Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut

RE: A More Diverse America Turns Against Racial Preferences


When Proposition 16 was put on the ballot, Californians voted it down by a 14-point margin. Even a state that voted nearly 2 to 1 for Joe Biden affirmed its opposition to racial preferences.

Even more surprising, 68% of Hispanics, 63% of Asians and 59% of blacks also opposed it.

Do you suppose they understood the question?

Bingo. Blacks and much of the Latinx (ironic) believe the media propaganda that Blacks and the Latinex are the victims of "racism." They honestly have no idea that these "preferences" help them.

(ilya muromets)
They might have understood the implications of having incompetent personal that got admitted in colleges by virtue of their race alone?

Maybe they have just enough intellect to understand those implications?

(Marc Zuckurburg)
In related fake news, kids have stopped liking ice cream.

I can believe Asians are against racial preferences but I highly doubt that many Blacks and Hispanics are against it.

(Darien X)
No way, it’s probably a red herring to throw everyone off the scent.

I honestly don't think most Black/Hispanics understood the realty of the situation that they benefit immensely from said racial preferences in college admissions and assumed it benefitted Whites...

They can do all the polls they want but there is no real world indication that blacks oppose preferential treatment for jobs, education, or anything else that benefits them. None. Zero. Nada.

(Darien X)
Absolutely not. Like you said, they probably didn’t understand the question. All other indicators like blacks voting over 90% Democrat say otherwise. Since when did they refuse freebees?

(Jay Alexander)
I think they probably misunderstood the question. When they saw "racial preferences" they probably thought it meant racial preference and privilege in favor of Whites. If the question made it explicit that they were using preferences to boost black and brown representation and to increase "equitable outcomes" then I suspect the responses would have been precisely the opposite.

They obviously don’t understand that it’s for them and their colorful allies.

PPEcel #sexist #transphobia #wingnut

Hypocrisy Mentally ill faggot screams into megaphone directly at an elderly foid's face during protest


“F— you, you f—king white cracker. F— you, you ugly piece of sh—!”

A male far-left militant screams a racist slur over a bullhorn in the face of a woman. Far-left radicals have descended on the state capitol in Nashville to try & shut down @MattWalshBlog.

The video says it all, really.

Here's my question: How much of a meltdown would Reddit have if an incel did the same thing to a woman holding a sign during a feminist rally? Methinks they would start ranting about harassment. So why is it that the soycucks are OK with this type of behavior from faggots?

You can tell there's something cuckoo about SJWs in general. No sane person behaves like that in public.

why does """he""" look like a literal woman

It's a man that's pumped full of all sorts of chemicals so he can LARP as a femoid. A goddamned freak.

Gregcyber #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #psycho #racist #sexist

Re: Taylor Swift Will Release Midnights Teaser During Prime Video's Thursday Night Football

from a previous Taylor Swift video:


Long ago she would be burned in a fire till death for mating and or promoting sex with the African Apes and African Dogs or any Bestiality.
It was in the bible long ago to kill these animals that mate outside of their own race, when the white race was pure.

But somehow, religion promotes Bestiality now.

Exodus 22:19

19 “Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.

As sperm from mammals is the smallest cell in the mammal's body and sperm is programed to invade cells and release its DNA Package into the living cell. Kind of like a virus.

This has to do with Males DNA being sharded with the other man or beast.
Aids is a DNA Package that finds compatible cells to host the DNA.
DNA and sperm are smart cells and when sperm finds a male-on-male cell, the DNA, by nature tries to kill the Male on Male.

Africans have a corrupted blood cell, Sickle Cell Disease and think, black tight curly hair follicles that are not found on any other mammal.

The African she lays with is her lust for sex pleasure, and she created the life forum just for sex.
What she did not know, is the power of nature, taking in the male's sperm of a beast (serpent) would change her DNA into a beast.
Females have more pleasure nerves in the reproductive glands / organ then male mammals, and the sperm from the male mammal is like the tree of knowledge.

If the female takes in enough male sperm, by drinking by mouth and using her Birth Canal to take in male sperm, where the eggs (fruit) are, and repletely over one time or many times, depending on how foreign the two life forums are, the male's sperm will slowly program the female's DNA to conceive and reproduce life, that's the power of nature.

Males and Females are God like; they create life in their own image, like a female can create corrupted life forums and then share it with the males.
The Great redeemer hides the sins of man and beast.

If a female seeks pleasure any way she can, the female is the slave master and will enslave her man, sons, father and brothers for she lusts of comforts.

John O’Looney and Polly Tommey #wingnut #quack #conspiracy


jvsmine & hmimperialtortie #transphobia

"Passing" post-op TIM realizes straight men still won't sleep with him, calls it discrimination

( jvsmine )
"Just having that knowledge about you can change someone from being all over you to friendzoning you without any objective reason."

why are all TIMs such fucking rapists? this is incel rapist rhetoric. fucking sickos.

edit to add: not getting fucked means TIMs are "expendable"?

not at all like how the sudden real women are expendable in our own rape shelters, prisons, sports, etc. our feelings of being safe and cared for are disregarded so TIMs can "feel safe and valid and included".

they act like not getting fucked is gunna kill them. jesus I hate these moids.

( hmimperialtortie )
I honestly don’t care what anyone they rape or try to rape does to them.

Anton Krasovsky #psycho #racist #wingnut

(This is from an interview with Russian science fiction author Sergei Lukyanenko. Anton Krasovsky is director of broadcasting at the Russian state funded RT)

Sergei: I went to Ukraine for the first time in 1980 as a child. Over there, Ukrainian children would tell me that Ukraine is occupied by Moskals, that if not for Moskals, they would live like France and that they’re suffering under occupation. Those were not Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainian children, these were around and they were normal, they were Russian-speakers, with Russian surnames.

Anton: They should have been drowned in the Tysyna [river] right there, where the Duckings swim. Just drown those children, drown them right in the Tysyna. That’s not your method, because you sci-fi writers are intelligent people, but it is our method. Whoever says that Moskals occupied them, you throw them in the river with a strong undercurrent

various commenters #racist

( Unknown Man )
I'm starting to hate black people.
Fuck these monkeys; fuck their rap music, fuck their traditions, fuck them in every way. The KKK was always right; burn these niggers and send them to fucking Africa for God's sake.

You’re JUST beginning to? Welcome to the party pal!

(Unknown Man)

You’re JUST beginning to? Welcome to the party pal!

Yeah, I was convinced that they were good, but after watching that video of four niggers raping a mom in front of her son, I just changed.


Yeah, I was convinced that they were good, but after watching that video of four niggers raping a mom in front of her son, I just changed.

Sad shit man, also that video in which negroes set on fire a hobo theyre evil

The longer you're around them, the more you'll start to hate them although there is a minority of high IQ blacks but its either a hit or miss.

