
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Liz Wheeler #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

An unborn baby is a unique human person, distinct from her mother. We all know this. Science says so. Ultrasounds give us photos. We can hear the heartbeat. But notice ZERO Democrats today crying about Roe will discuss whether it’s an unborn BABY they want to abort.

Matt Walsh #fundie #psycho #sexist #wingnut nitter.net

(NOTE: Multiple tweets in reaction to today's events.)

This is one of the greatest days in American history. Praise God.

The Supreme Court has officially declared that all lives matter. Hallelujah.

History will look back on today like we look back on the abolition of slavery and the liberation of the concentration camps. It is a day when abject evil has suffered a major defeat, and many innocent humans will live and be free because of it.

I could not think of a better way to end Pride Month

Bring on your "night of rage" you demons. You don't scare anyone.

It's a good thing the Supreme Court affirmed our right to conceal carry right before this "night of rage" you guys are planning

This is an extreme version of the minority governing the majority that has been the GOP playbook for some time now. And these unelected right-wing judges could be on the court in like 2060 thanks to lifetime appts

As always, institutions are "broken" the moment they stop doing the Left's bidding

Don't be shy about delighting in the leftist tears today. You deserve to feel this joy and they deserve to feel this despair. So rub it in their face, by all means. Have fun with it. This is a great day.

One side is happy that babies will live. The other is sad that babies will live. And that is all you need to know about the ideological divide in America.

We are not done. We are not satisfied. A federal ban on abortion nationwide is the next step.

Man, this has been such a great Pride Month

Merrick Garland: “The Supreme Court has eliminated an established right that has been an essential component of women’s liberty.. The Justice Department strongly disagrees with the Court’s decision… DOJ will use every tool at our disposal to protect reproductive freedom.”

Biden's DOJ has announced its intention to seize unconstitutional power and override the Supreme Court. This is an insurrection far more dangerous than anything that happened on January 6.

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

The tsunami of pro-abortion disinformation has begun. Don’t believe the lies. Removing a baby in an ectopic pregnancy is *not* abortion. Miscarriage management is *not* abortion. Pro-life states are banning the intentional destruction of human lives. Join us.

Justice Samuel Alito et al. #crackpot #fundie #sexist #wingnut npr.org

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ending right to abortion upheld for decades

In a historic and far raching [sic] decision, the U.S. Supreme Court officially reversed Roe v. Wade on Friday, declaring that the constitutional right to abortion upheld for nearly a half century, no longer exists.

Writing for the court majority, Justice Samuel Alito said that the 1973 Roe ruling and repeated subsequent high court decisions reaffirming Roe "must be overruled" because they were "egregiously wrong," the arguments "exceptionally weak" and so "damaging" that they amounted to "an abuse of judicial authority."


Joining the Alito opinion were Justice Clarence Thomas, appointed by the first President Bush, and the three Trump appointees — Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. [...]


Writing for the majority, [Alito] said forthrightly that abortion is a matter to be decided by states and the voters in the states. "We hold," he wrote, that "the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion." As to what standard the courts should apply in the event that a state regulation is challenged, Alito said any state regulation of abortion is presumptively valid and "must be sustained if there is a rational basis on which the legislature could have thought" it was serving "legitimate state interests," including "respect for and preservation of prenatal life at all stages of development." In addition, he noted, states are entitled to regulate abortion to eliminate "gruesome and barbaric" medical procedures; to "preserve the integrity of the medical profession"; and to prevent discrimination on the basis of race, sex, or disability, including barring abortion in cases of fetal abnormality.

Ultimately, the translation of all that is that states appear to be completely free to ban abortions for any reason.


Babylon Bee #fundie #dunning-kruger #homophobia #transphobia archive.ph

Chickens Hold Controversial 'Fox Story Hour' In Chicken Coop

FARMINGTON, MO—Progressive chickens at Stoodland Farms held a "Fox Storytime Hour" Friday, which some of the older hens considered controversial. During the event, various foxes were invited into the coop to read a story to the young chicks.
A number of hens were reportedly offended by the fox volunteers. "I can't believe what they're teaching our young-uns," said Pecky LeCorn. "I know there are foxes in the world, but to actually invite them into our coop to read to defensless chicks, it's uncheepable!"

Protests aside, LeCorn left her chicks in the care of the fox because she had a feathering appointment and babysitters were so hard to find. She reportedly took one last look and shook her head in dismay as Derrick the Fox read from Foxes Need To Eat Too And That's Perfectly Normal And Beautiful.

Rooster McStavens, an old cluck who loves the little chicks, was insulted that anyone could be so bothered.
"I say now, it's the year 2,022!" he crowed. "Your chicks ain't suddenly going to turn into foxes by hanging out with one! This coop needs to mature, I say. We done livin' in the dark ages, here!"
"Foxes are beautiful!"

At publishing time, all poultry in the coop was torn to shreds. Blood everywhere. Not even the young-uns survived.
To celebrate Pride Month, Mattel has released its first-ever pregnant man doll: Pregnant Ken! You can have all sorts of fun with the clearly MALE Ken doll and his pregnant belly! Available wherever non-gender-specific toys are sold.

JE Aggas #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

This is why stupid liberal sluts should never be in charge of anything!
The perverted comedian tranny takes office in a stolen election on 5/20/2019
From and including: Monday, May 20, 2019
To, but not including Thursday, June 23, 2022
3 years, 1 month, 3 days = 313
World War 3 Starts In Ukraine in Simple Gematria Equals: 313
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in Simple Gematria Equals: 313
Six Hundred Threescore And Six in Simple Gematria Equals: 313

There are 404 verses in Revelation
"Ukraine" = 404 (Fibonacci)
"Pope Francis" = 404 (Jewish)
"Russian President Vladimir Putin" = 404 (Reverse Ordinal)
"make the temple great again" = 404 (Reverse Ordinal)

Massresistance #transphobia #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia archive.ph

Section 3 includes the worst questions of all to ask 11-13 year-olds. These required questions invade students’ medical privacy and normalize things that no child should be thinking about, much less acting on. The question about talking to a “supportive adult” means a pro-LGBT person who can “counsel” them without their parents’ knowledge.

