
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #transphobia #crackpot theothermccain.com

Attempting to explain gender theory to normal people is like attempting to explain a schizophrenic’s delusions to sane people. Normal men are masculine in the most common-sense understanding of that word, and normal women are feminine. Because the meanings of male/masculine and female/feminine are so obvious, from a common-sense point of view, normal people take these categories for granted.

"The notion that women form relationships with other women as a result of childhood trauma is a harmful, almost laughable, stereotype that lesbian and bisexual women continually face. It is simply untrue . . ."

Damaged, you say? How dare you imply Amy Austin is damaged?

Vanessa Vokey #transphobia youtube.com

no one is "trans". there are male and female humans. anything else is sexist stereotypes. detransitioners are the only voices who are speaking the truth about how self destructive medicalization was for them, and how much they regret it and blame doctors and surgeons for disobeying their oath to do no harm. this is real life, not make believe land where the "gender transformation fairy" exists and people will be happy as long as you lie to them every single moment of their life.

Various TERFs #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: I wanted a female therapist. I got matched with a TiM.

( NewMa )
I just do not trust a TiM , especially on telehealth, to not be beating it to the sound of my tears. I just ... don't.

You didn't get to be a TiM by being a healthy person.

( XX_Power )
I'll be straight, i wouldn't even trust an AGP TIM to do my laundry. Putting one in charge of traumatized women's health is insanity. This is literally a man who sexually gets off by pretending that he's a woman and fetishizes things like periods, but they want to trust this crossdresser with healing the trauma of raped women?

( proudcatlady )
I don’t trust a male therapist period. I’m shocked how many ladies on here have said they have had or do have male therapists. I would assume 100% he’s in it for jerkoff material. Also, empathy is important for therapists to have for their clients…? Men barely empathize with each other and basically can’t with us

( EternaEspiral )
I had a male therapist for a while, ended up say thing I "could be a normal woman" aka date men. So all the time I saw him he was just thinking that, I talked to him about my love life, discrimination... He never took me seriously! I just never went back after that.

( hmimperialtortie )
Or even simply a decent one.

parttimepup #transphobia parttimepup.tumblr.com

(Anonymous asked:

So there is an author who's books I really like (non-sexualized lesbian action romances, anyone??), but I recently found out that she is a HUGE supporter of the troons. Would it be ethical of me to rip her books off online or send her a few IMs and home she comes to her senses?)

I dunno if I can support stealing from an author for any reason but you can always reach out and see if she's willing to have a convo with you about it! I think if you explain the sanctity of the lesbian identity to her she might understand.

3MMA #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Previously so-called, independent thinkers kneeled before the troons, including Stephen King, Margaret Atwood, & Neil Gaiman. The little trolls whose careers she made, ran out to attend specially set up pressers, so they could burn the witch.

I can take or leave Harry Potter too, but can’t help admire JKR for not turning into some giant hypocrite or milque-toast cunt who goes along to get along. It’s particularly humorous when considering Gaiman, as he has historically peacocked what a Champion of Free Speech he is: http://archive.md/Plu1X

The TL;dR of the Gaiman blog is that he’ll stand up for porny comics, but JKR saying biology is real, is Too far.

Catherine Robillard, Kai Decadence & Ruth Less #transphobia youtube.com

(Catherine Robillard)
It’s in trans activists interests to conflate gender with sex. If they used biological facts, instead of their interpretation of a social construct, their ideology would be shown for the nonsense it is.

(Kai Decadence)
Exactly. That's why they NEVER or hardly answer the simple questions of
- What is gender?
- How do you "feel like a man"? How do you "feel like a woman?"
They know if they answer these questions and use the usual gender stereotypes, it exposes the ideology for the rubbish that it is so they either don't answer the question, use circular definition that goes nowhere, and/or move the goal post. These people are ridiculous.

(Ruth Less)
Then it's accusing us of conflating the two, so they can escape humiliation for as long as it takes to block us, rant from behind a block and declare themself the winner

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #homophobia #transphobia ncu.su

Overprotective daddies of teen girls - biggest scum on this planet

Of teen or early post-teen, who still may have too much control over daughter, and so debil may be against his teen daughter being with chronologically older man, and so debil, as simple down-to earth man may fail to understand uniqueness of his daughter and her wanting to be artistic, spirritual, indifferent to material amd social wellbeing and to marry spiritually compatible man of culture, not some socioeconomically well established normie he prefers

Finding good waifu of culture is already extremely hard, but thanks to overprotective daddies it becomes much harder, as necessity to search not only for waifu of culture, but also her to be having daddy of culture, or being from dysfunctional family, with daddy not present, or not involved much, (which can create other problems, various daddy issues)

Anyone who fails to understand overprotective daddies being scum - are scum themselves, lower than any tranny or faggot

Overprotective daddies of teen girls are not compatible with kemonisation

(submitters note: the OP has the words “proud hebephile/ephebophile” in his flair)

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

Remember: @papierhache jumped into my timeline in response to incitement by a troll trying to stir up trouble because I’d used the common slang “shemale” in promoting a post about conflicts between transgender activists and radical lesbian feminists. And after sending me multiple messages condemning me as a terrible hater — because slang is the New Fascism — @papierhache evidently thought she would evade further criticism for her moralistic posturing.

Winter Rose, Reverend Coffin's Other son & sdsmt1169 #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

( Winter Rose )
My personal take on it is that "cis" is religious language for the faithful of the Woke church. Rather like a Christians referring to people as "sinners." (I don't mean the words themselves have anything in common, just that they mean something to religious people and mean nothing to those who are not believers. If you are not Christian, "sin" is meaningless.) It's a descriptor that only works if you believe the theology. If you don't believe the theology, the word means nothing to you.

Since I don't subcribe to the religion that says gender and sex are unrelated and what you feel inside is who you really are, "cis" is just three letters. The problems arise when this new "church" and state don't stay seperate because, as with any truly zealous believers, they are convinced beyond reason that this religion is the "truth" and therefore the faithful must convert the unenlightened because then we would have our utopia. Fortunately, Christians worked out a few centuries ago it doesn't work that way. Hopefully, this new faith will realise that's all it is. It's not science. It's not truth. It's faith. Believe it if you wish, but do not expect others to participate in your rites and rituals and terminology.

