Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn #magick #ufo

Now, you may know, that Dolphins have a much larger brain than humans, and that their natural brain frequency is the Alpha. That is why the Dolphins have come forward to work with you at this time.

Dolphins take physical form on the Earth in your oceans, but they also have higher etheric and spiritual forms that are connected to Sirius, the Pleiades and other Galactic and Stellar locations. There are also Angelic Dolphins, known as the “Golden Dolphins” who work closely with the Angelic families, especially the Elohim.

The Dolphins have a very extensive and clear understanding of the Human Hologram and Physiology, and so are able to assist as moments of evolutionary transition like the present moment.
Beloveds, the Cosmic/Galactic Whales are also stepping forward to be of extended service to you! Like the Dolphins, the Whales are both incarnated on Earth and existing in Higher Angelic and Galactic forms.

The Whales are very Ancient Beings and have been part of Earth’s story since the beginning of creation. They hold the “Song Lines” or Holographic Creation matrix within the oceans and their Songs create new pathways for evolution and expression. They are also the Keepers of the Earth’s Akashic Records, which is the record of the Earth’s journey through Time and Space.

In their Cosmic and Galactic roles, the Whales function in Theta frequency with their brain. structure which is much larger than even the Dolphins. Theta is a deep state of consciousness that you would call “deep trance”. In Theta frequency, you can move beyond material limitations into fluid plasma creation and manifestation, creating holographic worlds that manifest into reality in the New Earth Time Spiral.
The Cetaceans (Dolphins and Whales) are Conscious Breathers. They live in a fluid medium (water) but they breathe air (gas). They have to be able to move between these states and to be conscious of their breathing so that they can maintain this awareness and ability to exist between worlds.

Clif High #wingnut #conspiracy

The Durham Expedition into the Truly Dark Continent

The flaming minions are really quite brilliant.

Boo hoo! Durham lost again. Boo hoo…

If you think Durham lost anything, at any stage of his work, you are living in a illusion powered by lying eyes & the inability to observe reality.

The Danchenko trial, as was Durham’s previous work on Sussmann, was a trail building expedition, not a final destination.

IMO it was totally irrelevant to the goal, and the work, if the jury was to find Danchenko guilty. In point of fact, it is easy to extrapolate circumstances wherein a guilty verdict would be a burden on future expansion of the trail built thus far by Durham.

Durham is an explorer, now turned to telling the story of what his explorations have revealed. As with all good story tellers, Durham has a sense of the rhythm & flow of both the language, and the plot.

Durham has explored the Truly Dark Continent. It is Truly Dark because the inhabitants of this Continent want no light upon it.
Repeatedly now, Durham has placed the FBI, DOJ, and other associated ‘letter men’, at the center of the Truly Dark Continent. He has shown the world that it is possible to create a Truly Dark Continent, and here is an example of one.

It is working. The people are seeing the FBI, and DOJ, et al, as they desperately try to retreat further from the light of their former minions flaming up brightly as Durham burns them like fat candles of corruption.

Durham is showing GlobalPop the nature of exploration. He has demonstrated that one cannot simply charge heedless into the heart of darkness, rather one must build a trail of lights along the way.

When he is finished with them, these lanterns of burning corruption, their fate matters not; after all, they have already provided the light necessary for all to see the trail further into the TDC.
Onward, onward, we urge Durham’s Expedition. Into the very heart of the Truly Dark Continent.

Jana #crackpot #ufo #magick #racist #fundie #conspiracy

The VaXXX is there to create babies with no souls. The VaXXX kills the soul.
Any living creature or robot, or clone (they are soulless) can be possessed by demonic entities.
If the reptilian demonic, former angels/now,demons of Hell who make the VaXXX, that changes your DNA permanently, then they are your creator Gods and you have a connection to them and do their will.
Before the demons of Maldak/fallen angels fell and blew up their entire physical dimension, they were beautiful. Now they are spirit only, no physical bodies. They became reptilian and ugly 7 to 10 feet tall.
There are a group who came from Adam and Eve, on your planet who are not human and have no souls. They were given reptilian DNA, from the still living fallen angels. They settled in Khazaria. They worshipped the Gods who created them in their own image/their DNA the reptilians from Maldak which is now Hell. THey are not Human, but hybrids. After the destruction of Atlantis, they went underground. Their slaves/robots that were once human are the grey, they built and underground tunnel system all over the earth.
A demon is any life that is soulless, created by the reptilians/the devils of Hell.
Like the Khazarian Ashkenazi are.
There is a war going on, to decide who you each choose of your own free will to belong to, because you are mixed.
The ones with reptilian DNA, will choose their true creator Gods, they do not have souls, so they know nothing of the God who created humans anymore and never will, they work for and do the will of the fallen demons only.
Only those, with no reptilian DNA, pure bloods, who still have souls, could never disconnect from their true creator, God. They know God, because he created them to evolve, higher into his image.
He came as Jesus and again as Hitler to save those who went astray.
Now the sheep and goats will be separated as it says in the Bible, handbook for evolution higher into his image.

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut

Government in Los Angeles Is Tribal Warfare

Miss Martinez used words about blacks that wouldn’t be allowed at an American Renaissance conference or in comments to AmRen articles. She resigned, but said that she hoped her career would inspire “all little Latina girls across this city.” Even in disgrace, she claims victimhood.

Kevin De León, partially responsible for making California a “sanctuary state” and who eagerly stokes white guilt, was brutally realistic about black political power and demographics:

When you’re at the side of the curtain, it’s like this big voice, it sounds big. It sounds like there’s thousands. And then, when you actually pull the curtain, is that you see the little Wizard of Oz. You know what? It’s the same thing.

I wish whites understood black protests as well as he does.

Miss Martinez was also blunt about other groups. She said that California state representative Adrian Nazarian and council member Paul Krekorian — both Armenian — know they don’t have the numbers for “an Armenian district in the Valley” but still “want as many Armenians in that district as possible to be able to play.”

The crime is not that Miss Martinez is practicing politics, but that she was honest about how “Our Democracy” works. And why shouldn’t Hispanics get more power in line with their population?

Critics say that the problem is that the discussion reflects a “zero-sum” outlook on local politics. Instead, political leaders should focus on “coalition building” between Hispanics and blacks. A coalition against whom? Whites. Thus, even in a scandal where no whites are to blame, “white supremacy” is still the problem.

Whites have no obligation to save these squabbling children from themselves. Instead, the challenge for us is to develop white representation and build power. Still, we can be thankful to the Los Angeles city council for confirming what we knew along: Los Angeles is no longer an American city but a tribal free-for-all, where different “communities” battle for the scraps we left them. They don’t even take their own rhetoric seriously, so neither should we. Let’s turn our back on them and build a future for our own people in a country of our own.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: A Revealing Racist Rant in L.A.

Well, get used to it, Mr. Blow.

White people were the only buffer between different tribal, racist, ethnic, and religiosity passions. White people invented notions like equality for all, even if white people didn't implement their notions perfectly.

Now, as hispanics take over, you will be left in the dust just like other non-hispanic races (or ethnicities or whatever).

(David L)

But what disturbs me most is the racial, ethnic tribalism of her political calculations

REALLY? This is EXACTLY the raison d'etre of the LEFT! They soak up their power by encouraging such tribalism, dole out largesse to their favorite groups of the moment with little regard for the danger they do to our country. It's the complete inverse of "E Pluribus Unum." Of course with the media continuing to cover for them I'm betting this story will disappear in less than a week...

