
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Donald J. Trump #conspiracy #wingnut truthsocial.com


9.48k ReTruths 31k Likes
Mar 22, 2024 at 10:14 PM

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

This would galvanize Trump’s base. If this can happen to Trump—why couldn’t it happen to you?? A tyrannical govt seizing private property because they hate your politics. No business person—who’s conservative—is safe.


11:58 PM · Mar 21, 2024 · 90.6K Views
1,440 Reposts 61 Quotes 4,269 Likes 47 Bookmarks

torino #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger jassa.org

First, there is the question about what Tacitus considered Germanic. Tacitus cites nothing to suggest that we should view, for example, the Suevi as Germanic in today’s – German speaking /vaguely Nordic – sense of the word. Yet using Tacitus’ vision of the world they were labeled as Germanic. Consequently, the suggestion that the Veneti may have seemed “Germanic” to Tacitus proves only that, to Tacitus, they were similar to people Tacitus considered Germanic. The classifications says nothing about the nature of the thing Tacitus compared them to, i.e., Tacitus’ Germanics such as the Suevi. Since the Suevi, as we have argued, may well have been the same people as some or all of today’s Western Slavs (for example, the Aesti, typically viewed as Balts – who are today viewed as most similar to Slavs – are described by Tacitus as similar to the Suevi except for some language differences), the similarity between the Veneti and the Suevi does not help us to determine whether the Veneti were “Nordic” or “Slavic”. In any event, this similarity seems to be based entirely on one cultural aspect – the Venetis’ fixed dwellings which characteristic made them, to Tacitus, similar to Germanics and distinguished them in his mind from the Saramatians (who lived on wagons).

Yesgaysarebullies #conspiracy #homophobia gaybullyingitisreal.wordpress.com

Canadian government continues to pummel pro-family activist Bill Whatcott for “anti-gay” flyer he passed out in 2016! Facing trial again for the same “hate speech” charge – after acquittal.

Judge ruled “not guilty” in 2021. But government appealed for 2nd trial, and Canadian Supreme Court agreed. “Double jeopardy” is legal in Canada.
Whatcott continues to stand strong – a principled inspiration for all of us.

Bill Whatcott has been persecuted and tormented by the Canadian government for simply telling the truth about a politically protected subject – but stands by his principles.

Bill Whatcott is one of those people who ultimately helps change the world for the better. Many people talk about fighting back against the radical agendas degrading society – but back off when the government (or the Left) threatens them. Bill Whatcott takes his Christian faith seriously and refuses to back down!

Donald J. Trump #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut realclearpolitics.com

DONALD TRUMP: You know, I did millions and millions of votes more in 2020. I did much better. And you can cut this if you want, but the election was rigged. Fox might want to cut that one out -- but that's OK.

HOWARD KURTZ, FOX NEWS: I would just say it hasn't been proven in court.

DONALD TRUMP: Well, it was so rigged, it was so crazy, but we're going to do it again.

HOWARD KURTZ, FOX NEWS: A majority of Republicans believe Trump's insistence that the 2020 Rex was stolen, but there is no independent evidence of widespread fraud.

Lioness of Judah Ministry #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy lionessofjudah.substack.com


April 25, 1945. (4/25/ 4+2+5=11) Delegates from 50 nations met in San Francisco on April 25, 1945, for what was officially known as the United Nations Conference on International Organization. During a two-month period, they completed a charter consisting of 111 articles.

The charter was approved on June 25 (6/25=6+2+5=13) and signed the next day; it became effective on October 24, 1945, after ratification by a majority of the signatories. The bonds of the wartime alliance undoubtedly hastened the agreement on establishing the new organization. In December 1945 the Congress of the United States invited the UN to establish its headquarters in the United States.
Number 11:

In systems such as Astrology and basic Numerology, eleven is considered to be a Master Number. Eleven can also represent sin; transgression and peril. Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. It is interesting to note that eleven when broken down (1+1=2) comprises the Two of duality. (Lucifer tried/wanted to be equal to God)

Number eleven is a master vibration and as such should not be reduced to a single number. People with this number could be both idealistic and visionary, and they are attracted to the unknown. They can be both unusual, interesting and magnetic personalities. Eleven bring the gift of spiritual inheritance, (system of the Anti-Christ) is gifted as the "Light-Bearer".
Eleven (11) is a sacred number. When eleven is multiplied by the perfect number 3, the number 33 is produced, a number of tremendous occult importance. In 1933, Adolf Hitler and President Franklin Roosevelt came to power. Both these men were committed to the establishment of the New World Order. It was also in 1933 that the First Humanist Manifesto was issued. Do you see how Satan manipulated world history to produce three New World Order events in 1933? Thus, a powerful 333 served as a framework for world events in that year.

KatistheSea3/Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #ufo #crackpot #racist #conspiracy telegram.org

Kat istheSea3 13 March, 08:00 Nothing to see here 👑 Princess Kate is FINE 😉 🇺🇸 Juan O Savin In 1917 Lord Rothschild worked an agreement w/Lord Balfour, to allow Rothschild & the Zionists to purchase land IN THE PALESTINE REGION.. ISRAEL WAS A CONSTRUCT OF BANKERS. As part of the Balfour Declaration IT SPECIFIES THAT THE BRITISH CROWN RETAINS THE AUTHORITY & RIGHT TO PLACE A ROYAL ON THE THRONE GOVERNING THE NEW NATION STATE OF ISRAEL, AT THEIR WILL. Prince William is the 1000th Knight of the Round Table, #1 The One - the antichrist WHO HAS THE BLOOD OF ALL 13 ROYAL FAMILIES IN HIS VEINS. From Globalist perspectives they want a royal representing ALL the religions. The UK royal family claims heritage → King David → Anglican Church → Muhammad through various bloodlines 💥 😼 After 676 years of the Order of the Garter breeding Royals to get to William IT’S ALL GONE UP IN SMOKE, eh Jacob Rothschild? 💥 #ThePlanToSaveTheWorld #patriotsincontrol
<Cassidy comment on "Tennessee State Senate Passes Bill Banning “Chemtrail” Spraying in Their Skies">
THE SECRET SPACE PROGRAM uses chemtrails to build a shield around the U.S. to highlight and stop INTRUDERS... alien craft trying to come in to our dimension. They will not allow this ruling to hold ...no state is going to dictate putting a hole in the DOME. So watch either they already have a work around and they will just move the chemtrails up to the upper atmosphere or the ruling will be reversed.

The above is also validated by statements from Juan O Savin in the past. I have known about this program and the negative and positive sides of it for at least 15 years....

