
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Anonymous #psycho #sexist boards.4chan.org

why are you actually against the women's rights in general?

A piece of property can not have rights. The idea of cunts having rights is as ridiculous as "animal rights". Only people can have rights, "property rights" is not rights property has but rights about having property. Cunts are not people.

a being that is responsible for birth of all male

We finally now have machines that can replace that function. Women can finally be exterminated as men have wanted to be able to do since for all of history.

Wow, imagine treating your mother who feeds you for like 23 years since you have been born because you are a fucking brainlet NEET as a property.

My bitch mother is garbage. Its because of her I think it should be a rite of passage for boys to slaughter their mothers to become men.

LittleBoy #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] [NSFW] FoidEntitlementPill: Sex Starved Foids are allowed to be grumpy... You're not.

[link to a twitter post of some model on OnlyFans titled “this is what happens when you with withhold your dick from me”, where she flashes her buttocks and later her vulva into her webcam.]

Cornfed223 #psycho #sexist reddit.com

In the mating game, females display themselves and men act on their displays. If females can dress as sluttishly as they want but in is generally a crime for the men to act accordingly by groping them or whatever, then clearly this is tantalising the men - a bit like waving food in the face of starving dogs and whacking them on the nose if they try to eat it.

Le Bowser #racist #sexist stormfront.org

This type of thing is a crime against nature and should never be allowed to happen

Now we have have a generation of cucked white males who have to either stay home and masturbate or race mix themselves

This is exactly why I am leaving Canada

On a side note, I saw a blonde white woman with a Hindu and striaght up asked her "Are you ficking that monstrosity" She got embarassed and replied no

The Hindu never said a word. LOL

der einzelganger #crackpot #elitist #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Right on, SS, glad to see someone here understands – It is Nature’s way that the higher the species, the slower its development

There is no living creature more helpless, more immobile than a White infant. By way of contrast, a newborn colt can stand up within minutes of being born. On its second day of life it can outrun a man; on its third day it can run with its mother.

In our competitive world the White child pays a heavy price for its eventual superiority. By the age of eleven, it lags nearly two years behind the negro, and one year behind other dark children. Even Asians are slightly ahead. Because of Whites’ higher IQ, this ‘equivalent age gap’ is not so apparent in the classroom. But in all measures of physiology – size, strength, agility, speed, endurance, and yes, sexuality – it can be a crushing disadvantage.

By the age of early to mid-20s the difference has been made up, and the White young adult will continue to advance far longer. But by then many key milestones of early adulthood have already been passed, and can never be made up. The level of individual self-esteem is long established, athletic scholarships and accolades have all been handed out, and one’s potentiality for success with the opposite sex is already in play.

What of the poorly parented White girl? Girls always develop faster than boys, so without strong leadership it should come as no surprise when the fast-developing teen bimbo – trembling on the brink of womanhood and frustrated with her less mature male classmates who are into gaming, RC toys and even studying – falls prey to some cocky world-wise mongrel.

Humans Are Free #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #wingnut humansarefree.com

Nevertheless, the normalization of transgenderism (and to a lesser extent homosexuality), serves another purpose, and we must not discount that purpose as being another motivation leftist elites possess for normalizing these things and flooding us with incessant propaganda and conditioning concerning them. An effeminate and weak (and especially a confused and delusional) population is more inclined to look to government for security. Thus, when the Cultural Marxist power structure seeks to normalize these bizarre behaviors and pathologies, it not only weakens the people, it strengthens itself.

A nation of weaklings and girlie men is an invitation to statism and totalitarianism. The weak and cowardly can not defend themselves. They will not defend themselves. They will thus look to government for safety and security. This is likely another very important reason why the Cultural Marxists who rule over us are normalizing transgenderism and homosexuality, and now even calling masculinity itself “toxic”. They desire a nation of damsels ever in distress. Damsels can not defend themselves from external threats. They can not defend themselves from minor threats posed by common, albeit violent criminals, who fancy themselves eternal victims no matter how many innocents they victimize, and they especially can not defend themselves from tyrannical Marxist threats, which fancy themselves liberal democratic governments, no matter how illiberal or anti-democratic they have become.

Wagiecel #racist #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Singapore is becoming gigacucked

It seems like a nice place to move to for work since everyone speaks English and its not a shithole.

As you know Singapore is already cucked because it forced all its men to do mandatory military service and waste two years of their time. Meanwhile they get all these white expats to get the actual good jobs. The foids get 2 year advantage in building their careers while fucking the white expats on the side.

However I read up on article that now Singapore wishes it could be like the good old days where it got cucked by white guys.

Now its getting cucked by curries instead. Not even by locally born curries. But by mainland curries.

What is happening is Singapore issues a lot of foreign visa to get curries from India to come to Singapore to work because they think their local talent cannot do these jobs. The problem is you end up having cases like DBS bank where the boss is a curry who isn't even a local Singaporean. And naturally they will favour their own and import more curries from India to work instead of local singaporeans.

Basically this is another H1B visa issue like you see in America. Except its much worse coz curries aren't here to do shitty code monkey work. They're gonna become your boss even though they never stepped one foot in Singapore before.

The government will try to deny it. But there's a reason ethnic tensions are building there. Singaporeans are getting cucked out of the job market by Curries who aren't even born on local soil.

So if you see Singaporean posters here who seem very pissed off, you have to understand they have a good reason to be. Feminism has already cucked them and now they're about to be cucked again. And to those who think everything is fine, whats the point of living in denial? You're defending a country that treats you like a slave, let the foids overpower you and now are surrendering the power to foreigners.