So, they are admitting that the White population is declining? I thought that was just a far right "conspiracy." White supremacy to them is the mere existence of White people and now apparently anyone who is light skinned.

So let me get this straight: “white supremacy” is just being perpetuated by non-whites? It not just that all races prefer their own, have their own interests, and can discriminate just as Whites do? Hmmm, seems like it really does always come back to Whitey.

Whites are a mythological creature of unknown power. Long after they are extinct, their presence shall be forever. Only a non-superior people could be thus.

Now BLM is demanding that De Leon and one other Latinx resign due to their desire to have power for Latinx voters. And... BLM is demanding De Leon be replaced with a black, to give power to black voters. So BLM is saying De Leon is guilty of tribal preferences and the punishment is... tribal preferences.

At some point white progressives need to understand, none of these people have any ideals at all. It's pure tribalism. All the progressive nonsense they spout is purely for the consumption of white liberal rubes. Behind closed doors, they believe precisely none of it.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist

JFL Millionaire giga Stacy E-girl Amouranth reveals abuse

"B-But just be a good person if you want a partner INKY !"
"W-who cares if she's been complicit in scamming her legion of simps out of millions for years!"

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! he's gonna drain her bank account and leave her with ONLY a million dollars

This is fake she is just doing this for attention

I think it's fake too. Probably just looking for an out so she can stop Hot tub streams and E-girl whoring without pissing off her simps.

(Praise the Sun)
Fuck this whore, she couldn't even cover her tits for this "serious matter"? Fucking disgusting mindset making as much money as possible.

Also personality detector disfunctional?


JFL at this literal millionaire drama...

Even if it's not staged, I don't get how it's relevant; you made millions off of desperate subhumans and LTNs, and decided to go along and disable your personality detector on purpose with your Chad while doing so, and eventually got the hammer...

Much sympathy from me, obviously!

Probably fake, if not... should have listened to her personality detector! Lmao fucking women

Joe Wasp #wingnut #racist

[From "The Man: Theodore Bilbo"]

Author’s Preface: The Jim Crow Era, in my view, was Dixie’s Golden Age and provided it with some of its best statesmen[…]
Theodore Bilbo personified the ideological framework of the lowly Mississippi rural population, or rednecks. Regarded as nothing more than a race-baiting simpleton of a Southern demagogue, Bilbo’s true legacy reveals a man who, in reality, scoffed at such a label[…]
Bilbo’s political career began in 1908 after being elected to the Mississippi State Senate during the midst of the increasing rural White populism flooding into the state’s Democratic Party[…]
Theodore Bilbo was not a race-baiting demagogue[…]His first instance of dabbling in the affairs of race politics took place in 1928[…]and he only did so as a means of competing with the Delta leaders[…]While he did show support for Negro repatriation to Africa, Bilbo remained shockingly quiet on racial discussions until the late 1930s[…]
Racial politics again reared its head during the congressional push for the Costigan-Wagner anti-lynching bill[…]Arguably the loudest opponent of said bill was none other than Bilbo himself. He was reared in an area in which vigilante justice was often the norm[…]Bilbo, and his Southern contemporaries, primarily opposed the bill because it was a blatant attempt at federal overreach[…]
He also led the opposition against the nomination of liberal social rights activist Aubrey Willis Williams to the head of the Rural Electrification Administration. Bilbo knew the levels of destruction and havoc such social revolutionary measures, particularly ones spearheaded by blatant communists, could have on Southern society[…]
Nothing positive is said of Bilbo in modern historiography. His legacy has effectively become the last four years of his life, despite the fact he did numerous great things for rural folk in Mississippi

Dana Loesch #wingnut

Don't Be Distracted From Victory In Georgia

I’m not willing to make more babies pay for Walker's actions, if even true, by enabling an abortion-on-demand Warnock win.

The Daily Beast ran a hit piece on Herschel Walker, the Republican nominee for Senate in Georgia, alleging that he paid for a girlfriend to obtain an abortion 13 years ago. He denies it, so it becomes he said-they said:

Herschel Walker @HerschelWalker Regarding the latest Democrat attack:

11:17 PM ∙ Oct 3, 2022 17,823Likes3,597Retweets

I don’t know, who’s telling the truth? If it’s even true, is there redemption? I’m not inclined to believe the bastion of conservatism that is the Daily Beast, so until there is definitive proof I’m not throwing out the baby with the bathwater at the demand of the party that looked the other way over Mary Jo Kopechne and the “waitress sandwich.”

What I do know is this: Raphael Warnock is an anti-Semite who cosponsored legislation to remove the Hyde Amendment (and allow federal funding of abortion) and permit abortions up until the moment of birth. Walker has said he would oppose such legislation and would be a reliable pro-life vote.

“Removing medically unjustified restrictions on abortion services would constitute one important step on the path toward realizing Reproductive Justice by ensuring that the full range of reproductive health care is accessible to all who need it.”

Wayne Allyn Root & commenters #racist #wingnut

I used respect the people of Australia. I thought because they descended from criminals they were wild colorful free spirits. Boy was I wrong. They carried on the wrong trait from former criminal descendants. They're a bunch of sad, pathetic, sheeple, who clearly have had the spirit beaten out of them, who listen to their masters every command.

Ken Webb
Yep. Australia deserves what ever they get from their government "masters".
Helen Simon
Because they gave up their guns. We won't.
Samuel Adler
Remember they were coerced into giving up there firearms to be safe from criminals,but who are the criminals,maybe its the government?
James Robert Hoff Jr.
thats what happens when you give up your guns.....
Don Shepherd
That’s because they let the top criminals take away their guns and they were sheep to be slaughtered after that
Michelle Lange Sawyer
Share your sentiments exactly. Living here ATM and you are spot on! Eye opening!!

Napoleon de Geso #wingnut #psycho

Do you want ukrianian birthing center to be hit by russian rocket?

Babies are ugly, stupid, annoying disgusting little shitters and deserve to be set on fire, and even more - if they ukrianian babies. Thoughts and prayers, that one of russian rockets hits into ukrianian birthing center and detonates ugly shitters, with even more fun if some of them not killed right away, but tossed by shockway through windows, screaming and shitting as little shits they are

Uhhh look at bebe, bebe made poo poo uuuhhhh

Tfu on you ugly parasite, your kind needs to be detonated

And kemono waifu is also not for making those nasty bebe parasites, but for living life of kemono friends. Tfu on traditional values


Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerToday, and every
day, PRAY to end
abortion in America.

@RealMarjorieGreene Pray to end antiwhitism too, but also get active. Antiwhitism and abortion won't stop by being a political inactivist. Talk to everyone you know.

@RealMarjorieGreene I pray to end the Israeli homosexual Antichrist baby murdering lobby running the United States Government.

@RealMarjorieGreene Don't forget to pray to sell more shirts too you absolute sellout whore

@RealMarjorieGreene Today and every day pray to end Zionism in America

@RealMarjorieGreene Don't just pray.

Actually outlaw it. You're in a position to do it. Hop to it.

@RealMarjorieGreene If you don't pray to end antiWhitism which is the cause of abortion than God knows you aren't paying attention.

While ending abortion PLEASE end welfare and birthright citizenship.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

In their rush to blame Jackson’s water crisis on “White flight” journalists make clear that blacks can’t run a city government on their own.

