Various commenters #wingnut

(submitters note: responding to this meme: image)

This is one of their most effective manipulative arguments because pro-lifers fail to respond properly.

We should all remember that reducing crime isn't the purpose of the law.

Not that what they are saying is true, but that it's irrelevant.


Not that what they are saying is true, but that it's irrelevant.

How is is "irrelevant"?

Even if you remain convinced that abortions should be outlawed, why would you not, in the meantime, push lawmakers to implement policies that are already know to reduce the number of abortions occurring?

"Give us free stuff so we don't murder our kids." Seems legit.

If you see abortion as murder, whether banning it reduces abortions should not matter, as abortion is wrong enough to be illegal regardless.

If banning abortion doesn’t reduce the number of abortions, then what are pro-abortion people whining about right now?

Tbf, pro choicers are upset that the abortions are still happening outside the law in unsafe conditions that endanger the mothers' health. From my observations, even pro choicers who are personally against abortion prefer that it remains legal so that women who inevitably get them aren't endangering their lives trying to diy or go to unregulated illegal facilities

To be fair hiring an assassin for a baby shouldn't ever be safe. Change my mind.

In Texas it only reduced abortions overall by 10% because woman who want one and can travel will do so. (You can legislate it all you want, but there will always be demand for abortion- there has been for all of human history.) The reductions in abortion were mostly among women too poor to travel.

10% sounds great, especially if we also get to rightly state in law that murder is illegal. As more states ban abortion, that reduction should increase, too. Eventually, we get a federal ban put in place. As you said, murder will still happen, as it always has - but it should still be illegal.

Various commenters #wingnut

RE: My sister has disowned my dad

This is the result of the widespread lying and fear-mongering that women need abortion.

Exactly she went straight to the girl in Ohio who had to go out of state for an abortion. My dad asked if she would ban abortion with exception of rape and mother health and she said it was a womans choice and women mattered more than a fetus.

Your poor father. Under so much pressure to accept evil. Hope he stands firm and stays strong. We are rooting for him. They want to use bully tactics to force their ideology on him. That’s not a good example of love. Let him know he is loved and respected.

It's very interesting that everyone with a strong pro-abortion position was not aborted.

Morality divides families.

Jesus said he was bringing the sword for this reason.

Yep, leftism is a cult

Pleiadian Collective via Judith #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy

Friends Of Light!

There Are Secrets Before You Seen And Unseen!

Knowing Where To Look Can Be Helpful!

Knowing The Galactic Federation Is Surrounding You In Great Power And Numbers, May Bring A Pause To Wonder Who Interacts With The Great Light While Living On Earth!

Many Refer To White Hats And Have Ideas Of Their Operations On Your Behalf.

Understanding They Fill All Areas Of Military And Governments Around The Planet, Will Allow You To Know Of Their Deep Respect, High Intelligence And Dedication To The Light Forces!

Imagine For A Moment That A Seemingly Ordinary Human Could Enter Agencies, Operations, Missions And Top Secret Activities And Not Be Known At All.


In The Darkest Of Meetings, Proposals, Threats, Destruction And Intel That Has Ever Existed On Earth, These Brave Ones Move To A Different Scale Of Knowing Truth! These Are The White Hats!

Each Of These White Hats Has Multiple Meetings With The Galactic Federation Ongoing.

They Board Crafts And Discuss The Relevance Of Plans Around The World.

The Crafts Are Unseen And Undetectable By Human Understanding.

There Are Large Crafts And Motherships That Land And Have The Technology To Never Be Seen.

White Hats Are Comfortable When Approached To Board With The Friends They Know Well.

Pleiadians Are Often On The Ground And Will Enter Meetings Unseen To Human Eyes.

If They Choose To Be Seen, This Is Quite Simple And Often Done For A Purpose.

Many Of You Reading This Have Seen Pleiadians And Other Races Throughout Your Waking Dream.

Your World Is Taught To Be Fear-Based And Controlling.

Your True Nature Of Reality Will Bring You Peace As Your Frequency Rises And Your Awareness Of Truth Returns.

This Is The Grand Shift Of The Ages!
Imagine That You Have Been Empowered With The Ability To Manifest Anything, Simply With Intention.

This Is The Truth Of The Nature Of Your Creation.

This Is The Truth Of Your Being!
The Galactic Federation And The Glory Of Light Will Welcome You Home In Great Power!

I Love You So!

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #fundie #conspiracy #elitist

Do you believe that crisis reveals character?

If so, how would you judge the character of your family, friends, and co-workers over the last two years?

Did they recognize the virus hoax for what it was - a hoax?

Did they spit in the eye of the airlines and all of the other hoax and jab-pushing corporations by refusing to fly, by refusing to buy their products and services, by refusing to watch their Hollywood filth?

Or did they make zero sacrifices in a time of war - as my family and friends did - and continue to patronize and financially support the very people and corporations that want to see them dead, buried, and replaced?
All of my life I've been witness to idiotic behavior. Never, in all that time, have I seen such utterly stupid, cowardly, and treasonous behavior as I have these last two years. My faith and respect for the human race has literally plummeted to zero. It would be below zero, if that were possible.

For over two years, almost everyone on earth has, without any evidence, believed in the existence of a virtually non-existent virus. They refused to face facts, refused to apply any type of common sense or logic. As a result, they have submitted to the worst type of treasonous behavior imaginable.
The virus hoax is no different. Try talking logic to people. Try stirring their interest in the millions who were injured, crippled, and killed by the hoax pushers and no one will respond to you. They have no interest in the topic. They want to visit Disneyland and Las Vegas. They want to watch porn, Hollywood movies, and Netflix. They want life to go back to "normal," never realizing that their version of normal is a life headed straight for hell.

Talk about a wake up call. These last two years have been the most sobering of my life. I now know why God destroyed the world through a flood; why he rained fire and brimstone on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The mass of people have shown by their behavior that they are undeserving of Heaven.

Padraig Martin #elitist #sexist #racist #fundie

[From "We Are Not Equal in God’s Eyes"]

There is a bizarre religion that permeates the West. It is a false faith predicated on universal equality[…]Leftists have weaponized scripture without context, and as usual, ill-informed “Christians” bought into the narrative. They often cite Galatians 3:28[…]His myriad of epistles point out stark differences between men and women, Jews and Greeks, and the role of slaves[…]God made the nations, races, ethnicities, and sexes[…]We are not equal in God’s eyes

The first and most prolific lie is the equality of the sexes. Men and women are not equal[…]The Bible tells us that men are to enjoy a leadership role; women are to submit[…]
As it pertains to the races, inequality exists, too. Ignoring for a moment the litany of studies regarding mental acuity and impulse control, consider the simple physical differences between blacks and Whites[…]It should be no surprise that blacks are designed for the geographic challenges of Africa versus Ireland or Russia[…]
None of these people are equal[…]They have an unequal purpose on the earth[…]
Among individuals[…]there is clearly no equality[…]
Why is this important? The equality myth is often weaponized to disarm Whites, especially White Christians. I state that it harms Christians more than non-Christian Whites[…]because most Christians are raised to believe all races and ethnicities can be saved by Jesus Christ[…]
The notion of equality under the law (a secular concept) is drawn out to undermine faith-based arguments at a macro level[…]
We see the most devastating application of this concept in the amorphous idea of democracy. God loathes democracy. Democracy is the belief of equality applied in politics[…]
The eighteen-year-old female who is in-love with herself and the latest heartthrob has the same vote as I do – a landowner, businessman, father, husband

Brotherofsteel5 #transphobia #fundie #elitist

You know what?

To be accurate it's not "WE" who don't know what is a woman.

