
These filthy peasants! They are revolting!

BeardedLuckDragon #elitist #sexist #god-complex #pratt #crackpot #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Herd moons/women – Jack of all trades for herd, parallel processing D+ {Gossip and work one task}, need to conform with one another {Especially other herd women}, uses double speak, has no sense of humor, overtly concerned about chaos and emotions, wants validation, only reason large soycieties can exist, like your bratty little sister, you complain and have babies for your tribe, like the pregnant new hire with no experience who wants to become the boss. You took a red and blue pill, but you're not purple pilled and want to be?!? What would alpha women think of that? You wouldn't know, alpha women know better than to bother with the herd.

Herd suns/men – Specialists for herd, batch processing D+ {Thinking about sex or how to get it}, need to protect and provide for herd women {Usually the dumbest ones}, uses single speak, has a sense of humor, only reason large soycieties can exist, overtly concerned about stability and simplicity, wants sexual favors, like your adult child room mate, you work to have sex with your tribe, like the new hire who wants to have sex in the bathroom. You are blue pilled... so blue pilled because sex only, what a cuck. You know what alpha men think of that, they tell you on a semi regular basis.

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #crackpot #ableist #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut deviantart.com

Top 10% of the tribe:

Alpha – You are mentally, physically, and spiritually capable, you hate to lose, you lead the tribe, like your CEO. You are purple pilled.

Beta – All the benefits of the Alpha with none of the ability or responsibility, you are easy to get along with and laid back, you help lead your tribe, like your shift leader. You are pink pilled.

Delta – Workers, often suffer from workaholic lifestyles, you work day and night for your tribe, you gather, you hunt, like your manager. You are yellow pilled.

Omega – Intelligent and great at forming master minds and using non physical abilities to compensate for their small stature or crippled form, you think for your tribe, like your share holders. You are white pilled.

Gama – Very specialized members of the community that are fantastic at the 1 to 3 things they do, but tend to lack self awareness and have a bit of a temper problem, you make armor and weapons for your tribe, like your technicians. You are red pilled.

Sigma - You are physically capable like an alpha, hard working like a delta, and intelligent like an omega, you are a loner type, you left the tribe or exist on the outskirts, like your travelling sales agent. You are green pilled.

Zeta – You are good at everything, spiritually capable like an alpha, easy to be around like a beta, you want to take over the tribe or topple over the current regime to create a new one, you want to take over the tribe, like another company's share holders buying out your company. You are rainbow pilled.

Fschmidt #elitist #crackpot #dunning-kruger luan.software

I define Moderns as members of depraved modern western culture. They will hate Luan and shouldn't use it. This is because they are evil people who love complexity and hate simplicity. They worship their own insane ideas and ideologies while ignoring practical real-world concerns. This is taken to an extreme in Silicon Valley where the world's worst software is produced.

A.W. Morgan #racist #pratt #elitist vdare.com

It's time to bring the Dani tribesman of Indonesia into the 21st century. [Inside the remote Indonesian Dani tribe who cut off the tops of their fingers when a loved one dies and keep mummified bodies of ancient warriors, By Tariq Tahir For Mailonline, November 17 2017] Undoubtedly, they long for democracy, and all the modern things we have here.
Let's pack six or seven families into a big home in Chappaqua, N.Y., where Hillary Clinton lives, or the Kalorama section of Washington, D.C., where Barack Obama lives. Maybe Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell would have them move next door.

Then our finest elites can experience the diversity and cultural enrichment they advocate, and watch these Stone Age wonders run around naked, display the mummies of ancient warriors and cut off the ends of their fingers when relatives die.

After all, we've been enriched by child rape and genital mutilation. Why not this?

Matt McGloin #dunning-kruger #elitist google.com

Taking a page out of the book of yours truly, Stephen King takes a stance against diversity, and of course, gets blasted online for it.

King is actually a leftist himself, but to his credit he has some class and offers that quality shouldn't be sacrificed just for the sake of diversity.

In a series of tweets, the legendary horror novelist reveals he nominates for the Oscars where he reveals that diversity isn't a factor at all when it comes to how he votes.

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt deviantart.com

Colonel, women don't need to make sense, they need to feel safe. Men better make sense, and it doesn't matter if we feel safe, or we'll get our asses kicked out in the parking lot. I don't think women have to be unaccountable, but alpha chads like to get laid, and one poorly timed argument betwixt an delta/omega/gamma thinker and an delta/omega/gamma feeler can ruin the night as the alpha's lady friend eats their ears off over some blunt comment. In essence, as long as men need pussy more than honesty, and as long as women get to think in cycles with their emotions, it's mens' fault.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #elitist energeticsynthesis.com

There are many very positive activations happening throughout the dimensional fields that will generate rapid 3D Breakdown and Enlightened Contact that greatly support collective humanity to be spiritually initiated towards choosing heart-based freedom, loving kindness and planetary liberation via the disclosure timeline. Simultaneously, the mainstream media distraction beats the war drums and transmits mind control signals to dampen this massive inpouring of solar plasma light, benevolent goodness and humanitarian support moving us rapidly towards a collective planetary event. The factions currently infighting within the Controller groups are desperate and using every resource at their disposal, in forcefully redirecting the collective consciousness to focus on the agents of chaos by provoking war and misdirection that further encourages compliance to tyranny, violence, separation and fear narratives. Sadly, the heavy burden most awakening people carry is the difficult realization that the majority of intelligent people around them will only glance superficially at some enormous disclosure event of great importance, disregarding any semblance of critical thinking, common sense and reason.
During this cycle, the extreme outer pressure caused by the planetary Emerald Cosmic Clock Initiation and the result of shifting timelines may cause an estrangement from certain social circles, including friends and family members that are deeply entrenched in the 3D narrative. Thus, many stuck in the mind control narrative are still harboring emotional conflicts of persecution and traumas that contribute to unresolved subconscious fears of facing the unknown.
Some people may double down by digging their heels even deeper into the controlled narrative by staunchly denying any evidence that is contrary to their 3D belief system doctrine, which are usually based in similar thoughtforms being reinforced by their immediate social circle.

Russ Winter #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist winterwatch.net

In a nihilist world absent of any kind of virtues, people will desperately search for any kind of meaning in their lives. Thus, they seek meaning in some kind of abstract, constructed identity that the New Underworld Order (NUO) Crime Syndicate put forward to them. Don’t get me wrong. There are important identities. However, the main one is “good versus evil,” ponerology and kakistocracy, the primary topics of our pages.

