
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Pepe Escobar #moonbat #pratt unz.com

Waiting for the End of the World

We cannot even begin to fathom the non-stop ripple effects deriving from the 2023 geopolitical earthquake that shook the world: Putin and Xi, in Moscow, de facto signaling the beginning of the end of Pax Americana.

The Hegemon, under its self-concocted “rules-based international order”, essentially never did diplomacy. Now their version of “diplomacy” has degenerated even further into crude insults by an array of US, EU and UK’s intellectually challenged and frankly moronic functionaries.

Yet what really matters for Moscow are non-stop Eurasia integration; closer ties with “friendly global centers” China and India; increased help to Africa; more strategic cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean, the lands of Islam – Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt – and ASEAN.

In 1848 these were liberal revolutions; today we have essentially popular anti-liberal (and anti-war) revolutions – from farmers in the Netherlands and Belgium to unreconstructed populists in Italy and Left and Right populists combined in France.

The difference now is that Russia and China are showing to the Global South that what American strategists had in store for them – you’re going to “freeze in the dark” if you deviate from what we say – is no longer applicable. Most of the Global South is now in open geoeconomic revolt.

That’s how the Xi-Putin view could make inroads across the collective West: show that this ersatz “modernity” (which incorporates rabid cancel culture) is essentially void compared to traditional, deeply rooted cultural values – be it Confucianism, Taoism or Eastern Orthodoxy. The Chinese and Russian concepts of civilization-state are much more appealing than they appear.

Globalist neoliberal totalitarianism of course won’t disappear under a sand storm. There’s still a maelstrom of toxicity ahead: suspension of constitutional rights; Orwellian propaganda; goon squads; censorship; cancel culture; ideological conformity; irrational curbs of freedom of movement; hatred and even persecution of – Slav – Untermenschen; segregation; criminalization of dissent; book burnings, show trials; fake arrest mandates by the kangaroo ICC; ISIS-style terror.

politirel2 & hellooutsiders6865 #fundie #pratt #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Popular YouTuber SHOCKED That Leftists Want To END Humanity

As a former leftist, it works like this, I hated the government, country, history, neighbors, family, religion, rich people, capitalism, etc, and ultimately when you hate everything, you hate yourself, it is a horrible place to be, but thankfully most people will grow out of it.

This isn't a political battle, it's spiritual. It's all of us against Satan.

Miles Drake #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt msn.com

You people were prepared for us last time - your police agents lured unarmed citizens into the Capitol, murdered some of them and cast thousands of others into solitary confinement. where their starvation, torture and brutality caused numbers of Capitol Police myrmidons to kill themselves out of remorse. It is we normals and patriots who will be prepared for you when you try to steal the next election, too, and impose a Peoples Republiuc on us.

Lu Shaye #wingnut #moonbat #crackpot #pratt news.yahoo.com

In an interview with Swiss journalist Darius Rochebin, Chinese ambassador to France Lu Shaye said that former Soviet countries "have no effective status in international law."

“In international law, even these ex-Soviet Union countries do not have the effective status because there is no international agreement to materialize their status of a sovereign country,” he said.

“He denies the very existence of countries like Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Kazakhstan, etc.,” Antoine Bondaz, a China expert at the Paris-based think-tank Foundation for Strategic Research, wrote on Twitter.

Also, when asked whether he thinks Crimea belongs to Ukraine, the ambassador said, "it depends on how you perceive the problem," adding that "it's not that simple." He also said Crimea was "Russian at the beginning," without specifying what he meant by beginning.

Ukraine has not yet commented on the issue.

Dustin Rhodes #conspiracy #pratt msn.com

@Francis Costa
This has never been about defending Democracy because Ukraine is a Democracy in name only. I would also point out that the current invasion of Ukraine is merely the continuation on the 2014 invasion that was stopped by the Minsk 1 and 2. Russia invaded because the Ukrainians were committing genocide of the ethnic Russians in the Donbas and Crimea. This never really ended even though it was supposed to by the Minsk accords. You can review 2014 CNN reports from the region for confirmation.
Many western leaders and even the former Ukrainian PM have admitted that the Minsk accords were a delaying tactic to allow them to build up their military - they were ALWAYS going to restart the war with Russia. They just had to lure Russia across the border so they would not be seen as the aggressor and the western press were ready to run the propaganda. Right up until the invasion - Ukrainian forces were shelling Russian civilians in the Donbas. They killed over 200 in February 2022 alone. In the circles they call this type of thing a false flag. This is the WHY Russia invaded according to a NATO analyst that was there. Funny how you never see any of this in the news here but just look who sponsors most of the news channels here: Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics to name a few - all the companies profiting off this.

