop is a SELF-HATING MULATTO.

C.T. #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger westsdarkesthour.com

[From "White Nationalism has something in common with the FBI"]

I had resolved not to upload any more posts until the translation of Savitri Devi’s Souvenirs et Réflexions d’une Aryenne was ready. But I couldn’t resist responding to an anti-Nordicist piece that Counter-Currents published on Saturday

If I have maintained for years that the internet movement that since the mid-1990s began to call itself white nationalism is phoney, it is precisely because they broke with the Nordicist tradition[…]
Has the author of the Counter-Currents piece read the work of Gobineau, Chamberlain, Günther or Grant? Rather, he cherry-picks out of context from Hitler’s legacy, omitting that the Great Plan of Himmler and his henchmen was to conquer Europe for the Nordics[…]
Because the American racial right has rejected the legacy of Hitler and his predecessors in race studies, it has slipped into a slippery slope that leads to positions very similar to those of the US government, that in its FBI statistics categorises mestizos as white[…]Except for true whites such as the Mexican Mennonites, of Germanic descent, who do not interbreed with mestizos, and other immigrants who have very recently emigrated from Europe, there are no pure whites in Latin America[…]More than ninety-nine per cent of the inhabitants of Latin America have tainted blood[…]
The best way to refute anti-Nordicism is simply to look at a lot of pictures of the various European groups (Meds, Nordics and Semites) and their interbreeding with each other[…]
If we keep in mind the new subtitle of this site (‘May the beauty of the White Aryan woman not disappear from the Earth’), I would fight for the blonde genes above to produce the beautiful nymphs of the Daybreak painting. But what would be the point of fighting for the Sicilian’s genes if he can’t produce such beautiful creatures?

@_Leese #racist gettr.com

Sick of non-whites being over represented, sick of non-whites being fawned over by all institutions, sick of hearing foreign languages, sick of anti-whites being lauded over, sick of seeing alien cultures, sick of appropriators, sick of AntiWhiteism being Normalised.

Darien X, Yours Truly & CW 63 #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: How a Trump-Allied Group Fighting ‘Anti-White Bigotry’ Beats Biden in Court

(Darien X)
Jews who support the leftist, black/POC and Democrat sides are betting on the wrong horse. The blacks in particular do not support the Jews whatsoever.
The recent anti-Jewish tirades by Kanye West and his posse should be a wake up call for the Jews.
There is no greater defender of Jews/Israel than white evangelicals.

(Yours Truly)
It’s also odd that so many Jewish progressives are at least relatively gung ho on increased immigration by Muslims. Are they suicidal? Do they honestly think that Middle Easterners as a group are ever really going to want to peaceably coexist with Jews, let alone Zionists?

This is what David Cole was referring to when he wrote his infamous column about the old Jewish parable of the golem that eventually turns on its creators.

(CW 63)

The deal in early 2021 was hailed by Black farmers as the most significant piece of legislation since the Civil Rights Act of 1964

But today, the landmark deal is dead — successfully challenged in court by an organization that argued the program racially discriminated against White farmers.

What a great, positive, uplifting article, it is nice to see whites are not defeated everywhere.

but there is only one thing that is a disapointment, the following excerpt says it all;

" ... The suit argued that the debt relief approved by Congress was unconstitutional because it excluded “white ethnic groups that have unquestionably suffered ethnic prejudice,” referring to Irish, Italian, German and other European immigrants and Jews. {snip}..."

In the end, he did not win the case by making people realize whites are discriminated against, he won by convincing people that whites are actually part of other groups and those are discriminated against.

I wish he had won based on the simple and obvious evidence that whites are in fact discriminated against, and more so everyday

It is sad the he had to turn whites into ethnic group victims

I wish whites could win court cases by saying they are white not by saying they are part of some other oppressed minority.

When will it be ok to recognize whites are discrimenated agaisnt for being white?

apsterian #racist #conspiracy satanismrampant.blogspot.com

Yes, I get it about Hannukah: it's mere pretext of these satanists called Jews to up-stage the stupid Christian goyim--that's the main purpose. But Hannukah is no great thing for the Jews themselves.

For of course, Hannukah itself doesn't mean too darn much in way of glory as it merely commemorates a bunch of Jew chieftans and bosses who were able to haggle and finagle a kind of fiefdom in btwn Egypt and Syria and w. help of Romans.

And this Hasmonean "dynasty" was itself mere shaky interlude before the disaster of the first cent. AD and then disastrous Bar Kochba rebellion which removed the Jews definitively fm Palestine for centuries--nearly two millennia, in pt. of fact.

So the Jews on the one hand want to up-hold the Holyday, "Hannukah," but they don't want the Christians or gentiles to look too closely at it as it's so lacking in grandeur, actually just a shadowy reminder of the old, fading Judean presence in Palestin.

