
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "You tried The Terminator, now how about a Transformer†?"]

Famed celebrity Bruce Jenner is planning to run for the (nominally Republican) Governor of California. As the title to this post indicates, they tried that once before and...didn't matter, nothing changed.

[Portrait of Caitlyn Jenner with the slogan "I'll slash budgets, not balls" and "Jenner for Governor"]

† "Transformers....male athletes in disguise"

Bonus pun: California went from The Governator to Total Recall.

KBash #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Female Tik Tok bites back at notion that TIMs are prettier than women.

Seriously. I look like a woman with no makeup on. And I’ll say so myself- I look like a stereotypically attractive woman with no makeup on. I have a stereotypically feminine face, which I’d actually prefer not to have because it’s coded as “sweet” rather than tough. My looks- the very feminine face, with high neoteny- are extremely common, in women of all races. I see women who look like me all the time. We are typically considered pretty or even beautiful by those who admire the super feminine babyface look. Personally, since the grass is always greener, I prefer women with a sharper face.

I see tons of women with sharper features who nonetheless look exactly like women, and many of them are very beautiful. They don’t need makeup at all for people to know instantly they’re women. Can these men who have gone through male puberty say the same? The trend for natural beauty is competing with and IMO will overtake the trend for the fake face now so popular on Instagram. What will they do then?

This is why they push for childhood transition. Some misbegotten wish that they wouldn’t need so much surgery to actually look feminine. Of course they don’t think about or give a shit about unnecessarily medicalized, sterilized and mutilated children. I remember talking to a TiM on the debate sub on Reddit some years ago. He reminded me of an incel who told me his lack of sex was worse than my repeated experiences of assault and rape.

He said that it didn’t matter if 80+% of trans-identifying kids grew out of it. He said it was more important that the 10-20% of kids who didn’t got to have early transition. He literally didn’t care about sacrificing the health and well-being of the majority. At all. If they’re so much better-looking than us, why do so many of them feel that way? Hmm?

insert-cheesy-name-here #fundie #homophobia #transphobia insert-cheesy-name-here.tumblr.com

@shewhowalkswiththee: Discourse with a “Christian.” Posting in case it might be helpful to someone. Context: I’m a trans Catholic who constantly battles transphobia on fake Biblical reasons.

@insert-cheesy-name-here: The answer to question 2. Humans, humans made these terms up. The rest is biological mutations who are tha rare that no one cares. Shit happens, they are still humans, who cares?
Don’t make it more important than it is.
God made you in your mother’s womb, the way you were born is right. Nothing to add here. If you can’t deal with it then you’re rebellions against God. That’s it. That’s the answer to your whole post.

@ shewhowalkswiththee: “the way you were born is right” Right, and some people were born LGBT+, exactly as Our Father made them. Glad you understand. Walk with God ♥

@insert-cheesy-name-here: … demanding God’s love but don’t wanna love or respect him back…I smell modern hypocritical thinking.
Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:34‭-‬40 NIV
I seriously made too many posts about this sh*t again, if ya wanna sin, sin away and ride ya stripper pole down to hell. See how it will end yourself.

notyourfetish #transphobia ovarit.com

That's what kills me the most about TIMs. They think that if they "become lesbians" it will just be a 24/7 orgy with a bunch of hot girls. It shows they are living in their Pornhub fantasy and are mired in delusions of actually becoming women.

Because 1) they can never be women or anything other than pornsick straight dudes in dresses who no lesbian will ever want and 2) lesbian dating is NOT easy and lesbian women are not rolling in V unless they're athletes or super stars or something.

Being a lesbian is fucking lonely. Every time a woman likes me, I don't like her back, and vice versa. We're a tiny population, so finding someone you click with can be difficult, especially if you live in an area with a small lesbian community. I fully expect to die alone at this point. Yet men think we just go around having constant orgies and sex parties . . . Maybe in New York or San Francisco.

This is what porn does to men's brains.

thecottongaslight #conspiracy #moonbat #transphobia thecottongaslight.tumblr.com

Give me a link to a post that literally says "lesbians HAVE to have sex with trans women" nothing implied. Literally stated that lesbians must have sex with trans women.

this really is idiotic. saying that bigotry isn’t real unless it’s stated in a very specific way is absurd. it’s like saying it’s not homophobia unless you say “gay men MUST date women”, or it’s not racism unless you say “black people are now ALLOWED to be black”.

Insisting that lesbians “date” trans women is no more acceptable than demanding that they have sex with them. a lesbian forced into marriage with a man is not somehow spared sex with him. Even if someone claims that lesbians don’t have to have sex with trans women, just date them, they are already making it extremely clear that they want lesbians to engage in romantic and physical intimacy with a person they are not attracted to. and these same people repeatedly ask lesbians to “critically examine” why they don’t like penises in a community where believing in innate homosexuality is not an option. you can see examples of this all over our blog. this is manipulation. it is outright homophobia and attempted conversion therapy.

Denying that this is hate speech against lesbians is, to me, literally like saying “god hates fags” isn’t homophobic because nobody directly mentioned gay men. we know exactly who these people are talking about – women who aren’t into dicks, who aren’t attracted to males, and who consequently would not date trans women, and who have also been known for hundreds of years as homosexuals or lesbians. these are threats. lesbian women who will not date or sleep with trans women are branded “terfs”, and consequently, become the subject of all of the above threats.

ProxyMusic #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Is there any comparable social movement to this?

Most of the comparisons I come up with are of very dark periods/events. Such as

-The Spanish Inquisition
-The Salem witch trials and persecution of women generally for centuries in the Middle Ages and early Modern period
-The Reign of Terror orchestrated by the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution, including the instability & culture shock caused by rapidly dethroning the old orthodoxy (the hegemony of the monarchy, aristocracy, the Roman Catholic Church & the RC clergy who controlled much of civic & moral life at the town/parish level)
-Lysenkoism in the USSR
-The Great Leap forward in China under Mao that led to the insanity of the Cultural Revolution and the Red Guards
-What happened under the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the mid-late 1970s: […]
-what happened in the UK, Northern Ireland particularly but also extending to England, during "the troubles," the armed occupation by British troops and the time of IRA/Sinn Fein terror
-All the prosecutions for satanic ritual child abuse in preschools like what happened at the McMartin Preschool in Manhattan Beach, CA. As documented in the excellent 1995 movie, Indictment https://youtu.be/79LWVaymJi0
-Iran, 1979-80 and ever since
-the Rwanda genocide
-what happened in the territories of the former Yugoslavia (now the separate countries called Bosnia &Herzegovina; Kosovo; Macedonia; Montenegro; Serbia; and Slovenia) after the fall of the Iron Curtain, disintegration of the USSR
Tulip Mania in the Netherlands; the glass delusion in Europe

Anonymous #conspiracy #transphobia #racist boards.4chan.org

The lowest form of life on earth is the Janny. There is nothing on earth lower, more retarded, more degenerate or more eternally butthurt.
Just imainge: Spending every waking hour of every single day, combing through YOUR shitposts with a fine-tooth comb, with tired bags under their beady little eyes and a miserable, sour pucker on their dragon dildo sucking lips. Boiling over with anger at their inability to outright ban you for basic wrongthink, watching like a hawk for any threads that dig into the activities of their blood drinking satanic pedophile masters to bubble up out of the shitposting morass so they can promptly 404 them or, worse...