It's "THEM".

We: the majority of peoples, normals persons.

Them: A bunch of "intellectuals-educated-persons" who thing all in the world is about their ideology, and who don't even know how the real world works, because they live in their little environnement, their littles urbans "safe spaces", their offices, their campus, or classrooms. They are the peoples who just lives and want to see peoples who look or think like them, and last but not the least, who are from the same wealthy class, even if they deny it.

Peoples who refuse contradictions, or don't want to see the real world.

They are like the aristocratic class in France before 1789, or like byzantins theologist who argued about the properties of angels, when the turkish empire was at their gates.

Lindsay Harold #fundie #sexist

There's an interesting parallel in marriage. God designed women to need leadership from their husbands in order to feel loved. Not only did God give the husband the position of authority and leadership in the home, but He did so because it is best for both men and women.

Men have a need to lead. They're designed for it. They don't feel loved if their wives don't follow their lead. At the same time, God made women to need to be led. They don't feel loved if they are in control. They feel abandoned and lonely when they aren't following their husband's lead. They need the husband to be the head, to lead them and protect them - physically and emotionally.


John C. Wright #crackpot #fundie

I imagine future historians looking back with awe and horror at the rioting that suddenly erupted all across America when 40 year old nerds and science fiction fans suddenly, and for no apparent reason, descended on Hollywood and New York City, burning and murdering executives in various popular entertainment and publishing industries.

Future historians will be puzzled that Brony cosplayers actually dressed up as supervillains and furries, used jackhammers and dug pits actually into the sidewalks of Manhattan and Los Angeles, then released vicious polar bears to claw and bite their helpless yet screaming victims to a slow but hideously painful death, filming the whole on their cellphones.

Future historians will puzzle over the lack of response from law enforcement, the giggling from judges and guffaws from the national guard, who should have intervened to stop the ghastly slaughter. Scholarly arguments will break out over the question of how large and spontaneous mobs composed largely of large and nonathletic fanboys managed the logistical question of capturing polar bears and transporting them to the United States from Northern Alaska, while the Canadian border was closed.

Of course, no news accounts of the horrific event will be available for study in those future times, since every last member of the mainstream news industry, down to the last intern, was swallowed alive that same week by sudden flaming pits that opened in the Earth, during the exact moment when each was denouncing as racist anyone calling the China Flu ‘the Wuhan virus’– those few reporters spry enough to cling to the crumbling lips of the gaping crater-mouths then being struck by lightningbolts winging down from a clear blue sky.

The future historians will also wonder what triggered the renaissance in popular entertainment, comics, and science fiction that lasted for the next century and a half, until the flying saucer invasion from Alpha Camelopardalis, the last star in the galaxy anyone expected to host a planet peeved with Earthmen.

Apti Alaudinov #fundie #homophobia #psycho #transphobia #wingnut

Apti Alaudinov, the commander of Chechen forces fighting for Russia, praised Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, calling it a "holy war" against the "Satanic" values of Europe and the United States as well as the LGBTQ community.

"This is a holy war our saints and elders spoke of," Alaudinov asserted, who went on to say that he praises God to live in Russia and that the country is led by Putin. "He is the man that refused to accept the so-called European values," the commander added.

"In reality, those are Satanist values that are imposed on the entire world," he said. Alaudinov noted that he is "grateful" that Putin is following the values of "the Most High," referring to God. "We are not under the flags of the LGBT and as long as he's alive, we won't be under those flags."

He also called American democracy "the main enemy of mankind." Continuing, he said the U.S., Europe, and NATO carry within them "everything that is Satanic," and that they are "the army of the anti-Christ."

The Chechen commander described his forces fighting with Russia against Ukraine as "the army of Jesus." He praised Putin for doing "what the Islamic countries should have done" by fighting back against the U.S. and NATO.

Tainted Slav #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #psycho

All the current shitshow haven't had happened if:
1. Ukraine wasn't a one whole fucking money laundry for U.S. deep state
2. Zelensky wouldn't have had to claim the degeneracy like "we are about to get our own nuke kek"
3. This whole maidan mess have been stomped with all-the-way american tier police brutality days 1-to-3
4. America had to mind their business elsewhere, not at our backdoor.

I watched this circus going for quite a long time. I've witnessed maidan days, it's consequences. Trust me on this, although invasion is a fucked up thing to do, it was a necessity to do, at certain point.

The Final Wakeup Call #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie

It is high time to remove the Rothschild-Khazarian-Mafia including their controlled puppets within governments. – Once the masses begin to understand that every government official is mind-controlled – i.e. is a Monarch slave, warning of terrorists WHO actually are themselves. The masses should wake up to this!

When Monarch slaves fail, a coup or revolution is attempted with the help of the CIA and/or Mossad. If that does not work, an elite special unit carries out liquidations. And if that does not produce the desired result, then the head of government or dictator suffers a heart attack or other accident. If that does not work, the military arm of the Illuminati – NATO – is called in.
Remember; the Archon Khazar bloodline families want to take total control over the whole world population through your government. In order to take possession of all resources on earth. In order to take possession of all the resources on earth including Gold, Silver and Energy which is the main objective of the Jesuits and Illuminati.
Due to created compassion for the Jewish people as a result of WW2, Zionism took shape in 1948 through diplomatic terror by creating the state of Israel.

Rothschild family is in fact the fundamentalist leader of Zionism. The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, is financed by the Rothschilds. In Jerusalem, a street is named after them. They are considered to be the royal family of Judaism, with the addition of ‘King of the Jews’
These powerful satanic families, such as Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburgs, and their puppets; Kissinger, Bush, Netanyahu, Clinton, and lapdog Blair, are at the head of Satan’s hierarchy and form the ‘Kingdom of Satan’ on earth.

They are the vanguard of the anti-Christ movement, they demand absolute world domination, by overwhelming it with catastrophes, such as the 9/11 attack in New York, Paris on Friday the 13th, to be carried out under massive publicity.

Jim Stone #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

Update: Today I am sick as hell and was not able to do anything at all until 2. I gained 2 belt sizes without eating and my heart hurts. I might turn the site over to someone else. At least old reports can be reposted by someone else.
I let a Jew prepare my coffee this morning
It was at a place I go to, I never saw that Jew before. It tasted awesome. However, now I am crashing, everything hurts. Maybe I will update this tomorrow?

Claudia will still need to be taken care of if I crash out, it is taking more and more effort just to type, she will probably need about $2,000 per month to stay afloat well enough to keep the servers going.
During a nuclear weapons/materials sweep of several major cities it was discovered that ALL the Israeli embassies emit large amounts of neutrinos, which means Israel is storing nuclear weapons in their embassies. The strongest signal came from the one in New York but all the embassies have at least something there.

This is not a new topic, it dates back to 2012 and was something that was revealed shortly after my original Nuclear Blackmail report. Nothing has changed, other than perhaps a refreshing of the nukes. If a nuke goes off anywhere (and there are whispers right now from people who are worried), no matter WHO they blame, Israel is the first, second, third and fourth suspect, with Russia perhaps fifth on the list.

My report "Nuclear blackmail" pointed out how Israel has potential troubles with launching nukes due to it´s small geographic size, so Israel went clandestine and is getting their nukes placed by bringing them into various nations disguised as something else. They have probably completed this mission, and are therefore obviously the prime suspects for anything that might happen.

