
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
Allow me to translate from 'Greenblatt' to 'English:'

Dear Blacks,

You're only allowed to hate White people.

All of us at the ADL are ready to destroy your future if you step out of line.

spoilerThe Black and Jewish
communities have so much in
common, it's critical that we
come together and heal so
that we can stop the spread
of hate. All of us at @ADL
ready to engage towards a
better future for all

( @CorRuPtEd_USA )


( @CharlesPNW )

Things in common;

-Bitch and moan constantly

-Nobody wants them around

-Huge undeserved egos

-No style, tacky clothes and gaudy jewelry

-Will kill you for $15

-Take sick pleasure in debasing women

-Endless blood libel of Whites

( @Sergio4ever )
@CharlesPNW @KeepNHGranite don't forget to add they both stink

( @Bejabbers )
@CharlesPNW @KeepNHGranite And big noses, jews’ are long and niggers’ are wide

( @AntiSatanic )

( @DirGatory )

( @isebellin )

Dear black people

The black and the Jewish communities have so much in common… We Jews used to own you…

We both like free shit … White peoples stuff…

And blaming all our crimes and mistakes on White people…

Nosferatu G

( @DeplorableDays )
@KeepNHGranite the jew and the negro got to know one another during the cruise from Africa to America. 🤨

verzetn #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut incels.is

RE: Affirmative Action got nuked and negros are seething hard on Twitter!

niggers deserve to be slaves.

fucking cumskin ruining everything. over-flowing empathy for ugly chimp niggers.

all those refugee ships should be shot down and all niggers machine gunned down.

arab slavers used to mass castrate those niggers.

yup whites are too kind. They even bitch about parents spanking their kids. Muh chicken rights in factories etc. Too mentally weak. How'd they get this weak?

its part religion (cuck christianity) like u mentioned

but the underlying imo is the genetics

cumskins evolved in condition when altruism was evolutionary beneficial.

i suppose during stone age, the condition in europe was harsh, the population density very low. having unconditional high trust to strangers as well within tribes, were highly beneficial. and all those individuals were related somehow by blood ,even those from other tribes.

a small group of 3 hunters chasing after a group of wild horses, encountering another group of 10 hunters, rather than be sus of each other and compete or even get into conflict, it might be more beneficial in Europe at that time to just cooperate and take down the group of wild horses together and everyone get share.

whereas in shittier places like China, india etc. the condition were not the same and they favorred group competition as well as in-group compeititon (but with in group prioritized over out group). the population density was much higher than europe (most of china in ice age was ice free and altitutde of china was much lower than europe meaning more sun, more plants = more food and animals)

Wang Yi #moonbat #racist news.yahoo.com

‘You can never become a Westerner:’ China’s top diplomat urges Japan and South Korea to align with Beijing and ‘revitalize Asia’

In a video shared by Chinese state media, Wang told Japanese and South Korean guests attending a trilateral forum in the eastern coastal city of Qingdao that most Americans and Europeans can’t tell China, Japan and South Korea apart.

“No matter how blonde you dye your hair, how sharp you shape your nose, you can never become a European or American, you can never become a Westerner,” Wang said. “We must know where our roots lie.”

Wang called for Japan and South Korea to work together with China to “prosper together, revitalize East Asia, revitalize Asia and benefit the world.”

Wang was speaking on the sidelines of the International Forum for Trilateral Cooperation, an annual event organized by Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul since 2011.

In his opening remarks, Wang called for Japan and South Korea to “promote inclusive Asian values, foster a sense of strategic autonomy, maintain regional unity and stability, resist the return of the Cold War mentality and be free of the coercion of bullying and hegemony,” the statement said.

“The fate of the region is firmly in our own hands,” Wang was quoted as saying.

Dr. Marlene McMillan #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Critical Theory is an artificial construct that reframes or distorts the world into a sad and hopeless place. It robs you of your dignity and trains you to focus on the negative at the expense of all things beautiful and true, including Liberty. It robs you of the ability to think from principle, follow a logic chain, or recognize truth from error.

Critical Theory is hopeless because in trying to remake reality into their own worldview, you are robbed of knowing how to align your real life with the Immutable Laws of the Universe. Knowing these fixed principles allows you to solve real world problems in ways that move you from victim to overcomer. This gives hope for the future.
Cultural Marxism is a form of Marxism that deceptively gets people to voluntarily embrace the ideas of Marxism into daily life by controlling their thought processes. Critical Theory (CT) is the academic term for the method of thinking on which Cultural Marxism is built. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is Critical Theory applied to racism. Black Lives Matter (BLM) embodies CRT.
Critical Theory openly states the remaking of the family, sexuality, and education as its primary area of focus. Put directly, this means destruction of the nuclear family, the normalization of deviancy, and education that only allows thoughts in agreement with the party line, all while tracking everyone’s place on the continuum of acceptance of the New World Order group think.

When a minister proclaims his support of Black Lives Matter, he is affirming his support of their godless anti-Biblical agenda. He may only desire to share in the suffering of others, express empathy, or prove he is trying to understand. None of those are the real agenda of Black Lives Matter.
What is the Revolution? To dethrone Yahweh and enthrone the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-encompassing State as god. Totalitarianism, bondage, tyranny — all just different names for slavery.

Andrew Anglin #racist #conspiracy #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "I’m Glad There is a Race War in France (Even If Whites Aren’t Fighting)"]

All of these immigrants that white people have agreed to flood their countries with are going to roost mercilessly. The brown folk, the refuse of the world who we wanted to play daddy to, are harrowing and apocalyptic chickens[…]
The cops killed some Arab “youth” who was “fleeing the scene of a traffic stop.” His mother filmed it, and demanded a revolution, and the collective brown population obliged her[…]
Though the riots center around the suburb of Nanterre, the entire city is on fire[…]The immigrants are killing cops and seizing their weapons. This is now a war

Of course, this is the age of total censorship, so we can’t really confirm what is happening on the group, beyond what we see on video[…]
The global Jewish media is largely refusing to comment, showing only pre-approved clips, and pushing the narrative that this is France’s George Floyd. It is very similar to George Floyd, in that it is a dumb race hoax drummed up by the media[…]
The Moslems in France are not like American blacks. They are, instead, capable of a high level of organization. The blacks will just do violence because it is personally fun[…]
The Arabs in France have the clear goal of conquering France and forcing whites to submit to them[…]they can control the chaos that the blacks create[…]
The cops are fleeing the brown people[…]
I’m sure some of that is not wanting to be accused of racism for using deadly force – which is the only force they could possibly use here[…]
The most amazing thing about this is the media narrative. A race war is not at all amazing. Anyone with any common sense would have expected that[…]
My hope is that whites will see this, and they will remember it[…]
The first thing we need to do is stop listening to women. Then, we need to find a solution to the immigrant problem. After women, the biggest obstacle is the government, which is controlled by the Jews

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race I wonder......why was Trump "allowed" to be elected? He mesmerized 80 million people, mostly White, while prattling away about how he gave blacks & browns, who hate Whites, a leg up on the economic ladder & without ever naming the tribe. As a parting gift he gave us deadly shots, a gulag for J6 and stolen elections. If it weren't so tragic for my people it would be funny.

( @punishedDutch )
@Nature_and_Race I'm tired of people on our side that thinks it's an advantage of theirs that antisemitism is on the rise. I mean, isn't that the entire point of naming them?

Good lord, people whine about literally every little thing. Sometimes, you have to sit back and enjoy the show once in a while and ride that wave.

It's such a fatalistic way of thinking.

I can rationalize everything away as something that they can take advantage of. Like dropping banners over a freeway gives ADL ammunition to attack the first amendment or something. Seriously, all you will do is paint yourselves into a logical corner, and then eventually, you'll get nothing done.

I'm not aiming this at you, but it's a general statement.

( @Anti_Christ )
@Nature_and_Race I don’t think Kanye, Kyrie, and Chappell are sacrificial lambs… I think more like controlled opposition

( @travisrock99 )
@Nature_and_Race Harry Vox once suggested that Jews may be the ones who lead the antisemitism movement which ignites the 3rd world war, once they have put other staging elements in place as well,.

( @Imperium123 )
@travisrock99 @Nature_and_Race
This is basically the role Israel plays. It allows itself to be seen as the bad guy. The left and arabs see it as a "White colonial state" and the right see only the zionism, just another face of the global synagogue

( @travisrock99 )
@Imperium123 @Nature_and_Race It's probably a setup of the poor jews by the rich jews. Just as the rich of any race / ethnicity sacrifice their poor, why wouldn't the tribe?

( @Rogue_Fenrir )
@Nature_and_Race I have been suspecting this for a long time: problem-->reaction-->solution. I foresee anti semitism laws that will gimp freedom of speech.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
I agree completely.

We shouldn't lose sight of the possibility that perhaps it is the Jews themselves that are intentionally promoting Kanye's, Kyrie's, and Chappelle's anti-Semitism. After all, Jews own the media, so they don't have to give these people a voice - but they've chosen to do so. "Why?" is a legitimate question here.

