
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Leon Haller #racist #wingnut #crackpot amren.com

RE: There’s a Civil War Happening Between Minorities and Woke Whites

I doubt there will be much of a "civil war" between these unpatriotic groups. What is really going on is a clash of psyches: normal nonwhite ethnonationalists out to advance their racial group interests and increase their racial power at white (and taxpayer - yeah, same thing) expense vs. the kind of truly abnormal white race traitors that, alas, ONLY our race seems to produce. I have for decades asserted not only that liberalism is a mental illness (can we all now agree on that, and stop treating liberals as worthy discussants?), but that liberals (true liberals: self-hating whites) are evolutionarily maladapted at the collective level (I am in the minority who thinks that we should consider evolutionary theories examining selectional levels above the gene). Or, they are genetically defective in the ways which support their extended kinship group. However scientists resolve that issue, it is undeniable that whites are the only race to defy basic norms of equal justice ... IN ORDER TO ADVANCE THE ILLEGITIMATE POWER AND ECONOMIC INTERESTS OF OTHER RACES. Clearly, that so many whites are persuaded by this type of bad, racially self-harmful reasoning is a sign of some underlying (bio)psychological defect.

So what is happening here (I know the specific lunatic in the article is a Jew, but she easily could have been non-Jewish) is that minorities, with their understandable, if to us antagonistic, agenda, may now be experiencing the real psychosis of their white allies, who are in the grip of a mass hysteria similar to the (highly exterminatory) European religious wars of the 17th century, or to the John Brown abolitionist fanatics in the 19th. Someday, when we whites once again have our own ethnostates, we must devote public resources to the scientific investigation of all aspects of race, which will include, if feasible, the molecular makeup of liberals. With greater knowledge of the latter, one hopes one day we will be able first, to identify liberal foeti (and subject such to mandatory abortion - or their mothers to physical exile from the ethnostate), and later, to embryonic engineering to eliminate the genes giving rise to future liberal mentality.

Joe Wasp #wingnut #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Political Parties and Counter-Revolutions"]

The fiery piece published by Padraig Martin on June 19th [Submitter's note: see here] inspires a fire unkindled in the Southern heart for a number of generations. A short but sweet entry, his essays proposes the long overdue idea of walking away from the Republican Party. Seemingly preposterous on the surface to cede political power to the Left, this could facilitate a monumental political move if undertaken correctly. The issue then asserts itself: Southerners simply have no idea how to foment a rightwing, political, and cultural counter-revolution anymore. This short piece provides an answer to Padraig’s rallying cry to leave the Republican Party and also addresses the idea of how the Right should respond to the leftist overthrow of Southern society within the modern age.

Unlike our current predicament, where leftwing radicals are actually engaging in revolutionary violence and with widespread impunity, it must be made clear that it is not the intention of this article to inspire or condone violence. Rather, that peaceful and legal counter-revolutionary defenses and processes must be implemented, and with great haste. Rightwing dissident literature does not have the luxury of an impartial review.

Every vacuum must be filled. Leaving the GOP will create a vacuum and genuine conservatives need a party to insert political capital and energy into. This necessitates the formation of a new party, especially in Dixie. The issue facing third parties is twofold: everybody still wants to cling onto political power they fool themselves into believing they have by voting Republican, as well as the fact third parties aim far too high. A third party must focus on local elections and aspire no further than state level elections.


One particular overthrow of a widespread leftist regime took place during the 1870’s. Every Southern state, via a myriad of means, overthrew the Radicals which had oppressed them politically since the passage of the Reconstruction Acts of 1867. The *only* way they managed to do this was through the *establishment of parallel institutions,* not simply voting at the ballot box. The counter-revolutions took place at local levels and prepared for gubernatorial elections, not presidential ones. This not only necessitates the establishment of a new party but the establishment of interconnections among those of conservative persuasion, while excluding malicious and volatile actors. This means establishing Orania, South Africa influenced colonies in Dixie and ensuring members of the aforementioned new party procure positions within the political system at the local level. Other noteworthy rightwing revolutions were the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 and the Red Summer of 1919.

Southerners have obsessed over voting for Republican presidential candidates in order to prevent the lesser of two evils from occupying the imperial office since the establishment of the States’ Rights Party in 1948, a party which would have found great success at the local level had it stuck around after the presidential election of that year. A vote for evil is still a vote for evil. Recent events have necessitated third party establishment. Yes, these supposed parallel institutions need monetary funding, but that has not stopped them from taking place in the past in grave situations. It is time not only to leave the GOP but to also build something to replace it for our people.

The Distributist #racist #dunning-kruger twitter.com

The most disgusting dishonesty involved in the campaign to tear down statues isn’t the IMPLICIT lie involved in judging the past by present standards, it’s the EXPLICIT lie that the vandals promote about why the monuments were valued in the first place. After the movement retroactively poisons the reputation of a subject, convincing the public that a man’s crimes outweigh his achievements (usually using half truths), it then invariably goes on the retcon the REASON why he was celebrated, “he was celebrated FOR his crimes”

Once the Overton window accepts the proposition to remove CONFEDERATE statues, progressives advance the notion that the objects were INTENDED to celebrate slavery, the contraposition is then use to defend statues of Washington & Jefferson, preventing the push from going too far. Everyone who knows anything about history (or even America outside the cities) knows that this premise is a lie, and therefore the defense of Jefferson & Washington under this standard is fraudulent. Once we roll from Lee to Columbus, the progression is inevitable. This is because this operation, this game, is not about understanding the past, but about a political narrative in the present. It’s about suckering as many middle American rubes into defending and idolizing what has already (secretly) been declared a “hate symbol” by elites.

Once the progressive elites triumph, they can then tell the story that they NEED to tell people to maintain power. Namely, that middle Americans are horrible racists that have only recently been convinced to give up their hatefulness (e.g. appreciation of Lee / Washington) Ultimately, I am not sure how to defeat this game. But I think an increasing number of people see how it works. I can say that I feel less inclined to defend any historical figures not directly tied to my faith or ethnicity. The cost otherwise is too great.

BlackCel62 #racist #sexist incels.is

[Venting] I fucking hate living with female niggers.

My foid of a sister decided to come over to this fucking house to do her atrocious, gargoyle looking fake nails. And after a while, she got the whole house smelling like fucking shit. She forced me out of the living room while I was playing my game because of that. And my mother does the same shit. Like you're too fucking old to have your nails looking like that. YOU'RE 50, ACCEPT IT ALREADY.

I don't even understand why that fake shit is so popular. It's got to the point where now you got wannabe mudsharks and coal burners copying that shit to attract Tyrone and his BBC. The only thing think when I see a foid with something like that, is how the fuck does she wipe the shit off her ass??? Do these niggas really think black guys find gargoyle nails attractive? And not to mention, you dumb fucks get the whole house stinking when you do that shit. They actually got mad at me for spraying the whole house because they got it stinking so bad. I'm sorry nigger foids, I can only tolerate the smell of shit for so long before I want to fucking rope.