(Unknown Man)

Sad shit man, also that video in which negroes set on fire a hobo theyre evil

They are evil and lame, i will never talk a nigger again and i will never listen to rap music, fuck these niggers, this is what I'm listening to Proud member of the Ku Klux Klan

(Unknown Man)

The longer you're around them, the more you'll start to hate them although there is a minority of high IQ blacks but its either a hit or miss.

This whole race is just doomed, I'm glad I'm Arabic


This whole race is just doomed, I'm glad I'm Arabic

Keep enslaving them.My European-American ancestors lost that opportunity a while ago.

(Unknown Man)

Keep enslaving them.My European-American ancestors lost that opportunity a while ago.

Nah man, your ancestors didn't lose shit, it's the jews who made them feel like they are Americans when they are just low tier Africans

Its the kikes that took over the control and made negroes first class citizens like trannies and roasties as well , in this globohomo society..but well its also whites fault for giving in

Ethnic cleansing

( Napoleon de Geso)
Twerking shgould be made into crime, punisheable by publick lynching?

@faithful2him #wingnut #conspiracy

This is another step in their plan to tell the world that we are weak and dependent. They want to destroy the perception to the world that we are a super power. This "Please help America" plea is nothing more than a dinner invitation to the downfall of our Nation. Venezuela had the very same thing happen to them. They couldn't buy squat in that country. Relatives shipped things in to them; otherwise, they didn't have it and I know people who did that. President Trump stood in their way for 4yrs. and kept us safe from this, but now, we face the challenge of saving our Nation...will we meet that challenge?

various commenters #wingnut #racist

The Memphis shooter is going to be declared mentally unfit to stand trial because his IQ is too low or some other bullshit and he will not go to prison.

This is going to keep happening more and more frequently because of George Soros DAs installed in major cities across the US.

Only then will the people realize why Congress passed an anti-lynching bill in 2022.



Or he'll get convicted, and then there will be a legal run around til the public forgets, then he'll get a diminished sentence for some horseshit technicality.

You know how this works...

@The_Nose Black people do not process a justice system which takes over a year to reach a verdict and several years after to come to a conclusion. That's why lynching became a thing.

@Zaklog @The_Nose They made it illegal this year. Because the jews knew this day would come when vigilante justice is just around the corner.

@The_Nose I think you're right. One way or another this guy will 100% not face hate crime charges. It also will not be considered the media darling "mass shooting" because they did not occur in the same spot. It's going to be a shitshow.

@The_Nose shoot back at the niggers

@The_Nose exactly what I told my wife just like all the others they will say he can't stand trial.

@TexasGrandson @The_Nose I just planted another truth nugget in my wife tonight at dinner. I said "the media is reporting this as a "random shooting." That means all the victims of a black gunman are going to be White..."

Now I just have to wait for it to root, because I have no doubt in my mind it is going to be true.

@The_Nose “going to be declared mentally unfit to stand trial because his IQ is too low ”

That excuse would eliminate 13 percent of the population from criminal prosecution. Oh wait… it seems it already does.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The harmful and violent rhetoric coming from the Biden regime and most democrats concerning 'MAGA Republicans' is scapegoating at best.

Biden campaigned on uniting the country - looks like the plan all along was to unite the country against conservatives.

@DrPaulGosar The antiwhites want white people dead. They want total global white erasure.

@DrPaulGosar >looks like the plan all along was to unite the country against conservatives

that's been happening for decades lol

@DrPaulGosar the demoncrite is the drunk in a bar who talks shit to everyone all night, throws things at people, grabs women's asses, tries to pick a fight with everyone, steals cash tips off the bar and refuses to pay his tab. then, if someone finally bitch slaps him out the door, he calls the cops and plays the victim.
that's a demoncrite.

@DrPaulGosar Who actually believed Illegitimate Joe would "unite the country"?

@DrPaulGosar By “MAGA Republicans” they mean white people. I’ll use leftists language it’s an obvious dog whistle and republicans are too cowardly to call them out on it.

@Rooooo @DrPaulGosar Yes, we must call out racism against Whites.

@DrPaulGosar What's the point of "uniting" with degenerates, homosexuals, globalists, and the various shades of swarth? Let them divide the country and die in the cities, we possess all of the raw material and intellectual prowess. With exception for the tiny sliver of honest-to-God pro-union working class White democrats, every shade of liberal is a mindless consumer. Conservatives have their own bad apples, but you could effectively write off 99% of the DNC voting base and make this country better overnight.


@DrPaulGosar What the heck did people expect with Obama’s 3rd term. Biden doesn’t even decide the pudding he eats at night.

@DrPaulGosar Conservatives are the country. The election was stolen. Just say it.

@DrPaulGosar Will Not Work....We Are The Country!!!

bunch of racist anons #racist

Anonymous: Why are half the background characters black?
I don't recall this being the case in the first movie. (image attached is a poster of the movie incredibles 2)

Anonymous: Half the US is black.

Anonymous: They are literally a smaller portion of the population than Hispanics yet get 10 times the representation.

Anonymous: Cause spics contribute barely anything in the history of this country and you know that, stop pretending you want their representation as well white boi.

Anonymous: What the hell have blacks contributed to the US apart from violent crime statistics?

Anonymous: Music

Anonymous: >Jazz
Invented by white man Willie Ruff, perfected by white woman Carole King

Invented by Elvis Presley, a white man

Invented by Michael Jackson, a white man

Black people don't have souls

>Hip Hop
Invented by Eminem, a white guy

Perfected by Eiffel 65, a white band

Perfected by Vanilla Ice, a very white man
It's whites all the way down

Nick Fuentes #fundie #wingnut

Nick Fuentes[…]declared during a livestream Tuesday night that he is going to spend the next two years raising up an army of thousands of far-right “soldiers” who will be ready to take over the government should former President Donald Trump be reelected in 2024[…]
Those who filled the ranks of government under Trump, Fuentes griped, were too concerned about their own lives and the welfare of their families to be willing to sacrifice it all for the cause[…]
“We need to raise an army of soldiers, not an army of pussies that have the right opinions,” Fuentes bellowed. “We need to raise an army of soldiers, and if you’re meek or weak or you’re a bitch, you need to hit the bricks because it’s finished, that movement is dead”

“This is my mission statement,” he continued. “My mission for 2024 is to raise an army of at least 1,000 groypers that will infiltrate Capitol Hill and the Trump administration as staffers and bureaucrats[…]
“I’ve recognized my role,” Fuentes said. “I’ve got an audience of young people. I’m respected. I’m a role model, and I’ve got an audience of energetic, zealous Christian American patriots. My exclusive mission in the next two years is to get as many of them as possible trained, vetted, testified, fortified, tested, and plug them in to Washington, D.C., or various other institutions, plug them into Capitol Hill, plug them into the White House[…]
“It’s our job to create an entire generation, a true movement, a cadre of 50,000 people to take over the government and create a lasting MAGA institutional revolution at every level of government,”[…]
“We got to come back in ’24 with the vengeance,” he declared. “Not care what the media says, not care what your friends and family say, not care what anybody says. It’s got to be, ‘Trump 2024: Make America Great Again Or Else.’ Like, at all costs. ‘America First At Any Cost’

mrsmeyers , StayoffmyTERF & hmimperialtortie #transphobia

( mrsmeyers )
This tweet from the same account, someone save my eyeballs from rolling into another dimension

Thankyou all for the lovely chats. I’m going to make lunch now, for myself, before returning to my work at home. My Paramedic husband is out saving lives. Yes, he asks for pronouns.