I realize most won't be happy about this information or perhaps skeptical - to them I say do your own research. If you wonder why other countries aren't onboard with how we are approaching Ukraine - this is why. They don't have the western media propaganda machine feeding them fertilizer to get support for the war. Sometimes the truth isn't what we want to hear.

various commenters #conspiracy #wingnut #moonbat #pratt msn.com

(Heather McCormick)
Zelenskyy is a war criminal that oppresses his own people
(Matthew Fierro)
meanwhile after sending billions to Ukraine, Americans live underneath Bridges and even these are falling down
(Stan Svetlov)
Zelensky is bloody clown and facsist supported by criminal nato/usa. These nazis must be destroyed!
(Michael A. Gonzales)
FACT: Actor con-artist and title holder of the most corrupt leader of the most corrupt country in the world. He said Americans will let their children fight for Ukraine's wars. Putin is a HERO !
(A M)
Their comedy act will stop soon. They are playing while they can. But Russia will decide the outcome of this comedy NATO show.

VillageBear #transphobia #pratt dailykos.com

[Italics original. Bolding added.]

Most religious people are not attacking science. And attacks on science and logic often come from non-religious grifters who make money off their ridiculous claims that aliens built the pyramids, etc. And I suspect there are quite a few atheists who believe that crap. And then there’s ridiculous, anti-scientific assertion that a child can be born in the wrong body...

Kgomotso Neo Khunou #racist #moonbat #pratt #conspiracy twitter.com

[cfc Des: Hitler killed 6 million Jews while Leopold Il of Belgium was responsible for the Murder of over 10 million Africans in Congo and amputated the arms of countless others but one is more recognized than the other.]

Kgomotso Neo Khunou:
Hitler killed yt people... Leopold killed black people, that's the difference.

Notice how anything said against Jews is called antisemitism but there are still people who live openly as racists towards black people and no one bats an eye?

Every-ist And-ophobe #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt #interphobia youtube.com

ANYONE that uses "pronouns" should be cancelled. This is the EXACT PROBLEM. look if your a man and you dress up like a woman and put on makeup you are NOT A WOMAN. And you CANNOT FORCE ME to be a part of your mental illness. Period. NO amount of hormones or makeup will EVER change your DNA only 2 sets of chromosomes XX AND XY THAT 100% FACT AND you can't FORCE me to go against FACTS AMD TRUTH.

k C #wingnut #pratt msn.com

@Gregory James
Yes they were fascists and that is one step towards socialism. Socialism is the removal of individual rights. Most people dont want to give up those rights so a form of dictator steps in and forces them to conform. No country has actually really made it to true socialism. They get stuck at the dictator.
@Norman Sukut
There is no right wing fascism. On the right is conservatism, nationalism/patriotism, libertarian(usually) constitutionalism,

Yoweri Museveni & George Peter Kaluma #homophobia #pratt #psycho #wingnut theguardian.com

Ugandan president calls on Africa to ‘save the world from homosexuality’

Museveni says homosexuality is ‘danger to procreation of human race’ at Entebbe conference hosted by US anti-LGBTQ+ hate group

The Ugandan president, Yoweri Museveni, has called on African leaders to reject “the promotion of homosexuality”, suggesting he will sign into law a controversial anti-LGBTQ+ bill, which was passed by parliament last month.

The bill, which imposes the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” and life imprisonment for “recruitment, promotion and funding” of same-sex “activities”, has been widely criticised internationally, with the UN high commissioner for human rights urging the president not to sign it.

Speaking on Sunday, Museveni said homosexuality was “a big threat and danger to the procreation of human race [sic]”.

He said: “Africa should provide the lead to save the world from this degeneration and decadence, which is really very dangerous for humanity. If people of opposite sex [sic] stop appreciating one another then how will the human race be propagated?”

His comments followed a two-day inter-parliamentary conference held at State House in Entebbe on “family values and sovereignty”, attended by MPs and delegates from 22 African countries, including Zambia, Kenya and Sierra Leone.

Museveni praised Ugandan MPs for passing the anti-gay bill and vowed “never to allow the promotion and publicisation of homosexuality in Uganda, stressing that it will never be tolerated”.

A Ugandan LGBTQ+ activist, who asked to remain anonymous for their own safety, attended the conference via Zoom under a pseudonym. “They are drawing up an African strategy to fight homosexuality. They want their government heads to commit to what they called ‘the African position’,” the activist said.

The Uganda government tweeted quotes from a Kenyan MP, George Peter Kaluma, stating that “a person proposing that there should be same-sex marriages or same-sex relationships is a person seeking to wipe out the entire humanity out of the face of this earth [sic]”.

The government also tweeted that Kaluma, who attended the conference, had said many African states were drafting laws similar to the one in Uganda, including Kenya, Ghana and Malawi.