...Sometimes, to the jannies utmost horror, something worse than revealing the truth happens here. Sometimes they see Anons LAUGHING and HAVING FUN. This sends the Janny into a spasm of butthurt rage that can last hours, sometimes days. These displays of true and honest humanity remins these pitiful creatures of what they can never have, much the same way the sight of a beautiful woman reminds them of the necrotic, pustulant seep-hole synthetically hacked into their crotch, and how it will NEVER EVER be a real vagina. Even if they could make it not fill the room with the stench of wet shit, which they cannot.

And do you know the worst thing about this? The tireless subversion and humorless newfaggotry that they promote dy in and day out? THey receive NOTHING in compensation for their efforts. Zero remuneration. FOR FREE. Have you ever heard of anything so pathetic in your lives? Say what you will about the most demonic, rat faced globohomo kike on the planet, but at least that yid is smart enough to claw a shekel into it's grasp. Even a shbbos goyim CIA nigger still gets a paycheck for their faggotry. But no. Even a nigger knows how to steal a bike, a Janny would walk home in the rain. "No bike for me! I do it for free!"

hmimperialtortie & ShingleShake #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I was a far-right TIF

Thanks for posting this. It’s most interesting and I couldn’t agree more that this allegedly leftist movement is completely right wing- not conservative, but reactionary.

But the important thing was that my brain is male. The body will just catch up somehow.

You summed up how ridiculous the idea is. One organ out of all of them somehow belongs to the other sex?

The fact that my brutally, uncompromisingly far-right, misogynistic worldview was completely consistent with gender ideology and transgenderism seems to show that far from being a "revolutionary" or "feminist" breakaway from gender norms, the transgender movement seems to be little more than a repackaging of old, patriarchal thinking. I don't believe the argument that trans people are helping us move away from regressive gender norms. I'm convinced that transgenderism does nothing but affirm them.

They want everyone forced into far more rigid sex stereotypes than already exist, so they (the AGPs) can get their boners by forcing their fetishes on everyone else.

Wow, that was a bit like looking into a mirror of my past (I'm also 5'4", the heck). It's amazing to notice the patterns of how trans ideology rhetoric is consistently parroted through pretty much everyone that believes in it. They never veer far from the script. I'm pretty sure if anyone bothered to ask me at the time if I was just being sexist and lumping men and women into two rigid categories and living my life through that lens that I would've said no - but it was absolute obsession that overtook all my thoughts. Men are this, women are that, therefore I'm a man. Can only lay in a web of lies for so long until it starts falling apart from how fragile it is.

Shane Trejo #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy bigleaguepolitics.com

A mutilated girl’s lament is going viral as she regrets her gender transition and is questioning a system that allowed her to make such a ghastly and gruesome mistake.

“Today is 5 years since my double mastectomy. I didn’t think it would hit me this hard but it’s really tough to deal with. My scars are so large and I want to crawl out of my skin,” she wrote.

“I can’t believe I was allowed as a child to have this procedure. No one could have prepared me for the reality of it. I was promised sunshine and rainbows. Happiness. All my sadness and gender dysphoria would go away. Of course a kid who was miserable would take that immediately,” she wrote.

She will live the rest of her days in regret after being enabled by a wicked society that puts Sodom and Gomorrah to shame.

“I don’t even feel as if I fit into any gender anymore. My dysphoria is worse than I could have imagined, the fever dream that is transition blinded me. I’m so tired. I wish I could go back to being a little girl and tell myself no, this is the wrong path,” the transgender girl wrote.
The creator of the group, 28-year-old Charlie Evans, has detransitioned publicly and notes that young and mentally ill people are being recruited by the LGBT agenda.
After going public with her story, Evans has been deluged with hundreds of individuals who feel the same way she does. It has emboldened her to start the group, and encourage others to fight through the hatred and harassment from the intolerant LGBT community.”

The LGBT plague is all about corrupting the souls of the children. Tolerance has enabled denial, as this movement of predators abuses kids on a previously unfathomable scale.

Riothamus & Avadavat #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Women transition to escape the trauma men inflicted upon them. Men transition to escape responsibility for the trauma they inflicted upon women.

I know others have noticed this same general trend. It seems that most FtMs suffered some horrible abuse in their formative years. In contrast many of these disgusting Reddit MtF mods seem to have charnel houses' worth of skeletons in their closets. Everyone knows you're watching this site, Bardfinn. Maybe you should get a fucking job and pay off your child support obligations.


Another way of thinking about this: men transition in an attempt to leave the oppressor class; women transition in an attempt to join the oppressor class. Neither attempt works because no one seriously views the individual as part of the class s/he is seeking to join.

I think some men "transition" because they live in a delusional Pornhub/ Tumblr/ Reddit cyber bubble, believing that 1) Woman = nubile young human female ONLY (most other women...more mature, older women) are irrelevant, an annoyance, or an impediment to their fulilling their sexual fantasies; 2) women's lives are easier and that women are able to manipulate men into doing what they want; 3) Man = responsible, accountable, and downtrodden by the female sex, and they're sick of it; and 4) if they transition, they'll have more access to sex.

I think some women "transition" because they live in a delusional Pornhub/ Tumblr/ Reddit cyber bubble, believing that 1) Woman = object to be sexually objectified, humiliated, and assaulted by men...to be choked. spat upon, raped, etc; 2) women's lives are only about maintaining their sexual allure for men (even outside porn, ubiquitous, relentless advertising tells girls and women that their skin is too hairy, too wrinkly, too "crepy"; their bodies are too fat or too muscular; etc.); and, 3) Man = responsible, revered, the creator of civilization (despite men's depraved behavior these women encounter in porn).

Hunter Wallace #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "Antony Blinken Authorizes U.S. Embassies To Fly The LGBTQ Flag"]

In my view, the Biden administration should just fly the Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ flags. It would be a more accurate reflection of the true beliefs and values of the political establishment and their degenerate global neoliberal empire. It is not like these people represent or even like their own country.

New York Post

“Secretary of State Tony Blinken has authorized US diplomatic missions to fly the LGBTQ pride flag on the same pole as the American flag at embassies and consulates, a department official confirmed to The Post Friday.


The Chinese laughed in Blinken’s face and told him he was weak. He responded by hoisting the Baizou flag.