Boardwalkcel #conspiracy #racist incels.is

[Serious] Society has changed a great deal in the last 6 years.

There are so many more communist and BLM demoralized youth in this country then there were 6 years ago.

I'm not against Blacks or anything, but BLM is so obviously a pawn in (((their))) game and so many people my age are falling for it hook line and sinker.

My case in point, After the Mike Brown Shooting in 2014 there were riots and there was a leftist uproar but looking back that was nothing compared to what George Floyd kicked up.

And these movements go hand and hand, the more people going out to BLM rally's and attending Communist get togethers the more radical feminist are made.

It is truly over, There is no stopping this wave of brainwashed idiots.

ATurner #racist #sexist #moonbat #psycho dailykos.com

ATurner: So tired of "progressives" on this board assuming that Black folks inherently have criminal intent.

Throw The Bums Out: Guess what, if you get on the interstate using the off ramp despite the multiple reflective “wrong way” signs then you inherently have criminal intent. Regardless of race or any other factors.

ATurner: Where do you get that from? Are you a law professor? Whiteness confers expertise in a lot of fields, doesn't it?

CyberMindGrrl: Wrong. Nobody is ascribing criminal intent because he’s black, people are ascribing criminal intent because he SPECIFICALLY drove the wrong way down an off-ramp, drove the wrong way on the highway, and did everything he could to avoid the cars blocking the protesters, THEN drove straight into them. It doesn’t matter what the color of his skin is, if that doesn’t literally SCREAM “criminal intent” then I don’t know what does.

And FWIW I am a black person.

ATurner: The man is an immigrant of color and should be given the benefit of the doubt in terms of intent, given what white settler colonialism has done to the Third World. You have no idea what type of trauma he has been through.

Johnny Q: Somehow my sympathies are not with Mr. Vehicular Homicide in this instance.

Why do you make excuses for him?

ATurner: I'm not making excuses for anyone. If your white fragility is such that you are unwilling to confront the legacy of settler colonialism then that's on you.

Johnny Q: Are you seriously saying he did it because colonialism?

ATurner: Obviously I am not saying that, and your compulsion to belittle BIPOC viewpoints by making deliberate distortions is duly noted. I am saying that the generational psychic TRAUMA that is a by-product of settler colonialism might be an indirect cause of the driver having a PTSD episode that led to this unfortunate situation. But I guess that it's easier for some to fall back on racist stereotypes of the 'black savage' than to stay silent and listen to the perspectives of those of us who inhabit Black bodies.


Reporter100: This reminds me of my ex-husband who used to get drunk and beat me half unconscious. He thought it was OK, though because he was from El Salvador and was possibly tortured at the US-backed Junta.

ATurner: Please don't bring your dysfunctional personal life into this discussion. We are talking about the rush to automatically ascribe sinister motivations to Black men.

Reporter100: The suggestion that a traumatized immigrant of color can’t make intelligent choices is racist. I can recall hearing talks by Rigoberta Menchú, a Guatemalan Mayan whose family members were tortured and killed by the US-backed dictatorship. She was organizing for indigenous rights and a change in US foreign policy, not driving cars into demonstrators.

ATurner: You're calling ME a racist? That's rich coming from someone who basically wants to lynch a Black man without knowing all of the facts. Please refrain from projecting your personal issues with race onto me. Thank you and have a blessed day.

robbinsville #racist stormfront.org

Re: White woman beaten with own leashed dog by black woman

Video appears to show black woman approach White woman's car, steal her dog, and then swing the small dog at the White woman. Poor animal (canine) was toy size so hopefully the negroes whip arm didn't hurt it or the woman too badly. However, judging by the video, the poor animal's (canine) neck/spine could have been severely injured. Disturbing video for any dog lover for sure.

Negroes are worse than animals.

Far worse! When describing the indolent negro species, I make a conscious effort to NOT call them "animals," because, as a lover of animals, I have far more respect for animals than the lazy, violent, negro species.

For those people who are animal lovers, we understand that animals subscribe to their own code-of-ethics and code-of-civility. Negroes have NO ethics, lack even a small modicum of civility, and have zero ability to behave according to the mores and standards in society.

God...I almost don't know what to say. I always think of my dear departed dad (God rest his soul). Way, way back in 1964 we were watching our black-and-white RCA Victor television (the damn thing was larger than an aircraft carrier), and there was something on TV about the debates taking place in Congress over attempts to ratify the Civil Rights Act.

I still recall my dear old dad cussing up a storm at the gutless Congressmen and Senators who were on the cusp of ratifying the Civil Rights Act (Note: The Civil Rights Act was actually ratified, and forever more became known as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, when it was signed into law by that traitorous lump of feces, Lyndon Baines Johnson, on June 02, 1964.).

My dear old dad turned to me and said: "Son, mark my words: if Congress ratifies this disgusting, insulting law, this country will NEVER, EVER be the same. It will embolden the negro species and eventually 'those people' will become uncontrollable. They're lower than savages."

My, my, how very right was my dear old dad. He was a visionary, almost unlike any other person I've ever known. To this day, I still miss him, and he's been gone from God's green earth for 42 1/2 years.

I think about him often, and I wonder what he'd think of how uppity, arrogant, criminally insane, violent, and anti-American the subhuman negro species has become. He'd probably say: "Well, I warned everyone; I don't want to say 'I told you so,' but what else can I say?"

And then there would be a long, long pause, and he'd finally say, between gritted teeth: "XXX XXXXXXX (I'm not allowed to cuss), I told you so."

Rest in peace, dad; you're in a much, much better place. Please send me some kind of a telepathic message, letting me know that there aren't any subhuman, violent negroes in Heaven. Please!

Iceage #racist stormfront.org

Germany's Chief Turkish whore, Angela Merkel, denouncing Israel.

In the "land of lunacy," Germany, where they knowingly require forced labor for Poles, Romanians, and Bulgarians working there today, they pretend to be the E.U. "moral compass," by jailing those in their 90's like the little Ole "Nazi Grandma," but force labor onto Poles, Bulgarians, and Romanians. I guess those Eastern Europeans aren't Jews so it must be ok to wrong them. Years back Germany flooded in large numbers of Muslim Turks to fill jobs, and Angie has been kissing Turk butt ever since.
She has now identified herself as the true "Turkish whore" she is. German Nationals need to sell her to Turkey for the turk whore she is. She has been playing this "anti-se.itism ruse, while bowing and kissing Muslim butt, and the following is proof:

German top-selling paper slams Bundestag for ‘grotesque’ attack on Israel - The Jerusalem Post

Be mindful of the fact the Turk whore pretends to be of "unquestionable " moral standards, yet looks the other way when it is Eastern Europeans being wronged.