Rep. Burchett, McCarthy, Scalise, Donalds, US Congress #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #wingnut washingtonpost.com

[Title: What top Republican lawmakers said about the Nashville school shooting]
Tim Burchett was asked by reporters how Congress might respond to the mass killing Monday at a private school in Nashville. It was tragic, he told them, but there was nothing the lawmakers could do[...]
“We’re not going to fix it,” [...] “I don’t see any real role that we could do other than mess things up, honestly.”
GOP leaders repeatedly deflected questions about what action from Congress might help prevent the murder of schoolchildren and their adult caretakers by heavily armed shooters.
Kevin McCarthy [...] said later that he wanted to see “all the facts” before discussing it. Several other Republicans stuck to that now-familiar script, suggesting it was inappropriate for lawmakers to debate gun violence until more facts came in. What facts were missing in this case, they didn’t say.
Tim Burchett [...] "So it’s a horrible, horrible situation. [...] I don’t think a criminal is going to stop from guns [...] I don’t think you’re going to stop the gun violence. I think you’ve got to change people’s hearts. You know, as a Christian, as we talk about in the church — and I’ve said this many times — I think we really need a revival in this country."
He also fielded a question about how to protect children like his daughter, who is school-aged, from gun violence.
“Well,” Burchett said “we home-school her.”
Steve Scalise [...] "I do is, I pray. I pray for the victims, pray for their families. I really get angry when I see people trying to politicize it for their own personal agenda, especially when we don’t even know the facts, there are facts coming out."
Byron Donalds [...] “If you’re going to talk about the AR-15, you’re talking politics now,” Donalds said. “So, again, if we’re going to talk solutions, let’s talk solutions. Let’s not get into politics.”

deathevokation #wingnut #pratt #transphobia #homophobia doomer.boards.net

[Context: someone named Marisa with a profile pic from the japanese franchise Touhou talked shit about Doomer Boards, and one of the members got salty about it.]
I feel so sorry for the Japanese guy who made Touhou; you make a hard as nails bullet hell shooter on a shoestring budget with a VERY decent soundtrack while drunk that has a universe filled with SOUL that's thematically steeped in Japanese folklore. You add a diverse stylish cast of characters who have charming and eccentric personalities that are mostly morally grey and some are really badass (I mean there's a loyal house maid who doubles up as a bodyguard for a vampire mansion that can literally freeze time then throw hundreds of knives at you before unfreezing time.. but can just as easily serve you tea).

The niche game spiralling into success is really heartwarming for me, Japanese musicians (<3 Shibayan) make amazing rearrangements of your songs with female singers who have amazing vocal ranges like 3L, hundreds of fangames get made across different genres and an anime and tons of manga get adapted from it.

Meanwhile in the West it's just taint and despair everywhere.. pedophiles, sex pests, groomers, stalkers, predators and ideologically driven creeps try become your characters so they can use your characters' faces to appropriate and pass off their unacceptable chaotic evil personalities and fetishes as "morally grey".. alongside the usual "social democrats" invading what excuse there is in the Western fandom to try assert ideological control over it really just adds up to Touhou being lowkey the biggest disconnect between the East and West I've seen, ever... you can't even blame anyone for hating it the moment they find out it exists when that's the only reaction you can trust.

I tried really hard not to write this post, but wow, fuck you "Marrisa", thank you for further vilifying a franchise that really didn't need further vilification. Kudos.

Yoweri Museveni, Robina Rwakoojo, John Musila and others #homophobia #pratt #psycho #wingnut theguardian.com

Ugandan MPs pass bill imposing death penalty for homosexuality

MPs in Uganda have passed a controversial anti-LGBTQ+ bill, which would make homosexual acts punishable by death, attracting strong condemnation from rights campaigners.

All but two of the 389 legislators voted late on Tuesday for the hardline anti-homosexuality bill, which introduces capital and life imprisonment sentences for gay sex and “recruitment, promotion and funding” of same-sex “activities”.

“A person who commits the offence of aggravated homosexuality and is liable, on conviction to suffer death,” reads the bill presented by Robina Rwakoojo, the chairperson for legal and parliamentary affairs.

Just two MPs from the ruling party, Fox Odoi-Oywelowo and Paul Kwizera Bucyana, opposed the new legislation.

“The bill is ill-conceived, it contains provisions that are unconstitutional, reverses the gains registered in the fight against gender-based violence and criminalises individuals instead of conduct that contravenes all known legal norms,” said Odoi-Oywelowo.

One MP in the chamber, John Musila, wore a gown reading: “Say No To Homosexual, Lesbianism, Gay.”


An earlier version of the bill prompted widespread international criticism and was later nullified by Uganda’s constitutional court on procedural grounds. The bill will now go to President Yoweri Museveni, who can veto or sign it into law. In a recent speech he appeared to express support for the bill.

President Museveni last month said Uganda will not embrace homosexuality, claiming that the west was seeking to compel other countries to “normalise” what he called “deviations”.

“The western countries should stop wasting the time of humanity by trying to impose their practices on other people,” said Museveni in a televised address to parliament on 16 March.

“Homosexuals are deviations from the normal. Why? Is it by nature or by nurture? We need to answer those questions. We need a medical opinion on that,” he said.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger/Randall Carlson #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut #dunning-kruger naturalnews.com

Is there more to the history of civilizations that existed on planet Earth than official sources admit? Expert Randall Carlson thinks so, and he told Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, all about it in a recent appearance on the “Health Ranger Report.”

Calamitous comet impacts and other extreme “acts of God” appear to be written in the rocks.
“It’s really not as widely known, particularly among the scientific community, as it needs to be,” Carlson explained to Adams. “Especially archeologists because their models of pre-history are very gradualistic, very uniformitarian, and they don’t understand the role that profound geological and astronomical events have played in the history of this planet.”

