
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Only_Women_Are_Women #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

What scares me is the big bully TIM would probably think he could put his hand on MY neck too, because it would be "woman on woman" -- men in dresses are scarier to me than regular men.

When I see a regular man, I assume he watches a lot of brutal porn and wouldn't care if I got run over by a truck because I'm not "young, beautiful, and fertile" nor am I his mom. But I don't assume he deeply hates me because I'm a woman. I also don't assume he would physically assault me if I called him a name. He'd probably just call me something vulgar and walk away.

When I see an "It's Ma'am," I know 100% he HATES me because I'm a woman. And he would freak out and start kicking things over if I called him a name.

Fidesz (Hungary’s ruling party) #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia apnews.com

Lawmakers in Hungary approved legislation Tuesday that prohibits sharing with minors any content portraying homosexuality or sex reassignment, something supporters said would help fight pedophilia but which human rights groups denounced as anti-LGBT discrimination.

Fidesz, the conservative ruling party of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, introduced the legislation, which is the latest effort to curtail the rights of gay men, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people in the European Union nation located in central Europe.

Hungary’s National Assembly approved the bill in a 157-1 vote. Fidesz has a parliamentary majority, and lawmakers from the right-wing Jobbik party also endorsed the measure. One independent lawmaker voted against it.

Csaba Domotor, the Fidesz state secretary, described the goal as “the protection of children,” noting that the changes include the introduction of a searchable registry of convicted pedophiles.

“Pedophiles won’t be able to hide any more – there are similar solutions in other countries, too. The criminal code will be even more strict. Punishments will be more severe. No one can get away with atrocities with light punishments and parole,” he said.
The Fidesz party also successfully championed a law last year making it impossible for transgender people to legally change the gender markers on their identity documents. Human rights officials say that puts them at risk of humiliation when they need to present identity documents.

yikerinos #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia incels.is

JFL [HONKFUEL] Trannies are absolutely destroying feminism

And there's absolutely nothing feminists can do about it, because the media, corporations and banking elites are behind this one, so even most "feminists" (libfems) support it, social networks are censoring dissenting opinions, even reddit feminist subs got banned and FDS can't say shit about trannies anymore, the media is heavily promoting it, etc.

I know FDSers lurk here so, DEAL WITH IT WHORES. I hope a tranny rapes every single one of you.

We tried telling them that not all men are rapists, but they'd take even that as an attack. They would consistently disregard the suffering of males who get accused of rape despite not doing it, and even censored the keywords "false accusation" on twox to make sure no one would talk about it. Every attempt by males to defend ourselves, even simply advocating for our rights or talking about our suffering, they would see as an attack and censor it and treat us like creeps for it.

So now they get creepy men in dresses raping them LIFEFUEL. Maybe you should've listened when we were nice. Too late now

I hope a feminist gets raped by a tranny and the tranny accuses the feminist of transphobia and gets away with it to add insult to injury.

Extremely based

i love looking at radfem/ anti trans sites like ovarit when they get so triggered because of muh " womanhood". If a dude wants to live as a woman who gives a fuck. It might be degenerate but theres plenty of more degenerate things going on.

They're extremely toxic to society. If they didn't lash out at others, expect to be called mam, pretend to be women on tinder with filters etc, I'd be "ok" with it, but as it is they're just disgusting.

"Hitler Ate Sugar" Award

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

( kaitzi )
“Excluding trans people from yet another public space”

Um. Your order to stay away from playgrounds has nothing to do with you being trans, dude.

( SarahSaysSure )
What an interesting person. I wonder if colonists felt that locals were exclusionary when their homes barred them from entry.

(Excluding colonizers is perfectly fine, excluding marginalized groups not so much—that’s the distinction, the nuance if you will, that people seem not to understand. Of course, who’s marginalized and who isn’t should become clear).

( hmimperialtortie )
One thing these crossdressing men are not, is marginalised. Unfortunately.

( hmimperialtortie )
I wish male transvestites were excluded from all public spaces. Given how many of them are paedophiles, how many are rapists, and that all of them are fetishists, they should be kept away from all women and children.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why are men such staunch TRA supporters?


My only hypothesis is so that they can reap the sexual benefits of homosexual sex while being perceived as straight, and because TIM prostitutes are way cheaper.

It gives them a socially acceptable cover for blatantly hating on women.

It's a backlash against feminism. These men have been sitting uncomfortably for a few years while it was socially acceptable to mock men. Now, suddenly, a new villain enters the stage! Every time they've wanted to talk shit about women, but feared being called sexist, can now be expressed because now they have a socially acceptable way to do so!

It's a way of displacing their self-hatred and guilt because they're deeply insecure, and like most insecure men, they lash out at women.

My assumption as to why a man who isn't a TIM would support the TRA movement would be because men love pushing women's boundaries -- and to be able to do that while publicly shitting on women and getting away with it (AND being cheered on by so-called feminists? It's gotta be like hitting the jackpot!). I'm going to assume that any man who's spitting "terf" at women is a nice guy, an MRA, or a misogynist. Or maybe he's the trifecta in the form of a male feminist!

All males are in the brotherhood. Regardless if straight men think TIMS are out in left field or not, they know that they are men.

Men always support other men at the expense of women.

All the men I know are in the "transwomen are men and we all know it, but we humor them a bit to make them feel better" boat - I don't really know any TIM supporting men.

Nona_Biba & jelliknight #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Do they actually believe their own bullshit?

(Nona_Biba )
IMO if they REALLY believed their own bullshit, they wouldn't need to insist on blocking terfs and "terfs DNI" and things like shinigami eyes. I think most of them deep down know that we're right, and that's why they don't want to hear from us. I know that the earth is round. Do I care enough to block flat earthers from my social media? No, because I am confident I am right. Those loons won't be able to convince me no matter what they say.

A trans person's identity is fragile because it's built on lies. And they know it's a lie, so they don't want to hear from us lest we remind them that they estranged their family and friends and possibly altered their body for a lie. Like they may have ruined their lives so they could live a lie. I don't think I'd want to be reminded of reality if I were in their shoes either.

PS- where are the block lists for racists and white nationalists? Where are the block lists for incels and misogynists? trans people are far from the most oppressed people in the world, why are they the only ones who care enough to censor people who disagree with them from the internet?

They can't literally believe their own claims. They do not believe they are literally female in the same way Catholics do not believe they are literally eating the body of a deadman. They SAY they believe it literally, but they arent actually tasting flesh.

They know 100% that they are not any kind of woman. Its wilful suspension of disbelief, like when people watch professional wrestling. Everyone knows that everyones pretending but saying so ruins the fun.