I will not, therefore, use the word "cis" any more than I would expect an atheist to speak of himself as a "sinner."

(Reverend Coffin's Other son)
I like to call them the Church of Genderology and the famous TRAs are their high priests.

I used the same analogy to a friend asking me about the meaning of cis. I said it’s like infidel, or kafir. Not of the faith. I don’t believe in the faith so I don’t accept that label for myself. I am not an infidel, nor am I cis.

Leah James #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Transgender ideology: awful argument 17 Being trans isn't a choice..?

It's not a choice, yet gender is also fluid, some people's pronouns change over time, yet there's no wrong or right way to be trans, people know their "gender identity" from the age of 4, yet some don't realize it until they're 54, and on and on and on. There are so many loopholes in gender ideology, how do people take it seriously...Gender ideology is the new sexism and misogyny. I thought society wanted to get away from gender norms??? I thought we didn't want to live in the 50's🤔So many things I have heard men say that is sexism and misogyny, bit they can get away with it if they're "trans" or an "ally". Sexism in plain sight. How women don't see this, is beyond me...

storyending #moonbat #sexist #transphobia storyendingnever.wordpress.com

They Are All the Worst

I am in no way standing up for white dudes. I just can’t see feminism ever having a real and lasting impact when women slide into a concession-to-dick-based policy rooted in intersectionality.

The world isn’t shitty because of white men. The world is shitty because of men. All groups of men are the worst. Just as different women deal with different shit, different men drop different kinds of turds.

I live in China, where 99.99% of the men are Chinese. My female students are already being pressured into and groomed for marriage. Talk about sexual slavery… Chinese men are worst.

A few years ago, while in L.A., I went to the creepy crawly Museum of Death. I was stopped short in front of a television set playing footage from Africa where a group of about 200 black African men had ganged up on a single lone black African woman stripping beating and raping her. She died in the end. Her ‘crime’? Who the fuck knows. Being a woman? African men are the worst.

A couple of years ago, in India, a woman was gang raped to death on a public bus. Further, there are an estimated 3 million female prostitutes in India, almost half of whom are under 18 years of age. Indian men are the worst.

White men are leading the pack of rabid, violent, narcissistic, misogynist, middle-aged, autogynopheliac, pedophilic, ex-military, rape-apologist trannies. (At least one adjective applies to every trannie out there.) White men are the worst.

Muslim men are well known for their barbarism and hatred of women. They cut off clitorises and sew up vaginal openings and rape and kill women in the name of ‘honour’ and Allah all over the world. Muslim men are the worst.

Christian, Jewish, Aboriginal, disabled, homeless, conservative, liberal, gay men... I could go on and on and on.

Men are men. They are ALL the worst. Having brown skin doesn’t make you more noble or empathetic or somehow above violence against women. XY = male = violent = woman-hating.

Scott Lively #transphobia #conspiracy scottlively.net

True, the story-boards are adjusted in real time for unforseen developments but always to preserve the pre-set narratives as the highest priority, because for Progressives, the narratives are Scripture, while “reality” is just a culture-created illusion that must be conformed to “Scripture.” Thus, to the leftist elites, DNA and physiology-defined male/female gender is actually fluid and malleable, while subjective, self-perceived “sexual orientation” is fixed and immutable, grotesque ideology-based double standards in the enforcement of the law are applauded, and irrefutable documented truth about the righteousness of various police shootings of dangerous criminals who happened to be Black is simply deemed irrelevant.

1) The CDC quietly announced back in September 2021 that it would stop using the “PCR” test for diagnosing Covid cases on December 31st. The inventor of PCR technology, Dr. Kary Mullis, made it clear that by using certain protocols for the PCR test, scientists can come up with results they want , saying with PCR, “if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.” Thus, The PCR test was always a scam for the purpose of (vastly) inflating Covid numbers with false positives. But even as the CDC honchos announced they were dropping the PCR test, they kept it in play until Jan 1 st Why? To ensure the highest possible 2021 case-count to ensure a more impressive contrast with vastly lower numbers in 2022.

2) Then on January 8th, 2022 the new governor of New York, Kathy Hochul (replacing the nursing home mass murderer Andrew Cuomo), issued a report on current (dead of Winter — peak flu season) Covid hospitalizations. New York has always been ground zero for plandemic statistics and propaganda, but for the first time it distinguished (in the data itself, not in the explanation of the data) those patients admitted “for Covid” (49%) from those admitted “with Covid” (51%). So it’s pretty easy to predict that their 2022 statistics are going to report only people admitted “for Covid,” guaranteeing a better than 50% drop in hospitalization numbers based on that factor alone. With the PCR test gone, most or all the false positives will also be gone — deflating the Covid count further.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

Neumman/“Sagal” was a 30-ish videogame developer, originally from Illinois, whose mental illness was manifested in serious antisocial behavior. At some point, it seems, Neumman/“Sagal” ran a failed startup that left employees unpaid and wrecked Neumman’s/“Sagal’s” credit rating. In 2013, Neumman/“Sagal” launched an IndieGoGo crowdfunding scam. Claiming that a near-fatal auto accident had left toxic metal embedded in his/“her” body, resulting in chronic pain, Neumman/“Sagal” said he/“she” needed $30,000 for a “life saving surgery.” But there was no accident and no toxic metal; Neumman/“Sagal” used the money for sex-change surgery.

A videogame industry journalist named Allistair Pinsof discovered the deception, but Neumman/“Sagal” threatened to commit suicide if he reported the story. Pinsof consulted with his editors, who were hesitant to go with the story, and Pinsof ultimately decided to go public with the truth on his own social-media account. Pinsof was fired and blacklisted by the videogame journalism industry, accused of wrongfully “outing” a transgender person, for reporting the truth about someone perpetrating online fraud. This was one of the scandals that preceded the #GamerGate controversy, involving so-called “social justice warriors” (SJWs) colluding with journalists to distort coverage of the videogame industry.

