Trump To FOX News: "You Can Cut This If You Want, But The Election Was Rigged," "10-12% Of Democrats Are Voting For Me"
During an interview with FNC's Howard Kurtz Sunday on "Media Buzz," former President Trump continued to insist that the 2020 presidential election was "rigged."
Trump said polls don't capture his true level of support because anybody who won't answer questions from pollsters is supporting him.
DONALD TRUMP: I think the Democrats vote for me a lot more than you think. In fact, I saw where at least 10 or 12% of the Democrats are voting for me. They've never seen a number like that.
I have a theory. People in Beverly Hills vote for me, but they don't talk about it. A lot of people vote for me.
Do you know when the exit polls in 2016 came out, everybody said is, "Oh, this is a sad day, this is sad for Trump, he's not going to make it, he's not going to make it." Everyone's saying it. Remember that? And then the I end up winning quite easily. I ran Florida, I really ran the whole east coast.
And one person called up, smart guy and said, "You're going to win big." Why? -- "You're going to win big." Why do you say that? On FOX too they said it's not looking good. They say, "No, you're going to win big because there's a group of people that say don't ask me that question."
It's a how much much rougher word than that, it's a word that I won't United States on television. I can't, I will get decimated, but they told the president a certain thing, but let's be nice. They say, don't ask me that. Anybody that says, essentially, "don't ask me that" is a Trump voter. And it was the largest number of "don't ask me that" voters ever, ever, ever.
And he said every one of those voters is voting for you, and it turned out to be true.
So, you know, we ended up winning, and we did much better in 2020.