Perhaps the Jews are doing it so they can say "See, we told you, Jews really are being persecuted, we have to do something about this!" It's entirely possible. HOWEVER, in the meantime, I don't see anything wrong with these blacks being allowed to raise public awareness about Jewish supremacy throughout America.

SNL is produced by a jew & aired on a jew-run station. There's NO WAY they didn't have some inkling of what Chappelle would be saying.

( @Jagdpanzer )
@Nature_and_Race The entire long history of jewish expulsions is characterized by their own hubris in which they overplay their hand.

They're likely doing this as a pretext to facilitate the passing of anti-Semitism laws, but I think their position is deceptively weak and it will only serve to enlighten more people to the true nature of the problem.

Jewish ideas are in essence bad ideas, and are untenable in the long term.

( @nboeger )
@Nature_and_Race I have been giving this some thought as well. I think perhaps the jews want to make it known they are in power and they will not tolerate anyone speaking about them. Kind of like a king laying down the law. They want to make this into a rule we all have to live by. Thus, they take away the power of people noticing. It just becomes a fact and one you can't do anything about.

( @knightess )
@nboeger Agreed. It's threefold.

1. Makes an example out of uppity nigs (Chapelle's punishment coming soon)

2. Allowing it to be seen both confirms their victimhood + contradicts the "rumor" that jews stifle free speech

3. Learned helplessness ("what's the point in calling it out if nothing ever changes?")

( @ForgottenZippo )
@Nature_and_Race The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, translated to English over a hundred years ago, states the antisemitism is a good thing as they can use it to claim to be victims and garner sympathy.

( @Cowboy54 )

Jews are just niggers turned inside out.

Ambrose Cobb #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Race Concerns in a Free Dixie?"]

One critique often directed at Southern Nationalists is regarding the South’s historical racial issues – specifically, how can Southern Nationalists create a new Southern government with a large black population? This is an issue brought up not just by hardline White Nationalists but also MAGA conservatives and liberals[…]
The idea of a successful black counter-revolution against a Dixian government is ignorant given the historical (and even modern) relationship between blacks and Southerners. Many outsiders (particularly Yankees far removed from the South) view the South as akin to Sub-Saharan Africa. In their minds, the entirety of the South looks like the Mississippi Delta[…]During Reconstruction, blacks had a decisive majority in Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and South Carolina

However, these majorities have slowly but surely decreased over the past 150 years, even to the point where blacks in Mississippi make up only 37%[…]
The other idea, of blacks trying to overthrow a Free Dixie, is nonsensical when you realize the lack of independence in the “Southern” negro. Despite a handful of pan-Africans, the majority of supporters of the black ethnostate are blacks living outside the South. Consider the founders of the “New Africa Movement,” they were blacks in Detroit of the Malcolm X Society in the late 1960s[…]
At the end of the day, it’s clear that blacks are not some invincible obstacle, with respect to Southern sovereignty. From a historical perspective, this is also true. The counter revolt of the Redeemers in the 1870s, which toppled the black-carpetbagger alliance of the Yankee occupiers, is a good example[…]
By merely enforcing many of our laws already on the books, the Southern states could easily rein in criminality, disorder, and racial animosity (pushed by race hustlers and the media). This was the norm for most of the “Jim Crow Era”

Anonymous, sheith-is-dead #crackpot #racist tumblr.com

FICTION IS REALITY. Promoting pedophilia in fiction is /normalizing/ pedophilia, and esp since Voltron is aimed at younger audiences if ur thirsty asses say it's okay to ship she//ith or shi//dge or the like guess what?? You're NORMALIZING pedophilia and saying to all the minors watching that these kind of relationships are okay. Yes pedophilic fiction is a huge problem just look at fucking Japan and tell me fiction has no influence. It's a real problem. Shut your ignorant ass UP.


Racist Wookiepedia Editors #racist newsweek.com

The Last Jedi star Kelly Marie Tran, who plays mechanic Rose Tico, has quickly become a favorite addition to the Star Wars universe. The 28-year-old actress earned points with fans for being a fangirl herself—she screams in interviews over Kylo Ren shirtless and identifies as a Finn/Poe shipper. (Google it.) Furthermore, Tran—who is Vietnamese-American—is the first ever woman of color to have a leading role in the franchise.

Well, she's become a favorite addition for most fans. There are, unfortunately, losers even in the Star Wars fanverse.

On Tuesday, Tico's page on "Wookieepedia," a fan-run online encyclopedia with entries about everything Star Wars, was edited to include racist comments. Her name was changed to "Ching Chong Wing Tong," and her homeworld (Hays Minor) to "Ching Chong China." A fake quote was also attributed to Rose: "Heil Hitler and I don't know why I was casted [sic] in a good movie like Star Wars."

Writer Bryan Young, who posted a screenshot of the racist attacks on Twitter, told Newsweek that he was alerted to the changes by a friend on Tuesday.

Wookieepedia admins have removed the vandalism, closing off Rose's page for editing. A history of the edits to the page, with attached IP addresses, is still publicly available, though the edit in question has been removed. Young told Newsweek the IP address attached to the edit in the screenshot is The user has been blocked from using Wookieepedia or any other FANDOM wikis.

@sbdc_7 #racist gettr.com

Diversity - Illegals – Immigration – and Asylum Seekers.
It’s “The Final Solution” to the “White Problem.”
Raise you voice today.
Or your children may be forced to raise a weapon tomorrow.
Multi Culti was never intended to have a happy ending for the host nation.
That's NOT what it was invented for.

Multiculturalism As A Tool To Divide And Conquer

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
When we White people say "Jews own Hollywood", it's considered anti-Semitism.

But when Jews themselves admit it...

--> https://twitter.com/DoctorNazarian/status/1592123400889458688

spoilerJewish people made Hollywood
because, due to antisemitism,
we were banned from other
industries. So sorry for being
successful and entertaining
you all these years. Also, sorry
if there are too many of us

( @brextremist )
@Nature_and_Race I always find it funny when jews claim that they were "banned" from all jobs except media, banking, law etc. Like "antisemites" would ban them from doing menial labour, and only allow them to do the jobs where they can weild power and influence.

( @sledgehammer10 )
@brextremist @Nature_and_Race No jew can do hard work. They want jobs of zero physical challenge to them.

( @VonGustav )
@Nature_and_Race jews are always blaming Whites for being "pushed into" specific industries that also happen to have a huge area of influence over society.

Nobody forced them into banking. They took over banking with nepotism.
Nobody forced them into hollywood. They took it with more nepotism.

A lot of these industries require deception. Whites are naturally repelled by deception while jews love it.

( @ToBeCensored )
@Nature_and_Race the poor jews were banned from other industries...but somehow have control of banking, government, academia and law. Such victims, poor poor jews.

( @Approx )
@ToBeCensored @Nature_and_Race It is like in the anti-american documentary that burns just made (and devon stack, blackpilled, went over). There was a jew complaining that his family had to live in a "spacious sunny apartment" when they invaded the US. It had the sad music and everything.

( @HanseI )
@Nature_and_Race Ah yes, the same old ''we control all relevant institutions because we were banned from x'' excuse they've been using for centuries. Very believable.

( @hermanhale )
@Nature_and_Race There were never any laws banning Jews from anything in the USA.

( @Mallard_ )
@Nature_and_Race Yeah I'm sure there was a ban on Jews doing heavy manual labor lol

Anonymous[285] #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut unz.com

One thing for sure, these riots are not Islamic. Sure, many are children of Muslim immigrants and sure, some of them shout ‘Muh Muhammad’. But they are mostly into gangsta rap culture imported from the US. Their behavior is modeled on jungle culture of thugs and gangstas than on the pillars of Islam. These are more like BLM riots. Some argue that the problem is lack of assimilation.

Actually, the problem is these immigrants kids are fully assimilated into the Western New Normal of blackity-black, rap culture, youth thuggery, and ‘white guilt’. Most ‘Muslim’ youths are more into gangsta culture than Islamic studies. But, given the taboos against blaming blacks, people pretend the fault is with Islam.

It’s true that the West has imported a lot of Third World trash. But what passes for ‘Western Culture’ lately? Twerking, homo degeneracy, rap music, pornification of kiddie culture, tranny men running riot, and etc.

Can you blame the newcomers for holding such a civilization in contempt? And if anything, it seems too many of the newcomers have indeed fully assimilated to the ‘Western Culture’, one that made Rap music the #1 musical genre. And long before this happened, let’s not forget the white lunatics of May 68 and the disgusting Punk movement in the UK that celebrated anarchy and destruction.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

The Psi-Lord after the 60th Anniversary of Israel has become the new Grand High Priest of the Sanhedrin, as any Psi-Master can become a High Priest of Judaic Satanism (Sanhedrin 59a). As Tim Rifat believes in regime change not revolution this Bone Generator® Service makes you the chosen race of Total Intent so like the Jews before you, everything in the West will be owned by a few Psi-Lord Ltd, Psi-Masters.