Karen England & The Nevada Household Alliance #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #wingnut fry-electronics.com

Nevada Family Alliance Wants Teachers to Wear Body Cameras to Keep Critical Race Theory Out of Schools

The Nevada Household Alliance, an anti-LGBTQ group, has urged that lecturers within the Washoe County College District ought to put on physique cameras to make sure that they are not educating essential race concept (CRT). CRT is a discipline of research that analyzes race and racism as a social dynamic all through historical past.

“Making a file that may very well be seen by applicable events, if needed, may be the best method to urge lecturers to stay to conventional educating,” Karen England, government director and founding father of the Nevada Household Alliance, stated in an announcement launched on Wednesday.

“We anticipate that the lecturers’ unions will reject this proposal instantly,” England continued. “However we should always ask, what they’ve to cover? If police do a greater job interacting with the general public when they’re carrying physique cameras, how rather more vital is it for lecturers to do the identical?”

England and her group declare that the varsity district has made “concerted efforts to indoctrinate college students within the leftist narrative” allegedly related to CRT.

England has a historical past opposing insurance policies aimed toward defending transgender college students and LGBTQ consciousness, The Nevada Impartial reported.

She authored a 2015 state invoice to restrict rest room entry for transgender college students. She has urged that oldsters preserve their youngsters at residence throughout the “Day of Silence.” The day is an annual demonstration in April during which LGBTQ college students and allies stay silent to symbolically signify the silencing of LGBTQ college students.

TerfSedai & Only_Women_Are_Women #kinkshaming #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

( TerfSedai )
I was just thinking the other day that men always want to enter women's spaces, but how come the human pups never want to attend doggie daycare!?

( llkit )
Believe me it could be much much worse.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
When they are actually having sex with animals and children as they march along. If we don't have a MASSIVE pendulum swing back to reality soon, by 2030 I'm sure the age of consent will be 12, tops, and sex with all animals will be legal.

Instead of "emotional support animals" men will be allowed in public with "sexual support dogs" -- and total nuclear annihilation of the planet will be the best choice.

IrishTheFrenchie #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

In getting us to repeat a big lie, the powerful are studying their own influence. Who will comply and who won't?

ABSOLUTELY. Ignore everyone who says you're a "conspiracy theorist" for believing this. Elites DO run the world, they DO run corporations, and they DO gather every year to decide what to do or influence next to make more money. (Bilderberg and Davos immediately come to mind) A good example is fashion, Do you think every single fashion magazine and designer and clothing company decide independently to use the same color and dub it the "hot new color of the year" by coincidence? No. THEY decide what that color will be over a year in advance and send out the word.


"Gender identity" is clearly a religious belief, but how is the religion serving the most powerful?

Without gender stereotypes, how will they sell femininity? (makeup, clothing, jewelry, etc) I also think this about population control- sterilizing youth. And dividing people further (women vs TRAs, black vs. white, right vs. left) because a united populace cannot be controlled and won't do what they're told if it's not in their best interests. They also need us fighting among ourselves so we don't have time to demand politicians answer REAL problems instead of these problems they're forcing on us like bathrooms and girls sports.

I mean, why is it so hard to just be the sex you are and express yourself in ways non-stereotypical for your sex? I mean, really? It must be so hard to simply defy sex stereotypes that it's easier to claim an immutable gendered soul. So, why is it so hard?

Because then you'd be happy and wouldn't need their drugs, cosmetics, medical interventions, lobbyists, fundraisers, politicians...)

Diocel #homophobia #psycho #transphobia incels.is

Serious I Will be Participating to 2021's Pride Month

My contribution will be:

- Sending pictures of happy sons with their fathers to fags
- Send islamic beheading to fags and trannies
- Posting pictures of actual teenage girls to tranny sub reddits to make them feel like shit and trigger their dysphoria

2021 is techno-hormonal terrorism year

Jamdoc #homophobia #transphobia christianforums.com

You know, back before I had gotten back to the Word, back before I noticed how we were going down a slippery slope. I had been affirming. But I'll tell you what, it wasn't pride celebrations that made me more sympathetic to gay people. In fact, pride parades had the opposite effect. Dressing up in biker leather and bondage suits and cross dressing and acting in stereotypical ways made me want to reject them more than anything.

It was seeing gay people who seemed "normal", were well dressed, clean cut, and seemed to have normal family lives that made me think "they're not so bad afterall"

So if anything.

Pride month is destructive to their own cause if they're looking for acceptance.

"Drag Queen story hour" makes you wish we'd never stopped having a death penalty for them, not making you want to accept them being in society, especially around children more.

Alisher Kadyrov #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut eurasianet.org

The head of one of Uzbekistan’s leading political parties has suggested depriving gays, lesbians and transgender people of citizenship and deporting them as a way of ending the national conversation on LGBT issues.

Alisher Kadyrov, who heads Milliy Tiklanish, or National Revival, which bills itself as a champion of tradition and family values, said in an interview published on June 7 on the Alter Ego YouTube channel that withdrawing citizenship from LGBT people would force other countries to provide them with refuge.

“When I put forward this proposal on social networks, up to 100 LGBT people got in touch with me and agreed with what I had said. They said that they cannot get visas from those countries that condemn Uzbekistan for its attitude towards LGBT people,” Kadyrov said.

That the issue is at the center of public discussions at all stems from the government’s refusal to heed calls from international rights groups to remove an article from the criminal code that penalizes same-sex relations.

When pressed on this point at a March 2020 review on Uzbekistan in the UN Human Rights Committee, Tashkent’s representative stated that any such moves would meet “strong public opposition, and not only from Muslims.” The official sought to defend Uzbekistan’s position by also stating that there were “no laws on the books restricting the employment or health care of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community.”

“Although that lifestyle was not approved by Islam and was not in keeping with the Uzbek mindset, no radical measures had been taken against persons belonging to that community,” he said.

Such assertions are at odds with the findings of advocacy groups, however. In a report published in March, Human Rights Watch said that interviews with directly interested stakeholders and a review of video material attested to a campaign of physical and mental intimidation leveled at gay men.

BladingEagle #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

JFL I am so unique and different

>I want open borders
>I want one mixed race world
>I want all firearms to be banned
>I want to ban "hate" speech
>I think POC are oppressed
>I think trannies are oppressed
>I think racism is mental illness but gender dysphoria isn't
>I think women should have abortions
>I think people should take vaccines
>I think nazis were the worst people
>I think blacks are being killed by police for being black
>I think white men have all the power
>I think women are oppressed
>I think Myanmar is evil for opppressing Rohingya people
>I think fascism is a real theat to humanity

But above all I dye my hair red and listen to alt rock. Aren't I the most unique free thinking person in the world with no one controlling my thought process?

This are all the points nearly every redditor will agree with especially our detractors. They are unable to hold a single unique opinion that goes against the popular narrative but at the same time they also consider themselves to be always right and the intellectuals of modern age.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why isn't opposite-sex rape a sex-based hate crime?

