
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
How many White women have ever won Miss Nigeria, Miss Kenya, or Miss Congo?

( @Woodzun )
@Nature_and_Race It’s disgusting. I always get these “Irish” tap dancing videos showing up on my Instagram with niggers and Asians. All classical music is now jews and Asians. Total joke. Everything culturally Western/White is filled to the brim with nonWhites.

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@Woodzun The important thing to remember is, at least all of these middle eastern and subsaharan invaders in the Isles aren't speaking German. That would be terrible.


( @KarmaSurfer )
@Nature_and_Race I am not a racist to any degree, but when I think of Miss Ireland, I think of a red-haired lass with fair skin.

( @Nature_and_Race )
@KarmaSurfer -- There's nothing wrong with being racist, friend. Racist doesn't mean hating people because of their skin color. It just means recognizing the reality of race, and the significance of race in human civilization.

( @RareExquisiteApu )
@KarmaSurfer @Nature_and_Race Recognizing that Ireland should be for Irish people is not wrong. Africans have African countries. Asians have Asian countries. Whites should have White countries. Theres nothing wrong with that.

( @TrueDepth )
@KarmaSurfer @Nature_and_Race If White people don't start being racist and defending themselves they will cease to exist.

( @Montana55 )
@KarmaSurfer @Nature_and_Race There is only one race I hate & its Niggers.

( @The_Nose )
@Nature_and_Race 😍

( @Nature_and_Race )
@The_Nose -- Make Rhodesia great again.

( @StoppAntiHvitismen )
@Nature_and_Race Nice picture of White Erasure here.

( @Anto )
@Nature_and_Race how fucking deluded must those Africans be to actually think they are Irish and British .

( @jtm61 )
@Nature_and_Race WTH is happening to my homeland, this is not Ireland.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

( @MarkCollett )
The World Cup starts today and never before have I seen less hype for the tournament. Maybe a decade or so ago people would put out flags, decorate the outside of their homes and put little flags on their car, I haven't seen anything this year. After years of footballers taking the knee and now sporting LGBT armbands, maybe the public are now finally sick of it all!

( @brextremist )
@MarkCollett There once was a time when I would have cared about the world cup. Now I couldn't care less about a bunch of overpaid blacks chasing a ball and pretending to be English.

( @djc652020 )
@brextremist @MarkCollett Yep, feel the same about the Nigger Football League

( @DissidentMike )
@brextremist same for me, just have zero excitement for it all now. To top it all off they'll be going all out pushing lgbt in Qatar

( @odysseus64 )
@DissidentMike @brextremist I would like to see how that goes down in a strict Islamic society where homosexuality is punishable by death. 😂

( @AminFarhudi )
@MarkCollett Yes those kneelings and rainbow stuff are appalling but the main problem is that like 6/11 of players of European teams are not European. 😢 The first world cup I watched in my life was 1990. Italy, Germany etc. were all-White and all native; England had one Negro. Now all are ruined.

( @StoppAntiHvitismen )
@MarkCollett I`m just sick of anti-Whitism that is oozing from it all.

( @LandRun )
@MarkCollett in America we call it soccer, and nobody gives a shit. Take your gay, immigrant, blm sport and keep it!

( @FuckYouCommies )
@MarkCollett Its hard to get excited for your country's Africans playing against every other country's Africans. Add the gay shit, the kneeling, and then the vaxx shit and it is no wonder people are tuned out. As they should be. People don't support the Anti-White globohomo diversity machine that is professional sports.

( @Donitz10 )
@MarkCollett i'm sick watching EPL, kneeling for niggers, pandering lbgtqxyz, jewkraine flag. This season i haven't watch a single liverpool game. Rainbow flag wore by jordan henderson make me puke

belzibhaal #sexist #psycho #racist mmo-champion.com

I'm nearly 35 and I've been banging the shit out of what is probably one of the hottest 16 year olds in the world for nearly 9 months. In fact, the first time I got her into bed was on her 16th birthday. Am I a degenerate?

Most likely. I realize it's a minority position here, but I think adult men should generally prefer adult women. I get that teens can be hot, but that's pretty much where the attraction ends.

I like all kinds of females. My neighbour has two incredibly gorgeous daughters who will be head turners in a year or so and they are only 12. I spent an amazing weekend in Phoenix making a 39 year old redhead scream while she was at the same hotel on business and I've taken my 49 year old lab manager to bed on more than one occasion.

As long as she's well into puberty or nor fully menopausal, I'll find a female attractive.

Why are blacks called African Americans?

I still call them negros, or isajeeps. The term "african american" just sounds plain stupid

12 year old girl speaks against abortion, and she does it well.

From the looks of this little trollop, she hasn't even hit puberty yet, let alone know what a dick feels like. She hasn't the slightest fucking idea what she is talking about.

On a somewhat related note, I don't consider a human to be a human until they have achieved sentience, so if you want to abort fetuses, have at it. Not sentient = not human.

I'll gladly give her a half cooked grenade.

And a coat hanger so she can give herself that abortion she hates so very much when she gets pregnant to her 35 year old boyfriend a year from now.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

It should be quite evident by now to every US citizen that these once United States of America are under withering assault by forces both foreign and domestic.
And, that all of those powers of darkness have the exact same objective: the complete destruction and permanent collapse of the American Republic.

While these extremely dangerous enemies are waging numerous types of warfare against the American people every day of the week, there are three primary types of nationwide war campaigns which are the most pervasive and perilous in 2023.

The first is an ongoing Color Revolution being conducted by the entire U.S. Intelligence Community. The brazen 2020 election theft by the communist-run Democrat Party and coordinated by the CIA, FBI and NSA, which saw POTUS Imposter Joe Biden criminally installed in the Oval Office, is just one of countless examples of this.
The second is a multi-decade Chinese-style Cultural Revolution being conducted by the Uniparty (i.e. the Democrat Party, RINOs and all other traitorous political parties), as well as by Deep State, Corporate America, all public University Systems and many private ones, the largest NGOs and the rest of cultural marxist-controlled Civil Society.
The third is a Russian-style Bolshevik Revolution which is being very stealthily set up in all 50 states so that, when the trigger is pulled, a violent overthrow is all but guaranteed by those who decide the D-day date. Domestic terrorist organizations such as BLM and Antifa are just two of the military arms that will be let loose in all American cities.
Which means that the entire Patriot Movement needs to first wise up, and then arm up, because these various revolutions are about to heat up as never before. With the approaching 2024 POTUS election, the Khazarian-controlled Democrats have no choice whatsoever but to steal the White House—AGAIN—that is, if there even is an election held on November 5, 2024.

DaseindustriesLtd #racist themotte.org

HBD [submitter’s note: HBD = Human BioDiversity] is downstream of culture, in a way that feeble, equitable, painless interventions and charitable self-sacrifice by the stronger party cannot negate. The less virtuous cannot rule and become more virtuous in the process. You will have to have a culture where virtue is rewarded, even if that puts some strongly self-identifying, cohesive group in a bad spot. And to have that culture, you have to have at least a seed of people who maintain it effortlessly among themselves. This can be done, for a time, in virtually any society. But let us say that is it not easy to pull oneself by the hair out of the bog. Society is not just upstream of individual biology – it is less mutable than that.