Now to clarify what a Satanic Jew is and why some Western Jews who are against Israel (the self hating Jew) are not Satanic and in fact not even pharisaic. In the Kabbalah of the Zohar it is revealed the world of the Sephirotic Tree (the same one as in Genesis) consists of 6 Kabbalistic Trees; three up and three down; the Matrix and the infernal qlippotic realms respectively of the Western world and the Demons beneath. This means there are two dark energy matter worlds quantum superimposed on ours. Or more accurately dark energy matter for the left Kabbalistic Tree for Insectiles, Archons and a right Kabbalistic Tree for strange energy matter for the Satanic Jews and shapeshifting Reptiloids.
The Psi-Lord in this Bone Generator® Service gives the quantum computing engine the power not to decohere the strange dark energy matter in Satanic Jews. This turns the strange dark energy matter entity negative rendering it timelike so it loses all power over mind over matter, reality and turns the physical shell (all Satanic Jews are Shells) negative so the body becomes timelike and loses all power to influence the world, win wars, dominate the West as the body decays and dies from super quick entropy. Psi-Lord Ltd apologises if any insult is given to non Israeli Jews of the Middle Kabbalistic Tree, they are not harmed by this Service.
Enjoy dominance over the West as the Satanic Jews have done before by sequestering their Mind over Matter power to steal, hijack, appropriate all temporal riches and hotties, money and sex.

$600 with Certificate

Entity Art #racist #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut entityart.co.uk

So why is it obvious the David Icke is not really one of us? … That he is not our guy…. That he is working for (((them)))… so many reasons:

Firstly, Icke has appeared on mainstream television here in the UK on quite a few occasions, many times in fact, even appearing on a very popular morning television program just a few years ago. And, of course, he was on prime time TV when he was just starting out with his ‘conspiracy theories’. The Zionists are not going to allow anyone onto mainstream TV stations that they don’t want on there. Come on.
Icke does not expose terrorist events as being faked – staged drills passed off as real, with nobody dying in them. And he does not expose the Freemasonic / jewish gematria coded into them and the Freemasonry symbology on display. He calls some of them false flags, but there is a big difference between a false flag and a hoax. Boston bombing, Orlando shooting, Las Vegas, Paris Bataclan, Manchester Arena, Nice Bastille Day etc etc,set up by the Zionists and Freemasons.
Icke uses the Reptilian rhetoric as a deflection and distraction. Politicians and Royal Family members being shape shifting reptiles etc… I don’t believe this at all. Sure, there are going to be some extraterrestrial intelligences having a big influence this planet, probably mainly offworld somewhere, but this shape shifting rhetoric is nonsense in my eyes, zero proof for it.

(It was designed to make Truthers look like they were nuts and without credibility – notice how Icke does not talk about this subject anymore)
But David Icke won’t tell you this part – as this is who David Icke ultimately works for – he is working toward the jewish New World Order. And yes, it is absolutely a jewish agenda, Icke won’t emphasise this. This New World Order agenda all comes from the jewish doctrines and scriptures (the Talmud, the Zohar, the Kaballah, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion)… it’s all there in them… no escaping from it, this is where it originates from…

National Justice Party #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia nationaljusticeparty.com

[From "The Platform of The National Justice Party"]

1)The United States of America will be declared an outpost of Western civilization and a state dedicated to its European-heritage population and their posterity. It will be the policy of the state to set immigration and natal policy that will ensure a permanent European majority. The rights of historic minority populations will be respected.
2)We demand the extension of the 1964 Civil Rights act to provide equal protections and privileges to the White majority, or the act must be repealed[…]
4)We support a two percent ceiling on Jewish employment in vital institutions so that they better represent the ethnic and regional population balance of the country[…]
6)We support private property rights, including a program to make home ownership more accessible to stably employed family men. Small businesses and communities will be granted the right to refuse service or home ownership to anyone for any reason they see fit[…]
8)We demand the FBI, which acts as nothing more than a political secret police force for elite interests, be abolished and replaced with a legitimate federal law enforcement agency.
20)We will restore reason, logic and tradition to the education system by implementing a comprehensive classical curriculum. Homosexual, neoliberal, and transgender propaganda will be explicitly banned from being taught to children
21)We will establish a Department of Culture that will oversee the creation of art and architecture to enlighten the public through beauty and transcendence[…]
23)We support strong families. Married women will be paid by the state to care for their children. No fault divorce will be repealed, and homosexual marriage will be banned[…]
25)In order to put an end to racial conflict and hate, all people will be entitled to be policed, educated, and judged by individuals of their own race. No longer will any race be exploited for the benefit of another in America

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
"So sorry for entertaining you all these years"

Entertaining us? More like indoctrinating us with anti-White propaganda all these years.

Hollywood is the most powerful propaganda machine on the planet. It literally shapes people's perceptions of reality. And Jews admit that they're in charge of it.

spoilerJewish people made Hollywood
because, due to antisemitism,
we were banned from other
industries. So sorry for being
successful and entertaining
you all these years. Also, sorry
if there are too many of us

( @Zander9899 )
@Nature_and_Race The Jews purportedly being "forced" into Hollywood, reminds me of their being "forced" into money lending... 😅💰

( @nothingshed )
@Zander9899 @Nature_and_Race jews deserve all the hate they get.

@Nature_and_Race Always the sanctimonious victim. jew filth never "made" anything. They infested what was already there and corrupted it. It's what they do. It's what they've always done and always will do.

No more.

( @Henrysavage101 )
@Nature_and_Race What a Joke! Jews literally stole the movie making technology from a inventive White man (Thomas Edison) and moved to an area (Hollywood) where copyright laws could not be enforced. The movie industry was previously based in Boston!

( @JurgenP )
How were they "banned" from other industries? I dont recall an American law regarding banning jews.


( @Wisecracker )
@JurgenP @Nature_and_Race Constant jewish refrain when caught: "oops, sorry for harming and destroying you but we were forced to do it because we were holocausted/banned/whatever"

Even if you accepted the false logical construct, their alleged persecution is always bullshit.

No, they weren't "banned" from farming or manual productive labor. They weren't "forced" into being powerful international bankers, lawyers, doctors, or media moguls. They achieve those parasitical power positions through nepotism, crime, and bribery. And the holohoax is a total fabrication, of course.

Oved Hugi #wingnut #racist #psycho timesofisrael.com

Energy Minister Israel Katz fired his political adviser Monday after media reports exposed extremist remarks[…]
Despite being fired, the adviser, Oved Hugi, attended a Knesset committee discussion on Monday

The Kan public broadcaster reported Sunday evening on Hugi’s remarks[…]
Hugi, a social activist and member of the ruling Likud party’s central committee who has for years represented Jewish residents of southern Tel Aviv in Knesset committees, blasted former top law enforcement officials on Saturday, after the judges in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trial reportedly said the bribery charge against the premier would be hard to prove

“May your memory be blotted out, Shai Nitzan, Mandelbluff and Roni Alsheich,” Hugi wrote on Facebook, referring respectively to the former state attorney, former attorney general Avichai Mandelblit and the former police chief, who were in charge of the investigation and the indictment against Netanyahu. Hugi has previously claimed Mandelblit and Nitzan were descendants of Hitler[…]
Hugi tweeted: “Today I understand why Hitler, may his memory be blotted out, slaughtered six million Ashkenazim and all of Europe cooperated with him.” In another post, reacting to an uproar over anti-Haredi remarks by radio host Natan Zahavi, Hugi wrote: “From day to day I respect Hitler, may his name and memory be blotted out, thanks to Zahavi”[…]
Hugi criticized Hitler for “killing six million [people] instead of just killing [former Supreme Court chief justice] Aharon Barak”[…]
Hugi wondered “how it is possible that there are people in Israel with the family name Schwartz while the commander of the concentration and death camp Auschwitz had the family name Schwartz”

Growing parts of the Israeli right wing associate Ashkenazi Jews with left-wing political positions and Sephardi and other Jews with Middle Eastern roots with the political right, arguing that the Ashkenazi “hegemony” has been subjugating the Sephardi “Second Israel”

J.B. Shurk #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy americanthinker.com

Why is it that whenever I call customer support to get a replacement for my broken America, I end up on the line with an operator from China? I kid...but only a little. Four separate stories this last week hit the nail on the head:

(1) In defending America's two-tiered (in)justice system currently dedicated to covering up Biden family crimes while persecuting Trump and his supporters, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland had the audacity to declare that any condemnation of the secret police "constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy."