Jim #sexist #psycho blog.reaction.la

(Title: Women like sexual coercion)

Their resistance is merely a shit test, to separate the strong from the weak.

What they hate, hate, hate hate hate, hate with a hatred hotter than a thousand suns, is that some guy whom they had sex with turns out to be substantially less alpha than they thought.

You doubt me? Reflect on the current Hollywood drama. Everyone has always known about the casting couch but in actual practice women acted as if being sexually exploited by rich, famous, and powerful men was a fringe benefit, rather than an occupational hazard – until the advance of feminism turned previously arrogant and entitled Hollywood moguls into weak and timid betas using wealth, fame and power as a weak crutch.

Uglychincel #quack #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Not putting your child on HGH if he's a manlet around age 13 should be considered child abuse

Everyone know that height is crucial to dating success but also in professional life. Your peers respect you more, your decisions seem more "correct", your hostility is seen as "hard line" instead of being a jackass. It absolutely amazes me that society still doesn't acknowledge the blatant abuse and shit that short people get.


Instead of being a manlet, if your parents put you on HGH as a teen, you'd be guaranteed probably at least half a foot more of height.

5'4" manlets would be 5'10" MINIMUM.

King of manlets 5'8" would be 6'2" MINIMUM.

Not giving short kids HGH is the same thing as not giving a disabled child a wheelchair. If you're past 13-15, and still a manlet, it's over :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

JohnWickCel #crackpot #sexist #wingnut incels.is

2014 seems to be when everything went to crap both socially and media wise.

2014 was the year of GamerGate, which seems to be the first big SJW outing and when SJW's started to really infect everything. 2016 was when the dam broke with the USA election happened and stuff like MeToo became a thing.It also really let women go crazy with their sluttiness and their treatment of men. And based off what I've heard from other guys, it also ended a lot of trust and comfortableness men had around women. And yes I know things could get crappy in regards to this stuff before, but this seems to be when it started it's insane descent into where we are now.

aDrunkenWhaler #sexist reddit.com

I’m not sympathetic to the fathers who just “walk away.” To me, that’s the ultimate in cowardice and beta behavior.

Just saw a clip of a mother stork picking up her perfectly healthy baby and throwing him from the nest, to his death. The reason is to increase the chances of survival of her other 2 baby storks. Nature is cruel in that way.

Of course, we're not animals. But let's say you have a baby with a screwed up piece of shit woman that goes far and beyond to destroy your life and sanity, and uses your child against you without caring he's fucking him up in the process, explain to me, since you have no posibility to change anything, why is it the ultimate cowardice to walk away?

Why is it beta to not let yourself sucumb to a life of neverending drama and arguments, if not way worse? Because society told you from the time you were a baby that as a man you need to sacrifice yourself for "the right thing"? Why not focus on other things, like having a good life, building a family with a good woman and raising good kids that actually have a chance in the world?

Also, another food for thought, if your kid that turned out fucked in the head because of his mother commits some fellonies, maybe even kill a couple of people, and you could help get him released if you would burn some evidence, would you do it? If yes, why? Just because you shot some sperm on a one night stand at some point in your life?

Mainländer #sexist incels.is

[Story] I overheard two old women talking about their teen daughters on the street

Woman 1: "...how old was your daughter?"
Woman 2: "15"
Woman 1: "Yeah, that normal of that age, we can't do anything about it. Mine was with 14"

That's all I could hear, I increased my speed to get out of earshot.

They certainly weren't talking about their first periods considering no girl has their first periods that late nowadays and the "we can't do anything about it" comment. They were talking about the ages their daughters first got fucked.

99% of the people nowadays consider it normal and acceptable for underage girls to fornicate with guys around their age but wouldn't consider it normal or acceptable for them to marry, especially if with a significantly older guy. Western culture= done for.

bigantennaemay1 #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

Now bear with me here, because I suck at putting my thoughts into words on account of being an autistic reeeeeeeetard, but I'll give it my best.

Even just the name of the "platform" fuels the egos of foids, think about it. OnlyFans, as in, the only people they'll have to interact with on the platform are fans. They'll never have to deal with trolls, detractors, criticism, and whatever other undesirables they could imagine. There's only her willing, beta fans ready to spend money on her for being born with an axe wound between her legs, just so they can get (mostly) PG pictures, that aren't any different from what you could find on Google for three seconds' worth of effort. :soy: It further encourages this narcissistic, goddess complex that modern foids all seem to have.

Just a shower thought I thought I'd air.

metabuxx #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] We are the real Holocaust survivors

The sexual holocaust going on right now is far worse than the actual holocaust. We are being tortured everyday, doomed to loneliness and suffering just because we don't have enough bones. Millions of sexless men are starving right now because women are resorting to apocalyptic levels of depravity.

And unfortunately most men are not strong enough to stand against this gynocentric society so they are killing themselves everyday. And those of us who have not roped yet are the strong willed ones, it is we who are the real holocaust survivors.

metabuxx #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] My dad was doing the dishes while my mom was browsing Instagram

I went to kitchen to get something to eat and there he was, wearing an apron and doing the dishes. And my mom was in the living room, lying on the couch and giggling through Instagram memes.

WHAT A FUCKING PATHETIC CUCK. He should be setting an example for me by dominating his woman but instead he has chose to be a cuck who slaves for his wife.

And after he was done, she didn't even express any gratitude, not even a simple thank you. She just asked him to do another chore. Its fucking ridiculous. How can he just stand there listening to her ordering him around???