@Halp I better not see Whites helping NIGGERS fix their shitholes or i'll treat you like fucking niggers!

@rcpabon @Halp
Does anyone actually help niggers? The only people I see helping niggers are the Democrats and government. Normal everyday people don't help niggers, that's why they are so butthurt...we hate them and they know it. 😉

@Halp But they've also told us that utopia will be achieved without whypipo.

@Halp Jim Crow laws and segregation were inhumane because it forced the blacks to build and maintain their own communities when Sub-Saharan Africans have never been able to build a 1st world society on their own.



@Halp The only thing blacks can run is out of a looted store.

Val Thor of the Intergalactic Confederation via Janet Doerr #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

An agreement has been reached today between the Federation of Light and those who have enslaved Earth’s population.

The agreement deals with the return to the people of Earth of their freedom and sets in motion the removal and replacement of enslavement systems.

Universal Laws include Divine Justice.

Those who violated the sovereign rights of others will face the consequences of their actions according to Divine Law.

The consequences will be faced on the planet or off the planet.

Approximately 500,000 people will leave Earth as this transition takes place over a period of months.

On October 30th at midnight EST, a 10-14 day period with no communications systems will begin.

Internet, telephone and cell phone service will cease.

The purpose of cessation of communications is to allow for the orderly transition of many systems to new Quantum systems, including:

The new Quantum Financial system
The new Quantum Electoral system
The new Quantum Communication systems

Starting October 30th, during the transition period, the US (and some other countries) will be under martial law.
NESARA will be announced and explained.

Under NESARA, which has already been signed into US law, and upon its enactment, the US has 120 days to hold a new election, electing a president and vice president and all senators, representatives, and other elected federal offices.

The US midterm elections scheduled for November 7th will be cancelled/postponed until they can be held using the new Quantum electoral system and reflecting changes in the United States federal government.
During the month of October, there can be a number of events that the mainstream media may portray as dangerous or frightening.

Please rest assured that the Galactic Federation will not allow things like nuclear war to take place.

Warheads are easily inoperative, even if they have been fired.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

The creator of the Abraham Accords, Mohamed bin Zayed, is working overtime to bring to life the One World Religion of Chrislam, and now it has a soundtrack. Promoting the ‘holy trinity’ of Peace, Love and Tolerance, the Abrahamic Symphony. No expense has been spared to create a work that is visually beautiful, musically lush, and quite terrifying if you believe what your King James Bible has to say about the end times.

If you had to boil it down into a single thought, what is the One World Religion of Chrislam at its heart? It is the idea of wanting to have peace and love apart from Jesus Christ, and the only person who wants to bring you ‘peace, love and tolerance’ without Jesus is, of course, Antichrist who desires that Isaiah 14:13-14 glory above all else. Guess what? God is going to let him have it, but only for 7 short years.

Let me tell you something about the nature of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that He is the way, the truth and the life, and guess what He will not be doing when He returns at the Second Coming? He won’t be tolerating the world’s religions for even a nanosecond. King Jesus is coming to rule as a military dictator, and “in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.” Offensive, you say? You bet it is, and a whole lot more than that coming up.

I have often wondered what it will look like when Antichrist is demanding people take his Mark while standing in front of the guillotine he will use as a ‘persuasion tactic’. I can picture brave Tribulation saints singing praises to God, refusing the Mark, name, number and image of the Beast, and choosing to be with Jesus Christ instead. What’s playing in the background as these dear souls go to a martyr’s death? Why, the Abrahamic Symphony, of course. It will be quite the scene, and coming soon to a theater near you.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Men have been programmed to believe that sex and "love" are the key to happiness. We need a woman's love to develop as men. We need to sexually satisfy a woman to prove our masculinity.

We are programmed to seek feminine approval when our own approval is all that matters.

We are programmed to idealize flawed and often stupid women instead of real ideals: Truth, Justice, Love, Beauty and Goodness.
Western society is a satanic (((Cabalist))) sex cult. Women have become sexual commodities. (((Communism))) has always viewed them as sexual utilities. If feminism were really pro-women, it would have promoted marriage and condemned promiscuity. Most women seek the life-long loyalty and love of a good man, their husband.

Anyway, I've been there, done that. I have satisfied a few women countless times and I have been satisfied as well. I've matured in the prescribed way. I discovered the lie by living it.

But I wish I had found a shortcut and downgraded the role of women and sex to its real level of importance, say from 75% to 25%.

The satanist media has given young women a delusional sense of entitlement. Our mental programmers present them as demi-gods.

Just like prostitutes, many young women are no longer attractive to men. Men find modesty, innocence, style, intelligence, and femininity attractive.

Moreover, I sense that fewer and fewer women are even capable of loving a man. Their hearts have been poisoned by satanist social engineering.
Am I bitter? Yes. I am bitter for all the ways my culture has lied to me. Here, I blame Illuminist brainwashing that elevates sexual "relationships" to the negation of everything else. And I blame myself for falling for this garbage.

The average man spends 75% of his energy on it. It's a great motivator for many men. And yes, I realize it's hormonal.

But we cannot let this biological and social programming ruin our lives. Many men are ruined by divorce. Many women are gold diggers.

Fighting Monarch #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

As my site receives traffic from military installations in Iran, Greenland, and Antarctica, my second most popular article, which has gotten more than fifty thousand (50,000) hits, concerns the plot to build belief in aliens, and to stage a fake alien attack, in order to drive us to one world government under PROJECT BLUE BEAM.

NASA, USAF, and AATIP lie behind PROJECT BLUE BEAM, as they lie behind mind control programs run with the supercomputer at Schriever Air Force Base.

People are programmed at underground bases all over the world, but they do not remember because they are given drugs.
They also want to build belief in miracles, as they use the technology from PROJECT BLUE BEAM to project pictures of the Virgin Mary, or Jesus, into the sky.
The countdown seems already to have started, as they engineered the birth of a Red Heifer in the Temple of Israel, four years ago, whose sacrifice is seen as essential to the Coming of the Messiah.

They may seek to imitate the First Trumpet through fires caused by directed energy weapons, or firenados, which the news attributes to global climate change, as they seek to drive us to the false solution of the United Nations.

And they may seek to imitate the Second Trumpet through their intended destruction of Three Gorges Dam:

But, today, I am most interested in the Third Trumpet, the Fourth Trumpet, and the Fifth Trumpet, which could each involve a light show directed by satellites, and a false flag attack with aliens, to cause a world shut-down, and drive us to satanic one world government.
Meanwhile, they plan to increase the number of operational satellites, circling our planet, from approximately four thousand to more than one hundred thousand over the next six years, so they are working on something big.

Did I mention the Air Force is run by openly satanic groups, like ORION, just as the Army is run by THE TEMPLE OF SET, while they use masonic symbols?

Did I mention that NASA means trickery in Hebrew?