Ra’an/Raanra #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

I Agree With Simon Parkes That The Most Likely Future Timeline Is, — That Mr. Trump And The “White Hats,” Will Keep Going, With Their “Biden Show Of Destructiveness,” — So As To “Drag” Things Further Out, — To “Wake Up More ‘Sleepers’,” — To Secure More Time For Their “Behind The Scenes” Clean Ups; — And To Not “Rock The Boat” Too Much With The “Still-Sleepers.”

But, — That This Time These “White Hats” Will Not Again Intentionally Allow The 2024 Presidential Elections To Be Stolen, — And That Mr. Trump Will Officially And Publicly Be Elected As The “Next” President Of The USA In 2024 (When In Reality He Has Been The Real President All Along; — Just “Behind The Scenes,” — And Completely Beyond The Awareness-Horizon Of The “Still-Sleepers”).

Because, — The “White Hats” And Mr. Trump, — Cannot Afford To Intentionally Allow The 2024 Presidential Elections To Be Stolen Once More Again, — As This Would Lead To Some Kind Of Civil War; — All Hell Would Break Loose, — As Most Of The Patriots Would Not Trust Mr. Trump And The “White Hats” Any Longer, — And Take Things Into Their Own Hands.
I Would Like To Confess Here, That I Was Probably Partly Wrong In Some Of My Previous Posts, — Where I Made No Secret Over My Own Upsets, — Over All These “Drag Outs,” — And That, — Once Everything Is Said And Done, — Mr. Trump And The “White Hats” Will Likely End Up Having Successfully Pulled Off An Extremely Difficult Job.

Because A Lot Of Us Came To This Planet To Wake Up These Human “Ever-Sleepers,” — So These Would Then Have A Chance To Come To Their Own Realization Of The Merits Of “Good;” — So That They Then Could Polarize To “Good,” — And So Could Spiritually Ascend.

I Would Like To Encourage You Too, To Drop Any Upsets Over These “Drag Outs,” And Replace These With Love, — And With Becoming Maximally Effective Ourselves, In Bringing About RV/GCR, NESARA/GESARA, SPIRITUAL ASCENSION And HEAVEN ON EARTH.

Tina Garrison #racist #conspiracy grrrgraphics.com

[From “Hungry, Hungry Haitians”]


spoilerLeft: Biden wearing an apron and a grass skirt. Center: US taxpayers being boiled in a pot. Right: "BBQ" saying that he's hungry. On the ground: human bones

Haiti is the first country in the western hemisphere that eliminate slavery. Slaves who worked the sugarcane plantations vastly outnumbered their French overlords during Haiti’s revolution, which lasted from 1791 to 1804. All white people were killed—men, women, and children. Haiti has been suffering upheaval and tribal wars in some manner ever since. The Haitian army tried to invade the Dominican Republic and lost. They then resorted to fighting each other

Haiti’s leaders were tyrants waiting to be overthrown. Their latest ‘government’ fell last week. The country is now being run by gangs, and gang warfare will probably go on for a long time. Meanwhile, the Haitians will rapidly find clean drinking water and food in short supply. There have been reports of voodoo and cannibalism

Naturally, there are cries to rescue Haiti with money, troops, and aid. This has never worked. Hillary Clinton knew it wouldn’t work—maybe that’s why she and Bill kept the donations meant for Haitians[…]Trump bluntly called Haiti a ‘shit hole’ and he was right. Certainly not all Haitians want endless strife, but a great many do—just ask “Barbecue,” one of the gang leaders. He enjoys it

Biden has already imported millions of ‘undocumented’ foreigners speaking foreign languages and with foreign cultures into America, without time for them to assimilate by means of the ‘melting pot.’ Instead, America is getting balkanized. Crime is rampant. Joe, like Barbecue, seems to enjoy it[…]Pedo Joe wants foreign children here, too—to be put into sex trafficking

Jeff Younger #transphobia #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #psycho #fundie angrywhitemen.org

Jeff Younger’s battle against gender-affirming care in Texas became a cause célèbre[…]Become even more radicalized[…]
Claimed that “Jewish students and others have called for the elimination of White people for three decades now”[…]
Professed a belief in “racial differences in intellectual ability.” When[…]Sameera Khan wrote “Authoritarianism is good,” Younger reposted her statement, adding “Analysis: True”[…]
During his interview with Stew Peters, Younger claimed that the question of gender-affirming care for minors is a “more morally obvious question than the slavery question.” And he complained that “you can’t get legislators in conservative states like Texas to protect kids”[…]
“Christian, white males need to be pumping out a future generation of post-apocalyptic warlords, because that’s exactly where we’re heading,” he said

Peters then asked Younger what “entity” or “group of people” is “behind all this”

Younger replied that, according to The Transgender Industrial Complex, it’s “mainly Jewish-controlled NGOs in cooperation” with the “far-left”[…]Added that the “same NGOs that are bringing in illegal immigrants in the United States are the ones that’ve pushed transgenderism,” and that the “largest donors to the Republican Party support this”[…]
Peters asked Younger what the “mechanism for victory” is, since his ex-wife and children reside in California. “I think the mechanism of victory, though, is not in the courts”[…]
“So the interesting thing here is, like in chess they say that the threat of a move is stronger than the move itself,” he continued

“It forces the opponent to weaken himself by making mistakes. … ‘Cause he fears this thing. So the whole concept here is we have to keep alive the threat of political violence. And I wanna make it very clear, I’m not making any specific threats. I’m not making a call to violence. I’m simply saying what the Founders said. And if you actually want to make change, people have to be afraid of you”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #magick #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

Virtually everyone in power is against him- from the DC Swamp, to the Deep State, to the Military Industrial Complex (that wants wars around the world), to his own government agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA) who frame him and spy on him.

All the groups who hold the most wealth and power in America are out to stop him- Wall Street, mainstream media, Silicon Valley, the Bar Association, the teachers union, Hollywood, Madison Avenue. They all hate him.

Foreign governments are desperate to stop him from ever gaining power again. Global organizations like the WEF, WHO and United Nations despise him. Almost every globalist billionaire in the world is arrayed against him- George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and all the rest.

Women call him “sexist.” Black Democrats call him “racist.” Gays call him “homophobic.” Muslims call him “Islamophobic” because of his unswerving faith and support for Israel. But American Jews vote against him.

Yet after all of that, President Trump holds the lead over Joe Biden in virtually every national poll; leads in every battleground state that determines the election; leads among Generation Z (the youngest voters); and in some polls leads among Latino and black males. A recent poll showed Trump leading among Jewish voters in New York state.

How is this possible? It’s supernatural. It’s biblical. It can’t be explained. It’s a real-life miracle.

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie #pratt twitter.com

As much as evolutionists wish otherwise, life doesn’t evolve around Darwin—or at all.

Let me make a few observations about the culture in the West today. For instance, at Christmas, we don’t sing carols such as the following, do we?