But there’s a rising tide of superficial ones, too. The NUO seeks to balkanize society into these small tribes of controlled identitarian groups, and then pit them against each other based on flimsy narratives.
The Crime Syndicate’s goal is to atomize society as much as they can and turn everyone into self-centered, narcissistic/nihilistic individuals who are completely apathetic to anything that goes on around them and who participates in society only in a superficial way.

The key to knowing that you’re being gamed with divide-and-conquer identity politics are memes that distract from actual behavior. They are often very generalized, too. The same is true across the board, whether it be blacks, Jews, Muslims, females, males, the Left, Right and so on.
The latest example of this is the “OK Boomer” meme.

This is more divide-and-conquer gaming, this time between the old and the young. As a Boomer myself, I recognize that there might be real conflicts between these groups. And it’s easy to heap blame on Boomers for the ills that surround us and bad actors among the Boomers.

But the goal of the “OK Boomer” psyop is to dismissively silence the voices of reasonable people within the Boomer group by branding them bad actors.

The playbook has been one of destroying all inherent sources of wisdom. Old customs and traditions seeped in the experiences of older people are the targets. When you make a generation devoid of any foundation to stand on – cultural, spiritual, national, and their elders – they become unhinged and can then easily be swayed.

BeardedLuckDragon #racist #sexist #elitist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

[In response to several articles being approving of a female British politician’s “not […] entirely serious suggestion” that a cufew should be placed upon men in response to a missing person case where the police had advised women to not go out at night.]

Why a curfew for men wouldn't work is economic, since most dangerous jobs and night shifts are performed by men, and night shifts are much more dangerous than day shifts. Since it's probably a man to come play captain save a ho, the less men on the streets means women have less protectors and witnesses to keep the community safe at night. You don't think gangster bitches wouldn't blast your ass and take your wallet? Honey the thieves guild has been an equal opportunity employer as far back as I can remember. If all the female bandits know half the population is bound by a curfew, that would give them incentive to commit more crime on solo targets, not less. Laziness comes to mind too, cause now you'll have to get everything for yourself, or have it delivered for more money, and there will be no more, "Could you go get me xyz?" at 12am. Men comprise roughly 69% of the work force, so that means a lot less night time delivery drivers and increased delivery times. If half of society is under a curfew, that means the bars and night life will economically and socially collapse too, so be careful.

"Perhaps that seems unfair, a punishment inflicted on all men just for their gender, for the actions of a few. But women have been living with that exact restriction, an infantilising ban on venturing out alone, for our whole lives." First off modern women of 2022, NO YOU HAVEN'T BEEN BANNED FROM GOING OUT ALONE. You've been encouraged not to go out alone at night, just like men, but we can't hold you accountable for what you do. Actually that does seem unfair punishing half the species for what someone else did, and it especially bothers me that the majority of male inmates, 80% that is, come from single mother households. A lot of these rapes in Australia are being committed by foreigners that don't share the same values as Western men, but that makes people seem racist for pointing the finger at the sub category of men that are committing these awful crimes.

Greek Anon #elitist #homophobia #pratt #sexist #wingnut boards.4chan.org


>economy going down the drain
>blackpill evolution leaves men virgins
>women are sociopathic whores, men are weak narcissists
>war and instability everywhere
>jews, trannies, faggots everywhere
>you can only get a job if you graduate top of your class in STEM - suck the "education" system's dick, gulp down propaganda 24/7 and thank them for it, blow thousands, deal with insufferable normie subhumans daily
>curricula becoming more and more demanding
>maybe if you have connections, but even this is being sidelined
>normies are becoming more volatile and backstabbing than ever
>you VILL go to war, you VILL die a virgin, you VILL die poor, and you VILL die alone
>if you return, it's the same shit all over again

I sincerely hope the nukes fly and irradiate this shithole forever. If we're lucky, the rulers of this world will also get caught in the crossfire too.

>inb4 obligatory retards that will call me a demoralizing shill

It's over. Bros, it's been an honor serving with you - but everything of value has been destroyed and pissed on.

Mark Lu #elitist #racist amren.com

Idealism, when practiced by zealots, often leads to disaster. Affirmative action is an examplle. It is based on the idea that blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, and other minorities don’t do well because of slavery and discrimination; if they had had the same environment, they would be on par with whites and Asians. Although genes and environment each account for roughly half of personality and mental traits, egalitarianists tend to ignore genes.

Egalitarianism also found advocates in China during the Cultural Revolution. Chairman Mao ordered institutions of higher learning to enroll students according to a “recommendation system.” Potential students were selected only from workers, peasants, and soldiers (WPS).

Entrance examinations were abolished, and some of the students were illiterate or semi-illiterate. My mother taught gynecology to WPS medical students. One student was confused once when my mother said something like, “After the patient remains unconscious for 48 hours, we should . . . .” No matter how my mother explained this, the student couldn’t figure out how many days and nights there are in 48 hours.

Affirmative action is practiced on a smaller scale, so its harm is hard to quantify. On the other hand, most of the 940,000 WPS graduates from these years proved to be useless.

China actually does have a form of affirmative action. However, local governments are now eliminating these preferences. Guizhou provincial government announced it would gradually stop giving extra points to ethnic minorities. Others, such as Liaoning and Fujian provinces, also announced late last year that they would drop the preferences by 2026.

As we pile egalitarian folly upon egalitarian folly, China still has a few obstacles to overcome to achieve meritocracy.

Jay Whig #wingnut #elitist amgreatness.com

Attorney John Eastman, in his now famous memo advising Donald Trump about what power the president of the Senate might exercise in the counting of electoral ballots, wrote in support of his more aggressive interpretation of the constitutionally questioned Electoral Count Act, “We’re no longer playing by Queensbury Rules.”

For this turn of phrase, Eastman has received a good deal of criticism, some of it from “friends.”

The “friendly fire” is to be expected, I suppose. What’s left of the conservative movement exists primarily to confront other conservatives, rather than its nominal adversary, the Left.

Conservatism, Inc. exists to purge the Right, and does so like a ballerina at a pizza party. Alas, political battles are not won by bulimia.

Two Republicans—the only two, hand-picked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—on the Select Committee on January 6, Representatives Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), seek to vomit up (or vomit on, it is not clear which) members of their own party to have them prosecuted by the Department of Justice.

Cheney is an attorney and dynasty politician, from the House of Forever War. Kinzinger, of no legal education or pedigree at all, is just . . . well, as Mark Twain put it, “Suppose you are a member of Congress. Now suppose you are an idiot. But I repeat myself.” The former would like to restore the dynastic rule of low taxes and endless foreign interventions. The latter would like someone to explain what’s going on, preferably in crayon.