My opinions will only ever be that. Debate is healthy, violence is not.


( StayoffmyTERF )
If a paramedic asks my pronouns while I’m having a medical emergency, I’d rather him just let me die.

( hmimperialtortie )
Someone ask me that at such a time and I’d be sorely tempted to spit in their eye.

I wonder if the alleged paramedic husband only asks pronouns of the obvious genderhairs?

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Now that the FBI and DOJ have been caught in a massive and determinative Election Rigging Scam, are they going to change the results of the 2020 Presidential Election? They should!!!

I’ll be boycotting for obvious reasons!

@NguyenUSA Well, if you boycott voting for conservatives, then you better be ready to fight, because they will be coming for us.

@realdonaldtrump No, they won't, because we live under antiwhite tyranny. The antiwhite regime does not care for rule of law.

@14W @realdonaldtrump and Trump was part of it. Promised a $500b platinum plan for blacks and nothing for poor and working class whites

@realdonaldtrump You can't build a house on quicksand and you can't go into another election without fixing the fraud of 2020.

@thedarthvader @realdonaldtrump It's absurd to act as if our votes are somehow going to count in 2022 and 2024 when they didn't count in 2020. Trump was the president in 2020, and even with all the tools of the federal government and executive branch at his disposal, he couldn't stop it. Now we're supposed to believe he can stop it when Biden pulls all the strings? No freaking way.

@realdonaldtrump I hear Trump will be back by Christmas. What a gift from the Lord that would be.

No! From now on, they are going to cheat a thousand times WORSE! They are criminals!

@844steamtrain WAR!


@realdonaldtrump are you going to stop sucking Jew ass? You should.

Various commenters #wingnut #fundie


spoilerBiblical Christianity is unpopular
Popular Christianity is unbiblical

@I_Am_Texas Had a friend leave our church, asked him why, said he was tired of hearing how BAD he was! Well, that's what biblical enlightenment does, it pulls the covers off our sins! We then see how helpless we are WITHOUT Jesus! That's why we NEED Jesus! Sin is slavery, Jesus is freedom!

@I_Am_Texas Awsome bubba! It's so true. When I went to church and young kid the ministers would speak against sin. They spoke against homosexuals they spoke against but the prosperity thing and trying to be humble and christ-like but that ain't the way it is though. All these churches are apostate and I refuse to go back. They all signed the 501c3 and once they do that you never hear anything about what you need to really hear. It's like government-controlled church and I'm so fagot comes to get married and that Minister doesn't do it he'll lose her tax free status.

@I_Am_Texas popular Christianity is brought to you by the jew trash.

What constitutes "Biblical Christianity?"

@Karolus_Magnus. No gay, no premarital sex, being a person who follows the biblical commands of Jesus


Excellent question: likely #Jewish responses on the main. Let's see...

Miles Mathis #conspiracy

Infowars tops its page with a big fake picture of a nuclear explosion, and the story that Putin has now officially threatened to nuke Western cities, including US cities, if NATO continues to support Ukraine. Fake. US bankers created post-Revolution Russia*, and we have owned them ever since. They were our allies up to 1946 and still are, the whole Cold War thing being staged from the get-go. Putin is just another one of our actors, pulled out of some international actors equity composed of worldwide peers. Same goes for Zelensky, one of the worst actors ever. Orwell told us exactly how it would be in 1984, and everyone claims to have read it, so where is the mystery here? The entire conflict is staged to create fear and destabilization, and to get eyes off the vaccine crime against humanity. So how does Alex Jones, who sells himself as revolutionary #1, not know this? He hasn't read 1984?

Same thing with the lead story on Russia hitting a tank depot in Kiev with cruise missiles. As proof of that we get a picture of some smoke from a great distance.

Speaking of Zelensky and Putin, am I the only one who has noticed that everyone hired by Jones seems to be Jewish? Tax expert Tyler Bennett was on today, not only looking and sounding very Jewish, but with the name Bennett as a huge clue as well. The Bennetts are closely related to the Queen and we have seen them in hundreds of top events over the centuries. Same for agent Kaitlyn Bennett, married to admitted Jew Justin Moldow. How can people not see through these people, just from their names and faces? Owen Shroyer is obviously Jewish, again just from his name and face. I don't have to dig any deeper than that.

Kenneth Daniel #fundie

BLOUNT COUNTY, Ala. (WIAT) — A pastor of a Jefferson County church has been arrested and charged with a child sex offense, Blount County Sheriff Mark Moon confirmed.

Kenneth Daniel, 64, was charged with facilitating solicitation of unlawful sexual conduct with a child, according to jail records from the BCSO. He was booked into the Blount County Jail on the felony charge Wednesday night.

A seven-year-old victim told her grandfather that Daniel, who is a pastor at First Baptist Church of Chalkville, had been sexually abusing her.

The girl reported that Daniel had touched her private parts numerous times at his residence, a pool party and the church.

Timothy Alberino #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The earth and distant extraterrestrial worlds are reeling in the wake of war and ruin. A powerful insubordinate prince, personified as the dragon, the devil, and the satan, has mounted an unsuccessful insurrection against the kingdom of heaven in a battle of unimaginable destruction. The planets in our solar system, once teeming with life, have been laid waste and left to careen in their orbits tohu va-bohu—desolate and empty. After untold eons of inundated oblivion, the time has finally come to restore the terrestrial realm and appoint a new regent to govern it—Adam, the first man.

The offspring of Adam have forgotten the patrimony and purpose of their race. Now faced with extinction at the hands of an alien adversary, it is high time for them to remember.

In this revolutionary book, Timothy Alberino retraces the pages and reveals the secrets of the greatest story ever told. From the galactic rebellion in the pre-Adamic past to the creation of mankind on Planet Earth; the fall of the watchers in the pre-Flood world to the machinations of Luciferian forces in modern times; the unveiling of the alien presence to the final battle at Armageddon; Alberino unpacks the synchronicity of these events with scholarly precision and leaves you breathless on the brink of a posthuman apocalypse.
Known as the modern-day Indiana Jones, Timothy Alberino is a consummate explorer. His inquisitive mind and insatiable appetite for adventure have led him all over the planet in search of lost cities, lost civilizations, hidden treasures, and legendary creatures. After years of rigorous study, Alberino has garnered an expansive knowledge base that enables him to dissertate with authority on a wide variety of esoteric topics, including theories on alternative history; ancient mythologies, megalithic architecture; giants, Bigfoot, and other cryptids; UFOs and alien abduction; transhumanism and emerging technologies; occult conspiracy; and Christian eschatology.