Silent Night, Holy Night,
All is calm, All is bright,
For Charles Darwin we just want to say
Thanks for showing us the evolutionary way,
We’re glad we know we’re an ape
We’re glad we know we’re an ape

And we have never heard of anyone constructing a calendar like the following, have we?

BC (Before Charles) and AD (After Darwin)

If someone used this kind of calendar, we would of course be living in the year AD 200+ On this basis, Abraham lived around 3,800 BC.

Donald J. Trump #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut realclearpolitics.com

Trump To FOX News: "You Can Cut This If You Want, But The Election Was Rigged," "10-12% Of Democrats Are Voting For Me"

During an interview with FNC's Howard Kurtz Sunday on "Media Buzz," former President Trump continued to insist that the 2020 presidential election was "rigged."

Trump said polls don't capture his true level of support because anybody who won't answer questions from pollsters is supporting him.

DONALD TRUMP: I think the Democrats vote for me a lot more than you think. In fact, I saw where at least 10 or 12% of the Democrats are voting for me. They've never seen a number like that.

I have a theory. People in Beverly Hills vote for me, but they don't talk about it. A lot of people vote for me.

Do you know when the exit polls in 2016 came out, everybody said is, "Oh, this is a sad day, this is sad for Trump, he's not going to make it, he's not going to make it." Everyone's saying it. Remember that? And then the I end up winning quite easily. I ran Florida, I really ran the whole east coast.

And one person called up, smart guy and said, "You're going to win big." Why? -- "You're going to win big." Why do you say that? On FOX too they said it's not looking good. They say, "No, you're going to win big because there's a group of people that say don't ask me that question."

It's a how much much rougher word than that, it's a word that I won't United States on television. I can't, I will get decimated, but they told the president a certain thing, but let's be nice. They say, don't ask me that. Anybody that says, essentially, "don't ask me that" is a Trump voter. And it was the largest number of "don't ask me that" voters ever, ever, ever.

And he said every one of those voters is voting for you, and it turned out to be true.

So, you know, we ended up winning, and we did much better in 2020.

Candace Owens and Faits et Documents #transphobia #conspiracy mediamatters.org

From the March 11, 2024, edition of Candace Owens, hosted by The Daily Wire:

[…]There was just an article that was published in the Daily Mail. Here is the headline: "The proof France's first lady wasn't born a man." I was like "what?"

So I of course, instantly read it because what a bizarre thing that you're even needing to present proof[…]When I saw this photo, the first thing I noticed was that the person on the far left, the boy that actually looks like Brigitte Macron[…]
I saw this when I was like, actually looks like she might actually be the guy. Maybe she's a dead ringer for her brother, but I don't see any resemblance there with the little girl[…]
When I then read the article, there was no debunking whatsoever. They just were calling people that were saying otherwise far-right. You know, all the typical buzzwords: far-right, conspiracy theorists, racist, sexist, it's homophobic, it's antisemitism[…]
So the quote unquote conspiracy theory is actually a three year thorough investigation that was conducted by journalists that were working with genealogists. It was published in six issues in Faits et Documents[…]My French is not that good, but they[…]published six issues unpacking what they had discovered after a three year investigation and here is what they are saying

So again, I'm gonna say allegedly this is what they have published their theory is that the first lady Brigitte Macron was actually born Jean Michel[…]John Michael lived as a man for 30 years, fathered five children and then transitioned at the age of 30 to become Brigitte[…]
They actually used as a part of their investigation, Chinese software, and this is a side by side. It is such a dead ringer[…]
Here's a headline from The Telegraph. "Brigitte Macron sues women who claimed that she is transgender"[…]She's suing them for violation of privacy and fundamental personal rights plus illicit use of her image. What does that mean? That doesn't mean anything

Natalia Alba #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

As ascending souls many of you find yourselves immersed in a phase of galactic lineage clearing. Since the end of February, the energies that our planet is receiving are helping us to unify polarities, healing our galactic lineage, and DNA anomalies, recalibrating our light bodies, and creating more stabilization, so we can regain wholeness and harmony.
During this time of soul remembrance, many whose masculine essence has been damaged are now awakening to their galactic traumas related to their wounded masculine, for this is what the collective, and our planet is now healing, during these months of female-masculine reconstruction, as an essential task to reach planetary unity.

Seraphim and Orion’s descendants, both originating from the Gold Flame of Creation, are also starting to awaken to who they are, clearing their galactic war memories from eons ago of our current time when Orion’s civilization fought a war over consciousness. The majority of them are now evolved and they are helping many who are now awakening to their Orion memories, helping them clear their galactic Orion monadic memories, and awakening the Orion codes within, to help them heal the masculine essence and mental bodies, so they can fulfill their purpose.
As you know, our masculine essence is connected to our sixth-dimensional shoulder blade portal, experiencing now in many a major activation, as well as many other important body channels, creating a complex we need to heal for the masculine pillar to be restored.
As ascending souls our main aim is to create more harmony within and without, for we came here to serve as loving and harmonic emissaries of the Divine.

Our mission is to be neutral compassionate witnesses, acting as healing pillars anywhere we go, for the unique codes within our blueprint seed the unification that one day we will see in our planet, and that is already unfolding in the future fifth-dimensional parallel earth.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #fundie #wingnut #quack #conspiracy lifesitenews.com

I am grateful for the invitation of Professor Massimo Citro della Riva to offer my greetings to the participants in the Health Holocaust Remembrance Day. You know well that I have never been shy in offering my interventions since the beginning of the psycho-pandemic farce, and that my complaint – since May 2020 – anticipated everything that has emerged in these four years regarding the criminal management of this social-engineering experiment of neo-Malthusian origin.
We have seen the false Bergoglian church totally subservient to the genetic treatment agenda, a treatment that was produced using aborted fetuses. We have seen doctors and paramedics killing frail and elderly people in intensive care through the use of anesthesia. We have seen rulers, magistrates, and police forces unleash an unprecedented criminalization of those who did not allow themselves to be “marked.” We know who is behind these people, who pays them, and who blackmails them: their names are well known. These murderers will soon find themselves answering for their crimes, if not before the tribunal of the world, then certainly before God, whom they hate and whom they would like to replace, in a mad delirium of omnipotence that is an inexorable prelude to their eternal defeat. The children of darkness, the conspirators of the World Economic Forum, and the globalist cabal want to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist on earth, as an obscene counterfeit of the Kingdom of Christ Our Lord.
Therefore, continue in your courageous commitment, but never lose sight of the overall picture of this epochal battle. It is important to understand that the psycho-pandemic farce was only one of the means of imposing this infernal plan, and that it is accompanied by other threats that follow the same script under the same direction. Demonstrate to people this overall coherence and even the most distracted will understand and rebel against what has been imposed on them through fraud and violence.