Yoon Suk-yeol and Kim Kun-hee #sexist #elitist #racist #wingnut france24.com

South Korea's new president-elect is a political novice who shot to public attention as a prosecutor for his uncompromising investigations into some of the country's most high-profile corruption scandals

But conservative Yoon Suk-yeol's hawkish stance on North Korea has drawn some controversy, while his misogynistic pledges and his insensitive remarks on issues ranging from poverty and the Ukraine crisis have been widely criticised
Born in Seoul in 1960, Yoon studied law and went on to play a key role in convicting the former president Park Geun-hye for abuse of power

As the country's top prosecutor in 2019, he also indicted a top aide of outgoing President Moon Jae-in over fraud and bribery, in a case that tarnished the Moon administration's upstanding image
Despite his role in Park's ousting, Yoon fired up support among disgruntled conservative voters by offering a chance at "revenge" against Moon -- even going so far as to threaten to investigate Moon for unspecified "irregularities"

Even Yoon's wife [Kim Kun-hee] claimed his critics would be prosecuted if her husband won because that's "the nature of power", according to taped comments released after a court battle
As an avowed anti-feminist he has pledged to abolish the ministry for gender equality, claiming South Korean women do not suffer systemic discrimination -- despite voluminous evidence to the contrary

On North Korea, Yoon has threatened a pre-emptive strike on the South's nuclear-armed neighbour if needed, a claim that analysts have pointed out is wildly unrealistic
So far, Yoon's camp "looked as though they were simply copying and pasting foreign policy phrases from the US Republican presidents' speeches," she added

He also made a string of gaffes on the campaign trail, from praising one of the country's former dictators, to belittling manual labour and Africans

kljjdsflkjsd #elitist #racist #wingnut reddit.com

I haven't made a single friend at this school and no one even turns to look in my general direction anymore

I got kicked out by some hyper SJW "Hindu" students who actually appease the wretched Mlecchas whom I can never be friends with.

There aren't many people who like me here. I'm a North Indian Brahmin guy and as a result, almost all South Indians hate me (they may deny it like when I posted this on the San Jose Board but it is true).

In addition to that, I'm despised by the substantial Sikh community that lives and attends school here (last Tuesday I had this Sikh guy giving me the death stare as I browsed 4chan) not to mention the Indian Christian community.

The Muslims obviously despise me as I am a North Indian Brahmin who is their sworn enemy because of Islam's hatred towards Sanatan Dharma (my people are the most important there) and I have no interest in being friends with them.

Non-South Asians tend to dislike me as well because of my newfound hyper interest in my ethnoreligious identity that they can't relate to which I understand completely since I probably would be able to be friends with a white, black, Hispanic, or Asian identitarian either.

I hate looking at how you fucking normies are living all these cool and interesting lives and I'll stick out like a sore thumb (mid-twenties Panch Gauda Brahmin loser vs normal cool people).

Anyways, I'm not looking to make friends of this commie libtard website (I'm not that much of a loser) but I thought I might share my experiences about how this school has been a complete waste of time/torture chamber for me.

Come to think of it the only person I could ever really be friends with was that guy who I met in my second semester here. He had the same politically incorrect views on all the other groups that I have but was just better at hiding them. Obviously, his hatred of North Indians did slip out because like most South Indians he could never be friends with me or anything like that.

peace out

5nkcZJZ9 #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist archive.wakarimasen.moe

>There are also large differences in moral character between the races, which are extremely important to civilizational success, and in this aspect in particular, all other races are grossly inferior to whites.
This difference is why I don't really include Eastern Europeans as "whites". Eastern Europeans have lived under different circumstances that shaped them differently for thousands of years. While they have full white intelligence, they don't have the full white moral character.

This can get confusing because there are quite a few Western European people living in Eastern Europe. Russia, for example, is named after the phenomenon of Western Europeans coming in to be the ruling elite of Eastern Europeans. The "Rus" that Russia is named after were a people, but they weren't Slavic like the Russian majority now and through history, they were Scandinavian. The country is named for needing the management of a Western European elite to function properly. Whenever Slavs try to rule themselves, they bring disaster upon themselves, through their inferior moral character.

m05sHqz2 #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut archive.wakarimasen.moe

Slavs don't come to korea. We don't want you. Only ethnic koreans are welcome. If you don't have the blood, fuck off. We want order, a united race, and our own country. We have no ambitions to be a world empire. We will beat the shit out of you if you come. Go to europe with the rest of the commie fags. If britain, the british and not the muslim jihadists, want any respect, kick these retards out. At this point, I kind of want north korea to sort of invade us and kill the chinks and the foreigners. But fuck commies. Fuck man, are there any single raced nation anymore that isn't a commie fuckfest. Oh yeah japan what happened to you, stop importing chinese commies. May both our nations, although we hate each other, fight off these immigrants and preserve civilisation

Also russia, the chinese is literally the nazis of asia and they will rurn on you. They will build roads to the west to promote their commie ideology and rape europe to be their colony. By sanctioning putin, you give him no choice but to ally with china. Even if you win, then what. Russia will have enemies all around and have no choice but to get raped by china helplessly. I hope you have a plan

micropenis29 #elitist ncu.su

the joy of taxing the poor

the poor should be taxed more heavily than the rich

and the ultra rich shouldn't be taxed at all

yes, in the long-run, taxation should be eliminated altogether (as i've said many times)

but given that we're going to tax some people, those people should be poor people

the poor should subsidize the rich for 2 main reasons:

1) it incentives the poor to become more productive and to become rich, which in turn increases societal wealth

2) it decreases the burden on the rich--who tend to be society's most productive people anyways--which leads to faster economic growth

if we want to eliminate poverty sooner, we need to soak the poor!

Mjollnir #elitist therpgsite.com

The Right memes to Truth, the Left memes to Power.

I can hear it in your voice Pundit, just how much these people's hypocrisy gets under your skin. Some people are aligned towards the Truth by their nature, to others the Truth only has value inasmuch as it's useful to them, it has no intrinsic value.

There's a natural impulse to want to show the contradictions and flaws in their belief system, but the problem is is that they don't actually believe anything. They will "believe" whatever is convenient, whatever they expect to be rewarded and validated for believing, and whatever they think will grant them status and power for believing

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #elitist adrenogate.net

Matt is certainly much more patient and reserved with his ire towards all the Zombified NPC characters that make up most of the population. I’ve been going scorched earth on literally everyone I know and anyone who even comes ’round my way. I’ve been dumped twice, fired/spectacularly quit from my job, uninvited from Thanksgiving and Christmas… forever… and generally looked down upon with sour-faced glares by my immediate family members. But I’m not ever relenting or even somewhat compromising with this retardation. Don’t meet these people in the middle… ever… destroy them. These days, if someone makes the mistake of approaching me for not wearing a mask, WATCH OUT. If it’s a woman they will likely leave the scene in tears and if it’s a dude they will either cower in fear, red-faced and ashamed after the verbal barrage that I end up unleashing, or if they are bigger than me and take offense then it can get kind of messy and I’ve had to run a few times. Lol. But compromise I will not. Do not be embarrassed for NOT being a retard. Do not conform.