Jumbled Metaphors Award

psiandco #fundie #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

The world is not my friend, I am not a friend of the world.
There is a creator... He acts like a stern GM "I made this stuff, you can't change it." i.e. ABSOLUTES of REALITY prove the existence of GOD. God saying, "I made this stuff, you can't change it" is just one more reason that proves "Reality is OBJECTIVE". adjectives, adverbs, and two-word jargon don't mean jack shit. if you feel other wise, please... Pretend you can fly and walk off a skyscraper.
The stat-block? check some of the LGBT NPCs they crank out, hell, look at the descriptions and stat blocks for the gods. Hell, in a number of cases; pedophilia, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, and worse are dabbled in or hinted at. these things are DIGUSTING and WRONG.
I like my toast with Nutella hazelnut chocolate spread; you will never force me to accept a jar of "NEW! Whipped Shit"(*Its so Creamy). aka, play pretend genders in real life is bullshit. I tolerate LGBT, I AM NOT AN ALLY; that is my "Do not judge". OBJECTIVE REALITY="Nutella", Not Nutella=shit...
The Christian god has stated a few times that LGBT souls are wrong and are going to hell.
This item is not subject to debate. Reprobate souls chose what they would be BEFORE the beginning of the world, and god condemned them. period. I don't judge them. Why do you expect me to be subject to their beliefs and whims? because I will NEVER be subject to their whims or beliefs; because that is an effort to force me to deny MY GOD.
You want me to use an imaginary pronoun when talking to you? well, How about "no,"
end of line.

Kinkshamer Pagliacci #psycho #transphobia twitter.com


Trans people across the UK are making plans to flee the country. A common conversation within the community right now is when you will consider evacuating. This is a fucking dark time and it is not okay.

trans people are "making plans" to "evacuate" the UK as refugees of transphobia.

let me just bust out the world's smallest fucking violin


ONE trans person has been murdered in the UK in the last year. ONE. And it wasn't even because they were trans!

Meanwhile, women are being fired and sent to JAIL in the UK for 'misgendering.'

These people are cosplaying oppression.

Gregory Hood #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #transphobia amren.com

Almost 70 percent of the people admitted to the Princeton class of 2025 identify as people of color. They will become a new non-white elite through assortative mating and will dominate American educational institutions. Whites who can’t “play the new game of race and gender fluidity” will be despised. Giving whiteness a purely negative identity convinces many whites that self-annihilation is good. Aaron Bady dreams about “a new world” in which his children will speak Spanish. However, is an antifa who identifies as “they/them” white? I’ve long thought that the countless new “genders” that progressives claim are attempts to escape from whiteness. Over 50 percent of liberal, white women under age 30 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. I think some of them cultivate illness as an identity, a way of making yourself a victim so you can be spared the costs of whiteness. The rush to be “transgender” is part of this.

The article concludes by discussing “mass hysteria”. One sociologist suggested “collective stress responses.”. I think it may be more accurate. Young whites are under stress we older Americans don’t understand. Movies, television, YouTube, video games, political news are explicitly anti-white. Whites who identify as non-white or use invented identities to flee from “whiteness” will be pushed back into our arms by their own allies. No antifa, transgender, Communist, anarchist, or “ethnic studies” professor will be safe. He is biologically guilty. Even if we get an intelligent, multi-racial governing elite, it can’t hold the country together. The new ruling class will be united mainly by scorn for conservative whites. That is thin gruel compared to the genuine nationalism of real countries like Russia and China. In a fight, real nations beat fakes. In the meantime, we can join with others of like mind and strong will to pool resources and build communities. Let them wallow in victimhood. We will build a nation in which it’s not just OK to be white. It will be a universal privilege and joy.

Various TERFs #moonbat #transphobia ovarit.com

This is exactly what it is. Heterosexual, upper middle class, white men pissed they're not getting any special treatment. Just like "queer" is a label taken by them to get special treatment.

Gotta respect their hussle though. Literally, white, upper class men who wanked themselves pornsick made themselves be regarded as more oppressed than even the poorest most disenfranchised people, they've got actually oppressed women, lesbians, gays, people of color kissing their white, straight asses. Absolutely insane

It’s amazing what you can accomplish with a little bit of male privilege.

Lara Adams-Miller #dunning-kruger #transphobia threadreaderapp.com

I think I finally put my finger on a recurring theme in how mtf TRAs use the struggles of actual marginalized people as a lever to coerce support from social progressives.

The inherent message is, “You owe us.” Their smug “gotcha” demeanor is that of white men who’ve spent decades feeling obligated to and resentful of the marginalized groups protected from discrimination. They see what gays & lesbians have won, how we’ve clawed our way up from a hated taboo to a legitimate identity. They’ve had to observe non-discrimination policies of Black people and other racial and ethnic minorities in their businesses. In the military, they’ve sat through training after training on cultural competency and what’s required when serving alongside or commanding POC.

And now it’s, “You owe us.”

The subtext in their speech is- If the gross homosexuals get to have equality, then THEY ought to get all that and then some. If people who are a WHOLE DIFFERENT COLOR than them must be accepted, then no one has any right to categorize them by sex. Their racism and homophobia shows every time they draw these comparisons. If women get to have body positivity, then everyone should be required to pretend TW don’t look like men. They want the protections other vulnerable groups receive, and also a great deal more. They entered the world of “the oppressed” with expectations informed by their experiences as privileged white men.

They perceive women, minorities, the disabled, etc., as being coddled and catered to. This has given way to irrational expectations. Listen to them speak, hear the “gotcha!” in their message when they use these poor equivalencies as proof that social justice demands they get whatever they want. They believe other marginalized groups are being given whatever they want. They’ve declared themselves women, demonstrating their ideas about how women speak & behave. They’ve declared themselves oppressed. Now they’re demonstrating how they perceive other marginalized groups’ fight for equality.

Phyllis Chesler #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist americanthinker.com

We are fast becoming the Disunited Identities of America. American embassies may now fly the gay rainbow flag along with the American flag. What next? A Transgender Flag? A Black Transgender “Sex Worker” Flag? A “Palestinian” Flag? A special flag for American non-binaries and asexuals? How about separate flags for every possible ethnicity that American citizens represent? Better still, a special flag for the illegal/undocumented -- they’re here, too.

I happen to like the rainbow flag very much and for more than one reason. I like what rainbows biblically represent, namely, a forever truce between God and humanity. No matter how vain or venal our behavior may be, God is resigned to accepting the fact that we are all made of “crooked timber” and will sin, again and again, but God will never again unleash a deadly flood to destroy all mankind.
A mighty wind is powering this flag of identity, rending asunder all hope of unity, dividing citizen against citizen, making political alliances difficult if not impossible.

Where is the flag for the victims of sex slavery -- that would be female sex slaves, they are the majority, all others, whether male or transgender, however trendy, are in the minority. Where is the flag for rape victims -- that too would mainly be female victims of male rape. A flag for the mainly female victims of domestic violence?

Prick us, will we not bleed?
No political, intellectual, government, diplomatic, or administrative experience necessary as long as you are the right color, claim to sleep with only the right people, and sport the rainbow flag.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I recorded a full intake with a gender identity clinic posing a 13-year-old, I got testosterone and a letter for double mastectomy

Every damn media outlet should be doing "undercover reports" on the sexual child abuse going on in these "gender clinics" -- but not a single one is. Normally they LIKE "scare" stories, yet they are ignoring this truly terrifying trend entirely. In fact, they are running interference for it. "Bigoted Republicans push bill to strip transchildren of their rights! Right-wing extremists call for vulnerable transchildren to be banned from receiving education." Where is the media cry of "Mentally ill mothers are having their children sexually mutilated and it's all legal!" Where's that????