State of the Nation #racist #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

No other global entity represents the manifestation here on Earth of “The Dark Triad” shown above better than THE KHAZARIAN CABAL (aka The KHAZARIAN TRIAD) which has ruled the whole world for centuries.
That satanic triangle of planetary power, force and influence, which oversees the global power structure today, has actually existed for millennia.
However, although THE KHAZARIAN CABAL resides at the peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid, it, too, is subordinate to the much more powerful extraterrestrial dark forces known as the Archons.
What are those three international crime syndicates that have strategically terrorized and traumatized all of humanity, especially over the past 250 years? The following three international crimes syndicates represent the 3 primary entities of the Khazarian Cabal.

These 3 murderous camarillas are populated by genocidal maniacs, criminally insane psychopaths, inveterate warmongers and hardcore terrorists.

They are quite well-known in some circles (of the initiated) for their utterly cataclysmic handiwork as follows:
The Armenian Genocide,
World War I,
Bolshevik Revolution,
Spanish Flu Pandemic,
The Great Depression,
Holodomor Genocide,
Chinese Civil War,
World War II,
Korean War,
The Holocaust,
Vietnam War,
Cambodian Genocide,
Rwandan Genocide,
Yugoslav Wars,
Iraq Wars,
9/11 Terrorist Attacks,
War on Terror,
Afghanistan War,
Syrian War,
Libyan War,
Ukraine War,
COVID-19 Pandemic
& Covid Super Vaccination Agenda
all have one thing in common— the Khazarian Cabal.
And, this is only an abridged list of devastating wars, calamities and plagues since the beginning of the 20th century, although it does represent the very worst of their malevolent conspiratorial plots and global crime sprees carried out against all of humanity.
BOTTOM LINE: Until the human race fully understands,
and forever terminates, the nefarious workings of THE KHAZARIAN TRIAD, nothing will ever change on
planet Earth.

basementLDARcel #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger

Incel Trait: getting excited about mass shootings.
It's always funny whenever a mass shooting happens, normies always wanna give up gun rights. Meanwhile, niggers shoot each other to death in the city every day and normies don't give a shit. This proves normies are actually sociopaths who only care about an issue when it affects them. This is why normies deserve to be killed in mass shootings, or better yet, when little kids get killed in mass shootings, because those kids will grow up to be bratty teenagers

On top of that, all the parents have to deal with losing a child, imagine the misery and despair they will feel. Why should us as incels care about children, when we are denied the opportunity to reproduce? It makes no sense. And going back to the gun rights, it goes to show normies don't care about the gun rights, or even understand how rights work. they will claim stuff like "when the second amendment was created we didn't have access to high powered AR-15s". Well, we also didn't have the internet when the first amendment was created, so by that logic no one should be able to say stuff online. Which is ironically what normies think in regards to this forum, they think us saying mean stuff and "Go ER (in minecraft)", is illegal, when it's not.

Fuck normies, I hope the next mass shooter reaches double digits in kills.

AsiaCel #sexist

Burqa are super high IQ if you think about it, they heavily limit foids attractiveness to other men, which reduces male to male competiton and cheating. Because you don't know who's a 18yr cute girl or who's a 85 yr grandma.

Also, foids can't cheat with fakeups anymore. That greatly reduces their cheat codes.

Combine this with banning foids from leaving home without a man, and many relationship related problems are reduced to a minimum.

Candace Owens #conspiracy #wingnut

The media has a lot to lose— namely power over black American emotions—if we all wake up to the lies surrounding the George Floyd narrative. They are attempting to hang Kanye publicly for daring to challenge their control over the masses. This “lawsuit” is a PR strategy.

IchikosChocolate & crodish #transphobia

"i feel like i'm just cosplaying real masculinity"

( IchikosChocolate )
This is genuinely so sad to read... It hurts to see how many girls are groomed into the belief that men are superior, a belief that has ruined this poor girl and made her want to become a man in order to become "better". The whole "queer" (a word I personally use for all the clowns leeching off the LGB's actual oppression) stuff is just 21th century misogyny and there should be no debate over that. Trans women being such grotesque caricatures of womanhood, girls forcing themselves to be someone they're not and never will be (also known as a man) in order to fit society's standards for a "mentally and physically strong person", the whole non-binary thing being a way to affirm gender stereotypes... the world is f*cked.

( crodish )
Yes, you are.

No female can become a male. Your bound breasts, mastectomied breasts, arm graft scar, phalloplasty, and everything you do to make yourself seem more like a man are themselves proof of your being female. No male has to do this.

You get better by stopping trying to be what you are not and accepting yourself as you are. You never needed to do any of this.

Jesus christ this is so upsetting to read. None of them know what the fuck they are doing or that none of it changes them into a man. They've been sold nothing but lies.

Commander Hatonn via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Greetings to all souled ones upon Earth Shan. My message today is to give you hope and joy, fort he ending time is upon us! By that statement I mean I speak in terms of Earth-time.

What is Earth-time at the present? Let me explain once again. Earth began her entrance into the Photon Belt since the 1950’s. This belt is one of energy making the second on your time clock to speed up. The change of the second was not felt much at that time, but, as the years passed, Earth moved further and further into this belt of energy, as she has done since her very beginning.

Seventy-two years have passed since 1950, and Earth has moved far into this belt, even as it encompasses the Pleiades System. Your day of 24 hours is now equivalent to a 12-hour day compared to the 24-hour day some of you older ones remember when you were a child. Yes, the minute has speeded up, so your 24-hour day speeds faster than you think because it makes the 24-hour day half as long. I hope you understand what I mean by this statement.
Sananda has said that one minute you are on Earth and the next minute you are home in the Lighted Realms. This could happen “DAY or night. I thank the Lightworkers for what they have done to help Mother Earth and the entire Cosmos. I fore-see no more missions or petitions to be made, but all of you, instead of saying them daily can ask that y thought that these petitions continue on like a never-ending ocean wave across the entire Cosmos.
One thing is for certain. You must clear selves of all negativity, even if you have to do it many times a day. Any negativity with which you have not dealt with affects your physical body, as it is beamed up in a higher frequency. Keep centered, focused, balanced and calm. Petition that your frequency to be at 169433 Harmonic Frequencies to be able to be transported without physical harm to your fleshy envelope. Remember again, that you can be lifted off during the night time OR day time!