Leave the Nazi Grandma alone you warped Turk Whore, I hope Israel takes and occupies all of Turkey, and only gives some back after Kosovo is returned to Serbia whom it was wrongfully taken from.

Kosovo is Serbia you Turk Whore, Merkel.

Serbian and Hungarian Knights fought against the Muslim Turk in asion at the Battle of Kosovo Plains, this is part of Serb identity, and thanks to these people, and the Franks in France fighting against the invading Muslim hoardes we are not muslum today. Serbs were seriously wronged during WWII, the largest concentration camp was located in Croatia, strange no one is aware of it, but it was for killing Serbian Christians who were rounded up by "Muslim SS" Yes, Hitler allowed a Muslum SS Unit to form, and it was to exterminate Serb Christian's. So it wasn't just once, but twice these people were wronged, when they were wrongfully attacked by "NATO" These people, along with Eastern Europe, stood against the invasion of Europe, and we owe them our gratitude for our not being muslim. It was wrong to attack these people, and even even a greater wrong to them to take their identity, Kosovo, from them, where we all have ties to, I thank Serbia for fighting against the invading hoardes, and I thank you for my not being muslim today.

Those coward Politicians like Merkel kissing Muslim butt crack and turning their back on Europeans is what led to Serbia being wrongfully attacked, and Kosovo taken away, and this wrong must be corrected, and it can only be partially corrected by Kosovo being returned. The wrongful attack against Serbia can never be undone.

Could you perhaps provide an intelligent summary of the article?

I don`t want to click on the jp.....it may surprise you to know.

I added additional comment to the original post, Is not likely your laptop will explode for reading the article, but it is highly likely Merkel types may visit you for speaking against the Muslim invasion of Europe. Merkel types pretend to be "anti-semitic," but force labor on Eastern Europeans, non-jew I assume, bomb an innocent Country to kiss Muslim butt, at the expense of Europe. They can complain about Israel when Kosovo is returned back to Serbia who were wrongfully attacked, and had territory wrongfully taken from them.

Kosovo is Serbia, and I thank Serbia and Eastern Europe for standing against the Muslim invasion of Europe, I am glad I am not Muslim.

Wayne Allensworth #racist #wingnut amren.com

The Old America Is Dead. Where Do We Go from Here?

America faces three scenarios.

One: Trump is re-elected on a wave of anger over the looting and anarchy unleashed by the “I-Can’t-Breathe” narrative. Trump sends Javanka packing, dispatches the troops to restore order, extends the immigration moratorium, finally builds the wall, and begins mass deportations as the White House protects the dissident Right from deplatforming by the Tech Totalitarians.
That scenario is most likely a fantasy.


Two: Trump loses, and the Blob and its allies triumph. But because this is a country now and not a nation, with no shared sense of common identity and agreed-upon history, culture, beliefs, or language, only a full-blown police state can hold it together.
Even that might not ensure order in a chaotic post-America, and the diminishing number of whites will surely not enjoy the protection of the state. At some point, white Americans might well be living like white South Africans, ever in fear for their lives.


Three: The country breaks apart, and the Historic American people establish enclaves for themselves and others who love and fondly remember the old America.

Jim Goad #racist takimag.com

[From "Do Black Feelings Matter Too Much?"]

Atlanta was burning two weeks ago after a white cop in Minneapolis killed a black criminal who resisted arrest. Now it’s burning again over a white Atlanta cop shooting and killing a black criminal who resisted arrest.

On Friday night, police responded to a call about a black male who was sleeping in his car while in the drive-thru lane of a Wendy’s restaurant just south of downtown. After police arrived, the suspect, 27-year-old father of four Rayshard Brooks, allegedly failed a sobriety test. Footage shows him actively fighting the two white cops who tried to arrest him. He seized a Taser from one of the police and then ran. While running, he turned back and pointed the Taser at the cop, who responded by shooting him. It’s all on film—and none of it matters.

Of course, there’s no “national discussion” about the plague of black males resisting arrest, even though that’s been a feature in every last one of these high-profile Race Porn cases.

That’s because at this moment in the USA, black feelings matter more than anything else. An unwarranted concern for black feelings—don’t EVER make them angry—may be the wrecking ball that obliterates this country beyond repair.

Is it worth it?

Last week, Ireland’s prime minister Leo Varadkar expressed empathy for the poor blacks who are trapped in Ireland rather than luxuriating back home somewhere in Zimbabwe and said that “black lives matter, but also black feelings matter too.” Varadkar has also expressed more positive feelings toward an American black man named George Floyd than toward the white Irish teen who was stabbed last week by a black teen whose presumed cohorts celebrated the stabbing by proclaiming, “When we finished beating your boys we claiming your girls as our prizes.” To my knowledge, even though Varadkar has bleated loudly against “racism” toward blacks in Ireland and the USA, he hasn’t yet made a peep about this white Irish teen’s stabbing.


We hear that blacks built this country. I didn’t realize you were able to build the world’s sole superpower merely by picking cotton. If that’s the case, one is forced to wonder why they aren’t creating any cotton-pickin’ superpowers in sub-Saharan Africa.

We hear about the nine or so annual killings of unarmed black people by police, but never about the 5,000-8,000 annual black-on-black murders.

We hear about how blacks are supposedly “kept down” here, but never about the fact that on average, black Americans live 15 years longer than black people in Africa and make $15,000 more per year.

We hear about how the system exploits blacks. Funny, but all the stats I’ve seen suggest that they take far more from the public till than they contribute to it. Over half of black households pay no taxes at all, so exactly who’s the exploiter here?

We hear that blacks are constantly being violently terrorized by whites. We never hear the real interracial crime stats. Never.


My friends, I have a severe case of Negro Fatigue. I am all Negroed-out. I’m sorry, but I can’t feel sorry for them anymore. And a lot of people—far more than are brave enough to say anything about it—are feeling the same way.

If someone somewhere is even THOUGHT to have hurt black people’s feelings, the entire country will burn. And everyone knows it. If they didn’t know it a month ago, they know it now. Blacks have been conditioned and encouraged to express volcanic rage at the tiniest perceived slight. Black people now possess the heckler’s veto, and it is the law of the land.

I’ve seen what happens when Americans care too much about black people’s feelings. It’s happening right now before your horrified eyes.

IceStationZebra #racist fstdt.com

It isn’t entirely a “strawman on the right”, headlines were calling him a “gentle giant”. You can find many such websites just by googling “George Floyd gentle giant”.

It’s true that none of his actions warrant being killed over, equally his murder does not warrant the mass hysteria that followed with violent protests, statues being destroyed (and no they weren’t all confederate soldiers), stores being looted and even many innocent people being killed including David Dorn, a retired black cop. Did his life matter? Not to BLM.