Hear that, plebes? "Democracy" will survive only if the people's voices are silenced and the powerful institutions are obeyed. The opinions of commoners are "attacks," while the crimes of institutions are "essential." To save "democracy," defend the dictatorship!
(2) Pretend President Biden stumbled into California to push his plans for gun confiscation and mocked the idea that the Second Amendment is an essential check against government tyranny. "So what's the deal with the idea that it's an absolute?" Dementia Joe mumbled. "You know, the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots. Well, if [you] want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16."
(3) A federal judge ruled that a student's First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were not violated when school administrators ordered him to remove a shirt with printed text saying, "There are only two genders." The Obama judge concluded that "the shirt invades the rights of others."
(4) Finally, the CEO of Raytheon — one of America's major defense companies — gave an interview in which he stated clearly that "decoupling" from China is impossible.
If only there had been an American president who had warned about the dangers of depending on communist China for America's own defense. Oh, right! — that was one of the major planks of Donald Trump's America First campaign.

Lauren Chen & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Lauren Chen )
No special interest group is off-limits for jokes.

Offended? Then don't laugh, change the channel, and move on.

Go ask the trans lobby how trying to censor Dave Chappelle went for them.

spoilerWe shouldn't expect
to serve as
society's moral compass, but
disturbing to see
@nbcsnl not
just normalize but popularize
Why are Jewish
sensitivities denied or diminished
at almost every turn? Why does
our trauma trigger applause?

( @DMark2137 )
@thelaurenchen "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes You" - Old Polish Proverb

( @Gibson2480 )
@thelaurenchen 👌

( @Stinkyjoe2021 )
dear black folks , so far he’s trying to cancel another black man.,

( @USAirForceVet )

( @jbwilson24 )
@thelaurenchen Not quite sure how they can complain about diminished sensibilities when they overrun us with holocaust propaganda at every opportunity. Does this dolt not realize that Canada just made holocaust skepticism illegal?

( @JoeBarrackOBiden )
@jbwilson24 @thelaurenchen That what these turds want everywhere. Why is that the only piece of history you cannot question ? The Holodomor was way worse. And communist Joos did that.

( @WhiteWellBeing )
@JoeBarrackOBiden @jbwilson24 @thelaurenchen They don't want us questioning it because it is an outrageous lie that jews have turned into a cash cow.

( @I_Am_Sand_X )
@thelaurenchen This fucking kike is really starting to get on my nerves...

( @Annon559 )
@thelaurenchen I think the jews have way more pull than the fags..

( @jbwilson24 )
@Annon559 @thelaurenchen The trick with that one is that they are almost one and the same. There's a good book out there by Thaddeus Russell (leftist historian) on how the gay rights movement was pretty much all Jewish.

( @St_Goy )
@thelaurenchen Because we know what your end game is for us-enslavement, or death.

State of the Nation #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stateofthenation.co

If ever there was a time to correctly understand how the world is really run, that time is now. Since the fate of humanity and future of planet Earth now lies in the very delicate balance, these revelations are more important than ever.

The detailed report posted below only discloses information about the many well concealed mafia families of which Khazarian Cabal’s “International Organized Crime Syndicate” is comprised. It does not reveal the other much larger and more powerful sectors of the global power structure that, colluding together in a highly coordinated fashion, completely rule this entire planetary civilization.
For example, the establishment of the worldwide Corporatocracy via the Central Banking Cartel and International Banking Crime Syndicate was the single biggest achievement of the globalist’s New World Order implementation plan.
Then there is the complete takeover of governments at all levels—federal, state, county and city—by the ubiquitous Khazarian Cabal. The U.S. Federal Government is the most glaring example of a real ZOG–the utter usurpation of a national government by the Khazarians.

*ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government
The US government, along with the British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Swiss, Irish, Danish, etc. governments all belong to the Zio-Anglo-American Axis which is nothing but massive international crime syndicate. Its main mafia or muscle enforcer is NATO (also known as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).
What becomes quite apparent from even a cursory scan of the list below is that many of the wealthiest mafia crime families come from the European Black Nobility, and especially from the Northern Italian Black Nobility. That’s because the Roman Empire model was utilized by the Khazarian Cabal to carve up the whole world into crime territories by which to rape, pillage and plunder the entire planetary civilization.

Jussi Halla-aho and Vilhelm Junnila #racist #wingnut #sexist #psycho euronews.com

Incoming Prime Minister Petteri Orpo is facing a public relations headache over the Speaker of Parliament and the Minister for Economic Affairs, both positions filled by the far-right Finns Party

In Finland, it's no secret that Jussi Halla-aho[…]has a decades-long track record of racist comments, and deeply troubling writings

The blog posts[…]contain disturbing insights into the worldview which has shaped his politics, and even brought him convictions for 'disturbing religious worship' and 'ethnic agitation' for which he was fined by the Finnish Supreme Court[…]
Halla-aho wrote in June 2006 that Islam is a "religion of pedophiles," and the Prophet Mohammed "was a pedophile"

He said that "robbing passers-by" was a "genetic trait" of Somalis

In 2006 he implied he would be "exclusively happy if a 'gang of immigrants' raped" a Green party MP

"I still and will continue to sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that if a woman who opposes the deportation of immigrant rapists is raped by an immigrant rapist, it is a happy thing," he later wrote[…]
"Violence is an underrated problem-solving tool today," he wrote in November 2008, during a discussion on whether to shoot a gay man in a Helsinki park[…]
When asked by Finnish journalists about his writings, Halla-aho's usual response is to say they are old, and he doesn't bring them up, it's the media's choice to keep going back and rehashing old texts[…]
Another headache facing the incoming Finnish government is Minister of Economic Affairs Vilhelm Junnila[…]
In 2019, Junnila was the featured speaker at an event in the western city of Turku which ostensibly was supposed to commemorate a terrorist attack two years previously

However, the rally was arranged by an organisation called the Coalition of Nationalists, an umbrella group formed in 2017 for those on the far-right including the Finns Party, the now-banned Nordic Resistance Movement, and the Soldiers of Odin vigilante movement

various commenters #racist gettr.com

( @LeoKearse )
Lenny Henry says he's "always surprised" by the lack of black faces at Glastonbury. That's how I feel watching adverts, but with white faces.

( @emcgr )
Most adverts now show mixed race couples. Not representative of uk but advertisers seem to be full woke now.

( @trippy60 )
Most things on tv now are black actors or black families !!...if not then they are poofs 🤬

( @rob49 )
They are too busy stabbing each other

( @Goldengoose85 )
I play minority bingo with the kids now during the ad breaks. Last night on itv we sat through a whole ad break of around 5 mins, not a straight white man in sight 😒

( @nostromo_uk )
I bet Jon bon Jovi is just gobsmacked by the sea of brown faces staring back at him when he plays gigs in Brazil and must think gee do I have to wait till we play Texas to see any white folks?

Can someone ask Lenny how many white faces appear in the crowds in African music festivals? And this is the problem, MSM and advertisers would have everyone believe we will in a 50/50 race populated country when it's 80/20.

Lenny Henry used to be funny now he's just a race grifter like so many of them. Ktanga my friends.

Warren Balogh #racist #conspiracy tgstat.com

Forward from: Warren Balogh *NEW*

So let me get this straight:
1. Prigozhin, leader of the mutiny, is Jewish

2. Standing "directly behind him," according to Russian nationalist Igor Girkin, is Sergey Kiriyenko—Putin's Deputy Chief of Staff, who also happens to be Jewish—and the grandson of a highly decorated Jewish Bolshevik Cheka terrorist

3. This comes just as the big offensive is being launched from Ukraine, under the Jewish junta of Vladimir Zelensky

4. All this is happening against the backdrop of Russia building closer ties to Iran, which threatens Israel

5. The flag of the Wagner mercenary corps is being hoisted in Ukraine

6. Anne Applebaum, the biggest Jewish neocon war hawk against Russia at the Atlantic, is calling this Putin's "Tzar Nicholas moment" (Nicholas and his entire family were murdered by Jewish Bolsheviks)

"Connect the dots" song from PeeWee's Playhouse

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @TheRealKanyeWest )

spoiler"You know, the rules
of perception. If
they're Black, then it's
a gang. If they're
Italian, it's a mob. If
they're Jewish, it's a
coincidence and you
should never speak
about it."

( @aionia )
A murder of crows
A pack of wolves
A gang of blacks
A coincidence of jews

( @YiddishGypsies )
@aionia @TheRealKanyeWest

"a coincidence of jews"....

what a tragic comedy.

"jews" are all simply yiddish-gypsies who have CONVERTED to judiasm within the last few centuries, and now these same yiddish-gypsies claim to be transformed into semites from another continent, do we see a lie?!

These yiddish-gypsies have conveniently been deflecting attacks because they have gaslit everyone into falsely believing they are semite-jews, who are not yiddish-gypsies.

Yiddish-gypsies have dirty yiddish-gypsy-laws called mitzvahs, these mitzvah laws REQUIRE all yiddish-gypsy tribal members to LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, SWINDLE, BEGUILE, ENSLAVE all other non-tribal members, and for doing so gives them future rewards from heaven.


( @BasedAsianUSA )
@aionia @TheRealKanyeWest

( @DarenFromDelaware )

** if they're White it's "supremacist"

Remember it's Okay to be White!

( @SimonPMcNudd )
@TheRealKanyeWest What do you call a black guy riding a bicycle in Brooklyn? A thief.