Because it’s men (98.7% of the time) doing the raping and women (87% of the time) being raped. Men abusing women is the status quo and recognizing it as a hate crime would make a lot of people (men) uncomfortable and men being uncomfortable is the greatest crime against humanity that is humanly possible.

Have you ever called the cops for any reason? They are beyond useless at BEST, they will actively harm, rape, stalk, or kill you at worst.

You expect these woman-beating racist murderers to arrest anyone over rape, never mind as a hate crime? Rape is barely a crime at all. The majority of rapists will never see any consequences.

Can’t have a hate crime when the victim isn’t counted as human.´

But if a TIM gets raped by a man, it's a hate crime.

Go fucking figure.

Or a woman refuses to fuck a TIM, that’s a hate crime too in their lexicon.

I have often asked this question and never can seem to get a coherent answer.

If a white dude waits outside a bar for a black person to come out so he can beat them up...that's a hate crime.

But if a dude waits outside a bar for a women to come out so he can rape her...the cops will blame her for drinking and ask what she was wearing.

Men hate us and no one gives a shit.

Artyom_of_Moscow #transphobia reddit.com

’Biological female’ and ‘biological male’ are outdated terms apparently

Outdated Terms -> Current Terms:

A transgender/transgendered -> Transgender

Female-to-Male (FTM) -> Trans Man

Male-to-Female (MTF) -> Trans Woman

Biologically Female -> Assigned Female at Birth (AFAB)

Biologically Male -> Assigned Male at Birth (AMAB)

Gender Identity Disorder (GID) -> Gender Dysphoria

Preferred Pronouns -> Personal Pronouns

Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) -> Gender Confirming Surgery (GCS)

I think we should use better terms:

Mentally ill

Female victim of gender based abuse

Male victim of gender based abuse or gender based fetishization



Gender Identity Disorder (mentally ill)

Pronouns (unless they ask for some nonsense, then “mental illness/narcissism.”)

Body mutilation

Anonymous (ID: Eg+natq2) #homophobia #transphobia archive.fo

(Note: this is from last year)

OPERATION: PRIDEFALL - Begins June 1st>What is Operation Pridefall?
It's quite simple. every June, hundreds of massive corporations band together to smother social media with posts in favor of "Pride Month", a code word for the degeneracy that is LGBT activism. Many of these accounts are rather small and get very little engagement, yet they continue to post without backlash.
Beginning on JUNE 1ST, The goal of Operation Pridefall is get on twitter, Instagram, etc. and drop a shitton of disturbing redpills on homosexuality on the comments of the lesser known pages.
The bigger pages are ok targets, but posts tend to get unnoticed in the sea of other comments. Commenting on smaller pages (~100 likes or so) means anyone who views it will see the posts, and companies will reconsider their posts afterwards

>How do I do this?
1. Get a phone number: There are a million apps that give out a phone number, pick one.
2. Get an email: Making a burner email with Gmail is simple and quick.
3. Sign up for twitter using steps 1 and 2 to verify.
4. Post away!

There many different companies to target each year, we will use these threads to coordinate and post salt afterwards.
See below for a .zip of all my images saved so far + the OP images and the pastebin

>Have you ever done this
A trial run last summer was run with decent success but we can do much better.

>Any specific guides?
Keep it normie palatable/friendly. This means no Nazi/Hitler shit, the goal is to make them question whether what they are supporting is really the right thing. Just like IOTBW, THERE IS NO PHASE 2!!!

Shut the fuck up you double nigger it's called clean formatting

>Image and OP Image Archive

Good luck anons, and good hunting.

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR)/MissionaryJapan #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #sexist humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Under each planet’s prince are the Draco hybrid human world rulers. Under the Draco hybrid human world rulers are you, who are the earth matriarchal rulers feminist witches’ adrenochrome blood industry victim 800 million annually abducted human specie earth farm children. The reason why all Hollywood celebrities and music singers are seen on other planets’ satanic rituals sacrificing human children, and Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) orgy child sex magick “bisexual Draco” “quadsexual Pleiadian nephilim” “multisexual Mantis” “hermaphrodite Pleiadian Watcher fallen angel” spirit cooking ritual raping sodomizing them, and drinking their terrified-adrenalin-filled adrenochrome vampire blood, and skewering and roasting them, and eating them, is because all nephilims and chimeras and their fallen angel devil fathers eat humans since Noah’s days Atlantis. <...> It is not only Hillary Clinton who is seen regularly on the other planets’ Illuminati NWO cities, but also witches like the COVID-19 90% depopulation biochemical weapon prion vaccine manufacturer Umbrella company’s CEO Tom Cruise on these planets drinking adrenochrome. End of transmission… The Illuminati NWO nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar feminist witch rulers globalist elites also MILAB abducts millions of humans every year using created accidents (intentional planes crashed, created explosions, weather wars natural disasters, etc.) to teleport or time travel wormhole out the humans right before the crash or explosion or disaster…

Kazuo Yana & Eriko Yamatani #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut japantimes.co.jp

Japanese lawmaker says being LGBT goes against preservation of species

A lawmaker of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party said being lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender goes against the preservation of the species at a party meeting on Thursday, participants said Friday.

Kazuo Yana, a three-term House of Representatives member, was also quoted by participants as saying at the gathering that LGBT people resist the basis of biology.

The 42-year-old’s comments are certain to draw rebukes from within his own party as well as from the opposition.

In a written response to Kyodo News, Yana said, “I will refrain from commenting about the (LGBT) remark as it was a closed meeting.”

In the meeting, Yana repeatedly said he does not intend to discriminate against LGBT people, according to a participant.

His remark came after Eriko Yamatani, another LDP member, said in a party meeting on Wednesday, “Some foolish things are going on” regarding LGBT people, citing a case where a transgender woman wanted to use a women’s restroom.

“Yana and Yamatani are both open to criticism for having a discriminatory attitude. The remarks were foolish,” said a senior LDP lawmaker.

Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan lawmakers Kanako Otsuji and Taiga Ishikawa, who are both openly gay, criticized Yana’s comments.

“I demand he retract the remarks,” Otsuji said. “How much does he have to hurt (LGBT) people and neglect their human rights to be satisfied?”

Ishikawa said Yana’s remarks represent an “extremely stereotypical view.”

Gary Curtis #transphobia #fundie #wingnut charismanews.com

Transgenderism is a dangerous and destructive ideology. And, it is about to be used to transform civil rights legislation and affect us all. Earlier this year, the so-called Equality Act was reintroduced into the U.S. House of Representatives as H.R. 5, after failing to receive Senate approval in 2019. This time, it passed the Democrat-dominated House and now waits to be considered in the Senate.