Shit. When it DOES start coming out, they are totally going to blame the mothers, aren't they?

Yep. There'll be no recognition that male childhood transition so often seems to be a mother's response to her own inability to stop her husband (and other boys, and patriarchal society) from harming her son with their intractable illusions of masculinity. And if that is acknowledged, she'll be blamed for choosing the husband over the son, every time.

why don't men stop relentlessly threatening girls (children) with sexual and physical violence, and then girls wouldn't want to chop their breasts of


Pretending to be a child? But what if she's trans-age?

HAH! That's phenomenal. I keep forgetting transracial is a thing or that perves like the transage pervert who says he's a "little" and is little 5 year old girl exists. Maybe it's my mind trying to protect me from these abhorrent men.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #racist #transphobia #elitist amerika.org

History will record this as the dumb era. A bunch of people who belong in jobs decided that they could rule better than the naturally talented, and they set off an orgy of bureaucracy and control-scheming that eventually destroyed the group. Obviously they were dumb.

All of this came about because society prospered just enough to get arrogant. We had more free time. We became distanced from nature, with our tools. Most of all, we no longer had to agree on anything, since we were already members of a permanent civilization.

In previous civilizations, people formed small bands. It was libertarian, and fascist. You went with the band that matched your mindset. If you encountered other bands, you would kill them if they were weaker than you. (If they were stronger, you ran like hell.)

Once you get permanent civilization, you have to “accept everyone,” or at least, a market is created for those that do that. In any social group, you will become popular by saying that all are welcome and everyone is at the same level.
That is the basis of the dumb era. We meant well, but forget to think through the logical conclusions of our actions, and by inviting in the misfits, we also summoned demons. Most of these are mundane parasites, but in large enough numbers, they kill the host.
It takes someone to enter from outside of politics to shake things up by asking the questions, “do we actually need this?” and “is this worth the cost and side effects?”

When you ask those questions, you will end up throwing out most of what government does. We do not need affirmative action, welfare, diversity education, transgender representation, foreign aid, socialized medicine, and social security. They are just vote buys.

PattyBouvier #crackpot #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Girls = dumb


Do they all have a humiliation fetish? How else to explain their incredible contempt for women, combined with their frantic desire to be women?

It is hard to get into the heads of these men but my theory is as follows: Man X is sexually attracted to women. Man X grows up in a society where men are encouraged to feel entitled to women. Man X is not successful with women for whatever reason and rather than work on himself, develops a deep loathing for women (as is encouraged by society) which is connected to a deeper self-loathing. Man X begins to correlate sexual desire, jealousy of others, hatred of women and hatred of himself. He develops kinks of self degradation, acting out a stereotype of the 2D ‘bimbo slut’ - a fantasy Man X has created through his own thwarted desires, misogyny and self hatred. This can end up with him not wanting to fuck women any more and be ‘used’ by men - it’s a warped revenge of sorts. (Man X alternatively goes down the transbian path of forcing women to partake in his misogynistic humiliation fetish, or sometimes he will end up doing both)

girl_pash #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

The non passing trans selfies are peaking our sisters

Someone peaked on /LesbianActually a few minutes ago and of course her post was swiftly removed before anyone could comment or agree with her. I screenshotted it and will share it here because I think her voice deserves to be heard somewhere. The OP was brave for posting but I'm sure she's banned now. Here it is (I added a little more punctuation than the original):

Title: Ridiculousness on this sub

Catfishing is outta control and the mods don't do shit. Now the trans lesbians are saying they don't feel included or appreciated. Boo fucking hoo.

As a lesbian I am sick of men and bullshit controlling my life. I don't give a fuck if you're trans, if you're a lesbian, guess what we take a lot of shit and you have to deal with it like the rest of us. You were a man where you didn't have to deal with all this shit and now you're a female. Guess what IT COMES AS A PACKAGE. No one is going to coddle you and say yas queen. If you can't handle the hate then leave.

Trans lesbians bitch CONSTANTLY. You know why because they didn't grow up as women, constantly being harrassed and degraded. Now they come into being a woman and are like "WOW people are mean and I don't deserve to be told anything but that I'm a queen and beautiful! You guys should support me blah blah blah" Guess what as a man you didn't have to deal with it, and now you do. This is every day. No one is being transphobic or mean, it's just life as a woman.


aloe_vera #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

What lessons have you learned from the transgender craze?

Ever since I have peaked and discovered radical feminism, I feel like I have found a community of women that I can actually agree with. My negative feelings in regards to feminism in general was born out of my disgust in how the liberal feminists were selling out fellow women and convincing us that being reduced to sex objects is empowering. I am thankful for the feminists who fought for single sex spaces. I had never thought about how valuable our bathrooms are, how much impact single sex spaces have in women's safety.

I feel sad that our voices are being silenced and that little by little they are taking our rights away, but I have hope that eventually the gender bubble will burst. I believe that people will see through the farce and will be horrified that we let things get so far. The medical institutions, the corporations, the government and the media will have to answer for their crimes against children, women and detransitioners.

Personally, I have learned that:

Feminism is not a dirty word, it has just been bastardized.
Women need their single sex spaces. It's imperative to be overprotective of them.
Laws and rules made to keep women safe should not be abolished to protect men's feelings.
Kink-shaming can be useful and actually good.
Things can get out of control very quickly when no one puts a boundary.
We should not enable mental illness and delusions.
We should not censor someone just for having a "wrong" opinion. As long as they are able to discuss it respectfully, we should let them participate. If someone is censoring people who disagree with them, it means that the opposition may have good arguments that they don't want you to hear.

Only_Women_Are_Women & Calico #dunning-kruger #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What lessons have you learned from the transgender craze?


people can be dumber than you'd think physically possible

THIS! "Sex is a spectrum" !?!?!?!

"There's no way to tell men and women apart"???

"Some people are born in the opposite sex body" !?!?!?!

And that's coming out of the mouths of people in leadership and educational positions. That's not 4th graders on the playground. That's people with M.D. after their names.

That porn is irredeemably harmful, and this is still true even if every performer was a consenting adult with no trauma or poverty pushing them into it (which will never be the case in reality).

That society is not only NOT past outdated gender roles, we’re clinging onto them harder than we have in decades. Transgenderism is what you get when you take the assumption that gender stereotypes are real to its logical extreme.

That female separatism to at least some degree is necessary for women to be able to thrive. Sex-segregated spaces are mandatory. Men are not only dangerous, they vastly decrease our quality of life on even a mundane level. They are so astoundingly selfish and entitled even a deeply cynical person like myself finds it hard to believe sometimes. They really do believe that women exist to serve them and have no reason to exist otherwise. They really do believe that their opinions are objective facts and their own narrow perspective, no matter how delusional, is reality. And women have to fall in line because we have no right to personal autonomy.

[Deleted] #crackpot #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

"Silicone Angel". Every time I think they can't come up with worse stripper names or delude themselves further... "I'll have tits when I'm dead" We don't fucking care, honey. We're secure enough with our bodies.

the things that they care about, and the things that they think we care about...it's insane.

and honestly, the way they go on about real women shows how profoundly not at peace they are. Being a woman, to them, is a fetish. Being a female human, to us, is our existence coupled with all the violation that trying to exist alongside males deranged by the last 10k years of animal herding has draped and smeared all over us.

