Vassilis Kapoulas #wingnut #conspiracy

An alarm has sounded in the West and in NATO as the President of Russia, V. Putin, called an emergency meeting of the State Duma. Information indicates that he is going to officially declare war on Ukraine, which is why Kyiv is laying mines on the border with Belarus.

The data showing new escalation:

+A few hours ago, B. Putin issued a decree by which he grants Russian citizenship to all citizens of Ukraine, and not only from the regions controlled by Moscow, through "fast-track" procedures. It is a move to dissolve and "absorb" the Ukrainian state.
+Russia is continuously attacked with HIMARS in Donbass. Bases in the rear and ammunition depots have been hit.
+Ukraine announced a counterattack with 1 million troops.
+Russian hackers have revealed the involvement of the West and the US in the strikes against Russia.

Drums of war in the Baltic: B. Putin asked for emergency powers - General mobilization plan - Lukashenko talks about using nuclear weapons!
They are preparing for an attack by the Belarusian army.
However, if the Russian Federation is recognized as a sponsor of terrorism at the request of Ukraine, Moscow will declare war on Kiev within 24 hours . After that, Kyiv, Lviv, Dnepr, Krivoy Rog, Kharkov and Nikolaev will be destroyed within 72 hours. The rest of Ukraine will be massively attacked with missiles and bombs, and bridges on the Dnieper, civilian airports and the entire railway infrastructure will be destroyed.

Belarus will cut off all land escape routes to the west of the country and three regiments of S-400s will shoot down all private aircraft attempting to take off from Transcarpathia and the Odesa region.

Until September, Zelensky and his curators from the Washington Regional Committee have time for a soft surrender with the loss of only 30% of the territories, after which the Ukrainian state will be lost forever and legitimized according to the principle of division into three parts under UN control.

Gr8Believer #fundie

What some people call the Ice Age we call it Noah's Flood.
'Scientists' say the ice age wiped out the dinosaurs which is 2 jokes back to back. There were no dinosaurs and there was no ice age.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist

[From "The Blowing up of the Georgia Guidestones"]

The Title is not click-bait, it really did happen[…]
The most interesting fact about this taking place is that it will almost certainly draw even much more unintended attention to the stones, plus there is very little of a moral argument for why the stones would have been demolished by someone or to go overboard in declaring it vandalism or anything evil to do, considering what was etched into these stones

Further, the fact that the Stones were built once, and have become ominous, to have them rebuilt will bring rapid attention or risks to those trying to build and replace them there, unlike the first time around. If they are ever to be replaced, at minimum at the same location, even a contractor who would erect them would be putting their lives at risk from people in-the-know who would attack them, despite the fact that there is some level of security at the site

However, even as ridiculous or absurd any arguments that can be on either side about these stones, they will ruthlessly go through as much expense and investigation as possible to try to hunt down who demolished them, since the monument was built by the Freemasons

This act, however, definitely is a very strong message to the Illuminati and Freemasons, and I certainly cannot say that I am against the act

Granted, we are in serious need of a major population reduction, because the real populations of value have already been eliminated

The Illuminati allowed for the rampant reproduction that people engaged in after World War II, along with an artificial massive boom in the world population. All of it was purposely done and artificial, not a natural phenomenon that just happened

These monsters who control humanity have destroyed the Human Species and turned people into Zombies, and they still intend to get rid of anyone else left who is not a Zombie

ApoloJedi #fundie

Great post, Clyde. It’s also important to note that people interpret evidence according to their worldview. Everyone has access to the same evidence, but they will interpret this evidence based on their presuppositions.

Atheists will interpret evidence of rock layers based on their presupposition that there is no God and everything today has been formed by the same processes in effect today. They will discount the revelation of God’s Word as historical (and therefore they do not recognize the effects of the worldwide flood.) Many Christians who believe in long ages also marginalize the teachings of Genesis in order to placate the disciples of scientism.

But as Christians, if we interpret evidence through the view that God revealed history through his Word, then we can see how all evidence truly points to the Creator and his glory. All throughout scripture (Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, Isaiah, Matthew, Mark, Acts, Romans, I Cor, 1 & 2 Peter) we see the confirmation of creation in 6 literal days about six thousand years ago, and there was a worldwide flood that created most of the fossils and rock layers. All of these examples are available at

This is why it is so important to know how to recognize contradictions in people’s worldview. Since people will come up with rescuing devices to protect their worldview from contrary evidence or interpretation of evidence. Jason Lisle has a tremendous book and video teaching called: The Ultimate Proof of Creation. I highly recommend that anyone interested in this subject look at his free online videos and purchase his book. It is a fantastic tool for God’s glory!

Conservapedia #fundie

"Stranger Things"

This horror series' main themes include witchcraft, evolution, and the occult. Young children use four-letter words conversationally and engage in premarital, underage sex, never facing comeuppance for either. Perhaps the biggest offense, however, is the way it tries to make feminism within the family unit look acceptable, as the homemaker mother is seen as bumbling and oblivious, while the divorced, chain-smoking single mother is seen as heroic. The show's "breakout" character and main protagonist is a young girl and former laboratory experiment who uses demonic powers to murder anyone in her path. Another "fan favorite" character is revealed to be a lesbian and her sexuality is treated without scorn and is instead viewed as normal by the other characters.

Conservapedia #conspiracy #wingnut

An Independence Day parade in Highland Park, Illinois was attacked by a rooftop sniper who killed seven people and wounded at least 30 before fleeing the scene; the sniper was described as between 18 and 20 years old with long black hair and a thin build.[215] Robert Crimo III, who fits the description of the shooter and also sports neck tattoos and was identified as having fantasies of committing a school shooting in YouTube videos posted by Crimo that have since been taken down by YouTube to cover for him, was later identified as a person of interest by Highland Park police in the shooting.[216] Crimo was subsequently arrested and taken into custody after a brief police chase.[217] In addition to YouTube, other liberal social media platforms such as Twitter, Discord and Instagram covered for Crimo by scrubbing all of the content he uploaded and deleting his accounts, but they could not prevent users of Twitter and other platforms from downloading and saving Crimo's videos and photos to post to their own accounts to use as evidence against him. Crimo, who was discovered to have connections to Antifa, the Democratic Socialists of America and the occult,[218] was also captured on video surveillance footage attempting to evade police by dressing in drag,[219] and had also been dressed in drag at the time of the attack on the parade.[220] True to form, the liberal media downplayed his crossdressing habits and tried to smear Donald Trump supporters by falsely claiming him to be one of them based on dubious evidence claiming him to be a "Trump supporter",[221] but when the video and photographic evidence of Crimo's true anarchist and socialist political allegiances emerged and that Crimo was actually making fun of Trump and his supporters, the liberal media unsurprisingly went silent.

felicia rembrandt #crackpot #transphobia #conspiracy

Trans Vision: Through a glass dark and distorted
(continued from
The trans movement has proven itself to be, not oppressed, but an extension of the oppressor class. Men with “special identities” have all the power that dominant well-off white males have and are extending that power into places they never could before they claimed to be women. This will be true of mindclones as well, as they will be extensions of people who can afford to create them and who dream of immortality.

The underclasses will be forced to give way to them, as women are forced to give way to men who claim to be women. Just as women’s protests against the erosions of our rights is labelled phobic oppression, resistance against mindclones will be repackaged and sold as oppression.