Jim #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #wingnut #sexist #transphobia blog.reaction.la

[From "The shape of our enemy"]

The richest man in the world, Elon Musk, is currently in a power struggle with Yoel Roth, the former head of Trust & Safety at Twitter who is featured prominently in the “Twitter Files” released by Elon Musk

Yoel Roth is a Jewish faggot. That he is a Jew and a faggot is in his bio. As head of Trust and Safety, he displayed a strangely relaxed attitude to child sexual exploitation material on twitter, which would lead one to expect he is a pederast

Further, all faggots are pederasts and all straights are “paedophiles” for a straight is attracted to youth and indications of fertility, regardless of chronological age, thus attracted to all fertile age females, regardless of chronological age, while faggots find breasts repulsive and youth attractive, thus are attracted to men and to children below fertile age regardless of the sex of the child. Which does not necessarily prove that they acting on that attraction, but Yoel Roth considered accusations of grooming “unsafe”, while somehow considering grooming to be safe

As head of Trust and Safety, he not only suppressed information on the dangers of the jab, and the truth about Global Warming, but also suppressed information on the dangers of child sexual transition. Child sexual transition is very much in the interests of pederasts

The current epidemic of gender confusion in schools reflects the interests of pederasts running them. Marriage was destroyed in large part so that professors could get pussy. Now childhood is being destroyed so that faggots can get ass

Russ Winter #conspiracy #racist #wingnut winterwatch.net

In contemplating what may have gotten <Anthony> Bourdain suicided, our top theory was that he was a loose cannon to the Crime Syndicate. If he was intelligence, that doesn’t mean he was good intel. In fact, he was a feather ruffler. And today the small eateries that Bourdain supported are being wiped out by tyrants. What would he have said about that.

He angered some people of proud white heritage with a commentary that the world’s problems wouldn’t be solved until the population was “like Singapore”. But this ignorant cosmopolitan Kalergiesque offense didn’t square with the respect and affection shown to all the local and nation cultures as he introduced them on air. In reality and practice, he was a Europhile, and respected and promoted those national cultures and never diminished or trashed any of the various largely white nations he portrayed. Because he was trying to teach respect, I think Bourdain gave lip service to a confused political correctness.

He also bucked the endless Muslim demonization by (((American media))) when he showed up in Palestine in 2013 with a very positive portrayal. He immediately fell in love with Palestine, its people and the culture and was shocked to witness brutality of military occupation by Israeli forces.
Death by hanging is thought to be typical of pittura infamante, or a defaming portrait. It is also associated with David Carradine and sexual affixation. Therefore, in terms of a gesture, and with his enemies list, to us this looks like Bourdain was suicided. Secondly, he was a recovered heroin addict. His suicide of choice surely would have been riding the dragon out to the end, not hanging with a bathroom robe tie. All the lugenpresse was quick to jump on the suicide narrative.

Henry Makow PhD/Larry Romanoff #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Despite two appeals which have gone unanswered, I am still banned from Twitter. This despite E. Michael Jones' return and Musk's pledge of "absolute free speech." I am suppressed because I expose the "divide & conquer" political charade. The Left (Communist, globalist) and the Right (conservative, nationalist) are both Masonic-Jewish factions. Both are controlled by the Rothschild world banking cartel. Both are Cabalist (satanic) Jewish.

The US Conservative false opposition exists to foster division and hide the shocking fact that humanity has been satanically possessed by Cabalist Jews and Freemasons. Look what happened to Kanye when he drew attention to Jewish hegemony. The "vaccine" roll out took place under Communist tag team traitor Donald Trump.

Like Trump, Elon Musk is Jewish, part of the faux conservative Zionist wing. He may do some good but he cannot be trusted.

Larry Romanoff writes,

"Some claim that Elon Musk is not a Jew. Elon or Alon is a Hebrew masculine name that would not occur on a list of Gentile names. Musk attended Jewish schools in South Africa. His mother, Maye Haldeman, is Jewish but listed as "Canadian", which is hardly an ethnic group. There are Jewish family and other relations (Elon's brother married Jen Lewin), and more. Musk's connections with Israel and powerful Jews have a long history, Tesla's closet relationship with Israeli tech spanning many years and its self-driving technology is 100% Jewish, originating from the Israeli company Mobileye. Musk has close and high-level contacts in Israel, having met with Netanyahu (at his private residence) on more than one occasion."

But, false opposition is preferable to none at all. So yea Elon Musk! I much prefer the Zionist roadmap to Cabalist Jewish supremacy than the insane Communist one.

Highly Polished Mirror Award

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist catholicamericanthinker.com

Loony Lefties really are crazy people. The insane mind is broken from reality. The crazy person believes things that are not true, and acts accordingly.

The question we wrestle with here, or one of them, regards whether a crazy person who firmly believes that he is something other than what he actually is, actually is what he thinks he is, or actually is what he actually is.

Either he (her; it; whatever) is crazy, or all the rest of us are crazy.

It should strike all of us that this very line of questioning is crazy.

Why on earth do we even need to discuss it?

