
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Mothers Grim #transphobia the11thhourblog.com

🇺🇸Cutting to the Chase:YouTube’s Bearded and Breastless Transmen, a Salesforce in the Making 1
Chase Ross is a woman who has appropriated male sex characteristics through drugs and surgeries. She is described as “transgender,” which is also referred to in the industry, as a female to male or an FTM. Once a young victim of the gender industry herself, she has been transformed into a victimizer of the next generation. YouTube is Chase's biggest avenue to stardom as one of social media’s top "transgender" influencers. This series of three posts delve into Chase’s online persona, her FTM friends, and the online businesses that have exploded in recent years. These posts will take a deep dive into the products, drugs, and surgeries required for membership in the novel and trending FTM lifestyle.[...]

Part I: Introduction to Social Media Influencer Chase Ross and Friends

“Hey everybody, it’s Chasey Poo,” are the seemingly innocuous words Chase Ross often uses to greet her unsuspecting followers on YouTube. Do not be fooled for the topic du jour is quickly followed with titles like “Transgender Children,” “need a binder?,” “How to Use Your Growth for Sex,” “bottom surgery consultation,” and “Anal for FTMs” where it becomes quite obvious what this is all about. Chase is one of many YouTube influencers impacting stressed young females. They are the older (and supposedly wiser) voices beckoning young people into the trenches of the bearded and breastless “transman” identity, a medical identity that has only recently come into being, and one that has seen absurd increases over the last decade. The opportunity for a social media influencer with such a huge audience to beguile, capture and take advantage of young females is both profound and profoundly disturbing. Hypnotized by their charm, followers become believers confusing fantasy for reality.


Various Extremists #wingnut #psycho #homophobia #transphobia them.us

At Least 9 Target Stores Received Fake Bomb Threats Over Pride Merchandise

At least nine Target locations in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah recently received false bomb threats amidst ongoing right-wing outcry against the brand’s annual Pride Month collection.

These threats, which impacted Target stores in the greater Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Salt Lake City areas, came in the form of an email from what Layton, Utah Police Sgt. John Ottesen declared a “bogus email address,” according to local news outlet KUTV.

Cleveland 19 News shared a screenshot of the email, in which the sender — who claims to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community — tells the news outlet that they intend to punish Target for recently pulling some of its Pride-themed merchandise from stores by placing bombs in select stores.

“We will continue to bomb your Targets until you stop cowering and bring back your LGBT merchandise,” the writer said. “We will not be erased, we won’t go quietly.”

@GibbonsChip & Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

( @GibbonsChip )
TRA's are the most useful idiots of the most elite of the elites. They have been hatching a plan for decades to eradicate biological sex and what it means to be human. Once you're not human, they can use you anyway they want. :

( Jennifer Bilek )
Just #FollowTheMoney
It makes so much more sense than the ridiculous narrative of special fairy people born in wrong bodies and governments, corporations, & international banks rearranging society for them because they care.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gay couple insists they are a lesbian couple

( notsofreshfeeling )
No TiM is actually trying to pass.

( drdeeisback )
Of course not, if they actually passed they'd be treated like women and they know they wouldn't want that.

( SummerGrl )
I feel like there are only two possibilities here. One, they know they don't look like women. Two, they do know they don't look like women. If they don't know, then their perception of reality is skewed and this is mental illness. If they do know they don't look like women and are carrying on this charade that they are women, then they have malicious intentions for demanding that other people validate this deviant behavior.

( Kriegerin )
Like Aiden and Hayden in a "gay male" relationship and it's two tiny lesbians. How do they deal with the parts they're not attracted to though? Are gay men really into moobs/silicone chests on other men? I'm attracted to men myself and i can say a man with breast implants is repulsive to me.

Edit: wow lots of you know Aiden and Hayden irl lol

( Tortoisemouse )
My guess is they both have a sissification fetish.

And of course "being" a woman is the most degrading sissifying thing anyone could possibly be (/s)

So the moobs etc. are all part of the thrill and have nothing to do with actually being a woman (obvs).

Once you realise they're not aiming (or wanting) to be actual women, but only to be reductive cartoon-like porn-inspired approximations of """women""", it make sense. They're just men with a paraphilia and the hormones etc. are just part of an elaborate role-play/costume.

( ProxyMusic )
There were a pair of fellas like this in my old neighborhood in NYC some years ago. They started showing up at events for lesbians and using the women's rooms in local eateries and the women's locker room at the gym and pool they went to. It's one of the things that made me aware of how far gender identity ideology had gone in fucking up the heads of many of the LGB in the "LGBT" - and how many in the G today are now using gender identity and queer theory to fuck over and spit in the faces of the L (and the female portion of the B), and women and girls generally.

( Killer_Danish )
AGP perverts being perverts. God I miss the days where dudes like this had shame and kept their fetishes limited to weekend orgies and sex-dungeons.

@radphoenixx & @KrizoSusanna #transphobia twitter.com

( @radphoenixx )
Identifying as trans is white peoples’ desperate attempt at securing the title of most oppressed and being able to call minorities oppressors. And it’s workinggggg


( @KrizoSusanna )
It's far more complex than that. They are creating baby incubators where children will be born and new breast milk-formula is also created (hence the need for the removal of healthy uteri and breasts). It's the man's attempt to get rid of the woman and the trans people are their test subjects. The trans think this is about them, and it's the lie they fed them. They are just pawns in the creation of the new utopia where there are no women. Men want it. They've told us so the past 10k years; they want a society free of women.

BondiBlue & Rheya #transphobia ovarit.com

Robert Kennedy Jr does not support trans women in female sports

( BondiBlue )
So of course the Dems declared there would be no debates. The last thing they want is for Grandpa Joe to actually have to defend his abhorrent record of institutionalizing this madness as not only a domestic but foreign policy priority.

He's got my vote on this alone. I honestly don't give a shit he's an antivaxer. COVID is yesterday's news and the Democrats cannot credibly claim to be the party of trusting science. Heck, with "transablism" and critical disability studies shaping up to be the new "civil rights" frontier, I give it a few years before the mainstream party starts lauding #PolioPride as a protected identity anyway, like they've done with deafness, Down syndrome, "neurodiversity"... Might as well get ahead of the game!

( Rheya )
Right? If I have to choose between wacky beliefs, I’ll take his vaccine views over gender ideology. One is skepticism of the overly-cozy links between government and pharmaceutical companies, and the other is essentially a religious belief about gendered souls being used to decimate women’s rights and child safeguarding and our collective sanity and our connection to truth. No contest for me.