Hunter Wallace and Charlie Kirk #fundie #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger #crackpot

[From "Charlie Kirk: Church and State Should Be Mixed Together"]


Charlie Kirk: "There is no separation of church and state. It's a fabrication. It's a fiction. It's not in the Constitution. It's made up by secular humanists"
July 6, 2022

I’m seeing a lot of dumb commentary on this

The First Amendment only says that Congress cannot establish a state religion. The American colonies had established churches and the states had established state churches until the early 19th century

First Amendment Encyclopedia

The First Great Awakening in the 1730s and 1740s increased religious diversity, and the American Revolution furthered the impetus of Southern states to drop their affiliations with the Church of England, which most did between 1776 and 1790. The Second Great Awakening, which occurred after 1800 and created further religious diversity, led to another wave of disestablishments (Noll and Harlow 2007:29)

New Hampshire kept its establishment until 1817; Connecticut kept its establishment until 1818; and Massachusetts did not abandon its state support for Congregationalism until 1833 (Kidd 1999: 1021)[…]

The states also controlled citizenship and voting rights until Reconstruction

Blacks were not citizens outside of New England before the War Between the States. Voting rights was also restricted in various ways (by race, sex, property ownership) at the state level. The federal government had no say in the matter. The country as a whole only became “liberal” in the Reconstruction era. “Equal protection of the laws” was an abolitionist concept that originated in the antebellum era

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Trump was right in 2015.

They're rapists. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, and the American People are losing their patience with representatives who won't even acknowledge the problem.

@DrPaulGosar Shoot to kill all invaders along our borders!!!!

@DrPaulGosar Yes. That's the real story here, not access to abortion.

@DrPaulGosar why, why, why

@DrPaulGosar C’mon don’t you know. You’re only allowed to call white people the biggest threat to the country. You can’t acknowledge real crime statistics in anyway, that’s racist.

@DrPaulGosar The Democrats won't acknowledge the problem because they want mass immigration. It should be common sense that we secure our borders, but they have lost all sense in pursuing their agenda. We need to elect representatives in November that will take action to protect Americans.

@DrPaulGosar Very based, thank you king! Now do black people 😁

@DrPaulGosar mass deportations

@DrPaulGosar Biden won't stop flooding America until illegals rape EVERY woman in America not on his "team."

He's a kindred spirit with each one of them.

@DrPaulGosar Question everything.

The invasion must be stopped. The drug cartel and other criminals are using the open border for evil.

But this story may be another psy-op.
It seems to prove Biden was telling the truth about the poor ten-year-old who was raped - it makes Biden look like a victim because we doubted him.
They would frame an innocent man to prop up their narratives.
The story is full of holes.

@DrPaulGosar They are barbaric people who do not magically become civilized by virtue of walking into our country!

The COMMUNIST TERRORIST CRIMINAL democrats created the illegal invasion which allowed rapists, drug dealers, and criminals into the country.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

@DrPaulGosar Perhaps we should just make it so Jews can't own any property in the United States. That would clean up a lot of this.

@Zaklog @DrPaulGosar Perhaps we should make it so jews don't have control of the currency. That would clear up ALL of this. Although I like your idea too.

All part of the New World Order, you will own nothing

Blackrock is jewish. Larry Fink is yet another jew doing subversive things.

@DrPaulGosar Blackrock plans to rent these homes to foreign invaders (to be clear, the media calls them "immigrants" and "refugees") and expects the US Government (ie the taxpayers) to fund those "rents." Dig deep and you will find evidence of this. Lobbyists have loose lips.

@DrPaulGosar Blackrock = JEW LARRY FINK.


@DrPaulGosar until you and the rest of your cronies ban jews from influencing White nations policies. I don't want to hear it!

@DrPaulGosar Until jews are out of power we won't get any practical changes that help everyone. Our government is currently set up for kikes by kikes. They have destroyed everything with greed and subversion, and until they are gone we can't begin healing.

But... but... I was told this was Fascism, that the State controls all industry. This would suggest the OPPOSITE. Under Fascism, Blackrock would not exist. 😎

@DrPaulGosar Limiting won't do anything cause they will find creative ways to get around it. We have to stop using currency altogether and restructuring the way we live and consume. There is no 2 party system and it is subterfuge to make people think they have some kind of control, when it's really controlled opposition and political theatre by the ruling class Jews.

@DrPaulGosar We must end jewish supremacy.


BiblicalChristianity #wingnut

If abortion is banned, one generation will complain about it. But the next one will think it's normal and probably question what our generation was thinking... like slavery.

The current generation is just a reflection of what it was raised in. So once it passes, the vitriol will be gone.

The next generation will take responsibility on pregnancy as they will think it is normal. Of course there will always be exceptions and fringe political opinions.

Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut

Children cannot consent to sex, and they cannot consent to abortion. Arranging for a 10-year-old rape survivor to have an abortion is both a crime against the unborn child & the 10 year old. In this tragic, extreme situation, both children are victims & both deserve care.

Robert Stacy McCain #biphobia #homophobia #fundie

{from 2014}

Her self-declared “bisexuality” is purely speculative, a matter of imagination. Her situation illuminates the problem with how young people are now being indoctrinated to think about sex. All this chatter about sexual orientation and gender identity emerging from academia and promulgated in pop culture is profoundly confusing to many young people. A teenage girl whose “sexuality” so far has been limited to some clumsy kissing and fondling with her ex-boyfriend nevertheless identifies as “bisexual” on what we might call a theoretical basis. This identification then qualifies her to denounce her girlfriends as homophobes because they “are terrified of girls being in love with them.”

In that context, isn’t “homophobe” just a synonym for heterosexual?

Given the direction our culture is heading, one can imagine a scenario in which anyone who rejects a homosexual advance — “No, thanks, I’m straight” — is accused of being a homophobe, so that society is effectively divided into two groups: Gays and Haters.

She continues to volley: “Please, don’t put my identity into quotation marks.” The reason I put “bisexual” in quotation marks is because, by her own account, she has not actually acted on her same-sex attractions. Her self-declared “identity” therefore exists in the imaginative realm of Tommy Flanagan’s wife, Morgan Fairchild. #fundie

(Part 1)

Then I saw a wooden table that was not being consumed by the fire. It had what appeared to be beer bottles on it. They looked refreshing, but they were full of fire. While I was looking, a man suddenly appeared. His flesh was almost completely destroyed and what was left of his clothes were muddy and burning. He had lost his eyes, mouth and all of his hair in the fire. He could see me, even though he had no eyes. I tell you, it is a person’s soul that thinks, reasons and truly sees, not their natural body.

The man extended his skinny hand toward the Lord and started to cry out, saying, "Lord, have mercy on me! Lord, have mercy on me! I am in pain! I am burning! Please have mercy and take me out of here!" The Lord looked at him with compassion, and I started to feel something warm in my hand. I looked and found that it was blood...the blood of Jesus! The Lord's blood came from His hand as He watched the man suffering in the flames.

Then the man turned his gaze in the direction of the table and walked toward the bottles. He grabbed a bottle, and as he was about to drink from it, fire and smoke shot out of it. He put his head back and screamed like I had never heard anyone scream before. He cried with great pain and sorrow, and then started to drink what was in the bottle. The bottle was full of acid; it totally destroyed his throat. You could see the acid passing through his stomach and hurting him.

The number 666 was engraved on the man’s forehead. On his chest was a plate made of some unknown metal that couldn't be destroyed, not even by the heat or the worms. It had some letters written on it that we could not understand. The Lord, in His great mercy, gave us the translation of what was written: "I am here because I am a drunkard." He begged the Lord for mercy, but the Word of God is very clear when it tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:10, "Thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God."