PAUL DERENGOWSKI, PH.D. #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut capro.info

Mike Pence: Modern-day Judas Iscariot



Trump was “reckless” and Pence was “endangered,” which was pure nonsense, given that all a person has to do is go back and watch the video of what Trump was saying at the time all the rioting was taking place.

I have characterized Mike Pence as a modern-day Judas Iscariot, because he, like all traitors, share a number of the same characteristics.

Judas was among those of Jesus’ inner circle; Pence was among Trump’s inner circle.

Satan compelled Judas to betray Jesus; Satan compelled Pence to betray Trump.

Judas played “Let’s Make a Deal” with Jesus’ archenemies; Pence played “Let’s Make a Deal” with Trump’s archenemies.

Judas sought an opportunity to betray Jesus; Pence sought an opportunity to betray Trump.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut creators.com

Wow, San Francisco sure scored a lot of points in the locker room after the game, when no one was watching. How convenient.

Sound familiar?

What a spectacular comeback! That turned a 25-22 K.C. Chiefs victory into a 46-25 landslide victory for San Francisco.

Kansas City officials bitterly complained there were no witnesses in the locker room to verify these scores.

They also complained about illegal alien players scoring. And dead players scoring. And players scoring for the 49ers who had recently moved to another team and no longer played for San Francisco. Kansas City officials complained that the player rolls have never been cleaned.

Sound familiar?

Qin-Ra/Pleiadean Family of Light #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot pleiadianfamily.net

One event features the reality of a child being blown to pieces and buried in the rubble. Born into a dark prison, the child dies in an even darker prison. A child of the shadows is being killed as a sacrificial victim by the light of exploding bombs.

The other presents the reality of a child being welcomed into a world of infinite light and endless love. Born into the golden light of a rising sun, the adult human begins a new phase of life as a Child of Light: a sacred son or daughter of the divine.

One reality shows death, the other birth.

One features a tomb, the other a womb.

One is hellish, the other heavenly.

The two are "iconic" in the sense of being archetypally symbolic: they represent the two futures of Earth; they stand for what the Pleiadians call the Anu Nightmare and the Gaian Dream.

Here, I remind you that there is an alternative reality beyond the barrage of dark events reported in the media. Dark events such as the war in the Middle East carry an even deeper agenda: to distract our attention and entrap our imagination.
At Winter Solstice, this ongoing event is commemorated on a monumental scale by the live demonstration built into the temple design of the 5,500-year-old Newgrange. And anyone from anywhere can participate in this cinematic cosmic love union.
Gaza: fear & pain - Newgrange: fun & joy.

Gaza: dystopia - Newgrange: utopia.

Gaza in Anu Timeline - Newgrange in Gaia Timeline.

“Gaza” can mean two things for us: 1) the war reality that we refuse to participate in; 2) the initiation reality that we choose to participate in. We are connected to Gaza on multiple levels, emotionally, spiritually, and vibrationally.
I Qin-Ra am a Newgrange-born Child of Light (1st generation). Each year, I repeat the act of rebirth and make myself born again into cosmic love/light. I look forward to Winter Solstice as much as kids look forward to Christmas.

But this is the real Christmas.

You got it,

the esoteric meaning?

Hanne Nabintu Herland #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy wnd.com

Former Pope Benedict XVI often pointed out that the secular focus on scientific and technological progress alone has created a moral vacuum in the West. It has produced an atheist culture that suffers from a lack of moral energy and compassion.
The traditional moral codex taught firm borders between right and wrong. Truth was universally objective – a category that applies to all men regardless of culture, gender, race or social standing. The concept of the law of nature outlined each individual's right to freedom and obligation to do his duty – to do what is right. It taught the importance of humility, self-restraint, self-control, patience and unselfish love. This moral codex taught that the heart of man inhabits the seed of evil and, therefore, the war against one's own lower nature is of utmost importance.

It strengthened the mental, inner war against greed, gluttony, lust and fundamentally instilled the fear of God as the eternal judge of humanity. The idea was to fear God and therefore treat one another with respect and dignity, as judgment is awaits all in the afterlife.
The central commandment in the Christian faith is the definition of how to overcome the darkness in the world and live the best, possible life. The idea is that by coming closer to the source of light, God the Creator, His eternal light will find its pathway into the demonic darkness that engulfs this world. The stated aim is always to spread love.

This religiously motivated ideal that millions in the West strove to achieve was slowly removed as atheism gained ground among the elites. The Western intelligentsia slowly substituted humility with pride and the Marxist belief in the idea of the "inherent goodness" of humankind.
Yet, religion is not as easy to root out as many an atheists hoped for. According to a Pew Research Forum study, as few as 2.4% among the world population say that they are atheists. Yet, those atheists are currently allowed to tyrannically rule the West.

David Sorensen #quack #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia goldenageofgaia.com

In a previous message I began revealing what I am seeing for the future of humanity. Surprisingly it is so beautiful, we find it hard to believe. This post shows you even more…
Universities will no longer be places of indoctrination, where true science is forbidden and key knowledge is hidden, but they will be places of genuine inquiry, grand discovery, fierce discussion, and authentic confrontation. Places where students can stand up and challenge their teachers, instead of slavishly listening to every falsehood. Higher education that excites and challenges people and provides opportunities to push boundaries.
Television and entertainment will bring people happiness, recovery, pleasure and relaxation, with a ban on anything that forces fear, depression, perversion or violence onto the population. Any type of promotion of evil and darkness will be banned.

Television will no longer be used to blind, pervert and destroy the people, but it will be used to empower, liberate and heal humanity.
Hospitals will become beautiful parks that offer healing for the mind, spirit and body. Diet will be at the heart of medical treatment, as diet is the cause of 85% of all disease.
This means that nothing we see in our current world is normal. Everything that we have become accustomed to is utterly abnormal.

Agriculture that poisons both soil and people; weather modification that sprays trillions of gallons of toxic chemicals in the skies; television that is nothing but mind control and dumbing down of the human spirit; education that hides true knowledge and pushes lies and deception onto unsuspecting little ones; sexuality that destroys so many through transgenderism and pornography; architecture that is so ugly it literally causes depression; healthcare that is more toxic than beneficial; fake, toxic food that is the #1 cause of most health problems; the promotion of pedophilia as a “natural” sexual orientation, etc.

Mojmir Babacek #crackpot #conspiracy globalresearch.ca

Those statements both address and hide the feasibility of mass manipulation of the human nervous system (thoughts, emotions, perceptions, functioning of internal organs or even causing death of people) at a distance. It is evident that only when masses of people’s brains are controlled at distance, the AI systems can be “used to influence the outcome of elections and voter behavior“ by forming political opinions of voters and imposing their decision to vote for certain parties or persons.
The scientific evidence proving that at least pulsed microwaves (including transmissions of cell phone systems) and extra long electromagnetic waves can be used to control human thoughts, emotions, perceptions, cause pains etc. at distance can be found here.