One of my pet theories is domestication of animals dumbed down the human race because males began literally imitating the behaviors of lower order animals and bringing them into human relations. They began to act like the ungulates they herded (I believe it was the psychopathically cruel practices of culling, castrating etc that created toxic masculinity). Traumatizing infants into mental illness in early childhood has led to the almost certain doom of our species. Forcing children to witness cruelty to animals on a regular basis in animal husbandry doesn't help either. Also there is a documented period of brain shrinkage in humans over the last 10k years that coincides with the advent of animal husbandry and the cessation of gatherer/hunter cultures.

Also didn't help in terms of the land ownership required to own herds which meant the most psychopathic and dishonest males climbed to the top of society. I'm sure it was all probably inevitable due to human population explosion, but it truly has been hell on earth for females. The more I research the more I'm convinced that culture prior to animal herding cults was matrilineal, with some remnant cultures like the Basques, the Picts, and the Mosuo of Lugu Lake. Animal herding cults have made humanity irredeemably stupid and and with the proliferation of islam it's about to get a whole lot worse.

Various TERFs #crackpot #transphobia ovarit.com

Some thoughts on TIFs

I am reminded of the main character of the novel The Bluest Eye, who grew up in a deeply racist society and internalized racist ideas. She constantly prays for even just one blue eye, to prove her whiteness. After suffering from a series of sexual abuses, she eventually becomes delusional and believes she has attained blue eyes. The motivations are to escape the racism by identifying into the privileged group.

There are parallels to a lot of stories from detransitioned TIFs. Many of them experienced the trauma of sexual assault. The TRA movement feeds into the delusion, instead of advocating for genuine help such as therapy for their trauma. Again, the motivations are to escape the sexism by identifying into the privileged group.

That fucking book, man. So horrifying and so beautiful. Haunting.

It's crazy how there are parallels between race and trans but they aren't those that libfems and TRAs point out.

I try to be calm and reasonable when I think about TIFs, for just the reasons you've outlined.

But then there's Strangio and I want to punch that asshat right in the mouth.

This is a spot on comparison and it gives me chills to think about it.

In essence, these are delusional beliefs that maladaptively keep women from confronting—and coming to terms with—the pain within.

Maxime Bernier #transphobia #crackpot #pratt twitter.com

Father sentenced to 6 months for violating gag order about child's medical gender transition

This is an outrageous decision.

We are destroying the bodies and lives of lesbian, gay, autistic and depressed children, and calling it "human rights." And parents who publicly dissent go to jail.

Our laws have to change to stop this monstrous ideology.

Various TERFs #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

My half-baked theory is that it's because Japanese people are better at shame than we are. There's a whole thing about shame-based vs guilt-based cultures though it's probably very outdated and simplistic. It does seem to me that a lot of TIMs and the more obnoxious variety of TIFs have a pathological absence of shame. Or given the relationship with narcissism, maybe they in fact have a lot of shame which they are incapable of handling so they dissociate into their trans personas.

I think there’s a racism element to it, like it tends to be white weebs who think anime is a factual representation of Asian women: big boobs and doe eyes, at once hypersexual, childlike, and submissive. Other racial minorities in the west probably at least have an idea “the people of my race on TV don’t necessarily act like me so this is probably not a true reflection of how Asian women are” as pornsick white guys think this is a realistic transition goal.

maybe because the majority of characters - if not all - in hentai and anime ARE white? makes it easier for lonely losers to indentify with and create an escapist fantasy.

They're not. It is usually made explicit when a character is supposed to be white because the character will have a weird mix of caucasian stereotypes, possibly speak Japanese with an accent, and everyone will acknowledge that this is a foreigner. White weebs know anime isn't white, that's why they are known for behaving in fetishistic ways towards asian women.

have you watched hentai? or even anime in general. they are white. historically, they all been EXTREMELY white passing. so no. get that discussion elsewhere, the point here was figuring out why so many white people get influenced by hentai in such an awful way, not if the cleary white passing characters are supposed to be white people or not.

levitation #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Why do anime and hentai turn so many white people trans?

Anime is popular with all races. It's a worldwide phenomenon at this point. So why the fuck are the overwhelming majority of weebs that try to literally become underage anime characters of the opposite sex the white ones?? No other demographic allows hentai to warp their brains to this extent.

It's seriously ridiculous. Almost every white TIM wears thigh highs and cat ears and talks about literally being a teenage anime girl. A majority of white TIFs had a yaoi phase that never ended, and fetishize kpop boys like they're their favorite anime characters.

I'm white so this might be just my experience, but I've noticed that a majority of trans people with anime obsessions and a hentai addiction are white. Of course any person who watches a lot of hentai is highly likely to be a perverted weirdo, but it's not like hikikomori Japanese men are turning TIM at such high rates or citing the cat boy from Re:Zero as their transition goals. Am I going crazy or is this as weird as I think it is?

I think it's the fact that white-people-culture is so tremendously individualistic and self-focussed. They're looking at content that's often created for escapism. People who are well-integrated into their communities and families know how to balance the occasional escapist fantasy with the demands of living within the social order. Western weebs who spend all their time in front of a screen, immersing themselves in escapist and sexual content to the point of obsession, well, not so much.

That makes a lot of sense. I've also noticed that not many socially well-adjusted people transition, except in cases of group contagion with teenage girls.

Brian Matthews #fundie #transphobia disqus.com

(from comment on story called “Sixth Circuit Sides With Christian Professor Who Refused to Use Student’s ‘Preferred Pronouns’”)

Was the student following the Golden Rule by the way he treated this professor? No, he did not.

He got this professor in trouble for speaking the truth. Is that loving? No. Is it kind? No.

This student is a man, not a woman, and to force anyone to refer to him as a woman in violation of their conscience and the truth is cruel, wicked, and selfish.

This professor is being punished for referring to a man as a man. That is unjust, and anti Christ.

Don't follow the spirit of anti Christ.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: If your body is unsalvageable and gets clocked instantly, isn't HRT kinda like self harm? : honesttransgender

If I remember correctly even feminine HSTS used to be denied medical transition back when gatekeeping existed if they had no chance of passing. Medical transition was used as a type of treatment for gender dysphoria but it's a treatment that definitely can not work if the person is unable to move in society being perceived as a real woman. Now medical transition is all about living your authentic self or some bullshit and even sentient brick houses like Hannah Mouncey are allowed medical transition.

Current-day TRAs decry that old policy claiming it was policing TIMs for being "ugly". Meanwhile, trans orgs' own data show that non-passing TIMs have the worst outcomes of all transitioners. TRAs' "solution" is to force everyone to play along. You can't control 100 percent of the people 100 percent of the time, and even nice people will eventually let it slip that they know TIMs are men.


I bet you he doesn’t pass as well as he thinks he does. They almost never do, especially irl.