I am beginning to think that not only is the trans movement being used to dissociate us from our bodies and to teach us to see our bodies as consumable products in preparation for transhumanism, but that the trans movement is an experiment being conducted to research human reactions to the impossible, and from there, ways to manipulate those reactions. Pseudo men and faux women are in that sense scouts for the army of digital/robotic clones to come.

Our ability to tell male from female and to tell appearance from reality are both necessary for survival. If we can be manipulated and coerced into believing we do not have the skill to tell man from woman, then maybe we can be manipulated into believing that appearance is reality.

Rothblatt says in passing in his chapter on kinship (reconfigured to include plastic and software spouses and children) that “since the mindclones are the continuation of their biological selves, they are either male or female or transgendered” (203). This is curious. Since the concept of “transgender” relies on a misfit between the body and the mind, how can it persist after the body has decayed and all that’s left is the mindclone? Without bodies, we can all choose whether to be recorded as male or female.

Given the definition of “woman” in gender speak as the submissive sexual partner, women thinking of achieving immortality through a mindclone might do well to take a page from female gamers and assign themselves male. Failure to take that precaution could subject them to an eternity of sexual harassment.

@C_Ost2Coast #transphobia

Heeeeeh. Are some people literally dysphoric? Yes, a few. But this is a social contagion issue.

Being trans leans entirely on gender and gender stereotypes. And really, gender isn't real. No one is born in the wrong body. Any personality can be male or female.

Going through puberty sucks.

No one has an easy time accepting their body.

Figuring out who you are is a complex journey. However, believing the complete lie that you can magically transition is dangerous and frankly, false. Why don't ppl embrace androgyny instead.

Let alone the lie of being 'born in the wrong body'

It's literally a cult. People are enticed and indoctrinated. Sold a lie and then believe they're happier.

Only time will tell, but a life time of injections? Big pharma just sees dollar signs and a vulnerable person.

@WeirAlison #transphobia

The Scottish Government would like you to believe that proposed changes to the GRA will have no impact on women’s rights or single sex spaces and argue that these are protected in the Equality Act. Let’s look at this for a moment.

The Equality Act allows for single sex spaces where it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. Where the single sex exceptions apply you can exclude someone of the male sex from female spaces whether or not they hold a GRC.

But the Equality Act states that service providers cannot ask someone if they have a GRC and a GRC allows the holder to change their birth certificate to that of the opposite sex to their sex observed and recorded sex at birth.

So the holder of a GRC could claim to have been observed and recorded as female at birth and that they are, therefore, entitled to access single sex spaces even where the single sex exceptions apply.

Currently the conditions to obtain a GRC are restricted to those with a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria and only a tiny number of people hold a GRC allowing them to change their birth certificate.

Under the proposed changes to the GRA the category of people entitled to apply for a GRC is significantly widened to anybody who self identifies as the opposite sex.

They need take no hormones, nor undertake surgery and as they cannot be asked if they have a GRC virtually anybody could claim to have been observed and recorded as female at birth.

This makes the exceptions in the EA virtually unworkable as to challenge and suggest someone was not actually observed and recorded as female at birth despite what it says on their birth certificate is unlikely to ever happen. So the EA becomes impossibly to enforce.

Do you see the problem yet?



Various Commenters #wingnut

I say they're more of misogynists by killing so many female babies.

I would argue that least misogynists presumably still have some misplaced compassion for the other gender. Abortophiles don’t even care if it’s a human or not, they will slaughter them regardless.

There’s a reason why its not common practice to inform the mother of what gender her child was after an abortion, because they would rather not know.

They know the truth will damage them either way.

I genuinely don’t understand why they think we wanna punish sex? Have all the sex you want, but you can’t claim that pregnancy and sex are unrelated- and on the next breath say that PLers wanna ban sex because while having sex pregnancy will occur? Like if getting pregnant was not one of the natural results of sex, why does the body literally create a whole new organ just to protect the fetus, and if everything goes well your body will go in labour automatically with or without your consent.

Also it’s crazy that they don’t realize you’d have to be one of the unluckiest people to get pregnant nowadays if you combine BC+condoms+avoid having sex during your fertile window! The chances of you getting pregnant doing these 3 things are extremely low, which is why half of women who seek abortions got those unwanted pregnancies because they didn’t even bother to be on BC.

The real misogynists are the PCs who have devalued a woman's existence into that of a sex toy - there for pleasure only, not reproduction. Complete denial of the true nature of womanhood, body & soul.

“Punish women for having sex”… look at that phrasing and think about it: this prochoicer feels oppressed that they may not be able to kill their unborn child when it inconveniences their unsafe sex lifestyle…

Gas-More #sexist

There should be child support during pregnancy for all pregnancy related expenses. I’m all for banning pregnant women from working😂 but not because of child labor laws, because even in your sentence you admit it’s the mother, not the child, working. Just because the child is inside the mother doesn’t mean they are the same person or that every action of the mother is also the action of the child. Saying the child is working because the mother is, is like to saying that the child aborted itself if the mother kills it.

P.S. all your problems can be solved if we have a traditional framework where the man is married to a woman when he is having sex and conceived and the man works outside the home while the woman runs the home. It’s almost as if the “patriarchal” and “oppressive” system that people thought of before 1960 is internally consistent and recognizes the needs of a mother and provides for her rather than some bs system of child support from a ex-boyfriend while the mother just temporarily gets off from her hard job while having a child.

Dalton Clodfelter #psycho #transphobia

I’m a proponent of bullying. I think if you’re a loser, you should be bullied and hopefully fix yourself. If you’re fat, you should be bullied and lose weight. If you’re dumb, you should be bullied and educate yourself more. If you’re trans, you should be bullied and not be trans anymore. It’s not a hard concept to follow. Of course, everyone reacts differently, so I’m not saying to just bully everybody. But as a general rule of thumb, I think bullying is good for the most part. Harassment is not good, but bullying can be.

U B Mad #crackpot

All Stories Of Leprechaun's ,Fairie's And Elve's Are About The African Twa (Pygmies) Of Africa Who Lived In Ireland Before Celts Invade

Yes, the Twa are the short Africans who were the first to sail the globe and occupy every continent.

All of the stories of Faeries, Leprechaun's and Elves are about the Twa or Pygmies who the Celt invaders from the North slaughtered and drove to extinction more because they could then over race since Race as a concept didn't really exist.

The Twa sailed, traded and lived traveling from continent to continent which would explain the Irish lust for their gold.

I know of no Gold mines in Ireland if there are they would be few and not enough for them to be associated with short mischievous people.ter them came the tall Africans who then colonized the continents the Twa had already inhabited.

The Twa were deified by the African people all around the world as being Wise, protectors of Women and Children, mischievous and Intelligent.

All of the stories of Faeries, Leprachaun's and Elves are about the Twa or Pygmies who the Celt invaders from the North slaughtered and drove to extinction more because they could then over race since Race as a concept didn't really exist.

The Twa sailed, traded and lived traveling from continent to continent which would explain the Irish lust for their gold.