The Zetas via Nancy Lieder #ufo #magick #racist #wingnut #conspiracy zetatalk.com

When a leader dies a Double can be installed in their place. Bibi’s Double is being run by the White Hats since 2020 to entrap the Khazarian Mafia. The Soros Double in place since 2016 was eventually replaced by the Soros family elder son, with the original Soros agenda being continued. Erdogan was replaced by a Double after a heart attack in 2019, but his political agenda was continued by his staff who quickly mustered several Doubles. Erdogan’s popularity in Turkey has once again been proven in 2023. Turkey holds the line against new NATO members such as the Ukraine. Turkey likewise sides with Russia on oil embargo issues. Thus this election is a win for Putin as well as the people of Turkey.
<Q> Hi can the zetas talk about all the forest fires going on in Quebec?
<A> Until the New Madrid Rupture pulls the Mainland and SE Portions of N America apart, there will be extreme dynamics pulling on the Mainland. As the Pacific compresses, the Mainland is pulled West and is pulled down heavily onto Mexico. The tug-of-war between the Portions shows up along the Mississippi River and under the Seaway in the record of almost constant building collapses, pipeline breaks, and train derailments. But the tugging that Canada must endure is relatively new, and is due to the African Roll continually pulling the SE Portion to the East.

The northeast portion of the N American Plate above the Seaway is firmly attached to the Eurasian Plate. These plates are bonded through the Arctic and remain bonded at Iceland and Norway until they reach Africa. As the Africa Roll picks up the pace, the Mainland Portion attempts to yaw open the Seaway. Stretch zone tugging is a silent matter, but the rock layers nevertheless pull apart, release methane from trapped vegetation, and cause underground fires. Thus Canadian provinces are showing SO2 and CO emission and wildfires emerge.

Matthew Boose #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy amgreatness.com

Forty-five years ago, anti-communist dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn caused a stir at Harvard with a famous commencement speech deploring the decadence of the West. The rivalry of the Cold War was not as neat as it appeared, he said. The liberal West, by making man and his desire for material satisfaction the measure of all things, was becoming a spiritual desert not unlike the Communist world:
The West had become cowardly and ruled over by “legalistic” elites without morality. The erstwhile master of the world was becoming the slave of its former colonies.

Solzhenitsyn’s oracular pronouncements ring even truer today. Western “scientists” fancy themselves miracle workers who are beyond reproach, and they are treated as such by intellectual elites and much of the population. Despite its uncontested material prosperity, the West is so enervated that many are captivated by the prospect of their own destruction. Western nations have welcomed the steady replacement of their peoples and cultures as “progress.” COVID, before it became hysteria, was an entertainment that filled many a void in people’s lives.
If the world is spared fiery destruction, the alternative is to trudge aimlessly through an endless winter. Western leaders have become hectoring dictators, caught up in endless exhortation. Toward what goal? “Democracy,” they say. “Equity.”

What have been the fruits of these idols? Oppressive ennui, mediocrity, and evils that multiply faster than the human imagination can reckon. The political freedoms once associated with Anglo-American liberalism, such as free speech, are now an illusion, replaced by a purely libertine conception of “freedom.” The blasphemous worship of sexual exotics and racial minorities is enforced by the world’s most powerful government. What could be worse than world war, you ask: How about a 1,000-year-long celebration of sodomy?

Not since the days of the Roman Empire have Christians faced so fearsome and obdurate an enemy.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Can anyone show me where "single childless White women" run any branch of government, the military, law enforcement, Hollywood, Wall Street, the media, universities, or even grade schools?

Sargon here is towing the anti-White party line, playing it completely safe, taking no personal risks at all, by blaming White women (like the anti-White Liberal that he is), rather than calling out the actual tribe that does own and control all of the abovementioned facets of society.

( @NSSAP )
@Nature_and_Race -- It is easier, and safer to blame everyone, except the real culprits. International jewry.

( @Romanian_Hustler )
@NSSAP its the globalist bro. Not jews. Globalist

( @Morgul )
@Nature_and_Race Divide and conquer. The engineers are hard at work fostering a multi-racial male rightwing while alienating White women from White men. The fact people can't see this befuddles me.

Scapegoat White women while ignoring how non-whites vote is subversive. We've all seen the charts.

( @My_burner )
@Nature_and_Race he’s always been a cuck like that. I remember when he interviewed or debated
Andrew Anglin he kept trying to present him as some NAZI genocidal maniac

( @Kriger1488 )

And anglin is a cuck too. He works with the jew weev.

( @MessageSent )
@Nature_and_Race to be fair women control the sexual marketplace. Tale as old as time. The devil manipulates the woman to subvert the man.

( @_Seraphim_ )

It’s the fuckin jews

( @Tentontin )
@Nature_and_Race Jews create the problem, White men allow the problem, White women accept the problem as now new normal.

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
What are white men suppose to do?

( @Angryhumanbeing )
@Nature_and_Race Jews. It is the Jews. It has always been the Jews. They use groups as tools.

( @JamieEverhart )

Yes we know the Jewish gangsters run alot of the world. Can't do much about it right now. We do have some control over white women though as they are a large demographic.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

Because people are getting dangerously fed up with Jews using their alleged "trauma" to guilt the entire fucking world into bowing down and serving Jewish interests.

Because people are getting dangerous fed up with Jews waging literal war against innocent White people. The world is collectively on the brink of saying "enough is enough" of these fucking Jews.

spoilerWe shouldn't expect
@DaveChappelle to serve as
society's moral compass, but
disturbing to see @nbcsnl not
just normalize but popularize
#antisemitism. Why are Jewish
sensitivities denied or
diminished at almost every
turn? Why does our trauma
trigger applause?

( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race They were hoping that by the time enough goyim figured it out their jew-pharma-jew-death shots would have killed us all. They are a clear and present danger to White people. They have to be dealt with.

( @TheMadPiper )
@Nature_and_Race Interesting definition of trauma, ie, "calling us out on our own behaviour".

( @knightess )
jewish accountability = trauma 😔

( @heir_to_greatness )
@Nature_and_Race the best way for jews to end antisemitism is to stop being jews

( @T0000008 )
@Nature_and_Race "our trauma"

( @SundayNiteDriver )
@Nature_and_Race I wonder if other Jewish leaders asked these questions each time they were about to be kicked from a society? Or if it’s just him

( @knightess )
@SundayNiteDriver "jews never did anything wrong and were discriminated against for no good reason whatsoever"

( @hamburgertoday )
@Nature_and_Race The Jew: If it cannot destroy you outright, it must try to whine you to death.

( @NotYourGolem )
@Nature_and_Race Why did jews let a black man speak on a jewish comedy show owned by a jewish TV network?

Geez, it's almost like the laughing studio audience full of NYC jews know that talking about jewish power gives them a boner, and knowing they can whine the next day and people will obey it, finishes them off.

CHOoseWisely123 #wingnut #racist incels.is

A majority of the “Norman” retards on the internet spewing bullshit out of their ass about politics and/or the war, 200 years ago wouldn’t have even given a God damn about any of this bull shit :feelsseriously: and since they weren’t connected to a hive mind of faggots :soy: , niggers, foids :foidSoy:and other ideologies they’d probably be a lot more based than they are now. :feelsjuice:

The only people in office for the most part during the true Republic era of the USA were mostly unattractive older established White Men. :feelsokman:

The people who voted for these old unattractive men were other established unattractive older White Men who had a family/stake in the society, part of the majority race and religion in the country and the pioneers of said country. :feelsthink:

Now you have a bunch of fucking Nigger Rayrays and Pookies running once major hubs of Western Civilization In the WORLD!

You have a female Vice President :feelskek: who is openly Anti-White and on top of this she’s willing to free a Russian Criminal “the Merchant of Death” :feelsohgod::dafuckfeels: for a dike nigger sheboon arrested on drug charges who plays for a dead sport league that’s subsidized by the Male NBA.:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

An old senile and vile woman named Nancy Pelosi just splitting up the country and sparked the beginning of the Cold War with China to…”make a statement”.:feelsPop::feelsPop::feelsPop:

A retarded old beta male as president which was rigged :feelsrope:but many women and even northerners and west coastfags (from the city) voted for this bullshit because the retarded Jew on the TV Late Night and News entertainment show for city slickers told them orange man was terrible and a dictator! :feelsUgh:

Need I say more? :hax:

John de Nugent #crackpot #racist #ufo #fundie #conspiracy johndenugent.com

In creating a new, truly Aryan and non-semitic religion — to defeat atheism, Judaism, Islam and Freemasonry — I published a major essay on the Aryan Jesus, and his real origin and secret mission.
For me, Saul-ianity, that is, “Christianity” is, in actuality, the original teachings of Jesus of Galilee as they were radically twisted around by Saul, an enemy of Jesus and for years an open Sanhedrin agent, as the man had to admit.

And this pro-jew dogma for the goyim is the most dangerous bullshit on earth for white people, starting with its veneration of the jews’ twisted book, “the Bible.”