Tom Shackleford #racist #conspiracy #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Dey Ain’t Have Ta Kill Dis Boi"]

Humans aren’t all the same[…]That’s why we all belong in our own countries or godforsaken jungles[…]
Black people don’t suffer from this problem. To them, everything is about them[…]When they were utilized as farm equipment it was a punishment from God on His divine chosen, and when they’re utilized as instruments of chaos by its contemporary sowers this is because their cause is righteous

This can lead to a couple reactions from different types of white people that really piss me off[…]One type of our own will implore these blacks to be reasonable by pointing out the vast statistical disparity in interracial violence[…]
Another type will look at the destruction[…]use empathy[…]conclude that they’d need to be badly-abused to behave this way so there must be some validity to the black fury

I hate everyone in both categories[…]
There’s no reasoning with blacks. It’s possible to use some combination of fear and proactive law enforcement to impose a semblance of stability[…]What’s not possible is to achieve these two outcomes by praising them, apologizing for not doing anything wrong, giving them free stuff, and awarding them a privileged status vis-à-vis the law[…]
Black conception of material wealth at the racial level is that everybody is “given stuff.” White people are given more stuff than black people, thus explaining the disparity between a suburb and a dilapidated war zone like Baltimore[…]You’re just giving them that to which they’re entitled. The notion that whites can achieve black good behavior through gratitude is infuriating[…]
The facilitation of a black attack on Heritage America has to be understood in the context of global war, carbon footprints, genetic injections, and turning kids into trannies[…]
What all of these measures, ostensibly to help blacks, amount to is the removal of civilizational constraints on a demographic with no native suite of capabilities to establish a civilization

@AmericasMansMan #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia gettr.com

If your #teachers were calling YOU a girl all day long, and trying to convince you to try homosexuality, as a boy, wouldn’t YOU want to shoot somebody? What if you’re a girl and they’re #governmentSchool you get a #sexChange? And punishing YOU for getting #angry?!

The Reason You Came

Is this the #child’s fault?

How about we stop this institutional #homosexual predator which has been written into the law by #Communists & #fatherless, or #motherless, sick #Americans?

There is nothing good about homosexuality. It’s such an offense to #humanDignity, it makes #people want to #shoot people. #RecriminalizeSodomy. Because #sodomy anywhere is a #threat to #sanity and #mentalHealth EVERYWHERE.

Always follow the law.

Restoring Truth #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #ableist #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

This week, far out in America’s heartland, Lizzo repudiated law and mangled grammar in one easy stroke. The heavyweight singer counseled kids at her recent Nebraska concert, “Don’t let any laws tell you who you not.” She pronounced herself a “safe space” for transgendered children in a state that just banned gender mutilation surgeries. If you’ve seen Lizzo, you know that’s plenty of space.

This morbidly obese entertainer—doubling as the face of body positivity—prances around in lingerie that showcases her flesh in a most appalling fashion. Like all people in the “people in larger bodies” movement, she pretends that her obesity defies the laws of nature; in her shameless universe, extreme overweight is both sexy and healthy.

Her statement supporting transgenderism was no surprise given the unholy consortium of causes that embody the left. A motley crew has gathered under one nasty and ever-expanding tent to champion every illogical idea and sexual proclivity that comes along. Abortion activists, pansexuals, socialists, satanists, transgenders, the proudly obese, and pedophiles—to name just a few— have joined forces against everything good, beautiful, and true.
More than their unifying craziness, though, they’re drawn together by their common hatred for a God whose created order and sovereignty will not bend or cave to their wishes. They resent the gnawing shame they feel under his gaze. Rejecting his authority over bodies, they hope to destroy him—finally free to soak in the glory they chased.

Our cultural elites only play supporting roles in a drama that opened long ago. As children, we think Satan is a horned devil, but according to scripture, he was beautiful and esteemed among angels. But he would not submit to the kingship of God; it was a glory he craved for himself. His hapless attempts to topple the throne still fuel his rage against the King, and he seethes at the image of God in lowly man.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

We must force the narrative away from identity & "gender" & refocus it on industry. The #LGBTInc is no longer a human rights movement. It is used to sell tyranny, homogenization of human thoughts & actions, the obliteration of true culture & families, & industrial body dissociation to the public under guise of good deeds.

Peter B. Meyer #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #racist #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

They designed a secret step-by-step plan, to gradually achieve their long-awaited goal.

The roadmap

Change the monetary system to fiat paper money. This replaces wealth with fiat paper and transfers it to the Deep State via currency inflation and money devaluation.

Enslave all people with this euphemistically called fiat “reserve currency”.
Control the media, and use this medium to promote agenda 2030.

Use sophisticated propaganda, to influence the public in and on all issues.

Divide and rule by creating wars.

Maintain racial inequality through class warfare and hatred.

Destroy the family unit by putting mother, wife to work.

Humiliate women.

Promote homosexuality.

Glorify cohabitation with any variant such as unisex and/or transgenderism to promote all types of perversion.

Create government schools under the name of free public education.

Keep people stupid lest they think independently.

Indoctrinate the people through mind control.

Promote “brotherly love” according to the concept of altruism.

Maintain historically good-sounding names like constitution, privacy rights, private property, national flag, right to vote, democracy, elected representatives, free press, etc., to modify these institutions.

Keep the general public ignorant about gold and silver, which is real money, this should be erased from the notion.

Give them worthless crypto currency to distract from gold and silver ownership.

Control guns and pistols. To scare the public about guns by promoting the idea that guns are dangerous.

The end result justifies all means, from assassinations to lies, treachery, deception, e.g. talk of peace that is war.
Calling land ownership “private property” but levying perpetual and progressive property taxes.

Confuse terms like liberal, conservative, socialism, communism, fascism, democracy, republican, and promote anarchy – which actually means self-government – as dangerous to the public.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "how me on the Teddy Bear where the homo touched you (because we know 100.00% of them do it)"]

Today is the Stollery Hospital's Teddy Bear Run event, which is a good day to remind you all that they are run by a faggot, intent on pushing the evil sodomite agenda, and are actively engaged in seriously harming mentally ill children (which, like shit, is just a weird thing that faggots get turned on by)

It is not widely known that the Stollery Children's Hospital is home to the Stollery Children’s Transgender Clinic. In fact, no mention of this clinic is made on the hospital's website. However, the clinic was involved in a study published in Pediatrics on November 1, 2021 about children referred to gender clinics across Canada for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. The clinic has been in operation for several years now, as it was mentioned in the March 2017 edition of Alberta Street News by an Edmonton mother trying to access transition services for her underage son:[…]

When the Stolley talks about how they are dedicated to curing mental health, they certainly don't want you to know their role in making mental health problems worse by explicitly buying into the delusions of people with seriously damaged brains in need of repair

Why would they do such a thing? Oh, yeah, right....