Good luck finding a straightforward account of who Neumman/“Sagal” actually was, and what he/“she” actually did, in any mainstream news venue. This was the point of #GamerGate after all — videogame journalism had become so corrupted by its devotion to “social justice” issues that it was impossible to get the truth from them.

Lucy van Pelt #transphobia rollonfriday.com

Is "cis" a misogynistic term of itself? I don't like/accept the term at all but it's used for men as well.

It's not misogynistic, it's just disrespectful of anyone who doesn't believe in gender woo woo because it defines us by reference to a set of essentially religious beliefs which we don't share.

It's also pretty insulting for women to be reduced to a sub-category of our own sex. I guess the same applies to men, except for the fact that nobody is really trying to force men to say that trans men are men because nobody actually cares.

Lucy van Pelt #transphobia rollonfriday.com

everyone wants to fit everyone into categories

highly disingenuous to imply the gender critical crowd don’t

Not really.

The categories "male" and "female" exist whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

The "gender critical crowd" couldn't give a shit about any of the imaginary categories.

A trans woman's gender identity is no more real to me than Allah.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

Guess what? You can’t blame Donald Trump for this. You can’t claim that the “patriarchy” is encouraging teenage girls to amputate their breasts and identify as pansexual nonbinary genderqueers. Feminists who have become concerned about the transgender cult must admit that their existing political theories have failed to account for the psychological influences affecting this generation of young people. Nor have most adults considered how technology — particularly the advent of social media — has given rise to toxic online environments where young people can indulge harmful fantasies and be encouraged in doing so by their peers. Politically correct beliefs about “diversity” and “tolerance,” and fear of being accused of “sexism” or “homophobia,” have had the effect of depriving us of a vocabulary of moral judgment. Young people cannot discern between good and evil if adults are afraid of speaking clearly about these subjects. Many young people are drifting into self-destructive insanity because the voices of reason are silenced or discredited by attacks from the transgender cult, which receives millions of dollars in funding from “philanthropists” like George Soros.

Trying to suggest solutions to tragic cases like Maddy’s is a difficult project, because such people have suffered so much psychological damage that the prognosis for recovery is doubtful. In terms of prevention, however, other young people might be protected if they were clearly warned about the dangers of peer pressure and cult mentalities. Whether you’re talking about transgenderism, heroin addiction, or Scientology, the fact is that adolescents are vulnerable to peer influence, and lack the life experience necessary to discern between harmful and beneficial influences. Young people confronted with a choice between good and evil will often choose evil, if it is presented to them as glamorous and exciting, or as a rebellion against parental authority.

No child is entirely safe from the forces of evil, and it is a dangerous delusion to suppose the apparently happy teenagers you know could not become a victim of these forces. They must be warned.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

Why are girls more vulnerable to “social contagions”? Without any professional credentials in psychology, I can only offer speculative suggestions, but isn’t it possible that this vulnerability to social influences is hard-wired into female neurology by the same hereditary process that hard-wires men for risk-taking and aggression? One does not need a Ph.D. in evolutionary psychology, however, to notice male-female differences. My experience of parenthood, as the father of six children now ranging in age from 16 to 29, qualifies me to make some general suggestions in this matter based on direct observation.

What accounts for the deranged mentality of so many teenage girls in 21st-century America? Why has Third Wave gender theory driven so many young women insane? Isn’t it a fact that, by destroying social norms of sexual behavior — including our traditional understanding of male-female differences — contemporary feminism has thrust these vulnerable teenagers into a world where there are no common-sense rules to guide them toward responsible adulthood? All teenagers are prone to chafe against the constraints imposed on them by parental expectations, but what happens to girls when parental authority is absent or undermined by social and political forces which communicate to impressionable youth that Mom and Dad are hateful bigots for expecting their girls to be girls? The transgender cult now insists that parents who don’t cooperate with their agenda are guilty of child abuse.

We might identify many factors (e.g., the omnipresence of social media) as implicated in the emergence of rapid onset gender dysphoria as a phenomenon among teenage girls, we cannot deny the role played by proponents of Third Wave feminist theory who have lent an aura of intellectual respectability to the subversion of identity and the attack on the gender binary. An ideology that insists there are no rules when it comes to sexual behavior, which celebrates abnormality while stigmatizing “heteronormativity” as oppressive to women — i.e., the ideas promoted by Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble — will predictably produce confusion once this belief system escapes from an academic context to run rampaging through popular culture, like Godzilla stomping Tokyo.

MUSE DEV #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon #racist youtube.com

(Submitter’s note: This is a comment on a Green Day music video.)

Its 2021.. Joe Biden is a Pedo/Nazi/DeepState Puppet… inflation is at an all time HISTORICAL HIGH… men are identifying as women… Women are getting beat up in MMA cage fights with Trans Men …. Women who identify as men are sewing their vaginas up filling with marbles and getting skin grafts from their ass cheeks to fold a poor excuse of a “penis” connected to their clit…and BLM is a joke Antifa is a Deepstate project.. Bill Gates wants to Jab everyone to death… yeah… Simpler times… we should all GO BACK to how it was in this video…. To be truly punk rock you go against the Gov not for it… also.. invest in crypto.. especially XRP, XLM

Malevolencel #sexist #transphobia ncu.su

"Saying such things is what makes you an incel"

This has to be one of the stupidest attempts to silence our conversation ever.

There is plain wrong, and the cucks who say that are themselves living proof of what I am saying. Despite all their womb-man respecting, they are even more incel that the men they are trying to mock. Here starts the blue-pilled mental gymnastics.

"No, you don't understand, respecting womb-men is the bare minimum and doesn't guarantee you a partner." This has of course also been disproven with chad-fishing, stories like that of Chad Bundy or Jeremy Meeks and dark triad studies. Womb-men prefer "misogyny", but only when it comes from a chad.

An incel's "misogyny" is only a turn off for a foid to the degree to which she assumes that he's ugly and has been rejected by other cells of the womb-man hivemind. Even then, there are countless foid "journalists" and "researchers" obsessed with our forums because most users never show their faces but generate pure misogyny. The cucks will say that womb-man ITcels exist, but no, troons don't count as womb-men by definition.

Materva 1974 & Crumbly Duckling #transphobia youtube.com

RE:Transgender ideology: awful argument 17 Being trans isn't a choice..?