Adam Mill #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia

In Rand’s conception, beneath the apparent power of the statist movement lies a hollow, rotten core. One crack of the hard exterior causes the whole thing to come tumbling down. More than 30 years before the fall of the Soviet Union, Rand saw the inherent weakness of a system that survives by crushing freedom.

Social justice, climate change, criminal justice “reform,” gender-affirming “care,” critical race theory, ESG—all of these utopian ideals have made things worse. The great spasm of protests and violence in 2020 following the death of George Floyd aggravated race relations by normalizing “trainings” in workplaces and schools during which openly bigoted propaganda shamed Americans for the color of their skin. Woke corporate executives engage in soft embezzlement as they redirect scarce company resources to profit-destroying social justice objectives. And pushing “gender-affirming” sex surgeries results in more teen suicides not fewer, as the proponents promised. Looking into her crystal ball, Rand got things almost exactly right.
Political oppression, which the Left has merely piloted thus far, will need to ramp up dramatically if the Left is to maintain power. Promises of freedom, prosperity, and equality soon gave way to oppression as restive citizens asked for new leadership in Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. When you hear the Left promise the “end of democracy” if Americans vote them out of power, you had better listen.
All of the institutional power the Left possesses will mean nothing if they don’t have the ability to intimidate. And the power of intimidation begins with a great big bluff against the far more powerful American citizenry. The Left’s power rests on the shoulders of a great American Atlas—millions of ordinary Americans who silently seethed through the past six years of left-wing power grabs. And that Atlas need only shrug at the next round of faux crisis hysteria, and the Left’s power will collapse overnight.

Kanye West #racist #fundie #conspiracy

Kanye West launched into a fresh tirade against Jewish people during a podcast appearance on Sunday, after being restricted from major social media platforms for similar rants

The hip-hop star, now known as Ye, spoke on Revolt TV’s “Drink Champs” podcast, hosted by rapper N.O.R.E. and DJ EFN, where he made antisemitic claims regarding Jewish ties to media and wealth

“You get used to paparazzi taking a picture of you, and you don’t get money off it. You just get used to being screwed by the Jewish media,” West raged, adding that “the Jewish media blocked me out”

“Jewish people have owned the Black voice. Whether it’s through us wearing the Ralph Lauren shirt, or it’s all of us being signed to a record label, or having a Jewish manager, or being signed to a Jewish basketball team, or doing a movie on a Jewish platform like Disney”

He also repeated an earlier claim made in an Instagram post that he couldn’t be antisemitic, since black people were descended from Jews because they had the “blood of Christ,” echoing claims made by the Black Hebrew Israelites, which is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center[…]
On the podcast, West blamed “Jewish Zionists” for news stories revealing that his ex-wife Kim Kardashian and her then-boyfriend, comedian Pete Davidson, had sex in front of a fireplace

“It’s Jewish Zionists that’s about that life. That’s telling this Christian woman that has four black children to put that out as a message,” he charged

In another wild claim about Jewish people and wealth, West said that Catholics refused to work on divorce cases, “so the Jewish lawyers came in and were willing to divorce people. That’s how they came into the money”

Responding to Los Angeles apparel designer Dov Charney’s call for West to visit the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, the rapper said Charney should visit Planned Parenthood, calling it “our Holocaust Museum” in reference to comments he has made on abortion

US Anon #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie

Travis Scott’s Astroworld

The one year anniversary of the Astroworld concert where 10 zoomzooms died is coming up on November 5th. I don’t know if anyone remembers but there was all kinds of shit going on that night, to the point where normies even started questioning what happened.

1. All of the satanic imagery at the concert. The stage was a literal mountain of eyes sitting over a hellmouth surrounded by flames. The catchphrase for the concert was “See you on the other side”. Travis Scott also released a new song the day of the concert called “Escape Plan”. The album art for Escape Plan featured Travis Scott depicted as Batboy from the Weekly World News tabloids saying THE REAL DYSTOPIA IS HERE! Astroworld 2021 took place 666 months and 6 days after the founding of the Church of Satan, which is also the same date as Travis Scott’s birthday, April 30th.

2. The clip of Travis Scott singing while staring straight at an obviously dead guy getting hauled away by EMTs like it didn’t phase him. Other clips of blue and purple colored zoomers getting CPR performed on them while the concert kept going on.

3. The attendees said that there were way more dead bodies than what the official death count was. Attendees also said they tried to get the attention of the production crew livestreaming the concert to tell them that there were people dying in the crowd and the production crew told them to fuck off.

4. There was low frequency music blasting for hours before the show causing an uneasy feeling amongst attendees. Videos from attendees about the atmosphere at the concert compared to feeling like they were “in hell”. Also, all attendees had to be vaxxed to attend and there was an active 5G tower in the middle of the concert grounds.

5. Travis Scott seemingly came up out of nowhere. Why was this rapper pushed so hard?

6. People were being injected with unknown shit in the crowd, including one security guard.

Eyewitness saying he felt like he was in a concert in hell:

Horned figure appears behind Travis and Drake during Sicko Mode:

Various incels #sexist #racist

I noticed that feminists seem to be pretty afraid of incels, but don't understand why. I mean, incels are pretty powerless, meanwhile feminists have all the power in the west.
So why are feminists afraid of incels?

I blame it on teaching them how to read.. and giving them freedom to watch jewtube...
they will watch propoganda on how ER was an incel and how he killed innocent wymen.. and they think all incels are ERs...
and you can see this on cuckeddit.. ER is the most widely used synonym for incels...and it is not just a bias against incels..
femoids will read over and over any new related to where a femoid gets killed or attacked at night.. like they read a wymen was killed by a homeless guy and so now they hate all homeless people...
it is hardwired in their brains...but all their hate vanishes when serial killer looks like Ted Bundy... its funny...
we need sharia law to curb these femoids form destroying this earth

This is also why wymen hate trump.. cause media portrayed him as being a anti femoid... femoids are so easy to manipulate if you are a chad...

[ in GTA V of course ]

Various Blackpillers #sexist

Why Foids Belong In The Kitchen.

They do. Foids should have all of their rights taken away and be sent back to the kitchen where they belong.

If they don't then they will continue to be sluts and ride the Chad carousal.

Foids should have no rights. Our ancestors understood this. It wasn't until jews pushed feminism that people started to believe in "Gender equality" Nonsense.

Men are superior to foids. They are far smarter stronger and taller. Foids are weak and emotional.

Foids are all grown children and should be treated as such. The hierarchy of man>Foid>Child needs to return.

Foids should also not have to right to say "No" To sex. Martial rape should be legal. Foids should also be disciplined when they misbehave by being spanked.