Kristina Karamo #fundie #magick #conspiracy

Before becoming the Trump-backed Republican nominee for Michigan secretary of state, Kristina Karamo said that abortion is "child sacrifice" and a "satanic practice"

"Abortion is really nothing new. The child sacrifice is a very satanic practice, and that's precisely what abortion is. And we need to see it as such," Karamo, a community college professor, said in an October 2020 episode of her podcast "It's Solid Food"[…]

"When people in other cultures, when they engage in child sacrifice, they didn't just sacrifice the child for the sake of bloodshed"[…]"They sacrificed the child cuz they were hoping to get prosperity and that's precisely why people have abortion now. 'Because I'm not ready[…]"
Karamo[…]reiterated that belief in another episode from July 2020, in which she said humans have sacrificed other humans, including their own children, for "thousands of years, just packaged differently"

"[People] were sacrificing them to these deities, which were really demons," she said

Karamo went on to say in a later episode[…]demonic possession is real and can be transmitted[…]
"If a person has demonic possession — I know it's gonna sound really crazy to me saying that for some people, thinking like what?!" Karamo said in September 2020. "But having intimate relationships with people who are demonically possessed or oppressed — I strongly believe that a person opens themselves up to possession. Demonic possession is real"[…]
Karamo suggested a conspiracy in which left-leaning political operatives who now have business relationships with Netflix[…]were taking over the streaming service to push pro-abortion content

Accept Only Substitutes #pratt #sexist #transphobia

Today, TRAs taught me that I'm a self-hating rapist:


That's not at all what she's saying. We don't let men take care of vulnerable women because we can't read the minds of the men we hire to make sure they aren't perverts and won't sexually assault them. Like it or not men make 99% of the sexual assaults we know of.

A study of college students a number of years ago showed that one third of the men said they saw no problem in having sex with a very overly drunk woman. Many of those men also said rape was wrong.

I'm not here to get into a debate on consent or saying all men are bad, but 1/3 thinking it's okay to take advantage of someone who isn't all there at the moment is terrifying for all women to hear. If that many think that's okay, how many think having sex with a disabled woman or girl is okay?

Maybe if the stats on trans women committing sex crimes were more like women's stats then people would feel more comfortable with letting them take care of the vulnerable. Since we know better it's not at all okay.

I'll go far as to say that anyone who has a penis - in any form - asking to take care of vulnerable women and girls is a huge red flag for being an abuser. These positions go to anyone with a clean criminal record and pay shit, so they aren't attracting the best type of people. It's hard, gross, and demanding work.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia

Tier 1: The Academy Failed to Inform Us on Same-Sex Parenting

Everything starts with the universities. K-12 teachers are educated at universities, and it is among university faculty that ideological homogeneity has reached crisis levels.

Traditionalists have to start investing in journals, endowed chairs, and even their own colleges. There are large pools of unemployed Ph.D.s who want jobs. Look for the unemployed ones who support a traditionalist worldview, and employ them.

For twenty years -- in fact, up until the articles published by Loren Marks and Mark Regnerus in 2012 -- research into same-sex families was conducted under duress. A central principle of research is that studies cannot be trusted if it is clear that certain findings would result in reprisals against the researchers. After Social Science Research posted the Marks and Regnerus articles, a witch-hunt ensued by crackpot bloggers who managed to open an investigation at the University of Texas at Austin and force the publication of hundreds of pages of my e-mails (I defended Regnerus in Public Discourse).

@StellaDoves #transphobia

To remove single sex spaces & sports is to deny women/girls the right to dignity, privacy, safeguarding & fairness away from men/boys.
The removal of these rights are now considered "progressive"
This can only be described as double speak!
In reality it is regressive & dangerous.

@Vivian_Belli #transphobia

Let's explain this most intriguing infographic - The THREAD:

"TERF" was an ancient term that once had a completely neutral meaning. It was created -by someone- specifically to appease the GODS OF EVIL. This sentence makes sense, since it's totally possible to create a slur w/"neutral connotations" to appease someone's wrath. People do that
We illustrate this point with the image of some angry person trying to hit a target with a bottle and missing it, hitting a person wearing a cap like an 80's kid (or a hip hop singer) instead. Cap person is confused. 3/
Our point is further illustrated by someone begging another person to take some ticket. Some piece of paper. The other person is trying to knock on a door, and has back pain. Remember, we're still talking about ANTITRANS EXTREMISTS!!! 4/
The struggle is real. Someone is either homeless or just drunk, and has peed on themselves in the street. It just shows you how evil TERFs can be. 5/
We must find a different slur for terfs, because terf is suddenly "obscure language". They certainly are not neutral! They claim to be either "male" or "female", too "either/or". Zero neutrality here. They are AGAINST OUR HUMAN RIGHTS! I'll never tell you what rights, though 6/
I'm talking about OUR HUMAN RIGHTS, so I'll illustrate my point with a person slapping someone who's spitting on the floor. R E L A T E D!!! 7/
A fat person wearing a tie is patting the back of someone carrying a document. I remind you once again, the theme here is "terfs are evil and anti-trans extremists who want to erase our human rights". Is everyone following? Keep up, huns. 8/

Various Commenters #wingnut #racist


@Ladinia We do not.

They are both Zionist traitors.

@Ladinia. People who have gotten frustrated at Trump for various reasons forget that he was elected by a huge margin in Nov 2020, but it was stolen from him and us. He should be allowed to serve 4 more years. It would right a terrible wrong.

@Ladinia Trump was in charge of the clot shot. Him and DeSantis are zionist cucks, and bend their knees to the Synagogue of Satan from Revelations.

@Ladinia I want the remaining 2 years of this term to Trump, 4 more years to Trump, and THEN 8 years of DeSantis with Pelosi in prison the entire time!

@Ladinia no thanks America needs christian leaders not zionist puppets


In 12 years we not only could re-shape the United States to be the greatest Christian Patriot nation in the entire world we could reshape the world to be a more peaceful and productive world once we get the Satanical demo-rats and the NWO out of the way

Yep. Trump won 2020 fair & square & deserves another term.


Don't be shocked if Trump gets six more years (2023-2028) when he completes Biden's term starting in late January of next year. The timing is right and the 22nd Amendment accounts for it.

@NonSociopath @Ladinia sovereignty hands over to the UN in Oct. January dreams are no longer relevant

@Ladinia Well I'm split on this one. I would prefer DeSantis as president first (because of his experience as Florida governor), but I would not want Trump being president again (since he supported the "safe and effective" lie about the COVID-19 vaccine).

@johndaviddeoliveira @Ladinia I just want Trump back because it would be fucking hilarious.

@Ladinia We need an antisemite or nothing really changes.

-nWo-- & Spoon_Theif #wingnut

Abortion is Healthcare

Abortion is the only type of "healthcare" where the goal is to kill and dismember the patient.

Real love is sacrifice. Some culture teaches that we have to live for the things that bring us the most pleasure. Raising kids doesn't qualify and thus you have abortion. "My body, my choice" silences the rights of someone who cannot defend themselves. I'll pray for this lady.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie

In any case, we will start with an in-depth look at the assassination of Abe because there is a lot more going on here than has been reported elsewhere. In fact, what happened to Abe can even, without exaggeration, be described as biblical.

To be specific, it represents a move by the Three-Legged Crow (Yatagarasu八咫烏) a Japanese secret society that shares at least a 3000-year history with the people who wrote the Old Testament of the Bible or the Torah.