Itzik Zarka #racist #wingnut #psycho jta.org

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expelled a prominent activist from his Likud Party after the activist was filmed calling protesters “whores” and saying that he wishes “another six million would burn,” a reference to the Holocaust

The activist, Itzik Zarka, directed the epithets at protesters who were demonstrating on Saturday night against Netanyahu’s effort to weaken the judiciary. Weekly protests have occurred nationwide against the planned judicial overhaul, a key portion of which is set to advance to a final vote in the coming weeks

“You whores, burn in hell, burn in hell,” Zarka screamed at a demonstration near the northern Israeli city of Beit Shean. “It’s not for nothing that six million went. I’m proud, I’m proud. I wish another six million would burn”

His comments, which were condemned by a wide range of senior Likud politicians, were a crude allusion to a perceived ethnic split in Israel between supporters and opponents of the judicial overhaul[…]
The vast majority of the country’s founding left-wing elite was Ashkenazi, or Jews of European descent, and enacted discriminatory policies that disadvantaged Mizrahim, or Jews of Middle Eastern descent, particularly in the country’s early decades. Correspondingly, Mizrahi voters have long formed a key part of the right-wing Likud’s base, while the core of the country’s shrinking left has historically been Ashkenazi

Some supporters of the overhaul say that the Supreme Court is a holdout of an upper-class Ashkenazi elite[…]
On his Facebook account, which features a photo of him kissing Netanyahu on the cheek, Zarka has repeatedly apologized for what he called his “terrible words.” He wrote that he was accosted by protesters, that his words were taken out of context and that he is a descendant of a Holocaust survivor

various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
One is a jewish pedophile running a blackmail operation on our politicians and elites.

The other is a guy who says jews control the media.

Shocking that the media (which is totally not controlled by jews) would pay more attention to a black guys words than jewish pedophile, child-trafficking actions…

( @HigHrvatski )
@Apolitical Pfff, that's nothing. One Black guy drove through a crowd of White people at a Christmas parade killing and injuring over 60 of them, the other one said stuff about Jews.

Guess who the Jewish media focused on even though the trial was happening at the same time with the killer representing himself in court?

( @BasedAsianUSA )
@HigHrvatski @Apolitical It seems Kanye West got crucified by the degenerate Jews because he violated the forbidden rule, as a slave is never allowed to speak if not given permission by its master.

( @HigHrvatski )
@BasedAsianUSA Yup, and they were doing the great replacement because of their hunger for slave labor.
This is the population numbers of the Confederate States of America in the 1860's where a third of the population were Black slaves.

( @TitusRISE )
@Apolitical This is because the media is owned and run by a bunch of human traffickers, child rapists, torturers, and adrenochrome blood-sucking cannibal jews.

( @WildWest6766 )
@Apolitical One posed a threat by merely stating the truth, the other posed a threat to their continued existence. Death was swiftly declared as the solution to the real concern.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Modest Proposal -- Humanity acknowledges that it is
comatose and agrees to pull the plug. It agrees to be sterilized
in exchange for a truce from Communist Jews and
their Freemason flunkies. (i.e. Satanists, Zionists, Liberals, Antifa, Transsexuals, Feminists.)
I have a solution to mankind's problems that should satisfy everyone.

Humanity volunteers to be sterilized in exchange for the satanist Jewish bankers and Freemasons (Communists) ending their war against God and man.

This means that within a short century, the planet will be rid of useless eaters (us) and become a playground for sick Satanists/Communists and their preferred number of perverts.

What does mankind get out of this?

1. Satanists/Communists call off their "vaccine" and climate change hoaxes, chemtrails, geo-engineering, 15-min cities, CRT, lockdown lunacy, and vax passports.

They will curb their Antifa/BLM goons before whom we cower in fear like little girls. We avoid violent "Dark Winter" dystopia and enjoy relative peace and freedom.

2. We will not be force-vaccinated, writhe in pain and die a premature death.

3. The toxic psychological war against gender, race, religion, and nation will be suspended. We will retain some vestige of human dignity during our twilight years on the planet.

4. A reasonable number may be spared sterilization in order to provide a pool of servants, human sacrifices, organ donors, and sex slaves for the Chosen.
What do Satanists/Communists get out of this?

1. They will not have to listen to useless eaters whine and winge on the Internet as our miserable fate slowly dawns upon us.

2. They will not have to deal with a Warsaw Ghetto-like uprising as humanity finally realizes it has nothing to lose from violent resistance.

3. Satanists inherit the planet, its resources, and everyone's property. They can start planning their paradise and not worry about imposing their farcical "Great Reset" on recalcitrant masses.
This is satire but it's scary how much sense it makes.

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #racist #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

What if it were not just the Jews?

What if it were not just the Jews? And by extension, the Christians? What if we have the same situation happening elsewhere in humanity? Likely all due to humans being really mentally dense during the Kali Yuga, the 2400 (combined, descending plus ascending) years that we have just left (in 1700 CE).

What if the Jews, the Ashkenazi, are not the only ones to interpret things with a distinct, self-serving, bent toward religion during the Kali Yuga?

The premise is referentially self supporting that the Khazarians, the larger ethno-political group housing the Ashkenazi, a central European people, had no genetic ties to the Judeans of the Torah. The Torah is a manual, written by unknown scribes, that instructs humans how to serve, and interact with, their Space Alien conquerors, the Elohim. This manual instructs humans in the 613 commandments on how to live, including the preparation of human baby fats for rendering into acceptable forms for consumption by the Elohim (Space Aliens); further, this manual, the Torah, provides the formula for the ‘christening’ of humans with exact measures in liters of the specific oils from spices (all with antimicrobial, antibacterial properties). No human could be brought before the Elohim (Space Aliens) without this process of intense cleansing of their body, internally and externally, then the ‘anointing’ with quantities of aromatic, antiseptic oils. At that point, the human visitor to the Elohim had become a ‘christ’, and was acceptable to be allowed into their presence.
The Khazarian rulers took the manual of how to interact with the Elohim, the Torah, along with the rituals, and practices of the Canaanites who were also afflicted with Space Alien conquerors, and created the religion of Judaism. From that, other Khazarian rulers created deliberately bad translations to create the ‘christian’ mythos.

C.T. #racist #wingnut westsdarkesthour.com

[From "Hope"]

Like Andrew Anglin I am glad that Paris and other French cities are going up in flames. As Nietzsche and I said in the last two pages of Neo-Christianity, not only the Vatican (the symbol of Christianity) but the Arc de Triomphe, as a symbol of Neo-Christianity, must be razed to the ground. But unlike Anglin, I look not at the present but at the causes that led the French and other whites to believe such idiocies as that humans of all races, Orcs included, can be French citizens.

In the last few days I have been linking to videos by normies that shed light on the POV of this site. But only a couple of hours ago I discovered a Christian, Stephen Meyer, who concedes that we have ‘a secularised hyper form of Christianity that we call wokeness that is eating our culture from inside out…’

But that wasn’t the highlight of that roundtable. Most important was what Murray said next. Responding to Holland he said that—I rephrase—it is a miracle that Christian morality is, at this historical moment, hanging in the air without the support of traditional Christian dogma, like the cartoons I used to watch as a child, where a character would cut the branch of a tree he was sitting on with a saw and not fall down until he realised that the branch and he were no longer supported by anything!

This miracle of being in the air for a couple of seconds without falling (although in historical times it’s not seconds but decades) gives me hope, not the hope of Murray but the hope of seeing the blonde beast redivivus once he falls

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @ILoveAmericaNews )

spoiler"I don't believe in
quotas. America
was founded on a
philosophy of
individual rights,
not group rights."

( @bluewonder369 )
@ILoveAmericaNews America was not founded for his people.

( @sirenman )
@ILoveAmericaNews recently 45% of SCOTUS would be jewish. if Obama's garland were allowed to be appointed, and RBG was alive. 80% if you just counted the liberal side of the court. for 1.6% of our country. why? what are the odds? so they were stopped gang tackling by religion. except for garland who was put back on the 'tribe' team as AG. latinos/blacks/asians? who are you kidding? 'KANYE IS RIGHT'

( @GamwiseSamgee )
@ILoveAmericaNews Ya fuck your groups

Fuck your "for us and for our posterity"

Fuck your "we the people"

Stay isolated, Whites.

( @Christian_Hart )
@ILoveAmericaNews Not true at all. America was founded specifically FOR WHITES. No one else. It was the group rights of Whites that was its only concern. If he doesn't understand this, he doesn't understand America.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @ScrapKitty )

( @Jaxan88 )
@ScrapKitty it is eye candy to see a filthy jew rant with its hypocritical tongue, knowing it's kind are a inevitably destined to a ring of fire to burn upon the flames for eternity

( @SpartansforTrump )
@ScrapKitty Typical fucking Jew racist….