C.T. #racist #elitist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Putin’s show"]

The West’s Darkest Hour does not comment on the news unless one of them changes the course of History

Reading the US racial timeline made me think of something. In that country, the bad guys always won the most important wars

In the American Revolution [url=https://chechar.wordpress.com/2017/08/23/racism-is-evil/the English should’ve won[/url], as they believed in hierarchy and aristocracy. Egalitarianism, even among white man and white man, is toxic to the sacred words and lends itself to what Alexis de Tocqueville saw early on: it is a cancer whose metastasis demands more and more equality

Thus, in the American Civil War the bad guys won again, and this time the race factor (metastasis) was introduced

And let’s not talk about the Second World War and its child: today’s Anti-white Cold War when the final metastasis has taken over almost the entire American body
Because of those wars that have marked Western history (remember that the French revolutionaries who [url=https://chechar.wordpress.com/2013/10/20/march-of-the-titans-29/guillotined blond aristocrats[/url] were inspired by the American revolutionaries), the US has been the spearhead of an egalitarian crusade throughout the West[…]Anything that leads to the dollar being repudiated as the reserve currency must be good news[…]The sanctions that the Biden administration is applying to Russia will only bring the US closer to what we have been predicting since 2011: the dollar will collapse

That doesn’t mean I like Putin, who just said he is invading Ukraine to ‘denazify’ it[…]It’s the North Americans—I include the silly Canadians—who, at present, suffer from anti-white psychosis[…]not the Russians

MassResistance #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #pratt #elitist archive.ph

In March 2000, the Massachusetts Dept. of Education teamed up with GLSEN, a national homosexual organization, to put on a horrific “conference” for children as young as 12 – along with adult homosexual activists. In two of the workshops, adults instructed children how to perform various (rather sickening) types of homosexual sex acts. We had someone there who tape-recorded it. When LGBT groups found out, they threatened legal action if we released the tapes. We did so anyway! The recordings were a big story in all the Boston media, and eventually made national and international news – newspapers, TV, and radio. It was dubbed “Fistgate.” Two LGBT groups sued to “punish” us. Both lawsuits were unsuccessful, but it was a difficult time for us.

Croatian Anon #elitist #racist #sexist boards.4channel.org

Thank god the slav genes are dominant. Even mutts can be saved, Italians are a piece of cake compared to that task

they all look like malnourished sminems

Italians are the ones who are malnourished. Pic related. Croat and Italian soldiers, considered by some to be the greatest mogging in human history


Damn I see why cutey POC ita girls love us. 1.85 im barely average here and a greek god in italy lmao.


Help us Croatia install superior semen in our women

Only if I see an entire Italian family, her mother and her father beg, give me compliments for my blond, handsome, light eyed and tall Croatian looks, then I will marry your sister.



I am 1.95 m and light eyed and that's something so average in my family and a 1 in 100 in your country



Still going despite your swarthy women fetishizing us en masse publicly.

1.5 million Italian women come to Croatia every year. Half of Croatians are above 50 yo. Count all the kids too, we are about 800k and rare as pure gold. Italian women are fucking feasting on us white boys

the cope of the gypsy man, come to Trieste and see how many balkan women are happily married to locals here compared to the opposite.

kek imagine trying to change my mind with facebook screenshots of some roastie who went to Dubrovnik once when I live literally next to you and I see you coming here begging for a decent pay to put some raggedy turk bread in your mouths every single day, truly delusional balkan monkeys.​

That's rich coming from a chud who's coping for an hour now due to his women ignoring his manlet ass because of a croatian chad

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #elitist adrenogate.net

There is a lot of etymological truth in this video series for anyone who cares about the true origins of all these deities that they are unwittingly following by continuing to be a part of whatever organized mainstream religion they are involved with and still loyal to. I am by no means trying to discredit the existence of God, on the contrary, but the point that’s being made is that the “God” that is spoken of in scripture is very much of this earth and not the original creator God that you’ve been told he is. Yahweh, the God of Bible is in fact the Dragon Baal who is Moloch who is Cronos who is Zues/JeZues who is Horus/Isis who is Ra who is Odin/Woden who are ALL constructs of the Demiurge and likely Fallen Angels or Nephilim Demigods. In fact the entirety of the English language seems to have been designed as on big neverending curse word when you break down the etymological origins of many of its words. Unfortunately I do not have time to learn Greek or Latin and am stuck with the language I know.

On a side note it appears that this guy used to be “Truthiracy”, a channel that Eric Dubay claims is a Gatekeeper. I’m not sure why but it’s yet another example of how some of the best stuff comes directly from the bought and paid for deceivers. Though I can assure you that no one is paying me and I don’t make a dime off any of my content and refuse to even put a few simple AD’s on the website as not to slow down the load time. This blog costs me money in the end. I only care about the actual truth, something that has not always been palatable or comfortable for me to accept and come to terms with. But I suck it up and concede what needs to be conceded and will put it all out there when faced with undeniable evidence and lines of logic. In the end one needs to make up their own mind and formulate their own customized opinions. Like I always say, no single person ever has all the answers and I’ve yet to encounter anyone who’s complete body of work I agree with 100%.

Ann Coulter #crackpot #elitist #racist vdare.com

Here’s MSNBC’s Joy Reid dismissing Christopher Rufo, a Manhattan Institute scholar, brought on her show putatively to debate CRT: “Are you like an expert in race or racial history? Are you a lawyer? Are you a legal scholar? Is that part of your background?”

How else could Rufo possibly understand a “theory” that says:

America is racist!
Criminal law is racist!
Policing is racist!
Arrests are racist!
Incarceration is racist!
Standardized tests are racist!
Mortgages are racist!
Oh my gosh, how am I ever going to master this complex theory? I thought the quantum field theory of subatomic particle forces was tough, but THIS? I guess I’ll be hitting the books tonight.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut amerika.org

[From “Multibungle in Ukraine”]

All of the West is bankrupt because it insisted on Communist-style social benefits, and it has imported foreigners to keep the Left in power despite having spent all our cash on buying votes with luxuries.

America was not weaker before public schooling, welfare, social security, EMTALA/medi-obamacare, and school grants. In fact, none of those things have made us stronger, nor have benefits made Europe anything but more bloated.