The new H.R. 5 amends Title VII of our civil rights law, among other laws, to explicitly redefine the bigender meaning of sex and add sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) as outlawed forms of discrimination.

That may sound like a good idea to many. Who would want to make discrimination legal? But H.R. 5 actually proposes profound and far-reaching changes to the 1960's Civil Rights Act that would directly threaten religious liberty, free speech and freedom of conscience for all Americans.
The Equality Act is demonstrably hostile to religion. It will force faith-based organizations to adjust their programs, open up their privacy facilities to transgender (opposite-sex) persons and revise employment policies, or be subject to punitive liability.

H.R. 5 would erase biological reality (male and female) and actually reduce, not expand, protections against discrimination, contrary to the original intent of Congress. Sanctity of life laws, parental rights and the privacy and safety of women and girls may all be in jeopardy, if "gender identity" (read ideology) is enshrined into U.S. Civil Rights law.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Peaking is so good for mental health!

Literally, I feel so much better. I’ve lost a bunch of weight, it just melted off. It’s easier to move, my laughter comes easily, my smiles are genuine, I feel really really great. Maybe leaving radical left politics in general was also a factor. Those places can be toxic - “no discussion, no debate” etc. Now I can grow. I’m not stunting myself.

It's been hard at times but I've experienced this too. Certain gender critical ideas helped me understand myself and name my experiences within the first, like, three months more than gender ideology or Tumblr brainrot did in five years. The extremely woke left reminds me of the exact inverse of evangelical Christians: the same lane of collective insanity but exact opposite beliefs.

Yes, 100%! Hitting peak trans and becoming GC woke me up to the nature of my sex-based oppression and gave me the framework to assess my own experiences and the language to name female oppression.

I finally see the rampant misogyny of men on the left and of liberal feminism, of not just the bullshit about transwomen being women on the basis of sexist stereotyping and belief in gendered brains, but also the rhetoric that prostitution is work and porn is empowerment and BDSM is hot and WAP is a feminist master-piece. It's all so gross to call all that feminism but lefties are taught to parrot woman-hating nonsense.

I absolutely think "woke think" has completely rotted the left's ability to think critically, and like you said, it's like a fundamentalist religion where they must adhere to dogma or be pilloried as a heretic.

Greg Reese #crackpot #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist forbiddenknowledgetv.net

In 1978, one year after the CIA’s MKULTRA was exposed to the public, nearly 1,000 people died in Jonestown. The Chief Medical Examiner reported that nearly 90% were homicides and yet, the American media called it a “mass suicide”. Jonestown became known as the place where people “Drank the Kool-Aid.”

Jonestown seems to be a CIA beta test for the COVID vaccine agenda being rolled out today. Jim Jones applied many known mind control techniques: separating people from their families, creating a lingo to distort the truth, demonized the questioning of authority.
The main ideology of Jonestown was that America is a racist nation and capitalism is evil and they sought to create a utopia of equality and fairness. We know all about this ideology in 2021.

The slow destruction of the family unit can be traced back a century, to Planned Parenthood, to the 1964 War on Poverty, to gay marriage, all the way to our current trend of transsexual child abuse. This has created generations of lost souls, ripe to be exploited by the charlatans and sociopaths who wield the power of pop culture and Mainstream Media.

The cult is given their own lingo to distort the truth. They are “woke”. And to be woke requires absolute conformity. If you question the authority, you are silenced. You are labeled a “racist” without any evidence. Or a “science denier” without any scientific explanation, whatsoever. And above all, you are taught that human civilization is killing the planet. You are taught tat the only way to save the Earth is to de-populate. You are taught that humanity is a virus.

Mischiefclarity #elitist #god-complex #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia stormfront.org

Behavior guidelines for the modern White Woman

1. Be White before all else.
Remember that despite having our own wants and needs as women, we also have a duty to the white race first and foremost.

2. Be a mother and a teacher.
The number one thing we can do as women is to produce offsprimg for the next generation of white people to fight against the armies of jews and colored attackers. We need to teach white kids in schools to be proud of their heritage OVER those of the lesser children and make sure the other spawn KNOW where their place in thebworld is and more importantly, ISN'T.

3. Let men lead the way.
I know this may trigger the "feminists" in the group, but know that being a wife and mother and not crowding male spaces doesn't devalue us as humans. Our men don't try to get pregnant and carry babies they can't deliever, that is what the tranny freaks do. Just the same, we need to do our best in support roles and stay out of things like politics and management whenever possible.

4. Be appealing
We represent the most beautiful creatures on the planet. The white woman is the prettiest sex of the prettiest race, of the most dominant species. We are chosen by GOD to be the ideal object of our husband's desires. If he wants to enhance you with surgery, are you REALLY going to turn down the chance to look your hottest for a man willing to pay?

5. Be a "Karen!"
If there are a bunch of thugs moving into your neighborhood, you are well within your rights to inform the police and demand action be taken, yell at those bratty kids down the street, call the cops on the black guy hanging on the corner watching you like a horny dog, and absolutely demand to see the damn manager when some lazy liberal arts brat ****s up your order!

Only_Women_Are_Women #moonbat #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Totally not a social contagion. 10% of all kids in the school district are trans/nb.

I presumed it to be upper middle class white kids. Well, these figures alarm me:

The prevalence was over 14% among Hispanic teens, and 10% among Black students, ompared with 7% of their white peers.

Why is this spreading among Hispanics? They are the most conservative of all. 10% of Black students? And here I thought Black women were not having this insanity.

It makes sense that an ideology with deep roots in traditional gender roles would get popular among youth raised in a culture that already reinforces traditional gender roles. For gay kids in those communities, they might be coping with homophobia by trying to change sex.

All the more important to have solid LGB resources and outreach. LGB. Not T.

Latching their T onto LGB has been nothing but harmful.

At my previous site, I didn't see the black girls or asian girls or the white girls doing anything quite like this. I asked my colleagues about it - pre-TRA craziness - and there was some speculation about a response to sexual abuse.

Wow, that was shocking and sad. I've often heard there is a lot of violence and sexual violence in many Hispanic homes. There is everywhere, not just Hispanic homes, but if the area is majority Hispanic, then the victims will also be majority Hispanic.

A huge investigation needs to be launched into this. Is a rise in sexual abuse behind the TIF craze? It has to be. Of course, this abuse has always gone on, but clearly the Gender Lobby is preying on the victims now.

Vita #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans Movement is about enabling men to be Cowards

When perverts flash, grope, and harass women in public, it's upsetting to the women, but it's troubling to men too. Because men might have to step up and do something, say something to those perverts.

Now, all the harassment is done out of sight of the "good guys." The pervs can go into the shelters and restrooms without fear of getting punched by a woman's husband/brother/father/friend.

You know how men turn a blind eye to sex crimes that happen in the family home? This is like the public version of that.