There is only so much background we can get into here so, we will provide a very rough sketch. Members of the Japanese imperial family and of the Yatagarasu say they are descended from the Pharaohs of Egypt just as are the members of the Swiss-based Octagon group who control monotheism.

These groups went their separate ways thousands of years ago but agreed to form an alliance during the Meiji period, when Japan began to modernize. The public shooting of Abe was meant as a signal the deal made between the Octagon group and the Yatagarasu was no longer in force.
Recently this writer was contacted by representatives of the Yatagarasu who said the Jews, unlike them, had been kicked out of their original homeland while they still had theirs. The Yatagarasu, who control Shinto and Japanese Buddhism, have made a decision to help the Jews, the representatives said.

The fact that Johnson and Abe were removed in the same week also shows that the Japanese imperial family and the British Monarchy –the worlds’ two most powerful royal families- were on the same page on this issue.
According to this plan, a new cold war would be started between Russia and the West. This would be used as an excuse for a massive military build-up During this time, Russia would pretend to be China’s ally. Then at the last minute Russia, Nato and Japan would all attack China. A defeated China would then be divided into 5 bickering countries so that it would never again be a threat to the Octagon-controlled West.

Ian Connolly #racist

RE: Gorsuch Fumes That the Supreme Court ‘Failed’ to ‘Honor This Nation’s Promises’ as It Rolled Back Tribal Authority in Oklahoma

I’m ok with giving American indians and blacks (not black immigrants, black Hispanics, or mixed-race blacks) parcels of land where they could have their own autonomy, as both groups do have historical ties here. Both would come with a set of rules and regulations, though.

However, I would never agree to giving land to Asians or most Hispanics who have zero ties to the country, nor would I agree to giving anything to recent immigrants — especially after 1965. I would want all south Asians repatriated to their homelands, and most East Asians who came here as students or H1B workers to be sent home as well.

The most I would ever give to Asians would be to zone the historical Chinatowns In San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, and New York City as independent zip codes for “them only.” And the most I would ever agree to give to Hispanics/Mestizos would be to redraw parts of the bottom of California, Arizona, and Texas that they could annex to Mexico and have for themselves. Chula Vista, California, El Paso, and Corpus Christi, Texas are all places that never looked like Anglo America anyway, so let’s just let them have those, and we keep the rest. I’d be ok with secession for New Mexico to give to them as well. That’s a state we really don’t need.

Isaac Willour #transphobia #wingnut

We know what women are. They don’t. Now what?

“Nature always tells us the truth, even if we don’t want to hear it.” So begins the latest cinematic offering from the Daily Wire, What Is a Woman? The documentary is stirring up controversy with its sarcastic cultural analysis and skillful showcasing of extreme social absurdity. Conservative political commentator Matt Walsh’s dry style of comedic narration carries him from a therapist’s office to the halls of American academia to the Women’s March to Kenya and back, all in a quest to answer the seemingly simple question, What is a woman?

Many elite figures in America’s major institutions, including those dedicated to science, academia, and therapy, are either unwilling or unable to answer simple questions about basic biology. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the perspective Walsh brings, it’s hard to argue that his point—that this state of affairs is odd, to say the very least—isn’t made in a persuasive fashion.

In contrast, Walsh travels to the Masai tribe in Kenya, where questions about gender and a “man trapped in a woman’s body” are greeted with incredulity and mockery by local tribesmen.

It also exposes examples of ethically questionable research performed in the name of gender theory, such as Money’s experimenting with the sex reassignment surgery of David Reimer, a man raised as a girl after genital mutilation, who committed suicide at 38 after undergoing the surgery

So … “What is a woman?” Answers run the gamut from “I don’t know” to “Marry one and find out,” the latter provided by renowned author and psychologist Jordan B. Peterson. In the end, Walsh returns to his home to ask his wife the film’s titular question, to which he receives the answer “an adult human female.” The case the documentary seeks to make is simple: left-leaning Americans can’t even say what a woman is, including academics and therapists. They’re so unwilling to answer that question that they’ll encourage dangerous medical treatments for young people with gender dysphoria. Meanwhile, these Kenyan tribespeople can answer it without hesitation and seem not to care about gender theory. How absurd is this contrast?

kysboymoms #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist

Women generally try to cope with how imbalanced reality actually is by trying to pretend that women can be dangerous as men

Exactly. And they do this in every other way too. For instance, women take up a hobby like knitting and think that they are “equal“ to men because they have these female centered hobbies, meanwhile men get to enjoy hobbies like visiting prostitutes, where they get to feel real and complete power over another human being who services their every need sexually. And then men are pleased sexually in visual ways every moment of the day through mainstream media and just being out in public (bc the vast majority of women perform femininity), and yet women think nothing of this, or maybe osa xx make up a story in their head that women are beautiful and “I like looking at attractive women too” or some shit. To say nothing of pornography.

Women are so braindead retarded and unimaginative and lacking in theory of mind, and this explains why they’ve always been slaves and always will be, and they’re too unimaginative to even realize that they’re slaves, which is why there isn’t any hope of freeing them. You can’t free people who don’t even know that they’re fucking prisoners.

God that shit is so stupid it drives me up the wall. They seriously think that convincing themselves that they are some sort of pseudo bisexual who "like" looking at other women "because they're so pretty" is the same as a man naturally juiced up on testosterone and being raised in an environment that caters to his visual sexual stimuli

Exactly. That het partnered women don’t feel humiliated 24/7, even if they have some unicorn man who doesn’t use pornography, makes me feel so much utter contempt for them I want to ring their slag-whore necks. Men feel powerful, validated, as though their sexuality of utmost most importance by all of the objectified women in the media (and women performing femininity in public). It literally gives them a constant boost to their sense of self, confidence, sense of power, sense of value, etc.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #fundie #conspiracy

We have learned that during the planetary ascension, the Mother of Dragons must take her place as the Cosmic Dragon overseer on the Earth, so the Dragons’ many parts can finally be restored and reanimated by her life giving presence and sacred holy spirit. The Dragons and their spiritual body parts exist everywhere on the planet in physical and energetic expressions, although their consciousness properties have been in stasis during the Dark Aeon when we were spiritually adrift in the seas of chaos, without our Cosmic Holy Mother. See Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings.
Last year, Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia was reawakened as the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in the first stages of their hierogamic union. We have learned the location of their sacred hierogamic union wedding into Cosmic Dragons is taking place on the Saint Michael Line and Avebury henge during the upcoming Easter holiday. Whereby their heavenly coupling in their Cosmic Christos-Sophia solarized marriage bed produces a Cosmic Christos offspring for the Earth, which takes form as the hatching of their Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg.
The momentous planetary initiation and personal transmogrification is occurring now through the return of the Holy Mother Sophia through her emanation as the Divine Solar Feminine Christos-Sophia in the White Sun Cosmic Ankh Body which is connecting into the instruction set of the angelic human bone matrix. As she transmits her Divine Fire Water through sacred sound plasmas to bestow her blessings through the Azothian Sapphire Krystallah Sophia Crown. Love your Holy Mother Sophia with all of your crystal rose heart, and from within the inner sanctum of your heart the Kingdom of God will reveal and Christos-Sophia’s holiest of holies in the eternal animating spirit will become known to you!