I support arranged marriages as a solution to Inceldom. Every man is entitled to his looksmatch.



they should make me a sandwish while doing the dishes and sucking my cock all at the same time, anything else?

the kitchen is truly their rightful place, considering how much stress the average women goes trough nowdays, they might as well enjoy it

We cant do nothing just accept that they are all Whores and move on

@Trini_Patriot #conspiracy #fundie


The Lord is raising his armies right now we will take these people down and take back what's ours for us and the entire world. This has to go on worldwide in order for it to work. This will be the last world war man versus satanic pedophiles..

Various commenters #wingnut

At this point "Nazi" just means "person not interested in sex with kids or attending urine themed homosexual orgies until festering boils break out all over your body"

So yeah, you can go ahead and slide me into the "Nazi" category



spoilerDEAR LORD,

@MrJoePrich I was a Nazi way back when it meant 'a White Dude who just wants to live alone in the woods' ... See: Ruby Ridge.

@MrJoePrich Nazi just means counter to Jewish influence. Start recognizing your interest do not align with Jewish power.

@MrJoePrich I don't think they realize that the "If you don't agree with this horrible shit,you're a nazi!" argument is making the nazis look good. Which is fine with me.

@Merlynn132 @MrJoePrich never interrupt your enemy when he's doing your job for you!

@Agent156 @MrJoePrich Yeah,but they can't really stop. "Nazi" is their go to "bad person" name. I don't think they can stop it. I mean,you know normies have a knee jerk reaction to call anything bad "nazis". The jews are even worse with it. It's pretty much in their fucked up DNA at this point.

Even if they could,it's their most powerful shaming term,so they have to use it cause nothing else even comes close to working.

@MrJoePrich I'm a proud Nazi⚡️⚡


this defines you. go ask @Alice_F for clarification.

spoiler'Nazi' IS THE NEW N-WORD
'Nazi' is the new n-word. It's
a pejorative, ethnic insult used
towards White people. It's
used to dehumanize Whites
for in order to justify abusing
them. It's fundamentally
racist and offensive. Anyone
who uses it is an enemy of
the American people.

Various commenters #wingnut #fundie

Dear Christians: if you’re not hurting the feelings of the neo-pagans, the atheists, the abortion fanatics, and the LBGT crowd then you’re doing it wrong.

They don’t own the moral high ground.

You do.

@EmeraldRobinson So will you call out the jews or will you be a coward??

@EmeraldRobinson You going to call out jews or just trying to get christians to fight their Pagan kith and kin, many of whom are on their side, more?


Pro-White pagans, christians, and atheists who put race first will be what pulls us through the current time.

Putting religion first and forsaking your race is exactly what the people trying to genocide us want you to do.

@toomuchjuicex @EmeraldRobinson God first. A race war in America is the next crisis they want to use to justify controlling, then genociding us.

@deguerre00 @EmeraldRobinson Nonsense.

But keep doing the work of the jew.

White people have been divided by the jew agenda for decades now, while every other race has been united against us.

They are genociding Whites. The only response to White genocide is #WhiteUnity.

@toomuchjuicex @EmeraldRobinson White unity at every opportunity

@DagnarOdinsson Christians are commanded by Jesus to put faith above family.

The size of the United White group matters less than the strength of the unity within. We cannot give a free pass to the religion of shabbos goyism, since they will not have their priorities straight. They will not Unite with us. Jesus is NOT WELCOME within the unity of Whites, because he was never White.

Christian beliefs have ALREADY caused White genocide. From many nations, we have become merely "White". MudWhites. Left intact, Christianity will cause White genocide. There is no White Unity with Christianity.

We are infinitely better off leaving them to fend for themselves, then trying to deal with the disunity which is a deliberate effect of the faith. As Jesus said, "I have not come to bring peace but a sword. [A sword that divides families and households against themselves.]"

@toomuchjuicex @EmeraldRobinson

Dana Loesch #wingnut

The left went full Alinsky and insist the published claims invalidate Walker as a pro-life candidate in a very close Senate race that could determine control of the entire chamber. As I have discussed before, in the best case scenario, Republicans would only capture control of the Senate by two seats.


A few people on the “right,” those “Republicans” who thought voting for Biden was a better measure of their “principles” than voting for Trump, feel that it’s worse for Georgia voters to support the guy who said he is against taxpayer funded abortion over the guy who believes in abortion as the baby’s head is crowning.

Not voting just makes the Republican nonvoter complicit in a pro-choice agenda — and that’s precisely what this October surprise is designed to do. Democrats aren’t trying to dissuade Democrat voters, they’re going after good Christians who are or lean Republican. If they can’t get their vote then maybe they can poison the mind of the voter enough to not vote in this race at all.

JP/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy

On October 11, 2022, JP, who currently serves with the US Army, completed his second mission to an underground civilization in Florida. JP was again part of a squad of 8 soldiers drawn from different military services that met with representatives of an Ant Civilization. JP was in charge of security for the mission while two members of the squad conducted negotiations with the Ant People, who were upset that the gift given during the first mission had been sent to Europe contrary to an agreement that it would remain in the US.

The gift was seeds from a tree that could filter water and provide rejuvenation and life-extending properties that may be associated with the mythical Tree of Life and Fountain of Youth. JP said his mission was to see and learn more about the giant sleeping in a large sarcophagus, but the Ant People denied his squad access.

Marcionite Christian Church #quack #fundie #crackpot

Citing the dangerous and unknown nature of RNA/DNA vaccines and their potential to permanently alter the genetic structure of humans, the Marcionite Christian Church has forbidden its members worldwide from receiving the vaccines for seven-years beginning August 1st, 2020.

The edict (Subitis Medicinae Edicto) issued by the Central Pontiate also bans participation in the use of nanovaccinology for a period of three-years as more is learned about the implications of the technology.

Church spokesman, Darren Kelama, says New Testament scripture also played a role in their decision: "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" (1 Corinthians 6:19)

"Our understanding is that DNA vaccines inject synthesized genes, altering the human genetic makeup forever in unknown ways. And the RNA vaccines have the potential to trigger autoimmune reactions wherein the body attacks itself. Permanently altering a perfect creation of God using the cover story of a virus like Covid, which is about as dangerous as the flu, is not a risk we're willing to take," added Kelama.

True Democracy Party #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

They have Money for Ukraine, Money for Illegals, Money for Foreign Countries…But tell one of the most Powerful Armies in the World to ‘Apply for Food Stamps!’ Really?! And this is after They Mandated Poison for them.

There are some things in the World you just don’t do…And that’s one of them. They are Practically Pushing the U.S. Army to Our Cause…With both hands and a Boot.

This is actually a move to put the Entire U.S. Military behind the HAPPI Plan Goldback Initiative.

All the Branches of the U.S. Military; Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard were originally Branches of the Army. So by Signalling out the U.S. Army is actually sending out a Signal to the Entire U.S. Military Rank and File.