The proposal of legislation, which would satisfy requirements on the political system respecting human rights and freedoms of citizens in the electronic era, can be found here.

In summary, we believe the EU AI Act should include legislation that explicitly prohibits EU governments, including law enforcement, intelligence agencies and the military, from using artificial intelligence to manipulate at distance human thoughts, emotions, etc. using published or other as-yet unpublished energies. The legislation should also include the obligation of EU governments to protect their citizens from such manipulation by non-EU governments or other entities.

It is worth very serious consideration, whether in the not distant future, where majority of state’s citizens could be unemployed or underemployed due to the use of artificial intelligence, they will be allowed to have a freedom to vote according to their opinions or whether the state power will decide that they are not responsible enough to make the right choice in the elections and will produce their decisions in their minds instead.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

How do these anti-parent voices penetrate through to our children? There are lots of vectors, it turns out: pornographic books in school libraries, drag queens teaching sex classes—even school assemblies featuring trans women, like at my son’s middle school.


When the trans cloud struck him, he hated that he kept getting taller and we were no longer permitted to measure him. He loved video games and playing with his male friends. He never had female friends. I never imagined that there would be porn or trans ideas embedded into all these video games. How naive I was. It didn’t occur to me that anime would plant the next idea. I thought anime was innocent.


I wish I could re-do the moments when trans first hit my household. I rehash everything that happened, but I did the best I could. There is no way to navigate something you were not prepared for. How could anyone be prepared for this? His reasons for saying he was trans made no sense to me and I pushed back. Besides, if I had pretended to go along with his new magical thinking—he would have known I wasn’t sincere. I also said no to him, but this NO to transition deemed me abusive, and reinforced the “no contact” idea in my son’s head.

Dave Blount #racist #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From “Making America Into Haiti”]

The reason the Biden Regime refuses to defend the border from the largest invasion in human history is that Democrats want to do to Texas what they did to formerly American California, thereby helping them to secure single-party rule throughout the country. The next biggest red state is Florida[…]Same fix applies:

Border agents in Miami have been told to prepare for a wave of migration from Haiti following the takeover of the country by bloodthirsty gangs[…]
Unlikely Haitians who take to the sea and enter Florida illegally will be repatriated back to their home country, given its instability

Haiti has been unstable ever since the Europeans who founded it were killed off by the Africans they imported at the turn of the 18th century

The message also warned that one vessel of migrants landing would overwhelm agency capabilities[…]

Biden Regime has been spending money faster than any other government[…]Yet we are told we do not have the resources to prevent savages in flip-flops from invading Florida

The streets of Port-au-Prince are littered with bodies of the dead[…]Lawlessness prevails[…]

I hope you like what has been going on in Haiti. It’s our future[…]
Biden is in so much trouble with voters that he may at turn back part of the coming tsunami of rapidly reproducing moochers. If not, Democrats will have dropped the pretense of representing the American people or even caring who we vote for. That would mean we’ve reached the end game

Architectura, BellaBlue & MiMi2013 #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: My healthcare provider released a "code of conduct" that seems to punish patients for requesting single-sex facilities or legitimately female practitioners

( Architectura )
There are a number of educational institutions in this country that will convey in no uncertain terms where your views likely lie.

I would recommend Bob Jones, Liberty, or BYU simply because their views are the most widely known. If you have a notoriously conservative school in your area though, one of their shirts would work too.

Edited: I didn't mean attend one of the schools, I meant buy a tee shirt. Simply because would you rather everyone assume you're homophobic, or be confronted by a TiM when you're in an incredibly vulnerable position?

( BellaBlue )
Alright, let's see how well this goes over when an Orthodox Jewish, or Muslim woman asks for a woman. If the provider refuses, this opens the door for her to file a religious discrimination complaint and/or just tell her community that this practice is anti-semitic or Islamaphobic.

( MiMi2013 )
Jewish women will most likely be told to STFU ; they'll fall all over themselves to accommodate muslim women, as it's important to show that islam is privileged above all other religions...The Powers That Be would not have mass-imported hundreds of thousands if not millions of muslims into western countries if there was not an intent to wield them against the native-born population of every faith and ethnicity, for some ulterior and probably sinister reason.

Vox Day #conspiracy #fundie voxday.net

I don’t even have a debit card, much less one of those smartphone app payment methods. And this isn’t because I’m a Boomer who hates and fears newfangled technology, but because I understand exactly where all this “contactless” electronic payment tech is ultimately heading.

Don’t help pave the way for the Mark of the Beast. Don’t participate in it. Don’t make it easier for them.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Joe has decimated our military and destroyed its morale by making soldiers salute the LBGTQ flag while jabbing them with deadly vaccines. They wonder why they can’t attract new recruits.

Speaking of vaccines, Joe pushed a Covid shot that killed and injured millions. He promised it would prevent recipients from contracting Covid and prevent its spread. It did neither.

Torino #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger jassa.org

Now, if you allow a digression, we would like to point out that one of the first things that surprises anyone researching pre-Slavic antiquities is that, while the suffix -mir may be Slavic, the names ending with -mer or -mar are not considered Slavic but Germanic. This should not be that surprising, however, because all Indo-European languages contain some levels of similarity. But the situation is worse than that. The suffix -mir may also be Germanic. Thus, for example, we have the Ostrogothic Pannonian Kings Theodemir, Valamir and, even, that most Slavic “sounding” Videmir. With all this we begin to question whether “Boromir” is Slavic either! (Gondor does not sound Slavic, even if Bor-o-mir does!).