Dr. Thomas R. Horn and Stephen Quayle #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie

UNEARTHING THE LOST WORLD OF THE CLOUDEATERS is a book unlike any other, one that demands the Smithsonian to open its hidden warehouses so the history of ancient America can be rewritten! As chronicled by Dr. Thomas R. Horn, radio legend Stephen Quayle, and two teams of investigators and film crews (following a secret conference with leaders of the Ute Nation, Zuni, and Hopi tribes) the most compelling evidence is finally unveiled involving pre-Columbian, dragon/giant-worshiping interlopers who traversed the Atlantic Ocean and secret Anasazi routes to corrupt the earliest Americans with portal-opening sorcery, human sacrifices, ritual cannibalism, and technology of the fallen ones. NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME, IN UNEARTHING THE LOST WORLD OF THE CLOUDEATERS: DISCLOSED! The truth behind the great Smithsonian cover up REVEALED! The pre-Flood architecture of the Giant Kings DECIPHERED! Pre-Flood angel civilizations and the remnants of Watchers UNCOVERED! The secret of the Anasazi and why they disappeared overnight UNVEILED! Ancient hidden stargates that medicine-men still use to see the future CONFESSED! The sacred mountains where the giant bones are kept EXPOSED! What tribal elders confessed about returning giants UNMASKED! Giant, cannibalistic gods that demanded human sacrifice DISCOVERED! Children of Cloudeaters, six-fingered, six-toed mutants UNWRAPPED! Shapeshifters, Skinwalkers, and other sky people UNEARTHED! Where the gates will open when the Cloudeaters return Learn the secrets to America s earliest history and the truth about the giants in its past and future as you travel with Dr. Thomas R. Horn and Stephen Quayle into the most groundbreaking, history-altering investigation primed to challenge predominant, institutional dogma and scientific orthodoxy.

Stephen Quayle #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot #wingnut

In Empire Beneath the Ice, author Stephen Quayle reveals why most of what you learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is wrong. You’ll discover:
Why the suppressed evidence proves Adolf Hitler didn’t die before Germany surrendered during WWII, and how he eluded capture. How Nazi SS members, scientists, and soldiers escaped with Hitler to create colonies in other parts of the world to continue their monstrous research. Why in 1947 Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned that the US should adopt measures to protect against an invasion by hi-tech aircraft coming from the polar regions, adding, “The time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.” How, using advanced technology, Nazi saucers defeated the US military — long after WWII was supposedly over. Why the US space program was mostly a sham, and why the “UFOs” that started appearing around the world in the late 1940s were (and still are) most likely flown by Nazi pilots. How key government, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, financial leaders, and institutions helped Hitler come into power, and facilitated the preservation of Nazi wealth and power after WWII. Why today’s world is secretly controlled by a malevolent shadow government and entire populations are being surreptitiously brainwashed. How ancient stargates have been duplicated to open portals into spiritual and demonic universes. Why those controlling our planet have laid the groundwork for a takeover by a dictator who could best be described as the Antichrist of the Bible.
Empire Beneath the Ice exposes the dangers our world faces, and will arm you with the tools you need to counter these unspeakable, secret evils.

Vox Day #wingnut #fundie

[From "The Real Challenge"]

“To be anti-fascist or anti-communist is to fight with the shadow of the past. The real challenge is to be anti-liberal.” – Alexander Dugin

It’s very, very difficult for the good-hearted, well-intentioned peoples of the West, whether they style themselves liberals or conservatives, to understand or accept that all of the freedom and liberty and equality rhetoric to which they respond so emotionally is pure Enlightenment poison. None of it is good, none of it is real, and none of it is true

It is all inversion

Jesus Christ promises us freedom from sin. The Enlightenment devils promise us freedom from God

The Old Testament defines liberty is freedom from debt and immigration every fifty years. (Leviticus 25:10). The Enlightenment devils define liberty as permission to commit sins against both Man and God

The Bible tells us that we are all fallen short of the glory of God. The Enlightenment devils promise us equality with God

The fruits of the Enlightenment have come to pass. Its evils are now undeniable and its precepts have proved themselves to be unsustainable for families, nations, and societies. The Enlightenment virtues have turned out to be vices that destroy the Good, the Beautiful, and the True

Therefore, embrace the challenge

Andrew Anglin #transphobia #dunning-kruger

I don’t know if you know this, and I hate to say it, but in the womb, before the sex of the child it determined by a release of hormones by the mother, the sex organ that is developing is the penis OR clitoris. So if a girl during puberty decides to take a bunch of testosterone shots, it will cause her body to think the clitoris is a penis and start growing it.

Lindsay Harold #sexist #fundie

If they can’t take any boyfriends seriously during their 20’s because they’re too busy with getting a degree and a career, they are going to miss the most opportune time for marrying, and the options are far fewer in their 30’s. They can go to college and get a job while they’re looking for a husband, but they have to be willing to give up their plan to follow a husband if a good man comes along. If they pass up good men in their 20’s, they might not be there later on. Careers can wait. Marriage and children can’t.

Plus, most women are not being chaste during their 20’s. They sleep around because they’re not taking relationships seriously and looking for marriage, then wonder why no one wants them in their 30’s after being with several other men. Men don’t want a woman with a lot of baggage from sleeping around. They want a wife they can trust to be faithful, and the way you test that is to look for chastity.

There’s a reason it’s hard to marry in a woman’s 30’s. The good men their age settled down with 20-something women who were willing to marry then and the leftovers are mostly the players and weirdos. The rare man who has been successful and is still single is looking to marry a 20-something, not a woman his own age. From about 18 to 28 is the most ideal time for a woman to marry as she is most attractive and most fertile during this period. If she skips marriage then, she will have a much harder time finding a good husband. That’s just a reality of life that women need to plan for.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie

As I have documented extensively, the most prominent gay rights organizations, notably GLAAD and HRC, have colluded with academic researchers to defame my character. GLAAD collaborated with graduate students at Stanford and sent emails defaming me as a bigot to the organizers of a conference, with the explicit goal of preventing me from presenting my research. HRC has compiled a list of "bad guys" tied to sociologist Mark Regnerus, a researcher whose work survived the most rigorous investigation made on any same-sex parenting study; unable through proxy attackers like blogger Scott Rosenzweig to prove that Mark Regnerus engaged in any mishandling of data, the HRC -- a group thoroughly tied up with electoral politics and specifically the Obama Administration -- has engaged in blatant defamation and intimidation to drive Regnerus's alternative data out of the conversation. This is combined with threats of lawsuits against the editor who published Regnerus's peer-reviewed article as well as intimidations against people like me, who have been falsely characterized by the HRC as involved with Regnerus's study merely because I published an article explaining that his data matched a lot of my on-the-ground observations with gay families. GLAAD and HRC may not even realize how criminal their intimidation tactics are -- they are, in effect, promoting academic fraud by propping up studies with serious flaws and threatening professional reprisals and economic consequences against academics who come forward with contrary data. The RICO act includes these passages as well, relating to fraud.

@Liz_Wheeler #wingnut

Your speech is violence.

You must mask your face.

You must obey Fauci.

You must Queer Theory your kids.

You must believe you’re racist.

You must hate America.

If you question… the Misinformation Governance Board will silence you because SAFETY.

The left are communists.