The US has a population of ~330 million, ~43 million of which are black, millions of police interactions. The number of ALL people killed by police (white majority included) last year is around 1000 (that’s an average of 20 per state), only 240 are black, most are career criminals and people who are not cooperative with law enforcement. No evidence that any of them were killed for their race. The odds of this happening to you just minding your own business are pretty fucking slim.

Just like misogynists bringing up stories of a raped woman’s past ‘sexual escapades’, claiming they mean she deserved to get raped.

Not the same thing. Having a lot of sexual escapades isn’t a crime.

DUI is. The officers (particularly Chauvin) clearly used excessive force and they should be punished for that, equally George Floyd could have avoided the whole thing by not being high while driving around town. That is what ultimately turned things deadly, not some supposedly fake bill (and yes they knew he was high or at least drunk because that’s what the store clerk reported in his 911 call). It’s still an injustice, Epstein’s “suicide” was also an injustice, every single kill by Dexter Morgan (if such a person existed in real life) is an injustice, arguably the way Gadaffi was killed was an injustice (if you believe he could have been taken alive), you can condemn such actions but don’t ask me to feel particularly sorry over them or lose sleep over. You know what they say, live by the sword, die by the sword.

Oh and DUI kills 10 times more people than cops do by the way. But I’m supposed to be scared a cop will randomly kill me while I’m minding my own business, yeah right. The US police could probably learn a lot from European police, but this mass hysteria isn’t gonna achieve anything.

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot #racist centralbankinginsanity.wordpress.com

Most people on the planet have been taught Genesis as a fact when it is a fictional tale of origin. Our origin is of utmost importance if you want to understand why we are slaves. If you note, the Antifa Zionists are actively destroying United States “origin” monuments. Why are they doing this? They are replacing history with their propaganda to control us. The same is true for Genesis, it is a tale of origin written by Jewish supremacists to control other races.

We were indoctrinated by the fairy tales in the Holy Bible to believe that God made man with some mud. This is nonsense to say the least, but it is believed to be truth by half of the planet. In this essay we will examine how lifeforms come to be based on our current knowledge of Genetics. All life on earth uses DNA strand coding, so this means new life is only made by changing DNA sequence.


What I think is that the human being is an ideal slave specie that is not limited to earth. I believe that humans are all over the galaxy, that once you create a human form it can be transported to the next planet and exploited. Humans can be convinced to do hard manual labor and build civilizations, transforming primitive planets into assets of space empire.

You need to wrap your mind around the Gorilla vs. You. The Gorilla who is far dumber and much stronger than you can never be convinced or trained to dig a ditch. A Gorilla will never ever pick up a shovel under orders of a human being and be a work slave. But we do dig ditches and even enjoy our slavery. This is why you exist, as a slave to a more advanced race.

Are humans an illegal and exploited hybrid specie illegally created by evil space aliens? Yes! That is why we have incorrect tales of origin, so we never learn our true condition as slaves or why we were created. Our immoral origin is also the reason why we hate and curse god on a daily basis.

No other specie curses god on a daily basis, hundreds of million times a day humans raise their fists to the heavens above and curse their existence. That should tell you a couple of things. First we are evil by design, and don’t belong here. And we should stop breeding because we are in hell. There is no point in bringing new life into hell. Just think about it, if earth is a prison planet then why make more prisoners?

Unnamed CPC Cadres #psycho #racist #sexist theguardian.com

China sterilising ethnic minority women in Xinjiang, report says

Uighurs are among those facing involuntary contraception or threats over birth quotas

Chinese authorities are carrying out forced sterilisations of women in an apparent campaign to curb the growth of ethnic minority populations in the western Xinjiang region, according to research published on Monday.

The report, based on a combination of official regional data, policy documents and interviews with ethnic minority women, has prompted an international group of lawmakers to call for a United Nations investigation into China’s policies in the region.

The move is likely to enrage Beijing, which has denied trampling on the rights of ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and which on Monday called the allegations “baseless”.

The country is accused of locking more than one million Uighurs and other mostly Muslim minorities in re-education camps. Beijing describes the facilities as job training centres aimed at steering people away from terrorism following a spate of violence blamed on separatists.

A report by Adrian Zenz, a German researcher who has exposed China’s policies in Xinjiang, says Uighur women and other ethnic minorities are being threatened with internment in the camps for refusing to abort pregnancies that exceed birth quotas.

Zenz’s data-driven work on the camps – which uses public documents found by scouring China’s internet – has previously been cited by experts on a UN panel investigating the facilities.

Women who had fewer than the legally permitted limit of two children were involuntarily fitted with intrauterine contraceptives, says the report.

It also reports that some of the women said they were being coerced into receiving sterilisation surgeries.

Former camp detainees said they were given injections that stopped their periods or caused unusual bleeding consistent with the effects of birth-control drugs.

Government documents studied by Zenz also showed that women in some rural minority communities in the region received frequent mandatory gynaecological exams and bi-monthly pregnancy tests from local health officials.

Zenz found that population growth in Xinjiang counties predominantly home to ethnic minorities fell below the average growth in primarily Han majority counties between 2017 and 2018, a year after the officially recorded rate of sterilisations in the region sharply overtook the national rate in 2016.

Uighur activists say China is using the internment camps to conduct a massive brainwashing campaign aimed at eradicating their distinct culture and Islamic identity.

“These findings raise serious concerns as to whether Beijing’s policies in Xinjiang represent, in fundamental respects, what might be characterised as a demographic campaign of genocide” under UN definitions, Zenz said in the report.

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), a group of North American, European and Australian members of parliament from a range of political parties, said in a statement on Monday that it would push for a legal investigation on “whether or not crimes against humanity or genocide have taken place” in Xinjiang.

IPAC was formed in June with a stated mission of standing up against “challenges posed by the present conduct and future ambitions of the People’s Republic of China”.

China’s foreign ministry said the allegations were “baseless” and showed “ulterior motives”.

Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian attacked media outlets for “cooking up false information on Xinjiang-related issues,” saying at a regular press briefing that Xinjiang is “harmonious and stable”.

The rights group World Uyghur Congress said the report showed a “genocidal element of the CCP’s [Chinese Communist party] policies” and called in a statement for international action to confront China.

ChinaCurry #racist #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] Question for UK stormfrontcels

How do you guys feel that of the 5 people who basically run the country, 3 are curries?? Is it even a thing there, like how rednecks made a big deal that Obama was black?

For reference the people I mean are:
PM- JBW stormfronter
Chancellor- curry lanklet
Home secretary - curryfoid (married to JBW)
Governer of BoE - JBW old school empire/ Suez never happened
Mayor of London - curry simp

Gladiatorcel #racist incels.is

[Serious] Indian men, why do you go to white nations?

What did you expect from going to a white nation, and why are you setting yourself up for failure and depression? Most people in the west associate you with filth and streetshitting, so ur not exotic.