Patriarch Kirill #fundie

Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, has told his followers that "sacrifice in the course of carrying out your military duty washes away all sins"

The patriarch's comments during his Sunday sermon on September 25 came amid nationwide protests and rising criticism over the Kremlin's recent announcement of a partial mobilization to replenish Russian forces fighting in Ukraine[…]
Russian officials have said the draft would focus on reservists and would bring 300,000 fresh troops to the war effort. But Russian media has said the real target is 1 million new troops[…]
Kirill, a prominent supporter of President Vladimir Putin who has "blessed" the war effort and warned by Pope Francis against becoming "Putin's altar boy," has previously claimed that Russians were doing a "heroic deed" by killing Ukrainians, even as he has urged them not to see the Ukrainian people as enemies

"We know that many today are dying in the fields of internecine battle," Kirill said at a church near Moscow on September 25. "The church is praying that this battle will end as soon as possible, that as few brothers as possible will kill each other in this fratricidal war"

However, he added, "The church realizes that if someone, driven by a sense of duty and the need to honor his oath, stays loyal to his vocation and dies while carrying out his military duty, then he is, without any doubt, doing a deed that is equal to sacrifice"[…]
Following Russia's invasion in February, about 400 parishes of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine that had remained loyal to Kirill cut ties with the Russian Orthodox Church over the patriarch's position on the war

mathlover & hmimperialtortie #transphobia

TRAs support rape by deception

( mathlover )
The only reason any of them ever suggest disclosing is if a male larping as a woman wants to have sex with another male. They do advise each other about this. But the disclosure is due to the fear of being beaten or killed by the other man when he finds out he has been deceived, and that fear only applies when the prey is another male. The het men larping as lesbians discuss trying to successfully deceive lesbians if they (the men) get their junk made into a fauxgina. Obviously almost none of them get this surgery and no lesbian would be fooled anyway. But the fantasy - which is rape - is ubiquitous.

The actual biological sex of dating/sex partners matters - critically, as in it is a dealbreaker - to 99.999999999999......% of people in the world. They know this but have zero personal integrity and no respect for others. That is how a rapist feels.

Ideally, whenever someone pretending to be the opposite sex (ie: "trans") meets someone where there is any possibility of dating or sex, the first thing they should say is "Hi, I'm Fakegirlname and I'm trans". And learn to live with the fact that nearly everyone is going to walk away.

( hmimperialtortie )
I’ve said for some time TRA stands for Transvestite Rape Advocates.

Daniel Davis #fundie

People looking for meteors to have wiped them out; dividing the fossil layers like tree rings; extrapolative age calculation by context of half of what their eyes tell them; ignoring the mid oceanic ridges/trench; ignoring polystrata fossils; claiming that hundreds of millions of years of star soup can mutate into micro cabbage patch children that while yes any life can evolve non life can not do so. If a leaf fossil showing its veins can be half darker and half lighter based on which layer each half of the fossil occurs in and showing itself to be by current agreed upon theoretical standards half fifty million years older than the other half, the people saying that are utter morons standing on the shoulders of guesses they are too afraid to question anymore because of the politics of funding and haven’t done any real science a day in their lives. Sedimentation at the rates it had to occur to make lakes of fossil fuels could only be caused by millions of megatons of force obliterating the surface of the earth so that the bodies and plants of a region were all sealed in together like biological soup; and even microbes in the seawater itself - innumerable oceanic microbes died all at once to settle atop the other fossils and form various chalks. The force that it takes to make a crevice a third of the way around the globe and break apart the continental plates - we have all the evidence of that staring us in the face but our eyes have refused to see out of hatred for God of the scriptures; it was a great breaking open of the pressurized deep as Genesis states plainly. No dinosaur in those layers lived at any different time than each other or than man; we simply lived in a higher EM environment with a different atmospheric composition closer to the sun with earth on a vertical axis and some bodies of deep sea creatures and elements separated from the force of the shaking and earthquake waves were more dense and dark, settling deeper; while others contained more oxygen and bacteria that cause bloating and did not settle as deep in the resulting mineral mire.

@GeorgeBalloutine & @Trini_Patriot #conspiracy #quack

Exposing the Fake Monkey Pox. Keep Sharing the Truth, Expose [them] all. We are the News #TheBigMig
@Zeus6266 @LanceMigliaccio


Various commenters #wingnut

Thoughts on Pro-Life v. Pro-Abortion
I find it ironic & sad that the pro-abortion side is essentially killing themselves off. I mean think about it, if abortion continues to happen and is the norm, only the pro-lifers are going to continue to raise children and if we raise them to value human life, it's only a matter of time before the pro-life side is not just the majority, but the only people alive. The pro-abortion side won't have any children to raise with their thoughts and beliefs.

It really just limits the pro-abortion side's growth, because a good number of people with those beliefs just have children later. Many don't even have abortions to begin with, they just think that abortion is a good idea. They are also aggressive about teaching young people that it is a good idea.

They have absolutely indoctrinated American Gen Z. I only know one fellow woman in her 20s who is pro-life and she is an immigrant. Most of my friends have had an abortion.

I wouldn’t say they think it’s a good idea. They just think it isn’t right that they make that decision for others. Deep down they know abortion is wrong or else they wouldn’t go through a pregnancy when they’re 16 either.

I mean, they've taken over the education system, they don't need to have children. Just brainwash ours. Every ideologically possessed teacher should be fired.

That is harder than they think only the kids with horrible prolife parents are going to decide they were better off dead. Everyone else is going to roll their eyes to their insanity as they should and prolife/conservatives are striking back by homeschooling, putting their children in private school and recontextualizing the things they teach at school so not all is lost.

Don’t think that’s how it works. ALL pro choicers were born. That means they are converted after birth. The key is countering their propaganda by recapturing our institutions.

One day these people's very few children and grandchildren will look around and see how small their numbers are and realize they had been scammed into killing their power and community because of a stupid political position, but it will probably be too late for them. Pity for them indeed.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
It’s impossible to explain how great the people last night were in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. The level of love they have for our Country is both unbelievable and highly impressive—it is more than anyone would ever know. If the Radical Left Lunatics that work so hard to destroy our Country could just get a little bit of the love, energy, enthusiasm, spirit, and patriotism that we witnessed last night, our Country would go to the top of every list like a rocket ship.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Rally last night. It was a two-hour speech, and the only disappointment was that they were screaming, “Please, please, go longer.” They love our Country, and I love them!

@realdonaldtrump When are you going to give some energy and enthusiasm to getting the January 6th prisoners released?


He's monitoring the situation of pardoning them now!


@realdonaldtrump Antiwhites will largely never change, they are motivated by jealousy and envy. You need to support White Wellbeing.

Notice that the TROLLS only come out of hiding when it’s Trump that has something to say…not the decepticon, illegitimate Biden? You trolls are pretty funny to think A) we can’t see you and B) we give a crap what you have to say. 😂. How does it feel to know your only upvotes are from other trolls? 😂😂😂 You people are the best joke of the day.

@Peanutbutterandjelly perhaps they're not trolls, but good Americans who don't want swamp creatures with death jab and booster coursing through his veins , telling us how great the shots are and how only he could get them out en masses.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
No President has done more for Israel than I have. Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S. Those living in Israel, though, are a different story - Highest approval rating in the World, could easily be P.M.! U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel - Before it is too late!

@realdonaldtrump You care more about Israel than the US. F*ck off.

@GataJ @realdonaldtrump Trump is so eager to broadcast just how much he doesn't care about any of us, and yet half the population of Gab would still jump on a grenade (or get another Trump vaxx booster) to save him. It's unreal. HE TELLS YOU EVERY DAY HOW HE'S BETRAYING YOU, folks.

@realdonaldtrump Go fuck yourself faggot.

@realdonaldtrump -- Stop bowing to the Jews. They're going to hate you, no matter how much you do or don't do for them.

Tell the Jews to fuck off.