( @Dookle )
Why does Isreal have No Diversity but demand White countries do? Jews in America demand diversity, kick the bastards to Isreal and the Muslims to the Middle East.

( @ernest4882 )

( @VoltronBigSausage )
The Jews cry out in pain as they strike you

( @HeroicSpud )
“Us jews would cease to exist!”
Don’t threaten me with a good time, kike.

( @TicToc )

They hardly exist at all, don't they? What with fewer than 14 million of the bastards. And half of those are damned faggots, bum-boys and rent-a-bums, strutting proudly in Tel Aviv, while another 40% or so are suffering from debilitating mental conditions.
I guess the fear is strong....

( @Rikhan531 )
@TicToc @ScrapKitty Inbred assholes, tyring to bring humanity down to a level of stupid they can control. Make it Mandatory that Jews can only breed with Africans, for the next hundred years. I hope the Clot shot does sterilize the lot of them.

( @TicToc )
@Rikhan531 @ScrapKitty

These psychotic assholes are forever whining and kvetching and moaning about White People.
While their men go around, eagerly searching for that blonde blue-eyed Shiksa that will give them attractive and smart children.
Should they not work on their dudes who are marrying Shiksas??? For surely, the deplorable DNA of a nasty Jew thing gets watered down every time he gets himself one of those?

various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

( @DebNixt )
@ElfReich What are called humans are not all humans. There were beings here before humans. Cain mixed with them because he was already mixed (satan's seed). But now most of us have fornicated and adulturated the humans. That's why our corrupted DNA must be changed. Not by vaccines but by the Spirit Power of the Lord God Almighty.

( @ElfReich )
@DebNixt There are still a very large portion of unmixed Whites. They are currently trying to fool many through adding a false 1% Sudanese black to their DNA ancestry tests

( @DebNixt )
@ElfReich I didn't know that about the Dna ancestry tests. I've never done mine because I'm not sure what they will do with the results. But I'm white with darker hair and green eyes. I tan easily, so I wonder if my ancestry has been corrupted somehow. I hope not. But Thank the Lord God Almighty for Jesus Christ so that can be purified. That's my only hope.

( @ElfReich )
@DebNixt White people tan ... That is normal. We come in a vast array of hair & eye colors. Don't forget that we branched into tribes so we have variety. I just tell people to keep away from those tests as they are harvesting and selling DNA data and the results they provide cannot be trusted.

( @HorstWessel88 )
@DebNixt @ElfReich Correct, the canaanite Jews are descendants of the serpent seed, that is why they are destroying along with other jews the world

( @goodmorningpatriots )
@ElfReich And if God did not love white people, he would not have made them.

( @ElfReich )
@goodmorningpatriots They are his people of his son, White Adam... He loves them that is for certain.

( @phatbottom6 )
@ElfReich God is a nationalist not a globalist. He'd be horrified to see what is being done in his name today from and organised religion standpoint. We were meant to be friendly with one another and trade. That is what he meant by love one another. He did NOT mean to interbreed and mix and become a bunch of mudbloods.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @ElfReich )
If God saw us as 'one race, the human race' ... he wouldn't have bothered to give us different DNA, blood, skeletal/cranial structure, hair follicles, emotional response, intelligence, & a color uniform to help us to determine who is one of our own... & who is not.

( @brextremist )
@ElfReich "One race, the HUMAN race" is a globalist mantra. Their ultimate goal is one race, under a one-world government.

( @ThomasRevere )
@brextremist @ElfReich Jewish. It's all Jewish. Straight out of their own filthy doctrines.

( @Littletoad2020 )
@brextremist @ElfReich Almost there, the majority mindset is on target, all that's left is to intermix the genetics and we're done

( @MLabe )
@brextremist @ElfReich Diversity is death! Diversity is the death of civilization! Diversity is the death of culture! Diversity is the death of the Future.

( @Toodank2bunderstood )
@brextremist @ElfReich one race, one working class. Smart enough to make good goys, too stupid and mutt brained to rebel. Thats why white people are their #1 target for extinction.

( @CN32 )
@ElfReich People say "We all bleed red" So do birds. So do dogs. So do bears. So do cats. Are they are the same too?

( @phlfie )
@ElfReich You are correct as usual!
The "one race" horseshit was created and pushed by the filthy jews as a part of genociding us White people.
Their unending crimes against all races demand that they be extincted. Anyone that thinks God wants us to live in peace with the evil, filthy jews isn't a Christian.

( @TheHoratii )
@ElfReich And he wouldn’t have spread us out onto different continents.

( @NewWorldMan2112 )
@ElfReich Correct. The "bible" is NOT a religious book, it was turned into one by the TRIBE. Why?
The book of the Law, is a record of ADAMS GENEOLOGY.
It's His Story.
Our Father's instructions were to NOT MIX BLOOD with the tribes of the ADVERSARY.
The Isrealites of yore were actually the Germanic, Anglo Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian and Kindred peoples, NOT the cursed tribes of CAIN and the SERPENT.

( @johngraham365 )
@ElfReich hard to argue with that......we have been conditioned for decades to be "color blind"......as everyone else has been conditioned to hate whitey.......we had best wake up soon

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
It's impossible to not live around blacks.

Literally impossible.

Even the smallest towns are getting blacks shipped in, to live in rental houses, owned by bankers and corporations (i.e. Jews).

@Nature_and_Race don’t live near niggers or commies is the golden rule. Barring that, never allow yourself to be taken alive for a just action.

( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race So true. All by design. They stated clearly that they don't want even ONE "White" zip code left.

( @dg54321 )
@Nature_and_Race Year ago, maybe one black in this community. Now they are everywhere. You're absolutely right. And it's going to hell because of it.

Going out in a bang sounding better and better all the time. There is no good outcome to what is happening in this world. None at all.

( @KnightofDay )
@Nature_and_Race Yup. Used to be you could go outside the suburbs and avoid them, not so anymore.

That out has been closed by globohomo and their endless subsidies.

( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race people really don't get it. We are going to have to wage war against the non-White invaders and this will be met with violence from the federal government, which will unavoidably become an actual war itself. We are not going to run, we are not going to hide, we are going to fight or we're all going to die, it's that simple.

( @EmilyAnderson )
@Nature_and_Race my family has been house shopping in Indiana last few months and yes, niggers are deliberately evrywhere. the smallest town will have Low/No-Income Housing so niglets can go to skoo with White kids. Best bet is a rural town of 500 20-30 miles from a small city like St. John. niggers want fast food, public transportation, they're afraid of animals and bugs, we found a couple spots but the houses are from 1890 so we're still looking. u want to be rural suburban in an area without rental housing or fast food, i can't stress the importance of that, u don't want to live within 20 miles of any fast food places. there are still places left niggers don't want to live.

( @Scootsy_Dubs )
@Nature_and_Race true, the jewish lawyers push affordable housing mandates on all White majority areas.

Anonymous Coward #86079460 #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

When you see old videos from Hitler era Germany, the people look so incredibly unified, happy & healthy. Well dressed. Children everywhere.

In contrast to modern Germany or USA where everyone is stressed to the max, impoverished, sick, and devoid of any unity in race or nation. Most White aren't having kids, and when they do the kids have mental illness or get brainwashed into being queers or race mixers.

C.T. #racist #elitist #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From "The Appian way"]

Christian morality is the seedbed that makes today’s secular West what it is[…]for contemporary American racialists the hardest pill to swallow is that their movement has failed because of Christianity[…]
Any racialist movement was doomed from the start, is doomed and will be doomed to failure unless it is understood that Christianity, or more specifically Christian morality, has always been the Devil for the white man. This includes the morality of today’s atheists whose worldview we here call Neo-Christian[…]
Holland hit the nail on the head when he said that National Socialism has been the most radical movement since Constantine, especially because it rebels against St Paul’s idea that there is no difference between Jews and Greeks[…]Holland also points out that the National Socialists repudiated the very essence of the emblem of the Cross: that a crucified victim is more morally worthy than the crucifying Romans. This idea persists in our times during mass hysteria phenomena such as the Black Lives Matter[…]bent the knee before primitive negroes in the most humiliating way!