(Materva 1974)

There should be no medical intervention for anyone if it involves changing the function of the body. No hormones, no GRS. I don't think it should matter what age they are or if they have had therapy, the bottom line is doctors shouldn't be doing that. Cosmetic surgeries are different...they can be in poor taste, but changing someone's external appearance is a lot different than destroying their reproductive health

(Crumbly Duckling)
I'm always glad when people bring this up - thank you! Whatever anyone's opinion of cosmetic surgery, it tweaks what's already there, changing only the size, shape or location. It doesn't add something that isn't naturally there or remove anything that should be there. Many people only opt for it after a lot of soul-searching as to whether it's worth the risk or the expense, after being teased, bullied or stared at for having a body-part that doesn't conform to a narrow idea of 'normal'. These Frankensurgeries are in a different league.

(Materva 1974)
@Crumbly Duckling Yes, thanks for the reply. I probably should have clarified that I was talking about the context of trans surgeries. I don't have a problem with cosmetic surgeries in general, but I was thinking if a man wants to put on breast implants or pull out his beard or put in a butt implant then that's his problem. But if we allow doctors to give people hormones (which will screw up their whole body) or rip up people's genitals to conform to someone's delusion then I think we are a cruel society and that becomes society's problem

Hugo Brand #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

RE:Transgender ideology: awful argument 17 Being trans isn't a choice..?

This is on par with "religious people don't choose to be religious". I'd actually agree, to an extent--once you're indoctrinated into a belief system it's awfully hard to break out of it, let alone feel as though you ever had any choice or say in the matter. Kids grow up believing in the same religions as their parents and generally the same as the culture and society they grow up in. Indoctrination is often incredibly insidious and happens long before anyone really makes an 'active' choice in the matter.


T-genderism is just another religion many vulnerable people have been groomed into. I would certainly argue that their susceptibility to those beliefs likely was never a choice, but a lack of critical thinking certainly enabled a continued descent into those beliefs. At which point is the individual at fault for not snapping out of it or for not developing critical thinking skills?

Also, much like you often see religious people probing and asking questions and trying to find a way out on their own terms, you see much the same in the T-gender demographic. Some find a way out, some never do, and for some the 'benefits' of adherence (affirmation, feeling 'special', having a sense of 'community', access to off-limits spaces, sexual gratification, etc.) outweigh any desire to break free.

It's what happens when people never learn to develop coping strategies in real life for real life and instead see a warped version of real life through a dogmatic lens.

Either way, it's not a natural, harmless, benign, or healthy state of being--it's an ideology that is fundamentally destructive of the self and toxic to others, and for those who truly want it there is a way out--thus it is a choice in so far as it is something that has been foisted onto them that they have been groomed into believing. Thus, it deserves no more respect than any other religion, and I will never participate in it.

Massresistance #homophobia #transphobia massresistance.org

Arthur: But that’s what drag queens do. Drag entertainment is heavily connected to alcohol and drug use. They engage in sexually explicit acts – that’s the whole point of “drag.” Why are those people presenting to kids?

Arthur: Would you allow your children to be around drag queens?

Library Director: Yes.

Arthur: You’re pushing an agenda here on kids to engage in behaviors that are harmful to them. You do realize that?

Library Director: I’m not sure I agree with that. But I appreciate that’s how you feel. So thank you for sharing.

Arthur: You are the Library Director, and are allowing a Drag Queen, a sexually explicit entertainer, pushing this perversion on children.

Babylon Bee #transphobia babylonbee.com

According to sources, the worldwide movement currently careening down a slippery slope toward unspeakable depravity is forcefully denying such a slippery slope even exists.

A handful of closed-minded Christians have tried to suggest that demolishing the bedrocks of Western civilization to create a new moral code from scratch may lead to some bad things.

“C’mon bro-- that’s a slippery slope fallacy,” said part-time online philosophy expert Travis Goobleton. “Any suggestion that one bad thing might lead to a worse bad thing should be absolutely rejected-- woah! Cool! A 12-year-old drag queen!”

According to some, wisdom suggests there is such a thing called as a “slippery slope.” Unfortunately, wisdom has been renamed “common sense,” which is a source of knowledge widely rejected as unreliable and lame by most sociologists.

Reason and world history also suggest there may be something to the “slippery slope” idea, but those things have also been rejected as a tool of white supremacy.

Biblical revelation contains several documented cases of cultures traveling down “slippery slopes” as well. Unfortunately, experts have determined the Bible to be an ancient book of myths that is of absolutely no use to modern people.

“Seriously, we’re gonna be fine. Humanity is evolving. You culture-warriors need to give it a rest,” said Goobleton. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to take my 7-year-old boy to his drag show.”

IrishTheFrenchie #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

I don't trust anything about reality TV.

I'm actually in a very, very tiny minority. Part of me believes "Jazz" is and always has been a FEMALE, and that the whole "trans" thing was devised in conjunction with Big Pharma/AGP billionaires to push the "Kids are trans too" and "We're born this way" narrative.

We literally have no proof, and never will, that Jazz was ever a male.

Lovecraft's Cat #dunning-kruger #transphobia kiwifarms.net

"you need to rebut her premises, not dismiss her because of perceived bias. The woman is a PhD biologist. What are your qualifications other than your obvious transphobia and allegiance to dubious pseudoscience?"

You can't cite a clearly biased article as fact. I would think that everyone learns that shit in high school.

The entire premise of Serano's argument (if taken at face value) is that that the AGP theory is false because trans people, their doctors, and their academic allies all say so. However, this is by no means a compelling argument against the existence of AGP and it's role in transgenderism. All of these people are biased in favor of the transgender side of the argument, and thus will always say what they said. This renders the argument invalid.

In a discussion like this, people don't need credentials as they are voicing their opinions. Opinions aren't meant to be taken as fact, yet they can be criticized based on how logical they are. I was criticizing your argument by noting that the "reliable source" you cited wasn't reliable at all. It is also important to note that experts can get things wrong. Just because Serano had a PhD doesn't mean that what he said was true.