The questions about anxiety and depression are purposely meant to lead the child to think in that direction, and seek “help” from the school – often in the form of pro-LGBT counseling. This has led to terrible consequences.

The questions about sexuality similarly lead the child to think he is out of step if he is not engaging in sexual activities.

Mentioning “PrEP” (an HIV-preventative drug, which the survey incorrectly writes as PREP) will surely lead to curiosity about homosexual sex practices (and the belief that it can be safely engaged in). And mention of “dental dams” is intended to normalize oral sex.

Note that "competent health care" means health care "that can help you understand your identity" - i.e., accepts the radical LGBT ideology regarding children.

It should be no surprise that so many young children are falling into transgenderism, anal and oral sex, and other terrible behaviors. This is a window into the extreme and very destructive agenda being pushed on young children in their schools that parents and the public rarely see.

We have much more to present from our inside sources. In order to stop this carnage, it’s necessary to know what’s happening behind the scenes and where it’s coming from.

Linda Harvey #fundie missionamerica.com

To Christians

(continued from https://fstdt.com/LW.YFKB3J4RV3)
Violence, as in Sodom and Gomorrah, accompanies widespread sexual license, already evident in the millions of abortions performed each year. Why are we surprised when violence emerges from behind the closed doors of clinics, and into our schools and eventually, our streets and homes? Decline will be swift and painful and Christians will not escape the trauma in this world. We can look forward to eternity, which in all its glory will be a blessed aftermath. But tribulation here and now is coming unless we turn our society around. Only Christians can do this, for we are the only ones willing to stick it out.

Or so one would think.

There aren't many folks in this fight, but this is why we are. It simply represents the essence of who people are, and who Christ is. We don't know how much impact we can have, but we know we are called to try. It would be encouraging to have more Christians join us.

"Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables."
(2 Timothy 4:2-4 NKJV)

Elvis Dunderhoff #transphobia #homophobia #fundie #crackpot archive.ph

It’s about damn time that someone started talking about banning faggots, and staging a rebellion against this false Republic which tells us we all have to accept “anal marriage.”

It’s time to cast off the shackles!

It’s time for a real leader to rise!

"“Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice,” it reads, a statement that is not in the 2020 platform.""

It’s more than abnormal – it’s evil and satanic, and these people need to be thrown off of roofs. Tie their hands behind their backs with a piece of old cord, and heave them over.

Period. End of story. Roof the rump rangers.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano & Joe Hoft #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia thegatewaypundit.com

“The Family Is Certainly at the Center of the Globalists’ Attack” – Archbishop Vigano on the New World Order – Part II
By Joe Hoft

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a fearless opponent of the New World Order, where human rights are discounted and sacrificed for those in power, was interviewed recently by Attorney Reiner Füllmich.

We previously reported on Part I of this interview.
Today was have Part II of the interview:
Below are some key thoughts coming from Archbishop Vigano’s interview with attorney Reiner Füllmich.

* ...the authors of the pandemic farce are the same people who today would like to push the world towards a total war and a permanent energy crisis.
* False accusations are one of the means used by those who want to eliminate an adversary whom they fear and cannot fight fairly.
* Even the recent Russian-Ukrainian crisis significantly finds the globalist elite, NATO, the American deep state, the European Union, the World Economic Forum, the entire media machine, and the Vatican all aligned on the same side. Putin’s intervention in Ukraine is considered a threat to the New World Order that must be neutralized even at the cost of a global conflict.
* ...the Ukrainian crisis was deliberately provoked by the deep state in order to force the world to carry out the Great Reset reforms, in particular the so-called “technological transition” and the “green shift.” It is the second stage of the globalist technocrat coup, after the pandemic farce.
* Without a crisis, how could the increase in the price of gas and petrol be imposed as an instrument to force companies and individuals to make the famous “ecological transition” that no one has ever voted for and that has been imposed by bureaucrats who are enslaved by the elite?
* ...the ideological – and infernal – purposes of the elite make use of the complicity of economic potentates whose aims are merely to make profit.
* The family is certainly at the center of the globalists’ attack.
* striking at the family leads indefectibly to the dissolution of the social body, which by nature is incapable of replacing the role of the family.
There is much more below in the transcript from the interview.

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2022). I am attaching photos of their Illuminati NWO New Age Wicca witch pedophile cannibal Satanist Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) orgy child sex magick “bisexual Draco chimera” “quadsexual Pleiadian nephilim” “multisexual Mantis” “hermaphrodite Pleiadian fallen angel” spirit cooking ritual nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar globalist elites’ UNICEF Ball with all their satanic devilish costumes. The Western feminist nations’ “uncovered women’s heads fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian hordes worship these pedophile cannibal reptilian hybrid people as their gods and idols and mentors and role models and political leaders and heroes. This is why there is something seriously wrong with the heads of these 200 million American religious Christian hordes and other Western feminist nations’ fake Christians. Repent and receive Jesus as Savior, and make straight the way of the Lord! End of transmission
The reptilian hybrid pedophile
cannibal Satanist elite infiltrators inside BitChute are sabotaging the videos exposing the truth, and promoting their own Satanists’ ludicrous ridiculous stupid videos that keep the Western feminist nations’ “Bible redefining women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian hordes’ attention on dumb issues. <...> God does not need 200 million American religious Christian hordes who are walking around with naked women’s heads and cross-dressing in men’s trousers to entertain Satan Lucifer and his fallen angels, but God can use one real Christian to banzai charge the devil and his kingdom and destroy it before we leave at the rapture. More the glory to God.