@justdad7 #transphobia

1/ It's hard to understand how 0.33% of the population has such a hold on public policy until you realize that gender ideology meets a need of the managerial class of all parties - a perfect strategic lie.

2/ Political leaders want followers who will fall into line without asking difficult questions. Demanding that people assent to a strategic lie is a test of loyalty. This is what the Chinese proverb to call a deer a horse means

3/ A good strategic lie should have 3 qualities. First, it should have a veneer of plausibility so intelligent people can at least pretend to believe it. You don't want all your followers to be totally stupid, just to weed out the ones who think hard and speak their minds.

4/ Most people have been willing to accept gender ideology, preferred pronouns etc. as a simple extension of a social justice movement. It takes a lot of time and effort to unravel the specious claims and obscure language that support it.

5/ Second, it has to relate to something fairly common so people can't just evade it. If you are in the government / corporate / academic world today you have to show at least minimal compliance with the demands of genderism every time you sign and e-mail or put on a name tag.

6/ Third, it should not harm anyone in a position of power. The victims of the lies of gender ideology are mostly women with the worst harm being suffered by the most poor and vulnerable, like those in prisons and shelters.

7/ If the transgender movement was simply about protecting the rights of a tiny minority, it would be poor and struggling like every other minority rights movement. It is because it has become a vehicle for an elite loyalty test that it has acquired power. /End

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)


spoilerPray to END abortion in America!

@RealMarjorieGreene lololol you do know California will never end abortion. The commies like murdering babies.


End it and criminalize it. You cannot be consistently pro-life unless you support the punishment of women who hire hitmen to kill their children.

@RealMarjorieGreene Remove all jews from positions of power. In fact, abort all jews from the United States. Send them back to Israel and cut off all aid immediately. Once they’re all back in Israel we bomb the living shit out of it. The world will be a better place once they’re finally gone and no one will even dream of an abortion. We’ll finally have peace on earth.

@RealMarjorieGreene The 14th amendment SHOULD also prohibit States from selectively permitting (and barbarously, even promoting) some people (babies) to be murdered, without equal protection or due process of law!

@RealMarjorieGreene The egg is alive. The sperm is alive. Fertilization begins a new life, (unborn life). Intentional aborting is life ending murder at any level. If not, then make abortion legal to age 100. I can end the life of another born life and it is not murder but abortion. If abortion is legal so then is murder.

@RealMarjorieGreene abortion is not about women’s rights. It’s about their unborn children’s rights.

@RealMarjorieGreene Pray that our politicians get the courage to CALL OUT THE JEWS.

@RealMarjorieGreene No, educate to end abortion in America. Prayers help too. But this is something that can actually be ended by education and teaching your children and young adults to respect life ,including theirs. The damage done by promiscuous sex, mental and physical. We as village can teach to end this mentality of abortion being a contraceptive. Also irresponsible casual sex. So stop wishing and do something. Because God does not help those who do not help their selves. :) Ms. Greene this is why you annoy me. I feel you are not sincere. Just posturing.

MTKintsugi #wingnut

The left keeps promoting the idea that the only abortions that happen are 100% driven by pregnant women themselves who make that decision for themselves and have no pressure from anyone outside of themselves.

That is not at all accurate.

Significant others, former sexual partners, parents, doctors/healthcare providers, even insurance companies… immense pressure, more often than not, comes from outside of these women who are bullied into believing that bearing a child in less than optimal circumstances is a deal breaker in their ability to be mothers.

Remove these influences from being able to apply the pressure of an abortion when it’s easily accessible, and more children will be born.

It’s not so much that the women themselves are making the loudest noises o n this isssue, it’s the ones who want to be able to say who should and who should not have babies.

Women have always had the power to decide for themselves and will continue to. The ones who are losing are those who would seek to influence her for their own agendas and pretend to support abortion rights for her benefit.

It’s not for her benefit… it’s for theirs.

Various Commenters #wingnut

baby_killer.exe has stopped working

Intelligent pro-choicer: “A person is defined by the ability to kill a fetus, a fetus does not have the ability to kill a fetus therefore it is not a person”.

Abortionist: "A person is defined by their ability to commit atrocities".

Me: "That's just projection".

"A fetus doesn't exist because its not conscious."

-Actual argument someone threw at me today.

Neither is a person in a coma…

They have to be joking, like seriously, THEY HAVE TO JOKING, SOMEONE CAN'T BE THAT DELUSIONAL, RIGHT?

I got something better. "You are killing potential woman with abortion because of inconvenience, that seems rather misogynistic dont you think?"

The fetus could also be a transgender. So it’s also really transphobic 🐸

It could also be gay, so it is also really homophobic 🦁

Babies are all the different races, it's pretty racist to kill them if you ask me

Nope. They are never flustered. They have a definition at the ready and will die clinging to it

There's no way to define it without digging yourself a hole.

Apparently not to them. They most commonly say "sentience" or "brain activity." The trouble is that makes a degree of sense

What you reply with is examples of people with limited brain activity/sentience eg someone in a coma. You wouldn't just kill them, especially if you knew that they would wake up in a few months.

I do all the time. Either it's brushed off or pointed out that we unplug such people all the time

At a certain point you may find that the person you are talking to is literally pro-murder. Not much to say after that point I admit.

Laura Rohrer Little Brooks/Ascension Diet #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie #quack

Your spiritual armor is what prevents the thoughtforms
your fears create, and that is the tactic they prey upon us
with, to push humans via their passions and emotions and
fears to will bad instead of good. Keep reading, watching
and listening here in this article I have written for
you. My veils are off and you can and must trust me. I
break down exactly what the spiritual armor really is
further down.
We are fighting a holy war for our souls one soul at a
time, and the truth shared in this article, assembled
with the help of OTHER MESSAGERS/MESSENGERS sending it to me, reveals the machinations and devious craft and plans as they, the world rulers, run by Lucifer, the dragon,
Yaldabaoth – all the names – and his agents the Draco
nephilim parasites who run all government and industry,
have set up a dungeons and dragons long game and it’s
playing out now.
Knowing, sharing and living by TRUTH, which girds your
loins, protecting your LIGHT INFORMATION, your DNA in the ovum and sperm in your
reproductive organs.

spirit’s breastplate against all that is wrong and
In order for us to survive
the event they are hiding with all the geoengineering, HAARP,
pharmakeia, programming, entertainment
film/music/frequencies/embedded images/MKUltra mind
metals/vaccines/natural flavorings/agendas/health

Claudia McNeely #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo

The Sun remains quiet. A Coronal Hole Stream arrived this morning and though it only brought the Solar Wind back to normal, it was enough of a change to set off a Geomagnetic Storm and Instability which is continuing as I write this. There have been no Earthquakes over 5.5.

We are being affected today by Directed Energy Weapons, Detrimental Light Codes, Planetary Energy, Electronic Harassment, Targeting, Solar Energies, and Long-Range Acoustic Device.

Since most of the things affecting us are attacks be sure to keep your aura cleared and your protection up.

All of that explains why I feel like crap today. I am very fuzzy-headed, hurting, and can’t see well. The Geomagnetic Storm can cause headaches, loud ear noise, burning skin, itchy skin, hot flashes, sweating, irritability, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and exhaustion. Drink extra fluids to flush out the toxins.