The reason why one can reject the Slavic derivation of these names is not only because they were Goths and Goths spoke an East Germanic tongue but also because the prefixes of these names – at least in the case of Theodemir and Valamir – cannot be explained in any Slavic language. (Videmir could be but, after all, they were Goths
What is the Germanic etymology of the following name: Ukromir of the Chatti or Batti (in which case he would have been Batavian)? Mind you, the sources speak of Ukromir – not of Ueckermir or of Ueckermar or, even, as the table below shows and as Dahn would have it – Ukromer.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Lunar gravitational attraction is supposed to cause earths ocean tides
It is supposed to be strong enough to move trillions of gallons of water
But not strong enough to move anything else

The worlds lakes ponds and marshes should be similarly affected with tides

If there really was a force strong enough to hold down oceans on a spinning ball
We would be stuck to the ground

At the north pole is a lodestone mountain that is the location of the plasma drift current
Whose electrical forces cause the surrounding water to become a massive whirlpool

The maelstrom reverses direction every 6 hours
Alternately pulling in and pushing out the oceans water

It is the breath of the universe
Inhaling and exhaling twice per day
Making for 4 daily cycles of pushing and pulling
It causes the waves to rush in and rush out again with fearful rapidity

Around the whirlpool is a dark mist which hardly can be penetrated by the eyes

With furious impetuosity sailors have been drawn into the abysmal chasm
As they implore the mercy of God

Sometimes as if by a miracle they are saved from the instant peril
Of being drawn into natures secret recesses
But it is really by the reversal of the current

The breath of god causes the winds in open caverns to reverse their flow
With accompanying dreadful roaring
Gods smoky exhalations and sulfurous flames appear

When there is a great data harvest
In which the heavens are torn apart
And the sky is rent in twain
The fountain of the deep will arise

In the halo of the blue beam lamp
Energy will be amplified

The worlds ley lines will become more energized
Hot springs will reach higher with more intensity
Dormant springs will come to life

Shearing folds and fault planes on the surface will be triggered
Volcanoes will erupt

Liquefaction will cause mountains to melt
And the earth will split open at various places

It is the day when the inverted dome breaks
And strange glowing lights appear in the sudden darkness!

Medeea Greere #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy amg-news.com

In the annals of scientific history, few names evoke as much intrigue and reverence as that of Nikola Tesla. A visionary ahead of his time, Tesla’s groundbreaking inventions have shaped the course of modern civilization. Yet, amidst the accolades and admiration lies a dark secret, shrouded in conspiracy and controversy. Enter HAARP – a clandestine weapon masquerading as a tool of scientific inquiry, its true purpose veiled in deception and deceit.

The Pandora’s Box: HAARP’s Terrifying Potential

HAARP, or the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, ostensibly exists to study the ionosphere and its effects on radio communications. However, beneath this façade lies a sinister truth: HAARP is a weapon of mass manipulation, capable of bending the very fabric of reality to serve the agenda of shadowy overlords.

Central to HAARP’s insidious arsenal is its ability to emit radio frequencies reaching up to a staggering 435 MHz. But it is not the mere range of frequencies that sends shivers down the spine; it is the specific bandwidth between 400-450 MHz that holds the key to unlocking the darkest recesses of the human psyche.
Imagine a world where truth is but a fleeting illusion, where the boundaries between perception and reality blur into obscurity. This is the dystopian reality crafted by HAARP, where minds are shackled and free will becomes a distant memory.

By harnessing the power of Tesla’s technology, HAARP engineers can imprint false memories, induce hallucinations, and manipulate emotions with chilling precision. What we perceive as reality is but a carefully crafted facade, a mirage designed to conceal the puppet strings of our oppressors.

In the face of such insidious tyranny, one might despair and succumb to the shackles of mental enslavement. But let us not forget the indomitable spirit of humanity, forged in the crucible of adversity. Though the forces arrayed against us may seem formidable, they are not invincible.

Father Absolute via Marta #magick #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy vozrojdeniesveta.com

<google translated from Russian>
As you can see, the puppets of the shadow government are trying to play their last card by unleashing a full-scale war on the European continent.

Why do they do this?

First of all, because their previous attempts to completely enslave people’s consciousness through universal compulsory vaccination did not produce the expected results.

A considerable part of the Earth's population still managed to defend their right to freely manage their lives.

The climate and food agendas are also faltering, especially in recent months as European farmers have staged mass protests against their globalist governments.

And now in the hands of the criminals who find themselves at the helm of power in the leading countries of the world, the last “trump card” remains: an attempt to start a third world war, which is what they are trying to do, provoking Russia to this in every possible way.

That is why this year will be a turning point in the history of your planet, and as has happened more than once, Russia will have to play a decisive role in this.

Why does Russia cause such hatred among globalists and their henchmen in power?

First of all, because from time immemorial the mentality of Russian people differed significantly from the mentality of residents of other countries.

The name Holy Russia did not arise out of nowhere.

It was here that the energy of Hyperborea, one of the most spiritual civilizations that ever existed on Earth, was preserved.

And despite the fact that over the centuries both external and internal enemies have tried to destroy Russia, it continues to carry its indestructible Divine “gene”, just as pure human souls retain the Divine spark within themselves even in the most difficult trials of life.
This is exactly the path that Russia now offers to all humanity: to build relations on the basis of Peace, Unity, Equality and Brotherhood, equally taking into account and respecting the interests of each country.

Stew Peters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

Stew Peters devoted a segment to condemning Germany’s Weimar Republic for tolerating LGBTQ people

“And Weimar[…]was the birthplace of the transgenderism and gay rights movements that have once again reared their ugly heads to plague Western, Christian society,” he declared. “Especially America. All of this was happening with the full blessing of the Weimar government, which was largely controlled by Jews

Peters justified the actions of the Nazis by claiming that Jews “controlled the German court system” and the “German banking system,” and had “unprecedented overrepresentation in Germany’s government.” He also accused the Jewish people of controlling Germany’s communist movement

“Sound familiar?”[…]
Peters said that “Weimar Germany was full of people like” Hirschfeld[…]
[Nazis] promised a return to basic reality and a time of human decency. And so of course, millions of Germans supported them. They were looking to do anything that they could do to take back control of their country to protect themselves and the generations to come”

He boasted that one of the “first remedies that Hitler and the National Socialists had to offer” was the destruction of the Institute for Sexual Research and its entire library

“When it comes down to the old Nazi book burnings[…]it was justified”[…]
“It was awesome. Period. Point blank[…]”
He went on to call for a new round of Nazi-style book burnings[…]
Speaking of World War II, Peters said “horrific things happened” and “lots of people died,” but suggested that Adolf Hitler may have been unfairly maligned as an “evil dictator” who “murdered millions of people”[…]
“Yeah, this is what needed to be done. If you’re going to save a civilization —[…]civilization was dying…The German people were embarrassed to be German[…]Prussian spirit was lost”

Quiñones also praised the Nazis for stamping out other political parties, remarking that “desperate times” called for “desperate measures”

bamboozler1 #homophobia #conspiracy #transphobia kotakuinaction2.win

Here is the wiki page for what happened:


It's been carefully rewritten to present the modern woke leftist version of the story, which, unfortunately, is also spouted by some of the people in that video (particularly the woman "historian" who may not have even been there, lol), but yeah, basically, the degenerates got banned, and took the licensee to court, so the brewery that owned the pub shut the place down with a week's notice, and then sent the cops in to smash it up...

Fuck the degenerates, and fuck the pigs. They can shift the blame all they want, but this was their fault, at least partly.

Reverse Stonewall, if you will.

Never, ever come between an Aussie and our booze (specifically beer), lol. That is almost the one occasion where we might actually get amped up enough to do shit like this (also our women, as shown by Cronulla, tbh)...