This is the unspoken truth. Every single non-Chad married man worships his wife and slaves for her because he knows that she can replace him in the blink of an eye. AND I'D RATHER BE AN INCEL THAN MARRY A WHORE AND BECOME HER SLAVE.

Who is bringing home the paycheck? I wouldn't mind doing the chores if she is making significantly more money than me.

My dad earns a little bit more than her. And I don't care who earns more. Its a woman's job to do household chores. Men who do that are simps.

Luckily my mom does all the cooking and cleaning and other house related stuff.

Exactly how its supposed to be.

AdoptedSubhuman #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[LifeFuel] Thinking about faking being a multi millionare

Im thinking about getting 2 or 3 pictures where it looks like im rich as fuck. I will wear and buy a fancy suit and tie then take one picture outside my dads house(looks expensive and modern) Then i will borrow a sport car from a car rental since my dads own a disgusting old ugly car anyway i will take one picture with the sport car outside my house with the car door open, so they think its mine. Then i will use these photos for tinder and i will write in the bio "Young multi millionare" this will attract tons of girls even hot ones, i will verify my profile aswell and now i can pick and choose which girl i want. I will tell the girls im a "successful finance manager" I will tell them to come to my house and i will plan it so my family is not home during that time so it could be during the days, because im home alone during the days.

Then i pump and dump. Would this work? Im a ricecel so they would actually believe im a "successful finance manager"

BrapZilian #sexist #psycho incels.is

[JFL] Chad crying because a foid sucked his dick

TranscriptMales can indeed be raped.

I don't know if this is rape or sexual assault, either way here's the story:
(Note: I'm an italian 14-15 yr old.)
A week ago, I ended my friendship with a girl I've been friends for over 5 years. I had to do this rough cut because she raped me. A week ago, me and her we're having a sleepover, when everyone was asleep I suddenly woke up due to a funny feeling in my dick.
First thing I see is the only friend I trust sucking on my dick for no absolute reason, I tried to speak but she slapped my mouth and, i pulled her hand away and asked "What the fuck are you doing?"
She replied with: "Something I wanted to do for a long time." I said stop but she kept going, At this point I could take no more, I stood up and tried to take my phone from the table I put it on and call the police, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me down, next thing I know my virginity was gone as she just sits on my dick.
The story goes on as you'd expect, In the morning I went home as fast as I could, told this to my parents and they called the police.
I really need to talk to someone about this because this story is insane, even if I talk it deeper with my parents they will just turn it into a lecture like "Why didn’t you just run away?"


WOLF97777777 #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

I'm just gonna make this journal short. I think the thought of killing a baby because you irresponsibly got knocked up with a guy is disgusting. It's a selfish practice that takes the life away from a newly developing human because you don't want to take the responsibility to take care of it or at least give the baby up for adoption. And don't get me started with "but muh rape" excuse, at least try finding the baby a home first before you decide to kill it. I think it's disgusting that you'd want to take a life after yours had nearly been taken by a rapist. Seriously fuck abortion! It's just a selfish excuse for woman to be irresponsible whores.

John B 14 #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia stormfront.org

Decades of brainwashing from Jew media.

Jews push for cultural marxism in western countries. These are the forced equality movements like open borders diversity, race-mixing, gay & transgender culture, feminism, affirmative action, etc.

At the same time, Jews are building a Jewish supremacist apartheid state of Israel with huge walls, immigration based on Jewish bloodline, where it's illegal for a Jew to marry a non-Jew.

This makes western countries weaker, divided, and easier to manipulate, while making Israel stronger.

In any competition, the group that works as a team has a big advantage.

End the fed #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Jews have been brainwashing more gullible submissive minded Whites to have white guilt since they were kids. These do it in the schools, media, and all forms of pop culture. Having white guilt and vulture singling is trendy.

Plus they're been brainwashing White women for the last 25 years to be attracted to black men. This makes then even more pro black and anti-White.
70% of single women under 35 are liberal. Most women under 35 are now White guilt mudsharks.

Eschewcel & Pumkin #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Cuties is a very good introduction to the blackpill.

The director of the film managed to show all the decadence of foids, which begins as soon as they are 11 years old and even before for some.
The film DOES sexualize foids, actually exactly how they are. Even girls from the most pious families feel this urge to be sluts and will take the first opportunity that comes along because they are born sluts.

Watching porn in the toilets. Wanting 15 to 17 years old dicks. Watching twerking clips during the prayer. Disrespecting everything their parents' traditions. Learning twerking moves imitating sexual positions. I mean the youth, at least a real part of the population, is exactly as described in the movie and only think about chads from the moment they have their first period.

I highly recommend you to watch it, just to be able to talk about it with full knowledge of the facts. It's available on netflix, but also on rarbg for example. If you want some boobs to help you wanting to watch it, just go to 28:00

fuck me I didn't think these girls would be so damn sexy! just downloaded the movie and just skipping to see skin. not going to watch this actual trash movie but god dam these girls got really tight bodies. you aren't going to see a 40yo woman with this type of body that's for sure! this movie is just exemplifying exactly what men are sexually attracted to

eyzwydopen #racist #sexist #conspiracy stormfront.org

RE: Black female university journalist writes that it's racist for White males to exclusively date White females

70% of Black women can't get married, so no doubt this bitter hate filled old maid is boiling over with scorn when she spots normal well adjusted White people displaying a natural attraction to their own species. It isn't White peoples fault that Negro woman are so hidious that even their own species rejects them. That is what this is really about. Race mixing is unnatural, it goes against the instinct for survival. That is why the tribe is bombarding us with subliminal imagery to coerce us into doing it. It is the reason we see so many mixed race couples on TV. They are presenting it as normal behavior without the viewers being fully aware of what is going on. "By way of deception thou shalt do war." Her solution, use the magical incantation (Racism™)she learned from the tribe to make normal people feel guilty and ashamed of themselves for not conforming to the will of the Cult. This desperate race obsessed old maid is rejecting her own kind and that is why it pisses her off to see the object of her desire with White women.