Scott's husband and long-time partner, Douglas R. Stollery, also serves as an ARC Foundation Board Advisor. The son of Bob and Shirly Stollery, Douglas is the current president of The Stollery Charitable Foundation and the former director of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. He is also counsel to the law firm of Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP

A proud child molester involved in the massive genital mutilation of thousands of kids? Who knew?

Jennifer Bilek & Keep Prisons Single Sex USA #transphobia twitter.com

( Jennifer Bilek )
Pr$de month (as if every month since 2014 hasn’t been Pr$de month) is coming up. The unremitting deluge is about to get even more intense. Are you ready?
What I see:
The narrative coming out of the media, force fed to them by #LGBTInc (Big Pharma wearing a dress)

is that the LGBT “community” (it’s a racket not a community) is under attack from all directions & people must stand up to this bigotry. They have been exposed & their rhetoric is getting more intense.
The other thing I am seeing a lot more of is the media pushing

Polyamory & thruples. This is more insistence that sexual dimorphism & reproductive sex is irrelevant. It is more grooming for a usurpation of repro sex by the tech sector.
At the end of the day, that’s what all the insanity is about: grooming us for the usurpation of repro sex.

( Keep Prisons Single Sex USA )
To think that incarcerated women are locked in cells with male rapists and murderers bc some politicians and bureaucrats delusionally imagine they are fighting a "civil rights" battle is bad enough. But then there's this to make it worse ...

Lauren Boebert #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia twitter.com

Well, I guess North Face wanted to get a taste of what conservatives did to Bud Light and Target.

How many times do we have to explain to the woke marketing departments at these disgusting companies that America is not a nation of degenerates?

It’s time to boycott ANY product North Face has ever made.

Let’s make it as shameful to wear North Face as it is to drink Bud Light!

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #fundie pepelivesmatter.substack.com

Think about it like this:

We, as anons, have been desperately attempting to get the sheep populace to understand the core truths of our society and wake them up to the corruption inherent within. And now, during the precipice, we are literally watching corporations like Target hire Satanists to create their children's clothes, story time drag hours for children, the dismantling of basic gender norms.

It has become so blatant that you'd be a fool to not notice it.

They were always doing this behind the scenes but now the curtain has been lifted. Why are some so upset when this is exactly what we actually want?

The "movie" is red pilling on its own now with barely any help from us crazy conspiracy theorists.

The truth is unveiling itself like never before.

How do you wake up those who refuse to see the truth?

You make the truth comically blatant.

What if it became mind numbing apparent?

That's exactly what the author of this story is doing now.

You want to show how the President's of the past were merely inept puppets for the shadow cabal?

You want to show the world that Satanism in society is far more insidious and has infected the very core of most governments?

They are being shown every single day.

You want to show that our elections are rigged and our court system is irreparably damaged to the point of no return?

Durham and Trump are showing you.

But how do we reach the normies who refuse to see even still?

Maybe that's not up to us anymore. Maybe God and some more spectacular boom can only accomplish such a feat.
And what you are going through now is called the burden of knowledge. Ignorance is bliss. But understanding the truth causes you to feel pain. That pain is what will ultimately do an incredible work in you, if you let God move within it.

You are being made a rock solid diamond as the world witnesses Babylon unveiled.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( @WallStreetSilverOfficial )
get rekt

spoilerBREAKING: As the new Twitter Blue is
rolling out, some users are upset
When selecting your "sex" option in
the profile it only has "male, female, &
If a user selects "other
mental help" pop-up box appears &
the app makes them "auto-follow"

( @CoffeeObsessed )
@WallStreetSilverOfficial Well, I kind of doubt it’s true because Elon has a trans kid. But I’ve never been on Twitter.

( @jimdingo )

( @goneflat )
@WallStreetSilverOfficial I don't care what anyone else thinks - I grew up on a farm, and there were 'bulls and cows' (steers if the bulls were neutered, but they still weren't 'cows') and 'roosters and hens' and 'stallions and mares'... 'men and women', 'girls and boys'. It all worked out fine. Luckily we knew which was which and didn't try milking the bull.

( @Free_Talk )
@WallStreetSilverOfficial God made Man, then he made Woman. Those claiming to be something they are not, are victims of evil, they allowed evil into their lives and now they are guided by evil, how else could they be so blind to the truth, and so convinced they are what they are not.

( @orynx )
@WallStreetSilverOfficial Well, at least they are being honest about that. There ARE only two sexes. Anything else is just mental illness.

Jason Graber #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #psycho msn.com

“Any parent that would have their child, would have a transgender surgery done on them, any parent that would do that, they just need to be shot in the back of the head,” Graber said. “They need to be convicted in trial and immediately shot in the back of the head. Okay, and then we can string them up above a bridge so that the public can see the consequences of that kind of wickedness.”

“And so there should be no excuse to not put these people to death, no excuse whatsoever,” he added.

“These child molesters, that these child butchers, that these faggots, all the LGBTQ people, people that desire strange flesh, that they should all be put to death in a public execution by the government.”

Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #biphobia #elitist #dunning-kruger #interphobia #wingnut freebeacon.com

Analysis: What If Woke Liberals Didn't Get To Label Everything?
Introducing the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC)

It goes without saying: The mainstream media is run by liberal activists. This ideological bias manifests itself in several ways, including the words journalists are allowed to use when discussing controversial issues.

(1.5 paragraphs of hyperbolic whining about how journalists are forced to write)

The woke words and phrases used in media reports would make a lot more sense to the average American if these people weren't in charge—if journalists were forced to abide by the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC):

Undocumented immigrant → Foreign-born fugitive from justice
Gender-affirming care for minors → Child abuse
LGBTQQIP2SAA+ rights → Gay rights
Drag Queen → Gender appropriator
Abortion → Extrajudicial fetal assassination, anti-life health care
Death penalty → Justice affirming care
Assault rifle → Freedom friend, justice dispenser
Racially inclusive → Racially obsessed
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion → Six-figure consulting fees
Black Lives Matter → Scam PAC
Pro-Palestinian activist → Jew hater
Teachers' unions → Anti-child activists
Tax cuts → Restorative justice
Democracy dies in darkness → Democracy thrives on Jennifer Rubin columns
War on Women → Kinetic military action against individuals with an active uterus
#MeToo era → Brief period of anti-male activism from 2017 until Tara Reade's credible accusation of sexual assault against Joe Biden
Speak truth to power → Leave Joe Biden alone
Hillary Clinton → Crooked
Long Covid → Mental illness
New York City Subway → Public toilet
WNBA fans→ Liars
Soccer → Performative falling
Bicycle → Morally abhorrent nerd-conveying road hazard
Happy Holidays → Merry Christmas
God bless you → God bless America

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Dating App HER Suspended from Twitter after Insulting Lesbians

( Miss_Andrist )
The funny part of this whole thing is that if the TERFs all actually left, so would the TIMs. I deleted the app because even though there were a few women looking for women, I felt like I was being used as bait to attract TIMs to the app. No thanks.