Yeah, there's a difference between "I can see this person wants to be a woman, so I should use female pronouns" and "this is a woman". Sorry dudes, go test yourself in a 3rd world country or deeply rural area. Then come back and tell us how much you actually pass 🙄

I know one TIM who went on HRT and it softened some of his features, but he was still undeniably male and got clocked every time. It's been 12 years post-HRT and the pandemic only further shows how male he is when he wears his mask because all you can see are his deep-set eyes, brow ridge, and super hairy male eyebrows.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: People in this comments section aren't holding back



The individuals in the screenshot are in the Chinese Women's 400m Relay Team.

China used underage gymnasts in the 2008 Olympics. They will absolutely use TiMs in the next one. I think the Olympics could be a mass-peaking event.

I feel terrible for all the female Olympians who are about to have so many years of dreams and hard work completely destroyed for no good reason. And Russia will do this too if they are allowed to compete-- not sure if they are back in after their last scandal.


Why even bother using any women

They won't. I remember reading that there was a "professional" Quiddich league and they require a certain number of male and female players on each team. The Italian team replaced all their women with trannies and beat the hell out of everyone. It was so bad even a cheating transwoman on another team said it wasn't fair. 🤣🤣🤣

But seriously. Men will replace us everywhere if we don't stop this.

A friend of mine who I love dearly actually BELIEVED the CCP's statement that these were all natural, "cis" women. They even posted a "stupid terfs mistaking butch women for men" joke. Here's the thing- if they are "cis" women, they are "cis" women in the way the East German swim team was. As in, they're taking so much T they look unrecognizable as women and are cheating. These guys look like dudes to me. And even if they weren't, they're so fucking altered that all other women will have to do major damage to their bodies just to have a hope in hell of winning.

_Moon_ #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

RE: I don't care if male children take estrogen because it'll lower the male fertility rate and make them weaker

Stole from PinkPillBeta 'I know the common argument is that it's gay children being prescribed (or obtaining illegally) hormones, and it's disgusting, but there's also tons of hetero, cumbrained, weeb teenagers that have been obtaining estrogen too. I've seen them all over twitter, reddit and discord, posting photos of the estrogen injections they've bought from Brazil. Honestly, let them take it."

I have often thought that the only issue with the male suicide rate is that it isn't high enough. Sadly, all these incel MRAs and tranny activists whining about how suicidal they and their fellow travelers are are all talk, no action. So while I totally support incels, trannies, wokeys, trad caths, /pol/acks, mgtows, etc. killing themselves, I don't really see any advantage in them taking estrogen.

I mean, it doesn't really weaken them up to a point where they are so helpless that any woman can simply beat them up. Consider ANTIFA: full of trannies, still violent and dangerous. I just don't see where trannies are better / less shitty than other men. It's a bit like the idea that rapists should be castrated. Not that I oppose rapists being castrated, but it's not like they are less dangerous once you cut off their dicks.

Then there are the various other issues already mentioned: normalizing transgenderism, medical experimentation on children, "transitioning" of girls(!), etc. It's all just a slippery slope.

I kinda agree with fckoffmale, though. RadFems always say that feminism is about female liberation from male oppression, and that the goal isn't to cuddle sadboi males ...... but then they often seem to make an exception for trannies. If you'd make a video entitled "How feminism would be good for men", many RadFems would call you out, but even RadFems sometimes make videos about how Radical Feminism would be good for trannies.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

This movement is strangely oversexed and anti-sex. It is anti-human sexuality: saying gays & lesbians have "genital fetishes"; claiming people are not sexually attracted to any particular type of sexed body; loads and loads of teenagers who make identity decisions (and will fight you to the death about them) without having even kissed another human; an obsession with asexuals and non-binaries (people who claim not to be sexed?). It's like...they are obsessed with sex but hate human sexual reality at the same time. It's bizarre.


They're against people having sex with not-them. Ever noticed how every anti-sex dude is someone nobody wants to fuck?

Incel to transcel, less a pipeline than a half-millimetre shuffle.

I wish all the “trans” would fuck off and fuck or not fuck each other.

They talk about sex, but they never have it. Nobody wants to have sex with them, and they don't enjoy the sex they have with each other.

Literally no-one with eyes and self-respect go near these people. Pretty much every survey/study on dating shows transwomen are excluded from their dating pool. They won’t even fuck each other. Hence the constant posts about ‘discrimination’.

matrix3912 #homophobia #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

Stop forcing people to accept LGPT and feminism. (Rant)

I'm tired of being labeled a pigot if I think that a guy that cuts off his balls and dick or a girl that cuts off her breasts and womb are mentally ill.

I'm tired of being labeled a bigot if I reject toxic female behavior, or speak against it.

I'm tired of being forced to work with incompetent female workers just in the name of equality.

I'm tired of a society that ignores females abusers, or when men finally defend themselves or lash out against female abusers, they are instantly punished without any investigations about what caused it.

I'm tired of politicians that are using these issues to their advantage instead of focusing on what is right or wrong.

I'm tired of academics not being able to speak up their minds, afraid of losing their jobs or funding.

Dave Landau, Garrett Morrison and Darrin Crowder #transphobia #homophobia #racist mediamatters.org

During the March 17 YouTube livestream[…]Dave Landau and other co-hosts doubled down on the show’s racism, transphobia, and general bigotry.

DAVE LANDAU (GUEST HOST):[…]You guys know Elliot Page? Used to be Ellen Page, now goes by Elliot. She had herself a little surgery[…]
LANDAU: He. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to misgender
LANDAU: He says I'm fully who I am. “It has completely transformed my life"
MORGAN: Or at least my chest. Not the bottom yet. But partially completely
LANDAU: The breasts will be auctioned off on eBay
LANDAU: Congratulations to Captain America. He's now a gay man. But Louder with Crowder has obtained some exclusive new story details[…]He battles against complications arising from sharing his super serum needles
Captain America brought AIDS into this office
MORGAN:[…]We gave the Native Americans a bit of a pass here, right? If you're idolizing these people as just being these peace-loving, wonderful people who had the buffalo and they lived in concert with nature. They actually scalped people, they enslaved one another, and they also practices cannibalism
DARRIN CROWDER (GUEST):[…]At some point, contact would have to be made. At some point[…]This is a nice piece of property, right? Somebody is going to come over here and clash with a society of pantheists that couldn't possibly advance. Their world couldn't advance. And so somebody was going to make sure that that happened
MORGAN: And many of them were actually captured and sold by enemy African tribes, right? So it's like the worst thing you can -- like, “We don't like these guys over here so I got some guys coming in boats, we'll take care of them. We'll just be like, ‘They're witches, take them away,' right?"

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Top post on r/honesttransgender is MTF observing that self absorbed MTFs ruin lesbian spaces & create more terfs


Rant over. Us trans women belong in these spaces, but we need to be respectful and mindful of what we’re doing and saying.

No you don’t. Imagine thinking you’re “one of the good transbians” just because you don’t screech at lesbian women to take your girldick. You still do not belong in lesbian spaces, male.

THERES FUCKING TRANS MEN ON THERE TOO!! why the HELL would they need to be there aren't they MEN?!?!? Like just fess up and admit that you want every female space to just be a trans space.