Neil Kumar #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger vdare.com

The post that especially incensed the Leftists was this, in which Dinsmoor insinuated that he would protest an upcoming “Pride Parade” in Anacortes, WA.

When Leftists began to point to it as proof of his intention to harm participants, Tyler clarified that, if he were to go, it would be to distribute flyers.

The post that especially incensed the Leftists was this, in which Dinsmoor insinuated that he would protest an upcoming “Pride Parade” in Anacortes, WA.

Some of Tyler’s other posts asserted that sodomites deserve the death penalty. This sounds harsh, but it is indisputably rooted in Scripture. [Leviticus 20:13]

Oak Harbor Detective Sgt. Jennifer Gravel, in her report quoted in the Whidbey News-Times article, slandered Tyler as a “racist,” “sexist,” and “anti-Semite.” Gravel, echoing Chief Dresker, wrote that Dinsmoor is “an extreme risk to the public.” Again, she noted that he owns firearms. She recommended that Tyler be ordered to submit to a psychological evaluation.

This illustrates the Regime’s accelerating conflation of speech with violence. Referring to a citizen’s protected First Amendment speech and religious practice as “violent” while repeatedly mentioning firearm ownership is the insidious logic underpinning Red Flag Laws.

For the crime of being a White Christian and posting scripture with some spicy (but legal) commentary, Tyler Dinsmoor is being held in county jail on an astronomically high $1,000,000 bail. He is being held in solitary confinement.

[From his own link: https://www.whidbeynewstimes.com/news/oak-harbor-man-with-history-of-homophobic-posts-arrested-on-1-million-bail/

“It wasn’t the online comments that led to arrest, however, but a homophobic threat he allegedly yelled at a North Whidbey woman on June 14, a police report states.”]

Fr. Chad Ripperger #crackpot #elitist #fundie youtube.com

You have to get the permission from the bishop which gives you the authority of the Church to act upon them.

This is one of the reasons why even the Protestants know that there are certain cases that only Catholics can break. There was a case in New York, a guy was possessed, doing the levitation thing, you know, sticking to the ceiling, and the Protestants are like, well, let's just go in and liberate the individual.

They go in, they got beaten within an inch of their lifes. And while they were being beaten the demon said, you have no authority over me. Because certain kinds of possession require the authority of the Catholic Church. So they got the exorcist from the diocese to come in, he commands the thing by the power of Church to come down, the guy descends and then they cuff him.

Question, I don't know, you're probably gonna say I have a demon, but what if I, like, don't really believe in this. Or, like, it's just like way too
much, like what would you say to a person like me.

I would say I wish I had that luxury. No, I'm serious.

About 70 to 80% of the cases of possession the person changes shape. You know, this is not something that somebody can do. As I mentioned, I've seen levitation but it's extremely rare, hidden knowledge is a very common thing, them telling you things that there's absolutely no way they would know. Somebody who has never even heard a language, for example, I had a possession case where the demon told me his name in a form of Egyptian that hadn't been spoken for three thousand years, I had to go to a linguistic expert to find out what he said.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia missionamerica.com

To Christians

(continued from https://fstdt.com/2CWPLJ$5_Y7F )
And the big question is: why do you let the world define what's right to do? What will be "accepted" or not? What is "hate" or not? This defense of inaction completely undermines who Christ is and what God is able to do. Such cowardice should make us tremble. For God would not only be with us if we tried to talk some sense into the world, He is just as able to judge each Christian and the society we live in for our disloyalty and cold-heartedness. I believe right now, He is doing just exactly that.

The moral decline in our world--the violent images that are the daily bread of our children, the school shootings, the acceptable treason of our elected leaders--will not stop until the Church is willing to be politically incorrect and cry out loudly in protest to proclaim what is good, instead of meekly retreating in the face of evil. With all the hope that is in the Gospel, why do so many remain silent?

We win the argument in the end, of course. Homosexuality will eventually be seen for the lie it is, a lie against all that God created a person to be; a lie about how people are best to love and relate to one another; a lie of omission about the health hazards involved, the sinful origins of homosexual desire and the real possibility of change. It will be seen for a lie that invalidated the authenticity of Scripture for many, leading them to believe in false gods and goddesses, creating worship of a "Jesus" that does not exist. They will realize that the defenders of homosexuality were wolves masked by this false worship, leading many of Christ's sheep to be fed in fields fertile with enticing poison.

But it will be too late for America as we know it when "experts" and "authorities"--and even the Church's leaders--finally realize their error. My fear is that we've already crossed a line where Pandora's box cannot be closed. These practices are well-established already in the lives of many teens and young adults, and we are soon to live in a society of sexual barbarians where all types of unspeakable practices are accepted.


David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

Abortion is murder, plain and simple. This is not merely my opinion, but the teaching of the Bible.  We read in Exodus 20:13... "Thou shalt not kill." Try as they may, abortionists cannot justify their heinous crime of torturing children to death. Abortion is a woeful sin, which makes the mother guilty of murder, and the father too if he consented. 

Thus, it is normal to feel GUILT after murdering one's child. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't feel guilty after murdering their own child, let alone why they did it in the first place. That's your own child! 