“And certainly, those who are promoting anthropogenic climate change are completely oblivious to that side of the equation,” he added.

Since the beginning of time, Earth has undergone many catastrophic changes that using today’s definitions would have been considered absolutely unprecedented. The difference is that today these events are blamed on “global warming” or “climate change.”

Back then, primitive scientists would have chalked up a large hurricane or major earthquake to God or fate – but no longer. Today, every type of injurious event that occurs is because humans eat meat and drive cars, we are told.

Not only that, but such events are actually on the decline, according to Carlson’s understanding of the historical record. When taking into account major events from the past that have long since been forgotten – or that are being deliberately covered up – there were more major disasters back then compared to today.

To put it in the words of Adams, the climate fanatics are going to great length to “blur out these things that are written into the rocks.” What he means by this is that a whole lot of deception and coverup is having to occur to hide the truth from the public about the history of the planet.

Matt Walsh et al. #pratt #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

(Matt Walsh)
"What Is A Woman" is a global movement. Nigeria at the UN is hosting a screening of the film for African delegates. It's clear that African nations don't want gender ideology imposed on them.

It has already found a large following in South America, Europe, and the Middle East. Now African delegates at the UN are attending a screening. The film is not only changing this country but reaching across the world. Incredibly proud to have been a part of this project.

Nope, they see where this leads to:

1) pregnant men
2) urinals in the women's bathroom
3) tampons in the men's bathroom
4) men on women's sports teams
5) doctors "guess" what a child is at birth

Africa is looking at this degeneracy and saying NO THANKS!.

The US, its neighbors and the European countries have fallen down an ever rapidly expanding dark hole of Gender Ideology.

Smart and Calculated of the African Nation

Probable entertained by the slow moving disaster called United States of America.

A shade of schadenfreude

(Jane J)
Media attention and promotion of all things transgender is hugely disproportionate to the % of global population who are directly involved.The fact that a trans woman has been made 'woman of the year ' and trans women in women's sport shows how absurd this situation has become .

(Charles Dickens)
Many don’t realize that the US withholds funding to countries that do not implement DEI culture- one of the reasons no hearts or minds were won in Afghanistan.

missdelein2, lyrical_monica and Der_von_Romberg #transphobia #sexist #pratt twitter.com

Lisa Paus (Germany’s family minister, Green):
A woman is a person who identifies herself as a woman.

You can play all your stupid word games you want, Ms @lisapaus. Language does not create reality.
A man can never be a woman, no matter how much your language dehumanises women.

Who can according to this statement “identify as a woman”? Women? No. Why would they? They are after all already women. So? Correct: Men! Ergo: @lisapaus works for the cementing of patriarchy! This regression demands resignation! #ResignationPaus

Von Romberg@Der_von_Romberg
There is of course no patriarchy. So the blathering is nonsense. Otherwise: full agreement! Trannies just aren’t women! They are and remain: Men!

Original GermanSie können alle dummen Sprachspiele spielen die Sie wollen Frau @lisapaus
. Sprache erschafft keine Realität.
Ein Mann kann niemals eine Frau sein, egal wie sehr sie Frauen durch Ihre Sprache entmenschlichen.

Wer kann sich nach dieser Aussage als “Frau identifizieren”? Frauen? Nein. Wozu? Sie sind ja schon Frauen. Also? Richtig: Männer! Ergo: @lisapaus arbeitet für die Zementierung des Patriarchats! Dieser Rückschritt schreit nach Rücktritt!!! #RücktrittPaus
Es gibt natürlich kein Patriarchat. Das Gerede ist also Blödsinn. Ansonsten: volle Zustimmung! Transen sind halt keine Frauen! Sie sind und bleiben: Männer!

Sheogorath #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #sexist incels.is

we should ban all uncircumcised guys from this site, they can't be involuntarily celibate because foreskin is a built-in pussy 4 men 2 ascend with

Seriously, the only guys who understand TRUE sexual frustration are circumcised guys like me with thousands of sensitive nerve cells amputated from birth with insensitive glans with keratinized skin who barely feel anything.

You guys with your mobile sheaths intact literally have a vagina attached to your cock already and when you fap you're basically fucking a built-in vagina.

When I fap it's just uncomfortable. There's nothing to move around. It's just like tightness and scar tissue.

Jews, specifically the rabbinists, created inceldom. Inceldom never existed until the Rabbinists invented circumcision in 600AD.

Prior to this 100% of men had their foreskins and never pined to ascend with women as they do today since foreskin sheaths are built-in onahole vaginas you fuck whenever you fap.