That whole post is one massive Poe's Law. From the guy who cant understand why non-binary females and TIFs are even in lesbian spaces, to the guy saying that the TIMs are adding "fuel to the TERF fire" because they behave exactly as we say they do.

The absolute audacity of a TiM to ask why a biological woman would be in a lesbian space. I like the comment pointing out how TiMs used to still consider themselves gay men, and it only changed when people like Bruce Jenner started announcing themselves as trans and not fitting in with the existing LGBT groups. That also coincided with all the male invasion of female spaces. What a coincidence.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

I've recently seen a wave of GC women in my twitter bubble start to ease their positions slightly, praise 'ally' TIMs and claim it's perfectly ok for a passing TIM to use the women's bathroom. I honestly don't know what's going on. I don't care if a TIM has a full beard & broad chest or if he looks mostly female, it's still a man and I don't want a man in my bathroom and I don't want another GC woman to claim it's ok.

The thing is, in practice if a TIM did pass, he could just use the womens room. The RULE needs to say "no men" so that if he's creepy he can be kicked out, and so non-passing ones get stopped at the door, but in reality no one is suggesting DNA checks to get in. The hypothetical passing TIM can just skate in under the radar as long as he's not acting weird. But in reality TIMs almost never pass anyway.

In person, they pass rarely. On the internet it gets MUCH harder to tell because camera angles and flattering clothing can hide a lot about the would-be-female form. It's usually their height, the way they walk (they either try to swing their hips too much, which is a tell, or they CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP like Clydesdales or Door #3 they scuff their feet as they walk), the stupid falsetto they all have in person. Thin, reedy fake-as-fuck voices.

Right, but we know they're delusional to begin with, and they spend hours and hours on the internet with people telling them how gorgeous they are and much they "pass" and how any lesbian would be so lucky to date them. So of course then they feel empowered to trot their way into women's spaces, because they think they pass.

A lot of non-passing TIMs seem to think they pass, so it's a stupid standard anyway.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

An experiment proving that pronouns are Rohypnol

This is an excellent piece. I have thought a lot about how obfuscating male criminals' sex could distort statistics, but I have thought less about how it distorts public opinion in the news in this way. I'm more convinced than ever that we need to hold our ground on the pronouns issue.


I have read parts of it aloud, switching the reported sex (female) of this person to the actual sex (male) and restoring Watkins' original name, and it is remarkable what effect the different readings have on my feelings about him. Try it yourself, and compare

I've been doing this, using the correct prounouns when reading any thing now, even a tweet. This made me understand the amount of gaslighting we are expected to accept. Also how media is a key factor in this attack on girls and women's rights.

I've been doing this so long.. But it is a real problem. I get very frustrated in those situations where I simply can't figure out what has actually happened - when they use female pronouns but you can't help wondering if they are talking about a male, and sometimes even when there are pictures they're too blurry or far away or just borderline and you start to feel bad that you might be questioning whether a woman is a man just because she's sort of funny looking and did something criminal... Ugh. I just wish the news would stop being deceitful.

Excellent line about "women being saddled with a reputation for violence men have earned for themselves." That's one of the biggest reasons so many men love this ideology. This is DARVO's best friend.

SFR #transphobia stormfront.org

Alright, now I've got it. I get the picture. "Caitlyn" Jenner is actually the 1970s US Olympic-great guy "Bruce the goose" who decades later decided he wanted to go dickless and become a woman. I really can not keep up with all the fruits and flakes calling CA home anymore. I had thought Caitlyn must be his daughter? I sure got that wrong. Wish they'd call him CBJ in the press so I could connect the dots.

Did Bruce ever get a dong lop? A rebuild? I've heard of an addadictomy, but not sure of its opposite. Yet I know it can be done, sort of.

If Cali is the future of America we are really royally hosed.

Various TERFs #crackpot #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I've discovered a new goldmine: searching /r/asklesbians for the word "trans"


have you all seen his post history? of course he's AGP😔

If they're men they're always AGP deep down. The women transitioned are usually sexual assault victims,mentally ill and are trying to opt out of sex based discrimination.

I think some of the guys are just feminine gay/bi men with internalized homophobia. But of the ones that like women, yeah, definitely AGP.

The lack of replies is incredibly telling, but not of the bigotry they're imagining. I read that sub sometimes and there is no shortage of libfems that post there. No, the reason they're actually not getting any replies is because even the libfems don't know how to give sex tips to a man with a neovagina because they don't have sex with men with neovaginas. Or men with dicks. Or... Men. You can give transbians lip service about how valid they are all day long, but when it comes right down to it, even the libfems aren't fucking these guys, and don't want to think about or discuss it.

There are so many posts on these subs detailing their "lesbian" sexual experiences, but only one sex partner ever seems to be a trans lesbian. 🤔 If trans women are women, I would fully expect r/asklesbians, r/actuallesbians, etc. to have more posts talking about the girly fun slumber party tee hee lesbian experiences of playing with each others' balls.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: A nice illustration of physiologic and interpersonal AGP, misogyny, and libfem idiocy.



Enjoy the door holding and catcalls. That's what feminism is based on, for you to be you.>

they're rewriting feminism history under our own eyes

"Imma get a pussy, sum tiddies, hips, an ass..."

At the end of the day, this is how men see us. To them we're just a walking set of holes and fleshy body parts. "Transwomen" are no different to normal men.


And no girl, feeling happy about getting catcalled isn't weird at all. And if it is, we're both weird then. I'm honestly looking forward to getting catcalled one day as it would just validate me that much more. Even if it is pretty annoying XD.

I want to leave this planet

I had to step away from the computer.

These men see the worst parts of womanhood as sexually arousing and fun. There's no getting to them.

I'm at the point where I don't believe any of those commenters are actually women. When I read, "As a cis woman, ...." I see "As a TIM who is even more smugly delusional than OP, ..."

Various TERFs #quack #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Cochrane review of evidence for hormonal transition ... no evidence exists.

Recapping some developments from the last few months:

No evidence of benefits from cross-sex hormones (Cochrane)
No evidence of benefits from puberty blockers (NICE)
No evidence of benefits from transgender surgeries (American Journal of Psychiatry, not a meta-analysis but that study that used dodgy analysis to find some benefits and then was forced to recant.)
Why are governments/health plans paying for ANY of this again?

Men’s feelings >>>>>

We all know that if gender dysphoria only ever affected women that not a single surgery would have ever been covered.

I'm a layman and even I can tell "transgender studies" are BS. I read every study that is thown to me by a TRA during an argument, and there is NEVER any concrete evidence or result from those so-called research. It's very refreshing to see an organization like this is putting out no-bullshit fact-based review of the gendercult.

calming-tea & XX_Power #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

"You are not attracted to someone's DNA" - but you kind of are, actually

DNA largely determines how people look. Personality is even partially genetically determined! One could make an argument that if you have injuries resulting from specific attitudes, those were influenced by genetics (e.g. high risk taking). The idea that genes are something that is just there is another dumb transhumanist take. Sorry TRAs, you are "attracted to someone's genes" because you cannot unlink genotype and phenotype.