@Nature_and_Race @realdonaldtrump FUCK OFF JEWS!

@Nature_and_Race @realdonaldtrump That is true. Americans died going over to Germany and freeing them. Instead of gratitude, they are out to wipe out the White race and turn America into a communist outpost of the globalist.

@Nature_and_Race @realdonaldtrump too late now, it's in his bloodline

@realdonaldtrump Your allegiance to Israel is one of the reasons I won't vote for you again.

@CharitySlaughter @realdonaldtrump that......and massive govt spending......and gun control......and govt lockdowns.....and the vaccines......and the whole "lock her up" thing that never happened

@realdonaldtrump Zionism is the single greatest threat that humanity faces. Doesn’t have to be Zionist Jews specifically, but I can’t think of a more prolific group of Zionists.

@Imstartingtobelieve No, it's just Jews.


Redemption News #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack

Anyone who is not on Earth’s specific frequency to awaken and heal, ie open to incoming ascension energies; the inner waves of harmonic resonances that lead to unity consciousness will have to transform or fail. This consists of your body and soul, and it’s science and measurable, real fact, called Schumann resonances which are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and incited by energies in our universe and perceptible during lightning strikes.
Each matter has its own frequency; just touch the table or window and you will hear the difference in sound, which is the frequency of each. Likewise, atoms, molecules and cells have their own frequency. If these frequencies match the frequency of the body’s cells or molecules, a resonance is generated. This is called bio-resonance. Living matter reacts to any frequency that corresponds and consequently can be received.

Cells can be affected by bacteria, fungi, viruses, cosmic radiation, X-rays, ultraviolet light, and toxic substances. These changes in the DNA code, which is copied to the next generation, occur through cell divisions, ionizing radiation, some viruses, and recently through Covid mRNA vaccination.
Frequency therapy applies a multitude of different frequencies simultaneously. It is a harmless homeopathic treatment, comparable to rewriting a hard drive, but in this case the rewriting of the immune system and DNA structure that are completely reprogrammed eliminating autoimmune diseases that, among other roots, are caused by the injection of mRNA.
Medical beds have the ability to regenerate missing organs like gallbladder, kidneys or lymph nodes etc. Through the use of spectra and frequencies of light.
It’s not from planet Earth. It is not a technology created by a humanoid. It is a technology that was given to humanity by extraterrestrials from other worlds. A Med Bed is based on the energy of tachyon particles, which are hypothetical faster-than-light particles and plasma energy.

Troy D. McLachlan #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #wingnut

Crimes of the Saturn Death Cult

There is no such thing as membership in the Saturn Death Cult – only participation.

The crimes of the Saturn Death Cult are the collective outrages of various occult organisations and individuals against the truths and freedom of mankind as a whole. They have as their common denominator a twisted understanding of mankind’s past based on false interpretations of the mythological and esoteric records.

My definition of the Saturn Death Cult is as follows:

The accumulated historical legacies of those occult and criminal agendas and organisations that seek justification for their actions and existence based on a corrupted interpretation of Saturnian myth and lore.

This section seeks to highlight some of the more obvious contributions to the Saturn Death Cult legacy. It includes explanations for the origins of corrupt finance systems and the trade in illicit drugs to discussions on the perverse acts of ritual child murderers and modern day ritual serial killers. The role of the White Slave trade is discussed as are the implications of alleged government and military mind control projects and their relationship to suspected de-population agendas.

There is also the interesting subject of film director Stanley Kubrick and his possible knowledge of and attempts to expose elements of the Saturn Death Cult through the medium of his movies.

This part of the website is an ongoing project and will be added to as more articles on the Saturn Death Cult are written.

Lila Rose #wingnut

Lila Rose, the president of Live Action joins Dr. Phil to advocate for every child's right to life.
"Laws are meant to protect the weak. Who is the weakest in our society? A child. Whether you live 10 minutes, 10 years, or 100 years, you're a human and have the right not to be killed."
"When human life begins is not a matter of belief or opinion, it is a matter of science. The science is clear that human life begins at the moment of fertilization. And all humans have human rights."

Various Commenters #homophobia #racist #wingnut

RE: Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate Rick Caruso Declares He’s Not White Because He’s Italian

Caruso is a panderer like so many others trying to get power. In my military days, as a young man, I spent months in Italy and in Spain, had a few girlfriends in those countries. Caruso should be ashamed of himself. He must have never looked into the eyes of a green eyed, dirty blonde hair of a Sicilian woman. Maybe he’s gay!

(Wake Up)
Caruso is a disgrace, he is fully aware of how the vast majority of Italians feel about Blacks. Today Italy is doing their best to keep Black immigrants out. But of course during the Roman Empire, the Italians brought them in as slaves.

Too many Whites deny their Whiteness this way. It keeps us separated when we are really one people, one tribe. The White People. The White Tribe. The White race. We are unique on this planet and we are alone in who we are.


That is why claiming Indian ancestry is so common.

I mentally vomit when White people tell me they have "Native American blood." They think this is a virtue. I think it is disgusting.

(American Plague)
Once again: so Columbus wasn't White either, right? I wonder if this idiot had anything to say about leftists destroying statues of and demeaning a national holiday dedicated to, a "Latin" POC (Christopher Columbus) ?


The Irish have been saying that about Italians for 100 years.

The leftist Irish say it about themselves too. Due to their history of oppression they are not really White. Even more ludicrous, but there is no talking logic to an anti-White White

It has been claimed that Éire is a distant relation of the Sanskrit word ā́rya.

So 'Eire' and 'Ireland' mean 'the land of the noble ones (Aryans)'. Dunno what leprechauns have to say about the (controversial) theory.

Well if the leprechauns do not want to be called "Aryans," certain Iranians make up for it by talking your ear off about it!

Probably related to the way the so-called WASP treated them. Many were more hostile to Catholic Irish than they were toward blacks. Remember that the KKK was focused on anti-Catholicism, more than on a real racial basis.

Maryam_ #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #moonbat #sexist

Why do men keep on having mental breakdowns over their version of the blackpill while women are apathetic to ours?

Ours is doomier and theres a lot to talk about, like, a lot to talk about in terms of general society and the world. Its like reaching enlightenment. Everything makes sense after blackpill feminism. Why does capitalism happen? Men. Wars? Men. Why do I have to wage-cuck my soul away? Men. What happens when we dont wage-cuck? Men. Since wage-cucking leads to climatic genocide, why do we wage-cuck? Men. Why am I depressed all the time? Men. Why am I in this planet? A man spawned me. I am a product of a mans seed. Fucking hell

Incel blackpill is such a boring ideology it makes me want to kill them for being retarded to something so obvious. Like... water. Shut the fuck up. Even the race theories men fucking love with their whole hearts are somewhat interesting though the moment you start to treat various type of caucasoids as different races altogether your ideology just sorta fucking dies at the gates lol.

And yet... men have a stronger reaction to their blackpill than women do for our blackpill. Both are technically just "water is wet" tier but men have mental breakdowns and go on shooting sprees at the thought of women possessing eyes. Shooting sprees, suicidal thoughts, creating incel forums... is male lust really that much of a problem for men?

Like... you should have known your place from the beginning. El em ay oh. You should have always known this. The bigger blackpill is the realization that you didnt know this. The actual blackpill is the fact that men were not aware that they were supposed to be good-looking, and that the female dating pool is filled with people that cant even get the basics of attraction right. Thats insane. Thats fucking crazy. Thats how little we are as women. Men cant even do the basics for us.