Laura Wood #sexist #conspiracy #fundie thinkinghousewife.com

[From "A Few Thoughts on Swim Suits"]


FEMINISTS claim that women are more fulfilled and happy when they are free to wear almost nothing

The whole Western world has accepted their premises. You will be hard-pressed to find any woman on a beach today covered up to the extent that these women — such ridiculous figures, huh? — were in 1906[…]
The truth is, these ridiculous figures on the beach were much more likely to have a stable home life. They were more likely to have children. They were less likely to face the existential crises women face today. They lived in a more stable society with less crime. Political power and wealth were not so dangerously concentrated in the few. The federal income tax didn’t even exist! Our economic system was not yet crushed by debt, reducing most of us to insidious and hidden financial enslavement

It’s no secret that powerful people want women unclothed and actively promote it. Civilization demands clothes. Tyranny demands nudity

Immodesty undermines femininity. A woman’s greatest influence and dignity are not physical, but in her personality and soul

Immodesty is a form of aggression. Men are — by nature — sensitive to visual stimuli, much more than women, and cannot, except by emasculating themselves at some deep level, easily eradicate their responses to the female form[…]
The bikini, named after the island where the atomic bomb was tested, was introduced in 1946, when many women were tired from work in wartime factories and offices. The more sexually “free” women became, the more economically exploited[…]
Immodesty alienates women from God, the very source of their being

Various Commenters #wingnut #fundie gettr.com

( @recommendations )
REPOST IT, for our president!

#donaldtrump #trumppresident #mypresident #makeamericagreatagain #mega2024 #2024 #mega2024
#this #is #our #president #saveamerica


Follow us @recommendations

spoilerAre you still with this man? You should be, he is our only hope

Yes I’m still with President Donald J Trump, But don’t leave Almighty God out , Because God is our hope and he always wins, President Trump is one of God’s Vessels🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍

The Lord picked him. I support God's choice. UltraMAGA! Trump won.

spoilerThe whirlwind is coming.
America is turning RED with Rage.
This is the climate change Democrats really should fear.

My hope is in God who I feel anointed President Trump for a time such as this.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

In past generations, EVERY ONE knew that men are stronger physically and emotionally than women. Men have ten times the testosterone than women do. Yes, men’s struggle is with their sexual nature but women’s struggle is with their emotional nature. Men and women are different. We are not the same. (It’s sad that I even have to write these words.)


Can you even imagine what women in the military who are captured by the enemy must endure? I am sure it is horrible! Women are much more vulnerable and defenseless than men. Women are the ones who are raped. (Yes, some men are being raped today, too, in today’s perverted society but it normally takes several men to do this whereas it only takes one man against one woman to rape a woman.) How about a female police officer caught in the middle
of a gang? What if a female firefighter had to drag a 200 pound man down from a second story on a ladder to save his life? Women cannot do this. It is all nonsense.

Saudi Arabia #homophobia #fundie theguardian.com

Toy Story spin-off Lightyear will not be released in Saudi Arabia due to the inclusion of a same-sex kiss, the latest in a string of Hollywood films that have been banned in the Middle East over LGBTQ+ content

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the scene in question involved a space ranger called Alisha (voiced by Uzo Aduba) and her partner who greet each other with a kiss on the lips. Variety reports that Lightyear was not submitted to censors in Saudi Arabia, as it was anticipated it would not pass due to the country’s total prohibition of same-sex relationships. However, the Pixar film was submitted to censors in the comparatively more liberal United Arab Emirates, but the film’s licence was revoked after complaints on social media[…]
Lightyear’s problems in the Middle East are the latest in a string of difficulties faced by films containing LGBTQ+ content in the region

Bishop Robert J. McManus #homophobia #fundie thehill.com

Bishop says school flying BLM, LGBTQ flags can no longer call itself Catholic

“The flying of these flags in front of a Catholic school sends a mixed, confusing and scandalous message to the public about the Church’s stance on these important moral and social issues,” Bishop Robert J. McManus of the Diocese of Worcester wrote Thursday in an official decree.

A Massachusetts middle school may no longer describe itself as Catholic after refusing to lower a Black Lives Matter flag and an LGBTQ+ Pride flag, a local bishop has declared.

Bishop Robert J. McManus on Thursday said the Nativity School of Worcester, a tuition-free middle school for boys from low-income families, is prohibited from identifying as a Catholic School over its decision to fly the flags, which he said in April represented ideologies that are inconsistent with Catholic beliefs.

“The flying of these flags in front of a Catholic school sends a mixed, confusing and scandalous message to the public about the Church’s stance on these important moral and social issues,” McManus wrote Thursday in an official decree.

Catholic mass, sacraments and sacramentals are no longer permitted to be celebrated on Nativity School grounds and the school is longer allowed to participate in fundraising involving other institutions in the Diocese of Worcester, McManus wrote in his decree, which is effective immediately.

The name of Bishop Emeritus Daniel P. Reilly must also be removed from a list of the school’s board of trustees.

“As Diocesan Bishop, it is my sacred duty and inherent responsibility to determine when a school claiming to be ‘Catholic’ is acting in such a way that is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church,” McManus wrote. “Despite my insistence that the school administration remove these flags because of the confusion and the properly theological scandal that they do and can promote, they refuse to do so. This leaves me no other option but to take canonical action.”

In an open letter published by the Diocese of Worcester in May, McManus wrote that the flags flown at the Nativity School “embody specific agendas” that “contradict Catholic social and moral teaching,” warning that the school would be stripped of its Catholic identity if it continued to display the flags.


Eretzyisrael #elitist #fundie #racist tumblr.com

Description: an image with pictures and text, on the left are pictures of pillcam capsules, plants, solar panels and the logo of the gps-navigationsystem Waze, representing Israel. On the right are photos of burning and destroyed buildings and people burning an Israeli flag at a protest.



Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Dr. Kathi Aultman, who has performed thousands of abortions, shares the truth about how Dilation and Evacuation abortions are done. These abortions are committed on live children and are often called live dismemberment abortions. These are the facts. #WhatIsAbortion

Linda Harvey #homophobia #fundie missionamerica.com

To Christians

The conflict in our culture over homosexuality is heating up at an astonishing pace. The battle now needs to be waged on many fronts simultaneously: in the media, in our schools, in the courts, on campus, and within the medical profession. Most tragically of all, the battle over sexuality threatens to divide Christianity as nothing has since the Reformation.

It is in this last arena where I entered the fight to begin with, and where I believe our central focus should be. We are in a fight to determine who we are created to be. God is our Creator, so the battlefield always ends up at the foot of the cross.

So why isn't this issue of immediate concern to more confessing Christians? Homosexual activists and their allies are, in case one hasn't noticed, the torch-carriers for a movement to destroy biblically-oriented Christianity and its positive influence on our culture. They won't be able to reinvent Christianity, of course. Christ's authentic Church of true believers will remain steadfast even if we're stripped of all we have in this world. But they could destroy our culture. The bigger point is, how will Christians account to God for how we responded to this challenge, and the people whose souls, health and lives could have been salvaged?

I am increasingly convinced that much of the Church will have a lot of explaining to do. Why did most pastors allow evil to be "sold" to our young people with barely a whimper of protest? Why did you allow this tragic behavior to become a chic cause celebre in the media without trying to take a stand against it? Why did you let seminaries teach this blasphemy? Why did you spend little or no time in the pulpit dealing with this and all the related sexuality issues - promiscuity, pornography, adultery, fornication - sins that are tearing apart the families and personal lives of even Bible-confessing Christians? Why did you constantly decry "political involvement" when this is a deeply moral issue, one for which there are ready arguments to be made in the public square had more Christian leaders been willing to make them?


South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster #fundie #wingnut wistv.com

Gov. Henry McMaster will soon sign a bill that would allow healthcare professionals to deny service on the basis of their beliefs.

A spokesperson with the governor’s office said he plans to sign the Medical Ethics and Diversity Act into law Friday.

The bill would authorize what’s known as “medical rights of conscience” in South Carolina. It would essentially protect doctors, nurses and medical students from being fired or punished for opting out of services based on their “religious, moral, or ethical beliefs or principles.”

State law already protects doctors, nurses and technicians from refusing to perform abortions - but the Medical Ethics and Diversity Act would add medical students to that list.

It would not, however, apply to emergency medical treatment that is required by federal law. The bill also states that practitioners are not allowed to refuse services on the basis of race.

A group of healthcare professionals and students previously asked McMaster to veto the bill, saying it could lead to a denial of care for services like gender-affirming care as well as life-saving medications to prevent and treat HIV.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Our body is a snapshot of the electromagnetic imprints of the cosmos
At the exact time of our incarnation

Our etheric blueprint is just outside our physical body
It is the energetic architecture which manifests in physical form
You are sustained in this eternal light

We inhabit our mothers womb months before we are actually born
Aborted babies become the food of reptilians

Our world has been dramatically changed to produce ego survival instincts
It has become a predator world

We have the power to change our reality back to paradisical conditions
Humans do not realize their inner light

Religion sells you a false ascension
All Christian Pop Stars are Freemasons charming the masses

Whitney Houston grew up in the Jesuit Phoenix Order of the Illuminati
She was sacrificed but was first given a tribute or Rite of Passage

That is what the Illuminati is all about
The selling of your soul for temporary fame and power

The bodies of celebrities are typically taken over by entities
Whose tattoos reveal who they used to be and are also instruction codes

In the movie The Arrival
The Galactic Federation of Light invades the earth

The arrival has already happened
And the illumanati are the ones on their side
They were the Sons of Amon who were behind the Inquisition

They are also the ones behind modern religion

Revelation 18:21
A mighty angel threw a boulder into the sea and said
With such violence so will the great city of Babylon be thrown down

1 + 8 = 9 and 2 + 1 = 3
9 is an upside down 6
So we have 3 sixes or 666

This refers to the planned tsunami which will be blamed on a meteor
Or maybe just the landslide into the ocean from a volcano

They have gotten the world to believe we live on a round ball
Even though water does not have the physical capacity of convexity

And if gravity was real it would not allow clouds to float in the air

Since it is claimed to have the strength to keep the oceans pushed down on a curved ball
It would surely push down the clouds also!

Fromthefirstorder #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy saintandrewstwinflame.com


VICTORY TO THE LIGHT – Now the PROCESS of ARRESTING the last HOLD-OUTS ! Taking a bit LONGER than expected. Some have decided to go back to the LIGHT, they will be welcomed as well.



AS – you DO NOT DIE SPIRITUALLY, YOU ARE ETERNAL SOULS, YOU will MOVE back up the DIMENSIONS, This is NOT to be confused with those WHO have been trained or wrongly programmed believing that there is NO GOD or HEAVEN. You will be pure LIGHT BEINGS soon.




MOTHER and FATHER GOD came from ANDROMEDA as the “HOUSE of RA” to be with us and help with ASCENSION for 25 years and HOW BEAUTIFUL is that everyone !



HEAVEN is VERY SUPERNATURAL, YOU WILL LEARN YOU are too! Get ready for your powers.



Charlie Kirk & various Commenters #wingnut #fundie #sexist #transphobia gettr.com

(Charlie Kirk)
Watch how many Democrats show up to protest the Supreme Court saving millions of innocent lives and tell me this isn’t a spiritual battle.


My body my choice is back for women who want to kill their babies, but still not for those who do not want to take a possible kill shot !! And, since they claim that men can get pregnant, complete with male pregnant emoji‘s, why aren’t men being offered abortion?
And lastly, I thought calling somebody a woman was an illegal pronoun! Half of the babies in the womb are women, so how is it called female healthcare to chop female babies into pieces?