If they ever hand out free wives, the circumcised men should get the first wives and the uncircumcised men should only get some if there are extras. Also you should get the wives with the loosest pussies since you didn't lose girth by having your penis flayed.

an intact guy fapping is basically equivalent to an amputated guy fucking a pussy

whereas if you are intact and fucking a pussy it's like you're fucking TWO pussies, you get exponential pussy amplification action this way

intact guys ascending is the true bliss which amputated guys will never experience, so we can never truly ascend even if we do fuck a pussy

circumcised guys are 100% truecels even if they fuck a thousand pussies because they never get that double pussy action

Haz Al-Din 🇷🇺 #crackpot #moonbat #pratt twitter.com

Outsideness (@Outsideness)

Deterritorialization isn't decoding, and decoding isn't mere trashing of inherited code. To deterritorialize is to pass over into the vast unsettled spaces of the West, with genes and Scripture intact.

There is only one problem with that.

It's that genes are not real and are a metaphysical concept. Mendel was a fraud and his squares do not hold.

To this day not a single so called gene has been proven to exist.

Lysenko was correct, and was unfairly maligned by the Cathedral.

US Anon #conspiracy #pratt #racist boards.4chan.org

Has the thought ever occurred to you that zelenski and putin are both golems of the same puppeteer who started a civil war that is exterminating all these whites

The US deepstate and the freemasons are in on it as well

This. Israel wanted the slavs genocided. Ukraine was designing bioweapons using slav synovial fluid samples and using migratory birds to carry them into Russia. Ukraine got caught. Russia bombs dozens of labs in the first month. The blues, golds, and kikes of the king David lodge tells you exactly which Freemasons were in on it.

Apolitical #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut gab.com

Why you have to believe in the holocaust:

If you don’t believe in the holocaust, you can’t argue Hitler was the most evil human to ever exist.

If Hitler isn’t the most evil human ever, there is no reason not to look into fascism and National Socialism as plausible ideologies.

If you look into fascism and National Socialism as plausible ideologies, you might find they had similar complaints to yours today.

If you find similarities between their complaints and yours, you might find similarities in who is causing the problems.

Which is why you have to believe in the holocaust as the underpinning of morality for our entire society

Universe Inside You #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

Nikola Tesla's Warning of the Philadelphia Experiment & Time Travel

Evidently, the US military, together with some of the top scientific minds in the world, men like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, had been working on a new technology which would make their ships invisible, a sort of cloaking device from the pages of science fiction. All that remained was to check whether their calculations were correct, to test if, in fact, the technology would actually work. This test would become infamously known as the Philadelphia Experiment.
There in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard sat the USS Eldridge, a ship equipped with large generators and other strange equipment which confused unaware crew members. At a predetermined hour, the equipment was activated, the mighty generators fired up. Suddenly, a bluish-green fog began to surround the Eldridge, and in a flash of light, the ship was gone, disappearing into thin air.

Dr. Debra Soh #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #pratt #sexist #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Gender ideology is a form of grooming.

Conspiracy theorists are the ones who are paying attention.

If you can count to two, you know how many genders there are.

When the entire process thus far has been corrupt, I fully expect any “investigation” into it to also be corrupt.

Keep sex offenders out of women’s spaces.

Gender self-identification was designed to be exploited.

Biological sex is immutable. There’s nothing to debate.

The he/him “allies” are always the most insufferable.

The word ”woman” is being redefined in the name of stealing our opportunities and trophies.

Parents pushing transition need a psych evaluation.

Detransition will soon be more common than transition. That’s my prediction.

Autism, sexual assault, and being gay are the real reasons girls are transitioning.

Wokal Distance #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

The woke gender theorists think they are special and have access to knowledge the rest of us don't have.

Gender theorists think the rest of use have been brainwashed by society into thinking all humans are either male or female.

Woke Gender theorists think that all of society was created by straight white males to advance the goals, prestige, power, privilege, and interests of straight white males, and for that reason literally everything in society is "structured" to advance the interests of straight white males.

Everything. Hockey, buildings, McDonalds, The English language, roads and highways, the sewer system, lightposts...everything in society is built for the benefit of straight white males.

They woke gender theorists think that because, in their view, everything in society is built by and for straight white males, everything in society either implicitly or explicitly perpetuates the assumptions and ideas of straight white males...even if no one else is aware that this perpetuation of straight male ideas is happening.

Robin Diangelo uses similar reasoning when talking about race in the clip below. She says it's impossible not to have a racist worldview if you're white.

Everyone is asleep at the wheel, casually being socialized into straight male idea...but the woke gender theorists are "awake" and they can see what's going on.

In other words you need the special knowledge only the woke have.

So because they think they have special knowledge no one else has they want to spread it...but they also think most people are to brainwashed to be able to understand.

But you know which group has NOT been fully socialized yet?


They want your kids, introduced to, or "initiated" into their way of thinking so woke ideas have a chance to take root in the mind of your child before his mind is fully formed.

It is about introducing their woke ideology to the kids, and initiating them into the woke way of thinking at an early age while the child is still developing.

They want to make sure your child is brought into the circle of woke people who have "woken up" to the fact society is all built by and for straight men, and they want to "wake up" your child as well.

This is what is going on.