Well, we need to discuss it because the now booming numbers of crazy people today were made to be crazy by others who are part of a concerted plan to drive whole human cultures crazy.
To forcibly get humanity's mind right. Or, actually, wrong.

The goal is Globalism, the "in" name for International Communism.

The New World Order is just the latest recipe for communism, and all of its many proponents who are pushing it on the world who don't know or believe that are either silly unserious dupes, or crazy people.

Professional teachers today are themselves educated, credentialed, indoctrinated and dedicated to the effort to crank out insane graduates. We can blame Cultural Marxism for getting this ball rolling, but once it started rolling it took on a destructive life of its own.
They all teach things that are not true, and they all stand on the three pillars of the drive to cultural insanity, which are

Progressive Theology

Progressive Theology begins with inclusive "all religions are the same", then trivializes all religions, and ends with "there is no god".
Anyone who dares to stand up and challenge any one of these Marxist lies will be charged with being a racist, a science-denier, a hater, and a femi-commie-homo-trannie-phobe, subject to firing, doxing, canceling, suing and perhaps even fining and imprisonment.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

If our southern border was being inundated by a flood of Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, or Germans, the establishment would be scrambling to build a border wall that could be seen from space.

They'd be declaring it an invasion, an overt hostile act of war, and they'd be sending armed troops to the border ready to kill.

But since the tidal wave that's pouring over our border is brown, no one's doing a damn thing to stop it.

@Nature_and_Race Right because this is an ongoing attempt at genocide of White Americans.

@Sorin13 @Nature_and_Race Should castrate all the non-white guys attempting to cross that border and the ones that came years ago should be castrated as punishments along with their wicked jew globalist masters!!

@Nature_and_Race if it was young eastern European women flooding our southern border.

American feminist and girls in general would be fleeing their jobs and selling everything to go in bus loads together to build the wall themselves.

THE WALL would be built practically overnight by the exact people who are opposing it now.

@Nature_and_Race They started pushing the white guilt narrative and white demonization hard in the 1960's. Politicians, media, academia. And it worked. And we all know who the biggest pushers of this were, especially in media and academia.

@Nature_and_Race White people don't make countries that you'd want to migrate away from, that's what minorities do.

@MisterS @Nature_and_Race White nations build civilizations: the rest destroy them.

@Nature_and_Race Make White people Feared Again

Matt #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #racist younggospelminister.blogspot.com

[From "Trade Offs Of Women Working"]

When you sit and ponder what pushing women into the workforce has done for society, objectively, it really shows how silly we are[…]
-Well, it has created more opportunities for women. Almost endless opportunities[…]
-It has filled the workforce with a mixed gender field[…]
This has had mixed results. Some people meet their husband or wife at work, and some people encounter sexually abusive interactions. There are now endless court cases dealing with sexual complaints in the workforce, placing a massive burden on women, men, employers, the court system, bringing in the creation of HR and more. A massive bureaucratic burden has been increased on the workplace, and women often write articles about how hard it is to deal with sexism in the workplace[…]
The most common place adultery happens is in the workforce[…]so it has undermined countless marriages. Which offsets the benefits of people finding a spouse at work, sometimes they were even somebody else's spouse first

It also places wives under the authority of someone else outside the home that competes with the husband's authority[…]
-Women can earn far more than ever before[…]So they have far more money, but they are earning money doing things they did as wives[…]
-Because women have more money, everything costs more. Therefore this having more money is a double edged sword[…]
This causes women to delay having children to pursue a career, which means less children are born. So immigration is needed (some think so at least)[…]These people often come from cultures opposed to ours causing other issues as well[…]
In engineering there is a principle, that every increase in one area, comes with a trade off in another area[…]We have done this to society by driving women into the workforce. We have traded a lot, for little return, and we are wearing society down in the process

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


Anybody who can't tell the whole "Hispanics are conservative now" thing is a psyop to convince conservatives to do amnesty for cheaper wages and White replacement is retarded.

What happened last time conservatives were promised Hispanics were "natural conservatives"?

D'port D'nesh

@Caudill @Halp I don't know. Dinesh may have an unfortunate accident on his way to the boat home.

@Halp Punjabi street shitter promoting a beaner... Peak GOP.

@Halp She looks – and I'm not trying to joke or be mean here, I'm being serious – developmentally disabled.

@ACL9000 most mestizos are


@Halp Only dumb faggots still give a shit about the two party system.

@Halp We've established that the GOP is multicultural and inclusive of niggers and hispanics. So how does that make it any different than the democrat party it's supposed to oppose?

Western democracy means you get a choice between two left-wing parties. We must break-free of this false dichotomy.


@Halp The GOP was always for faggots and kikesuckers. Nothing's changed, there is no 'new'.

@Halp Street shitter humping for a Mexican tranny. The republican triple crown.


@Halp The brown GOP coalition stick together and hype each other. It's almost like skin tone is more important than ideology.

@Halp you just know kikes get a kick out of puppeteering this faggot all the time

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