TL;DR: Check your sources for bias next time

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

We should applaud this woman for her cleverness in researching her online dates before meeting them, but even such diligence can never overcome the inherent toxicity of online dating (i.e., everybody involved is a loser). So her research revealed the attempted deceit, but because she is “open-minded” she decided to accept the date anyway without telling this transgender person that she knew “she” was actually a he.

The “trap” was trapped, so to speak.

So here is this “extremely well-passing” transgender person, chasing lesbians online without revealing his/“her” secret, evidently hoping to succeed in this deliberate deception, without realizing that his/“her” profile photo can be used to search his/“her” online history — loser!

Scott Lively #transphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy scottlively.net

As has always been true for Cultural Marxists the LGBT agenda has the highest priority because race-wars and radical feminism can only take you so far in destabilizing societies. But sexual anarchy leads ultimately to “transhumanism:” the literal abandonment of male/female human identity in God’s image which is the deepest foundation-stone of civilization. That’s where an increasing number of young people are today spiritually and ideologically. Pushing them into that “voluntary” rejection of Judeo-Christian civilization is the real goal – the Satanic goal.

These final-stage LGBT anarchist “non-binaries” with their 666 counterfeit genders and matching pronouns have the “reprobate minds” Paul’s prophesied in Romans 1:18-32. And, being unable or unwilling to grasp the reality of the natural world and its implications, they are slaves to the Matrix-like architects who craft their delusions.

They are Zombies lusting to destroy the old order and those who populate it, incapable of understanding or even caring about the ramifications of their actions.
We all understand the concept of predictive programming in Hollywood movies, so consider the relatively recent spate of Zombie movies. They all start with a disease pandemic and end with mindless world-wide anti-human carnage at the hands of disease-created post-human mutants.

In 2020, the Zombie disease escaped Hollywood (or more likely was intentionally released) and went viral in the real world. It was taken live on the streets of America’s cities by the Marxist lesbian founders of Black Lives Matter and their White Antifa co-religionists whose ranks are peppered with sexual deviants of all stripes. It was taken live in the public schools and colleges by the armies of “Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network” (GLSEN) activist teachers and administrators. It was taken live in the corporate boardrooms and newsrooms and Big Tech war-rooms by legions of Woke Social Justice Warriors who have infiltrated all our key institutions like malignant spike proteins swarming through the organs of a “vaccinated” host.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Thomas Schneider is smarter than a woman"]

Thomas Schneider has become Jeopardy's 5th most winning champion

Oddly enough, that's not how the professional liars in the mainstream media are reporting it. Thomas, you see, has wore a dress and called himself Amy, and therefore has been declared "the winningest female Jeopardy champion" even though he's a dude

It's a nice gig: we've seen it in sporting events. Global National wanted to talk about the Canadian women's soccer team winning Gold in the Tokyo Olympics without mentioning the inconvenient fact that they cheated by having men on the team
If you needed further proof men are smarter than women here you go: even a man with severe mental retardation can beat a woman in a contest of the mind
There's another far older game of mental acuity that women simply are incapable of competing against us in: chess. Despite what propaganda you've been fed in entirely fictional stories like The Queen's Gambit, men absolutely destroy women when it comes to chess
It's almost as if, and stop me if you've heard this before: men's brains and women's brains are fundamentally different. Even a broken-down man's brain who thinks its a woman's brain, like Thomas Schneider, can operate superior to a woman's brain which is mainly a repository for recipes and a burning desire to watch home improvement shows
Jeopardy was one of the areas in which they relatively shine[…]Even that has been taken away from them by a man who knows Broadway hits of the late 60s and Chinese art during the Zhou dynasty, but is apparently unaware of the scientific fact that you can't change your sex through the magical power of wishing

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia #homophobia theothermccain.com

Yet here in the 21st century, Rachel Andelman felt the need to “identify” as bisexual at age 14 when, in point of fact, Florida law doesn’t even consider 14-year-olds capable of consenting to sex. By the time she was a junior, she came out as a lesbian, already sufficiently fluent in radical feminist jargon to invoke “compulsory heterosexuality” as a force of patriarchal oppression. (When I was a high-school junior, heterosexuality sure as heck wasn’t “compulsory,” or else I’d have been getting some of that action.) Whether or not Rachel Andelman ever could have been heterosexual, had a mad scientist erased her memory and transported her in a time machine to 1976, is one of those interesting questions that must remain forever in the realm of hypothetical speculation. Certainly there were many teenage girls back then who were awkward and confused, but they didn’t have the Internet to tell them what to do about their confusion, whereas Rachel Andelman did “countless hours of research and reading” before arriving at her transgender destination at age 18.

Oh, and what a strange coincidence that her freshman roommate at college was also going through a sexual identity crisis. Except it’s not a coincidence, it’s a trend. Isn’t everybody in college going through a sexual identity crisis nowadays? LGBTQIA — pick a letter! Any letter!

Matt Walsh #fundie #transphobia twitter.com

I would like to sincerely apologize for the reckless comments that got me suspended. I now realize that biology doesn’t exist, science is a myth, men are women, women are men, penises are vaginas and vaginas are penises. It all makes sense to me now. I regret the error.

-_IZ_US_ #transphobia reddit.com

No I don't care if you agree with me or not but we're not going to restructure society because you don't want to get proper treatment for your dysphoria. The trans community ALWAYS makes demands, there's no middle ground and frankly it's an aggressive as fuck/ toxic community. I'm tired of making concessions to the mentally ill.

Not a doctor that actually follows the Hippocratic Oath would amputate my healthy arm if I told him I feel like I was always an amputee. But as soon as you make it about your genitals then it's fair game? Makes zero sense.

I can feel for people with dysphoria and I hope they get real help, but I'm tired of playing into people's delusions.

Yes. Please don't kill me for being different from you is SUCH an awful demand.

Bigots always have "logic" for their bigotries.

Oh fucking please, I'm not interested in killing you and I hope you get REAL treatment for your problem. I'm just not obligated to participate in your make believe and thus I won't. I think asking society to pretend for your benefit is fucking sick. Get help.

I didn't say YOU wanted to kill anyone.

But you say trans peile have all these demands... Like what? Not being killed, or beaten, or discriminated against.

Stop clutching your pearls. You're a bigot.