Torino #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut jassa.org

So much for the extent of the assumed displacement. It must have been the greatest and the most absolute of any recorded in history.”

“It must also have taken place with unparalleled rapidity. By supposing that the assumed changes set in immediately after the time of Tacitus, and that as soon as that writer had recorded the fact that Poland, Bohemia, and Courland were parts of Germania, the transformation of these previously Teutonic areas into Slavonic ones, began, we have a condition as favorable for a great amount of changes as can fairly be demanded. Still it may be improved. The last traces of the older population may be supposed to have died out only just before the time when the different areas became known as exclusively Slavonic; an assumption which allows the advocate of the German theory to stay that, had our information been a little earlier, we should have found what we want in the way of vestiges, fragments, and effects of the antecedent non-Slavonic aborigines. Be it so. Still the time is short. Bohemia appears as an exclusively Slavonic country as early as A.D. 625. Is the difference between these areas and the time of Tacitus sufficient?”

“Undoubtedly a great deal in the way of migration and displacement may be done in five hundred years, and still more in seven hundred; yet it may be safely said that, under no circumstances whatever, within the historical period, has any known migration equalled the rapidity and magnitude of the one assumed, and that under no circumstances has the obliteration of all signs of an earlier population been so complete.”

“How could the displacement inferred from this utter obliteration have taken place? Was it by a process of ejection, so that the presumed immigrant Slavonians conquered and expelled the original Goths. The chances of war, when we get to the historical period, run the other way; and the first fact which we know concerning those selfsame Slavonians who are supposed to have dispossessed the Germans in the third and fourth centuries, is that, in the ninth, the Germans dispossessed them.”

Alexander Zharkov #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

Today Alexander will teach a technique for SSP <Super Soldier Program> veterans to recover their memories. Begin with 7 deep breaths to get comfortable and then perform a mantra 144 times a day for 40 days. Maintain the intent that you will recover your memories and or energy potential. It’s better to do the meditation in a group of 12 people on a Ley Line, or with a Quartz Crystal.

Alexander is an expert in increasing vital energy. He is also a Parapsychologist, Healer, Positive Psychotherapist, Business Coach, Author of training courses (Discover Your Purpose, People of Light, Master of Light) and the Author of the book “Discover Your Purpose,” Author of transformation games “Creators of the Universe,” “Duality,” “Reverse Synthesis,” “Chaos Algorithms,” “Crystal Sorcerers,” author of the “Development of Consciousness Abilities” deck, author of the “Initial Cap Transformation” method. Guide-conductor of sacred tours to places of Power, Founder and head of Crystal Energy, member of the Ukrainian Association of Psychotherapists, member of the Ukrainian Association of Psychosomatics of Reproductive Perinatal Psychology, Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine, Ukrainian Association of Family Medicine, member of the National Psychological Association, member of the Ukrainian Association of Functional Medicine, member of the Association of Child and Family Psychologists of Ukraine, member of the Independent Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians of Ukraine, and member of the International Guild of Writers.

Hannah Michaels #crackpot #fundie #racist #conspiracy vtforeignpolicy.com

The United States of America and Great Britain are God’s Israel. To say “Americans are Israel” doesn’t mean Americans are Jewish. It’s a Christian nation, made up of the descendants of Jacob-Israel, who are part of the 10 lost “forgotten” tribes of Israel.

Jesus instructed his disciples to go minister to these lost sheep, the scattered abroad descendants from the ten lost tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. These descendants would accept Jesus as Christ, and become Christian nations – unlike the Jews of the remaining two of the twelve tribes who were in the Southern Kingdom and had rejected Him.
We have literally accepted that most of Israel vanished, leaving only the descendants of Judah. This cannot be possible given Biblical facts that Israel was going to be multiplied like the “stars of heaven” and “dust of the earth”, while the sons of Judah were going to become a remnant.

What really happened to the other 11 sons and their descendants? They are also listed in Revelation, Chapter 7. This sealed roll-call clarifies that these tribes will be around in Satan’s “end of days”. So where are they?
Genesis 21:12 And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called [(I)saac’s sons – Saxons].

The English and the Anglo-Americans are Engel-o’-Saxons. And eventually, the British Empire would come to rule the world’s sea-gates, with its empire and commonwealth so large that the sun would not set on it (Psalm 89:34-36). The word “BRIT – ISH” means “man of The Covenant” in Hebrew.
The United Kingdom became a Commonwealth of nations headed by Ephraim – the English, Great Britain. The British Flag is made with the “Alpha and Omega”. The Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and the Tau is the last. The flag is also rightfully called the Union Jack, which is short for the Union of Jacob-Israel.

S.A. McCarthy #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #conspiracy crisismagazine.com

It’s an election year in America, which means that the political Left is trotting out its favorite fearmongering apparatuses again. For the past few years, politicians and pundits alike have leaned heavily on terms like “far right,” “bigoted,” racist,” “transphobic,” and “extremist”; but topping the list of late has been “Christian nationalist.” But what is a Christian nationalist?
If the defining characteristic of a Christian nationalist were a belief that “our rights as Americans and as all human beings do not come from any earthly authority” but “from God,” then the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution would be tantamount to Christian nationalist manifestos.
While Christianity has suffered a drastic decrease in recent years, a new religion has risen to take its place: Leftism. Yes, Leftism is a religion. Much like Catholicism, it even boasts a clergy, sacraments, and dogmas. Its clergy are elite power brokers: media personalities are its preachers while politicians serve as priests, legislating sacrifice to their gods. Its sacraments are multitudinous: from transgendering children and stocking school libraries with pornographic picture books all the way to its highest (or, rather, lowest) form of unholy prayer, abortion.
Despite all the hyperinflated fearmongering, those derided by the White House and its media mouthpieces as “Christian nationalists” are not trying to force all Americans to attend Mass weekly; we are not endeavoring to install altar rails in the Capitol building; nor are we attempting to replace the Star-Spangled Banner’s stars with rosary beads.
Certainly, we want to legislate Christian morality—to end the slaughter of unborn children, to ban the scourge of pornography, to keep little boys and little girls from having their sex organs hacked off or hacked open. These are measures which the Founding Fathers might have called “the basics” had they ever lived to see the horrors of the modern age.

Dr. Michael Salla/Laura Eisenhower #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower is the Great Granddaughter of President Dwight ‘Ike’ Eisenhower, and in her first book, Awakening the Truth Frequency, she sets out to clarify the role he played in secret agreements reached with a breakaway Nazi colony in Antarctica and later agreements with extraterrestrials. According to Eisenhower, Ike, was overruled by the MJ-12 Special Studies Group, which had been set up under President Truman to manage the extraterrestrial presence. She cites historical events that support the claim that an agreement amounting to a surrender of some kind had been reached soon after the Washington DC flyovers in July 1952 by Nazi antigravity spacecraft flying out from Antarctica.