Eternal Destinations #fundie

(Part 2)

In heaven she met King David, and you will be amazed at his comment as to why he made it into heaven.
She also met the apostle John in heaven, who gave her advice for all of us on our relationship with the Lord, which is right in line with the kind of relationship he had with the Lord during his earthly life, as told to us in the Bible (Jn 13:23; Rev 1:10).
She met Paul the apostle, who gave her a word of encouragement to remember in our trials and hardships, which I believe you will appreciate. It was essentially what he wrote to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 10:13.
She saw the Lord's palace and described what it was like seeing the Father on His throne.
She saw the twelve, colorful foundations decorated with precious stones, which are spoken about in Revelation 21:19-20.
She described the angels and some of the differences between the worship angels and the warrior ones.
She saw a warehouse in heaven containing spare body parts with people's names on them that were simply there for the asking, if the people who needed them would only ask and believe. But most never bother to ask.
She says that there are separate rewards given to the saints for each thing that they do for the Lord, no matter what it is.
She said that what matters in the end is not how much you serve the Lord, but the quality of your service, which is evidenced by the heart and attitude with which you do it. Whatever we do, we should do it as unto the Lord, for the glory of God, in the name of Jesus, and with love. Then even if all you can do is pray, you will be rewarded for praying. If all you can do is care for the children or do housekeeping chores, you will receive a reward for it, if is done in loving service to the Lord.

Pro-life Wisconsin #sexist #fundie #psycho

The so-called "life of the mother" exception for abortion is unnecessary and dangerous. To begin with, there are no situations where abortion, defined as the direct and intentional killing of an unborn child, is medically necessary to save the life of the mother.

Medical operations such as the removal of a cancerous uterus or the removal of an ectopic pregnancy are moral even under Catholic teaching and are not considered abortions. If a pregnant woman has a cancerous uterus that imminently threatens her life, then the uterus may be removed even though such removal results in the death of the unborn child. Similarly, when a fertilized ovum lodges in the fallopian tube and grows there, the damaged portion of the tube containing the baby may be removed where it is clearly necessary to save the mother's life. Such operations are justified by the "principle of double effect," because the death of the child is an unintended effect of an operation independently justified to save the mother's life. They do not involve the intentional and willful destruction of an unborn child.

Legally, such operations are not considered abortions. The removal of such conditions has never been prosecuted in this country, even when the mother's life was not immediately threatened. There is, therefore, no need to provide a specific exception for such cases in a statute or constitutional amendment prohibiting abortion. Moreover, an explicit exception for the life of the mother is dangerous. One should never attempt to codify in law the importance of one innocent human life over and above another. Physicians must make their best effort to save both patients, giving equal care to mother and child. They should never be given a license to intentionally kill either of them.

Finally, many abortionists believe that the very condition of pregnancy itself is a life threatening condition. Consequently, a "life of the mother" exception can become a massive statutory loophole through which to drive abortion on demand.

Once pro-lifers say there can be a "good reason" to kill a preborn baby, the foundation of the pro-life movement crumbles. The argument is lost. Either the preborn child is a person, or the child is not a person. Since the preborn child is a person, there can be no exceptions for abortion.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy #transphobia

[From "UK: Government Bans Dating Ads Appealing to “Lonely Ukrainian Women”"]

There is a strict rule that nothing about the war against Russia is allowed to benefit anyone in the West in any way at all. This is strictly about “our values of who we are in a democracy rules-based order”

Therefore, men are absolutely, under no circumstances, allowed to pick up young Ukraine skanks[…]
British men must necessarily only date fat, tattooed, belligerent, drunken, British slags. All the young and attractive British girls have to go be drug-addicted hookers in the Paki gangs, and the Ukrainian women, well – they’re probably going to have to join the Pakis as well


The UK’s advertising regulator has banned online dating ads offering the chance to meet “lonely Ukrainian women” for being offensive[…]Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) addressed three ads for online dating service SofiaDate[…]

Vulnerability is a core element of sex appeal, according to biology. One of the top reasons that men will put up with women’s shit is that they feel they need to protect them. Outlawing people from associating vulnerability with male sexuality is… well, it’s on par with everything else that’s going on these days

But this is a government run by women. They will do everything to hurt men[…]then they will punish them for having been hurt

The government will ban you from trying to meet any woman who isn’t a fat, old, loud slob – then they will make it illegal to be an incel, and claim that if you’re not having sex with disgusting fat women, you’re probably planning terrorism[…]
And there are even worse things
Drag queen in library with kids]
They hate boys and men, and they want to destroy all of us

This isn’t even limited only to white people. Look at what black mamas do to their sons

Women are a source of total evil

The Ascension Diet/Eating To Ascend #crackpot #quack #fundie #ufo #conspiracy #mammon

The organs regenerate, we are light, and food is death. Nothing in this world they provide exists to better us and at this point we must take strong action to detoxify.

THE ASCENSION DIET ROPEWORM PROTOCOL BIBLE HUMAN ASCENSION MANUAL will help you cleanse your temple and help you secure your place in the book of Life. Why? Because we are truly what we eat, and all of the accumulated genetic material, heavy metals, fungii, yeasts, pesticides and other toxins have grown monsters in our bodies – or as Jesus called them in The Essene Gospels of Peace, “little satans”. These are the cause of internal struggle, emotional and mental fluctations and instability, disease and death. This intensive combined protocol will help you take back your own life – body and soul.
I have spent the last few months writing this book, which was originally only one chapter in what will now be the next book (making this book a prequel, like in the STAR WARS releases, which began with showing TATTOOINE, the RED PLANET NIBIRU overhead – JUST AS IT IS NOW) coming out in JUNE which I had planned in 2018 to have published first, but COVID CHANGED EVERYTHING AND I KNOW THAT PEOPLE NEED TO GET THE ROPEWORM AND PARASITES OUT to survive what’s coming. I also know that many don’t have a clear picture of the BIG PICTURE and I am trying desperately to get this out into everyones eyes, ears and hands so they can save their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
It’s time to evict these monsters. Whether you believe the last days are at hand because the skies are being hidden from us or not, you just don’t need these unwanted guests sapping your lifeblood. It is the foreign DNA of all systems not original to humans when we were created that is responsible for all things negative, all of which lead to disease, death of the the body, and loss of one’s soul. For more information on why, read THE BODY KILLS THE SOUL.

Don Spectacularis #magick #ufo #crackpot

How is it that two or more channeled entities, energies, beings or groups (with whom you may otherwise be resonating highly) appear to be so VEHEMENTLY disagreeing and divergent on so MANY issues? And HOW is it that ONE entity or group (that you even RESONATE with!) comes through with one specific opinion, and yet, ANOTHER entity or group (that you resonate EQUALLY with!) say things that are entirely in OPPOSITION or CONTRADICTION to the FORMER?

So I’ll (attempt to) make this answer as simple as I can: There are (exactly!) infinite realities. As also are there infinite PERSPECTIVES. All of which are EQUALLY valid and loved in the eyes of Source / God / Creator -- for Source is nothing but Unconditional LOVE itself.

Furthermore, anything that you can (or cannot yet) imagine ALREADY EXISTS somewhere, for Source contains it ALL. Otherwise it wouldn’t be called All-That-Is, it would be called All-That-Is-MINUS-This-One-Thing.
Please think about this for a second: If everything is a dream anyways, is it that shocking to you that one dream (illusion) allows for a round earth, whilst yet another dream allows for a flat one?