For sure it is a Spiritual battle and the dems side with darkness and satan.


It is very much a spiritual battle. Satan has been ticked off like crazy since Trump became president. The Demonic-party with its share of Rino republicans are still possessed. Even with Trump out of office, the Demon-rats remain obsessed.

Anyone who can support abortion, especially in the unfettered ways that most of these wack-job leftists do, has either no soul, or has leased theirs to Lucifer.

To ardently support and protest the right not only to kill babies in the womb, but in some cases after the child is birthed is pure evil.

commerce ministry of saudi arabia #homophobia #fundie bbc.com

Saudi authorities seize rainbow toys for promoting homosexuality

Authorities in Saudi Arabia have been seizing rainbow-coloured toys and children's clothing, which they claim encourage homosexuality, state TV says.

An Al-Ekhbariya report showed commerce ministry officials removing a range of items from shops in the capital Riyadh.

They included hair clips, pop-its, t-shirts, hats and pencil cases.

One official said the items "contradict the Islamic faith and public morals, and promote homosexual colours targeting the younger generation".

The commerce ministry tweeted separately that its teams were confiscating "products that contain symbols and signs calling for deviation and contradicting common sense".

Shops found to be selling them would face legal penalties, it added.

In December, authorities in neighbouring Qatar announced that they had confiscated rainbow-coloured pop-its and other toys from shops for "bearing slogans that go against Islamic values".

Although Sunni Muslim-ruled Saudi Arabia has no laws regarding sexual orientation or gender identity, sexual relations outside marriage, including homosexual sex, are strictly prohibited.

Under the country's interpretation of Islamic law, consensual same-sex sexual conduct is punishable by death or flogging, depending on the perceived seriousness of the case.

It is also illegal for men to "behave like women" or to wear women's clothes, and vice versa, and for anyone to carry out online activity impinging on "public order, religious values, public morals, and privacy".

In April, cinemas in the kingdom did not screen the film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness after Disney refused a request from Saudi authorities to cut what they called "LGBTQ references".

A source close to Disney told AFP news agency on Tuesday that its new animated film Lightyear, which features a same-sex kiss, had also been banned in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi officials have not yet confirmed such a move, but the kingdom's two main cinema chains are not advertising screenings.


James Howard Kunstler #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger #fundie kunstler.com

Do any of the mommies who bring their children to the drag queen story hour present themselves in public as women the way the drag queens do? As, above all, sexually super-available? Would, say, the Palo Alto mommy of a five-year-old pause to twerk in the frozen food section of the supermarket on any given afternoon? In that context, what might be the reaction of other mommies shopping for hot pockets and Ben and Jerry’s Chubby Hubby?

Five-year-old children generally have no idea what adult sexuality is about. Should perhaps their first exposure to a realm so fraught and complex that many adults do not understand it be the presentation of women as monsters? And why are the mommies so avid for their children to be introduced to sexuality this way? Are some of the children perceptive and astute enough to suspect that drag queens on display are not really women? That, for instance, they might be… men? (A beard can be a give-away.) And might they take that thought a step or two further and ask themselves: why does this man want to pretend to be a monster-woman? Why doesn’t he want to be a daddy? Are mommies monsters? Can they turn into something like this when I’m not around? Are daddies who try to act like mommies monsters?

Of course, we have not begun to probe what might animate a man to present himself to the world as a monstrous parody of a woman. Suffice it to say that such behavior suggests some complicated psychodynamics. And why, exactly, are they suddenly on-display so extravagantly now across the country, supposedly for the edification of children? I’ll tell you why: It’s not actually for the sake of the children. The children are just pawns in what is actually a national political psychodrama. Or rather, they are hostages.

Jonathon Van Maren #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger lifesitenews.com

“The events of the past weekend were horrifying and show a disturbing trend in which perverted adults are obsessed with sexualizing young children,” Slaton wrote in a statement. “As a father of two young children, I would never take my children to a drag show and I know Speaker Dan Phelan and the rest of my Republican colleagues wouldn’t either.”

California State Senator Scott Wiener, an open homosexual who represents San Francisco, tweeted out Slaton’s statement with a proposal of his own: “This guy just gave me a bill idea: Offering Drag Queen 101 as part of the K-12 curriculum. Attending Drag Queen Story Time will satisfy the requirement.”

Don’t think for a moment that Wiener is joking, either. Recent laws championed by Wiener include a 2017 bill to reduce the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection — previously a felony — to misdemeanour status. This change in law also applied to HIV-positive people who donate blood without informing the blood bank of their status. In 2020, Wiener sponsored another bill—signed by Governor Gavin Newsom — requiring California to imprison men who identify as women in female prisons. The view of the women locked up with these usually violent criminals is of no account to dangerous ideologues like Wiener, of course.

Kingston clan #fundie #racist #elitist #homophobia splcenter.org

Jessica Kingston[…]remembered[…]her Sunday school teacher coming into class with a bucket of water and a vial of black food coloring[…]
“The teacher was like, ‘You can never get that out, that is always there now’”[…]
Black people supposedly suffered from multiple scriptural curses, from the mark of Cain and Noah’s curse on Ham in the Old Testament to the racist tenets of early Mormonism[…]
Black blood was “the worst thing you can have,” Jessica said, particularly since the Kingstons consider themselves to be the whitest of the white, descended directly from Jesus Christ and King David[…]
Ex-Order members tell of a reputed church prophecy of an “End of the World War,” an apocalyptic vision that foresees a bloody race war with the Kingstons as the ultimate victors[…]
Kingstons command an estimated 6,000 adherents, boast a business empire reportedly worth as much as $1 billion[…]
A stern disciplinarian, who in later years looked and dressed like a mortician, [John] Ortell made incest a tenet of the clan’s faith, informed by his work breeding Holstein cows[…]
In order to maintain his family’s “superior bloodlines,” Ortell married and had children with two of his half-sisters and two nieces[…]
Control of The Order then passed to Ortell’s well-educated son Paul Kingston[…]
Another of Ortell’s teachings: Adolf Hitler had the right idea about creating a master race, but didn’t have the Lord’s help[…]
Being taught end-time prophecies, with a “cleansing” wherein the streets of Salt Lake City would run red with blood[…]
Another of the cult’s teachings was that soy can make you gay[…]
Don’t the infant deaths and tales of horrific deformities belie Ortell’s homespun eugenics?