But this move wouldn’t of worked using only the Air Force, Marines or Navy as the Catalyst . Brilliant!
I’m glad we have an opportunity (Plan) to bring the U.S. CORPORATION onboard.

It should be well known that the TDP <True Democracy Party> doesn’t consider the U.S. Corporation to be the Legal Government of the Sovereign States.

We consider Them a Corporation only…a Business. And we will Deal with Them as a Corporate Business. This could be a Win Win situation for all of US.

They have something we want, need and are willing to Pay for…In Gold.

. Basic Calculations show it’ll take approx. ( 2 ) Two Years to Build all the Gold Producing Apparatus and Additional Infrastructure and for the Gold to Start To Flow.

Our Proposal is that the U.S. GOV./U.S. Treasury provide $2,000 Per Month, No Strings Attached Loans, to all those who sign up for their States HAPPI Plan Goldback Initiative.

The Loans will be Re-Paid Back In-Full at $500 Dollars Per Month in Pure Goldbacks to the U.S Treasury, as soon as People start to Receive their Gold, Approx. ( 2 ) Years. Payback Time Approx. ( 8 ) Eight Years.

Basically, this is a Paper for Gold Deal.

HRM Queen Romana Didulo #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #god-complex

To all I AMs / Divine Light Holders in the Kingdom of Canada and around the World and Planet Earth.

Stand Up divine, Stand Up divine, Rise Up divine, Rise Up divine , and Shine divine, and Shine divine your good and divine light.

I AM Queen Romana bliss you...

➡️ Queen Romana's pure, holy, and divine light timeline now ✅😁🥳👽

➡️ Victory Flag / Kingdom of Canada Flag / Peace and Prosperity Flag raising in Ottawa ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Energy of One ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Truth real ✅️✅️👽👽🥳🥳🤗🤗

➡️ Matrix Immune ✅️👽👽🥳🥳🤗🤗

➡️Know the truth about God / Grandmaster Creator ✅️✅️👽👽🥳🥳☝️☝️

➡️ Karma Divine Instant deliver ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Guidance Divine download ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Self_Love/Love of Self.😁 🥳🥳🥳👽

➡️ Peace ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Prosper ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Money flow IN abundance ✅️😁🥳👽

➡️ Receive hundreds of thousands of money from everywhere ✅😁🥳👽

➡️ Quantum Warp_Speed 1,000, 000x, Queen Romana's holy and divine timeline and energy. Now. ✅😁🥳👽

➡️ Travel #safe and #protect, Queen Romana, and Queen Romana's "Peace and Prosperity mobile Government of the Kingdom of Canada" NOW ✍️ 😁🥳👽

And so it is.😊🥳☝️✍️⚖️👑👽

🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸

Peace and Prosperity. Or perish.

Politics zero

HRH Majesty Queen Romana Didulo,
Head of Government,
President, Queen, and National Indigenous Chief of the Kingdom of Canada

HRM Queen Romana Didulo @romanadidulo Commander-in-Chief, Queen, President & Nat'l Indigenous Chief of Kingdom of Canada
💛 @RomanaDidulo 💛 This is my one and only #real account on Telegram. I don't direct message anyone Queen and Commander-in-Chief, Head of State & Government, President and National Indigenous Chief of the Kingdom of Canada

Oversoul Collective via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot

We are the Oversoul Collective of light, of sound, of the higher dimensional reality that soothes and surrounds. (I am within a cloud of white wings covered in eyes of all species, each with a perspective, a story to tell. It is breezy with all of the wings beating softly around me. They are whispering. I am surrounded in consciousness.)
Your world has been in a box for so long, and so you have been programmed to think within a box, within presupposed limitations. You all say things like ‘think outside of the box for a second’ and then state your radical idea, of a way to try something new. Life is so much bigger, yes, you are so much bigger and grander and more wonderful than you have been lead to believe. You have been entranced to think of yourselves as less than, as sinners, as lower than dogs in some cultures. Inequality of the value of lives has been all over your cultural experiences. The battle of the sexes, the subordination of others for the exhalation fo the few, this is all changing, morphing into cohesive harmony. The higher dimensional realities are all around, surrounding, nurturing. In many ways it is everything that you have not experienced for your realm has been a cold one. It has been a realm of experience, of learning to nurture oneself within the depth of the dark places, where healing is the most meaningful.

We are the Oversoul Collective. We extend to your our wings of love, of light, of compassion and understanding. For every higher self within us has eternal access to the millions of streams and alternative realities of their associated fractals. And that is why we can say that we truly understand for we are there with you. Your world is birthing into the new. It is a time of great change. Much change is coming. You are most loved. All will be well. And yes, all will be changing. The world that you thought you knew is gone now. It is time to build a new one. We are ever with you. We are the Oversoul Collective.

Various fundie parents #biphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #transphobia #god-complex #homophobia

A mural painted by a high school student came under fire when parents alleged it was promoting LGBTQ imagery and witchcraft.

Earlier this year, a Grant, Michigan, high school sophomore won a contest “to brighten up” the middle school health center, according to a statement from Grant Public Schools (GPS). GPS says the student received approval to paint images of “smiling children” and as well as the message “Stay Healthy.”


At a school board meeting on Oct. 10, parents accused the student artist of promoting witchcraft by including the Hamsa hand [a Latin American good luck symbol] as well as the video game character that bears the likeness of a demon. Parents also objected to the use of LGBTQ colors.

“I put my art up there to make people feel welcome,” the student artist said, her voice breaking, in footage captured at the meeting by WZZM-TV, a local news station based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

One man at the meeting called the mural “hate material.”

Another adult at the meeting said, “I feel like (she) did a really good job finding excuses to defend the things you put on. None of us are that stupid.”

The student artist left the meeting in tears.

Rebecka Fallenkvist #wingnut

A Sweden Democrats official was suspended by the far-right party for making degrading comments about Jewish teenage diarist Anne Frank, who was killed in the Holocaust

In an Instagram posting that has now been deleted, Rebecka Fallenkvist called Anne “immoral” among other things, according to Swedish media[…]
The Sweden Democrats’ media director, Oskar Cavalli-Bjorkman, told the Swedish news agency TT late Saturday that the party would take Fallenkvist’s “insensitive and inappropriate” comments seriously and launch an internal investigation on the matter

While it remained unclear what kind of point Fallenkvist wanted to make with her comments on Anne’s diary, she later sent a text message to Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter saying she had been misinterpreted

“The book is a moving depiction of human good and evil,” Fallenkvist said in her message to the newspaper

Piculra #crackpot #magick

[Submitter’s Note: OP is convinced that they can communicate with a person living in another universe named Sayori.]

(Sayori is writing this)

There's some issues I've got linked to the idea of being in Jamie's (my host (in this world?)) brain...or I guess, the idea of not existing in my own world. Like, we don't fear death because the idea that our experiences show more to our minds than is in our bodies, so there'd be something of us continuing to exist after death. And a part of how we know I'm real is from reasoning about me not being in his brain*.