I hope currycels in the future will stay away from white nations, I used to go to boarding school with a currycel who got called creepy by women he hadn't interacted with in any way, shape or form. JFL it's ovER

Victor Justice #wingnut #racist disqus.com

Our beloved Confederate Flag flying high on this beautiful weekend. Too bad that so many good men on BOTH SIDES had to die over lesser men’s greed, unfounded guilt, and utter nonsense!

I think of all of the poor widows and orphans caused by this tyrant Lincoln and his filthy ilk. Our great president Trump was needed back then, but I thank God Almighty for blessing our now Crippled America with him now!

No man has done more for his country than our heroic president, Donald John Trump! Today’s Republican weaklings ride on this beautiful man’s shoulders, instead of learning his ways and making his load more tolerable!

Shame on these cowards! They and their families wouldn’t have JACK, but for the Lord’s amazing grace! Ingrates too the core they are!

__RICKYDAVIS #racist #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

George Floyd was a violent career criminal and a worthless piece of shit. But it makes sense that he has become the left's Jesus Christ because he was everything that the average leftoid wishes that they could be: black, perpetually unemployed, ex-con, amateur porn star, with easy access to all the drugs he can handle. The holy grail of leftism.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist amerika.org

Many joys await those who wake up to the sudden recognition that they are living in dying civilizations. For most of us in the West, the fact that our civilization basically hit rock bottom after WW1 has slowly become clear, leading us to want to go through the re-written history to filter out the lies.

Most Americans — if they believe their televisions, teachers, celebrities, public “scientists” and “historians,” social media influencers, and compromised clergy; in other words, if they take this Leftist regime at face value — believe that America did good things in WW1/2 and set the world on a path to peace.

Realists see it another way: WW1 was an extension of the Napoleonic Wars, and like other democracy wars caused by the internal failure of Leftism and therefore its need to expand through conquest, and WW2 a direct result of the unresolved issues of WW1.
The victories in WW1/2 led to a complete disaster for American domestic politics: conservatives found themselves championing the cause of worldwide democracy and equality, a Leftist idea, and adopting Leftist notions of total mobilization of the population as “good.”

American conservatives have never recovered from this, whether in our dogmatic patriotism, our embrace of mass mobilization, acceptance of racial integration and women in the workforce, or our increasing reliance on a powerful centralized state as the only means of policy application.

Many have longed for another conflict like WW1 or WW2 which would unify the nation, make us unite in patriotism, and point us toward another glorious future like the postwar years. However, in those years, we clearly won the wars, but in doing so, adopted the toxic Leftism that then took over the world.

Various incels #crackpot #racist incels.is

EARTH is flat: votes: 30 41.1%

EARTH is spherical: votes 43 58.9%

BabyFuck McGirlsex: Are there any Flat Earthcels here? What do you fine supreme gentlemen of culture think - is the earth flat or not?

50IQcel: the earth is flat. jewish scientists are trying trick you.

Monk of Failure: it’s rectangular, ngl.

chadalwayswins: it doesn’t matter. it’s over

Robotical: The world is cubed.

Hungarocel: Cope. It’s shaped like the star of David.

Callem Aronsen #racist twitter.com

(fun fact, this guy isn't even japanese, he is a new zelander)


Japan is for Japanese culture, don't let other cultures take root in japan.

If anything English rather than korean should be displayed, but i was able to get around japan with very little or no English text

BummerDrummer #wingnut #quack #racist incels.is


Fellow southerners and Texans alike, the fucking NIGGER LOVIN JEWISH KIKE MARXIST STATE is fuckin mandating that we PUT ON MASKS DESPITE COVID-19 BEING A FUCKIN HOAX.



I am NOT wearing a mask. If that means I have to stay inside so be it. I would rather starve and die than wear a god damn mask. MASK ON=THE GOVERNMENT HAS ITS DICK UP YOUR ASS


Anonymous #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #racist boards.4chan.org

If you knew anything about history you’d understand war is not pretty.

The allies bombed supply routes and farms this lead to mass starvation. Everybody suffered. The holocaust didn’t happen, except for us it did. Dresden, fire bombing and melting at least 300,000-500,000 Germans and the Jew ran communist camps who promptly slaughtered 20 million white Christians.

The reality is Jews were treated very well in war times. Hitler put them in very nice camps with dentists, maternity wards, petting zoos and even a swimming pool. This was very kind seeing as all Jews were responsible for the Weimar Republic which had child prostitution and the ethnic cleansing of hundred of thousands Germans in Poland. Jews being Jews were enemies of Hitler but yet he wasted resources ensuring they be kept well.

We won’t make this mistake again. We have learned that optics don’t matter as the winner writes the history. In the end we were the ones mass genocided by the millions and we are the ones to take blame for being evil genocidal monsters. Never again. We will do what is necessary for us to win and never waste resources. We will win next time at any cost, we absolutely have to or else jews will exterminate us all. Might is right. Fuck Jews. Fuck your Jew lies, a Jew holocaust didn’t happen but it will happen in the future.

Anonymous #racist boards.4chan.org

It really is a shame that you all keep killing each other despite looking exactly the same and talking the same.

Another retarded yankee that has never set foot in any former yugo country. Serbs look like fucking turks because they are descendants of turks. I don't even know why the fuck people on /pol/ pretend that they are white. If serbs are white then so is any sand nigger migrant. Any nationalist/white supremacist should support a greater Croatia. Get rid of all the serbo-turks and muslims in Bosnia. White pride world wide you (((yankee))) kike nigger lover.

Gary McCoy #racist cagle.com

Thugs demand Justice

[Panel 1: Black man with sagging pants shouts "We demand civil rights , equal treatment ,full justice under the law" while another black man holds a sign saying kill white devil

Panel 2: same black man says "But we'd settle for five Hi Def TVs and a few cases of beer" while another holds up a sign saying "torch the shoe store last"]

Anonymous #wingnut #racist #homophobia boards.4chan.org

[Picture of a D-Day soldier from Call of Duty WW2]

OK boys this is it! This is what you were trained for. Raised for. What your fathers did, your grandfathers did for you - and what you are know tasked to do for your duty to your country - your family - your countymen. Do you men really want your grandchildren to be white? Can you men, in your heart of hearts as Americans look yourselves in the mirror and say that you fucked up the chance to have your 7 year old grandson not shake his ass for a mob of faggots waving money among a cheering crowd of cocksuckers? Private Smith! Could you stand to look a half retarded nigger named LaQuarvarious in the eye and tell him that he can’t fuck that little boy in his ass with his AIDS dick? Well, if not, then just go ahead and burn the fucking flag. Surrender to the krauts and let your seeds live without the enrichment of third world disease and violence you pathetic maggots. Alright! DEPLOY! MG42 at 4 o’clock! By god men this is for the extinction of our race! If we don’t take that pillbox then whites could be a fucking majority in a century!