All men are cowards.

Too afraid to fight for weaker people (women will defend other women & children though, at risk to themselves!)

Too cowardly to be fashion-forward (women wore pants and new fashions in public, even if they got ridiculed!)

Too cowardly to face the consequences of their actions (trying to get out of men's prisons.)

Too afraid to face their own vices and weaknesses (AGP can only be treated if they admit they have it!)

My granny has more guts than most men I've met.

When you go through life on easy mode there's no need to become strong or brave.

Various TERFs #quack #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIM regrets transition.

(GynyHappyPeople )
He expected to pass and for the medication to alleviate his dyphoria. He doesn’t pass and it didn’t help, and now his mental illness is visible and obvious.

He feels he’s been encouraged into a neurosis that’s just made his underlying mental condition worse.

Improving mental health care is a much saner approach than trying to convince the masses to accept that a person can change sex.


Yeah. Taking cross sex hormones and getting plastic surgery to look somewhat like the opposite sex is a bit like getting a forehead tattoo that says "I AM MENTALLY UNSTABLE".

Transition honestly feels like a cruel lie being sold to gender dysphoric people. They will NEVER be the opposite sex. They will never 100% pass; most don't even pass most of the time! What's the point in encouraging Gamestop ma'am to go on HRT or use female pronouns? It's just allowing people to make a laughing stock of themselves...

I don't get guys like him. He seems like he's close to realizing that sex changes are not possible and that the trans cult grooms people into believing the lie that sex changes are possible and will make your life like heaven on earth.

But he can't take one further step into accepting he will always be a man.

It feels a bit like he's trying to get people to tell him he's too ugly or mannish to "successfully transition". He keeps mentioning "if he passed"... I mean do they seriously not realize that the supermajority of TIMs will never pass? He has to have actually seen some TIMs, like does he think Bruce Jenner passes? Even, say, Blaire White with the small statute and innumerable surgeries basically reads as an effeminate gay men to most.

South Carolina State Senator Josh Kimbrell #homophobia #transphobia #fundie wltx.com

Members of the Columbia's City Council are working to ban conversion therapy for people under the age of 18. In Spartanburg, SC, Senator Josh Kimbrell has requested the state's attorney general to block this ban if it is approved.


Senator Kimbrell said he does not want people to be hurt, he just wants this ordinance to be invalidated.

"There are people of faith and there are people who have traditional views of the notion there's two genders — which I happen to hold to — and have traditional views even of human sexuality," Senator Kimbrell said. "They should not be forced to choose between their principles and running a medical practice. I think it's a massive overreach on the part of the City of Columbia. I think it's unconstitutional on its face, and I think it's the job of state government, whether that's folks like me and the Senate or the Attorney General to uphold the Constitution of the nation and the state, and prevent this kind of overreach by municipal government."

Pastor Andrew Wommack #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

Homosexuals have like three times as much suicide as heterosexuals, and then you go into transgenders, and it just continues to go up. It’s a very destructive lifestyle. They have 20 years less that the homosexual lives than a heterosexual. And, you know, cigarettes take an average of seven years off of a person’s life, so homosexuality is three times worse than smoking. We ought to put a label across their forehead: “This can be hazardous to your health”.

Osipovark #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

can't be a black man without them making chim noise

You are delusional. We may be racist (meaning not that we are bloodthirsty barbarians who want to genocide/enslave africans, but we just don't want to have a lot of them here and do not want them to assimilate in our society) but we are not that dumb. I live in Moscow and when i go out i sometimes see 1-3 black people a day (sometimes even 5 a day). No one just randomly makes chimp noises at them.

Im not against blacks learning here and then returning home to improve things there. Although there must be boundaries, like dating local girls must be the taboo.

Why tho?

A lot of reasons:

Why would we let foreign races dilute our gene pool? Makes no sense.

Mixed children have some serious identity issues. Just imagine that you are living in society where no one looks like you.

Much higher risk father will fuck off back to homeland as soon as a child is born. May be earlier.

Most people of color will kill you for being gay in countries I don’t want to mention, because of one specific religion.

What happened in western society is that some people are okay with your error. They say to you that you can become one with same gender physically, emotionally and socially. They say that gender is irrelevant. You can have stolen valor and pretend that you are another gender.

Why the fuck do you even want to prove it to him that we are actually ok with gays and transgenders? It's not a bad thing we hav few of them and they don't feel confident enough to spread their ideology.

_Moon_ #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

Muslim migrant males need to start being shot on sight. I don't care anymore. I immediately clocked them. They're all the same.

I fucking hate them. My experiences with them have been terrible. They're savages who need to die.

When it comes to street harassment and violence, black and brown men are the fucking worst. I don't think this is the fault of Islam. "Westernized" black and brown men are pretty much the same. Even their vernacular is increasingly woke and American. I saw some Arabs use the woke American term "cultural appropriation" to describe a regional supermarket selling kebab ingredients, lol!

Sometimes Islam feels less like a religion to me and more like some sort of ethnocultural bubblegum, keeping 1001 ethnicities (Chechens, Turks, Tunisians, Algerians, Morrocons, etc.) together.

And they all have this weird relationship with white women: on the one hand, they are sexually obsessed with us, on the other hand, they hate us. And non-white women have the same relationship with white men, this love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with white men where they spend all day on Twitter shitting on white men and all night fantasizing about being ravaged by one: https://i.imgur.com/BLtBuGJ.png PNG

Of course, this doesn't mean that white and Asian men are necessarily "better." Usually, they just have more impulse control and higher IQs than black and brown men, so the more complex systems and structures of misogyny (e.g. the international porn industry, transgenderism, economic systems resulting in black and brown men being imported to the West to drive down wages for the working-class, etc.) are filled with more white and Asian men.

Brother Nathaniel #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #transphobia realjewnews.com

The “Great Reset” is just the beginning of our woes.

It sounds globalist but its members are cliquish.

It sounds bland but its stamp is a Jewish brand.

The gasbag of the “Reset” is Klaus Schwab, born of a Jewish mother, which rabbinically makes him a Jew.
This is Jewish hokum.

You see, the meaning of a “stakeholder” is one who owns controlling shares of a company with decision-making authority.

Do “communities” have the same corporate decision making authority as Schwab and his synagogue buddies?

Believe that and I own a Coca-Cola plant in Thailand.

The real “stakeholders” of this deceptive new brand of “capitalism” are a transnational cabal of Jews brandishing control over the goyim by crushing all independent thinking and behavior.

It’s “communism” with a Jewish ‘capitalist’ twist.

Fat cat Jews like David Solomon of Goldman Sachs, Charles Scharf of Wells Fargo, Laurence Fink of BlackRock, and Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase—are your new corporate Jewish overlords.