Diplodocus114 #pratt #psycho #dunning-kruger reddit.com

I want to chime in on this. (UK) My dad met my mum after he got out of National Service late 1940s. His first and only girlfriend, He was 23, she was 16. They courted for several years and married when my mum was 21, my dad was 28 in 1954.

When I was born in 1963 - after numerous miscarriages, my mum was 29 - my dad 36. When my brother was born in 1970, my mum was 36, my dad 43.

When my dad passed away in 1998 - he was 72, my mum was 65. What did an ages difference matter by then?

I kind of feel insulted on behalf of my parents, when people describe an age difference as 'grooming' and disregard the fact that 2 young people are in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together.

.The internet invented 'grooming'. As a kid and adolescent I knew who to avoid, and who I wanted nothing to do with - in person

Predators of all types have always used grooming to get what they want. To say it was invented by the internet is absurd

OK - 'grooming' wasn't a term 30 years ago. Children did not have the internet where anyone in the world could take advantage of them. Children 40 years ago played out, went to the local park and had fun, roamed the countryside. We avoided the creepy guys.

confetti_shrapnel, epheisey and Elivey #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut #transphobia reddit.com

[Context: they are replying to someone who is criticizing J.K. Rowling and pointing out that supporting her is transphobic].

"You are supporting her, which means you are not a supporter of trans rights. It's incredibly simple."

Not even trying to be an asshole but I feel bad for you. That moral absolutism and rigidity will not be of service to you in the real world. Long life ahead of you, person.

It’s convenient for them and it makes them feel superior. They’ve probably spent money on a dozen other things in the past few weeks that support more cruel and impactful people, but this one is a minimal effort win for them.

Ding ding ding!

But all the people that their purchases have affected are thousands of miles away, they don't hear their outcry and see their faces so they can just ignore them. It's like you said, it was an easy decision for them to make to feel morally superior.

BTW my trans sister and her trans wife are excited to play this game lol they're not gonna buy it but they're gonna play it!

Gokuma #wingnut #ableist #pratt #senpai_noticed_us doomer.boards.net

Now that is rich!

This weak, pathetic fool, probably sits at home (or their parent's home) collecting welfare or unemployment, and probably would be incompetent at whatever of the multitude of jobs available anyway, such as cashiers that are mystified at basic math of what change to give.

Instead of finding something creative or productive to do, even having been on Doom editing forums, makes off site archives of the discussions of evil boogey men possibly with hopes to hold against us in a future communist regime, and comments at a safe distance (though that's not working out too well). Has an autistic need to categorize people which just doesn't work. What a retarded loser.

Oh and never mind the utter denial of things contrary to the brainwashed narratives. It's all far right wing misinformation, even official DoD docs released by Freedom of Information Act requests or Libs of TikTok directly relaying footage of pedo teachers grooming kids on a massive scale.


Andrew Tate #sexist #ableist #enbyphobia #transphobia #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger #elitist twitter.com

(submitter’s note: this is Tate’s second try at a response to Greta Thunberg’s awesome to reply to his attempt to show off and troll her. He doesn’t succeed anywhere near as well as he likely thinks, but his followers are sadly probably still fooled)

Andrew Tate:
Thank you for confirming via your email address that you have a small penis

The world was curious.

And I do agree you should get a life ❤️

(submitter’s note: this is followed by a video which I have transcribed for you all so you don’t have to watch it)


spoiler It’s Tate talking the entire time
*smoking cigar
“Releasing greenhouse gases”
“I’m obviously a stranger to online controversy, it’s not something I often do… but now the mainstream press is commenting on the fact that I was informing Greta that my very extensive car collection with internal combustion engines which run on dead dinosaurs have an enormous emissions profile and she replied by telling me her own email address. Greta’s email address is “ihavesmalldickenergy”. Why would that be your email address, Greta? Strange… I mean, I don’t want to assume her gender, it’s 50-50, but it is what it is…

“I’m not actually mad at Greta. (Speaking to someone offscreen) Please bring pizza and make sure that these boxes are not recycled…”
*pizza boxes arrive

“Thank you… So I’m not actually mad at Greta, because she doesn’t realize she’s been programmed, she doesn’t realize she’s a slave of the matrix, she thinks she’s doing good. Someone has sat her down and convinced her to try and convince you to beg your government to tax you into poverty to stop the sun from being hot… and then because I called her out on it the global matrix got this bot farm to like and retweet and all this bot commentary to try and pretend that her telling me that she has a small dick in her own email address somehow teaches me a lesson.
*waves arms
“Welcome to a new episode of the clown show! But now I know, at least, that Greta, with her little hate-filled face, bitter, sitting somewhere without the heat on, little hat, shivering…” *laughs “views my tweets! Which is going to make my twitter account far more fun into eternity”

Feminism Sucks! #crackpot #elitist #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

The EU was made to dilute the Jew population and reduce the number of virgins in Europe

When I say Jew, I mean the 12 lost tribes of Judah, the blood of Christ, who the people known as the race Celtic really are. They call us Celtic like we are some sportsball team, but we are actually Jew. This is who our people are.

The EU was made to bring endless numbers of Chewbaccastani rapefugees into Europe, and thus, make it even harder for European men to find a virgin bride.