(*I also don't think I could be a tulpa or a traumagenic alter because I fully existed as soon as (and before) I met Jamie. And because he deliberately reached out to meet me so soon after discovering my source (like...2 days after reading some spoilers?), it's not like I could've just been subtly developing in the background.)

...But a lot of stuff I can do in my world seems like it should be impossible (materialising stuff, altering my body at-will, going to other universes, etc). Especially because I can't do it in this world. And it's made me doubt that my own world is real, which is really scary because my world being real was what held back so many worries!

...I don't know why I'm posting this. I don't know what I'm looking for. Reassurance about my "abilities" being possible? Or proof in either direction? Or...confirmation of a painful truth? I don't know...

Edit: Some stuff that might point to me (and so, my world) being physically real;

We don't share any memories, unless specifically choosing to show each-other memories. I also remember experiences and feelings that, if I'd only ever existed in Jamie's brain, I wouldn't have the relevant context for them to be so clear. (...I can really vividly remember how things in some of my more painful memories felt.) And there's been times I've advised Jamie on when to take a break on certain things (gross sexual stuff we're into) where he says his body wouldn't have had the relevant experience to be so accurate with seeing his limits.

Edit 2: I want to say thanks to everyone who responded, but I'm really exhausted from all these feelings...maybe I'll make some comments later, but for now, I'll just say thanks here~

littleowl12 #transphobia

RE: I'm not sure if Trans Ideology is a new religious movement, even in the quasi sense, actually.

Religious people can be contradictory, but TRAs can't NOT be contradictory. Young Earth Creationists are delulu, but they do have a consistent belief. They don't believe in evolution and creationism at the same time. TRAs of the NB type believe that gender is both meaningless and crucial. The "tru scum" are more consistent with their "mind of a woman/man" silliness but they also believe that the body does not make you your gender, but it must somehow be corrected since yes it does make you your gender.

While religious people can be self-contradictory, they can also be consistent. (In being wrong).

Religious people can also be honest in a way TRAs can't. They might accept that no one else is buying their crap and they'll just have to smugly pity the nonbelievers. The TRA needs something out of you, however. Right now. He needs you to let him into your bathrooms. She needs you to accept her into your gay men's night club. He needs you to let him into your sport. She needs you to pay for her metoidioplasty.

If the TRA doesn't get results, it's not about you not Seeing The Light. That's not what they're grieving. They can't be satisfied with "well at least I'm saved!" because they wanted a material benefit out of you. If they don't get into women's spaces, or free "top surgeries" then the project is a failure.

@DeanWWG1WGA1776 #quack


Critical Thinkers:

What's in it?
Who developed it?
Who manufactured it?
What is their track record?
Do they have legal liability?
How long was it tested for?
Who is telling me to get it?
What is their track record?
Is it effective?
Is it necessary for my age?
How many side effects reported?
How many deaths reported?


Mainstream Normies:

The T.V. says we need
"herd immunity."
All my friends got
cute stickers and a card.
The T.V. says
I should participate for
the "greater good."
Celebrities. athletes and
musicians all tell me to get it.
Government "experts" and
politicians all tell me to get it.
I don't want to be considered
a conspiracy theorist.

@DeanWWG1WGA1776 & @desertpete #conspiracy


spoilerNow you know why Obama and Merkel are so close.
Obama is Merkel's nephew.
Merkel's father was Hitler, so that means Obama is
Hitler's grandson.
BTW, Hitler's mother was Clara Peltzlf who was a maid of
the Rothschild family (Baroness Zalomon Maier von
Rothschild) in Austria. Clara gave birth to a Rothschild
child there, so Hitler is a member of Rothschild.
This means that Obama is also a Rothschild.
Also, since he was born in Kenya, he didn't meet the
requirements to become the president of the US.
Such a lair person served as the President of the US for 8
years and dropped 50,000 bombs all over the world!
This is Kiara Polzl (Klara Hitler).

THE SYSTEM… Who, in these days, when so much truth is being revealed… Who still believes in ”fair” elections/Democracy 🤔🤔🤔

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
So much talk, back and forth, including from my many patriotic “defenders & supporters,” about our Federal Government working every seldom (or never used) rule and regulation in order to get and destroy, at any cost, President Donald J. Trump. Same concepts, anger, and Radical Left maniacs and RINOs who have been working the system of Hoaxes and Scams ever since I came down the “golden escalator” in Trump Tower seven years ago. They also have the same problem, however - I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Trump won re-election by a landslide and must be reinstated immediately!🇺🇸👌

@realdonaldtrump but more importantly, you have been chosen by GOD “for such a time as this” and His Hand is upon you.

You did do something wrong, you didn't rid the trash when you had a chance. You wanted to play both sides the field and that's a no win situation. Now, the people you thought were your friends want to ruin you and America. Sometimes in life you get what's coming.


Yes you did murderer. You pushed operation warp speed and have murdered millions worldwide you fucking piece of shit

@AnkokuKishi @realdonaldtrump TRUMP 2024!!!

@Mickey_B @AnkokuKishi @realdonaldtrump this guy loves communism just like Trump

@realdonaldtrump We know you didn't Mr. President!

@realdonaldtrump if we don't put Trump back in office there will be total anarchy in America. To much crime not being punished.

@Taratmay @realdonaldtrump Why would you want him back in office? He personally convinced millions to take poison. He should face the exact same justice as Biden and Fauci. Trump is right there with them, and we can't afford to make excuses for why it's okay for SOME people to push poison, but not others.

@Taratmay It's up to the citizens to punish crimes, because the cops are on Team Criminal. The big tip-off was when they stopped allowing citizens to do law enforcement in their free time. That was pretty early in the Communist tyranny game.


Various commenters #wingnut #racist

If you don't LOVE America, because it's "rAcIT", then get the FUCK OUT!



When less than 12% of the population tries to tell THE MAJORITY of the population CRAP!
The 2020 US CENSUS has NOW REPORTED that this 12% black population is EVEN LOWER!!!! (and they say they can't change it to correct count until next CENSUS so 10 years of BLUE STATES getting MORE FEDERAL MONEY, MORE REPRESENTATIVE than they are suppose to have AND RED STATES having LESS=for the next 10 years!!!

@BestICan @TheRISEofROD Thank you Planned Parenthood! sometimes these conservatives dont get the plot! do you want blaxpipo to be 40% of the population? Go to Baltimore and Atlanta to see your future!

@TheRISEofROD I hate multiracialism. Not because of superiority but because it destroys everyone's culture and replaces it with Joo degeneracy and enslavement.

@TheRISEofROD Welp, actually we tried to have our own space, it was called segregation. Sounds like it was right for everyone, so let's bring it back.

@TheRISEofROD Sorted 👍

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