And you’re not invited to the Bar Mitzvah.
Irene Rosenfeld and Dirk Van de Put, Jewish heads of the parent company of Chips Ahoy, got invited to that Bar Mitzvah.

That’s why they featured a drag queen to sell their cookies.
“Sustainability” for Schwab means getting Jews into power and making sure they stay in power.

Any time there’s a culture that passes down a stable heritage and tradition you’ll find Jews amassing there in droves.

Once they prosper in and by that culture they set out to debase and replace it with degeneracy and dung.

Jews barf and vomit it all out of the devil’s own tongue.

Like a squalid spout, that’s what the “Great Reset” is really all about.

Dave Blount #wingnut #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From "Why Moonbats Hate Mother’s Day"]

Moonbats hate Mother’s Day for the reason they hate all our holidays: it is an expression of a culture they are trying to destroy. Mother’s Day is even more unwoke than the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving, because it directly conflicts with the antifamily agenda. Also, it undermines LGBT dogma, according to which there is no such thing as mothers, only “birthing people” — who might be men. Above all, motherhood is wholesome, so it must be defiled and destroyed in accordance with left-wing aesthetics
Shapiro is one of the few established media figures with the guts to call transsexuals by their proper pronouns; he understands that referring to Rachel Levine as “she” gives moonbats veto power over reality itself.

PlainSimpleTailor #transphobia ovarit.com

Yeah I've heard the "HRT makes the penis small, soft and flaccid" tidbit that's supposed to make it sound less threatening to have sex with a TiM. Like, wow, that sounds like something any woman would love. What a sales pitch. Ugh.

That moment when these men already know that women don't want them and therefore try to verbally minimize the turn-offs. They're merely asking for an exception to be made for them personally, while admitting that generally, lesbians don't want men (and most straight and bi women wouldn't want a TiM either). That's rape culture. They know women's boundaries would exclude them but they're trying to lower them anyways, instead of doing what a truly non-threatening person would do, which is backing off. It reminds me of this old joke: "My girlfriend says a small penis is not a problem in a relationship... I'd still prefer it if she didn't have one."

And viagra fixes all that in less than an hour.

For supposedly hating their male bodies so much and feeling intense dysphoria over their genitals, they sure love to make use of those genitals to have "traditional" hetero sex. Having sex "as a man" / in the typical man's role should give them endless dysphoria by their own logic. But of course, dysphoria is a flexible enough concept to exclude one's preferred method of achieving orgasm. How convenient.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Child notices that the Emporer has no clothes (says her Dad will never be a real girl)


They shouldn’t be sharing their fetishes with children. These men shouldn’t be allowed around children.


Yep, especially considering how most TIMs are pedophiles.



Users here say “feminists aren’t advocating for trans people to be harmed or lose their jobs or whatever” and most are not, but I absolutely want all male “transitioners” to be removed from society. They are all fetishists, all dangerous to women and most of them are, as you said, paedophiles. Parading a fetish should be cause for dismissal or not hiring and it should mean never being allowed near children again.


Same!!! Totally agree with you.

That recent Supreme Court decision about employers not being allowed to fire people for being trans is bullshit. Especially since the case involved a TIM being fired from a funeral home because he wanted to wear women’s dresses and heels there. That’s the last thing people need/want to see while mourning, & the people had every right to fire his ass. Now TIMs can get away with anything they want, basically.


“TIM” + “funeral home” = “necrophiliac waiting for his opportunity” in my book.

There is no field they should be allowed into, or to remain in, imo.



Same goes for all rapists and pedophiles, and any male degenerates in general. Add porn addicts and misogynists to that list, too. None are fit for society.


Exactly. They belong in solitary confinement. No internet, either.

Tess of the Terfervilles #sexist #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

Predators - paedos and pervs - must be unable to believe their luck! Not only can they get away with this shit, they have a load of WOMEN who are helping them! Effectively pinning the entire female sex, and children, down for men to rape! Forgive them mother for they know not what they do? They numb their own minds with the cultish chanting so as to prevent that suppressed realisation from taking hold. Kind of like Susie Green. The realisation of what they have done, if acknowledged, would surely kill them.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Missouri Democrat Rep. Cori Bush repeated the progressive waterboarding of language and culture on Thursday when she referred to women as 'birthing people' during a hearing about the health of black children, which a Democrat Oversight Committee calls a crisis. The term “birthing people” came so naturally to Bush that she didn’t understand what the fuss was all about. She’s not the only one doing it. The thought leaders of the Left and policymakers at the highest level of government are erasing women and girls. The CDC now refers in its literature to “People who are pregnant” and “People who are breastfeeding,” rather than women or females.
We live in crazy times, no doubt about it. We live in an age where activists scream ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!’ then turn around and kill their own black babies in numbers that outdo Hitler’s Holocaust of the Jews. We live in an age where activists scream “LISTEN TO SCIENCE!!!”, then turn around and tell us there are 100 genders and that men can become women in defiance of both science and biology. We live in an age where the spirit of Antichrist has begun to rule over the kingdoms of men.

Men cannot become women, that is categorically impossible on any level by which metrics could measure it, transgenders are nothing more than ‘dress-up dollies’, using chemicals and costumes to create hideous hybrids. If that offends you, then you are in agreement with Satan, plain and simple. You applauded when the Liberals cancelled Trump, but guess what? Now they’re cancelling you and you are cheering your own damnation and destruction. Welcome to Birthing Peoples Day, brought to you by the spirit of Antichrist, with a whole lot more on the way. Enjoy!

Unknown attacker #homophobia #transphobia balkaninsight.com

Kosovo Police Investigate Threat to LGBT Activist

Kosovo Police said on Tuesday that they are looking into allegations that the life of a well-known LGBT activist, Lend Mustafa, was threatened at the weekend.

“We are currently working on an investigation of circumstances of the incident and in coordination with the prosecutor have initiated an investigation into the intimidation,” police told BIRN in a written answer.

On Sunday, Mustafa said in a post on Facebook that he was threatened in Pristina’s main square.

“It is noon in the square and a bearded boy spat in my face and shouted ‘I will kill you’,” Mustafa wrote.

“I have been insulted before, I was threatened and someone tried to run over me with a car [in the street] but nothing has been more humiliating and disgusting so far,” he added.

Mustafa vowed not to give up his activism.

“I will still fight as I have always fought and I will remain here [in Kosovo],” he said.

The Centre for Equality and Liberty, a local organisation which advocates for the rights of the LGBT community in Kosovo, condemned the threat and urged the police to bring the perpetrator to justice.

“The motive of this threat is believed to be gender identity and sexual orientation, which is punishable according to Kosovo’s laws,” the Centre for Equality and Liberty said.

“We stand behind Lend [Mustafa] and anyone who is a victim of discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation,” it added.