ONE aspect of the creator can well dream that light travels at 299,792,458 metres per second. And yet ANOTHER aspect of the creator can well dream of light in THEIR reality travels at well over at 300,000,000,000,000 miles per nanosecond. And so, WHO’S going to stop them from dreaming such (in what is entirely a made-up ILLUSION)? You?
So, in closing and in conclusion, be like the Duck-Billed Platypus. The Duck-Billed Platypus has exactly ZERO PROBLEMS in having a Duck’s bill, an Otter’s feet, a Beaver’s tail, and some EGGS to lay at that -- all whilst still being a MAMMAL (of all things) no less!
In summary:

With the feet of an otter and the bill of a duck,

He’s got feats of a champ yet he gives no fucks,

A creature, a teacher, a MASTER of pure FUN…

He’s got 99 quacks, but he ain’t ONE.

Eliza Mondegreen #transphobia

Don't let sissy-porn addicts redefine what it means to be a woman

Redefining women from a sex class to a mixed-sex class based on male sexual projections reifies sex-role stereotypes and requires actual women and girls to dissociate body and mind. After all, we’re not allowed to say we’re women because we’re female anymore. We’re supposed to look inside ourselves and find something else that makes us women—something that has nothing to do with female embodiment—that a man can experience, too, like getting turned on by the idea of your own sexual defilement. If some men want to wear ‘women’ as masks, then women must be masks, nothing more.

This dissociation of mind and body is a disaster for women’s political organizing and it does a number on the mental health of individual women and girls, too. But sowing dissociation is a great recruitment tool for the new global empire of disembodiment.

Since the men boldly redefining 'woman' are a bunch of self-confessed sissy-porn addicts, no woman or girl will relate to the definitions they put forward.

Are you an "expectant asshole" with "blank, blank eyes"?

Didn't think so. Not much of a woman, are you?

How about: “Getting fucked makes you female because fucked is what a female is”?

Still no?

"There is something about being treated like shit by men that feels like affirmation itself, like a cry of delight from the deepest cavern of my breast... To be the victim of honest, undisguised sexism possesses an exhilarating vitality."

Do you feel an exhilarating vitality at being treated like shit by men or not so much?

Meanwhile, you’re constantly prompted to accept or reject your debasement. You’re expected to package yourself as “cisgender,” which means agreeing—publicly, repeatedly—that you’re comfortable with what every girl and woman in fact chafes against as she grows up and tries to find a place for herself in the world. [...]

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Biden Administration: "Inflation has 'peaked' at 6.8%" in December 2021!

Just announced: Inflation is 9.1% and likely to rise.

Biden's Solution: Spend more money!

The America Last Effect

Gee, perhaps if everyone understood what is happening here they'd realize its up to us to fix the system... Not them.

@DrPaulGosar The Democrats, led by the fake president Biden, are dedicated to ruining the economy. This is no accident; it is a deliberate betrayal, done as a strategy of political war used to destroy America, their enemy.

And this is just one among many such strategies, all of them being carried out by a ruthless enemy disguised as a legitimate government and real news media, and all of them carried out for a single purpose: to reduce America to absolute despotism.

@DrPaulGosar They're intentionally looting the country as it decays. Plus, embarrassing us on a global scale in hopes to punish people for electing Trump.

@DrPaulGosar He’s actually performing splendidly for the Bolsheviks who installed him in office, he is destroying the economy even better than they hoped, a solid tactic right out of the communist playbook, so that a society can be brought to its knees, making it easier to institute their communist dictates!

Biden gets a solid “A” for his performance in helping to further bring America into the NWO!

If we had an actual CIA, that did what the people believe its function was, to covertly protect our interests instead of being a part of the globalist cabal, Biden would be getting neutralized!

@DrPaulGosar 🙏 🇺🇸

Pretty obvious he’s destroying the country on purpose. He can do anything he wants even as a faker and still walk around grinning!

@DrPaulGosar Biden is the Anti-Christ.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
As our beloved country suffers from record inflation, high gas prices, an invasion on our southern border and record crime, Democrats are focused on....... January 6th! WATCH:

Sir nothing will change until the elections are secure and democrats start going to prison. Until Republicans stick together and remove those who side with democrats from the ticket.
Our rights are our rights politicians have no authority to try to remove our GOD given rights.

@DrPaulGosar A very good comparison, actually. Yes, the J6 Committee is operating just like Stalin-era Communists.

Name the jew or stfu

@DrPaulGosar Absolutely on point. As long as this Kangaroo committee fiasco continues the Biden Criminal enterprise and Hunter's laptop stays off grid! No Congressional scrutiny of intentional shutdown of our Petroleum supply, no scrutiny of boatloads of cash going to Ukraine, no scrutiny of why the southern border is unprotected, no scrutiny as to why our gov't is using the 'Jab' to bring down our military numbers and its readiness. J6 is the spinning watch they are using to hypnotize us dupes! WAKE UP, DUMMIES!

@DrPaulGosar the dems & rinos are scared shitless trump will get back in power & derail their gravy train of stealing our tax dollars

@Hellstorm2020 @DrPaulGosar Trump will do what his (((masters))) tell him to do. He is anti-White.

@Hellstorm2020 @DrPaulGosar Trump pimps and pardons jews, loves and promotes black, never once has he said anything positive about White people. "Lowest black unemployment, our greatest ally" blah blah blah. The fact that you love that orange tool of the jews says more about you than me. You can't be pro-Israel and pro-White at the same time. Get educated.

BiblicalChristianity #wingnut

Censoring dissent is a very crucial part of propaganda and effectively admitting that they don’t have truth on their side.

* If the internet existed before the US abolished slavery, it would be the same thing. Anyone who opposed slavery would be censored by those who preferred the convenience of legally owning a slave.

* If the Nazis had the internet, it would be the same thing. Anyone who opposed the holocaust would be censored by those who didn't care about the Jews and others they considered sub-human.

If pro-choice had actual good arguments, they wouldn’t need to censor dissent. But now all they do is block and ban.

Various commenters #wingnut


What do you say to people who call it forced birth?

I try to explain to them that no one wants to force them to get pregnant and have a baby, we just don't want them to kill the baby they conceived because of their choice to have sex. But they can't seem to get past the idea that consent to sex is somehow not consent to pregnancy. It's like they have no concept of consequences and personal responsibility.

An elective abortion is a forced birth intended to harm and kill the baby. PL is only for forced births if the woman’s health is in danger so her health can be protected

It's no more a forced birth than it was a forced impregnation.

They let him in willingly and need to live with that choice.

It is deliberate and narcissistic sophistry of the worst kind. They do this because it rephrases the debate to move from discussing the right to life and the value of human life to that of oppressing others instead. Remember: if you believe human life has value and all have a right to life you therefore as a moral person have a duty to preserve life

If it were possible to cure diabetes by, say, burning down an orphanage, would it be "forced diabetes" not to repeal arson laws? No, clearly not. There's a difference between forcing something and not allowing the victimization of innocents as a way to avoid it.

If you go your entire life without having a single baby I don't care. If you try to kill a baby I care. That's the difference between being for "forced birth" and being against killing babies.

I am not anti-choice, you had a choice when you decided to have sex. And to the rape argument, I say we should have far more lax gun laws so women can defend themselves. Rape is illegal, you would genuinely have an argument in "what about rape" if it was somehow completely legal, but it isn't and you should exercise your right to defend yourself against it.

I don't talk with pro-aborts since it makes me suffer deppression and a hate of living in this evil civilization. Makes me think to go on a deserted island and never come back to civilization. When I used to debate they called me hypocrite and woman enslaver and spam me with it so I unsubscribed that atheist site I was debating in. (I'm myself atheist from the age of 8.)

MADELEINE KEARNS #transphobia #dunning-kruger

“Sometimes, this term refers to a child who does not conform to sex-based stereotypes. Instead of leaving said child alone to experiment with toys and outfits as is only natural for children to do, the users of this term prefer to project an adult ideology onto him or her, then confuse him or her by saying that he or she really is the opposite sex.