The male blackpill is so remedible too. Get plastic surgery, you egotistical smegshit. Thats it. How the fuck are women supposed to plastic surgery men into becoming better people for the benefit of humanity?

Nice Girl™ Award

Lover #elitist #psycho #racist #sexist

RE: r/BlackPeopleTwitter being misogynistic as hell as always

Honestly this is why I don't say "white men" when I talk about men being misogynistic anymore.

Lol not defending white moids, they were ethnic tier in the past century (though it seems like some ppl in the radfem community have forgotten)

But ethnic moids run some of the most miserable countries for women on earth. So I don't get why you were saying that in the first place. Unless you are part of the SJW hive stuck in 2013 politics. Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, El Salvador, DRC, etc.

Men of color proved again and again how misogynistic they are against women, especially women of color.

This is not news to us women of color who had to deal with them from day one. I am a gentle, actually cowardly person but I fcking want to literally kill all of my ethnic male relatives. They're pure scum. There is not one single good trait about ethnic moids. I would love to see all these South Asian moids swallowed up in an earthquake

"SJW hive stuck in 2013"

I was part of it

Ethnic men are simply white men without legal consequences for their actions

And who made it so there are legal consequences for people in white countries?

Some of the shit I see white men casually say online would make the peasants in my country get shocked

A lot of those posters are probably diaspora lmao trust me western ethnics are just so evil and depraved.

I doubt most of those posters are white

Vast majority is, because, you know, those posts are in english?

Western zoomers are almost majority ethnic. You really don't understand how prevalent ethnics are in major Western cities. In the UK, I might as well be in Pakistan or Nigeria.

We need to answer why white countries are "safer" but I don't think they will be safer for long. Or white anyway.

Some areas are like 80-90% non-white. Culture is dominated by ethnics, ethnic music and slang, not a single white thing is cool here. The age demographic that matters in London is definitely over 50% non-white.

And what do I perceive in the west? Women in niqabs shopping at my local mart for some fcking reason. Some of them are white I think. Wtf?

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy

The world turns and things change. Everybody knows that. But the turnings and changings throw off sparks, which light fires. The intellectual turnings of the European Renaissance lit fires in the lumbering bureaucracy of Roman Catholicism, burdened as it was with abstruse theology larded with lingering, age-old superstition. Witch hunts, inquisitions, and persecutions ensued, even as the authority of the old order wobbled and frayed. The gross cruelties of the people in charge didn’t bolster their prestige, and a few centuries later you see the result: belief is dead.

Likewise in Western Civ today. Our authorities have disgraced themselves behind a new theology of degenerate “science” that veers back into superstition and necromancy. Proof that they don’t believe their own story shows in their desperate efforts to hide the data, confabulate numbers, ignore true facts, and lash out viciously at anyone who discloses their zealous deceits.
The archbishops, confessors, and tortureors in the Inquisitions of yore had, in retrospect, at least one excuse for their misdeeds (what we might call today “crimes against humanity”): empirical science was then in its infancy and their ideas about how the world worked were still largely driven by myth, fear, and occultism. Until fairly recently, when Western Civ went off-the-rails, the thinking classes of America would have easily labeled the activities of the old Inquisition as a form of group insanity.

Alas, the thinking classes across Western Civ have now gone insane. Today, they are the ones perpetrating real crimes against humanity. They have given themselves permission — as elites will — to behave cruelly, unjustly, and idiotically against the public interest and against the inherent rights of individuals to fair treatment. They’ve subjected millions to injury and death.

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #conspiracy

All new holographic realities are starting to shine through the last layer of the veil remaining and dissolving fully now, as our multidimensional crystalline structures, 12/13D Diamond Grid and DNA strands, are coming quickly online now, along with our True Cosmic History Records, as the Hall of Records and Emerald Tablet’s are igniting our true memories from deep within us now.

We have fully activated and awoken our Cosmic Dragon and Maji Grail King’s and Queen’s aspects now, and as the Divine Solar Masculine and Feminine principles have come to Divine Union as One with Source, now completing our Ascension out of the artificial Matrix hologram! Thank you for everyone who took part in yesterday’s Dragon Awakening Transmission and live Activation, and/ or listens to the replay (links in comments below), as we helped make the magic happen! Amazing work ALL, as we assisted in the full Awakening of all of the 13 Dragon beings that were held in stasis and enveloped in the Earth’s crust along with millions of dragon eggs, until the Collective Consciousness would be ready for the Great Awakening! Which is NOW!
I can see the millions of dragon eggs opening and cracking, and any remaining Dragon beings that have been in stasis and asleep now fully awakening and rising powerfully, along with Michael’s Sword and Saint Michael’s Line, and various Dragonline gateways and dragon grids and points, coming fully online and activating. Clearing out any remaining remnants of the old negative alien machinery, AI, networks, reversals and lower, artificial frequencies, negative entities and energies. Some are noticing Ascension symptoms subsiding and lessening, as all the interference patterns, distortions, reversals, miasma, false light matrices, entities, implants, seals, artificial materials and technologies etc., ALL that was false, artificial and inverted, is being fully dissolved and removed, along with all of the artificial Matrix realities.

Manuel Garoffsen #sexist

Unfortunately, that's not so the case with women who are 24 or older. Without being rich, they cannot afford the necessities to be or remain attractive after 24, and said necessities of attractiveness include cosmetic surgery, expensive skincare and makeup products, and gym memberships, all of which are far out of reach for the middle class person. This ultimately means that women who are 24 or older and aren't rich are doomed to be overweight/obese, man-faced, short-haired and/or extremely wrinkly and old-looking. You'd be forgiven for thinking that a woman over 24 you met was a man.
With so much influence that feminists have, of course men are going to be forced to realize that all the attractive women they they met are only attractive because said women are in the 18–23 range and that they will be ugly once they turn 24 (unless said women are multimillionaires, but then these men will never be able to even talk to them unless said men are multimillionaires as well).

Knix137 #sexist #kinkshaming

The people saying this is fake are indeed morons, but the people blindly defending amouranth are even worse. Anyone that wants to downplay how she chooses to earn money in the context of how she got into the current situation is deluding themselves. By allowing amouranth to do what she does on the twitch platform we have created a place where women can be exploited, full fucking stop. What's worse is that this exploitation goes both ways, far too frequently her biggest donors are people with unhealthy relationships with the internet and their peers and what she sells amounts to a drug for lonely hurting people. This makes her a piece of shit in several ways. She profits on human suffering, perpetuates it by leading people along, and has the audacity to broadcast opinions like she finds her audience contemptable. Respect is something that is earned and she's done nothing to earn respect from anyone. Perhaps the most important thing to grasp here is that what she does is nothing more than a modern iteration of the worlds oldest profession, Amouranth is a prostitute, and we really really shouldn't be surprised in the least that a prostitute, especially a high earning one, has attracted a pimp, her husband. Twitch has allowed their platform to turn into a techno brothel. We need to pull our collective heads out of our ass and recognize that the problem is the environment and the policies, the fact that the environment and policies lead to the creation of this situation is the indication that something is wrong. So instead of directing all your anger and frustration at the consequences of the situation that is prostitution on twitch direct you anger at the platform that allowed this to happen.