Scott remembered that Ortell had an answer[…]
“Something along the lines of, to build a superhuman, if you have four or five defects to get the one good one, it’s worth it”

Dave #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

Louise says:

Dave, just to clarify. You do not believe a wife has the right to disobey ever? Even if her husband commands her to have an abortion, or stand by idly while he molests their children or even commands her to participate?

Dave says:
March 7, 2017 at 8:18 am
Hi Louise.
No, she does not have any right. She has a responsibility to obey her husband. I read nothing else in scripture.
God works through all kinds of things that are horrible to our minds. He restores all things.

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill #fundie #pratt #psycho #wingnut thedailybeast.com

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill delivered a sermon Tuesday claiming Russia “has never attacked anyone” and “doesn’t want to fight,” despite Putin’s troops literally lobbing bombs in Ukraine as he spoke. Speaking in the Cathedral of the Archangel at the Kremlin to mark the Orthodox holiday of Radonitsa, Putin’s top spiritual shill all but called for Moscow’s assault on Ukraine to continue. Asking the saints buried in the cathedral to protect Russia’s “sacred borders,” he said he hoped Russians had enough “wisdom, strength, and honor to defend the sacred borders of the fatherland,” RIA Novosti reported. “It’s amazing when a great and powerful country has not attacked anyone, it has only been defending its borders,” he said, echoing the Kremlin’s claims it is only “defending itself” as it kills unarmed civilians in Ukraine. At least nine more people were reported dead in Ukraine’s Donetsk region as Kirill spoke, including three people who had left their homes simply to get drinking water.

Charlie Kirk & various commenters #fundie #wingnut gettr.com

(Charlie Kirk)
While the Court is at it, they should overturn their 60-year-old ruling in Engel v. Vitale and return School Prayer back to states and parents.

What better way to combat the sinister presence of trans ideology & CRT in classrooms?

Organize. Seize the momentum. Take more ground.

You know what is funny schools were started in the first place to teach kids to read the Bible because they knew what these kids would grow up to be without God in their lives now we have kicked God out of the classroom look at our schools and country now

All God is asking is that we turn back to Him. Does no one remember Noah's time and situation? Search and you will find, ask and it will be given, knock and the door will be open.

What a novel idea pray 🙏 in schools,perhaps we could pledge allegiance as well and really freak them out. 😳🤔🙏

And undo same sex marriages

AGREE! Why does the other side get everything they want in the name of tolerance and freedom but the conservatives can’t have something as important and sacred to us as prayer in school?

JustBelieveMe #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

No one is homophobic lol right is right wrong is wrong I call myself out on anything I do that is wrong and I’ll call anyone else out on anything else that’s wrong acts of sodomy is wrong lol man on man is wrong woman on woman is wrong prophet lot wife was destroyed because she went along with society in seeing nothing wrong with what was going on. And she was destroyed she didn’t partake in homosexual acts but she deemed it as being nothing wrong with it and she was destroyed. Wrong is wrong right is right. You can justify it all you want but homosexuality is wrong and goes against human nature.

TorturedSoul #fundie #psycho incels.is

God has Spoke to Me and Asked me to be his Messenger

Before you accuse me of substance abuse or simply undergoing the symptoms of psychedelics... I must ensure you that didn't take shrooms or any drugs that would alter my mental state. I think drug consumption is morally wrong.

I received an actual message from God. How do I know it was God? Well I'll tell you, when God speaks to you, you'll know. I was fully paralyzed, unable to move, with an angle above my face. He escorted my soul to heaven to speak with the creator where I saw what paradise was truly like. God took me here so I could parley this to the rest of the incel community, and those with faith could be saved from his wrath. In the future, I will tell you the full story on why I got so emotionally stressed that I had to leave the server, but for now, I'll tell you the most important morals I derived from my experience with God.

God did not intend for us to get girls, therefore we are closer to perfection as incels, thus it is BETTER for us to be incels.

The same logic applies to those who are in hell.

They are MEANT to be in hell for the sins they suffered, a soul suffering for their unrepented sins is objectively GOOD, it is as GOD INTENDED. Thus.... by sending a corrupt soul to heaven to be tortured forever, God is actually HELPING the soul, he is helping the soul achieve a perfect state of existence, that is external torture and suffering for sin. It may seem counterintuitive, even insane, that God would torture people because he loves them, but that is how God works, and God is always good and right. Our animalistic brains have a hard time understanding this concept. This logic also extends to inceldom. God made us incel and ugly because he loves us, because we are meant to be ugly and incel and thus it is perfect for us to be in such a state. God has told me that I will be a KHHV for all of eternity. I will never ever kiss a girl ever, or even touch one romantically. Even in heaven, I will still yearn for it but it will be forbidden for me and for that, I will not experience heaven to the same extent that more righteousness people do, but that is a GOOD thing.

John MacArthur #fundie youtube.com

I read the other day that one of the Evangelical “publicists” (whatever that is) said he’s happy to let us know that the new administration will uphold religious freedom. Really? The new administration will uphold religious freedom? Um, I don’t even support religious freedom. Religious freedom’s what sends people to hell!