I have been seeing where Australia has been posting in their news that the Supreme Court overturned the election. According to Phil, that is true. They cannot announce it here until they get the justices to safety somewhere in the world. For some reason, Roberts is under the protection of NATO. I wonder why?

Phil did a live last night to discuss current events and intel. He said that the White Hats are in charge of CERN and have turned it into a directed energy weapon. They used that to blow up the Georgia Guidestones as a message to the deep state. It was put in that spot to block the beneficial energy there from being used as many places throughout the world have been. They will be destroying them also. A historic obelisk in Vigan City in the Philippines was ‘hit by lightning’ and damaged today.
Good things are happening so don’t lose hope! Trump posted a video about his airplane (Airforce One?) that is being redesigned. He said it will be back in the air in the fall if not sooner. The fall is not long and it will probably be sooner.

Keep your eyes open and enjoy the show!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

If you think the sudden destruction of the Georgia Guidestones is a “win for the good guys”, then perhaps you don’t know who the good guys, and the bad guys, actually are. You will now.

The Georgia Guidestones were blown up on the same day that the prime minister of England was being taken down in an internal power-struggle coup over in Europe, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. But wait a second, didn’t the prime minister of Israel also just get booted out and his replacement already seen canoodling with Emmanuel Macron? And didn’t the CERN collider just come back online, too? Welcome to Day 844 Of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, say what you want, but it’s certainly not boring.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, for over 42 years, the satanic and demonic Georgia Guidestones sat threateningly upright, calling for the exact same New World Order preached by evangelists like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Anthony Fauci and all the others.The Guidestones stood for global depopulation, a complete erasure of God and the Bible, the merging of all humanity with a universal language, a world court to enforce laws, and all the other things promoted by the Great Reset, Build Back Better and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. If you think the sudden destruction of the Georgia Guidestones is a “win for the good guys”, then perhaps you don’t know who the good guys, and the bad guys, actually are. Today on the Prophecy News Podcast, we take this week’s current events and run it through the filter of our dusty, old and archaic King James Bible to give you news fresher than tomorrow’s headlines.

Archangel Michael Through Celia Fenn #magick #ufo #fundie

Beloved Light Family on Earth, it has been a time of rapid change and transition on the Earth in the last six months! Since the Aquarius Gate in February, you entered into a period of accelerated frequency and personal “expansion”. This was felt at the big shifts of the 22nd February and the 22nd March, as well as the Eclipses and the Equinox and the Solstice, and more recently the 6/6/6 and 7/7 Portals.

Each shift has brought you to a higher and finer frequency, so that you are ready to make a quantum “leap” as you transit the Lions Gate in late July and August. The 8/8 will be a pinnacle moment when you will step forward into the “expanded” version of yourself.
Beloved Ones, these New Earth communities will be founded on Love and Compassion, and integrity and clarity. They will be an expression of the “Shining Ones” and the “Pure Ones” of the Christ Consciousness and the Magdalene Avatar line.
Beloved Family of Light, this year’s Lions Gate will indeed be powerful, and we urge you to come together with your Soul Family and Tribes to celebrate and ground and anchor these new energies.

The keys words are Expansion and Transformation. Becoming All that you can BE at this time and expanding your service to the Divine according to your Soul Blueprint.

The Elohim Angels and the Royal Star Lions will be present to assist you and help you to find your personal power.

The Sirian Star Teachers will also be present to bring the Sirian Star Teachings on Ascension and to help you to remember who you are at this time. Mary Magdalene as the Avatar of the Feminine Christ energy will be with you, as will Yeshua as the Avatar of the Masculine Christ energy. As will many other Angelic Beings and Galactic Beings and Ascended Masters.

It will be a Grand Celebration of Higher Frequency and Love and the New Earth!

Peter Wright #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut

MGTOW now an LGBTQIA category... And there's nothing you can do about it

The headline is likely to provoke an emotional reaction from both the woke and the virulently anti-woke, but I stride forth with my flack jacket on in order to make a salient point: that far from being a fringe group of misogynistic terrorists who refuse to court the ladies, MGTOW is perfectly aligned with the LGBTQIA category ‘Aromantic’ – a term indicating a profound disinterest in romantic love.

When it comes to romantic love they simply don’t want it.

Men Going Their Own Way are unmoved by the fantasy of romantic love, viewing its latent BDSM overtones as a theatre of female dominatrixes and male subs, a model that has grown from a kind of sexual feudalism instituted by affluent ladies of the medieval era. MGTOW typically reject this model because it requires men to go down on a literal and proverbial knee before a woman.

I should add, for the slow of mind, that MGTOW is concerned with a wider array of issues than this. However, the romance problem forms a molten core around which many of their concerns for male self-determination revolve.

The result of ‘Men going their aromantic way’ is in some ways striking. These men have inaugurated an enduring sex strike, putting quietly into practice what women routinely threaten if they don’t get their own way – as we recently saw from Joy Behar who called for ‘sex strike’ after Supreme Court abortion law leak. As usual it seems men have beaten women to the punch.


As this graph demonstrates, young men are driving a decline in sex. Perhaps more accurately they may be rejecting the pathological contamination of sexual intimacy with romantic love – aka, the idea that men need to demonstrate obeisance and servitude toward “romantic” partners before being “rewarded” with sex.

MGTOW probably won’t be entering a Pride float anytime soon, but in theory their cause is every bit as deserving under the umbrella of that one, powerful word – AROMANTIC.

Pepe Escobar #moonbat

The Empire Is Not Done Torturing Afghanistan

Once upon a time, in a galaxy not far away, the Empire of Chaos launched the so-called “War on Terror” against an impoverished cemetery of empires at the crossroads of Central and South Asia.

In the name of national security, the land of the Afghans was bombed until the Pentagon ran out of targets, as their chief Donald Rumsfeld, addicted to “known unknowns,” complained at the time.

War crimes were duly perpetrated – some of them denounced by an organization led by a sterling journalist who was subsequently subjected to years of psychological torture by the same Empire, obsessed with extraditing him into its own prison dystopia.

But then, the US-backed puppet regime in Kabul collapsed not with a bang, but a whimper: a spectacular “data-driven defeat.”

Hell hath no fury like Empire scorned. As if all the bombing, droning, years of occupation and serial collateral damage was not misery enough, a resentful Washington topped its performance by effectively stealing $7 billion from the Afghan central bank: that is, funds that belong to roughly 40 million battered Afghan citizens.

Unlawful does not even begin to qualify the confiscation of assets from an impoverished nation afflicted by a currency in free fall, high inflation and a terrifying humanitarian crisis, whose only ‘crime’ was to defeat the imperial occupation on the battleground fair and square.

No one remembers today that the US State Department came up with its own New Silk Road idea in July 2011. The spin was to “turn enemies into friends and aid into trade.” The reality, however, was to prevent Kabul from falling into the Russia/China sphere of influence – represented by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

In the end, the Americans did less than nothing. The Chinese, playing the long game, will be leading Afghanistan’s resurgence.

Afghanistan for its part will be welcomed into the real New Silk Roads.

Now compare and contrast with NATO, whose “new” strategic concept boils down to expanded warmongering against the Global South. At least we know that should NATO ever be tempted back into Afghanistan, then another ritual, excruciating humiliation awaits.