Holland has said in several interviews that the central emblem of Western civilisation, Christ on the Cross (now downtrodden negroes on ‘crosses’) provides a moral framework for understanding the Woke[…]
What Angela Merkel did, opening the doors to two million refugees in anti-Nazi Germany, is ultimately an extreme form of following the parable of the Good Samaritan[…]
The term catholic derives from[…]katholikos. If we translate ‘universal human rights’ into the Greek of the first centuries of our era, we would be talking about ‘catholic human rights’[…]
Only the moral duty to dispose of the obsolete versions of Homo sapiens. This is the ultimate repudiation of the Christian heritage. And the horror that most westerners feel at the figures of Hitler and Himmler is nothing other than their continued enslavement to the archetype of the Jew on the Cross

@RickMcCargar #wingnut #racist gettr.com

Leftist SPLC Poll Includes Shocking Finding About Democrats’ Support For Assassinations

The race-hustling #SPLC gaslights us on #thegreatreplacement that the left has pushed with open borders for decades, pretends it is a figment of our imagination WHILE explaining that demographic changes are happening...but not admitting they caused it.

Which race wants to be replaced without a fight? Name one.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @RealRedElephants )
Why wouldn't you think he's controlled?

( @LordVince )
@RealRedElephants the Jews talking about us like they think of us as cattle or goyim or something

( @YiddishGypsies )
@LordVince @RealRedElephants

"jews", who are today, actually, cloaked yiddish-gypsies pretending to be semites, do have religious laws called mitzvahs that REQUIRE all tribe members to LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, ENSLAVE, ENTRAP, MISLEAD all other non-tribe-members... yiddish-gypsies are very dangerous, govern yourself accordingly.

( @MelGabson )
@RealRedElephants how dare you... I'm controlled by no one. I was just leaning on (((that))) wall because I was tired.

( @Something_is_wong )
@RealRedElephants Trump went to the wall as well.

( @Seletius )
@Something_is_wong @RealRedElephants they can't refuse schekels greed takes over then they lose their //soul.you know where you are with joos but decepticons are far worse.

( @sizzlerjoe )
@Something_is_wong @RealRedElephants yes but he did it before awareness dems rigged election and before covids plot.

( @Plastic_Banana )
DeSantis worked for mlilitary intelligence agencies. Literally deep state. He used to be a generic neo-con before his supposed conversion to America First populism. Why doesn't the media attack him even 10% as much as they constantly attack Trump or even Tucker, etc? They attack him but not even close to what you would expect for a real populist threat to the system. All of this makes me very suspicious.

( @JasonFletcher )
@RealRedElephants Not sure anyone gets far without bending the knee to ZOG. So it goes.

Riikka Purra #racist #psycho euronews.com

Finland's right-wing government is facing yet another crisis after old comments from a far-right blog forum, purportedly written by Finns Party leader Riikka Purra, re-surfaced

The author of the posts writes anti-Islamic and violent comments, among others, and disparages immigrants including Somalis and "Turkish monkeys"[…]
In recent days Finnish media and social media users have matched details of Riikka Purra[…]with a woman called 'riikka' who posted the comments mostly during 2008

"Greetings from Barcelona," wrote 'riikka', on the same day in August that Riikka Purra was also in Barcelona speaking at a conference on multiculturalism

"There is no 'alarming immigration problem' to be seen here. Negroes sell pirate Vuittons on Las Ramblas," she blogged

"Oh, it was wonderful civil racism again today on the ground floor of McDonald's, when our little boy ate Happy Meal Nuggets, and at the neighbouring table a Somali family with a BMI [body mass index] +30 ate their own"[…]
"Well, that's the sound these darker male characters make when they approach/pass by/in the escalator/elevator/wherever. It's not whistling (that would be too obvious) but a f****** hiss between the teeth - the more eager Abdullah is, the more saliva comes with it"[…]
"Is anyone up for spitting on beggars and beating n****r children today in Helsinki?," she asked

"I'm so full of hate and pure rage that I'm about to melt on my chair. Holy hell what are you doing to my psyche, Islam?" 'riikka' wrote in January 2008

And in September 2008 'riikka' wrote "If I were given a gun, there would be dead bodies even on the commuter train"

Riikka Purra has neither confirmed nor denied she wrote these specific comments, though she has conceded she wrote things in the past she would not write today

"My angry text is just angry text, nothing else. I do not accept and have never accepted any kind of violence"[…]
She said she felt "frustrated and hopeless" about immigration in Finland

JACK OLIVER #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy #racist caitlinjohnstone.com

The ZIO/US continue with this idiotic charade that this demented old fool has something to contribute !

The game is up for the Rothschilds AND the Rothschilds attack dogs the US military and NATO who only exist to plunder the worlds resouces !

Biden is glaring evidence of that !

How quickly people forget that Russia was accused of bombing hospitals in Syria and commiting human rights atrocities !

DITTO Syria who were also accused of chemical weapons attacks – ‘barrel ‘ bombing – killing babies – every despicable lie they could conjure up – the Rothschilds owned western media were relentless as they are now !

In the end Russia destroyed ISIS and there was NOTHING the ZIO/US/NATO could do about it !

America is a disgrace and the Rothschiilds created wars have brought untold misery on 100s of millions worldwide who have been killed – maimed and displaced !

This had to END and Russia is ending it !

The ZIO/US/NATO can do nothing now and they KNOW it !!

Russia is far too sophisticated !

If you think that the Taliban retook Kabul in ONE week – bloodlessly and unopposed without help from Russia and China ( who were doing drills on the Afghan border at the time ) using sophisticated electronic weaponry- well – you are living in fairyland !

There is absolutely NOTHING the ZIO/US/NATO can do – they are not capable !

There will be NO war – only collapse !

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. #conspiracy #racist twitter.com

We need (?) to talk about bioweapons, because I… I know about bioweapons, because I’ve been doing a book for the past two and a half years and, wm, and you know, the technology that we now have, all these micro… we have… we put hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targetted micro. The Chinese have done the same thing. In fact, Covid-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately. […] COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and b.. b… Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.

woodchip #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #racist #pratt #wingnut descentbb.net

Wow TC, you trying to paint me into something you want me to be? No, not a Nazis but then I'm not some faggot running around waving his wang in a parade at the kiddies on the sidelines, nor am I a tranny spouting, " we're coming to take your kids". Nor am I a idiotic BLM'er that thinks de-funding the police is a good idea or that abortion rights isn't anything other than murder. Or condone open borders as something to promote child sex slavery. As to Neo Nazis and gun problem goes together is so much horse puckey.

FirmWeird #wingnut #racist themotte.org

Yes, and the answer that Children of Men offers is the same weak cuckservatism that was crushed in the eyes of the public by the Trump campaign. "The ending of your bloodline and people is not something that can be stopped. The Key to Tomorrow is refugees and immigrants, and you should give up your life to make sure they continue to have kids in the hope that they remember and carry forward your ideology." The wages of this view is death - what more can be said? If you're a believer in HBD [submitter’s note: “Human BioDiversity”] then the utter futility and fecklessness of this view is made even clearer by an understanding of the genetic foundations that underpin political beliefs and positions. Oh, look, the name of his dead child gets reused for the one he saved - what a perfect summation of the cuckservative position! Sure, none of your children will be around in the future, but you get to make sure that the people who dispossess yours keep using some of the names you used, and they aren't on the side of your opponents in the culture war. That is the end that those conservative principles were headed towards, and I think it is a wondrous blessing for the world (and, to say the least, the conservative base) that such a suicidal ideology has been demolished and a Trump tower built on the ashes.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
There is an overwhelming correlation between the amount of treason and the number of Jews in the US government.