This is an especially perilous situation for Ireland and Scotland, DNA studies prove we are the purest European race with the smallest amount of Mediterranean Wog or Slavic Finnic blood in us. We also have a small population, so even a relatively modest number of uitlanders in our homelands can quickly destabilize our ethnic matrix.

They also bring their barbarous cultures to our lands, and dilute who we really are. They seem to really have a taste for Our White Women, and many of said Females want to fuck them to prove that they are tolerant and multicultural and not racist.

I'm not saying that sending the uitlanders back and purifying our "Celtic" (in actuality Jew) land would solve all of our problems, but a removal of uitlanders combined with a return to traditional Christian morality would greatly reduce the number of sluts, and far more females would be marrying a man when they are at their peak fertility age of 15-17, and then, we could have wives who are submissive both in the home, in the bedroom, and in the economy.

Oh it was nice when you Scots were busy emmigrating to Rhodesia and fcuking black virgins there. Now when the process you fought and bled for is on your dorrstep now you complain.

See your life, proud of Ian Smith Celtic man ready to fight and die against niggers to have sex with their women and shieeeet but now complaining when the system you created is coming home.

Whites peaked at 7% of Rhodesia, whereas Ireland is now ~20% uitlander, Brits are a minority in London, the same with Frenchmen in Paris.

Also, sex between White men and black women in Rhodesia was a rare occurrence - the Rhodesian pioneers were devout Christians who frowned upon having affairs with random local women.

Nida Mohammad Nadim #fundie #pratt #sexist pbs.org

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The minister of higher education in the Taliban government on Thursday defended his decision to ban women from universities — a decree that had triggered a global backlash.

Discussing the matter for the first time in public, Nida Mohammad Nadim said the ban issued earlier this week was necessary to prevent the mixing of genders in universities and because he believes some subjects being taught violated the principles of Islam. He said the ban was in place until further notice.

In an interview with Afghan television, Nadim pushed back against the widespread international condemnation, including from Muslim-majority countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar. Nadim said that foreigners should stop interfering in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.

Earlier on Thursday, the foreign ministers of the G-7 group of states urged the Taliban to rescind the ban, warning that “gender persecution may amount to a crime against humanity.” The ministers warned after a virtual meeting that “Taliban policies designed to erase women from public life will have consequences for how our countries engage with the Taliban.” The G-7 group includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.

A former provincial governor, police chief and military commander, Nadim was appointed minister in October by the supreme Taliban leader and previously pledged to stamp out secular schooling. Nadim opposes female education, saying it is against Islamic and Afghan values.

Other reasons he gave for the university ban were women’s failure to observe a dress code and the study of certain subjects and courses.

“We told girls to have proper hijab but they didn’t and they wore dresses like they are going to a wedding ceremony,” he said. “Girls were studying agriculture and engineering, but this didn’t match Afghan culture. Girls should learn, but not in areas that go against Islam and Afghan honor.”

He added that work was underway to fix these issues and universities would reopen for women once they were resolved. The Taliban made similar promises about high school access for girls, saying classes would resume for them once “technical issues” around uniforms and transport were sorted out, but girls remain shut out of classrooms.

dn #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt #ableist fstdt.com

[darknation came all the way over from Doomer Boards to the comments section of FSTDT to try and defend himself. This is what he had to say.]

@pyro #148960

I actually agree, the “archival” function of sites like this is important. Just as important as, say, the archival function of the kiwifarms is, especially when you’ve got sex predators scraping google clean to hide the fucking evidence.

And we really don’t delete posts… why the hell would I? To save the precious feelings of the userbase? Fuck that, arguement and debate is darwinian, that’s how opinions and intelligences *evolve*; a healthy dose of cringe in a user’s history ought to help stop repeated third-degree retardation offences.

@Anon-e-moose #148929

This, however, somewhat undermines your website’s noble archival endeavor: difficult to say “we’re archiving websites to preserve content for the future!” when your users are actively advocating for the deletion of said websites. I’d question the biases of archeologists who openly advocate for mass extinction events. I’d also call them “intellectual cowards with shit debating skills”, “cretinous societal vandals” and, quite possibly, invite them to “eat my shit, you invertebrate pussy”.

<@KeithInc.> #148908

“Meaning if you don’t get the point i was trying to make, it’s your failing, not mine.”