Kerry Cassidy #conspiracy #ufo #racist projectcamelotportal.com

BLACK LIVES MATTER… ALL LIVES MATTER… This is being triggered and orchestrated to use the pent up frustration and anger of people of color to hit the streets… Yes some are demonstrating against racism and repression. But there is more going on here than that. This is being used because TRUMP AND Q and team (according to a source) wanted to roll-out martial law so Trump could dissolve the UNITED STATES CORPORATION AND RESTORE THE REPUBLIC… in order to do that he has to have martial law. But what the Illuminati using AI and mind control have done is trigger a people already frustrated from lack of work and being shut in their homes, oppressed and angry and turned it into a weapon against the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION.

Now if Trump rolls out martial law he will look like a dictator…which is exactly what the dark side want. It’s also notable that jumping on police cars is not really a solution… or killing each other (what the PTB love to see) and destroying your own cities and property… just makes it worse. PEOPLE NEED TO STAND BACK AND RECOGNIZE HOW THEY ARE BEING USED. BLACK LEADERS NEED TO STEP UP AND REVEAL THE DEEPER MOTIVE BEHIND THE INSTIGATION OF THE PROTESTS AND SPEAK TO THE PEOPLE.


I happen to see the actions of Trump (whether he is aware of it or not) quite differently than most. It is a challenge to the Draco/Reps/Grays that are behind the darkness here on Earth and specifically occupy the Vatican (above and below). I believe Trump and Team know this.

Floridian #wingnut #racist #crackpot amren.com

RE: China Sterilising Ethnic Minority Women in Xinjiang, Report Says

The thing about the U.S. is that despite its great past accomplishments, the seeds of its destruction were always there. "Equality" is a lie, and a dangerous lie at that because if taken seriously it can only lead to where we now find ourselves. Since it's a matter of faith that Blacks are "equal", their glaring inequality in everything consequential is only allowed to be attributed to the hobgoblin of "racism", which is to say, to White malice. That leads to the logical conclusion that Whites deserve to be punished, if not exterminated.

Aside from race, the folly of a republican or democratic form of government—despite the insistence by "conservatives" that a republic is far better than a democracy, they are really a Latin and a Greek word for the same thing—was well-known to anyone familiar with the history of ancient Athens and Rome. In fact, there were warnings from Europeans to Americans about attempting what had always failed before. In all fairness, it has taken longer than the naysayers predicted for the American Republic to meet with disaster, but—hoo-boy!—its fate has turned out to be more grotesque than they could ever have imagined.

SlayerSlayer #racist #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Experiment] Anthropology as it relates to Inceldom

Internet incels are really just amateur anthropologists studying the mating behavior of Staceys and Chads in western civilization. It all came to me when I read the official male racial hierarchy post by @RageAgainstTDL and felt sorry for aboriginals, which made me have a deep dive into the vast spectrum of furtive cultures and civilizations bound to evaporate simply due to their lack of physical beauty. It ignited a sincere curiosity of anthropology as a whole within me, as I want to learn about mate selection, meanings of social capital, and perceptions of gender as broadly as possible outside the oppressive realm of western civilization.

Indigenous tribes fascinate me for several reasons. For one, they are genetic trash like me, so I have a natural curiosity as to what makes genetically ugly people successful in mating and happiness. My own general hunch as to why indigenous people bred themselves to be ugly is simply that their imagination has been exercised so well that beauty generally is not that important. It just seems like if you live in a culture with no technology whatsoever, your imagination and the sense of belonging you have within the universe, let alone your small tribe is greatly expanded. This imagination gives rise to local rhythms, art, concepts, Gods, beliefs. Imagined things, right or wrong, are at least things the individual has ownership of. There is a lack of competitiveness to it all that I like: it's not about the historical importance of your creations, it's about the contribution of it. You imagine elaborate reasons as to why it's the 80 year old grandmother that's the hottest bitch in the tribe.

Yes, there are insane leaps in moral relativism as it pertains to indigenous tribes, and it's weird how we give them a pass. It's understandable: if you are set to one moral standard your whole life, it requires a lot of education on other cultures to bring you into that viewpoint. It's weird how we don't apply this moral relativistic pass within our culture, simply because we assume we are a lot more in sync with normiehood than we really are. It also makes you rethink the entire concept of abuse in uncomfortable ways.

I think the big sticking point is that if you don't have written laws, taxes, and a police state, generally, people become more in sync with their communities, and thus things work out morally more often within the confines of these communities. To use corporate cringe jargon, tribesmen inherently live with intrinsic motivation to serve to their communities, because it's easy to feel a sense of importance within a small tribe. In the west, especially incels, understand deeply, our insignificance: that the machine lives easily without us, that our contributions are meager taxes enforced by the threat of prison rape.

A theme of ugly tribes: so long as your tribe is harmless (or is harmful in a self-contained way), ugly, and allow your resources to be taken, the white man generally lets you do whatever you want. It's not "multiculturalism" if you aren't even a party with legal representation within the state. When indigenous peoples have hot enough chicks, suddenly the white man goes "HOW DARE THAT SAVAGE WALK AROUND NAKED." They begin to heap moral excuses to kill the ethnic men, and take the ethnic women as booty for the lesser whites.

As far as I'm concerned, morality within the broad swathe of civilizations and cultures throughout history is so varied there simply cannot be good or evil. The mutant Apocalypse is right. The strong shall survive and the weak shall perish.

DirtyCurryCell #racist incels.is

[Serious] ITcels won't touch this: I have race-dysphoria

It is clear to me that this subhuman curry body is not my own. I do not feel like a curry subhuman. I do not THINK like a curry subhuman. It is clearly by mistake that I was born into this subhuman body. It clear to me now that I am halpa!

I feel like a 6'2" Anglo-Japanese Chad.

I imagine myself walking through Tokyo, and all the cute japanese girls drool over me because of my European features.

Made in Heaven #sexist #racist incels.is

Pakistani grooming gangs do exist here but the problem is massively overstated by stormfrontcels online, and more worryingly, misunderstood by the masses. It's acceptable in many Islamic countries to have relations with young women. The female mind will go into overdrive when she meets a man she loves, and frankly a swaggering, Pakistani badass is seen as an exotic conqueror by these women, They choose to please him and his fellow Mujahideen, and this while this technically breaks the law, nobody is really being hurt 99% of the time.


These 12 year old white foidlets aren't being groomed or raped. They're commiting fornication, which is still wrong, but stormfrontcels should call it what it truly is: a young JB craving arab cock

I mean look JFL at this. When was the last time a girl was this close to you and this happy to be with you? There is no """"fear"""" in her body language or eyes. Just pure love and admiration for the arab

Anon6891 #racist #wingnut chimpout.org

I used to be Pro Life, but then I realized that Planned Parenthood is carrying out the eugenics program that we always needed in this country. Preventing niggers and Marxist commie liberals from procreating. I myself am MGTOW because of feminism. I read this book-- https://www.mgtow.com/book/the-feminist-lie/ and found out that the founder of Planned Parenthood (Margaret Sanger) despised filthy niggers too.