@Nature_and_Race I don't care if Chuck Schumer is Jewish. Mt concern with him is that he is a treasonous, DNC criminal that should be executed for his crimes.

( @Voicemle )
@Nature_and_Race explaining this to people who have been conned into believing that Jews are wonderful creatures is the hardest part

( @Theosine )
@Nature_and_Race would he care if all these kikes were dual citizen chinks?

( @JTLiuzza )
@Nature_and_Race The single most important fact about Schumer is the one he doesn't care about.

( @Thesmokinglaptop )
Lowell your so virtuous man,enlightened.
Until you identify an enemy you cannot target them.fine,get rid of schumer.spend two years running surveillance,dig through his fucking trash for crimes.you got him on murder of whoever!
Great work!
Other jews in congress 3 minutes later elect another jew 10 times worse.
You have to target the actual threat which is JEWS.Not one man.

( @DanielCTMU )
@Nature_and_Race Jews should be removed from banking, government, media, and education.

( @Maneo_Invictus )
@DanielCTMU @Nature_and_Race from White countries.
Otherwise in a century they'll get back into those same positions as soon as the sentiment against them is relaxed.

( @dave192254 )
@Maneo_Invictus @DanielCTMU @Nature_and_Race

See Spain, and the Jewish traitors that let the moorish invaders in.

Same shit from these scum today.
Do not let them escape, or they will be back in a couple of years subverting and murdering whites again.

( @Atl1980 )
@Nature_and_Race he also doesn't realize the treason is coordinated by the global zonist Jews. You have to treated the underlying disease, not the symptom.

( @WhiskeyBeer )
@Nature_and_Race Like having an enemy army create a plot to overthrow you by pretending to be leaders in power. Who all have one goal to bring you down. You know they come from your enemy but don’t connect the dots.

( @Maneo_Invictus )
@Nature_and_Race You see, they still pretend to ignore how for a jew treason and subversion are not simply acts or deeds, but their natural impulse.
We're well aware of this problem, but many are still walking with their heads on the clouds when it comes to the jewish problem.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )

( @Chrome_Vanadium )
Federal Reserve

( @greayman )
@Chrome_Vanadium @KeepNHGranite low IQ post, 1965 is where the invasion started

( @Chrome_Vanadium )
@greayman @KeepNHGranite
Ya but the jews started this scheme in 1913 with the takeover of our monetary system and a organization to cover their crimes and create victims of them

If jews never did that there would be no Hart-Celler 1965

( @RiddleOfSteelStrength )
@KeepNHGranite Well, I consider it stolen in late 1800's when they imported jews into New York by claiming they were Europeans and shifted the demographic of that city so much, they planted a seed of control that eventually allowed a complete takeover by 1920

1965 only happened because they had already stolen the country

( @Frankie_J )
@RiddleOfSteelStrength @KeepNHGranite Not here to start a fight, but my ancestors figure it started back in 1861-1865 when we were invaded by a dictator named (((Abraham))) Lincoln!! 😡:1911: :confederateflag:

( @DjamersHammer )
@Zisblatts @Frankie_J @RiddleOfSteelStrength @KeepNHGranite Actually, it goes much further back, to the 1600's, when another ship full of jews that were booted from Spain by King Ferdinand, as they were headed to invade the Dutch and were captured by pirates, then recaptured by Brits (East India Company), who dumped them in New Amsterdam, (op de Manhatans). They were not well received.


( @buffyputastakeinem )
December 23, 1913. The law created the Federal Reserve System

( @systemaze )

( @Godsonftw )
@systemaze @KeepNHGranite Hitler created a new currency ( a certificate of labor ) and created the biggest economy of Europe. This scared the world

Joseph Jordan #racist #conspiracy nationaljusticeparty.com

[From "The US Government Is Responsible For France’s Anti-White Race Riots"]

Banlieues surrounding France’s major cities have erupted in flames and anarchy[…]Vicious street battles continue to rage on across the country, pitting immigrant descendants of blacks and Algerians against police and native Gallo-Romans[…]
The claimed catalyst for this European episode of American style anti-white racial chaos was the death of a 17-year-old Maghrebi criminal named Nahel Merzouk[…]French police are instructed to shoot reckless drivers that seek to escape arrest, but the white police officer in question, Floriant M., is nevertheless facing manslaughter charges in order to placate the mob[…]
If the situation is reminiscent of the 2020 race riots that gripped the United States following the death of George Floyd, that is not a coincidence

French media initially sided with the police in this story. Their tune changed after a short out of context clip of the incident was pounced upon by local agents of Washington, US State Department trained Rokhaya Diallo[…]
These riots are a product of deliberate malice brought to fruition by more than a decade of covert and overt influence operations seeking to transform France’s black and brown criminal population into a permanent Jewish-American imperial foothold[…]
Figures such as the aforementioned Diallo[…]and the Jew Tara Dickman of the “Collective Against Racial Profiling”[…]were brought to America by the US embassy and affiliated Atlanticist NGOs to be trained in Bolshevistic agitation techniques in cities such as Chicago[…]
Dickman noted that she applied American strategies back in France to lead an avalanche of “racial profiling” lawsuits against police in hopes of hamstringing their ability to enforce the law against African and Algerian criminals[…]Cops in France have been neutered in respects to non-white crime[…]
The neverending nightmare the Jewish rulers of America subject us to at home is for export

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

In a dead giveaway that the whole migration scene is a dialectic conspiracy was the news that Mexican law enforcement has identified 26 schemers involved in funding caravans to the borders.

Mexican tax officials froze the assets of the 26 individuals and entities that it alleges are tied to human smuggling organizations or involved in promoting Central American migrant caravans. The financiers of the migrant caravans allegedly come from the U.S., England, Africa and Central America, the Mexican government announced on June 5, 2019.

We have another smoking gun that reveals mass migrations are not organic events but rather planned and organized asymmetric warfare against U.S. and European nations.

Who are the villains?

Well, two years have passed, and it appears the list of 26 names still has not been revealed. Forget the full 26. How about one name? Just one. Nope.

Not. Even. One. Name.

Yes, once again the public is treated like yokels who just fell off a cabbage truck.

Given all the posturing on border control by ass-licking Republicans, one would think the villains would be revealed by now. Names named, prosecutors assigned and arrests aggressively pursued. But, no. Nothing. Nothing is forthcoming from the U.S. Chamber of Greed and Oligarchical Whores.

The silence serves to prove in spades that this is an organized, bipartisan, kakistocratic, Trojan Horse, Alinsky-style takedown of western countries. (A key theorem of Alinsky, Cloward and Piven involves “overwhelming the system” until it snaps.)
The radical discordian leftists are the enemy. We all know this. They want unlimited immigration to reset and level the whole country.

But what about the lying, crying, corrupt, boot-kissing RINO (Republican In Name Only) “cuckservatives”? They’re in bed and fornicating with the Leftists to push for the American slave plantation. They might as be right out of the same Saul Alinsky mold.

I cannot type what I really feel. This truly is a manufactured crisis.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Halp )

Secession is on the table.

( @echoes )
@Halp I doubt these jew goblins will let you just leave with a chunk of America.

( @cam_loon )
@echoes @Halp i was thinking that too... but "what is ours will be ours again"

( @Goose45 )
@Halp i am lost. What table? We cant even fix a state election.

( @B0I )
@Halp Secession? I AM FOR EXPULSION & TRIALS FOR TREASON! Every single corrupt jew & his polititian!

( @CaliphOfGod )
@Halp THE PROBLEM IS... state governments have to do it... and to do it... that have to have balls... and nerves of steel... and brains to set forth new policies for the NEW NATION STATE OF WHATEVER...

( @FrancisMeyrick )
@Halp either secession or oblivion.

( @MyOwnPrivateIdaho2 )
@Halp ..kikes won’t allow it..we need to stand and slay the enemy by any means necessary…only cowards run away…

( @Kiara_Nicole )
@Halp fuck yes! Because we will then invade their asses, take all our shit back and then bring back slavery, but this time it will be all the woke ass white people. We will put blacks who are leftist as their managers, and they get to sleep inside as an added benefit. I mean these people are leftist. Our entire combat forces for the last 50 years are right wingers. Leftist make you support personnel only! Tech geeks! Bc there are no trigger warnings or safe spaces outside of the wire.