No...they ask that we participate in their delusions. They ask that we call them what we don't honestly believe them to be under the potential of having your life ruined if you don't. You demand that we lie to ourselves to spare your feelings. That's wrong and it's not fair, nor is it balanced.

Furthermore I don't believe this is helpful to actual trans people. Playing into someone's delusions up until very recently used to be called "gaslighting," now it's called "being an ally."

I don't believe playing into dysphoria helps anyone. Genital replacement surgery is an absolute fucking abomination that literally leaves people crippled and only those in the weakest of mental states tend to engage in it. It should be abolished as abuse of the mentally ill. But the trans community demanded it be normalized and now people are engaging in life altering, irreversible surgeries all while being love bombed by the community. It's truly toxic as hell.

Kiwifarms.net #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Was reading Grant Morrison's Wikipedia page and noticed the extensive use of "they" and got a bad feeling about it. And what do I find?

No....not you Grant. You just look like a foolish old man now. Just be a dude. You already had talent - you don't need shitty stupid labels to write.

Grant the hell are you doing.

Keeping himself safe from cancellation...

Lucy van Pelt #transphobia rollonfriday.com

I do not have a gender identity, Laz, for the same reason that I do not believe in a sky pixie.

Gender identity theory is simply the latest cult to capture the imaginations of credulous and gullible people who feel the need to believe that their life has some deeper meaning and that they are more developed than dolphins.

It has stepped into the void left behind by organised religion, and in today's intellectually bankrupt, porn-addled and social media addicted society, has taken the form of a belief in sexed souls which are apparently so personal to each individual that they cannot be described, and yet so generic that they allow 99% of humanity to be forced into one of two boxes. Its high priests are autogynephiliac males who fetishise womanhood whilst despising actual women.

It is utterly unsurprising that you are falling over yourself to identify as "cis", because you believe this makes you look cool and woke, whilst allowing you to mansplain womanhood and feminism to actual women and feminists, and dismiss them as bigots for refusing to bow to the demands of privileged white males, who are the people you really care about. (These males are recast as the most vulnerable and marginalised demographic in this rewriting of reality and get to play at being oppressed, which is the one thing they have never been in the history of human civilisation and therefore a fun novelty for them.) You get to indulge in some good old-fashioned misogyny whilst pretending to be progressive. And it doesn't require any intellectual rigour whatsoever, just a willingness to repeat meaningless slogans and talk over women, both of which you excel at.

The whole thing is, in short, right up your alley.


Andrew Anglin #transphobia dailystormer.name

A group of faggots protested against Netflix on Wednesday, demanding the removal of a show Dave Chappelle did where he made jokes about these freaks.

It’s being billed as a “walkout” by Netflix employees, but several faggots showed up to whine about their alleged problems, and how these jokes make them want to commit suicide.

No one is asked why they don’t just not listen to the jokes if they’re going to inspire suicide.

Some retards went there to try to disagree with the faggots. I don’t know why anyone would ever do that.

Imagine where we are as a civilization that groups of homosexuals are staging public demonstrations to state that they are angry that people hurt their feelings with jokes.

Also, imagine that the media is saying that Netflix will collapse because so many faggots will quit their jobs.

SulphuricMirror #homophobia #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "There's more cock in r/actuallesbians than here" says redditor in r/askgaybros

I literally don't consider gay men allies anymore. there are so few standing up to this cult that they've gone full traitor mode on lesbians. Lesbians, who fucking cared for them when they were dropping like flies of "gay plague".

And this is the pay back we get.

I really think that as we re-group as lesbians, we need to make one thing clear: we may have something in common with gay men, but they are not our allies. They are men. They are misogynist scum and they are traitors. Only a very few of them seem to care about us.

Just like only a very few straight men care about what happens to women.

So there you go, they're just men. And we need to keep that in mind going forward and never waste energy helping them again.

We should also distance ourselves from them politically and socially, if at all possible. Again, because they are males and the sexuality can poison everything and be quite perverted. Remember it was gay men who wanted to let pedophiles in the movement in the 70s, and it was lesbians who held the line and said, "uh, no, child raping is not a legit sexuality". If we weren't there, what would become of their civil rights movement?

I say we leave them to cope for themselves and if they eat themselves over gender cult or pedo bullshit, then it's their own fault. We need to stop wasting time and energy babysitting and advocating for men, because what happens is they reap all the rewards and we lose everything.

Everything. We literally don't have a community anymore. Where were gay men when that was happening? They can piss off as far as I'm concerned. We need to really take the Get The L Out movement seriously. Maybe some people will think that's too extreme or we need gay men or something, but I don't think so. Need them for what? They're men, most of them are worthless when it comes to creating anything positive for women.

Red, White & Right #transphobia redwhiteandright.com

As reported at the The Blaze, one radical tranny activist doesn’t just want access to your daughter’s locker room or bathroom, this individual wants straight men to “work through” their lack of desire for pretend wome
Zinnia Jones, a man pretending to be a woman, thinks straight men should be willing to be romantic with biological men who identify as women. And if they aren’t willing to do that, Jones thinks their opinions should be treated as problematic and taboo by society.

“Nobody has to be with anyone they don’t want,” Jones said in Twitter thread, but then adds, “AND it’s okay to have a baseline social norm of treating trans women as the women they are.”

I guess it’s unsurprising to expect someone suffering such delusions to recognize the contradictions inherent in the statement.

But Jones was only getting started with his rant.

“Being exclusionary of trans women partners should be an outlier and marginal position for straight men, not some commonplace expectation.

These angry declarations that they have some absolute right to not want to be with trans women are just misplaced and inappropriate,” he tweeted.

You hear that, straight guys? You don’t have a natural right to not be attracted to men playing at women.

“I also don’t believe the blanket claim of ‘straight men don’t want to be with someone who has a d***!’” Jones added.

This is what for thousands of years doctors, scholars, philosophers, and commoners alike would have called “mental illness.”

But somewhere along the recent way, the script was flipped. Now the folks with mental problems are those of us that think a child born with a penis is a boy.

Such illogical thought is endangering our nation and children. Seriously.