If “Christinsanity” really did destroy the Western Roman Empire, why did it not also destroy the Eastern Roman Empire? It was just as Christian, with the same doctrines — and there was no schism back then.

The very Christian Eastern RE lasted until AD 1453…. and would probably be around today if the Fourth Crusade had not gone outrageously off course in AD 1204. The blow was mortal; the Eastern Roman Empire never completely recovered.
I think a point to remember is that Jews and Freemasons actually finance all sort of scholars (Ivy League and other) and often churn out truly hairbrained theories that make the jews look good.
The New Testament itself says Mary was unmarried when she became pregnant after an angel told her God would be the father, not her jewish fiancée Joseph.

This is a classic case of a starseed, a Nordic who incarnates as an earthling, as one of us, as a human like us. He or she lives, eats, drinks, uses the toilet, ages, and finally dies, and speaks to us NOT as a god, but as a fellow human, all this in order to have much more real effect on us.

If Jesus came both then and now as a god to us, or as a Nordic alien in a silver spaceship that can go Mach 23, then know this:

With 1,000% certainty, young souls, who form the majority on this planet, would beg said god or alien to save us from our own bad karma and self-caused shitty life situation.

CroatianManlet et al. #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Why do serbs act like jews

Constantly crying about muh jasenovac and muh 1 serbillion even though there isn't much evidence that it happened and even if it did serbs inflate the numbers greatly this is kike behaviour tbh


Did Jasenovac happen
Yes oy vey never forget the 1 serbillion Votes: 5 45.5%
Yes but the numbers are inflated Votes: 0 0.0%
No but it should have Votes: 5 45.5%
No Votes: 1 9.1%
Total voters 11

Jasenovac happend but Serbs did Srebrenica, idk why you south slavs are so bloodthirsty, Among us Northern Slavs the Ukrainians with Bandera are the only kind of radical nationalism.

Why do balkanoids spend so much time larping as some meme ethnicity and pretending like their neighbours aren't 99% the same dna

@12 Years a Rotter as a balkanshit what do you think

(Transcended Trucel)
indded. To everyone who isn't Balkan, a Croat/Serb/Bosniak whatever is the same shit

yup 100%. They're similar to the shitskin curries who argue over muh Allah/muh Vishnu/Muh cow worship pajeets.

And you can tell that all these ethnicities are so fake. They broke off from Yugoslavia cuz muh nationalism, muh sovereignty. Only to join EU and become complete subjects of Globohomo economic hegemony at the end.

"But, but our neighbours are jews/nazis/warcriminel/bad goyim"
Globohomo won in the end. And now what?
We balkans represent true mentalcels because we are so retarded that we cope with hate towards our neighbours. We speak the same language, experience spread of degeneracy and consequences of massive hypergamy.
I sometimes joke about croats because they are like bri'ish slavs. I don't hate anyone and I don't care about jasenovac because IT IS OVER.
In last 100 years height in western balkans increased for 16 cm or 6.3 inches. West balkans were already mogging other parts of europe, but it continued increasing very quickly. Coping with hate is just a consequence of hypergamous behavior and our men not having future, family, purpose etc.

Kingdom Identity Ministries #fundie #racist #conspiracy kingidentity.com

WE BELIEVE the White, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and kindred people to be God's true, literal Children of Israel. Only this race fulfills every detail of Biblical Prophecy and World History concerning Israel and continues in these latter days to be heirs and possessors of the Covenants, Prophecies, Promises and Blessings YHVH God made to Israel. This chosen seedline making up the "Christian Nations" (Gen. 35:11; Isa. 62:2; Acts 11:26) of the earth stands far superior to all other peoples in their call as God's servant race (Isa. 41:8, 44:21; Luke 1:54). Only these descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel scattered abroad (James 1:1; Deut. 4:27; Jer. 31:10; John 11:52) have carried God's Word, the Bible, throughout the world (Gen. 28:14; Isa. 43:10-12, 59:21), have used His Laws in the establishment of their civil governments and are the "Christians" opposed by the Satanic Anti-Christ forces of this world who do not recognize the true and living God (John 5:23, 8:19, 16:2-3).

WE BELIEVE in an existing being known as the Devil or Satan and called the Serpent (Gen. 3:1; Rev. 12:9), who has a literal "seed" or posterity in the earth (Gen. 3:15) commonly called Jews today (Rev. 2:9; 3:9; Isa. 65:15). These children of Satan (John 8:44-47; Matt. 13:38; John 8:23) through Cain (I John 2:22, 4:3) who have throughout history always been a curse to true Israel, the Children of God, because of a natural enmity between the two races (Gen. 3:15), because they do the works of their father the Devil (John 8:38-44), and because they please not God, and are contrary to all men (I Thes. 2:14-15), though they often pose as ministers of righteousness (II Cor. 11:13-15). The ultimate end of this evil race whose hands bear the blood of our Savior (Matt. 27:25) and all the righteous slain upon the earth (Matt. 23:35), is Divine judgment (Matt. 13:38-42, 15:13; Zech. 14:21).

Martin Armstrong #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #racist armstrongeconomics.com

[From "Confidence in America is Collapsing"]

My phone has been in meltdown ever since Trump was arrested[…]EVERY phone call I have had from Asia to Europe, they are all expressing complete shock that the United States is collapsing and they are now all seeing that our forecast that the 2024 Presidential Election would be the most corrupt in history and mark the END of democracy in the United States

These leftist people just do not get it, They crossed the line and now the view of the United States from the outside looking in, they no longer believe that America is the beacon of liberty to the world. It is becoming so obvious that our computer will be right again. I warned it even was showing that the 2024 election might not even take place. That was a small 18% probability, but that NEVER came up EVER in this history of running our political models – NEVER![…]
This year, 2023, was a MAJOR Directional Change that was showing up in both the LEFT & the RIGHT databases. The year 2025 is when a president would take office[…]This has been the #1 target on our political models for decades. The NEOCONS are in full control of the government[…]We will never realize the opportunity to reestablish a new form of government post-2032 without the pain and destruction first

During the Reign of Valentinian I and his brother, Valens, who came to power in 364AD[…]serious correlations[…]They too saw their power weakening so they allowed the Goths to cross the Danube and settle within Roman territory provided they would also then serve in the Roman military. This is what is really behind Biden allowing all these people to flood in through the border. What they do not realize, is that history repeats as Biden grants citizenship in return for military service. The Neocons want to build an army to defeat China and Russia simultaneously. Additionally, they assume that all these illegal aliens will vote Democrat so they can decimate the economy of natural-born citizens

Mike Stone #wingnut #conspiracy #racist henrymakow.com

In February of 2022, America and its Western allies were in a good spot. They were flying high off two stolen elections, and the virus hoax, which they masterfully engineered, was running right on schedule.

According to their own white papers and internal reports, it was scheduled to last until 2025, but actually looked as if it could be completed by early 2024.
But then a funny thing happened.

As if in answer to the prayers of millions of people around the world, Russia began its military rescue operation in Ukraine. And just like that, everything changed. Almost to the day that Russia began its military operation, the virus hoax stopped. And I mean stopped on a dime.

In the same way that a two-front war is much more difficult to fight than a one-front war, America and its allies immediately shifted all of their focus off the virus hoax and onto Ukraine.

This response by the U.S. will go down in history as one of the biggest blunders ever to take place on the world stage.

You could chalk these disastrous decisions made by America's unelected leaders up to hubris. After all, everything they'd set out to do over the three years prior to the Russian military operation, from the stolen elections to the virus hoax, had worked beautifully in their favor. But there's more to it than arrogance. There's basic incompetence.
Everyone involved in America's current policy-making is where they are due to fraud, nepotism, or unearned advancement. Not one of them has earned their place through merit. In fact, while they've weaseled their way into positions of influence, everyone who would have normally held those same positions due to competency and experience has been expunged. Particularly white men.

The systematic push to remove white men from society has had devastating consequences in every area of life. From government to industry, to white women, they've all taken drastic action to abandon white men and now our entire society is paying the price.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @FilthyPianist )
@Nature_and_Race one only need to remember the Sephardic filth that "converted" only to be further found out they kept being subversive, hence the Inquisition. christians, the European plague

( @Bateburglestien )
Their conversions amounted to nothing more than a baptism.
Which then provided a path for waves of Jews to infiltrate the Church and seize positions of authority within it.
And if not by that method than through secret societies.
But the Merovingians and Carolingians were already claiming descent from the line of David.
Even so that did not stop wealthy jews from marrying daughters into the noble houses of the aristoracy. Which is precisely why jewishness is matrilineal for most jews.

( @Twistle )
@Nature_and_Race I couldn’t say this about white people. There is little unity among us. A kunta will call a white woman a “racist karen” and all the white people flee in terror, rather than come to another white’s defense.