All in favor say “I”

( @AppalachianWaffen )
@Halp they ain’t gonna let us secede because they depend on resources that are harvested by right wing territories.

State of the Nation #racist #conspiracy #wingnut stateofthenation.co

OPERATION NEOCON was only able to proceed with all deliberate speed because the Biden Crime Family was so easily bought, bribed and blackmailed to carry out any war profiteering initiative necessary to keep the Ukraine War going hot and heavy.

This is why the Neocons chose “Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden” to act as the frontman for what is essentially a highly organized genocide of every fighting-age Ukrainian male. When there’s absolutely no conscience, Biden’s Khazarian handlers do not even need to compel or coerce him.
Whereas Trump is a peacetime businessman first and MIC salesman second, Biden is all in with the Khazarian Cabal‘s perpetual war economy, even if it means the total destruction of the American Republic. Because that’s what Biden has done—exposed these once United States to the full fury and ferocity of Russia’s highly advanced nuclear weaponry.
Via their devastating multi-century Great Game, the Khazarian Cabal has always had the goal of permanently ruling Russia in order to steal all of its vast wealth, especially its land, water and abundant natural resources. In point of fact, the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was carried out by the Khazarians to turn Russia into an enormous slave colony. However, when the Western banksters tried to replace Soviet-style communism with their trademark predatory crony capitalism in 1990, President Putin and his fellow Patriots pulled off a stunning coup. And the rapacious Neocons will not rest until they have they exacted vengeance for this perceived betrayal.
The Ukraine War was intended on transforming that country into a Second Israel since those historical territories of the Khazar Khaganate represent the ancestral. homelands of the original Khazarian Mafia, which once raped, pillaged and plundered the whole region with wanton abandon. The ancient kingdom of the Rus’ resoundingly defeated the Khazarians to end their criminal tyranny, and the vindictive Khazars swore revenge ever since.

Danielle Smith #conspiracy #quack #racist albertajewishnews.com

Earlier this week, a video from 2021 resurfaced that featured Alberta Premier Danielle Smith comparing Albertans who had been vaccinated against COVID-19 with supporters of Nazi Germany.

In the November 2021 video, filmed 6 months before Smith began her run for leader of the UCP, she discussed watching a Netflix documentary How to Become a Tyrant, and drew a parallel between the majority of Albertans who received the COVID-19 vaccine and supporters of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.

She suggested that the “75 percent of the public” who received a COVID vaccine “succumbed to the charms of a tyrant,” specifically referencing Adolf Hitler. (The figure in Alberta is actually over 90%).

busobozi ancestorchild #crackpot #racist #magick #conspiracy amazon.com


Elon Musk and fentasyl #elitist #racist #sexist independent.co.uk

Over the weekend, Elon Musk appeared in a Twitter post to endorse the idea of taking the right to vote away from people without children

The billionaire Tesla co-founder replied “Yup,” to a series of posts from Twitter user @fentasyl, which argued “democracy is probably unworkable long term without limiting suffrage to parents”

The exchange came as Mr Musk continued his recent run of interacting with right-wing figures on the social network

The posts from fentasyl themselves were a response to a previous post from Mr Musk

On Saturday, in the comments under an Islamophobic nonprofit’s video, where commenters insinuated that single white women were turning France into a majority-Muslim country, Mr Musk claimed, “The childless have little stake in the future”[…]
These opinions are hardly surprising for Mr Musk, who has long expressed concerns about declining birth rates in the US and the lack of “smart” people having enough children, views which critics have argued are verging on eugenicist

Ryan Walters #wingnut #racist msn.com

The state official in charge of Oklahoma’s schools is facing calls for impeachment, after he said teachers should tell students that the Tulsa race massacre was not racially motivated.

In a public forum on Thursday, Ryan Walters, Oklahoma’s state superintendent of public instruction, said teachers could cover the 1921 massacre, in which white Tulsans murdered an estimated 300 Black people, but teachers should not “say that the skin color determined it”.

Walters is a pro-Trump Republican who was elected to oversee Oklahoma education in November. He has consistently indulged in rightwing talking points including “woke ideology” and has said critical race theory should not be taught in classrooms. Republicans have frequently conflated banning critical race theory with banning any discussion of racial history in classrooms.

At the forum in Norman, Oklahoma, Walters was asked how the massacre could “not fall” under his broad definition of CRT.

“I would never tell a kid that because of your race, because of your color of your skin, or your gender or anything like that, you are less of a person or are inherently racist.

“That doesn’t mean you don’t judge the actions of individuals. Oh, you can, absolutely. Historically, you should: ‘This was right. This was wrong. They did this for this reason.’

“But to say it was inherent in that … because of their skin is where I say that is critical race theory. You’re saying that race defines a person. I reject that.

“So I would say you be judgmental of the issue, of the action, of the content, of the character of the individual, absolutely. But let’s not tie it to the skin color and say that the skin color deermined it.”

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @disclosetv )
JUST IN - Texas declares invasion at the U.S. southern border and authorizes "unprecedented measures" to defend the state: Gov. Abbott

( @snakeplissken__ )
@disclosetv It's been an invasion for 50 years. Start executing them. I don't care if it's women are children. They're enemy combatants.

( @Watchman121 )
@snakeplissken__ @disclosetv
Nah, the women and children part was too much. Once the men are gone or unfortunately shot (if it comes to it,) then the women and children will get the message to stay away.

( @snakeplissken__ )
@Watchman121 @disclosetv They come here, grow up, and breed like rats while hating Whitey.

Set them all on fire. No fucking mercy.

( @Relic_Arcane )
@Watchman121 @snakeplissken__ @disclosetv

No, you spineless faggot.

Even the mixed mongrels will burn.
We are done with this "soft" genocide of our People.

Fire with motherfucking RISING FIRE!!!

( @DickieBennett )
@disclosetv No chance he did this on his own, without the approval of the establishment. None. This is scripted to relieve the pressure in the run up to 2024.

( @YakubRespecter )
@disclosetv Now that republicans can no longer win an election he wants to start taking action. Unbelievable. 🤦‍♂️

( @JeffLocke )
@disclosetv i.e. Abbott is preparing for a 2024 run. Otherwise, this would have occurred 2 years ago.

( @WellBehavedGoy )
@disclosetv I'll belive when I see it. He will probably just get more busses to send the invaders to the heart of the country.

( @Acadianna44 )
@WellBehavedGoy @disclosetv His FB post today: The first Texas bus of migrants has departed for Philadelphia.
The Lone Star State will continue doing more than any state in history to secure our border, including adding more sanctuary cities as drop-off locations for our busing strategy.

( @Murmaider )
@disclosetv Distraction from the recent Stolen results

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

I've never supported America's wars in Afghanistan or Iraq, or their actions in Libya or Syria.

But here's the thing: I don't care about dead brown people, I just don't. And I'm sick of seeing pro-Whites suddenly pretending like they DO care about dead brown people.

Brown people don't care about Whites - MY PEOPLE - so I don't care about them or their people. It's that simple. I care about White people, and White people ONLY.

( @jokeonyou )
@Nature_and_Race If we will not start caring about our own people, and our people alone, no one else ever will.

If White people care about "everyone", then there is no one that truly dedicates their love to the Whites, but all the other races dedicate their care to their own kind.

( @DrPhate )
@Nature_and_Race I was brainwashed by Z0G to wave the flag, "support our troops," and always support American war efforts untill I realized America hasn't fought for Americans since 1812 and even that is questionable. America is the mercenaries for Isael. Everytime Israel gets pissed at someone like, The Shaw of Iran, Saddam, Gaddafi and now al-Assad the duel citizens want war. Everytime the jew military industrial complex wants shekles there's war. Fuck brown people. They don't care about us. Jews send them our money. Plus, brown people don't want our help. Let them sort out their own problems.