Abigail Shirer #transphobia imprimis.hillsdale.edu

Prior to 2012, in fact, there was no scientific literature on gender dysphoria arising in teenage girls. Dr. Lisa Littman, then a Brown University public health researcher, used the phrase “rapid onset gender dysphoria” to refer to the subsequent sudden spike in transgender identification among teenage girls with no childhood history of gender dysphoria.

This spike is not unique to America—we see it across the Western world. To offer just one statistic, there has been a decade-to-decade increase of over 4,400 percent in the number of teenage girls seeking treatment at the United Kingdom’s national gender clinic. Across the West, teen girls are now the leading demographic claiming to have gender dysphoria.

What is behind this is social contagion—the spread of ideas, emotions, and behaviors through peer influence, one more instance of teenage girls sharing and spreading their pain. There is a long history of social contagion with this demographic—anorexia and bulimia are also spread this way. And we know that teen girls today are in the midst of the worst mental health crisis on record, with the highest rates of anxiety, self-harm, and clinical depression.

The teen girls susceptible to this social contagion are the same high-anxiety, depressive girls who struggle socially in adolescence and tend to hate their bodies. Add to that a school environment where you can achieve status and popularity by declaring a trans identity. Add to that the teenage temptation to stick it to mom. Also add the intoxicating influence of social media, where trans activists push the idea that identifying as trans and starting a course of testosterone will cure a girl’s problems. Put those together, and you have a fast-spreading social phenomenon.

Gladys_Kravitz #transphobia ovarit.com

People on here insist we can't "discriminate" against them in employment, but I don't count sexual fetishes as protected categories. I simply don't want to work with someone who clearly displays a lack of care for boundaries and a complete disrespect of women.

I wouldn't hire someone who showed up to the interview in blackface, and I'm not going to hire someone who shows up in womenface.

My sex is not a costume. It's not something for them to play around with, it's my reality.

emissch & Iridescence & BraveAndStunningTERF #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

Historians and experts in the last year or so have been warning about the increasingly likely fall of US democracy as we know it, and that we are barreling full steam toward a far right Christian theocracy/autocracy.

At surface level, you might expect TRA to diminish if a far-right authoritarian government came to power, but I would argue that trans ideology wouldn't be erased at all. In fact, I think it would be readily accepted as a type of social enforcement arm of the US government to punish women and homosexuals.

I mean, look at Iran and how they happily subsidize gender re-assignment surgeries but punish homosexuality with death. Then look at the similarities between TRA and MRA, the misogyny and the homophobia that exists within the movement. Then look at the TIMs who slobber at the idea of corrective raping TERFS and lesbians. They seem like they are just jonesing for a Handmaid's Tale situation.

Am I totally off base in thinking TRA would probably do very well under a fascist dictatorship?

( Iridescence )
The Handmaid's Tale: TiM edition would be a terrifying story of complete patriarchy... the women contributing to women's oppression is a major theme in the original, but it would be a truly horrifying element to see even those women replaced by male pretenders.

( BraveAndStunningTERF )
TRA would do “better” than homosexuals for sure - I’m sure the MtF ones would anyhow due to them being men who would be (happily) subservient to other men. That would make them much less threatening then say a homosexual man.

Most people will accept being shit on if they have someone that they themselves can shit on.

The insurrection in the USA is definitely significant though, basically a failed coup. Even hitler had a failed coup, the Russians too???

Personally I blame each and every billionaire in the world.

Torchy Blane #conspiracy #quack #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger winterwatch.net

The Crime Syndicate — or what some call the “New World Order” — do much more than culturally attack masculinity. A critical element of their crackpot plan and assault is to put or allow toxic agents into the environment that cause demasculinization.

For those who live in the U.S., this is manifested in what I would call the “metrosexual” or “fem” look. I first became aware of it in about 2000. At first, I thought it was just dress style and changing cultural norms, but gradually I realized it was more. This has mostly emerged and is noticeable among the Millennial and Y generations, meaning people born between about 1980 and 2005. It’s a bit less pronounced in Europe, at least as you go East.
All Species Becoming More Feminized
The herbicide atrazine is one of the most liberally applied pesticides in the world. As a result, atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminant of ground, surface and drinking water. It’s also a potent endocrine disruptor that is active at low concentrations.
Accordingly, pregnant women whose fetuses are exposed to this agent end up reproducing males with smaller or deformed genitalia. An increasing number of our males are experiencing delayed puberty, falling sperm counts and a rise in gender confusion as boys are increasingly feminized.
This topic goes on and on, and we could write a 5,000-word article full of just-the-facts citations. But of particular note is the lack of concern and the “what, me worry?” attitude of the Monsanto lobby, trans-humanists, transgender- and homosexual-infested health and governmental agencies running the show. Not much shows up in the Lugenpresse on this development either. WW submits it is all by design.

Batjon #transphobia therpgsite.com

Of course a recent discussion of the Altered Carbon RPG by Hunters Games and Renegade Game Studio devolved into accusations by the RPG.net mod staff that the author of the books that the tv show and RPG is based on made transphobic comments because he made the actual scientific statement that people are born into one of two binary genders.

Various TERFs #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: How many autogynephiles are predatory, abusive, and/or dangerous?

All of them. 34 % (85 votes)
Most of them. 38 % (94 votes)
A small minority. 2 % (5 votes)
I don't know. 8 % (21 votes)
More research is needed to answer this question. 18 % (44 votes)

( actualdyke )
AGP in and of itself is predatory and certainly dangerous to women. how many AGPs are actually going to act upon that predatory mentality and harm women? i don't know (although it certainly seems like a lot). but how many AGPs are inherently predatory and dangerous to women? yeah, it's all of them. you literally cannot be an AGP if you don't fetishize, sexualize, obsess over, and deeply hate and disrespect women.

edit: and how could i forget to mention how it's basically impossible to have AGP without other paraphilias as well. from what i've seen of AGPs the most common ones are (auto)pedophilia and bestiality. so not only is AGP bad enough on its own, it almost always indicates even deeper and further levels of depravity and danger to others.