“Other times, ‘transgender child’ refers to a gender-dysphoric young person — that is, a child who has clinically significant feelings of distress associated with his or her sexed body. In that case, instead of loving and accepting that child as he or she truly is, and providing him or her with safe and ethical psychological and emotional support, the users of this term prefer to set him or her on a pathway to irreversible harm at an age when he or she cannot possibly consent to permanent medical and surgical changes.”

Gr8Believer #fundie

Any star-lapse anywhere on Earth proves Earth not spinning. All stars move in unison, every night, every year even forever.

Actually there's plenty of empirical experiments been conducted by skeptics before they themselves became flat earthers. The ball earth belief system is a religion because no evidence exists of earth moving.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy

Most presidents have been reptilian
President Taft had a tail

Reptilians are manipulative emotionless sociopathic and ego driven
They created the Gray Aliens who cloned the White Nordics

There are some reptilians who have gone rogue
And have developed human sympathy
Kind of like Mr Spock

Due to the plasma energy influx
And the 5D Great Awakening
They will no longer be able to hide themselves

So they will position themselves as saviors
And reveal themselves beforehand
Promising freedom and technology

Also the android politicians
And the robotic elite
Who society does not notice
Will become disposable

The public is none the wiser
To the nefarious goings on behind the scenes

It is hard for humans to process this knowledge
Because it goes against their primary belief system

The reptilians have taken our gold
To create light orbs

They are not used to emotions
And when feeling an extreme emotion in a human body
They will not know how to react

They will shapeshift or project themselves outwardly

The world around us is non human

We are on a torus
That has an axis or toroidal coil

It carries a greater current
Therefore its magnetic field attracts and threads charged objects
To the inner center

It is a circuitry of frequency transmitters and receivers of high inductance

Reptilians are here to learn about the light
They do not have a connection to The Source

They come from an outside realm
Which is linked to our parallel world

Humans carry the genetic code of light beings
And now also possess reptilian DNA

Because their DNA and energy signature is different
They cannot exist here long on their own
So they created human hybrids

They have also intentionally scrambled our DNA code
To limit our spiritual discernment

They produce artificial frequencies to influence our minds and our thoughts

Reptilians do not know love

We as light beings invite them to come to the light
And experience love

Love is the greatest state one can experience

Michael Salla PhD/Oona via Elena Danaan #ufo #conspiracy #magick

On July 12, NASA held an international live stream releasing the first official images from the James Webb Space Telescope showing distant exoplanets, galaxies, nebula, and a glimpse deep into our universe. The next day, NASA stealthily released an image of Jupiter taken by the Webb Telescope, which showed a noticeable dark field just above the gas giant’s atmosphere. Was it a shadow, as NASA appeared to claim, or something entirely different – part of a newly arrived extraterrestrial space fleet secretly parked around Jupiter?
Danaan replied first that Oona, a representative of the Intergalactic Confederation, had a message to share. Here’s the complete message of what Oona had to say about the mysterious dark area, along with information about newly arrived space fleets that had parked in the vicinity of Jupiter.

Salutations to who will read this communication I am transmitting now. Here first Altean emissary Oona speaking on behalf of the Intergalactic Confederation, Council of the Twenty-Four.

There are one hundred and thirty-eight motherships part of the Nataru Alliance in your star system named Sol, with their fleets. This number represents several thousands of crafts.

Five hundred and fifty vessels of the Intergalactic Confederation have entered your star system and are stationed in orbit of your planet named Jupiter, and four are at the present moment in orbit of your planet Terra.
Going back to the Webb Jupiter image, Oona next explained what it was:

The recently disclosed image of your planet Jupiter displays the cloud of orbital rocks, plus the defense grid of the ships from the Ashtar outpost, plus some of our motherships. The majority of our fleet is behind the planet Jupiter, hidden from your sight. The disclosure of this image is not an error but a move from the Terran Alliance in charge of the program.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger

You will eat crickets and drink pee
Meanwhile, the corrupt governments of the world are meticulously destroying domestic food supplies while cranking up cricket factories to mass produce billions of pounds of ground cricket meal to be used as “health food” for humans and pets.

Got that? Cricket protein meal is “premium health food.” Soon, you will see it touted as a replacement for whey protein and beef.

(Hope you enjoy your Cricket McNuggets.)

They also claim that producing crickets instead of beef will result in, “emitting significantly less greenhouse gas emissions during the production stage.” (Pardon their horrible grammar, the government goons running this aren’t very intelligent.)

As the water runs out in Lake Mead and most of the Western United States, wastewater recycling will leap into a whole new phase where people are forced to drink recycled urine if they hope to have drinking water. The water that’s removed from biosludge processing — teeming with viruses, birth control chemicals, pesticides and medications — will be filtered and repackaged as “drinking water” for the masses.

Anyone who defies the globalist agenda to exterminate humanity will be arrested, rounded up and either exterminated in a soylent green plant or incarcerated by the corrupt regime. Thus, you will eat crickets and drink pee while living on a floating prison barge.

You will own nothing and “be happy.” Or else…
The real solution to all this is to use fossil fuels and drag ourselves out of starvation and global financial collapse. But the anti-human luciferians in charge of the world right now want to exterminate billions of human beings, so they are pursuing the policies that are designed to cause maximum human casualties.

I cover all this and much more in today’s Situation Update podcast, which also starts off with me singing a happy song called, “I love a black man with a gun.”

Whole Bible Believers Church, Rev. Josiah Peter Asumosa and Rev. David Anifowoshe #fundie

Police in Nigeria have rescued 77 people, including children, from a church where they were confined in the south-western state of Ondo

Some of them are believed to have been there for months

A police spokesperson said many of them had been told to expect the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in April and had abandoned school to witness the event

The raid came after a mother complained her children were missing and she thought they were in the church

Police say they are investigating suspected mass abduction after the raid on the Whole Bible Believers Church in the Valentino area of Ondo Town

The pastor of the Pentecostal church, David Anifowoshe, and his deputy have been arrested, while the victims have been taken into the care of the authorities

"Preliminary investigation revealed that one Pastor Josiah Peter Asumosa, an assistant pastor in the church, was the one who told the members that Rapture will take place in April, but later said it has been changed to September 2022 and told the young members to obey only their parents in the Lord," said police press officer Funmilayo Odunlami

In all, police rescued 26 children, eight teenagers and 43 adults, she added

Various Commenters #wingnut #transphobia

What Matt Said.

@Spacecowboy777 i'll offer the first man to deliver a baby through his penis $1 million.

@VaderMykola @Spacecowboy777 He has to be an unaltered biological man. No way.

It is all about these fools claiming that a woman can be a man.

If she can give birth, she is a woman. Period. Pun intended.

@Spacecowboy777 I think red states should separate from blue. Do something like that. I never knew their hate ran so deep against us. It didn't take a lot to bring it out either.

@Spacecowboy777 If they were just delusional assholes, we could ignore them but they are slaughtering millions of babies, mutilating innocent children, and trying to destroy our civilization.

@Spacecowboy777 We could exile them to a country where their ideas are mainstream, if there was such a country.

There can be no peace with the left. They must be destroyed.

@Spacecowboy777 I just saw a Christian saying "No way in hell can you read the New Testament and come up with this as your rhetoric for dealing with a fallen culture" It's exactly this type of watered down version of Christianity that has gotten us to the place where we are. Why not? Why can't we deal with our fallen culture like this? There is nothing in the Bible that stops us from fighting to make this country a better nation, to bring it back to the sanity that it's left behind.