Anonymous #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org

I don't want to save the white race, I want most whites to die because most whites are subhumans no better than niggers in a lot of cases, all these whores, lard asses, faggots, race traitors, leftists etc. don't have a right to life just because they're white, they should die. God I hate "White Equality" so many white nationalists promote, just because someone is white doesn't make them special. Whites will live on no matter what and as soon as collapse comes same with all the non whites too, because they're dependent on whites giving them free food and water to live, like Africans, they'll die off fast as soon as the UN donations stop coming and non whites in europe and northern north america will die off as soon as they have no more gov't heating for their homes and the cold sets in, our destiny is set, I'm only preparing to survive

Epilepsy #sexist #crackpot incels.is

Foids don't feel fear and pain in the same way that we do.
They are aroused and excited by it.


You underestimate how stupidly the foid brain has evolved to enjoy domination, fear, and submission.

Positron emission tomography has shown that reward pathways become activated in foids in response to pain and fear stimuli, whereas only logical areas of the brain activate for males.
Carfentanil is released in far greater amounts in the foid brain to negative sensations and pain, and their mu-opioid receptors activate to a far greater extent than male, creating a rush of pleasure like heroin.

Foids love feeling outrage, sadness, and anger. They love feeling pain, fear, and domination. They experience orgasms while giving birth and being fucked by large objects, both things that damage the body.

The foid brain is very maladapted and strange. It's irrational in the realm of pain and pleasure.
It's very possible that a foid may enjoy being killed violently.


Pain actually activates mu-opioid receptors in the human brain and releases carfentinil, but it does so in different areas for the male and female's brain. In the female, it is more connected with the reward pathways than the male's, where the receptors are activated in the logic-processing centers.

The beta endorphins released by pain are also regulated by estrogen, which magnifies its effect, whereas testosterone has no such effect. This acts like a heroin high.

A good percentage of women have experienced orgasm while under great pain, such as during childbirth. Also, when they are being fucked by horses, which damages their body to a great extent. So there is a real (maladaptive) connection between pain and pleasure for them.

It's not like the male where pain is just a net negative.

For the foid being murdered, it would be "painful" in a sense, but feelings of pleasure may overtake the pain to the point of orgasm.

Biblical Gender Roles #fundie #sexist #psycho biblicalgenderroles.com

I can’t tell you how many leftists and humanists I saw on Facebook and on the news saying “The economy is not more important than human lives”. But these same leftists have no problem with 56 million human lives worldwide being sacrificed each year for the “economic empowerment of women” when women have abortions. Do you get the irony in that?

I have seen some leftists and feminists attack pro-life conservatives saying “Look at these conservative pro-lifers willing to sacrifice human lives for the economy. I guess they are not so pro-life after all.” But this is a horribly faulty comparison. Comparing COVID 19 deaths to deaths caused by abortion is like comparing normal flu deaths each year to those caused by murder. And that is exactly what abortion is – it is murder. If you die from getting a virus that is a natural cause of death. If you die from a doctor tearing you apart with medical instruments that is not a natural cause of death. That is murder.

Foolish humanists have said to those protesting the loss of their freedoms in the COVID 19 hype that they are fighting for “the freedom to give and receive the Corona virus”. So could we as conservative Christians say humanists are fighting for “the freedom to give and receive STDs which can be fatal” when they fight for the freedom of people to engage in casual sex outside of marriage?

The leftists and humanists want us to wear masks and practice social distancing to go buy milk. But in the coming months they will continue to fight for the right of two strangers to meet at a bar (with masks on of course) and then go home, take off their masks, get naked and engage in casual sex. The irony and foolishness of their positions are completely lost on them.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] OnlyFans is the top career choice for women, colleges are freaking out


Maybe larp but LMAO if it isn't. Why bother studying and working hard at a job when you can show your tits or open your legs for chad?

I suggested my slut sister to make an OnlyFans account (cause she's fairly attractive looking), and the funny thing is: she was seriously considering it after I showed her that uglier whores than her were making bank. JFL @ the degeneracy in this generation. Foids live on tutorial island.


It's ragefuel, suicidefuel and lifefuel at the same time. The first 2 because foids can make a living by being sluts and stripping on camera, they don't even have to prostitute themselves Lifefuel because women might remove themselves from the job market. Plus it'll blackpill a lot of men if a decent chunk of the female population stops working because of OF. Really shows how easy they have and how much they're ready to sexualize themselves for profit

Why the fuck should I contribute to soyciety in anyway when holes can get naked on camera and live like millionaires. This is the state which soyciety has devolved to. At this stage, suicide or a mass shooting doesn't even seem extreme, but merely the most logical reaction. Come on!
Convince me that a mass shooting is wrong! Go ahead! In this day and age, it's no different from the french revolution.

This is truly the nail in the coffin for society. Why should we: commute and show up to work every day, do hard studies and trades, break our backs, do dangerous jobs, do depressing jobs, take shit from our bosses or HR etc AND PAY FUCKING TAXES when we rot alone while women live like this If OF truly becomes mainstream among women society will either collapse or become a caste system. I'm 100% serious

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

[Brutal] [Monkeypill] Indonesian men are so low-value they pay to fuck Orangutans

Orangutan sex slave screamed when former captor visited her

Pony the orangutan was terrified when the woman who ran the 'brothel' where she was kept came to visit her in an Indonesian conservation centre.