( GoodGoneGirl )
It depends on how you define “predatory”, “abusive” and “dangerous.” Is it predatory and/or abusive for an AGP (or any TIM) to force his way into women’s spaces? I’d argue that it is. Especially when those spaces are for women at their most vulnerable, such as the recent example of the TIM invading a female-only rape crisis group.

AGPs are doing this stuff to get off and they’re forcing women to go along with it. Rules are being bent and laws are being changed to accommodate them, so yes, I think every AGP who takes advantage of that is predatory and abusive.

As for being dangerous (will hurt, rape or kill) I think the number is going to be higher than for normal men. Maybe a bit higher, maybe a lot higher. That would be really hard to answer without more research.


( hmimperialtortie )
All of them. Even the so-called good ones who criticise those other AGPs. The concept is inherently abusive.

( momofreyrella )
All of them!

notyourfetish #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com


Althought the majority of men are awesome with men

Spoken like someone who is not a woman and doesn't know wtf he's talking about. But he's male, so of course he knows more about women's experiences than we do. Of course he thinks it's, like, two men who are committing 99.9% of all violent crime. Because when people lock their doors at night, it's in fear of women.

Trans women are mentally female

No such thing, you sexist piece of shit.

They entered a woman's restroom desperately not wanting to be noticed

Another lie. They enter a woman's restroom and get off on how uncomfortable it makes us. Then they leer and stare at us, record us with shoe cameras, glare threateningly at us if we look remotely uncomfortable with a large, menacing male in our space, and oh yeah, beat the living shit out of us if we ask them to leave.

It has happened multiple times because it's the majority of "transwomen," not a mere few boogeymen. But again, you know more about our experiences than us. You're a superior man, after all.

Many attempt to leave this world because of the hate

Then get therapy. It is not the entire world's responsibility to coddle your fragile porn-warped brains. It is not women's responsibility. Women don't exist to be your mommy or your therapist, and especially not at our own expense.

I spent years trying to run from being trans

Which shows how mentally ill you are because there is no such thing as being trans. You were born male and you'll always be male. Mutliating yourself won't change that. You do not have a female brain, you have the typical sexist male socialization, though.

There is no such thing as a female brain. Being a woman is not wearing a dress and pigtails and watching My Little Pony. How the fuck is that not sexist?


Matt Barber #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy conservativefiringline.com

GLAAD is an extremist homosexual censorship group that, for its defamatory antics, was certified last year by the well-respected American Family Association as an “openly bigoted anti-Christian organization.” GLAAD’s primary purpose is to strong-arm the entertainment industry and news media into presenting unrealistically favorable portrayals of the homosexual and gender-confused lifestyles, while at once censoring positive portrayals of natural marriage and the natural family, and silencing those who hold biblical values relative to marriage and human sexuality.

One of GLAAD’s most troubling censorship efforts was its Orwellian “Commentator Accountability Project.” This was a desperate effort to “suppress the biblical worldview from media.” Various homosexual activists were conscripted to contact, badger and otherwise intimidate media outlets, such as CNN, Fox News, the New York Times, et al., into blacklisting leading Christian cultural analysts (yours truly included) from providing commentary and political analysis over the airwaves and in print.

Matt Walsh #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

The greatest female Jeopardy champion of all time is a man. The top female college swimmer is a man. The first female four star admiral in the Public Health Service is a man. Men have dominated female high school track and the female MMA circuit. The patriarchy wins in the end.

SugarDoll666 #psycho #transphobia reddit.com

Life can be metaphorically, "Hell" if one will never pass and or has been grossly disfigured by the wrong puberty

So with the foregoing premise, my question for this topic is how can the transgender community advocate for a humane method to end one's life and specifically for persons feeling the need for their own personal unique desire to be free from pain?

The topic is understandably taboo because society is a mixture of personal beliefs & personal values and that adversely harms or helps others. In any case, I'm interested in a discussion with anyone that generally agrees with the opinion that trans persons who are chronically suffering "gender dysphoria" should be provided the option to end one's life; in a humane way if they're truly desiring it and without being manipulated/coerced.

I'm generally interested in finding a real solution for persons that aren't going to be able to pass because of unique circumstances that don't match with people that eventually pass or persons that don't care about passing and where gender dysphoria metaphorically makes the persons life metaphorically a Hell.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

( Alecto )
I find that men tend to be suspicious of TIMs because, well, they understand male sexuality. They've heard the "locker room talk." Women fall for 'Trans Rights' because we project our good qualities onto men.

( DonKarnage )
And this is the exact reason why I side eye the fuck out of men who are 110% crazy adamant TRAs. They know what's going on and they know damn well what they're supporting, and how it directly benefits/affects them to support it. I no longer believe in the "oh but his intentions are well meaning" tripe. Those men know what they're doing and what they're supporting.

( Alecto )
There are 3 possibilities to why they're super supportive: they're misogynists looking to roll back women's rights, they're AGP themselves, or they're chasers.

( FeminineMistake )
Precisely this.

Remember the story (can’t find a link, argh) about the guy who spent hours in a port-a-loo so he could get peeping Tom pictures of women peeing?

When people say “no man is going to pretend to be a woman just to get into a locker room,” I always think of that. Men will sit in literal chemicals, feces, and urine to violate women. Lipstick and a pronouns pin is a lot less onerous (and disgusting) than that. I think for the obvious reasons it’s easier for men than women to get just how extreme are the lengths to which men will go for their pants-feelings.

Steve Sailer #transphobia takimag.com

There is no better demonstration of The Matrix’s concept of the blue pill that leaves its victims able to perceive only the simulacrum of reality curated by the powers-that-be than that virtually every review of the sequel The Matrix Resurrections refers to the auteurs of the 1999 science-fiction classic and its depressing follow-ups as the “Wachowski sisters.”

Even more blue-pilled, many critics have convinced themselves not just to say that frauteurs Larry and Andy Wachowski are now Lana and Lilly, Hollywood’s most famous female sci-fi directors, but to believe it.

Bluest of all, more than a few have trained themselves to have faith not only that the Wachowskis are women in 2021, but also that they—due to transcendental gender dogma’s miraculous power to alter not just the present but the past—were female in 1999, and that therefore the original Matrix was made by women. As Orwell might assert, “The Wachowski brothers have always been the Wachowski sisters.”

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