Let them match up with each other. Even the “inclusive” “queer” women only virtue signal about dating TIMs, anyway. What you have left is basically Grindr but for TIMs. They can all join each other’s femmegirl, mentally-ill, sex obsessed, anime, polycules and pretend like they are having lesbian sex while seething that no one except other perverts will actually go near them. It’s the fate these colonizing assholes all deserve.

Edit: And they are back! I love the low engagement their tweets have. They suggest that we make a TERF dating app. I’d love that, but the TIMs would be desperate to get in before the app even launched. Cope harder losers. NO ONE WANTS YOU. 🖕

( Penthesilea )

They suggest that we make a TERF dating app

Club Monocle exists! And Giggle. But when TIMs get wind of these apps, they do shit like try to sue to be included. They don’t actually want us to have our own spaces when it comes down to it. Men can’t stand being excluded, ever.

( pennygadget )

The funny part of this whole thing is that if the TERFs all actually left, so would the TIMs.

This! If some TERFs went off and started a real lesbian dating app, the TIMs would immediately try colonizing it. It wouldn't matter if they had plenty of straight handmaidens on Her willing to LARP as lesbians give them a pity fuck. They get off on violating lesbian boundaries

( FutureBreedMachine )
Isn't that precisely what happened with Giggle?

( shewolfoffrance )

I felt like I was being used as bait to attract TIMs to the app. No thanks.

If that was a deliberate strategy to expand their customer base, it's an incredibly stupid, short-sighted one. Any man who wants to get into a specifically female space is the kind of man who will alienate all but the most diehard handmaidens with his aggressive behavior.

Mike Stone #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #quack henrymakow.com

"American men have lost their balls. They'd rather swig liquid estrogen and jerk off to pornography than stand up for their country or for themselves. Talk about pathetic.
What we're seeing is Stockholm syndrome on a massive scale. 
American men feel emotionally connected to their abusers. They literally cannot give up their porn, their beer, and their sports.
They feel pity for their abusers. "I feel bad for all of those doctors and nurses who worked so hard to save us all." "It's not right to boycott a company just because of their politics."
They share their abuser's values. "Dude, I like my porn."
They believe in their abuser's humanity. "He's a doctor. He would never deliberately harm anyone."
They respond to the their abuser's kindness. "I've known my doctor for years. He's a good man."
They refuse to escape the hostile situation. "I'm not giving up football! I'm not firing my doctor! I'm not letting those Democrats stop me from doing the three things I love the most: sports, pornography, and beer!"
They refuse to convict the abuser. "It's not the doctor's fault, he's supposed to recommend the vaccine." "The nurses aren't mocking us. They're dancing to let off steam." "It's not the fault of the nursing home that my grandmother who happened to be in perfect health last week died when they put her on a ventilator."
They help the abuser in his crime. "How much is that surgery, Doc? Twenty grand? No problem, here's a check." "Dude, I just ordered my season tickets. Are you ready for some football?" "Bartender, gimme a Bud Light. I'm not letting other people tell me what to drink. Hey, this chick on the beer can is hot."
It's no mystery why society is crumbling before our very eyes. Men have abdicated their responsibility as protectors and guardians. They refuse to experience even the slightest discomfort in order to prevent the disintegration and destruction of the country."

@babybeginner #transphobia twitter.com

Glinner posting a trans man’s post-op bottom half without permission just proves that “Gender Critical’s” don’t see trans people being worthy of decency or respect. Ridiculing trans people for having procedures that has nothing to do with GC’s is unnecessarily cruel.

The same people who want you to support “gender affirming care” are panicked and horrified you might find out what that actually entails. This is why they use these childish words. They don’t want you to know they cut off a slab of a woman’s thigh and sew it elsewhere.

Steve Deace #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

Yes. Yes. Yes. Let Disney groom the kids. Let Disney groom the kids because, I mean, I've got a few Disney stock in my portfolio and I'm not rich enough, so, yes. Cut those genitals off, Disney, yes. Yes. I need that yield.


So there's Mike Pence the pious. Mike the Pious, jumping on Fox News to say, yes, Disney, trans those kids, pollute those kids, demonically influence those kids. Florida's GDP isn't good enough. Soul-rape those children, Disney, for my technocratic conservatism. Hell, literally, no. Hell no.


You're not only no threat whatsoever against the demonic spirit of the age, you will turn on us and turn us in, and that's who Mike Pence is. That's him.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Everything is someone else's fault.

( hellamomzilla )
I’m waiting for the tsunami wave of suicides by mentally ill people claiming to be the opposite sex. They keep telling us and telling us and it suspiciously never seems to materialize.

But all these people seem to have so much time to make shit up and threaten people. Most of us have lives — families, friends, jobs, volunteer obligations, etc.

Pro tip great pretenders: Fill up your lives and you won’t have all this time to ruminate on your made up violent fantasy world.

( TheExorcistofLies )
Narcissists rarely make good on their threats of suicide. It’s just a bargaining chip for them to get what they want.

( namithe1st )
Your mental health issues are not my fault. My conscience couldn’t be clearer.

( Thelnebriati )
If you are in an abusive relationship and he threatens suicide, he is actually threatening to kill you. This situation is more like an abusive relationship than a civil rights movement.

( SummerGrl )
People who go around blaming suicide on other people are just awful people themselves. I saw this post on Reddit yesterday basically telling terfs they're going to commit suicide. It was absolutely disgusting. TRAs think they are these wonderful people, but they cause a lot of harm to anyone who doesn't agree with them. If this isn't encouraging suicide, I don't know what it. And this is from a TRA against "terfs": https://archive.ph/vNwFO

( Faustina )
So I'm I going to be arrested and charged with murder because I know a man in a dress is still a man?

@babybeginner #transphobia twitter.com

A 🧵 about language.

1. How many times does someone says “including others doesn’t hurt you”? We hear it all day long.

They are wrong. They know it. They don’t want you to know it.

2. Let’s start here. When women are a subset of women they cannot lay claim to anything that was separately a woman’s. In one linguistic sleight of hand, women have lost their individuality that determines who has control of something. Be it sports or prison or their name.

spoilertrans women are women and
are as entitled to women's
spaces as cis women are.