( @Mullet )

The Apostle Paul was downright vicious to the jews once he tired of their BS, and he even harshly rebuked Peter when he started drifting back into judaism because of peer pressure. Nevertheless, Paul was born a jew and even waxed nostalgia for his fellow jews in some of his epistles. Race matters, it's ingrained in our souls.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Mullet Paul was not a mongrel edomite jew he was a pureblood Israelite, the only apostle that was an edomite jew was the one that Paul replaced, Judas.

Whether the story is true or an allegory the moral of the story remains the same, Jesus/Yahshua chose Judas the edomite mongrel jew as his disciple knowing full well that Judas would betray him in the end thus proving the point that as a leopard can never change it's spots neither too can a jew change his deceiving nature. @Nature_and_Race

( @TaboRaceBookDOTcom )
@Nature_and_Race What do you think of David Horowitz?... "The racism in our country is an epidemic of anti-White racism. You can say anything about White people. You can fling terms like White supremacy around with no evidence, no basis in reality.”

( @VLCOX )
@Nature_and_Race What an idiot. That's like saying a nigger is no longer a nigger just because they say their not.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Racial instincts will always override religious conversion.

Jews can convert to whatever religion they want, it won't change their racial instincts.

Religiously they may become Christian or Muslim or even atheist, but racially they will forever remain Jewish, and conduct their actions as is biologically natural to the Jewish race.

@Nature_and_Race there are Jews in isreal and all over the world who are becoming Christian’s! They are our brothers & sisters in Christ now

( @brextremist )
@Nature_and_Race Yep. A splash of holy water is never going to change the inherent nature of the jew.

( @Miles_Deep )

Its the same with blacks, christians will say look we our brothers. Every race on the planet views everything in their life through a racial lens. The big con on Whites was/is convincing them that they are racist when they do it.

( @844steamtrain )
@Nature_and_Race I've always been race over faith. Anyone can identify as "Christian" and have Christian faith, and that's fine. But the inherent genetic and biological aspects remain. The races are different. Average IQ, behavior, bone structure, skin color, cultures, environmental conditions, etc. Race mixing, multiculturalism, only one race the human race do not work in real life, and never will.

( @K_Hard_R_Jo )
@Nature_and_Race jews convert to subvert

( @gthousandaire )
@Nature_and_Race I don't care if they're "Born Again" or not. They need to be watched out for. Consider Joel Osteen. He's like several generations removed from it, and still....

( @departmentofbased )
@Nature_and_Race (((satan))) is a master of deception no matter which cloak he wears.

( @FanaticalTexan )
@Nature_and_Race It seems like a lot of people just take what a jew says at face value.
I get we can never truly know what's in someone's heart, but we can still observe patterns.
The jew's native language is lies. This has been noticed for thousands of years. To ignore that is naive at best.
Even the devil can quote scripture and as such, the jew can also do the same as a way to deceive good people.

( @Ilisyer )
@Nature_and_Race Race is real and we're not the same.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Freedom of speech means being allowed to speak the truth about Jews.

EDIT: She deleted her post.

spoilerSure are a lot of antisemites on gab

( @SeanK_Davis )
@Nature_and_Race Funny how the people worried about antisemitism don't seem to notice the open promotion of anti-White, anti-Christian, pro-degenerate behavior by the Jews. It's not like they make any attempt to hide it - they just yell "antisemite!" when you notice. Weird.

( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race @anavrin5 There are alot of antisemites everywhere. You just don't know it because they don't talk about it. Yet. Here they do so you come here and think there are "alot". Your frame of reference is distorted because free speech isn't allowed everywhere. Just here.

( @PM64 )
@Nature_and_Race Lemme guess...I'll bet Connie here is part of the "I'd rather commit suicide than be called a racist" brigade..

( @CN32 )
@Nature_and_Race They didn't complain when people called for killing Whites or 'ending Whiteness' or killing Christians and Republican.

( @Blues46 )
@Nature_and_Race Being aware of REALITY happens to be anti-semetic because the Jews are actually doing all of this nefarious stuff!
People are just so brainwashed they refuse to see it. Anti-semitism is greatest Gaslight of all time.

( @HappyTracker )
@Blues46 @Nature_and_Race agreed... Christians and Jews share the same father in Abraham. Stand against the Jews and you are standing against God...the makes you antichrist...sad... people don't even know before they go down this easy route of Hate.

( @emma_rooks )
@Nature_and_Race There are only two types of people in the world who understand what’s going on:

1) Jews
2) critics of jews

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Jews are inherently anti-White, in the same way that hyenas are inherently anti-lion.

It's not a choice. It's a genetic compulsion.

( @ironcrossman )
@Nature_and_Race i hope you fucking die slowly, cumstain, for every christian is a jew at heart

( @Invalid_Entry )
@ironcrossman @Nature_and_Race let me check my heart for the hatred of Whites and the love of pedophilia, cannibalism, and human sacrifice .. hmmm yeah sorry no molech worshipping here.

( @LilBobbyD )
@ironcrossman oy vey, you smell like a kike @Nature_and_Race

( @Bluewashin )
@Nature_and_Race there are Jews in isreal and all over the world who are becoming Christian’s! They are our brothers & sisters in Christ now

( @Unknownusername1988 )
@Bluewashin @Nature_and_Race
They can be our brothers and sisters away from White countries.

( @MeinBlutIstMeineKraft )
@Bluewashin @Nature_and_Race Conversos will turn on you the second they can, religion is a poor substitution for race.

( @turtleswolverine )
@Bluewashin @Nature_and_Race this is just not true. Jews spit on Christians in Israel and throw eggs at their churches. They hate Christianity.

( @Jagdpanzer )
@Bluewashin They become nominal "Christians" to exert control over the direction of the religion. They subvert it. How do you think Christian churches became so "woke" recently? They have almost identical "values" to Reform Judaism, and that wasn't by accident. That's the work of your "jewish converts".

( @Jack0Neill2Ls )
@Nature_and_Race I've always said this. Kikes gonna kike. For us to ignore our better nature and not expell them is what is unnatural. Their presence is because we allow it. We have our own inner jew that must be extinguished and when we as a people reject what they offer (degeneracy in all its forms) then our hearts are ready for the last and final jewish expulsion and the Final Reich that will reign 1,000 years.

( @Henrysavage101 )
@Nature_and_Race 'Jews are inherently anti-White, in the same way that hyenas are inherently anti-lion.

It's not a choice. It's a genetic compulsion'

Racial consciousness


its not a culture, its not a religion IT IS WHAT THEY EVOLVED TO DO!

@Nature_and_Race Obviously you are pro Black with as you have the same mentality as a Nigger.

Kaisar #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Juneteenth"]

Juneteenth: the most ludicrous holiday of all time? Perhaps

I believe it should at least be in the nomination, if not the winner

It is currently in the running for this coveted title because this one day demonstrates the sheer insanity of our society like no other holiday[…]
The day just became a federal holiday only two years ago ([…]political ploy by Joe Biden). Before then, no one even knew what it was, save for a select group of about 100 blacks in Texas. There never was a federal holiday honoring the end of slavery; they are rebranding this day as something it never was[…]
The Feds are trying desperately to relate this holiday to the holy grail Abe Lincoln, so that no normiecon can speak bad against it

I noticed this tactic last year: If something is related to Lincoln, then Team Red cannot say anything bad about it

On June 19, 1865. Union Army General Gordon Granger led thousands of federal troops to Galveston, Texas to announce that the slaves are freed. Therefore, we commemorate this day of the enslaved African Americans[…]

That is more than I ever cared to know about a Union general and this holiday, but there you go. We don’t celebrate the day they were freed, just the day some Union general told them so in Texas[…]
Since all holy days are supposed to involve worship or thanks, this day must then be the worship of the blacks, which fits our state religion. Jared Taylor recently just wrote a humorous article[…]We Have a State Religion

Even the name is hilariously dopey. It is an improper English pronunciation of June and nineteen, said with the slang of a black Southern individual

You really cannot make this stuff up. The elites really do hate us

Happy upcoming Juneteenth, all. May the worship of the black notification of emancipation be with you

Jeff Brown and Shane Rain #wingnut #conspiracy #racist msn.com

(Jeff Brown)
The race baiters want you to think it was one race enslaving another in the US...
but that wasn't what was going on...
For the most part, it was the wealthy elite that held slaves in the US...
The vestiges of slavery aren't now tied to the nonsense that the race baiters will argue...
The vestiges of slavery are NOW the exploitation of undocumented workers....
largely cajoled, incited and "sanctuaried" by the same party that fought for slavery all those years ago...

(shane rain)
cuz they were fighting to keep the south, which technically should have been able to secede it would seem- if they democratically decided to leave, like texas wants to, take away their nukes an good riddance... so they made it about slavery. Lincoln was actually a big0t

Fuzzy Slippers #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #racist #conspiracy legalinsurrection.com

Things are shifting, you can feel it in the air, practically see it in the haze of panic that is emanating from our nation’s would-be destroyers. Democrats and their assorted gaggle of divisive, destructive, America-hating cohorts really thought they had it—America, that is—in the bag. They thought they had dealt the death blow, field-dressed the carcass, and were preparing to dance naked while spraying rainbow-colored silly string on our country’s grave.
The great unraveling of the Democrats’ evil schemes started, of course, with covid tyranny, but it didn’t end there because parents started seeing the bizarre creatures teaching their children and seeing what they were being taught, and were—justly—enraged.