@Spacecowboy777 They have driven the nation to the point of no return. By that I mean, there is no living in any kind of unity with these people. They are dangerous to everything and everyone around them. They throw around words like "toxic", etc. They have no idea the meaning of the word. They are fully and completely vessels of satan spewing nothing but darkness and corruption everywhere they go. They are the truly toxic ones.

@Spacecowboy777 Agree I will not say live and let live to these demons.

@Spacecowboy777 Separation or purge

@Spacecowboy777 Yeah, I cannot be frens with baby killers, rapists, fags, or groomers. CUZ, my heart connects my brain to hands that wanna..........

Various Commenters #wingnut #transphobia

During testimony in the House related to the Supreme Court’s decision to hand back abortion laws to the states, a pro-abortion witness refused to define what a woman is despite being asked to do so several times by a Republican Congressman.


If you can't define women , you can have no women's rights

@wighttrash @PrisonPlanet Probably should have been called "female rights" anyways so the males can't have a say just because they like to tuck and wear lipstick.

@PrisonPlanet so she’s so stupid she doesn’t know what she’s president of…….fake and pretending

@PrisonPlanet Admitting that a woman is a woman blows their whole game out the water. They can never admit there are only 2 genders. That would amount to betraying their whole lunatic base.


A real woman is someone who would never have an abortion as birth control

@PrisonPlanet retarded nigger.

@PrisonPlanet Difficult to define now that for the first time in all of human history men can get pregnant. /s

They are trying to erase women and I refuse to be erased by mentally ill depraved idiots.

@PrisonPlanet how to red pill the feminists...

@PrisonPlanet clearly, both issues are the product of an on going (under cover) depopulation agenda

@PrisonPlanet How could one work a the president for an organization with "Women's" in the name and not know what a woman is? Do they not see the hypocrisy in this? How can you represent women if you don't know what one is?

They need to be asked if they're a woman, just to see their response.

@PrisonPlanet The left spews nonsense. They are hoping that transhumanism will control population. The rest of us will be slaves to whatever they deem is good for them.

@PrisonPlanet The left is so evil that they are stripping women of their identity.

Various Commenters #wingnut

I noticed that PC’ers always leave out the life of the fetus in their argumentation. When they are showing the weighted pros and cons they are always trying to leave out the part where they actually kill a living human being.

Until the baby is born, then they supposedly think it’s horrible that the child has to be subjected to this horrible cruel world, and what PC’ers really want to say with those kind of statements is that the fetus should actually be thankful for being killed by their mother.

They also never mention the fact that the foetus is actually the child of that woman. I recently debated a PC man whose gf had an abortion and I told him your girl isn’t a potential mother who ended her pregnancy, she’s a mother who killed her unborn child and he was like genetically we were the parents, but not philosophically 💀

There’s a psychological phenomenon that people, who have committed something atrocious, tend to always rationalize the act to themselves so that they are not the bad person in the narrative. And the mind is amazing at this, because if you make yourself the center of the universe, your mind can pretty much rationalize every cruel act in such a way that it’s morally favorable to you.

Yes, definitely I knew about that too! It’s crazy the length of absurd arguments that they need to constantly keep coming up with to justify the heinous crimes that they have committed. Because they know deep down once they actually accept what they did and what they ended, know that it was not a parasite, but it was their child, the child who was killed by the only person they were suppose to trust and feel safe with… just the thought of it would drive them into deep guilt.

Nulono #wingnut

For all their talk of "choice", pro-aborts love to ignore women's agency in the process.

They'll talk about abortion laws "forcing" women to have back-alley abortions, ignoring that the women in question chose to pursue dangerous abortions.
They say shit like "if an abortion will get you life in prison, you might as well kill your rapist" as if aborting a baby is just an inevitability the woman has no control over.
They call punishments for abortion "punishing women for having sex" as though the woman had no part in the abortion past having sex.
Likewise, they'll claim that the father should also be held responsible for the abortion because he got her pregnant, ignoring that they explicitly want him to have zero say in the matter.

For pro-aborts, abortion is 100% a woman's choice, until the topic turns to responsibility for the aftermath, at which point abortion is just a force of nature that women have no control over.

James Lankford #fundie #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger #pratt

GOP Sen. James Lankford (Okla.) on Thursday blocked a Democratic request to unanimously pass a bill seeking to protect interstate travel for abortion.

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), joined by a string of Democratic senators, had sought consent to pass a bill that would prevent states from punishing women who travel to other states where abortion is legal to get the procedure.

Does that child in the womb have the right to travel in their future?” Lankford said in objecting. “Do they get to live?”

“There’s a child in this conversation as well,” he added.

moomin #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut 6x7g7rr6fhdoszolkqkaittdr6qzgejjxoc42q4ceaph2xttmo5vgryd.onion



/* Process this file into a graph using `dot -Tsvg quote.gv > quote.svg`. */

digraph moomin_quote {

subgraph introduction {
introduction_wall_of_text [label="Jewish \"intellectuals\", fueled by their resentment towards Europe\nand Christianity, create the Frankfurt School with the intention\nof destroying Western culture to bring down Capitalism and create\na Marxist revolution\n((USEFUL IDIOTS))",shape=polygon,sides=4];

subgraph conspiracy {
weimar -> intellectuals [label="spawns"];
intellectuals -> frankfurt_school [label="create"];
communist_revolution -> soviet_union [label="creates"];
soviet_union -> frankfurt_school [label="finances"];
frankfurt_school -> social_science_faculties [label="takes over"];

soviet_union_wall_of_text [label="Soviet intelligence spent only 25% of its budget on espionage while 75%\nwent to subversion. They funded the Frankfurt School with the explicit\nintention of destroying and subverting Western culture.\n((GEOPOLITICAL THREAT))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
soviet_union_wall_of_text -> soviet_union [weight=100,style=invis];

social_science_faculties -> progressivism [label="model"];

progressivism -> traditions [label="attacks"];
traditions -> religion [label="such as"];
traditions -> family [label="such as"];
traditions -> nation [label="such as"];
traditions -> property [label="such as"];
property -> welfare_state [label="using"];
nation -> mass_immigration [label="using"];
family -> gender_roles [label="as in"];
family -> marriage [label="as in"];
religion -> chastity [label="as in"];
religion -> marriage [label="as in"];
marriage -> high_divorce_rates [label="causing"];
chastity -> single_parenthood [label="causing"];
single_parenthood -> broken_families [label="causing"];
broken_families -> crime [label="causing"];
high_divorce_rates -> broken_families [label="causing"];
gender_roles -> low_birth_rates [label="causing"];
low_birth_rates -> mass_immigration [label="being the excuse for"];
gender_roles -> cheap_labour;
welfare_state -> budget_deficit [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> taking_debt [label="leading to"];
taking_debt -> international_banks [label="giving power to"];
international_banks -> corporations;
corporations -> mass_media [label="who control"];
mass_media -> progressivism [label="who push"];
budget_deficit -> printing_money [label="leading to"];
printing_money -> inflation [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> raising_taxes [label="leading to"];
raising_taxes -> shrinking_middle_class [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> social_security_crisis [label="causing"];
social_security_crisis -> mass_immigration [label="being the excuse for"];
mass_immigration -> affirmative_action [label="installing"];
welfare_state -> welfare_cliffs [label="causing"];
mass_immigration -> crime [label="increasing"];
mass_immigration -> cheap_labour;
cheap_labour -> corporations [label="giving wealth to"];

economics_wall_of_text [label="Conditions like dysgenics, poverty and lack of social cohesion\nreduce the ability of the population to revert the situation. It is a\nself-perpetuating system. The system is aided at all levels by political corruption and useful idiots.\n((LOGICAL RESULT OF CAPITALISM AS A GOAL INSTEAD OF\nCAPITALISM AS A TOOL))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
cheap_labour -> economics_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
taking_debt -> economics_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];

social_science_faculties -> positivist_crisis [label="undergo"];

positivist_crisis -> scientific_method [label="replaces"];
scientific_method -> critical_theory [label="with"];
critical_theory -> relativism [label="aids"];
critical_theory -> political_correctness [label="spawns"];
political_correctness -> taboo_research [label="attacks"];
political_correctness -> newspeak [label="similar to"];
taboo_research -> biological_differences [label="such as"];
relativism -> empiricism [label="attacks"];
relativism -> common_sense [label="attacks"];

science_wall_of_text [label="Do not trust common sense and empiric evidence\n\"Intellectuals\" know better. They are \"scientists\" (even though\nthey have never followed - and attacked - the scientific method) after all!\n((USEFUL IDIOTS))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
biological_differences -> science_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
empiricism -> science_wall_of_text [weight=10,style=invis];