3. Now the woman is just a grumpy member of the group trying to keep something away from other WOMEN.

EVERY reason why we have separate spaces women is instantly wiped out with this trick. We are stunned.

We try to explain. We are sure it’s a misunderstanding.

4. We try to justify why we have separate spaces. We explain desperately about things we all knew five minutes ago.

We are sure they just don’t get it. As we explain power differential we

5 are called shrill or mean. Or worse they get endless accusations of NAMALT (not all men are like that).

And why are we doing this? To justify our right to get our OWN stuff. We beg for our own stuff back. We try to explain why we should have our own stuff.

6. And all because with one linguistic move, women have ceased to be an entity entitled to their OWN things. It’s the ultimate takeover.

Property belongs to the owner. If you get the clerk to add a name to the title of your home, you no longer own it.

7. This is actually a thing thieves do. They change the title on your home. (Check periodically). It’s sinister because it is effective.

That’s what TWAW does. It changes the name on the title.

8. And since the phrase is trans women are women and women are cis women, the TW now gains the prominent and controlling place on the title. The women are just cis women. A subset. A minor player. With no rights at all. Full control has been turned over.

9. But the game is not complete. For women are powerful and can speak up. Who would let them take their stuff without complaint?

So now we get to the second genius move. The way to shut women up. We are told we are hateful if we object to having our own stuff taken.


Frosty Woolridge #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

There’s no question there’s a lot to be concerned about in our world today, as we descend deeper and deeper into darkness and depravity. Near, or at, the top of that list is the sexual deviancy, hedonism and depravity that seems to be everywhere we turn now, as the LGBTQP+ mob celebrates the conquering of more and more hearts, minds and souls every day.

What was once considered hard core pornography is now being welcomed into our public schools. Even some of our so-called “Christian” schools, under the banner of “diversity, equity and inclusion.” Like our education system, our public library system is also beyond saving now, having gone “woke” under the leadership of a lesbian activist president of the American Library Association.
But sodomite “pride” and everything that goes along with that is no longer just for the month of June.

Oh, yes, you’ll see the sodomite flags flying high over state houses, the White House and other government buildings throughout the month of June. But while that symbol may come down from government buildings on July 1st, this hideous monster never sleeps and definitely never quits. Especially wherever there are young children, you’ll see the rainbow flags and all the twisted indoctrination that goes along with them.
So how can we, as remnant Christ-followers — (and by remnant, I mean there are really only a very, very FEW who can even rightly claim the name of Christ) — how can we have OUR voices heard?
No, there are better options. JR Harrison, who heads up the Natural Family Foundation, suggested we start a month to celebrate the Natural Family — one man and one woman, united in marriage and raising their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. He suggests it start on Mother’s Day and go through Father’s Day. But that would require the CHURCHES to lead the way, and while I wholeheartedly agree with JR’s idea, our modern American churches will never go against the pop culture.

James Lasher #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy charismanews.com

Family advocate Scarlett Johnson sounded the trumpet on Target in their ongoing crusade to purportedly promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

As June approaches, corporations have already begun gearing up for their Pride 2023 campaigns, and Target is facing severe backlash for their most recent collaboration.

Target and London-based designer Abprallen have teamed up for a new Pride collection to celebrate the LGBTQ lifestyle.

The founder of Abprallen, a gay-trans man named Erik, posts and sells much more graphic and satanic products than what Target is currently listing on its website.

Pins with crystals and goat heads with the words "Satan Respects Pronouns" fills Abprallen's social media account, and with its pastel colors and messages in support of transgender youth, appears to be targeted at the younger audience.
These are the exact words of The Satanic Temple.

They say in their belief statement that they do not believe in Satan as a being, simply as a symbol.

This belief in Satan is spreading like wildfire through the younger generation of GenZ, who is struggling with their identity more than any generation prior to theirs.

There is confusion, rejection, denial, ignorance and deception affecting their very perception of life. They are struggling to get a clear sense and picture of who God is and how much He loves them. In addition to their confusion of who God is, they do not truly know who Satan is and what his plans are for them.

The myth that Satan is tolerant of them and is loving could not be further from his true goal for them: eternal death separated from their Creator.
Target is one of the main purveyors of these messages, as even before they teamed up with a 'trans-satanist' they were battling calls for boycotts for promoting "tuck-friendly" swimsuit for infants and children along with chest-binders. Fury erupted when Target announced these items were specifically targeted toward children.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia kunstler.com

Have you noticed that the president of Ukraine (or, governor of America’s fifty-first state), Mr. Zelensky, has been globe-trotting for weeks? The world is changing at hyper-speed. He seems to be running scared, a little bit, trying to keep ahead of the changing game. What sounded like a great idea to a certain claque of so-called neo-cons in our country — to use Ukraine as a bear trap — has instead rather suddenly revealed Europe’s and America’s manifold bankruptcies and revolted the whole rest of the world outside of Western Civ. Oh, the wonder and nausea!

Try to imagine Mr. Zelensky’s predicament. Mighty America and redoubtable Europe conned the former comedian to thinking that if he went along with a genius scheme to ruin Russia and knock Vlad Putin off the global gameboard, his sad-sack country would be transformed into something like Ukro-Disneyworld.
Meanwhile, the citizens of our country were groomed to perfection by the US Propaganda-Industrial Complex screaming “Russia, Russia, Russia,” at the behest of opinion-leader Hillary Clinton, a wannabe president. The news media demanded crucifixion for her opponent, Mr. Trump, who had idly tossed out the heinous idea that The USA and Russia could cultivate a friendly relationship, seeing as how the bear was no longer flying the red flag. Aye-yi-yi!!! He actually said that!?! The clueless orange boob!
This internal political conflict in the USA has driven the populace plumb insane, while it has rendered our institutions rancid and left us subject to a pathocracy hiding behind a laughably fake chief executive. After a year-plus of America’s genius scheme to maintain world dominance, Russia is doing really well, thank you, in constructing a geo-economic framework for trade that will not be subject to the pranks of USA-led Western Civ. Russia is a nation of people who regard themselves as men and women, the toils of gender confusion happily absent. Ditto race hustles. Ditto banking Ponzis.

@Latschluder & @AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

( @Latschluder )
I sincerely hope that parents will prevent this deluded girl to be a role model for their kids. Spot the lies, hyperbole, attention seeking, and idiocy in this article. Go on, it won't be hard!
California transgender teen hopes to be an inspiration to others

( @AthenasWrench )
It sounds like this mom wanted a straight boy and not a butch girl so she transed her kid out. Probably worried the kid would be a lesbian. It appears transing children is not just for liberal
moms, it’s for conservative moms who don’t want gay kids.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Minors being taught to question their own gender is no slippery-slope. People who think questioning one's own gender is an "age appropriate subject" are hopelessly beyond any slippery slope and plunging over the cliff. They have lost their sanity and they don't even know it. They have already crossed many, many unrecognized moral slippery slopes.