Teaching little children to hate themselves and fear others (the core concept behind Critical Race Theory and “anti-racism” as ‘taught’ in K-12) was the first step the wanton destroyers took, but it didn’t end there. They also began championing child mutilation and pushing the bodily, chemical, and genital mutilation of healthy children in their bid to gain complete control over our nation’s future.

To call this sick, immoral, and depraved is to downplay this horrifying, soul-crushing ideology. Words really fail me (me!) in describing just how damaging and evil is this campaign to ensnare innocent children into a world of self-loathing and wanton sexual intercourse. It’s not just straight and gay sex they push on toddlers, these people are trying to normalize adults raping children.
I’m a huge supporter of the LGB (without the TQ) community in the sense that I don’t think about them at all. I don’t care who sleeps with whom; it’s not my business and has zero to do with me.
And we were told that’s all the LGB (before the TQ) cared about. Just being able to live their lives. They got that. They won. Yay! But that slippery slope we always knew was there suddenly has homosexuals well and truly ticked off . . . at the TQ. I’m good with that.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Dorset. As in England. A country whose natives have always been White.

Is there any reason why a native-White country shouldn't have a super-majority of White citizens?

Does anyone ever question why whole countries like Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, or the Congo are 99% black?...

( @HigHrvatski )
@Nature_and_Race It should be a 100% White.

( @StableGeniusinTraining )
@Nature_and_Race What about Israel. I think they need Indians, Blacks, Arabs, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Europeans...too many Jews there, don't you think?

( @Driver )
@Nature_and_Race You'll notice this trend in everything that is "too white". You never hear something being "too black" or "too Jewish".
And once it becomes less white...you can expect things to get worse. There are too many examples to list.

( @brextremist )
@Nature_and_Race This is why I moved to the English countryside. To get away from all the niggers.

( @JasonForst )
@Nature_and_Race Because whites know how to farm; jewish and swarthy parasites do not.

( @Ropemaker )

And here's what the "British" woman whining that Britain isn't destroyed enough yet to suit her ape tastes looks like:

( @altar389 )
@Nature_and_Race I suspect the reason those African countries are 99% Black, is because any white person there would get eaten...

( @GarySchnell )
@Nature_and_Race Why is Africa 100% Black? Why is China 100% Asian? Time to send these kikesucker Jewnalist packing! Israel could use a super helping of KENYAN and Nigerian Diversity.

Cliff Kincaid #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Juneteenth, a day to recognize black freedom, will be celebrated this year by the two black Marxist lesbians who started Black Lives Matter (BLM). With fatherless families disproportionately affecting black communities, black Marxist lesbianism hardly seems like an acceptable alternative.

BLM’s dedication to the destruction of the nuclear family is well-known but the militant lesbian orientation of two of the founders, now called “queerness,” is usually not highlighted.

The National Center for Lesbian Rights honored BLM founders Alicia Garza, Patrisse Kahn-Cullors, and Opal Tometi in 2016. Opal Tometi and Alicia Garza are identified as “queer black women.”
With a new Pew poll finding that public support for BLM has fallen to a three-year low, we can only expect a steeper decline when the “queer communism” roots of the movement are finally exposed to public view.

The poll says, “A majority of Americans say the increased focus on issues of race and racial inequality in the past three years hasn’t led to changes that have improved the lives of Black people.”

Perhaps this is because the movement was designed to promote and highlight sexual perversion, a destructive force in communities of all races.

Even before the advent of BLM, however, homosexuality was being exploited by the communist movement in America.

The May 19th communist organization, a spin-off from the Weather Underground that waged a terrorist war on America in the 1970s and 80s, was dominated by lesbians.
The article, “Ten Black Lesbians Everyone Should Know,” highlights a prominent Marxist, former Communist Party official Angela Davis, who turned lesbian after serving the interests of the old Soviet Union. She received the Lenin Peace Prize.

At Brandeis University, she was mentored by German philosopher Herbert Marcuse, an expert in Critical Theory, also known as Cultural Marxism, which was popularized in academia by the so-called Frankfurt School.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gettr.com

( @DavidVance )
The Church of England leadership shames this country with its support for illegal migration. Can’t we deport these clerics to Rwanda?

( @Dorielle )
The UK is being destroyed with migrants that will not assimilate......but sure bring some more on

( @Cybercity )
We should have first deported the like of them, then deport the immigrants

( @Jesus_is_White )
All enemies of the white race......

various commenters #homophobia #racist #psycho blackpill.world

(submitters note: regarding the Colorado Springs nightclub shooting)

RE: So a gay club got shot up in colorado...

( Mentally lost cel )

Very sad. No reason to attack innocent people just trying to live their lives.

Those clubs are disgusting degenerate shit

Watch irreversible


Very sad that only 5 people died

( faded )
fag deserved it I hope they suffered too bad the saint did not kill more disgusting degenerate fags and torture them first (FICTIONAL STATEMENT IN VIDEO GAME!!!!!!!!!)


Idc about fag kids JFL

y’all broke ugly with no pussy focus on your own problems little man


Your Afghan countrymen rape little boys. I'm not surprised you are okay with LGBTQ. But the rest of us are not degenerates


No, he's not

cant tell tbh, sometimes he larps as an Afghan

he's probably a dirty sandnigger

@Absolute Penguin

Stop larping as an Afghan u dirty camel fucking sandnigger

Fuck Arabs, fuck the middle east. Mecca and Medina should be bombed, Jerusalem too. You filthy semites need to be wiped from the face of earth


Many Afghan are of Iranic origin or Tajik in America they’re seen as sand nigger

Don't larp as Afghan. They don't have any genetic connection to sandniggers. None whatsoever.

Are you a gulf nigger or from the levantine region ?

over if it's the earlier


@Absolute Penguin

You will never be a light skinned Indo Aryan like me

Post your pic and I will post mine, we will see who looks like a Mumbai sewer cleaner

Post your pic Sandnigger, I'm waiting

( dsar9013 )

Idc about fag kids JFL

y’all broke ugly with no pussy focus on your own problems little man


Guarantee this is r/inceltear infiltrator.

Anyway, this is good that this keeps happening more and more, society should become very unstable and average normies deserve to be shot in the street (in minecraft) because they are liberal scum who lets jews run society and make white men incel. Fuck normies, never met a normie that doesn't deserve to die, and I probably never will.

( gabz )
JFL at these two third-worlders discussing who is less brown, hilarious shit. My amerindian + european genes mogs you all retards

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Decitisenize The Flaming Faggot "Nuns" And Deport Their Asses To Iran

The Flaming Faggots Can Mock And Insult God, And Me, But I Can't Mock And Insult Them?
Sez Who?

If the Flaming Faggots opened this door we should not hesitate to walk through it. The disgusting Sisters Of Perpetual Flaming Faggotry, under the protection of Major League Baseball and sponsored by the Marxocrat Party, are now openly insulting not only God, and not only all Christians but also all Protestants of every wild denomination, with their purposely outrageous blasphemous public fag-crucifixion demonstrations.
And if we are united against this public outrage, then we should also be united against the President and his political party, who sponsor, promote, protect and defend it; JoBama O'Biden and his Marxocrat Party. We most recently addressed Biden's close, loving relationship to flaming faggotry in the Demonic Andgrogynous Hedonism of the Islamo-Commie-Homo Movement. He is so strongly supportive and celebritory of open public flaming faggotry that we have to wonder if he just might be a flaming faggot himself.

After all, Catholics can be proud of their Catholicism, and Protestants are seemingly proud of their Protestantism, and we all understand that. And, of course, American patriots are justifiably proud of America and being American.

But what, exactly, does any sodomite have to be proud of?

For that matter, what does any sexually disoriented and disordered person have to be proud of?

Most especially, what does any antogonistic, beligerent, in-your-face twisted pervert have to be proud of?

I submit that Hedonism is just as anti-American as is Marxism and Islam, and that political activist Hedonists, Marxists and Islamists, need to be recognized as the nationally destructive political forces that theyh are, declared to be personna non grata in America, decitizenized and deported.

BelziBhaal #racist #psycho mmo-champion.com

In fact, I am all for an all white state.

I would gladly live in an all white community where I can be surrounded by bright, intelligent, civilised, law abiding citizens and not have to worry about being assaulted or robbed when I go for a walk in the evening. Could you imagine it? No rap, no hiphop, no R&B. Very little crime, almost no violence and certainly no gang activity.[ Hell, I could let my daughter take the bus to school and walk home without having to worry about her getting raped on the way home. I could even let my kids go to the movies without some degenerates trying to sell them drugs or gang rape them in the cinema parking lot. Hell, they could even ride their bikes down the street without having to always be on their guard and ready to hit the dirt in case of a drive-by.

Sounds like heaven to me.

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