In the current time, we are seeing the most common of complex errors, the multiple bungle or multibungle. The West has bungled by following democracy and equality to their end point; Russia has bungled by jumping the gun and instead, unifying the West against Russia.

All of these nations have been buying off their populations in order to avoid French Revolution and American Civil War scenarios, using civil rights to enforce equality, to the point where now, we are almost as totalitarian as the Soviets.

Pedro de Alvarado #racist #sexist #elitist #dunning-kruger vdare.com

On the other hand, blacks didn’t much care for whites either [RIOTS AND RACIAL DISTURBANCES, p. 59, US Army Ground Forces Study No. 36: The Training of Negro Troops, by Major Bell I. Wiley, 1946].

“The army stinks,” one wrote, and “is filled up with a lot of ‘Crackers’ who don’t know that the Civil War is over and from all indications never will!”

After the war there will be riots after Riots because we are tired of the so-called white Supremacy as they call it…We just want the right to live, work and advance as normal people do. The right to fight & die as true Americans should…You can’t keep us down, try as you

Of course, white GIs were men of their times. Note that whites from the South and North felt the same way, and in nearly equal numbers. They unapologetically believed in preserving America's white European character and maintaining segregation and traditional roles for women.

Those views, of course, are “racist” and “sexist,” and if openly expressed today would absolutely exclude those men from military service.

While Ruane’s piece maintains a facade of neutrality, note how it began: with a white soldier’s advocating “white supremacy,” not with the black soldier’s calling whites “crackers.” Whites, you see, are always the villains.

Besides that, though, consider this: the story continues the larger effort to diminish the dominant, heroic role white Americans’ played in winning World II, and to retcon the war to help erase white history altogether.

After all, the white soldier’s remarks Ruane featured in his lede were one of the “uncensored results of dozens of surveys the service administered to soldiers during the war.”

Message: we may have won the war, but the important thing to remember is that whites were racists!

Joe Wasp #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "A Defense of Jim Crow and the South"]

The foremost artificial sin Dixie remains guilty of committing stands as the Jim Crow era[…]Many Southerners simply lack the intestinal fortitude to address the fallacies within the leftist narrative or to seek vindication of the Southern segregationists
Segregation began de facto in some areas during Reconstruction[…]Radicals sought to forcibly integrate numerous areas, and Lowland Southerners’ intimate, paternalistic pre-War lifestyles allowed for a greater degree of social interaction between the races
With the Compromise of 1877 came the end of Reconstruction[…]The Redeemer Democrats often ran on pro-White platforms and promises of restoring social order
This new generation of Southern politicians were more business oriented than the Planters[…]to the detriment of the still mostly rural Southern population[…]Quite beneficial for them politically to make claims of supporting Negroes, who flocked to urban areas
Governorships of Theodore Bilbo in Mississippi and Ben Tillman in South Carolina, only serve to solidify the patent fact that segregation formed as a product of the woes of the White working class and not a means of rich White Southerners to suppress Negro votes
The segregationists vehemently asserted the claim that communist factions[…]fomented, catalyzed, and financed integration. In this they were not wrong
Being fully within the legal bounds of the United States Constitution, the social benefits of the era are easily quantifiable. The social implications, and subsequent consequences, of integration were dire
Segregationists utilized the Holy Bible to support their claims, a prime example being Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett’s status as a Baptist Sunday School teacher. Further inquiry proves their beliefs true

David Guyll #elitist #transphobia daegames.blogspot.com

But SJWs need to lie, because chances are they aren't mad at you for anything you actually said. No, they hate you because you're better than they are: smarter, better looking, more talented. You have actual passion.


Meg is disgusting, trying to coerce someone to surrender and obediently recite ideological mantra. Not that this would satisfy her. She would just keep going, trying other angles, trying to push whoever GiantLands is until he dares to stand up and defy her. After which she'll call him a bigot, racist, sexist. A transphobe. Anything and everything, desperately sling it all and see what sticks.

Again, they hate you. You're better than they are. They want you gone, or dead. The only solution to deal with an SJW is not to ignore them—that doesn't solve anything—but to mock them. They are without exception lazy, moronic narcissists with the frailest of egos. Ignore them, and they'll go after someone else, often even each other, as SJWs are also incapable of forging anything remotely resembling a friendship

This also emboldens others. They see what you did, the results, and then they begin to stand up. It's like around here, as more and more people stopped adhering to the arbitrary, moronic “mask” mandates, it created a snowball effect. People began learning and using the law, pointing out how they are in fact illegal—as are “vaccine” passports—forcing businesses to stop attempting to impose illegal rules that they never should have in the first place.

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #elitist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Why Prussian Pride and Chauvinism, not Chivalry, are the way of the Future for Germans and Europeans"]

During Prussian Supremacy, even the Muslims recognized us as their superior

Without this Superiority Element over the Arab World, the Arab world then looks upon Europe as their potential “Caliphate”
Aside from the eras of the Greeks and Romans, that only the Prussians had made a staunch effort in the promotion of Chastity among Women so as to keep the society strong and retain Men’s Freedoms

The majority of Germanic people and many Europeans today seem to take issue with the idea of owning Women as “Property” and feel that Women should have the right towards sexual liberation
During the Prussian Reign of power, the inferior elements in Germany and Europe and any other Barbarian we encounter, when in our presence, keeps their mouth shut, and stands back in their place where they belong

The disruption of Prussian Legacy has brought us a world now where Inferiors are the rulers and ones in charge, and where Inferiors feel rights and entitlements over the Superiors
Germany’s Future relies on having a Leader who can simultaneously dismantle both Christianity and Chivalry, who can be freely offensive and brash without burdens of repercussions or disapproval, all of which must run off like rain water over his leather trench coat
Without Prussian Dominance over Germans, the average German is lost, and it is why the Modern Germans worry about things like the Environment, Green Energy, Vegan Diets, Plastic Bags and Insurance Policies
Educated German Women represented a major liability and disgrace to the legacy of German Culture and Prosperity for its future
During an era of German Greatness, Barbarians stay in their domain, they do not challenge or argue with the Prussian

h1LfqWfM #elitist #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org

All Ukrainian women are built for BPC (Big Polish Cock). They’re all gonna get POLED by THE POLISH HVNK. We’re gonna IMPALE them all. (Why do you think they call us Poles?)

Some Germans accepted the superior culture of Poland and Polonized. My maternal grandmother had a German last name.

There will be no war once we satiate the Russians and Westoids with BIG WEST SLAVIC COCK (BWSC). The Russians and the Westoids need their supply of the BWSC. So they always invade, hoping to either cause a mass migration, have the West Slavs fight for them as mercenaries and spread their superior West Slavic seed, or steal their children like Germany did during WWII.