Let's be honest here, a shaved Orangutan wearing perfume and makeup is the looksmatch of a generic Indonesian man

I can't believe that there are actually humans, who would fuck an ape?!

this is what happens when you disproportionately breed low-value men and abort females in these societies

>cumskins go to SEA and steal deathnic women
>cumskins wondering why deathnics fuck animals
Are you guys mentally reverted?

Sometimes I can't believe I am one gender with those people. Desperate men will fuck anything that looks even remotely humanoid. Why did I even read this.

Just lol at ethnics.

Truely disgusting shit. I have more compassion to the orangutans than foids in sexual slavery.

(Transcended Trucel)
Insanely low inhib. Mans horniness knows no limits

I can't believe that there are actually humans, who would fuck an ape?!

Yes, there are men who fuck cars, who castarate themselves, fap to stuffing shit down their throat. Coomerdom knows no limits

Are they even more low inhib than some foids?

Yes many furries have extreme fucked body mutilation fetishes

OverBeforeItBegan #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Venting] My heart aches whenever I see a cuckold father with his daughters

It's just the most pathetic, depressing sight.

Today I went shopping and I saw a father with FOUR FUCKING DAUGHTERS and not a single son. Can you imagine that? The average cost of raising a child in the US from birth until 17 is $233,610. Multiply that by four and you get 934 440 US$ That is almost a million dollars. And obviously, most parents continue paying for their children much longer after they turn 17. You still have college to pay for.
So basically, that spineless cuck will end up spending well over a million dollars raising sets of holes to keep men's dicks warm and wet. That's literally what he's doing. There's no other way around it. Sure, having an incel son isn't anything to be proud of either, but at least you're not spending your hard-earned money raising a living fleshlight. He could've avoided all this by having 4 abortions. As bad as I felt for him, I also felt angry that he's such a bitch that he's actually raising them. I wanted to tell him how I feel but obviously that's social suicide. You're not allowed to question whoredom.

Sure, they might be young and innocent now, but does he not realize that soon enough they'll be teenagers? They'll start going to nightclubs, house parties, music festivals? Does he not realize what they'll be doing? I've made a thread about this: https://incels.co/threads/i-went-to-a-music-festival.67394/ It really boggles my mind how any self-respecting man can be okay with this. Spending absurd amounts of money just to get some other men's rocks off. I truly believe that the man who invents some kind of pill that will prevent you from passing on your x chromosome will become a billionaire overnight.

Total Imbecile #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] A bunch of things 23+ yold girls never do anymore, I will never experience this

Teen and early 20s love only

-handcrafting you cards or gifts for your birthday even if its something cheesy like a bracelet

-random hugs and kisses throughout the day

-actually being excited to text you and see you

-cuddling in this position

-letting you touch or brush her hair

-just lying together with you and not doing anything (like being glued to her phone)

-play fighting

-being excited to try something new with you

-actually fighting for and putting effort into your relationship, after all you're her 17th boyfriend so if you make a mistake why even try and work on the relationship when she can just keep swapping boyfriends and brute force compatibility via numbers game

CrackingYs #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot incels.is

[Theory] We were so close! If Hitler had not attacked Russia in winter we would be living in a futuristic utopia right now

Imagine a socialist utopia, where everyone has a job, a purpose, nobody has to LDAR, and education is free. People can work as much as they want and their pay is based on their merit.

Imagine if Jews were not in control of all media, communications, and mega-corporations.

Imagine an ethnically pure society of healthy white people of Aryan descent.

Imagine a modern Empire with a strong military, strong leadership, and devoted citizens who support their country.


If I could send one piece of information into the past in order to improve the world, it would be a letter to Hitler telling him not to attack Russia in winter.

Various Incels #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [Brutal] Trannymaxxing


Dude in the article wasn't even ugly in looks. at least low tier normie, but he had software engineering job so beta buxxing was a possibility. Even then, none of his current options sufficed and he had to resort to the trannymaxxing. JFL

Trans woman embraces ‘very lucky’ new life — and 1,400 Tinder matches


he was chadlite before the transition and got 60 matches in 2 years. thats less than 3 matches a month. it's so fucking over. foid privilege ffs

This guy who mogs me to fucking oblivion was getting 3 matches a month ON AVERAGE and sucumbed to degeneracy. Now because he resembles a foid has life on tutorial mode. But women have it just as hard right?


90% of trannies are straight male fetishists gone out of control. Luckily they are fewer in number than furries, yet are top dog in LGBTQIUHIFHF circles

Most of them are autogynephiles. They basically have a cross dressing and self feminization fetish that gets completely out of control. They start wanting to live as their jerk off fantasy girl alter ego all the time. I have no idea what a good match rate is for a male on Tinder. You guys are calling him a Chadlite so I’m guessing three or four matches a month is decent? In some of the YouTube Tinder experiments I’ve watched even a full on Chad only seemed to have about the match rate of a less attractive girl.

don't be fooled. Trannymaxxing is the equivalent to twinkmaxxing. You're only as good as your youth. The moment you stop looking young, you're fucked. You ever see an old tranny? I hope not, that's disgusting but either way most kill themselves by that time. You won't live a long life trannymaxxing, and you'll more than likely be the bottom with your chad or sugardaddy.