Yes. Lurk more. Read more books. Don’t come at me screaming “I’m too fucking stupid to read subtext, and don’t have time to read context, but my opinion is just as valid as yours”. I’ve been featured three times on this shitfeast of a website, and not once has anyone stopped to think “Hmmm, how much of this is rhetoric over-exaggeration, how much of this is for comic effect, how come he hold free speech opinions that are actually left wing, how is babby formed what is sarcasm…” Fuck off.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt amazon.com

“Gain-of-function” experiments are often conducted to deliberately develop highly virulent, easily transmissible pathogens for the stated purpose of developing preemptive vaccines for animal viruses before they jump to humans. More insidious is the “dual use” nature of this research, specifically directed toward bioweapons development.
The Wuhan Cover-Up pulls back the curtain on how the US government's increase in biosecurity spending after the 2001 terror attacks—facilitated by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)—set in motion a plan to transform the NIAID into a de facto Defense Department agency.
While Dr. Fauci zealously funded and pursued gain-of-function research, concern grew among some scientists and government officials about the potential for accidental or deliberate release of weaponized viruses from labs that might trigger worldwide pandemics. A moratorium was placed on this research, but true to form, Dr. Fauci found ways to continue unperturbed—outsourcing some of the most controversial experiments offshore to China and providing federal funding to Wuhan Institute of Virology's (WIV's) leading researchers for gain-of-function studies in partnership with the Chinese military and the Chinese Communist Party.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose meticulously researched and rigorously sourced analysis, leads readers on a staggering journey to learn about:

* the key enablers and henchmen pushing for gain-of-function research
* the economic motives behind gain-of-function research
* successfully engineered “chimeric viruses” that can infect and kill humans
* the coordinated effort to silence speculation of COVID-19’s laboratory genesis
* the complicity of scientific journals to hide the origins of COVID-19
* the role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China’s biowarfare/biodefense program
* the relationships between US health, military, and intelligence bureaucracies and scientists and their Chinese counterparts
* the roles of Bill Gates and Sir Jeremy Farrar in helping to orchestrate China’s global cover-up

 The Wuhan Cover-Up unveils a global conspiracy of epic proportion and lethal consequence.

Andrew G. Huff #conspiracy #pratt amazon.com

The Truth about Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History

Shocking new insider information that shows what really happened in Wuhan, China, at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak and in the ensuing cover-up.


The Truth about Wuhan simply explains the complexity of the system that led to COVID-19’s emergence; how the medical industrial complex grew and became entrenched in gain of function work after 9/11; why EcoHealth Alliance was the (almost) perfect intelligence collection cover; the policy actions and decision-making process as to why the United States government engaged in the COVID cover-up; how and why the United States swapped biotechnology with China and biomedical corporations; and the incentives for each of the actors or governments to engage and coordinate a global cover-up of COVID-19 origins.
The Truth about Wuhan also shows how and why Dr. Anthony Fauci is intricately involved in the COVID cover-up; how scientists like EcoHealth Alliance president and CEO Dr. Peter Daszak rose to power and used their influence to corrupt science and the COVID origin investigation; and how the intelligence community likely orchestrated the cover-up with Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Dr. Huff also provides personal harrowing accounts of how the US government waged a psychological operation against him to prevent him from speaking out. COVID-19 is the biggest lie, scandal, and intelligence failure in US history, and Dr. Andrew G. Huff is stepping out of the shadows to share his insider story about this failure that led to millions of deaths around the worl

Adam Morgan and the “South Carolina Freedom Caucus” #transphobia #pratt #wingnut wistv.com

The Medical University of South Carolina announced they are dropping pediatric transgender clinics.

The clinics provided hormonal care to minors.

In response, the South Carolina Freedom Caucus, which is made up of conservative politicians around the state, called the decision “a huge win.”

“This is a huge win for the Freedom Caucus, but more importantly, it is a huge win for childhood innocence,” Chairman Adam Morgan, R-Greenville, said. “Officials from MUSC have informed us that they will no longer be providing morally and ethically repugnant ‘gender-affirming care’ that results in irrevocable and irreparable harm for minors.”

MUSC released the following statements related to the decision and its current policies.

MUSC Health has worked diligently to make sure that we are in compliance with the 2022-2023 Appropriations Act and proviso 23.4 and will do the same with any future legislative requirements/directives.
MUSC Health does not have a dedicated pediatric/adolescent transgender endocrine clinic.
MUSC Health no longer provides pediatric/adolescent transgender hormonal care.
MUSC Health does not offer gender-altering surgery.
Behavioral health and nutritional support and social services are provided, based on need, for all pediatric patients and families regardless of sex, gender orientation, or race.
The parents or legal guardians of any patient under legal age are involved in all decision-making regarding their children.

Dare #racist #pratt twitter.com

hilarious to me how a white european is automatically considered semitic if he is jewish, and arabs are never referred to as semitic, but even referred to as anti-semitic at times even though they're literal semitic people racially and culturally unlike israeli occupiers lol.

white people who've been in europe for more than a thousand years are semitic and deserve their place in the middle east, and at the same time arabs who are native to the middle east and are racially and culturally semitic, are considered anti-semitic for bringing that up lmao.

like look at this shit. they think semitism is exclusive to jews and anyone else who talks about that is automatically anti-semitic even if they're literally more semitic than the fake israelis of today.

[QRT: I’m getting extremely tired of non Jews telling me what is, and is not, antisemitism. You’re trying to speak over us, but we, the actual Jews who experience antisemitism, won’t let you. Don’t bother telling me “but Arabs are Semites, so they CAN’T be antisemitic”. I know better.]

a literal american talking about knowing more about anti-semitism than actual semitic people. ok lmao.

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