Brother West Slavs (that includes Slovenes and Croatians). Westoid women need their supply of the BIG WEST SLAVIC COCK (BWSC). Look how strong our seed is. When we race-mix, we produce lawyer, high IQ hottie Miss USA winners (You’re welcome America.)

Drop off your hotties in Madagascar. We WEST SLAV HVNKS will be there to breed them shortly.

Whatever land produced such fine human specimens as us is to be blessed and made a holy site.

Look how the Russian woman lusts after the BIG POLISH COCK:


Polish YouTube channel promoting Polish-Russian relations goes out on the streets and asks Russians, “What do Poles do well?”

One woman responds, “Love-making. They’re good at love-making.”

West Slavs = Best Slavs.

>But they loved our girls, who went weak at the knees in return and flocked to these handsome, brave, glamorous young men, refugees from defeated Poland who had come to Britain to join the fight against Hitler’s hordes — encamped on the other side of the Channel in France and threatening to over-run these shores, too.

>The newcomers from Eastern Europe were so romantic and attentive, bowing from the waist and clicking their heels when introduced, sending flowers after the first date, whispering sweet nothings in a moody foreign language . . . and legendary for their prowess in bed.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut deathmetal.org

[From “Sodomize The Weak”]

“Sodomize” is a verb that in the heterosexual West implies subjugation and dominance, where “the weak” is part of a binary opposite, which means that the stronger are subjugating the weaker. In other words, a Darwinistic view: the more apt must dominate the less apt.

This amounts to a general defense and praise of elitism, since the implication of “weak” is that something stronger will take its place.


At this point, we have an organic version of the bubble sort: that which is better rises, and that which is less-better falls. This gradually sets up a hierarchy by comparing all to all, such that actual order is achieved with the best on top and the others arrayed appropriately below them, as one would find in a well-functioning military, business or academic unit.

How do we define the best? If we are intelligent, we do not, but instead recognize that it has two general attributes: competence and the related ability to discern what is not just utilitarian-adequate but also “good,” in the sense of improving life as far as can be. We want not just those who are effective, but those who improve the qualitative nature of the situation around them as well.

In other words, if you set up a computer with a billion virtual objects in it of unequal positions or characteristics and give them each the instruction to sodomize the weak, you will shortly end up with a highly organized arrangement where the most powerful objects are on top. If those are also wise, the order will be beautiful, elegant, awe-inspiring and so on.

This is how nature works. Your planet gets hit by an asteroid or virus and the dinosaurs fade away, but they are replaced by new creatures with the ability to survive such things. These creatures start as dumb rodents, but after millions of years of sodomizing the weak, you end up with majestic horses, humans who make death metal, whales (the ocean not SJW kind) and panthers.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #racist amerika.org

[From “The cause of rising inequality is liberalism”]

[…] Social Darwinism: the idea that income should reflect ability and the best should rise, and that others will do better — a broad tide will raise all boats — if power, wealth and culture are in the hands of the more competent. This idea offends liberals to their core because it points out the contradiction in egalitarianism, which is that there will always be disparate results because there are differing abilities, and thus that attempts to create “equality” amount to parasitism on the more competent in order to subsidize the less, in reversal of evolution itself.

To an observer a thousand years from now, it will be clear that “rising inequality” is a case of focusing on a detail and missing the background. What has happened in the United States is not that inequality has risen, but that the population has changed in two ways. First, it has shifted from majority Western European (“WASP” in the vernacular) toward majority third world and fringe European under liberal immigration policy, and second, it has been altered by liberal social policy, which has changed focus from a K-strategy focused on strong families to an r-strategy focused on third-world style mass subsidy and absence of stable family, religion and culture.

The people coming into the United States now are almost all already of mixed-race as most third-world populations are, and generally of lower IQ. […] IQs in the West have dropped 14 points in the last century. […] a logical inference is that recent immigration has something to do with it. That alone explains inequality, which is that if you take a thriving first-world population and import a third-world population which lacks the ability to achieve what that first world population did, the third-world population will remain poor and thus statistically inequality will rise. Factor into that cultures based on endurance of dysfunction […]

Lucas Fryman #elitist aminoapps.com

Basically, you can get a good chunk of what happened in a video done by Diversity&Comics. The link will be featured below.


Basically, we see that the writers Chip Sidarsky (I bet I butchered the spelling of his name) who mainly writes the current run of the (not so) Amazing SpiderMan and Erica Henderson, the woman responsible for the abomination of a series that is known as the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl have some how won awards for comedy.

Let me remind you of the characteristics of these two writers. Chip is a Canadian, and as we all know, most Canadians are not funny. And then we have far leftist feminazi, Erica Henderson, who thinks a good insult is "you're a jerk who suuuuuuuuucks." I'm dead serious, that came from the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

Well, from the Video from Diversity and comics and the Twitter feeds of these miraculously employed keyboard warriors, you can see that the SJW crowd in Marvel seem to have an inner circle. The create a "SaFe SpAcE," and echo their same zombie-like ideals like every SJW in existence does. They then go out to anyone who has the least bit of criticism for their ideas and then they systematically ear rape them with BS claims and threats until they get their way. It's sort of like going up to a Muslim extremist....but you won't get shot in the face....and they also don't bastardize wide spread religions.

Paul Kersey #elitist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger vdare.com

As the entire establishment in Canada and the United States flexes hegemonic power against a rag-tag army of truck drivers simply honking for freedom—cutting off GoFundMe and other sources of crowd-funding for this heroic gathering of 18-wheelers against tyranny—a story from the racial reckoning of 2020 stands as a reminder of just how revolutionary these white truckers are right now.

They actually oppose the system.

For Antifa/Black Lives Matter goons are nothing more than shock troops of the establishment, right?

Remember the Autonomous Zone established in Seattle during the George Floyd riots of 2020? It was dubbed CHAZ.

While every elected official in Canada rails against the white truckers honking in Ottawa, and the power structure in both the United States and the Great White North decries truckers as emblematic of white supremacy, recall elected officials in 2020 Seattle nearly transferred power of a police precinct in CHAZ to Black Lives Matter terrorists

The state is supposed to have the monopoly on violence, right?

In the summer of 2020, Black Lives Matter created CHAZ in Seattle and nearly got the elected officials of Seattle to give them a police precinct.

As white truckers honk in Canada, remember this story.

There is no white privilege anywhere. By merely honking, those in power in both Canada and the United States realize their tenuous grip on power is slipping.

The establishment sided by Antifa/Black Lives Matter in 2020 in both Canada and the United States, as these Marxists burned down cities, plundered businesses, murdered innocent people, and tore down statues.