In subsequent encounters with extraterrestrial visitors, after he assumed the Presidency in January 1953, she asserts that Ike’s hands had been tied by the earlier agreements the MJ-12 Group had reached with the Germans during the Truman administration. In her book, Eisenhower asserts that in response to the dire ‘exopolitical’ situation, Ike created a ‘Special Section’ within the US Marine Corps, that would be responsible for intervening to protect the US Republic if the agreements with the Germans and extraterrestrials went awry.

In her Exopolitics Today interview, she responds to critical questions about different factions of human-looking ‘Nordic’ extraterrestrials the Galactic Federation of Worlds in terms of them either being compromised through their collaboration with the Nazis or helping the US Navy help transition humanity to a Star Trek Future, and the nature of ‘the surrender’ that had been achieved during the Truman administration. Finally, Eisenhower explains what lies ahead for humanity in terms of a timeline split as our planet transitions from 3D (Earth) to 5D (Tara) and finally to 7D (Gaia).

Thomas Anderson #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

I am writing you to give you a short summary of what the actual legal status of Germany is in fact, there is no Germany, there is an area of land formerly know as Federal Republic of Germany and this area is part of a bigger area formerly known as the German Empire. And because of very recently published leaked discussions of Officers of the Bundeswehr, der German army, the Russians have now the legal right to simply quit and cancel the so called 4+2 contract, in which the end of the Russian occupation was decided and the so called Federal Republic of Germany then, so the general public was told, would grow a little by adding the area of the formerly know German Democratic Republic (DDR).
well… in the German Grundgesetz, the Basic Law (NOT a constitution!!), it is very clearly written: “the planning of an attack war is prohibited” so therefore, this member of German parliament openly in public and not by accident broke the law, the so called “constitution” and the 4+2-contract at the same time as it was nothing.

Therefore… the Russians could now legally (!!!) send their troops to Germany at ANY time without braking ANY international law.

On top of that, there are surely many Germans who would welcome them in order to get all the scumbags out of Berlin.
Such a basic law, a “Grundgesetz”, should therefore, as well as a constitution, determine to which area this substitution-law regulation refers, to which people and, as a result, actually regulate all that is necessary precisely for the intended purpose, namely the maintenance of public order.
So, what do we learn….

Germany is run by a small group of people of the top floors and in government there are a lot of gangsters.

The German people has suffered from those and they don’t have clue about it. They have paid literally hundreds of billions to wedontyetknowexactly.

And the german people don’t even have citizenship. Below the word “nationality” in the passport of every German there is written “German”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

Bible already gave the warning: Those who bless Israel will be BLESSED…those who curse Israel will be CURSED. Kamala & Democrat Party are cursed to hell. Perfect. Same radical extreme Marxist TRAITORS who hate God, America, Constitution & capitalism.

DAILYMAIL.CO.UK Kamala Harris breaks from Biden and calls Gaza Strip a 'humanitarian catastrophe' and said a ceasefire must happen to end the 'suffering'

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

If we continue to have generations of students going through a public education system that teaches them they are just animals and the result of natural processes (a Scientific American article stated, “We are all animals, descendants of a vast lineage of replicators sprung from primordial pond scum”), we will continue to see a growing moral collapse in society.

The horrible school shooting in Finland in 2007 was a prime example. The killer stated: “I am prepared to fight and die for my cause, . . . I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. . . . I am just an animal, a human, an individual, a dissident . . . . It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!”

Herein lies Darwin’s terrible legacy, which has affected all modern cultures.
This student was only carrying out in practice what he had been taught concerning origins, as well as the lack of purpose and meaning he found in life. Herein lies Darwin’s terrible legacy, which has affected all modern cultures.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #quack #wingnut twitter.com

One of my friends wrote me the following: Found out my lawyer friend died. AstraZeneca and an mRNA booster. Begged him not to get vaxxed in early 2021. He got ALS after vaccination (Lou Gehrigs disease). I brought him ivermectin before he died but it was too late. https://verhoevefuneralhomes.com/memorials/patrick-morris/5321396/…
7:42 AM · Mar 14, 2024 · 251.2K Views
649 Reposts 22 Quotes 2,765 Likes 142 Bookmarks

C.T. #elitist #racist #conspiracy westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Canaille!”]


Il y a une autre canaille à laquelle on sacrifie tout, et cette canaille est le peuple

In my recent articles, and on this site in general, I have expressed myself in a very derogatory way about the masses (and the System that empowers them: democracy), whom I have called as Voltaire called them, canaille, and I have also called them in a much worse way

After years of not seeing it, I have just watched one more time the 1995 film Indictment: The McMartin Trial, starring James Woods: one of the very few films I can recommend in this dark hour for our civilisation

The daycare sex abuse hysteria was a moral panic that occurred mainly during the 1980s and early 1990s and brought charges against completely innocent daycare providers accused of committing various forms of child abuse, including satanic ritual abuse[…]
Since the mid-1990s, the phenomenon has been discredited to such a degree that criminalists and law enforcement authorities have recognised it for what it was: a witch hunt that led to imprisonment and ruined the lives of many innocent adults. The film Indictment: The McMartin trial masterfully shows how a moral panic psychotised the masses in the decade I lived in California

In its heyday in the 1980s and early 1990s, similar in some ways to the Salem trial of 1692, such allegations reached grotesque extremes. Using invasive adult techniques in the interrogation of kindergartners, therapists elicited confessions riddled with fantasies[…]
Indictment is the best example of how the masses—yes: the canaille—react when they are in a moral panic: they simply trust the Jew-controlled media. The film vindicates why I speak so disparagingly of the masses or rabble and why I can only love the dissident individual

Mike Adams the Health Ranger/Dr. Alphonzo Monzo #quack #wingnut #conspiracy brighteon.com

Dr. Alphonzo Monzo reveals the DARK TRUTH about nanowires, 5G, electropollution and the borgification of humanity

- Naturopathy, biophysics, and weaponized nanotechnology. (0:00)

- Vibrational medicine, nanotechnology, and self-assembling particles. (2:04)

- Nanotechnology, vaccines, and transhumanism. (8:15)

- The role of nanotechnology in vaccine development. (14:33)

- Gene editing, nanotechnology, and vaccine safety. (20:36)

- Copper deficiency and its impact on fear and anxiety. (28:45)

- Toxicity and nutritional imbalances in society. (32:03)

- Using technology to analyze bodily fluids and identify nutrients and toxins. (38:59)

- Glyphosate persistence and potential energetic methods for removal. (43:21)

- Using sound waves to disintegrate toxins in the body. (50:18)

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