There are only males and females. There are no other genders.

No matter how old anyone is, that fact remains an absolute fact.

There is no such thing as any "human right" that defies actual reality.

I remember the blue-laws, and everything being closed on Sundays. I still remember when they got repealed, and all the grownups being upset that the corner grocery store now opened up on Sundays. I seem to remember that the beer-gardens led the charge for opening up on Sunday. Where people went to drink and get drunk.
And, you may remember too, the "freedom of speech" lawsuits to stop censorship of sexually explicit material filed by big time pornographers such as Hugh Hefner and Larry Flint. They won, in American courts.

Imagine that.

And the once hidden multi-billion dollar Masturbation Industry came right out in the open and took off like a rocket. Many big-time Marxocrat Party officials, including even Presidents like Jiminy Carter, took great pleasure in doing "interviews" with Hugh Hefner that would grace the pages of Playboy magazine, in between all the pictures of naked women.
Today Disney cartoons encourage sexual identity dysphoria in little children, open homosexuality takes to the streets in giant "pride" parades and demonstrations and wild looking and acting drag queens have virtually taken over the whole American public library system.

None of this is just happening; none of it is just "evolving".

It is part of an evil Marxist Cultural-Revolution drive to transform order into disorder, natural into unnatural and calmness into chaos. And, most importantly, moral into immoral.

Sarah Parshall Perry #transphobia #wingnut theamericanconservative.com

The Trans Mind-Virus Is Mutating

The normalization of transgenderism leads inevitably to the normalization of other sexual disorders.

We were called alarmists. Bigoted. Christo-fascists. After all, the transgender contagion was not spreading, drag was just an art form, and school employees were not facilitating children’s social gender transitions and hiding it from their unwitting parents.

Except, none of this was true. Turned out, the trans movement pointed not to a slippery slope, but to a cliff.


There also appears to be a connection between medical gender interventions and pedophilia advocacy. The relentless push for gender-affirming “healthcare” for minors posits the notion that castrating healthy boys or giving healthy girls double mastectomies is “settled” science. (In fact, it is anything but.) It grants medical professionals, who have a financial interest in performing such surgeries, a license to do so under the guise of performing “life-saving care.” What is more, the continued insistence that minors possess the maturity and agency to consent to irreversible “gender affirming” medical procedures supports an argument that they likewise possess the capacity to consent to other life-altering decisions. Like having sex with adults.

Sometimes, the connections between “gender medicine” and pedophilia are too apparent to ignore.

Trans-advocacy has fast become the harbinger for other disorders repackaged in advocacy’s anodyne language. Its precipitous spread now heralds other, irreversible body modifications and noxious cultural trends. Consider what some have called the “next abyss” of body integrity disorder—a condition in which a person "identifies" as handicapped. Seeking to exploit the cultural domination of the transgender movement, advocates have reclassified it as “transableism,” for which treatment includes amputation, a snipped spinal cord, blindness.

Given current trends, such medical barbarism may also be classified as “life-saving healthcare” soon enough.


Persimmon64 #transphobia ovarit.com

A Letter to the TRA handmaidens

This is to you, you "trans allies," you "social justice warriors," you "be kind" cheerleaders, you "right side of history" proponents, you "human rights" champions. You women who put men's needs before your own.

"Woman" is not a feeling. It is not a costume to be put on or taken off, it is not adherence to or identification with sexist stereotypes. "Woman" is not an identity that can be assumed. It is not a brain scan or a hormone level. "Woman" is not a solution to depression, loneliness, or ostracization. "Woman" is not a shield from mistreatment or bullying. "Woman" is not a cure for homosexuality. "Woman" is not a smokescreen to hide sexual fetishes and paraphilias. "Woman" is not a ticket to praise and affirmation, awards and distinctions. "Woman" is not arbitrary. It is not a choice. It is not temporary. It is not fluid. A woman is a biological reality. It is a physical state of being. It is immutable and constant. A woman is a human being. A woman is an adult. A woman is female.


Misogyny is not mistreatment based on the way we dress, the way we wear our hair, or the amount of makeup we put on. It is not based on our sexual attractions or our hobbies. It's not based on the depth of our voice, our weight, or our height. It's not based on how caring, gentle, or nurturing we are. It's not based on how pretty we look or how high we can sing. It is not based on our legal names or whether we have an M or F on our IDs. It is not based on whether we call ourselves by a word with one syllable or two, two letters or three. We experience misogyny because we are female. Males do not experience misogyny. Males cannot experience misogyny. Transwomen are male. Transwomen are men.

Where do you see the injustice towards these men who claim to be women in society? Is it the fact that males are required to participate in male athletics? Is it the fact that males are required to use male facilities? That males are sent to male prisons? Is it that males are prohibited from winning female awards, entering female spaces, and being recorded in female statistics? [...]

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( @Footdoc )

spoilerBREAKING: I've just been shown a
draft of the legislation banning
'gender transition' procedures for
minors in Tennessee. Drugging and
mutilating children will be banned and
victims will be given the chance to
seek compensation. A huge win for
sanity and basic human decency.
The legislation will be filed November 9th.
Extremely grateful to @WilliamLamberth and
@SenJohnson for getting this done.

( @Sheyandaar )
@Footdoc Everyone who performed the mutilations should be stripped of their medical license at the very least.

( @pollyannacat )
@Footdoc the parents who did this to their children should be in prison.

( @RoninMestiza )
@Footdoc about time those scummy "doctors" get held accountable for these atrocities

(@Vonzander )
@Footdoc When the legislation includes stripping medical professionals of their licenses and very lengthy prison sentences ...

Then I'll be impressed..

Until then...

It's nothing more than virtue signaling....

( @WesOg )
@Footdoc I can't believe we've reached a point in history that we have to explain to others why mutilating children is wrong.

( @Calipatriot8973 )
@Footdoc doctors and parents who participate should get the death penalty

( @thirdcoaster )
@Footdoc transgender = mentally ill. calling some of these people parents is sad.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Where are the rights of Women whose husbands/partner become trans women ?

( vulvapeople )
I like the UK rule that says married people can't legally transition without the consent of their spouse or without getting a divorce first. UK TRAs, of course, wanted to do away with that rule even when the UK still didn't have no-fault divorce. Even with no-fault divorce, I still think it's a good rule given how many TIMs destroy the family's finances in pursuit of their fetish.