Now, in the face of the first string of organized implicit whiteness arising, they are prepared to utilize every measure available to put down the honking…

Who would have thought a bunch of white guys whose prior ambition was being an alternate on Ice Road Truckers are saving western civilization?

Jon Del Arroz #god-complex #elitist delarroz.com

You are a real writer. If you’re getting good feedback on your work, don’t hesitate. Put it out there. That’s the only way to get ahead: especially if you’re white, male, Christian, conservative, any or all of those things. They gatekeepers hate you for who you are, and it doesn’t matter how good your work is. Stop giving those Christaphobic racist, sexist bigots validation by seeking yours through them.

Kajm #dunning-kruger #elitist deviantart.com

'Now Joe Biden has promised to make the next Supreme Court Justice a Black female. Americans – including a majority of Democrats – believe Biden should consider all nominees. So why not look for the most qualified candidates, period, Mr. President?
I’m fully convinced some of the names on that list would be Black women. I can think of several right now. One would be Michelle Childs from South Carolina.

She can compete no matter the pool of applicants. The people who know her, and worked with her, and appeared before her are universal in their praise for her character, intelligence, work ethic and demeanor.

She was elected to a state court judgeship in South Carolina, a state not known for quotas or affirmative action. She was elected out of all the candidates because she was the most qualified, not because she was a Black woman.

She was elected by a Republican-dominated legislature, another entity not known for its embrace of quotas, affirmative action, or set-asides.'


Character. Intelligence. Work Ethic. Demeanor. REPUBLICAN SUPPORT.

I can already hear Damned, errr, Dem / leftists screeching.

Works for me!

ihatethiswebsite #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

Female Heterosexuality is a mental disorder (half joking, half not)

Disordered Emotions

Becoming irrational in the presence of men (to gain their approval)
Feeling bad for abusive men instead of their victims
Prioritizing the feelings of the male over his victims (ex. feeling sorry for the porn addicted moid instead of the various raped women)
Feeling personally attacked by radfeminism, lesbians, childfree women, and women who generally have thinking capacity
Giving into desires of men to escape the emotional burden of guilt when you stand your ground
Feeling intense fear, anxiety and hopelessness at the thought of not engaging romantically (sometimes even platonically) with men

Disordered Thinking

Inability to think critically
Glorification of pregnancy and motherhood (the two states that make women most vulnerable to male violence)
Believing that a male can ever become a woman
Believing in misogynistic religions for cope
Beliving that it is right and good for women to submit to men and men to dominate women

Disordered Behavior

Cutting off and disregarding female friendships to secure dick
Allowing daughters/sisters/friends to be sexually abused by a moid, and taking the side of the moid
Selling daughters into harmful practices for the benefit of males
Engaging in and supporting the objectification of self
Harming onself by being in a relationship with a man for fear of being alone
Forcing daughters to bear the brunt of household labor while the son sits around all day
Engaging in sex with men which has high risk of physical, emotional and sexual violence
Forcing women and girls to engage in such harmful practices
Birthing children when it is not affordable

John C Wright #elitist #dunning-kruger scifiwright.com

" You seem to be very narcissistic. How are you a true fan? How is your opinion any more legit than any other."

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I offer in evidence the testimony of the opposing counsel. Here is an ad hominem that attacks the questioner rather than answering the question. The idea that one should use one's own judgment to judge the strength or weakness of an argument is one never proposed in their rhetoric, only personal attacks.

In a column where I level the criticism that they hold a lack of judgment to be the sole measure of their moral goodness, a Morlock opens the portcullis of his mouth and lets escape the unreflective word that I must have some psychological malfunction, that is, being a narcissist, because I make a moral judgment. See?

CREATOR GOD ATON via Anne Bellringer #crackpot #ufo #fundie #conspiracy #elitist fourwinds10.com

Alas, as each civilization came about, the Darkness increased, for there were so few that even recognized me or their power within. What happened? Earth gradually became the planet of War, hate and anger because of the wiles and temptations of the evil ones to all to gain wealth, wanting all physical things to satisfy their hunger for power and control.
This present and last civilization had to have the answer, for Earth was given one last Great Cycle of 206 million years to graduate. There were 22 cycles around the Greatest Central Sun and Mother Earth tried 2 times to graduate to a higher dimension, but failed. Each time she would turnover and cleanse her surface she returned to be a 3D planet, with ones upon her surface returning to continue their war after war after war.
are down to the very last days of Earth in 3D. I rejoice, as does Mother Earth! A great chord shall be struck, as the beam of safety appears to evacuate all, who wish to come to safety at the time Earth turns over on her axis to graduate to a higher dimension. All memory shall return to all souled ones. All 3D life shall vanish in the great water flooding the planet from all oceans, coupled with the eruption of all volcanoes.

Anonymous #crackpot #elitist #god-complex #magick boards.4channel.org

Offensive Psionics

I’ve been developing my telepathy and the progress has been going well. Though, there have been a few challenges. Some individuals seem less susceptible to telepathy than others and I am trying to understand why. Ironically, those with psionic potential seem to be the easiest to mind read but more difficult to telepathically influence. Those with no psionic potential are more difficult to mind read but more easy to influence. I don’t understand why yet.

Also, one phenomena I have noticed is that the more I try to use psionics the more electromagnetism is affected. I have noticed when I’m trying to use psionics computers freeze and connections are interrupted. I have tried to use enough psionics to turn off lights but I have been unsuccessful. I have been able to cause television malfunctions and other minor phenomena but I don’t understand why I wouldn’t be able to completely interrupt the flow of electrons.

As I have noted before, my ultimately goal is to reliably use offensive psionics. Mind reading is very beneficial and influencing is as well but I want to do more.

In addition, I have been able to see what I call “aura” or something like a vapor around myself and others. When I try to use psionics I notice that the “aura” grows. I have been able to reliably distinguish those with psionic potential by this phenomena. I have not found someone with the same amount of vapor around me so I would like to understand why. The strongest psychic I’ve encountered does not seem to be able to do what I can do for some reason I do not understand.

Psionics has two sides like electrical charge. Absorption and projection. I’ve noticed those with psionic potential will “absorb” when I try to influence them so I focus on “absorption” which makes it easier to mind read. Those without psionic potential do not seem to “absorb” so maybe there is a a “projection” mechanism behind influencing a person’s mind.

I would appreciate the input of other psychics.

Forever14 #elitist #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

So when we are gonna acknowledge that women are the dumbest losers for bonding with men?