To say, “I support religious freedom” is to say, “I support idolatry.” It’s to say, “I support lies. I support hell. I support the kingdom of darkness.” You can’t say that!

No Christian with half a brain would say, “We support religious freedom.” We support the truth!

[Applause can be heard from the congregation]

Jake Lang/Amir George #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy charismanews.com

After being in prison for nearly a year and half—much of it in solitary confinement in the Washington, D. C. jail—for simply trying to save the life of Roseanne Boylan who was beaten to death along with three other patriots killed by police on Jan. 6, 2020, Jake Lang blesses God for considering him worthy of suffering.

"We battle this spiritual warfare by the love of God, staying grateful and praising God," says Lang, speaking from the detention facility and referencing the dramatic new documentary, The Truth About January 6th.

Lang narrates the documentary from the Washington, D.C., jail. With newly released video from individuals at the rally as well Capitol cameras, the story is finally told of how the nearly 1 million godly men and women gathered on the Ellipse on Jan. 6 to pray and seek the face of God to save the stolen election, then walked down to the Capitol to provide moral courage and strength for the disputed counting of electoral votes. This routine process occurs in every election, resulting in certification, and when both a senator and congressman support a challenge, the votes are returned to the states for a 10-day pause.
Over 800 godly men and women have been charged in a completely fraudulent series of arrests. The movie reveals the Capitol Police inviting people into the Capitol grounds as well as the Capitol itself, in addition to showing people leaving when instructed to by the same Capitol Police. This stands in contrast to the 537 riots during the summer of 2020 by Black Lives Matter and antifa, which resulted in over $2 billion in damage; 2,000 injuries to police officers and others; and 30 deaths. The only deaths on Jan. 6 were those of Benjamin Phillips, Ashli Babbit, Rosanne Boyland and Kevin Greeson—all killed by the Capitol Hill police.

"It's like being in the desert where Christ staved off the devil and where angels ministered to him," Lang continues.

Erica Sell #fundie youtube.com

Movies like Luca, Moana, and The Little Mermaid are all about water spirits and the marine kingdom. It’s so sad that they are getting children indoctrinated into this. Thank you for waking people up! Let’s stay in prayer, saints!

Christian Patriot News #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

The Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump! Rogue Missiles Fired! This is Not a Game! This is War! The Worldwide Military Intelligence Sting of The Century! Are Trump, Putin & Xi Are Working Together To Take Down The WW Criminal Cabal?

Big Things Are Coming! Kash Patel Reveals Pelosi Wanted Tanks & Humvees With Machine Guns For a January 6th Massacre! PLUS, Agenda 2030 & Weather Modification!

Nancy Pelosi Will Have Hell to Pay! Subpoenas Are Coming For Her Role in The January 6th Staged Insurrection! It Was an Inside Job!
The Cabal Has Partnered With Corrupt Politicians, The Propaganda Media, Big Tech, Big Corporations And The Hollywood And Entertainment Industries to Destroy Our Great Nation! We’re Truly In A Battle of Good vs. Evil. It’s The Battle of Our Lives to Save Our Country, Our Children and Our Future! Spoiler Alert: In The End, God Wins! The Best Truly is Yet To Come!
The Ultra MAGA Storm Starts NOW! Are You Ready For BOOM Week?

It Had To Be This Way To Safeguard Future Elections And Save Our Children From The Real Pandemic: Child Sex Trafficking! Patriots can prove everything! But the longer we wait, the more The Deep State is Exposed! Every Scenario Was Planned For! The Whole World is Watching! A Biblical Flood is Coming! We Had To Walk Through The Darkness Before We Could See The Light!

Trump Will Not Return as The President of The Bankrupt U.S. Corporation, but rather The President of The New Republic of These United States! In this New American Republic We The People have all the power. There is NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! And America returns to The Gold Standard!

Arrests & Military Tribunals Are Coming SOON! Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Fauci, The Obamas, Bidens & Clintons will all end up in GITMO for High Treason

Linda Harvey #homophobia #transphobia #fundie missionamerica.com

How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids
(continued from https://fstdt.com/ZC5CLWC8YWX78)
The homosexually-inclined teen or college student, or the one who is gender deviant, invariably has a distorted version of faith. Sometimes it’s a New Age philosophy, sometimes lately even wicca or witchcraft. More commonly, it’s a compromised “christianity” that doesn’t believe Christ was our Saviour and maintains that there are many versions of truth. They will often have adopted the convoluted justifications for homosexuality that have been recently developed by homosexual-friendly churches. Along with this is usually an ample dose of hostility toward Christians who believe the truth, including you as your child’s hateful, repressed and obviously uninformed parents. Is this what you want your child to hear over and over?

This friend may do this all the while they are smiling in their encounters with you. My daughter had a friend who is not (to my knowledge) a lesbian, but has very pro-homosexual attitudes. She would call our house and very perkily ask for my daughter and would always greet me very pleasantly. On one occasion, I remember one such friendly call from her to my daughter. I was therefore quite surprised when I opened our local paper the next day, to see a letter to the editor from her discussing me by name and calling me a bigot. This was my first clue about what she really believed. My daughter then reported to me that this friend never missed an opportunity to mock my beliefs to my daughter and in front of others. Luckily, this friend did not have much influence on my child or the damage could have been disastrous.

Yet such a friendship can be an opportunity for witnessing to your child and teaching them the truth of the Gospel. First it’s important to do the research. Learn a lot about homosexuality and then how it is really presented in the Bible. The more I researched the current trends about what actually goes on among homosexuals and "transgenders" and what their claims are, the more clear the Gospel became. Its timeless truth became evident and that much more hopeful and beautiful for all of us.

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