( Julie92845 )

I like the UK rule that says married people can't legally transition without the consent of their spouse or without getting a divorce first.

This is a good law, so of course TRAs were doing all they could to end it. A marriage is a legal contract and transitioning to another gender should void said contract unless both parties don't mind. A woman shouldn't have to find herself suddenly married to another woman (legally, even if biology never changes) if she didn't agree to that.

( Thelnebriati )
It's not even that they can't transition - they can apply for an interim GRC until the divorce is finalised.

The point is that when a person transitions, they have ways of accessing documents and info pertaining to their previous identity. But their spouse does not, (and is legally barred from outing them as trans.) Divorcing someone involves paperwork, and separating joint bank accounts, property, loans, a mortgage. After transitioning all of that paperwork applies to a person that legally no longer exists.

( RighteousIndignation )

I still think it's a good rule given how many TIMs destroy the family's finances in pursuit of their fetish.

similar to other things like depression and midlife crisis, I've heard so many stories about family men suddenly vanishing and buying plane tickets, sports cars and all sorts and the wife is desperately trying to block everything on the joint bank accounts and credit cards and things to stop him before he makes them bankrupt.

in fact this happened to someone I know but it was a son whom was single who went nuts, vanished and started racking up massive debts, when they finally found him he was homeless and owed over 30k and yes he did get diagnosed with a mental illness.

I see Trans as no different.

Megha Lillywhite #wingnut #sexist #transphobia classicalideals.substack.com

The foremost symptoms of the relationship crisis are these: a low marriage rate, people getting married later, a low birth rate, people questioning whether or not having children is even a good thing, an open hatred of women by men in male discourse, an open disdain of men by women in mainstream culture, and a culture where it is considered “realistic” to not believe in true love.

Traditionalism attempts to solve the problem in a very allopathic way, for lack of a better word, because it addresses the symptoms rather than truly understanding the root cause.
Human beings comprise both bestial and angelic qualities. This means we have bestial instincts, but we also have rationalism that permits us to make conscious decisions and understand the world through logic.

Being too aware of yourself, and in the wrong context, is called neuroticism. Neuroticism, insofar as it is a hyperawareness of the self, is a form of narcissism. This narcissism is at the core of all of the problems that inhere in the relationship crisis.
Young people are now confused about what sex they are because they’re spending time thinking about it at all. Have your ancestors expended any energy at all on such an absurd question as “am I really a girl?” Young men think far too much about how and where they should flirt with a girl, and this is why they solicit the help of “gurus” to help them. They spend their time trying to construct a feminine appearance through cosmetics and surgeries (not unlike trans “women”). They are effortlessly pretty and sweet and don’t have neurotic Type A plans about when they want to find their serious boyfriend, finish “building their career” and then get off birth control to have their first child. Even girls snapping out of the feminism bubble are still buying type A guides on “how to be more feminine,” completely missing the point that they need to think less not more.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Now in changerooms everywhere with women and girls, who are unable to resist this bullshit because our governments have decided these clear creepy fetishists have special privileges and we females need to
accommodate the Most Vulnerable and Oppressed. Thanks Biden!! Thanks Trudeau!!

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson #fundie #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is an unabashed Christian nationalist[…]On Wednesday, Robinson appeared on religious-right broadcaster David Brody’s “America 180” program[…]
“The last time I checked, the Bible hasn’t changed,” Brody said. “And this whole gender stuff … has nothing to do with the physicality of gender and what God created. So how do you kind of navigate those roads for you personally and professionally?”

“Well, on a professional level, I have to remind myself that this is a constitutional republic, it’s not a theocracy,” Robinson replied. “We have to operate by allowing people to have their constitutional rights, and I certainly intend to do that”

“But on a personal level, I am going to continue to speak at churches and to church groups and to other Christians about the dangers of the things that we see in our society today, the dangers of this transgender movement. It’s fine if you want to be a transgender person in your home and you want to be that in your personal life, that’s fine. But you cannot come to me and tell me as an individual that I have to accept that, that I have to go along with that delusion”

“Here’s where I absolutely draw a hard line,” he continued. “These folks need to leave these children alone. Leave my children alone. Leave other people’s children alone. That is not your domain. … Stop dragging children into this and stop forcing this on the children. In North Carolina, I’m going to do whatever I can to protect the children in this state from the wiles of these folks that are trying to push these highly sexual topics on them and sexualize children. As far as I’m concerned, it’s child abuse, it’s child molestation, and we will not stand for it”

“That is absolute perversion is what that is, and it is against the law, and we need to do everything we can to continue to push back against that”

various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
A couple of trans writers has quit The Guardian over their twansphobia. The Guardian is one of the most pro trans papers in existence. Petah says he is giving up his subscription unless things change.
Nothing short of total laydee dique worship is sufficient. Petah thinks he’s a woman.Nice Ukraine flag Petah

( @Poppiness )
PETER needs to do research on the flags he holds allegiance to …. the Ukrainian flag 🇺🇦 he’s supporting banned Gay marriage .. Transvestite’s & AGPs don’t even get off the starting blocks ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Also most LBG don’t want any affiliation with Transvestite’s .

* Transvestite’s & AGPs are a Parasitic Cult .

( @AndreaCook )
Nonbinary is male entitlement on steroids.

( @BonnerMalone )
Fucking freaks.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia gab.com

( @JohnVanderSchuit )
Was just suspended by Twitter algorithm about 10 seconds after saying "trans is mental illness"


( @Monoxoi )
@JohnVanderSchuit "Trans" is big business. Our USA fake doctors need more victims. Fools borrow 100,000's of dollars for surgeries they will regret. Then the victims become lifelong Big Pharma customers. USA "medicine" is a nonstop ripoff. We're the laughing stock of the civilized world.

( @MrFairdinkum )
You are right 100%

( @Lycaenops_Angusticeps )
@MrFairdinkum @JohnVanderSchuit It feels so free to be on Gab! Trannies are autogynephiliacs and there are only two genders!

( @Possumslurpie )
@JohnVanderSchuit Holy WOW! You got suspended for telling the TRUTH! That has become all too common these days since communists hate the truth.

( @Lycaenops_Angusticeps )
@Possumslurpie @JohnVanderSchuit We need to bring back mental institutions!

( @Possumslurpie )
@Lycaenops_Angusticeps @JohnVanderSchuit Amen, we have to have a place to house all the democrats.

( @Lycaenops_Angusticeps )
@Possumslurpie @JohnVanderSchuit Lock them all up and throw away the key!