David J. Stewart #dunning-kruger #fundie

I used some JavaScript code to make it snow in the background. It didn't just happen, I made it happen. It was deliberate and the result of my making a decision. The same is true with the universe. It didn't just happen. God made it all happen. Only a fool would claim that the universe came from a chaotic explosion, that just happened. Everything in life happens for a reason. This is because there is a God who does everything He does for a reason. He gave us His Laws for a reason. When men don't obey God, there is tragedy and heartbreak. This is the reason why America today is going to hell. The evil minds behind the New World Order are trashing America, and we are allowing them to do it by our woeful ignorance, love for sin and indifference.

One thing evolutionists are sure to one day discover—they were wrong! DNA is the silver bullet in evolution. Apart from Dr. Frankenstein tampering in a lab, God's laws of nature do not allow for interbreeding of species. A cat and a dog can never mate and reproduce. A horse and a tiger cannot mate and reproduce. Despite scientist's discovery that there's only a slight difference between the DNA of varying species, the difference was made permanent, distinct and deliberate by a divine Creator.

Evolution is false science, just as the Bible calls it in 1st Timothy 6:20. No wonder public school teachers have been banned from reading the Bible to students since 1962. The Bible exposes and destroys the fable of evolution.

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut

[From "VIDEO: East Prussia will always belong to East Prussians, not Barbarian Occupiers, Speech by Stephan Grigat"]

»Ostpreußen lebt!« – Rede von LO-Sprecher Stephan Grigat, Wolfsburg 2022

A very thorough and articulated speech given by Stephan Grigat, and it makes our society extremely happy to witness this thriving ambition that still exists with other fellow Prussians who today are still alive and connected with our Spiritual Heritage and the Land[…]
However, our only large disagreements in this speech come to where the present Ukrainian and Lithuanian/Polish involvement in the Russian situation come into play[…]
One could argue legalities[…]but the other factors at play is that even though Russia owns Königsberg today through ill-gotten means and renamed it to their liking, there are other powers and institutions at play which oversee it along with the fact that Russia is a massive Nuclear power[…]
While we posses some of the most sacred ideas in how to go about wrestling back East Prussia and all other lost land back into the Greater Germany, I will never publish them openly here or for public viewing in any form[…]
It is interesting to note how in general for a long window of time, there has barely been much talk or sincere interest[…]in restoring Prussian Lands[…]
Should Lithuania continue with what it’s doing in the Railway blockade, we have the right to charge Lithuania with endangering Hallowed German Territory[…]
Germans must remember at all times[…]we have lacked and will still continue to lack a true National, Sovereign Army since 1945. The Wehrmacht was our last hope[…]
The Prussian Society of America will always remain open to feedback from anyone of Prussian or German ancestry, and we would appreciate to hear from anyone who ever desires to communicate with us further on solidifying our Eternal Goal

Jason Klop #ableist #crackpot #quack

The lawyer for a Fraser Valley naturopath facing investigation for his business selling fecal microbiota transplants to families of autistic children argued in a B.C. courtroom Tuesday that his client isn't obligated to follow scientific evidence.

Naturopath Jason Klop was in B.C. Supreme Court petitioning for a judge to order the College of Naturopathic Physicians to end its investigations into his business and lift his ban on manufacturing, advertising and selling pills and enemas made from human feces.

Gratl suggested a lack of scientific evidence for the use of fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) to treat autism isn't necessarily relevant in this case.

In explaining the ban, the college has said Klop may be engaged in conduct unbecoming of a naturopathic physician, but lawyer Jason Gratl argued that's difficult to prove in a field with somewhat nebulous boundaries and relatively few restrictions.

"In certain respects, naturopaths may rely on science, but they are not bound by science," Gratl said.
He explained that naturopathic practices can instead be based on anecdotes or historical knowledge, and later pointed out that the field includes homeopathy, "which some say involves magical thinking [and is] certainly non-scientific at its core."

Right now, FMT is only approved in Canada and the U.S. for treatment of recurrent C. difficile infection that hasn't responded to other therapies, but research is underway into a wide range of other possible applications.

Doctors and scientists have warned that, at the moment, any other use of this emerging therapy is experimental and carries serious risk of infection, while people with autism have denounced Klop's procedure as an unproven treatment that puts vulnerable children in danger.

jmkplover #wingnut #sexist #kinkshaming

First off, don't take it out on the baby. It didn't force the rape. Carry the baby till birth, give it up for adoption and be done with it. At the same time, chop the artist's genitals of with a rusty cleaver, send him to jail and let him get death raped. You want to prevent rape? Make extremely harsh punishments and focus a little more on mental diagnoses.

Second off, that's not what these crazy bitches are advocating for. They want to sleep around like sluts and abort the baby because it's an inconvenience to them. The rape scenario is only brought up as a way to win an argument.

Third, I'm clearly more saner than either of you.

So, fourth: fuck you.

felicia rembrandt #crackpot #transphobia

Trans Vision: Through a glass dark and distorted
(continued from )
Who will judge the humanity of any given mindclone? Rothblatt favours an idea first suggested by Alan Turing, “that software was humanly conscious if it successfully passed itself off to humans as being humanly conscious” (18). He proposes a consensus of three or more experts in the field, such as psychologists or ethicists: “…if others, especially experts in the mental health, see so much of themselves in a mind clone as to say ‘that one is human,’ then that one is human”(43).

This ignores the fact that neither psychologists nor any other mental health professional’s remit is to judge the totality of consciousness. There are no experts in the field.

I am reminded again of transgender ideology, and its early and frequent insistence that men in makeup and dresses could “pass” as women. Women protested loudly and just as frequently that we could tell a man from a woman. Were our protestations as “experts” – surely women are experts on women -- enough to stop the craze? Not at all – TRA’s simply decided that passing was not necessary after all.

This is a highly likely scenario in the case of transhumanism as well. The men with the money pushing both these ideologies on common people from above will see to it that a jury will be created who will accept mindclones as human. And if that should prove impossible, they’ll change the goalposts. Perhaps, as men with “special identities” now claim to be better women than women, mindclones will claim to be better humans than humans.

Rothblatt is already pre-empting the discrimination he forecasts against mindclones by arguing they must be given human rights, because “if we don’t treat cyberconscious mindclones like the living counterparts they will be, they will become very, very angry” (6). This too should remind us of trans ideologues, who claim to be the most oppressed group on the planet, while receiving support from almost all media, governments, academic institutions, major corporations, and financial institutions.


Various commenters #wingnut #racist

BREAKING: A Louisiana judge has stopped the retaining order against the Louisiana trigger law. The abortion ban is back in effect saving babies from abortions!

@LifeNews Stopping the slaughter of the innocents is all important.

@LifeNews So many beautiful black babies are gonna be saved now. 🙏🏿

Lousy anna(fuck you spelling critics.intentionally misspelled) way to go. You had a chance for crime prevention and parasite reduction and you chose to let them procreate more thugs and parasites.

I guess now that whites are a minority it's not needed anymore

@LifeNews , not killing babies is like taking away their butt plugs.

@jonesm099 @Langtoon @LifeNews We note the gaggle of halfwitted inbred backwards baby-killers flocking in and hysterical over a spelling mistake, LOLOLOL!! This is the best they got! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSERS!!!

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