Linda #conspiracy #racist twitter.com

Do any Americans still wonder how the Nazi's got the Jews to load themselves into Cattle Cars? Look around you. They shut down your businesses, THEN sent an army of gangs to destroy, loot, and burn them, attacked your heritage, and FORCED you to wear a mask while THEY did it.

Benjamin Fulford #racist #conspiracy #crackpot benjaminfulford.net

This week we would like to inform readers that our newsletter is under unprecedented attack and that your support is needed now more than ever. One of our main intelligence sources in South Asia is being held indefinitely in prison under life-threatening conditions based on planted evidence and trumped-up charges. Another has vanished. Yet another was poisoned with ricin. Your correspondent has also been targeted over the past two months by no less than three poisoning attempts and survived with assistance from both NSA and Asian secret society sources. This work carries risks that we all understand, but there is no alternative except to fight on as the fate of humanity is at stake.

Also, this writer was physically stopped from attending a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan to prevent me from asking Japanese Defense Minister Kono Taro about the Fukushima mass murder event. Of course, similar harassment is being reported by multiple truth reporting media outlets.

This is all part of an incredibly hysterical propaganda war based around the so-called COVID-19 coronavirus. We are seeing fake news portals like the New York Times, Reddit, and the Drudge report filling over half their output with fake stories. If you see the words COVID, Russia, Trump, or Hong Kong in any of these, or related outlets, you are almost certainly reading fiction. As far as COVID is concerned, any reader can visit local hospitals and see what’s happening with their own eyes.

It is true that old people are dying from pneumonia and other causes, as always. But now, hospitals are being ordered to bypass typical treatment protocols and put patients with any sort of breathing difficulty on ventilators that result in fatalities with insurance bribes as incentives to label unrelated deaths as COVID. The whole thing is a well-organized, coordinated fraud. And yet it is resulting in incredible economic damage and personal harm to millions of people.

The source of the COVID fake news infection has been forensically traced to the Knights of Malta and the P3 Freemason lodge.

Michael Whalen #racist amren.com

RE: First of Four Cops Charged in the Death of George Floyd Will Plead Not Guilty to Second-Degree Murder and Manslaughter

J. Alexander Kueng has a Nigerian father and white mother.

"A Nigerian father and a white mother..." What is it with these white women?

Vile indeed...

She obviously doesn't think much of herself.
I bet her parents are real pleased.

Here's a case where a Grandfather had the nerve to tell his daughter the truth:


Thanks for the link. It was like reading a Stephen King novel. Horrible. So horrible that it was fascinating. I note a couple of salient points. One issue that her father had was that the pavement ape did not marry her prior to her having his child. (Not that that kind of marriage would have made her father happy) Another point. Not only did he not marry her, he abandoned her because he was having affairs with other women. (Surprise!) You can bet the ranch that these other women were also white. One final point. Note this young "lady" is not the least bit surprised or shocked that her "partner" abandoned her. She probably took it as a fact of life that she would be abandoned sooner or later. Now, no white man on this earth any self respect would touch her with a ten foot pole.

Jeannie DeAngelis #racist americanthinker.com

Honor Trayvon by Ending the Black Genocide

As far as the Trayvon Martin situation goes, acquittal or no acquittal, the whole event and subsequent trial is a tragedy. And Skittles and iced tea or not, 17-year-old Trayvon should never have been lurking about in a hoodie between buildings on a dark rainy night in a townhouse complex. Now, regardless of how or why this boy died, a child is dead and will never have an opportunity to grow out of the typical youthful foolishness which ultimately cost him his life.

And for every hoodie-wearing thug out there who's now blaming George Zimmerman for Trayvon's death, know this: the behavior of those who give good, upstanding young black men a bad name are ultimately much more responsible for Trayvon's death than one legally-armed American citizen defending himself against an out-of-control teenage boy slamming his "crazy ass cracka" head against a concrete walk.

Instead of blaming racism for profiling a black kid strangely meandering around in the dark on a drizzly night, how about placing the blame at the feet of all the black youth, like Trayvon, whose behavior on other occasions causes suspicion to be focused in the general direction of the larger population of perfectly innocent black teenage youth?


Black Americans hung up on fomenting racial unrest or buying into the victim mentality lack credibility too, because although they cry racism over the tragic loss of Trayvon Martin, who they call one of their 'babies,' they have shed few tears over the extermination of actual babies taking place for the last 40 years in abortion clinics all over America.

While focused on Trayvon Martin, socially liberal black Americans continue to ignore the genocide that kills thousands of black baby boys (and girls) every day, many of whom, if given the chance to live, much like Trayvon Martin might have grown up to look like the son Barack Obama never had.

Does it matter that blacks constitute only 13% of the population but account for 36% of all the abortions that take place every year? Where are the tears, protest signs, and New Black Panther demonstrations for the deaths of innocent children who didn't break anyone's nose or smash anyone's skull against a sidewalk?

For perspective, 13% of the U.S. population contributed 22,000,000 of the 60,000,000 children aborted since 1973. Each and every day in the U.S., approximately 1,876 black children are aborted. And yet pro-life people are supposed to believe that the angst over Trayvon's untimely end is based on the black community's respect for the sanctity of life

̶D̶r̶.̶ David Duke #wingnut #conspiracy #racist davidduke.com

Last night I publicly warned President Trump that if he doesn’t use rule of law to protect the statues of President Jackson and other American heroes, that he will lose his most loyal base of voters and the election! He still has a long way to go to satisfy his base. Tucker called him out last night for standing down and not defending our nation during the latest crisis.

Tucker quoted Trump in an interview with Daily Caller in which he said to the effect that he was enjoying the melee as it was exposing the Democrats. Tucker said that was the wrong response, as our people demand he defend us and our country!

Thankfully, early this morning Trump acted to warn the antifa terrorists that he would invoke the act that can Federal crime provisions that give the government to right to sentence anyone who so desecrates or destroys Federal historic monuments – with a ten year Federal Prison Sentence.

On my Radio Show Today, the Human Rights Radio Show, I also warned the President, that he is in danger of losing his most ardent supporters if doesn’t act decisively to protect the rights and heritage of America, describing the warn on American history is clearly a war on White people.

Early this morning he finally acted to protect Andrew Jackson and other historic statues warning Antifa of prison for their illegal criminal actions.

I pointed out the Antifa terrorists are even tearing down statues of anti-slavery white leaders and Lincoln himself, proving that they were defaced and torn down because they are trying to erase White people and White Heritage in this country.

On my show, I repeated my call for Trump to act decisively saying:

“If you lose us, your most ardent, dedicated supporters and voters, you will lose this vital election. Not only will you lose the election. You would face criminal prosecution from the Bolshevik Democrats who make sure you lose your fortune and face imprisonment.”