( @Lycaenops_Angusticeps )
@JohnVanderSchuit I also got banned by calling trannies mentally ill. Kind of a badge of honor at this point!

( @FactoryDan )
@JohnVanderSchuit Hopefully that will be resolved soon. Trans is a mental Illness trying to push their agenda on our children.

( @AztecuahnayaM )
@JohnVanderSchuit Hmm.

Trans is a mental illness.

( @CholoatePoodle )
@JohnVanderSchuit So is Homosexuality

Mike Stone #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

How would you like to be a teen boy growing up in today's world?
You pass Jenny Hobbs in the hallway, the girl you thought was so cute in the 6th grade. She now has a nose ring and half of her hair is dyed blue. The other half of her hair is shaved off. "She used to be so pretty," you say to yourself. "What happened?"

In math class, you're shocked to learn that your test paper was graded an "F" even though you answered every question right. "Getting the right answer is not important," your pink-haired math teacher tells you. "It's a sign of inherent racism. So I've signed you up for Diversity Training. Be here on Saturday if you want to pass my class."

In history class, you notice the flag of the United States has been replaced by a rainbow flag. Next to it is a picture of a smiling Joe Biden and the words "Our President." Surrounding Biden's picture are hearts and smiley faces.

Your friend Davey is absent. He was jumped by a gang of "youths" on his way home from school yesterday and is now in the hospital. Sheila Johnson, a snotty, pinch-nosed white girl, stands up and "confesses" her racism to the rest of the class. That tough guy who beat you up in grade school is now wearing a dress so he can use the girl's locker room. He hides his phone under his skirt and snaps pictures of girls in various stages of undress. You can buy them for ten bucks apiece.

"And by the way," your teacher announces, "Mr. Harrison your music teacher is no longer Mr. Harrison. His name is now Doris. You will address him as Ms. Harrison. Anyone who doesn't comply will be suspended."

"If I can just make it till lunch," you tell yourself, only to discover that Meatloaf Monday in the cafeteria has been replaced by a delicious concoction of bug paste.

Such is life for teen boys growing up in America today. Schools are now Communist indoctrination centers, staffed by mentally ill teachers pushing all manner of sexual depravity on their students.

Ron DeSantis #transphobia #wingnut cnn.com

DeSantis signs into law restrictions on trans Floridians’ access to treatments and bathrooms

One of the bills signed into law by DeSantis prohibits transgender children from receiving gender-affirming treatments, including prescriptions that block puberty hormones or sex-reassignment surgeries. Under the law, a court could intervene to temporarily remove a child from their home if they receive gender-affirming treatments or procedures, and it treats such health care options, which are supported by the American Medical Association, the same as it would a case of child abuse.

Under a provision DeSantis signed into law, teachers, faculty and students would be restricted from using the pronouns of their choice in public schools. That bill declares that it must be the policy of all schools that “a person’s sex is an immutable biological trait” and “it is false” to use a pronoun other than the sex on a person’s birth certificate. That bill also affirmed that sexual orientation and gender identity cannot be taught in schools through eighth grade, codifying a state Board of Education decision to block such topics in all K-12 grades.

Separate legislation would give the DeSantis administration the power to take away licenses from establishments if they allow children into an “adult live performance,” widely interpreted as a crackdown on drag shows. Another prohibits transgender people from using a bathroom or changing room that matches their gender identity while in government buildings, including in places like public schools, prisons and state universities.

Father Dabney #fundie #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "A Christian Nation, Retake Everything!"]

In my last article, I initiated a conversation on the hard choices that will have to be made[…]
These transgressions[…]outlawed at the time of my birth[…]Abortion, sodomy, public displays of transsexualism, the ability to access graphic pornography in any form, etc., were forbidden[…]There were Sabbath laws, or what we called in the South: “Blue Laws”[…]
Identity Dixie has been publishing[…]with this simple propaganda statement since its inception: “Retake Everything!”[…]It got me disowned by some very “nice” people, many of whom are only now recognizing the peril of real persecution the Church now faces[…]
Where are the best chances for this Reconquista[…]?By all measurable statistics, it is White Evangelicals that resist godless behavior in our society the most

With that in mind, the South is the natural place to build Fortress Christendom, and well into the next millennium. The reason being: Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, and Oklahoma have populations of about 50% White Evangelicals, and the rest of the South reach numbers between 30-45%, save Louisiana and Florida, which are about 25%. Although, those states have large White Roman Catholic populations that would rise, if divinely motivated[…]
We will change the laws we live under to reflect, as best we can, the clearest teachings of the Gospel, not trying to remake ancient Israel, but forge a nation marching compassionately and justly heavenward[…]Men will be free to choose whom they associate, all men will work to provide for their families, those that are poor will be given a leg up (not a hand out), banking laws will be changed to outlaw usury, we will have sound money and that money will be used for the betterment of our people, our borders will be secured […]we will seek a peaceful coexistence among all nations, especially those that extoll Christ as King!

Bill Donohue #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming newsmax.com

The Los Angeles Dodgers have besmirched their legacy of combating bigotry by partnering with LA Pride in awarding this year’s Community Hero Award to an obscene anti-Catholic group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The award, which will be presented by Blue Shield of California on June 16, celebrates the "10th Annual LGBTQ+ Night"at Dodger Stadium.

In 1947, the Brooklyn Dodgers made history by naming Jackie Robinson to its roster.

He was the first Black man to play Major League Baseball (MLB).

Now MLB is in the business of promoting bigotry, not fighting it.

By rewarding anti-Catholicism, the Dodgers have broken bread with the most despicable elements in American society today.

The Catholic League has been the leading critic of this bigoted organization for many decades. Don’t believe the representation that the "Sisters" mean no harm.

And don’t believe that which is floated by Erik Braverman, a communications spokesman for the Dodgers, that this event is all about "diversity and inclusion."

On the contrary, it’s about rewarding hate speech.

These alternative lifestyle bigots are known for simulating sodomy while dressed as nuns.
They like to feature a "Condom Savior Mass," one that describes how the "Latex Host" is the flesh for the life of the world." The "Sisters" go by names such as "Sister Homo F*****io" and "Sister Joyous Reserec*m." Just last month, they held an event mocking Our Blessed Mother and Jesus on Easter Sunday.

I am writing to Rob Manfred, commissioner of MLB, about this unprovoked assault on Catholics.

In my letter, I said that if a group of white boys in Black-face — a modern day Al Jolson ensemble — were to be honored by an MLB team, there is little doubt that the event would be cancelled and sanctions would be forthcoming.

Two years ago, Manfred was so angered about alleged voter irregularities in Georgia that he moved the All Star Game to Denver.

Let’s see how he reacts when Catholics are targeted.

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