I'd like to see a good feminist takedown of transhumanism.

Not the eloquent refute you asked for but we are "still only" at the level where we can give medication and cut and sew back together. Nothing of that makes us transcend humanity, as much as it doesn't transform a man into a woman. We give them pills so they develop gynecomastia which is a condition only men can have, and this is supposed to mimic female breasts - which is insulting on so many levels but also just ends up making them look grotesque in combination with their male chest and wide shoulders. Once the treatment stops they develop completely back to a normal man. We can give them a hole in their abdomen by reshaping the penis, which is supposed to be a "vagina" but the only thing it has in common with a vagina is that it is "fuckable". By men.

Every cell in their body has XY chromosomes. If future scientists were to find their bones they'd immediately recognize them as men. Hell, even with gruesome beauty surgeries including shaving the chin bone, only a tiny amount passes to men and virtually zero pass to women.

It's all so superficial, only focused on looks. We are giving little boys horrible drugs so they can be pretty (the girls too but to the trans they're really an afterthought).

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA #crackpot #conspiracy #transphobia #quack #wingnut #elitist vernoncoleman.com

What the devil is wrong with these people?

Why are so many not questioning what is happening? Can't they read and think for themselves? The answers sadly are clearly No and No...

One explanation is that the problem is something called cognitive dissonance. Many people just cannot believe that governments could tell so many lies and that politicians could be so deceitful. The zombies and the trolls aren't very bright and are unable to see the big picture. They aren't bright enough to see things in perspective. They don't believe anyone could tell such big lies...
I have been pointing out for 30 years that our drinking water is enriched with female hormones. It is clear that those hormones are now having a dramatic effect on the human race. There's more about this, incidentally, on my video entitled `Is Tap Water Safe to Drink?'

The problems started in the 1960s when millions of women started taking the contraceptive pill. The hormone residues from those pills are excreted in their urine.
I think the zombies, the trolls, the mask wearers have all been drinking too much tap water. Too many cups of tea, perhaps.

This explains why male zombies and trolls tend to be effeminate and stupid and female zombies, trolls and mask wearers tend to be stupid, confused, irritable and sulky.
There are millions of zombies and trolls around because they are naïve, gullible, poorly educated, unintelligent, immature and self-important but ultimately terrified of authority because the hormones in the drinking water have turned them into permanent teenagers.

They may be beyond our help.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Transsexualism is the only group of the LGBT that needs a medical diagnosis and life long medical treatment


They want to be medicated without the diagnosis.

Yeah. Thats the most baffling and frustrating part. They don't want dysphoria or being trans to be considered a mental illness, but then they claim they need a lifetime of expensive medications/surgeries and the whole world to play make-believe with them or else they'll commit suicide! You cannot claim to have a condition that makes you 41% more likely to kill yourself while also saying "its totally not a mental illness". Homosexuality was removed from the DSM list of mental illnesses because its not a pathology. Homosexuals don't need expensive medications and elaborate LARPs in order to transition from straight to gay. The fact that gays & lesbians are lumped in with trans people is both inaccurate and insulting

Trangenderism is always about a lie, whether by the individual about themselves or by TRAs in trying to force other people to validate the false reality/fetish that transgender people are a different sex. That, more than anything else, is why I think the cult will eventually fail. It's based on a lie. And a "reality" constructed on lies is inherently unstable.

That’s the elephant in the room. They also campaign to get it removed as a medical condition, while at the same time campaigning to have immediate and free medical treatment for it?? It’s so nonsensical

Various TERFs #moonbat #pratt #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Richard Dawkins asks whats the difference between transgender and transracial (and kicks open a hornets nest!)

This reply: "I cannot believe you are normalizing this debate. Dolezal had all the access to white privilege and then occupied space that wasn’t hers to occupy. You’re wrong on this one."

Some TRA's are so close to getting it that it's painful. Swap white for male, and then you've got it.

I cant believe this poster was not being sarcastic and was dead serious. Again, what's the difference? I dont see a single difference at all and this poster somehow managed to summarize exactly why...and is still clueless. Someone in another thread asked if TRA are really as stupid as they come across. I'm convinced they really are.

To the left, maleness cancels whiteness, but femaleness doesn't. That's why we get points deducted for being white, while white men can continue to debate trans rights and women's rights without criticism.


They know racism is real but don't acknowledge sexism as real.

Its not that they don't think sexism is real, it's that they want to be the victim of it. There's something about needing victim status or oppression points that the trans community really seems driven by.


For some strange, unknowable reason, I'm not seeing any TRAs tell Dawkins to choke on their girl dick

It’s almost as if TRAs can tell what sex he is.

Dixie Anon #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "Proud to be American?"]

The yellow banner hung there from a fence in front of an average house in a typical Southern small town[…]“Proud American” was all it said. “Proud?” I pondered, “What is there to be proud about?” Hanging next to it was a Thin Blue Line American flag and an Alabama for Trump flag. I considered it all, and internally thought, “Surely there is nothing left to be proud about this country. We had an election stolen from us[…]America spits in the face of the Creator in ever aspect, profaning marriage, and 63 million sacrificed babies. Now, we are to the point were we openly endorse children castrating themselves and claiming God made a mistake when He assigned their sex at conception“
America has risen from her very highest and now she’s at her absolute lowest[…]The only explanation has to be the judgment of God[…]We’ve seen sodomy, once a criminal offense in radical states such as California and New York, being paraded in the streets of an average Southern town[…]A man dressing up in women’s clothing was something that would have had him locked in an insane asylum
One thing that is (still) great about America is the genuinely different and native cultures in the United States[…]We’ve brought tribes from nearly every corner of the world and created varied new identities under the umbrella of “American,” but is it necessarily a healthy thing?
We, Southern men (and women), have lost our identity. We’ve been transformed into this amalgamation of just being “American.” Before the War of North Aggression, most Southern men (and Yankees, for that matter) wouldn’t have identified as “American,” but rather from their native state
Southern man, set your sights locally and take pride in what God has given you. You owe no pride in modern America

Nukethisgayearth & starcrapoo #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Blackpill The cold, dark truth? Foids are as “racist” as they come

For soy cucks and fags who complain about muh RACESM!! Are we just gonna ignore how, genetically, toilets tend to prefer cumskins like 95 percent of the time compared to other ethnicities? There a reason they are called deathnics. At this point i feel a lot of them either go tranny or stay virgin throughout their lifes. Ive always felt like “changs” and “chaddams” were oxymorons. Chad is primarily cumskin.

White foids are the most racist foids by far.

At a distant second to them are noodlewhores (who are racist to their own kind).

I don't see any difference whatsoever between the average white foid that I come across the street and a white stormfrontcel.

They both see an ethnic subhuman male like myself as not even human who they would rather not be around AND do not want around. Meanwhile they want the right to travel around the world as much as they want and associate with whomever they want and when they want as they please. If they see some short term benefit of it. For the white foids, they want to post pics of their travels and show how virtous they are by taking pics with poor ethnic subhuman children. And the white males, they want to rape those children and JBW max with the local foids.

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