I have predicted for decades that there is a war on White people that has promoted massive immigration into America purposely to outnumber and outvote White people in the very nation our people created.

The chickens are coming home to roost!

red-mate-blue-state #racist red-mate-blue-state.tumblr.com


[image:I used to patrol low income housing so let me fill you in
with what I experienced.
How many of you anti-police ever had to go face to face
with a violent criminal and had to put handcuffs on him/
I can tell you they though I was cold and fearless, truth
be told I was scared shitless.
How many people had someone come up to you at 1:00
am in the back of a building and say I got a gun and
reach, that was the closest I ever come to shooting
someone, I pulled my firearm and had pressure on the
trigger, dumb ass luckily put his had in the air and said
fucking with you.
If he didn't immediately put his hands in the air and he
continue to reach under his coat I would have fired.

In today's world I would been put on death row.
When the cops stop coming let me tell you who will be
paying the price,mostly poor minorities.
Let me tell you a couple of cases I had.
1: Elderly black man beaten with a hammer and robbed.
2: Pregnant Hispanic lady punched and robbed.
3: Young Black lady throat cut by jealous boyfriend.
I used to walk with a lady who came out only when I was
there, she was scared, not of me or the police, but by
It's the innocent that will pay the price of the police
I've seen cases where the police officer deserves to be
arrested, and I see cases where good police officers are
railroaded and for that many innocent people will
unfortunately pay the price. ]

Actual Justice Warrior et al #racist youtube.com

Actual Justice Warrior: I know what you're thinking. We're talking about Michael Brown, yet again. But it's important to go over videos that still perpetuate lies related to Michael Brown because it's a foundational lie, it is actually the lie that led to the foundation of the Black Lives Matter movement. And on top of that, it's a good test of whether the subject that you're talking to, the person that you're talking to, no matter what side of the political spectrum they are on, has any honor, any integrity, or any curiosity. People who get the Michael Brown case wrong are missing either one of those three or all of those three, because they don't care about the facts, they don't care about the information, even though it is plainly obvious and out there for anybody to see, as I've shown multiple times in this video.

[in the video that follows, AJW proceeds to argue that the police shooting a black man was justified; these are the comments]

Marcara081: I like it when violent criminals are killed and I'm tired of pretending like that's not normal.

Common Sense Productions: Ask BLM supporters to name one person killed that was not committing crime and/or resisting arrest. Works every time

Demon King: Domagoj Čović someone said breonna Taylor was moving drugs and said the boyfriend shot through the door as soon as police knocked. Breonna Taylor I’m not 100 percent sure. Should’ve said Sandra bland but Sandra bland commuted suicide

Common Sense Productions: I’m not saying there are NO examples but most people don’t know them. Most names people do know we’re acting as criminals before their death; temir rice, breonna Taylor, Floyd, Arbery, rayshard Brooks, Michael brown, Trayvon Martin, etc etc. They were all engaged in criminal acts or resisting arrest. Does not necessarily justify a killing, but it is indeed relevant to consider

Joseph Van Horn: Who a population chooses as it’s heroes says A LOT about who those people are. ALL of the people who get turned into martyrs by BLM are criminals and were guilty of the crime that the police interaction was based on. Meanwhile a brilliant man like Thomas Sowell goes unknown by the vast majority. People like Brandon Tatum and Candice Owens are called awful names and ostracized for trying to promote strength, responsibility, and shedding the victim narrative.

Eric McManus: We must remember, that at the time this happened, Obama was president and Eric Holder was the AG. They wanted Darren Wilson to be guilty. That's why they did 3 autopsy's. They wanted to try to find some reason to say Brown did nothing wrong. And this is because Obama and Holder are race hustlers. But even they couldn't warp the evidence to fit their narrative.

Steve Straub #wingnut #racist #conspiracy thefederalistpapers.org

[A meme with a picture of antifa activists on top and Republicans at a rally below, entitled:]

Democrats: Violently riot in the streets and destroy the country they hate

Republicans: Work hard, pay their taxes, andpray for the country the love

[and this text below:]

n fact if Republicans were smart (questionable) they’d be repeating “jobs, not mobs” over and over.

It’s a slogan that is simple, easy to understand and is 100% accurate.

Democrats have devolved into the party of “mobs” while Republican control of government created the best economy of our lifetime. At least until the China declared war with the USA via Covid.

Why anyone would ever want to vote for Democrats and pick the mob, over jobs is beyond me.

Stonetoss #racist #wingnut stonetoss.com

[moderator edit: fixed, on multiple levels]

image [mod edit: link corrected]



Picture of two [mod edit: obviously British] men speaking Arabic [mod edit, corrected from “Hebrew”] with Middle Eastern-looking people in the [mod edit: obviously British] background.

Caption: “At least we don’t speak German.” [mod comment: “At least we don’t speak German.” is the correct translation of what the one gentlemen says.]

Julie Bush #racist facebook.com

This is my opinion of what should be done to ANYONE destroying or defacing our National monuments or statues. This is not open for argument, so if you disagree, move on. Don't spew a bunch of shit on this post, cause I will delete it. Make your own post.
They should be arrested immediately, even if the National Guard has to come in and assist. Thrown in jail with no bond. Put on a chain gang like they use to do back in the day, and clean and repair each and every thing that was destroyed or defaced. And the officers and guardsmen should receive hazzard pay. The way to get this shit to stop is to come down on the with a heavy hand. Not enough room in jails, build more tent jails like I believe they did in maybe Arizona? Too hot to live in, tough! Many people go without a/c. Going to be too cold come winter, tough! Many go without proper heating, God knows I did for years. Suck it up buttercups!! Not enough food to feed them, give them bologna or peanut butter, I'll donate the first case!! Like I said, this is my opinion, I'm tired of watching these spoiled brats destroy the country I love and am thankful for!!

Redpanels #racist redpanels.com

#130 - Appropriation
[Panel 1: Black woman says"you white people wearing dreads are approciting black culture. Cut it out" to a white dude wearing dreads

Panel 2: white dude in dreads replies "yeah , how about you stop appropriating stuff invented by white culture"

Panel 3: Black woman says "hah no problem"

Panel 4; cuts to a scene showing the black woman living in an empty wooden hut with a jar of peanut butter on the table ]

Inspired by this video, where an actual white student was harassed for his own dreadlocks appropriating black culture.

In the paradoxical mind of a leftist, the notion of celebrating diversity can somehow coexist with the prohibition of cultural appropriation. Moreover, not a single one of their proponents would think of relinquishing the benefits of electrical appliances, most of which are innovations from white culture.

Beyond that, the prohibition of cultural appropriation would be devastating to the well-being of many minorities. Most customers who frequent ethnic restaurants, be it Mexican or Chinese, are neither Mexican nor Chinese. How many ethnic business owners would remain if they turned away the money of whites?

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