Transcriptionist Note
To avoid having to hand label every single node, I made all the nodes lowercase.
In the original chart, the nodes are title case, and only the edges are lowercase.

weimar [label="weimar republic"];
intellectuals [label="\"intellectuals\""];
frankfurt_school [label="frankfurt school"];
communist_revolution [label="communist revolution"];
soviet_union [label="soviet union"];
social_science_faculties [label="social science faculties"];
positivist_crisis [label="positivist crisis"];
single_parenthood [label="single parenthood"];
welfare_state [label="welfare state"];
mass_immigration [label="mass immigration"];
gender_roles [label="gender roles"];
high_divorce_rates [label="high divorce rates"];
broken_families [label="broken families"];
low_birth_rates [label="low birth rates"];
cheap_labour [label="cheap labour"];
scientific_method [label="scientific method"];
political_correctness [label="political correctness"];
taboo_research [label="taboo research"];
biological_differences [label="biological differences"];
common_sense [label="common sense"];
budget_deficit [label="budget deficit"];
taking_debt [label="taking debt"];
international_banks [label="international banks"];
mass_media [label="mass media"];
printing_money [label="printing money"];
raising_taxes [label="raising taxes"];
shrinking_middle_class [label="shrinking middle class"];
social_security_crisis [label="social security crisis"];
welfare_cliffs [label="welfare cliffs"];
affirmative_action [label="affirmative action"];
critical_theory [label="critical theory"];
progressivism [label=<<U>progressivism</U>>];
religion [label=<<B>religion</B>>];
family [label=<<B>family</B>>];
nation [label=<<B>nation</B>>];
property [label=<<B>property</B>>];

subgraph conclusion_preamble {
Transcriptionist Note
The last part of the chart, at the bottom, is the hardest.
It seems like the original author just sort of gave up on actually making it a graph, and just stuck their last few bullet points in
nodes at the bottom that weren't connected to anything.
keyword_stuffing [label="Military Spending... computers, internet, satellites, moon, global hegemony\nWelfare Spending... dysgenics, poverty, crime",shape=polygon,sides=4];

resulting_in_conclusion [label="RESULTING IN..................................................",shape=plaintext];
resulting_in_conclusion -> keyword_stuffing [weight=100,style=invis];

resulting_in_conclusion -> lacking_community_trust [style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> poverty [style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> dysgenics [style=invis];
lacking_community_trust [label="lacking community trust"];

subgraph conclusion {
conclusion [label="Democracy may be blamed but the real problem is the representative system. Had immigration been subjected\nto a democratic vote, it would have been halted in all Western nations decades ago. Even if such vote was carried out today, immigration would be halted.",shape=polygon,sides=4];

edge[ style = invis ];
introduction_wall_of_text -> weimar;
science_wall_of_text -> keyword_stuffing;
economics_wall_of_text -> resulting_in_conclusion;
mass_media -> { lacking_community_trust, poverty, dysgenics, keyword_stuffing};
lacking_community_trust -> conclusion;
resulting_in_conclusion -> conclusion;

Aylin #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon


People! Rejoice!

We were heard, we were seen, we will be seen and we will be heard!

Oh people, oh followers of Q, how glad I am for everyone, I am very glad!

🔥Good news,
Binance will list our GESARA & NESARA assets within 3 months. The price has already risen x2 after this news and this is just the beginning

As I said, everything is going according to plan, everything is going according to plan Q.

Soon everyone will understand what NESARA And GESARA are and then people will realize that it is possible to live by different rules, by HUMAN rules where everyone is equal.

⚠️ Buy GESARA & NESARA assets until it is not too late!


Corey Goode/Cosmic Disclosure #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Solar Flash: 2028-2029

One of the main purposes of the Cosmic Disclosure show is to help prepare people for the Solar Flash which was expected between 2020 and 2023. Corey Goode explained then that smaller flashes have already started and will continue until the "big event" which is now expected between 2028-2029. It is not known if the Solar Flash with be a Coronal Mass Ejection "Kill Shot" that destroys civilization, a minor disruption, or an "Ascension Event".

Ra-Tear-Eir, the Blue Avian with whom Corey was meeting until the end of 2017, said the outcome of the Solar Flash will be determined by the Mass Consciousness. Corey was not surprised that Mass Consciousness is going to affect the Solar Flash, but he was surprised at how much it will -- how incredibly important Mass Consciousness is. Everyone on Earth is helping to decide what type of experience this will be.
Ra-Tear-Eir said that a very small number of people can act as a rudder for the collective consciousness. He said the people in the Cosmic Disclosure community should focus more on planting seeds into the group consciousness. They have more power in their co-creative abilities because other people are in so much disarray. Ra-Tear-Eir stressed that every single person is important. There is no one more special than another.

If the Solar Flash is an Ascension Event, the fate of each person will depend on his/her level of consciousness. Negative people will have one fate. People who remain "asleep" with go to another third dimensional planet like Earth. People who have awakened sufficiently will stay on Earth as it ascends to the Fourth Dimension. Ra-Teir-Eir explained that if the event happened now, less than 300,000 people would ascend!!! However, that number could increase dramatically.

Cobra/Manu V Pleiadian #ufo #crackpot #magick #conspiracy

Q. During the solar flash evacuation: besides the Earth humans, the tens of billions of non-human sentient beings living in nature and in farms, will also be evacuated?

A. Many animals, especially the larger animals will also be evacuated and at least a few members of each species will be evacuated also, except for those species that are intended to become extinct, because some of the species have been genetically manipulated and the purpose for them is not to exist anymore. So I would say most of the large, advanced animals will be evacuated.

Q. Where will they be evacuated and REHOMED?

A. First, they will be evacuated on the ships, many of them will be transported to the planet in the Pleiades star system where humanity will live and some of them will go to other planets where they will be able to have a pure, pristine natural environment.
Q. Aprox. how long post liberation will ALL Earth humans have new, young, healed bodies?

A. Most humanity will be evacuated and after being evacuated they will go through a certain alignment and healing process on the Motherships and then they will have youth, healed bodies. Most humans will have quite dramatic healing before the EVENT but I would say the final transformation will happen on the Motherships.
Q. By the time the liberation announcements will be made, will ALL kidnapped children have been safely rescued worldwide?

A. I would say the vast majority yes, because some of the rescue operations will still be ongoing for a few days after the EVENT.
Q. How many evacuated humans can comfortably be accommodated in PLEIADES?

A. All human souls which are about 70 BILLION…there is more than enough space

Q. What dimension the PLEIADES’ NEW HOME for humanity is in?

A. It is a physical planet but regarding about the vibrational frequency it is somewhere between the 4th and 5th dimension.

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