Biblical Gender Roles #fundie #sexist #psycho biblicalgenderroles.com

(From article: “7 Steps to Grooming Your Young Christian Wife.”)

But from a Biblical perspective, grooming when used in the sense of a husband conditioning his wife to be in complete subjection to him and molding her behavior to his preferences is not evil or immoral. But rather, these actions are righteous, holy and required of husbands by God.

Laughing At Liberals #sexist #wingnut conservativedailypost.com

‘Non Binary’ BLM Leader Admits Destruction Of America Is The “Goal”
This person is lost and apparently desperate for social recognition and praise, and apparently thinks she can get it by calling for the complete annihilation of the society that allows her to parade her opinions and hatred as a ‘cause.’ This person needs help, not encouragement.

lordoftheincels #sexist #wingnut #moonbat #psycho incels.net

Incel laws.
These are laws made to minimize the suffering of the specie, and to protect incels and females.
They are to maximinze the health and happiness of both the incel and female.

1. Law of clothing. Girls must wear modest, non-sexualized clothing when out in public. The only exception are special areas such as beaches and specially designated areas.
a. This will help incels and females. Incels will no longer lust and feel bad. Females will no longer recieve sexual harassment from strangers.
b. If a female disobeys this law, there is no fines or fees. Just that anyone is allowed to touch her breasts or butt, if and only if she is wearing the clothes of a wh*re.

2. Law of murder. For every 1 murder, 1 year of prison. This may seem like a low amount of time, but in times of incel, males often fall victim to mental illness and do not behave rationally such as in times of prosperity. In times of prospoertiy, the punishment shall be higher, such as two years. Murder is evil and punishment is needed, however, one must realize that rotting in prison is cruel punishment.

3. No cruel punishment. Prisons will be coed. Males will consentually fuck other females, rather than raping other males. Males will get exercise, health foods to decrease mental illness, and computers for entertainment. Sex will use condoms and contraceptives so that criminal genes do not spread.

4. Racial equality. There should be a reasonable distribution of raсes in the leaders of each State and Nation. For example, if there are 80% whites in a State, then roughly 80% of the leaders of the state should be white. This does not have to be an exact number. For instance, if 10% of the population is mexican, then 20% of the leaders of the state as mexicans exceeds the reasonable amount of racial equality.

5. Cheating penalities. In order to prevent the crimes of false marriage extortion, cheating must be discouraged. For each instance of cheating, 5% of alimony is reduced. There is one exception, sexless marriage. If the marriage is incel, then the incel may cheat without suffering penalties. Furthermore, during divorce, if the marriage was proven to be sexless, the incel does not have to pay alimony. Furthermore, there is an alimony ceiling of 500k. If marrying rich, not more than 500k can go to the divorcee.

6. Monopoly. Not one raсe, tribe, or state should control all of the media. Rather, media should be divided into racial/tribal equality, according to the proportiions in law 4.

TheIncelRepublic #racist #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] If you are an Arab in the 21st century, you are living in the worst time (Sandcels GTFIH)

Just imagine not only you are born around the time of peak matriarchy, but you have to be also born in the peak of the Arabic cultural regression. Most of us were born too late to experience the Nasser era, and we couldn’t even live in the medieval times when our people were based. We do not live in our old cultural apex when we were scientists instead of thugs.

Instead, half of our countries are bombed to ground. Our people are generally hated everywhere. Every nationalist group hates us like Stormfronts, Hindu Nationalists, Black Nationalists, Oriental Nationalists all want us dead. Arab nationalism is dead and the Zoinists try their best to make sure it stays dead. MRAs, MGTOWs, Alt right, Hinduvatas, CCP loyalists, Black Panthers all want us dead and conquered. The only nationalist groups that are ok with us are the Pan - Latin ones and they probably don’t really care about Arabs.

Every newspaper and media always potray us as the enemy constantly. We are always cast out from others, people in general don’t like us. Thug culture is rampant in our communities because the elite want us to be degenerates. We are always considered rapists everywhere when none of
us are even remotely harmful people.

Our women have done nothing but betray us and welcome the invader with open legs. Our women say very hateful things about us (Look at @Tehgymethnicel ‘s video on Arab women) and wish we were dead. They have seen us as inferior and are willing to date out away from us.

At least Asians and Curries are smart and progressing good in their countries. At least whites have tech and stable nations. Blacks are portrayed very positively in the media and are generally cool people. At least Latinos are seen as hard workers and cool people as well. What do Arabs, fucking nothing but unstable nations, regimes ruled by the elite, no technology, no good media, thug culture is ramapant and infrastructure is destroyed.

Any Arabcels also feel this way?

TheIncelRepublic #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy incels.is

[RageFuel] I fucking hate thug culture with a passion

Fyi, I do no hate black culture, black culture is jazz and basketball not fucking being a degenerate.

I just really fucking hate thug culture, of course the elite are pushing it on the youngsters, why because it keeps them low IQ so they don’t rebel against them.

I just hate everything about it, the music, the talk, the degeneracy, the clothing and the attitude. They promote it everywhere, society keeps on praising everyone to be a low IQ thug that hates intelligence.

God, and it’s ruining so many communities, it came for blacks first, look at them now 92% father’s in households in the 1970s and now 35% today. Now, it came for the Whites, Arabs and every other race here, a lot of the communities are now extremely degenerate. Thank fuck that Asians and Currys are resisting it and deciding to respect knowledge and good etiquette, but they won’t hold out for much longer because of the elite.

All of society’s problems can be traced to thug culture.