Stop allowing people to glamorize being a whore. If you think being a whore is empowering and improving women's lives you are the problem. Stop defending whores and start attacking the people making money off their existence.

DINO PORRAZZO #conspiracy

ALERT: If You See THESE Signs Around Your Neighborhood- Get Away IMMEDIATELY- You Are Being TARGETED By This Jihad TERRORIST Group

imageA screen grab from ISIS’ Rumiyah magazine

Without a doubt, ISIS has changed the terrorism game. They’ve leveraged technology to initiate attacks in places that they cannot physically reach. In the past, a terrorist organization in the Middle East would have to recruit, indoctrinate, and train members in the their locale, and then try to sneak them into whatever country they wished to target.

Now with social media and the internet, they can provide propaganda and training materials to millions of people who are already living in Western nations, and convince at least some of them to conduct attacks on their behalf. This way is much safer, easier, and more efficient for terrorist organizations.

And it’s opened the door to a wide variety of terrorist attacks that no one would have considered 20 years ago. Where once terrorist organizations were focused on grand gestures, like hijacking airplanes and blowing up buildings, now they can simply brainwash some dupe over the internet, and he’ll go out and shoot up a nightclub. But that’s just the beginning. The kinds of attacks that these people are pushing now look a lot less like 9/11, and more like the behaviour of a serial killer.

For instance, the latest issue of Rumiyah, an online magazine published by ISIS, is urging Muslims in Western nations to target civilians in a way that has never been discussed before. ISIS is telling them to lure and kill unsuspecting people through false advertisements for jobs and apartments. Several chilling quotes from Rumiyah were recently brought to light by the Middle East Media Research Institute:


The article suggests that websites like Craigslist, Gumtree, Loot, and Ebay could also be used to post these ads. The author recommends that terrorists shouldn’t advertise items like cars, which wouldn’t “require the victim to enter one’s property,” and he suggests that the ads shouldn’t low-ball prices, “as this can attract the attention of authorities searching for stolen goods or possibly attract other suspicions.”

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #pratt

[From "@scwrconfi - And every ounce of it is deserved"]


Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law fuels anti-LGBTQ hate online
August 12, 2022

Earlier this year Florida enacted legislation which banned public school teachers from pushing their evil sodomite agenda on kids[…]
Uranists working in elementary schools who want to borrow a page from Kris Well's playbook and recruit some nice 8 year olds who can be persuaded to suck dick are out of luck[…]
As is usual when the truth of their sick lifestyle comes up, the ass pirates…well, lied[…]
Could you believe that the mainstream media coverage of this bill concentrated on the backlash rather than any evaluation of the cost/benefit ratio (or indeed whether or not it went far enough)?

Research that analyzed social media posts finds that hateful references to gays, lesbians and other LGBTQ people surged[…]
References to pedophiles and “grooming” rose by more than 400 percent in the month after Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” measure was approved[…]

AP already is giving away their biases in favour of this unacceptable lifestyle choice which can be cured (which is why the cure is banned): "hateful references" include things like…the true statement that any particular faggot you look at is guilty of molesting children[…]
It's worth noting of course that the AP article makes it sound like nobody who opposes this sick agenda to molest children (which is of course how faggots reproduce) was willing to go on the record[…]
The entire sodomite agenda is based on a fundamental pair of lies: that they are "born with" their disgusting desires and that there's nothing wrong with them polluting the planet by acting upon them

Dana Loesch #wingnut

Dana Loesch Says She Doesn’t Care if Herschel Walker Paid ‘Some Skank’ for an Abortion: ‘I Want Control of the Senate’

Conservative radio host Dana Loesch said she does not care if Republican Georgia Senate nominee Herschel Walker paid to abort “baby eagles,” as long as the GOP takes the Senate in November.

The take came on the heels of reporting from the Daily Beast Walker allegedly paid his former girlfriend $700 to have his child aborted. Walker has denied the report, calling it a “lie.”

On Monday, Loesch argued Walker’s lone abortion is irrelevant in the scheme of things. She argued his opponent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) would support endless taxpayer-funded abortions.

On her radio show, the pro-life host said the race for Warnock’s seat is important above all else – including a single abortion from 2009.

So, does this change anything? Do you want my opinion? You’re listening. Not a damn thing. How many times have I said four very important words. These four words: winning is a virtue. What I’m about to say is in no means a contradiction or a compromise of a principle.

And, please keep in mind that I am concerned about one thing, and one thing only at this point. So, I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate.

Carrots90 & pennygadget #transphobia

RE: Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Latest Trends, Size, Key Players, Revenue and Forecast 2028

( Carrots90 )
This will end well, I’m sure

Bill Gates doesn’t need to worry about overpopulation.

Society is literally supporting putting up our confused young people to get ‘spayed and neutered’

( pennygadget )

Society is literally supporting putting up our confused young people to get ‘spayed and neutered’

I can see the commercials now....

"You have a child who is acting too autistic or too gay? Please get them spayed or neutered today. Its the compassionate thing to do"

( Carrots90 )
Then they can have a commercial with Sarah McLachlan singing ‘In the Arms of an Angel” in the background for kids/people-who-identify-as-kids who need gender affirming procedures but can’t get them

“This is Cody. He needs a lifesaving teet yeeting. But his evil, transphobic parents are stopping him, asking him to at least first process the trauma he suffered when molested by the volleyball coach he thought he could trust. (It was odd, because this coach otherwise only molested girls. Cody, though afab, is a boy and was always a boy. We have no idea why Cody was targeted.)”

“This is Kumiko Wasabi. Though she has the support of her wonderful dad, Joe Smith, she unfortunately has a TERF mother, Rebecca Jones. The hateful, and likely jealous, Rebecca got the court to STOP Kumiko from having a wonderful and life affirming vagina installed, and ‘certain excess tissue’ removed. Rebecca was just throwing things to see what would stick. Unrelated and off topic accusations like ‘Joe would call him a f-g for liking dolls and Beyonce’ and ‘Joe beat him for kissing the neighbors son’.

“Now, we don’t condone violence, but many super protective fathers want to keep their daughters virtue intact-he is single, ladies”

“And lastly we have Veronica Sparkle Vag. She is a single mother who needs some big mommy milkers. The birthing parent took the kids out of state, leaving Miss SparkleVag has very little to live on. Per the divorce agreement, birthing parent has to pay 2 years of rent, but you can’t eat an apartment. All of the alimony Miss SparkleVag gets goes to just staying alive. She has to get food delivered since birthing parent used to do all the cooking and shopping. [...]

Thierry Baudet #conspiracy #crackpot #psycho #wingnut

(Note: This guy is a Dutch Politician, leader of the Forum for Democracy Party)

I'm a conspiracy theorist. I believe we are being governed by a global conspiracy of evil reptiles. My view is that the only global player who is opposing them is Vladimir Putin. So, I'm a fan of Vladimir Putin. I think he is our dark knight. He is the hero we need. He is the man who is exposing the globalists, that's what he's already doing. So, basically the special military operation is already a success because he is exposing the beast. And I think he's going to win. And if he wins, that will mean the defeat of the globalist's movement, of the American empire. And that's why I think it's so important for me to speak out, because I think I'm the only one speaking out like this in the world. I'm the only one saying “Putin is a hero, and he must win, and we must do whatever we can to support him, because he is fighting our fight.” And it's weird that I'm always the only one who says these things.

Various commenters #quack

Did You Get Vaccinated?
Did you get the covid 19 vaccine?