A number of peaceful Pride parades have been held in Kosovo in recent years with the participation of main political leaders, suggesting that progress is being made on LGBT rights in the country.

mathlover #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Like others have said, not all trans females are predatory males

ALL trans males are predators.

A fox in a henhouse is a predator even if it never touches any of the chickens. The fox never belongs in the henhouse; it is a predator just by being where it will never belong.

Men never belong in womens spaces no matter how they "identify" or what they do, or don't do, to their bodies. They are always predators just by being - even just by wanting to be - where they will never belong.

BlackCirce #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gender Ideology and the belief in 'souls'

The reason why trans has spread so effectively is because it covers both bases. The divide is between thinking sex stereotypical behavior is learned or innate. Those who believe sex stereotypical behavior is innate are more likely to believe in genderism, regardless of spirituality.

For people who are prone to believing in dualism there is the idea of “gender identity” which is essentially a soul or private mental state that dictates behavior and makes one truly the opposite sex.

But science minded people don’t have to buy that if they don’t want to. Many, if not most, atheists already believe in sexed brains. From there it’s just a short step to believing in utero cross sex hormonal exposures cause some male fetuses to have female brains and vice versa.

The people most resistant to the ideology are people who are social constructionists who believe sex stereotypical behavior is learned. That group includes most radical feminists and many social conservatives. That’s what causes the strange bedfellows affect.

PlainSimpleTailor #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gay men discussing "getting over" their transphobia to sleep with Transmen

Weird, because it doesn't sound like men at all to question their own sexual preferences. If the Law of the Penis states that another dick must be present, then so be it. If the Law of the Penis states that there must be a receiving end for one's desire to inflinct violence, then so be it. Questioning the things men need to get off is the biggest taboo, especially in woke culture. Maybe these "gay men" were trans themselves? I usually only see women obsessing and self-flagellating over their "transphobia" (because they are the ones who are being targeted by accusations of transphobia 99% of the time).

gay males, especially younger ones are the hyper focus for some of this stuff and being painted as evil. I think you're confusing heterosexual men with homosexuals. One sort of killed and murdered the other for fun for over 2000 years and begrudgingly resents the other for being slowly recognized as human. Your analysis might be a little off.

I truly didn't know gay men were targeted for "transphobia" that much. I stand corrected in my assumption that women are targeted "99% of the time". It's obviously not as clear-cut. However, pressuring women into accepting dicks inside their bodies seems more rapey than women trying to convince gay men of pussy. It's the same homophobia, but one group actually has physical power over the other and regularly threatens the other with sexual violence / sees sex as a punishment for dissenting women ("choke on my girld*ck" and such). Still doesn't make it okay that gay men are told to "overcome their pussyphobia" and such nonsense and I apologize for trivializing the way gay men are targeted.

dixiechick547 #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

By the virtue of them being men, even if larger breasts run in their family they can't really get that big and what with their overall chest and shoulder size it doesn't look that much different. But still this shit shouldn't be covered by women's money. Women don't get to pick and choose their beast size this is so stupid.

And the implants look ridiculous on them anyway.

dude so do the fake hormone tiddies. they look so weird. and like... I'm sorry. attraction to a man is attraction to a stereotypical fit male body usually. attraction to a fit and healthy female body is that. like... it's REALLY REALLY weird seeing boobs on my male friend. it doesn't make him look female. just like someone with a hormone problem.

They don’t look attractive at all. With their broad rib cages and shoulders the implants are pointing at different latitudes, ffs!

It looks and I hesitate to even say this, freakish. Like some sick science experiment. I don’t want to think about people this way, but I can’t help it. I know there are men who think ‘chicks with dicks’ are hot but I doubt any women do. It’s just gross. Like making my stomach queasy gross. Even the ones who aren’t greasy haired behemoths still look like science gone wrong.

I’m amazed any women date them. That’s why they try so hard to trap women and kick so hard against the spousal exit clause. Waiting until they’ve got kids and are middle aged so the women can’t leave. They’re only attractive to other pornsick men. It’s really disturbing.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What TIMs need to hear



One notable thing about TiFs is they don't blame men for their trans related problems and cry about them gatekeeping manhood. They 100% know they are a GUEST and own nothing

Because TIFs don't have male privilege or toxic masculinity. They KNOW they won't be listened to. Men on the other hand, DEMAND to be listened to.

It used to be like that, but recently I have started seeing more and more "gay" TIFs who complain and cry about gay men not being interested about their female anatomy and calling those men slurs.

And here’s another thing they might need to hear, as unpleasant as it may sound: even those who very politely play along, and act in the most supportive manner, use your preferred pronouns and chant TWAW... still see you as males. It’s always on the back of their minds. It’s something very visible and you cannot command your eyes to deny reality that’s in front of you.

Just the other day I was at a bakery and this guy was serving me, huuuge guy, built like a brick shithouse, easily 6"3' and generally extremely masculine... but then I realized he had breasts and was wearing makeup and fake nails and long hair etc.

Cool. I get it, you want to present and be seen like a woman, but no amount of makeup will make me see you as one and, frankly, if I were in a changeroom with this person I would be so uncomfortable and (even if they won't admit it) so would most women no matter how much they claim to be pro-trans.

Cassiopeia & Mower #crackpot #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

When you think about it, it's so creepy. What makes a heterosexual man want to wake up and speak out on the needs of male-bodied people to access female spaces? Liberals want equality for all. Yes, we believe everyone should have the same rights as they stand in law. But when your main passion is access for cross-dressers (because that's all most trans people are these days) to identify into women's spaces, there's something wrong with you. Your wife needs to lock away her underwear. Your daughters need to watch out. That's not normal advocating for equality, that's campaigning for kinks and paraphilias.

I firmly believe there is a link between paedophilia and the current form of trans rights activism. Of course not all gender identity ideologists are paedophiles but I do see the link working the other way. I can see why paedophiles would be attracted to gender identity ideology. I know someone (a gay man in his 50s) who has an unhealthy interest in young boys. I stopped communicating with him a while ago, but, from his social media postings, it was clear he’s a strong ‘trans rights activist’. This seems to be connected with the ‘transgressive’, ‘I’m more on your side than your parents are’ vibe that comes with gender identity ideology. I was also speaking on Clubhouse a few days ago with a couple of women who have detransitioned. Despite being lesbian, both said that when they first identified and presented as “non-binary”, they had an unexpected and very uncomfortable amount of sexual attention from older gay men. One said it felt it it was all about their “young androgynous appearance”.

Griffxx #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com



For the past 8 months my college has been allowing men to just use the women's shower whenever they feel like it, which forces me to wait until almost 1.30-2.00am to avoid them, or use my friend's private room. Most of the time they are just in there "hanging out what's the big deal I'm gender neutral I swear". I've repeatedly complained to community living and title IX but all that happened is I was required to meet with the equal opportunity advisor about how I should be more inclusive. I can't do it anymore and I'm actively pursuing how to live off campus next year as a sophmore, but I'm afraid I won't be able to.