Broken households: Thug culture
Toxic society: Thug culture
Low intelligence: Thug culture
Absolute degeneracy: Thug culture
Crime and killings: Thug culture
Zero morals: Thug culture
Feminism: Thug culture
School bullying: Thug culture

I wish this disgusting excuse of a sick trend is driving humanity into the ground. I grew up in a low socio economic neighborhood and it was riddled with dumb kids wanting to be the next gangster.

How to get rid of thug culture?

Get rid of the (((elite))) who promote it.

AdoptedSubhuman #sexist #racist incels.is

[RageFuel] If I wasn't adopted I wouldn't be a incel

Imagine if i would have stayed with my real parents in my shithole country i would have been a bluepilled normie with a gf but now in the west im a ugly adopted subhuman ricecel mentalcel turbomanlet. I would have been nothing of this except ricecel ofc if my parents would have kept me but they probably gave me away because of my subhuman face

1) I wouldnt be adopted
2) I wouldnt be a subhuman because everyone is my shithole country is a subhuman
3) Yes i would be a ricecel but everyone there is a ricecel so it doesnt matter
4) I wouldnt be a mentalcel because i got mental from being a ugly adopted subhuman in the west
5) I wouldnt be a turbomanlet because everyone there is a turbomanlet


Why did they adopt you if you're ugly? They must've done it when u were rlly young

I think its because i was ugly, i saw some pictures of when i was young and i looked like a deformed little kid

I knew it would be a greycel thread just from the sounds of it. I hate most gracels with a passion, they are just fucking bluepilled normies not comprehending why they are lonely. IF YOU WASN'T UGLY, YOU WOULDN'T BE AN INCEL!

I wouldnt be ugly in japan because they all are fucking ugly subhumans just like me

Posts like this are why greycels get no love on this forum. :feelskek::feelskek:

Its over

JosefMengelecel #sexist #psycho incels.is

RE: [JFL] "My brother is short and unattractive, but unlike y'all, he actually respects women, and guess what? He's still a sexless virgin! Take that, incels!"

The OP admitted the blackpill. She said that he is a virgin but doesn’t hate foids. But he still is a virgin. What happened? I thought personality mattered? Jfl foids are the most stupidest creatures and shouldn’t be able to talk. Honestly tho, I would rope if I was related to that disgusting creature

So he doesn't hate people that treat him poorly? Is that a good thing?

They expect you to take everything and not hate people who wronged you and if you do you are the bad guy. They are full of shit

This was how the joker was created.

The lack of self awareness is on a new level. It’s basic human nature to want revenge. If someone wrongs you then you have every right to do it back. If society wrongs you then you have the right to wrong society

ShadowTheEdgehog #sexist incels.is

[JFL] "Only weak men dislike Women with high partner Count"

remember seeing a reddit thread a while back about partner count.
And this cuck literally said "oh so thats why my gf is like that, she has slept with over 300 guys"
and I was fucking rolling on the ground like I had been torched by an american GI in the pacific, 1944.

Also, average partner count is around 5-7 when they do studies.

Imagine even just 3 men, breathing heavy and sweating on the woman you are with, putting their tongue, cum and saliva in her mouth, the mouth you are kissing, that is kissing your kids goodnight.

Nordcel9588 #crackpot #sexist incels.is

As a European: I apologize for dogs. (Domesticationwolfdogpill)

Now we all know that the dogpill is true and that women fuck dogs. And for that I, as a Native European must apologize to the rest of the world. Fact is, we were the ones that domesticated wolves in the first place and brought this plague upon mankind. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that wolf domestication started with white/European women bending over for wolves.

Now Enlightened #sexist #pratt incels.net

Women are Stupid

I'm really tired of women in social media, media, everywhere. They preach beliefs and people, mostly men believe and supported them. Worse, these male supporters would even come from this forum. I never physically attack a woman nor assaulted anyone and yet the Nazis make it sound all men are doing it.

Am I the only one who's getting tired when women kept saying all men are evil? All men are trash? rаpe culture is is a norm, which is stupid. I graduated virgin and every men in my batch are single at that point. These Nazis have no concept that most men will leave college without getting sex while women would be at their 20th laid. They let the assholes damage them and make incels pay for the consequence, which is ironic. We're not the one who hurt these women. We're not the one who cheated on these women...and yet we're the one cast out and seen as evil? We are the one condoned and shamed? While thousands of chads have a pass card.

The rationality doesn't make any sense. Incels haven't hurt any women when compared to the exes these Staceys cry about in their social media. Incels are identified as worst part of humanity, worse than Chads who actually hurt and traumatize women.

Where is the sense and logic in that? The Chads hurt more women than incels and yet being an incel is worse?
And there's your another proof to women's stupidity, everyone. They are even rewarded for being foolish.

zekr #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Soy] There are grown men out there that are seriously intimidated by certain women.

Imagine? :feelskek:. Whether it be their boss, wife/girlfriend, or just a random foid in a bureaucratic position, they are seriously intimidated by them and bow to their every command. Any woman in a leadership position that wants to be taken seriously is comical to me. All you have to do is just look at her face and know that her mouth has come in contact with dick and semen to laugh her off as nothing more than some bitch in a suit. Imagine her in a legitimate survival situation and her fake demeanor would drop instantly while looking for some chad to hunt and build a shelter for her. Any man that actually fears a woman is a :soy:.

universallyabhorred #sexist #psycho incels.is

RE: [News] Porn Addict Indian man rapes his own mother , arrested and sent to jail.

Curry Curry Curry Curry Curry Curry

When you can't get the bobs and vagene. You gotta take it.