Me I did not. I avoided it like the fucking plague and did not give in to all of the coercion and shaming tactics.

I had covid April this year and recovered within 2 weeks.

All of the lockdowns masks and vaccines were completely unnecessary and I will never forgive the people who did it.

(Mystic B)
Better dead than kiked

the vAccine can turn you gay

you can get turned on by men

No, i´m not a follower of »insert current kike trend«
Now that the dust has settled, memoryholed psyop made to differentiate true human beings from subhumans according to kike hegemony.
Many have submitted to self-annihilation.
It won´t be long before the antichrist is revealed to the world.

i am pure blooded, i had coronavirus once and now i'm immune, while the vaccinated are getting sick every five minutes

Never have, never will. Fuck modern society, they are fucking cowards with their face masks and worry.

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #wingnut #homophobia

Respond to God's voice in Christ Jesus today and humbly turn from wickedness ☦️ with God's mercies there is hope 😇 remember the result of Jonah's message: national repentance & delivered. But also be warned: not repenting calls on the demons to unleash their fury 😢 God is not willing that anyone should perish but once all to come to eternal life in Christ Jesus 🕊️ Yield to the Holy Spirit and exalt Jesus Christ in your heart & life starting now 👏

Christ trampled down death by his death that we might experience eternal life now & ♾️

#christisrisen #repentance #blessingorsorrow #chooseChrist No to #lgbtqpedo #prolife No to #abortion #spiritualriches No to #loveofmoney #peace No to #warmongers and their #40billiondollarlaundering #humble No to #pridehomosexual

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Wow! Fox News is really pushing the Democrats and the Democrat agenda. Gets worse every single day. So many Dems interviewed with only softball questions, then Republican counterparts get creamed. RINO Karl Rove is unwatchable, very negative, and on all the time - Has a big record of losing! Not an easy place to be as a Republican, especially with all of the “pervert” purchased ads. If “low ratings” CNN ever went Conservative, they would be an absolute gold mine, and I would help them to do so!

@realdonaldtrump -- That's because fox news is just like CNN. Both controlled by the same group of people.

@realdonaldtrump I can't believe Fox has an audience after their participation in the Election Fraud of 2020.

@realdonaldtrump pretty sure you know Tucker is a double agent by now. Right?

@realdonaldtrump Karl Rove is a Bush deep state SNAKE. I have been DONE with Fox since the election, other than Tucker, Bongino and Levin, depending on who his guests are

@realdonaldtrump sorry to say, but we need a 3rd party, The MAGA Party. Let the RINOS have their Republican Party. It is time!



@Teamsaveamerica #wingnut

We weren’t “homophobic” until you started messing with our children.

We weren’t “racist” until you started calling America and Americans irredeemable and deplorable.

We weren’t “fascists” until you started shutting down our free speech and banning us off the internet and social media.

We weren’t “Nazis” until you started assaulting us in the streets and physically attacking our rallies & protests.

We weren’t “bigots” until you started denying biological facts and rewriting the dictionary.

We weren’t “violating community guidelines” until after Donald Trump won the 2016 election.

We weren’t “offensive” until you started canceling everyone that was different than you.

We weren’t “misogynists” & “sexists” until women started murdering babies up to the moment of birth & even after, getting body counts in the hundreds, and making Only Fans.

We weren’t “conspiracy theorists” until you murdered Jeffrey Epstein in the most secure prison in the world and called it a suicide.

We weren’t “a threat to democracy” until after you burned our country to the ground for 5 months straight, held the entire country hostage using Covid, literally changed the election rules during election season without authority to do so, rigged Big Tech & social media to commit mass election interference (more election interference than in all of recorded history combined) everyday, illegally covered up the Hunter Biden laptop during election season, sent out ballots everywhere - even to empty lots, hired thousands of illegal mules during an election, stopped the vote count, and deplatformed the sitting President of the United States off all social media.

Mobb #sexist #psycho

(Submitter’s note: This is about Amouranth, a Twitch streamer.)

Charlie you bafoon, You really think this woman didn't set this man up to look like the villain. Some of you beta clowns have it easy bc you didn't have to go through this with a woman and in your case Charlie, you rich. Women know what they are doing and they don't just leave you NOOOO, they have to ruin you on the way out. I'm assuming she's making money now and doesn't want to be with him anymore but divorce isn't an option since I'm assuming there were no prenup. Sooo her smart brain told her, or someone did to set him up as an abuser and violent to make it easier to divorce without losing too much money in the process 2:12 after that I saw in her face how happy she was she got him. Oh Charlie be happy you don't experience this, being a rich beta male makes you judge other men through your life of privileged. And I say rich beta bc you didnt have to reinvent yourself to even get with women, life is tough out here brother.

Lev #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #wingnut

The System has doubled, tripled its efforts to hook us, bind us to itself, at any cost to keep our attention with news and actions. It is suffocating from the lack of vital energy, which is trying to pump out from us with all its might. The most terrible thing for the System is our indifference, not reacting and not bending…
These are global forces acting synchronously behind the scenes, although publicly they demonstrate confrontation and disagreement to the point of losing the pulse. But their roles are carefully calibrated. Improvisations are allowed, but only within the framework of a pre-composed script. We must understand this clearly.

Acts of aggression and violence are not committed by a person on the basis of jealousy, hostility, fear, and greed or racial-religious hatred. All these are, first of all, programs used by the System and its runners.

Each program is launched by an invisible beneficiary, who feeds and exists due to the energy released at the moment of an emotional outburst. It is called in different ways: imperil, lush, or gavvah, but by its nature is the same.

What are its vibrations, and what are their parameters in Hertz? Here is the most minimal list of energy impacts by which the countries and continents are run:

Woe – from 0.1 to 2 Hz; fear – from 0.2 to 2.2 Hz; resentment – from 0.6 to 3.3 Hz; rage-0.5 Hz; perturbation – from 0.6 to 1.9 Hz; pride – 0.8 Hz; irritation – from 0.9 to 3.8 Hz; irascibility-0.9 Hz; anger-1.4 Hz; disdain, contempt-1.5 Hz; superiority-1.9 Hz; megalomania – 3.1 Hz.
The forces in question are mainly on the astral and etheric planes. But there are a lot of them in physical bodies, especially among the ruling elite. They manipulate those who also look like a person, but are not, or have long ago lost their humanity.

Due to this, a significant part of the Fifth Race turned into the most weak-willed sheeple, how they name us, obediently led to the slaughter with brainwashed and empty eyes.

[Deleted] #transphobia

RE: Some real world LGB issues that major organizations are neglecting in favor of Trans Woo

I just don't get it. There was so MUCH to be done after gay marriage was won in some Western nations. Literally anything would have been a good target, hell, lesbians are women and women's rights are still barely a thing. 2% of rapes ever get investigated. All this money could have done soooooooo much good in the world.

And they decided they'd use this money to destroy women's rights, women's safety, women's dignity, child rape safeguarding. They used the money to destroy hundred thousands, maybe millions, of healthy bodies forever. Traumatize millions forever.

I really hope they will pay for this, but history tells me they won't. Not the surgeons and the stonewall people anyway. Now the TIMs with their mutilated body and their forever single life because no woman wants to go near that, they will suffer. So will the women with chronic pain, early onset dementia. But i fear the ones most responsible will walk, and will have made a lot of money, to add insult to injury.

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