TIMs and Libfems think we live in the era of Starship Troopers or Aliens movies, where men and women can be in communal showers without men getting erection or staring at women's breast as they talk to each other.

Days Whithout Male\Libfem Nonsense:0

Any man pretending this is a good thing for "equality" knows damn fucking well how dangerous it is. He knows because he wants the exact same thing as the overt perverts: access to naked and vulnerable women and girls. He's just pissed off other men don't realize this as well and ruin it for the rest of them.

It's the same thing with the proganda and Gaslighting about Female Erasure. If we assert that women are just persons and human beings, Patriarichy and it's foundation of Misogyny will just disappear, because we will no longer identify into Victimhood. It's very tiresome to see the Truth that the Trans Liberation Movement is actually a Men's Rights Movement.

Complex Nightmare #conspiracy #transphobia twitter.com

#superstraight is what happens when you first viciously gang up against lesbians, then try the same with gays, but meet your final boss in straight dudes who absolutely won’t play the fuck along with your abusive guilt tripping BS and have enough support to throw it back at you.

#superstraight is what happens when society enables malicious people to infiltrate movements, and lets them start to bully with impunity and recruit ever more people for that bullying, because they wield such power that nobody dares to stop them. it’s a tale about spinelessness.

#superstraight is what happens when people stop respecting other people’s sexual orientation and try to pile guilt and shame on them for it. it’s rape culture to shame someone for not being sexually attracted to something/someone. the bullying is attempted forceful conversion.

#superstraight as a reaction was entirely preventable and unnecessary. but it would have taken enough people to stand up against mob rule. #superstraight will not be the last strong reaction if people keep acting like this. stop the insanity and dare to dissent a bit.

Fiona Kabuki #moonbat #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

#superstraight is what happens when sane people refuse bullshit. It is beyond sad that it took men to take the only possible position: which is guilt free and unimpressed. Take note everyone else: this is why men rule the world. That has a lot of bad side, but it teaches.

Preach! Men don’t give a damn about what people say, if it doesn’t benefit them or go in their interest they will not support it. That’s when having a selfish nature benefits. Women need to take notes because far too often women tend to not stand ten toes on anything. With enough backlash women usually wind up changing positions.

To be fair, we are socialised differently, and in addition, women do not get listened to so readily. It is one of the reasons you can know for certain transwomen are men. But there is also chicken/egg thing, arguably. Maybe we are not listened to because "be kind" = appeasement. I know for certain that some of what #superstraight is saying is also what many women have been saying for a long time: but not heard much. Still, we can and should learn from this.

Hermione #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

Could Caitlyn Jenner running for governor actually be in our favour?

There is so much material to besmirch his character with that is tied to his AGP. If the Democrats use that material, it will cause a chain reaction. Buddy was wearing his young daughters’ clothes. When they were, like, 10. That should be a great thing to use, or... they lose the election. So what is the point of pleasing the TRAs? Once that tidbit is brought to greater attention, people might start second guessing this ideology, or looking further into what it means.

Yes this could be very interesting. We now have a crossdressing male killer (the most oppressed class of humans) who is running for office against the Democrats. The party can try to keep their hands clean but I think a media company is going to break ranks and call it out. It’s too ripe of a press opportunity with the so called gender critical movement burgeoning under their noses.

Edit: I didn’t realize that OP was suggesting California women vote for him. No I don’t think that is a good idea at all. Voting for men is a huge mistake, if the man is in a dress multiply by 1000

I didn’t mean vote for him for real, I want him to be the nominee, but lose. I want him to get just far enough to have all his shit be plastered all over the place so people start to think. Of course, there is the danger of trotting out the few non-creepy transwomen, or TIFs, to use as human shields and for credibility to make it seem like just a Bruce Jenner thing, not an underlying theme in the trans movement.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

I can't get over our tax dollars paying for TIM breast implants.

In Canada, several provinces provide tax-funded breast augmentations for TIMs. I cannot get over the fact that my hard-earned money is being used to pay for a MAN to feel sexy with big tits because according to the law, this is his human right. This is just confirming the that a woman is just seen as a pair of tits. Everyone I mention this to is also outraged. Why weren't people made aware of this?

We can't even get our teeth cleanings covered but TIMs get free boobs. Unreal. Canada's level of wokeism honestly disgusts me. It's not even wokeism at this point, it's just virtue signaling.

This just reaffirms what we already knew: they don't want to be REAL women, they want to be fantasy anime/hentai women with K sized boobs. Millions of women are flat chested or have mismatched boobs, and these women will never be offered free cosmetic surgery for their breasts even if it causes them body dysmorphia and they threaten suicide. The male privilege is gross and I’m disgusted at the double standard here. A flat chested women needs to sue these bastards for blatant sexism in the medical system.

( Ravenclaw_Feminist)
The idea that any mental condition can be cured with cosmetic surgery is beyond disgusting and it disturbs me that any feminist can support it. Suddenly all critique of beauty standards goes down the drain all because a bunch of horny men with AGP want to turn themselves into sex dolls. I've spent my entire life with small breasts and I have zero sympathy for narcissistic men who claim they need boob jobs to prevent mental suffering and suicide. They do not. They are just high on male entitlement.

ComplicatedSpirit & yesisaiditxx #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Julia Long's awesome quote


You can pretend to be us. You can put it into law that your paperwork says that you are us. You can force apologies, through gritted teeth, from people that may or may not have said that you are not us, depending on your own idiosyncratic interpretation of their words. You can take our places in universities and jobs. But you will never be us. Deep down, you know that, and that’s why you keep pushing. You keep wishing that someday, if you push enough, if you get enough people to be your yes-men, if you get enough people to kowtow, then you will be us. But you also know that that’s not going to happen. You will never be us. It’s impossible. It cannot happen. That’s why you’re so angry and frustrated - because no matter how much you achieve, it never will be enough.

So true. I’m heterosexual and struggle to form wide-ranging friendships because 1) re men, how do you befriend men genuinely? Never occurred to me and 2) I’m very much a “this is what I think” person which turns off a lot of women who are conditioned to always hype up the other person and not express unpleasant opinions unapologetically. Still, I’ve been the few close friends type of person and I’ve been madly in love with a couple of men, one man who knew me for over half of my life and there is STILL something about sitting next to a woman you adore that brings a feeling of comfort and ease that no man in my life has ever. Is it the same intensity and being in love for years? Well, no. Is it something else entirely that has somehow it’s own special, greater trust and feeling of being safe? Yes. Do I think a biological male is capable of feeling this toward a woman? No.

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