Don't understand why he picked his 42 year old mother with his 20 year old sister in the house?

Fuck he was so low inhib he even watched porn in front of his mum and sister. Curry culture won't fix this cos the mum will never accept anything is wrong with the boy. Even if he raped his sister the mum will just say don't do it again, and tell sister to stfu

Cope if that was the case this wouldn't be a news story. He wouldn't have gotten arrested.

Disgusting curries

He was just trying to create another sister.

Are u curry?

Incestmaxxing will end curryceldom.

Nah. Eugenics programs are the only answer to curryceldom.

I suggest euthanasia for all sub 7 curry males and females.

SlayerSlayer #ableist #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

It's very obvious. We have so little human contact we have no real life examples, no standards by which we can map normal non-toxic human behavior. We want to learn how to fish, but nobody wants to teach us, and we are too retarded to figure it out for ourselves. There's no point in socializing with normal people, because they will never have the patience to deal with pure autist honesty. Like how economic poverty can be a perpetuating quicksand trap without the right foundations, so can social poverty.

The garbage media out there does not help. It all feels like when people on TV or youtube are being nice, that seems intuitively fake to us, or that's something only beautiful people deserve. When we see ugly people in media being toxic, THAT's what seems like is normal, and that speaks to us. When we see murderers get rewarded with hybristropheliac fans, that also speaks to us. When murderers achieve infamy- that's ALL on them: they were able to have a few fleeting seconds of power in their pathetic lives and they did it without help from institutions, family, or friends, nothing. To some extent, the only thing that helped them murder was the socioeconomic background of their parents, but that is as random as one's face when they were born. Therefore we only map things a total lone wolf like ourselves as something that is achievable in life.

Most of all we have low empathy because due to our autism, we simply do not see a logical link between ugly men being empathetic and rewards. Isn't that the entire point of life?? To feel like you are getting somewhere, getting awarded in some way??? To a normie they are by default nice because that makes sense in their context- insofar as treating people as how you want to be treated. Nice behavior mostly works out for them. But for us, nice behavior is tokenized.

BITG #racist #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] Since black foids tend to be the least desirable among all races of foids, does it count if you have sex with one?

Wouldn’t this be similar to fucking a fat girl? Fat girls don’t count as ascension, we all know this, but the reason is because they are the least desirable and basically bottom of the barrel when a lot of dudes here are just failed normies basically and aren’t legit subhuman in terms of looks. Wouldn’t the same logic as “ascending” with fat foids apply to “ascending” with black foids since they are the least desirable?

I personally think it counts, but maybe some people here think it doesn’t Jfl.

Sex with black women counts. Sex with fat women counts. Sex with fat black women counts. It's Incels.co. INCELS.co. If you wanna just feel sorry for how you didn't get the kind of woman you specifically wanted, there's still subreddits for that.

Sex with fat girls doesn’t count, especially if you aren’t fat yourself. Stop being cucked. This has already been discussed many times. Sex with black girls count as long as they aren’t fat, I agree.

Why? Because I "deserve better?" See if that doesn't get you banned from here. Sex you personally just don't feel counts.

NO. I’m drawing a line. Sex with fat girls is DESCENSION. You only inflate their egos, make women have less a reason to lose weight, and fuck other dudes over in the process. That’s cucked.


Ok, by definition you wouldn’t be incel anymore, that’s true, but the entire point of “ascension” is to stop being a low value male. Fucking fat girls doesn’t change that, you will still be viewed by normies as low value. Not only that but the other problems people have raised as well make this problematic, such as raising fat women’s ego’s and standards, them not being motivated to lose weight, etc

Personalityinkwell #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Do normies realize they are getting fucked?

Obviously normies have it better than incels, but the average man is still oppressed, the only people who are truly benefiting from the current system is Chads and foids. The average man often has to be a slave and a cuck in his relationship, and he has to marry a used up whore who will likely divorce him or end up in a dead bedroom marriage with. Not only that, but they are forced to wageslave and pay taxes like slaves while women can make infinite money on onlyfans, twitch, etc.

@ionlycopenow has elaborated on this, but lots of men have to cope with drugs and alcohol to deal with the harshness of this society. They clearly aren't living on god mode like foids and Chads.

So why are normies so defensive of this shitty social system? And I'm not talking about trying to score good boy points in hopes of getting crumbs of Becky pussy, I genuinely think they do not realize just how set up society is against men.

anon1822 #sexist #crackpot incels.is

The fact that women don't get bullied (nowhere near as much as men) is a huge advantage to their gender.

The first thing bluepillers would say is that women get bullied too, but that's nothing compared to what men go through.

If you're a guy, if you're not the bully, if you're not physically strong or if you're somewhat shy or not neurotypical, then you're fucked. Sometimes things are so bad that you have to switch schools, happened to me twice. Though after reading some stories of what happens in military schools I consider myself lucky. Luckily my parents even sent me to a private school with the little money they had so I got bullied much less, it was almost nice. Luckily we got a discount so we could afford it, dad knew people.

Hell, they get treated a lot nicer than boys in all situations. Even teachers have it out for you as a boy.

Even as adults they have it easier. In the workplace or any other situation, they don't have it nearly as bad. And guys with mental issues like autism or even something milder? Forget about it, you'll be the ostracized weirdo everywhere you go. As a woman you just pass off as shy.

I heard foid on foid bullying is much brutal though.

Yeah that's what normies say, fucking women are always seen as victims. Ohh their lives are so hard. God damn how can this world be so upside down, being a male is so much harder in every way and yet every normie believes women have it much harder and are even oppressed.

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