( @santayuda )
@Nature_and_Race Don't you think it's important to have a moral case for white nationalism? To praise what's good and condemn what's evil, regardless of the victims or perpetrators? This doesn't prevent you from caring more about your own people than other peoples. Without a moral standard, what separates white nationalism from Zionism? Or do you believe that a white nation, which behaves exactly like Israel in its treatment of Palestinians and other non-Jews, is a good model?

( @Nature_and_Race )
@santayuda -- That's a false dichotomy, and hence a dishonest argument.

Just because a White nation doesn't care about browns, that doesn't mean they'll be treating browns like Israelis treat Palestinians.

Argue honestly from now on, or get blocked.

William Luther Pierce #racist #psycho en.m.wikiquote.org

When, during the summer and early fall of 1999, one European nation after another was liberated by the Organization, the Chinese decided to make a grab for European Russia. The Organization countered this move massively, using nuclear missiles to knock out the still-primitive Chinese missile and strategic-bomber capabilities, as well as hitting a number of new Chinese troop concentrations west of the Urals. Unfortunately, this action did not stem the Yellow tide flowing north and west from China.
The Organization still required time to reorganize and reorient the European populations newly under its control before it could hope to deal in a conventional manner with the enormous numbers of Chinese infantry pouring across the Urals into Europe; all its dependable troops at that time were hardly sufficient even for garrison duty in the newly liberated and still not entirely pacified areas of eastern and southern Europe.
Therefore, the Organization resorted to a combination of chemical, biological, and radiological means, on an enormous scale, to deal with the problem. Over a period of four years some 16 million square miles of the earth's surface, from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific and from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, were effectively sterilized. Thus was the Great Eastern Waste created.
Only in the last decade have certain areas of the Waste been declared safe for colonization. Even so, they are "safe" only in the sense that the poisons sowed there a century ago have abated to the point that they are no longer a hazard to life. As everyone is aware, the bands of mutants which roam the Waste remain a real threat, and it may be another century before the last of them has been eliminated and White colonization has once again established a human presence throughout this vast area.

Vox Day #racist #wingnut #conspiracy voxday.net

[From "The War on Vermin"]

It’s not a civil war. It’s a war between the French people who want France to survive and the invaders who have entered the gates with the connivance of multiple treasonous French governments. Fortunately, and unlike during the Yellow Vest protests, the police appear to be on the side of the people[…]

French police said they were “at war” with “savage hordes of vermin”[…]
Two of the country’s top police unions threatened a revolt unless Emmanuel Macron’s government restored order after protests broke out over an officer’s shooting of a teenager outside Paris

“Today the police are in combat because we are at war. Tomorrow we will enter resistance and the government should be aware of this”

As crazy as it might sound, given the current probability space, a right-wing police coup may be the best scenario that the people of France could hope and pray for. If there is one thing that recent events have made clear, it is that democracy has absolutely and utterly failed the nations that embraced it. We can only hope that it will remain dead for another 2,000 years before another set of naive and romantic fools revive it and decided that it can be controlled

The real question is what the police will do when the people of France take arms against their invaders. Will they support them and defend them or will they turn against them again in service to the globalist agenda of their political masters? Recent history suggests the latter, but these are interesting and unpredictable times

Democracy is every bit as bad as the ancients warned[…]Disasters we are witnessing across the Old World and the New are the result of a limited, moderate, and representative form of the system. It’s so awful that even the most staunch and avowed democrat isn’t willing to endorse true, direct, and unlimited democracy

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
How many times do they have to tell us that White people are the greatest threat to "our democracy" before we realize that “their democracy” is the greatest threat to us?

( @TheRealN8errific1 )

( @CharlesPNW )

They didn’t care about democracy in 1865, they didn’t care about democracy in 1965 and they don’t care about democracy NOW.

They care about eliminating the White race.

They just use democracy as a tool of destruction and punishment.

( @CN32 )
@KeepNHGranite Part of Jewish tactic. They play the victim when they're the attacker while accusing us of being the attacker when we are the victim. "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

( @YiddishGypsies )
@CN32 @KeepNHGranite This "jew" you talk about, is a yiddish-gypsy, indigenous to ukraine, who's ancestors within in the recent centuries "converted" to judiasm and now falsely call themselves semites who are from another continent. Yiddish-gypsies have religious laws called mitzvahs that REQUIRE them to LIE, CHEAT, BEGUILE, ENSLAVE, DISRESPECT all other non-tribe-members, that is the backbone of their entire culture.

( @wakeupscreaming )
@KeepNHGranite oh, i think Kanye identified the greatest threat to democracies, and was deplatformed and cancelled for noticing.

( @Anatoly_Dyatlov )
@wakeupscreaming @KeepNHGranite
The hook nose jews.

( @eternalfreedom )
@KeepNHGranite democracy=oligarchy

It's fake and gay

( @HorstWessel88 )
@eternalfreedom @KeepNHGranite It's more of a plutocracy then an oligarchy all staffed at the high level by jews pushing in the same direction with only a few disputes over whats best for jews

( @HorstWessel88 )
@KeepNHGranite Ezra pound told us democracy is currently defined by a country run by jews. All we need to know

( @Ulrik_Pedersen )

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @RealRedElephants )
Those who control the media and Hollywood have convinced you to be ok with abortion, ok with divorce, ok with a declining marriage rates, declining birth rates, women sleeping around, onlyfans, pornography, gay marriage, gender transition, casual drug use, plummeting religiosity, and mass immigration. It is not true that times have 'just changed.' The countries that do not have this pressure to conform to these beliefs nor the media and entertainment apparatus pushing it, the people have totally opposite views on these things. Everyone needs to understand the power these people actually have over your mind, identity, and culture, including those that would agree with this.

( @ramenanne )
@RealRedElephants "Those who control the media and Hollywood"...He's too much of a faggot to say it. I'll say it. Jews.

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
Not all of us blame "all Jews" or "only Jews." We acknowledge they are over-represented in these institutions and not above citicism as either individuals or members of their group but don't blame the entire ethnic group.

( @Unakceptabke_views )

Why not just get to the root of the issue?? jews

( @Dissidentsoaps )
@Diversity_is_our_weakness if there were no Jews at all, we wouldn’t have any of these problems. Simple.

( @ReversedHistory )
@Diversity_is_our_weakness smart ppl do blame jews, and only jews because its quite obvious from basic pattern recognition. Do better research

( @pysek )
@RealRedElephants Realizing not only that I've been lied to my entire life but that every adult I trusted was too was a mind fuck of earth-shattering proportions.

But I ate it, accepted it, and I'm quite ready to make America #110.

( @Miles_Deep )

why not just say jews

Dave Blount #racist #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "George Floyd Comes to France"]

A violent career criminal dies of a fentanyl overdose while being restrained by a police officer barely half his size[…]This was good for an entire summer of liberal establishment-endorsed rioting and looting and even a federal holiday. Imagine what shooting a teenager is worth in a world succumbing to moonbattery. France is finding out:

Britain’s Foreign Office issued an alert to tourists[…]travelling to France, as the violence continued to deepen following the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk[…]during a traffic stop on Tuesday

Actual details of the young criminal’s demise are irrelevant; as with George Floyd’s skin color, his Muslim name is all the mob needs to know

Rioters were again seen rampaging through the streets of Marseille, Lille and Paris, amid claims looters broke into a gun shop and stole hunting rifles while others ransacked a police station. Cars, buses and government buildings have been set alight and fireworks have been launched at police[…]

This latest battle in the centuries-long Islamic effort to erase French civilization claimed the largest library in Marseille[…]
That is what will happen to the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower in the foreseeable future unless current trends are dramatically reversed

As usual, Big Tech has its thumb on the scale[…]
The Muslim colonization of France has expanded significantly

You imported this, France. Now you get to live with it. Or rather, you get to die from it

Only a far right solution could save France now. A country that would elect Macron is unlikely to have the belly for it. Remember Charles Martel or forget about the future

various commenters #wingnut #quack #racist gab.com

( @vaccineregrets )

spoilerAnger toward the #unvaccinated is
growing. It is a very human thing to
persecute those who had the strength
to refuse something that later turned
out to be dodgy. The jealousy of the
#vaccinated is manifesting as hate.