Why I never see radical feminists admitting that women just straight up live as sexual servants? We know men aren't good, we know it's all men, we know its a mans world, we know heterosexual relationships aren't equal But what we never see is women seeking to not engaging in their own oppression and not being materialistic and driven by the primitive urges We never see the female superiority besides lack of violence from women. They are more peaceful, they don't want a war but they want to lay under men living in service even tho it's abusive ungrateful traumatic. Why won't women ever live differently? They need to live under dick?

Why won't rf be about women going their own way and not bothering with engaging with men or the patriarchy physically There's no justification for anything heterosexual being done by supposed rfs Women act like they don't have souls, just as the creatures they supposedly hate

I'm convinced women wait for something magical to happen cause they really aren't onto just rejecting all this bullshit. They wait for men to save them, they wait for men to get fixed, Disgusting Didn't you serve enough already? You are as weak as men Stop preaching your disgusting slave life in rf spaces

C.T. #elitist #sexist #racist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Liberalism as a heretical movement"]

Yesterday I changed the subtitle of this site by replacing the word ‘fourteen’ with ‘sacred’. Thus I also include the four words (to understand the latter the visitor would have to familiarise himself with my eleven books). Yesterday the thought also came to me that liberalism, which is now in its final metastasis in all former Christian countries[…]is ultimately a heresy
The Christian notion of the equality of men in the eyes of God was transformed, after the American and French Revolutions, into the equality of men under the law. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, this was transmuted in the US into equality for blacks and women; and, in the new century, into using the power of the State to denigrate the white male and achieve—at last!—equity

The secular psychosis of today’s world only affects those countries that were once traditional Christian. Ethno-suicidal liberalism doesn’t affect the billions under Islam, the Chinese regime or the Indian people who still embrace Hinduism. However, that doesn’t mean that the Catholic Church is legitimate. It means that a heretical faction of traditional Christianity, insofar as it secularised the gospel message (i.e., secularised the inversion of values in the New Testament), has taken root in all former Christian countries

I have already discussed this in ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’ which can be read on pages 181-184 of [i]Daybreak[/i]. But my initiative to call ‘heretics’ secular liberals, whose most extreme form today are the ‘woke’ people, came to me yesterday. That, heretics, is what they really are. The image of St. Francis is explained in the referenced article from Daybreak: a book which, by the way, remains unavailable in printed form as we haven’t raised the funds to solicit the services of a printer that won’t deplatform us

John Donohue #elitist #mammon patheos.com

(Context, this is a comment on a blog post by a liberal Christian about why Ayn Rand is wrong to call selfishness a virtue.)

What could be the goal of a moral code that values self-sacrifice as its highest virtue and self-prosperity as a disgusting vice?

Answer: the annihilation of our species.

Humans Are Free #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #elitist humansarefree.com

This isn’t going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, incoherent fanatical jabbering, mass deleting of embarrassing tweets.

There’s going to be a veritable tsunami of desperate rationalizing, strenuous denying, shameless blame-shifting, and other forms of ass-covering, as suddenly former Covidian Cult members make a last-minute break for the jungle before the fully-vaxxed-and-boosted “Safe and Effective Kool-Aid” servers get to them.

Yes, that’s right, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, the official Covid narrative is finally falling apart, or is being hastily disassembled, or historically revised, right before our eyes.
The point is, the “Apocalyptic Pandemic” PSYOP has reached its expiration date. After almost two years of mass hysteria over a virus that causes mild-to-moderate common-cold or flu-like symptoms (or absolutely no symptoms whatsoever) in about 95% of the infected and the overall infection fatality rate of which is approximately 0.1% to 0.5%, people’s nerves are shot.

We are all exhausted. Even the Covidian cultists are exhausted. And they are starting to abandon the cult en masse.
Many of these people (i.e., the non-fanatics) are starting to suspect that maybe what we “tin-foil-hat-wearing, Covid-denying, anti-vax, conspiracy-theorist extremists” have been telling them for the past 22 months might not be as crazy as they originally thought.

They are back-pedaling, rationalizing, revising history, and just making up all kinds of self-serving bullshit, like how we are now in “a post-vaccine world,” or how “the Science has changed,” or how “Omicron is different,” in order to avoid being forced to admit that they’re the victims of a GloboCap PSYOP and the worldwide mass hysteria it has generated.

Which… fine, let them tell themselves whatever they need to for the sake of their vanity, or their reputations as investigative journalists, celebrity leftists, or Twitter revolutionaries.

edward o'neill #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut defiantamerica.com

RE: Badge Cam Catches “Woke” Cop Begging Not To Be Shot – He Attended “Woke” Anti-Racist Training Sessions

Police arrested 40-year-old Antwon Demon Hill on suspicion of felony pointing of a firearm and possession of a firearm after a former felony conviction, according to Oklahoma City police.

Officer Andrew Ash encountered Hill in a breezeway. “Shortly thereafter, Mr. Hill reached into his pocket, produced a pistol, and pointed it at Officer Ash,” Capt. Valerie Littlejohn said in a news release. Ash pulled out his gun and fired at Hill, who scrambled into an apartment. He was not hit by Ash’s gunfire, Littlejohn said.

That’s what we’ve heard from the police but we’ve also obtained information that officer Andrew Ash was part of some “woke” training sessions about racial abuse and how to handle cases with minorities. The video that we have, shows that “woke” policies could almost cost him his life.

Jeeze! As soon as this thug advanced on this would be PO with his hand in his pocket he should have been shot right in the face, instead, we have some woke F Clown begging this animal to "please don't do that"? No wonder I don't have any respect for a lot of those F donut eaters! That's why I never would call the police on a felon trying to break into my home or waylay me until I parted his skull with a hollow point 45. Then I 'd call those "security guards" and have them drag the filthy carcass off!

Dave Ramsey #elitist #fundie #mammon thewrap.com

Dave Ramsey, personal finance radio host and outspoken evangelical Christian, was the target of social media criticism Saturday, as outraged individuals slammed him for saying that if tenants at his residential properties are displaced because he raised rental rates to meet market price, it does not make him “a bad Christian.”

Ramsey, who hosts the nationally syndicated three-hour radio program and podcast “The Ramsey Show,” is once again the center of controversy, this time for these words about tenants forced from buildings that he owns because of rent increases:

“The ratio of the income that they earned to their housing expense displaced them,” Ramsey said on the air. “I didn’t cause any of that. And so you are not displacing them, you’re taking too much credit for what’s going on. If they need to move to a cheaper house, because they can’t afford they’re gonna move to a lesser house because if they move they’re gonna pay market rent. Okay, I own rental property, single family homes, among many other properties that we own. And if I raised my rent to be market rate that does not make me a bad Christian. I did not displace the person out of that house if they can no longer afford it.”

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