( @FredsPocket )
@vaccineregrets Fuck em. They can be angry with myocarditis.

( @Anatoly_Dyatlov )
@FredsPocket @vaccineregrets
And with cancer, bells palsy, and blood clots.

( @Apexican )
@Anatoly_Dyatlov @FredsPocket @vaccineregrets At least until the SADS and/or climate change get them

( @TemporaryBababased777 )
@FredsPocket @vaccineregrets 🎶 SHOT IN THE ARM



( @davidchen322 )
@TemporaryBababased777 @FredsPocket @vaccineregrets yeah, except Israel's one of the most highly vaccinated countries on Earth. The common man in Israel, most likely Jewish, suffers with Pfizer.

( @TemporaryBababased777 )
@davidchen322 @FredsPocket @vaccineregrets maybe the Israeli jabs were just saline, or maybe the vaxx was designed to affect only non-Jews (Jews are a distinct racial group). All of this vaxx and covid 19 fraud bullshit is filled to the brim with Jewish Involvement.

( @McByrd )
@vaccineregrets #LoyalToTheFoil "The term "unvaccinated" is Orwellian Newspeak. It implies the natural state of people is "vaccinated."

( @ShartyWaffles )
@McByrd @vaccineregrets Besides, it was/is not a 'vaccine.'

( @GeorgiAndi )
@ShartyWaffles @McByrd @vaccineregrets it’s why I don’t say vaccinated. I say jabbed and unjabbed.

( @Alex_yates )
@McByrd @vaccineregrets I'm a pureblood

( @Keeperofthepast )
@McByrd @vaccineregrets I prefer Mudbloods & Pure Bloods.
And 10 pts to Gryffindor for a great post!

( @DavidMD )
@vaccineregrets My guess is that here in the US there is a correlation between unvaccinated and well armed.
‘Nuff said.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie realjewnews.com

The Good Jew

Doesn’t exist.

There’s no such thing as a “good Jew…”

…it’s an oxymoron.
“My neighbor’s Jewish, he’s a regular kind of guy, he seems like a really good person.”

Sure thing.

He doesn’t identify with you, but collectively with Jews who murdered The Lord Jesus Christ.

Has he ever repudiated this crime?

No, he assents to it.

So why do you call him “good?”

Then I hear:

“Oh Brother!

“I’m a Christian and I love the Jewish people.

“They have a special place in God’s heart!”

First of all, they don’t love you.

They cringe when they hear goys say:

“Oh how I love the Jewish people!”

Because they know they are not lovable.

And frankly, (I grew up as a Jew), they don’t want your love.

How can they have a special place in God’s heart if they crucified His Son, and persist in crucifying Him?”
Here’s an objection I hear all the time.

“It’s because,” Brother, “many Jews happen to be in powerful positions.

“They’re smart, savvy, high achievers, so they rise to the top.

“And since ‘power corrupts,’ they like anyone else in high places, whatever their race or religion is, will do bad things.”

Here’s my answer:

If Jews make up only 1.8% of the population, yet most banking CEOs, media moguls, politicians, executive branch officials, educators, journalists, lobbyists, are Jews, what gives them this wide range of dominating power?

Power that corrupts?

No, it’s coordinated evil.

It’s networked and connected.

Follow the money.

Follow the campaign coffers.

Follow the endowments.
It’s because the Jew in his essential self is injurious.

“They are a crooked and perverse generation,” says the Prophet Moses.

“They are contrary to all men,” says St Paul.

Why these critiques?

It’s because of the “Deicidal Curse.”

Murdering Jesus Christ has repercussions from generation to generation.
The solution?

Jew’s have been thrown out of 109 countries.

110 is a good round number.

Edward Menez #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

We are told and shown that there is a race war going on in France now--doesn't it remind you of something from three years ago? Right....the George Floyd riots. In both cases, a minority citizen was supposedly killed by a rogue white police officer. In both cases, nationwide rioting broke out, with people of the race of the supposed victim leading the way. In the US it was black people and in France, it was Arab people.

Leftists in the US quickly joined with the nascent Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, and in France liberals there may seem to feel the aggrieved Muslims are justified, too.

However, the French riots are in no way spontaneous, as this is another "color revolution" led by the usual suspects to cause mayhem, a justification for killing white people, and a justification to "Build Back Better" once all the libraries, schools, cars, and the rest of French Christian culture becomes ashes and needs to be rebuilt. My guess is that in the place of the old French cafe and street shopping culture, they will build back 15-minute cities with limits on the peoples' movements in the name of "security."
Most people thought the Arab Spring consisted of spontaneous riots and protests for change. I saw clearly that it wasn't, and had been staged with years of forethought.
Fast-forward nine years from the Arab Spring psy-op fakery to late May 2020. The emotions and passions ran wild once a black man supposedly died at the hands of a white police officer, but in reality, the whole thing was staged and another psyop. George Floyd didn't die.
And in America, we now have tens of millions of military-age men who've entered the country in the last decade just waiting for a spark of something similar, and the tinderbox could be set off here once again. Could this also be part of The Great Reset--the deliberate importation of millions of military-age illegal immigrants to kill off white people in the next fake racial killing?

William Luther Pierce #racist #psycho en.m.wikiquote.org

Today has been the Day of the Rope — a grim and bloody day, but an unavoidable one. Tonight, from tens of thousands of lampposts, power poles, and trees throughout this vast metropolitan area the grisly forms hang.
In the lighted areas one sees them everywhere. Even the street signs at intersections have been pressed into service, and at practically every street corner I passed this evening on my way to HQ there was a dangling corpse, four at every intersection. Hanging from a single overpass only about a mile from here is a group of about 30, each with an identical placard around its neck bearing the printed legend, "I betrayed my race." Two or three of that group had been decked out in academic robes before they were strung up, and the whole batch are apparently faculty members from the nearby UCLA campus.
The first thing I saw in the moonlight was the placard with its legend in large, block letters: "I defiled my race." Above the placard leered the horribly bloated, purplish face of a young woman, her eyes wide open and bulging, her mouth agape. Finally I could make out the thin, vertical line of rope disappearing into the branches above. Apparently the rope had slipped a bit or the branch to which it was tied had sagged, until the woman's feet were resting on the pavement, giving the uncanny appearance of a corpse standing upright of its own volition.
I shuddered and quickly went on my way. There are many thousands of hanging female corpses like that in this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their necks. They are the White women who were married to or living with Blacks, with Jews, or with other non-White males
There are many thousands of hanging female corpses like that in this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their necks. They are the White women who were married to or living with Blacks, with Jews, or with other non-White males. There are also a number of men wearing the l-defiled-my-race placard, but the women easily outnumber them seven or eight to one. On the other hand, about ninety per cent of the corpses with the I-betrayed-my-race placards are men, and overall the sexes seem to be roughly balanced.

Roseanne Barr #conspiracy #racist #psycho usatoday.com

"There's such a thing as the truth and facts, and we have to stick to it, and that is the truth," she said, quoting deniers: "Nobody died in the Holocaust, either. That's the truth. It should happen. Six million Jews should die right now, because they cause all the problems in the world, but it never happened."

Rep. Matt Gaetz #wingnut #racist twitter.com

The Supreme Court has dealt a Critical Blow to Critical Theory: affirmative action has been ruled unconstitutional. Artificial diversity and race-based college admission regimes have been usurped; meritocracy is once again king.

Equal protection under the law is one of our most sacred principles. Today, we have returned to this principle. The equal protection clause now applies to all Americans – not solely those of a preferred group.

A nation is measured not by its commitment to fanciful ideals but by its commitment to its people. The Supreme Court has delivered the American people a great victory; now let us enforce it.

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